Environment International 179 (2023) 108150 Contents lists available at ScienceDirect Environment International journal homepage: www.elsevier.com/locate/envint Review article Microplastics: Human exposure assessment through air, water, and food Giuseppina Zuri , Angeliki Karanasiou , Sílvia Lacorte * Institute of Environmental Assessment and Water Research of the Spanish Research Council (IDAEA-CSIC), Jordi Girona 18-26, 08034 Barcelona, Spain A R T I C L E I N F O A B S T R A C T Handling Editor: Olga Kalantzi Background: Microplastics (MP) are plastic particles with dimension up to 5 mm. Due to their persistence, global spread across different ecosystems and potential human health effects, they have gained increasing attention during the last decade. However, the extent of human exposure to MP through different pathways and their intake have not been elucidated. Objectives: The objective of this review is to provide an overview on the pathways of exposure to MP through inhalation, ingestion, and dermal contact considering data from the open bibliography on MP in air, dust, food, water and drinks. Methods: A bibliographic search on Scopus and PubMed was conducted using keywords on MP in outdoor and indoor air, indoor dust, food including beverages and water and human intake (n = 521). Articles were sorted by their title and abstract (n = 213), and only studies reporting MP identification and quantification techniques were further considered (n = 168). A total of 115 articles that include quality assurance and quality control (QA/ QC) procedures are finally discussed in the present review. Based on MP concentration data available in liter­ ature, we estimated the potential inhaled dose (ID), dust intake (DI), the estimated daily intake (EDI) via food and beverages. Finally, the total daily intake (TDI) considering both inhalation and ingestion routes are provided for adults, infants and newborns. Results: The concentrations of MP in outdoor and indoor air, dust, and in food and water are provided according to the bibliography. Human exposure to MP through dust ingestion, inhalation of air and food/drinks con­ sumption revealed that indoor air and drinking waters were the main sources of MP. Conclusions: This study reveals that humans are constantly exposed to MP, and that the indoor environment and the food and water we ingest decisively contribute to MP intake. Additionally, we highlight that infants and newborns are exposed to high MP concentrations and further studies are needed to evaluate the presence and risk of MP in this vulnerable age-population. Keywords: Human exposure Total daily intake Air inhalation Dust ingestion 1. Introduction The global production of plastic accounts for more than 390 million tons per year and its demand increases steadily due to plastics’ extraordinaire combination of durability, applicability, and versatility (Plastic Europe, 2022). The extensive production of plastic coupled to the manufacture of building and packaging material, goods, and single- use products leads to the discharge of tons of plastic litter (Lindwall, 2020) and, consequently, to the generation of an enormous amount of microplastics (MP) which are then spread in different environmental compartments. MP is a neologism which appeared for the first time in literature in 2004, as the contraction of the words “microscopic” and “plastic”, to refer to plastic particles with size ranging from millimeters to sub-millimeters (Thompson et al., 2004). It has been suggested a Acronyms and Abbreviations: ABS, Acrylonitrile butadiene styrene; Bw, Bodyweight; DI, Dust Ingestion; DIR, Dust Ingestion Rate; EDI, Estimated Daily Intake; EPC, Ethylene/propylene copolymer; EPM, Poly(ethylene-propylene) copolymer; Eq, Equation; EVAC, Ethyl vinyl acetate; FPA-μ-FT-IR, Focal Plane Array micro-Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy; FTIR-ATR, Fourier Transform Attenuated Total Reflection; μ-FT-IR, micro-Fourier Transform Infrared spectroscopy; ID, Inhaled Dose; LDPE, Low density polyethylene; MP, Microplastic; PA, Polyamide; PAA, Poly(N-methyl acrylamide); PAN, Polyacrylonitrile; PB, Polybutene; PBT, Poly­ butylene terephthalate; PC, Polycarbonate; PCCP, Personal care and cosmetic products; PE, Polyethylene; PES, Polyether sulfone; PET, Polyethylene terephthalate; PM, Particulate Matter; PP, Polypropylene; PTFE, Polytetrafluoroethylene; PS, Polystyrene; PSU, Polysulfone; PU, Polyurethane; PVA, Poly(vinylalcohol); PVAc, Polyvinyl acetate; PVC, Polyvinyl chloride; PVF, Polyvinyl fluoride; PVS, Polyvinyl stearate; R, Respiratory rate; SAN, Styrene acrylonitrile; SBR, Styrene/butadiene rubber; TDI, Total Daily Intake; TV, Tidal Volume. * Corresponding author. E-mail address: slbqam@cid.csic.es (S. Lacorte). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envint.2023.108150 Received 18 May 2023; Received in revised form 23 July 2023; Accepted 12 August 2023 Available online 14 August 2023 0160-4120/© 2023 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/bync-nd/4.0/). G. Zuri et al. Environment International 179 (2023) 108150 classification of MP in two main size categories: nanoplastics as MP having 1–1000 nm diameter (subdivided in nanoplastics 1–100 nm and sub-microplastics 100 nm – 1000 nm), and MP with a diameter ranging from 1 μm to < 5 mm (Hartmann et al., 2019). Although in 2008 the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration defined MP as plastic particles having maximum size 5 mm along their longer dimension (Arthur et al., 2009), there is still no univocal definition of MP range (Frias and Nash, 2019). The sources of MP are clustered as primary or secondary. The former are those in which MP are manufactured intentionally for direct use and included in personal care and cosmetic products (PCCP) such as cos­ metics and exfoliants. The latter are MP deriving from physical, chem­ ical and/or biological degradation processes, such as bio- and photooxidation, as well as mechanical weathering of larger plastic ma­ terials (Arthur et al., 2009; Zhu et al., 2021). These processes, which have a time scale of decades, modify the properties of the polymer over time, affecting the composition, surface properties as well as its physical integrity (White, 2006). These changes are dependent both on the type of polymer and the environmental conditions (Brandon et al., 2016). Additionally, the smaller the plastic particles produced, the higher the fragmentation rate since the surface-to-volume ratio is higher (Gewert et al., 2015). Due to the effects of weathering or ageing, once released into the environment, primary and secondary MP cannot be distin­ guished (Koelmans et al., 2022). MP differ in their physical morphology not only in their size, but also in their shape (Wang et al., 2021). According to their shapes, MP are categorized as: sheet, film, fiber, fragment, pellet/granule, and foam. Fibers and fragment-shape MP are the most abundant (Liu et al., 2019b; Zhu et al., 2021). However, there is no standardized protocol on how to classify particles, leading to subjective categorization depending on the researcher performing the analyses. MP shape might indicate the par­ ticles’ origin. In fact, line/fiber usually originates from textiles, fishing lines, and clothing; film mainly originates from bags or wrapping ma­ terials, while the origin of fragments has not been associated