Uploaded by Walid Elgoumti

Презентация Microsoft PowerPoint(2)

Microsoft Corporation
The founders of the company
Microsoft Corporation
was founded in 1975 by
Bill Gates and Paul Allen
The company's origins trace back to
their collaboration on a BASIC
interpreter for the Altair 8800, one of
the earliest personal computers. The
success of this endeavor led to the
establishment of Microsoft.
Over the years, the company evolved,
focusing on operating systems like
MS-DOS and later Windows, becoming
a dominant force in the software
industry. Microsoft's journey reflects
the vision and entrepreneurship of
Gates and Allen, contributing
significantly to the development of
personal computing
Microsoft, as a global tech giant, prioritizes cross-cultural
communication to foster collaboration among diverse
teams. In addition, efficient global supply chain
management ensures timely product delivery worldwide.
Microsoft also conducts thorough international market
analyses to tailor its products to diverse consumer needs
and preferences.
Managing Microsoft's
international business involves
expanding into global markets,
adapting products to meet
diverse needs, and dealing with
cultural and legal challenges in
different countries. It also
includes global supply chain
management and development
of cross-border marketing
In the context of Microsoft's crosscultural communication, global teams
deal with language differences and
cultural traditions, and adopt effective
communication strategies to ensure
mutual understanding.
This can include the use of machine translation
techniques, workshops on cultural sensitivities,
as well as organizing social events to promote
communication and understanding between
employees from diverse backgrounds.
In global supply chain
management, Microsoft may
deal with optimizing crossborder logistics and improving
process integration to ensure
efficient flow of products and
As for analyzing the
international market, it may
adopt strategies to study
market needs and anticipate
changes, focusing on global
information technology and
adapting products to meet
the needs of customers in a
diverse market.
Challenges for Microsoft
include navigating rapidly
evolving technology landscapes
addressing cybersecurity
and managing regulatory
complexities across various
On the flip side, opportunities arise in
innovation, cloud computing
expansion, and leveraging emerging
technologies like artificial intelligence
to enhance products and services.
Additionally, Microsoft can
capitalize on the growing demand
for digital transformation solutions
in various industries.
Some of the challenges
Has faced include intense competition
in the technology industry,
pressure to deliver constant updates
and innovations,
as well as intellectual property rights
and security challenges in the age of
Certainly, here are examples and case studies
illustrating the application of various theories in
practice for Microsoft:
Innovation Theory:
Agile Project
Market Penetration
Example: Microsoft's
introduction of the
HoloLens showcases
innovation theory in
action. By combining
augmented reality with
computing, Microsoft
expanded into new
technological frontiers,
transforming how users
interact with digital
Case Study: Microsoft's
adoption of Agile
particularly with its
software development
teams, has enhanced
adaptability. This
approach allowed for
quicker responses to
changing market
demands, as seen in
the iterative
development cycles of
products like Windows
and Office 365.
Example: Microsoft's
Windows operating
system exemplifies a
successful market
penetration strategy.
By initially targeting
the personal
computer market
and gradually
expanding to
Microsoft, a tech giant,
has a significant impact
on various aspects of
the digital world. Key
points include its
dominance in software
with products like
Windows and Office
Successful forays into cloud computing with
Azure, a strong presence in gaming through
Xbox, and ongoing innovations in artificial
intelligence and other emerging technologies.
Microsoft's diverse portfolio positions it as a
major player in shaping the future of technology.
Thank you for your attention
Mohammed Ech-Chatoui
Youssef El ghaouri
Walid El goumti
Nikita Prikhodko