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Dyson CAP progress

NC Finding:
Additional Finding/Observation - Dormitory and Canteen
Auditor comment:
Based on document review, dormitory tour and management interview, it was noted the following:
The facility has yet to conduct training for the residents on keeping accommodation clean, including proper refuse
The dormitory sleeping area is provided with electrical socket. However, all the electrical socket is located within
a specific area and not near to the worker’s bed. Thus, the potential risk of workers using an extension electrical
cord is prevalent.
The resident is provided with an electrical power socket with USB connection. The dormitory is not equipped with
a three-pin plug power outlet for the residents. Training was not conducted for the residents on the use of
makeshift, illegal wiring, no open-fires and extension cables used in the dormitories.
The dormitory is a purposed build worker dormitory. A functional TV is provided at the common area. However,
the TV is not provided in the individual dormitory area.
The facility does provide internet service. However, the WIFI password is not provided to the workers. Thus,
residents do not have access to the internet service at the common area.
Basic first aid training was not conducted for the residents.
First aid boxes are provided on each floor of the common corridor by the service provider. However, the first aid
box is not provided in each of the dormitory.
The training material for the security was provided for review. However, the material does not include training on
the good understanding about respecting of workers' rights.
The responsible service provider on-site is not trained on implementing customer accommodation standard and
related management plans by the facility management.
No training provided to raise workers awareness on responsible use of resources.
In accordance with Client's Accommodation Standards as follows:
Workers trained on keeping accommodation clean, including proper refuse disposal.
Workers trained to there is no makeshift, illegal wiring, no open fires, and extension cables used in accommodation
Adequate electrical socket (minimum one socket for every two people in the bedroom).
Communal areas furnished with tables and chairs and have a functional TV.
There's a free and functioning WIFI provided at the accommodation.
Trained first aider is available at all times, at a minimum one per block per shift.
First aid box is adequate for the number of residents and at a minimum one kit available per unit.
Security staff trained on their duties and responsibilities and have good understanding about the importance of
respecting workers' rights.
Accommodation manager is adequately trained on implementing customer accommodation standard and related
management plans.
Auditee Comment
Auditor Comment
Please do the list of the finding one by one and
Will discuss with dormitory managements. advise us what is the corrective action on the
Estimated to be done in September 2023.
next CAP update. There is a lot of findings in this
area. Please close and monitor this closely.
Will do the list of the finding one by one and
advise what is the corrective action on the
next CAP update. Need time to close and will
monitor closely.
Please send on the next CAP update. We need
this to be replied, as without evidence will trigger
as high risk. If the finding still in progress, please
let us know the progress at least.
We have prepared the list of findings as
requested. According to corrective action
plan that was provided by Hostel Lot of findings are still in progress and not closed.
Management, some of the findings are still in Can this be pushed and proactively closed?
progress. Kindly refer to the corrective action
column in the attachment.
- email checklist to
HR to follow up on
- expected feedback
from HR by Friday
NC Finding:
The facility (including construction projects) does not have all of the building permits and/or fire safety permits as per
the legal requirements.
Auditor comment:
Based on document review and management interview, the facility does not have a valid Fire Certificate. The fire
certificate no: JH/7/309/2020 with expiry on 1 July 2021 issued by Fire and Rescue Services Malaysia.
Based on management interview, the facility's Fire Certificate is currently pending until the facility complies with the
request by the authorities with reference no: 700-3/1/7/0396 dated 12 December 2022 to provide the necessary
documentation before 5 June 2023.
At the moment, the facility is in the process to submit those documents required prior to the certificate approval.
In accordance with Malaysia Laws:
Fire Services Act 1988 (Revised 2018)
Section 28
(1) on every designated premises shall require a fire certificate.
(2) A fire certificate shall be renewable annually.
Section 32
(1); So long as a fire certificate is in force in respect of any premises, the Director General may cause any part of the
relevant premises to be inspected at any reasonable time for the purposes of ascertaining whether there has been a
change of conditions by reason of which the fire-fighting equipment or fire safety installation have become inadequate
in relation to any use of the premises covered by the certificate.
