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Irresistible Texts Matthew Coast

WITHIN MINUTES, Claire got a text back
from her boyfriend…
He apologized for texting her less often…
He opened up about his work stress, and his fears about commitment…
… And… by the very end… he BEGGED for her to take him back.
Because he couldn’t see himself living without her love...
Once I saw how powerful these five texts were, for Claire…
… I knew I needed to get this secret out to every woman who needed it.
That’s why I created a brand new product...
Introducing Irresistible Texting:
The Revolutionary New Way To Keep A Man
Interested In You, And Only You...
Irresistible Texts is the world’s most cutting edge text message system…
Because Irresistible Texts is the first way to text a man…
… And keep your texts fresh and exciting, each time.
Irresistible Texts does this by giving you five, specific types of text…
… Which you send in a VERY SPECIFIC ORDER…
… So even the most attractive, in demand man can’t help but text you back.
Irresistible Texts contains 40 pages of copy and paste texts you can use to:
Be the most interesting woman he’s ever met…
Get the coldest, ‘one word answer’ man to share his feelings…
Keep him interested, so he never disappears for days (or weeks)…
… All without looking needy or desperate.
Here is the big secret behind Irresistible Texts:
I wrote the texts in Irresistible Texts to trigger very specific “Love Chemicals” in his brain...
All in a VERY SPECIFIC order…
… So he has a powerful, irresistible emotional reaction to your text messages.
Here’s exactly how Irresistible Texts works: