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Final Victory Months Prayer 2023

Neh 1:1 The words of Nehemiah the son of Hachaliah. And it came to
pass in the month Chisleu, in the twentieth year, as I was in Shushan
the palace,
Neh 1:2 That Hanani, one of my brethren, came, he and certain men of
Judah; and I asked them concerning the Jews that had escaped, which
were left of the captivity, and concerning Jerusalem.
Neh 1:3 And they said unto me, The remnant that are left of the
captivity there in the province are in great affliction and reproach: the
wall of Jerusalem also is broken down, and the gates thereof are burned
with fire.
Neh 1:4 And it came to pass, when I heard these words, that I sat down
and wept, and mourned certain days, and fasted, and prayed before the
God of heaven,
Neh 1:5 And said, I beseech thee, O Lord God of heaven, the great and
terrible God, that keepeth covenant and mercy for them that love him
and observe his commandments:
Neh 1:6 Let thine ear now be attentive, and thine eyes open, that thou
mayest hear the prayer of thy servant, which I pray before thee now,
day and night, for the children of Israel thy servants, and confess the
sins of the children of Israel, which we have sinned against thee: both I
and my father's house have sinned!
Neh 1:7 We have dealt very corruptly against thee, and have not kept
the commandments, nor the statutes, nor the judgments, which thou
commandedst thy servant Moses.
Neh 1:8 Remember, I beseech thee, the word that thou commandedst
thy servant Moses, saying, If ye transgress, I will scatter you abroad
among the nations:
Neh 1:9 But if ye turn unto me, and keep my commandments, and do
them; though there were of you cast out unto the uttermost part of the
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heaven, yet will I gather them from thence, and will bring them unto the
place that I have chosen to set my name there.
Neh 1:10 Now, these are thy servants and thy people, whom thou hast
redeemed by thy great power, and by thy strong hand.
Neh 1:11 O Lord , I beseech thee, let now thine ear be attentive to the
prayer of thy servant, and to the prayer of thy servants, who desire to
fear thy name: and prosper, I pray thee, thy servant this day, and grant
him mercy in the sight of this man. For I was the king's cupbearer.
Every member of GOFAMINT must give thanks to God for bringing us
into a church like ours. GOFAMINT is a rare and unique church. A place
where the total counsel of God is being declared. A church with the total
word for the total man. GOFAMINT gospel message is clean and clear to
ensure the eternal assurance of heaven. Members of our church who do
not have insight or ideas of what goes on in some other churches may
not appreciate the grace of God upon GOFAMINT. It is a covenant
church, where God raises up the poor out of mire clay and make them to
sit together with princes.
Whatever challenges that confront us in our church should not be
perceived as strange and unwholesome
For our information, no church is perfect on earth. The messages of our
Lord Jesus Christ to the seven churches in Asia as recorded in Revelation
chapters 2 and 3 is a good indication. Each and everyone of them have
their areas of strength, weakness and challenges. It is only the firstborn
church in heaven that is perfect.
The church on earth is Work- In-Progress. We are reaching forth unto
those things that are ahead.
Prayers play a big role in the transformation of individual believers and
the church as a whole. With our prayers in this year victory month, our
lives and church shall experience a tremendous progress. Total and true
transformation shall be our experience.
All hands must be on deck by all and sundry. Men, women, youths and
children. Like Nehemiah and his men of old, let us all join hands together
to build the broken wall with our prayers.
The Holy Spirit who is the Presbyter of the church has zero tolerance for
complaints, condemnation and murmuring in the church! On the other
hand, he has a wide space for prayers on all issues and exigencies.
Remember, much prayers, brings much power, little prayers bring little
power, lack of prayer no prayers brings no power.
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Richard Usenu
Bola Taiwo
J. K. Akinola
S. O. Shoretire.
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DAY 1:
ROM 12:2; 2 COR. 3:18
Last year 2022, the Lord gave us a great theme “Divine Visitation for
Genuine Revival”.
Our church went through tough challenges and difficult times, after the
Victory Month, the effects of which are still with us today. Make no
mistake; it was not a sign that the prayers were not answered. If you
look through the Bible, all those who encountered Divine Visitation did
not remain the same again afterwards. Ask Jacob and he will remind you
of his thigh dislocation at Peniel. Divine Visitation always come with a
paradigm shift. It takes you out of your comfort zone. The flesh must
bow to the Spirit because the contest of supremacy is age-long. (Gal.
5;17). When the Spirit takes over during Divine Visitation, the flesh is
humbled and cries! Divine Visitation drives you more to the presence of
God for more purging, cleansing and divine directions. Divine
Visitation humbles you before the Almighty God, because, you were full
of yourself before He came. Now that He came, you saw yourself so little
and insignificant before Him. Divine Visitation gives you your place of
encounter to be remembered. May His visitation to us never cease, so as
to take us from glory to glory, in Jesus Name.
Divine Visitation is a level of glory and Divine Transformation is another
level of glory.
We are changed from glory to glory and that's why we must not stop at
the level of Divine Visitation but to move also to another level of glory
which is Divine Transformation. So, Divine Visitation rather than being
our final destination is the beginning of a long journey. We must move
from Divine Visitation to Divine Habitation and finally Divine
Transformation, before return again to Divine Habitation. The Lord, in
His wonderful love for us wants us to navigate this year into Divine
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Transformation by accelerating through Divine Habitation. Praise the
Lord! Jacob was personally transformed to Israel at Peniel, (Gen. 32: 2429) after which he returned to Bethel (Gen 35:1-3) for a sustained
Divine Habitation. It is from this point he could carry on the Abrahamic
mandate of being a blessing to other nations. We believe God that last
year 2022, our Church went through a time of Divine Habitation, as He
spoke to us through various means while we stood still in His presence.
In fact, to confirm this assertion, He specifically spoke to us during the
Annual Ministers Conference in November 2022, that we should “Go Back
to Bethel”. What a great instruction from ever faithful, glorious and
covenant-keeping God. In the time of Divine Habitation, we operate and
maintain love to one another, and we love God supremely too. It was our
time of solemn assembly, committing ourselves to doing His will and
pleasing Him at all times. As we undergo divine transformation this year,
and the presence of God inhabits our church, the cities and nations
where our churches will be healed, and the judgment of God over our
nation will be averted. Our churches will the carry a climate of grace and
favour to transform people and impact communities positively. (2 Chron.
7:13-14). The world will see Christ in us when we are divinely
transformed. The Apostles of old changed the then world because of they
were divinely transformed. Divine Transformation will lead to revival of
the church. May the Lord Visit us and Transform us in the Mighty name
of Jesus Christ.
Prayer Points
1. Let us bless the Lord for giving us the focus of Divine Visitation last
year, because His visitation to us marks the beginning of our turn around
journey to divine fulfillment.
2. Let us give thanks to God for all He has done for us as a church in
answering the prayers of divine visitation last year, because it was
prayed according to His will.
3. Let us give thanks to God that He is accelerating us to divine
transformation this year that we might fulfill His purpose upon our lives.
4. Thank you Father Lord for your promises to the Church as a covenantkeeping God..
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5. Thanks you Lord, because of the amazing things you are doing in the
church and through the church in these last days.
6. O Lord, we are grateful because you are moving us from Divine
Visitation to Divine Transformation.
7. Lord, we thank you because you are the God of Transformation and
you will transform us by your power.
8. We thank you Lord because you will transform us and use us to
transform the world in the power of the Holy Spirit
9. Now begin to use any song of worship that comes to your heart to
appreciate God, because of who He is, and His ways that are past finding
10. Let us thank Him ahead of what great things He is set to do among
us this year as we run through this 30 days of fasting and prayer.
11. Pray for the grace of faithfulness upon you and all members of the
Church to the cause of this year’s Victory Month, that will bring lasting
and permanent results.
12. O Lord, send the power of Transformation to the church afresh
through these prayers in the Mighty name of Jesus
13. Transform our leaders O Lord, and let the fire of revival come upon
them in the Mighty name of Jesus
14. Let the fire of revival come upon your church like the day of
Pentecost, in the Mighty Name of Jesus
15. Let each member of the church experience the Transformation power
of the Holy Spirit, O Lord in the Mighty name of Jesus.
16. Every faulty foundation in my life to receive correction and repairs
through these prayers in Jesus Name.
17. Every stronghold and negative imaginations of the devil against
these Victory Month prayers; are pulled down and cast down in Jesus
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18. Change us O Lord from glory to glory as we embark on this Year’s
Victory Month prayers, in the Mighty name of Jesus Christ.
19. Father, create in me an engine room of prayer that will pray without
ceasing and in accordance with Your will in Jesus Name.
20. Finally, begin to thank God for what He has started to do from this
first day of the Victory Month prayers in your life, family and church.
Those who find it difficult to complete the 30days fasting after a good
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DAY 2:
ISA. 1:15-18; COL. 3:13 NLT, 1PETER 3:8
Victory month is a serious time of prevailing, prophetic and all-purpose
prayers in GOFAMINT. It is not a mere routine fasting and prayer. It is
an all-purpose prayers and intercessions. Therefore, it requires genuine
and proper preparation.
As an individual and family, church we need to intentionally, sincerely
and rightly position ourselves in a good spiritual state; where God will
rightly, timely, pleasingly and joyfully answers all our prayers. We all
know what transpired among us last year. We had wounded and
offended ourselves. We murdered love and killed unity! In the words of
Psalms 50:20, “You speak continually against your brother and slander
your own mother’s son” (NIV). Therefore, according to Isa. 1:15 The
Message Bible, When you put on your next prayer performance, I’ll be
looking the other way no matter how long or often you pray, I’ll not
be listening. And do you know why? Because you have been tearing
people to pieces, and your hands are bloody”.
This is the voice of God that we all need to humbly and honestly
consider. The NLT says “From now on when you lift up your hands in
prayer I will refuse to look. Even though, you offer many prayers, I will
not listen”. Therefore, God Himself recommends what we need to do for
our proper preparation and express answers to prayers and
intercessions. In Isaiah 1: 16-18:
Go home and wash up.
Clean up your act.
Sweep your lives clean of your evildoings.
Say no to wrong.
Learn to do good.
Work for justice.
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 Help the helpless and defenseless.
After doing all these; God now says, “come now, let us argue this out”,
says, “The Lord, No matter how deep the stain of your sins, I can
remove it. I am making you as clean as freshly fallen snow. Even if you
are stained as red as crimson, I can make you as white as wool” (Isaiah
1: 18, NLT). God words for all members of GOFAMINT is “Be gentle and
forbearing with one another and if one has a difference (a grievance or
complaint) against another, readily pardoning each other, even as the
Lord, has (freely) forgiven you, so much you also forgive. Col. 3:13,
AMP. The NLT says you must make allowance for each other’s faults and
forgive the person who offends you”. That is divine directive to us. And if
we are His children indeed, we must follow it. By so doing; we will be
able to heal all our strained relationship.
For our preparation for this victory month to bring TOTAL and TRUE
TRANSFORMATION in GOFAMINT, 1Pet. 3:8 speaks to us. Finally, all of
you should be of one mind, full of sympathy toward each other. Loving
one another with tender hearts and humble minds (NLT). For the
message Bible, it says, summing up, be agreeable, be sympathetic, be
loving, be compassionate, be humble. That is it!
O Lord, we GOFAMINT worldwide are grateful to You for You have
not dealt with us according to our sins and wrong doings this past
one year.
O Lord, inspite of all that transpired among us, You did not sell us
to our enemies. You preserved and protected us even while we
were not right with You and with ourselves.
Heavenly Father, forgive all of us, for we all opened the doors for
the gates of hell by not kicking out and keeping out the evil ones
from the Mission through our prayerlessness, division and lack of
brotherly love!
O Lord, forgive me and my family in whatever way or ways we
contributed to the problem, and for not seeking your face early and
interceding rightly.
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Father, I receive your grace to forgive all that have sinned against
me during this period, no matter how small or great.
Father, help everyone that I have sinned against knowingly or
unknowingly to receive enough grace to forgive me willingly,
lovingly and freely.
Read Ezek. 36:26, 29, 33. Heavenly Father;Scrub GOFAMINT clean
from all sins and those sins recorded against one another.
Heavenly Father, make us to be of one mind, fully sympathetic
towards one another with tendered hearts and humbled minds.
Father, grant us in GOFAMINT the heart and grace to graciously
forgive all that has sinned against us; knowingly and unknowingly.
Father, we ask that you forgive us as a church, the way we handled
some issues not according to the principles of your word.
Father, remove all barriers and obstacles to our prayers as we
aspire for total transformation.
O Lord, have mercy upon all categories of leaders and members in
Divine provision for the welfare of all participants and strength to finish
the programme.
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DAY 3:
MK. 4:35 – 41; GEN. 50: 15-21; GEN. 12: 10-20
Draining out the waters in our boat of destiny is a crucial task for every
believer who wants to experience total and true transformation through
prevailing prayers.In this life, we often experience various storms at
personal, family and church levels. And the fierceness of these storms
varies, and when they stop; they always leave behind them some
negative effects that people have to battle with.
In Mark 4: 35-41, we read about the disciples of Jesus; when they were
crossing over to the other side; a violent storm came up against them.
“But soon a fierce storm arose, high waves began to break into
the boat until it was nearly full of water” (Mark 4:37NLT). The
disciples cried out to the Lord Jesus and He came to their rescue. He
terminated the storm but did nothing about the water that had already
entered the boat. The boat was almost full of water; thus became very
wet. Therefore, the water in the boat is the carry-over from your
conquered storms of life. It is nothing but the “hangover” from your past
stormy life.
As individual, family and church; we have had serious storms of life in
this passing year. The storms had brought the water of hatred,
bitterness, unforgiveness, retaliation, destructive anger, wrong labelling,
bad criticism, evil prayer, pretension, evil speaking, backbiting, false
allegation e.t.c. into our lives. This is very dangerous for our spiritual life
and eternal destiny. Therefore, they must be removed.
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Similarly, in Gen. 50: 15-21, the evil doneto Joseph by his brothers,
troubled them after the death of their father. That water was still fresh in
their boat. They did not really believe he had forgiven them, even
though, they had seen his tears, felt kisses and received his gift (Gen.
45: 1-15). They had to form this lie, “so they sent this message to
Joseph; Before your father died he instructed us to say to you,
forgive your brothers for the great evil they did to you so we, the
servants of the God of your father, beg you to forgive us”.When
Joseph received the message, he broke down and wept then his
brothers came and threw themselves down before him, we are
your slaves, they said. But Joseph told them, “don’t be afraid of
me, Am I God, to judge and punish you? As far as I am
concerned, God turned into good what you meant for evil. He
brought me to the high position I have today so that I could save
the lives of many people;” (Gen. 50: 16-20, NLT).
Here we saw what the past wrong they did to their brother caused them
to become restless, fearful, and contemplating what was not in the heart
of Joseph. They saw themselves as his slaves. They still allowed the past
to control them. Truly, one is as sick as his past life that was not
properly addressed.
What is that water in your boat of destiny today? What is that thing from
your past stormy life that is still affecting you? If you don’t address it
scripturally, it will give you wet destiny, it will incapacitate or demobilize
you. It will weaken your conscience, confidence, and courage in the
Lord to wrestle against satan.
The water in your boat stands for every negative input into your life,
emanating from your previous waywardness, carelessness, foolishness or
satanic attacks. Today, it may stand for Hagar, an Egyptian woman,
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perhaps one of the gifts Abraham brought out of Egypt (Gen. 12: 10-15;
16: 1-5). That was what caused Abraham unerasable sorrow and eternal
regret – The birth of Ishmael.
Sadly, the boats of many believers are filled with trouble generating
waters. This is why they experience inexplainable or causeless troubles.
Thank God for every storm of life that you have successfully
overcome since you were born.
Thank God for every difficult storm of life that you have passed
through and lessons learnt from it.
Heavenly Father, what is that particular water in my boat of destiny
that is giving me a “wet destiny”, Lord empower me to drain the
water completely.
Lord, is there any hidden bitterness or hatred in me against
anyone, leaders or the church; help me and purge me of it. It is
anti-revival and transformation.
Lord, search me if there is anybody that has offended me and I am
still finding it difficult to forgive; help me and give me the capacity
to expressly and rightly forgive theperson unconditionally.
Father, it has been said that holding unforgiveness and bitterness is
like holding a hot coal that will keep burning one; until it is let go;
so help me to get rid of all unforgiveness and bitterness in my life.
Glorious Father, terminate every hidden and obvious input into my
life from past storms of life.
Father of mercies, empower me to bail out my boat of destiny from
any of those storms of life that let in water of hatred, bitterness,
unforgiveness, destructive anger, wrong labelling; bad criticisms,
evil prayer, evil speaking, backbiting and false allegation.
Heavenly Father, empower us in GOFAMINT to boldly and
courageously bail out all evil waters that entered through the
storms of last year. (spend good time on it).
Heavenly Father, stop any current storm of life,raging against my
family life and destiny.
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Father, help us in GOFAMINT to drain every water in our boat on a
mission to keep us away from experiencing total transformation in
any local Assembly, District, Region, National and abroad!
Father, I want to go forward, higher and further in my journey of
life, help to eradicate any water in my boat that can hold me back.
All round peace and security of all GOFAMINT members.
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DAY 4:
ISAIAH 57: 10-19; 2CHRON. 3:18
Today, we need total transformation in GOFAMINT Worldwide, the
church with the WORD for the WORLD.
Transformation starts from a radical change from the state of sinfulness
to a state of purity. (2Cor.5:17). It begins with a change from the
practice of sin to the practice of righteousness which opens the door of
paradise to one. This is a complete or total change from inside and
outside. Transformation is a change of heart in man, by which his
disposition and temper are conformed to the divine image; a change
from enmity to holiness and love. This happens according to Eph.4:2224 AMP read.
Transformation is a change from a life that formerly conformed to the
ways of the world to one that now pleases God always and in everything
(Rom. 12:2). This is an inward spiritual transformation that will manifest
itself in outward actions.
Total transformation is a transformed life in Christ that is demonstrated
through our bearing fruit in every good work and growing in the
knowledge of God. Col. 1:10.
Transformation simple means that those who were once far from God,
are being “drawn nearer” to Him through the blood of Jesus Christ (Eph.
2:13). This is easily manifested in the way we increasingly reflect the
likeness and glory of Christ (2Cor. 3:18).
The goal of total transformation is unto Christlikeness. God wants every
member of GOFAMINT world-wide to grow unto Christlikeness in every
area of our lives. But unfortunately, what we see today among us is
pretended righteousness. This is a so-called transformation without true
evidence of transformation. However, a total transformed life will
manifest the following:
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Hunger for righteousness
Thirst and zeal to know the word of God.
Increasing desire to put God first in all our affairs.
Killing of carnality: stop seeing through your natural eyes. This is
moving from carnality to spirituality. A transformed life is led by
the Spirit of God and evaluates everything in the light of truth; not
in the light of one’s own personal relationships, preferences or the
benefit one may receive. Today, the body of Christ is suffering from
carnality and we see church splits into various mal–functions and
divisions; due greatly to man seeing through his natural eyes and
falling aside.
Bearing the fruit of the Spirit. Today, we can say, teach, preach,
pray, prophesy, or do a lot of other things, but the question is,
does our livescontain the fruits of the Spirit? Mostly, when we are
squeezed under tough, stressful or hurtful situations? What comes
out of us.
Applying the gospel of grace in relationships by loving and
accepting people, reaching out beyond his/her comfort zone to
those who need love and care.
Keeping the word of God promptly and properly. (John 14:23).
Eagerness or readiness to ask for forgiveness and willing to forgive,
even when the wound is still fresh.
Praying without ceasing.
Longing for His coming or watering for His coming.
Today, we need mercy of God for our total transformation. God said in
Isaiah 57:18. “I have seen his willful ways, but I will heal him also and
will recompense him and restore comfort to him and to those who mourn
for him” (AMP).
What? God says despite all our shortcomings, and weaknesses; He will
heal or make us whole. That is mercy? “I have seen what they do, but I
will heal them anyway”. NLT. God sees what we have been doing in
GOFAMINT this passing year but says anyway, He will heal us, make us
whole and quicken us. When God guides us; we will not walk in
ungodliness, unrighteousness, hypocrisy, unforgiveness and bitterness of
hearts. Therefore, let us all cry to God in His mercy to do just as He
promised”. I have seen his ways, but I will heal him, I will guide him and
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restore comfort to him (NW). Then, there will be wholeness in GOFAMINT
Let us celebrate His goodness, greatness, mercifulness and
unparalleled love of God towards us in GOFAMINT.
Oh Lord, because of whom you are, we have good and great hope
in GOFAMINT through your mercy and grace. 2Thes. 2:16.
O Lord, we need total transformation in GOFAMINT Word-Wide,
that will really make us the church with the word for the
transformation of the world.
O Lord, let there be radical change from the state of sinfulness to
purity in every local Assembly of GOFAMINT World-Wide.
Lord, make every local Assembly in GOFAMINT a centre where
people change from the practice of sin to the practice of
Read Ps. 106:3; Heavenly Father, help us in GOFAMINT world-wide
with the divine capacity to always do what is right.
O Lord, make us in GOFAMINT; people who do right and are in the
right standing with God at all times.
Heavenly Father, heal our pretended righteousness in various ways
we have been manifesting it.
O Lord, uncover all our pretended righteousness that have been
speaking and standing against us; making to us underperform and
O Lord, create in us genuine hunger for righteousness, thirst and
zeal to know the word of God.
Father, according to your promise in Isaiah 57: 18, heal us despite
all our shortcomings and weaknesses.
Special Intercessory Prayers For The Days
Lord, ignite fresh fire of prayers on altars of GOFAMINT
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DAY 5:
MATT 5:6, 8, Phil. 1:11
It is very great and highly rewarding for us as Christians to walk
worthy of our calling. It is required of every child of God to live in such a
way that people around him or her will see the light of God in him or her
and glorify God. God requires His children to showcase the evidence of
total and true transformation. This is very crucial in the days in which we
live. We live in a time where many profess to be religious. We are living
in a world in which many people profess to be Christians without being
filled with fruits of Righteousness; our true identity.
Being filled with fruits of righteousness is undeniable evidence of
true and total transformation. Transformation is a total change in the life
of a Christian. Transformation is an inward change orchestrated by the
Holy Spirit in the life of a Christian; who walks and lives in obedience to
the word of God. Transformation is an inward change that reflects in
outward lifestyle. Transformation in the life of a Christian is the work of
the Holy Spirit that makes him to become more Christlike.
Christians are expected to manifest total transformation. Our
transformation is expected to be total- affecting all aspects of our lives.
It should be evident in all that we do. It should reflect in the relationship
we keep.
Our calling as Christians mandates us to manifest the undeniable
proof that we are truly and totally transformed and walk upright on the
path of righteousness.
