ACCOUNTING PRINCIPLES AND CONCEPTS Accounting Principles RELEVANCE Financial information is considered relevant if it affects the business decisions. RELIABILITY Information should be free from significant errors, bias and independently verified. COMPARABILITY Information could be compared with other periods and similar businesses. UNDERSTANDIBILITY The financial report : Income Statements and Statement of Financial Position must be capable of being understood by the users of the report. Accounting Concepts BUSINESS ENTITY CONCEPT This rule states that only the transactions of the business should be recorded and NOT the owner’s private transactions. MONEY MEASUREMENT CONCEPT Only transactions that can be expressed in monetary terms are to be recorded. HISTORIC COST CONCEPT All transactions are recorded at their cost to the business. REALISATION CONCEPT • Profits are realised (actually earned) when goods are sent to the customer. •A transaction is NOT realised when an order is received. DUAL ASPECT (DUALITY) • Every transaction will affect two items in the business. • Every transaction is represented by both a debit AND a credit in the ledger. CONSISTENCY CONCEPT • Transactions of a similar nature should always be recorded in the same (consistent) way. • This is to ensure that the Income Statement and the Statement of Financial Position can be meaningfully compared each year. MATERIALITY CONCEPT This concept refers that all material (significant items that could impact the financial statements) should be reported properly in the financial statements. ACCRUALS (MATCHING) CONCEPT The Income Statement should only include the income earned and expenses incurred for the current financial year. PRUDENCE CONCEPT • This concept states that the value of assets and profits (income) should NOT be overstated and the liabilities and losses (expenses) should NOT be understated. • Future losses are to be expected/anticipated in the current period. GOING CONCERN CONCEPT It is assumed that a business will continue to exist for a long period of time (i.e. more than 12 months). SUBSTANCE OVER FORM CONCEPT The practical view (the substance) is preferred to the legal view (the form) in accounting.