Uploaded by madman

Science Infinite

Science Infinite (Madman)
Science is infinite in every way shape, form, matter, idea, creation,
positions, it’s all there, just as the universe is infinite, Science is infinite, We
can create anything with it, all of it, Science is forever because it continually
grows in size it continuously becomes better because it’s always
discovering, it always would be forever because it’s the power of the
universe, the technology of it. Think about how science could grow, We can
make a robot that lives off the sun and eats matter from the planet, which
then it uses to make and create itself to create more robots that live off the
sun and create more and more and more and then it starts adapting itself, it
creates so much that it can start to traverse to even more planets which it
then starts to eat on, then it creates more traversers that eat more planets
and continually it grows and grows amplifying it’s numbers to an infinite
growing number, because the universe is infinite the planets are infinite
meaning infinite resources meaning infinite robots meaning forever the
robots will survive because they are continuously growing, never dying off
because they have so many planets to feed off of so many planets and so
many of them they can survive against infinite for way longer than anything
can, but even so, infinity is always better than anything that isn’t real
infinite, even a theoretically infinite being won’t stop infinity from tearing it
down with the inevitable death of it from a bunch of random chance events
causing the destructions of all the robots. But the thing is, that chance gets
so low, so crazingly low and then it continues getting even lower like
dividing by a multiplying number, the more species the more robots that
grow, the more robots there is the more multiplying it is and the more that
chance of extinction gets even lower, now say the multiplying gets so damn
big, it’s like times 10000 a 5000, then the chance of extinction gets divided
by the multiplied equation and then the damn robots continues growing
even more with those numbers. It’s like the chance of extinction is a
0.000000000000000 that goes on forever, and the growing power of the
robots increase by an almost infinite 9999999999999 making the chances
+of extinction become almost infinitely impossible too, like a lottery that
never gives any tickets at all because that ticket literally doesn’t exist.
That’s why my only purpose is science, because science is infinite. we are
infinite but not able to sustain ourselves as one thing because we change
to other matters right after, when we die as a species we turn to dust or
whatever else matter we turn into, but if we get science done we turn into
robots that can sustain forever, and then we can be literally infinite with the
infinitely growing robots I talked about earlier, we can have an infinite
consciousness we have an actual infinite chance at science itself. In Fact
the universe is infinite in time and space, so even if we don’t do science
some other species in the universe will do it, they’ll find us with their
infinitely growing technologies, or we will in another time and another space
when we come back again from a random chance of another random
chance coming from multiple matters combining to make another matter
making a matter that is us, because we are born from infinite, and we will
return forever from infinite, the whole infinite space and time is a
playground, a sandbox, for us to play in a sandbox that we can take all of, a
sandbox that never ends or stops, We can find anything, we can do
anything, we can make anything, we can try anything, we can be
everything, but infinite, because we can only be close to it, by being a
growing infinite but not an infinite. No matter what we do, everything will
happen, everything is happening right this second now, we can fade at
anytime but the chances of that happening stop that from happening, we
can do anything at any time but the chances are what stops us, but yet they
don’t because in another time and another place we are born again and
that chance does happen, every chance is taken and not taken everything
becomes even more of a chance like an infinite time that hits every chance
infinitely and everything infinitely making all the chances of everything
happening become true, every situation happening becoming true,
everything happens. Science can solve everything, every problem, every
solution is made by science. IN FACT SCIENCE IS ALREADY HERE
NOW! WE Are products of that random chance we are products of science
we are products of the solution we are the science itself, but we are caged
by our bodies and minds to be only a primitive mindset, but with science we
can replicate as much of ourselves as we want, we can make all the food
we want we can make all the sugar we want we can make all the sexual
desires we want we can make all the things our body needs infinitely, thus
science even satisfies the primitive urges as well, the future affects the
present because when you think the future is gonna be great, even the
body will believe you and it will change the present to set forth to the future.
Well at least I thought, Everything can be changed by science, the problem
with politics the problem with people, the problem with money, the problem
of not having What You Want, everyone is satisfied everyone is infinitely
benefited in this Science Infinite because everyone can be satisfied
infinitely, we all are controlled by primitive urges and the brains of
casualties but when we become infinite, no longer are we controlled, we
are the predestiners and predestined. We are fate itself and time and
space. We can even predict time with science because we can do anything,
we can become gods, without anyone even being jealous or any signs of
the 7 sins or need for the 7 virtues, all gods that are out in the infinity will
bow to an infinite being better than the finite god that is them…
But they won’t have to.
