350 l...v REFERENCEEXAMPLES • This format can be used or adapted for references to other platform or profile pages , including YouTube, Insta gra m , Tumblr , Linkedln , and so forth. 107. lnstagram photo or video Zeitz MOCAA [@zeitzmocaa]. (2018, November 26). Grade 6 learners from Parkfields PrimarySchool in HanoverParkvisited the museum for a tour and workshop hosted by [Photographs]. lnstagram. https://www.instagram.com/p/BqpHpjFBs3b/ Parentheticalcitation:(Zeitz MOCAA, 2018) Narrative citation:Zeitz MOCAA (2018) 108. lnstagram highlight The New York Public Library [@nypl]. (n.d.). The raven [Highlight]. lnstagram. Retrieved April 16, 2019, from https: //bitly.co m/2FV8bu3 Parentheticalcitation: (The New York Public Library, n.d .) Narrativecitation: The New York Public Library (n.d .) • • • Use "n.d." for th e date; although each story within a highlight is dated, the highlight itself is not dat ed a nd may include stories from multipl e dates. Be cause a highlight can change at any time, include the retrieval date . Because the URL was long and complex, it has been shortened (see Section 9.36). Either the lon g or the short form of the URL is acceptable . 109. Online forum post National Aeronautics and Space Administration [nasa]. (2018, September 12). I'm NASA astronaut Scott Tingle. Ask me anything about adjusting to being back on Earth after my first spaceflight! [Online forum post] . Reddit. https://www.reddit.com/r/ IAmA/comments/9fagqy/im _nasa _astronaut_scott _tingle _ask_me _anything/ Parentheticalcitation: (National Aeronautics and Space Administration, 2018) Narrative citation: National Aeronautics and Space Administration (2018) • For more on formatting usernames, see Section 9.8. 10.16 Webpages and Websites Use the webpages and websites category if there is no other reference category that fits and the work has no parent or overarching publication (e.g., journal, blog, conference proceedings) other than the website itself (see Section 9.2). If you cite multipl e webpages from a website, create a referen ce for each. To mention a website in general, do not create a reference list entry or an in-text citation. Instead, include the name of the website in the text and provide the URL in par entheses (see Section 8.22 for an example). For help in determining the author of a webpage or website reference, including how the author can be inferred from context or found on an "about us" or acknowledgments page, see Example 113as well as Section 9.7. Provide the most specific date possible (see Section 9.15 for inform ation on how to handle updated dates or reviewed date s}-for example, a year, month, and day; year and month; or year only. When the author name and the site name are the same, omit the site name from the source element . Include a retrieval date only when the content is designed to chan ge over tim e and the page is not arc hived (see Section 9.16). Onl ine Med ia Use the temp late shown next to construct referenc es for webpages or websites . - Source Author Date Auth or, A. A. , & Author , 8. 8. (2020). (2020, August). Name of Group . Title Title of work. Website name I Site Name. . ---~-~ URL https://xxxxxx Retrieved December 22, 2020, from https ://xxxxx (2020 September 28). 1 I - _L -- - 11 0. Webpage on a news website Avramova, N. (2019, January 3). The secret to a long , happy, healthy life? Think agepositive. CNN . https:/ /www.cnn.com/ 2019/ 01/03/health / respect-toward -elderlyleads-to-long-life-intl/index.html Bologna , C. (2018, June 27). What happens to your m ind and body when you fee l homesick? Huff Post. https :// www.huffingtonpost.com / entry/what-happens-mind body-homesick _us_5b201 ebde4b09d7 a3d77 eee 1 Parenthetical citations : (Avramova, 2019 ; Bologna, 2018) Narrative citations: Avramova (2019) and Bologna (2018) • Use this format for articles pub lished in on line news sou rces (e.g., BBC News, Bloomberg, CNN , Hu~ost , MSNBC, Reuters, Salon, Vox). To cite art icles from online maga zines or newspapers, see Examples 15 and 16. 111 . Webpage on a website with a group author Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2018, January 23). People at high risk of developing flu-related comp lications. https:/ / www.cdc.gov / flu/ about/disease / high_ risk.htm World Health Organizat ion. (2018, March). Questions and answers on immunizat ion and vaccine safety . https :// www .who.int/features / qa/ 84/e n/ Parenthetic al citat ions : (Centers for Disease Control and Preventi on, 2018; World Health Organ ization, 2018) Narrative cita tions : Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2018) and World Health Organization (2018) • Wh en th e auth or and site name are the same, om it the site nam e from th e source element. 112 . Webpage on a website with an individual author Martin Lillie, C. M . (2016, Decemb er 29). Be kind to yours elf: How self-compass ion can improve your resiliency. Mayo Clinic. https :// www.mayoclinic.org / healthy-lifestyle/ adu lt-hea Ith/in-depth /se lf-com passion-can-impr ove-your-resiliency/ art-2026 7193 Parenthetical citation : (Martin Lillie, 2016) Narrative citation : Martin Lillie (2016) (~ 351 352 ~ REFERENCEEXAMPLES 113. Webpage on a website with no date Boddy, J., Neumann , T., Jennings, S., Morrow, V., Alderson, P., Rees, R., & Gibson, W. (n.d.). Ethics principles. The Research Ethics Guidebook: A Resource for Social Scientists. http :// www .ethicsguidebook.ac.uk/EthicsPrinciples National Nurses United. (n.d.). What employers should do to protect nurses from Zika. https:/ / www. nation alnu rsesunited. org/pages/what-employers-should-do-to-protectrns-from-zika Parenthetical citations : (Boddy et al., n.d .; National Nurses United, n.d.) Narrative citations : Boddy et al. (n.d .) and National Nurses United (n.d.) • In th e Boddy et al. example, the authors are listed on the acknowledgments page of the site (see Section 9.7 for more on determining the author) . • When th e author and site name are the same, omit the site name from the source element. 114. Webpage on a website with a retrieval date U.S. Census Bureau. (n.d.). U.S. and world population clock. U.S. Department of Commerce . Retrieved July 3, 2019, from https://www.census.gov/popclock/ Parenthetical citation : (U.S. Census Bureau, n.d .) Narrative citation: U.S. Census Bureau (n.d .) • When the author and site name are the same, omit the site name from the source element. • Include a retrieval date because the contents of the page are designed to change over time and the page itself is not archived (see Section 9.16).