REPUBLIC OFBOTSWANA GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 22nd September, 2023 GABORONE Vol. LXI, No.84 CONTENTS 56t4 Authorisation to Exercise Functions of Office of President - G.N. No. 511 of 2023 Acting Appointment Pemanent Secrctary, Ministy of Foreign Affairs - G N. No. 5 12 of 2023 Permanent Secrctary, Ministry ofTmnsPort and Public wo*s - GN. No.513 of2023 Permanent Secretary, Ministry ofYouth, GEnder' Sport and Culture GN.No 514of2023 Director General, irectorateoflntelligence and Security - GN. No - """5615 ""-""" "'-'-- """" 5615 5616 515of2023.'. "" ""'5616 CommissionerofPolice.BotswanaPoliceService-G.N.No.516of2023..................." " "" 5616 Commissioner of Prisons. Botswana Prison Service - G.N No. 517 of 2023---....... . . ..""" 5611 Commissioner G€neml, National Planning Commission - G N. No. 5I8 of 2023 tl Appointment of Marriage Offi cers G.N. No. 5 19 of 2023 56t',7 - 2003 - G N. No.520 of 2023 Authorisationofchangeof Sumame-GN No.52|ofm23'. . . . ........ Application forAuthoisation ofchange of Sumane -G.N. No.522 of Botswana Honours and Awards Tle following Supplement Supplement C - ... 2023 is published with this issue 56m ofthe Gaz€rre Excise Duty (Amendment of Schedule) (No. 9) Notice, 2023 S.I.No.94oi2023....... """- 5618-5619 - - 5621 C381 489 :$ pinted by Department of Govemment hinting and Publishing Services The Botswana Govemm ent Gazette ' PrivateBagoo8l,GABoRoNE'RepublicofBotswana.AnnualsubscriptionratesarcPT00,00postfreesurface mail, SADE Countries airmail P1500,00. Rest of Africa airmail PI500,00, Europe and USA airmail PI,E50,00' The price for this issue of the Goaet e (lnclusive of SuPplement) is P25 '0o- 5614 Government Notice No. 5I 1 of 2023 CONSTITUTION OF BOTSWANA Authorisation to Exerrlse Functions of Offlce of Pirsident TO: t{S HONOUR SLIMBER TSOGWANE, M. P, VICE PRESIDENT WHEREAS IT IS PRO\IDED by section 36 (1) of lhe Constitution that whenever the President is absent from Botswana or considers it desirable to do so by reason of illness or any other cause he may, by directions in writing, authorise the Vice President to discharge such of the functions of the Office of President as he may specify, and the vice Prcsident may discharge those functions until the President's retum to Botswana or the rev@ation of such authorisation, as the case may be; AND WHEREAS I intend to be abscnt frofi Botswana from II th Septernber, 2023 and I consider it desirable to issue dircctions as aforesaid; NOW THEREFORE, in exercise of the powe6 vested in me as aforcsaid, I authorise you, SLUMBER TSOGWANE, in your capacity as Vice hesident, to discharge with effect ftom I lth September.2023, all the functions of the Office of Prcsident, except - (a) (r) the power to dissolve Parliament in accordance with the provisions of sectioD 91 ofthe Constitution; the power to appoint to the Office of Minister or Assistant Minister in accordance with the provisions section 42 of the Constitution; of Prcvided, however, that you can appoint the present Ministe$ or Assistant Ministers to act in place of any Minister who is otherwise not available; (c) (d) the power to remove a Minister or Assista[t Minister from office in accordance with the provisions section 43 of the Constitution; the power to determine the policy to be adopted by the Bant of Botswana in accordalce with the Provisions of section 65 of the Bank of Botswana Act (Cap. 55:0 I ); unlil my retum to Botswana or this authority GMN is revoked by me, whichever happens first. under my hand and the Public Seal at GABORONE this llth day of August,2023. DR. MOKCWEETSI ERIC KEABETSWE MASISI, President. MMAKO M. ABRAM. Custodian oJ the Public Seal . of 5615 Government Notice No.5l2 o12023 CONSTITUTION OF BOTSWANA - Permuent Secretlry' Ministry of Forcign Affairs Acting ApPointment IN EXERCISE of the powers confered on His Excellency the President by section 112 of the Constitution - AMBASSADOR NKOLOI NKOLOI Affairs from lst to 27th September' 2023' has been appointed to act as Permanenl Secretary, Ministry ofForeign DAIED this 1 st day of September, 2023 ' EMMAHA, PELOETLETSE' ent Secretary to the President Penta Ollce of the Preside covern Ent Notice No. 5I t ' 3 of 202 3 CONSTITUTION OF BOTSWANA - Pcrmonent Secrttary' Ministry ofTfrnsporr and Public Works Acting Appointment by section IN DGRCISE of the powers confened on His Excellency the President 1 I 2 of the Constitution - MS HALAKANGWA MBULAT Transport and Public Works from 28th August' has been appointed to act as Permanent Secretary, Ministry of 2023 ro lst September,2023. DAIED this 30th day of August' 2023' EMMAH A, PELOETLETSE' Perna GovemnAnt Notice No. 5 I 4 of ent Secretary to the President, Office ofthe President 2023 CONSTITUTION OF BOTSWANA Permrnent Se$ettry' Acting Appointment MlDistry of Youth, GeEder, Sport and Culture - by section IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred on His Excellency the Prcsident 1 I 2 of the Constirution - MR TSHEPO MOPHUTNG Youth' Gender' Spon and Culture has b€€n appointed to act as Peffnanent Secretary, Ministry of fiom lst !o 3rd September,2023. DATED this I st day of September' 2023' EMMAH A. PELOETLETSE ' Pen&nent Secretary to the President' Ofice of the Prusident ' 5616 Government Notice No.5l5 of 2023 CONSTITUTION OF BOTSWANA Actirg Appointment Dircctor General, of Intelllgence snd Secuiity IN EXERCISE of the powers confered on His Excellency the president by s€ction MR I 12 of the Constitutio[ - TLAMELO NGAKANE _ has been-ap-piinted to act as Director General, Dircctorate of lntelligence and Secudty from 3rd to lglh September, 2023. DATED this lst day of September, 2023. EMMAH A, PELOETLETSE, Pembnent Secretory to the Prcsident, Ofrce ofthe President. Government Notice No.516 of 2023 CONSTITUTION OF BOTSWANA Acting Appoirtirent Commissloner of police, Botswrna Police Service - IN EXERCISE of the powerc confered on His Excellency rhe Prcsident by secrion I I 2 of rhe Consritution - MR SOLOMON MANTSWT --has m23. been appointed to act as Commissioner of Police, Botswana Police Se ice from l2th to l8th September, DAIED this lst day of September, 2023. EMMAH A. PELOETLETSE, Pen@rcnt Secrerary to the Presiden Ofrce ol the Prcsident. , Goyernment Notice No.517 of 2023 CONSTITUfiON OF BOTSWANA ActiDg AppolDt&ent CommissioDer of Ptsons, Bots\yana Prisor SerYlce - IN EXERCISE of the powers confered on His Excellency the Preside.t by section MS KENEILWE MOKWENAOTSN of the Constitution - -F, has been appointed to act as Conmissioner of Pdsons, Botswana Prison Service 2023. t 12 from 10!h to t9lh September, DArED this lst day ofseptgmbe\mz3. EMMAH A. PELOETLETSE. Pennanent Secretary to ahe President, Ofrce ofthe President. 5611 Govemrgnt Notice No . 51 6 of 2023 CONSTITTNION OF BOTSWANA Acting Appointment - Commissioner General, Nitional PlaDning CoDmission IN EXERCISE of the powers conferrcd on His Excellency the President by section 112 of the constitution - MS KEGANELE MALIKONGWA has been appointed to act as cornmissioner General, National Planning commission fiom l5th to 26th sePtember, 2023. DAIED this tst day of September, 2023. EMMAH A. PELOETLETSE, Pentanent Sectetary to lhe Presidcnt, Office of the Presidett . Gowmment Notice No.519 of 2023 MARRIAGE ACT (Cap.29:01) APPointdrent of Marrlage Olficers NOTICE IS HEREBY GMN that in accordance with section ? of ihe Maniage Act, the Minister of Labour following Persons as marnage office$ - and Home Affairs has appointed the 1. 2. Andries Mosheti Setima Matshediso Sheila Keitiile DATED this 7th day of Seplcmber, m23 ANNA M. MOKGETHI, Minister oI Iabour and Hoit" A[fairs. Govemment Notice No . 520 ol 2023 BOTSWANA HONOURS ACT (Cap. 36:06) Botswana Honours and Awards - 2(n3 IT IS HEREBY notified for the general pubtic information that in accordance with the powers confe-rred.on the President by section 3 of the B;tswana Act, His Excellency the President is pleased to award the following Honours PRESIDENTIAL ORDER OF MERITORIOUS SERVICE Dr. Matshidiso Moeti DAIED lhis 6th day of Septemb€r, 2023. EMMAH A, PELOETLETSE, Pemanent Secretary to the President. 5618 Government Notice No.521 of2023 CHANGE OF SI,IRNAME ACT No. 1l of 2021 Authorisatiol ol Change of Surname IN ACCORDANCE wilh section 4 as read with section 6 (5) of the Change of Sumame Act, the Registrar of Change of Sumame of the Department of Civil and National Registration hercby authorises the persons whose names and addresses arc sp€cified hereunder lo assume the sumames sp€cified opposite their names and addrcsses. Address Seabelo Ketshogile, Nome and Proposed Surnarie Kelefang hivate Bag 004, Palapye. Shiraaz l,elso P.O . Box 'l 1639222. Lobatse. Omogolo Thandiwe PO. Box 60965. Gaborone, Ronald Thabang PO. Box 640, Metsimotlhabe. Edwin PO. Box 2996, Serowe. Kedikilwe, Phitshane, Mosenki, Gaongalelwe, Oboneng, Teboyaone P.O. Box 244. Kanye. Ngaka L€sitanye, PO. Box Seronga. '. Tokisani Thobega Sebeso Sello Shamakena l. Okgotetseng, Tshekelo PO. Box 458Gumare. Malebogo Private Bag 009, Masunga. Kwenane, Pogisego Pandor Pitse, Moremi Kwenane-Molatole Tebele PO. Box 214. Hukuntsi. Kesamang, Kao Onosi PO. Box 534, Shsohong. Moyombuya Mamikie PO. Box 366. Tutume. Motsu, Bayani, Onkabetse A. PO. Box 145, Tshesebe. Psalm L. M. P.O. Box 201738, Bomwell, Gaborcne. Nubia Amar PO. Box 401268, Gaborcne. Naiyah June PO. Box 401268. Gaborone. Phillip Phillemon Mari Sesinyi Pilane, Lawrence Pilane, Lawrenc€ 5619 Arcnaya kfoko Katse, Po. Box 1059. ktlhakane. Abale Motswasele. GodfieY PO. Box 10576, Selebi-Phitwe. Mildrcd PO. Box 2135, Tsiane, Gabonowe Mahalapye. chrisrinah KaprE, Mogakolodi Mabeleapodi Postal Agency, Mabeleapodi. Dinoge, MokgosiKefilwe PO. Box 051, Molepolole. Kehumile ThelmaKemaswe, Seagilwe P.O. Box 690, Gumarc. Luka, Michael 'Iyler Kitso PO. Box 503757, Gaborone, Thapelo Private Bag 131, Radipilse, Maun. Emmanuel Tafadzwa Keletso Kujeke, Femando Po. Box 1516. Orapa. A&ile Refilwe Gofamodimo, Morris Po. Box 280. Kanye. KabeloBaeti, onna PO. Box 2431 AAD, Poso House, Gatorone. segotsa, Morebodi P.o. Box 21E15. MaunPrecious Moshana, Boikaego Tshipiethata PO. Box 33. Sekoma. Thatayaone Mosokwane, Isaac PO. Box 30637, FBncistown. DATED this 5th dav of Septemb€r' 2023' NAMETSO MOCOTSI, lor Dircclor, DePartment of Civil and National ReSistration 562n Government Notice No- 522 of2023 CHANGE OF SURNAME ACT No. ll of 2021 Application for AuthorisatioD of Chenge of Suraame IN PURSUANCE of the provisions of section 6 (2) of the change of sumame Act, notice is hercby given that apPlications have been made to the Registrar of Change of sumame o] Depanment of civil and National itegistration by each of rhe persons listed hereunder, for the Registrar's authority to a;sume the sumames specified in ;lation to iheir oames and addresses. Any person who objecrs to any or all of the applications may notify the Registrar of change or sumame of such . objections and the grouDds thereof wirhin fourteen (14) days ofpubliiation of-this Notice. Nane and Address proposed Surname Reasons Given lor Wishing ,o Assume proposed Surnlime Banyana Nanny Kesupang. Modisaotsile 15, Molepolole. Private Bag while Modisaotsile is hei patemal gandfather,s Kelethametse, Ralesiba 39, Sojwe. Pabalelo PO. Box Baitshokile, 85. GwetaNatasha wanani PO. Box Ba!q{! P1il PO. Box 20145, sefhako Keipegerse Maun Onalenna PO. Box Maano, 39, Tsabong. Gaaesi Modise, 1123, Metsimotlhabe. Mogorosi Gofaone PO. Box Joseph, 10218, Tatitown M^ase_go Moyuthu, 007, MorokaTshepaone Porozao' PO. Box 2110, Maun. Porozao, 25, Maun. Keetile PO. Box name. Reason for change: The applicant w;ts to use her patemal grandfather's name as sumame, pabalelo is his cousin,s sumame while Ralasiba is his patemal gzndfather's name. Reason for change: The applicant wants to use his paternal gandfarlrer,s ianrc as irffir" her gr&dfartErt narn€ while wanani Sefhako is her fath;,s frstsra.rne ard surnarne. Rearrrn for change: The father wants his daughter to use both his fitstname and sumame as sumam€, " Bakgadi is his malemat great gmndfather,s name while Keipegerse is his maiemal lrandfather,s name. Rason for ciaage: The motlrer wants her son to use matemal grandfather's name as surname. Maano is her marital sumame *hile Gaaesi is her matemal grandfather,s name. Reason ftr change: The applicad;ans !o use her matemal gra.ndfather'i name as sutname. Modise is her patemal grandfather,s name while Mogorosi is her matemal frandfather,s name. Reason fm cllangq TIE applicant-wants to use her matemal grandfather's name as sumame. Silver Mpungwana PO. Box Kagiso PO. Box Kesupang is her matemal great gandfather,s name Obert salang Keetile Joseph is her matemal grandfarher,s nshe while Silver Mpungwana is her fa0rer's forcname and sumarne. Reason for change: The applicant wants !o use both ller father's forename and sumarne as sumarne. Moyuthu is his patemal grcat gwrdfertho's nanr while Obert is his fatlrer's foreianriReason for change: The applic{t wants to use his father's fotenanre as sr-irnarne. porozao is his mat€rnal grandfadEr's nanE while sala[g Keetile is his father,s iorcnanre and sumame. Reasoi for change: The applicant wants to use both his fa&er,s forename and sumame as sumame. Salang Keetile porozao is his rnatemal grllrdfalher,s narne while Salang Keetile is his fatller,s forenarne and sumame. Reason foi changq The mother wants h€r son to use both his fath€r,s forcname and suhame as summe. Kab€lo Porozao, PO. Box 2110. Salang Keetile Maun. Ofentsemang Porozao, Salang Ke€tile PO.Box2110, Porozao is his matemal glmdfaltlcr's nanE while Salang KeDtile is his fatlEr's forcnarE ald sumame Reison for change: TIE mother wants her son to use both his farhcr's folenarlre and sumane as sumame, Poroze is her matemal graftfatrer's narne while Salang Keetile is her fatlxr's fq€nanP and sumanE Reason Mooketsi J. Kgosieyang, t rivate Bag 003, Mabutsane. Ramontsho for change: Ttle apptica wants to use both h€r fadEr's forcnanre and sumame as sumame. Ksosievang is his maEmd grcal grandfa$er's nanE tL.irt.tto is his rnaremal gandfather's nanE' Reason for change: Th€ applicant wants to use his mat€mal grandfadEr's foEname as sumame. knde K. Ramakhubu, Madande Ramakhubu js tler matemal grest grandfather's name while Madande is het matemal grandfai!6's nanie Maun. Po. Box 616. Reason for change: The rnodEr wants her daughter to llse tpr maternal grandfadter's narlre as sumalne. Ompa. Atang Serehete, I,rivare Bag 0010, Gaborone. Emanuel Amande Serche@ Emanuel hivate Bag 00I0, Gaborone, Julia Marulane, PO. Box 31, Kang. Radisana Same O. M. Mosime, PO. Box 10, Joseph Mogobane. Emest Kitso Mosime, *il" Joseph PO. Box 10, Mogobane. Refilwe E. Motswaborwa, PO. Box 10. Mogobane. Joseph Arefa T. Jackson, Po. Box 457. Jwaneng. Mathaba Annah L. Thapelo, PO. Box 20334, Bontleng, Caborone Thapelo-Morule Sereh€te is his patemal gndfadEr\ nanE while Emanuel is his father's fiIsElafire. Reason for change: The molhel wants hel son to use his faorer's frrs[urne as sumame. Sechete ts her paremal grandfadEr's narne while Emanuel is her fatlEr's fiIsE|arne R€son for change: The mother wants her daughte. io use her father's filsgrarrE as sumame. Marulane is her matcmal grcat Sratdfather's nanP while Radisana is her mat4toal grEndfaher's nanre. Reason for change: The mother wa s her daughter to us€ h€r rnalemal SrandfatlEr's nanE as sumame. Mosime is her rnaterral Sreat gmrdfatlrer's name while Jos€ph is tler maEmal 8l'andfatler's narne' Reason for change: The aPPlicafl wants !o use her mar€mal gnndfattEr's nalne as sumame. Mosime is his rnaterDal gear gnndfatlrer's name while Jo6eDh is hrs ma&md grandfalher's narne. Rdson for change: The motlEr wants h€r son lo use his maiEtnal gandfalhd's nanE as sumame. Motswaborwa is lpr rnatemal great glandfatlrr's name while Jos€Dh is her matemal grandfatlEr's nafle Reason apPlicant wans !o use lrcr mzremd fcr changi: gmndfadEr's narne as surname. Tlr Jackson is her matemal gr€3t grandfather's name while Ma$aba is her pat€ma.l great grandfather's nanE. Reason for changq The mother wants her daughter to use her paternal geat gandfadEr's name as suriame. Thap€lo is her rnatemal gr€a! grandfa$er's naine while ThaEleMorule is tltf, rnalefnal grEot and Pateital g€at *ntdfutlo.' nr..t. Reason for charge: fie apPlic€nt snd paternal geal o u.. boti maternal granalfathers' nanEs as sumame, i*o gt,l DAIED this 7th day of September, 2023. BRENDA M. OLETILE, lor Director' Department oI Civil and National Registralion' 5622 Publlc Notice Kweneng t and Board - KLB llll37 (ll, 02 OE 202312l Expr€Asion of InGr€st (EOI) INVTTAITON FOR EXPRESSION OF INTEREST FOR PROVISION OF LEGAL SERVICES TO KWENENG LAND BOARD REFERENCE IS MADE on the above adven which appearcd in Govemment caaette dated 8rh September, 2023,Vol. LXI, No. . 8I , on page No. 5454. The Procuring Entity wishes to make the following addition; The EOI notice is written: 'The hnd Board currently has cases or may have cases heard in almost all the courts in Southem Magisterial region. Thus, it is prefered that the law frrms should dirertly be present and operating in the Southem Magisterial region. This should rcad as; The Land Board currendy has cases or may have cases heard in almost all the courts in Gaborone and surounding areas. Thus, it is prcfened that the law firms should directly be prcsent and operating ln Gaborone and surounding areas. Stage I compliance, number 2 is written 100% citizen owned companies law fiIms. This should read as; 100% citizen owned law firms. The department apologizes for any inconvenienc€ caused, Closing date is postponed ro 6th October,2023. For any inquiries, kindly call Mrs Thabiso C. Sende on Telephone No. 5922600 (Exlension No. 2649). . . . . . . . SOKOLOGANC BOJASE, land Board Secretary, Kweneaq Unl Board. lor Bobirwo Dlstrlct Councll Tender No. BOB/ED123D023.20U Tender Csncelladon - A STJPPLIES CONTRACT FOR SUPPLY AND DELIVERY OF STATIONERY AND CONSIMABLE TO BOBIRWA DISTRICT COIJNCIL REFERINCE IS MADE to the above-mentioned tender which was advertised on Botswana Govemment Galerre, Vol, LXI, No.78 of 25th Augusr,2023 and expected to appear for lhe second time on lst September,2023. Prospeative bidders are hercby informed that the tender has been cancelled due to technical reasons. All bidders who have already bought the Tender Document are requested to keep the receipts safe as it will b€ needed as a proof on collection of the corrected tender. Any inconvanience caused is highly regretted. For firnher clarification, please contact Mr M. Botlhaleng, Telephone No. 2619697 or switchboard No. 26192?4. M. MAGOSI. Ior Acting Council Sec.erary, B ob irua Distic t Counc il. Irtlhekeng District Council Motimelo Act 23 of 201t, Mstimeh RegulatioDs, Z)19 Notice ol PElence of Matlmela Secaion ll, Regulatlons 5 ard 6 SECHABA SE ITSISIWA FA KHANSELE YA LETLHAKENC e amogetse leruo la matimela kwa lesakeng la matimela la Tlhogoyamosarwa. Ka jalo sechaba se kopiwa go tla go bada leruo la bone le go le golola mo Khenseleng. 5623 jalo di kgwedi lse tharc mo Khanseleng go ka ba lona eseng golola leruo letlelelwa ba tharo Beng^baleruo tse 8o kgwedi ,.ui-u fu p"fabalo morago gla sebala sa di nttra tet-sati pele ga ta thekiio ka nako va tim t0?10 hours to 1530 hours) Leruo le Ehegediwa sebaka ffrlnraf. . sa iil;;;;;e;;fit;o Tlhogoyamosarws Matimelo Kraal Cattle Date ol 29tO112023 Serial Description Eanarks o32 Kgomo Tlhabana t €phaga (L) Brand H E c Brand not clear 29n1tm23 033/039 Kgomo Khunwana Kwena 29n11m23 034/035 Namane Khunwana No E D mark No brand 29tO7 t2123 035 Kgomo Khunwana M[(gama (L & R) 29t01t2023 036n31 Kgomo Tshetlhana lnolatau (R) BW;17098883 K3& H1 &H H OE UG BU 3N E H 5 12023 038 Kgomo Tshetlhana Sekei (L & R) 29t0712021 039 Kgomo Khunwana Kwena 29101t2023 040 Namane Tlhaba Seako 29/fi lm23 04tn42 Kgomo Kolswana ktsekana (L) 29/ffi 79tO7 t2123 29107 t2123 o42 043 (L) No brand J B &E BW:14201014 FN Namane Tubana Irphaga (L) JB Inolatau (R) FN Namane Na2na t ephaga (L & R) Brand not clear ? z For any iflquiries Please conlact matimela office at TelePhone Nos 5943600/5943893' JOSEPH SEGOPA, ActinS Council S ecre tory, Izlthnke ng District Counc il Change of Land Use 4063' wish to inform my MODISENYANE MMOTLANYANE of Mogoditshane Block 4' Plot No use from single residential land change of conceming 406o ani of PIol Nos. 406'1.4062 *i*rr'i"".i"e pLt I, c"rtacr celphone i. ,irii-.".iiJ,rira."**rs planning office, MoSoditshane. No. 71915059 or codtacr physical Physical Planning Office during Anybody who would like lo view rhe Proposat plan can do so at Mogoditshane workrng hours between 08m hours afld 1630 hours' Physical Planning Office' TelePhone Whoever has an objection to the proposal should forward it to MoSoditshtne notice' of this (14) days working No. 3105615, id writing within founeen 5624 ChsDge of L.Dd Use Mogoditshanc Btock ?, plor No. 2613, wish to inform my neighbouring plot ^..L^lyYa-P9:y9L*OMA^of ownerc or ,,rot No. 2614 and 2628, conceming change of Iand use ftom singre residentiar io mritti-rcsiaJniia. Contact Cellphone No. 71915059 or contact physical pjanning Office, Mogodit;hane. jflYf view rhe p.roposat ptan can do so ar MosodirshaDe physicat ptanning Office during .. :9:.:-r]! worKng Dours between l*:,o UEU) hours and 1610 hours. .. Wloeverhas aD objection to rhe proposalshould torward it-to Mogoditshane physical planning Office.Telephone No. I I05615, in wriring wittrin founeen t l4) workrng days of this n-orice. Chorge of Lrrd Use I, SHEILA M. MOLEFE, owner of plot No. m I in Makakatlela Ward, Mochudi, wish to inform neighbours about the intent to change land use ftom a general dealer to day carclpre sch;I. nt.^e conBct Kgadeng Disrricl Council s physicat ptanning Office at Telephone Nos. 577?4t :fg131y.C1gi*. or ! / /J512 or ihe owner at Cellphone No. 7154491J. I Ch.nge of Lard Use TLAMELo P MARUAToNA, owner of plot No. 12533 situatcd at Tshweneng Arca in caborcne, wishes chanBe land use ftom residential to mixed use (rcsidential and civic and community;. ro Any objection shourd be forwarded lo Gaborone ciry councir, physicar planning office or call cellphone No. 72795204 within a period of founeen { t4) days of $is pubticarion. Change of Lsnd Use TUDIIETSO KEORAPETSE TSELAESELE of plot No. 5049, Block 5, Mogodi*hane would tike !o consult neighbours for change of land use from single family residential to muhi family ;identia! and developments. Anyone- who has objection to the said development must consult Mogoditshane District councit, physical Planning Office or Cellphone No.72252380. _- Chenge ofl,and Use I, MOILALEPIILA MMOSHE, owner ofresidential plot No. 14228 in Ramolswa, coo Moeng Ward, would like to change land use of the plot from single residential to multi-rcsidential. Any objections should be foruarded to Ramotswa Distdct council, physicar pranning office on Telephone No_ 5390375 within fourte€n (14) days ofthis publicarion. Change oflatrd Use KEINEETSEMANG MOKERESETE, in Tsabong, wishes ro change land rcsidential. use from siogle family to mulri-famity Any objections are to b€ forwarded to Tsabong Dislrict councir within fourteen (14) days of this publication. Contact Tel?hone No. 6540061 or for viewing thi plans contact Cellphone Nos.726g2i|w tg624}. Chrnge of Land Use (pheflhe Interiors) owNER of Plor No. 5479, Masetrheng, Trokweng wourd rike to change rand residential. use ftom single rcsidential to multi For any objections, contact Tlokwcng physical planning Office, Telephone No. 3695000, fourteen ( 14) days of publicarion of this norice. - in writing within 5625 L.nd Change of Use (Phetlhe Interiors) owNER of Plot No. 6714' Maratanaog, Tlokweng would like to cha[ge land use ftom sinSle rcsidential to multi residential. For any objections contact Tlokweng Physical Planning Office' Telephone fouteen (14) days of publication of this notice. hsnge ofLonii use No 3695000, in writing wilhin oTHATADAMBE'ownerofaploughingfieldlocatedatMosojanefields,herebySivesnoticeinlermsofthe To,rn ana Country ltanning ect, iOt:if apptication to North-East Distict Council for change of la,'d use ftom agricultural to miied use (agiculture, comrnercial and civic and community)' objectioos in rcspecr of the applicarion must Council. tre lod8ed with the Physical Planning office at Nonh-East District Chsnge of Land Use owNER of Plot No.40?0 located in Rasesa Arca, KgatlenS ProPoses change of land use of theil Plot from single residential to multi family residential. Neighboun of Ptot No. ,!O?O may contact Kgatleng Districr Council, Physical Planning Office on CellPhone No' 57??4il for comments within fourteen (14) days of this publication Chan8e of knd Use OWNER of Plot No. 11920 located in Khaekholo Ward' Tlokweng proposes change single residential to multi-family residential. oi land use of plot from NeighboursofPlotNo.llg2omaycontactTtokwengDisuictCouncil,PhysicalPlanninsofficeonTelephone No. 36=95000 for comments within folrteen (14) days oi this publication Change oflond Use OWNER of Plot No. 9663, located in Molongwane Arca, Bokaa Proposes change of land use of the ftom agnculture to industnal. the plot Neighbou$ of Plot No.9663 may contact Kgatleng District Council' Physical Planning Offrce on Telephone No I for cornments within fourteen ( 14) days of lhis publication ' 577741 Chrnge ofland Us€ PoRTtAKEc,oMoDITswEMASIJNDAwishestochanSeoflandusePlotNo.l5l05locatedinTlokwenS use (agriculture and civic and comhlnity). from agriculture to mixed shouldrherebeanyobjeclionorquery,contactTlokwengDistrictcouncilonTc]ephoneNo.3695097orlhe physical planner on Cellptrone No.lZiS+26+O wilhin fourte€n (14) days ftom publication of this notice. Change ofland Use OWNER of Plot No. 8150, Extension 9, Palapye, would like to change land use from single rEsidential to multi family residential. Anyobje4tionorquerymaybeforwardedtoPa,lapyeDistrictcouncil,PhysicalPlanningomceatTelephoneNos. 4911092 ot 492154l change ofland usc TSHIAMoSIGWELEofPlotNo.33962,I,otsane/PalapyeProposeschangeoflallduseftomsingle.familyto multi-family residential. For aoy objections contact Palapye Physical Planning Otrlce at Telephone No 492lO92' 5626 Change ofl,and Use OWNER of Plot No. 1238 at Ramfurwa, Tlokweng wishes to chalge land use from single rcsidential to residential. multi For any objections, please contact Kweneng Disrrict Council, Physicat Planning Office, Telephone No. 5920274 Ch.trge of Laod Use I, KELEOKOMETSE SAMAKABADI, hereby consult neighbou$ on change of land use ofa ploughing field in Makalamabedi in Boteti District (along Makalamabedi - Motopi road) to gravel mining borow pit. For any objection, contact Boteti District Council, Physical Planning office at Telephone No. 2m9300 within fourteen (14) days ofpublicalion hereof. ChqDge ofland Use I, XHAO MABANDA, her€by consult neightrours on change of land use ofa ploughinS field in Makalamabedi in Boteti District (along Malalamabedi - Motopi road) to gravel mining borrow pit. For any objection, conBct Boteti District Council, Physical Planning office at Telephone No. 2m9300 within fourteen (14) days of this publication. Change t, oflsnd Use MATOMBO MABANDA, hereby consult neighbours on change Makalamabedi in Boteti Distdct (along Makalarnabedi - Motopi of land use of a ploughing field in road) to gravel mining borrow pit. For any objection, contact Boteti Distdct Council, Physical Planning o{nce at Telephone No.2909300 within fourteen (14) days of this publication. Change oI Land Use I, BATO GALEGAKE SIAKOKO, hereby consult neighbours on change of land use of a ploughing field in Makalamabedi in Boteti District (along Makalamabedi - Motopi road) to gravel mining borrow pit. For any objection, contact Boleri District Council, Physical Planning office at Telephone No. 2909300 within fourteen (14) days of lhis publication. Change of Lsnd Usc t OWNER ofPIot No. 1797, Mogoditshane, dumadumane Ward, wishes to inform neighbours ofthe intenlion to change land use ftom single-family residential to multi-family resideotial. For any objection, con8ct Mogoditshane Sub-District Council, Physical Planning Office on Telephone No. 3166653. Neighbou Consultation OWNER of Plot No. 15902 at Metsimotlhabe wishes to ercct a boundary wall. For any objections, please contact Tlokweng District Council, Physical Planning Office, Telephone No. 3695096. NeiShbour CoNultrdon OWNER of Plot No. 80543 at G-North wishes to ercct a boundary wall. For any objections, please contact Gaborone City Council, Physical Planning Office, Telephone No. 3657400. Neighbou Cotrsultrtion OWNER of Plot No. 80544 at G-Nonh wishes to erect a boundary wall. For any objections, please coDtact Gaborone City Council, Physical Planning Office, Telephone No. 3657400. s671 Neighbour Consultation do change of land use from single I, G. S. NTSHWABI, owner of Plot NO. 396,located at Kazungula,I intend to residential to multi-residential. Planning Office Who€ver has an objeclion regarding the proposal should forward it tolvtaun Physical No. 6254659 or in w;dng within founeen ( l4) days of publication of this notice' at TelePhone Neighbour Consultrtlon I, MPHO MAGEZI, owner of Plot No 3T542, located ftom single rcsidential to self_catering apartments. at Kgosing Ward' Maun' l' intend to do change of land use Planning Office Whoever has an objection rcgarding the Proposal shoutd forward ilrc Maun Physical ( ihis nolice publication of days of l4) wirhin founeen No.6817963 or in writing at Telephone Neighbour Consultation to ercct I, KGOMOTSO KOLOI, owner of Plot No. 720I ' Mmaslanang ward, TlokwenS, would like a boundary Office at Telephone No' For any objection contact Cellphone No. 7141407? or Tlokweng Physical Planning notice' publication of this ( 3695000 widin fourtetn 14) days of Neighbour ConsultrtioD PHEMELoMoswEU,ownerofPlotNo.2oginMe6imotlhabe,Blockl,wouldliketochangelanduseftom single residential to multi-rcsidential. Nos' For any objections you can view the Plans at Mogoditshane Physical Planning Office' TelePhone No 71619949 : lOsolsdss ri:a *ithln founeen ( l4l days of publicalio;of rhis notice. or ca'll Cellphone Ch.nge ol Land Use NOTICE TO NEIGIIBOLTRS ofa residential plot ior Gaofenngwe D Kgosietsile' Plot No 1E122'Moshupa Theownerofthesaidplotwishestochansetheirplolfromsingle"familyresidentialtomulti.familyresidential. Owners ofthe neiShbouring plots are thus consulted for approval or non-aPProval Telephone Neighbours may contact Moshupa District Council' Physical Planning Office at publicalion hereof' (21) of days within twenty-one change disapirove of this No 5'{49950' if they Neighbou Consultation OWNER of Plot No. 2506, Tlokweng, Metlhabeng ward, wishes to erect For any objections, contact Tlokweng District Council on TelePhone this publication wall' No 3928355' within fourteen (14) days of Neighbour consultatlon OWNER of Plot No.2796, Modipane wishes to construct a double storcy For ary objections, contact Kgatleng District Council on Telephone publication hereof a boundary No building' 5??7411 within fourcrn (14) days of Neighbour consurtrtion (Pty) Ltd int€Dds to chanSe owNER of a residential Plor No. 21005, Phase 1, Gaborone west, cyriac Propefiies land use from single residential to multi-residential' Anv obiections msY o. *nt "ic"tlphone be forwarded to Gatrorone City Council, Physical Planning Office days of this publicalion' No ?253413, within fou(een ( l4) at Telepbone No 3657495 5628 Llquidator's Notic€ IN TIIE HIGH COURT OF THE REPTIBLIC OF BOTSWANA HELD AIGABORONE Ma$ter's Reference No. L1HGB _ @Un3-23 RA].ICBUIT HOLDINGS (PROPRIETARY) LMITED (IN LIQUIDATION), ECOPLEXUS SOLAR EQUIPMENT (PROPRIETARY) LIMMD GN LIQUIDANO$ AND TRUECENTRIC (PTY) LID (IN LIQTND{ION) NOTICE OF FIRST MEETING OF CREDITORS AND CONTRIBUTORIES NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuart_of section 382 (1) of the Companies Acr, the sepamre First Meering of C,reditors and Contributories respectively will t e convened beforc the Master of the High Court, Master's Chamt;rs, High Court, caborone, on rhe 9th Ociober, 2023 ar l43O hours for rhe foltowing purproses. I. CREDITORS (a) (r) (c) (d) To prove claims against tie company. To receive the Liquidatorc' firrther repon into lhe affairs and condition of the company. To consider and vote on the adoption of proposed rcsolutions. Any other business. 