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Technical Communication & Writing: Avoiding Faults

and Writing
Session VI
What are we going to discuss
And nothing but
Source of Info: Technical Communication 12th edition Mike Markel
Stuart A. Selber
9 Things to Remember About:
Avoid sentence fragments.
Avoid comma splices.
Avoid run-on sentences.
Avoid ambiguous pronoun references.
Compare items clearly.
Use adjectives clearly.
Maintain subject-verb agreement.
Maintain pronoun-antecedent agreement.
Use tenses correctly.
1) ….sentence fragment = incomplete sentence missing a
verb/independent clause:
Plotting program with clipboard plotting, 3D animation, and FFTs.
It is a plotting program with clipboard plotting, 3D animation, and
The article was rejected for publication. Because the data could
not be verified.
The article was rejected for publication because the data could not
be verified.
2) and 3)….run-on sentence (two independent clauses appear
together with no punctuation between them) and comma splices:
The 909 printer is our most popular model it offers an unequaled
blend of power and versatility.
A comma, a coordinating conjunction, a semicolon, or a period or another
form of terminal punctuation will help to solve this problem.
Avoid Ambiguous Pronoun References
1. Clarify the pronoun’s antecedent.
UNCLEAR Remove the cell cluster from the medium and analyze it.
CLEAR Analyze the cell cluster after removing it from the medium.
CLEAR Analyze the medium after removing the cell cluster from it.
2. Clarify the relative pronoun, such as which, introducing a dependent
UNCLEAR She decided to evaluate the program, which would take five
Clarify the subordinating conjunction, such as where, introducing a
CLEAR She clause.
decided to evaluate the program, a process that would take
five months.
This procedure will increase the handling of toxic materials outside
the plant, where adequate safety measures can be taken.
CLEAR This procedure will increase the handling of toxic materials outside the
be taken
only in the plant, the
4. Clarify
the adequate
that can
a sentence.
procedure poses risks.
UNCLEAR Allophanate linkages are among the most important
structural components of polyurethane elastomers. They act as
cross-linking sites.
CLEAR Allophanate linkages, which are among the most important
structural components of polyurethane elastomers, act as crosslinking sites.
Сomparing or Сontrasting items…
A real threat and a headache for
Trout eat more than minnows.
The resistance of the copper wiring is lower than the
tin wiring.
Use Adjectives Clearly:
In technical communication writers often need to use clusters of
adjectives. To prevent confusion in technical communication,
follow two guidelines:
1. Use commas to separate coordinate adjectives:
portable, programmable device
adjustable, removable housings
2. Use hyphens to link compound adjectives:
a variable-angle accessory
increased cost-of-living raises
A long string of compound adjectives can be confusing even if you
use hyphens appropriately.
UNCLEAR an operator-initiated default-prevention technique
CLEAR a technique initiated by the operator to prevent default
Agreements…Just about Everything
Subject and verb:
• The result of the tests are promising.
• The results of the test is promising.
Pronoun and its antecedent:
• The company is proud to announce a new
stock option plan for their employees.
• The inspection team have prepared their
Effective Structuring…
More serious than may initially seem…
Structuring Effective
Emphasize new and important information.
Choose an appropriate sentence length.
Focus on the “real” subject.
Focus on the “real” verb.
Use parallel structure.
Use modifiers effectively.
3 Tips to Emphasize New and Important Info:
TIP 1:
Sentences are often easier to understand and more emphatic if new
information appears at the end:
Because of labor problems, we anticipate a three-week delay
in production.
We anticipate the three-week delay in production because of
2: problems.
Try not to end the sentence with qualifying information that blunts
the impact of the new information:
The joint could fail under special circumstances.
Under special circumstances, the joint could fail.
TIP 3:
Put references to time and space at the beginning of the
the last quarter of 2014, we have experienced an 8 percent
turnover rate in personnel assigned to the project.
On the north side of the building, water from the leaking pipes has
damaged the exterior siding and the sheetrock on some interior walls.
Choose an appropriate sentence length
An average of 15 to 20 words per sentence is effective for most
technical communication.
For long sentences: divide (one sentence—one big thing to
The construction of the new facility is scheduled to begin in
March, but it might be delayed by one or even two months by
winter weather conditions, which can make it impossible or nearly
impossible to begin excavating the foundation.