Bearing the fruits of righteousness will enable usto deliberately,
consciously and intentionally do only those things that will give glory to
God always; pleasing Him in all things and every time. Today,we live in a
world that is polluted by sin. We live in a system that is characterized by
sinful living and worldly practices. We live in environments that are
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infested with corruption of all sorts. How then do we demonstrate the
value of our total transformation in our world? How do we makeour
impart /or presence to bear on our environment? IT IS BY BEING FILLED
According to Phil. 1:11, Being filled with the fruits of righteousness,
which are by Jesus Christ, unto the glory and praise of God.The NLT
says, “May you always be filled with the fruit of your salvation. Those
good things that are produced in your life by Jesus Christ – for this will
bring much glory and praise to God”. These are the fruits of the gospel
and being the son of light John 8:36. Therefore, the fruits of
righteousness are the fruits of good deeds, right relationships, good
testimony and godliness.
Bearing the fruits of righteousness simply means bearing those
good things that are produced in your life by Christ Jesus that make Him
attractive to all.
The fruits of righteousness manifest in:
Loving God and living to please God always.
Right standing with God and right doing.
Living to affect people positively for God.
Loving God wholeheartedly and hating sin passionately.
Living to demonstrate Christlikeness always; no matter the
6. Living for Christ, his works, people and his kingdom always.
7. Always waiting and looking for His second coming. That is, living
with eternity in view.
Let us thank God for the grace and strength He has given us thus
far for this year’s victory month prayer.
Thank you Lord, for the salvation of my soul, the grace that has
kept me moving on with Christ since I became saved.
Thank you Lord for the provision of total and true transformation
through Christ. Grant every minister and member of GOFAMINT the
grace to enjoy this great provision in Jesus’ name.
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The tree is known by the fruit it bears; Oh Lord, give me the grace
to bear fruits of righteousness as an evidence of my total and true
transformation in Jesus name.
Father, cause us to be filled with the fruit of salvation – those
positive things that are produced in our lives by Jesus Christ that
will bring much glory and praise to You (Phil. 1:11, NLT).
Heavenly Father, grant every minister and member of GOFAMINT
the grace to truly hunger and thirst after God; so that we may be
filled with the fruits of righteousness in Jesus name (Phil. 1:11).
Dear Lord, grant every minister and member in GOFAMINT the
strong desire to live for you, by bearing or being filled with the
fruits of righteousness and total transformation in Jesus’ name.
Lord, transform the life of every worker in GOFAMINT and help us
to labour for the transformation of our communities and
environments through the Gospel we preach as bearers of the fruits
of righteousness.
Righteousness is relational. Heavenly Father, help us to be able to
manifest the evidence of total and true transformation; wherever
we are living so that our lives will be magnetic to draw the unsaved
to Christ in Jesus name.
Lord, help us not to live in such a way that will distract or
discourage people from following the Lord, in the name of Jesus.
Lord; give me the grace to be truly and totally transformed as a
true bearer of the fruits of righteousness in Jesus name
Father, by your Grace, I refuse to be conformed to the world, and I
receive the divine capacity for total and true transformation in
Jesus name.
O Lord, just like Joseph in Egypt, I receive the grace not to soil my
garment and to stand for righteousness to enhance divine lifting in
Jesus name.
O Lord, just like Daniel in Babylon, I receive the grace not to bow
to the pressure of sin, I will stand firm for God till I will receive
angelic assistance in Jesus name.
Pray this earnestly
For yourself: oh Lord, as from today, help me to stand firm for you,
bearing the fruits of righteousness and manifesting evidence of
total and true transformation
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For GOFAMINT ministers: Heavenly Father, make all ministers in
GOFAMINT to be true bearers of the Gospel light, bearing the fruits
of righteousness and carriers of total transformation.
For GOFAMINT members: great God, endow all GOFAMINT
members worldwide with the grace and passion to manifest
evidence of transformation by bearing the fruits of righteousness,
willingly and joyfully.
Special Intercessory Prayers For The Days
Deep conviction for all GOFAMINT members to serve God with a
purposeful heart
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DAY 6:
TEXT: ROM 12:1-2; GAL 5:22-23
It is a great thing to serve the lord, walking in the light of God. It is
quite rewarding to serve the lord, walking in absolute obedience to the
leading of the Holy Spirit. This is very necessary for man, born of
woman, born in the similitude of Adam, born with a sinful nature but
who through redemption has a chance to be saved, to truly enjoy God.
The disobedience of Adam landed the human race in a messy situation.
Man became depraved. Depravity is a state of distortion. It is a state
that describes the loss of glory. Thus, man became deprived: deprived of
His glorious divine nature, fellowship and divine presence. However,
through the plan of redemption, all that was lost through the first Adam
was gotten back through Christ and the work of the Holy Spirit.
Gal. 5:22-23, AMP
“But the fruit of the [Holy] Spirit [the work which His presence
within accomplishes] is love, joy (gladness), peace, patience (an
even temper, forbearance), kindness, goodness (benevolence),
faithfulness, (AMP)Gentleness (meekness, humility), self-control
(self-restraint, continence). Against such things there is no law
[that can bring a charge]”. (AMP)
The fruit of the Spirit gives us the power we need to rise above the
snares of the devil and the pull of this fallen world. They help us fulfill
our divine calling and keep us strong and stable to complete our God
appointed race on this earth.
The fruit of the spirit makes any believer to become a complete,
competent and all-round conqueror in all circumstances of life. The fruit
of the spirit ushers any believer to a true state of total transformation in
life. He or she can navigate any ugly situation triumphantly and
successful. It has been said; there is no situation or temptation that a
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child of God will face that one of the fruits of the spirit will not enable
him to overcome. Yes, nothing the devil comes up with can defeat a
believer who bears the fruit of the spirit.
Therefore, the fruit of the spirit is a great maker, builder and
transformer. It equips to life for all kinds of unfavourable situations and
relationships. If you possess the fruit of the spirit, you will ever be
sweet, accommodating, gentle, patient, enduring, easily persuaded on
the right perspective, forgiving and treating others more than what they
The fruit of the spirit transformed believers from a raw and rough
nature to Christlike. There is nothing that makes a believer to be truly
Christlike than the fruit of the spirit when it comes through a genuine
If all believers in our mission bear the fruit of the spirit, there will
be peace, progress, genuine love for God and brethren, our lives will be
so magnetic, and attractive that the church will inevitably experience
true growth in all ramifications. When there is a crisis; it will be so easily
resolved because we are all transformed believers with truthfulness,
Christlikeness and no hypocrisy!We will pass the judgment accordingly,
without pinpointing who is wrong or what is missing.
Lastly, when we bear the fruit of the spirit, there will be holiness in
the place of righteousness Eccl 3:16. It will kill all manipulations of the
works of the flesh in our lives and Mission.
O Lord, thank You for the gift of Your Holy Spirit; wonderful
provision for the total victory of mankind.
O Lord, transform my life totally by empowering it to bear fruit of the
Spirit so that I will be able to rise above all snares of the devil and
the pull of this polluted world.
Father, open up my life for the fruit of the spirit to operate freely and
fully; so that it will help to fulfill my divine calling and keep me
strong and stable to complete my God appointed race on earth.
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Father, cause the fruit of the spirit to-be in total operation in my life,
making me complete, competent and all-round conqueror in all
circumstances of life.
Father, empower me with the fruit of the spirit so that I can navigate
any ugly situation of life successfully.
Father, cause my life to bear the fruit of the spirit so that I can
always overcome any trial and temptation. Heal me of any fruit of
the spirit that is not operating in my life so that I can be totally
successful in my Christian race and warfare.
Lord, make me a true possessor of the fruit of the spirit so that I will
ever be sweet, accommodating, gentle, patient, enduring all things,
easily persuaded and forgiving everyone that offends me knowingly
or unknowingly.
O Lord, filled me with the fruit of the spirit which is a great maker,
builder, transformer and equipper of life for all kinds of unfavourable
situations and relationships in life.
Father, let the fruit of love grows fully and freely in my life for “faith
works by love and without faith; I cannot please God nor quench the
fiery arrows of the enemies”. (Gal. 5:6; Heb. 11:6).
Father, I receive the grace to possess and demonstrate genuine selfgiving love for God and for fellow human beings, as an evidence of
true and total transformation.
Father, let the fruit of longsuffering manifests daily in my life, so that
I will take things with ease and forbear in difficult situations.
Father, let the fruit of meekness and humility which are the heart of
transformed life; manifest regularly in my life.
Henceforth, by the grace of God, I shall stresslessly but joyfully
manifest genuine, spirit-impacted and gentleness in my relationship
with people.
Almighty God, help all ministers and members of GOFAMINT to live
in absolute submission to God and thereby; showcase spirit birthed
goodness and sweatless, as a mark of total and true transformation
in Jesus name.
Heavenly Father, grant all GOFAMINT ministers and members the
grace to possess and demonstrate spirit birthed faithfulness both in
their ministrations and relationships as an authentic proof of total
and true transformation in Jesus name. Pray this earnestly for
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16. O Lord; in your mercy, baptize me with spirit-inspired meekness so
that my relationship, interaction and ministration will bring glory to
17. Everlasting Father, endow me with Holy Spirit birthed temperance,
so that my life will be fruitful and my interaction magnetic in
bringing people to your church and kingdom, in Jesus name.
18. Pray this prophetically. Father, help me to bear the fruit of the spirit
so that:
a) No GOFAMINT minister or member will bring reproach to the
church in Jesus name.
b) No GOFAMINT minister or member will be a minus, a looser or a
castaway at the end of his or her Christian race in Jesus name.
c) Our labour in the Lord shall not be in vain.
d) I will not fail my generation, I will not fail the church and I will not
fail God.
e) I will not miss the rapture of the saints.
f) I will make it to the kingdom of God!
Special Intercessory Prayers For The Days
Lord, remember the family of our founding General Overseer, Pastor
R. A. George; let your grace and compassion continue to sustain
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DAY 7:
ACTS 5:42; JOHN 15:16; LUKE 19:10; JOHN 14:12
There is no way, no magic, no method and no feasible strategy can
change evangelism or soul-winning of the present 21st Century, unless
the church finds her way back and be on the same page with the EARLY
FORE-RUNNERS, who set the pace, almost too difficult for any
subsequent church-era to assume. There have been the moves of God
across the land for which we thank God, for the survival of the church till
date. But there still exists a wide margin, which unless miracles happen,
none of the contemporary church will be able to match, talkless of
surpassing it. However, our God can do it again.
Let us consider how the first church did it.
Firstly, the Early Church concentrated their efforts fully and only on the
Primary and Major Business of soul-seeking and soul-saving (Luke
19:10; John 14:12; Acts 4:19-21; 5:42; Acts 4:24).
 But today, how does it look in fairness to our conscience
Secondly, the Early Church were all involved without exception (Ministers
and members alike) Acts 5:42.
Daily, in the temple, they (Ministers and members) cease not to teach
(the new converts Acts 2:41-42) and preach (to the sinners outside the
temple). Jesus Christ. Is this our story today?
It was EVERYONEthatengaged in soul winning EVERYWHERE and done
on DAILY BASIS (Acts 5:42).
It is often said that:
“There is no chance for victory in a campaign of an army, where
98% of the soldiers are not only untrained, but uninvolved!
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Thirdly, the Early Church was busy raising disciples,not mere converts
that remain spiritual babes as we have in the church today, without any
fruit to show for it (Heb. 5:12 – 6:2).
 Ask the congregation, those who had won at least a soul in year
2022 to stand up for recognition. Pray for them and encourage
them not to relent (Gal. 6:9). What is the percentage? Can the
church grow in quality and in quantity with the result?
Fourthly, the church members were properly trained on fruitful soulwinning business of salvation.
 Ask 2 people (A worker and a member) to boldly come out to share
their Salvation Testimonies (2 minutes each). Check if it works
around these three parts: (i.) “My Before”… (I met Christ) (ii.)
“My How” (When I met Christ), (iii.) “My After” Now that I am
saved, what are evidences to challenge sinners for salvation (Acts
26:11-28). When we all see it as a necessary business and a
God of the harvest can water it and bring the increase (1Cor.3:7).
Clarion call to the present day church (Rev. 2:29)
Revelation 3:15-19.
V. 15: The present church must repent of her lukewarmness to
the primary business of the church.
V. 16: We all need to repent before He spew us out as did in
seven churches in Turkey today.
V. 17: We must be sincere to repent of vainglory of material
possession and our failure to obey… “to live the word”.
V. 17: Repent of pride of self-sufficiency without corresponding
divine blessings.
V. 18: We must all go back to borrow leave and buy into
Apostolic order of soul-winning without delay (Acts 5:42).
V.18: The church must purify herself from dust and dirts of
pollution that cover our lives and pursuits (Isa. 6:1-8).
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V. 18: We must cry for fresh anointing to open our eyes and
compel us to look up unto the white and wasting harvest (John
4:35-36, Matt. 9:35-38).
viii. We must arise at once, turn and rededicate ourselves(the entire
congregation) to unbroken covenant of aggressive soul winning
henceforth, to avoid danger (Lk. 13:6-9, Isa. 5:1-7, Rev. 2:4-5).
Father, we thank you for your mercy that kept your church active
and alive till the present time in Jesus name.
O Lord, thank you for your saving grace that made me part of your
living church and to know the truth and stand thereof.
Lord Jesus, we humble ourselves before you, and confess our
negligence and cold attitude to your primary assignment to the
church. Daddy, we plead for your forgiveness in Jesus name.
Our Lord and Saviour, you did not give any excuse to die for the
world and to accept us, inspite of our wicked ways; please, forgive
all excuses we have given as individuals and as a church till today.
Holy Spirit, heal us of our backsliding and lethargic attitude to
proclaim your word as expected. Rekindle your fire within us again;
to awaken us from slumber, and compel us to seek and win souls
for you this year, than ever before.
Ask the congregation and Ministers to think of a name (among thier
friends, colleagues, family or neighbour). Ask them to write the
name in their Bible and start praying that: Father, I ask that you
touch and open the heart of this person (mention the name) this
year for genuine salvation. Holy Spirit, ignite my spirit to always
respond to the call for evangelism in the church from today and
make me fruitful.
Father, send the Pentecostal fire back to your church again, and
revive every one of us for fruitful evangelism and soul winning this
year than ever before.
Holy Spirit; cause our labour on evangelism this year to be fruitful
with abiding fruits (souls) in each assembly.
GOFAMINT; Arise and receive strength to flourish on every side, as
you make soul – winning your priority this year in Jesus name.
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Every hindrance and barrier to aggressive evangelism in
GOFAMINT, be removed by fire completely.
Father, we enter into covenant with you, that our evangelism drive
as individual and as church, shall never be lukewarm again, we
shall not rest until our nation is conquered for Christ, so help us
O Lord, help me this year, to take it a priority; winning at least,
one soul this year that will abide in you and that, I will not labour in
vain, in Jesus name.
Daily Ministration
1. (a) Let the entire congregation take number from one to five, one to
five, …
(b) All “Ones”, to form a group. All “twos” to form another group. We
end up with five groups.
(c) Choose a leader in each group, making five leaders, one for each
(d) Each leader to write the names of each group with phone
numbers on a cardboard.
(e) The Pastor to draw 12 columns (for each month) on each
cardboard with names.
(f) Each group to win at least one to five souls (depending on the
church size) in a year.
(g) Each group to form evangelism team in the church and meet as
occasion demands for prayers and soul-winning outreach
(h) Mark of “STAR” be put in front of each person in each month,
when a soul is won.
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Special Intercessory Prayers For The Days
Word Evangelism was the heartbeat of our late General
Evangelist R. G. Akapo; let his labour be mightily rewarded on
his family.
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DAY 8:
JAMES 3:17, Prov. 9: 10, James 1:5, Luk. 21: 15
As Christians and children of God, we are expected to be a people
living in absolute submission to the lord our God. As people of God,
we are expected to walk in the light of God. As faithful followers of
Christ, we are required to work for God wholeheartedly and in line
with the instructions of the leadership of the church. Our actions
must be seen in keeping with the leading of the Holy Spirit.
Christians are people of wisdom, because Jesus who is full of wisdom
indwells in them (Mark 6:2). Equally, Christ living in us by faith is
both the power and wisdom of God. wisdom is acquired and we
equally grow in wisdom. It is written about Christ, “And the child
grew, and waxed strong in spirit, filled with wisdom, and the grace of
God was upon Him “And Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and
in favour with God and man” (Luk. 2: 40, 52).
So Jesus was “filled with wisdom” and increased in wisdom”. Why?
Because wisdom is the principal thing. Wisdom is a principal weapon
of our winning and dominion in life. The wisdom from above makes a
believer to be completely godly, gentle and generous in forgiving and
forbearing any wrong.it makes a believer to be sweet, soft, sincere
and strong in all his relationship with all people – believers and
unbelievers. It makes a believer to be easily entreated or yield to
reason. It makes a believer peace lover, promoter and maker. It
makes a believer to be looking for the good of others not for their
down fall.
Bearing the fruit of wisdom that comes from God brings a total
transformation to our lives. James 3:17 Amp says: “But the wisdom
from above is first of all pure (undefiled); then it is peace-loving,
courteous (considerate, gentle), (it is willing to) yield to reason, full
of compassion and good fruits; it is wholehearted and
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straightforward, impartial
wavering, and insecurity).
According to the Message Bible! Real wisdom, that is, God’s wisdom,
begins with a holy life and is characterised by getting along with
others. It is gentle and reasonable, overflowing with mercy and
blessings, not hot one day and cold the next, not two-faced.
Wisdom is knowledge with capacity to make use of it. Godly wisdom
is from God and honours God. Godly wisdom starts with the fear of
God and results in a holy life. Godly wisdom enables one to prepare
for eternity. With Godly wisdom, we trade earthly values for Biblical
virtues (1John 2:15-16). Godly wisdom helps and empowers us to
see life from God’s perspective and act accordingly. We can only live
in godly wisdom when we are committed to crucifying our flesh and
living in the spirit. No one is born wise, we must acquire wisdom
from God if we are to be truly wise (Ps. 119: 98-100; Col. 3:16).
Equally, by intentionally selecting wise people to be part of those
who journey through life with us (Prov. 13:20.
Let us pray
Thank God for the grace we have been enjoying under this program
since the commencement of this year victory month
Thank God wholeheartedly for the divine wisdom that led to the
founding of GOFAMINT
Let us all in unity thank God for the wisdom He granted the
founding fathers of this Mission for the establishment and growth of
this church.
Thank God for the Spirit of wisdom that has been at work in the
leadership of this church since inception and which is still in force
till today
Heavenly Father, grant us a fresh baptism of wisdom from above
that will make us pure, peace-loving, courteous – considerate and
Father, grant us Godly wisdom that will always help us to see life
from God’s perspective and act accordingly.
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Father, have mercy on us and don’t deprive us of Godly wisdom so
that we will not believe like Ostrich Christians, Parents and
Ministers (Job 39: 13-17).
Father, endow us with Godly wisdom and understanding so that we
will always be correct and current in the things of God.
Father, cause the wisdom from above to build total transformation
in us – willing to yield to reason, bearing good fruits and full of
10. Lord, by your wisdom, make us wholehearted, straightful, impactful
and unfeigned christian free from doubt, wailing and insincerity.
11. Father, by the fruit of wisdom; make us gentle and reasonable,
overflowing with mercy and blessings.
12. Heavenly Father, grant unto all that are in leadership position in
GOFAMINT, the requisite wisdom, grace and anointing to take this
Mission to greater heights in Jesus name
13. Almighty God, grant every member and minister in GOFAMINT the
wisdom, grace and anointing to manifest the evidence of total and
true transformation in our relationship, ministry and interactions in
Jesus name
14. Pray for the ministers that their ministries and ministrations will be
a channel through which heavenly inspired wisdom will be at work
to heal the sick, deliver the oppressed and bring sinners unto
salvation in Jesus name.
15. Pray for our leaders
That the wisdom of Christ will be duplicated in their lives to the
intent that their leadership will attract exponential growth to the
16. Pray for the ministers
That the fruit of wisdom in their ministrations will propel their
churches to grow in a dramatic manner and their lives will attract
divine favor in Jesus name
17. Pray for GOFAMINT members
That God will grant them wisdom to co-operate with their
respective leaders and ministers to work for the growth of their
assemblies and for the advancement of God’s work in their domain.
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Pray for all youths in our Regions, Districts and Assemblies for the
spirit of wisdom to co-operate with the ministers in their domains,
working for the advancement of the kingdom.
Pray for our youths that God should cause them to remember Him
(God) and be willing and committed to work for Him with their
youthful zeal and energy.
Lord, grant us wisdom to act like Joseph: he hated sin with passion
and loved God sincerely. Therefore, he enjoyed unparalleled
promotion and favourof God. Grant us the same grace in Jesus
Heavenly Father, give me the wisdom like that of Daniel: he
refused to bow to the pressure of sin. He was delivered from death
and was promoted. Give me the wisdom and grace to stand for you
and thus enjoy divine promotion in Jesus name.
Like the three young Hebrew who acted on divine wisdom and were
miraculously delivered and divinely honoured, give me the grace to
act on divine wisdom in such a way that will give glory to God in
Jesus name.
O Lord of host, grant our leaders the grace to always hear you
clearly so that their leadership will be as guided by the wisdom
from above, in Jesus name.
Special Intercessory Prayers For The Days
Lord, continue to sustain and uphold the families of late EXCO members;
Pa Obideyi, Kudoro, J. I. Bagere, M. A. Paul, N.D. Fadipe and M. O.
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DAY 9:
Eph. 5:27; Ps. 24: 3-6; John 4: 23-24,
Eph. 5: 27
“That he might present it (The Church) to
Himself a glorious church, not having spot, or
wrinkle, or any such thing: but that it should be
holy and without blemish”.
It is obvious without mincing words, that the condition of the present
church in the world is a far cry to the glorious church God had in His
eternal mind and plan; even before the foundation of the world, to be
raptured later.
“According as the hath chosen us in Him before
the foundation of the world that, we should be
holy and without blame before Him in love” –
Eph. 1:4
All that the early apostles consecrated their lives and concentrated their
messages upon was to raise and prepare a glorious church for rapture.
“For I am jealous over you with Godly jealousy: for I have
exposed you to one husband, that I may present you as a chaste
virgin to Christ” – 2Cor. 11:2 (Rev. 14:4).
God the eternal loving Father, has a standard for the glorious church He
expects to be with Him (2Tim. 2: 19-21).
Our prayer focus today is to measure the current church in the
standard God has set for a glorious church. Individuals make up the
church. We are measuring our lives as well in this mirror, so “we all
with open face beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord,
(and) are being changed into the same image from glory to glory,
even as by the Spirit of the Lord” – 2Cor. 3:18.
