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UCSP Grade 11 Exam: Culture, Society, Politics

Department of Education
Division of Batangas
San Juan East District
Laiya National High School
Laiya Ibabao, San Juan, Batangas
Name: __________________________
Year and Class: ______________________
Date: ____________
Score: ____________
I. Multiple Choice
Directions: Read carefully and encircle the letter of the correct answer.
1. UCSP is a multidisciplinary course that integrates and combines the contents, methods and theories of
the following EXCEPT:
A. Mathematics
B. Anthropology
C. Sociology
D. Political Science
C. Elections
D. Religion
2. Anthropology: Genetics and Evolution, etc.
Sociology: Groups and Organizations, etc.
Political Science:_________________
A. Cultural Change
B. Social Inequality
3. A research method that uses sample population and administers survey questionnaires to get responses
and answers from respondents.
A. Interview
B. Field Work
C. Ethnography
D. Survey Method
4. The following are significance of studying society except:
A. Gives meaning to the importance of the self in relation to others
B. Gives us a full understanding of how social groups affect our thinking and behaviour
C. Acknowledges that social constitutions shape and affect how we live our life
D. Broadens our perspectives on how we value our own and others’ culture
5. As a ____________ we carry our ancestors’ tradition and beliefs, speak the language of our parents,
practice faith and the distinct way of life of our community, create and showcase the arts and heritage of
our people and transmit some, if not all, of these to the next generation.
A. social being
B. cultural being
C. political being
D. spiritual being
6. The term culture was first used by the English anthropologist ________ in his book, Primitive Culture.
A. Robert MacIver
B. Charles Page
C. Talcott Parsons
D. Edward B. Tylor
7. Karen used to tease her newly transferred Mangyan classmate because of his kinky hair and tanned
skin. What kind of cultural view Karen has?
A. cultural relativism
B. ethnocentrism
C. culture
D. society
8. Mommy and Daddy taught their one-year old daughter Cloud how to play ABC song with the use of
their Lenovo cell phone. Now, Cloud can able to open the phone and sing the ABC song. What
characteristic of culture is shown in the situation?
A. culture is learned
B. culture is integrated
C. culture is shared
D. culture is symbolic
9. “Sabong” is a vice which LoloTasyo has been indulged with until this year. This kind of gambling
was been brought in the Philippines during the Spanish colonization. This only proves that culture is?
A. learned
B. integrated
C. shared
D. symbolic
10. Sandra, a 16-year-old Filipina girl had been nominated to be an exchange-student in Australia
during winter season. In her preparation of things, she excluded her shorts and sleeveless and start
pulling out her jackets and boots on her cabinet, while her Australian exchange student began to take in
her shirts and shorts on her personal baggage bag. What does this show?
A. culture is adaptive
B. culture is abstract
C. culture is dynamic
D. culture is symbolic
II. Identify whether the following statement concludes human as: SOCIAL being, CULTURAL
being or POLITICAL being. Write your answer on the blank before the number.
_______________11. Our rights and privileges are limited because we are governed by rules and laws of
our society.
______________12. We carry our ancestors’ traditions and beliefs.
______________13. We always belong to the group and interact with people.
______________14. We are always in company with others like our parents and siblings.
______________15. Our power is inherent in the rights guaranteed and protected by our State.
______________16. We relate with our childhood friends, neighbours, and classmates.
_______________17. We speak the language of our parents, practice faith and the distinct way of life of
our community.
______________18. We become citizens, we elect our leaders, we pay taxes, we receive welfare and
support from the government because our Constitution and our laws tell it so.
______________19. We create or showcase the arts and heritage of our people and transmit some, if not
all, of these to the next generation.
______________20. We will be having our co-workers or colleagues in office, professional peers here
and abroad.
III. Directions: Identify what is being described or asked in each statement. Choose your answer
from the box below. Write only the letter of your answer on the space provided before each
A. interview
F. political being
B. culture
G. Anthropology
C. symbolic
H. ethnography
D. abstract
I. Sociology
E. society
J. August Comte
__________21. As a _________ we are subjected to power-relations.
__________22. It is the systematic study of social behaviour and human groups.
__________ 23. A qualitative research method that asks questions to key informants and participants in
the research
__________24. It is the study of humans’ past and present.
__________25. Usually used by anthropologists, this is oftentimes referred to a qualitative approach in
doing cultural research.
__________26. Father of Sociology
__________27. It is a collective behaviour of men arising from a shared belief and value system based on
ideologies, way of life, norms and even identities.
_________28. It is viewed a group of people with a shared culture interacting within groups and
__________29. Culture is ______ because there is no tangible manifestation that can take the form of the
culture itself.
_________30. Culture is ______ for all cultures in the world are driven by symbols that stand for
III. True or False
Directions: Read each statement. Identify whether it is expressing correct idea or not. If it is, write
TRUE, if not, underline the word or phrase which makes the statement incorrect and write the
correct answer on the space provided before each number.
______________31. The society that we inhabit in is directly or indirectly shaped and influenced by
people, technology, popular culture, government policies, domestic and world economy, powerful
institutions, nation-states and international organizations.
______________32. Human beings have the same biological features but each one of us is different.
______________33. Being humane means learning by doing to live positively and to treat others with
respect, genuine love and compassion
______________34. FGD or Focus Group Discussion literally means going out to the field to do
______________35. Studying culture educates us on the importance of exercising our rights and
maximizing our political participation.
______________36. UCSP simply wants you to become human and humane at the same time.
______________37. Banaue Rice Terraces is one of the cultural heritages found in the Philippines.
_______________38. Culture and society are co-existent. That one cannot able to exist without the other.
_______________39. The manifestations of culture are cities, villages, religious group and professional
______________40. According to UNESCO, cultural heritage is the legacy of physical artefacts and
intangible attributes of a group or society that are inherited from past generations, maintained in the
present and bestowed for the benefit of future generations.
______________41. Ethnocentrism promotes the idea that no culture is superior over any other. It accepts
and understands why people act the way they do.
______________42. Culture is integrated when cultural parts and aspects are interconnected in that when
taken together, a way of life is manifested.
______________43. The manifestations of society are language, arts, festival, clothing, cuisine, literature,
music, traditions and the like.
______________44. The Maasai tribe from Tanzania and Kenya touch each other’s heads as way of
greeting each other.
______________45. In a democratic country like Philippines, sovereignty resides in the people.
IV. Identify whether the following statement gives the significance of studying: CULTURE,
____________46. Gives meaning to the importance of the self in relation to others (kapwa)
____________47. Broadens our perspectives on how we value our own and others’ cultures
_____________48. Educates us on the importance of exercising our rights and maximizing our political
participation to sustain, maintain or change society
_____________49. Provides a bigger context on how government works and how rules, regulations and
laws maintain social order, cohesion and unity
____________50. Describes how and why we belong to a bigger global society
“Commit thy way unto the LORD; trust also in Him;
and He shall bring it to pass.”
Psalm 37:5
Prepared by:
Juliet V. Javier
UCSP Teacher
Criza Jean L. Sulit
Master Teacher I
Josephine D. Rosales
Principal II