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Faith-Based Acronyms: TEAMWORK HARMONY Assignment

Abanilla, Ella Mae A.
BS-Criminology 3rd year
1. Write Acronyms for the following terms. Use concepts that supports the
meaning of the given terms
T- Together with God is the key to true happiness and satisfaction.
E- Everyone who comes to Him.
A- Accomplishes every time you teach and preach his Word
M- Miracles display God's power, inspire wonder, and act as signs that prove
who God is or substantiate His message to the world.
W- Wonderful things for me! And God is just waiting to do incredible
O- Opportunity to show kindness to people around you.
R- Real faith in Christ makes all the difference.
K- Knowledge as based on divine self-revelation a gift of the Spirit
H- happy are the people whose God is the LORD
A- Angels are mighty beings who offer praise and worship to God.
R- Rainbow rainbow is a symbol of God's faithfulness and mercy.
M- Mercy mercy on us when he sacrificed his son, Christ Jesus, on the Cross
to pay the price for our sins.
O- Overflow is God's desire for us.
N- Nature is one of God's beautiful creations. Through nature, God is able to
teach us, speak to us, and provide for us.
Y- Youthful strength can be harnessed in serving God or the devil.