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It must be unequivocally “a glorious church (Col. 1:27). Jesus
is the glory of the Father. The church is the body of Christ, for the
church to become glorious, she must have grown to the stature of
Christ (Eph. 4:13)
i. We must together as a body come to the unity of the faith (Jude 3)
ii. We must all grow from babes (child) to the knowledge of the Son of
God (Heb. 11:6; 1Jh. 3:2) – A mature man with mature mind.
iii. We must all grow to the level of the measure of the stature of the
fullness of Christ (His real image).
Another characteristics of God’s standard for the church is,
she must be without spot. A garment soiled with oil is good for
nothing, no matter how white or clean. It is a babe that soils his
garment without remorse. A babe in Christ that feeds on milk is a
dangerous cancer to the glorious church (Gal. 5: 19-21; Heb. 5:
12-6: 2). Today, it is sad to find many believers, who are still
spiritual babes or toddlers, after several years in the church. They
are the lukewarm in Rev. 3:15-16 that God said He did not know
them (Math. 7). They are miracle and bread seekers. If you are a
believer for over 3 years, and not yet a worker, you are a babe
without any hope of rapture, no matter your activities. Don’t be
surprised, if you miss it (1Jh. 3:8; Ezek. 8:7-12).
A glorious church must be without wrinkle
Those who are still manifesting carnality are saints in the church
but Satan at home, on the street or in the market. They are angels
in the church but devils at place of work. They are wolves in sheep
clothing on the pulpits or in the church.They may go by any title,
position or office in the church; so far, for three years as a worker
in the church, no single soul is won by them. The fruit of spirit is
not manifesting in their character, they have wrinkles that must be
determingly disposed – off, before it is too late.
As individual and a church, we must be conscious of His urgent call to us
as in the church of Laodicea (Rev. 3: 16-17).
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The urgent need to repent from all forms of open and secret spots
and wrinkles in our lives. (Rev. 2: 4-5)
Determine to walk in reality of perfection (Heb. 6:1; Matt. 5: 48;
Phil. 2:12).
Make definite covenant and commitment not to remain lukewarm in
“KadeshBarnea” (Rev. 3: 16-17; Heb. 10: 39; Deut. 2: 1-3)
Urgently go to the seller to buy the spiritual gold (Matt. 19:21; Gal.
5: 22).
Urgently cast-off the garment of shame and buy white clothing to
cover our nakedness, to avoid eternal nakedness.
Determine to buy now the spiritual eye-salves (truth), to heal your
spiritual backsliding, blindness and receive divine revelation to
grow in Christ in true holiness, worthy of rapture (1Cor. 2: 14-15).
Let us together raise our voices to appreciate God for His amazing
grace of eternal plan to set us apart as a glorious church, to
Himself and live eternally with Him.
Lift up your hands and worship this God, who sent Jesus Christ, His
Son to pay the price to redeem us from sin and reconcile us back to
Give thanks to God for the provision He has made available to us,
in Christ, to become perfect, acceptable and blameless in this
polluted world!
Let us go to God on our knees to ask for grace in this time of need.
Think about it. For how long will I stay on the spot in “spiritual
KadeshBarnea” as a babe, taking the grace in vain? You are saved
to become the image of His Son and to serve Him. For how long
will you be a spectator, a benchwarmer or a babe?
i. Ask God to forgive you for staying too long on a spot, then
confess any works of the flesh still manifesting in your life as a
believer (Heb. 5: 12-16: 2; Gal. 5: 19-21).
Ask the Holy Spirit to fully circumcise your spirit, soul and body
and set you apart as a worker (Malachi 3: 1-4; 1Thes. 5:23).
Father, today let your fire come upon me to consume every worldly
passion, lust and desire warring against my soul and create in me
strong desire for heavenly treasures (Col. 3:1).
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Holy Spirit, visit my life, remove every trace of the cloth of spiritual
nakedness on me, and replace with cloth of righteousness; for me
to bear correct and regular fruit of the spirit, fruit of righteousness
and the fruit of soul – winning.
Father, from today till you come, create in my life the strong
desire, thirst and hunger to grow in the spirit, till I become perfect,
spotless, blameless, glorious and without wrinkle, in Jesus name.
Lord; deliver me completely from the works of flesh and grant me
grace to resist all temptations.
Father, by your Holy Spirit, complete the good works you have
started in me, to be filled with the fruit of the spirit in full measure.
I receive the grace to work out my salvation with fear and
trembling till I become like Christ in conduct, conversation and in
character (Phil. 2:12; 3: 11-14).
O Lord, by your Spirit, please reveal to me the areas of my
weakness, and strengthen me in the inner-man to overcome them
completely, before they overcome me.
Father, help me to pay whatever price it may cause me, not to miss
the rapture and eternity with you. Give me all needed grace to run
well and finish well.
MINISTRATION FOR THE DAY: Invite to the front,
i. Those who truly want to move forward in their spiritual journey
from “spiritual KadeshBarnea” (a deadly and dangerous spot,
where the entire generation that left Egypt perished except Caleb
and Joshua) to become vessels of honour to God.
ii. Those who are not sure of making heaven, if Jesus suddenly
appears now or an end comes.
iii. Those willing to receive brand new spiritual cloth from God to cover
their spiritual nakedness, the replacement with glorious garment
without spot, and wrinkle; holy and blameless till the day of
Ministers to minister to them and call for those willing to become
workers; ready to bear all round spiritual fruits.
Special Intercessory Prayers For The Days
Father, we lift the family of late Pa Nathaniel Omojugbagbe to your
hand, carry them on eagle’s wings.
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DAY 10:
ISA. 1:26, EPH 5:25 -27, PROV. 12:28
God created man in righteousness and put him in a garden in which
all that was needed for his comfort and satisfaction was made available.
God then commanded him not to eat of the fruit of the tree of knowledge
of Good and evil, adding that the day he ate from it, he would die, that
is; come short of the glory and righteousness of God. This was a very
clear commandment without any form of ambiguity. However man, in
disobedience to the known law of God ate the fruit of the knowledge of
Good and Evil. The consequence of that act of disobedient was that man
died and lost the divine nature of God.
Therefore, mankind now needs total and true transformation to
become a city of righteousness.
Today, transformation is the work of God through the Holy Spirit to
change man from what sin had turned him to. Transformation is that
change inside-out that will make man become what God desired him to
be. Transformation is wrought by the Holy Spirit through the word as a
man yield himself to God in absolute submission to His will.
God requires our total and true transformation as His body on
earth. Every aspect of man’s life is what transformation will affect. And it
is our duty as members of His glorious church to ensure that we yield all
our being – spirit, soul and body, heart, will and emotion to God.
As Christians and worshippers of God, our total and true
transformation is needed to make the church of God a city of
righteousness. This requires Holiness, which is the nature of God and
which is our birthright as transformed believers. This makes our walk
with God and service to be well pleasing, reasonable and acceptable to
Him. Thus, making us a city of righteousness as we present our bodies a
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living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is our reasonable
service(Rom 12:1-2).
Building a glorious church which is made up of clean, faithful, holy,
loving, humble, watchful, unselfish, zealous and hardworking members is
our goal in GOFAMINT. And the major instruments are righteousness,
love, The word, constant prayers, aggressive evangelism and godly
discipline. This is how we can make GOFAMINT the city of Righteousness
and a glorious church.
Thank God for His wonderful dealings with us since the
commencement of this year victory month prayers.
Thank God for His presence with GOFAMINT and the help we have
been enjoying globally.
Thank God for His grace in helping our leaders and members in
GOFAMINT to keep the flag flying for over 66 years of her
Lord of hosts, keep GOFAMINT moving on the path of
righteousness in this end time, in Jesus name (Prov. 12:28).
O Lord, grant every minister and member of GOFAMINT the
manifold grace to manifest the glaring evidence of a glorious
church and a city of righteousness.
Heavenly Father, grant us in GOFAMINT the divine capacity to daily
exhibit the true characteristics of a glorious church.
Father, grant GOFAMINT leaders the divine grace, courage,
wisdom, zeal, the burning desire and godly tools to build
GOFAMINT as a glorious church indeed and as a
city of
Help every minister and member of GOFAMINT henceforth to be
involved in the divine aspiration, determination and foresight of
building GOFAMINT as a glorious church in Jesus name.
Gracious God, help individual minister and member to develop the
hunger to join hands in building GOFAMINT as a city of
righteousness in the name of Jesus.
O Lord of hosts, baptize us in GOFAMINT with the great grace and
godly zeal needed to take this church to greater heights than what
it is, presently.
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Heavenly Father, help every minister in GOFAMINT to be united in
purpose and team up to labor in righteousness as to make
GOFAMINT become a city where righteousness reigns in Jesus
Almighty Father, uphold every member of GOFAMINT worldwide in
one accord; working as a team with the minsters to ensure that
GOFAMINT becomes a glorious church and a city of righteousness.
O Lord, frustrate the counsel of Ahithophel,the wickedness of
Hamman and the activities of Achan in GOFAMINT.
O Lord, let your glory shine forth in GOFAMINT henceforth and
cover everywhere we are, as the waters cover the sea.
Grant our leaders the manifold grace to handle the breakthrough
that will translate into making GOFAMINT glorious church and a
city of righteousness.
Special Intercessory Prayers For The Days
Heavenly father, let your glory continue to shine in the lives of Pa S. A.
Abiodun, Pastor Ade Ojo, Pastor Oluwaseye, Pastor B. A. Ajayi, Pastor
Fabowale and their families.
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DAY 11:
ROMANS 12:1-2
The Bible reliably informed us that “in the beginning … the earth was
formless and empty, and darkness covered the deep waters” to the
extent that “the Spirit of God was hovering over the surface of the
waters” to bring order, shape and light to the chaotic earth. The hovering
of the Spirit of God from the beginning evidentially reveals that God
always wants a transformed society. Transformed society can only be
possible where there are godly homes. As someone said, “home is the
primary connection between you and the rest of the world”. In all,
ministry becomes fruitful when it has positive and relevant impacts on
homes, and the society at large. God personally engaged in the
transformative works in the beginning; however, He has committed
same to the transformed believers to build godly homes and transformed
society through fruitful ministry. (cp. 2 Cor. 5:18).
Only believers that have experienced a genuine change of life
(transformation) can build godly homes, fruitful ministry and
transformed society. Brother Gbile Akanni remarks that “the type of
Christians we have in the churches these days are lamentable. If you
have been a Christian for thirty years or more, you would have been a
witness to the gradual but steady decline in the quality of Christian
character and behaviour, over the years. But now, things have changed,
and an average Christian cannot be trusted again.”
However, the change that transformation represents demand a complete
turn away from bad and ungodly habits, worldly values, and selfish
desires; and a complete turn to good and godly habits, nurtured by
spending quality time with God in prayer and worship. The believers that
will build godly homes, fruitful ministry and transformed society must
themselves be transformed by the renewing of their minds so that they
can focus on Christ and spiritual things while confronting unhealthy
lifestyles (the pattern or lifestyle of this world) and sinful habits. In our
text, Paul is concerned with what we allow in our minds and hearts
because the temptation to follow worldly patterns and values begins in
our thought life. What we put into our minds will influence our thinking
and our actions. But as we spend time praying, reading the Bible,
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focusing on God, and worshiping Him in spirit and in truth, our thought
process will be renewed by the Holy Spirit.
Godly Home
Being a Christian does not guarantee you will have a godly home. Most
of what heaven is, should be reflected in the godly homes when the
transformed believers allow the will of Jesus to shine and lead their lives
rather than the dictates of their moods and worldly principles or
philosophies. A godly home is one where Christ is honored as the Head
and where He is made comfortable. A godly home is where husband and
wife function as partners, submitting to each other in the fear of God in
order to establish God’ s will for their lives and children. Also, a godly
home is where children are reared to respect and honor God, His word
and the value of life; also to respect and honor themselves, and others.
It is a home where there is peace, well trained and cultured children. A
home where there is trust and self-discipline.
Fruitful Ministry
Ministry means serving in the function of a priest by offering up “spiritual
sacrifices acceptable to God.” Fruitfulness in ministry begins with the
exemplary life of minister. Paul tells Timothy that his growth should be
seen by others in the church. In addition, the family members should be
growing in spiritual fruit as part of the fruitful ministry because it is one
of the traits that qualifies a minister in the church. Fruitful ministry is
also measured by the evidence of spiritual fruit in those ministered to.
Fruitful ministry is not about entertainment of people but edification of
souls. A true sign of fruitful ministry is that fruit continues to grow long
after the minister is gone. If all spiritual flavour and influences of a
minister disappear with his official ministry, or when retires, the ministry
is not a fruitful one. In essence, if love, joy, peace, longsuffering,
gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, and temperance are not
resulting from what you think is your “ministry,” then it is not fruitful,
though there may be some physical evidences. The truth is, if there is no
spiritual fruit, the ministry is not fruitful!
Transformed Society
While we are still on this earth, Jesus says, we are “the salt of the earth”
and “the light of the world”. By implication, we are meant to change
society for better. Our spiritual gifts are given, not primarily for our own
benefit or self-aggrandizement; but for us to be agents of transformation
in the church and our society. In building up the Body of Christ, and our
society, transformed believers are to bring glory to God, while mediating
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the presence of Christ to others, and discerning loving action in the
world. This includes aggressive evangelism (sharing our faith), giving
generously of our resources, reconciliation and peacemaking, working for
justice, exercising compassion and care for the poor, and working for the
betterment of the lives of people in order to make for a transformed
Prayer warfare
1. Let us thank and worship our God, the Master Builder, who brought
orderliness, structure and beauty out of the formless, empty and
chaotic earth in the beginning; and He is still in the business of
transforming homes, ministry and society to reflect His glory.
2. Let the hovering Spirit of God locate me for the perfected work of
transformation and also turn me to an agent of transformation in
my generation, in Jesus’ name.
3. Father, I receive a complete turn away from bad and ungodly
habits, worldly values, and selfish desires; and a complete turn to
good and godly habits, in Jesus name.
4. Father, purge my mind and heart, purify my thought life, refine my
thinking and actions, and use me as an effective builder to confront
unhealthy lifestyles and sinful habits in the church and society, in
Jesus name.
5. Father, “Oh that Christ be formed in me, that I be conformed to the
image of Your Son, that I may live daily to present my body a living
sacrifice, holy and acceptable unto You always”, in Jesus name
6. As a believer redeemed by the precious blood of Jesus, I refused to
be conformed to the behavior and customs of this world; but I
receive grace to be progressively changed through spiritual
maturity that focuses on godly values and pleasing God, in Jesus
7. Wholeheartedly pray Philippians 3:10: “That I may know Him and
the power of His resurrection, and the fellowship of His sufferings,
being conformed to His death”.
8. Father, make my home a godly home to reflect heaven on earth,
and use my life and my home as a model of godly standard of
family to my generation, in Jesus name.
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9. My home shall not be subjected to the rules of worldly principles
and philosophies; but let the unquestionable will of Jesus shines
and leads the lives of every member of my home, in Jesus’ name.
I receive a transformed and renewed mind that will allow me
and my spouse to truly function as partners in the light of God’s
word, submitting to each other in fear of God, in Jesus’ name.
As a transformed parent, I receive grace to raise my children
to fear, respect and honor God, His word and His principles and to
stand as uncompromising examples of godly children to their
generation, in Jesus’ name.
As a transformed child in my home, I receive grace to obey
God and my parents in the will of God, and to reflect the virtues
and light of Christ to my peers and generation at large, in Jesus
Holy Spirit, work on all our ministers to exemplify the true life
of a transformed believer and let their spiritual growth be open for
all to see and follow Christ, in Jesus name.
Father, help all our ministers to work on their family members
that their lives will reflect Christ through the relationship of the
minister with the spouse and the children, in Jesus’ name
Father, anoint all our ministers for fruitful ministries that will
produce lasting impact, clear edification, and living evidence of
spiritual fruit in the lives of those ministered to, in Jesus’ name.
Father, may the impacts and fruits of the ministries of our
ministers outlive them, may their fruits continue to grow long after
they are out of the stage through retirement or death, in Jesus
As a transformed believer, I am the salt of the earth and the
light of my world; therefore, I shall not lose my savour, I shall not
lose my brightness, I shall not be hidden, but I receive grace to
remain relevant to Christ in my generation.
As transformed believers, we receive great grace to transform
our society and bring glory to God and betterment to the lives of
the people in the world, in Jesus name.
Special Intercessory Prayers For The Days
Lord, continue to supply the needs of Evangelist M. O. Salako’s family
and Evangelist S. A. Edawole’s family in season and out of season.
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DAY 12:
DAN. 11:28-32
“What you have, makes your worth, your worth determines your actions
and authorities”. God needs those who will serve as His Mouthpiece on
God’s representatives are stand out people. There are so many people
who profess that they are of God’s. Unfortunately, the confessions of so
many people about God are mere empty words. “These people drawth
high unto me with their mouth, and honoureth me their lips, but their
heart is far from me” (Matt. 15:8). This is a serious situation with many
believers in the church.
To become his true agent of revival, we need to go beyond the
peripheral level of spirituality. We have a shining example in the life of
Gideon. In the book of Judges, He was referred to as the “mighty man of
valour” (Judges 6:12) not mere human being. If Gideon was not a true
mighty man of valour, he would to be described so. We are expected to
be mighty men and women of valour for God. Hence, it is expressed in
our Bible reading today: “they that know their God shall be strong and
they shall do exploits”.
God wants each of us to attain this level and position; and then be His
true agent of revival.
The essential spiritual commodities must have their ways in our lives to
make us instruments of revival Isaiah 59:21. “As for me this is my
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covenant with them saith the Lord, My spirit that is upon thee, and my
words which I have put in thy mouth, shall not depart out of thy seed,
nor out of thy seed, saith the Lord from hence forth and forever” THE
Let us make some analysis
Must be imbibed (Jer. 15:16)
It must become our flesh (John:14)
Must be practicalised (James 1:22-23)
We must stand by, defend and speak the truth of the word; not
minding whose ox is gored (II Tim. 2:19)
2. the Spirit
(i) We must receive the baptism of the Holy spirit (Act 9: 2-6)
(ii) We must pray well and pray through in the power of the Holy Spirit
(Rom 8:26-27)
(iii) We must work in close partnership with the Holy Spirit (Rom.8:14)
(iv)We must hear, heed and follow the instructions of the spirit (Rev.
1. If he calls me, I will answer 3ce I’ll be somewhere working for my
2. Dear lord. I am happy to know that you want me to be your agent of
revival on earth.
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3. Isa 6;8 the same way that Isaiah answered, “Lord here I am, send
4. Help me o Lord to match my faith confession with actions
5. I want to be a man/woman of the word. Let your word have its free
course in my n
6. Help me Oh lord, not to be a hypocrite, but true doer of your word.
7. Help me to be committed to the study of your word and give me good
8. Let my life be the epistle that the world will be willing to read,
knowing the Lord.
9. Lord, I need the Holy Spirit in my life, I detest ordinary carnal life.
My body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, take over your house
which is my body.
Holy spirit, demonstrate your power, gift and fruits in my life
Holy spirit, use my mouth to declare your word and use my hands
to perform miracles.
Where some people are compromising your word; use me to speak
the truth no matter the situation.
Like Gideon; make me a mighty man/woman of valour and use me
to deliver and redeem people from generation to generation.
Dear father, show me your need in the church and in the world at
large and help me to meet it
Use me dear Lord as an agent of solution and never to be used by
Satan to destroy your church
Holy spirit, kindle your fire in me and use me to set the church and
the world ablaze in Jesus name.
Special Intercessory Prayers For The Days
All retired senior ministers are lifted before your throne of grace;
undertake for them.
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DAY 13:
Rom. 12.2; Eph. 5:27; 1 Pet 2:4-5)
Transformed Believers are the builders of a glorious church. Last year
2022 Victory Month, we called upon God for a Divine Visitation. This is a
prayer that is close and dear to the heart of God, because it is His
sustained visitation to us that transforms us into his likeness, from one
level of glory to another. (2 Cor. 3:18). Our local churches or Assemblies
are expected to be “spiritual houses” of God, consisting of people
foreordained as “royal priesthood” and “holy nation” to serve in His
presence. Our members should therefore offer their lives totally to God
on a daily basis, as befitting His presence, to manifest, inhabit and
transform lives, homes, communities, cities and nations! This is the main
reason why we called upon God to visit us. He must therefore have His
way and start the work of transformation in us.
A glorious church is the desire of our Master Jesus Christ and He is
coming back to take home the glorious church without wrinkle or spot.
The strong presence of God in a local Church enables evangelism and
other spiritual ministries to exhibit strong manifestation of God’s
presence; provides a spiritual platform for evangelism to operate.
Was this not the way our Church began? The results of our growth were
so evident then. Let us therefore, return and be revived to the works of
power as of old.
We must be transformed to be a member and then a builder of a glorious
church. The truth is that our services are not even acceptable if we are
not transformed. We need to be transformed to be partakers of the
inheritance in Christ Jesus. Today, believers are conforming to this world
and have corrupted the church of Christ; the church must be purged and
transformed to be acceptable. Let us cry unto God in this prayer session
for a divine transformation.
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On mount Tabor (Luke 9:28-35), at the mountain of transfiguration, our
Lord Jesus prayed until His countenance and garments became shining
white. Moses too, who appeared with Him in glory on that mountain, had
a similar experience in the wilderness, when he went to Sinai to meet
with God (Ex. 34:35). You cannot be transformed from glory to glory,
until you also pray like Him. This is our defining hour; we must not miss
it, if we are to fulfill His divine purpose.
May we be a living sacrifice, acceptable in Jesus Name, as we pray.
Prayer Points
1. Thank God that you are a member of a glorious church, the rapturable
2. O Lord, purge your church and make it clean in Jesus' Name
3. O Lord, remove every stain of sin in the church in the mighty name of
Jesus Christ
4. Remove everything that brings shame to your church in the mighty
name of Jesus Christ.
5. O Lord, according to your perfect work on the cross, remove whatever
is in me, or in my lifestyle that offend you, and cleanse me from all
6. Holy Spirit, perfect your sanctifying work in my heart, and cleanse me
from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit.
7. Read Gen 35:1-6, and Joshua 7:10-12. Ask what are those things in
your life and home that are provoking God, and giving satan cheap
access into your home and church at this time, thereby making people to
speak against our God?
Ask God to forgive you and uproot all such roots of bitterness.
8. Now, begin to forgive those who have offended you and ask for
forgiveness from those you have offended that your prayers may be
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9. O Lord, build your church and make it glorious in the mighty name of
Jesus Christ.
10. O Lord, expose to us all the 'spots' in the church in the mighty name
of Jesus Christ.
11. Make us a wise builder of according to Apostle Paul injunction in the
mighty name of Jesus
12. When you shall return, help us to be ready in the mighty name of
Jesus Christ.
