Technical Training on 3G RF Optimization Optimization is to • Keep track of network • Improve quality of network • To provide best network quality using any available spectrum analyzer • Accessibility, Retainability, Mobility CS – Circuit switch – voice PS- Packet switch – Data services faster than 2G data service Video = CS + PS RSCP- Receive signal level of a particular CPICH (dbm) Ec/Io – The CPICH quality CPICH- Common Pilot indication channel – it is a broadcast for every cell IRAT- Handover from 3G to 2G Inter Radio Access technology Softer handover – Softer HO occur btw sector of the same site Soft HO- Occur btw sectors of the different sites 3G Optimization Top aspects of 3G optimization • Coverage Optimization • Call Drop Optimization • Handover & Neighbors Optimization • 1. Coverage Quality -Interference & Pilot Pollution Optimization 3G RSCP level Good: RSCP ≥ -85 dBm Fair: -95 dBm ≤ RSCP < -85 dBm Poor: RSCP < - 95 dBm RSCP 3G Coverage-Q -65 G Radio Good R -75 Ok Coverage Causes Poor Coverage 1. Poor coverage due to bad RSCP- Receive signal level < -95dbm 2. Poor Coverage due to Missing neighbors & handover failure 3. Faulty hardware. 4. Interference 1. -85 Coverage Optimization Ways to improve coverage in a network if any of the following issue occurs In C Ways to improve coverage in a network if any of the following issue occurs C I. Poor coverage - RSCP Ways to improve poor coverage -95 • • • • • • • Antenna tilt Antenna azimuth Antenna location Antenna height Antenna type Site location New site Coverage w II. High interference and hence poor Ec/Io – High RTWP Ways to resolve high interference in other to improve coverage • • • • Resolve High RTWP –Receive total wideband power Change antenna azimuth Check Feeder connector Check external interference III. Poor Coverage due to Missing neighbors Ways to resolve missing neighbors in other to improve coverage • • Add missing neighbor cells Check neighbor list from BSS engineer. IV. Poor Coverage due to Pilot Pollution (too many cells present ) Ways to resolve pilot pollution in other to improve coverage • • • V. Antenna Adjustment - Azimuth Antenna down tilt Lower pilot CPICH power Check hardware alarm, Loss of attenuation check – Feeders , connectors & Jumper 2. Call Drop Causes of call drop 1. Poor coverage – Low signal strength 2. Handover failure 3. Missing Neighbors 4. Interference 5. Hardware Faulty 6. Pilot pollution 7. Signalling 2. Optimization of Call Drop I. Call drop due to Poor coverage- Low signal strength Ways to Optimize • • • • • • • II Antenna tilt Antenna azimuth Antenna height Antenna type Antenna location Site location New site Call drop due to Handover failure Ways to optimize handover failure • • • • • Unavailable time slots because of high traffic – Increase time slot Congestion – Increase Capacity Low signal strength and bad quality Check handover margin Hardware problem like TRX or time slot problem III Call drop due to Missing neighbor Ways to optimize handover problem • • • IV Check neighbor list from BSS engineer Add missing neighbor cells Remove unnecessary neighbor cells Call drop due to Interference. Ways to resolve interference issue, in other to reduce call drop in a network and improve performance. • • • • V Resolve High RTWP –Receive total wideband power Change antenna azimuth in the affected area. Check Feeder connector Check external interference if any Call drop due to Pilot Pollution (too many cells present) Ways to resolve pilot pollution issue, in other to reduce call drop in a network and improve performance • • • Change Antenna Azimuth in the affected area Antenna down tilt Lower pilot CPICH power VI Check hardware Alarm, Radio failure and Node B failure V. Signaling - Run a Trace in the affected area 3. Neighbor Optimization I. Neighbor relation should be well define to avoid call drop 3G to 3G – on 3G network RNC 3G to 2G – on 3G network RNC 2G to 3G – on 2G network BSC II. Check neighbor list from BSS engineer III. Add missing neighbor cells IV Remove unnecessary neighbor cells. 3b Handover Optimization Check Handover margin 4. 1. Quality -Interference & Pilot Pollution Optimization Identification and Optimization of pilot pollution Below are the process or condition to identification Pilot pollution in a network • • • • More than 3 Active set in a cluster All active set CPICH_RSCP > -95dbm The difference between first & last active set < 5dbm Pilot Scrambling code contribution more than 8% of pilot pollution in a cluster Below are the process to resolve or optimize pilot pollution • • • Antenna Adjustment - Azimuth Antenna down tilt - By adjusting tilts on the best servers, or worst interference, pilot pollution can be removed or reduced in a network Lower pilot power