The construction of the new facility is scheduled to begin in
March. However, construction might be delayed until April or even
May by winter weather conditions, which can make it impossible
or nearly
impossible combine
to beginto
the foundation.
short sentences:
avoid needless
repetitions of key
I have experience working with various microprocessor-based systems.
Some of these microprocessor-based systems include the T90, RCA 9600,
and AIM 7600.
I have experience working with various microprocessor-based systems,
including the T90, RCA 9600, and AIM 7600.
Focus on the “real” subject.
TIP 1:
The conceptual, or “real,” subject of the sentence should also be the
grammatical subject (at least give a try) Look for “of”-great
indicator of a weak subject.
The use of this method would eliminate the problem of motor
This method would eliminate the problem of motor damage.
TIP 2:
Reduce the number of grammatical expletives (it is, there is, etc.).
There is no alternative for us except to withdraw the product.
We have no alternative except to withdraw the product.
Focus on “Real” Verb
A common problem in technical communication is the
inappropriate use of a nominalized verb:
WEAK: Each preparation of the solution is done twice.
STRONG: Each solution is prepared twice.
WEAK: Consideration should be given to an acquisition of the
STRONG: We should consider acquiring the properties.
Nominalizations often effectively summarize an idea from a
previous sentence
The telephone-service provider decided not to replace the land
lines that were damaged in the recent storm. This decision
could prove a real problem for those residents who used land
lines to connect to the Internet and for their medical-alert
A sentence is parallel if its coordinate elements follow the same
grammatical form.
Our present system is costing us profits and reduces our
Our present system is costing us profits and reducing our
The compositor should follow the printed directions; do not
change the originator’s work.
The compositor
should follow
and should
sure that parallel
items in
a series
not overlap
not change the originator’s work
The speakers will include partners of law firms, businesspeople,
and civic leaders.
The speakers will include businesspeople, civic leaders, and
partners of law firms.
We need to buy more lumber, hardware, tools, and hire the
TIP 1: Avoid Misplaced Modifiers:
Only Turner received a cost-of-living
increase last year.
Turner received only a cost-of-living
increase last year.
Turner received a cost-of-living increase
Dangling Modifiers:
a cost-of-living
solve the
problem, theincrease
instructions seemed
last year only.
As I was trying to solve the problem, the instructions
seemed unclear.
To initiate
the procedure,
theI thought
BEGIN button
to solve
the problem,
the should be pushed.
(indicative mood).
seemed unclear.
To initiate the procedure, push the BEGIN button. (imperative
3 Levels Of Formality:
INFORMAL The Acorn 560 is a real screamer. With 5.5
GHz of pure computing power, it slashes through even
the thickest spreadsheets before you can say 2 + 2 = 4.
microprocessor, the Acorn 560 can handle even the
most complicated spreadsheets quickly.
HIGHLY FORMAL With a 5.5-GHz microprocessor, the
Acorn 560 is a high-speed personal computer
appropriate for computation-intensive applications
such as large, complex spreadsheets.
Consider THREE issues: Audience, Subject,
and Purpose
To be clear: what is it?
Use active and passive voice appropriately.
Be specific.
Avoid unnecessary jargon.
Use positive constructions.
Avoid long noun strings.
Avoid clichés.
Avoid euphemisms.
Active vs Passive
Tech Writing is NOT Academic Writing with its love to passive
In most cases in Tech Writing, the active voice works better than the
passive voice.
The passive voice, however, is generally better in these four cases:
When the agent is clear from the
 When the agent is unknown;
 When the agent is less important than
the action;
 When a reference to the agent is
embarrassing, dangerous, or in some
other way inappropriate
Be Specific…but how?
Use precise words:
A Ford Focus is an automobile, but it is also a vehicle, a machine,
and a thing.
What is better?
Provide adequate detail:
An engine on the plane experienced some difficulties.
The left engine on the Cessna 310 temporarily lost power
After stirring by hand for 10 seconds, add three drops of the iodine
mixture to the solution.
Stir the iodine mixture by hand for 10 seconds. Then add three drops
to the solution.
Stir the solution by hand for 10 seconds. Then add three drops of the
iodine mixture.
Unnecessary Jargon
Can you give full forms to the following abbreviations:
Imprecise, Confusing, Condescending, Intimidating
Use Positive Constructions
Because the team did not have sufficient time to complete
the project, it was unable to produce a satisfactory report.
Because the team had too little time to complete the
project, it produced an unsatisfactory report.