2. CONTRIBT,ITORIES (a) (r) To rcceive the further report of th€ Liquidatu inlo lhe condition and a.ffails of the company. Any other business. DAIED ar caborooe this 8th day of Seprernber, 2023. O. BVINDI, Provisiona I Liquidaror, cto AKIIEEL JINABHAI & ASSOCIArES, plor No. 54373, AJA House, Unit 2, Matante Mews, CBD, GABORONE. Notlce of Next of Kin Meetlng for ihe Irte pa nankre Bogatsu ESHGB - 000362/23 IN PLTRSUANCE of s€ction 3 r of the Adminisrration of rhe Esrate Aci, (cap. 31:o l ), the heis and nexr of kin of the deceased peNon sPecified above are hereby invited to attend a Next of Kin meeting on the 19th day of March, 2024 at 0830 hours at lhe office of the Master before - Bonolo P Kemorwale located it the Gaborone fiigfr co.r.i Division. At the respective meeting, the Next of Kin arc to rccommend person(s) to be appointed Daiive to $e Estate of their deceased rclative. as Executor(sy Executrices For more infomation conceming the deceased person's Estate, pleate contact the Master's Office on Tclephone Nos. 3718343 or 3718000. Notice of Next of l(n Meeting for the Lste Rutherford Lcfatshe ard Lizrh lrfaashe ESHGB - Un472/23 IN PIJRSUANCE of section 31 of lhe AdmirisEalion of th. Esrate Acr (Cap. 3I:Ol) the heirs and nexr of kin the-deceased Percons specified above arc hereby invited to atrcnd a Next of Kin meeting on the l8th d.y oi 2024 at 0E30 hours at the office of rhe Master beforc - Bonolo p Kemorwale rocated ;t the caboronehigh of M;h, -.; Division. _ At lhe rcspettive meetinS, the Next ofKin are to recommend person(s) to b€ appointed Dative to tbe Estate of thei deceased relatives. as Executo(s/ Executrices Fo.-IgT.rlfory3!-o-o- conceming the deceas€d persons' Estate, please contact the Mastcr's Office on Telephone Nos. 3718343 or 3718mn. -- 5629 Notice of Next ol Kin Meeting for Estate Late RaPatsi Mstutu ESHGB-Un48t/23 the-heirs and next of kin of the IN PURSUANCE of section 3l of the Aalministration of Estates Acl (cap-. -31:01), ar rhe office of $e Masier localed at Gaborone atoue a'e trerebl ,n'itiJio un.nd "tring ireh C;ri1 on Thiroary. 2nd day of November. 2023 at I l0o houn' d":;;il;;;5;ifi.i Execulor(st/Execunices At lhe rcspedive meeling lhe next ot kin are lo recommend perton(s) lo be appointed ina ,o a,..u* uny olllii bu,iness rilaring io rhe estaia ofrheirdeceased relative. D"i'";,1d.;f;i; b.;;ii;ilf, please contact the Master's Office at Telephone For more information conceming the deceased percon's Estate' Nos. 3? 18083.3718343 or Switchboard 3718000. First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account ESHGB _ OOOO7EI2l A3' Gaborone' Gaborone IN THE ESTATE of the late Rob€rt Carl Rokos who died at Village View' Plot No District. Botswana on the 25th day of January' 2021. u1 FIRSTANDFINALLIQUIDAIIoNANDDISTRIBUTIoNAccotINTintheEstarcwil|lieooenfor,nspectlon twentv-one (21') dav; from the darc of uigr, co,.,-ui6-"i"-,i ttt i p";ta ih" ;f6;;;f ii; M";i"i oitt publication hereof. "f " Any objection to the Estate Account may be lodged with the Master' DAIED at Kanye on the 29th day ofAugust' 2023' WILLTAM DAVID TOMILSON.ThC EXECUIOT,P.O. BOX 10I64, KANYE' CellPhone Nos 75547218'35301 l5' First end Final Liquidation and Distribution Account ESHGB nf - 0(n79/2 I died al Irshibits€ Junction' IN THE ESTATE of the late Basimane Diboy Kgomo6o and Kagelelo]4orale^wlo Mahapve Disrricr. Boi'wtna on lhe 26th dav of March 202l' i."a,"oit"ii, c.*ri FTRST I ie oPen for inspecl ion AND FINAL LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNT in ihe EstaE (21) -will davs fmm fie date or th; ir;.t";;i th" Hish co;;;i 6;b;ne for a Peiod of twentv-one i#';ffi;-"i "t publication hereof. KEOBIDITSE MOUBE ,The Executot,P O Box 403499' GABORONE' Cellphone No. 72436783. BASHI KGOMOTSO, f're E ecutot,Po Box l0l' METSIMOTLHABE' Cellphone No. 72204127. Fi$t and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account Master's Refercnce - ESHGB - An4l9/21 lNTHEESTATEofthelateLotharDeBuhrwhodiedatLenmedHeahhBokamosoPrivateHosPital,Mmopane, Kweneng District, Botswana on the 4th day ,, ofApril,202l' in the Estale wrll lie opeD for inspeclion FIRST AND FINAL LIQutDAI]ON AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNT p..ioa of rwemy-one (21 I days from the dare ol , c.rn iliet, .r rr," fi;i"1 ih; iibiro.nilo, il;i#;"i publication hereof. Any objection to the Estate Account may be lodged with the Master' DAIED at Gaborone this 7th day of September' 2023' No 72118401' RUTH DE BUHR, T/'? E!€crrl!.I, PO. Box 810819, GABORONE' Cellphone 5630 Ftrsa ald Flnal LlquidatioD and Dlshibutlon Account ESHCB _ @0289/2 I IN THE-ESTAIE of rhe lare Arthur Roundrre€ Rutherford who --- died a! princess Marina Hospital, Gaborone. ^ caborone District, Botswana on $e 2nd day of Septem*;;io2l. FIRSTAND_FINAL LIQUDAIION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNT in ar the offices of the Masrer of rhe Hish coun ar cauorone ror publication hereof. i [;J the Estate wilt lie open for inspection oi i*iniv--"iJri rr a"vi ro, ur" lur" o] Any objection to lhe Estate Account may be lodged with the Master. REFILWE SEBECO-WALEBOA, rre E.tecrru. c/o RUTHERFORD ATToRNFys PO. Box 2E85. CABORONE. Celtphone Nos. T3UZtZSnAidli.-' -' -' Flnll Llquidadon end Distributior Account Mastet,s Reference: ESHGB _ U)N56/ 18 IN THE ESTATE of 6e lare Sved zi,n.l.iin Alhmed who died of Botswana on 6th March.20l8l at plot No. 25006, phakalane, caborone, Republic Fn{AL LIOUIDAI'ION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNT in llle Esiate of the Master of the Any objerrion to H igh Coun at Cabomne for a pe,iod of the Estate Account may tre lodged iw;nry-;; { 2 wi l;d;y. be open for inspection at rhe ofices or putricarion hereof. iiiifu-.i.r. with the Master within the twenty-one (2r) days stated above. SYED SL'Ir4BUL FAKH-AI{ ,The Erecutor,p.O.BoxAD 608 ADD, GABORONE, Cellphone No. 7 I 782406. First .nd Ftnal Liquldldon and Dlstributlon Account ESHGB-0@37-22 THE^FSTAtr of $e late Lapadile Benny phurimpe who died at Gaborone private Hospital, Gaborone, ^I uaoorcnc D6tnct. Botswaoa on lhe I st day of June, 2021 . FIRsr AND FINAL LIQUIDATToN AND DISTRIBUTIoN ACcouNT in lhe Esrare wir r lie open for inspecrion at the offices of the Master of rhe Hish Corrrt al Catorone for a peAJoi i*i"iy-.r. f) f f A"Vj fr". tf,e ifii. oi publication hereof. DAIED at caborone on this 6th day of September, 2023. SIAMISAN,C PHUTMPE, The EEcuIrix,cIoMAsUKU LEGAL PMcficE, PIot No. T28, Unit 7, FiIst Floor, Kgale Coun. PO. Box AE 463 AEH, CABORONE, raepnone No.irii:idi, i"itit on" No. zzSOU:rl. Nodce to DebtoE aDd CEdltors Masterb Reference: ESHGR _ 0tJO374/22 . IN TIIE EsrArE of the lare coabaone Reraeng who died at sconish Livingstone Hospiral, Moleporole on 24th August, 2009. NOTICE IS HEREBY GMN that Debtors alld Creditors in rhe above Estate arc hereby rEquired to pay lheir dcbts and 6le claims of whatever natue with the undeEigned within thiny Oays after priUlicition 1:Ol OARArWA RELAENC , Executi, Dotive,p.O. Box 2231, MOLEPOLOLE, Cellphone Nos. 7415454 fi 4ltn515. m*f. 5631 Notice to Debtors and Crcditorc Mastels Rekrence : ESHGB IN THE ESTArE of the late Station Tshiping who died at Mmopane - 000E01 I 1 village' Kweneng District' Botswana on 9th December,2005. Estale are hereby requbed to pay their NOTICE IS HEREBY Gl\rEN that Debtors and Creditors in the above (30) days after publication hereof' within thirty with;e undersigned nr" .r"i.".r *hatever nature a"ii, ,J KAGTSO KGOSI TSHIPING'The E'ecutot,P O Box 403?67' GABORONE' Cellphone Nos 7338628/76529003' Notice to Debto$ and Creditors Masrer's Rekrcnce: ESHGB - 0@3 1 5/22 Hospilal' Gaborooe' Gaborone IN THE ESTAIE of the late Epenestus Ngozu who died at Princess Marina District. on the loth dav ol l\1y.2022. to pay their CMN that Debtors and Crc'litors in lhe above Estate are hercby requiredhereof' ,hatever nature with the undersigned within thirty (30) days after Publicalion NoTICE IS mREBY a"ii. *J nf" "fui.. .f ttit'Po Box 26287' GABORONE' CellPhone Nos 7157392617 269@32 RAKUTURUA KESEBONyE"T\e Etec Notice to Debtors and Crcditors Moster's Reference : ESHGB - N0376122 at Magokotswane ward, Kweneng District, IN THE ESTATE of the late Baitshenotse virginia lrrubisi who died 2019' I st Septemb€r, on Molepolole, Republic of Botswana Estate are hereby required to pay their NOTICE tS HEREBY GIVEN rhar Debtors and credirors in the above publicarion hereof. *haiever nature with the undersigned wirhin thirty (30) days after d;;;;;[;;;, "f MORONGWA MASIRE, EkcutLt Dative'Po Box 601700 CABORONE' Cellphone No ?lOOl088 Telephone No 3l2l272' ApPlicltion for a Certifed Copy of Notartal IH of Ttust a certified copy of Notarial Deed ol NoTICE Is HEREBY cIvEN that the undersigned intends applying for Baylor Children's Clinical Cenue of oi Bots-wana in fa"our Trust No. MA 19 t/2005 aor"a ZZ^O f*", iOOi ria" Excellence. the same' in writinS' with the Anv o€rson havins obiections to the issue of such copy is hereby required to lodge notice' publication ofthis neeisi; ofDeeas;ithi; dree {3) weeks from No 387, IndePendence Avenue Pnvate^Ba8-Bo 177' GABORONE' Telephone Nos' 19063ll/3121999' Far No llEz6E6' SEBEGO AITORNEYS, Plot Notlce to Debto's r,d c dffiMo"tu\ R".n"nce: EilHGB ' 0(n t fi l2o Livingstone Hospital, Kweneng District, IN THE ESTAIE of the late Dimpoetse Molosiwa who died at sco$ish Botswana on l2lh April, 2020. NOTICE IS HEREBY a"i,ii-inr"1G" GMN to pa^y their that Debtors and Creditors in the above Estat€ are hereby required within thirtv (30) days after Publication hereof' .r *n"t"u", n"t '" *itt' tit" onJersigned MASEGO MPEDINYANE'The Executri', cto IERE ATTORNEYS' PO. Box 45897,CABORONE, Cellphorc No 7l9l1050 s632 Notice to Debtors and Creditors Moster's Rekrence: ESHGB _ 000336/22 lN THE ESTATE of rhe late RodpeN Montsho who died ar Disrrict. on rhe 19th day of Ckrober, NOTICE IS HEREBY cMN iO2t. A3 Mokgalo Cattlepost, Mosetse, Central-Tutume thar D€btors and Creditors in the above Esrate are hercby rcquired to pay rheir debts and file craims or whatever naorc with the unaersigneo wioin itrinf 1rofifr'arier putticatron tereof. THATO NCHA RODGERS,The Executrix, p.O. Box 287, ORAPA, Cellphone Nos. 7223 782t7 568EN5. 1 Notice to Debtorc and Crcditors Master's Reference: ESHoB IN THE ESTAIE of the late Norah Moromare Molefe who died Kgatleng Dsrrict, Borsw uB on 27th lt ly,2022. NOfiCE IS HEREBY CMN ar Deborah Retief - 0N265/22 Memonal Hospital, Mochudi. lhat Debtors and Creditors in the above Estate are hereby rcquired ro pay their undenigr"o *ithr, ,hiny ri0id"v.-after puttication trercof. debts and file craims of whatever ,atune with the KEALEBOGA RANKALE, The Erecuto. p.O . Box 1 3 1 3, MOCHUDI, Cellphone No. 7787080 1 . Notice to Debtors alld Cieditors Master's Reference: ESHGB _ 0N523/23 INTHE ESTATE of rhe lare David poonvane who died ar Deborah Retief Memorial Hospital, Mochudi, Kgarleng Dislrict. Botswana on l4th July. m23. NOTICE IS HEREBY cMN rhar Debtors and Creditors in rhe above Estate are hercby rcquired ro pay their debts and file claims of whatever natu€ with rhe JOSEPHINE KOLOBE . The ura".rign"a *itf,in tf,iny (i6iii-"ii prlri"ution t.."of Fx..utor, p.O. Box 20997, MOCHUDI, Cellphone No. 717E6097. Notice to Debtors and Creditors Ma$ter's Reference: ESHGB _ 000534/23 IN THE ESTATE of August,2023. rhe rate Joel sedimo Moroi who died at Debo*r Retief Memorial Hospital, Mochudi on 24th NOfiCE IS HEREBY GIVEN rhat Debtors and Creditors in the above Esrate are hereby rcquired to pay their Oirtf 1:01 aayi-"itJ. prUti"utio, t ercof debts and file claims of whatever naturc wirh the un<tersignea within DAIED ar caborooe on this 6th day of Seprember, 2023. MODIPE CIIRISTIAN NKWE, Executor Tbstamentary, p.O. Box 30564 , TLOKWENG, Celphone Nos. 7l 31 3 I 3 l rj0O8O78. Lost Deed cMN rhat we interd to apply for a cenified copy of De€d of Fixed period crant No. Ff -MA270l2ot4 datedznd septemter.20r4 in fa\o*,ii""la c.;iiR"yii i, r,i.."paciry as Direcrcr of Country Road Proprietary Limired in respecl ot; NOTICE IS HEREBY i*tltt.". CERTAIN: SITUATE: MEASUNNG: piece of land being l,or No. 5023. Maun: in Maun: 991m'1(Nine Hundrcd and Ninety-One Squarc Metrcs). Any person having obiection lo the issue of.such copy is hereby required to lodge rhe same. tn wridng. to Registrar of Deeds wirhin three (3) weeks ofpublication irereof. RECINALD CECIL RA\.NE VARKEVTSSER, pO. Box 220? 1, MAUN. $e 5633 Applicstion for a Certlfied Copy of Lst IH NOTICE tS HEREBY GMN that the undersigned intends to apply for a cenified copy of Deed dated the 2oth day ofOclob€r.2OO.J made in fa\our ofRichard Sehurutshi in respect ol: No MA229I2In3 t otland being Tribal tNo 1655 MoSoditshanel Mogodilshane in the Bakwena Tribal Tenilory: piece CERTAIN: STTUATE: goom': rNine Hundred Square Metres); MEASURING: HELD UNDER: Norarial Deed ofCessiori No. Me 22giZOO3 dated the 20th day of Octob€r. 2003 mad€ in favour of Richard Sehurutshi. Anv Derson havine obiecrion to the issue of such copy is hereby required to lodSe the same. in writing. ire Bag 0020. Caborone wilhji thrce (31we€ks ofpublication hermf negislri ofOeeas. wi$ the f at Caborooe on this 6th day DAIED of September' 2023 Applicaiior lor a Certilled CoPy of Lost Deed NoTlCElsHEREBYGlvENthattheundersignedintendstoapptyforacenifiedcopyofDeedNo.l283l91 t99l made in favour of Oteng Mudongo in resP€d ofi dared lhe gth day of September. CERTNN: piece of land being Lot No. 9960; SITUATE: in Francistown: 432m': (Four Hundred and Thiny_Tlvo Square Metres); Deed No. l2E3l91 dated 9th September, 1991. MEASURING: HELD UNDER: wdting' wirh ADy person having objection to the issue of such copy is hereby required to.lodge the safie, in (3) publication hercof' weeks of three within Gaborone Bag 0020, needs, F;v;te of negisirir DATED at Caborode on Application for ! fie this l lth day of September, 2023' Certlfied Copy of Lost H NoTIcEIsHEREBYGIVENthattheundersignedintendsaPPlyingforacerufiedcoPyofD€edofTransfelNo. f rliflziioa-o"LJ zzJuay, 2008 made in favourlf E anor tnve;tmen6 (Proprietary) Limit'ed in rcsPect of; t t No. 24s06' Gaboronel piece of land beinS in Caborone West. Extension 24: 450m1 (Four Hundred and Fifty Square Meues). CERTAIN: SITUATE: MEASURING: Anv D€rson havins obiection to the issue of such copy is hereby required to lodge ihe sarne, in writing' with the of oeeas. Frir;le Bag 0020. Gaborooe within three (3) weeks of publication hereof' negiii# SEBECO AITORNEYS, Plol No. 387, lodependence Avenue. hvate Bag BO 177' GABORONE, TelePhone Nos. 39061 I l/3 1 21 999, Fax No 3 1 82686- Application Ior a Certlll€d Copy of Loct Title IH NoTlCElsHEREBYclvENthattheundersisnedintendsaPplyinsforacertifiedcopyofDeedofFixedPeliod i.irrrt"i+:282 dated the 24rh day 6f September, 1982, in respect of the below mentionci Property, Stu,. C.r"t namely; CERTNN: piece of land being Lot No. 1M38, Gaboronei SITUATE: MDASURING: WHICH PROPERTY: in Gaborone, Extension 3I : 400m1 (Four Hundred Square Metres); is held under Deed ofFixdl Period state C,rant No.43282 dat€d dle 24th day of sepEmb€r 1982, made in favour of Spencer OgoPots€ Entaile. issue ofruch copy are hereby requested io lodge the same'in writinS'with the Bag 0020. Caborone within t}rce (l) we'eks of Publication of this nodce' All n€rson\ havins obiections !o the negiiti* oi o..os, iYi "ite DAIED at Gaborone on this 4lh day of SePtember, 2023 ' MINCHIN & KELLY (BOTSWANA), ArrorEv fot Applicant,T\eFields Precinct, Plot No 54349' CBD' otfice stoct il, rhira Hoor, comel of Molepolole Road aod westem Commercial Road' Gaborone. Botswana PO. Bol 1339, GABORONE' 5634 Appticrtior for a C€rtilled Copy of Moreoge Bond NoTICE Is HEREBY GrvEN that tte undersigned intenG apprying for a certified copy ofMortgage Bond No. r291lq) dated lhe 3rd day of October, 1990, in favour of Barclayi Bant of Botswana Limited, in respect of the below mentioned property, namely; CERTAIN: SITUATE: MEASURING: piece of land being Lot No. 10638, caborone: in Gaborone, Extensioo 3l: .{00m, (Four Hundred Square Metres); WHICH is held unde. Deed PROPERTy: ofFixed pedod State crant No.43ZE2 dared tlle 24rh day ofseptember, 1982, made in favour of Spencer Ogopotse Entaile. All persons having objections !o the issue of such copy are hereby requested to lodge the same, in writing, with the Registrar of Deeds, hivate Bag 0020, caborone within three (3) weeks of publicati;n of this notice. DAIED at cabomne on rhis 4rh day of Seprember, 2023 . MINCHIN & KELLY (BOTSWANA), Arorn"ys fot Applicont,"I.t:leFields precinct, plot No. 54349, CBD, Office Block B, fiird Floor, comer of Molepolole Road and Westem Commercial Road. caborone, Botswana pO. Box 1339. CABORONE. Application for a Certifi€d Copy of Mortgage Bond NOnCE IS HEREBY cn/EN tt*r tI€ undersi$ed intends applying for a certified copy of MortSage Bond No. 671/89 oi Botswana Limited, in respect of the berow mentioned ProPrty, namely; dated the 20th day ofJune' 1989, in favour of Barclays Bant< CERTAIN: SITUATE: MEASURING: WHICH PROPERTY: piece of land being l.or No. t0638. caboronei in Gaborone, Extension 31; ,!00m1(FouI Hundred Squarc Metres); is held underDe€d ofFixed period stare crant No.43?82 dated .he 24th day ofseptember, 1 982, made in favour of Spencer Ogopotse Entaile. All persons having objections to the issue of such copy are hereby requested to lodge the same, in writing, with the Registmr of Deeds, Privare Bag 0020, Caborone within tlree (3) weeki of pubticatiin of this notice. DAIED at Gaborone on rhis 4rh day oi September, 2023. MINCHIN & KELLY (BOTSWANA), Ar,or"€}J for Applicant,TheFietds preainct, ptot No. 54349, CBD, Office Block B, Third Floor, comer of Molepolole Road and Westem Commercial Road, caborooe, Botswana pO. Box 1339. GABORONE. Application for a Certili€d Copy ol Mortgtge Bond NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN rhat the undersigned inrends applying for a cenified copy of Conrinuing Covering Mortgage Bond No. sB 97 12020 datet 24thMarch, 20m passea uy Boptrose (proprietaryi Limited in favour of Bank Gaborone Botswana in respect of units consisting of sections No. l 3g and Exclusive Use Arcas parking Bays Pl - P6l, Balconies Bl - Bl0, Terraca Tl - T22 of Sunset Mews crand palm Scheme: Any person having objection to the issue of such copy is hereby required to rodge the same, in wdting, with the Registrar of Deeds, within three (3) weeks from last publication of thii notice. SEBEGO ArTORNEYS, Plor No. 387, Independence Avenue, private Bag BO 177, GABORONE, Telephone Nos. 390631t/31219q. Fax No. 3182686. 5635 Applicsdon for s Certif,ed Copy of Mortgege BoDd of Mortgage Bond No. NOTICE IS HEREBY GMN rhar rhe undersigned inlends applying for a clrtified copy of; in rcspect Tsheko Dikeledi passed by Gcorginah 6966/2012 dated the lolh day of December, 2012 t t No. 588m' Gabomne; piece of laDd being in Gaborone Wesl, Extension 48; 417m'1 (Four Hundrcd and Seventeen Square Metres). CERTNN: SITUATE: MEASURING: writinS' with the Any p€rson having obje.tion !o the issue of such copy is heteby required to lodge the same' in notice' this of (3) weeks of within three at Gaborone Publication negisuar of Deeds DAIED at Gatorone ou this l llh day of Septernber' 2023' MORIBAME MATTHEWS, PIot No ?4769, Mowana Mews,Westem Commercial Road' CBD' P.O. Box 46271. GABORONE' APplic.tion lor r Cerdlted Copy of Lo€i Mortgrge BoDd ends applying for a certified copy of Mortgiage Bood No FT NOTICE IS HEREBY GnTEN that tlE undersigned aanibf a&"'ana Limited' in re'sPect ofdE below rnentioned o? narchys 3 in fu'o* +o atv ofepil,2ot i* dbli:-a,r.a i pr$petty. namely; of land being tol No 7023. Fmncislown: in Fraflcistown Administrative Districtl 879rn: (Eight Hundred and seventy-Nine Squar€ M€rres); CERTAIN: SITUATE: -iieiinlwc, -wiiZiiiopmn, Piece is held und;r Deed ofTransfer No. Fr 2702003 dat d 3rd June,2003 registend in favour of FamY l,owani Matimba' lo lodg! ihe same' in writinS'with the thrce t3l weeks of publication of this notic€ Dersons hav inq obiections to the issue of such copy are hereby requested All d;;;;;i il;;:"il;; Cu! -2. rran"*n *ithin DATED at Gaborone on this 4th day of September' 2023' CBD' MINCHIN & KELLY (BOTSWANA), At,ozels Jor Applicont,The Fields PrEcinct' Plot No 54349' Road' westefl commercial and Road oi Molepoiole comer Floor, i],ltird Btock Otrice caborone. Bolswana. PO. Box 1339' GABORONE' Notice of Sale NOTICE Is I{EREBY GIVEN that 0p undersigt€d cowgat€ (Prapdetary) Limited, sel property desclibed asi Diece CERTAIN: SITUATE: a citizen owncd cdnpsny' intellds to of land beins Lol No.4539, Gabane; r Cadasie 90t in the Bakwena Tribal Territoryi lr catane 2(nm': fTWo Thousand Four Hundr€d SquaE Mettes): in;;-laenulnarm of ,qercenErt of t sse No.TL I I82fr20 MEASURING: HELD: 20m rnade in favour of Cowgale (Prcprierrry) dd the 23rd day of January' Limitcd sum ofP750'000'00 (Seven Hund&d To Haaji (Proprietary) Limited' a non citizen owned comPeny, for the and Fifty Thousand Pula only) A Ersons havins obiections to lhe _,;tu;ilil;;;3,i;i*J Po ir'oJ, sate o[ the property arc hereby io. Bo;489O. Gabotone. Botswana within DAIED requiEd to lodSe such objections. in writing' and company Alrorneys. so- z. Molodishane. Boiswana and/or Brcwn lhiry 130) days of publicarion of lhis notrce' at Gaborone on lhis 5th day of S€Ptember, 2023' Botswana' BROWN AND COMPANY ATTORNEYS' Plot No. 18542, Phase 2, GABORONE' iitiotrone wo. t+267t 3I 16991. Emait: admin@browoandcompany co'bw' ' diposlso@bmwnandcompany cobw' 5636 Notice of Ssle *,m:E'm'J CERTAIN: SITUATE: MEASURING: HELD: GIVEN that the undenigned coweate (Proprietarv) Limited' piece of land being Lor No.4540. Gabane: al Gabane {Cadasre m, in rhe Ba}wena Tribat a citizen owned company. intends to Terir^ru. 2400m: (Two Thousand four Hundrea Square Merrisl' under Memorandum ofAaeemenr ofkae rio I I9l2020 Jal€d tl|e 2jrd day ofJanuary,x)2O rnade in favour of Cowgaie Prcprierary., Limj|Ed. To HaaJi ( Proprierart ) Limired. a non citizen owned company, for the sum of p750,000.00 (seven Hundred and Fifry Thousand pula only). A ll per\ons having obiecrion \ ro rhe sare of he pJopeny are hereb) req u ired to rodpe s uch obje{rtions , in wirh Mopodirshane sub Land Board po u.* 2. M"s;li.h;;. ii;i.;;1;;-;J;;E'r:;;;;d PO. Box 48e0. Gaborone. Bor.wana within inini r ilb:;i;;f ilri;;;;fi; DATED on this 5th day of September, Telephone No. (+267) 3 t. t 699 t . Emai t: ad min @ ,,ioii": 2023 BROWNAND COMPANY ATTOiNEYS, plor No. 18542, phase ritin s. iilp;; iiil;U:, 2, ,* . GABORONE, Botswana, broii,-"irai.rp?v.*.s*, Notice of N€xr of Kin Meeting _ EstEte Kernaketse Seitshiro ESHGB_ Ub504/23 IN PLIRSUANCE ofs€ction 3l ofthe Admirisrarion ofE$ates Act (cap.3l:01), the heis and next ofkin ofthe deceased pet.,on \pecifi€d abore are herebt invittrt 16 .nend m*rirgs. ar Catorone Higtr Coun on Friday. dle I 7th da, of Novembe;, 2021 at 08lO houls. "r ' rh.;ffi;;i;;"M;;il"it Al the respective meenng. the nert of kin are loJecommend person{ s ) lo be appointed as Execulor(s.)/Execufices Dative. idenri[y beneficiariis and to discus( any other bultness reladng ro lhe eslate of$etr deceased relative. _j:!ilifrl!?,it1'l3i:"#i:]iilS"*.rdrT;ffff *rson.s eshre. prease conracr rhe Masrer.s ofnce ar rerephone ESHGR - Un469/32 Notice of Next of Kin Meeting _ chaironisa Meyer IN PURSUANCE ofsection 3l ofrheAdminis'ation ofEs,tes Acr (cap.3 pe6on specilted above are herebv mvi*d io anmd a n.*r h, dte office of rhe Masrer before pliandliwe p Taka locared "t al Caboro;. H:d r0l), d,. trei," and next ofkin ofrr," dec€ased ZO:: O8l0 hous al ,,*;;;; il toO irf.:iff"t"" *' d; d;;,";. , At the respedive meetine. the nexr of kin are lo recommend person(st to be appoinEd Executo(s)/Execulrices Darive. idenlify beneficiariel and ro di:cuss any orrrer uusineii reriiiniio ,''r".liois'iiil,, a...^"r ,.r",i".. esrare. prease conrad lne Masrer.s "j:!fl?,r.r$lTit1[TtTi:ilffi"*.rfi.r.ffi: office ar rerephone "rson.5 Notilication of Intention to Dispose Thlbsl Land to a Non-Citizen 1}IIS NOTICE IS ISSUED in EIms of the Tribal following property: CERTNN: SITUATE: MEASURING: krld Acr of 2018, secrion 34, subsection (l) (d-e) in respecr of tllc prece of land being formerly Tribal Grant No.297-OM; al Maun {Disaneng) Viliagi in the Barawana Tribal Tenirorv: J.I dllHa fThree Poinr One Six Zro Three Hectares); ' The proposed transaction is between oaiise phoi and Behroz Investmeots (proprierary) Limited fo. the sale sum of p4''200,000.00 (Four Milrion Two Hundred'rho;;-p.i;;;ti conditions as available for inspection and considerarion of rhe plot. "r,n, "nd il;iJ.ffiii',t'o,r,* By vinue oflhis nolice. any cirizen of Bolswana in*resred in en*ring inro simirar ofer in respect of fte above propeny musl give their submission to lhe relevanr tanauoara witrrinitriiy ij6ii"v.-oipruri.uri", of rhis norice. SEBEGO ATIORNEYS, plot No.387, tndependence Avenue, privare Bag BO 177, GABORONE, Tetephone Nos. j906j I llJ I2 t99q. Fax No. : t 8j6s-6 s631 Notilicltion of Intentron to DisPoce Tribal Land to s Non'Citiz'o (l) (a-e) in THIS NOTICE tS ISSUED in t€rms of the Tribal La tAoof2018, section 34' subsection rEspect of lhe folowing property: piece of land being Tribal Lot No 7628' Molepolole; in the Bakwena Tribal Territory; 4899m'?(Four Tho sand Eight Hundred and Ninety-Nine square Metres); made in Memorandum of Agr€ement of I-u". No. TL t t 89/2014 dated 20th August ' 2014 favour of copolang OptErnetse CERTAIN: SITUATE: MEASURING: HELD UNDER: Theproposedtransactionisbetwe€nGopolangophemetseandBehrozlnvestments(Proprietary)Limitedfor subject to other terms and the salJ sum of P350, 000.00 (Three Hundrcd and F-ifty Thousand Pula only)' This is plol' ofthe conditions as available for inspectiol and consideration offer in resPct of the above By virtue of this notice, any citizen of Botswana interested in entering into similar p.o-[.ty.r.tglt,ft"itsub;ssiontotherelevantlandboardwithinthirty(30)daysofpuhlicationofthisnotice' BO 177' GABORONE' SEBEGO AITORNEYS' Plot No. 387, lndependence Avenue' Private Bag Telephone Nos. 3m63 1 l/3121999' Fax No 3182686' TIIE HIGII COURT HELD AT GABORONE TN OI'TI{E BXPI]BLIC OT BOTSWANA Case No.CVHLB - 001030'12 In the matter between: BOTSWANA BUILDING SOCIETY Plainriff and SEGAMETSE MOSWEUNYANE Delendant NOTICE OF SALE tN EXECUTION above Honourable Court' the BE PLEASED TO TAKE NOTICE that pusuant to a judgment granted by the to the highest bidder as follows: Neo Otsetswe Sheriff Depuiy by au;don by u" sold t"ff"*i"gl."p""y *ilf Public DATE OF SALEI TIME OF SALE: VENUE OF SALE: PROPERTY TO BE SOLD: 30rh Ocrober. 