energy from a fuel into oxygen or another What is a Fuel Cell? oxidizing hydrocarbons A fuel cell is a device that converts the such as sometimes used. chemical electricity through a chemical Fuel cells a constant reaction with agent. Hydrogen is the most source of electricity common fuel, but natural gas and alcohols continually for like methanol are are different from batteries in that they require fuel and oxygen to run, but they can produce as long as these inputs are supplied. Space Programs to capsules. Since Where were they first used? then, The first commercial use of Fuel cells was in Fuel cells are NASA generate power for probes, satellites andused industrial and space fuel cells have been used in many otherareas. They are used applications. for primary and backup power for buses, commercial, residential buildings and in remote or inaccessible to power fuel cell vehicles, including automobiles, airplanes, boats, motorcycles and submarines. rklifts, Different types of Fuel Cells: There are many types of Fuel cells, but he all consist of an Anode (negative side), a Cathode (positive side) and an Electrolyte that allows charges to move between the two sides of the Fuel cell. Phosphoric Acid Fuel Cell Phosphoric Acid Fuel Cells (PAFC) are commercially available around the world. Hundreds of Fuel cell systems have been installed in H ospitals, Schools, Offices, Utility power plants etc. in 19 nations across t he globe. PAFC's generate electricity with 40% more efficiency and the 8 5% steam the fuel cell produces us used for Cogeneration. use liquid Phosphoric acid as the electrolyte and operate at 450 F. main advantage of such a cell is that it uses impure Hydrogen as Fuel. Polymer Electrolyte Membrane deliver high-power density and offer the advantages of low weight volume, compared with other fuel cells. PEM fuel cells use a solid polymer as an electrolyte and on porous carbon electrodes containing a platinum catalyst. They need only hydrogen, oxygen from the air, and to operate and do not require corrosive fluids like some fuel They are typically fueled with pure hydrogen supplied from storage tanks or on-board reformers. Fuel cells are used primarily for transportation applications and stationary application. Due to their fast startup time, low sensitivity to orientation and favorable power-to-weight ratio, PEM cells are particularly suitable for use in passenger vehicles, such as and buses. Alkaline Fuel Cells Alkaline Fuel Cells (AFCs) were only one of the first fuel cell technologies developed, and they were the first type widely used in the Space Program to produce electrical energy and water on-board crafts. These fuel cells use a solution of Potassium Hydroxide in as the electrolyte and can use a variety of non-precious metals as Catalysts as the anode and cathode. High-temperature AFCs operate at temperatures between 100 C and 250 C. However, newer AFC designs OPerate at lower temperatures of roughly 230 C to 70 C. disadvantage of this fuel cell type is that it is easily poisoned by carbon dioxide (C02). They The the They and water cells. PEM some Fuel cars U.S. space Water The fact, even the small amount of C02 in the air can affect this cell's operation, making it necessary to purify both the hydrogen and oxygen used in the cell. This purification process is costly. Susceptibility to poisoning also affects the cell's lifetime (the amount of time before it must be replaced), further adding to cost. Solid oxide fuel cells solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs) use a hard, non-porous ceramic compound the electrolyte. SOFCs are around 60% efficient at converting fuel to electricity. In applications designed to capture and utilize the system's waste heat (co-generation), overall fuel use efficiencies could top 85%. High-temperature operation has disadvantages. It results in a slow startup and requires significant thermal shielding to retain heat and protect personnel, which may be acceptable for utility applications but for transportation. The high operating temperatures also place stringent durability requirements on materials. The development of low-cost materials with high durability at cell operating temperatures is key technical challenge facing this technology. Molten carbonate fuel cell Molten carbonate fuel cells (MCFCs) are currently being developed for natural gas and coal-based power plants for electrical utility, industrial, military applications. MCFCs are high-temperature fuel cells that an electrolyte composed of a molten carbonate salt mixture Suspended in a porous, chemically inert ceramic lithium aluminum oxide matrix. Because they operate at high temperatures of 6500C (roughly 1,2000F), non-precious metals can be used as catalysts at the ode and cathode, reducing costs. In o as not the and use an Unlike alkaline, phosphoric acid, and PEM fuel cells, MCFCs do not require an external reformer to convert fuels such as natural gas and biogas to hydrogen. At the high temperatures at which MCFCs operate, methane and other light hydrocarbons in these fuels are converted to hydrogen within the fuel cell itself by a process called internal reforming, which also reduces cost. Molten carbonate fuel cells are not prone to poisoning by carbon monoxide or carbon dioxide — they can even use carbon oxides as fuel — making them more attractive