Uploaded by Joel Barrientos Dela Cruz

Music, Art, PE Lesson Plan

- Students will be able to identify and describe different types of music, art, and physical
- Students will be able to explain the importance of music, art, and physical education in their
- Students will be able to participate in a physical activity and demonstrate proper form and
- Whiteboard or chalkboard
- Markers or chalk
- Pictures or examples of different types of music, art, and physical activities
- Paper and pencils for students
Bell-Ringer Activity:
- Play a short piece of music and ask students to write down how it makes them feel. Discuss
their responses as a class.
- Begin by asking students what they think of when they hear the words "music," "art," and
"physical education." Write their responses on the board.
- Explain that today's lesson will focus on these three subjects and why they are important in our
Direct Instruction:
- Define music, art, and physical education for the students.
- Show pictures or examples of different types of music, art, and physical activities.
- Discuss each type and ask students to share any experiences they have had with them.
- Explain the benefits of each subject, such as how music can improve mood and concentration,
how art can foster creativity and self-expression, and how physical education can promote
physical fitness and teamwork.
Guided Practice:
- Divide the class into small groups and assign each group a different type of music, art, or
physical activity.
- In their groups, students will research and create a short presentation about their assigned
- Each group will present their findings to the class, including a description of the activity and
why it is important.
Independent Practice:
- Give each student a piece of paper and ask them to choose one type of music, art, or physical
activity that they are interested in.
- Instruct them to write a short paragraph explaining why they find it interesting and how it could
benefit them.
Exit Ticket:
- Ask students to write down one thing they learned today about music, art, or physical
- Review the objectives of the lesson and ask students if they feel they have met them.
- Discuss the importance of music, art, and physical education in their lives and how they can
incorporate these subjects into their daily routines.
- Encourage students to continue exploring and participating in these subjects outside of the