Auditee Comment
Auditor Comment
Please provide us evidence and the current
As discussion with BOMBA, we need to close update on status of the corrective action
all the notices given by BOMBA. After that, we that will be done to close this finding. This is
should re-apply for the Fire Certificate. important as this is relating to legal
Estimated to be done in September 2023.
requirement. Please ensure that you put this
in priority.
BOMBA has received the Notice Report on
31st July 2023. Application of renewing Fire
Certificate has been done in the first week of
August and expecting the BOMBA inspection
two weeks after.
application for FC renewal
to Bomba via email
- Luqman resubmit Borang
1 for FC renewal application
to Bomba via email due to
missing page in Borang 1
sent on previous day.
- Application has been
received by Bomba officer
Pn. Adibah (confirmed via
phone call by Luqman)
Please update us if the fire department
already conducted inspection. Please
provide evidence or any follow-up
communication attachment on the next CAP
We have applied for renewing Fire Certificate
on 24 August 2023. Will follow up with Please provide us the latest information for
BOMBA regarding the application. Expected this application. What is the status now?
to be done in September 2023.
NC Finding:
Additional Finding/Observation - Emergency Preparedness
Auditor comment:
Based on document review and management interview, the facility is issued a Fire Certificate.
The facility has established an Emergency Response Team. However, the facility has yet to establish a Fire Safety
Organization as required by their certificate.
In accordance with Malaysia Laws:
Fire Services (Fire Certificate) (Amendment) Regulations 2020
Regulation 6B;
(1) Any owner, occupier or person having overall management of a designated premises shall, on an application made
under sub regulation 6C, establish a Fire Safety Organization in respect of the designated premises.
(2) The fire safety organization shall consist of one fire safety manager and at least three fire safety officers appointed
by the owner, occupier or person having the overall management of the designated premises.
(3) The fire safety manager and fire safety officers appointed under subregulation (2) shall be certified by the Director
General in the manner determined by the Director General.
Auditee Comment
Auditor Comment
In the process of appointing members for Fire
Safety Organization. The members will need
to sign the appointment letter for Fire Safety
Organization. Estimated to be done in August
Please resolve this ASAP as this a legal
requirement and do not delay this. Please ensure
to provide evidence and current action taken to
ensure full closure of this finding.
- requested a quotation
for Bomba ERT training
- Received training
quotation from Bomba
- Luqman to provide
name list and proposed
training date by Friday
Any matters regarding Fire Safety will be
discussed in the Safety, Health and Have you applied for Fire Safety Organization at
Environment Committee. Emergency action Fire Department? Please refer to the new Fire
from the fire incident will be handled by Services act 2020. Please review this again.
Emergency Response Team.
- forwarded quotation
Currently in the process of selecting members
to be part of the Fire Safety Organization and
to ensure this Fire Safety Organization is
complied with the Fire Department. Expected
to be done in October 2023.
to Luqman for further
Please resolve this ASAP as this a legal
requirement and do not delay this. Please ensure
to provide evidence and current action taken to
ensure full closure of this finding
NC Finding:
Additional Finding/Observation - Chemical and Hazardous Materials
Auditor comment:
→ Based on document review and management interview, the facility has conducted Chemical Health Risk
Assessment (CHRA) on 21 March 2018 by Tekun EOSH Sdn Bhd.
→ The assessment report concluded the facility to conduct Chemical Exposure Monitoring for oil mist, naphtha
petroleum, mineral and sodium hydroxide.
→ However, the facility has not conducted the Chemical Exposure Monitoring as recommended.
→ Since the CHRA has expire, the facility has conducted a CHRA on 13 April 2023 by Tekun EOSH Sdn Bhd and the
report is pending for briefing and submission by the assessor.