Avoid Long Noun Strings
preregistration procedures instruction sheet update
an update of the instruction sheet for preregistration
Problems with LNS
The building contains a special
incoming materials storage area.
smoke-detection device
smoke detector
It's a win-winKillers!
Run it up the flagpole
Think outside the box
Put your ducks in a row
Grab the low-hanging fruit
Push the envelope
Drink the Kool-Aid
Let's take this offline
I don't have the bandwidth
Put a pin in it
Step up to the plate
Breaking down silos
Paradigm shift
Going forward
Put it in the pipeline
Get granular
Euphemisms: useless
politeness… Big-boned
Negative patient outcome
Collateral damage
Letting someone go
Between jobs
Not the sharpest pencil in the
Air proximity incident
Be concise
 Avoid
obvious statements.
 Avoid unnecessary
prepositional phrases.
 Avoid filler.
 Avoid wordy phrases.
 Avoid fancy words.
Obvious Statements and Prepositional Phrases
Obvious Statements
The market for the sale of flash memory chips is dominated by two
chip manufacturers: Intel and Advanced Micro Systems. These two
chip manufacturers are responsible for 76 percent of the $1.3 billion
market in flash memory chips last year.
The market for flash memory chips is dominated by Intel and
Advanced Micro Systems, two companies that claimed 76 percent of
$1.3 billion Prepositional
industry last year.
(in the summary, on the engine, and under the heading)
The increase in the number of students enrolled in the materialsengineering program at Lehigh University is suggestive of the
regard in which that program is held by the university’s new
The increased enrollment in Lehigh University’s materialsengineering program suggests that the university’s new students
consider it a good program.
Avoid Fillers
Basically, kind of, certain, rather, essentially, sort
of, just, almost, really, slightly, absolutely, actually,
I think that, basically, the board felt sort of betrayed, in a sense, by
the kind of behavior the president displayed.
The board felt betrayed by the president’s behavior.
Group 2:
Collaborate together, past history, end result, any
and all, still remain, completely eliminate, and very
This project would not have succeeded if not for the hard work and
considerable effort of each and every one of the auditors assigned
to the project.
This project would not have succeeded if not for the hard work of
every one of the auditors assigned to the project.
Wordy Phrases….just examples
Fancy words…So funny in Tech Comm
6 Rules of Gender-Neutral Language:
Rule 1:
Replace male-gender words with non-gender-specific words.
Chairman—chairperson or chair. Firemen—firefighters; policemen—police
officers, etc.
Rule 2:
Switch to a different form of the verb.
SEXIST The operator must pass rigorous tests before he is promoted.
NONSEXIST The operator must pass rigorous tests before being
Rule 3:
Switch to the plural.
NONSEXIST Operators must pass rigorous tests before they are
Rule 4:
Switch to he or she, he/she, s/he, or his or her.
Rule 5:
Address the reader directly.
[You] Enter the serial number in the first
text box.
Alternate he and she from one paragraph or section to the next .
People-First Language for
Referring to People with
Why is it so important?
Almost one inDisabilities
five Americans — some 56 million people
— has a physical, sensory, emotional, or mental
impairment that interferes with daily life (U.S. Census
Bureau, 2012).
Simplified English for Nonnative Speakers
Various Technical Organizations—Various
Versions of Simplified English Vocabulary
ASD-STE100 (STE) is a controlled language developed in the early
Eighties (as AECMA Simplified English) to help the users of Englishlanguage maintenance documentation understand what they read. It
was initially applicable to commercial aviation. Then, it became also a
requirement for Defense projects, including Land and Sea vehicles. As
a consequence, today, primary texts of maintenance manuals are
in STE.
Before filling the gas tank, it ishttp://www.asd-ste100.org/about.html
necessary to turn off the propane line
to the refrigerator. Failure to do so significantly increases the risk of
Before you pump gasoline into the gas tank, turn off the propane line
to the refrigerator. If you do not turn off the propane line, it could
Writing for Readers from
Limit your
Keep sentences short.
Define abbreviations and acronyms in a glossary.
Avoid jargon unless you know your readers are familiar with it.
Avoid idioms and slang.
Use the active voice whenever possible.
Be careful with graphics.
Be sure someone from the target culture reviews your document.
Have you got any questions regarding our
lecture today?
Thank you very much for your
active collaboration!
Have a good day!