13. Whatever will not make us rapturable, remove it from your church in
the mighty name of Jesus name.
14. Holy Spirit, wash us with the washing of water”, by the Word in the
mighty name of Jesus Christ.
15. O Lord, create in me the engine of prayer that will make me pray
until I am transformed into your likeness.
16. Make us true Believers in Word and in Truth in Jesus Mighty name.
17. Make us a presentable church, in the mighty name of Jesus.
18. Father, give us a permanent and sustainable transformation at this
season that we might continually offer acceptable sacrifices to you in
Jesus Name.
Special Intercessory Prayers For The Days
Lord, strengthen all serving Assistant General Evangelists to win more
souls for your kingdom, through their operations.
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DAY 14:
DEUT 18:4; DEUT 26:11; PROV. 3:9
It is quite some years now (since 2017) that our father in the Lord,
Pastor (Dr) E.O. Abina had been led by God to initiate this kind of
covenant giving lifestyle in the GOFAMINT. Certainly, it is a new
paradigm that we were not used to from the beginning of our church
existence, but it is scriptural, and also prophetic.
God’s Kingdom will not just answer to prayers, but will answer to timetested biblical principles like this First Fruit-like giving.
Please note again that First fruits are not Tithes, but an offering from
you to God. Tithes belong to God mandatorily, but First Fruits are
initiated by us to honour God with our increase. (Prov. 3:9). Consider the
mercies you received from the Lord in year 2022, and how the Lord bare
you on eagle’s wings into this year 2023. Was it by your might or power
that you got to where you are today? Certainly not! So, the First Fruit of
your increase is ahonour to God who has done all these for you. It is a
covenant seed for your higher prosperity in the New Year. We have
agreed in the GOFAMINT that our own first fruit is the first income or
salary we receive in the New Year. The Church has decided to dedicate it
mostly to the continuous development of our Camp ground, the Gospel
City at Ogunmakin and the results are evident. A seed is sown for
multiplication at the time of harvest. Can we have testimonies from
those whose commitment to this First Fruit seeding has yielded bountiful
harvest of Prosperity to them? Also, let us hear from our Assemblies that
have enjoyed supernatural increase of members’ tithes as a result of
faithfulness to First Fruits. As we get more committed this year, the
glory of the latter house shall surely surpass the former in Jesus Name.
(Haggai 2:9). God’s Kingdom in our hands will also spread through
prosperity. (Zech. 1:17).
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Some Biblical examples of covenant sowing are as follows:
1. Giving away what is precious to you. (Your first income in a year is
very precious to you). Abraham was tested with the sacrifice of Isaac,
and he passed with the reward of generational blessings of prosperity till
today. (Gen 22:1-3, 15-18). Can your January salary beat what
Abraham did? Let us graduate to real prosperity.
2. Sowing in the time of famine. This is a time of serious economic crisis,
not only in Nigeria, but globally. It looks challenging to lay down a whole
month’s income at this time. Isaac did the same thing when he was
instructed by God and he entered into his own “Rehoboth” and greatness
(Gen 26:1-6, 12-14), despite being a child of covenant who could just
fold his arms, waiting for Abrahamic covenant transfer.
3. Sowing your last meal. This is the case of widow of Zarepath. (1 Kings
17:8-16). Your situation may be as bad as this woman, but the word of
the prophet has gone forth over your life. So don’t hesitate, go ahead
and participate in this first fruit giving “For thus saiththe Lord God of
Israel, The barrel of meal shall not waste, neither shall the cruise of oil
fail, until the day the Lord sendeth rain upon the earth (Nigeria)” – vs
14. The above are a few of the numerous biblical examples of giving
beyond the issue of tithing. In the new Testament, they even graduated
to almost 100% or more! Like the Macedonian Churches. There are also
contemporary examples we can point to in God’s Kingdom. Your own
testimony is the next to share as we begin to pray and obey this
directive now in Jesus Name.
Before we pray, what are the challenges you think we are facing as
individuals that may hinder us from fruitful participation in this First
Fruit-like giving so that we can deal with them practically during these
Prayer Points
1. Thank God for the gift of life and all blessings you have received from
Him in the years past.
2. O Lord, give us the grace of obedience to your commandments in the
mighty name of Jesus Christ.
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3. May we never fail in our duties to You Lord in the Mighty name of
Jesus Christ.
4. O Lord, bless and give all your children who have been faithful to the
payment of their tithes and first fruits a dumbfounding testimonies in the
name of Jesus.
5. O Lord, as I participate faithfully in this year’s First Fruit-like giving,
activate your covenant over my life and order into my life the destiny
helpers who will bring good and positive changes to my life.
6. Father, rise up in your power and strength, raise covenant helpers for
me that will enlarge my coast as I faithfully obey you in this Commission.
7. Everything I have lost in the time past, I recover them in Jesus Name.
8. Everything that connects or ties me with destiny-killers, catch fire now
and be burnt to ashes in Jesus Name.
9. Father, You said you do not take pleasure in the legs of a man…so,
from today open doors for me that will launch me into greatness in
Jesus’ name (Psalm 147:10).
10. O Lord, as I obey this covenant word, lead me to Your prepared table
for me this year in Jesus Name. (Psalm 23:2,5).
11. O Lord, prosper us according to your Word in the Mighty name of
Jesus Christ.
12. Give us a willing heart to obey all your instructions in the mighty
name of Jesus Christ.
13. Give us abundant of harvest to be able to give bountifully this year in
Jesus name.
14. Give us a breakthrough and make us bouyant in season and out of
season in the mighty name of Jesus.
15. Let our lands yield their increase in abundance this year O Lord.
16. Let not your work suffer any lack this year in the Mighty name of
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17. Our First Fruit like offerings shall open the doors of breakthrough for
the church in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.
18. O God, let my breakthrough and breaking forth begin now, spiritually
and physically,
in Jesus Name.
Special Intercessory Prayers For The Days
Father, give all serving Regional Pastors, District and Assembly Pastors
servant hearts and unquenchable thirst to move GOFAMINT forward.
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DAY 15:
JUDGES 2:1-7
Ecclesaiaste 7:8, says :”The end of thing is better than the end of
thing is better than the beginning there of" which simply means
that things ought to be getting better.
In the wise word of our General Overseer, Pastor E.O. Abina He
said, yesterday was good for us, today is better, tomorrow will be best.
That is in line with Proverb 4:18 which says “but the part of the just is
as the shining lightshineth more and more unto perfect day”’.
Things were supposed to be better, not worse.
Credible and reliable information shows that as a Church we had a
good beginning in GOFAMINT.
The foundation of the Church was solidly built on the solid word of
Our relationships were truly based on genuine love.
Our fellowships were purely Holy Spirit affairs, not deception.
(iv) Commitment to God and to the Church was the lifestyle of every
(v) Discipline was the order of the day both on personal and Church
Every true member of the Church was truly glad to be a member.
of the Church they were always excited and eager to come to
(vii) Testimonies of the Salvation of our Souls were regular stories
being shared by members.
(viii) Holiness and righteousness were our trade work and watchword.
Hypocrisy and deception were almost non-existent among us.
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Our goal was to seek the kingdom of God, His righteousness, all
other being added.
Those were our Signs.
God does not change, His word does not change. His people cling
to the unchangeable word. The late Pa S. O. Odunaike, while preaching
at our convention 1982 had this to say :”There are three things that
do not change, the word of God does not change. The people of God
do not change.
We as a Church do not agree that all those spiritual qualities and
virtues which endear us to God and to the outside world have been
traded away. They are our heritage and core-values, and we are not
ready to sell them for any amount. To be a GOFAMINT member, you
must imbibe the faith of our fathers. “Nevertheless the foundation of
God standeth sure, having this seal, the Lord knoweth those that are
his. And let everyone that nameth the name of Christ depart from
iniquity”. (II Tim. 2:19).
You are either in or you are out. If you imbibe and embrace the
faith of our fathers, you are in and on the side of the Lord. If not, you
are out, but God’s mercy is available for you.
For those who care to know. GOFAMINT has not derailed, fallen or
ruined. GOFAMINT is intact and alive; the challenges notwithstanding.
Dear Father, thank you for the unfailing and unveined faith you
gave to our fathers in GOFAMINT.
Kindly give all of us the kind of faith and mind of our fathers.
Let there be revival and restoration of the olden days glory in our
Give us double portion of power and glory, both of the early days
and latters days.
Cause all of us in GOFAMINT to desire your will and your kingdom
in Jesus name.
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We scatter all horns planted to scatter the purpose and will of God
in GOFAMINT, in Jesus Name.
Holy Spirit, you are the presbyter of GOFAMINT. Take over and
take charge .
Lead us Lord to the next level of your will in GOFAMINT.
Lift us up and high in the spirit and help us to soar high.
Let your perfect will be done in our individual lives and in
GOFAMINT at large in Jesus Name.
We lift up the banner of Jesus in GOFAMINT and we say all “towers
of Babel” crumble in Jesus name.
Move in the length and breadth of GOFAMINT and chase out all that
are making merchandise in Jesus name.
Rekindle the fire of prayer, evangelism, commitment, unveined
love and faith in GOFAMINT in Jesus name.
Expose and disgrace all ‘wolfs’ who appear in sheep skin in our
midst in Jesus name.
Take over our administration, ministration and operations at all
levels in Jesus name.
Restore back to us in all GOFAMINT assemblies; the joy of salvation
in Jesus name.
Let GOFAMINT reclaim her position as the model church for others
to follow in Nigeria and all over the world in Jesus name.
As Bible readers, we know what Jesus said about building the church.
Mathew Chapter 16, verse 18, He said …. “Upon this rock I will build my
church, and the gates of hell shall not prevent against it”. Some
churches believed that Jesus said He would build His church on peter.
No, our privileged knowledge of the Bible helped us to know that what
Jesus said was that He would build His church on the rock which is Christ
which Peter confessed. Jesus was referring to Peter confession not his
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GOFAMINT, from the on-set was built upon the true foundation which is
the rock, not on any human-being. Any individual can rise or fall in the
Church. The Church will not rise and fall with anybody. All human beings
are fallible, God above is infallible.
GOFAMINT is infallible because it is built on nothing but Jesus, the rock.
GOFAMINT is standing, tall, strong and unbreakable.
Who is on the Lord’s side?
Special Intercessory Prayers For The Days
Heavenly Father, remove embargo on our monthly income and launch us
into the realm of abundance.
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DAY 16:
MATT 4:16; ACTS 12:7
“The people which sat in darkness saw great light and to them which sat
in the region and shadow of death light is sprung up”
“And behold the angel of the Lord came upon him, and a light shined in
the prison; and he smote Peter on the side, and raised him up, saying,
Arise up quickly. And his chains, fell off from his hands”
God’s word for us this year is that His great light has risen upon us for
total help and divine transformation. To be transformed is to change
form. It is to have a new experience that impacts on us positively in all
As confirmed by Prophet Isaiah, there are several people in our Mission
fields who are engulfed in darkness of affliction, confusion, dishonour,
shame and seemingly helplessness. Describing these people, prophet
Isaiah said, “But this is a people robbed and spoiled. They are all
ensnared in holes and they are hidden in prison houses. They are
for a prey, and none delivereth; for a spoil, and none
saith,restore”(Isaiah 42:22). While some of our mission fields are
being confronted by gruesome attacks of powers of darkness in our
Mission fields, there are some of our Missionaries who like Peter the
Apostle are waiting for the earnest prayers of the saints to trouble the
waters of healing, and activate the ministry of God’s holy angels for their
Brethren, let us passionately call upon the Lord to send His light of
transformation upon all our mission fields that will bring about total help
to all our missionaries, converts and disciples!
As we seek the Lord together on this mountain; there shall be
deliverance, holiness and our missionaries shall possess their possession.
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Those who are sick will be healed, yokes will be broken and satanic
burden lifted in Jesus name amen. Let us pray!
1. Let us celebrate God for his faithfulness for all the years we have
been involved in Missions.
2. Let us thank God for our veteran Missionaries, who are still on fire
for the Lord.
3. Let us thank God for many who have experienced genuine
transformation through the ministry of our missionaries.
4. Let us thank God for all our Missionaries’ supporters and partners
for every encouragement and support received.
5. Let us pray that in this year there will be multiple conversions and
massive church growth through our missionary activities.
6. Heavenly Father, let the wind of renewal, revival and transformation
begin to blow in all our fields like the day of Pentecost in Jesus
7. Let every convert and disciple in our Mission fields bear the stamp
of God’s glory in Jesus name, amen.
8. All forces of opposition to the spread and prosperity of the gospel in
Nigeria be subdued permanently in Jesus name, amen.
9. Lord, grant divine boldness to all our Missionaries to proclaim the
word in our respective mission fields.
10. Let signs and wonders accompany the ministrations of all our
missionaries, whenever they minister.
11. Father, put a stop to violence, wasting and destruction in all our
mission fields.
12. Lord, let divine transformation come upon the leadership and
management of missions in GOFAMINT for excellence and
outstanding exploits.
13. In the name of Jesus Christ, we nullify every sentence of premature
death hanging upon any missionary.
14. Light of liberation and deliverance; shine forth in all our mission
fields in Jesus name. Amen.
15. Lord empower your church, GOFAMINT and quicken her missionary
zeal afresh.
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16. Let GOFAMINT be divinely prospered to send and support more
missionaries so as to cause the light of transformation to shine in the
nook and crannies of Nigeria and beyond.
17. We receive divine wisdom for excellent leadership upon the AGE
Missions, and great grace upon all members of the Home Mission
Board and members of staff of the Missions Department.
18. This year and beyond, our missionaries shall eat in plenty and be
satisfied and praise the name of the Lord, Amen. (Joel 2:26)
Special Intercessory Prayers For The Days
Father, restore the joy of fellowship and increase the level of
commitment of all GOFAMINT members
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DAY 17:
TEXT: PHIL 4:15; ACTS 20:35, 2 COR. 8:1-5; 9:6-11
A transformed Christian is a giver. Stinginess is never part of our grace
package after salvation. The grace of generous giving that manifested in
the early church, led them to an unending harvest. (Acts 2: 44-47). It is
a pity when we see some Christians today still struggling with tithing,
when the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ had graduated us higher than
this, into the “second mile” giving. Tithing is primary, or First Mile
Giving. It was mandatory in the Old Testament in order to establish the
ownership of God over all our possessions, but we are asked to dedicate
only 10% of it to Him. Tithing is a useful starting point for Christian
giving. It is a 10% giving that provides unequal giving BUT equal
sacrifice. Under the law, the Jews even gave more than 10 % of their
What is the implication of refusal to give God? Guilty of robbing God (Mal
3; Vs.8); Guilty of robbing the Church; Guilty of robbing ourselves and
Financial reverses (Haggai 1:3-6). As people of the New Covenant, we
need to get out of such reverses and enter into our desired unending
harvest. The paradigm shift of the early Church was beyond tithing. They
were on the Second Mile giving. Their giving was an offshoot of Revival.
Revival transforms us into the nature of God in passion, power and
purity. The early Church had this revival, saw beyond 10% Tithe (Psalm
24:1; Acts 4:32-35; Acts 5:14), and gave their all in many instances
(Acts 4:34-37). They even gave their lives and some were martyred
(Heb. 11:36-37). The result of this new giving paradigm was an
unending harvest. Are we ready for this during this Victory Month
transformation prayers?
There are certain training wheels for the second mile giving in the New
Testament (that is, giving beyond tithing). We will have to consider some
of these before praying. Firstly, John the Baptist raised the bar to 50% in
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Luke 3:11. Secondly, our Lord Jesus Christ raised it further to 100% in
Luke 21:1-4. Finally and thirdly, Apostle Paul raised it to whatever you
propose in your heart to give (2 Cor. 9:7) because your wealth is to be
shared with others. He gave the example of the Macedonian Church who
gave beyond their power. (2 Cor. 8:3). This giving spirit made the early
church our role model in Kingdom harvest. It we pray for this grace to
abound in us, our wealth and Kingdom prosperity will be evident to all.
Our Lord Jesus told us that ”it is more Blessed to give than to receive”.
(Acts. 20:35).
A receiving mentality is a poverty mentality. Givers are always blessed.
Unending giving answers to unending blessings. The more you give the
more you receive. If your giving did not stop the flow of your blessings
cannot cease. The measure with which you give, is also the measure you
receive. The secret of enduring prosperity is in giving endlessly.
Abraham was an ardent giver, no wonder he became eternal inheritor of
God's blessings. Until you are transformed and up-graded in the grace of
giving, your life destiny may remain stagnant. It is time to unlock the
treasures of abundance that God has provided by up-grading grace for
dangerous giving.May you increase evermore in the grace of giving in
the Mighty name of Jesus Christ.
Prayer Points.
1. Give thanks to God, the Giver of all good things and blessings.
2. Thank Him that “He has blessed us with all spiritual blessings in
Heavenly places in Christ Jesus”. (Eph. 1:3).
3. Let us bless Him because He gives abundantly all good things, both
material and spiritual, according to His own riches and power (Eph. 3:20,
Phil. 4:19).
4. Let us pray that God will transform and upgrade us through these
prayers to the realm of covenant finance and giving.
5. Give us an enduring grace O Lord to give more and more in the
mighty name of Jesus Christ.
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6. Give us a Transforming grace for a transforming giving in the Mighty
name of Jesus Christ.
7. O Lord, as Isaac sowed in the land You showed him during the time of
famine and he reaped a hundredfold to become greater, so also help me
to sow in the place You will lead me to this year for my greatness.
8. Give us the grace and revelation O Lord, which will provoke generous
giving in the Mighty name of Jesus
9. The heart that gives generously; give us O Lord in the Mighty name of
Jesus Christ
10. Help us to abound in the grace of giving more and more in the
Mighty name of Jesus Christ
11. Provoke our hearts to give in the order of second mile giving of the
New Testament in the Mighty name of Jesus Christ.
12. We come against the spirit of stinginess and sparing giving, bind it
and replace with the spirit of bountiful and generous giving.
13. I break, bind and destroy every cycle of poverty and lack in my life
and in our Church in the Name of Jesus Christ
14. Nothing shall be too big for us to give in the Mighty name of Jesus
15. Make us a giver like Abraham that we may be like him in blessings
too in the Mighty name of Jesus.
16. Give us power, grace and faith to upgrade our giving abilities at all
times; in the Mighty name of Jesus.
17. O Lord, open my eyes at every necessary junction to recognize my
prophet and sow into his life for my unending prosperity as Abraham did
for Melchizedek and was blessed. (Gen. 14:19-20).
18. Begin to thank God that your eyes are being opened through this
prayers to recognize Kingdom areas to sow into; within the GOFAMINT.
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Special Intercessory Prayers For The Days
Father, help all GOFAMINT National Overseers to affect their domains
positively for Christ.
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DAY 18:
(GEN. 41:44-45, 46:2-4, 47:5-7; HOS.11:1,
MAT.2:14-15; ROM. 9:15-16)
It may interest you to come to the conclusion that Africa is the second
home of the Jews. This was the place where the Jewish nation was
incubated, raised and nurtured to become a Nation. The Jews lived in
Egypt in Africa for 430 years before they moved to their promised land
(Exo.12:37&41). They were 70 in number when they came into Africa as
Jacob's family members and moved out as a nation; numbering over a
million people! Egypt did not have evil intention for the Jews until there
arose a king that did not know Joseph (Exo. 1:6-9)
There was no other nation on earth that housed the entire nation of
Israel anywhere for even 100years, Babylon only did for 70years. But
Egypt, Africa for 430 years!
When Jesus our Saviour was on the Earth, apart from the land of
Israel, he lived his early life in Egypt, Africa before he returned to Israel
again when king Herod was after his life(May. 2:13-15). He never
visited any other continents apart from Africa. It was only an African
national, by name Simon a Cyrenian, that played a prominent role to
assist Jesus fulfill his purpose and mission; when he helped Jesus carry
his cross on the way to Calvary (Mk. 15:21)
Therefore, Africa deserves mercy and salvation. Apart from Israel, Egypt
in Africa appeared more than any other nations mentioned in the Bible.
Egypt is mentioned almost in every book of the Bible, it appeared 611
times! Therefore Africa must be saved. Evidently, God loves Africa and
has endowed her with rich human resources, especially Nigeria the big
brother in Africa which has more churches than the so called Christian
nations of the world today. Nigeria must rise to take the gospel of Lord
Jesus to every nation in Africa.
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We thank God for the vision and passion our father in the Lord, our
General Overseer, Pastor (Dr.) Elijah Abina has for the salvation of Africa
which informed his intention to have GOFAMINT assembly planted in
every African nation to bring the sound gospel of salvation to the people.
It is one of the reasons he appointed an Assistant General Overseer to
oversee Africa alone. We need to pray that this great vision which is also
the heartbeat of God succeed immensely. Apart from Egypt, Ethiopia
also features prominently in the Bible as well as Libya and Cyrene. Out of
54 nations in Africa, GOFAMINT presence is only in 15 of them, we still
have a long way to go. The command of the Lord is that we should go
and make disciples of all Nations (Mat. 28:19-20). This gospel of the
Lord must be preached in all nations before the Lord returns (Mat.
24:14). Many African nations are yet to be reached with the gospel of
our Lord Jesus Christ. We must pray for the salvation of Africa, we must
rise for the salvation of Africa. We must groan, we must go and must
give for the salvation of Africa, the Jews second home!
Prayer Points:
Oh Lord our God, we thank you for raising up GOFAMINT with the
power of the Word to reach out to other nations and Africa in
particular with the gospel of salvation of Jesus Christ
Oh Lord, we thank you for strategically positioning Nigeria to reach
out for the evangelization of our world in this end time and for
making GOFAMINT an important part of the move of God
We thank you oh Lord our God for raising a large number of
missionaries from Nigeria to reach out to the nations and peoples
who are aliens from the commonwealth of Israel, and strangers
from the covenant of promise, without hope and without God(Eph.
We thank you oh God for putting it in the heart of our General
Overseer Pastor (Dr.) E. O. Abina to take Africa for Christ at this
end time.
We thank you oh Lord because we believe you would surely raise
men and women who would be willing to partner with your servant
Pastor (Dr.) E.O. Abina to capture Africa for Christ this year and
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Let's give thanks and praises to God for making most African
nations receptive to the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ and thank
Him also for he would surely make African nations that are
resistant to the gospel to bow.
Let us pray for Pastor (Dr.) Samuel Okomolehin the Assistant
General Overseer for African Missions for the commensurate
anointing and grace needed to capture Africa for Christ through
Evangelism campaigns and capacity building as he moves round
Africa this year
Pastor (Dr.) Samuel Okomolehin, AGO, African Missions, may God
raise unto you divine and commanded covenant helpers,
Commanded Financial Helpers, both in Africa and outside Africa
who would catch the vision and passion for the salvation of Africa.
