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Reading List for Coaches & Clinicians by Dr. Andy Chen

Dr. Andy Chen, PT, DPT
Co-founder of Moment PTP
Founder of Moment Education
Founder of Any Moment App
should I
100 books, research papers, and
articles that every coach and
clinician should read
Why we created
this guide
There is nothing more powerful than reading the
right book at the right time. There have been
moments in my career where this happened and
it transcended my trajectory.
The goal of this guide is to provide you with a
roadmap on some of the seminal materials that I
have read that have significantly impacted my
We are all a couple of 'aha' moments from
completely changing our life. I hope this guide
gets you closer to those moments.
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Books on the
human body
1.) 'Aches and Pains' by Louis Gifford
2.) 'Explain Pain' by David Butler and Lorimer
3.) 'Understanding, Evaluating, and Treating Pain'
by Adriaan Louw
4.) 'Why Zebras Don't Get Ulcers' by Robert
5.) 'Overdiagnosed' by Dr. H. Gilbert Welch
6.) 'The Brain That Changes Itself' by Dr. Norman
7.) 'Playing with Movement' by Todd Hargrove
8.) 'How We Learn to Move' by Rob Gray
9.) 'Dynamics of Skill Acquisition: An Ecological
Dynamic Approach' by Chris Button, Ludovic
Seifert, Jia Yi Chow, Duarte Araujo, and Keith
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Books on strength
and conditioning
10.) 'Scientific Principles of Strength Training' by
Renaissance Periodization
11.) 'Science and Practice of Strength Training'
by Vladimir M. Zatsiorsky, William J. Kraemer, and
Andrew C. Fry
12.) 'Kinesiology of the Musculoskeletal System'
by Donald A. Neumann
13.) 'Biomechanical Basis of Human Movement'
by Joseph Hamill
14.) 'Force: The Biomechanics of Training' by Dan
15.) 'The Muscle and Strength Pyramid' by Eric
Helms, Andy Morgan, and Andrea Marie Valdez
16.) 'Plyometric Anatomy' by Derek Hansen and
Steve Kennelly
17.) 'Plyometrics' by Donald A. Chu and Gregory
D. Myer
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Books on strength
and conditioning
18.) 'Science of Running' by Steve Magness
19.) 'Applied Sprint Training' by James Smith
20.) 'The Structure of Training for Speed' by
Charlie Francis
21.) 'Training for Power and Strength in Speed'
by Charlie Francis
22.) 'Charlie Francis Training System' by Charlie
23.) 'Kettlebell Simple and Sinister' by Pavel
24.) The Quick and The Dead' by Pavel
25.) 'Ultimate MMA Conditioning' by Joel
26.) 'Strength Training and Coordination' by
Frans Bosch
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Books on mindset
and how to think
27.) 'The Long Game' by Dorie Clark
28.) 'Do Hard Things' by Steve Magness
29.) 'Antifragile' by Nassim Taleb
30.) 'Be Water, My Friend' by Shannon Lee
31.) 'Man's Search for Meaning' by Viktor Frankl
32.) 'Meditations' by Marcus Aurelius
33.) 'The War of Art' by Steven Pressfield
34.) 'Atomic Habits' by James Clear
35.) 'Grit' by Angela Duckworth
36.) 'Almanack of Naval Ravikant' by Eric
37.) 'Mindset' by Carol Dweck
38.) 'Ultralearning' by Scott Young
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Books on business and
39.) 'Building a StoryBrand' by Donald Miller
40.) 'Zero to One' by Peter Thiel
41.) 'Book Yourself Solid' by Michael Port
42.) 'Profit First' by Mike Michalowicz
43.) 'Psychology of Money' by Morgan Housel
44.) 'E-Myth' by Michael Gerber
45.) 'Viralnomics' by Jonathan Goodman
46.) 'Getting Clients and Referrals' by Jonathan
47.) '$100M Offers' by Alex Hormozi
48.) 'Choice Factory' by Richard Shotton
49.) 'Purple Cow' by Seth Goldin
50.) 'Your Move' by Ramit Sethi
page 6
Research papers on
pain and stress
51.) 'The Need for a New Medical Model: A
Challenge for Biomedicine' (Engel 1992)
52.) 'Pain Medicine and Its Models' (Quintner et
al. 2008)
53.) 'Reconceptualizing Pain According to
Modern Pain Science' (Moseley 2007)
54.) 'An Enactive Approach to Pain' (Stilwell et al.
