MAGNETIC FIELD BIOT – SAVART’S LAW The Biot – Savart law gives the Relationship of magnetic field at any point with current Carrying element. µo id sinθ r2 4π dB = θ idl Current element In vector form : µ i dl × r B= 0 ∫ 3 4π r r FLEMING'S LEFT-HAND RULE X current RIGHT-HAND RULE B If we stretch our finger’s like Image, then our thumb gives direction Force, Index finger gives direction of Magnetic Field & Middle Finger gives current. Current Holding a currant carrying conductor in right hand in such a way that thumb Points in the direction of current and curling finger’s gives direction of magnetic field. Voltage sensitivity : S V = θ i2 i4 MAGNETIC FIELD OF LONG SOLENOID : r = average radius N = Total number of turns in toroid. N Winding S rr i MAGNETIC FIELD OF SOME SPECIAL CURRENT CARRYING CONDUCTORS Y φ2 φ1 r i B= P µ oi (Sinφ1 + Sinφ2 ) n 4 πr Special case For infinitely long conductor. B= X i µi θ B= o ( o )n 2r 360 θ r r B= B O µ oi n 2r µ0 i n 2πr µ0 i n 4r r = radius of Coil. i B= r P x B FLorentz = qE + q ( V x B ) i anand_mani16 Anti-clockwise → v θ F = q(V × B) , F = q VB Sinθ θ = Angle between direction of motion of charge and magnetic Field. . Power delivered by Magnetic Force to Charged Particle is always zero. X = distance from the center of coil. B Case 1: When charged particle is moving v parallel or antiparallel to magnetic Field: Magnetic Force F = qvB sinθ = 0 x x x x v x x F B x x v x x v F F τ = NBiA Sinθ N = Number of turns A = Area , I = current Magnetic moment − M = iA ∴τ = M × B Radius of circular- Path r = 2πm qB P S mV qB B n 2π v r ACW +Ze + Fe ω is angular velocity of e– I(current) electron. Magnetic Induction at Nucleus Position B= µoI µo ew = 2r 4 πr r = orbital Radius, I = orbital current Magnetic Moment circular orbit M = IA = ewr 2 evr , A = Area of orbit. = 2 2 Work done in Rotating a coil placed in magnetic Field: Potential Energy of a Coil Placed in Magnetic Field: W = MB ( 1 - Cosθ ) U = - MB Cosθ = − M.B Here, M = Magnetic Moment of coil. Q R y v Case 3: v When charge Particle is moving in any orbitary q z direction with respect to Magnetic pitch Field:- Magnetic Force Helical motion radius F = q (V × B) = qvB sin θ Charge particle follow Helical path. Radius of Helix – r = mV Sin θ = mV⊥ ⊥ + Charge Particle move un – deviated Radius of Path is r = I= Torque Acting on current Carrying Coil: x x x x x F F x x v x x x x +q x x v x x o x x x x x x x mv 2 mV ∴ = q vB ⇒ r = r qB Time period – T = Path of charged particle in External Magnetic Field:- DR. Anand Mani Case 2: When charge Particle moving Perpendicular to magnetic Field:Magnetic Force – F = qvB Sin900 = qvB The orbital Current generated by electron revolving around eω nucleus − where, M = Magnetic Moment L = mvr – Angular Momentum m = mass of particle. h = Planck & Constant → B Orbital Current qL M q = M= = L 2m 2m e = electronic charge m = mass of electron Magnetic → moment M Direction of current in Coil show’s Polarity Relation Between Magnetic Moment and Angular Momentum of Charge Particle It is represented as:eh µB = = 0.923 × 10 −23 Am2 4 πm → F (Force vector) 8 O µoir 2 2(x 2 + r 2 )3/ 2 The magnetic moment associated with an electron which is revolving in First orbit of an atom. P = F . V = υ [∴ (F ⊥ V) For Semicircular arc. B= 0 When a charge particle of charge q moves with velocity in presence of electric field E and Magnetic Field B v Formula Bohr Magneton q charge v Shape of current carrying conductor Lorentz force MAGNETIC FORCE ON A MOVING CHARGED PARTICLE B = µ0ni n = Number of turn's per unit length. i = Current flowing Core φ Si nBA = = V R KR When an electron revolves in a bounded orbit around nucleus, due to its movement it behaves as a current carrying loop and Produce magnetic Field. This is Known as Atomic Magnetism. i5 i3 i1 enclosed ; Here, n = N 2πr Current ATOMIC MAGNETISM MOVING CHARGES AND MAGNETISM B MAGNETIC FIELD OF TOROID : B = µ0ni F F = nBil Clockwise This Law states that the line integral of magnetic field B around a closed loop is equal to µ0 times the net current enclosed by the loop. φ B . dl = µ i ∑ S φ nBA = i K Current sensitivity : Si = AMPERE’S CIRCUITAL LAW o re Co . In Equillibrium = τ = nBiA = Kφ i =K φ nBA l The Current Carrying Coil behaves as a bar magnet and magnetic moment of Such Coil Can be expressed as M = niA , n = Number of Coils A = Area F . Restoring Torque = τ = Kφ φ = Deflection . Denote going into the paper. x Force µ0 = 4π x 10 T.m/A . Torque - τ = nBiA n = Number of coils A = Area P dB i -7 It works on the principle that a current carrying Coil in uniform magnetic Field, experience a Torque. The Region around a magnet in which its magnetic influence can be experienced is called magnetic Field. (B ) . S.I unit Tesla ( T ). . Denote Coming out. Y CURRENT CARRYING LOOP AS MAGNETIC DIPOLE MOVING COIL GALVANOMETER 2 πr Time Period – T = qB qB qB Force between two Parallel Current Carrying Conductor’ s µ ii F1 = F2 = F = o 1 2 × L 2 πa a = distance between two wires. L = Length of wires. MAGNETIC EFFECT OF CURRENT χ Force on current carrying conductor in magnetic field In uniform Magnetic Field the total force acting on conductor of Length L is expressed as, θ = Angle made by current direction with magnetic Field. i1 dF F = i(L × B) = iLB Sin θ i i2 → B dl a