Oh Lord our God, as we pray today, please touch the hearts of
those people you intend to use to surrender themselves and their
resources for the propagation of the gospel of salvation to the lost
African souls. Makes me one of the people you want to use.
We pray that all those who have given and have being giving to
support African Missions’ project and vision of our father in the Lord
shall never lack and shall never lose the blessings and harvest of
their seed in Jesus name
We pray for GOFAMINT in Benin Republic, Ghana and Liberia where
we are very strong that the fire of evangelism in these key nations
shall not die. Oh Lord, help those nations to be able to rise for the
spread of the gospel to other nations beyond their own territories
We pray that our church in Benin Republic which has risen up to
expectations by reaching out to Francophone countries shall not be
tired in this regard and as they do more, let them enjoy financial
blessings above their imagination!
Oh Lord, we pray that our churches in Togo, Kenya, and Sierra
Leone and Cameroon would receive grace for expansion, stability,
and come out of their financial struggles.
We pray that our churches in Francophone countries of Côte
d’Ivoire, Gabon, Senegal, Burkina Faso and Niger Republic would
experience revival of commitment to Christ, soul winning and
divine assistance.
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We pray for our churches in South Africa and Botswana for
abundance grace to expand and become strong in all aspects as a
church of Christ.
We pray that our efforts and spending on Egypt Missions in
particular shall begin to yield enviable results this year. We pray
specifically for Pastor Bola Taiwo who is sold out completely to see
that Egypt Mission field succeed that He would not be tired, his
Labour in that field shall yield abundant fruits
We pray that the spade work being done by Pastor TosinOladapo to
see GOFAMINT established in Uganda shall yield positive result this
year in Jesus name
There are openings for us to enter Morocco, Ethiopia, and Tanzania,
let us pray that the needed resources both human and finance shall
be available and be supplied by God himself this year.
There are forces of darkness in many of these countries in Africa,
resisting the gospel of Jesus Christ and giving it a tag that it’s a
foreign religion or white man religion. We declare and decree that
all the strongholds of darkness resisting the gospel in Africa
collapse and be neutralized today in Jesus name.
Hear the word of the Lord, “the Earth is the Lord’s and the fullness
thereof”, every power of darkness resisting the gospel of Jesus
Christ in Africa, loose your grip and be paralyzed in Jesus name.
Every false Spirit claiming Africa, you are liars, Africa belongs to
our God and his Christ, we dislodge, dislocate, dismantle and
render your activities and campaigns of no effect henceforth in
Jesus name
We bind all Principalities and powers and Rulers of darkness;
resisting the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ in Africa as from now
henceforth. Every nation in Africa that is yet to receive the gospel
of our Lord Jesus Christ, we command an open door to you in Jesus
mighty name.
In the name of Jesus, we decree that our Ministers and their
leaders in the African Missions’ fields shall be strong and shall not
be wounded either spiritually or physically in Jesus name.
Holy Ghost, we hand over African Missions fields into your hand,
take Over!
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Let’s thank God for the answered prayers today
Those who wish to take it upon themselves to be prayer partners with
our General Overseer to pray for African Missions’ fields and their leaders
regularly in their privacy for at least one day in a week (Call them out
and pray for them).
Those who want to partner with our General Overseer financially by
giving a donation monthly/quarterly or yearly - No amount is too small
or too big even N500 or N1,000 monthly - (Let them come out for prayer
and also complete the Partnership Coupon on the NEXT PAGE of this
Prayer Bulletin today and submit to the pastor for onward transmission
to the office of the AGO (African Missions)
THE VISION: The vision of our General Overseer is to evangelize every
country in Africa; grow the existing mission fields and reach new ones
continuously. This cannot be fulfilled without adequate funding. The
Appointment of an Assistant General Overseer (AGO) for African Missions
for adequate supervision and human capacity building no matter how
laudable, cannot be effective without adequate funding.
OUR MANDATE: Africa is our immediate Constituency that must be
Evangelized and be Possessed for CHRIST
To partner with our G.O., Please fill this Pledge Coupon according to the
Holy Ghost leading
Full Name:…………………………………………………………………..
District……………………... Region………………………….……
Email Address:………………………………………….
Page 71 of 142
Amount Pledged:
(Please Tick One)
…………………….. Monthly/Quarterly/Yearly/Once
Account Details For Payment:
GOFAMINT African Missions
GT bank
ACC. No.: 0618168254
Date:……………………………….. Signature……………………………
Cut here………………………………………………………………
Reminder Copy for: GOFAMINT African Missions Partnership with General
Amount Pledged: N/$ ……………………. Monthly/Quarterly/Yearly/Once
Bank Details For Pledge Redemption
GOFAMINT African Missions
GT bank
AC. No: 0618168254
May God bless you, give you abundant harvest as you sow into African
Missions works.
Special Intercessory Prayers For The Days
The keys that open spiritual and physical wellbeing of assigned countries,
release to the National Overseers.
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DAY 19:
GEN. 32:22-29; ISAIAH 9:16; JOSHUA 1:9; 2 COR.
Transformation can be defined as a change from one status to another:
and when God causes that change, it is called divine transformation. Our
God is an unchangeable Changer, and He delights in bringing us through
positive changes that will make us fulfill His own purpose. You must pray
these prayers well because if our leaders are not transformed, their lives
will affect us adversely. Life is generally transference of spirit by
influence of the leadership. As a river cannot rise above it’s source, so
also can you not rise above the level of your leaders. They have become
your benchmark of achievement.
In Gen. 32:22-29, Jacob realized that the lives of his family and those
who follow him are in jeopardy; if something urgently was not done
about his life. So he went on a personal retreat for life transformation.
This should be the regular norm for our leaders, not to be using their
experience, personal wisdom and diplomacy to run divine agenda.
Leaders are very crucial in any organization; including the church.
Leadership gives direction and defines the goals. If the leadership fails,
the organization has failed.
John Maxwell has rightly said that everything rises and falls on
leadership. Prayers for leaders cannot be over-emphasized. We must
pray regularly and constantly for our leaders, so that we can be a
successful Christians both here and hereafter.
Divine transformation requires the tool of prayer. Prayer is the means
through which we get God to change the things we cannot change on our
own. Like Daniel in Dan. 10:8, we can provoke the acts of God when we
pray fervently in the Spirit. Change the style of your praying from now
on. Pray more fervently and constantly in the Spirit, and as you back up
your prayers with faith, begin to see how God bring changes into your
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situation. Change comes through the power of the Holy Spirit, and when
you have the right power in place over the affairs of your life; you will
experience a remarkable transformation.
Get set through these prayers to bring remarkable transformation to
take place in the lives of our ministers, and consequently yourself. When
the strong presence of God brings the right transformation into the lives
of our ministers, our own lives too are transformed, as well as our
communities and people around us.
Prayer Points
1. Let us begin to give thanks to God that through these prayers, He will
begin a new work of transformation in the lives of our ministers.
2. Father, please we lay before you all our ministers, let your fire
address and burn up every faulty foundation in their lives that runs
counter to Your agenda.
3. O Lord, whatever hinders or prevents our ministers from being good
advertisers of Your Name and the GOFAMINT Church; be roasted by the
Holy Ghost fire in Jesus Name.
4. Father, in the midst of challenges, help our leaders to push through,
even though their spirits feel weak and their thoughts tell them to quit.
5. Help our leaders and church to draw on Your strength to overcome the
plans of the adversary in Jesus’ name.
6. Lord, we pray that You will help our leaders and church to preach the
gospel of Jesus Christ with boldness, clarity and without fear of criticism.
7. I declare that our leaders and church will stand on Your word, in which
You said that You have not given them spirit of fear, but of power, love
and of a sound mind.
8. Keep them obedient to Your word with a clear understanding and
sound judgment of the Scriptures in Jesus Name.
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9. O Lord, we pray that You will help our leaders to walk in
determination, steadfastness and endurance with all discipline and
diligence of walking with You.
10. Give our leaders the strength to finish what they have started and
endure to the end, just as Christ endured the cross.
11. Father, we trust in Your Word, and pray that our leaders will put
aside every weight, and sin which can easily ensnare them, and they will
run with endurance the race that is set before them, in Jesus’ Name.
12. O Lord God of Jacob, we pray for our leaders and church that you will
help them and our church to walk in victory and not in defeat in Jesus’
13. O Lord, make every leader fruitful and not fruitless, happy and not
sad. Crush the workings of satan so that they are not overwhelmed by
his evil forces.
14. Give our leaders the power and authority to root out, pull down,
destroy, throw down, build and plant according to Your mandate upon
their lives in Jesus’ Name.
15. Father, show our leaders the way, give Your servants Your vision.
grant them clarity, make the complex simple for them that they might
run with the vision of the Word given to this Church. (Hab. 2:2).
16. O Lord, give our leaders boldness to step out in faith to accomplish
Your plans for Your Kingdom and the church.
17. It’s easy to be distracted by many voices, therefore, O Lord, let our
leaders hear but one voice, and let that voice be Yours, in Jesus’ name.
18. Father, as Apostle Paul said, “This one thing I do, forgetting things
that are past” so let our ministers daily reach forth to the goals that you
have set before them as individuals and as a Church.
19. O Lord, we bind every spirit of politics, competition, envy, pride and
un-forgiveness among our ministers. Replace them with the spirit of love
and complimenting each other in Jesus’ name.
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20. Lord, make our ministers finish well and strong their race hear on
earth, and in the end, make Heaven in Jesus Name.
Special Intercessory Prayers For The Days
In the name of Jesus, all Assistant General Overseers will continue to be
relevant in spiritual formation and policies of the Mission.
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DAY 20:
ISAIAH 45: 1-3, EPH. 6:18-19
“Thus saith the LORD to his anointed, to Cyrus,
whose right hand I have holden, to subdue
nations before him; and I will lose the loins of kings,
to open before him the two leaved gates; and the
gates shall not be shut;
2 I will go before thee, and make the crooked
places straight: I will break in pieces the gates
of brass, and cut in sunder the bars of iron:
3 And I will give thee the treasures of darkness,
and hidden riches of secret places, that thou
mayest know that I, the LORD, which call thee
by thy name, am the God of Israel”.
It is a great fortune for a denomination to have a leader-General
Overseer who operates a servant leader style, that is our father, Pastor
(Dr) Elijah Oludele Abina. He has proved to us that we should follow him
as he is following Christ. He believes in leading by example and we never
heard any evil report about him. A teacher of the word, an evangelist, a
pastor to the core, a good husband and father, a spiritual father to
many, a church planter, a general and our senior servant. With all this
responsibilities on him; he needs our prayers for him to finish well and
strong. Our prayers today for him is Total Grace. Let us pray the
prayers with all our heart. The man of God needs our prayers for
himself, ministry, family and for his health. (1Thes. 5:25).
Prayer Points
1. God Almighty, thank you for the kind of leader you gave us in
2. Thank you Father for a loving father he is
3. Thank you Lord for the gate of hell will not prevail over him
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4. Thank you Father for you are with your servant, his family and the
5. Thanks for the frequent victory given to your servant
6. Thank you for keeping him alive till today. Halleluyah!
7. Father, grant unto your servant more grace of healing and sound
8. Please, give to your servant total grace in doing God’s work greater
and better with more results that will bring more success into Your
9. With the grace of God, daddy you will not fail
Daddy Abina, with the grace of God, you will not fall
Lord, renew the vision of Pastor (Dr.) E. O. Abina on daily
basis and guide him on how to communicate it.
We cover you and your family with the blood of Jesus; nobody
will get missing in Jesus’ name
Your anointing will ever remain fresh, all the days of your life
The church GOFAMINT will continue to grow with signs and
wonders as you always pray in Jesus name
Your children and grand children shall prosper in life in Jesus’
You will end well and make heaven at last in Jesus’ name.
Add more influence and values to his ministration and let
people key to it.
Lord, elongate his life and help him to fulfill all you desire of
him before his departure.
Special Intercessory Prayers For The Days
Lord, rekindle fire of evangelism in the women ministry, more than ever
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DAY 21:
ROMANS 12:1-2; MATTHEW 28:1-8; ACTS 9:1-4
Today we wonder at the lives, looks, languages, longings, and the use of
leisure times of many Christians all around us, especially the youths, and
we exclaim within us if they have ever being to Jesus. A woman was at
her shop selling her goods one evening all to see some so called
Christians all over her place evangelizing. A young lady came over to her
and preached Christ to her. After she finished, the woman respectfully
asked her this question: “Have you received that Jesus and what has He
taken from you since you received Him?” The lady replied “I have
received Him long ago and I love Him, but what do you want Him to take
from me”. The woman busted into tears and said, look at your dress
exposing your sensitive private parts and yet you have received Jesus.
The lady said, my pastor did not tell us anything about that.
Beloved, the problem here, and in this 21st generation is that many have
truly received Christ but they refused to be totally transformed. After
confessing Christ, they always attend church services but their
languages are not transformed, some it is their way of dressing that is
not transformed, some it is their associations or relationships, some it is
the mindsets and thought patterns, some their focus and goals, etc. But,
Mark 5:15-16 illustrates the type of total transformation God is
expecting from believers:
A crowd soon gathered around Jesus, and they saw the man
who had been possessed by the legion of demons. He was
sitting there fully clothed and perfectly sane, and they were
all afraid. Then those who had seen what happened told the
others about the demon-possessed man and the pigs (NLT).
In this passage, a young man fully possessed by many demons, who
lived in the tombs, was wild and fully under the control of these legion
demons. He encountered Jesus who rebuked the demons, and casts
them out, sending them into a herd of swine that ran to, and perished in
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the sea. By the encounter he had with Jesus, the man became totally
transformed, he was sitting with the crowd “fully clothed and perfectly
sane”. Likewise, any of our youth or student that is under the control of
Satan, the flesh and the world and possessed by all manners of sinful
habits needs an encounter with Jesus for total transformation that will
make him spiritually clothed (holiness) and spiritually sane (renewed
For our youths and students to truly please God with their lives, like it is
for all Christians, not just transformation but total transformation is what
God expects. Total transformation is not a mere confession of Jesus as
Lord and Savior, not just to attend a conference and make a fresh
commitment, not just shedding a few tears at the altar, memorizing a
few verses or a "quick fix"; however, it is a strong determination plus
staunch commitment to yield completely to the transforming power of
the Holy Spirit.
This transformation is a complete change of something into a better
product. Transformation results in radical change of a person or
situation. True transformation is total transformation. It is an
undebatable and undeniable proof of a completely different version of a
person. A clear change from darkness to light (Col. 1:13); from an old
creature to a new creature (2 Cor. 5:17); from old man to a new man
(Eph. 4:20-24); from evil/bad to good/godly; from a dying soul to a
living saint; from a loser to a winner; and from poverty to wealth;
Many Bible characters experienced this total transformation:
1. Saul was an ordinary man, but when he encountered the prophetic,
he experienced a great transformation; he prophesied and became
the first king of Israel. (1 Samuel 10)
2. Moses, a runaway murderer became a great deliverer, by the
power of total transformation.
3. Joseph was a slave and a prisoner for years, but when the God of
total transformation visited him, he became the next in command
to Pharaoh (Gen 41:39-40).
4. Paul, a persecutor suddenly became a mediator. What a great
transformation! (Acts 9:1-4, Romans 14:19).
As believers, we are offered to share in God’s divine essence, His
goodness, His power, His glory, His majesty and His kind of life.
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However, we cannot fully enjoy this divine package if we are not in a
genuine relationship with God, for our transformation is the fruit of our
relationship with Him just as Enoch’s walked with God and was no more.
Total transformation offers us the benefit to share in God’s presence,
God’s power, God’s provision, God’s providence/goodness and His divine
nature. This is who we are and the essence of our identities.
Keys to Total Transformation
Make Holiness a lifestyle. (1 Pet. 1:15-17)
Total Obedience to God. (Isaiah 1:19)
Daily study of His Word. (Joshua 1:8, Psalm 199:66)
Remain Focused: Don’t be distracted. A supernatural sight, chariots
of fire could not distract Elisha from focusing on Elijah. (2 Kings
5. Fervent Prayers. (James 5:16b)
In addition to the above points, we need to pray and intercede for all our
youths and students in the church. We shouldn’t be deceived by the
engagements of our youths and students during programmes and other
church activities. Many of them are not truly transformed. Some of them
still hold on to their old ways of living, dressing, talking and behaviours;
some are living double standard lives; They can memorize and recite
numerous Bible passages, yet live opposite of scriptural principles; many
of them have a spare room for the devil in their lives, despite giving
Jesus their lives; some of them are carried away by the so-called move
of God everywhere, yet there is no evidence of God moving in their lives
Beloved, this is a clarion call to all pastors, parents and all concerned
persons to pray fervently with all our hearts. And as we pray, every
aspect of our lives and the lives of our youths and students shall be
totally transformed, in the name of Jesus!
1. Let’s worship God the Father, the God of total transformation; God
the Holy Spirit, the Agent of transformation; and God the Son, the
Model of transformation. ,
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2. Dependable God, I thank you because this is our time for total
transformation, in the name of Jesus.
3. O God of Mercy, have mercy on all our youths and students,
cleanse them from all unrighteousness; forgive every of their
iniquities, pardon their careless and wasteful living in the name of
4. Father, break the power and the influence of Satan, the flesh and
the world over all our youths and students that may be hindering
them from total transformation in Jesus’ name.
5. Every chain and shackle of sinful habits that have kept our youths
and students under the control of powers of darkness, break by
fire, in Jesus’ name.
6. Father, bring every youth and student in GOFAMMINT to an
inescapable encounter with the Holy Spirit that will cloth everyone
with the spiritual garment of holiness an spiritual sanity of renewed
mindset, in Jesus’ name.
7. Father, cause every youth and every student in GOFAMINT to
receive uncommon grace of strong determination and staunch
commitment to yield completely to the transforming power of the
Holy Spirit, in Jesus’ name.
8. Let the wind of heretic doctrines; confusing and deceiving our
youths and students to live their lives carelessly and contrary to
the truth; be made of no effect permanently, in Jesus’ name
9. Father, make total and genuine transformation a reality in the lives
of all our youths and students that will bring about revival in
GOFAMINT, in the name of Jesus.
We lose all our youths and students from the band of captivity
of pornography, fornication, masturbation, drugs, addictions,
prostitution, lying, stealing and worldly living, in the name of Jesus.
Powers that want our youths and students to remain in their
past, be destroyed now, in the name of Jesus.
Powers that vowed that over their dead bodies will they see
our youths and students’ progressing in life, be destroyed according
to the judgement of your mouths, in the name of Jesus.
Holy Spirit, make all youths and students of GOFAMINT
available for total transformation, in the name of Jesus!
O God of suddenly change, transform my life suddenly and
totally, after the order of Joseph, in the name of Jesus.
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Thou God who transformed David, a rejected became a
celebrated, grant me total transformation that will make me to be
celebrated this year, in the name of Jesus. Psalm 23:5.
Special Intercessory Prayers For The Days
Lord, let your fire and zeal never depart from the families of all woman
leaders, who had gone to be with the Lord.
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DAY 22:
PSA.24; MK.16:15-20
At the start of the 20th century, South America was 1 percent
Protestant/Evangelical. At the end of the 20th century, 12-14 percent of
the continent was evangelical. Along with Africa, it was one of the two
fastest growing churches in the world. However, according to Renee Lilly,
Advancing Nation Mission’s Regional Director for Latin America, “there
are huge pockets of unevangelized and unreached people groups in the
In North America, it is quite evident that some of the most
"evangelical" countries and regions, like the US and Canada, are also
some of the most violent, morally corrupt and spiritually dead. Despite
all that was done by the church and missionaries in the past decades, it
is quite sad to see a living faith that is fast becoming a paralyzed faith in
America. It is in this context that we must intercede that Jesus would
take over powerfully and reign in these nations gloriously again. This is
not just a good idea; it is God’s idea.
On an encouraging note, we bless the Lord for the grace to explore
the nation of Brazil, located in South America, the only continent of the
world where we have not yet established our presence. The Assistant
General Overseer (Foreign Missions), Pastor Sunday Adu; and the
National Secretary, GOFAMINT NA, Pastor (Dr.) Tosin Oladapo visited
four Brazilian cities in the last quarter of 2022, namely Rio de Janeiro,
Sao Paulo, Salvador, and Brasilia, trusting God to open the country to
It is vital that we pray that the light of the gospel would shine
powerfully into the South American continent; and that the Lord of the
Harvest (Matthew 9:38) would send out laborers to reach the unreached
in Latin America in this season of total transformation and genuine
revival. This is a task that must be done if we truly desire to harvest
souls into the kingdom in their multitudes.
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Prayer Points.
1. Thank you Father, because the earth is the Lord’s, and the fullness
thereof, including the North and South American Continents.
2. Father, let revival fire break out afresh in North and South America in
Jesus name.
3. We overthrow the demons of apostasy and false religion in these
continents. Let every anti-Christian religion and philosophy in these
countries crash in Jesus name.
4. Father, lift the veil from the eyes of those who have been trapped in
false religions in North and South America. Cause them to know the
truth of the gospel in Jesus name.
5. We pray for willing and ready workers, especially bi-vocational
individuals who will gladly take the gospel to these lands. Father,
touch their hearts and bring them into your harvest in Jesus name.
6. Father, we ask for irresistible open doors that will make our foreign
missions’ assignment fruitful and successful this year in Jesus name.
7. O Lord, let Your glory and that of the gospel go with us as we enter
into various unreached areas in these nations in Jesus name.
8. Father, let your ministers in these fields be baptized with a special
anointing for advancing the gospel in their locations through signs and
wonders in Jesus name.
9. We ask for supernatural connection with men and women of peace in
strategic places and positions, who will make our expedition to Brazil
and the rest of South America easy and successful in Jesus name.
10. We receive a rich supply of all we need to thrive as a church on
assignment in these continents; spiritually, financially, materially
and logistically in Jesus name.
11. We bind the spirit of violence that has overtaken the North and
South American continents. Let violent governments, drug cartels,
all forms of trafficking and decadence crash, and let Jesus reign!
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12. We stand against the spirit of corruption and persecution against the
gospel by the governments in these lands. Father, let righteous
leaders displace evil leaders in these countries in Jesus name.
13. Every distractive, disturbing and destructive measure put in place by
the enemies of the gospel in North and South America, be destroyed
in the name of Jesus.
14. Father, empower and equip the churches in North and South America
to take on the mantle to reach those who have never been reached.
Help them to take their role seriously in Jesus name.
15. In the mighty name of Jesus, GOFAMINT will fulfill God’s agenda in
the continents of North and South America.
16. The Foreign missions’ task is capital intensive. We ask for
supernatural provision to take the gospel of the kingdom to these
nations. Let’s pray that God would raise kingdom financiers to
support this work super-abundantly.