for fueling with gases made from coal. Because they are more resistant to impurities than other fuel cell types, scientists believe that they could even be capable of internal reforming of coal, assuming they can be made resistant to impurities such as sulfur and particulates that result from converting coal, a dirtier fossil fuel source than many others, into hydrogen. Anode Reaction: 2C03 2- + 21-12 21-120 + 2C02 + 4e Cathode Reaction: 2C02 + 02+ 4e- + 2C03 2 Overall Reaction: 2 H 2 + 02 o Direct methanol fuel cells Most fuel cells are powered by hydrogen, which can be fed to the fuel cell system directly or can be generated within the fuel cell system by reforming hydrogen-rich fuels such as methanol, ethanol, and hydrocarbon fuels. Direct methanol fuel cells (DMFCs), however, are powered by pure methanol, which is usually mixed with water and fed directly to the fuel cell anode. Direct methanol fuel cells do not have many of the fuel storage problems typical of some fuel cell systems because methanol has a higher energy density than hydrogen—though less than gasoline or diesel fuel. Methanol is also easier to transport and supply to the public using our current infrastructure because it is a liquid, like gasoline. DMFCs are often used to provide power for portable fuel cell applications such as cell phones or laptop computers. o Reversible Fuel Cells A Regenerative Fuel cell or Reverse Fuel cell (RFC) produces electricity from hydrogen and oxygen and generate heat and water as byproducts, just like other fuel cells. However, reversible fuel cell systems can also use electricity from solar power, wind power, or other sources to split water into oxygen and hydrogen fuel through a process called electrolysis. Reversible fuel cells can provide power when needed, but during times of high power production from other technologies (such as when high winds lead to an excess of available wind power), reversible fuel cells can store the excess energy in the form of hydrogen. This energy storage capability could be a key enabler for intermittent renewable energy technologies. Design and Operation Fuel cells come in many varieties; however, they all work in the same general manner. They are made up of three adjacent segments: the anode, the electrolyte, and the cathode. Two chemical reactions occur at the interfaces of the three different segments. The net result of the two reactions is that fuel is consumed, water or carbon dioxide is created, and an electric current is created, which can be used to power electrical devices, normally referred to as the load. The most important design features in a fuel cell are: The electrolyte substance. The electrolyte substance usually defines the type of fuel cell. The fuel that is used. The most common fuel is hydrogen. The anode catalyst breaks down the fuel into electrons and ions. The anode catalyst is usually made up of very fine platinum powder. The cathode catalyst turns the ions into the waste chemicals like water or carbon dioxide. The cathode catalyst is often made up of nickel but it can also be a nanomaterial-based catalyst. A typical fuel cell produces a voltage from 0.6 V to 0.7 V at full rated load. Voltage decreases as current increases, due to several factors: • Activation loss • Ohmic loss (voltage drop due to resistance of the cell components and interconnections) • Mass transport loss (depletion of reactants at catalyst sites under high loads, causing rapid loss of voltage). TO deliver the desired amount of energy, the fuel cells can be combined in series to yield higher voltage, and in parallel to allow a higher current to be supplied. Such a design is called a fuel cell stack. The cell surface area can also be increased, to allow higher current from each cell. Within the stack, reactant gases must be distributed Uniformly over each of the cells to maximize the power output. Theoretical maximum efficienc The energy efficiency of a system or device that converts energy is measured by the ratio of the amount of useful energy put out by the system to the total amount of energy that is put in or by useful output energy as a percentage of the total input energy. In the case of fuel cells, useful output energy is measured in electrical energy produced by the system. Input energy is the energy stored in fuel. According to the U.S. Department of energy, fuel cells are generally between 40-60% energy efficient. This is higher than some other systems for energy generation. For example, the typical internal combustion engine of a car is about 25% energy efficient. In combined heat and power systems, the heat produced by the fuel cell is captured and put to use, increasing the efficiency of the system up to 85-90%. The theoretical maximum efficiency of any type of power generation system is rarely reached in practice, and it does consider any other steps in power generation, such as producti transportation and storage of fuel and conversion of the ele ricity into mechanical power. However, this calculation allows the mparison of different types of types of power generation. The maximum theoretical energy efficiency Of a fuel cell is 83%, operating at low power density and using pure hydrogen and oxygen as reactants. According to the world Energy council, this compares with maximum theoretical efficiency of 58% for internal combustion