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Polyhedral Surfaces & Subdivision Surfaces Course Notes

MA 323 Geometric Modelling
Course Notes: Day 35
Polyhedral Surfaces
David L. Finn
Polyhedral Surfaces and Subdivision Surfaces
In this chapter, we explore a different type of surface creation method. We start the chapter
with a simple method based on a Hermite type interpolation for a triangular patch. This
method is a extension of the methods in the previous chapters to a introduce a new structure
for creating surfaces. In this structure, we start with a polyhedral surface, a collection of
planar faces. We then define a new polyhedral surface from the old polyhedral surface, that
is a subdivision algorithm.
More generally, in this chapter, we define a discrete approximation to a surface as a collection
of points, edges, and faces. This is a direct generalization of a discrete curve as collection
of line segments, that is a polyline or a for a closed curve a polygon. These surfaces are
generalizations of the standard polyhedrons from Solid Euclidean geometry; tetrahedrons,
cubes, hexahedrons, dodecahedrons, et cetera. For our purposes, we consider subdivision
algorithms to produce refinements of a polyhedral surface, so that in the limit a smooth
surface is created. A subdivision surface is a surface that arises by applying a subdivision
algorithm (a recursive algorithm) to a polyhedral surface.
To describe our procedure more precisely, we recall that a polygon is an object in a plane
that consists of a set of vertices (points) and edges where the edges are straight lines that
join to points. More generally, a polygon is a special type of planar graph (from Discrete
and Combinatorial Mathematics). For a polygon, the edges can be described as an ordered
list of the edges, where edges are connected in order, and each pair of edges meets at a
vertex. This implies since the list is closed the first vertex and the last vertex are the same
that the number of vertices is equal to the number of edges in a polygon.
A polyhedral surface is a spatial object that consists of faces (typically a polygon in a plane),
edges (line segments) and vertices. One of the principle goals of this chapter is to examine
the structure of a polyhedral surface. This entails developing new data structures, as we
will not be creating parametric surfaces. These data structures are especially nice, when
one uses an object oriented programming language to describe the surfaces.
A second goal for this chapter is to introduce the notion of a subdivision surface. Recall, we
talked about subdivision curves a little bit, when using de Casteljau’s algorithm to create
a Bezier curve. A subdivision surface is an extension of these methods. The advantage
of subdivision surfaces over patches is that they are easy to implement on computers, as
they are iterative to create a refinement of an object. Subdivision surfaces also are nice
because you can define the object topologically, that is up to the number of holes in the
surface. The subdivision algorithms preserve topological structure, which is nice. To create
a topological surface with patches, requires significant work in order to glue the patches
together in a nice manner. Subdivision surfaces remove that annoyance. Basically, one only
has to create a nice “framework” for the surface. The disadvantage is that it is hard to
shape the surface, and that designing with subdivision surfaces is time consuming if you
have to specify the information directly. However, subdivision surfaces are efficient given
that the initial framework can be sampled directly from the object that is to be modelled
then subdivision surfaces are easy to work with. There are no equations to solve to arrange
the data, and we can work directly from the data provided.
A Hermite-Type Interpolation for Triangular Patches
Consider the following problem:
Find a smooth surface S that passes through a given collection of points {pi }
in space and having prescribed normal vectors {ni } at the given points.
There exist powerful methods for arranging a given collection of points into triangles, so
that it suffices to consider the problem for three points and three normal vectors.
We therefore consider three points with corresponding normal vectors (pa , na ), (pb , nb ), and
(pc , nc ). Rather than producing an expression for every point on the surface, we define a
new collection of triangles with points and corresponding normal vectors. The method we
describe with produces four triangles from the one triangle. We do this by defining a point
and normal vector on each edge curve and then forming new triangles as per the diagram
We define the point on the edge curve pij and the normal vector nij as follows:
• For i 6= j, define vij = pj − pi and then the tangent vector for the edge curve tji at pi
as the orthogonal complement of the vector vij to the normal vector ni , that is
tji = vij −
• For i 6= j, define pji = pi +
1 j
3 ti .
vij · ni
ni .
ni · ni
• Define pij =
pji +
pij .
• Define nij =
ni +
nj .
Notice that in this definition pij = pji and nij = nji , but pji 6= pij since vij = −vji and ni is
not necessarily equal to nj , see diagram below. Furthermore, notice the points pji and pij
are basically the Bezier control points for the Hermite curve through pi and pj with tangent
vectors vij and −vji .
With these new edge points pab , pbc and pca , we define the four new triangles by {pa , pab , pac },
{pb , pba , pbc }, {pc , pca , pcb } and {pab , pbc , pca }. This process is a subdivision algorithm, as for
each triangle we produce four new triangles and we refine the approximation of the surface.
Each of the original three points that was on the surface remains on the surface. After
the first iteration, we have six points on the surface. After the second iteration, we have
eighteen points on the surface. The six from the first iteration, plus 3 more for each triangle.
Therefore, the number of points on the surface after n iterations is pn = 3 4n−1 + pn−1 as
there are 4n−1 triangles in the n − 1st iteration.
The table below shows the number of points and the number of faces in the approximation
to the surface. From the data in this table, one easily sees that the number of points on the
surface after n iterations equals 4n + 2.
n number of points number of faces
1. Given a set of four points and four normal vectors as described in the diagram below.
How can you apply the subdivision procedure in this section to obtain a surface that
passes through the given points and has the given normal vectors? Is there only one
such surface?
2. Apply your solution to the previous problem to the data
pa = [0, 0, 0], na = [0, 0, 1]
pb = [1, 2, 1], nb = [1/2, 1/2, 2/3]
pc = [1, 3, 0], nc = [−1/4, 2/3, 2/3]
pd = [−1, 2, −1], nd = [1/3, −1/3, 9/10]
3. Construct a subdivision algorithm, given a set of four points and four normal vectors
given that the four points all lie on the same plane that is the natural generalization
of the subdivision algorithm in this section.