to a specific source but more in general to larger plastic items degradation. The presence of MP in various environmental compartments including air, soil and water is undeniable and implies that humans are chronically exposed to MP through different routes and pathways. Airborne MP are released from plastic items, PCCP, clothing (Dris et al., 2017), road surface, as well as break and tire wear abrasion (Grigoratos and Martini, 2015), and recycling processes (Wang et al., 2020). In addition, waste mismanagement acts as a source of MP in soils and water (Akhbarizadeh et al., 2021b; Cabrejos-Cardeña et al., 2023). Urban runoff and wastewater discharge act as conduits contaminating aqueous systems such as rivers, lakes, and oceans (Hajiouni et al., 2022; Takda­ stan et al., 2021). Physical processes such asleaching and wave action contribute to the spread of MP in aquatic environments (Dobaradaran et al., 2018; Mohammadi et al., 2022b). Once dispersed in the ocean, MP are ingested by aquatic organisms, including fish, shellfish, and marine mammals, and subsequently they might bioaccumulate and biomagnify, leading to increased concentration at higher trophic levels until they are consumed by humans. Packaged food and as well as bottled water and beverages represent an additional pathway of human exposure to MP (Akhbarizadeh et al., 2020a; Schymanski et al., 2018). This work stems out from the need to assess total exposure to MP through various routes such as inhalation and ingestion to assess the total daily intake of MP under a realistic exposure scenario. Dermal contact is also discussed. This review compiles relevant articles on MP present in air, dust, food and beverages and this data is used to evaluate human exposure. The review is structured in 4 parts: i) MP present in outdoor and indoor air and estimation of the Inhaled Dose (ID); ii) MP in indoor dust and estimation of Dust Ingestion (DI); iii) MP present in food, water and drinks and evaluation of the Estimated Daily Intake (EDI) iv) total exposure to MP via the calculation of the Total Daily Intake (TDI) considering all exposures routes except dermal as little information is available. Data is provided for adults, infants and newborns to highlight that different age-groups are exposed at various levels and this might have health implications. 2. Research method 2.1. Literature search and keyword analysis This review focuses on human exposure to petrochemical-based MP and has been framed by first identifying relevant papers published in English in peer-reviewed scientific journals in Scopus and PubMed electronic databases, while duplicates and conference papers were excluded. In Scopus database, all keywords were searched in the fields: “title”, “abstract” and “keywords”, while in PubMed, they were searched in the fields: “title” and “abstract” and in the Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) database (whenever available). The search included the following keywords for which the Boolean operator AND was selected to narrow down the research: human exposure MP (547 articles), human inhalation MP (66 articles), MP daily intake (33 articles); human ingestion MP (73 articles), MP dermal exposure (8 articles), MP in air (306 articles), MP in food (546 articles), MP in water (5879 articles), MP in drinks (13 articles). Due to the high number of articles found in some categories, the research was refined to reduce the number of relevant papers. MP in air was refined in MP indoors (79 articles) and MP out­ doors (91 articles). MP indoors was further refined for microplastic(s), indoor air, indoor air pollution, indoor dust (70 articles), while MP outdoors included microplastic(s), air outdoor environment (59 arti­ cles). MP in food was refined for bivalve, shellfish, mollusk, seafood, salt and crustaceans (74 articles). MP in water was refined by adding the word drinking (234 articles) and subsequently adding tap (35 articles) and bottled (31 articles). A total of 521 articles were identified at this stage. 2.2. Eligibility criteria Articles were sorted by their title and abstract, and the full paper revised to include those papers which provided concentration of MP in different matrices (n = 213). Only the papers reporting identification and quantification of MP using analytical techniques to identify the different polymers were considered (n = 168). A further selection criteria was adopted to these articles to be included in the current re­ view: i) the article must report a detailed QA/QC section with the pro­ cedures adopted during the analysis of MP such as use of procedural blanks to assess cross-contamination of samples, and ii) cellulose must not be considered in the total MP count given that this review focuses on petrochemical-based plastic polymers. At the end of the screening, a total of 115 papers have been selected and discussed. An overview of the literature screening is given in Fig. 1. 3. MP in air Inhalation of MP occurs due to the presence of MP in air both in outdoor and indoor environments. Once suspended into the air, MP become a part of atmospheric particulate matter (PM). In literature, data available concerning airborne MP concentration are scarce due to the absence of a validated method to collect and analyze samples (Zhu et al., 2021). The analysis of airborne MP both outdoors and indoors repre­ sents a first step to evaluate human exposure. The vast majority of studies related to airborne particles are based on passive sampling which relies on gravitational forces leading to atmospheric deposition of par­ ticles on a filter or accumulation in the surface dust layer. Active sam­ pling pumps air through a filter and give a more accurate indication of airborne MP exposure. Additionally, the two sampling methods generate data in different units that cannot be converted into one other, and therefore these data are not comparable. 2 G. Zuri et al. Environment International 179 (2023) 108150 Fig. 1. PRISMA flow diagram representing the identification, screening and selection process performed in the current review. 3.1. Outdoor air improve their stability (Landi et al., 2016). Traffic-related MP are pro­ duced via mechanical abrasion, while the number of particles released depends on temperature, composition, structure and age of tire, road surface, type of pavement, and speed (Grigoratos and Martini, 2014). Therefore, in principle, large cities would be the most impacted by traffic-related MP. However, so far studies on MP release from tire wear only report the total particle count without specifying the type of MP as it is challenging to isolate the particles released from the abrasion pro­ cess on the concrete. MP occur in outdoor air as a result of the various anthropogenic pressures (e.g. traffic, urban, industries, etc.). An overview of the studies carried out outdoors using passive sampling is given in Table 1. The concentrations of MP found in urban areas range from non-detected to 30 particles m− 2 d-1 (n = 49) in Gdynia, Poland (Szewc et al., 2021), and from 1586 to 11,130 particles m− 2 d-1 (n = 12) in Paris, France (Dris et al., 2017). The concentrations reported in rural or remote are within the range of urban areas and are also detailed in Table 1. Table 2 summarizes the studies performed in outdoor air using active sampling where concentrations range from 0 to 14.2 particles m− 3 (n = 12) in