2023; 100O houmi l-ot No. 28943, Caborone; a certain piece of land being t No. 28943' Gabotone (Portion of Lot No' Content 10100, G;borone) (Formedy Potion 148) Ponion of Portion 139' parm i'{o. l-KO); sioate in the Gaborone Administrative Distnct' measuring t held under 980m2 (Nine Hundrcd and EiShty Square Metrcs) which gop€rty is of Deed oi Transfer No. 3153/2006 dated 29th December,2006 made in favour in Segametse Mosweunyane subject to the conditions and rcservalions contained house storey a double being thercon developments with some the-aforesaid Deed CONDffIONS OF SALE: room' TV consisting of5 bedrooms ensuile, visitor's toilet, fitted kitchen, sitting room, office, balcony with screen wall and electric fence; detailed conditions of sale are obtainable ftom the Deputy Sheriff' DATED at Gaborone this 1lth day of September, 2023' 26?6' DEPI.ITY SHERIFF NEO OTSETSWE, c/o TAFA & CO ' PO Box GABORONE, CellPhone No. ?6645365' 5638 IN TIiE MGII COUR.T OF THE R-EPUBLIC OF BOTSWANA HELD AT GABORONE Case No. CVHGB - An714-17 ID the matter between: BANK OF BARODA (BOTSWANA) LMTTED Plaintif and PARAGON FOODS (PfY) LMITED MPOPI SOPHIE DIPHOKO I st Dekndant 2tu1 Defendant MARTIN MI,'RARI 3d Defendant NOTICE OF SALE IN EXECUTION BE PLEASED TO TAKE NOTICE rh,r pursuanl ro a judgmenr granred by rhe above Honoumble Court, rhe o.perty wi, be sotd b! pubiii'"i,"ri.i, 6i o-.ri,iy-sr,-..iif;i#"..*dtotn voyo,o rhe hishesr l",l,o?T.rr;l,T;]ioo DATE OF SALE: TIME OF SALE: VENUE OF SALE: PROPERTY TO BE SOLD: lgth October, 2023; 1030 hours; Tribal Lot No. 5664, Mochudi; cenain piece of land being Tribal Lol No. 5664. situared at Mochudi in lhe Bakgatla Tribal Terrirory,heasuring ztqs., Cfir; ihou.;j O;; ti,,na;; and- Nrnety.Erghl,Square- Metres) which property is held under Memorandum or Agreement oi kase No. TL | 579/2013 daled rhe 3lsl dav of October- 2OI l registered in favourofMpopi Sophie Diphoko rogertrer wirtr s'omi aiuefopm-Jnri thereon b€rng a tltee bedroomed house: subject lo conditions of sale. All bidders arc to pay m% o[ rhe reserve Drice which is BWPIOO, 000.00 (One Hundred Thou."r6 prt" .,it"i r.-rl-e secure !o panicipate in the auclion. Onty castr or tant< luarani_eeJ cneques w t lle accepted, TERMS OF SALE: i1f i" DAIED at Gaborone lhis 7th day of September, 2023. DEPUTY SHERIFF.D. r MOy_O_ Celtphone No.72192666, c/o SWABI & COMqI\Nr, ptninti,f,s 17. Kgale Mews, Caborone Intemational Finance pai* Fir\l Floor. Unil A[orrcls, pO. Box ,+03506. GABORONE. IN THE HIGH COURT OF TIIE RIPUBLIC OF BOTSWANA HELD AI GABORONE Case No . CVHGB - 00I 166- t 7 In the matter betwe€n: NAIIONAL DEVELOPMENT BANK OF BARODA Plaintiff and PEEBLE PEAK HoLDINGS (PfY) LTD DTKUPE THATO RAMATLHAPE EDITH RAMAILHAPE I st Dqendant 2nd Defendont 3rd DeJendant NOTICE OF SALE IN EXECUTION BE PLEASED TO TAKE NOTICF. rhat nursuanr to a judgmenl gran6d by the above Honourable Coun, the *e Derendanrs wilt be'solrut p,btid;ilo-n.ui ilir',y iriir6,i""" xr,,*. d d; l"uXo.JT.rrBIiSy ili;,i " DATE OF SALE TIME OF SALE: VENUE OF SALE: PROPERTYTO BE SOLD: 24tr Octotf,'r,2023; 1100 hours: Tribal crant No. 261-KE Dikwididi Lands: a cenain piece of land being Tribal crand No. 26t-Kp, siruaEd ar Dilwididi in Bakgatla Tribal Terirory. m;asurinS 49 t2m, {Fou, Thoir;; Ni; lweive.Square MeEes) which property is held under Memorandum of Craltt kase No' TG 59/2005 dared the 27th day of Ocrober. 2005 made in favouroi u (up€ I halo Ramatlhape together wilh some developments lh€rcon being a poultry larm- lenced with 3 poultry houses. a sloreroom _and of6cc; )t00 lrtres JoJo lanl.2 heating systems \mboulal, IOO drinkers and feeding trapes and KIC double door frid-ee:' cash or banl guaranteed chequei immediately afler $e sale. Hil;;; MOVAELE ITEMS: CONDITIONS OF SALEI DAIED at Gaborone this 7th day of September, 2023. DEPUTY SHERIFF QUEEN KHAME, Cellphone No. 7?670000, for NAflONAL DE!.ELOPMENT BANK, c/o JoHANE BAEst. Fi..i H-.. no. a;i 22i, rr," rrairi. cnb-o-n-cif# Telephone No. 3952801,Fax No. 3906124. s539 IN THE HIGH COURT OF TIIE REPUBLIC OF BOTSWANA Case No . CVHGB HELD AT GABORONE - dN03820/ 18 ln the matter betwe€n: Pkintif EXPORT CREDIT INSURANCE AND GUARANTEE COMPANY (BOTSWANA) (PTY) LTI) aod I st Defendant 2nd Delendant MICHAEL HERITAGE ELECTRICAL (PtY) LTD CHRONOS ELECTRICAL (PIY) LID ESTATE 3rd Defendant LAIE PARTMOS TANYANYIWA NOTICE OF SALE IN EXECUTION - IMMOVABLE PROPERTY the above Honorrr- able cout', the following BE PLEASED TO TAKE NOTICE that pursuant to a court order of auction uy t'tre oeputv sheriff to the hiShest bidder as follows: pr":inv *'r:iu.-t"ra ti!,rutic DATE OF SALEI TIME OF SALEI VENUE OF SALE: PROPERTY TO BE SOI,D: loth November.2023; 1030 hoursi No. 43068. Gaborcne, Gaborone Administrative Distict; oiece of land beinP Lot No. 43068 Caboronel siruated in lhe Caborone Dirtrict; ireasuring 8s4m) (Eighl Hundred and Ninery-Four souare Metrs): held under Deed of Tmnsfer No' 1070/2005 daled lst June' in furor. ot Panmos Tanvanyiwa (bachelorl tbom 27fi sePrcmber' Int -nain la.i.ilorti* ifii.^a. 1969): DESCRIPTION comprises a developed double storey house with 4 Mrooms OF PROPERT|: T\e Property 'ensuite, bathroom and toilet' CoNDITIoNs oF tounge, fitled kirchen' dining room' inctuiting i ;ALE: guest toiiet,double Sarage, boundary wall and sliding-gate; ionaitions oi 520, i"t. ur! oepury sheriff Nonofo Mabina at Plot No' "r-oltuut Cellphone 4, Gaborone, ilo T165?l0O'Telephone No 3917755' Chib-au Makgalemile & Company' Po Box l4o1' Gaborone' Exten;n o. "i No 39ll50l' Fax No 391l5o4; Email:enquiries@cmclawro bw/ "onon" fet"pt sateen@cmclaw, only cash andor bank guaranteed cheque will be accepted' 'TERMS OF SALEI & COMPANY DEPTJTY SHERIFF NONOFO MABINA' C/O CHIBANDA MAKGALEMELE No 2' Fairgrounds Office Park' B, Office Block 50677. PIot No ' --"'iirr g., r+6r. ceBoRoNE, Telephone No 39l1503 Fax No 39l1504' Email: enquiries@cmclaw co bw/sateen(acmclawro bw -- il-i;* t""-^"- IN THE IIIGH COURT OF THE REPUBLIC OF BOTSWANA HELD Case No. CVHGB AI CABORONE - 001173'19 In the matter b€tween: NATIONAL DEVELOPMENT BANK and NONOFO KEABETSWE MOTLHABANE FARAI MOTLHABANE Plaintiff lst Defendant 2nd Delendont NOTICE OF SALE IN EXECI]TION ffiuant f"n;;;-;;;ny; hidder as follows: !o a judgmenr granted by rhe -attove Honourable court, the * '^;;;bv Public oeo':tv Strerir Queen Khame to the hiShesr bv Deputv auction tV th"Difendants will ""' be'sold ";;rti;#ii"n DATE OF SALE: TIME OF SALEI VENUEOF SALE: PROPERTYTO BE SOID: 25ti october. 2023r 1100 houn; Tribal Grant No. 596-JO, CwaanyanenS; j'.T"-.iJ,i*".ir-j u.,ine i;6at cr;;r No. sso-Jo' situared in the -Barolong zero seven one Eisht Hecrares) ifi:^i-A,{;:;;;;;ooittHa tt'tine point of Asreement of t'ease No TC ;i"tih';;;ifi-i."1? ;ro"i t't.rnorarhu, 20 l. made in iavour of Nonofo Keabetswe i,iii'o ili":,i.i il;i;ffi. ,rr" )so art toeiffi;irt' or J u lv. I ie"etoliment ttrereon being unfinished building structure and fenced: a ploughing land cleared' 5640 CONDITIONS OF SALEI cash oJ bank guaranleed chequ€s. Detailed terms and conditions ofsaie tosether il;',"'#i'ffiI Jfir,Tb#il.T"[,,ff DAIED ar caborone this 7rh day :'i,1 of September, :j*i,BilBB,#l T;],%5:ili: 2023 . DEPUTY SHERIFF QUEEN KHAME. Cerrnhone N-o. 72670000, tor NATIONAL DEVELOPMENT BANX, c/o JoHANE BAEst. FirsiFroor. po. Box 22s.rr,. viri. ce*sdr-dNt Telephone No. j95280t, Fax No. 3906124. HIH"^.FAtg."*r"Y^f oF rHE REpuBLrc oF BorswANA Case No. CVHGB - 002578-20 In the matter between: BBS LIMITED Plaintif (Formerly BOTSWANA BUILDINC SOCIETY) and BOTTSHWARELO MOTLOCELWA Dekndant NOTICE OF SALE IN EXECUTION BE PLEASED TO TAKE NOTICE rha, pursuant-ro a judgment granred by rhe above Honoumble Coun, rhe following propeny wifl be sold bv oubtic auction by Depury Sheriff Omptrimet,. eer. fa;suriilrh. hi;il.i bidder as followq' DATE OF SALE: TIME OF SALEI VENUE OF SALE: PROPERW TO BE SOID: 27th Octott-t,2023' 1030 hours: Tribal Lol No.2099, Me6imorthate: a certain piece of land being Tribal t No. 20S9, Metsimotlhabe. siruated at M€tsimodhabe in rhe Baiwena friUa ferrirorv. mea"#;; t ffi;:";ff; ;;;;ilifi;'i,{;#;j ald lirq.Jwg square uetresr.,,rriitr!ffi Iunfreg ueeo or-Uessron No. MA 779l20t5 dated 2tsr Seplember, 20Lj larour m;;-in of Boitshwarelo Moltogelwa. subiecr ro rhe ..iairionl _J i",,.iil,i.r'i conrrined in rhe aforesaid Deed with sonie developrn"nt, 2 bedroomed house wi$ sirrjng roorn. kirche;. ;itii."ri.ii",. r?"'"#,i) CONDIT]ONS OF SALE: il;;;;;;;;;;i'e ;itil Sate; detailed conditions of sale are obtainable ftom the Deputy Sheriff. DAIED at caborone this l trh day of Seprember, 2023. DEPUTY SHERIFF OMPHEMETSE PETER- KAISARA, c/o TAFA & CO., pO. Box 2676, CABoRot,IE. Terephone No. 3 reo I88. Cerrpho;; n;. i t;;nil )i;\li;" '"' IN THE}IIGH COURT OFTHE R.EPUBLIC OF BOTSWANA HELD AT GABORONE Case No . CVHGB - 001 588-2 t In the matter between: ABSA BANK BOTSWANA LMITED Plaintiff and TINNY MOROKA Dekndant NOTICE OF SAI-E IN EXECUTION BE PLEASED TO TAKE NOTICE rhar nursuarr rc propeny orrhe above named Derendanr shair be judgmenr of rhe above Honourable Coun, rhe immovable p;iiir'";re';;;;;;ffi; ,ii Jliliiir,.atru, rorro*., DATE OF SALE: TIME OF SALE: VENUE OF SALE: PROPERTY TO BE SOLD- a l3th October, 2023; 1030 hours: Tribal Lot No. 6055, Tlokwene: The Defendanr's rights. litle and inlf,rest in .tnbal No 605i Tl^L-.." measuring 800mrtEight Hundred Squa-re Metresl *t i"f, f,.fa Deed of Cession No. MA 348/20t 7 dared rhe l6rh day of M;;. ,iji;, lavour.of Tinny Moroka togelher wi$ the develop-.i,t. tt.r.'on u itr". rq Deoroomed house. sirtng room. kjtchen. toiler with bathroom. Xinn diniis r(x)m oouDle garage. servanl s quarter and scrcen walll lrr t ,"a*ij.aiii mlt ; 5@l detailed conditions of sale may be insp€cted at the Plaintiff's Attomeys' offices. CONDNIONS OF SALE: DAIED at Gaborone this l lth day of SePtember, 2023 DEPUTY SHERIFF IJRGENT CHILISA, Cellphone Nos 71594008/?1263198. c/o BoCOPA' Unit l6CD. Sixteenth Floor. MANE\I'E. TOBEDZA &CO.. Plointifi s Atto "]s iTowers North, Plot No. 54368, New Cenlrat Business District, PO. Box 26465 ' GABORONE, Telephone No. 3m5466' Fax No. 3905451. IN THE HIGH COURT OF THE REPUBLIC OF BOTSWANA HELDAIGABORONE Cav No. CVHGB - 0U922-22 In the matter between: Plointiff BBS LIMITED ard LUCIA MATSHEDISO PUSHUDT Delendant NOTICE OF SALE IN EXECT'TION BE PLEASED TO TAKE NOTICE that pursuant to a judgment granted by the above Honourable Coun' the foLowing property will be sold by public auadon by Depuiy Sheriff obaleng Dominic Kgwakgwe to the highest bidder as follows: 27th october,2023; 0930 hours: Irt No. 1365 I . Gaborone; a ce(ain piece of land being l,ot No. 13651, Gaborone, situated in Gaborone West, Extinsion 4, measuring 450m'?, (Fo!r Hundred and Fifty Square Metres)' which property is held under Deed of Transfer No. 5 l9l94 dated 3 l st May, 1 994' made in fivour of Lucia Matshediso Pushudi with some developments thereon being a 3 bedroomed house with a veranda,living room, kitchen, dining room, bathioom, toilet, cottage with 2 bedrooms and loilet and a screen wall; deiailed conditions of sale ar€ obtainable from the Deputy Sheriff. DATE OF SAIEI TIME OF SALE: VENUE OF SALE: PROPERTY TO BE SOI,D : CONDITIONS OF SALE: DATED at Gaborcne this I lth day of September, 2023 ' DEPIITY SHERIFF OBAKENG DOMINIC KGWAKCWE, c/o TAFA & CO PO. Box 2676.GABORONE' Cellphone No 75604l70. ' IN THE MAGISTRIIIE'S COURT OF THE ADMIMSTRATIVE DISTRICT OF GABORONE HELD AI EXTENSION ll Case No CCWL- 00128E 23 In the matter between: Plaintw Applicant ROBERT GITONGA NJIRU and SMT DEBT COLLECTION ( SIMON TSHIPE T! LTD Isr Respondenl Defe dant nd e nt / D efe ndant 2 nd Re spo SUB STITT]IED SERVICE TO: the lst Defendant sMT Debt Collection (Ry.) Ltd, a company duly incorporated under the comPany laws of S"1,**a and egistercal as debt collecrioo company, whose full and betler particulars are unknown tf," n"p"tfi" "i to the Plaintiff. AND To: the 2nd Defendant sIMoN TSHIPE, an aduh male of full legal capacity and the managing director tle tst Oetenaant, rcsiaent in Caborone, whose firll and better particulars are unknown to lhe of Plaintiff' within TAKE NOTICE: That by suiffnons issued out of this Coun' you have been-called upon !o give notice plaintiff, of your inrention ro defend to the and/or of courr to the Clerk prification hereof, r"r.t"", rr+J a"ii"rt". (if any) in an action wherein the Plaintiff claims; PLAINTIFF'S CLAM IS FOR: 5642 CLAIM ofPl3 800.00 (Thirteen Thousand Eighr Hundred Pula only). b) lnterest on the above sum at the prescribed mte of l0% per annum. c) Cosi ofsuit. d) Further and,/or altemative relief. a) Payment TAKE NOTICE: that if you fail to give such notice, judgement may be granted against you without firrther ' DAIED at caborone rhis 12rh day of September,2o23. IN TIID MAGISTRATE'S COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF KWENENG HELD AT MOC,ODITSHANE Cose No.CCMMC - 00549/2022 ln the matter between: KOKETSO SHYRELL NGWANAAMONNA Ptaintiff and KAILECO MOTORS (PTY) LTD I st Defendant 2nd Dekndant TSHWANELO RAMOSWEU NOTICE OF SALE IN EXECLTTION BE PLEASED TO TAKE NOTICE rhat puNuant to a judgmenr of this Honoumble Courr, rhe following movable prolefiy of the above-mentioned Defendants will be sold in execution to the highest bidder by Deputy Shariff D. p Gaboba*we in the manner hereinafrer set out: DATE OF SALE: TIME OF SALE: PLACE OF SALE: PROPERTYTO BE SOLD: TERMS OF SALE: Saturday, l4th Octob€r, 2023; 1030 hours: Broadhurst Magistrate's Coun; I x motor vehicle Regisfation No. B 735 BLG,BMW330i (silver),1 x Samsung double door fridge (b1ack), I x que€n bed, 1 x Hisense 50 inch TV; cash or bank guaranteed cheques. DArED at Gaborone this 5th day of September, 2023. DEPL'TY SHERIFF D. P GABOBAKWE, c/o KOKETSO SHYRELL NCWANAAMONNA. Cellphone Nos. 73900288/72901534, PO. Box 405294, GABORONE. IN TIIE IIIGH COURT OF THE REPUBLIC OE BOTSWANA HELD AT FRANCTSTOWN Ca\e No-CVHFT - nI I8-202I In the matter b€tween: STANDARD CHARTERED BANK BOTSWANA Plaintiff and MATSHEC,O BUSINESS CONCEPTS (PTY) LTD LETLHOCONOLO BARONCWANG l st Dekndant 2nd Dekndaht NOTICE OF SALE IN EXECUTION BE PLEASED TO TAKE NOTICE that pursuant to a judgment of the above Honoumble Court, the immovable property of the above named 2nd Defendant shall be publicly sold in executioo by the Deputy Sheriff as follows: DATE OF SALE: TIME OF SALEI VENUE OF SAI,E: PROPERTY TO BE SOLD: TERMS OF SALE: CONDITIONS OF SALE: 20th October, 2023; 1030 houn; Tribal t No.996, Palapye; certain piec€ of land being Tribal l,ot No. 996, Palapye, measuring 7mm1 (Seven Hundred and T$enty Square MeEes) which is held under Notarial Deed of Cession No. Ff MA 135/2015 dated the llth day of June, 2015 rnade in favour of Matshego Business Concepts (Proprietary) Limited together with developmen6 thereon being a three (3) bedroomed house, sifting room, kitchen, bathroom wilh toilet, toilet and fenced parking place; t cash or bank guaranteed cheques; detailed conditions of sale may be inspected at the Plaintiff's Attomeys' offices. DAIED at Gaborone this 1lth day of September, 2023. DEPUTY SHERIFF IIRGENT CHILISA, Cellphone Nos. 71594008/7 1263 198, c/o BOGOPA, MANEWE, TOBEDZA &CO..Plai tiff\ Attorne$, Unit l6CD,Sixleenth Floor, iTowers North, Plot No. 54368, New Central Business District, PO. Box 26465. GABORONE, Telephone No. 3905466, Fax No. 3m545 I . 5643 IN TIIE HIGH COURT OT HELD AT LOBATSE IHE REPUBLIC OF BOTSWANA Ca:e No. CVHGB - 003818-19 In the rratter between: Plaintilf BBS LMTTED (Formerly BOTSWANA BIJ1LDINC SOCIETY) and BEREA SECURITY SERVICES ( TY) LID Dekndant NOTICE OF SALE IN EXECUTION BE PLEASED TO TAKE NOTICE that pursuant to a judgmenl granted by the above Honourable Cout, the following properry will be sold by public auciion by Depury Sheriff Neo Osetswe to the highest bidder as follows: DATE OF SALE: TIME OF SALEI VENUE OF SALE: PROPERTY TO BE SOI,D: 26th Ocrob€r, 2023; 1000 hoursi Lot No. 57803, Gaborone; a cenain piece of land being CONDITIONS OF SALE: tharched qazCbo, double garage. screen wall with electric fencei detailed aondlions of sale are obtainable from the Deputy Sheriff t t No.57803. Caborone. silualed in Gaborone Adminislitive Distrid. rneaauting 500m) (Five Hundred Square Melres). which DroD€nv is held under Deed ot Transfer No. 72312014 dated 2lrd April. 2014. inaie ii favour of Berea Securily Services (fty) Ltd witl some developments thereon being a 4 Mroomed house with MES, bathmom, kitchefl' lounge, DAIED at Gaborone this 2Eth day ofAugust,2023. DEPUTY SHERIFF NEO OISETSWE, c/o TAFA & CO., PO. Box 2676, GABORONE, CellPhone No. ?6645365. IN THE HIGH COI]RT OF TIIE R.EPUBLIC OF BOTSWANA HELD AT LOBAISE Case No, CVHGR - @(n16-21 In the matter between: FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF BOTSVr'ANA LMITED Ploin,ifr and EMMANUEL RATSELA NAKEDI EXCEEDING EXPEC?ATIONS (PTY) LTD I st DefenAant 2nd Delendant NOTICE OF SALE IN EXECUTION BE PLEASED TO TAKE NOTICE that pursuant lo a judgment grarted by the above Honoumble Court on the I5th dav ofJulv.2022. the totlowinq immovable propeny'of the above-menlioned Defendanls will be sold by means of public aucti6o lo the highest bidder by Deput Shiriff Ditiro PriSer Cabobakwe as follows: DATE OF SALEI TIME OF SALEI PI-ACE OF SALE: PROPERTY TO BE SOLD: TERMS AND CONDITIONS: 26th October, 2023; 1030 houn; Tribal Lot No. 4782, Tlokweng; l No.4782,Tlokweng. situated al Tlokweng acenain Dieceofland beinsTribal in lhe B;tlokwa Tnbal Territory. measuring 869m': (Eight Hundred and SixlyNine Souare Metres) held undei Memorandum of Agreement of l-eas€ No. TL 1396 /2blo dated the 29$ day of October. 2010 maae in favour of Emmanuel Ratsela Naledi, logether with;ome developments thercon b€ing a 3 bedroomed house, with mastei ensuites, 2 Hroomed house both with bath, sitting room, fitted kitchen, both with aircons, Paved, screen wall, electdc tence and motorised t gate and garage; -suatanteed Iastr or b-ank be insp€.ted it cheque onlv olherwis€ dehiled conditions of sale ma) lhe Plaintiff'sbtfices or lhe Deputy Sheriff's office DAIED at Gaborone this 1lth day of September' 2023 DEPTIIY SHERIFF DITIRO PRIGER GABOBAKwE, Cellphone Nos. 73900zEEn29ol534l72409161, c/o MOTSIMI AITORNEYS, Plaintifr s AfiorneJs, Plot Nos 64268/9, Bloct 3Industrial, GABoRoNE, Po. Box 5503?0, M(roDmsHANE, TelePhone No 3113863.FaxNo 3113865' Emaill 5644 IN TIIE HIGH COURT OF THE REPUBLIC OF BOTSWANA HELD AI LOBATSE Case No.CVHGB - 002439-22 ln the matterb€tween: BBS LMITED (Formerly BOTSWANA BULDING SOCIETY) Plaintiff and SENWELO CHIBT]A Defendant NOTICE OF SALE IN EXECUTION BE PLEASED TO TAKE NOTICE thal pursuanr to a judgment granred by the above Honourable Coun. rhe followrng propen, $ itl be sold by pubtic auciion b) D"prry ah:riffOeph;,nii"'. p"i.i"lia'r*" ," ,r,e hrghesr bidder as f6ll6ws DATE OF SALE: TIME OF SALE: VENUE OF SALE: PROPERTYTO BE SOLD: 27th October, 2023t I030 hoursl Tribal Lot No. 859. Palapye; c€nain piece of land being Tribal Lor No. 859. palapye, siluare in lhe Banswato larritory: measuriDs l200mr. (One Thousand Two Hundred S'ouare Meresl: which propeny is held under Memorandum ofAgreemenr of Gialii oi L€ase No. FT TL 345/20t2 dated 5rh June. 2012 made i; farour oi S""*efo (hrbua: subject 1o lhe condilions and reseftalions conrained in rhe aforelaid Lease with some developments rhereon teing a J bedroomed house with sitrins room. kirchen. toilel and bathroom combined. screen wall with eleclric fence an; a |fltal a CONDITIONS OF SAIE: sliding gate; detailed conditioos of sale are obtainable from the Deputy Sheriff. DAIED at Gaborone this 28rh day ofAugusr,2023. DEPUTY SHERIFF OMPHEMETSE PETER KAISARA, c/o TAIA & CO., Telephone No. 3190188, Cellphone No\. 7 I 2222,t4l72 I s5 I ll. IN TIIE HIGH COURT OF THE REPUBLIC OF BOTSWANA HELD AT LOBATSE MAEGB -0N673.23 In the Ex parte Petition of: DOSELA INVESTMENTS PROPRIETARY LIMITED and WATERWAY INVESTMENTS PROPRIETARY LMITED ptaintii Dekndont ORDER Before the Honourable Justice Reuben N. M. kkorwe at Lobatse on rhis gth day of September,2023. uPoN HEARING: Artorney Ms Muzila o. D. with Attomey Mr Kindiano M. K. for the petirioner and having read lhe documents filed of record. IT IS ORDERED THAT: l. A-rule ,iri is hereby issued carling upon all interested parties to appear and show cause on l3rh November, 2023 at 0900 hours or so sff)n rhereafter as counser may be heard, why an order in the folrowing rerms should not be made final, that: L in tems ofsecrioo 471 (2) ofrhe CompaniesAct [Cap.42:01] (..rhe Acf,) Waterway Investrnents Proprietary Limited (..Waterway,'), subject !o the supervisioD of this court, be placed under the management of a judicial manager and that any persons vested with the management of Waterway's affairs, shall from the date of making this order, be divested thereof; subject to secrion 471 (t) (r) of rle Act, as read with sectioD 445, Kopanang Thekiso, be appointed as the judicial manager of Waterway; wilh the exceprion ofcas€ No. UAHGB - ooo 139-23 before Nyamadzabo, J. (in which waterway has been cited as a nominal pa(y), any legal proceedings instioted on behalf of or against Waterway, which are pending in any court of law, be and are hereby stayed, and any further actions 6r srcps in sr:ch proceedings are hereby restmined in terms of section 472 (l ) (di I 1.2. I 3 5645 |.4theremunelallonofthejudiciatmanagershallbeBwP3500/hr'Th€judicia]managershallbeauthorised _ of more iunior professional staff, which will be charged at lower mtes; in oro"r." rft" I .5 ,rt.'jrai","f *a is hsreby auth;rized to bdng or defend in the name L "ssistaoce of or on behalf of Waterway' any of a dispute lo a"iiiir. o. t"gut proceedings of whatever narure' including but not limited to.submission any claim or demand by or uPon or water*ay conceming any dispute of ot Jet"rmli'uaon it e -uitiators Waterway; 1.6 tt"luallia .uoug". i. urlhorized in terms of section 474 (l) and subject to the sharcholders' agrcemenl and/or constitution of Waterway to: immovable' recover and reduie into his possession all the assets of Waterway' movable and Waterway: preserve assets of the and secure ofwaterway; management the and to unalenake 1.6.1 l6.2conductsuchmanigement"ofwater.ay,subjecttotheorderofth€courtinsuchmannelashe rnemtrcrs and creditoIs: may de€m most economic and most conducive to the intercsts of the to conduct an enquiry into the affairs of Walerway: exists to establish whether a written and duly authorized management services agreement 1.6.3 (Proprietary) Limited between the comPany and Fresh C'amp Management SeNices (South Africa) and/or'Fresh Carnp Bodiredi (ftoprietary) imitedi if such an ageement exists, to determine ihe terms of such agreement(s) since inception; since lo examintal ransactions b€tween waterway and any identified related Patty in tems of the inception anal to determine whether such transactions have been effected shariholders' agreement' ol any other executed agrcementl the 1.6.34 to establish wliether the company' since incorporation' has complied with the Act' fees' to management respect specific tax vAoe edaea the lncome Tax Act and 'lct, ''ith consultancy fees, reimbuNement for exPoses incurred and dividends; and ('BICA") whether Witerway has apPointed Botswana Instiote of Chartered Accountants rcgistercd accountants; l.6.3.6ifnot,toreSularizethecircumstancesandtoensurethatwaterwayaPpointsBICA registered accountants; and address any other statulory or regulatory compliance issues that might arise' tw€nty-six Percent (26%) of investigate and address the mitter of Andrcw toopei's iregular transfer of the 17th January' 2023; or about on Amsrong' to Ian the i.rri"o .t rr" c"pitut of Waterway that he held, Wi"*"y's tax Prohle with the Botswana Unified Revenue Service ('1he BURS"); with section lm (1), and to deal estabtish whettrer Waterway hal complied wilh its obligations in terms of in and Business Names with-respect to any sanctions that may be meted out 15.3.7 to 1.6.4 r.6.5 t."r[ "*"..i" t .6.6 ir," n"gi.t * ot Co.p*iei terms of section 492 (2); 1.6.1 .6.8 ' 7' I I "ti"nO ui"u"t to any other to tf," ."gut-irition of waterway's tax, regulatory and staiutory affaifi-' in addition of th" L*. ot gotswana, ". Waterway's compliance status of follo;ing a revie-* of the Waterway's tax Profil€ with the BURS and the issues; and creditors of waterway' do all things as may be necessary to presefle the interests of the members section 472 t I I (bt. nol later than slxty (6Ot days from the date of rhe iudicial manaser shall rn terms u-a of secuiitv in accordance of section zl45' submit to a meeting the assets and "t " oiW"t"ro,uy, io u .""ting of the creditors of Waterway and to the MasLer, a re,port showing sucb other iloiliti". of iv"t"*^y, itidebts and obligarions, as ve;fied by the audi@rs of waterway' and all to be fully Waterway information as may be necessary to enab'ie the Master, the members and creditors of ,ti,.';;;;;;;ii. .".pi.,i"" if acquainled with waterway s Posidon: t.8 -i p".ty inr"r"rr"a ,n iniervening in these proceedings shall file its answering affidavit no later than 24th October,2023, Waterway; 1.9 the costs of this Pelition b€ costs in the judicial management-of I l0 oarasraohs l.l to L? above are lo operate with irnmediate effect: Borswana and in rhe i .;; 5i.Ji." #iiii .itl,i r,io u. .n".r.l uy prrri.arion in any newspaper circularing in Govemment Gaz€rle. BY ORDER OF THE COINT, REGISTRAR AND MASTER. 56/,6 IN THE MAGISTRATE'S COURT FOR TIIE CENTR,AL DISTRICT HELD AT MAHALAPYE Case No, CCMMY - 0OOOS2-22 In the hatter bet*een: DICKSON MOKIBE Plaintiff and KABELO MOKTBE Defendant NOTICE OF SALE IN EXECUTION BE PLEASED To rAKE NorrcE rhat a satc in execurion lgainst the Defendant will Tufielo Mogorosi to the highest bidder as follows: DATE OF SALE: TIMEOF SALET PIACE OF SAI^E: PROPERTYTO BE TERMS AND SOLD. CONDAIONS.. be held by Depury sheriff 25th October,2023: 1000 hours: in front ofcenfial potice Station, Maialapye; Toyota Hiace Combi, Registrarion No. B 9gl AZA; cash or bank guamnteed cheques. DATED at caborone this 12rh day of Seprember, 2023. DEPUTY SHERIFF TUMELO MOCOROSI, pO. Box 2OO4l, GABORONE, Cellphone Nos. +267 72/r'.5561 , +261 7709M3 . IN TIIE MAGISTN,ATE'S COURT FON. THE CENTRAL DISTRICT HELD AT MAHALAPYE Case No. CCMMY _ 0OOOSZ-23 In thc matter b€tween: MOAGIEMANO MPHO Plaintil and ELUAS BOIKHI.ITSO MASWABI Defenda NOTICE OF SALE IN EXECUfiON BE PLEASED TO TAKE NOTICE lhat a sale in exe.ution against the Defendant will be held by Deputy Sheriff Tlrmelo Mogorosi to the highest bidder as follows: DATE OF SALEI 27th Ocrober, 2023: TIME OF SAI^EI PIACE OF SAIE: 1000 houN; in front of Broadhust Magistrate's Coun, Gaborone; Nissan X-Tmit, Regisrration No. B 953 BSH; PROPERTYTO BE TERMS SOLD. N\D CONDITIONS.. cash or bank guaranteed cheques. DAIED 6t Gaborone this 12rh day of Septemb€r, 2023. DEPUTY SHERtrF TUMELO MOCOROSI, PO. Box 2004r , GABORONE, Cel,phone Nos. +267 72445567, +261 71W3. s&1 IN TIIE MAGISTRATE'S COURT FOR TIIE CENTRAL DISTRICT HELD AT MAHALAPYE Case No. CCMMY - 00016E 23 In the rnattet between: Plaintiff SETHUNYA PHOLOA alld ONKEMETSE RABOSAAKANE Defennant NOTTCE OF SALE IN EXECUTION BE PLEASED TO TAXE NOTICE that Tumelo Mogorosi to the highest bidder DATE OF SALEI SAIjT P|ACE OF SAI,E: PROPERTY TO BE SOLDr TIME OF TERMS AND CONDmONS. as a sale in execution aSainst the Defendant will be held by Deputy follows: 25th October. 2023; 1000 hours; in front of Cenral Police Station' MahalaPye; Refrigeraied trailer' Registration No B 50? BGBi cash or bank guaranteed cheques' DAIm at Gaborone this 12lh dav of September, 2023' DEPUTY SHERIFF TIMELO MOCOROSI, PO' Box 20041' GABORONE, CellPhone Nos. +26? 72445567, +2617709@03' sheriff 564A N THE-HIGH COURT OF TIIE REPUBLIC OF BOTSWANA HELDATCABORONE IIl the matter betweeni NKILE BUTI alld CHAWADA LETLHAKU 2nd Applicont INTENTION TO CHANGE MARITAL RXGIME (In Tems ol Section B (j) A of the Married persoii ect, ZOtel priii,i BE PLEASED TO TAKE NOTICE thar: l. NKILE BUTI AND CHA1VADA I _FTI_HAK_U, married in communiry of propeny on the 8th day of October, ,19?,-:iY:::-a:;yishtochanse.theirpmperyresimeroourofcominunirvoip6pcny. z. rne panres lntencl ro applv to .he Hish J. Coun oiBoiswana after rhe expl,urio,,r oliieireicriUea mee 1:,, weefs, notlce trom rhe date of first publicarion hereof. Any person, creditorc or debtor. who may have an intercst in the assets and,/or liabilities of the parties, Estate. should thev have obiecrion ro rle nani.. ciranging tiriir;;. panies.enomevs beine rhe uB L€par crinic at the adaresi: private ea-g dOzos. 