55.) 'Beliefs about the body and pain: the critical
role in musculoskeletal pain management'
(Caneiro et al. 2020)
56.) 'Stressed or stressed out: What is the
difference?' (McEwen 2005)
57.) 'The concept of allostasis in biology and
biomedicine' (McEwen et al. 2003)
58.) 'Principles of Allostasis Optimal Design,
Predictive Regulation, Pathophysiology, and
Rational Therapeutics' (Sterling 2017)
page 7
Research papers on
pain and stress
59.) 'Beliefs about back pain: The confluence of
client, clinician and community' (Darlow 2016)
60.) 'The Pathophysiology of Patellofemoral Pain'
(Dye 2005)
61.) 'Fatigue is a brain-derived emotion that
regulates the exercise behavior to ensure the
protection of whole body homeostasis' (Noakes
62.) 'Biopsychosocial Model of Disease' (Jull
63.) 'Musculoskeletal pain and exercise—
challenging existing paradigms and introducing
new' (Smith et al. 2018)
64.) 'Psychological factors are associated with
the outcome of physiotherapy for people with
shoulder pain' (Chester at al. 2016)
65.) 'Being able to adapt to variable stimuli: the
key driver in injury and illness prevention?'
(Glasgow et al. 2013)
page 8
Research papers on
imaging and surgery
66.) 'Physician-reported barriers to using
evidence-based recommendations for low
back pain in clinical practice: a systematic
review and synthesis of qualitative studies
using the Theoretical Domains Framework' (Hall
et al. 2019)
67.) 'The Prevalence of Low Back Pain Among
Former Elite Cross-Country Skiers, Rowers,
Orienteerers, and Nonathletes' (Foss et al. 2010)
68.) 'Arthroscopic subacromial decompression
for subacromial shoulder pain (CSAW): a
multicentre, pragmatic, parallel group, placebocontrolled, three-group, randomised surgical
trial' (Beard et al. 2018)
69.) 'The probability of spontaneous regression
of lumbar herniated disc: a systematic review'
(Chiu et al. 2015)
70.) 'Systematic Literature Review of Imaging
Features of Spinal Degeneration in
Asymptomatic Populations' (Brinjikji et al. 2015)
page 9
Research papers on
imaging and surgery
66.) 'Physician-reported barriers to using
evidence-based recommendations for low
back pain in clinical practice: a systematic
review and synthesis of qualitative studies
using the Theoretical Domains Framework' (Hall
et al. 2019)
67.) 'The Prevalence of Low Back Pain Among
Former Elite Cross-Country Skiers, Rowers,
Orienteerers, and Nonathletes' (Foss et al. 2010)
68.) 'Arthroscopic subacromial decompression
for subacromial shoulder pain (CSAW): a
multicentre, pragmatic, parallel group, placebocontrolled, three-group, randomised surgical
trial' (Beard et al. 2018)
69.) 'The probability of spontaneous regression
of lumbar herniated disc: a systematic review'
(Chiu et al. 2015)
70.) 'Systematic Literature Review of Imaging
Features of Spinal Degeneration in
Asymptomatic Populations' (Brinjikji et al. 2015)
page 10
Research papers on
imaging and surgery
'71.) Shoulder MRI in asymptomatic elite
volleyball athletes shows extensive pathology'
(Lee et al. 2020)
72.) 'Prevalence of abnormalities on shoulder
MRI in symptomatic and asymptomatic older
adults' (Gill et al. 2014)
73.) Magnetic resonance imaging of the
asymptomatic shoulder of overhead
athletes(Connor et al. 2003)
74.) 'Asymptomatic hip/groin pathology
identified on magnetic resonance imaging of
professional hockey players' (Gallo et al. 2014)
75.) 'Prevalence of imaging features on CT
thought to be associated with
femoroacetabular impingement' (Kim et al.