the urban area of Bushehr port, Iran (Akhbarizadeh et al., 2018), to 393 ± 112 particles m− 3 (n = 15) in Beijin, China (Zhu et al., 2021). Results from active sampling are expressed as particle m− 3 enabling a better estimation of human exposure through inhalation. In outdoor air, the most widely identified MP were polypropylene (PP) and polyethylene (PE), although polystyrene (PS), polyethylene terephthalate (PET), polyvinyl chloride (PVC), polyamide (PA), poly­ urethane (PU), polyacrylonitrile (PAN), and plastic copolymers were also reported. Outdoor sources of MP include industrial emission and construction materials (Munyaneza et al., 2022), waste incineration (Liu et al., 2019a), fragments from clothes (Klein and Fischer, 2019), and traffic (Kole et al., 2017). Transport is a stealthy source of MP. It has been estimated that the global emissions of tire wear particles are 0.81 kg/year per capita representing a total of almost 6.1 million tons of particles per year (Kole et al., 2017). Tires consist of a mix of elastomers such as rubber (natural and synthetic) (Sundt et al., 2016), carbon black, steel cord, fibers, and other organic and inorganic components used to 3.2. Indoor air MP have also been detected in indoor environments, defined as mi­ croenvironments going beyond the mere private residence. In fact, mi­ croenvironments comprise indoor spaces where people spend a big portion of their time and include office workspaces, public buildings, schools, universities, kindergartens, sports halls, passenger cabins, metro, and buses (Salthammer, 2022; Torres-Agullo et al., 2022). The sources of MP in indoor environments are infiltration, tracking, and penetration (Salthammer, 2022). Infiltration indicates the direct air exchange through door or window opening or via mechanical ventila­ tion system not incorporating particle filters. Tracking refers to the entry of particles via footwear and clothing. Penetration is the ability of par­ ticles to enter an environment via small cracks in the building envelope, including the roof, doors, windows, floors, and walls. Indoor MP are also generated through the release from plastic items, toys, personal care products containing microbeads, furniture, textiles, and clothing (Dris et al., 2017; Liu et al., 2019a). Table 3 summarizes the studies performed using active sampling, 3 G. Zuri et al. Environment International 179 (2023) 108150 Table 1 Concentration of MP in different outdoor areas including urban, rural, and remote areas collected by passive sampling of atmospheric fallouts. The types of polymers detected and the identification methods and particle size analyzed is indicated. Data have been clustered depending on the country and, for each area, they are reported in order of increasing particle concentration. Country Area Sample size (n) MP concentration (particles m− 2 d-1) Polymers identified Identification Method (minimum size MP analyzed) Reference Gdynia, Poland Urban 49 0 – 30 (10 ± 8) μ-FT-IR2 (≥5 μm) (Szewc et al., 2021) Kusatsu, Japan Da Nang, Vietnam Kathmandu, Nepal Urban Urban Urban 12 12 13 0.4 4.0 12.5 FT-IR (≥40 μm) (Yukioka et al., 2020) Guangzhou, China Urban 12 51–178 (114 ± 40) μ-FT-IR (Huang et al., 2021) Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam Urban 78 71–917 FT-IR (NS)14 (Truong et al., 2021) Christchurch, New Zealand Urban 11 80 – 1018 μ-FT-IR (Knobloch et al., 2021) Dongguan, China Urban 12 175 – 313 μ-FT-IR (Cai et al., 2017) Central London, UK Urban 8 575 – 1008 (771 ± 167) μ-FT-IR (Wright et al., 2020) Paris, France Urban 12 1586 – 11,130 PE1 PP3 EPM4 PVA5 PE PP PS6 PET7 PE PU8 PVS9 EPC10 SBR11 PET PAN12 PP PA13 PP PE PVC15 PE PET Acrylic Epoxy resin PE PP PS PP PE PS PET PU PVC PP μ-FT-IR (>5 μm) (Dris et al., 2017) Hamburg, Germany Urban, rural 108 136 – 512 (2 7 5) μ-Raman (>50 μm) (Klein and Fischer, 2019) Ireland (North and South), UK and Europe Rural 48 9––15 μ-Raman (Roblin et al., 2020) Pyrenees mountains, Europe Remote 10 365 ± 69 PE EVAC16 PTFE17 PVAc18 PP PE PET PA PP PE PS PVC PET μ-Raman(NS) (Allen et al., 2019) 1 PE = Polyethylene. μ-FT-IR = micro-Fourier Transform Infrared spectroscopy, 3PP = Polypropylene. 4 EPM = Poly(ethylene-propylene) copolymer. 5 PVA = Poly(vinylalcohol). 6 PS = Polystyrene. 7 PET = Polyethylene terephtalate. 8 PU = Polyurethane. 9 PVS = Polyvinyl stereate. 10 EPC = Ethylene/propylene copolymer. 11 SBR = Styrene/butadiene rubber. 12 PAN = Polyacrylonitrile. 13 PA = Polyamide. 14 NS = Not specified. 15 PVC = Polyvinil chloride. 16 EVAC = Ethylvinil acetate. 17 PTFE = Polytetrafluoroethylene. 18 PVAc = Polyvinyl acetate. 2 4 (NS)14 (NS)14 (NS)14 (NS)14 (NS)14 14 G. Zuri et al. Environment International 179 (2023) 108150 Table 2 Concentration of MP in different outdoor areas including urban and rural areas collected by active sampling, main plastic polymers detected and identification method used. Data have been clustered depending on the area and, for each area, they are reported in order of increasing MP concentration. Country Area Sample size (n) MP concentration (particles m− 3) Polymers identified Identification method (minimum MP size analyzed) Reference Bushehr port, Iran Shanghai, China Urban 12 PP, PE, PS, PET, Nylon μ-Raman Urban 18 (Akhbarizadeh et al., 2021a) (Liu et al., 2019b) Madrid, Spain Urban, rural Urban, rural Urban, rural 3 63 0 – 14.2 (4.8)1 0 – 48 (1.4 ± 1.4) 1.5 – 13.9 (6.2)1 189 ± 85 15 15 177 ± 59 246 ± 78 PP, PE, PET, PA, PVC 15 15 15 171 267 ± 117 324 ± 145 393 ± 112 1943 Wenzhou, China Nanjing, China Hangzhou, China Shanghai, China Tianjin, China Beijing, China Weighted average 1 2 3 all PE, PET, PA, PAA2, Ryon, EVAC PET, PA, PS, PU, Acrylic, Cellophane PE, PS. PET – (NS)2 μ-FT-IR (NS)2 μ-FT-IR (>10 μm) μ-FT-IR (>5 μm) μ-FT-IR (NS)2 (González-Pleiter et al., 2021) (Liao et al., 2021) – – (Zhu et al., 2021) The mean value has been calculated taking into account the raw data given in the paper. PAA = Poly(N-methyl acrylamide); 2NS = Not specified. Weighted average of the MP concentration calculated considering all the studies listed in Table 2. Table 3 Concentration of MP found in indoor air using active sampling sorted by country and type of indoor environment and reported according to increasing concentration. Polymers identified, technique used for identification and minimum size are also indicated. Country Type Sample size (n) MP concentration (MP m− 3) Polymers identified Identification method (minimum MP size analyzed) Reference Paris, France Apartment (n = 2); office (n = 1) 3 PP μ-FT-IR (>5 μm) FPA-μ-FTIR-Imaging1 (≥11 μm) μ-FT-IR (≥20 μm) (Dris et al., 2017) Aarhus, Denmark Not specified 9 Barcelona, Spain Workplace House Subway car Bus Wenzhou, China Apartment, office, classroom, hospital, train station3 Weighted All average 3 6 3 3 39 1 2 3 4 66 0.4 – 59.4 (5.4) 1.7 – 16.2 (9.3 ± 5.8) 4.2 ± 1.6 4.8 ± 1.6 5.8 ± 1.9 17.3 ± 2.4 1583 ± 1180 4 938 PET, PE, Nylon PP, PES2, PE, (Vianello et al., 2019) (Torres-Agullo et al., 2022) PP, PE, PA μ-FT-IR (≥20 μm) (Liao et al., 2021) – – – FPA-μ-FT-IR = Focal Plane Array micro-Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy. PES = Polyether sulfone. the MP concentration is given as an average for all the indoor environments. Weighted average of the MP concentration calculated considering all the studies listed in Table 3. used in most studies, to assess indoor MP concentration. The