6ra Ma6,ir'o rioaai"iiiii. u"ii; gl,iri'ii,z. #r|i€ rhe expimdon of rhe said rtuee r 3 r weer s' periSa o. ;;k-. coun or aorr*un" on.. the contmplated application is lodged. p.-dff;'il'i;i;flfi'rre #;ilri-;;f;ilir."Higr, ii O. P DICK, c/o UB LEGAL CLIMC, old Mabutho Road Drive, private Bag 00?05, GABORONE. Third Publication I[tautiotr to Chlng€ Marriagc (rn rerms of Section 8 (t 1111"1ua.ied propert] Regimc r_si^ iij)7i Lr,zot:l I . MO'IIIUSI LENKWETSE and GAONE KEITT-METSE TAU, manied in communiry ol property on the I 5lh day of october,2015 in Molepotole, wish to change th;t. 2 3 il;ny-;;,ffi';"#ii'i'o,nmunity The parlies inlend to apply to the Hieh coun of Borswana after rhe expiration of rhe three notice from rhe dale of fint publicati-on hereof. ti) or property. weeks. slarulory Any Person, crcditor or debtor. who may have an inter€st in the assets and/or'roliabitities of the panies, estate, should rhey have objeclionl to rhe Daflies changirg rh.i, pr;p.ny iiio'.,, tr,. punie..nno-.y.. z Hubona Anomeys. before the eipirarion of tire i"ra trui. ir""i.Jftroaloi iaieiepresentatrons xrore rrre High Coun of Borswana once the cintcmplared appfi.uiion i. foig-j. - ,egi;; DAIED at caborone on rhis l7!h day ofAugusr,2023. Z. HUBONA ATTORNEYS, ptol No.28674,Ne]l Naledi, pO. Box E0Il5,GAnORONE, Telephone No. .3 l t 8048. Ceuphone No. 7l122901. Third Publication Noticc to Change of pmperty Reglme (t ) A of,he Manied p;' ,ir.J p-roperty Act, (Cap.29:03) (ln Tems of Sec,ion 8 1. 2. MONAMAII and BOIKHUTSO MONAMAfl, maried in communiry ofproperty on l lth Juty,2OOE at Mochudi. wish ro change their propeny regime rc our ofcommunitv of I hc parties intend to apply to the High Coun of Botswana after rhrteiJ) consecuiive issues of rhis noriEcation having been published in the Govemrnent Cdz€lr? and one edition on a iocat n"rr"pup"r Any r,emon, crEdi tor or (hbtor who mav h.v. an interest in rtre assets andloi "i."uiution oi fr" p*i"., -u,.i,non,, by tener. or who has a tegal basis for objectirg ,i," .r p-p..ry re-glm€. can do T,.b.""notified so by inlormiog the attomeys whose addrcss appears hereunaer before the e_xpiration of if[ee f.t1 weeKs ol lhe nolce or make rcores€ntarion ,t the High Court of Botswana once the contemplated af,plicati; has becn lodged. TSHEKO nrooenv ' il"tifii"i . ::TlT_h:: PABALINGA & ASSOCIATES, p.O. Box Seco d Publication 32 75 , .i*i ^*,rr FRANCISTOWN, Email:, Telephone No. (+267) 2,tO8697. 5649 - Teder No' SP/DBS/0222023-Z)Z Departmmt of Broadcssting Servlces RePublic of Botswans - OF WORKS FOR THE PROPOSED REFURBISHMENI OF 2NO. PREFABRICAIED ..- _ .PROCUREMENT OF PONTESI-E CEBINS FOR TSHABONG OFFICE FACILTTY, FOR THE DEPARTMENT BROADCASTING SERVICES of SEALED TENDER OFFERS ARE n'^TITED for rhe procur€menl of works for fie pro?osed rcturbishment Services._ iN"-p.f"-ta""L?p.nO[ cabins for Tshabong Offic; Facility, for Departrncnl of Broadcasting Pffrurement rcoulremenls arc procuremenl of-works for rhi proposed rcfurbishmeDt of 2No prefabricated services' Donable cabins aorTshabong Oifice Facility. for $e Depanment ofBroadcasling ihe Procuring Entity is: Depanment of Broadcasting Services. Procurement Method is: Op€n Domeslic Bidding of the contract' be i"na"*.. *tro arc domic'iled in Botswana mu'st, in order !o be consider€d for awardcateSory-: Code:0l^r"girr"tJ v,/irrt ,n" prtiii *ocurement Regulatory Authority-( the following and/or Sub{ode: 0l iiiifJing Con.*.rio, works and Mainten;nce. Sirt'Coae, Ot - Building Construction tr Pre-Fabricated Buildings, Grade: OC. Ttris tenJer resened l& 100% citizen owned comPanies domiciled in $e RePublic of Botswana' Prcsidenlial Direcrive CAB l4 (B) 2015 on hice heference will apply on this lender' ii".iaiiiii"i oi.i"u"" ces n (A) zoto on E"oromic Diversification Drive will apPlv on this tender' cAB l gili) of 2013 on cal Procurcment Scheme (LPs) shall also apply' it"-ra"'iia Bidders shall benefil from a single scheme' which ever pmvides bener preference' tiie otrvsicat address for colldtion of Tender Documents is: Departmenl of Broadcasting services' ['ot No 3779i.'wellie Seboni Road. Mass Media ComPlex. Cabomne Date for collection ofTender Documenls is Monday. lSth September' 2023 i*a.iOo"r."ntt ."y be collected during working days between 0730-hours and 1630 holtrs- Tmnsmitte6 visil will be held oni6lh Sep6mber.2023 at O9OO hours at Sebele "n,norl.o- "tUn"itiorL/sire shalt he,d at rshabons FM/TV station on 28th sepremb€r' 2023 at 0900 hours' ..lirl-ng o rh. ir"r-c. of thise documents may be addressed, in writing. nol later than Oii,iii a"vt u.fore tinder closing date to: Mr Maibi Gaotlolwe, Telephone No 3653284' Fax No' - t ol."i*" t I li;;;;:;;6;;;i;ietine i"*,tii n-"" iil "i.f"ifi""".". {+267) 365333 l, Email: The closrng time for receipl of sealed lender offers is l00o hours Late tender offers will not be accepted. aethod is: dne-Envelope Submisston. One (l) onginal tender offer marked "OriSinal" document marked copv" in one seal€d envelope clearry mark*: of the oriSinal 121 d;;1;;;; -_ proposed Refiubishment of 2No. prefabricated Portable cabins for "di;s i,r1. iF,osvoizm2S-z\24 Tshabong Office Facility, fot the DePartment of Broadcasting Servicej' . . oi'ptso.oo (6ne ttunorcd and Fifry pula only) payable in cash in favout of Botswana l, ,."-i"'n ra"ti" Office ta;i.d prior to coliection of the Tender Document Payments should b€ done at Revenue ll.- iriii, ea*nii""io,i Block, Grcund Floor, Mass Media Complex, Plot No 37?95' wellie seboni Road' Gaborone west. Phas€ 2, Gaborone, Botswana. pula only) as per Presidenrial Dircctive shalt pay half pdce, p75.00 (sevenry-Five fi" Si arb.iii., ;; *" ;i"ro* . d;;;;;"-;; t* . i;;h;;rj 20i5 upon proof of eligibilirv. CAB I4 (B) of";ranies . at'BwP 601' I26.6i (Six Hundred and one Thousand' Four Hundrcd and Tweflty-Six i. Thebe only). Sixty-One".ti.""i Pula, "na'"t'i. . b-". ilj pri+.ra ma*ed ..original ' and two {2) dupticare co?ie-s^of rhe original documenr "1grrr ""0.i envelope clearly irarked: 'T€nder No SP/DBS022I2O23'2O24 -'fte Ptopost'd iurrfa'-Co'py:i, -"..'ulei Ponable cabins for Tshabong offi!€ Fa'i-liE' for lhe Department of Prcfabricatet .i iN.. if"i"iti.r,*':,i ii-.J"*-ri"" i"*i*.-. shau be detivered to: office No. 006, covemoenr Buyer, Fifth Floor, Balclays House, GovemmeniEnclave. Caborone, Botswana. . 'Ihe names and addresses of bidders should be clearly marked on the envelopes' . ffiil;;ili-ti wituraw, moaify or rcplace his;r her bid atany time before.lle tender closing date' siall i;;;ti;g,il6 tt" procung -a'aispoial entiry of rhe withdrawal and rhe..Withdrawal Lener" shall be authorize-d and submitted in the same way as the bids. ThePublicProcurementReSllatoryAuthority.sstandafdisedConditionsofTen&fforservicesapply!olhis nrrrurcment. for which all the ipplicatle Tender Data is contained in lhe Tcnder Documents * "l.i;;;il1;dtrg ;t,,"ni in ti.,! roreeoing, the covemment of Botswaia is not tlound ro accept tender offet. rhe lowest or any KELEBOGILE S. BOIKANYO, Ofrce of the Govemment Buyer, Ministry for Saate Presidott second Publication 5650 Republic of Botsrvar{ Tender No. Sp/Op//03U2023-2024 Office ofthe Prerident - A FRAMEWORK CONTRACT FOR THE SIJPPLY AND DELTVERY OF PRIVAIE NEWSPAPERS AND MAGAZINES FOR MIMSTRY FOR STAIE PRESIDENT FOR TWENTY-FOUR (24) MONTHS . ' . . ' ' ' . . . SEALED TENDER OFFERS ARE INVITED for rhe procurement ofrefieshments. l0o% citizen owned companies are invited for: supplies procurcment of private newspapers and magazines for Ministry for State Pr€sident for twenty-four (24) months. The Procuring Entity is: Office ofthe President. Procurement Method is: Open Domestic Bidding. Tendeters who are domiciled in Botswana must, in order !o b€ considercd for award ofthe contract, bc registered with the Public hocurement Regulatory Authority in the following category: Code: 128 _ Media Servic;s, SubCode: 0l - Print Media Content or Code: 201 - printed Matter and Related Equipment, Sub_Code: 0l _ printed Matter (books, newspapers, joumals, postcards, promotional material content provided etc). The tender is reserved for citizens or citizen contractors as slaled under section 76 (2) of the public procurcment Preference margins will be applied to qualifying bidders in line with the presdibed preference scheme: The l,ocal Pmcurement scheme and Economic Diversification Drive (EDD) are in line with the citizen Economic Empowerment (CEE) Policy and Section 66 (3) of the ppAD Act, both of whieh advocate for the economic empowerment of women, youth and people with disabilities in general and specificalty in the rural areas, shall be impleftented in the rccommendation for award. Directive on the Economic Diversification fhive (EDD) will be applied as per rhe applicable EDD cuidelines. The physical addrcss for collection of Tender Documents isi Office of The president at Barclays House, Gaborone, Fifth Floor, Office No. 3. Tender Documents may b€ collected during working days betwe€n 0800 hours and 1600 hours on lgth September 2023. A non-refundable fe€ of BWP100.00 (One Hundrcd Pula only) payable in cash in favour of the Govemment of BotswarB or the Procudng Entity stated in the Tender Document and is required on collection of the Tender Document. Youth companies will pay half pdce on colrection ofrender Documents as per youth Directive No. l4B of2015. ' . . . . . Queries or clarifications relating to the issuance of these documents may be addressed, in writing, not later than ten (10) days beforc the tender closing date to: Mr Simeon, Telephone No. 3950800. The closing date and time for r€ceipt of sealed tender offers is 6th Oclober, 2023 at l0OO hours. Late tender ofe$ will not be accepted. (l) Envelope Submission, in which a 0endercr's financial and technical offers are submitted together in one sealed envelope. Submit one ( I ) original tender proposal marked ..Original,, and two (2) duplicate copies of the original document marked "Copy" in one sealed envelope cleady marked: ."fender No. Sp/Op/031lmX-2024 _ A Framewoik conrract for the supply and Delivery of Private Newspaperc and Magazines for Ministry for state pr€sident for Twenty-Four (24) Months" shall be delivered toi Office No. 006, Office of covemment Buyer, Fiffh Floor, Ministry for State President, Barclays House, Gaborone. The names and addrcsses of bidders should be clearly marked on the envelof,e. The Bid Submission Method is: One fie Public Procurcmen! Regulatory Authority's staldardised conditions ofrender for suppries shall apply to this prctcurement, for which all the applicable Tender Data is contained in lhe Tender Documeot. Notwithstanding anything in the forcgoing, the Procudng Entity or Govemment of Botswana is not bound to accept the lowest or any tender offer. KELEB@ILE S. BOIKANYO, Ofrce oI ahe Govemment Buyer, Ministry for Stak Presidcnt. SeconA Publication 5651 Republic of Botswrna - Iender No' DS/UQn15/2021202+WORKS Mlnbtry ofDefence and SecuritY MAINTENANCE CONTRACT FOR MIDDTI'PITS POLICE STATION SEWERACE TREATMENT PLANT A THREE (3) YEAR PREVENTATTVE conrac! for Middle-pits Police THIS IS AN OPEN TENDER for a thr€e (3) year Preventadve maintenaDce Station, Sewemge Trcatrnent Plant. The Procuring Entity is Ministry of Defence and Se-cudty Procuremenr Method is: Open Domestic Bidding for award of lhe contmct' be registcre-d Tenderers who are doniciled in Botswana musi'in order o be considercd erth;.itv in the followi'g categorv: Gradc: D' code: 08 - Mechanical Ensineerins. SuMode: Il - Pumps and Munchets' roi ,r," urove code and suucode(s) can respond, rcsistrarion will be Middle-pits Ir;'p*-tender estimate for a thrce (3) year peventative maintenanc.e contract for police station s€wemg€ reliculation sys@m is: P1.925.000 00 utou" but the award will be lo the lowcst comPliant/ may quoa il;;nir"gututo.v *ir'[ine ;ililx';;?;;ilJ ;;;il ";li; ;;;ilil irrl. ir fo, s,riaun"e-onlyi bidders reasonabte bidder). ii"io"i rJiii.:"r" ;;;;#,;;; *y compaoies 2013 of l,ocal Procurement scheme (LPS) This aPPlies only to submit Foof of eligibilitv issued and certified should and ities ,itr, ais"t $pr" cAB l9 (B) by relevanr MinistrY. -a iir" e""i..r" iii"i"incarion ,tia pnfercnce will be Drive (EDD) Prcsidential cAB No.34 @) of20t4 will apply, io reasonableness of their prices in accorda$. *irh fte rOO i".tiniat" ilil;;;6;;iil "ubjecr EDD Cabinet -"* Directive products ftom 100% citizen locally based manuf'cturcrs and s€rvice their a pt ttase all i.-J"* available' comPctitively priced and meet tcnder ,-rlO" , paria"a that the Soods aod services arc orlocally ;il.f qual'ity standard as cenified recognized by Botswana Bureau of standards (BoBs) .;fl;;;; or other recognized certirying bodies. iir"ction or r.nae'oo"uments is as follows: First Floor' office Nos ll4/115' of Defence and serurity, Central Squate-BlildinS' Plol No 54355' centr'l Minisny-The building is simatei between Masa and CTo Headquaners' cuuo-n". oi"t i"t, irrin"", ;"y be collect€d duri;g working hours from lE$ seprcmber' 2023 i;;;;D*;;;; ffi;;'r:;;ru;;i;; PrDc;;;; Unit - A-;;;-;tu;Ai" i;.1 iir. ilri" -rrr BwP250.o0 (T\po Hundrel-and Fiftv Pula onlv ) or fot Youd pavable in casr, oiiy u"'t g'"';E ! P I zs 00 (onc.Hundrrd and iwentv- che4uerade out io $e Accounls office in Ministrv of Defence and Security, The Square Building. Central Busincss Dlstncl' uaDolone' (swiPing machine)' Note: P;inl ofsale Machine available in writinS' nol later than rclating to the issuancEofthese documents may be address€d' 6r.ri., g"kane lisottho. Telephone No 3698328' Fax No 3933094' Email: blesotlho@gov bw' "i"furin"",ior. zoz: r. iu."tlto., e.uil''"ut"dhora@Sov bw' TelePhone No 36982E8' A compulsory site visit will be held at the iollowing addr'ss: ii iii.t"i. ., iliir'Cirrlaiilr. T'D\E Middlepits Police Station 4$ October' 2023 0900 hours auiomatic disqualificatio! A regist€r will beilled Note: Failule to attend a compulsory site visit will lead to ar after the closurc of the register will not be considc'€d' holuo, anyon" ''ho "o'"s shall b€ Ncc in I relevanr technical field Failurt q""ir]n-J"*n io. coni*ort ttpt"""ntaiive RePresenl'atives shall bdrg ID end Proof of ro avail such p€rsonnel shatl ua to an outrilliiJituainc"tion. oualifications. 2023' for rec-eipt of s€aled @nder offers is 09oo houts on 24th october' ;;;6rd;;;bti rii.iliriir. ffi'"i*i"* i"" -a ,i." Late tender ofrers will not b€ acctpted. *ri[ rotto* t"*t co" and compliant selection Evaluation Procedure or anv othc! ffi;;";;;;tt"t Accounting Officer' by the method authorized offem t;id-Jr;;;;i"r'M"tnoa is: onelEnvetope Submission in \Phich a tendercr's fmncial and t€chnical are submitted logether in one s€aled envelofr' -original ' and two (2 ) duplicate copies of the original document i ir.ii"". tl i Proposal maried (3) Year Tender No Ds/HQ o I5/2023-202 - A Three "?e;"1 "nd.r markA: clearlv e'nvilope *aled ;;J;:a;;;J;:;" police Planf' Treatment s€werage station ior rt-,tiaaiepits i,["J"jr"Jilri"]i-.,r* conuact PriYat' Bag 00384' of Defe;ce-and The render shall b€ deliv".ed to, a;;;;;:il;JFfut,"niie"r.tary, Ministry .Security, office No.004, Plot No 54355, cenral Business District' caborone' Botswana' 5652 . The oame and address of the bidder should b€ clea y marked on the envelope. The Public Procuremena Reguratory Authority's standardised conditions of render for supplies shall apply to this procurement, for which all the applicable Tender Data is contained in the Notwithsranding anything in the foregoing,lhe procuring rntity or covemmeiili'-sots*r-a i. not borra lo accept the lowest or any tender offer Te"d*;;;;;r. The Dircctoa Ptocutemen OyersiIht, Ministry of Defence and Security. Second Publication Repubtc of Borswans _ T€Dder No. DS/BDF 057,{,23-2O1,{WORKS Corps of Enginee$ (94 Construction atrd Maint"""n"; R"g;;;i) A WORKS CONTRACT FOR THE MAINTENANCE OF BURNT HOUSE NO. E263 IN SSKB, MOGODITSHAG S,EALED TENDER OFF-ERS ARE INVITED for the provision of a works contract for lhe maintenance of bumt House No. E263 in SSKB, Mogoditshane. The works contract will include the following: Paioting Works Elecrricat Works Mechanical Works Repai and Alteration Works The Procuring Depanment is: Botswana Defencerorce, corps of Enginee6 (94 constn ction and Maintenance Regiment), Ministry of D€fence and Se.uritv. Gaborone. hoclrement Me6od is: Open Domestic Bidding. Tendercrs must' in order to be considered for arard of the contract, be registered with the pubric procurement a. ,. c. d. :il;rdd' Regulatory Authoritv (ppRA) in the fonowing caregory: cJnstruction works ana - bi Mainlenance. Sub-Code: 0l Building Consntciio,, c;je, OC. In addirion.lhe assoctares, JV Darrners (lr his sub_contractors shall poss€ss the following codesi Code: Ol _ Building Construdion Works and Maintenance. Sub_Code: 0 t _ Buitlin; a"r.*",i.",'C."a., OC. This tender is reserved for citizen contractors in line *itf, ,."tion ZC oi tfi"-pu'Uii"_ rr"_"nt a"t. Prefercnce margins wiI be applied to qualifying bidders in Iine with rtre Prcsidentiat Direcrive 34 tb\ of ,ot4;n I_ocatty r,tanutacru,eic;; appty. Bidders who arc manufacturers/service providers or represeniarives of trr" ."qoi."a lociJimii' u" glu"o p."fer"r"e over disrriburom/agents. If representatives, please provide c;", foti;;;';;;.r, iifi;;ii ;ifit C;;ificare of Manufacrure " "dy . . represented, Local Procurement Scheme will also apply in this tender and will be applied as follows: t-ocal Procurement Scheme Presidential Direcdve l9/B of 201I will alio apply. youth and women owned businesses !o provide copies of ID cenified by o"rarg om... ro;p";J'Jiit iiuulity, pr"u." p.ria" affidavit or any other proof of disabilitv. Tenderen are !o purchase ail rheir producrs from looqo cirizen locall) based manufa(urers and service providers. provided rhat !fie soods and se,vices a,e and meer render specificalions in term5 0fquariry srandard as cenified or recognized by BorsJana BuieJu of Standards tBoBS.l or other recogn ized certtfying bodies. The physical address for correction of render Documents is: 94 constructions and Mainlenance Regiment in SSKB, Mogoditshane, project Office. Tender Documents may be collected during working days between 0g0o houN and 1600 hours from &iy;;ilbilil;ili":i;;".0 September, 2023 lgth . A non-refirndable fee of BWpt 0O.O0 (One Hundred pula only) payable in cash or by bank guaranreed cheque made out in favou of rhe Govemment of Botswana or tte nirri.iir! en"rv i,i,t Documenrs is required on cotlection of the Tender Documents. yourh compantesGth;;;;; *ilt pay p50.00 (Fifty Pula only). Queries or clarincations relatins to the issrrrnce of thes€ documents may be addressed in wnung not later than fve {5) $orking days before rh; Ender cro\ing-dare ro: Lieurcnant coltn.r x. i-.-ir,rluo*" o, r_i.utenanr s. T. Segokgo, Telephone No s. 3662351/2jgum42.Fax No. 3 101658. The prc-tender me€ting and site visit is compulsory. .ilJ li""a* il;;r,, 5653 .Asitevisit/pre-tendermeetingwithreprcsentativesoftheProcuringEntitywilltakePlaceat:94CMRoffices, !iti, rtaoioal.rrur" on 2dth September, 2023 at 09oo hours Failure to attend prc-tender meeting and compulsory sile visit will resull in outright di5qualification' . . . . . . . . ar,. -d t ime for rece ipt of-sealed iender offers is Omo hours on l7d oclober' 2023 ' will not be accepted offers [,ate tender fh" Si; Sru.i".ion Method is: One-Envelope Submission in which a tendercr's financial and technical offers are submitted together in one sealed envelope. The Tender Evaiuation wilt follow l-east Cost Selection Evaluation Prccedure' and must beo"" iii".igi""i""der offer plus two (2) duplicate copies shorld b€ en-closed in a sealedrorenv€lope of ihe Maintenance contract A works oRKs Trioz.l-2024^ No.'osrsor)os Ministry of BumiHouse No. E263 in SSKB, Mogoditshane" shall be haod_delivered to: Permanent Secretary' o"i""".-r.a s*U,y. p.ivate Bag 00i84' Gaborone, G'ound Floor, office No 004' Plot No 54355' cenEal Business District, Gaborcne, Botswana. The names and addrcsses of bidders should be clearly ma*ed on the envelope' but the is BwP45o,00o oo (This is for guidance onlyi bidders may quote any amount fii" f."-i"na". the lowest compliant bidder). award will be to"si.ate The eslimated duration is one hundred and twenty (120) calendar days' irr. ii"ii"i ;i"4. ;;;i';;iJ, - Tender for Works shall aPply to this The Public Procurement Regulatory Authority's Standardised Conditions of Drocurement. for which au the;ppficable Tender Data is contained in the Tender Documents' or any in ihe foregoing, the Govemment of Botswana is not bound to accept the lowest rr.,-oi"g 'l.i"i*i ""yahing tender offer. Thz Director, Procurement Ov er sight, Ministry of Delence and Securiry' Secotul Publication Tender No. DS/PRI 0282023'2024/SUPL Botswana h:ison Service Republic of Botswana - RAI'IONS AND DOMESTIC A FRAMEWORK CONTRACT FOR SUPPLY AN'D DELIVERY OF FOOD oF TwENTY-FouR (24) PERIoD FoR A PRlsoN To MACHANENG REFILL Cooxwt ces tlpcl MONTHS SEALEDTENDERoFFERsAREINVITEDfortlrcprocureme[tofaframeworkcontractforsupplyand period of twenty-four aJir".y oi fooa .utioo. und domestic cooking gas (LPG, refll to Machaneng Prison for a (24) months. The Procuring Enlity is: Botswana Prison Seftice' Procurcment Method is: Open Domestic Bidding for award of the contract, be registered Tenderem who are domiciled in Botswana must, in order to be considered with the Public Procurement Regulatory Authority in the following category: SuPplies or Suh-Code: 02 - Fresh Code: 20? - Food hoducts and Beverages, S;b-Code: 01 General Food hoduce or Sub-Code: 03 - Dietary SupPlements i. ii. Code: 213 - General Manufactuers,lProducers, Sub_Code: iii. Code: 216 - Gases, Sub-Code: 01 - 0l - Processed Food' Domestic per section 76 (1) of the Public Procurement The tender is reserved for loo% citizens or citizen confiactors as for tenderers located within the radius of reserved is loaves) white bread (brown and f , fto*""". I-ot S a"i are also rcserved for Poultry farmers (stewing beeo 7 Nt""t -"ng,lrt 6 (whole chicken) 6nd Lot iSOh Machaneng from l 50km radius of the within located and Butcheries Schemei fo"n.e .*gin. *itt be aPplied to qualifying bidders in line with the Prescribed Preference line with Citizen Econornic Presidential Directive l9 (_B) 2013 the t oc-al Procutement Scheme is in women' youth and people fieei p"licy oi which advocate for tbe economic empowerment oftender' bidders should attach in this be aPplied will areas *i,i oi.^tifiti". in g.nir"rf and specifically in the rural or swom io"u."noilon fo. end;lement to the scheme (certified Identity Card, certificate of disability b€ submilted)' must scheme declaration for the entitlement to the iii f-. i.p.*"-"* ."i"r-i 5654 . ' ' ' . . . Prcferences will be to suppriers with: Economic Dversification Drive (EDD) under the cabin€t Directive cAB No. l1 of20l0, Economic Dive$ification Drive as per Guidelines on the dive$ification and stimulation through preference margin based on rumover and thrcshold shall be implemented in the evaluation of this tender The successfi.rl ro abide by the unde(akings given on the divemification and stirnulation of2olo published by the Ministry of Trade and lndustry. Bidden should be registercd wirh Ministry of rrade and Industry and attach cenified copy of Economic Diversification Drive (EDD) certificatc and cEE for eligibility to rcceive preference under this tender. The physical address for collection of Tender Documents is: Machaneng hisoo at Machaneng Village. Tender Documents may be collected during working hours between 0730 hours and 1245 hous and Iiom 1345 hours to l50O hours on weekdays from 186 September,2023. A non-rctundable fee of Bwp250.00 (T\vo Hun&ed and Fifty pula only) and Bwpr25.00 (one Huadr.d and T$enty_Five Pula only) for youth companies payable in cash made out in favour of the Govemment of Botswana or the Procuring Entity stated in the Tender Document is required on co ection of the Tender Document". Queries or clarifications relating to the issuance of these d@uments may be address€d, in writing, not later than seven (7) days before the tender crosi.g date to: senior superint€ndent Trrtwane, Telephone N o. qs4ozsr, Eft ail: Machaneng'prison@ The closing time and date for receipt of sealed tender offers is 0900 hours on 19th October. 2023. Late tender offers will not be accepted. The Bid Submission Method is: Single-Envelope Submission. submit one ( I ) original tender proposal marked "odginal" and two (2) duplicate copies of the original document ..A Framework Contracifor Supply ana Delivery of Iu*ed "Copy" in one s€ated envelope clearly marked: Food Rations and Domestic cooking cas (Lpc) Refill to Machaneng hison for a period of rwenty-rour [zay Months" and shall be delivered to: Machaneng pdson, procurcment Office. The Public Procurement Regulatory Authority's standardised conditions of render for supplies shall apply to this pr@urement, for which all the applicable Tender Data is contained in the Tender Document. Notwithstanding anything in the foregoing, lhe procuring Entiry or Govemment of Botswana is not bound !o accepl the lowest ot any tender offer. The Director, urenent Overs ight, Ministry ol Defence and Secuity. P roc Second Publication Repul,lic ofBotswam - Tender No. DSPRI 0(5202&m2lgWORXS Botrware prison Service A WORXS CONTRACT FOR MAINIENANCE OF PRISON STAPF HOUSES AT FRANCISTOWN PRISON (rc33 X6, NN2 AND TYPE IV BACHELOR) - ' . . ' SEATED TENDER oFFERS ARE INvrrED for rhe procurement of a works contract for maintenance of Pdson staff houses at Fnncistown Prison (LC33 x6, NN2 and Typ€ IV Bachelor). The Procuring Entity is: Botswana P.ison Service. Procurcment Method is: Of,en Domestic Bidding. Tenderem who are domiciled in Botswana must, in order to be considored for award of the contract, be registered with lhe Public Procurement Regulatory Authority in the follo*ing category: Grade A: Code: 0l _ Building Construction Works and Mainteoance, Sub-Code: Ol - Building Construction. 'Thetenderisrcservedforcitizensorcitizenconfactomasstatedundffs€ction76(I)ofthepublickocurement Acr.m2l. heference margins will be applied to qualifying bidders in line with the prescribed preference Scheme. Preferences will be !o suppliers with: Economic Diversificatio[ Ddve (EDD) under the cabinet Dircctive cAB No. I 1 of 2010, Economic Dive$ification Ddve as per guidelines on the diversification a.nd stimulalion tlrough prefercnce margin based on tumover and theshold shall be implemented in lhe cvaluation of this tender. (T[c successfirl bidder to abide by the undert kings given on the dive$ification and stimulation of 20Io published by lhe Ministry of Trade and tndustry). Bidders should be rcgistercd with Ministry of Trade and Industry and attach cenified copy of Economic Diversification Drive (EDD) certificate foieligibility to receive preference under this tender 5655 l9 (B) 2013, the Local Procurcment Scheme is in line wiih Citizen Economic p-.lo*".rn"nr pot;"v. which advocate fol tie economic empowerment of women' youth and people with Presidential Directive sfcincatry in the ruml areas will be appried in rhis renderi bidders should attach of ldentiry Card, certificate of disability or rclevant documentation for entitlement tro the scheme certified copy the scheme' to entitlement for the swom declaration and service to purchase all tleir Products from l0o% citizen locally based manufactuen tender p-tta,,i rft" the goods and services are Iocally available' competitiYely priced and meet(BOBS) p-"fJ"-, "t" Bureau of standards by Botswana or reclgnized as certified quality standard . .f i" ;J ;;ffi;.;i;;.# i""a.*^ Gin""ii.i'rt "t or other recognized certifying ;;tG;;i r* Mies. of Tender Documents is: Ministry of Defence and securitv Building' "o-tt"",ion "dd*.t Service Headquarte$, Pdson 305, East Wing' Third Floor' Procurcment Office' Central Square Building.Plol No 54355.Centsal Business District Caborone' *u, be collected during working days between 0730 houls and 1245 hours and from 1345 Botswana Office No iJnao oo",. hours lo I500 hours with effeo from I8th September' 2023 ,eronlretnoatt"i.lofP250.o0(TwoHund;dandFiftyPulaonly)andPl250otoneHundrcdandTventy- ilu" putu onty) Procuring Entity fo. yorth payable in cash in fauour of the Gouemment of Botswana or the Tender Document' stated in the iender Document is required on collection of the in rcLaring to the issuance of these documents may be addr€ssed' .. ' 6".i". dj i,t aays i.'Nyuti, t"l"pt obedi . ,c, . . . 1015 hours. date to: Mr not later than seven NK hison in with rcpresentatives of the Procuring Entity will tat€ place ai Francistown at 1000 hours and closes at s""pt"mber, 2023, starting at 1000 hours Registation will start **,ing ";pih".y6n zsd, ion"iJto*n . . . *titing' Mosana' Telephoie No 3698260' Email nnkod€na@gov bw' 36117ll'Email: on" l'Io.36il7OO' Email tnyati@govbw and Mr O Bedi' TelePhone No "i*in*,ions oe tenaer closing tetore fol receipt of sealed tender offers is oq)o hours on 17th October' 2023' not be accepted. which a tendercr's financial and technical offers The Bid Submission Method is: One_Envelope Submission in sealed envelop€' in one together submitted are The pre-tender estimate is P2, 500' 000 0o' compliant bidder)' (Thii is for guidance only, bidders may quoE any amount but lhe award, to drc lowest (2) duplicate coPies of fte original two and 'oriSinal ptopo*t tender originai lutmit one-(t) A No ao"o."nt .".t"a "Lopy" in one sealed envelope clear! marked: "Tender -DS/PRI045/m22'2123 x6' NN2 and TyPe IVw.