In accordance with Malaysia Laws:
Occupational Safety and Health (Use & Standards of Exposure of Chemicals Hazardous to Health) Regulations 2000,
Regulation 13
(1) Where an assessment report indicates that action is required to eliminate or reduce the actual or potential exposure
of an employee to chemicals hazardous to health, an employer shall carry out such action, which may include changes
to work processes, practices, procedures, plants or engineering control equipment, within one month after receiving
the assessment report from the assessor.
(2) The employer shall ensure that all control measures implemented under sub regulation (1) reduce the exposure level
of employees to chemicals hazardous to health to the lowest practicable level, or for those chemicals to which have
been assigned with permissible exposure limits, to below the limits.
Auditee Comment
Auditor Comment
In the process of waiting the report from recommendation that required by the assessor
CHRA Assessor. Estimated to be done in July to effectively close this finding. Please also share
us the recommendation part of the report on the
next CAP update
We have received the draft of the CHRA
report from the assessor. We are identifying
Its already end of August, please provide the next
the contents of the CHRA report in the first
CAP update for this. Please proceed to close all
week of August. Presentation and handing
recommendation that was raised by the assessor.
the actual CHRA report can be done in August
CHRA has been presented on 8 September
2023. We have received the recommendation
by the assessor. One of them is Chemical
Exposure Monitoring. Will conduct the
Chemical Exposure Monitoring within 6
months. Expected to be done in January
The chemical exposure monitoring needs to be
conducted as this relating to workers health. Try
to re-evaluate if this be done much earlier rather
than waiting until January 2023? Also, what is the
recommendation say? Does it need to be
conducted immediately?
- requested quotation
to conduct CEM from
- quotation forwarded
to Luqman for further
- Luqman requested
quotation from Tekun
EOSH to compare prices
- still waiting for
quotation from Tekun
EOSH (Luqman to follow
Due date: the latest by
- quotation has been
- consultant has done
site visit
- PR has been issued
pending for Bryant
NC Finding:
The facility has comprehensive emergency preparedness processes and procedures in a written manual that support
adherence to social compliance requirements, but they are not all being properly implemented.
Auditor comment:
The facility established policies and procedures, the monitoring system may not be effective, or policies are incomplete
thus resulting to lapses of implementation with the finding as below:
Based on facility tour, it was noted the emergency exit sign is not illuminated or when tested, not illuminated at:
- Exit to Scrap area
- Exit to Chemical store; and
- Exit to Rest area
Based on document review and management interview, the facility is issued a Fire Certificate. The facility has established
a Emergency Response Team. However, the facility has yet to establish a Fire Safety Organization as required by their
Auditee Comment
In the process of selecting quotations from
various suppliers. Fire Safety Organization will
be selected and published once we have the
final decision for the recruitment. Estimated
to be done in August 2023
Auditor Comment
WE unable to close this finding due to one or
more findings in this area is still not closed. Also,
you have to ensure that the preventive measures
need to be effective to ensure that this finding
are not happening again in the future.
Emergency lights that are not illuminated
when tested has been checked and were
Please send evidence on the next CAP update.
found damaged. We have issued a Purchase
We expect this finding is closed on the next CAP
Requisition for the emergency lights.
Installation will be done after receiving the
items by the first week of august.
Emergency Exit Signage with emergency light
Fire Safety Organization finding is still in progress
has been changed at 6 areas including the
and not closed. Please review again.
areas which the auditor had highlighted.
Finding not closed due
to Fire Safety
Organisation has not
been established,
pending for Bomba ERT
- requested a quotation
for Bomba ERT training
- Received training
quotation from Bomba
- Luqman to provide
name list and proposed
training date by Friday
- forwarded quotation
to Luqman for further
NC Finding:
The facility does not establish, maintain or document appropriate procedures to evaluate and select suppliers and/or
subcontractors based on their performance and commitment towards social compliance.
Auditor comment:
Based on document review and management interview, the facility has established a process to evaluate and select
suppliers in their QMS.