76.) 'The prevalence of acetabular labral tears
and associated pathology in a young
asymptomatic population' (Lee et al. 2015)
page 11
Research papers on
movement and training
77.) 'Periodization Theory: Confronting an
Inconvenient Truth' (Kiely 2017)
78.) 'Strength and Power Training in
Rehabilitation: Underpinning Principles and
Practical Strategies to Return Athletes to High
Performance' (Maestroni 2019)
79.) 'Adaptations in Athletic Performance after
Ballistic Power versus Strength Training' (Cormie
et al. 2010)
80.) 'Lower extremity stiffness: implications for
performance and injury' (Butler et al. 2003)
81.) 'Optimizing performance through intrinsic
motivation and attention for learning: The
OPTIMAL theory of motor learning' (Wulf et al.
82.) 'Coordinative variability and overuse injury'
(Hammill 2012)
83.) 'The Bliss of Motor Abundance' (Latash 2012)
page 12
Research papers on
movement and training
84.) 'Lower Extremity Stiffness: Considerations
for Testing, Performance Enhancement and
Injury Risk' (Brazier et al. 2017)
85.) 'Barbell Squat Relative Strength as an
Identifier for Lower Extremity Injury in Collegiate
Athletes' (Case et al. 2020)
86.) 'Reduced task-induced variations in the
distribution of activity across back muscle
regions in individuals with low back pain' (Falla
et al. 2014)
87.) 'Strength training as superior, dosedependent and safe prevention of acute and
overuse sports injuries: a systematic review,
qualitative analysis and meta- analysis'
(Lauersen 2018)
88.) 'Effects of isometric training at different
knee angles on the muscle–tendon complex in
vivo' (Kubo et al. 2006)
89.) 'Defining ‘tissue capacity’: a core concept
for clinicians' (Cook et al. 2015)
page 13
Research papers on
movement and training
90.) 'Putting “Heavy” Into Heavy Slow Load'
(Morrison et al. 2020)
91.) 'Dynamic Correspondence of Resistance
Training to Sport: A Brief Review' (Suarez et al.
92.) 'Rate of force development: physiological
and methodological considerations' (Maffiuletti
93.) 'The Use of Contact Time and the Reactive
Strength Index to Optimize Fast StretchShortening Cycle Training' (Flanagan et al. 2008)
94.) 'Antifragility in Sport: Leveraging Adversity
to Enhance Performance' (Kiefer et al. 2018)
95.) 'Inter- and intra-individual variability in the
kinematics of the back squat' (Kristiansen et al.
96.) 'Muscular strength as a strong predictor of
mortality: A narrative review' (Volakis 2015)
page 14
Research papers on
movement and training
97.) 'Knee Extensor Rate of Torque Development
Before and After Arthroscopic Partial
Meniscectomy, With Analysis of Neuromuscular
Mechanisms' (Cobian 2017)
98.) 'High-Intensity Resistance and Impact
Training Improves Bone Mineral Density and
Physical Function in Postmenopausal Women
With Osteopenia and Osteoporosis: The
LIFTMOR Randomized Controlled Trial' (Watson
et al. 2017)
99.) 'Do stiffness and asymmetries predict
change of direction performance?' (Maloney
100.) 'The Effects of Plyometric Training on
Change-of-Direction Ability: A Meta-Analysis'
(Asadi et al. 2017)
And to be updated in the future!
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