lowest concentration of MP found was 0.4 MP m− 3 in a study conducted in apartments (n = 2) and an office (n = 1) in Paris (Dris et al., 2017), while the highest was 1583 ± 1180 MP m− 3 in apartments, offices, classroom, hospitals, and train stations (n = 39) in Wenzhou, China (Liao et al., 2021). One study carried out in Barcelona reported concentrations of MP inside the buses of 17.3 ± 2.4 MP m− 3, higher than those of subways (5.8 ± 1.9 MP m− 3, n = 3), houses (4.8 ± 1.6 MP m− 3, n = 6), and workplaces (4.2 ± 1.6 MP m− 3, n = 3) (Torres-Agullo et al., 2022). MP in public transports may be relevant considering that 95.7% of workers in Europe commute, with an average one-way commuting time of 25 min per day (European Commission, 2020). Different polymers have been reported from each study, with PP and PE being the only polymers reoccurring in the different microenviron­ ments (see Table 3). When comparing Table 2 and 3, the concentrations vary largely reflecting the specific environments studied, rather than outdoor/indoor differences. In general, though, the concentration of MP has been re­ ported to be higher indoors than outdoors (Dris et al., 2017), rising concerns as people usually spend more than 70% of their time indoors. Extraordinary situations such as COVID pandemic are also responsible of indoor confinement, resulting in an increased time spent indoor. 3.3. MP daily intake via inhalation of air The MP intake through inhalation from indoor and outdoor envi­ ronments has been measured in different ways (Nematollahi et al., 2022; Zhu et al., 2022). In the present review, the potential inhaled dose (ID), which is the amount of MP inhaled but not necessarily adsorbed, will be considered (US EPA (Environmental Protection Agency), 1992). The ID can be calculated knowing the respiratory rate, tidal volume (TV), which is the amount of air inhaled with each breath, and body weight of a specific age group. The average respiratory rate for adults is between 12 and 20 breaths per min (Lindh et al., 2009) and the TV is 0.5 L (Der­ ricksson and Tortora, 2017), resulting in 11,520 L of air (11.5 m3) inhaled in a day (using an average of 16 breaths min− 1). For 1-year old infants, the respiratory rate is 26 breaths min− 1, the average TV is 0.09 L, and the resulting average daily volume of air inhaled is 3.4 m3; while for newborns the respiratory rate is 47 breaths min− 1 at birth, and the TV is 0.03 L (Motoyama and Finder, 2011) resulting in 2 m3 of air 5 G. Zuri et al. Environment International 179 (2023) 108150 inhaled daily. The bw used for each age-category are 70 kg for adults, 12 kg for infants and 4 kg for newborns. The ID was calculated applying Eq.1: ID = [MP]⋅Vair⋅EF bw indoors, calculated based on all the data reported in Table 3, is 938 MP m− 3 resulting in an IDi of 103 MP/kg bw per day for adults, 172 MP/kg bw per day for infants, and 328 MP/kg bw per day for newborns. When considering the mean MP concentration inhaled, the contribution of outdoor air inhalation to the IDt is less than 10%. The highest concen­ tration of MP found outdoor was, 393 MP m− 3 (Zhu et al., 2021), leading to an ID of 21.3 MP/kg bw per day for adults, 36.0 MP/kg bw per day for infants, and 68.8 MP/kg bw per day for newborn. Indoor, the highest concentration of MP was 1583 MP m− 3 (Table 3) (Liao et al., 2021), and the resulting IDi is 174 MP/kg bw per day for adults, 290 MP/kg bw per day for infants and 554 MP/kg bw per day for newborns. The daily intake indoors is therefore more than 8 times higher compared to the one outdoors. The resulting maximum IDt from outdoor and indoor environments is 195 MP/kg bw per day for adults, 326 MP/kg bw per day for infants and 622 MP/kg bw per day for newborns (Table 4). Results show that the IDt of infants is double, while for newborns is triple compared to that of an adult. To our knowledge, this is the first time that estimation of total inhaled MP indoor and outdoor has been carried out using validated data from the open-bibliography. Although the presence of MP in air is certain, human health risks due to their inhalation have not been clarified (Wright, et al., 2020). (1) where: - ID is the daily amount of MP potentially inhaled with air expressed as MP kg bw-1 per day; - [MP] is the concentration of MP in one m3 of indoor and outdoor air; - Vair is the daily volume of air inhaled in m3, calculated by multi­ plying the respiratory rate, R, by the TV; - EF is the exposure factor and an average of 8 h spent outdoors and 16 h indoors is considered; - bw is the average weight in kilos. The ID outdoor and indoor has been calculated using data from the bibliography indicated in Tables 2 and 3, considering three different scenarios: a. The lowest concentration of MP reported outdoors and indoors; b. The weighed mean concentration of MP reported outdoors and indoors; c. The highest concentration of MP to consider the worst-case scenario. 4. MP in indoor dust Table 5 presents an overview of the studies carried out indoors both on dust and atmospheric deposition, also called atmospheric fallouts. The lowest concentration of MP found in dust was given by the average amount of MP collected in apartments (n = 2) and inside an office (n = 1) in Paris urban area with 0.19–0.67 fibers per g of dust (Dris et al., 2017), while the highest was found in kindergarten (n = 3) of Bushehr, Iran, and accounted for 93000–196000 MP per g of dust (Kashfi et al., 2022). Two studies quantified PET and PC in house dust using liquid chromatography (Table 5) and the concentration of PET ranged from 38 µg PET per g of dust (Liu et al., 2019a) to 120000 µg of PET per g of dust (Liu et al., 2019a; Zhang et al., 2020a); for PC the concentration ranged To distinguish between outdoor, indoor and total ID, the subscripts “o”, “i”, and “t” are added. The results are given in Table 4. When MP have not been detected outdoors the IDt equaled the IDi, accounting for 0.04 MP/kg bw per day for adults, 0.07 MP/kg bw per day for infants, and 0.14 MP/kg bw per day for newborns (Table 4). The weighted average MP concentration outdoors, calculated based on all the data reported in Table 2, is 194 MP m− 3 leading to an IDo of 10.5 MP/kg bw per day for adults, 17.8 MP/kg bw per day for infants, and 33.9 MP/kg bw per day for newborns. The weighted average MP concentration Table 4 Data used to calculate the ID from outdoor and indoor exposure to MP for adults, infants and newborn and related result using the lowest and highest concentration of MP reported in literature for outdoor (Zhu et al., 2021) and indoor (Liao et al., 2021) concentrations, and the calculated weighted average of all the studies listed in Table 2 for outdoor and Table 3 for indoor calculations. Age group Body weight (Kg) Average respiratory rate, R (breaths min¡1) Tidal Volume, TV (L) Outdoors (for an average of 8 h) Vair [R⋅TV] (m3) [MP] (MP m¡3) IDo (MP/kg bw per day) Lowest, average, highest Vair [R⋅TV] m3) [MP] (MP m¡3) IDi (MP/kg bw per day) Lowest, average, highest 70 16 0.5 3.8 0 (min) 1941 (mean) 393 (max) 0 7.7 0.4 (min) 9382 (mean) 1583 (max) 0.04 0.04 103 114 174 195 0 (min) 1941 (mean) 393 (max) 0 (min) 1941 (mean) 393 (max) 0 0.4 (min) 9382 (mean) 1583 (max) 0.4 (min) 9382 (mean) 1583 (max) 0.07 0.07 172 190 290 326 0.14 0.14 328 362 554 622 12 4 1 2 26 47 0.09 0.03 1.1 0.7 Weighted average calculated based on the data reported in Table 2. Weighted average calculated based on the data reported in Table 3. 6 Indoors (for an average of 16 h) 10.5 21.3 2.2 17.8 36.0 0 33.9 68.8 1.4 ΣIDt [IDo þ IDi] (MP/kg bw per day) G. Zuri et al. Environment International 179 (2023) 108150 Table 5 Concentration of MP found in indoor dust and atmospheric fallouts from different indoors environments including apartments, offices, dormitories, hallway, hotels, schools, etc., sorted and clustered depending on sample type, and have been reported following an increasing MP concentration. Study area, Country Sample Type Area Sample size (n) MP concentration different units Paris, France Dust 3 0.19 – 0.67 fibers g− 28 10–635 MP g (195 ± 179 MP g− 1) 62 – 434 MP g− 1 (209 MP g− 1) 74 – 2065 MP g− 1 (843 MP g− 1) 99 – 1166 MP g− 1 (775 MP g− 1) 112 – 1470 MP g− 1 (896 MP g− 1) 150 – 3861 MP g− 1 (1174 MP g− 1) 32000–78000 MP g− 1 (55600 ± 23000 MP g− 1) 44000–94000 MP g− 1 (63600 ± 26600 MP g− 1) 43000–112000 MP g− 1 (74000 ± 35000 MP g− 1) 96000–160000 MP g− 1 (121600 ± 33800 MP g− 1) 118000–157000 MP g− 1 (139000 ± 19600 MP g− 1) 27000–92000 MP g− 1 (68600 ± 36100 MP g− 1) 41000–58000 MP g− 1 (48600 ± 8600 MP g− 1) 58000–75000 MP g− 1 (65000 ± 8800 MP g− 1) 64000–103000 MP g− 1 (87300 ± 20500 MP g− 1) 93000–196000 MP g− 1 (134.3 ± 54.4 MP g− 1 1550–120000 µg g− 1 (PET) 4.6 µg g− 1 (PC) Shiraz, Iran Dust Apartment (n = 2); office (n = 1) Schools Hangzhou, China Dust University classroom 44 Hotel 53 University dormitory 48 Office 50 Residential apartment Hospital 47 3 University 3 Home 3 Kindergarten 3 Mosque 3 Home 3 University 3 Hospital 3 Mosque 3 Kindergarten 3 Shiraz, Iran Bushehr, Iran Dust Dust 1 − 1 39 major cities in China Dust House 39 12 countries4 Dust House 286 New Jersey, US Atmospheric deposition Office Classroom Hallway Family house 1 1 1 1 38–120000 µg g− 1 (5900 µg g− 1) PET <0.11–1700 µg g− 1 (8.8 µg g− 1) PC 1290 particles m− 2 d-1 1430 particles m− 2 d-1 18,800 particles m− 2 d-1 26,500 particles m− 2 d-1 Paris, France Atmospheric deposition Atmospheric deposition Apartment (n = 2); office (n = 1) Hallway Office Dormitory 3 1600–11000 fibers m− 1 1 1 1500 MP m− 1800 MP m− 9900 MP m− Shanghai, China 2 d-1 d-1 2 -1 d 2 2 d-1 Polymers identified Identification method (minimum MP size analyzed) Reference PP1 μ-FT-IR (>5 μm) (Dris et al., 2017) PET PP PS Nylon PA PS PC PET PP PE Raman (NS)3 (Nematollahi et al., 2022) μ-FT-IR (Zhu et al., 2022) PE PP PC PET Nylon2 Raman (NS)3 (Kashfi et al., 2022) PE PP PC PET Nylon2 Raman (NS)3 (Kashfi et al., 2022) PET PC μ-FT-IR (≥10 μm) (Liu et al., 2019a) PET PC PET PE PVC PP PS PP PET Rayon PS PP PA (NS)3 LC-MS/MS HPLC-MS/MS (Zhang et al., 2020a) μ-Raman (Yao et al., 2022) μ-FT-IR (>5 μm) μ-FT-IR (>50 μm) (Dris et al., 2017) (NS)3 (Zhang et al., 2020b) 1 Based on the analysis of 28 randomly selected fibers. Based on the analysis of 15 randomly chosen particles. 3 NS = Not specified; 4 China (n = 39), Colombia (n = 45), Greece (n = 26), India (n = 33), Japan (n = 5), Kuwait (n = 18), Pakistan (n = 25), Romania (n = 21), Saudi Arabia (n = 30), South Korea (n = 16), the USA (n = 10), and Vietnam (n = 18). 2 from < 0.11 µg of PC per g of dust to 1700 µg of PC per g of dust (Zhang et al., 2020a). The lowest concentration detected in atmospheric fallouts was in an office (n = 1) in New Jersey, US, where the MP concentration was 1290 particles m− 2 d-1, while the highest was found in a family house (n = 1) 26,500 particles m− 2 d-1 in New Jersey although the sample size was very small (Yao et al., 2022). According to the results reported in Table 5, the dominant MP found in dust are PP, PE, PET, PS, PA, PC, and PVC. 4.1. MP daily intake via ingestion of dust The intake of MP through air, intended as the presumed exposure or consumption of a nutrient or chemical (Medical Dictionary, 2009), should consider both the ID as indicated in the previous section, and the fraction of dust ingested (DI) in indoors. In order to have an overview of the average ingestion of MP through dust, we have calculated the weighted average of the MP concentration in dust from the data reported 7 G. Zuri et al. Environment International 179 (2023) 108150 ranging from non-detected to 7200 MP kg− 1 (Li et al., 2018), followed by clams of the specie Corbicula fluminae containing 5540 MP kg− 1 (McCoy et al., 2020), tuna and other species (Table 7). Among the plastic polymers identified, PP and PE were the predominant ones and were detected in all the food considered except for clams and oysters (Baechler et al., 2020), while different polymers were identified in the brands of canned tuna analyzed (Akhbarizadeh et al., 2020a). Other plastic polymers frequently detected were PET, PTFE, PS, and PA (Table 7). MP are reported in many fish and shellfish species at various con­ centrations, being a consequence of the widespread presence of MP present in coastan and open seas and oceans, Therefore, evaluating MP in edible seafood is important not only to protect the environment but also to minimize human exposure, especially in areas where fish con­ sumption is the primary source of proteins. in Table 5. It was chosen to include only the studies focused on all MP polymers and to leave out those which only considered a type of MP such as fibers (Dris et al., 2017) or only a specific plastic polymer (Liu et al., 2019a; Zhang et al., 2020a). The DI was calculated using Eq. (2): DI = [MP]⋅DIR bw (2) where: - DI is the daily amount of MP ingested via Dust Intake expressed in MP kg bw-1 per day; - [MP] is the mean concentration of MP in dust expressed in MP g− 1; - DIR is the Dust Ingestion Rate expressed in g/day in adults and in­ fants (no DIR data is available for newborns); - bw is the average body weight in kilos (70 kg for adults and 12 kg for infants). 5.2. MP in beverages The DIR was established by Velazquez-Gómez et al. (2019), and their estimated median and high exposure to dust accounted respectively for 0.02 g day− 1 and 0.05 g day− 1 for adults; and 0.05 g day− 1 and 0.2 g day− 1 for infants (Velázquez-Gómez et al., 2019). To calculate the DI from Eq. (2)both the median and maximum DIR are considered, and only the mean concentration of MP in dust was used, instead of lowest, mean and highest, to reduce complexity in the MP exposure assessment. The weighted average of MP per g of dust calculated based on the data given in Table 5 is 727 MP g− 1 and therefore we calculated a median DI of 0.21 MP/kg bw per day for adults and 3.04 MP/kg bw per day for infants; while the DI resulting for the highest exposure is 0.52 MP/kg bw per day for adults and 12.3 MP/kg bw per day for infants (Table 6). Two previous studies have been found to assess the amount of MP ingested from exposure to indoor dust (Nematollahi et al., 2022; Zhu et al., 2022). The DI was estimated as 0.6 MP/kg bw per day for adults and 13.7 MP/ kg bw per day for infants based on the collection of indoor dust in schools in Iran (Nematollahi et al., 2022). DI of 0.23 MP/kg bw per day for adults and 7.4 MP/kg bw per day for infants were estimated from dust sampled from houses, offices, hotels, and dormitories in China (Table 5) (Zhu et al., 2022). Our estimate is within the range of DI estimated by the above-mentioned studies. There are several studies carried out on MP in water, including tap and bottled water, and drinks. However, only those reporting the identification of