However, the evaluation does not include the performance and commitment towards social compliance as practice by
the facility.
In accordance with WCA Standard
- Facility established a process to evaluate and select suppliers based on their performance and commitment towards
social compliance as practice by the facility
Auditee Comment
Auditor Comment
Will develop an evaluation list for the
suppliers. Any suppliers or subcontractors
that have passed the evaluation will be listed Please to accelerate the closure of the findings.
in the Vendor List and kept by Purchasing Please provide the update on the next CAP.
Department. Estimated to be done in August
Emergency lights that are not illuminated
when tested has been checked and were
found damaged. We have issued a Purchase
Requisition for the emergency lights.
Installation will be done after receiving the
items by the first week of august.
Supplier evaluation form did not include CSER as
part of the items to be checked. All items are only
related with quality, price, etc. Please include
CSER and Business ethics as well.
We have developed CSR Code of Conduct that
will be distributed to the suppliers to ensure
the suppliers are complied with Beeantah
The code of conduct is for communication. why
didn’t you include CSR inside your supplier
evaluation form (example at page 4 and page 6),
please relook again.
- contacted Mr. Rahman
from Dyson via
WhatsApp to seek for
guidance and
clarification from him
for this finding
- in the process of
creating checklist as
advised by Mr. Rahman
- in the process of
creating checklist as
advised by Mr. Rahman
NC Finding:
The facility does not conduct a risk assessment (internal/ external) to evaluate the significant environmental impacts of
its sites and processes
Auditor comment:
Based on document review and management interview, the facility has not conducted periodical risk assessments to
evaluate the significant environmental factors of its sites and processes.
In accordance with WCA Standard
- The facility conducts periodical risk assessments to evaluate the significant environmental factors of its sites and
Auditee Comment
Auditor Comment
This is way too long to close and unacceptable.
Will propose to Management regarding the
Please ensure to conduct assessment in
relevant ISO and internal audit. Estimated to
environment. You may refer aspect impact for
be done in 2024.
the environment to conduct for this
Management review on environmental This is incorrect, you need to conduct aspect
impact will be review during management impact for environment. Please research how to
do aspect impact for the environment.
Internal CSR Audit has been conducted on 23 This is incorrect, you need to conduct aspect
August 2023 and containing environment impact for environment. Please research how to
do "aspect impact for the environment"
- did research on how to
do Environmental
Aspect & Impact
- contacted Mr. Rahman
to confirm format,
waiting for his reply
NC Finding:
The facility has comprehensive employee safety processes and procedures in a written manual that support adherence
to social compliance requirements, but they are not all being properly implemented.
Auditor comment:
The facility established policies and procedures, the monitoring system may not be effective, or policies are incomplete
thus resulting to lapses of implementation with the finding as below:
Based on facility tour, it was noted the MRB (electrical panel) room is equipped with s fire suppression system and
worker is using the room as a working area at MRB Room.
Based on document review and management interview, the facility does not have a valid Fire Certificate.
The fire certificate no: JH/7/309/2020 with expiry on 1 July 2021 issued by Fire and Rescue Services Malaysia.
Auditee Comment
Auditor Comment
WE unable to close this finding due to one or
more findings in this area is still not closed. Also,
We have moved out the working area at MRB
you have to ensure that the preventive measures
need to be effective to ensure that this finding
are not happening again in the future.
We have moved out the working area at MRB Fire certificate finding still not closed. Hence,
Finding can’t be closed.
Finding cannot be
closed due to our FC
has not been renewed.
- Luqman submitted
renewal to Bomba via
- Luqman resubmit
Borang 1 for FC renewal
application to Bomba via
email due to missing
page in Borang 1 sent on
previous day.
- Application has been
received by Bomba
(confirmed via phone
call by Luqman)
We have applied for renewing Fire Certificate
on 24 August 2023. Will follow up with Fire certificate finding still not closed. Hence,
BOMBA regarding the application. Expected Finding can’t be closed.
to be done in September 2023.