Metacharacters Full Literal Characters: Literal characters are characters that match themselves exactly. For example, the letter "a" in a Regex pattern will match the letter "a" in the input text. Examples of literal characters: a , 1 , , @ X , etc. Metacharacters: Metacharacters are special characters with predefined meanings in Regex. They are used to represent various patterns and behaviors. Examples of metacharacters: . , * , + If a character is a literal character → add If a character is a metacharacter → add \ \ , ? , {} , [] , () , etc. to change to metacharacters to change to literal character A/ Basic metacharacters 1 Single Character Metacharacters: \d : Matches any digit (0-9). \D : Matches any character that is NOT a digit. \w : Matches any word character (alphanumeric character or underscore ‘_’). \W : Matches any character that is NOT a word character. \s : Matches any whitespace character (e.g., space, tab, newline). \S : Matches any character that is NOT a whitespace character. . : Matches any character except a new line. 2 Quantifiers: (th đó) * Metacharacters Full ường đứng sau 1 ký tự vì nó biểu thị số lần lặp lại của 1 ký tự trước : Matches zero or more occurrences of the preceding character or group. 1 Không có cũng đ + ược ( ab*c → ac, abc, abbbbc) : Matches one or more occurrences of the preceding character or group. ấ ầ ặ ạ Ít nh t 1 l n l p l i ( ab+c → abc, abbbbc) ? : Matches zero or one occurrence of the preceding character or group. 0 or 1 → ( ab?c → ac, abc) {n} : Matches exactly n occurrences of the preceding character or group. = n ( ab{3}c → abbbc) {n,} : Matches n or more occurrences of the preceding character or group. ≥ n ( ( ab{3,}c → abbbc, abbbbbbc) : Matches between group. {n,m} n and occurrences of the preceding character or m n ≤ …. ≤ m 3 Position Metacharacters: : Matches a word boundary (the position between a word character and a nonword character). \b ị ữ ự v trí gi a 2 ký t trong đó 1 là \B \w và 1 là \W ữ ừ (gi a t và space) : Matches a non-word boundary. ^ : Matches the start of a line or the start of the input. $ : Matches the end of a line or the end of the input. B/ Advanced metacharacters 4 Character Classes: [abc] : Matches any single character a, b, or c. a[bdhe]c a[.]c [^abc] → abc, adc, ahc, aec . + * ư nh ng - là to) : Matches any single character that is not a, b, or c. ố Mu n dùng mũ Metacharacters Full ỉ → . bên trong class, quantifiers ch là literal thui ( ^ trong [..] ả thì ph i dùng backslash → [\^] 2 [a-z] - : Matches any single lowercase letter from a to z. là from a z to [A-Z] : Matches any single uppercase letter from A to Z. [0-9] : Matches any single digit from 0 to 9. = [a-zA-Z0-9] \w 5 Grouping: (abc) : Groups the characters "abc" together as a single unit. : Non-capturing group. Groups the characters "abc" without capturing them in a match result. (?:abc) 6 Alternation: a|b : Matches either "a" or "b." ố ấ ả mu n l y c 3 / / → gmail\.(com|net|org) 7 Capture Groups: (...) or (...) with capturing parentheses: Captures the matched content for later use. ụ ữ ốặ ạ Khi có c m ch /s l p l i (\w{3})-\d{3}-\1 thì \1 ẽ ương đương group 1: s t (\w{3}) Anchors: \A : Matches the start of the input. \Z : Matches the end of the input. \b : Matches a word boundary. \B : Matches a non-word boundary. Escape Sequences: \n Metacharacters Full : Matches a newline character. 3 \t : Matches a tab character. \r : Matches a carriage return character. \\\ : Matches a literal backslash. Assertions: (?=...) : Positive lookahead assertion. Matches a group only if it is followed by a specific pattern. : Negative lookahead assertion. Matches a group only if it is NOT followed by a specific pattern. (?!...) (?<=...) : Positive lookbehind assertion. Matches a group only if it is preceded by a specific pattern. (?<!...) : Negative lookbehind assertion. Matches a group only if it is NOT preceded by a specific pattern. Modifiers: i : Case-insensitive matching. : Multi-line matching (changes the behavior of lines). m s : Single-line matching (allows . ^ and $ to match the start/end of to match newline characters). Backreferences: \1 , \2 , etc.: Refers to captured groups in the same pattern. Example 4 character Metacharacters Full 4 \b\w{4}\b ế ương trình gmail nhập vào có đúng cú pháp hay không Vi t ch Metacharacters Full 5