MP are herein being considered (Table 8). MP have been reported in drinking water (Chanpiwat and Damrongsiri, 2021; Mason et al., 2018; Oßmann et al., 2018; Pittroff et al., 2021; Schy­ manski et al., 2018; Tong et al., 2020; Weber et al., 2021), white wine (Prata et al., 2020), milk (Kutralam-Muniasamy et al., 2020; Shruti et al., 2020), energy and soft drinks (Shruti et al., 2020), food packaging such as plastic cups (Ranjan et al., 2021) and teabags (Hernandez et al., 2019). The concentrations in tap water are generally low, ranging from non-detected (n = 9) (Weber et al., 2021), to 40 MP L-1, both studies from Germany (Pittroff et al., 2021). In bottled water from Germany, concentrations reported are 118 ± 88 MP L-1 in reusable PET bottles and 14 ± 14 MP L-1 in single-use PET bottles (Schymanski et al., 2018). Glass bottled water also from Germany contained 6292 ± 10521 MP L-1 (n = 10) while reusable PET bottles, with 4889 ± 5432 MP L-1 had a higher amount of MP compared to single-use PET bottles, with 2649 ± 2857 MP L-1 (Oßmann et al., 2018). It has been suggested that the polymer used to manufacture both the bottle and its cap play a key role in the migration of MP into water (Akhbarizadeh et al., 2020b). Moreover, a study highlighted that tap drinking water flowing in polymer-made pipes had higher mean concentration of MP compared to that in con­ tact with plastic-free pipes (Mohammadi et al., 2022a). The size-range of MP analyzed according to the analytical technique is also indicated in Table 8 as the concentrations reported depend on the technique used, which also delimits the sizes detected. The concentration of MP reported in water and beverages (Table 8) is affected by the analytical technique to identify MP and whether an extrapolation method is used (analysing a small portion of the filter versus analysing individual particles, as MP are not homogeneously distributed throughout the whole filter) (Oßmann et al., 2018). 5. MP in food and beverages 5.1. Seafood Food is another important pathway of human exposure to MP, rep­ resenting a health hazard through the ingestion of contaminated food (Fadare and Okoffo, 2020; Ma et al., 2021; Morgana et al., 2021). Most studies report MP in seafood, and there is no data on other types of food as vegetables, fruits or meat, and therefore a diet based on fish con­ sumption has been considered to assess dietary exposure. An overview of the concentration of MP found in different foods is given in Table 7. MP have been detected in seafood including oysters (Baechler et al., 2020; Jahan et al., 2019; Patterson et al., 2019), mussels (Phuong et al., 2018), fish (Wu et al., 2020), salt including table salt, sea, lake and rock/well salt with concentrations ranging from non-detected to 1674 MP kg− 1 (Karami et al., 2017; Kim et al., 2018). High concentration of MP are found in mussels of the specie Mytilus edulis from different countries, 5.3. Estimated daily intake via dietary ingestion We have calculated the Estimated Daily Intake (EDI) from the ingestion of food from the results presented in Table 7 and for beverages using the results presented in Table 8, considering a different scenario for people consuming tap water, single-use PET water, and glass bottled water. In order to do so, we assumed an adult meal plan considering a pescatarian diet for which data regarding concentration of MP is avail­ able, and a consumption of 2 L of water was added. The fish-based meal plan was designed as follows: Table 6 Data used to calculate the DI for adults and infants and related result using the median and highest DIR and the weighted average concentration of MP in dust. Age Group Adults Infants DIR (g/day) Median Highest 0.02 0.05 0.05 0.2 Average MP concentration in dust (MP g¡1) DI (MP kg bw-1 day¡1) Median Highest 727 0.21 3.04 0.52 12.3 • Breakfast: a cup of milk (200 mL); • Lunch: fish (200 g) and a glass of white wine (360 mL); • Dinner: shrimps (100 g) and blue mussels (Mytilus edulis) (100 g) and a small beer (330 mL). 8 Location Food Sample size (n) MP concentration (MP kg¡1 edible part) Polymer type Identification method (minimum MP size analyzed) Reference 7 countries1 Table salt 16 1–10 PE, PP, PET, PA, PS, PAN μ-Raman (Karami et al., 2017) 17 countries 9 28 2 5 5 5 7 7 16 5 10 0–148 0–1674 28–462 7–204 43–364 550–681 2–29 35–72 50–280 115–185 9.50 ± 6.10 (2.50–20.0) PE, PP, PET, PTFE PC3, PB, PE, PES, PET, PP μ-FT-IR (Yang et al., 2015) PE, PA, PES, PP FTIR-ATR4 (NS)2 μ-FT-IR (NS)2 μ-FT-IR (NS)2 (Sathish et al., 2020) China Rock salt Sea salt Lake salt Rock/well salt Lake salt Sea salt Bore/well salt Sea salt Sea Salt Well Salt Sea salt (NS)2 μ-FT-IR (NS)2 Ecuador Rock/well salt Honey 1 14 12.5 43.2 μ-FT-IR 5 5 150 ± 20 160 ± 20 PET, PS, PP, PS-PP, PVC, PS-PET, nylon, LDPE6 (Diaz-Basantes et al., 2020) (Akhbarizadeh et al., 2020a) 5 5 5 90 ± 10 220 ± 20 130 ± 20 5 120 ± 20 5 5 110 ± 10 150 ± 30 5 50 ± 10 5 100 ± 20 2 2 6 2.6 260 230 ± 90 PA, PE, PP, PET, Acrylonitrile μ-FT-IR (Wu et al., 2020) France Longtail tuna (Thunnus tonggol) Brand A – canned in sunflower oil Longtail tuna (Thunnus tonggol) Brand A–- canned in sunflower oil and herbs Longtail tuna (Thunnus tonggol) Brand A–- canned in olive oil Longtail tuna (Thunnus tonggol) Brand A–- canned in brine water Yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares) Brand B–- canned in soybean oil Yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares) Brand C – canned in sunflower oil Longtail tuna (Thunnus tonggol) Brand D–- canned in sunflower oil Mackerel fish (Scombermorus commerson) Brand E–- canned in sunflower oil Yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares) Brand F–- canned in soybean oil Yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares) Brand G–- canned in soybean oil Fish (Konosirus punctatus, Larimichthys crocea) Bivalve (Ostrea Denselamellosa, Sinonovacula constricta) Mussel (Mytilus edulis) (NS)2 μ-Raman (1–100 μm) UK Mussel (Mytilus edulis) >10 1500–7200 PE, PES, PP, PVC, PA, PET China Mussel (Mytilus edulis and Perna viridis) >50 1520–5360 PET, PE, PVC, PP, rayon Turkey Mussel (Mytilus galloprovincialis) 342 230 Italy Mussel (Mytilus galloprovincialis) 60 890–1960 PET, PP, EVA, PA, PAC, PAN, PC, PE, PS, PVC, PVF8 PE, PP, PET, PA, PS, PVC Norway Mussel (Mytilus spp.) 332 970 PET, PP, PE, PA, PS-PB, PVC, PAN, SAN9 New Zealand Mussel (Perna canaliculus) 72 0–480 PE, PA China India Spain Iran 9 China PET, PE, PP PE, PP, PES, PET, PS PE, PAA5, PP PE, PET, PP, ABS 7 (NS)2 (Kim et al., 2018) (Iñiguez et al., 2017) (Lee et al., 2019) (Phuong et al., 2018) (Li et al., 2018) (Qu et al., 2018) (Gedik and Eryaşar, 2020) (Gomiero et al., 2019) (Bråte et al., 2018) (Webb et al., 2019) (continued on next page) Environment International 179 (2023) 108150 (NS)2 μ-FT-IR (NS)2 μ-FT-IR (≥20 μm) μ-FT-IR-ATR (NS)2 μ-FT-IR (NS)2 μ-FT-IR (≥20 μm) μ-FT-IR (NS)2 μ-FT-IR (≥40 μm) G. Zuri et al. Table 7 Concentration of MP in food including salt, honey, fish, bivalves, and shrimps, ordered according to increasing concentration of MP per kg of the edible part of food. This value was calculated from the data provided in the paper considering that the average particle per clam found was 6.40 and that, on average, the clam edible part weight was 1.15 g. Australia, Iran, Japan, Malaysia, New Zealand, Portugal, South Africa. 2 NS = Not specified. 3 PC = Polycarbonate. 