*, io"o*, f.. ftaiii*nance of Prison Staff Houses at Francistown Prison (LC33 Private Bag 00384 ' su;efot" ana .hAf b" aelvered to: Permanent Secrctary, Ministry of Defenceand Security' Gabomne' Bo6wana' District' Business Central Cuto-n", C.orna ff*r, Office No OO4, Plot No 54355, the enveloPe' on marked clearly be should bidde$ of aaaresses The names and fir" ,i-" date "ra "f"ti"g Late tender ofrers will t-t"a - ThePublicProcurementRegulatoryAuthority,sstandardisedConditionsofTenderforsuppliesshallapplytothis *ur.-"nr. for ,rhich all thJapplicable Tender Data is contarned in the Tender Document' " ffi;fi',laaiil;;il* in'ti. ro."going, th" nocuring Entity or Govemment of Botswana is not bound to accept the lowest or any tendel offer. P roc The Dircctot, urenent Over sight, Ministry of Defence and Secutity. Second Publication 5656 _ Tender No. MOJ/AOJ 003 /2OB\OU Og) Admiristraaion of Juslice (AoJ) Repubtic of Botswsna A WORKS CONTRACT FOR THE PROCUREMENT AND INSTALLATION OF PORTA CABINS AT TAKATOKWANE MAGISTRATE'S COURT. TAKA.TOKWANE ' . . . ' SEALED TEM)ER OFFERS ARE INVITED for the provision of a works conrract for the pr@urement aDd installation of po(a cabins at Takatokwane Magist ute,. Coun, f*utot*"n". The works contract will include the following: Construction and Installation Works Electrical Works Mechanical Works The Procuring Entity is: Administration ofJustice (AoJ). Procurernent Method is: Open Domestic Bidding. Tenderers must' in order to be considered.for a;ard of the contract, be rcgistered wiih the pubric prccurcment Regulatory Au$ority (ppRA) in the.folowing categories: crbnstruction works and -Buildiig., Maintenance, sub-Code: 03 _ pre_Fabricated or L.ode: 213 ceneral Manufacrurcs/prcducen. a. 6. c. Sub-Code: . ' Prefabs. This tender is reserved for citizen contractors in line with section 76 heference margins . . ' c"d",;i:'iliia'i;; c.J* *l C"ilil;,'i lz _ prefabs oi coa., zri_ i-"r".i irpp["., wil be appried ro qualifying bidden i, rir. *i t-t"-i"il*ing prescribed preference *o."r, [opf" *it will be apptied in the i-isabilities, employment a.nd The Economic Diversification Dnvg lfppfniilapply for this tender as per ihe presidential Directive CAB 34 tBt 2014. lo benefir a(ach EDD cenfcare Tenderers are lo purchase a, lheir Droducts from rooq, citizen rocary based manufacnrrcrs and s€rvice providers. provided rhar rhe goods ."^t... ,r. on"* ard meer knder "na specifications in terms of quality standard as cenifr"a o....ogrir.J Ly'roori,,,a B-ureau or standards (BoBs) or other rccognized certifying bodies. A non-retundable fee of p25O.O0 (TWo Huodred and_Fifty hrla onty) payable in cash or by banl guaranteed cheque made out in favour of the covemment of Botswana o, ,i.r" no"r.irrg froty slated in the Tender Documents is required on co,e.ion of ttre Tender nocumeni. will acquire rhe Tender Documenr ar 50% reduced price being pl2S.00 lOne HundrcJ anJ fW"-n,]ip1u" prlu only) as per lhe Presidenuar Directive cAB 14 (B) 20 I5. youth.o*r"a co.pani"" .t oria p-r-#u p-or or ou,ional idenrity card/s and Directors Share Cenificate upon purchasing ttre Tinder Documeirt. fayment should be made at High Court of Botswana, Central Business District, Caborooe, Second Floor, Revenue office No. D2 r03. durins weekdays betwee; o80o r,"r." liom 1345 hours !o 1530 hours The physical address for collection ofTe.der Doclments is: Caborone High Colrt, Office Room No. D2 293, second Floor, hocurement office, plot Numbers s+:zslolzlt, ;;r;ffibil;;.;;iuJ,, . i.",i-.*rJ i-p-i"s . *Jlzii"r . c"it Jgo.i;Jiiit -d i"r, cuto-n". 'TenderDocumentsmaybecollecreddurirgworkingtroursuetweenoz:oiou-rs'JJizqsrroursanarromrsas hours ro t630 hours fiom t8th Seprember.202l. ' Quefies or crari 6ca rions reratin* to rhe issuance of lhese documents may be addressed, in writing, not laler tian ..,,, fl0) days before rhe render ctosing date to: urO. fefetetae, felepione Ivos. iilgOsOlfZiS:SS, f"* . ' No. The pre-tender meeting and site visit is compulsory. A compursory site visit and,/or pre-tender meeting with reprcsentatives of the hocuring Entity wi, take place at the proposed site in Takatokwane along main tarrcd road ira la:u""nt !o poric€ station offices on 27th September, 2023 at I 100 hous. Faitr,. ro unend ; iisit will result in outright disqualification. i"t"r"[*-" ;o;;;;;r:it date for rcceipt of sealed tender offers is l00O hours on 6rh Ocrober 2023. :' P-.:,.:,# "r:,::d renoer oners wr, be opened al 1030 houn on .ne same day; 6th October, 2023 in the prescnce . . - ofthe public procurement Act. Presidential Directive CAB 19 (B) 2013 ofrhe l,ocat procuemenr Scheme (LpS) rend€r.lhis applies only ro companies owned by yootf,, rural_serfing and shoutd submir proof of eligibil;ry - sub_Code: 15 of tenderers or representative who choose to attend at thei{inistry of Justice, plot No. SO:Zi, fargrounAs Omce fark, Gaborone, next !o IEC Offices, Cround Floor, Conference Room. Late tender offers will not be acceoted. The Enderevaluation will follow i-east Cosr Selecrion Evaluarion pro€edure_ 565? . (120) The pre-tenaler estimate is BwP 3,000, ooo.o0 with an estimated duralion of one hundred and twenty the lowest will be !o the award quote amount but any may calendar days. (This is for guidance only; bidde$ compliant bidder). offe$ The Bid submission Method is: one-Envelope submission in which a tenderer's financial and technical are submitted together in one sealed envelope. The bidder shali prepare and submit one (l) original and two (2) copies clearly marked "Original" and A works Contmct for lhe "Copy" properly sealed and ma*ed: "Tender No. MOlAOf O$1m23t2O24 (21) procuremeoi of porta Cabins for rhe Proposeal Takatokwane Magistrate's Court" aDd shall h€ hand_delivered to: Office Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Justice, Procurement Oversight Unit, Plot No 50371' Fairgounds Pa*, Gaborone next to IEC Offices, First Floor' Office No. 25. The nam€s and addresses ofbidders should be clearly mmked oo the envelope' . . - . to this The Public Procurement Regulatory Authority's standardised conditions of Tender for works shall apply procurement, for which all the applicable Tender Data is contaioed in the Tender Documents Notwithstandinganythinginlheforegoing,theGovemmentofBo6wanaisnotboundtoacceptthelowestorany tender offer, Thc Directot, Prucwement Over si eht U nit, Ministry of Justice . Second Publication Iender No. MOJ/CS 00512023'20.25 (25\ Refirg€e Mo[agement and ADtl lluman TtafficklDg Republic of Botswana MiDistry of Justice - - A SIJPPLIES CONTRACT FOR TTIE SUPPLY AND DELIVERY OF FOOD HAMPERS TO DUKWI REzuGEE CAMP FOR A PERIOD OF TWENTY-FOUR (24) MONTHS .THEPRoCtJRINcENTITYis:MinistryofJustice'DepartmentofRefugeeManagementandAntiHuman . . . . . Trafficking. Procuement Method is: Open Domestic Bidding Tenderers who are domiciled in Botswana must, in order to b€ considercd for award of the contract, be rcgislered with the Public Procurement Regulatory Authority in the following category: l. Code: 211 - General SupPlies 2. Sub-Code: 0l - Food Packages Dukwi, Mosetse, The tedder is reserved for IOOA citizen owned youtl contractots based in Nata, Sowa_Town, l-epashe and Kutamogoree only. procure the stated This is a framework Jontract, the bidder should note that Govemment might not necessarily ourrtiti"s at once but maY place lep€titive orders through Govemment Purchase Order (GPO)' during the as and when ii 6l to do so. (Puchale Orden will be made as per demand)' Joui.. of rft. on the t-ocal Procffement Scheme (LPS) of Presidential Directive No l9B of 2013 will be The Directive"ontta"t uflfi"J in Oi. t"na". u, p"r the applicable LPS Guidelines. People with disabilities, women' youlh' rural setting e.ployment (businesses that have employed the set groups sho_uld fill in the cal Procurement b'u'rines.". r"lirrration"ndC"rtln""L form to benefit from the extended pnce prefercnce of 15% as per l-ocal Procurcment t SchemePolicy. Proof of eligibility should be attached. presidentiiD e;tive CAB 34 (r)/2014, Directive on F.onomic Diversification Drive (EDD) will apply to apply as outlined in rhe EDD Guidolines Prefercnces and reservation margins shall pr"rir"nces, bidders must include valid and certified mpies of RDD cenificates. These Dreferences shall te imDlemenEd in the evaluation oflhe tender' ior collecdon of Tender Documents is: Ministry of Justice, Department of Retu8ee rti-i!J."n, -a en,i numan Trafficking - Dukwi Relugee cadp, opposite Dukwi Police' Dukwi' Telephone Nos. 297 1 264I 37 32646, F ax N o. 297 1 21 4. i"na"i Oo"o."nt. rrl"y be collecied during working hours belween 0?30 holrs and 1245 hours and from 1345 2023 at Department of hours to 1630 hours on weekdays, effectiie l5th SepEmber, 2023 until 4th October' Refugee and And Tratficking - Dukwi Refugel CamP. Procuremenl Omce . . A noi-retundable fee of nwi'75.0o lsevenry'Five Pula only) for youth payable in cash-pu,-"n" (weekday, rf,orfa f" made at edministration Office, Dukwi Refugee Camp during working hours SePtember, 2023 to 4th beiween 0730 hours and 1245 hours and from 1345 hours to 1530 hours from 15th this tender. io *nJi All apPlicable rro. ibo . ilt; ily".J;d*ss . . . Ocrober,2023. 5658 ' . ' Queries or clarificalions relating to lhe issuance of these documents may be addressed, in writing, not rater than five (5) working days beforc the tender closing date to: Matshediso V Tawana,/l_enah Goil;abhwene. Iblephone Nos. 3732646129'17 264, F ax No. 397 5653t291't 2t 4. Tender Submission location: Ministry of hslice, Department of Refugee Management and Anti Human Traffcking, opposite Dukwi Police, Dukwi Refugee Camp, procuement Office. The closing date and time for receipt of sealed tender offers is 4th october, 2023 at l0oo hours a! Ministry of Justice, Department of Refugee Affairs, opf,osite Dukwi police, Dukwi Refugee Camp, procurement Offic;. Late tender offers will not be accepted. Tend€r ofe^ will be opened on the same day at 1030 hours in the presence of bidders wishing to attend on the 4th Octob€r, 2023 at 1030 hours at the Minisry of Justice, Depa(ment of Refugee Manage;ent and Human Trafficking, opposite Dukwi Police, Dukwi Refuge€ Camp. The Bid submission Method is: one-Envelope submission in which a tendercr's financial and technical offers arc submitted together in one sealed envelope. The Public Procurement Regulatory Authority's standardised conditions ofrender for supplies shall apply to this procurement, for which all the applicable Tender Data is contained in the Tender Document. Notwithstanding anything in the foregoing, the Procuring Entity or Govemment of Bo6wana is not bound to accept the lowest or any tender offer. The Diector, Procure ment Over si ght, Ministry of . Second Publitotion Republic of Botswsne Tbnder No. MLGRD/CS/B 20ar2024R8 TENDER Department of Corporate Seryices - A TWO (2) YEAR FRAMEWORK CONTRACT FOR THE SUPPLY AN'D DELIVERY OF COMPUTER HARDWARE AND PERIPHERALS To THEJvtIMmySF LOCAL C,oVERNMENT AND RLRAL . . . . SEALED TENDER OFFERS ARE INVITED for a two (2) year ftamework conrract for rhe supply and deliverv ofcomputer hardware and peripherals to rhe Ministry of l-ocal Covemmenr and Rural Develdp'nienr. The Procuring Entity is: Deparrment of Corporate Services MinisEy of Incal Govemment and Rural ' - Development. Procurement Method is: Opeo Domestic Bidding. Tenderers who are domiciled in Botswana must, in order to be considered for awad of the contmct, be re€istered with the Public hocuement Regulatory Authoriry in the following category: Code: m3 Electrical, Electronic, Mechanical_and-IcT Supplies, Sub-Code: Elecrrjcal and Elecrr6nii Equipment, Spares ana' Accessones (includes ICT. PhologrEphic Equipmenr and olhea). The tender is reserved for citizens or citizen contracto$ as stated under section 76 (2) ofthe Public Procurement 0l ' . . . . . . Prefereoce margins will be applied to qualirying bidders in line wi$ the prescrib€d prefercnce Scheme. The Presidential_Dircclive CAB_34 {B) on procuremenr of locally produced gdods and s€rvices wiu be applied in this tender. To qualify for EDD price preferenc€. please submit a copy of relevant and valid EDD Ce('ificale. Local Procurement Scheme of Presidential Directive No. 19 (B) 20i3 be applied in lhis tender Thercfore bidd€rsrrho qualiff under this scheme ar€ required ro submit narional identity (orurg) numben. In addition disabled bidders are required ro submit any documenr thar confirms their disabiliiv. The physical addrcss for collectioo ofTender Documenrs is: IT Office, Ground Floor, Office No.052, Ministry of Local Govemmenl and Rural Development. Headquaners. Tender Documenrs may be collected duiing working irours betweeo 08OO hours and 1245 hours and from 1345 houm to 1530 houIs on weekdays, excluding public holidays, with effect ftom 15rh Seprember, 2023. A non-re-tundable fee of BWP250.00 (t$o Hundred and Fifty pula only) payable in aash or pOS paid our in favou of the Govemment of Botswana is i€quired on collection of the teidar Documents. paymerits shall be made at Office No.46, Ministry of Local Govemmenr and Rural Developmenr Headquaners. YouthownedloBpanies shall only pay PI25m (One Hundred and Tweirry-Five puli only) as per prcsidenrial Directive CAB 19 (B) 2013 upon proofofeligibility.In addition individlra-l shareholden s'hal drovide national idendty (onan8) numbers and a form indicating shareholdeN issued and duly certified by Company Intellectual Property Authority (CIPA). Queries.or_clarifications ,relating_ to the issuance of these documents may be addrcssed, in writing, to: Mr Moitsheki Pelotona or Mr David Lebalelo, Telephone Nos.3658473/3658736. Far No.3902079 Email: and five (5) working days before tenderclosing. The closing time and date for receipr of sealed tender offers ia 1000 hours on 5th Octobe;, m23. [lte Ender offem will not be accepted. Telegaphic, faxed or emailed submissions shall not be accepted. wi ir . . 5659 . . tectmical offers Tbe Bid submission Method is: one-Envelope subrission in which a tenderer's financial ald are submitted losether in one sealed envelope. rr*f"d 'Originat" and lwo ( 2 ) copies of 1,e original document marked i,,r,n,iiii". r r i marked: "A- T[o (2) Year Franiework contract- for the sup,lv and Development C..p""i tiaraw*e ano ririptrerut" to the Ministry of t'ocal Govemment and Ruml a"ii*.0 thd Cara,an of6ce No. 16 behind Main BuildinS, Ministrv of onLocal 5th nural Development, hvate Bag 006, Gaborone, Botswana not later lhan l0(x) houls ,iri"iiJi"niiii.roi"t :a;;;: ;;;;;A;t;""ir.ri f.-tv iili'.rt'"r :'ii;i.d;.'-j'tili # . Govimminiana October, 2023 . rrii'ti*i* -i . of bidders should be clearly marked on the reverse side of the envelope' "aO*sses The Public ProcuremeDt Requla@ry Authority\ Standardised Conditions of Tender for SuPPIies shall apply to this Dmurement. for which all lhe-aoolicable Tender Data is contained in the Tender Documenl ' ;;rd";tin'tfii foregoing, the nocuring Entity or covemment of Bots*ana is not bound to accept de lowesl or any lender offer' 'iffii;il;irg PETER M. SEBOLAO, Director, Procureme t and Project MarLSement Unit Minisny of local Goremrnent and Rural DeveloPnent. Second Publication Tender No. MLGRD/CS|23 Tbnder Cancelladon RePubllc of Botswans - N2'm24 A' TWO (2) YEAR FRAMEWORK CONTRACT FOR THE SUPPLY AND DELIVER OF COMPT]TER ' i,.,iiiwerii exo iEnlptcn-em pon uIMsrRY oF LocAL GoVERNMENT AND RIIRAL DEVELOPMENT .THISIsCANCELLAI,IoNoftheabove-mentionedtenderwhichaPpearedinthecovemmentca.elteollStl Ausust.202l and 25lh Auqusl' 2023 . i,;;il;ff;tdd;ar" thE..fir" inform.a of the cancellation of the above-mentioned date was 4dl Seotember. 2023. . A rc-tender for ihe same will be issued witlr the same terms and conditions . we apologise for any inconvenience caused by this. tender whose closilg PETER M. SEBOLAO, Director. Procurcnent and Prcject Ma'uSenunt Unit Minisiv of lital Govcrn ent ond Rural Developtent. Second Publication Republic of BotEw{nl Tender No. POUMLWA/DWS/ASSESSMEM oF ON'SITE SANTTATION - l01atlfi5a23 Department ol Water etrd Sinitrtlon THEPRoCI]REMENToFcoNsI]LTANcYsERvIcEsFoRAssEssMENToFoN-StTESANmAI.IoN . . . for assessment of on-site SEALED TENDER OFFERS ARE INVITED for the provision of consultarcy servic€s Brief Scope: The dumtion ofthe consultancy is eiShteen (18) months: Review of NRSP and NOSSPwith ofier relevant documentation' .f o*ite sanitation in terms of access,lacilities and availability of services (lhloughout tlrc service chain) in ruml areas of Botswana ixu"_rop."ni or u new on_site Sanitation Prcgramme and its implementation plan' and outseach material for Public Education and Awaleness' Deveblmenr of traininq rr,. ir, .ri.,. Irli"i.w of Lands anal warer AIfairs, Department of water and saniration rH.uaqu"n o'i, mi"ir. Sag 0029. Gaborone, Old l,batse Road. Plot No 25019' itocurement Method is: Open Intemalional Bidding registered i"nJ"."n,rtto r.e oomicil;d in Botswana must, in o;der to be considered forau/ard ofthe contract'beEngineering P.aii" Pt*r*ment Regulatory Authority in the following caEgory: Code: 303 - civil Services, Sub-Code; 08 Irrigation wat€I Supply and Sanitatior/Sewerage' . . n"."r,.J . . -ri*i,ii,i"-i"*, . . . ;i;-A; - 5660 ' ' . . Foreign tendercrs shall submit notadzed or cenified copies of Cenificare of Incorporation or proofof Registration of lhe consulting 6rm. Company DirectorshiD and Sh;reholdinp_ consultanls may associare wirtrorher the form-of a joiit venture or a lub-consurtancy ro enhance $eir qualificarions. In case of Joint venture (JV) a copy of theiV Agreemeni li i"!uf"a. arc required to be,registered with the pubric procurement Reguta_ory autroriry'on tle auori coae or suumit notarired or cenifred copie\ of ce(ificale of Incorpomtion Jr r."1 or n.!iJ"^iion or m consutring irm. Company Directorship and Shareholding for foreign companies. The following Preference Schemes shall be apptic-able in ihis tender: Citizen.Economic Empowermenr (CEE) polii! apply for the evaluation of this tender as per covemment Paper No. I of 2012. where applicable lhe Presidential Dirccrive on Economic Diversification Drive cAB 34 B of 2014 shall be applied in the evaluation of the tender..The consultant (or supplier as the case may be) is required by the undenakings given in the cuidetines on Eronornic 6iversificaiio, f].i""'_ Zfif+ prirfiit to abiae Minisrry of rrade and Indusny. To benefir from EDo preferences, uidders ,'r.t ir"rra. "aoiiroii notfr'p"ni;.;;;in wi tiif," ".rtinia -pi." 'ThephysicaladdressforcollectionofTenderDocumentsis:Departmentofwaterandsanitation,hivaleBag 0029, caborcne, PlorNo.250t9, Old Lobatse Road, caborone,'slock C, c;unJ-Floor, oftice No. G09. 'TenderDocumen*maybeco,ectedduringworkinghoursfrom18$s.pi"-u.i,iriii,t"t*""n0730hoursand 1245 hours and from Il45 hour. ro 1530 houn. A non-refundable fee of P2000.0o rTwo Thousand pura or y, payabre in cash ' or bv bank suaranteed cheoue i"ra.7O."-r."."i"r;;d;; . made out in favour of the Covemmenr o[ Bolswana or the eniity ,Lted in , f,. on collection of the Tender Document. YouLh Botswana citizen companies shall pay pl0OO.O0 tone Thousand pula onlv): Presidemial_Direclive CAB t4 rBr 20 I5.-hoof of eligibiliry wiI be requ;; ui 50% selling price as p"i"iof.a.. per rhe ';ai.c.ounaEoor,officeNo. ' : ' . . G09 in Caborone. Queries or darifications .erating to lhe.issuanc€ of_rhese documents may be addressed, in writing, not later than founeen (14) days before the tender closing dare ,o: Mr B. phiri;e, i"rior,on" rqo. 36619;, '', Fax No.3903508, Mr.T..Seetetso,-Telephone No.3m7iZA, irnait: oseeletsoOgov.Uw. "t,, g dare-:]td rime forreceipt of seated tender offers is IOOO trours on tsir 6ctobe\2023. fhe:losrender orlers wirr tre opened rhe same time on Lhe same day in de presence of bidders who wish ro anend at the Mi,is*y ofLands and wa*rAffai,.. Debswana House. Eist wing.cround Frooiieceprion erea. t4ain Ir,lafl, Gaborone, Botswana. Lale tender offers will not be acceDred. The Bid Submission Mer-hod is: Tio-Envelope Submission in which rhe sealed original and allfie sealed cooiel of tie lechnicat offer are placed in one separare sealed envelop€. whilst *,. ,irf& Ugi"J"rJril copies of the financial offer are enclosed in another separate seaied envelope. rna ttuo a"-"t"a ,r"tr,"n placed in one outer securely \ealed envelope, "rr"t,rp, pioposat marked'-Originat. and rwo t2, duplicare copies of rle originat documenr 9T,.il.:lg,l3. qopy rn"nder one seated envetope clearty marked: .,Iender No. POU^.ILWA,/DWS/ASS-ESSMENT T.a,n(_io_ OF oN-sITE SANITATIoN or24nil)52o23" shal be hand-derivered to: .Itre Directoi, hocu.".-i o*r.ilnt Unit, Ministry of Lands and Water Affairs. Gaborone, Cround Floor, East Wing, Riception Area, OeOswfia House. Main Mall, Gaborone, Botswana. The names and addrcsses of bidders should tre clearly marked on the envelope. t ' ,h;;;il . . The Public Procurement Regulatory Authority's standardised conditions ofTender for services shall apply to this procurement. for which all rhe applicable Tender Data is contained io lhe Tender Documenrs. Notwrrhsranding anything in the foregoing, the covemment ofBotswanais not bound to accept the lowest or any The Diector, Prccurc,rEnt OveBipht, Ministry of ttnds and llair A,ffairs Second Publication . 5661 Tender No. MET-DWNP-AUPP 0712023-2[12/ Republic of Botswana DePsrtment of Wildlife and National Parks - TENDER FOR THE SUPPLY AND DELIVERY OF A MOTORIZED BOAT TO BOTSWANAWILDLIFE TRAINING INSTMUTE the supply and delivery of a SEALED TENDER OFFERS ARE INVITED for the prccurcment of a tender for Institute' Training Wildlife boat to Botswana motorized g"tiry i., Department of wildiife and National Parks - Ministry of Envircnment and Tourism' il" ilr.i"g Procurement-Methodis:openBiddingMethod(reservedonlyforlo0T.citizenownedregisteredcompanies/ companies domiciled in Boiswana). b€ regislered Tenderers who are domiciled in Bo6wana must, in order to b€ considered for award of the contract, E4uipment with the Public Procurement Regulatory Authority in the following category: Code: 208 - TransPort and Accessories. Sub-Code:08 - Boats. ,rr,"r""a-i.r"."*"donlyforloo%citizenownedregistercdcompanies/comPaniesdomiciledinBotswana. i.ra"i"i. ar" ro purchase all their products ftom i007o citizen locally based manufacturcrs and service ttre goods and services are locallv available' competitivelv priced and meet tender (BOBS) ot quaiity standard as cenified or recognized by Botswana Bureau of Standads Documenl) EDD Retumable per attached bodles. las cenifying recognized or orher ., and National Parks iiJphy.t;;i;d*ss foi co-Uection of.iender Documenrs is: Depanmenr of w-ildlife No 17' Gaborone' Office Accounts Gaborone , rta*ai u.use, Plot No 50380, Fairgrounds, Oo.r."n" .ay be collected during worling hours between 0?30 hours and 1630 hours (Monday to Friday) with effect from 18th September' 2023. (One e nollrefunaafte fee of p250do (Two Hundrcd and Fifry pula only); yourh to pay 50% P125.00 is of Botswana pula rhe covemment in favour of out payable cash madi in only) f*"nty-five iionO.J of Wildlife and National .eouired on collection of fie Tendei Document. Payments to be made at Department 17 i+"Jqr*.^, u*di House Plot No 50380' Fai4round, Gaborone'Accounts oflice No in writing' not later .. Jr*in*iions rclating to the issuance of theie rlocuments may be addrcssed' Parks Attention: Ms d_ nr" (S) auy. Ufor" the terider closing dare to: Depanme of Wildlife and Narional Nt"*uiia."pr,*" No. (+26?) 6860376, Fax No (+26?) 6863046, Email:. kentema@goviw or Mr clief r"f"'pf,"* lo. (+26?i 6860376'Fax No (+267) 6863046'Email: chctsholofelo@gmail com'MrB ;;;il;;;;; ip""in"utio'n. in il t".-. , i"rfi"lJ" , i"ral , -J iit. , ilr".i* i. - iir'"l.i"i", . . . . T. Mmola\ra, Email: Telephone No 39965l0' on 6th october' 2023 (bidders who -d date for receipi of sealed bnder offers is l0oo hours "lo"ingii-" to be pan of the tender oPning are invited to atlend) are"interesied lnte tender offers will not be accepted. The Bid Submission Method is One- Envelope Submission' The Elalualion Method is: teasl Cost Selection - Supplies Evaluation Melhod .;i"ra".No.Mgf-owNP'SUPPO712023-2024- TinderfortheSupplyandDeliveryofaMotorizedBoatto got *"nu Wifaff" ftuiting Institute" shall be delivered to: Minisry of Environment and Touism' Prcculement 3 Govemment or"..Gr,i urii, orn"" No.-22, old Ministry of Trade and Industry, Parliament Building ' Annexe ' Enclave, Gaborone. Tender for supplies shall aPPly to this The public procurement Regulatory Authority's standardised cond itions of nrocuremenr. for which all thaapplicable Tender Data is conlained in ihe Tender Documenl' ;;,h,nc in iie io'"go;ng, tne noc,"in8 Entitv o' Govemment of Botswana is not bound to accept the lowest or any tender offel. -n;i;;;;iilil Mi Second Publicotion Procureme t Oversisht Unit' istrt of Environment and Tourism. 5662 Repubtic of Botswana - Tender No. MET_DWI\P -SVpp MaO23-2O24 Departnetrt of Wildlife and Nadotrsl parks A TENDER FOR SUPPLY A}ID DELIVERY OF ICT EQUIPMENT FOR THE DEPARTMENT OF MLDLIFE AND NAIION1L PARKS . ' ' . SEALED TENDER OFFERS ARE INVITED for the procuremenr of a tender for supply and delivery of ICT equipment for the Depaftment of Wildlife and Nadonai parks. The hocuring Entity is: Depanment ofwildlife a,,d Nadonal parks Mioistry of Environment and rourism. Proc!rcment Method isi open Bidding Melhod (reserved onry for r0o% you& owned citizen registered companies only). No!e: The contract will be awarded in pafis (partA being;desklop computer and psn B being; printers), and the bidder can win only one pan. 'TendercrswhoaredomiciledinBotswrnamust,inordertobeconsidercdforawardofthecontract,beregistered w-ith.rhe?utlic Procfrrement Regulatory.Authoriry in fie following caregory, Coa., iO: _ St""t i"a, fl;mni", Mechanical-and ICT supplies, Sub-Code: 0l Etectrical and Eiecuoiic 'Equipment, Spares ard Accessories (includes ICI. Photographic F4uipmenr and orherr. ' The render is reserved onry for loo% youth owned citizen registered compades/companies domicired in ' . . ' ' . . . . Botswana. Tenderers are lo plrchase all rheir products ftom l0O% citizrn locally based manulhcturcrs and service provrders, pRvtded thar lhe goods and servic€s are locally available. competirively priced ard me€r render specifications in lerms oJ quarity staodard as certified or rec;gnized by Bots;ana Burcau of standads (BoBs) or other recognized certifying bodies (as per attached EDD Retumabli Document)_ The physical address for collection of render Documenrs is: Depanmenl of wildlife and National parks Headquarten, Mo€di House, plot No. 503E0, Fairgrounds, Gaborone, Accounts Ofnce No. 17, Gaborone. Tender Documents may be collected during working hours between 0730 hours and 1630 houN (Monday to Fdday) with efeat from 18th Seprember, 2023. A non-rcfundable fee of P250.00 (Two HundrEd and Fifty pula only); yourh !o pay 50% _ pl25.m (One Hundred and rwenty_Five pula only) payabre in cash made oul in fa;oui of the dvemment of Botswana is rcqui&d on collection of the Tender Doclments. payments to be made at Department ol w dlife and National Parks Headquarten, Moedi House, plot No. 503E0, Fairground, Gaborone, Accounts Office No. 17. Queri€s or clarifications relating to the i$uance of these documents may b€ addr€ssed, in writing, not later than 6ve (5) days before the tender closing date to: Department of Mldlife and National pa*s Ane;tion: Mrs Topo B. Kgosiemang, Telephone No.3996563, Email: tbkgosiemang@gov5w, Mr B. T. Mmolawa, Email:, Telephone No. 39 510. The closing time and date- for receipl of sealed tender offers is looo hou.s on 6th oclober, Gidden who are rnterested to be pan of the tender opening are invited lo anend). [.ate Ender offers will not be accepled. The Bid Submission Melhod is: One-Envelope Submission. The Evaluation Method is: bast Cost Selection Su[,Frlies Evaluation Method. '"Ibnder No. MET-DWNP-SUPP 08/2023-2024 _ Tinder for the Supply and Delivery of ICT Equipment for the Depanmenr of w dtife and Nationar parks" shal be derivercd to:'l,iinisuy of Environmert *d Procurement Ove8ight Unit, Office No. 22. Old Minisrry of Trade and Industi, padiament Buildiog, Annexe 3, Covemment Enclave. Gaborone- mr ro*i.., The Public Procurcment Reguratory Authoriry's standardised conditions of render for supplies shall apply to this procurement, for which all the applicable Tender Data is contained in the'Ibnder Documenr. Norwi$sranding anything in the forcgoing, the procuring Entity or Govemment of Botswana is not bound to accept the lowest or any knder ofler. P toc utement Oversi ght Il nit, Ministry ol Environ icnt and Tourisn. Second Publicauon s663 Ibrder No' MET'DEA 'SERV 231m23'20?r' Repubtic of Botswana Depaitment of Envircnmentd Afiairs - FOR AN EXPERT FOR THE A TENDER FOR THE PROCUREMENT OF CONSWTANCY SERVICES T}IE MAKGADIKGADI (UPDATE OF TOOLS OF ECOSYSTEM MANAGEMENT DEVELOPMENT AFFAIRS _ FRAMEWORK MANAGEMENT PLAN) FOR THE DEPAKTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT AND TOTJR(SM services for an expert for the SEALED TENDER OFFERS ARE INVITED for the procur€ment oiconsultancy Management PIan) for Fmmework (update the Makgadikgadi of Tools Management J"r"-f"p.