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ENG1005 Engineering Mathematics Assessment Guide

ENG1005 - Engineering mathematics - S2 2022
Dashboard / Units / Faculty of Science / School of Mathematics / 2022 / Undergraduate S2 2022 / ENG1005 - S2 2022
/ Assessment
Teaching for the unit has now been completed. Learning Captures are no longer available. The Lectures and Unit Coordinators will no longer be accessing or
monitoring this site. This Moodle site will remain available to you as resource until you have completed your studies at Monash. Please note the materials
presented here were accurate as of time of Teaching and may be superseded at any time.
Global announcements
Important unit information will be posted here and you will also receive these announcements via email.
At the end of each week, an announcement will go out telling you about the upcoming week.
Please note: your exam is closed book and you must not access
Moodle during your exam time.
◄ Key information
Here you will find:
a list of the learning outcomes for ENG1005,
information on the three components of continuous assessment,
information on special consideration and links to request it and
the quizzes, assignments and drop boxes for your submissions
Your progress 
Learning outcomes and detailed description of continuous assessment
Here you will find the learning outcomes for ENG1005, a summary of the continuous assessment for the
unit and details of each component of the continuous assessment.
Late submission
Late submissions will not be accepted for quizzes.
Late submissions will be accepted for assignments and will be penalised according to Faculty of
Science policy, which is 10% per day or part thereof (including weekends and holidays) until the
solutions are released or 7 days have elapsed after which a grade of zero will be recorded.
Special consideration (including covid info)
If you cannot complete an assessment task due to exceptional circumstances beyond your control
(see the list of approved reasons), you may be eligible for special consideration. Below is the quick
summary version of what to do.
Note that that central special consideration form states that "you can contact your Chief Examiner to
request an extension of up to five days". However, given the large cohort of students studying
ENG1005, we are requiring all Clayton-based students to apply for special consideration through this
central process regardless of the length of extension requested.
What you need to do:
If you are missing your
first/second lecture quiz or
Your quizzes are 10 best of 12
with the expectation that you
first/second applied class quiz,
you do not need to do anything.
may need to miss one or
If you need to miss more than
possibly two due to covid/other
two lecture quizzes and/or more
I cannot complete
illness/other exceptional
than two applied class quizzes:
a lecture quiz on circumstances.
time or cannot
1. Complete the central
tt d
li d If
attend an applied If you need to miss more than
two quizzes, we won't give you
an extension (as solutions will
already be discussed) but other
adjustments are possible.
special consideration
form REGARDLESS of the
length of extension you
want (do not contact the
chief examiner or unit
2. Notify us that you are
applying by filling in
this notification form
Apply for central special
consideration (see right).
As soon as you are able to,
I cannot complete complete and submit the
an assignment on assignment as central may take
some time to process your
request and may reject your
application or not give you as
long as you have requested.
What you need to do:
1. Complete the central
special consideration
form REGARDLESS of the
length of extension you
want (do not contact the
chief examiner or unit
2. Notify us that you are
applying by filling in this
notification form
You will need to stay home and
miss your applied class.
If/once you are feeling well
enough, you can catch up by
1. going through the weekly
lesson (and lecture quiz
depending on your
I am isolating as a
close contact
What you need to do:
1. Fill out the COVID
2. watch the recording of the
notification form
lecture and
If you need an extension, see the
3. work through the applied top two boxes above.
class problem sheet on
your own; detailed
solutions to the sheet will
be available at the end of
the week.
Please attend office hours
and/or the MLC for extra help
... and I can't attend my class.
Good call! You shouldn't feel
pressure to come in sick,
pandemic or otherwise!
Once you are feeling well
enough, you can catch up by
I am sick but have
not tested
positive for
1. going through the weekly
lesson (and lecture quiz What you need to do:
depending on your
If you need an extension, see the
(includes COVID
2. watch the recording of the top two boxes above.
symptoms or any
other illness)
lecture and
3. work through the applied
class problem sheet on
your own; detailed
solutions to the sheet will
be available at the end of
the week
the week.
Please attend office hours
and/or the MLC for extra help
Lecture video quizzes (8%)
There are quizzes provided with each week's material. Credit will close at 3 pm Tuesday (Melbourne
time) for that week, except in Week 1 when it will close at 5 pm Friday (Melbourne time). There will be
12 such quizzes and your best 10 are worth 0.8% each.
These quizzes are intended as a learning opportunity for you to test your skills based on the lecture
video material. Many of the questions can be done using CAS. Please do not be tempted to answer
the questions this way! In the final exam you will not have access to a calculator (of any variety) and
you will need to be able to do these calculations by hand.
Lecture Quiz 1
Lecture Quiz 2
Lecture Quiz 3
Lecture Quiz 4
Lecture Quiz 5
Lecture Quiz 6
Lecture Quiz 7
Lecture Quiz 8
Lecture Quiz 9
Lecture Quiz 10
Lecture Quiz 11
Lecture Quiz 12
Applied class work (8%)
Each week there will be credit associated with work during applied classes. This credit will be earned
via a group quiz on Moodle.
In Weeks 1 and 2, this mark will be recorded by the applied class instructor.
Starting in Week 3, one member of your group must complete the Applied Class Quiz. Note that this
quiz should only be attempted while attending the applied class.
Your best 10 will each contribute 0.8% to your final grade.
Applied class quiz week 3
Applied class quiz week 4
Applied class quiz week 5
Applied class quiz week 6
Applied class quiz week 7
Applied class quiz week 8
Applied class quiz week 9
- if you have a Wednesday class this should be completed by one of your group members during your
applied class time
- if you have a Thursday / Friday class this should be completed by you individually at any point until
Monday 26 September at 11:55pm
Applied class quiz week 10
Applied class quiz week 11
Applied class quiz week 12
Assignments (24%)
The assignments will be posted here as soon as the relevant material is released. These links include
the drop boxes for submission. Each assignment is worth 6%.
Guidelines for writing in mathematics 1.3MB PDF document
These notes give an overview of how to write your assignment, the level of mathematical detail needed and
the amount of description that is appropriate.
Assignment 1
Solution to Assignment 1 3MB PDF document
We recommend looking at the Assignment 1 solutions as a guide to what kind of mathematical writing
you should have in your future assignments. Notes in red highlight some common issues.
Matlab file for solving Q10 and Q11 1.1KB Text file
This is for interest only. You could do both calculations with a calculator too.
Assignment 2
Small correction made at 10:30am 19/08 to say that week 3 applied class material is useful, not week
Solution to Assignment 2 78.7KB PDF document
Assignment 3
Small correction made at 1:20pm 16/09 to Q4 of Part A.
Solution to assignment 3 3.5MB PDF document
Please take a careful look at the solution (in blue) and extra notes (in pink)
Assignment 4
Assignment 4 solutions 73.4KB PDF document
Gradebook error reporting
Gradebook error report form
Please complete this form if you feel that one of your grades in the ENG1005 Moodle gradebook is
◄ Key information
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