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Telcel LTE Project PAC Checklist: SMART Counters

PAC Checklist b Document for Telcel LTE Project
SMART Counters
1 Accessibility.
Random Access.
1.1.1 Counters.
L.RA.Dedicate.HO.Msg3Rcv (times)
L.RA.GrpA.ContResolution (times)
L.RA.GrpB.ContResolution (times)
L.RA.Dedicate.HO.Att (times)
L.RA.GrpA.Att (times)
L.RA.GrpB.Att (times)
1.1.2 Formula.
L.RA.GrpA.Att (times)+ L.RA.GrpB.Att (times)] * 100
1.1.3 Counter Description.
L.RA.Dedicate.HO.Msg3Rcv (times)
The counter measures the number of times the UE Msg3 Response message is
received in the handover-triggered non-contention-based RA procedure. It is used to
evaluate the success rate of RA procedures during handover.
L.RA.GrpA.ContResolution (times)
Number of times the Contention Resolution message is sent after the contention
preamble in group A is received.
 L.RA.GrpB.ContResolution (times)
The counters measure the number of times the Contention Resolution message is
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sent after the contention preamble in group A or group B is received. They indicate
the success rate of the contention RA procedure.
L.RA.Dedicate.HO.Att (times)
The non-contention-based RA procedure is used in a handover or recovery of uplink
synchronization. The preamble used in the RA procedure is the non-contentionbased preamble, alias dedicated preamble. It is allocated by the eNodeB. In a
handover, the eNodeB sends the preamble to the UE with the RRC signaling
message. In the recovery of uplink synchronization, the eNodeB sends the preamble
to the UE with the DCI on the PDCCH. The counters measure the number of times
the non-contention-based preamble is received in a handover or recovery of uplink
synchronization in a cell.
L.RA.GrpA.Att (times)
Contention preambles may belong to either group A or group B. Contention
preambles in group A are mandatory, and contention preambles in group B are
optional. The number of contention preambles that can be allocated to each cell and
the grouping of preambles are set by the eNodeB, and the information is broadcast
on the BCH. In the UE-initiated contention-based RA procedure, the eNodeB
determines which group a preamble belongs to based on the settings of groups A
and B as well as the radio environments of the UE. Then, the UE randomly selects a
preamble and transmit it. The counters measure the number of times the contention
preamble in group A or B is received. They indicate the reception load of contention
L.RA.GrpB.Att (times)
Contention preambles may belong to either group A or group B. Contention
preambles in group A are mandatory, and contention preambles in group B are
optional. The number of contention preambles that can be allocated to each cell and
the grouping of preambles are set by the eNodeB, and the information is broadcast
on the BCH. In the UE-initiated contention-based RA procedure, the eNodeB
determines which group a preamble belongs to based on the settings of groups A
and B as well as the radio environments of the UE. Then, the UE randomly selects a
preamble and transmit it. The counters measure the number of times the contention
preamble in group A or B is received. They indicate the reception load of contention
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RRC Signaling (RRC Setup Success Rate).
1.2.1 Counters.
1.2.2 Formula
[L.RRC.ConnReq.Succ/ L.RRC.ConnReq.Att] * 100
1.2.3 Counters Description.
Number of RRC Connection Setup Complete messages received from the UE in a
 L.RRC.ConnReq.Succ
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Number of RRC Connection Request messages received from the UE in a cell,
excluding the number of retransmitted messages
ERAB Establish (ERAB Setup Success Rate).
1.3.1 Counters.
1.3.2 Formula.
[L.E-RAB.SuccEst /L.E-RAB.AttEst] * 100
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1.3.3 Counters Description.
The counter measures the total number of E-RAB setup attempts in a cell. The ERAB setup is initiated by a UE when the UE requests a service from the radio
network. The setup is implemented through the initial UE context setup procedure or
the E-RAB setup procedure.
The counter measures the total number of successful E-RAB setups in a cell. The ERAB setup is initiated by a UE when the UE requests a service from the radio
network. The setup is implemented through the initial UE context setup procedure or
the E-RAB setup procedure.
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2 Retainability.
E-RAB Drop Rate.
1.4.1 Counters.
1.4.2 Formula.
[L.E-RAB.AbnormRel/(L.E-RAB.AbnormRel + L.E-RAB.NormRel)] * 100
1.4.3 Counters Description.
The counters measure the total number of abnormal E-RAB releases in a cell due to
different causes and user data transmission. An E-RAB is the access layer bearer
for carrying service data of users. The E-RAB release is a process of releasing the
access layer bearer resources of users.
 L.E-RAB.NormRel.
The counter measures the total number of normal E-RAB releases in a cell. An ERAB is the access layer bearer for carrying service data of users. The E-RAB
release is a process of releasing the access layer bearer resources of users. It
represents the capability of a cell to release access layer bearer resources for users.
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3 Integrity.
Downlink and Uplink Throughput.
1.5.1 Counters.
L.Thrp.bits.DL (bit)
L.Thrp.bits.UL (bit)
L.Thrp.bits.DL.LastTTI (bit)
L.Thrp.bits.UE.UL.LastTTI (bit)
L.Thrp.Time.DL.RmvLastTTI (ms)
L.Thrp.Time.UE.UL.RmvLastTTI (ms)
1.5.2 Formula.
Downlink Throughput.
 (L.Thrp.bits.DL (bit) - L.Thrp.bits.DL.LastTTI (bit)) /
L.Thrp.Time.DL.RmvLastTTI (ms)
Uplink Throughput.