* "ie"..y""m _ the Department of Environmental Affairs Ministry of Environment and Touris-m . , .'IhefrocuringEntityis:DepafimentofEnvironmental'lfrairs,privatena80068'Gaborone'Botswana-inthe Minisfy of Environment and Tourism. The tender is a ooce off contmct; OPen Domestic Bidding Method - Reserved for 100% citizen owned companies only. for award of the contract, be registefed Tenderen whoare domiciled in Botswana must, in oraler to be considered Code: 317 - Other Consultancy cateSory: the following in Authority Regulatory Procurcment with lhe Public Seryices' Services, Sub-Code: 01 - Management Consultancy and Directorship arc stdctly prohibited' Submission of more than one bid with the sanre Shareholdings for llnher evaluation as such prohibits farr be disqualified will one submission ,r,an *i . t ..." l..p*i". comp€tition and bid fairness. and seffice are to Purchase all their products from 100% citizen locally based manufacturers meet teld:J and comp€titively available' locslly are Priced goods services and p."fi"^-, p-tta.,'a,fr* the (BOBS) quality standard as certified or recognized by Botswana Bureau of Standards Gin"",i i,. i. "f Document) R€rumable EDD per as anached t bodies cenifying o'r other recognized . (DEA) *'il""rion of iender Documents is: Deparrnent of Environmenral Affairs H""a!r'*"o ef., N.. 12? l, Travaglini House, Second Floor' hocurement Office No- 232' hours and i"na"i Oo"u."n,. .ay be collerted during working hous ftom Monday to Friday between 0730 l8th September' 2023' iZaS nours ana tom t4OO hours to 1630 hours with effect from youth o*ned companies payable in A non-refundable fee of P65.00 (Sixty-Five Pula only) and half Price for stated in the Tellder Document is the entity or iotswana, of cash./pos made out in favour of the Govemmen! required on collection of lhe Tender Document' writing' not later relating to the issuance of these documents may be addressed' in qJJ". o. No 3902050' working days befo; the teoder closing date to: Ms Tsalano P Keiikilwe' Telephone tian five (5)"r*n"",ions g;nil, *"Jikif*"O-g."iw or Mr O. Disang, Telephone No 3902050' Email:oodisang@gov5w' for receipt of tender offers is 1OOO hours on 6th October' 2023- . i;#; "*. . iilild"l"rdd*.s f* " . . . . . . fr," ,i." -i'date l-ate "io.iog tender offers will not be accepted (QCBS)' The Evaluation Method is: Quality and Cost Based Selection of Tender for services shall aPply to lhis The public hocurement Regulatory Authority's Standardis€d Conditions Documents' Tender in the contained Data is brocurement. for which all thJapplicable Tender the lowest or any in tire foregoing, the Government of Botswana is not bound to accept t'iit*irt.-airg tender offer, "rv,f,ing Procurcme nt Overs iSht Unit' Minisfiy of En|iron nenl and TourismSecond Publicotion 5664 Repubtlc of Botswara _ Tbnder No. MET.DEA -SERY 25n023_2024 Department of EnvircEn€ntrl Alfairs A TENDER FOR THE PROCTJREMENT OF CONSULTANCY SERVICES FOR THE GEF 7-GLOBAL BIoDIvERSITy FRAMEwoRK _ EARLy AcfioN suppoRT pRoJEcr FoiTHE DEpARTMENT oF ENVIRONMENIAL AFFAIRS , MIMSTRY OF ENVIRONMENT AND TOT]RISM ' ' . SEALED TENDER OFFERS ARE INVTTED for rhe procurcment of consulhncy services fo, the cefT-clobal Biodiversity Framework - Earty Action suppon project for the Departmenr of En'vironmenta atrairs - Ministry of Environment and Tourism. The Procuring Entity is: Depanment of Environmental Affairs, Gaborone, Botswana _ in the Environment and Tourism. Ministy of Procuement Method is: Open Domestic Bidding Method _ Reserved for IOO% citizen owned companies only. ' Tenderers who are domic ' . . . ' . . ' . . oder to be considercd for award of the contract, be rcgistered CJe: :t7 _ Other Consuttancy Management Consultancy Services. Submission ofmorc than one bid wirh the same.sharcholdings and Directorship is stdctly prohibited. Companies with more than one submission will he disqualified for ftrrtlier evaluation as sirctr promiil fair competltion ana bid faimess. TendereN are to_ plrrchase all lheil products from l0O% citizen locally based manufactureN and service providers, provided that the goods ard services are locally available, competitiv;ty priced and melt tender specificatioos in terms of quality standard as cenified or recognized by Bots;ana Burcau of standads (BoBs) or other recognized ce(ifying bodies (as per attached EDD Rerumable Oocumene. The physicar address for conection of render Documents is: Depanment of Environmentar Affairs (DEA) Headqua.fters, Plot No. 12? l, Travaglini House, Second Floor, hocurement Office No. 232. TendeJ Documenis may be collected during working hours from Monaay o Frlaay Ut*een 0730 hours and 1245 houn and ftom 1345 hours to 1630 hours with effecr from teth Seprcrnter,2Oi:. A non-refirndable fee ofpl50.0o (One Hundrcd and Fifty pula only) anjhalfprice for yourh owned companies payable in caslL/Pos made out in favour of the Govemment of iotswana, ;r the entity stated in the iender Document is rcquired on collection of the Tender Document. Payments to bc made at Human Resources, Office No. 224. Queries or clarifications rerating to the issuance of these documents may be address€d, in writing, not rater than 6re (5) *orking days teforc the reDder closing date to: Mr M. Nthaka, Telephone No. 364462g, Email: and Ms K. Mazebedi, Telephone No. J644624, Email: The closing time and date for receipt of tendq offers is 1000 hours on 6th October, 2023. Int€ tender offers will not be accepted. Tender offers will be opened on the same day at 1000 hours in the prcsence of bidders wishing !o atlend at Ministry of Environment and Tourism, Headquarters, MET _ Block B, Conference Room. The Bid Submission Method is: A T$o-Envetope Submission. The Evaluation Method is: euality and Cost Based Selecrion (eCBS). Services, Sub-Code: ' ed in Botswana must, in wilh.the Public-Procurement Regularory-Althodty in the following category: 0l - 'Ihe Public Procurcment Regulalory Authority's standardised conditions of render for services shall apply to this trttocurement, for which all the applicable Tender Data is contained in the Tbnder Documen6. Notwirhstanding anythi,g in lhe foregoing, the Govemment ofBotswana is not bounJto accept the lowest or any tcnder offer. Proc utencnt Oyets i ght IJ nit, Ministry of Entironment and Tourisn. S.cond Publicotion 5665 Tbnder No. MESD/FOU/DSSS/m0UmB'21)25 Republic of Botsrvana DePartmert of Special SuPport Servlcts - LEARNER SUPPORT PROVISION OF 24 HOIJRS SECURITY GUARD SERVICES AT DEPARTMENTS OF sERvIcES.DEPARTMENToFTECHMCALsERvIcEs,ANDICTANDMEDIASERVICESFoRAPERIoD OF 24 MONTHS . SEALED TEN'DER OFFERS ARE INVITED for the prccurement of provision of 24 hours security Suard servicesatDepartmentsofl,eamersupportServices'DepartmentofTechnicalServicesandlCTandMedia Services for a Period of 24 Months. DeveloPment' The procuring Entity is: Department of Special Suppon Services, Ministry ofEducation and Skills Procurcment Method is: OPen Domestic Bidding. be registered Tendererc who ale domiciled in Botswana must, in order to be consider€d for award of the contract, Services' Security Code: 100 category: in the following Authodty Regulatory Procurement wilh the tirblic Sub-Code:01 - Guard Services, verification will be done online' (2) of the Pubtc Procui€ment Act. The tender is reserved for citizens or citizen contmctols as staled under section 76 scheme: prcscrib€d_Prefercnce with the line in qualifying bidders Preference margins will be apptied to (EDD) Cabinet Diiective CAB No. 34 (B) 2014: Econornic Diversifrcation Drive . . . . . i. Forcornpaniestobenefitfromlhedirectiveon.EDD,theyshouldsubmitcertifiedtruecopiesoftheir providers registrati,oo with the Ministry ofTrade and Industry as proof that they are seflice C;binet Directive CAB No. 19 (B) 2013: tacal Procurement Scheme (LPS)' enclos€d' For companies to benefit from the directive on 'LPS', they should complete the cenificate(s) ii. .Note:W-hereabidderiseligibleforbothEDDandLPs,thatbidderwillbenefitftomonlyoneoftheschemcs. The benefit will come from the scheme that carries the higher percentage' for collection of Tender Documents is: Department of sPecial SuPport Services, cental "aa*rs go.l*ir oi.oi", (CBD), Plot No. 5435?, Third Floor, valsha House, Office No 15' Procurement offrce' Telephone Nos. 3998223/39982 16. hours wilh effert from Teoder DocumenS may be collected during working hours between 0g0o hous and 1600 (Monday to Friday). September,2023 28th l5th or by bank guaranteed A non-refundaile fee of Bwp250.oo (Two Hundred and Fifty Pula only) payable in cash Entity stated in the Tender cheque made out in favour of the Govemment of Botswana or the Procuring Document and is requircd on collection of the Tendel Document . iii" piy.i"a . . .Anon.rcfundableferofP125.oo(oneHundredandTwenty-FivePulaonly)foryouthregisteredcompanies pur"oaniio pt"sia"ntiut Directive CAB . . . . . . 14 (B) 2015 youth pdce 50%, payable in cash or by bank guaflnte4d o{ the Tendet Document. iheque made out in favour of the Govemment of Botswana is required on collection documents may be addrcssed, in u{iting, not later than of these issuance to the relating ctarincations or [ue'ries tin (10) days before the tender ilosing date to: Ms E Gopane and Ms B Ranthotse' Pdvate Bag 005' Gaborone' Telephone Nos. 3998223/4/ 1 6 ' Fax No. :l I 91491 ' will t ke place a-"-.irprlro.y .i ,isit and/or clarification meeting with rcpresentatives of thc-procudng Entity 1000 hou$' " at starting 2023 25th September' on Room at CBd, V#ha House, Ttrtd Floor, Conference ' Note: Bidders who fail to attend site visit and clarification meeting will b€ disqualified2023 The closing time and date for r€ceipt of sealed tender offers is 1000 hours on 29th Septemb€r' Late tender offers will be noted. financial and technical offers The Bid submission Metiod is: Two-Envelope submission in which a tenderer's sealed enveloPe. are submitted together in one iutmit one ( t ) oiiginal render proposal maried..Original" and rwo (2) duplicare copies of the original document marked "Copy" in one sealed envelope clearly marked Ua t"Jpon," shall be submitted in separate envelopes clearly marked '"fechnical" and "Financial" MESD/ marked: "Tender aad enclosed in a largir sealed envelope. also pi"p",a ^clearly at Seflices Guard Security 24 Hours of for Provision Tender t; Invitation iOi.l,OSSSlOOOf lmi:-2025 of 24 O"p*."io of f"u-". Suppon Services' Technical Services and ICT and Media Sewices for a Period (CBD)' Plot Months" and be delivered to: Department of Special Support Services' Central Business District f No .tp"a*fy - . No.54357,ThirdFloor,VarshaHouse,officeNo.l5,hocurcmentoffice,TelcphoneNos.3998223/4/16. oflhe envelope' Names ofbiddeN, telePhone number and postal address on the reverse side sbove Note: Bidders arc instructed to clearly marMabel the enveloP or Package as directed in such a oiaaiog oo"u-ent shall be firr bound, submitted in an enveloPe or package' securely s€aled The Procuring Entity resealed and easily opened package to be or the enveloPe allow for not thiat does manner if not duly will not assume any responsibility for th; mis;lacement or prenarure opening of the tender offer . I sealei. , 5666 ' Registration ofbids upoo dolivery is compulsory, rhe procuring Entity will not take responsibility is not registercd, and it will no! be evaluated. ofa[y bid thar The Public hocurcment ReSulatory Authority's standadised conditions ofrender for supplies shall apply to this procurement, fot which all the applicable lbnder Data is contained in the Tender Documenr. Notwithstanding anything in the foregoing, the procuring Entity or Govemment of Botswana is not bound to accept the lowest or alry tender offer. MOTSHWARI MABOTE, Director, Deparirent oj Special Suppo Services, Mi istry of Mucation and Skills Deyelopment. Second Publication 5661 - Republic of Botswana Tbnder No' MESD/TT&TB/MCE/SERV/t7I20232024 -Molepolole Coll€ge of F-ducati'otr TO MOLEPOLOLE PROCI]REMENT OF TWENTY-FOUR (24) HOLIRS SECURITY SERVICES COLLECE OF EDUCATION FOR A PERIOD OF 36 MONTHS (24) hours s€curity services SEALED'IENDER OFFERS ARE INVITED for the pnocurcment of twenty-fouI for a Period ofthiny'six {36) mon6s The Procuring Enlily is: Molepolole College of Educadon' Procurcmenl Melhod is: OPen Domestic Bidding o Molepolole College ofEducalion o*"J iifua must, in order to L considered for the award of the contrad ' be registered with lhe Regulatory Authority in the following categories: Procurcment "".panies Public "-ii-n Code: l0O - Security Services: Sub-Code: 01 - Security Guard Services . . .Thetenderisreservedforl'00%citizencontr:actorsasstaledunders€ction76(2)ofthePublicProcurementAct' . pi"-f"."""" .*iir. will be aPPlied to qualifying bidders in lint with the-P^rescribed Preference scheme: i"ono*i" olr"iin""tion Dri;; GDD) and t cal Procurernent scheme (LPs)' . Ti;;G;; fi;;;. ioicollection ofiender Documents is: Molepolole collegeofEducation' rrkswapheng vi*i, llfot"pofof", prot No 9897, Procuremen! office No A14'Administration Block' . o*r."ro it"y t" collected during working houn from 19th September' 2023 between 0800 hours and 1245 houIs and fyorn l40O hours to 15OO hours. Monday lo Thursday' be made out in favour of P250.0o (Two Hundrei ard Fifty Puh; y) Payable in cash must e of Tender "a"tf" or the entity slated in ue finaer oocurnent ana mrrst be Paid on collection .i,I" "is.owana shallpurch'ase tIrc ITT at 50% of lhe fee as per Presidential Directive cAB 14 (B) "";panies be P'aid to: Molepolole College of Educaiion' Accounts offrce' Adrnrniststron mls ii;iii.ool, *r,i"r,'should Block, Offlce No. A07 (Cheques will not b€ accePted)' documents may be address€d' in *nting' not laler 6r"J.-"1 "i""n"",ions relaiing ro tlre issuance of tireseEdit} M Barhopi' TelePhone No 592200? Fax No' Ms date to: tender closing the uefo.e aays rian nre tst Ed"in o s€lepe'Telephone N; 59202?5' Fax No 5920423 Ernail: . "-*n c"r".r-*, ;;;;;;;i;il . f* is2ilzi,il;i . orMr cselepe@govbw. "u^"l, at MolePolole college of A compulsory site visit wlth rcpresentalives of the Procuring Entity will take qlac€ o83o hours to 0900 hours Failurc ftorrr wili be Registation hours ar 0900 2b23 s"p"mber' da""",i* .tiz&r, ri.iiand or late attendance will lead to disqualification ftom rhe.tender' io-"tt"na ioi.o"ipt or tt'r"d tender offersis 10oo hours on l0th october' 2023' Late tender offers will not be acc€pted. seated oriSinal and all the ft si; irU.i.rion Method is: 'iVo-Envelope Submission Me$od in which the. ihe sealed original and whilst enveloPe' sealed seParate " ptacel in one or rrt. r..nnicl ofrer are *urJ "opi., oliei are enclosed in anolher separate sealed enveloPe' The two sealed t" .it . ff" "ffi;jai!;.,i*" . ." ."i-.a or,rte rinancial thin placed in one outer securely sesled efiveloPe' envelopes are "opi." (21 duplicate copies of fie original document-marked 'MESDTI&TUMCEIIERV tl5 mglra t"rider offer marked "originai ' and two . ii." -tipv : ir'?r. t.a"a .trvelope clearlv riarked: il#;;A;il;; il T l01t208-m24 ender No - 'r'r..ent of r*.nry-fou. iZ+r Xo,,t i""*ity Servic€s to Molepolole College of Educalion for a Period and Te'hdcal Educarion' rhirrv-sir I 16l Monihs" shall b€ deliverEd lo: Depannrent of Teicher Training ^r oe"etopment, nourtir Flmr' ofhce No l l' varsha Hous€' central Business sutts Districi(CBD). Plot No 5436?. Caborone' rft" "ua. -Jnaar".".fthe bidder should b€ clearly marked on the envelope of Tender for Sewices shall aPply to this The public prccurement Regulatory Authoriry's SEndardised Condirions for,rfticn al $e-applic;ble Tender Data is conlained in the Tender Documents' "r.*ur"ment. ioii'. ro,.goine, th" covemrnent of Botswana is not bouDd to accept the lowest or any " iiiij,ii.,i"irr* tender offer. -v,r,lng me Director DeDorinent ol Teaih?r Ttuining and Technical Auaation' Ministry of Edutotion and Skills Dewlopnent ' Seconl Publication 5668 _ Tender No. MESD/Tr&TE/BCET/SERV/1U2023_202 Botswana College of Engineering atrd Technology Republic ot Botlwana A TENDER FOR PROVISION OF CLEANING SERVICES AT BOTSWANA COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY (BCET), GABORONE FOR 36 MONTHS . . . ' SEALED TENDER OFFERS ARE INVITE_D for a render for provision of cleaninS services at Botswana College ofEngineering and Technotogy {BCET). crUoror. fo, rr,inv-ii'( ijoiro,,rr,r. r he ttocuring Entily is: BotswaDa College ol Engineering and Tech;ology. Procnrement Method is: Opn Domestic Biddingl 10o% citizen owned companies domiciled in B;bwana must, in order to be considercd for the award of the contract, be registered with the public procurement Regulatory Authority in ,fr" ioifo*ing Code: 132 - Cleaning Services; "ur.go;"r, 0l - Building Cleaning Services {inctuding Windows. Carpets and orhers). 9d:, I he lender 15 resen ed for I 00% cilizen owned compao res as stared under iecrion 76 t 2 ) of rlre public procuremenr . -' ls-l! ' . l,ocal Procurement scheme: Presidenrial Dircctive 19 (8)/2013 which is in Iine with the citizen Economic Empowement Policy and Presidential Direcrive c"t No. j+ fsyzola o; ti" . Ecoiomic Diversification Drive,, will be applied in rhis tende. The physical address for collection ofTender Documents is: Botswana College ofEngineering and Technology, Gaborone, Plot No. 4?44, along Tlokweng, Zeen .t no"a, opposir" eN[n6ilt". Documenll may b€ co ected during woriing trou"" rUoraiy rc mui,a"vi""'igrh s.p".b"r. 2023 belween 0800 hours and I 245 hours and froi t345 h;urs ,o t 5J0 llrew ,lamin;,trarion Block, Office No.0/04, Secretary l). ili..;rh; ;;;meiiortice 'A"non_rcfundablefeeofp250.00(TwoHundredardFiftypulaonry)payabreincashinfavouroftheGovemmen! of Botswana or rhe entiry stated in rhe Tender Doco."tit i. ."quii.a'oi r"na". oo"o.ertr. yortt owned companies will purchase the document ar p125.00 (Oni Hundred"orr""joi-oi aal i,renty_five puta orty) ana must prcduce ar,?anf, and CIPA forms showing shareholders of tt. *t"o pr."hasing the document. Palment will be made al rhe Accounring Omce. "o.p_y Quenes orfrarifcations rerating rc de'issuance ofthese documents ma, be addressed in writing nor rater than seve (7) days before the tender closing date ro: Lapologang Ngwebuia, f:eieptrone ,uos. :fS:S61168, Email addressr, Fax No. Jt6SOil frt*"iu, f.i.pfron. :qS:961/68, Fax No. 1165077. Emajl address: mwabago( "i'a ^fo.. A compulsory sile vrsir wirh representalivi5 of the procuring Entity $ill lake place al tsotswana College ot Engineering and Technolog) on 27rh Seprember,202l at l00d hoursl *d.time for receipr ofaealed render offers is to(m hours on loth Ocrob€r,2023. Late "-b.:"9 tendef o[ers will not be acceDted The Bid submissio, Merlod is: Two-Envelope submission method in which the seared originar and all seared copies of rhe Technical Offer are ntacerl in. one separate sealed envelotrr, wt ii.itt ela.a o.lgirA una att tt e sealedcopiesoftheFinancialOlferareenclosedinurorh.r."pr.ut,.il.aerr.iolfi.nerrro,.ul"a" mi ' d.r[. . :. I: ' . 9* are then placed in one ouler securely sealed envelope. Submit one ( I ) original Tender Documenr marked -driginal- and rwo ( 2 ) duplicare copies of rhe original document marked "copy" in o,e seared enverope crearry maried: ."renaer No. uiso/rr&TE/tscET/sERvi [/202]_ 202 A Tender for provision or ireaning services ar Borswana Cott.g. oi eiiir".ring and rechnolog, (BCETr, caborone for Thiny-Six (16) Monrhs,.. Tender Documents sharl be derivered to Department of reacher Tmining and rechnicar Education, Ministsy of Educarion and skills Deveropmenr, Fou(ir Froor, office N". rr, i1r.",'c"ntral Business Districr (CBD), Plot No. 5436?- Caboro;e The name and address of the bidder should be clearty marked on the envelope. - ' v*.i" The Public Regutatory Authoriry's Standadised Conditions ofTender for Services shall apply !o this procurem€nt, }ocyeTe{ for which ail dle applicable Tender Data is contained in the Tena". Oo"ua*". -r*ine in rhe foregorng, rhe covemment ofBotswarais nor bound to accepr the lowesr or any ,.;;:;:H;:r0'n, The Directot Deportment of Tbacher Training and Technical Education, Ministry of Ed cation and Salls Deyetopnen,. Second Publication 5('69 Republic of Botswana - - Tender No' MYSC LETLHAKANE/SER/27I2023-2026 Letthaksne MYSC Offic€ FOR MINISTRY OF YOT'TH' A TENDER FOR PROCUREMENT OF SECURITY GUARD SERVICES iexopn. sponr lNo cuLruRE AT LETLHAKANE' BNYC AND RAKoPS oFFICES FoR A PERIOD OF THIRTY.SIX (36) MONTHS .SEALEDTENDERoFFERsAREINVITEDfortheprocurementofsecurityguardservicesforMinislryof for a period of Sp"n *a Culture offices in Lttlhakan;, L€tlhakane BNYC and Rakops Offices thinv-six (36, months. The-Procuring Entity is: l,etlhakane MYSC Offrce Prmurement Method is: Open Domestic Bidding. will be .tt"rld be active or registered wi;h CIPA;companies that have be€n removed from CIPA i_rr" i"r,f,G"a-, . . . "".p."i"t disouali6ed. .;;;;;;;."..*edforcitizensorcitizencontractonasstatedundersection?6(2)ofthePublicProcurement for the award of the contract' be Tenderers who are domiciled in tsotswana must' in order to be considered category: following in the Authority Regulatory Procurcment Public with the registered . -Coae: too . Secunly Services. Sub_Code: 0l - Securily Guard Service . .. be applied to qualifying biddirs in line with the following prescribed Preference . . n"f"*n." margins . will Schemes; .-''economicDi,e,sificadonDrive(EDD)willapplyfortheevaluationofthistendelaspelPrcsidentialDir€ctive C,ti-iafs) 2Of+. fn otder to qualif]' bidde;shall submil valid"nd reler/anl EDD certificate' . rtre nirective Ce.s 19G) 20i3: L;al Procurement Scheme shall apply in this tender and bidders shall"r",fr"l-o"ap."urementRegistrationCertificateattachedBiddersshallsubmitevidenceforyouth' women, di(abiliry. rural setlinB and employment' orr.i,der Documents is: MYSC io. "ori""tin and Accountr Office. Boyce Comptex. oppo'ile Posl Office . Th" . . ;il;;il;;;ti - Letlhakane office' Administration oo"u*"r,r.uvt.ollectedduringworkinghoulsMondaytoFri-day'excepl^onpublicholidays'between0800 trours ana tu:o t oun and from l4i0 hours io 1500 houls, with effect from 18th september,2023 l-€tlhakane Office' e non-retnaabte iee of P25O 0O (Two Hundred and Fifty Pula only) is payable-to MYSC the Tender Documents ealnin a e"count, Ofnce in favour of lhe Govemment of Botswana beforc collecting and Twenty-Five .nuff u"quirc the document at 50% rcduced price of Pl25 0O (On€.Hundred produce proof of National should tenderers "o-puni". l 5 iouth 4(B) 20 pufu onryi 1 CAB Directive p". tfr" n"sidentiat i, oltectors' Share Certificate upon purchasing of a Tender- Document' ia"ntity not later relating to the issuunce of ihese docu-ents may be address€d' in writing' Or".l_.1 the tender closing date to: Ms Boitumelo Gomang' Telephone Nos- Vooifl t".ai *a . .il*in""tions d", i"r** if+l *f"rdar . day-s before 2910255/2q76321. E-mail: bgomanS@go!.b\t' sitl tate place al MYsc office at Zo$a A comDulsoft iile visil wrth represenlaiive, of rhe Procuring Entit) p*, ofnce staning strictl, at l0oo hours on 26th September' 2023 Another ofn.. Hall al "pp..i" Genaer. Spon ana Cuirure Ratops Of6ct localed al Rakops Communiry ,iii risit ar tu;nl.rry of Youtir. lo disqualification' will lead visits site the to atlend Fail"e zit( s"p"mbei, 2023. iii6o-r'""^ "" io. ."""ipt ot t.uled tender offers is l00o hours on 13th octoher' 2023' ii.r"l't.t"-it- . il;"i;;;;;; ;Jii'r" . Late tender offers will not be accepted. and copies of the . ff,. siJsrt.i..lon Method is: 'i\xo-Envelope submission Me$od in vhich lhe original offer are of the Financial and copies original whilsllhe or ii"tr"i"-Joff"i -" pf""ed in one envelope iackage' paclogeltre i*o se'aled envelopes arc theo placed in one outer securely sealed er"ior"a n unott inr.lope or ". envelope or package. . i"ra"r'"n"[ *, ri.Perly packaged, labelled and in shortage ofthetequired copies as per frr instruction-shall srige fn al lnitances'Techrical qdFinaffial envelopeJ be dNoualified or reiected upon subm$son/at lender openlng _ ou.t"i. .r.t .onoin one ( l) original and $ree t3) copies of each proposal and rn.ree t3 dupliiate copies ol the orisinal d(rYT:':I1-\:d . ffi.;i;#;;ii.r". .iii'.*?la:fiei""l" HAKANESER'27/2023: r cfearly ma*ed: "Iend;r No MYSCIETI "nvelope/Package ofYouth, Gender, Sport and Culture 2026 A Tender for ftocurement or s'ecurity 6uard services for Ministry be delivered into a ,iLdhutan". SNYC und Rakops Offices for a Period of Thirty-Six (36) Months"' shall located at zowa Boyce Complex office Irtlhakane and culture' Spon cender, lairr"v.iYouth' ilJer -topv in-'on. ..ut.a - i.i*i . opposite The Post Office. r#'name and address of the bidder should be clearly marked on the envelope/package' - of Tender for services apply to this The public procurement Regrrlatory Authoriry's srandardised Conditions Documents' Tender i:r the is contained Data Tender procurement, for which all the;pplicable 5670 Nolwirhstanding anyrhing in the foregoing, the Govemment of Botswana is not bound to accept the lowest or any tender offer. for permarunt SecretaO, Ministry of youth, cender, Sport & Cubure . Second Publication Repubtic of Borswana Tender No. DfySC CS/SEN2E12O23.2O26 - Sport and Ministry of youth, Gender, Cutture _ Corpomte Services A SERVICE CONTRACT FOR THE PROVISION OF 24.HOUR SECURITY GUARD SERVICES FOR THE MINISTRY OF YOUT}I. GENDER, SPORT AND CULTT]RE (MYSC) iEADQUARTERS AND ANNEXIJRE BUILDING FOR A PERIOD OF THIRTY-SIX (i6) MONTHS . . . ' ' . TENDER OFFERS ARE INVITED from Im% cidzen owned repurable companies ro provide security guard services for rhe Ministry of yourh, Gender, Spon and Culrure (M'SC), E.uaqir*rs -a eon"*ore euitjing. The Procuring Entity is: Department of Corpomle Servtces in the Mini."y ,iou,f,, of C"nao, Sport and Procuremenr Me$od: Open Domesdc Biddin C- a;;;. The tender is reserved for citizens or citizen contractors as stated under section 76 (2) of the public procurement Tenderers who are domiciled in Botswana must, in order to be considercd for the award registered wtrh rhe public hocuemenr Regulalory Aurhority in l}le follo*ing ."8;o.,.., Code: 100 - Security Services, Sub-Code:01 Securiw'Cuara Seruie - . ol the cont act, be ' The following hescribed Reservation or preference Schemes shall be appljcable in rhis tender: EconomiJ Diversincadon Drive (EDD) wil apply for the evaluation oi'this ender as per presidential Directive Cab 34(B) 2014. In order to qualify, biddertahall submit the relevant EDO l"nlf,"ur". The Dircctive CAB 19(B) 2Ol3: t ocal procurement Scheme (LpSt sfraiapplv in Ols tender.In order ro qualiry, bidders shall complete the Local procurement Regisuation Cenificat! aad submit docuhentary evideoce for youth, reomen, disability, rural sefting and empioyment. ' . 'Thephysicaladdressforcollectionofrenderoocumentis:Minisfrofyouth,Gender,sportandculture,y2K Building, Plot No. 54372, Central Business Disrrict (CBD), Caborone, Tet"pt on" tio". :lOt t OOIfO8ZOOO. ' Documenrs may be collected durins worklng hours from Morday lo Friday. excepion pudic holiaays. between 0800 hours and 1230 ho,,sand fto; *a5 h;urs ,o rsoorr.r i"p,..*r. zoz: * r,,ti,i"*y "iir,-"ri*Gi.'ii"J ofYouth, Gender, Sport and Culturc, Thelirst y2K Building, plor No. 54372, ient-ai'gusiness Ofrlcr (CnOi, Gaborone, Sixth (6th) Floor Of6ce Numbe.603. A-non-retundable fee of p250.00 crwo Eundrcd and Fifty pula only) is payabre ro Accounrs unit in favour of the Govemment of Botswana befor€ collecting the Tender Document"lioott ,r,u[ acquire the pl25.OO documenr at 50% reduced price of "o.p"rries (On€-Hundrcd and Twenty-Five euta oniy) as per the rusiaentlA Directive CAB l4(B) 2015. youth tenderers should produce proof of Naional 6"rOl. _a Oiroors, Sfrrre Cenificate upon purchasing of a Tender Docunent . The teDder validiry is hundred and twenty (120) days after closing dare. The Bid submission Merhod is: Two-Envelope s;bmission M;od in which rhe originar and copies of the pliced in one s€parate sealed envelopetpackage, wf,," _a of tf," L"_"llI-1l!jf:r rrnancrar ulrer are encrosed in another sepamte seared enverope/package. The "oii"" two se-aled enveb$s/package secu€ty seated envelopapackage. rinder iffers nor froperly packagea, iaUettlt 111*1J91 li -:": "ut€r copies ar per rrr insrucrion a,ro rn shonage or the rcquired shal be disquarified oi rejecad upon-submissiorv at.tender opening stage. In all instances (Technical and FiDanciar enveropes/packages; musicontain one (1) original and three { 3 ) copies of each proposal. ( one I r original Tender Documenl marked "original" and (3) duplicate copies ofthe original document marked rn_ one slaled€nveropefpackage clearry ;arked: "Tendtr No. uysc cysEnrzt no23-m26 Aservkl ^copy pj p*^"1:i9n ofTwenry-Foui (24) Hour Security cuard Services for ttre Ministry ofyouth, Cender, T. sport and CrtrurE (MYSC). Headquarters a.rd Annexure Building for a period of Thirty_Sii (36) Months,,. Lompkted 't ender Docu men t5- shal I be_placed in a Tender Box avai lable at Minisu-y of ioulh, Gender. Spon and ('utrure - Headquarrers. ptor No. 54i72. y2K Building, Cenrral Business Disri;r (CBD), Caborone,'Ground Floor, Reception Area. otrers should be Ie]rl:r or crari fications spiral or nnr y bound. Loos€ tender rcspons€s would not be accepled. relari ng to rhe issuance of these documents may b€ addrcssed, in ;riting, Quenes not later than :e]91111-qys beforc the tender closing dale !o: Ms Gracious Senr, bmail:, ielephone Nos. fLrtll . ' ' *. ::ry*, '- 36826n/3682692. -iliruf - 567t . hours on 9th Oct'ob€r' 2023' The closing time for rcceipt ofTender Documentvoffers is: 10OO in the presence of bidders or their Late tender offers will not be accepte;'Tender offers will be oPened reDresentatives wishing !o aflend. emaiteo or racsimile tender offers will not be considered. .;: "l;-,i;tegiafnic, ofTender aPply to this procurement' fol The public procurement Regulatory Authority's Standardised Conditrons Documents' which all the applicable Tender Data is contarned in the Tender the lowest or any *v,lring in the foregoing, the Govemment of Botswana is not bound to accePt '"ir.i*iin.