engines. While these efficiencies are not approached in the most real world applications, high temperature fuel cells can theoretically be combined with gas turbines to allow stationary fuel cells to come closer to the theoretical limit. A gas turbine would capture heat from the fuel cell's operational efficiency. This solution has been predicted to increase total efficiency to as much as 70%. In practice The tank- to- wheel efficiency of a fuel cell vehicle is greater than 45% at low loads and shows average values of about 36% when a driving cycle like the NEDC is used as test procedure. The comparable NEDC value for diesel vehicle is 22%. In 2008 Honda released a demonstration fuel cell electric vehicle with fuel stack claiming a 60% tank-to-wheel efficiency. It is also important to take losses due to fuel production transportation, and storage into account. Fuel cell vehicles running on compressed hydrogen may have power plant-plant-to-wheel efficiency of 22% if the hydrogen is stored as high pressure gas, and 17% if it is stored as liquid hydrogen. Fuel cell cannot store energy like battery, except as hydrogen, but in some applications, such as stand-alone power plants based on discontinuous sources such as solar and w•nd power, they are combined with electrolyzers and storage syste o form a an energy storage system. Most hydrogen, however, • produced by steam in methane reforming, and so most hydr en production emits carbon dioxide. The overall efficiency of s plants, using pure hydrogen and pure oxygen can be "from 35 up to 50 percent", depending on gas density and other conditions. While a much cheaper lead-acid battery might return 90%, the electrolyzer/fuel cell system cans tore indefinite quantities of hydrogen, and is therefore better suited for long-term storage. Solid-oxide fuel cells produce exothermic heat from the recombination of the oxygen and hydrogen. The ceramic can run as hot as 800 degrees Celsius. This heat and can be captured and used to heat water in a micro combined heat and power application. When the heat is captured total efficiency can reach 80-90% at the unit, but does not consider production and distribution losses. CHP units are being developed today for the European home market. Professor Jeremy P .Meyers, in the electro chemical society journal interface in 2008, wrote, while fuel cells are efficient relative to combustion engines, they are not as efficient as batteries, due to primarily to the inefficiency of the oxygen evolution reaction (and the oxygen evolution reaction, should the hydrogen be formed by electrolysis of water).......They make the most sense for operation disconnected from the grid, or when fuel can be provided continuously. For applications that require frequent and relatively rapid startups......Where zero emission are a requirements, as in enclosed spaces such as warehouse, and hydrogen is considered an ac table reactant, a( PEM fuel cell) is becoming an increasingly attr Ive choice (if exchanging batteries is inconvenient)" Applications Power - Stationary fuel cells are used for commercial, industrial and residential primary and backup power generation. Fuel cells are very useful as power sources in remote locations, such as spacecraft, remote Weather stations, large parks, communications centers, rural locations including research stations, and in certain military applications. A fuel cell system running on hydrogen can be compact and lightweight, and have no major moving parts and do not involve combustion, in ideal COnditions they can achieve up to 99.9999% reliability. This equates to less than one minute of downtime in a six-year period. Since fuel cell electrolyzer systems do not store fuel in themselves, but rather rely on external storage units, they can be successfully applied in large-scale energy storage, rural areas being one example. There are many different types of stationary fuel cells so efficiencies vary, but most are between 40% and 60% energy efficient. However, when the fuel cell's waste heat is used to heat a building in a cogeneration system this efficiency can increase to 85%. This is significantly more efficient than traditional coal power plants, which are only about one third energy efficient. Assuming production at scale fuel cells could save 20-40% on energy costs when used in cogeneration systems. Fuel cells are also much cleaner than traditional power generation; a fuel cell power plant using natural gas as a hydrogen source would create less than one ounce of pollution for every 1000 kW-h produced, compared to 25 pound of pollutants generated by conventional combustion systems. Fuel cells also produce 97% less nitrogen oxide Issions than conventional coal-fired power plants. Cogeneration Combined heat and power fuel cell systems, including Micro combined heat and power systems are used to generate both electricity and heat for homes, office building and factories. The system generates constant electric power and at some time produces hot air and water from the waste heat. Micro CHP is usually less than 5 kWe for a home fuel cell or small business. The waste heat from fuel cells can be diverted into the ground providing further cooling while the waste heat during winter can be pumped directly into the building. The university of Minnesota Owns the patent right to this type of system.