 (L.Thrp.bits.UL (bit) - L.Thrp.bits.UE.UL.LastTTI (bit)) /
L.Thrp.Time.UE.UL.RmvLastTTI (ms)
1.5.3 Counters Description.
L.Thrp.bits.DL (bit)
Total uplink traffic volume for PDCP SDUs in a cell
 L.Thrp.bits.UL (bit)
Total receive duration of uplink PDCP SDUs in a cell
 L.Thrp.bits.DL.LastTTI (bit)
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Downlink traffic volume sent in the last TTI before the buffer is empty
 L.Thrp.bits.UE.UL.LastTTI (bit)
Traffic volume of uplink PDCP SDUs sent in the last TTI before the UE buffer is
 L.Thrp.Time.DL.RmvLastTTI (ms)
Data transmit duration except the last TTI before the downlink buffer is empty
 L.Thrp.Time.UE.UL.RmvLastTTI (ms)
Uplink data transmit duration except the last TTI before the UE buffer is empty
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1.6.1 Counters.
1.6.2 Formula.
L.Traffic.DL.PktDelay.Time.QCI.3 + …+ L.Traffic.DL.PktDelay.Time.QCI.9) /
L.Traffic.DL.PktDelay.Num.QCI.3 + …. + L.Traffic.DL.PktDelay.Num.QCI.9)
1.6.3 Counters Description.
The counters measure the transmission delay of downlink PDCP SDUs for DRB
services with a specific QCI ranging from 1 to 9 in a cell.
 L.Traffic.DL.PktDelay.Num.QCI.1, L.Traffic.DL.PktDelay.Num.QCI.1, …..,
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The counters measure the number of successfully transmitted downlink DCP SDUs
for DRB services with a specific QCI ranging from 1 to 9 in a cell.
4 Mobility.
Intra Frequency Handover.
1.7.1 Counters.
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1.7.2 Formula.
ccOut) / (L.HHO.IntraeNB.IntraFreq.ExecAttOut+
L.HHO.IntereNB.IntraFreq.ExecAttOut)] * 100
1.7.3 Counters Description.
Number of successful intra-eNodeB intra-frequency outgoing handovers in a cell
 L.HHO.IntraeNB.IntraFreq.ExecAttOut
Number of performed intra-eNodeB intra-frequency outgoing handovers in a cell
 L.HHO.IntereNB.IntraFreq.ExecSuccOut
Number of successful inter-eNodeB intra-frequency outgoing handovers in a cell
 L.HHO.IntereNB.IntraFreq.ExecAttOut
Number of performed inter-eNodeB intra-frequency outgoing handovers in a cell
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Interoperability. (CS FB Preparation Setup Success Rate)
1.8.1 Counters.
1.8.2 Formula.
[L.CSFB.PrepSucc/ L.CSFB.PrepAtt] * 100
1.8.3 Counters Description.
Number of CS fallback indicators received by the eNodeB.
 L.CSFB.PrepSucc
Number of successful CS fallback responses from the eNodeB
The counter measures the number of CS fallback responses from the eNodeB to the MME.
During a CS fallback procedure, the eNodeB sends back a UE Context Modification
Response or Initial UE Context Setup Response message to the MME after receiving a CS
fallback indicator from the MME.
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5 Availability.
1.9.1 Counters.
1.9.2 Formula.
100*L.Cell.Avail.Dur/ ({SP}*60)
1.9.3 Counters Description.
The duration of cell availability in a cell is sampled per second. If the cell is available, the
counter is incremented by 1 at each sampling point accordingly. At the end of a measurement
period, the sum of these sampling results is reported. A deviation of one sampling period may
be caused in the sampling timer when the timer performs time synchronization. As a result, a
deviation of one sampling period will also be generated in the value of the corresponding
counter, which affects the values of the KPIs that are calculated by using the counter. The
effects vary depending on the deviation in the value of the counter and calculation formulas
for the KPIs.
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6 Capacity.
1.10 Connected Users.
Counters Description.
The number of all connected synchronization and asynchronization users in a cell is
sampled per second. At the end of a measurement period, the average of these
sampling results is used as the value of the counter.
The number of all connected synchronization and asynchronization users in a cell is
sampled per second. At the end of a measurement period, the maximum of these
sampling results is used as the value of the counter.
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1.11 CPU Load
1.11.3Counters Description.
The counter measures the average CPU usage of the LMPT, UMPT and LBBP
within a measurement period. It represents the CPU usage of a board within a
The CPU usage of a board is sampled per second. At the end of a measurement
period, the average of these sampling results is used as the value of the counter.
The counter measures the maximum CPU usage of the LMPT, UMPT and LBBP
within a measurement period. It represents the upper limit of the CPU usage of a
board within a period.
The CPU usage of a board is sampled per second. At the end of a measurement
period, the maximum of these sampling results is used as the value of the counter.
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7 Traffic.
1.12 Traffic Volume.
Downlink Traffic Volume (GB)
 L.Thrp.bits.DL/1024/1024/1024/8
Uplink Traffic Volume (GB)
 L.Thrp.bits.UL/1024/1024/1024/8
Counters Description.
Total downlink traffic volume for PDCP SDUs in a cell.
The size of the payloads in the transmitted PDCP SDUs of each service with a specific QCI
is sampled in a cell. At the end of a measurement period, the sum of these sampling results is
used as the value of the corresponding counter.
Total uplink traffic volume for PDCP SDUs in a cell.
The size of the payloads in the received PDCP SDUs of each service with a specific QCI is
sampled in a cell. At the end of a measurement period, the sum of these sampling results is
used as the value of the corresponding counter.
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