Special Prayers for GOFAMINT North America
1. Thank you, Father, for the smooth and successful leadership transition
2. Father, according to your prophetic word to us through your servant,
let Greater Works become the order of the day in GOFAMINT NA in
Jesus name.
3. Father, let the Supernatural be our new normal henceforth; in all our
assemblies, as you have spoken in Jesus name.
4. Father, help the new leadership team to take GOFAMINT NA to greater
heights. Let the maximum of the last administration be the minimum
of the current leadership in Jesus name.
5. We receive more than enough provisions for all our projects, including
the Gospel City. They shall all gather speed for successful completion
in Jesus name.
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Special Intercessory Prayers For The Days
Heavenly Father, let our EXCO themselves catch new revelation that will
spur GOFAMINT to greater heights.
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DAY 23:
ISA. 42:1-3, I KINGS 19: 1-18
The church of God on earth is very potent. It is a place of measurable
potentials. Everything in the Church is power-oriented.
The word of God being preached regularly is quick and powerful
(Hebrew. 4:12)
The prayer we pray continually is power-based (James 5:16)
The praises we give to God habitually is power-garment (Ps. 22:3).
The believers themselves are powered-engine.
Something must be seriously wrong when the Church of God
becomes lukewarm. The church by nature is dynamic and potent.
It is supposed to be:
An atmosphere of noise of joy of the Lord (Phil. 4:40
Holy Ghost fire arena (Matt. 4:12)
Watching and Praying as a continuous experience. (Matt. 26:40-41)
Place of teaching, preaching and practicing the totality of the truth
of word of God (Acts. 17:11)
A place where soul-winning is the sole business of the congregation
(Mat. 16:20)
Place of practice of love without dissimilation (Rom. 12:9)
Place of miracles, signs and wonders (Acts: 4:16)
The Church has no option than to be dynamic and active, because
she is a living organism; full of potentials.
In one of the Bible passages read for today’s prayer, we saw how
the great Prophet Elijah suddenly became figetting, running away from
Jezebel to hide his head. He was challenged by God to rise from his
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despondency. (I King 19:9-11). The same thing God is telling us today to
rise and shine and put on our strength. The Church of God and her
members who form the Church are greatest and strongest organization
and people on earth. We must know this, have full consciousness of it
and practicalise it.
One of the attitudes of the agents of darkness on earth is their
audacity. They are confident of the power of Satan with them. They
exude a high level of confidence in their day to day actions because of
the consciousness of the power of satan in them.
Our consciousness and confidence should surpass theirs. This is
because satan has power, but in a limited quantity, whereas God has His
own power, power in the fullness of it. Jesus said: “all power is given “
(Matt. 28:18B)unto me in heaven and on earth”
We are to dominate our territory, our community, our country and
our world. Let us rise and put on our garment of power.
Sing Hymn 164 – Revive thy work, oh Lord….. (either part or
You spirit of slumber get out of our lives’ and our Church in
Jesus name.
Eph. 1:17, Grant us the spirit of wisdom and revelation in
your knowledge in Jesus Name.
Eph. 1:18, Open our eyes of understanding and enlighten us
that we may know the hope of your calling and riches of
your glory for us.
Eph. 1:19, Help us Lord to experience the exceeding
greatness of your power in our lives and in Church.
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Raise up all the weaklings in our Church and strengthen
Heal all the weak, and weary points of our lives and
strengthen us with your power.
Let there be eruption of the power of the Holy Ghost in all
GOFAMINT Assemblies; starting with our local assembly in
Jesus Name.
Make our Church and members the exact image and identity
of what you ordained us to be in Jesus Name.
10. Foul spirit of Luke warmness, we cast you out of our lives
and Church in Jesus Name.
11. Spirit of permissiveness and compromise; go out of our
Church in Jesus Name.
12. All
inefficiency; be consumed by fire in Jesus name.
13. II. Tim. 1:7. We reject the spirit of timidity and receive
power love and sound mind of the Holy Spirit in Jesus Name.
14. Make all our members bold, strong, active and effective in
Jesus name.
15. The enemies who rise against us in one way; let them flee in
seven ways in Jesus Name.
16. Let there be manifestation of the inner and hidden glory of
our lives in terms of power, holiness, love and blessings.
17. Make us vessels for the manifestation of signs and wonders
in Jesus Name.
18. Instill and restore in each of us; the confidence in the
presence of our Shepherd through thick and thin.
19. Arise Oh Lord, let your enemies be scattered 3ce.
Arise Oh Lord arise.
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Special Intercessory Prayers For The Days
Everlasting Father, take over GOFAMINT youths and use them for your
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DAY 24:
I SAM. 16:1-3
It is interesting to know that God is interested in the affairs of
human lives; personal and collective. God is not only interested,
He is willing to be involved, not only to be involved but in charge.
Why? “the earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof”
It is not a gainsaying when it is said that God is interested in
the affairs of Nigeria, the most populous country in Africa and the
pride of black race. God has a great plan for Nigeria in the past,
in the present and in the future! It is not by accident that Nigeria
becomes a deposit of many good things. Mineral resources in
resources. Not
many other countries in the world can boast of
such vast and diverse resources combined.
endowments . He has equally released resources from hell to
counter the divine blessings in Nigeria. We may not be surprised
at the level of corruption, the activities of the fraudsters, occultic
people and religious extremists.
They are all meant to counter
and neutralize the good purpose of God for the country.
Having said all that, we must know that the almighty God
with His almighty power is willing and
ready to rescue and
restore Nigeria into the proposed glory. He has a good plan for
the country He has a reservoir of men and women of dignity and
honour. Although many of these people are not noise makers, yet
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they are like David who was being prepared to take Israel to her
glorious and golden era.
If God is interested and involved, we His children must also
be interested and involved. We should not be indifferent. We are
the ambassadors of God on earth.
There are many ways by which we can play our expected
roles to put the country back on the right track.
(1) Those who felt led to participate in politics should not
hesitate. if the governance is left with the evil ones, there is
no way the country can be better. Let us be involved and
show them the light.
(2) We must exercise our franchise by going to vote for right
candidates into various positions.
(3) We
intervention by showing His great power in giving us the
good people to govern our country. Christians who have
been praying for the country for years should not be
discouraged for not getting the results yet. Let us be aware
that it is our prayers that has sustained the country till
Gomorrah! Prayer works, prayer does wonders, prayer
makes impossible possible. “Elias was a man subject to like
passions as we are and he prayed earnestly that it might not
rain. And it rained not on earth by the space of three years
and six months. And he prayed again, and the heaven gave
rain, and the earth brought forth her fruit” (James 5:17-18)
can do
and undo, it changes things. Let us pray
through on Nigeria until her righteousness will break forth.
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2023 Election in Nigeria must not be as usual, but a turning
Thank you Father, for your great grace upon Nigeria.
Thank you for not allowing the enemies to destroy Nigeria.
Forgive all our trespasses and transgressions in Nigeria.
Forgive us of wanton shedding of blood, all over the country and
wash our land with the precious blood of Jesus .
Isaiah. 59:19. We raise the standard of the Holy Spirit against the
“flood of evil” besieging our dear country, Nigeria in Jesus Name.
We bind the evil spirits and their agents from ravaging our
economy, security and politics in Jesus name.
We silence, arrest and overpower all evil-minded people occupying
strategic positions in Nigeria in Jesus name.
The same way that the Lord put an end to the kingdom of Saul in
Israel, let an end come to the wicked rulers in Nigeria in Jesus
We break the power of the Mafias; running Nigeria as their personal
estates in Jesus Name.
We decree that the same power that confused and scattered the
builders of tower of babel, will confuse and scatter all Babel
builders in Nigeria in Jesus Name.
Lord, put an end to all perpetrators of evil and liberate Nigeria.
We decree a turning point from darkness to light on Nigerian,
terrains in Jesus name.
II Chron. 16:9, Dear Father, beam your searchlight on the length
and breadth of Nigeria to search out men and women of perfect
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heart and appoint them into strategic offices of governance in
Nigeria in Jesus Name.
Dear Father, you know the men and women of honour whom you
want to use to redeem Nigeria, raise them up and fix them up for
us, o, Lord.
You initiated the appointment and installation of David, the man
after your own heart as the King of Israel; give us such men in
Dear Lord, stop all pretenders and self-seekers on our political
terrain and replace them with disciplined men and women who will
work for the progress of the country and her citizens.
Take over the 2023 elections in Nigeria and let it be backed up by
the host of heaven.
Stop all notorious activities of the ritualists, terrorists, kidnappers,
election riggers through the length and breadth of Nigeria in Jesus
Name .
Terrify those terrifying us and wage war against those waging war
against our welfare in Nigeria.
Dear Lord, let your angels be
and mingle with us to
influence the elections positively in Jesus Name.
Dear Lord, let Nigeria become a beacon of hope and territory of
righteousness in Africa and all over the world.
Special Intercessory Prayers For The Days
let the lives of GOFAMINT Youths, magnetize others to Christ.
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DAY 25:
PSA.2:8; HAB.2:14; ISA.2:1-4; EZEK. 22:30
Our prayer focus today centers on three continents of the world, namely;
Europe, Asia and Australia.
Praying for Europe
In the last 250 years, the gospel has advanced worldwide; however,
today, it is declining in Europe. Many of the traditional European
churches have now become empty edifices, filled with more dust than
worshippers. According to Joshua Project, there are 448 unreached
people groups in Europe: more than 25 million people. The highest
number are in the UK, more than 5 million. But when we look at the
percentage of the population that are unreached, Bosnia–Herzegovina
has more than 50%, Kosovo more than 90%, and North Macedonia more
than 30%.
How will these people hear of Jesus unless we go and share the gospel
with them? Europe is a place where they can legally hear the gospel
without government or social interference. The unreached can be
reached in Europe, and we must pray and also take advantage of this
blessing. GOFAMINT is present in few of the European nations including
the United Kingdom, Republic of Ireland, Belgium, North Cyprus, and the
budding field in Turkey. We know God is able to help us penetrate more
nations through our churches there, as well as professionals, who would
relocate to the continent as bivocational ministers.
Of particular note is the on-going tension in Eastern Europe, as Russia is
currently in a serious face-off with Ukraine, with many lives lost, families
displaced, and infrastructure destroyed. The rest of the world is feeling
the effect as the price of crude oil has continued to rise, while several
thousands of people have fled their homes in Ukraine to other parts of
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These are just a few of the challenges confronting the countries in the
European continent. We must pray against the demon of war mongering
and unrest, as well as other challenges bedeviling this part of the world.
Praying for Asia
The three largest non-Christian religions in the world are rooted in Asia;
they are also the most challenging for Christians. In Asia, there are 1.1
billion Muslims, 950 million Hindus and 470-920 million Buddhists (the
figure is higher if the Chinese, Japanese and other ethnic religions are
included). We need to pray for renewed fervor in intercession, vision for
mission, and all the resources required for a new wave of the gospel and
Christian workers sent to these nearly 3 billion people in need of Jesus.
Of the 37 countries of the world that are less than 10% Christian, 32 are
in Asia. The least reached peoples on earth are predominantly Asian. The
good news, however, is that Evangelicals in Asia, nearly 150 million, now
number more than those on any other continent apart from Africa. It is
also the continent with the second-fastest growing evangelical
population. If measured only by conversion rate (and not including
biological growth), Asia has the fastest growing evangelical population by
a significant margin – 33% faster than any other regions. At present,
GOFAMINT’s only presence in Asia is in United Arab Emirate, India, and
the Philippines.
Persecution, however, remains present in all countries of South Asia,
although location, social context and time frame all factored into the
intensity. Christians are on the receiving end of persecution – mostly
from Hindus in India and Nepal, from Muslims in Pakistan, Bangladesh
and the Maldives and even from Buddhists in Sri Lanka. Poverty, natural
disasters are also challenges that must be overcome in the Asian
Praying for Australia.
With 28% of the population born overseas and from non-western
backgrounds, Australia is considered one of the most culturally diverse
nations in the world.
Traditionally, a Christian nation with freedom of religion, Australia is now
becoming increasingly secular. While the majority of the population still
claims to be Christian, only 10% attend church regularly.
The Church is being challenged by a New Age, self-created spirituality,
and more people are developing negative attitudes toward the Church.
Followers of Christ also face ideological debates about topics such as
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human origin, sexuality, and the existence of God, and discord among
the believers concerning these issues is leading to division within the
church. GOFAMINT is only present in Australia, trusting God to penetrate
the other enclaves on the continent.
Prayer Points.
1. Thank you, Father, because all the nations of the earth are yours.
We bless your name for how you have sustained the continents of
the world so far in Jesus name.
2. We plead the blood of Jesus on the continents of Europe, Asia and
Australia. Let the blood continually speak mercy over these
continents in Jesus name.
3. Father, by the blood of Jesus, we decree that the gates of these
nations and continents are open for the penetration of the gospel.
4. We decree the collapse of every force of resistance to the gospel in
the continents of Europe, Asia and Australia in Jesus name.
5. We command the end of the reign of darkness in these continents.
Father let there be light in Europe, Asia and Australia in Jesus
6. Father, you are the Lord of the harvest. We ask that you burden
the hearts of men and women with a strong desire for souls in
Europe, Asia and Australia in Jesus name.
7. Oh Lord, make opportunities available for professionals to enter
into these continents, and help them to make a difference for you
in the marketplaces in Jesus name.
8. We decree a cessation of war and restoration of peace in Eastern
Europe, especially Ukraine and Russia. We bind and overthrow the
spirit of warmongering there in Jesus name.
9. Father, grant boldness and courage to believers in Asia, against all
forms of persecution they may be facing at this time. Help them to
stand strong in the faith in Jesus name.
Father, like you did for Saul of Tarsus, let the persecutors of
the church in the Asian continent encounter Christ in an
unmistakable way, and let them be converted to Christ in Jesus
The foundation of every man-made religion, philosophy and
ideology that is contending with the gospel in the Asian continent
shall begin to shake and be destroyed by fire in Jesus name.
In the mighty name of Jesus, we decree undeniable miracles
and supernatural encounters that will bring people into the
kingdom in their multitudes in Asia.
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We decree in the name of Jesus; Australia shall not be
overtaken by secularism. Jesus shall take over and reign over the
Australian nation and continent in Jesus name.
We put an end to all forms of discord among believers, arising
from unprofitable arguments and debates, leading to division in the
churches of Christ in Australia in Jesus name.
Father, make GOFAMINT a strong voice for the kingdom in
Europe, Asia and Australia. Let the efforts of the Assistant General
Overseer (Foreign Missions), and the lead ministers produce
amazing results to the glory of your name.
Specific Prayers from the Nations:
The UK
1. Oh Lord our God, take away from us stony heart and grant unto us
the heart of flesh that yield totally to your word and instructions in
Jesus name (Ez. 36: 26-27).
2. Oh Lord, illuminate our hearts by the light of your word and let
every darkness overshadowing our hearts disappear in Jesus name
(Jn. 1: 5). We declare liberation to every life that have been
blinded by the god of this world towards the gospel of Christ in
Jesus name (2 Cor. 4: 4).
3. There is no true revival without repentance, prayer, and ministry of
the word. We therefore request for grace to live our lives in
obedient to the word of God and effective prayer in Jesus name
(Acts. 6: 4).
4. Oh Lord, exalt GOFAMINT UK beyond all limitations, rekindle the
fire of true revival and let many nations flow into it (Mic. 4: 1-2).
5. “Awake thou that sleepest”, arise and show forth the life of Christ
in Jesus name. Every sleeping giant in GOFAMINT UK, arise and
shine in Jesus name (Eph. 5:14; Isa. 60:1).
6. We are greater and stronger together. Oh Lord, bind us together
with the cord of love that we might be one indeed; radiating your
glory as a church to the world in Jesus name (Jn. 17: 11-12).
7. Like the water flowing under the threshold of the temple, let rivers
of living water flow from every assembly of GOFAMINT UK to every
nation of United Kingdom and beyond in Jesus name (Ez. 47: 112; Jn. 7:38).
1. Massive harvest of souls in their thousands through outreach,
prayer centers, church services, open air meetings and street
2. Redemption the blood and repentance of every believer.
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3. To raise disciples through GOFAMINT India to teach others to
believe in the resurrection of the body and second coming of the
Lord Jesus Christ, also to believe in the New Testament standard of
gifts, tithes, no divorce and remarriage.
4. A proper government be established for the smooth functioning of
the country and also for the Christian minority.
5. Every member of GOFAMINT may receive the gift and fruit of the
Holy Spirit.
1. Father, we ask that your move of revival in our midst and land will
not be hindered in the name of Jesus.
2. Father, let every agenda of the gates of hell against the progress
and growth of the church GOFAMINT AUSTRALIA in this season,
perish in Jesus name. Is. 14:27; Mt.16:18.
3. Father, in the name of Jesus we decree the destruction of all
interferences of the devil against the continuous growth of this
church in this season and beyond.
4. Father, In the name of Jesus open the heart of every contact on
the harvest field to the gospel thereby leading many to Christ and
to this church all through OBAMAAC (Operation by All Means at All
Cost) in Jesus name
5. Is.55:10-11. Father, we ask that your word being preached and
taught weekly will not return void but perform great works in the
lives of your people in Jesus name.
6. Father, grant us that working understanding of your word; so we
can be fruitful in all areas of our lives in Jesus name.
North Cyprus
1. Oh Lord our Father, open up this land for easy access to the Gospel
of Christ (Hab.2:14).
2. Oh Lord our Father, give us a new heart and draw us closer to you
in fellowship and intimacy (Ezek.36:26; Ps.51:10-12).
3. Oh Lord our Father, restore men back to their place in life and
destiny through GOFAMINT (Luke 5:32; Mark 2:17).
4. Oh Lord our Father, prosper your church and make us a blessing to
our community in Jesus name (Malachi 3:12).
5. Oh Lord our Father, pour out your Spirit upon us in GOFAMINT in
this end time and make us ambassador of what the true Gospel
stands for in Jesus name (Acts 2:17; Joel 2:28; 1 Cor.4:20).
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United Arab Emirates
1. Dear Lord, just as genuine disciples were raised in Acts 11:25-26,
give us your grace, and wisdom to duplicate such results for you
this year in Jesus name.
2. Lord Jesus, send revival fire into our bones and spirits to awaken us
to strategic evangelism and become passionate for soul-winning
(Jeremiah 20:9).
3. Dear Lord, we believe that GOFAMINT UAE is established for your
divine purpose; back us up with boldness, power, authority, and
wisdom to scale the city walls of this nation; so that your Kingdom
will be established. (Matthew 6:10).
4. Dear Father, raise large numbers of Kingdom Partners who are
disciples amongst us to sponsor your work like Barnabas (Acts
5. Lord, by the help of the Holy Spirit, let the United Arab Emirates be
a hub where the Gospel of Jesus Christ thrives, and the stronghold
of Satan be destroyed in Jesus name.
1. And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I
will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against
it._ (Matt. 16:18) *LORD Jesus, by Supernatural means, build and
establish Your Church in Turkey and the entire Middle East Regions.
2. The Istanbul, Turkey field has a potential to thrive, but it has not
officially taken off because of lack of funds. We pray for
Supernatural supplies of funds to establish this field in Jesus mighty
3. For the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the
LORD, as the waters cover the sea (Hab. 2:14). *We ask for the
overwhelming acts of the Holy Spirit resulting in harvest of souls
into God's Kingdom across the nation of Turkey and the entire
Middle East. LORD, let the gospel prosper again in this land.
4. LORD, render void every policy or rule that antagonizes the gospel
of Jesus and the spread of it in Turkey and its environs in Jesus
name. 5.
5. LORD Jesus, we desire that you establish the Istanbul Turkey field
for us. We therefore ask that You raise men like angels to make it
happen to the glory of Your Holy Name, Amen.
Special Intercessory Prayers For The Days
Grant our youths unprecedented breakthroughs that will make them
comfortable and give them sense of belonging.
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DAY 26:
ROM. 12:4-8; EPH. 4:1-4
The qualified personnel that can bring about total and true
transformation to GOFAMINT ministries are transformed persons through
the power of the Holy Spirit and the Word. (Rom 12:1).
Ministries are the arms of the church serving the people of God through
Ministers, working for the growth of the body of Christ. It is only a
changed life that can ‘beget’ changed ministries. Some of the ministries
Child Evangelism Unit (CEU)
Youth Ministry
Women Ministry and others
All these ministries are to be handled by Spirit filled Christians who are
gifted along that line. Their goal is to win souls for Jesus and make the
children of God strong in faith, growing onto maturity. Remember you
can only give to others what you have. This call for self-development
and organized conferences that will bring rapid growth to the body of
Christ. We should embark on constant study of the word. Biblical prayer
from time to time is a must, do whatever is handed over to you with all
your power, better result is sure!
Prayer Points
1. Thank you God for all the ministries in the GOFAMINT
2. Father, let there be fire of revival in all our ministries and
3. Power from above, come upon all the workers working in all
ministries of the church.
4. Every spirit behind carnality; get out of GOFAMINT in Jesus name
5. Every demon against the church; get out of us in Jesus name
6. Lord, make every ministry a fruitful one.
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7. Fresh unction to function; come upon us all.
8. GOFAMINT ministries, arise to your glory in Jesus name.
9. Every sleeping giant; awake now in Jesus name
Oh God, give unto me, the ability and strength to make my
ministry better
In Jesus name, I will not disappoint God but bring progress to
the church of God- GOFAMINT
Holy Spirit, take control of all ministries in the GOFAMINT.
Lord, rekindle the fresh fire on our ministries and the leaders
be aflame and ablaze for you.
All Ministers who are currently operating on another man’s
ministry, draw them back with renewed vision and revelation.
Key to be effective and do greater exploits, release it to all
Heads of Units and Departments.
Special Intercessory Prayers For The Days
Father, heal all decadent homes and restore the joy of fellowship to them
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DAY 27:
LUKE 4:18-19
A good soul winner is a friend of Jesus, Gospel preached and accepted
brings libration, it is also a yoke breaker. Gospel do give sight to the
blind and salvation plus eternal life to the perishing soul. Remember
what joy you enjoyed when you got saved. The load of sin on you was
removed and the joy of salvation replaced sorrow. You can only show
your appreciation to God by bringing others to the Lord and be deeply
involved in evangelism. You are to preach the word, it is God who brings
conversion. We need fresh anointing of the Holy Spirit.
Acts 1:8
Evangelist Philip was a fervent soul winner and God took special interest
in him and wrought many miracles through him – Acts 8:4-8, 26-40.
And there was great joy in that city. Today’s believers need to be
ignited with Holy Ghost fresh fire. He had promised to be with us Matt.
28:19-20. Good knowledge of the word of God and boldness is a must.
You can engage in morning cry and bus evangelism. Social media is also
another means of evangelism.
