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Globalización Económica: Tarjetas de Estudio

glo bal eco n so csc
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hi stori cal process representi ng resul t of human i nnov n tech progress; characteri z ed
by i ncreasi ng i ntegrati on of econ around the worl d
dev org wned by 189 countri es; reduce poverty bu l endi ng money to i mprove ppl 's
econ n standard of l i vi ng
val ue of trade i ncreased f rom 42.12 to
(I M F )
acc to UN CT AD , f orei gn di rect i nvestor i nc f rr 57B to
ol dest i nt'l trade route, bl ank dynasty, bl ank BCE , bl ank empi re cl osed i t 1453
gl obal i z ati on began when ALL i mportant conti nents began to exchange products
conti nuousl y
econ gl obal i z ati on began i n PH 's shores
hi ghtari f f s, prohi bi ted col oni es f r tradi g w others, l i mi ted trade channel s,
subsi di z ed exports
economi c gl obal i z ati on
WOrl d Bank
1.76T , UN Conf erence on T rade n D ev
si l k road, han dynasty, opened trade to west 130 BCE , ottoman
D enni s O. F l ynn n Arturo Gi ral dez
Gal l eon T rade (1571)
mercanti l i sm
glo bal eco n so csc
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i nt'l monetary conf erence i n Pari s, 1867 uk n us, enabl e more ef f i ci ent trade,
prohi bi t i sol ati oni sm of mercanti l i st era
gol d standardsl i mi ti ng system as i t requi red govts to back currenci es w bl ank
worst nl ongest experi enced by West, caused buy gol d standard, l i mi ted amt of
ci rcul ati ng money
gol d standard
gol d reserves
T he Great D epressi on 1920s-1930s
US began to recover af ter i t abandoned gol dd standard
Barry E i chengreen
today worl d econ operate on
f i at currenci es
not backed by metal s, val ues determi ned by cost rel ati ve to other countri es
f i at currenci es
1944 UN monetary f i n conf erence; oal : prevent past catastrophes f r happeni ng
agai n n i mpacti ng i ntl connecti on
country experi ences econ cri si s when money i s not spsent
Bretton Woods System
John M aynard KE ynes
glo bal eco n so csc
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when econ sl ow down, govts have to rei nvi gorate w i nf usi ons of capi tal
gl obal keynesi ani sm
f undi ng postwar reconstructi ons
i ntl bank f or reconstructi on n dev (I BRD ) or Worl d Bank
gl obal l ender f or l ast resort to prevent countri es f r spi ral i ng i nto credi t cri si s
I nternati onal M onetary F und (I M F )
reduce tari f f s and other hi ndrances to f ree trade
General Agreement on T ari f f s and T rade (GAT T ) 1947
Govtpumped money to econ, i nc demand, i nc ppi rces, gen econ expansi on n
l owerunempl oyment, more money n more empl oyement
pri ce of oi l rose bcos BLAN K i mposed BLAN K respondi ng to US resuppl y I srael i
mi l i tary duri ng BLAN K
stock markets crashed WH E N af ter US stopped l i nki ng dol l ar to gol d; endi ng BW
resul t of stock market crash; decl i ne i n econ growth w sharp i nc i n pri ces
neol i beral i sm
Org of Arab Petrol eum E xporti ng Countri es, embargo, Y om Ki ppur War
glo bal eco n so csc
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govt putti ng money w/o suppl y i ncrease coused i nf l ati on
F ri edri ch H ayel & M i l ton F ri edman
became codi f i ed strat of US treasury D ept; WB and WT O
neol i beral i sm
govt expendi ture shoul d be kept to bare mi ni mum, mi ni mi z e debt, pri vati sz ati on
of govt run servi ces, reduced tari f f s and open up the economy
neol i beral i sm atttracti on was i n i ts
si mpl i cty
neol i b proponents
ronal reagan US, margaret thatcher UK
onl y thos who accumul ated weal th had capabi l i ty to purchase i ndustri es w.c
gl obal f i nanci al cri si s of WH E N
i n 2007 BLAN K stopped i ncreasi ng, f ami l i es coul dn't BLAN K, many i nvestment
banks went BLAN K
Washi ngton Consensus
ol i garchy
home pri ces, pay thei r l oans, bankrupt
glo bal eco n so csc
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BLAN K make economi es grow at present, decl i ned due to COVI D
econ gl ob ushered unpeceddented spi ke i n
gl obal growth rates
gorowth created l arge Asi an economi es
Jaoan, Chi na, Korea, H K, Si ngapore
econ gl ovbal i z ati on remai ns unf ai r
devel oped countri es: protecti oni st
protecti oni st meani ng
ref usi ng to l i f t pol i ci es that saf eguard thei r products
j apan ref use i mports
ri ce
us protect
sugar i ndustry
benef i ci ari s of gl ob commerce mai nl y
transnati onal corp (T N C) not govt
glo bal eco n so csc
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race to the bottom
dec l abor standard to gai n pori f t at l owest possi bl e cost; govt weaken envi and
l abor l aws to attract i nvestors, f atal consequence