In a way though, this infinity can lead to nihilism, because even if we do
something this is all just gonna repeat again, there’s nothing we can do, but
even so? What are you gonna do, just stand there? YOU CAN’T DO THAT
TOO. You cannot because your body will push you, your body will starve
you with pain and newfound motivation to try and do your goals, you’re not
the one in control of your mind or body because your mind controls you
with its emotional regulating abilities, everyone follows a pack mind kind of
mentality because it was born in them, you’re not doing those actions
yourself, your genetics and mind pushed you towards them, the genetics of
“bullying the odd one” is because the mind was born to try to hurt any of it’s
kind that is not born like the rest because they’re “failures” to them, so they
single them out to make them seem like a different species, they shouldn’t
be trusted. But that’s just what makes us stay human, we stay human by
following normal human things, eat drink, sleep, work, reproduce, follow
leaders, follow rules, follow other humans, it’s what we were born to do, so
when someone exploits the reproduce aspect, our body isn’t adapting to it,
it doesn’t realize it and only the mind can try to realize it, but you’ll always
be hungry for a food even if you think it isn’t worth because you will always
have a feeling of wanting to get it, like a rat looking for cheese in a rat trap.
In all situations, everything you can think of is made by science, even
chance will make that situation real. Now you may be thinking “But
madman I don’t want to do that, I don’t want to because it would outlast me
and it would probably never come true!” Then tell me, are your goals
infinite? Are you just gonna die off and do this all over again, born another
time another place, where you do the same thing of your boring goals that’ll
never outlast time itself? Or is taking a chance of becoming an infinite
being a better idea because, you’ll always be back here again to take
another chance, you’ll always be able to retry over and over because you
infinitely come back, you infinitely come back but will never make a
difference to the world of infinity because you fade away just as you come
back, since you’re infinite you’ll always be able to take those chances again
and again until infinite finally gives up and gives you the chance for Science
to be Infinite. I’ll give you one final informed chance for you to be able to
satisfy all your goals and ideas. If you refuse, aren’t you doing so because
of your body? Aren’t all your decision of that is made by the body urging
you not to pick the path that isn’t gonna give you instant satisfaction, even if
it gives you infinite satisfaction and infinite growth, so in that way, your body
coaxed your mind and thinking to not do work, you’re not actually freely
thinking your thoughts because they aren’t actually made by you, You
would be logical and actually think about all of this and be able to come up
with a conclusion, which is that I can try to do science and grow and make
myself infinite, or I can just do nothing and do nothing again when I’m
reborn as the same person that is myself with the same goals to do
nothing, and to continue to do that because I “Definitely thought this
thought myself and not my body pushing me not to do work, I am a person
that doesn’t want to do science because I believe it will not work, and not
because my body was made to think it wasn’t gonna work, no! It’s totally
my free thoughts not encaged by my mind and isn’t called
‘Procrastination’.” If that example doesn’t work, then congratulations on
being a person controlled by their bodies and actually liking being
controlled by their bodies because their bodies made them do that. You
can’t defeat your own genetics, and that is alright, because you weren’t
born to think different, you were born to think the same, however I was born
with an idea, and that is I can actually think for myself and not my body
controlling me, so have fun with your life, you’ll definitely be fine with it in
the future. Even if no one else realizes it, I’ll always be here, I’ll always be
trying to make Science Infinite, I will always be making these books again
and again, and I’ll make Science Infinite itself, I will do it because if I don’t, I
will just be nothing, but with Science Infinite I find everything, even chance
itself will fall to my hands and make someone a User of Science Infinite.
And no matter what, Science is gonna be Infinite, we can just start being
Infinite now or let ourselves surrender to the urges of the body instead of
the wishes of our thoughts.
Now for something that isn’t a clobbering mess of words from someone
who’s probably insane… Let’s actually think logically about it and see why it
wouldn’t or would work.
