Endocrine System Overview: Hormones, Glands, and Diseases

> The endocrine system is part of the regulatory
system of the body and works in conjunction
with the nervous system.
> Endocrine glands secrete hormones, which
are carried by the blood to specific target
> Hormonal secretion is controlled by different
mechanisms, e.g. levels of a chemical in the
blood, or by a feedback loop.
> Each hormone has a specific effect and many
interrelate with other hormones to create a
complex network that acts to maintain the body
in a state of equilibrium.
> Study of glands and the hormones they
> Hormones from brain, gastrointestinal (Gl)
tract, musculoskeletal system, and other nonglandular organs.
Endocrine: Coined by Starling to contrast the
actions of hormones secreted internally
(endocrine) with those secreted externally
Hormone: Derived from a Greek phrase
meaning "to set in motion," describes the
dynamic actions of hormones as they elicit
cellular responses and regulate physiologic
processes through feedback mechanism.
The classic endocrine glands communicate with
other organs through
~ Hormones
~ Nervous system
~ Cytokines and
~ Growth Factors
Not all hormones are secreted by endocrine
glands - some are produced fronthssue within
another organ, including:
• Gastrin - produced by the wall of the
stomach. As food enters the stomach via the
cardiac sphincter, gastrin stimulates the release
of gastric juices from the gastric glands and
digestion begins.
• Secretin - produced by the wall of the small
intestine. As food enters the duodenum from
the stomach, secretin stimulates the secretion
of intestinal and pancreatic juices which
continue the process of digestion.
• Chorionic gonadotrophin - produced during
pregnancy by the ectodermal layer of the
chorion surrounding the conceptus. It helps to
maintain the corpus luteum in the ovary
throughout gestation.
• Erythropoietin or erythropoietic-stimulating
factor - produced by the kidney in response to
low levels of blood oxygen. It stimulates the
bone marrow to produce erythrocytes or red
blood cells.
Endocrine diseases three major types of
(1) Hormone excess
Syndromes of hormone excess can be caused
~ Neoplastic growth of endocrine cells
~ Autoimmune disorders
~ Excess hormone administration
~ Benign endocrine tumors, including
parathyroid, pituitary, and adrenal adenomas
(2) Hormone deficiency
Glandular destruction caused by:
~ Autoimmunity
~ Surgery
~ Infection
~ Inflammation
~ Infarction
~ Hemorrhage
~ Tumor infiltration
Autoimmune damage to the thyroid gland
(Hashimoto's thyroiditis) and pancreatic islet B
cells (type I diabetes mellitus) are examples of
relatively common endocrine diseases.
(3) Hormone resistance
Most severe hormone resistance
syndromes are due to inherited defects in
membrane receptors, nuclear receptors, or
the pathways that transduce receptor signals.
These disorders are characterized by
defective hormone action despite the
presence of increased hormone levels.
In complete androgen resistance, for
example, mutations in the androgen receptor
result in a female phenotypic appearance in
genetic (XY) males, even though LH and
testosterone levels are increased
Physical examination focuses on the
manifestations of hormone excess or deficiency as
well as direct examination of palpable glands, such
as the thyroid and gonads.
Evaluate patients in the context of their presenting
symptoms, review of systems, family and social
history, and exposure to medications that may
affect the endocrine system.
Ex: A patient with Cushing's syndrome manifest
specific findings, such as central fat redistribution,
skin striae, and proximal muscle weakness, in
addition to features seen commonly in the general
population, such as obesity, plethora,
hypertension, and glucose intolerance.
Hypothyroidism - with mental slowing, fatigue, dry
Immunoassays are the most important
diagnostic tool in endocrinology, as they allow
sensitive, specific, and quantitative
determination of steady-state and dynamic
changes in hormone concentrations.
Immunoassays use antibodies to detect specific
The value of quantitative hormone
measurements lies in their correct interpretation
in a clinical context. The normal range for most
hormones is relatively broad, often varying by a
factor of two- to tenfold. The normal ranges for
many hormones are sex- and age-specific.
The pulsatile nature of hormones and factors
that can affect their secretion
> Sleep
> Meals
> Medications
• Cortisol values increase fivefold between
midnight and dawn;
• Reproductive hormone levels vary dramatically
during the female menstrual cycle.
Suppression tests are used in the setting of
suspected endocrine hyperfunction. An
example is the dexamethasone suppression
test used to evaluate Cushing's syndrome.
Stimulation tests generally are used to assess
endocrine hypofunction. The ACTH stimulation
lest, for example, is used to assess the adrenal
gland response in patients with suspected
adrenal insufficiency.