Uploaded by Fariz Amran

RF Parser Guide: Edit RF Online Data with Excel

RF Parser Guide
Many of the files use to configure RF Online are stored in binary data files .DAT. Because of this
templates were previously used to edit the data. However with the RF Parser these changes can
now be done via excel spreadsheets and rebuilt for use in game with the output fully synced.
Ensure you are using the most up to date version of the parsing tool, as bug fixes and additional
features are added over time.
Alternatively join the discord server https://discord.gg/PCBvHdbP8f and download links can be
found in #parser-info
To use the basic functions of the parsing tool you will need two main files from the MEGA folder
and a spreadsheet editor such as excel or libre office calc (open source).
This is the main application of the parser.
This is the databases used for the parser. Pick the language that matches, for this guide we will be
using EN.
Minimal requirements: OS Windows 7 x64 or higher. 4 GB RAM.
Recommended requirements: OS Windows 7 x64 or higher. 16 GB RAM.
Extract both the Parser_.rar and Parser_Database_EN.rar to any suitable folder.
On first launching the application setup the output and input paths. File → Settings
1. The source path used for the extracted Database (Parser_Database_EN.rar).
2. The output folder for files generated for the client either the gu_out/DataTable folder or
your own game client folder.
3. The output folder for files generated for the server either the gu_out/script folder or your
own server/script folder.
4. The number of system threads you make available to the application when processing files.
Setting this to 50% of your max system threads provides the best performance.
Example: For a processor with 4 physical cores and 4 virtual cores. Use 4 threads.
5. Enable or Disable EDF encryption on generated client files. (Leave as default if you are
unsure what this does).
6. List of all localizations available (all localizations supported for GU). US and TH available for
AOP only. This affects translation files paths and codepage (widechar, multibyte).
Set your folder paths and hit Save to save your changes.
Main Interface
1. Resets program state and checks for any changes on xlsx files. Highlighting files that require
rebuilding (in yellow).
2. Select all the files from the List below that have changed, Useful for selecting the file you
have just modified.
3. Main task/file list. This lists all the files that can be constructed using your databases
I. DataTable: Files generated for the client.
II. Script: Files generated for the server.
4. Processing Modes
III. XLSX → BIN Standard processing mode. This builds game files from the data in the
excel database (Parser_Database_EN.rar).
IV. BIN → XLSX Reverse processing mode. This rebuilds the database using the game
5. Override Modes (BIN → XLSX Only) Important! For advanced users
I. SKIP If cell contains a link to another sheet (most of client sheets) program will skip this
II. UPDATE BY LINK If cell contains a link to another sheet (most of client sheets) program
will try to read link and update data on source sheet. (Client to server export)
III. OVERWRITE LINK If cell contains a link to another sheet (most of client sheets) program
will destroy link and put data AS IS.
Overwrite mode must be used on a COPY of program database. Else you risk to lose
database functionality permanently.
The Overwrite mode is needed in exceptional cases when you need to know what data
was in the client, but server data cannot be restored from this data. Example: Quest.xlsx
server column LinkQuest client column LQ*.
6. Output window, any errors or log messages will appear here.
Editing Game Data (XLSX → BIN)
Navigate to the database/gu_in folder and locate the item.edf folder.
Opening Item.edf will show the sub folders that make up
the Item.edf
Inside of 06_WeaponItem, will be the WeaponItem.xlsx.
This is the database that stores the data for the weapon
Database sheets
In each database xlsx file, there will be multiple sheets.
Sheet 1 (WeaponItem)
First sheet will contain the server data, this is the main editable sheet as data from here is
automatically synced when building the client files.
Sheet 2 (6decrypt)
Client side data + links to sheet 1. Don’t edit this unless you know exactly what you are doing as
this can break the linking between client and server data.
Sheet 3 (6desc)
Name and descriptions. Usually for the pop-up's when hovering over an item or reading quest
After making your edits to the file → save and switch back to the Parsing tool.
In this case we changed the name of the Izen Ritter Backblade → Legendary Blade
Press (1) Refresh to reload the list and highlight any changes (shown in yellow).
In this case the following items will be highlighted. That single change made in Excel has now been
synced between all these files.
Press (2) Select Changed to tick all these highlighted files
and verify what will be added to the task list.
Then finally press START
This will begin the process of building the files in the output
folder. Wait for it to complete.
You have successfully made a change in the databases and
rebuilt the files for the game using the Parsing Tool
Common Issues
1. In some cases error may occur when performing partial rebuilds of the following files:
Item.edf, Quest.edf, ItemCombine.edf when existing .edf file is used as source.
SOLUTION: Doing a full rebuild on the file (checking the box for the full file) and rebuilding
from the database will fix this.
2. Map.edf and NDMap.edf throwing an error
SOLUTION: Map.edf and NDMap.edf are not supported by the Parser. Support for these
files will be added later.
3. Program crashes when importing (BIN → XLSX) files from Age of Patron 4.55
SOLUTION: The parsing tool was created for data used in AOP (Age of Patron 4.15) and will
not function with the data format used in later AOP versions. (> 4.15)