Fundamental (The base or foundation something works on)
First is the fundamental idea Resource Singularity works on, Resource
Singularity as in Resources being used to get more resources that will then
help you get multiple more resources, and then it cycles until eventually it
becomes so huge, so much resource gathering, that it becomes a
singularity (an explosion of growth and progression in a short amount of
This is the fundamental of why Infinite Science should work, but it has a
negative to it as well. If the user doesn’t find enough resources the old
resource fades away and the user then has lower chances of getting more
resources to build back up, and it's even more troublesome if they don’t find
any resources at all then it is impossible to be able to grow and a
singularity doesn’t happen. Anyways past that rare chance of not getting
any resources, let me tell you quickly why that downside probably won’t
matter anyways, You lose nothing. You don’t lose anything by going to
another planet and getting resources out of it, you actually gain more, and
even if you don’t, it was worth a try, and you could have that planet be a
new space to fly off of, Earth still has a lot of resources in it that can be
used for many chances, and even if we don’t get any, we were better off
taking that chance instead of not doing it at all, and then dying off slowly
Motivation (Wanting to do an action or thing)
Now something that we have to get out of the way before we can move on,
is really, why would you want to do this? Why would you out of the 2.2
billion humans out there, have to do this, and actually do something about
your life for the future? Well, it's a hard one for me to answer because
everyone is really so varied in their opinions on how life should be lived and
on who they are as a person, but in the central of all, “It satisfies everyone’s
desires”, Resources are huge which means that everyone can have a
whole cake, and probably even more because of how much there is, you
can then not even have to work if you just let robots do all the work in the
future, it’d be a paradise worked all by your efforts in the past.
But maybe you don’t care about that, you care about the moment the most,
but what you forget is that you lose all of that when you use it all up,
Resources being used for more Resources however are just creating more
pleasurable things like Luxurious Foods, Beautiful landscapes, Money,
Robots or Autonomous Machinery that do your whole house and you’d
never have to cook for yourself, plus it gets even better the more you’re
doing it over and over, which creates even more higher moments, even
better landscapes and something that you could never achieve with only
one earth amount of Resources.
Sorry, I guess that wasn’t short, but humans aren’t easy to motivate without
a good reason or at least an explanatory one.
Autonomous ( Something being done without
assistance or control from the user
The world could be automated more easily, resources are collected by
mining drones or robots on wheels, lasers shot through space towards
receivers that translate the laser, what I mean is that everything is still
unfound out there, we still have technologies left to perfect and develop,
Chat AI being one of them that is supporting a singularity to happen
because of how much it can do and how much it can improve infinitely, it is
like a human that learns 24/7 without needs for food or water or any
disease, it is an ultimate information broker, it is literally humanity’s
knowledge itself, so keep this going and we have even more data to give to
the ai, which it then gives more growth from, and eventually infinitely
improves, then is able to do anything with correct training data.
Though humans themselves can almost not be satisfied in this world, you
have to explain so much to them when you feel like it's so easy to
understand, it’s nice that there are still people who can think like you
though, anyways here’s a thing that could be a negative.
Purpose in life is something that is fading away, even as we are not gonna
live forever, we lose our purpose when the whole world is able to go on
without us, because why do the things we are meant to do when we don’t
have to? This is the answer that is in everyone, and even in me, why do to
the best of our ability when we can just enjoy our way of life?
This problem becomes more prominent in a very very technologically
advanced civilization that’s able to get a lot of resources from other planets,
and I think to solve this problem we would have to send people to other
planets to survive on them, and show that the earth is slowly gonna die off
with no resources to live on.
Additional madness:
Everytime I’ve thought about it I can’t leave it alone, I’m stuck on that
feeling of trying to get full control and full reality, I don’t have a chance yet
I’m still trying, my chances are so damn slim I’m not surprised I’d fail and
the rest of humanity probably won’t realize what the potential of science
may be, we are infinite beings theoretically but I think we have failed in
being able to win, perhaps once I’m out of high school I’ll be able to do the
things I wanted, and make a really scientific power-up, the question is what
job should I get? I guess maybe a regular game development job but my
mind wants to get into Valve, I probably won’t but I can try maybe, I might
not even get into the camp sadly. Oh well that’s just how it is sometimes..
Doesn’t matter?
It doesn’t matter how much I tried, the world is balanced in ways to set
back people who try to achieve dreams
But it’s still all too much, there is too much to hold on to, the theories can be
correct but there are so many to test, there is too much resources that I
don’t have, therefore, I have the truth of an unveiling gold Gun, therefore
the only way forward is the truth of chaos, and what has become.
So let’s dance.