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House Rules

House Rules
1. No smoking in house, on or around property.
2. No drugs in house, on or around property.
3. Quiet time is from 10 pm to 9 am.
4. No entertaining of guests in house or on property.
5. No overnight guests.
6. Tenant is responsible for his or her guests (i.e. damage, activity, etc.)
7. Guests of tenant must abide by house rules.
8. Guests of tenant can only be at the residence when tenant is present.
9. No entering of other tenant’s rooms without tenant permission.
10. Tenant access includes kitchen, living room, family room, refrigerator, bathrooms (except
for other tenants’ private bathrooms), dishes/flatware, and driveway.
11. Common areas are living room, family room, and kitchen. The pool and room above the
garage are not common areas.
12. Common areas are to be kept clean at all times.
13. Parking is only available directly in front of the property (street) and in driveway.
14. Tenant may not make any modifications to the property/residence.
15. Any damage to the property or property therein by the tenant must be reported to the
owner immediately.
16. Tenant must keep room and bathroom clean and sanitary.
17. Tenant may not use any personal appliances in room (i.e. hot plate, coffee maker, air
conditioner) without approval from property owner.
18. Tenant may not duplicate the key to the property.
19. If key is lost, tenant must notify owner immediately. Tenant will be responsible for the
cost of new locks and keys of the house.