Prayer Points
1. Dear Lord Jesus, we are very sorry for neglecting our first
assignment, forgive us in your mercy.
2. Holy Spirit, come now and re-baptized us with power to do the
work of soul- winning with all urgency
3. Every obstacle disturbing the move of God in my life, catch fire in
Jesus name.
4. Holy Spirit, give me the second torch with fire
5. Oh God, make me the Philip of today
6. I receive fresh anointing to do the work of rescuing of souls in
Jesus name
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7. I will not meet my Lord with empty hand in Jesus name.
8. As from today, connect me Lord with souls that are ready for
9. Every tiredness and fear of man; get out of me now
Effective spirit of God for evangelism, start your work in me
By the power of God, I will win many souls to my Lord and
heaven shall rejoice with me.
Special Intercessory Prayers For The Days
Father, put an end to divorce or threats of divorce in our marital homes.
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DAY 28:
JOHN 16:33; PHIL. 4:6-7; ISAIAH 60;1-2
Churches today are under the severe attack of the enemy like never
before. Our consolation however, is that Jesus Christ, who is the Owner
and Builder of His Church has given the assurance that He will build His
Church and the gates of hell cannot prevail against her. (Matt. 16:18).
He had also sent the Holy Spirit as the General Overseer of the Church,
and hence we are rest assured of His good plan towards us. The
GOFAMINT is a church that has a unique role in the Body of Christ today,
and must not be distracted into any area which she has not been called
or commissioned. A church that keeps focus on her calling and
commission will remain dynamic and fulfilling her purpose for the
Kingdom. Just as each member of the church has his or her role and
calling within the denomination, so also each denomination has specific
areas of calling that must not be compromised, if the Body is to be
fulfilled. The present day scenario which makes a denomination “copy
and paste” of another denomination’s programme without finding out
what is God’s specific agenda for her is a satanic intrusion into the
overall purpose of the Body. (1 Cor. 12: 14-17). This is what leads to our
not being able to make impact in this degenerated world. For instance, in
Nigeria today, a profiling of the different Pentecostal denominations have
shown an over 80% tilt of most of them to the prophetic ministry! Why is
this? Because the prophetic is a money spinner in these degenerated
world of unbiblical prosperity! Our Church must not be caught in the
web, and if we are being drawn into it, the Lord will take us out and
place us back to our original calling in Jesus Name. The allocation of
divine provision for our Church will only come to us in our rightful
location! If most of the churches were prayer, prophetic and faith
ministries, as it seemed to have been today, where would be the
evangelists/missionaries, where are the teachers of the word, where are
the apostles to go and break new grounds and lay foundations where
nothing previously exist? Where are the genuine pastors who care for the
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sheep to the point of laying down their lives for the sheep? O Lord,
revive us again to these works of old which we were doing before, but
have now left for other matters! (Psalm 85:6).
If our Church will have to be dynamic and active today, then we must
touch people’s lives and make community impact for their
transformation. Our footprints must be seen in the sands of time. The
early apostles turned their own world upside down as seen in Acts 17:6.
We must do the same today as we saddle the 7 hills of civilization and
science/technology, sports/entertainment and politics. Our church must
rise and change the present value system of the world by the reason of
God’s glory in our lives (Isaiah 60:1-2), and not to be a “separatist”.
Unless salt gets poured out of the shaker, it remains a mere table
ornament. This is the relevance of our close proximity to the various
communities where we belong. How close are we to our respective
communities? How much of the people around us and their felt needs do
we know?
The Rod in our Hands as GOFAMINT
It must be noted that God has graciously gifted each and every
denomination with certain credentials, some of which we underrate or
overlook. Even when Gideon belittled his situation, the Lord told him,
“Go in this thy might of yours, and you shall save Israel from the hands
of the Midianites…” (Judges 6:14).
The Rod was a divine instrument given to Moses by God for his work of
Originally, it was just an ordinary staff of Moses, used to tend the flock
of Jethro his father-in-law. The question is, “What is that in thine hand?”
Exod. 4:2. The Rod in the hands of the GOFAMINT today is the Word. We
are the Church with the Word for the world to change the World” We
must get back to this junction in our lives before God can take over from
us and do incredible things, for His glory and the advancement of His
One singer wrote these highly inspiring stanzas:
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At the national level, our nation currently and apparently suffering the
judgment of God can only receive forgiveness, healing and restoration
when we pray sincerely and stick to our mandate and calling. (2 Chron.
7:14). For the church to fulfill her mission and commission; these
prayers are very crucial. A dynamic church is a prayerful church.
Prayers strengthen a church and make it glorious. When we pray; the
enemies are defeated and we march on to our land of destinies. Without
strong prayers; devil will hold sway in the church. Through these
prayers; the Lord will take us back to Bethel. (Gen. 35:1). It is our place
of first altar of divine encounter before distractions took us away as we
began to look at the callings of others, and sometimes copy them.
Let us therefore join our voices as we call upon the name of the Lord and
raise an altar of supplication for our church, the GOFAMINT.
Prayer Points
1. Let us give thanks to God that He sounded the warning bell to us
through our father in the Lord, and angel of this church, Pastor (Dr)
Elijah O. Abina in 2017 that our Church was not growing again.
2. Let us also bless God, that as the Prophet of this church, the Lord
gave him the Word of Wisdom for us to navigate our way back to
growth, through the 2017 Convention theme, “A New Beginning”
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3. Let us cry unto God for mercy once again because we strayed away
from our original calling and are no longer drawing people to Christ as
we used to do in the early years of our establishment.
4. Let us ask the Lord for forgiveness because since 2017 that our father
in the Lord had given this Word by revelation, our actions have not
justified that we fully understood the message God was passing to us.
5. Now, cry unto God desperately, Father please do not remove our
candlestick out of it’s place, we will go back and do our first work on
evangelism. (Rev. 2:5)
6. O Lord, let every member of GOFAMINT speaks evil of no one, avoid
quarreling, be gentle, and show perfect courtesy toward all people.
7. O Lord let us handle all confrontations biblically with love, and that
church discipline would be exercised with all sense of gravity for
8. Ask the Lord to enable GOFAMINT members use their spiritual gifts to
serve and complement each other; instead of competing in Jesus name.
9. All inordinate love for positions of power in the GOFAMINT, leading us
astray in the way of politics, be consumed by the Holy Ghost fire in Jesus
10. Father, restore true early church Pentecostalism among us, and let
us have a rebirth of the upper room experience in our Church once
11. Father, let position play and politics be terminated and replaced by
the 5-fold ministry operations after the order of Eph. 4:11-15, and so
lead us to the much desired and prophesied global harvest.
12. Help us to take seriously our participation in “The Great Commission”
– going and making disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name
of the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to obey everything
Jesus commanded (Matthew 28:19-20).
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13. O Lord, grant us the spirit of unity in GOFAMINT, that we may all be
one, just as God the Father and His Son Jesus Christ are one.
14. O Lord let all the members be one in God, so the world may believe
the gospel through them.
15. O Lord, help GOFAMINT to be a surrendered church, one that is
characterized by following Christ and continuing in His words. (John
16. Father, make the GOFAMINT a strong, vibrant and dynamic church,
fulfilling Your divine purpose in the name of Jesus Christ.
17. Renew our commitment and dedication to the work we are called to
do in the name of Jesus Christ.
18. Let this Victory Month season takes the GOFAMINT to a glorious
transformation that will rightly follow Your divine visitation of last year.
Special Intercessory Prayers For The Days
Heal all family altars and grant to all GOFAMINT members the
consciousness of keeping the devil out of their homes
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DAY 29:
ACTS 21:8-14, 11:19-30
The greatest possession of any person on earth is the presence of God.
Because human being was made by God and for God (Eph. 2:10)
We are His temple where He desires to dwell on earth (1Cor. 3:16)
We cannot navigate the journey of life all alone without Him (Ex.
As believers, His presence in our lives makes the difference. It prevents
all the negative trends and enhances positive desires of our heart. There
is a big vacuum in every human life, which only God can fill. The purpose
of our coming to the Lord was not just to receive one blessing or the
other. It is meant to have the awesome presence of God in our lives.
Moses puts it this way; “If thy presence go not with me, carry us not up
hence” (Ex. 33:15).
The Psalmist put this way; “as the der panteth after the water brooks; so
pantenth my soul after thee, o God (Psalm 42:1).
Paul put it this way; “That I may know him and the power if his
resurrection…” (Phil 3:10)
This is true of all men and women of God over the ages. The definite and
tangible presence of God in the life of a believer is not negotiable. We
need it in our personal families and assemblies’ lives. This is because we
are meant to reflect His image to the word. God is not visible to human
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beings on earth. Whereas God presence is tangible and meant to be
show-cased through us.
When His word and His spirit have their proper position in our hearts; we
are close to the manifestation of His presence. If we ask the question
whether it is all believers who can manifest the presence of God? The
answer is yes and no. All believers are meant to do that but not all are
ready for it. It is like pregnancy on the womb of a woman. The child is
not ready for birth on the first to eight months, until the nineth month.
The spiritual maturity requires by a number of days, weeks, months or
years. It is determined by the seriousness an individual attached to
his/her spiritual growth. Proper diligent and regular intake of the word
coupled with the in-filling of the Spirit through intensive prayers perform
the magic. Possession of spiritual power leads to manifestation.
We owe it a duty to take our time to digest and take-in the word, then
apply it in our daily practical lives. Engage in intensive hot and fervent
prayer. If these are genuinely done, then we can be sure we are there.
We can say confidently and truthfully that the Lord is with us.
Our presence anywhere will mark His presence. Our homes become His
dwelling place. Our assemblies become His theatre of operations on a
regular basis.
1. I am so glad, I belong to Jesus, I belong to Jesus, I belong to the
2. Dear Father, we thank that you have made us your sons and
daughters as well as your representatives on earth.
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3. Whatever is there in and around our lives; hindering or obstructing
divine presence, let the fire from heaven consume them in Jesus
4. Father, we are thirsty for you, come and take your rightful place in
our lives in Jesus name.
5. My family, my church and the entire world need you, make my life an
entrance door for divine visitation to the world in Jesus name.
6. Let me experience your divine presence like the saints of old in Jesus
7. Let my assembly becomes Bethel, where people have definite
encounter, leading to total dedication and consecration.
8. Let my assembly be known as a place of God’s manifestation in Jesus
9. Let our assemblies become Bethel where people have definite
encounter leading to total dedication and consecration.
10. Whatever experience or encounter that was granted to the saints of
old, grant them to us in GOFAMINT in Jesus name.
11. Whatever experience or encounter that any other ministries on earth
are enjoying anywhere on earth today; grant it unto us in GOFAMINT.
12. The type of sweet and great experience that people have not enjoyed
before, let it begin with GOFAMINT.
13. Make yourself known so clearly in my family and church that
unbelievers will see your presence very clearly in our midst, oh Lord.
14. Destroy and remove whatever needs to be removed to make known
your glory in our homes and our churches.
15. We dedicate our lives and homes as carriers of your glory, manifest
yourself through us.
16. Help us Lord, that your written and spoken words will match our
lifestyles for signs and wonders.
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17. Help us Lord, that the gentiles will not say; where is our God” but
rather, they will say; their God has done great and marvelous things
for them”
Special Intercessory Prayers For The Days
Let the cloud of favour, mercy and goodness move to Gospel City for
permanent abode.
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DAY 30:
TUESDAY, 31ST JANUARY 2023Day 30 31/1/23
PSALM 16:5-11
In the presence of God, there is fullness of joy. The prevailing
atmosphere on earth is of sadness and joy. There are places where
people are rejoicing and there are places where people are mourning. As
people of God, our portion on earth is joy.
1. We have the almighty God as our father.
2. Jesus conquered our arc-enemy, Satan on the cross (conquerors and
overcomes now are we...)
3. We have victory on a platter of gold after the successful waiting on
the Lord for good thirty days in all GOFAMINT Assemblies, world-wide.
4. From now on, the place of Satan in our lives and our church is under
our feet (ROM. 16:20).
Any contrary view to the above stated facts are lies from the pit of hell.
The understanding of our position in God through Christ must be very
clear to us. We must hear the clear voice of God in the spirit realm,
"saying, touch not mine anointed, and do my prophets no harm" (Psalm
105:15). We are now on a vantage position as we go from nation to
nation to possess the kingdom.
We are complete in Him; we are more than conquerors; we are blessed,
not cursed; we are forward-moving; never backward. Anything we bind
on earth is bound in heaven, whatever can make me worthy to be one of
the saints worshipping God in spirit and truth in GOFAMINT is worth
5. I celebrate my brothers and sisters in my assemblies; who make
themselves vessels of honour as the children of the kingdom.
6. Thank you Lord, because the door of joy has opened a-new in our
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7. Thank you Father for the restoration of love in our midst.
8. Thank you Father for the door of harvest of miracles that has opened
9. Thank you dear Lord, because you are going to make our General
Overseer happy for the rest days of his life.
10. Thank you Lord, for so many people who will own houses and buy
good cars this year.
11. Thank you Lord, because we are going to rejoice with so many so
called barren men and women this year.
12. Thank you Father, because this year is the year of our single sisters
and brothers for the numerous marriages.
13. Thank you Father, for the spiritual, numerical and physical
expansion of our assemblies this year.
14. Thank you dear Lord, because you are granting each of us the
desires of our hearts.
Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah praise the Lord3ce
My Jesus conquered Satan, Hallelujah praise the Lord.
Special Intercessory Prayers For The Days
Lord, let GOFAMINT be more relevant in the comity of churches this year
and fulfill divine mandate.
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DAY 1:
JANUARY 9, 2023
2 KINGS 4:26, PS. 48
The question was asked from a woman with great sorrow on the death of
his only son, but she answered with big faith – ‘it is well’. What a great
faith in God and in the man of God prophet Elisha! In time like this, you
need to draw out your faith to face the situation at hand. Stop crying, it
is not the solution, refuse to bow to the challenges, your God is able
even abundantly able. Nothing is too big for Him to do.
Say it loud and clear it is wel!:
Challenges at home – it is well!
Challenges at work – it is well!
Delay in marriage – it is well!
Delay in child bearing – it is well!
Delay in marriage – it is well!
Financial tough time – it is well!
Seeking admission for further studies – it is well!
Promotion delay– it is well!
Need healing – it is well!
At last, she got her dead son back to life
Few things done by the woman –
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 She remembered God in her time of trouble
 She contacted the right servant of God
 She made her faith strong and would not take no for an answer.
With her faith and mercy from God; she got her son back alive. To
God be the glory!
 Know for sure, Jesus will not fail you, just ask in faith and He will
do it for you.
Prayer Points
1. Oh God my Creator, I know that you will show me your mercy upon
all my requests.
2. Father, destroy every power that is against my victory in Jesus
3. No more bareness because it is well with me.
4. Every sickness, go out of my life, it is well with me
5. Every enemy of my progress; you will fail because it is well with my
6. It is well with my work; all power of darkness; get out of my life
7. It is well with me, I will overcome all my challenges in Jesus name
8. In Jesus name, my today will be better than my yesterday and my
tomorrow shall be better than today.
9. It is well with me, all round in Jesus name.
As from today, it is well with me forever in Jesus name
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DAY 2:
JANUARY 16, 2023
Jer. 33:3, Is. 44:1-3, 55:6
Kindly give a deep thought to the goodness of God in your family; they
are numerous to count, name them one by one and give glory to the
Lord for all He has done. Surely, God is good to this family. For us to
ask for timely and tangible help, we need also, timely and tangible
The Bible passages above are with great promise of God that never fails,
take them as an anchor for your family. Life is full of challenges,
whatsoever any member of your family is going through; the Lord is
there with you and your wilderness experience will soon be over. Don’t
insult God in your word and thought, it will soon be over because God
will do it again for you and the rest members of your family. All you have
to do is to praise God, give thanks to Him and increase your prayers.
Very few families have a scheduled prayer time for their families. Go and
arrange it if there is none for your family. It could be weekly or
monthly. if you don’t pray for your family; what will God work on for
Prayer Points
1. Thank you Lord for being good to our families.
2. Thank you God for the victory and blessings of the past
3. Daddy, please in your mercy; forgive us all our short comings
because of your grace
4. Oh God give to every member of our family, timely answer to our
5. Oh God, remove every blockage; blocking our way today
6. Father, kindly remove whatever can be called sickness in this
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7. All things being referred to as failure, get out of this family in Jesus
8. In this family, there shall be no loss of life, we shall escape all
tragedies of life in the name of the Lord.
9. This year 2023, we shall enjoy unlimited progress all the year
Each member of our family shall experience timely and
tangible favour and blessings of God on daily basis in year 2023
Pray more
Bring up your prayer requests for the family
Pray for each person in the family
Pray for another family in your church
Pray for constant mercy for every family in GOFAMINT
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DAY 3:
1 CHRONICLES 4:9-10; GEN. 37:3-8
The life of the family is very crucial to the growth and development of
the church. Without family, there is no church. The well-being of the
families that make up the church of God has direct implications on the
well-being of the church. In this discussion time, we will consider a few
elements that can constitute obstacles to the progress of our families
and how we should deal with them.
(A) Hatred in the Family
- This is a major obstacle that can hinder the greatness of a family. How
does hatred come in the family?
- Look at the case study of Joseph and his brothers in Gen. 37:3-8 and
- What is the best way out of this situation for a family?
- The evil altar of hatred erected against Joseph in the hearts of his
brothers was used by God to move him to his destiny of fulfillment.
Could he also still have gotten to his destiny without the altar of hatred?
- How can we identify when this spirit of hatred is at work in a family,
and how can we quickly arrest it?
(B) Poverty in the Family.
- This could also come as a foundational family problem like the case of
Jabez family in 1 Chron. 4:9-10.
- It could also be due to socio-economic factors, just like we are passing
through now in Nigeria. Please discuss how this can affect general
progress of the family.
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- Health is also wealth, and the Bible mentioned heath among the three
dimensions of prosperity in 3 John vs. 2. How best can we handle health
challenges in the family?
(C) Enemies of Spirituality in the Family
- This is the Master key for the well-being of the family. Discuss the
importance of both personal and family devotions.
- What are the enemies of personal and family devotions in the family?
How can we arrest these enemies?
- How can we pass our legacies to our coming generations in the family
so that they can hold the fort?
Therefore, we must pray to remove every obstacle to godliness,
blessings and wellbeing of our families. When you pray these prayers for
your family, you are also praying for the Church because the individual
families make up the church.
Prayer Points
1. Thank God for the families in the church and for what God is doing in
each family and will still do.
2. Every satanic altar of hatred engineered from the pit of hell against
our families be dismantled, broken and scattered without repairs.
3. Every seed of ungodliness planted in the life of any of our familymembers; be uprooted by the Holy Ghost fire.
4. Every evil word spoken to the foundation of any member of our
families that the enemy might be using to affect progress; be
neutralized, condemned and counteracted now by the Blood of Jesus.
(Isaiah 54:17; Heb. 12:24)
5. O Lord, please remove every obstacle to godliness in all families in
this church in the name of Jesus Christ
6. O Lord, make the families in this church vibrant in holiness and
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7. O Lord, rekindle the fire of revival in all families in this church in Jesus
8. Help our families to grow in faith O Lord, in the name of Jesus Christ
9. Make the families in this church great in all spheres of life in the
mighty name of Jesus Christ.
10. Remove obstacles of diseases and poverty in every family, in the
name of Jesus Christ.
11. Jabez cried unto you O Lord and you removed poverty and sorrow
from his lineage, as we call upon you in this prayer session, remove
every bitterness and sorrow of poverty from our families in Jesus Name.
12. Agents of premature death, be defeated in all families in the Mighty
name of Jesus Christ.
13. O Lord, raise arrows of the mighty among our children and make
them to possess the gates of their enemies.
14. Give our families all round breakthrough in the Mighty name of Jesus
15. Let every family in this church succeed in every sphere of life in the
Mighty name of Jesus Christ.
16. Give every family in this church open heaven for mercy and favour to
live godly and be great in all ramifications in the Mighty name of Jesus
17. Every root of sickness in any of our family-members, be burnt now
and removed completely by the Holy Ghost fire.
18. O Lord, strengthen our families in the place of prayers to fight the
good fight of faith and that there will be none among us too weak or
feeble for the enemy to conquer.
19. Father, let our families enjoy an all-round transformation for
progress socially, economically, physically and spiritually.
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20. Since the glory of the latter house shall be greater than the former,
let our coming generation be more versatile in the knowledge of God and
walk with Him to possess their possessions.
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Youth Vigil
Friday 6th January, 2023
Necessity of Becoming a Totally Transformed Youth as True
Image of Christ and a Living Asset to God and My
I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God,
that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable
unto God, which is your reasonable service. And be not
conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the
renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good,
and acceptable, and perfect, will of God. (Rom. 12:1-2)
From this passage, Paul pointedly declares that transformation comes
“by the renewing of your mind”. We were made in God’s image and
likeness. We were created to believe, think and act like God. Our original
minds were a reflection of God’s mind – pure, clear, and unlimited.
Before the fall, Adam and Eve were not contaminated by sin but
functioned according to the life and will of God. This divine mind was lost
by man through sin of disobedience to God’s word. As Christians, we live
in a society being influenced by the fall and we continue to think and
behave according to the standard of our earthly culture as against God’s
We live in the world but we are not of the world because our true
citizenship is in heaven (Phil. 3:20). We don’t belong to the world even
though we function within the world’s system with its temporal culture
and values (John 17:11, 14-16); we are members of a kingdom that has
eternal principles and values. Therefore, the renewal of the mind must
take place in regard to every area of life, not as a one-time occurrence
but continuously because transformation is an ongoing process to
perpetually keep our minds from sinful imaginations and worldly
contamination. Since our mindset guides every action we take in life, a
change of mentality will inevitably transform how we conduct our lives.
In 1 Timothy 4:12, Paul advocates that every youth needs to be
transformed by the renewing of the mind so that he/she will not be
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despised by any one. In sincerity, youth are often looked down on
because of attitudes and behaviors that are annoying or being immature.
Some of the things people often associate with youth are disrespect,
rebellion, self-absorption, cliquishness, conformity to peer pressure,
indifference to serious issues, and a fixation on fun as the only thing that
satisfies. By renewing their minds, Paul wants the youths to pursue
God’s standards “in speech, conduct, love, faith and purity.” Youths
should find out what kind of words and conduct are pleasing to God and
live accordingly.
KJV dictionary states that the word “transform” in theology means “to
change the natural disposition and temper of man from a state of enmity
to God and his law, into the image of God, or into a disposition and
temper conformed to the will of God”. The Greek word for transformed in
Romans 12:2 has the meaning of being changed into another form. It is
a total change by the renewing of the mind. It is a complete change for
the better, not mere conforming, but transforming; being changed into a
new creation and living with a spiritual mindset (change of thinking). It is
more than a life of physical compliance, it is to live in the Spirit with
Christ (John 4:23-24). That is, we are living in the world but should not
be a part of the world (Rom. 6:13-14, 1 Pet. 2:1-6).
