Uploaded by Joanna Cloma

Ethics: Human Conscience & Decision-Making

1. What is the role of human conscience in ethical decision-making?
Human conscience plays a crucial role in making ethical decision-making for it is the
inner voice that dictates us in what to do because it helps us judge whether something is good
or bad. Within our life, as we face certain situations where we need to make a decision, we
seek guidance from our conscience. It serves as our compass towards a clear ethical decision
and a scale to weigh the consequences of our choices to us and to others.
Consider a scenario where you find a bag on top of a table with no people around, you
are tempted to take it because no one will know about what you’re about to do, however,
your conscience tells you that it is not right and it will never be a proper thing to do. Your
conscience served as a guiding light which brought you away from doing the wrong thing.
2. Differentiate the 3 categories of conscience
Synderesis is an instinct that helps oneself distinguish right from wrong automatically. It
is rooted in our own being. When facing a scenario that needs our decisions, we can automatically
think of a decision that is good to us because we can instantly judge the goodness or the badness
of our decision. Conscientia is a category that reflects our moral considerations on our personal
beliefs. Religion and Culture are two aspects to be considered when conscientia is being talked
about. In religion, we rely on our faith in making decisions, and in culture, we focus on the concept
that we decide on things based on our cultural beliefs. Vigil considers the prior events, our
contentment, and the consequences that will lead us into making an ethical decision. We can
already think of better decisions due to our past decision that led us to regrets and remorse.
When we are contented with we do or what we want, we can already avoid making unethical
decisions because we are not tempted to commit wrong things. In decision-making, we also need
to weigh the consequences of doing something, whether it can be good or bad, if we have enough
knowledge about these two, it will be easier for us to navigate much better decisions to avoid
negative consequences.