4 FTIR-ATR = Fourier Transform Attenuated Total Reflection. 5 PAA = Poly(N-methyl acrylamide). 6 LDPE = Low Density Polyethylene. 7 ABS = Acrylonitrile butadiene styrene. 8 PVF = Polyvinyl fluoride. 9 SAN = Styrene acrylonitrile. India Where: - EDI is the Estimated Daily Intake of MP expressed as MP kg bw-1 day− 1; - [MP]food, [MP]bev, and [MP]w refer to the average concentration of MP in food, the weighted average of beverages and drinking water, respectively, reported in Tables 7 and 8; kg. bw is the average body weight of an adult which corresponds to 70 The results obtained from applying Eq. (3) to the meal plan consid­ ering the lowest, average and highest concentration of MP are reported in Table 9 and an overview the raw data used are found in the supple­ mentary material (Table S1 and Table S2). While no difference is observed in the EDI when considering different types of drinking water at the lowest concentration, the extent of exposure to MP considering mean and maximum concentrations increased in the following order: tap water < single-use PET bottled water < reusable PET bottle < glass bottled water. This comparison should be regarded with caution as the analytical techniques used and the sizes measured in the different types of water can affect EDI values. Taking all into account, we can conclude that water may represent a major pathway of exposure to MP. For infants, the EDI has not been calculated due to the lack of data concerning MP in infant formulas and that at this stage of life solid foods might be introduced but in small amount (National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, 2022). For newborn breast­ milk was used to assess the ingestion of MP. Data from 34 breastmilk samples collected from Italian women aged 28 to 50 years one week after delivery was used for the purpose of the estimation (Ragusa et al., 2022). Each sample consisted of 4.16 ± 1.73 g of breastmilk and the amount of MP ranged from non-detected to 2.72 MP g− 1 (mean of 0.53 MP/g) with PE (38%), PVC (21%), and PP (21%) being the most abundant polymers identified via Raman spectroscopy. On average, a newborn weighing 3.5 kg needs approximately 200 mL of breastmilk per kg/bw per day in the first week, and with an average density of milk of 1.030 g mL− 1, a newborn ingests 721 g of breastmilk per day (National Health System, 2019). Considering the mean and maximum MP con­ centration in breast milk (Ragusa et al., 2022), a newborn ingests on average 96 MP/kg bw per day, and up to 498 MP/kg bw per day. Several studies have estimated the exposure of adults to MP considering a single type of food or drink, but two studies estimated the ingestion of MP as cumulative exposure from food and beverages. It has been estimated that global average ingestion of MP is in the range of 0.1 to 5 g MP/week, being water the greatest contributor (Senathirajah et al., 2021). Cox et al. (2019) estimated that annual MP consumption ranges from 39,000 to 52,000 MP/year depending on age and sex using the American diet as a reference. Furthermore, individuals consuming only bottled water could ingest an additional 90,000 MP/year (resulting in 130,000 to 140,000 MP/year) while the intake for those drinking only tap water increases of 4000 MP/year (resulting in 43,000 to 56,000 MP/ year) (Cox et al., 2019). Considering that MP are recurrently detected in different types of waters, the type of water influences the EDI people are exposed to (Cox et al., 2019; Senathirajah et al., 2021). 1 Prawn (Fenneropenaeus indicus) China 10 PA, PE, PES, PP 40 ± 70 Shrimp (Parapenaeopsis hardwickii) India 330 PA, PE, PP, PET 250 Cupped oyster (Magallana bilineata) Australia 1 Clam (Siliqua patula) Oyster (Crassostrea gigas, Siliqua patula) Oyster USA 180 810 PS, PE, PET, acrylic, rayon, poly(ethylene:diene: propylene) PE, PP PET, PA, acrylic 160 ± 20 350 ± 40 150–830 Clam (Corbicula fluminea) UK 142 141 >120 Among all the species of mussels, Mytilus edulis was chosen since it is the most widely consumed in Europe together with Mytilus gallopro­ vincialis (Anacleto et al., 2016) and would provide the worst-case sce­ nario for the dietary intake of MP. Canned fish could have also been considered in the meal plan (Akhbarizadeh et al., 2020a) but the con­ centrations were lower. In order to calculate the EDI, the following formula was used: ∑ ∑ ∑ ( [MP]food⋅Weigh food)+(( [MP]bev⋅Vbev ) + ( [MP]w⋅Vw) EDI = bw (3) (Daniel et al., 2020) (Wu et al., 2020) (Patterson et al., 2019) (Jahan et al., 2019) (Baechler et al., 2020) (McCoy et al., 2020) PP, PE, polyallomer 554,010 Mussel (Perna viridis) Vietnam 8 Food 5 290 PP, PE, PET, PS, PA, PVA μ-FT-IR (NS)2 FT-IR (NS)2 μ-FT-IR (NS)2 FT-IR (NS)2 FT-IR-ATR (NS)2 μ-FT-IR (NS)2 FT-IR (NS)2 (Phuong et al., 2018) Environment International 179 (2023) 108150 Location Table 7 (continued ) Sample size (n) MP concentration (MP kg¡1 edible part) Polymer type Identification method (minimum MP size analyzed) Reference G. Zuri et al. 10 G. Zuri et al. Environment International 179 (2023) 108150 Table 8 Concentration of MP in different drinks, including bottled water, milk, soft and energy drinks, beer, and wine. Country Drink Sample size (n) Average MP concentration (min–max) (particles L-1) Polymer type Identification method (min MP size analyzed) Reference Germany Tap water 9 0 – (Weber et al., 2021) Denmark Tap water 17 PET, PP, PS, ABS Thailand Tap water 6 Spain Tap water 7 Germany Tap water 2 0.005 (0–0.02)1 0.62 (0.24–1) 1.60 (0–3.60) 40 (6–74) China Tap water 38 440 (0–1247) PMMA, PB3, PBT4, nylon, PVC Raman (>10 μm) μ-FT-IR (>100 μm) μ-Raman (NS)2 μ-FT-IR (>20 μm) μ-Raman (>5 μm) μ-Raman(NS) Saudi Arabia Glass bottle Single-use PET bottle Glass bottle Single-use PET bottle Beverage carton Single-use PET bottle Glass bottle Reusable PET bottle Single-use PET bottle Reusable PET bottle Glass bottle Tap water Single-use bottled water Reusable PET bottle Glass bottle Milk 2 24 1.8 2.1 ± 5.0 (0–26) PE, PS, PET PE, PS, PET μ-FT-IR (>25 μm) (Almaiman et al., 2021) 6 253 1.41 325 PP, PS, PE, Nylon, PET μ-FT-IR (>100 μm) (Mason et al., 2018) 3 22 11 ± 8 14 ± 14 PET, PA, PES, PE, PP μ-Raman (>5 μm) (Schymanski et al., 2018) 6 22 50 ± 52 118 ± 88 10 2649 ± 2857 PP, PE, PET (Oßmann et al., 2018) 12 4889 ± 5432 PP, PE, PET μ-Raman (≥1 μm) 10 79 309 6292 ± 10521 213 364 PP, PE, PET, PS-PB6 copolymer – – – 34 1802 24 23 PSU8 μ-Raman (Kutralam-Muniasamy et al., 2020) (Diaz-Basantes et al., 2020) (Prata et al., 2020) Several Countries5 Germany Germany Weighted average water7 Mexico Ecuador Italy Mexico PP, PE, PET, PS, PVC Polyester, PP, PE, PS, PA, ABS PE, PET Milk Beer White wines 10 14 26 Energy and soft drink Beer Cold tea 26 2634 6.5 ± 2.3 (3 ± 2 – 11.0 ± 3.5) 40.3 (16–53) 51.2 (10.7–156)9 36,611 (2563–5857) 0–7 27 4 0–28 1–6 PET, PP PE PA, PEA, Acrylonitrile-butadienestyrene copolymer PA, PEA10, PET PA, PEA 2 (NS)2 μ-FT-IR (NS)2 μ-Raman (NS)2 μ-Raman (NS)2 (Feld et al., 2021) (Chanpiwat and Damrongsiri, 2021) (Dalmau-Soler et al., 2021) (Pittroff et al., 2021) (Tong et al., 2020) (Shruti et al., 2020) 1 The value has been calculated from the data reported in the supplementary material of the article. NS = Not specified. 3 PB = Polybutene. 4 PBT = Polybutylene terephthalate. 5 Indonesia, India, Mexico, US, Brazil, Lebanon, China, UK, Italy. 6 PS-PB = Polystyrene-Polybutylene. 7 Calculated based on the data reported in the Table. 