Change is something we all need, but the authentic change starts with
new life (2 Cor. 5:17). In John 3:3, Jesus calls it being "born again." We
received the divine life of God in our spirit when we were born again.
Now, God wants His life to spread from our spirit into every part of our
being, especially our soul. This is how we are inwardly transformed, and
God is actually expressed in our living out this major change. But this
change is a process, not a destination of which Paul prayed for the
Philippian church that God will continue until the day of Christ Jesus
(Phil. 1:6). The truth we need to admit is that true change is difficult
because we are stubborn, we are trapped, we are comfortable, we are
afraid, change hurts, and because we lack the will power.
Notwithstanding, Paul challenge the Ephesian church to live out the
changed life, being the evidence of a transformed life.
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But that is not what you learned from Christ’s teachings. 21
You have certainly heard his message and have been taught
his ways. The truth is in Jesus. 22 You were taught to change
the way you were living. The person you used to be will ruin
you through desires that deceive you. 23 However, you were
taught to have a new attitude. 24 You were also taught to
become a new person created to be like God, with a life that
truly has God’s approval and is holy. (Eph. 4:20-24 GW)
1. Present your body as a living sacrifice: We should present
ourselves to Him as if we were a sacrifice on a sacred altar. This is
a decision to yield our bodies to God and totally surrendered to Him
in all things. Being a living sacrifice involves dying to “self”, a
process that is painful to our fleshly nature and our will, but, it is
tremendously beneficial to us because God can thereafter make the
best use of our lives to bring forth maximum blessings of joy,
health, and peace to our generation.
2. Do not conform to the world’s mentality: We should not allow
ourselves to be shaped by the mindset of the world. The world has
various values, principles, standards, attitudes, and ways of
thinking that are opposed to those of God’s kingdom. Many of them
are based on enthroning ‘self’ and conserving the sinful nature. The
world’s value are destructive because they focus not on God but on
the attainment of prestige, fame, fortune, and fleshly pleasures and
the pursuit of success at all cost. (See James 4:4).
3. Renew your mind: The Greek word translated “renewing” means
“renovation” or “renewal”. This indicates that the mind has moved
out of the original standard and must be renovated. Renewal of
mind is such a powerful key to understanding and carrying out
God’s will because it re-aligns our minds to His purpose for us. God
wants our mind to reflect His mind, enabling us to think and
function like God. Renewal of mind has to do with thinking
differently and it enables us to return to the mindset with which
God originally created us. This is why we must surrender our minds
to the Holy Spirit for transformation.
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But when the goodness and loving kindness of God our
Savior appeared, he saved us, not because of works done
by us in righteousness, but according to his own mercy, by
the washing of regeneration and renewal of the Holy
Spirit, whom he poured out on us richly through Jesus
Christ our Savior… (Titus 3:4-6)
4. Discern the will of God: Prayer, God’s Word, and other believers
are all parts of the discernment process. And God’s Word tells us
that when we surrender our lives to God in view of His mercy,
worship Him with everything we are, resist the pattern of the
world, and renew our minds by His Spirit, then we will be able to
discern God’s will!
A. Using 1 Kings 12:1-11, 14:21-24; 15:1-3; Judges 16:1-21;
Discuss the Following Consequences of Untransformed
Believers and Pray Against Each of Them in Your Lives.
1. They will lack clear direction for their lives
2. They will be spiritually vulnerable
3. Their minds, thoughts and behaviours will be conformed to sin.
4. They will experience spiritual dryness
5. They will return to false mindsets, habits, and regress spiritually.
6. They will lose their kingdom relevance in the world
7. They will experience recurring issues and frustrations.
B. Discuss How Transformation Can Make Us Live and Function as
True Image of Christ
Since Jesus is the perfect image of God, we must conform to Him in
thoughts, words, and actions in order to live and function as the
image of God that we were created to be. Jesus is our ultimate model
for how we glorify God in our lives. Jesus was completely yielded to
the Holy Spirit, and it was His uncompromising purpose in life to do
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His Father's will. Jesus is our identity, and He lives His life through us,
so our main purpose in this life is to be like Him. In our daily walk
with Him, we learn and His Spirit helps us do His will over our own
will to make us become more like Jesus. We must be conformed to His
image. (Rom. 8:28-29).
1. Read Acts 4:13 and discuss the impact of Jesus on believers.
2. Read Phil. 1:6; 2:12-14 and describe the reasons why we need the
help of Jesus for our total transformation.
3. Read John 16:12-15 and discuss the roles of Holy Spirit in
4. Read John 6:66-69 and Phil. 3:7-11 to describe how transformed
believers can maintain their faith to the end.
5. Read Luke 11:9-13. What should we do if we are not being
conformed into the image of Jesus?
6. What in your life will not help you grow a desire to be conformed to
the image of Jesus? Also, what is your plan to see more of the
image and life of Jesus? If you don’t have one what will you do to
get it?
7. Our lives are filled with distractions. There are people and things in
each of our lives that influence both our minds and our hearts that
naturally conform us into their images; instead of the image of
Jesus. Pray that God will help you to put yourself in environments
that will help you continuously desire to be more like Jesus daily.
8. Removing worldly influences grow our desire to be like Jesus.
Discuss this and turn it to prayer
9. We must choose to pursue the image of Jesus because to be more
like Jesus requires hard work. We must strive after Him, always
pursuing and wanting Him more, even when discouragement and
failure come. Pray for grace to strive after Christ and never yield to
discouragement and failure that may come your way.
Let the power of God work in me to accomplish His purpose of
conformity to the image of Christ in Jesus’ name.
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C. Discuss How Youths Can Become A Living Asset to God and
Their Generation Through Transformation as We Consider the
Following Bible Characters.
 Use the revelation deduce from each character to pray for
yourselves; the grace of relevance and unending impact
on your generation.
1. Joseph in Gen. 37:18-20, 22-24; 37:27; 39:7-8, 17-20
demonstrated traits of a transformed believer that brought him to
rulership. In Egypt, he was made Pharaoh's Prime Minister at the
tender age of 30 years. Pharaoh's testimony about him was that he
was wise and prudent (Gen. 41:37-44)
2. Saul in Acts 9 was a zealous Pharisee who persecuted Christians.
On his way to Damascus to persecute more Christians, Jesus
appeared to him, through the encounter, he became saved and
transformed and then as Paul, he became one of the most
influential apostles, spreading the gospel throughout the world.
3. Nicodemus in John 3:1-21 was a mere religious leader, a
Pharisee and member of the Jewish ruling council (Sanhedrin). He
personally came to Jesus for encounter and being transformed; he
eventually became one of the most ardent disciples.
4. Peter in Luke 22:54-62 and Acts 2:14-42 denied Jesus three
times before the rooster crowed, but Peter encountered Jesus for
transformation – he repented and was forgiven. He became one of
the most influential apostles. He preached on the day of Pentecost,
and 3000 people got converted.
5. The Samaritan woman in John 4 was an outcast; her sin defined
her life until she encountered Jesus and became transformed. She
went on to be a great evangelist. We can be transformed into
people who evangelize for His kingdom.
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TEXTS: ROM 12:2; GEN 2:22;1 COR.11:11-12
Women are very crucial in any society because of the values and virtues
they carry.
When a woman is properly trained and equipped, she will fulfill her
mission and ministry both in the family, in the church and society.
Women cannot be underrated in any society and organization. A
transformed woman will make a transformed home and a church. A
Renewed Woman is a blessing to the home, church and society. When a
woman is renewed, the family is blessed and the children will be living a
fulfilled life to the joy of the husband. Today, women are doing great
exploits the world over both in ministry and career, we must therefore
pray for our women to make impact too in all spheres of life so that they
can have a footprint in the sand of time.
Discussion Points
1. The Role of the women in effecting transformation cannot be
overemphasized. Give Biblical and contemporary examples of women in
transformation. (Esther, Deborah, Priscilla, Dorcas, Mary Slessor, Mother
Theresa, etc.)
2. As a helpmeet to the man, how can a woman play her
transformational role without usurping the authority over the man? (1
Tim. 2:10-13).
3. The influence of women over their husbands sometimes can create
tensions in the congregation or community. How can godly women
ensure that their good is not evil spoken of? Discuss using the example
of Sarah. (1 Peter 3:1-6).
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4. Our women have tremendous influence over the next generation to
mould them into better materials for Kingdom harvest. Discuss using
Titus 2:2-5. Are we playing this role well now, judging by the present
standard in the lives of our younger women?
5. The fact that the Bible enjoined women to be “keepers at home”, or
“managers at home”, makes women the real owner of the home. What
measures are our women putting in place for our homes to be what God
wants them to be?
A woman is a “suitable helper” (NIV) of the man as his complementary
opposite or “the other half”, without which one cannot singly perform.
Hence, the word “helper” (ezer) does not mean that the woman is
inferior or superior to the man. It only describes a kind of relationship
where the assistance of one is needed by the other in order to succeed.
So, let us support and pray for our women to succeed in playing their
Prayer Points
1. Thank God on behalf of our women and what God is using them to
accomplish both at home and in the ministry and other areas of life.
2. Our women make up the larger percentage of all our congregations.
Let us pray that the Lord will help them deploy their numerical
advantage for the winning of more souls into the Kingdom.
3. Ask the Lord to grant them more grace to fulfill their destinies in the
mighty name of Jesus Christ.
4. Let us pray that the Lord will raise up among our women, influential
and courageous leaders like Deborah and Esther to move the work of
God forward among us.
5. Let us come against every plan of the devil to create crisis and
disaffection among the womenfolk that the Holy Spirit will quell all such
and grant peace and love.
6. Please, remember any of our women passing through turbulent times
in their matrimonial homes, that the Lord who sustained Sarah will also
sustain and give them wisdom to keep their homes.
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7. Let us remember the Hannahs and those looking unto God for the fruit
of the womb, that the Lord will give then good children like Samuel.
8. Pray to God to transform our women indeed to be women of faith and
9. Ask the Lord to renew our women and make them impactful in every
area of life in Jesus name
10. Pray to God to make our women instruments of righteousness at
home and the world in Jesus' Mighty name.
11. O Lord, raise more virtuous sisters among our women, whose lives
will add value to the lives of their husbands like we saw in Prov. 31:23.
12. Ask the Lord to change our women to conform to the image of Christ
in Jesus Name
13. Ask the Lord to turn barrenness of all forms in the life of our women
to fruitfulness in the name of Jesus
14. Ask the Lord to take our women higher in life in Jesus Christ name.
15. Ask the lord to fill out women with love strong enough to impact lives
around them.
16. O Lord, transform our women and make them renewed inwardly and
outwardly in the name of Jesus Christ.
17. Pray for our women that the Holy Spirit will work upon all their
temperaments and blend it in accordance with His will through divine
18. Let us begin to give thanks to God that our women are agents of
divine transformation by the power of the Holy Spirit through these
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JANUARY 25, 2023
GENESIS 47:1-4; MATTHEW 1:18-26
The right instrument is a pre-requisite to carry out any tangible project.
As it is in the natural, so is it in the spiritual. That was why we hear God
saying in His word: "whom shall I send.....". Spiritually qualified men and
women are the instruments God uses for His work. There are qualities
and qualifications to become a man God uses. Although God has the
peroragative to use any human being he chooses because he created
them all. After all, He used Balaam's carmel when there was a need to
do that. He uses anyone for any work, but uses chosen and holy vessels
for special works.
In Exodus 18:21, the Bible described the qualities of veritable vessels as
follows: "...able men, such as fear God, men of truth, hating
covetousness....". In Acts 6:4, on the same subject, it says: "wherefore
brethren, look ye out among you seven men of honest report, full of the
Holy Ghost and wisdom, whom we may appoint over this business".
Anyhow person can be used for anyhow job, while spiritually qualified
people are used for special assignments. "If a man therefore purged
himself, he shall be a vessel unto honour, sanctified, and meet for the
master's use, and prepared unto every good work" (2Tim 2:21).
One of the major factors for the absence of revival in the church is lack
of qualified people who are totally transformed for such a task.
When Jesus said to His disciples in Mathew 9:37 that "the he harvest
truly is plenteous, but the labourers are few". He, obviously was saying
that there are so many people who were available, but only few have the
required qualities for the higher calling.
In our Bible reading of today, we have two eminent believers who
incidentally shared the same name, JOSEPH. One in the old testament
and the other in the new testament. Incredibly, they also shared the
same surname, Jacob. The two of them were also sent on special errand
and assignments to Egypt. The similarities are not coincidence, but
divinely ordained.
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These two men are eminent, noble, faithful, trustworthy, godly, spiritual
and selfless.
One was used of God to provide solution to the complex famine problem
of the nation of Egypt and the whole world. The other was used as a
honourable vessel to be the foster father of the Saviour of the whole
world, Jesus Christ. These two men of God were dynamic, wonderful and
adorable vessels in the hand of God to establish the kingdom of God on
earth. They are worthy of emulation. May be God is telling us as a
church to do more for Him in preserving His work in our hands in the
spiritual and natural Egypt. Egypt is the symbol of the world. We need
more works to do for God
As individuals, we may not necessarily change our names to Joseph like
them, but we necessarily need to change our attitudes, styles and
approach; and be like them. This is stated in Philippians 2:5, "let this
mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus". The duo imbibed the
mind of Christ and that was why they were able to contribute to the
establishment God's kingdom in an extra-ordinary manner.
Points for discussion:
1. The attitude of Joseph in the family of Jacob was different from that of
his eleven brothers, in what way does that corroborate the scriptures.
Psalm 1:1-3.
2. The non-compromising attitude of Joseph led him from one
persecution and punishment to another, yet he did not give up, what
does that teache us?
3. Psalm 34:19, In what ways are we going to suffer if truly we want to
be agents of revival?
4. God used the two Josephs to establish His kingdom on earth through
their selfless dispositions, in what way are we expected to do this? Read
John 3:30.
5. When the new testament Joseph knew that Mary, his fiancee was
pregnant, he wanted to divorce her secretly and not. disgrace her. In
what ways can we demonstrate such uncommon spirituality?
6. Joseph did the followings:
1. He obeyed God totally in bringing Mary to his house with the strange
2. He performed the totality of husband's duties on Mary without
sleeping with her.
3. He also performed fatherly role on Jesus, being not his father.
4. He made great sacrifice by taking the mother and the child to Egypt to
avoid being killed by Herod.
How can we also do the above today and in what way will that lead to
the growth of our church?
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Let us pray:
1. Lord, I understand that “many are called, but only few are chosen” I
request today to be one of the few chosen in Jesus name.
2. Dear Lord, help me to be like the Josephs so that you can use me the
same way you used them.
3. Grant me the the Christ-like mind that was granted the Josephs that I
also; may be vessels and honour thoroughly furnished for every good
4. Make me a holy vessel unto you oh dear Lord.
5. Help me to live a life of separation, and dedicate myself for your use
oh Lord.
6. Grant me the grace to dare to be different; living uncompromisingly in
Jesus name.
7. Help me to stand for you, come rain nor shine, oh dear Father.
8. Make me the true ambassador of yours, whom you can depend upon o
9. Help me to know the truth, live by the truth, speak the truth and
defend the truth, no matter whose ox is gored in Jesus name.
10. Defend and protect all defenders of the truth in Gofamint and in your
Church generally, oh Lord.
11. More of Jesus and less of me, oh dear Father in Jesus name.
12. Jesus must be honoured in my life and church in Jesus name.
13. Help us to end our sojourning in Egypt, and establish God's kingdom
oh Lord.
14. Let there be light at the end of the tunnel for all Josephs against
their persecutors oh Lord.
15. Here I am send me, as the Lord needs somebody.....
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PSALM 51; ISAIAH 57:12; 1 COR. 9:27
Pretended righteousness is a way of precarious living that makes the
victim meets a sudden destruction and disappointment after selfdelusion. Pretended righteousness makes the victim lack personal
integrity before God and man. It is like the Pharisaical kind of
righteousness which Jesus called whited sepulchers. (Matt. 23:25-28). In
any solemn assembly such as our Victory Month, especially this year
targeted at Divine Transformation, we need a lot of inward searching and
examination so as not to be disappointed on the last day. (Matt. 7:2223; Luke 13:26-27). Apostle Paul warned us to examine and discipline
ourselves now so that we are not cast away on the last day. (1 Cor.
9:27; 2 Cor. 13:15). This is what we are going to do in this prayer
session, that the Lord might make us true agents of revival and divine
It is only God by His Spirit that can search the deep things of the heart,
even when we pretend to cover-up or hide some things from men.
In the passage in Isaiah, Prophet Isaiah was debunking the hypocritical
conduct of Judah, who went ahead to trust in his own efforts and in other
mundane things, still claiming his trust in God, whom he had abandoned.
As a result, God said, when he cried, all the works he trusted and
alliances would fail him (v.13). he however sent to Judah, in His
excellency and holiness that it is only those that would abide with Him in
high and holy place that would eventually be revived (v. 15). Such
people should be:
Those that are of contrite spirit (Ps. 34: 18, 51, 17).
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Those that are of humble spirit (Prov. 16:19,29,23)
As believers today, we need to examine our lives to discover areas we
must be broken down with humble spirit, then, God will visit His church
again, heal our land and revival us. We have situations today in the
church, where many a Christian intended couples, lie to each other,
claiming their innocence when in a actual fact, one or both of them have
not only defiled the bed (Heb. 13:4), committed or aided abortion, or
had given birth sometimes to a child.
It is no news again to have children born outside wedlock unknown to
the other Christian spouse, only to be discovered later through DNA or
genotype test. We find Christian couples erecting building structures
elsewhere without the knowledge of the spouse. Still they live together
under the same roof, eat together, and attend the same church!
Some Christian graduates today, are under the pricked conscience of
using faked, forged or fraudulent results for admission. Still, there are
those who falsified their date of birth, travelled abroad with forged
documents, ignore obtaining or renewing their driving licenses or vehicle
particulars, only to bribe and rub palms to escape justice.
However, in this matter sir, ma, if we need a revival in our land, none of
righteousness (Dan. 9:3-7; 1Jh. 1:9). The good-news is what God
promised us: “I have seen his ways, and will heal him, I will lead him
also, and restore comforts unto him and to his mourners” (Isah. 57: 18)
1. What is pretended righteousness? what are some biblical examples
of pretended righteousness?
2. Mention various ways by which pretended righteous is daily
manifested among us today and how it can prevent or quench a
true revival?
3. a. Consider the following scriptures to discuss the case of
pretended righteousness of David before he became a king (1Sam.
27: 7-12; 1Sam. 28: 1-2)
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b. Discuss how he claimed righteousness in the face of his
pretensions (1Sam. 29: 1-3; 1Sam. 29: 6-10)
c. Discuss how Achish defended David before the lords of the
Philistines 1 Sam. 29:3; 6-8.
4. What are the causes and the evils of pretended righteousness in
5. Suggest how true revival can be restored into our church (or
assemblies) again?
6. a. Explain the following phrases as precursor for healing and state
how it applied to us as a church.
(i) Contrite spirit (ii) humble spirit
(b) Give some practical Biblical examples we can follow.
Prayer Points
Raise prayers as the ministers deem fit and let members suggest prayer
(A) Analyzing Deceptive Characteristics Among us
Today, a lot of deceptive characters are here and there and that's the
more reason the revival tarries. This is a generation that pretends to live
a righteous life but in the real sense of it; their hearts have not been
touched by the fire of the gospel.
Until there is a true repentance, there cannot be a true revival. True
revival will turn men to God with tears of repentance and a genuine
(i) Apostle Paul said we should speak the truth in love to one another.
(Eph. 4:15). How can we balance these two ingredients because truth is
mostly bitter to the ear of the hearer? Are we really speaking the truth to
each other now, or playing diplomacy?
(ii) Is it a good attribute for you to keep agreeing in order not to offend
someone than to point out the truth of the Scriptures to that person?
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(iii) The syndrome of “what is in it for me?” has also brought us to the
level of selfishness we have found ourselves today. How can we address
this problem? (Rom. 15:1-3; Gal. 6:2)
(B) Analyzing our Poor level of Integrity
Someone defines integrity as, “Meaning what you say, saying what you
mean, and going about doing what you said you mean”. This is a
characteristic of honesty truth and simplicity. It has no diplomacy in it,
as we find today among our people.
Most of the people in the Western world are brought up with godly
integrity of their forefathers, so you don’t find “lying” as a norm or
culture. So, even though their children may not know the Christ of their
forefathers now, they carried the mentality of speaking the truth. (Psalm
51:6). It becomes easier to preach the gospel to such people because he
will tell you his true condition, whether he is going to Heaven or not.
Even if he does not want to accept Christ, he will tell you honestly the
reason why. Here we carry a lot of pretenses, and it will deny Heaven for
many. We must pray seriously as individuals and as a church for
Prayer Points.
1. As an individual, let us go to God in penitence, asking for His pardon
and mercy once again in all areas of our pretenses, politics and petty
2. Frankly speaking, our sacrifices and services are not acceptable to
Him when “we have fought against” each other (Matt. 5:23), let us go
into God’s presence now and ask Him genuinely for forgiveness and
3. You must also make the move to approach the brother or sister
concerned for truth and reconciliation; if you still want to make it to
Heaven. Heaven is not a place for settling quarrels; ask the Lord for
courage to do so after this prayer.
4. Ask the Lord for forgiveness of minding the things of this earth, more
than the things of Heaven. (Col 3:1-2, 1 John 2:15-17).
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5. Let us ask the Lord for a corporate forgiveness on behalf of our
Church GOFAMINT, for any derailment we have had in our commission
that made our Daddy G.O cry out in 2017 that the Church was not
growing again, and called for a New Beginning that year.
6. Let us now pray that the divine call to go “Back to Bethel” during the
GAMICO of last year, 2022 will receive fulfillment this year to return us
back to our original course.
7. Pray that after these prayers, the grace to finish our race well and
strong will fall upon each and every one of us in Jesus Name.
8. O Lord, heal all pretended righteousness in our church in the Mighty
name of Jesus Christ
13. Make us agents of True revival o Lord in the Mighty name of Jesus
14. Visit your people o Lord with refining fire and help your church to be
holy in Jesus name.
17. Destroy “the little foxes that spoil the vines” o Lord, in the Mighty
name of Jesus.
18. As we begin to obey You Lord from these prayer sessions, let our
righteousness burst forth as the day.
19. Father, lift us on eagle’s wings and place us on the shoulder of giants
to accomplish our Commission with speed for the end time harvest.
20. “Because the glory of the latter House will be greater than the
former” (Haggai 2:9), O Lord, let our latter days be more glorious and
fulfilling to receive Heaven’s applause in Jesus Name.
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