^ii"g tender offer. lot Pe nonent Secretary, Ministry of Youth, Gendet, Sport and C ulture ' Second PubLication RePublic of Botswans - Tender No' MYSC CS/5tr,RJ2912023'?4 - Corporate Se ic€s MiDistry ofYouth, Gender, Sport and Culture HUNDRED AND FOI]R (104) EPISODES A SERVICE CONTRACT FOR THE PROVISION OF ONE PROGRAMMES TELEVISION FOR LETLHABILE . SEALED TENDER OFFERS ARE INVITED fol the Prccurement of services for provision of one hundred and four (104) eplsodes for tedhabile Television hogrammes' . T;P.";;iltiiy is: Corporate Servicts - Ministry of Youth Gender' Spon and culture' . Procuremenl Melhod is: Open Domesdc Bidding . Ti;;;;;;;;;;;lJ L a'ctlve or registerea wiih cIPA, companies that have been removed from cIPA will be disquali6ed. . ft J ara". i. ,.."*ed for citizens or cidzen conEacto$ as stat€d under section 76 (2) of rhe Public Procurement . Tenderers who arc domiciled in Botswana must, in or'ler !o be considered for the award of the contract' be *nf, ,f" prur;c Procurement Regulatory Au$ority in the following categories: ""i*.J fX Media Services. Sub-Code: 02 - Radio' Film and Television: or .-"EJ., . cJ"' iiz - r"r"a" supplies, sub-code: 02 - Radio' Film and Television Content' . e."fiJi". m"tgins will Le applied m quurifying bidders in line with the following prescntled Prefercnce schemesi per Presidential Dire'tive I iomic Divenification Drive (EDD) will apply for $e evaluaton of this lender-as valid and relevant EDD certi6cate' submit sial qualiry, bidde; to r".toer zoi+. Cai-i+tgl tender and bidderc shall . il" riti"1* Cee l9 (B) 20i3: LocJProcuement Scheme shall apply in ihissubmit evidence for youth' nejitttation cenificate attached' Biddin shall ".ipr",",ir.-r-*Jpt**t woman. people with disability. rural s€lting and emplolmenl . Documem is: Ministry of Youth' Gender' ffi;;;;iliity and phvsical address for-collection ot Tender (cBD)' Gaborone' Bolswara' Telephone Dstrict Business c"nud s+:zz, fut uo. ii"i iiiZniil, iir suiarg Nos. 3901186/3682667. public holidays' between during working hours from Monday lo Friday' except on . ii*"."nt. ."y * with effect ftom l8th SePlcmber' 2023 "ollected hours lo l5OO iours l'l0o from aad fZfO Uoun OSOO t our" "nO f"e of PI50.OO (One Hundred and Fifty Pula only) in cash to^tie Govemment of Botswana . e non-r.fonautf" reduced price being r/5 00 . Th. ' the doc-ument-al-50% at Sixth Floor, Office No. 603. vouttr companies shall acquire p..iiietttia otrective CeB 14 ( B) 20l5 Youth companies should Provide pe, IsevenN-Five Pula onlvr ". 6u'al. ,aa oit""tors share certificate upon purchasing a Tender Document date rs one irundred and twenty (120) calendar days after closing in writing nol later $an "ra"irara.y relating to the isiuaice o[ tfus documents may be addressed 3682667 or 3901186'Fax "i*nJ",ions ,rt" tenoei ctosinj oal to: mobo Tlhasana at Teiephone Nos ttt 11., . iii . Or"i.t .. .1r", tzi . . . No. 3 auvt *fo* gov bw 1 1 , Email: ttlhasana@ 1658 hous The complet€d tender ofrers Heaaquarren, plot No. 54372, Y2K Building, cBD, Gaborone, " area. Tender offers should be spiral or frrmly bound' "r,ai'6" ff-&, i"*pri"" Late tender offers will not be accePte-d. Method in which the original and copies of lhe Technical The Bid Subdission Merhod is: Tv,,o-Envelope Submission of the Financial s"p-ut" ,.aJ"-;u-"tope or package' whilst the original and coPies p-ackage. The two sealed envelop€s or packages are or eirelope se;ed separate in another Offer are enclosed then placed in one outer securcIy sealed enveloPe or Package' Th";;",re c-riJ d;i;. of-tender ofrers is on 6lh october' 2023 at 1000 r*aer Box o""ri**J i""rbmission ;;;;;;1;;i; ";; at UiS- s672 Tender offers nor properrv packaeed. rabered and in shonage ofthe requircd copies as per be disquarified or rejected upon sribmission/ar rende, op.nrnirog.. In uriin-.L.-.i. lrr ins'uction sha, iJtni.ur Fin_" musl conrain one ( t) original and 11x; ^* "rd t:f ,:"ri.i une r I ) ongjnal tender offer and rhree (Jt additional copie; "i of lhe"rr..rt ."rf.a ..Copy.. in one seated enverope crearrv marked: Tender No. Mysc csisiwzqJriii-zi conru.r ro. tt" e.uisio, ofOne Hundr€dand Four { 104) Episodes for 12tff,uUlf. n"",,#"":'"' r ne name and address ol the bidder should be clearly marked on the en-velope/packag€. i*i "-*.,i 'lail,Jiii f.feri.tori . . The Public Procuement Reeulatorv Authority.,! Standardis€d Condilions ofTenderapply iwxv!r 4PPr ro rhts procuremenr, for which allthe applicable Tendei Data is conrainid ,";;:IH::-o',r -r*ins in rhe foresoins, rhe in *. f.rliiri*rr."i.."r c""";;;i;i;;.;;;is not bound to accept rhe rowesrorany for permane nt Sec re tary, Ministry ol youth, Genler, Sport and Culturc . Second Publication Republic of Botswana _ Tender No. MTpw/FOUtcIIM|tSr,*.lMmx-20i./ Government neet Ma[agement PROVISION OF 24-HOUR SECIJRITY GU-ARD S.ERVICES TO COVERNMENT FLEET MANAGEMENT PREMISES (BoARD YARD. cTo-PooL, HEAD LETLHAKENG) FOR TWENTY-FOUR (24) MONTHS oFFI.E,;i,6;&;;i,b . . . . SEALED TENDER OFFERS ARE INVITED for th€ provision of security services at Government Fleet Management premises for rwenty-four (24) months. The Procuring Enlity is: Covemmenr FIe€r Managemenr. Proclrement Method is: Open Domestic Biddingi Tendercrs who arc domiciied in Bo6wana musi, in order to be considercd for the award of the contract, be registered with the public procurement Regutatory er,fr".i,i i, ,f," i.ff"*ilg Code:100 Security Seffices; """g'"i*, Sub-Code:0t - Securiry cuard Servic€s. The Ender is reserved for r0o% cnizens or citizen conractors as stated under section ?6 (2) of the pubric Procurement Act. LPS will b€ applicable in this tender Economjc Diversificadon Drive tEDD) will be applicabte in riis tender. I ne pnysral address lbr collecrion of Tend€r Documents is: Central Transporl Organization Headquaflen, varsha Hous€. CB D. Gaborone. Fbst Ftoor, Office No. 1.31. Documenrs rnay be collected durins working hous between ogoo hours and 1245 hours and from 1345 hours ro 1530 hours with effect from tSdfteptember. 2023. A non-refundable fee of p500.00 tFiv. Htrn&ed pula only). yout_h owned companies shal pay half price of P250.00 mwo Hundrcd and Fiftv puta onrv, payabt. h .;;ri";il.;y;;illi.,j'"lfr."lio",l o, ao"u,.n,. .r,oura be made ar of6ce No. r.l. rirsr noor. Cli.'o.. v*.ha . . ' Hor..,tB6.;;;;;..-'**" Vuenes or clanhcations relating to the issuance of these documents may be addressed in ,I,oero. wnling, not laEr than selen (7) working davs before rhe Ender closinS date to: Mrs L. ;"*ph Telephone Nos. 1934490. Fax No.39t0667. Emajtaddress:, f"^'fd lSiU66t. A compulsory sire visit and/or Dre-tender mer:ting wilh rcpresentatives ofthe hocuring Entity will take place at the following ,;id;il . . . . .- placesi Board-Yard on 28rh September. m23 from toOO hours _ 1030 hou^ C I O_ Pool on 28Lh Seprember. 2023 from I I0O hours _ I I30 hours Head_llt ice on 28rh September. 2023 ftom 0800 houn . O83O hous coodhope on 29$ Seprember, 2023 from O9O0 houn _ 0930 hours Irflhakeng on 29lh Septemb€r,2023 from 1430 houIs _ l5OO hours Note:.c FM/Procuring Entiry will nor be responsiue ror transportation oi tender€rs to and aom the site visit. The ctosiog dare and time for rcceipr of seaied terd", otr"" i" illio"r. ,0r.. Late tenderoffers will nor tre accem.d The Bid submission Method isr one (l) Envelope submission Method in which the tenderer,s financial and technicaloffers are submitted uogerher in one seak envelope. ;-i6i6;";;;;;ii 5613 . Submit one (l) original tender offer marked "Original" and two (2) duplicaE,copies of the oriSinal doclrment ;;ia 'topy'' in"one sealed envelope cleaJly marked: "Tender No MTPWPO*U/GFM/SER'/0E|T23-N24 Trenty-Four (24) Hour Securiiy Guard Services to Governmentj-leet Managemeot Premis€s - Pmvisioo;f (24) Months"' shall b€ Yard, GFM Po;|, Head oifice, Goodh;pe and Lerlhakeng) for-Tiventy-Four @o;d office delivered to: Govemment Fleet Management, iiround Floor, PrinciPal Procuremenr Headquarters, Varsha House, CBD, Gatlorone. The name and address of the bidder should b€ clearly marked on the envelope' No 010' GFM ThePublicProcurementRegulatoryAuthority'sStandaldisedConditronsofTenderforservicesshallapplytothis a thJ applicable Tender Data is contained in the Tender Documents r.ioi*irr,i""aine unything iniile foregoing, the Procuring Entity or covemment of Botswana is not bound to accept the lowest or any tender oIler' orocurcment. for whrch ' The Director Prccurenent OversiSht - Goventment Buyer, Minbtry olTranspo and Public Works Second Publiation Republic of Botswana - Tender No. DATC/LOB/LAC|SEPJ026/2O21'2023 Tender Cancellation PROVISION OF SECURITY GUARD SERVICES TO THE MINISTRY OF EMPLOYMENT' LABOUR' (24) PRODUCTIVTTY AND SKILLS DEVELOPMENT FOR A PERIOD OF TWENTY-FOI''R MONTSS - LOBAISE BRIGADE CENTRE .REFERENCEIsMADEtotheabove-capturedtenderthatappearedontheRepublicofBotswanaGovemment Garefie Vol. LIX, No 109 dated 3rd December,2021, Page Nos 7430to7431' .Theabove-mentionedtenderthatwasclosedonl4thJanualy,2022hasbe€ncancelledduetoadministrative . issues, Any inconvenience caused is highly regretted. The Secretary, Depart nent ol Skills Development . Second Publication Gaborone City Councit - Tender No' GCC/152022 Civil and M€chatricsl Engineering Servic€s - Rords Dlvision IN GABORONE RE-TENDER FOR CONSTRUCTION OF STORMWATER DRAINS IN VANOUS AREAS .TENDERoFFERsAREINVI'IEDfromloo%citizenownedcompaniesforconstructionofstormwaterdlains in vadous areas in Gaborone which are domiciled in Gaborone' . i"ra"."i. ,rr" t" *gistered with the Public Procurcment Regulatory Althority- (PPRA) in the following 'OC ' Coae, Of Civil Ensineering works. Sub{ode: 05 - Bridges Crade: . ""., Depanmenl is: Civil and Mechanical Engineering Services - Roads Division . The pre-ttnder eslimate for the workl is: a) P2,500,000.00 . - Schedule I P2, 500,000.00 - Scheiule 2 dris tender is resricted to the following biddem pursualt to previous submissioni Just RosY (PtY) Ltd b) (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (0 G) (h) Lindzoe hojects (ftY) Ltd Heavily Define (ftY) Ltd Zendaya Elterprises (PtY) Proof Builders (PtY) Ltd Ltd Prominent (ftY) Ltd Major ConcePts Brighl Titanium Contractors (Pty) Ltd 5674 {i} Songe Grcup of Companies (pty, Lrd Ur Liquid Firewood (pty) Lrd (k) Time Call Invesrmenr (pty) Lrd (l) l-egaeng Civil Conrmctors (pry) Ltd (m) Dem Enterpds€s (Pry) Lrd (o) Surfacehope Holdings (hy) Ltd (o) Stands Building & Maintenance (p) Champion Hand Holdings {Ry) Ltd (q) Dilepema Codes (Pty) Lrd (r) Keiron Invesrmenrs (fty) Ltd (s) Afii Holdings (Pty) Ltd (t) Sunson Invesrments (Pty) Lrd (u) Nozaria InvestmenB (Ry) Lrd (v) Fuxiva lnvestments (Pty) Ltd (w) New Dreams Construction (fty) Lrd G) Lady Q Events (Pry) Ltd (y) Fasl-T)?e Venturcs (Pty) Lrd (2, Malkad lnvestments (pty) Lrd (aa) Hillsengineering & Consrruction (pry) Lrd (bb) Speed Plus (Pty) Lrd (cc) Trend Seekers (fty) Ltd (dd) Clenwise Holdings (Pry) Ltd (ee) Bright Flintex (Pty) Ltd T/A Mod Conrrols (pty) Ltd (tr) Fair Mark croup (Ry) Lrd Gg) Em Works & Services (pry) Ltd (hh) N4 Engineers (Pty) Ltd (i, Kane & Abel (Pty) Lrd 0i) Rational Engineering (Ry) Lrd (kk) The Abb€y (Pty) Lrd 0l) Napho (Pty) Ltd (mm) L€arrom Projects (pry) Lrd (nn) Rtm Engineers (Pty) Ltd (oo) L€sary Invesrments (Ity) Ltd (pp) K-Mod Projects (Pty) Lrd (qq) Rennel Invesrments (Prty) Ltd (rr) Altonville Holdings (pty) Ltd (ss) Sesh-Tech (Pty) Ltd (tt) DmtafaD Civil Engineering & Iovesrnent (pry) Lrd (uu) Tswana Wolx (Pty) Ltd (w) Glen Brazen Enterpris€s (hy) Lrd (ww) Lanoka (Pty) Ltd (xx) Tsa Potlato Holdings (Pty) Lrd (yy) Mawela Brillianr lnvesrment (pry) Ltd (zz) Flexy M Investments (pty) Ltd (aaa) (bbb) (ccc) (ddd) (eee) (ftr) (ggg) (hhh) (iii) oij) (kl*) 0ll) Ifd Holdings (Pty) Ltd Tbase (Pty) Ltd Makandz Investments (Pty) Ltd Kaismo (fty) Ltd Rextec tnvestmenr (Pty) Ltd North Wave Civils (Pry) Ltd Cynefho crace Empirc (Pty) Ltd Chaxie Ivesrments (Pry) Ltd Cirizen ContractoN (Pry) Ltd Emerging Qualities (Ry) Lrd Astrascope (Pty) Lrd Fast Altemative (Ry) Ltd (mmm) Crapswood (Pty) Ltd (onn) Rosedale Hildings (Pty) Ltd & Mikram Investmenr ra Ros€dalo Developers (ooo) (ppp) (qqq) (rrr) Jcmt (Pty) Ltd Ram Technics Holdings (Pty) Ltd Gabrio Contractors (Pry) Lrd Tillar Tech Holdings (Pry) Ltd 56',ts . . . This tender is hereby collected at no fee lo the bidder. will apply in this Presidential Directive cAB 14 (B) 2015 on Price Preference as pel lrcal Procurement scheme tender (where applicable). p."ria.ntia Oir""tive Cig 3+ (B) zot4 on Economic Dive*ification Drive (EDD) will apply in this tender (where applicable). ircsiaeniiat oirecrive cAB 25 (B) 2019 on Citizen Economic Empowerment (CEE) *ill aPPly in this tender (where applicable). for collection ofTendd Documents is: Council - Roads Design ofnce' Btock 3 lndustrial' rrr" pf,y.'ilf "ao.""s aong Pharatlhe Crescent, office Number l, and documents ma-y b€ collected during working itot i'lJs. zo6a5lt hous b€tween 0730 ho; and 1245 hous and from 1345 houn !o 1630 hou$ with effect from 18lh September,2023. addrcssed, in writing to: Mr Julius [o".i"V"t".m"aiors relating to the issue of these documents should be iaabong, rrincipd rraffic ingineer I, Telephone No 39 tO6O4, Email: jmaabong@gov bw or hand-delivercd ftom 18th to, iountf noud. o".ig" offi;e, Block 3 I;dustrial, Plot Nos 20685/l along Pharadhe Crescent . . . ' September, 2023 . Therc is no site visit. Tender offem are to be submitted in three (3) sets; one . . (l) marked "Original" and two (2) copies rnarked "Copy" andshouldb€handieliveredandregisteredto:GaboronecityCouncil'officeNumber40'Civiccentrc,Plot N". ::ii a""iiro"p"raence Avenu; in a one plain and securcly sealed envelope and clearly marked: '"Tender io . ccit tsiiozz I Re-Tender for Construciion of stormwater Drains id various Areas in Gaborone" and 29th September,2023. addressed to: The Town Clerk, Private Bag 0089, caborone not later than 0900 hours on . ff," ,i-. t"r receipt and registraiion of tender offefi is at 0900 hours on 29th September, 2023 and "i..i"g tenders shall b€ opened immediately thereafter' . Late, telegraphic, telex, facsimile and emailed Tender Documents will not b€ accepted' ThesrandardisedConditionsofTenderaspubllshedbyPublicProcuremenlAclof202l'withamendmentsas 3/l/tA 38 dated 24th Juoe. contained in Public Procurement ReSulatory Auoority circular No. 3 of 2022 Ref: PPRA Tender Documents' 2022 to this procurement, for whictiall the apPlicable Tender Data is contained in the P M. RAMOTHOKGWANA' for Town Clerk, Gaboronc Ciry Cou .il . second Publxarion Tbnder No. I-TCIEDU/2C2023 Lobotle To*n Council Education Department - OF OUTDOOR A SUPPLIES TENDER FOR THE SI]PPLY' DELIVERY AND INSTALLAI'ION PLAYING AREAS FOR RECEMON CLASSES tN TOBATSE TOWN COUNCIL . . . . . for the suPPIy' delivery SEALED TEN'DER OFFERS ARE li.MTED for the procurement ofa supplies tendel and installation of outdoor playing areas lor recePtion classes in l'batse Town Council ' The hocuring Entity is: Lobatse Town Council Education Department' Procurement Method is: OPed Bidding. oflhe contract, be rEgistered ienderers who are domiciled in tobatse must, in order to be mnsider€d for the award p.o"ur"."nt (PPRA) in the following categories: Authonty Regulatory *"irh Pobli" tt -'i:oa", " zir . Suppliei, Sub-'Code: 07 - sPorts and Recreation EquiPment' sParcs aDd Accessories' 76 (2) oftlrc Public Procur€ment T-he tender is reserverl for citizens or citiztn conlrac6rs as stated under s€ction elt.'.*Jr"."n"" ."rgin, wifl be applied to qualit]ing bidders tn line wilh rhe pr€scrib€d Preference scheme. in accordance rurerence snaiu giren to_ onomii oirirsihcation Drive (EDD, registered companies people wilh disabilily) (youth' women and grouPs targeted and preference margin with the tumover thrishold bidder shall in accordance with the Local hocuremeit Policy prcference margin where applicabte The submit a coPy of valid certificate of r€gistration undet the programme -. at civic cenEe, pt y.i"a for collection ofTenier Documents is: D€partment of Education. locat€d c"**r . . . rn" Street' New office Block' First loor' omce No' T60' tnbatse hours and 1245 hours and dunng working hourc between -0730 ftom 1345 hours to 1630 hours from l5t], September.2023 lo 6th Oclob€r' 2023' Tlou Sreet' Biddins Documents mav be purchased by inierested bidden at Civic Centre Plot No 1062 along oin". No.40. rru"o. Town council during working hours hetween0730 hours and pit i6. 1062,"airc"s Ita-k-eng Esst' along Tlou i.*r iotr"if. o*r."nt; may be coilected il;#;F;.i. 1530 hous. i;r;;'r. 5676 . A non-refundable fee of p250.OO (Two Hundred alld_Fifty pula only) payable in cash or by ban] guaranteed cheque mad€ out in favour of Lobatse Town counc ani is requnJd ir'"ori."tior tr," r"raer Document. Companies thal are 100% owne.l hv vouth will purctrase tte,ienae. Do"umeni at a non-refunaatb fee ot Hld,:o rwenry.itJe pula only.y n" p.. n".iJ"n,iur o1,""ii,"-c,ii r+f syzo r s. *in Ta af pont or sale. rhar is. or?arg and Form of Directors or lener from Minisrry of youth, Ge;der, Sport f]:::T,!9T tn*r [J8uireo ' The closing dare and time for receipt of seared tender offers is l0oo hours on 6th oclob€r, 2023 at supplies Division, Woodhall Industrial Area, plol No. 3172, along Seepapitso III Bids willte opened immediareiy thereafrer in the presen-ce oi bidders wishingio uir.;a th" op"nirg ut Supplies Division, Woodhal Indusrrial Area, plor ito. 3172, atong Seepapii.i iir 6rir". r_oua". "*"."i.. Late render offers will nor be acceored. D,i";,;;;; .9r.^.:::_T9,:lTFtionsrelaringiotheissuanceofthesedocumentsmaybeaddrcssedinwriting,nottaterthan nve I )r wortung oays betorc tender closing date to: The Town Clerk, Attention: Mr Rampoothor. Kedikilwe, Telephone Nos 530s828/5305800, Emaifaddress-, N..lilz+ls -a Mr Tshephang Orekeng. Telephone Nos. 530583 I /5305800, Email address: torefeng@gor-U*ai"* No. S::Z+Sa. r* The Public Procurement Regulatory Authority's standardised conditions ofrender for supplies shall apply to this prccurement, for which all the applicable Tender Data is contained in the Tender L. LESENYEGILE, .u"i:",;f!:!;""., Second Publication Sero\rye District Councit _ Tender No. Tender.SDClpROCnNlD}23-2OU procurement and Asset Disposal A FRAMEWORK CONTRACT FOR THE SUPPLY AND DELIVERY OF UNIFORM AND PROTECTIVE CLOTHING FOR SEROWE DISTRICT COUNCIL ' . . ' SEALED TENDER .FFERS ARE INVITED for rhe procurement of umform and protective clothing for serowe Di\ricl Council for a period ending I lst March,2024. The User Depanment is: procurement and Asset Disposal. Proj:yement Method is: Open Domestic Bidding foriots 1,4,5,6,7 & g. Res€rved for compaDies operating at SPEDU Region (Lot 2) and Lot 3 reserved for Serowe District Manufacturers. Tenderers who are domiciled in Botswana must, in order to be considered for the award of the contract, be registered s irh fte Public procrlrement Regularory Aurhoriq in rhe tollowins calesones: Coder 213 - Generat Manufaduresrproducerc, Sub-Code: 09 Cloding"and F1;ric (Lot I,2, 3,6 & 8); Code: 2l I - Geneml Supplies, Sub-Code: 04 Ctorhing Apparetand F;brics (tot4,5,7). The tender is resefied for citizens or citizen contractors as s;te; ;nder section 76 (i) of the pubric hocurement . . ' ' Prcfereoce shair be given to Fxonomic Diversification Drive (EDD, regisrered companies in accordanc€ with the turnover threshold prcference margin and_rargered groups anJieople with aisability) in lyouthjwomen accordance wirh I-ocar procurement poricy preference margir where appricatte. rre irader statt suumit a iofy of valid certificate of registration under the programme. The physical address for colrection ofrendrr Documents is: serowe Distdct council, hocurement unit, omce No. 15, Supplies Warehouse, near Khama Memoial primary School. Documenrs rnay be corrected during working hours between 0g00 hours and 1245 hous and from l34s hou.. lo toJU houa tiom 25ft Seplember,202l to loth October. 2021. - ' ' 'Anon-refundablefeeofP150.00(oneHundred-andFiftypulaonly)payabreincashtoTreasuryDeparrment during working hours between 0730 hours and 124s trouri ano rrom i:'+i nours to 1530 hours. Revenue of6ce No. A22, serowe Distric! Council, Rural Administration CenEe. The receipt will be reqr-rired during collection of the Tender Documenrs. As per the presidenriaj Dircclive cabl4 (B)/201i, youtl o*nia shal buy Tender Documents at 5070 of the tender fees. The youri shal be required "ornpuniJs o produce orarg (IDs) and share cenificare as proof of ownership ofthe company in order to buy the T;nder D;ument at 50%. ' Queries or clarifications rerating to the issuance of these documents may be addresJ in writing, not rater than seven (7) working days before the tender closing date to: council secretary's office and clarit be forwarded B Khan i . Tetephone Nos. 4 635696/4638569/4638sE7, Ema addrcss: bobusir""Ogo,.t*, S:.Y: 9. ,g*:l:ryEmail: okhani@qov.b\r. rax No. 40J5469. 56't7 . 2023 Tender offers oot submilled The closing time for receipt of tender offers is 09OO hours on 10lh Octot'er' willbe done immediatel) o9o0 hoLs will not be received irrespective of your arrival lime' OPening oftender wish to anend' dav in RAC Conferenci Room in the presence of bidders who Late tender offers will no! be accepted. in which a tenderer's Tte Sia Method is: ;ne (l) Stage One (l) Envelope Submission Method sealed enveloPe' in one together are submitted offers technical and frnancial i, ;;';';;;;" . . il;e .;;iii;;trJilumentmarked"original";ndlwo(2)copiesofrheoriginaltocurenteachmarked"copv" i Secretary' Serowe alo€uments encloseal in plain sealed envelope addressed !o: The Council i"i Procurement Unit' "f District Council, Private Bag 001' Serowe and hand-delivercd to: Serowe District Council than 0900 hours on 10th Oii:"" No. fs, tSuppfi". Wiehouse, near Kharna Memorial Primary School) nor later ri""ti A Framework Contract O"'t"U"i, iilZg ii""iiy .*t"d: '"Tender No. TENDER-SDC/PROC/TOO1/2023-2024 foi tfr" doppfy *a fifiu"ry of Uniform, Protective Clothing for Serowe District Council"' of the bidder should be cleady marked at the back of the envelope' n^.J*a - ft. "on*o ThePubticProcuementRegulatoryAuthority'ssundardisedConditionsofTenderforsuppliesshallaPPlytothis brmuremenl. for which all the applicable Tender Dala is conlained in the Tender Documeni' "r.i.i"i in tire foregoing, Serowe Disrrict Council is nor bound to accept the lowest or any fr"i.airg ' tender offet. ""v,f,ing B. OBUSITSE' Assista t Manager - Procurement' Setowe Disttict Cou cil Second Publication Norih"Esst District Council - Tbnder No' ITIELCIITI3E1m23 (SMART OF SUPPLY, DELIVERY AND INSTALLATION OF INTERACTIVE BOARDS PROCUREMENT -" - sijAR;SiTO NORTL-EASr DTSTRTCT COUNCTL (ZWENSHAMBE, TATISIDING. TSHESEBE' MATSILOJE AND RAMOKGWEBANA PRIMARY SCHOOLS) . delivery and installation of SEALED TENDER OFFERS ARE INVITED for the Procuement of supply' (Zwenshambe' Tatisiding' Tshesebe' Matsiloje founcil Disuict to North_East boards) toarOs iiteractive tsmart and Ramokgwebana Primary Schools). . Thc ProcurinS Entity is: Nonh_East District Council' . Procurcment Method is: Open Domestic Bidding' . i..a"** -r". i. aa"r to'be considered for the iward ofthe contract, be registercd with the Public Pr@urement Repulaiorv Aurhorin (PPRA) in the following categories: i'''i;;ij&:ail;"r, ii""*"i.' rtl*r,i'i"al;d IcT supplies' suucode: 0l - Electrical and Electonic eccessories (includes [CT, Photographic EquiPment and others)' under section 76 for citizens or ciiizen contracto$ loo%;iistered i;Botswana as stated puUfi" no"urement Act and are domiciled within North-East District Council jurisdiction' iZi tO.f,ft" iiii,'cfi"e prtip"f pface of business should reflect NEDC jurisdiction and should have treen registered not less lhan thrae (3) months fiom date oflender Publicalion i"i, u" made based on PresidentiaiDiEctive CAB tr (A) 19 (B) 2013 oo targeted groups O/outh'w-ornen f""r,* where applicab-le' with disabilitv) in accodance wit]l the t ocal Prccu€ment Policy Pi€felence margin anJeoole "i:Lf il"fr;;i";i;;d*.t-#couection of Tenaer Documenls is: Prccurement Division office at IPlegeng offices behi;d MasungaClinic {Bus rank). 1345 hours *"-y collected during working hours between 0?30 houn and 1245 hours and from io-tiio troun irom tsttr sePt€mber,2023 uPon Presentation of receipts of payment'cash or by bank guaranteed e non-."t" fe-e of 8'!{?150.00 (One Hundi.ed and Fifty fda only) payable in Entity stated in the Tender Documenl ctreoue made out in favour of rhe Govemment of Botswana oi ttrc Ilocuring Documents is required on cotlection of the Tender per Pr€sidential Directive CAB l4(B) T.nd., Docu..nts rrill be sold at 50% price for youth companies as ot Drrectors)'- . . 20 l5. hoof wiu be rcquired at Point of sale torna'8 and form pavment shouta be m;de durin; working hours bitween 0800 hours and 1245 hour1 and from 1345 hours lo ceoEe. Masunsa. Adminisrradon ls ar Rural No. office n.,"nue iIt coun.ii, not later than oi"i*in*,ions relating to the issuance of these documents may be addressed in writing' or Mr Peter chabale or Private Bag 004' Sedirwa Wame to: Mrs date ilosing ,"nder ,fr" u"fo. auvt n-r"iil Fa''(. Nos 2489290/2498070' Email: No(h-East District Council, vtasunga,ielephone Nos 2489393/24892 E9 ' council' District Norlh'East Page: Facebook i.iini-pnocuneMENruNn@go;.bw or fq"ip*"",, Sp** *d . Th";6;;;;;"d . it . . ir*r*!"i. . * . . i;ii;;il';;ir-;I*iOirt . il*il" 567a . . ' The closjng date and time for receipt of sealed tender offers is 09OO hours on 4th October.2023. Lale render offers will not be accepted. The Bid Submission Method is: One (l) Envelope Submission Method in which a tenderer's fimncial and technical offers are submitted together in one sealed envelope. 