8 PSU = Polysulfone. 9 These values have been calculated based on the raw data and expressed as MP/L since they were given for 750 mL sample. 10 PEA = Polyesteramide. 2 6. Total daily intake Table 9 Estimated daily intake for adults considering the fish-based meal plan proposed and the lowest, average and highest MP concentration reported in literature. Type of diet Fish based diet Meal plan þ water Finally, to assess human exposure to MP considering the inhalation and ingestion routes the TDI was estimated. The TDI considers all the parameters estimated in the previous paragraphs: DI, ID, and EDI and is calculated by Eq. (4): EDI MP/kg bw per day Min Average Max Meal plan + Tap water Meal plan + single-use bottled water 13.5 13.5 26.8 31.2 76.9 117 Meal plan + reusable PET bottled water Meal plan + glass bottled water 16.9 72.2 181 13.6 96 221 TDI = ID + DI + EDI (4) Table 10 summarizes the results obtained with our calculations for ID DI, and EDI and which are applied to Eq. (4) to calculate the mini­ mum, average and maximum TDI of MP in MP/kg bw per day. EDI data for infants are not reported due to the lack of information 11 G. Zuri et al. Environment International 179 (2023) 108150 Table 10 Overview of all the minimum, average and maximum DI, ID, EDI in MP/kg bw per day for adults, infants, and newborns used to estimate the TDI. Parameter Age group Adult MP/kg bw per day ID DI EDI TDI Infants MP/kg bw per day Newborn MP/kg bw per day Min Average Max Min Average Max Min Average Max 0.04 NA1 13.6 13.6 114 0.21 96 210 195 0.52 221 417 0.07 NA1 NC2 0.07 190 3.4 NC2 193 326 12.3 NC2 338 0.14 NA1 NA1 0.14 362 NA1 963 458 622 NA1 4983 1120 1 NA = Not Applicable since the minimum DIR has not been estimated for adults and infants and no DIR at all was estimated for newborns by Velazquez-Gómez et al. (2019). 2 NC = Not calculated due to the lack of information on MP concentration on infants food formulas. 3 These concentrations refer to the MP ingested with breastmilk (Ragusa et al., 2022). regarding the concentration of MP in infant formulas which prevents from calculating the EDI for this age-group. The TDI calculated using Eq. (3) ranges from 13.6 to 417 MP/kg bw per day for adults and from 0.14 to 1120 MP/kg bw per day for newborns. Compared to adults, newborns might be exposed to more than double the concentration of MP/kg bw per day, which might be of concern considering that newborns are the most vulnerable population in the world (World Health Organization, 2020). being replaced by enzymatic treatments (Schrank et al., 2022). How­ ever, there is no standardized way of pretreating samples. In addition, among the data generated, based on the analytical technique used to identify MP, the size of particles which can be identified varies signifi­ cantly affecting the concentration of MP detected. In fact, with Raman it is possible to identify MP having size ≥ 2 μm, while with μ-FTIR the size lower limit is ≥ 10–20 μm and therefore the number of MP identified is higher in studies where Raman is used (Xu et al., 2019). Although μ-FTIR as identification technique leads to an underestimation of the amount of MP in a given sample, it has the advantage of being a less expensive analytical technique compared to Raman and therefore is also more widely used. Ideally, in the future, there will be standardized procedures for the sampling, sample (pre)-treatment, and analysis which will enable to build a comprehensive database for all different matrices including the concentration, MP dimensions and the type of polymer to better assess human exposure and potential risks to this new type of contaminants. 7. Dermal contact Dermal contact is considered a less prevalent route of exposure to MP than inhalation and ingestion and occurs while wearing clothes or when applying personal PCCP to the skin. Microbeads of different polymers and sizes are added to PCCP as part of their formulation to elicit a specific function, including: viscosity regulators, emulsifiers, glitters, skin conditioning, and exfoliants among others (UNEP, 2015). Although the stratum corneum, representing the skin outermost layer, provides a defensive barrier against potentially harmful substances in a healthy status (Schneider et al., 2009), it has been assumed that nanoplastics might cross the dermal barrier (Revel et al., 2018) and that contact of epithelial cells to micro- and nanoplastics can lead to oxidative stress (Schirinzi et al., 2017). Adverse effects triggered by dermal contact have not been assessed, therefore further research is needed. Sample bio­ security, ethical constraints and method limitations seem to be the reason why the intake of MP through this pathway has not been inves­ tigated and documented (Wu et al., 2022). 9. Conclusions Humans are exposed to MP through different pathways including inhalation of air both indoors and outdoors, ingestion of dust, as well as food and beverages. Although the research is at an infant stage, pro­ gresses are being made in quantifying MP in different matrices making it possible to estimate the TDI by considering DI, ID, and EDI, while no data regarding dermal exposure is available. Inhalation certainly rep­ resents the major contribution to the TDI, especially indoors where the concentration of MP is higher compared to outdoor environments. Conversely, DI seems to be negligible compared to the other pathways of exposure. The TDI is heavily affected by dietary choices, especially when it comes to the selection of drinking tap or bottled water. Taking all the routes of exposure into account, a newborn might be exposed to twice as much the concentration of MP compared to that of adults on daily basis and further research is needed to clarify whether this extent of exposure to MP might elicit adverse health effects. 8. MP analysis: Gaps and implications In spite of the increasing interest on studying MP and the willingness to provide data useful to conduct a risk assessment to elucidate health hazard for humans, there are still gaps to be filled in the whole pro­ cedure of identifying and quantifying MP in air/dust/food. In fact, although QA/QC guidelines have been suggested especially regarding the sample handling (Schymanski et al., 2021), there is no univocal way of classifying, analyzing and identifying MP and therefore, the results are not always comparable, making only a small number of articles eligible for human exposure assessment through different routes. As an example, as we discussed in Sections 3.1 and 3.2, only results obtained through active sampling of air provide results that can be used to assess the intake of MP through inhalation since concentrations are given in MP m− 3. Moreover, although the number of studies on water is increasing, there is still a knowledge gap concerning MP in food, espe­ cially meat, vegetables, and fruits limiting the dietary exposure assess­ ment through different types of diet. This could be related to the difficulties in handling the sample which must undergo a pretreatment to eliminate the organic matter present in the matrix which interferes with MP analysis. Various sample treatments are being proposed, and strong acid and bases clean-up which might damage the polymers are Funding This work was supported by “la Caixa” Foundation [ID 100010434; code LCF/BQ/DI21/11860062]. 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