'submitone(l)originartenderoffermarked"original"andtwo(2)duplicalecopiesoftheoriginaldocument marked "Copy" in one sealed enveloPe clearly rnarked: .Tender No. NEDCiTi/3gl2023 _ A procurcment for supply, Delivery and Installation of Interactive Boards (smart Boards) to North-East District council . (zwenshamb€' Tatisiding, Tshesebe, Matsiloje and Ramokgwebana primary schools)" shall be derivered to: Procureme[t Office at Ip€legeng Offices, behind Masunga Clinic, (Bus raikr, Masunga. The name and addrcss of rhe bidder should be clearly marked on the envelope. The Public Procurement Regulatory Authority' standardised conditions ofrender for supplies shall apply to this procurement, for which all the applicable Tender Data is contained in the Tender Documenr. procuring Entity or Govemment of Botswala is not bound to accept . Notwithstanding anything in the foregoing, the the lowest or any tender offer, L.ISRAEL. Council Secretary, No rr h- East Diso ic t Council. Seconll Publication North-Eest District Courcil - Tender No, NEDCIABI&|?]0.2} A WORKS CONTRACT FOR THE PROCIJREMENT OF CONSTRUCTION OF INO, X 5 CUBICLE TOILET BLOCK AT MASUNGA PRIMARY SCHOOL SEALED TENDER OFFERS ARE ITWITED for the provision of a works conract for the procuement of construction of lNo. x 5 cubicle toilet block at Masunga primary school at an estimated cosr of p350.000.00. The works contract will include the following: Site establishment, earthworks, concrete, pre-cast concrete, masonry, waterprcofing, roof coverings, carpentry, ceilings, floor covering, ironmongery, sructural steel wo*, metal works, plastering, tili;g, plumbing, glazing, paintworks. Extemal works (soil drainage systems, water supply installation, and associated works). Services works (electrical iostallations and associated works). Demobilising and cleaning works. The Procuring Entity is: Nonh-East District Council. Procurement Method is: Open Domestic Bidding. Tendeffi must, in order to be considered for the award of the contract, be registered wirh lhe public procuement Regulatory Authority (PPRA) in the following caregories: Code: 01 - Building ConsEuction Worls and Maintenancel Sub-Code: 01 - Building CoosEucrion; Grade: OC (registration will be verifed online). The tender is reserved for 100% citizen companies (as stated under section 76 (2) (d) of the public procurcment Act) and are domiciled wirhin Nonh-East Dist cr Council jurisdiction in the following locality (Masunga). Notei CIPA principal place of business should reflect NEDC jurisdiction, based in Masunga village and-should have been registered noi less than thrce (3) months from date of tender publicarion, failure to which the bid will not be considered. In accordance with the Local Procurement Scheme, there wilt be a 15% pice prefer€nce for companies 100% owned by youth, women, people with disability or as set out on the Local hocurcmen! Registmtion Ceflificate and in accordance with the Presidential Dircctive No. l9B of 2013, thereiorc biddets who qualify under this $heme arc rcquired to submit copies of otnang. In addition disabled bidders are rcquired to submit an affidavit that confirms their disability. Tendercrsio purchase all their products from 100% citizen locally based manufacturers and service prcviders, Fovided that the goods and services are loca.lly available, competitively priced and meet tender specifi;ations in terms of quality standard as certified or rccognized by Botswana Bureau of standards (BoBs) or olher recognized certifying bodies. Tender Documents may be obtained from the Procurement Unit Office located at lpelegeng Offices, Masunga, behind Masunga Clinic during working hours between 0730 hours and 1245 hours and from 1345 houn to 16-30 hours on weekdays, from 15th Septemb€r,2023. a) b) c) d) . . . s679 al th,e Council Revenue Office No 15 at A non-refundable fee of P50 00 (Fifty Pula only) shall be paid in cash Youlh owned companies will procure hours. at 1530 time aod lunih ii*riea.i"lro"ii., c"nue, ctosed iuine of eligibility i*J., Oo"r."nt. ut SOTo of the fee as pe'r Presidenlial Direclive CAB 14 (8, of 2015 upon Foof . (valid ondrS and Shareholders certificate) to: M$f sedirwaMr K Nfanile' &Jn"J.ri*r*rg to ttre issues in the nder Documen6 may be addrelsed NEDC-PRoCUREMENTLINTT@goV5W Ernail: 248q2cn' r.rJo," Nou. zszisgDaszaDas i;..rDifj72ag,FaxNo oi.tti"t co""il not later tharl five (5) working days before closing date' ;ffiil;;ffi**,No.t-g"t . . No sire visit shall be held. 2023' . Th";i;;;il;d dme for receipt of sealed tender oflers is 0900 hours on 29th September' . Late tender offers will not be accepted. . The tender evaluation will follow Least Cost Selection Evaluation Procedurc' tenderer's Enancial and technical . iia sut-l..ion Method is: one_Enveiope submission Method in which a " are subnxtled togedrer in one sealed entelopr' offers dav at . ilri.. *ifl cJmmence immedialely alrei closing of submi'slon of lender offea on lhe samewrshing pre'ence of bidders "p."rg u.rtind Masunga CliniclThe opening-shall be in public in the i*;;"i*ib'm*, to attend. document marked . ijrJ ti-l orign"r t"rder offer marked "onginal" and two (2) duplicate copies of the' original A works conrracl for rhe ':c"pv: , 3". i.a.a *vetope ctearly mited: "render No' NLDC'AB/40/202J Primary school" and addressed to: proJuremenr of Consrucdon of lNo. x 5 Cubicle Toilet Block at Masunga be delivered to: Procurement rir" i.r""iii"".,"rv, llorth-F-ast District Council, Private Bag 004' Masunga ' shall C'rnic' Malunga Unit Otfice. Ipelegeng Otfices behind The name and address oflhe bidder should b€ clearly marked on lhe envelope . ThePublicProcuremenlRegulatoryAuthority.sstandardisedConditionsofTenderforworksshallapplylothis in the Tender Documenls' orocurement. for which all theipplicable Tender Dala is conlained or in-lieloregoing' tt'e No(h-East Distnct council is not bound to accept the lowest *il;ilil;ir;;;ilG any tender offer, L, ISRAEL' No Council Secretary' h'East District Council Second Publication North-East District Council - Tender No' NDDC/ELEC/41I2023 TO NORTH'EAST DISTRICT SUPPLY AND DELN'ERY OF LED STREETLIGHT FITTINGS COI]NCIL . SEALED TENDER OFFERS ARE INVITED for the supply and delivery of LED streetlight fittings to NorthEast District Council. . The Procurins Endry is: No(h_East D,slrict Council' . Procurement Method is: Open Domeslic Bidding' . i"rA"* ."", L o.a* toL considered for the ivard of the contract' be registered with the Public Procurement Resulabrv AuthorilY in the followlng categories: . "Coa"iZO: - gt.",.ical, Elecronic. Mechanical and ICT Supplies: . iuucJ", or - eL"trical and Electronic Equipment, Sparii and Accessories (includes ICT' Photographic . Equipment and Accessories). in Botswana as stated under section 76 t"i',ai. i, ."ser"ed for citizens or cidzen contractors 10O%) registercd juisdiction ' /')\ /,,\^fthe Rrhlic Procuremen! Act and are domiciled within North-East District Council u,.N.* tt'o"ra t"flect NEDC jurisdiction and should have been registered not m" itil,'iia;;;til . ;,*. J mo;ths from date oftender publicalion' Presidentiat Directive CAB II (a) with the I-ocat procl remeniSchime and in accordance wilh the In accordance 100% owned by youth, women, peoPle companies for price preference a 15% wi1 be ir,"* iirfi,lqri maryin where aPplicable -_ Preference Policy "izoii, Procuremenl Locai with disabililv in accordance with the Do"uln"nt' is: Procurement unit ornce at Iperegens ornce Iess ihan three (3) . ;i:';;iil;i'#;:;;;;rilit;;.ri;il"i (Bus rank). behind Masunga Clinic. 1245 hours aod from 1345 hours U" collected during working hours belween O?30 hours and a recerpt pnesentlng upon to 1630 hours from l5th Septemb€r.2023 . il*r.""i. ."j, .;;;-;;;A;[f""orgwpsoo.ooelu"iiu"a;oruuJntvlpuviut'incashmadeoutinfavouroftheNo(hDocuments' East District Council and is required on collection of the Tender s680 ' ' ' Tender Documeots will b€ sord at 50% pJice for youth companies as per presidential Directive cAB l4(B) 2015. koof will b€ required at point of sale (omang and form of Directors). Payment should be made during working hours between 0g0o hou." and 1245 hou* and from 1345 hours !o 1530 hours at Nofth-East District Council, Revenue Office No. 15 at Rural Administration Centre, Masunga. Qleries-or clarificarions relating to the issuance ofthes€ documents may b€ address€d h wdting, not tater than (5) days before lhe render closing date ro: Mrs warne-s€dirwa, priva. B;g oo4, North-Easr oisiit councit,l,tasunia, Telephone Nos. 248939324E9289, Fax Nos. 2489290/2498070, Em;: NEDC_pROCUnEWVnrunOgou.iw fi; or Facebook page: Nonh-Easr Distrid Council . . ' . The closing date and time for receipt of sealed lender offers is O90O hours on 4th October, 2023. Late rcnder offers will not be accepted. The Bid-submissiod Method is: one (1) Enverope submission Method in which a tenderer's financiar and technical offers are submitled together in one sealed envelope. submit one ( l ) originar tender offer marked ' originar" and rwo (2.) duplicate copies of the original document marked "copy_ in one sealed enrelope crearly marked: _lenoer No. i.reocreLEcr4rt2oz3 A Tender for s,upply Deli very of LED Streedighl Fittings to No(h-East District Council" shall be delivered to: prccurement ^and Unit Office at lpelegeng Offices Block (behind the Masunga Clinic), Masunga. The name and address ofthe bidder should be clearly maried on the envebft. ' - . The Public Procurement Reguratory Audority's standardised conditions ofrender for suppries shall apply to this procuremenr, for which all the applicable Tender Data is contained in the Tender Documenr. anything in lhe forcgoing, the procuring Entity is not bound to accept the lowest or any lender -Nolwirhstanding L.ISRAEL, Cotncil Secretary, Nor th- East District C otncil. Second Publicarion Kweneng LaDd Bosrd - Tender No. KL8022023.2024 KW 6 LIVESTOCK RANCIIES PROCUREMENT OF SERVICES FOR A CONSULTANCY SERVICES FOR PREPARAI'ION OF STRAIEGIC ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT (SEA) REPORT FOR KW 6 UVESTOCK RANCHES IN LETLHAKENG DISTRICT ' SEALED TENDER oFFERS ARE INVTTED for the provision of Envircnmenrar professional services for Preparation of strategic Environmental Assessment (sEA) Report for Kw 6 Livestock Ranches: De-zoned Wildlife Management Area KW 6 (Motokw€ and Tshwasne Caoistral Boundaries). 'Theconsultancyisestimated!otar(enine(9)months:scopingtudrbrmsofRefercnceandstrategicEnvironinental . . . Assessment. The Prccuring Entity is: Kweneng Land Board located at plor No. 189?09, Molepolole, opposite Kweneng District Council Chamber. This is an Open Domestic Bidding tender. In order to be considered for the award of the contact, selected tendercrs should be, Bona lde Botsl,atJa Environmental Assessment Pmctitioner Association rcgister€d and certified with valid ' . certifi cate of practice. registered with the Public procurcment Regulatory Authority (ppRA) in the following categories: Code: 313 - Environmental Services, Sub-Code: dl Environmental Assessment. should avail their Tax Idenrification Numbers (TIN) for online verification 6mugh the BURS website. Prescribed Reservation or heference Schemes shall be applicable in this tender. The physical addrcss for co[ecrion ofrender Documenls is: plot No. 189709, Kweneng tffd Boad, Morepolole, ProcuremeDt Ofnce No.9. opposile Kweneng District Council Chamber. . ' ' 'Doc.,menBmaybecolleclcdduringworkinghoursbetween0730hoursand1245hoursandftom1345hou$to ' 1530 hou$ on weekdays wirh effect from 2 r st seprember, 2023 at a fee of p l 5o.oo (one Hundred and Fifty pula only) in cash/EFr Gwiping with bank card) (non-rcfundable). youth compades wili buy rhe Tender Documents a! half price for cash at P75.00 (Seventy-Five pula only). Queries or clarifications relating to the issue of these documents may be addrcssed in writing to: G. shalera or Fre-ngelin Selemogw€, Kweneng Land Board, private Bag 006, Molipolole, Telephone No. 5922600, Fax No. 5922360, Email: 'Tenderclarificationisten(l0)workingdaysbeforethet.nderclosingda!e.eueriesrEcriveiafterl4thseptember, m23 will not be respondei to. 5681 . . (7) working days b€fore the The last alay for the procuring Entity to respond to tender clarifications is seven tender closing date. a_"".prfr"ri ,i ,isit me€ting with representatives of the Procudng Entity will take place at Motokwe Sub " on l3th S'ePtemb;' m23 staning at 0900 hours Bidders are requircd to sign a register at Luna Co^.Jthu.t". and they shall cover their own c;sE fol the site visit. Bidders are advised to use off rcad visit meeting the site of the u"t i"te" au. to the oltu." of &e tenarn in the atea. An attendance register will be marked at the beginning site visit me€ting and at the end of the site visit. Failure !o atteni the site visit meeting wilt lead to automatic disqoalificadon of the bidder' . .'IlrcclosingdateandtimeforreceiPtafsealedlenderoffersisl0oohoursonl3thOctob€r'2023' . Late tender offers will not be accePted. . iender otrers will be opened at 1Oj0 hours on the same day in the presence of bidders who wish to attend at the Kweneng Land Board Chamber on I 3th October, 2023 . . Telegrap-hic, telephonic, telex or facsimile and late tender offers will not be accepted' . lr"iio suilni.ilon Merhod is: Two_Envelope submission merhod in which one (1) sealed original and all clearly marked copies ofthe technical oliet are placed in one separate sealed envelope m nr" 1S1 ""ut"a the five (5) sealed.coPies of the financial offer *hilst the one (l) sealed origdal and all .financial f""nri"ui nopo"a-, proposal ._The two sealed envelopes marked clearly envelope sealed i".rr"i a"parate i, ,* "n"i; Prccurement oulcr securely sealed e;veloPe marked: "Tender No' KLB02/2023-2024 in oiseruiJes ror tlre rreparation of Strategic Environmental Assessment (sEA) Srudy for Livestock Ranches Luf,"t""g oiroi"t.. ff,e Proposal shouli be addressed to: Kwe neng Land Board. Pri vate Bag 006 ' Molepolole - are then placed in one apply to this The Public Procurement Regulatory Authority's Standardised Conditions oi Tender for Services Drocurement. for which all the applicable Tender Data is contalned in the Tender Documents' '' in the foregoing, Kweneng Lanal Board is not bound to accePt the lowest or any t'ender rr.,arlairg offer, nor incur ajry expenses in Prcparation thereof j.i.,*l *ifiing FRENGELIN C. SELEMOCWE' Board Secretary' Kwenen| I-and Board, Ministry of land: and water Afairs Second Publication Republic ol Botst ana - Tendcr No. MTPW/POUIGFN(/SI.]P|03a023'202/ Addendum No. 1 FRAMEWORK CONTRACT FOR SUPPLY OF MOTOR VEHICLES FOR A PERIOD OF 12 MONTHS rO iTM COVERNMTN'I OF BOTSWANA . . REFERENCE lS MADE to rhe above captioned matter. k-na1 irfo"r.l that the closing date ior the Tender Notice which appeared in the Covemmenl Ga''erte Vol mz: -a vol Lx, No. 76 Published on l8th Ausust' m23 have b€€n moved from l4lh September. 202tlo 28th Seplember.2023' * L'i;i";;;;iil;,i;" ir,i]-Ir;*, The Director' Procurement OversiSht - Government Buyea Ministrl of Transport and Public Wotks ' Second Pttblication _ Tender No' SP/DBS/02512023'2024 Republlc of Bots{'ans I)epartment of Brcadcasting Services - PRODUCTION OF TELEVISION KIDS SHOW SERIES UNDER A DBS TV PNOOUdUbII CONSUTTEICY PROJECT FOR A THREE (3) YEAR PERIOD FOR DBS . . . . production of television kids show SEALED TENDER OFFERS are invited for the provision of services of the (3) year period tor DBs' series under a DBS TV pmduction consultancy p'rojecl for a thre€ Entity is: Department of Broadcasting Services Tte ttocurinq-Method is: Open Domesdc BiddinS. Procurement i"ra"a""*f,.ut"aomic;dinBotswan;ust,;nordertobeconsideredfortheawnrdofthecontract'be100% with the ;don 76 { I ) oI lha Pubiic Procuremenr Act No 24 of 2021. and b€ registered it ;fr; P*;;;;.;ii.gulatory Authority in the following categories: code: 128 - Media services sub-code: ;il;;;#;;; 02 - Radio and Television Content- 5642 . ' ' ' '. . ' . Prescribed Resenarion or Preference Schemes shalt not be aDDlicable in rhis tender. The-physical address for collection of render Documents i;: Depanmenr of Broadcasling services, plot No. J77s5. Mass Medid ComDte'(. We ie seboni Dnve. off Wesrem Bipass. Caborone _ Translpon Block. Supplies ' Section. Of6ce No 016 Tender Documents may be collected duing working hours betwe€n 0900 hours and I 500 hours with effect from Friday. l5th September, 2023. A compulsory clarificarion will E held \rlr! represenratives ofrhe procuring Enrity at lhe Depanment Teeting ol Eroadcasring services. Plor No. 17795. Mass Media complex. wellie seboni Dirive, off westem BvDals. Gaborcne, BTv Green Room on 25th seprember,2023 starting from 1000 trours. nraaers arriving ,hii idoii hours shall not be allowed in and shall he d isqu al ifi-ed from paniiiparing in rhe tender One bidder strill represeni one_company and person attending the sile clarification meeting rep-resenting more than one company shall render such companies inetieible for panicipation in thi. render;d shalt be disouaii6ed. Querie\ or clarificarions relaring ro the issuance of these documenrs may be addressed in writing no larcr lhan rhree 13r dals before rhe render crosing da'. ro soly Nageng. Tereph6ne Nos. l658om/J658604, Fax Nos. 3658030/3653347. The closing daje alld_trme for recerpt ofsealed tender ofers is Tuesday,3rd october,2023 hours at 0900 hours. Lale tender otters wlll not b€ accepted. The Bid submrssion Merhod is:Two Envelope submission Method, ir which a tenderer,s financial and technical offer are submitted togeiher in one sealed envelope. The Evaluation Method is: Fixed Budget Evaluation Method_ A non-refundable fee of P500.00 (Five Hundred puta only) ard 509o for yourh companies ar p250.00 (Two Hundred and Fifty Pula onl, payabre in cash made out in'favour of the G,iue-..nt irr not.*-u ii ."qi,ir"d on collection of the Tender Documents. Payments should b€ done at Revenue office No. 029, Administiation Block, Grcund Floor, Mass Media Complex. plot No. 37795, Wellie Seboni Road, Gaboroo; We;i;Fh;a;r, Gaborone. Botswana, One (l)_original tender offer marked "Original" and two (2) copies ofthe original documenr marked ..Coov,, in one sealed envelope clearly marked: "Tender No splDBsn2s/2023-2024"- producrion of relevistori kids show series under a DBS Tv Producrion consurrancy prcjecr for a Three (3) year period for DBs. shall be d.eli!ered and deposired rn a render box praced al: Ministry fbr Stare pre:ident. Barcrays House. prol No. gg42, Khama Crescent. Fifih Fioor. Office No.006, Caborone, Boswana. The name and address ofthe bidder should be clearly ma*ed on the envelope. 4 q,.dd., \aiqhing to $ idrdra\*. modify or replace his or her bid ar an) dme before fie Ender closing date. shall. in $riring. nonfy fie procuring and disposat enliry of the wirhdrdwat and de withdrawal lerter s[dl be authorized and submitted in the same way as the bids. . . . The Public Regulalory Authority's standardised conditions of render for services apply to this -Procurement procurement, for which all the applicable Tender Dala is contained in lhe Tender Documenrs. Notwithstanding anything in the foregoing, the Govemment of Botswana is not bound to accept the lowest or any KELEB@ILE S. BOIKANYO, Ofice of the Govertunent Buyet, Ministry for State President . Second Publication Republic of Botswana Tender No, SP/DBS/026m23-2A Department of Broadcasting S€rvices - THE PRODUCTION OF TELEVISION YOUTH GAME SHOW SERIES 1JNDER A DBS TV PRODUCTION CONSULTANCY PROJECT FOR A THREE (3) YEAR PERIOD FOR DBS . . . . . . . SEALED TENDER OFFERS are invited for the provision of services of the prcduction of television youth game show series under a DBS TV production consultancy project for a lhree (3) year period for DBS. The Procuring Entity isi Department of Broadcasting Services. Procurement Merhod is: Open Domestic Bidding. Tendercrs who are domiciled in Botswana must, in order to be considercd for the award of the cootxact, be IOO% citizen owned as per section 76 (l) of the Public Procurcment Act No. 24 of 2O2l and be Egistered with tl. public Procurement Regulatory Authority in the following categories: Code: t2E - Media S€rvicEs, Sub.Code: 02 Radio and Television content. Prescribed Reservation or Preference Schemes shall not be applicable in this tender. The physical address for collection of Tender Documents is: Department of Broadcasting Services, plo! No. 37795, Mass Media Complex, Wellie Seboni Drive, off Westem Bypass, Gabomne, Transpon Block. Supplies Section. Office No. 016. Tender Documents may be collected during working hours betwe€n 0730 hours and I 600 hours with effect from Friday, l5th September, 2023. 5683 wirh representaliles of $e Procuring Entity at lhe Depaflmenl seboni Drive off wesrem Bvpass' hours- BiddeB arriving aftet 1000 t000 from slarting 2021 September, CL, noom on 25th C'"t ."*, tender' Ooe bidder shall represent troun stralinot te attowedin and shall be dlsqual i6ed from panicipating in lhe than one company shall and p€rson attending the srte clarification meeting representing more disqualilied' and shall-be Ender ln this particrpation f6r inetigible ,"na". tr'"t no later than rela:ting to thi issuance of these documents may be addressed, in writing, iir".r. ". "i-in'a",ions Lror. ,rt" Ender closing date to: solly Nageng' Telephone Nos 36580qlB658004 Fax Nos' A comDulsorv clarificarion meering ;;;ffi;;;;i;;;;i. gfi ;;;;;;y . ito, Nol will be hetd :;ros. u".s Medi; complex' wellie io.p-i.. ir"" iiia"y. 36s803013653347 . . il" J.,irg a"" -a dme for receipt of sealed tender offers is Tuesday' 3rd October' 2023 at 1200 hours' . Late tender offers will not be accepted. fi nancial and technical is: Two Envelope Slbmission Method, in which a tendercr's offers are submitted together in one sealed envelope' The Evaluation Method is: Fixed Budget Evaluation Method' at P250 00 (Two A non-retundable fee of P50O.m Give Hundred Pula only) and 50% for youlh companies is required iirnai"i -a iir,y p"r" only) payai5le in cash made out in favour of the Govemment of Botswana Ofnce No.029, Administration on collection of tire Tender bocuments. Paymenls should be done at Revenue gl""k, n*r,Iaass Media Complix, Plot No' 37795 wellie Seboni Road Gaborone West Phas€ 2 ftre gia Sutmission VeOod . . Ct";ra Gaborone. Botswana. .,original" and rwo (2) copies of-rhe original documenr marked "copy" in . oi"irjaii"a offer marked producrion ofTelevision Yourh ..Teier No. SplDBSn2A2O23-24 ""aer marked: a".ty ;nr.rop" J.".iir"a - The project for (3) Year Period for DBs" producrion a Ttuee Consuttancy Tv a DBs i;"." st o* s";i. unae; 8842' Kiama crescent Fifth Floor' rt uiiU" . . Jjir*"a to, Uinistry for State President' Barclays House,PlotNo office No. 006. Gaborcne, Botswana. The name and address of the bidder should be clearly marked on the envelope' time beforc the tend€r closing date' e, UiJJ", *i.frirg to withdraw. modify or rcptace his or her bid at any and $e withdrawal letter shall be sirati, in Mting,"notify tlrc procuring and disposal enuly of the withdrawal authorized and submitted in lhe same way as the bids' ofTender for Se ices apply to this The public procurement Regulatory Authority's Standardised Conditions Tender Data is contained in the Tender Documents' the ;pplicable which all nrmurement. for * or any in tire foregoing, the Govemment of Botswana is not bound to accept the lowest lil;;;;;rt tender offer. ^;tthing KELEBOGILE S. BOTKANYO' "{,:;,:"!:;.:;::::ff:ii"?:" second Publication Tender No.sP/D- Bs/03 omin-nu Repubric of Botswana D€Psrtment of Bmadcasting Services _ - A DBS T}IE PRODUCTION OF TELEVISION FAMILY TATK SHOW SERIES-I.INDER (3) YEAR PERIoD FoR DBS rHREE FoR A PRoJECT coNsuLrANCY rv i{oijutibN .SEALEDTENDERoFFERsareinvitedfortheProvisionoftheproducdonof.rclevisionfamilytalkshow DBS' r"-a"iuna". u OsS fv production consultancy project for a lhree (3) year Period for . 'Ihe Procunne Enriry is: Depanment of Broadcasting Services' . ProcurementMethod is: Open Domestic Bidding' order to be considered-for the aw€'d of the contract be 100% . i""a"** *t. *i ao-i"itia i, gots*"nu moii'in io fii"rtr," p,til" Procutement Act No 24of 2021-and b€ resistered with the ;il;;;H;;;ii", iffiil P-;;;# ["grluto,y i;thotiti; th" iollowing categones: code: 128 - Media services sub-code: 02 - Radio and Television Content. . ii.".iiJ n"."t""tion or Preference Schemes shall not be applicable in this Broadcas(ing Services' Plor No .- Ti;;ilil-;;*ss for cottection of iinaei Do"u tntt i': Department oJ-tender'. jiTsili;x we"tem oypass. caborone. rransporl Block. supplie. M;i"""c|,-,lp'rii. wiiii. Section, Office No.016. iii."ibriue. or . iiiiiJi'biiiiii.i*-. ."iL cotlecte.d during working hours between 0?30 hours and 1600 hours with effect from FridaY. l5th SeDtember, 2023. procurinS Enriry,_al-de Depanmenr be held wirl represenrarives of $e ;:.H;;,j;;i;#:;iion meetins wil ^ i,r"i'r.i"". jiigj. M*. uedi; compte,x. welie^ser,oni Dnve. off we.rem Bypa\c. ;f;ffi;Jfiffi;;. t'oln l0oo hours- Bidders arriving after 1000 zstr, s"pt-L'' zbzr ;;;;;;, ;Tn c;;";iio.andon shalt 'tuni"g panicipating in the knder. one bidder shall represent be iisqualified from n-,iii'Jii"ri ,":, t" ai";Jin meeting rep'iesenting more than one company shall one comoarv and Derson atlendlng th. "i'.'"f"'in*iit" rcnder and shall b€ disqualified' in rhis paniciparion f; initigiute ;;;;;;G;";p";* 5684 ' . . . . . Queries.or clarific_ations rclating to the issuarce ofthese documents may bc ad&€ss€d, in wdting, no later tban t_l'fi-|3) gil! _bglore rhe tender closing date to: So[y Nageng, Teleplione Nos. 3658090/3658104, Fax Nos. 3658010/3653347. The closirg date and rjme for rec€ipr of sealed tender offers is Tiresday, 3rd Oclober, 2023 at 1400 hou$. Lale Ender offe$ will not be acceDEd. The Bid submission Method is: n;o Envelope submission, in which a tendeler's financial and technical offers arc submitled together in one sealed envelope. The Evaluauon Merhod is: Fixed Budget Evaluatioo Merhod. A non-refundable fee of P500.00 (Five Hundred pula only) and 50% for youlh comp.oies ar p250.00 (T!vo Hundred and Fifty Pula only) payable in cash made out in favour of the Govemment;f Botswana is requircd on collection of the Tender Documents. payments should be done at Reveoue office No. 029. Adminisdadon Block, Ground Floor, Mass Media Complex, plot No. 37795, Wellie Seboni Road, Gaborone West, phase 2, Cabomne. BotswanaOne (l) original tender offer marked "Original ' and two (2) coples of the original document marked .,Copy" in one sealed envelope clearly marked: "Tender No. sp/DBs/oio/202i-2024 rhe production of relevis'i6n Family Talt show series under a DBs Production consultancy project for a Three (3) year period For DBS" sha delivered and deposired in a render box placed at: Minisrry'for Stare preside;t, Barclays House, E) PIot No. 8842, Khama Crcscent, Fifth Ftoor, Office No. 006, Gabomne, itotswana. The name and address ofthe bidder should be clearlv marked on $e enveloDe. A bidder wishing lo withdra w. mod ify or replace hi-s 6r herbid at any time beiorc the render closing dale. shal I in writing. nolify the procuring and disposal entity of the wilhdmwal and the with&awal letter shalibe auihorizei and submitted in the same way as the bids. rv . ' I The Public Regulatory Authority's siandardised conditions ofrender for services apply !o this -Procureme_nt procurement, for which all the applicable Tender Data is contained in the Tender Documents. Notwithstanding anything in the forcgoing, the Govemment ofBotswana is not bound !o accep! the lowest or any tender offer. KELEBOCILE S. BOIKANYO, Office of thz Governrnent Buyer, Second Publication Minisrry fot State Prcsidefi. 5685 Scmwe Distrlc't Council - DlsPoatl Reference No' SDC/PROC/01'/2023 NOTICE OF PUBLIC AUCIION SALE to sel unserviceable vehicles by public auction' SEROWE DISTRICT COLNCIL INTENDS Dato: 1lth October, 2023; Ttme: 0m0 hours. school' *a Asset Disposal Division' next to Khama Memorial Primary seiowe ui ifoi"rn"rrt *a e"'et Disposal lJnit warchouse vJJJ be to vehicles VIEMNC: 1245 hods and ftom 1345 hours to 1600 "ao zoii "o"tionta ilgodit*t octoter, lorrr from 3rd oclober, 2023 to "ta hours during weekdays onlY viewing dales' No viewing-of vehicles after the above irift#,"ni,ir*.*, u teit"' CONDTTIONS OF SAIE: expressed trems shall be sokl as they are. no wananty is *ro in lor ;umb€rs to the highesr bidder' .rturr ii * ii i".i iffi rcfunaable deposit of P2000 Two Thousand Pula onlv) lr Bidders w ishins to p^ni. ipul" in tt" uo"tili''itor '' ;;;i; i;;; failing which tiev mav nor bid' uofront' cheo,e guaranreed d, bani zoz: t6 lfth ocaober' 2023 rrom 0800 hours nllJo"t&'' ili' # o, -' 'JJfi;#;;;;i i"r uliJ.* 'r'"I A c office No 22' at R Revenue of6c€ ;i;i,;;;;ii.rowe District council'toit**" should be in poss€ssion of vatid national *a tot toom ,",",u"a i, public auction 5) The "iti^'i "'fV (otnanS). Resistralion cards paid for' remain to the l'ocal Authoritv until tullv p.op'n' 6) il:;iXffiii;i;;'i,.i;on'a r.qr,*oio (5) working days of the 't'"ll five price;idin uia plv tit iJ-* ,' Tl'. -,"...(fi'l hidde..rturl u "io" {deposit) " ;,];,il::iil;,;;-ii; *'r'i"i,r'" 6iaa* *iit i'rreit his/her uPrronr Pavmenr (2) o' ir.. -'"""".t,t hidder after pavment Ji.';;;; i;]+;;liJt suimit ttre Proor of Pavmenr within rwo { in order ro uPdate their records' "' i'ii*iliEii"l"til,l'J'"'iio'ri* i"' "'rrotionforandloading offloading of"sold loB/items st serowe Disirict Council stratt not responsible a* i"srand *o'tiog oavi or a,ction sale' other bidde^ who p"v tr'" [i-'Jui'i . ;6) iiil" ;r"d;;,ila"irri' the bided pric; fo; drce (3) wotking days only' oe oppo*"'ty roluy tft" i't'i ar ";..*i"i''" cl'"""ii'p*Jit "p'" p"*""ii* repistered will be given , t ) iX,$;;;[; ,r,:i#;.'"H:tr:'lllingtotheauctionsalecanbeaddressedto:B 'r lhe official receipt of Purchase durins obusitse and o Khani at Telephone Nos' 4635696/4638569/4638566. B. OBUSITSE' Iot Accountinq Oficer' Serowe District Council' Second Publication To{n and CourtrY PlaDning Ad (No.4 of 2013) PublicNoticefortheDraftMsunPlatrningArcrDeveloPmcntPtan(m23.2043) Act No 4 of 20 (2) and (3) of-the Town ard countrv Planniog IN ACCORDANCE wilh the provisions of section wu"' era's has prePared a Draft Development Plan ,o1 I r6iic. r"i l,iur"L t'tinI#rio'r'i*-ai p"tiiiof m years ftom 2023 !o 2041' rs herebv siven Ltrat rtre rr," "'ia by the the following offices: The Maui Draii Developmenl Plan can be inspecte-d ";i;,#;i;J. inf, *.' er"i" -AKD Buildins'Main Mall'Gaborone -rne square BuildinS'cBD' Gaborone ili",ii,*tiii.*" rta iountrv etanning Plannin; - BGt c;mpkx'Lighr lndustsial' Franci$own countrv i,:lffil"iiii"*'i*u 3) Housing edministra'tinit'itlin6r' otp*tent of Physical Plannning' . 1) 2\ 4) Nonh-wesr Disrrcl Council. nurar 5) 6) and Estates Management, Maun Main (corla, Kgosing Ward. Maun Tawana Main Land Board Office. Maun Plan should proposals conBined in the said.Draft Development All commeots' objections and rcprescntation Anv obiections or rcprcsentation in resPect of the ot pJtiati'onlr be made in writing within one t t t monttr tit 'otitt 5686 should be addrcssed to the Minister of Lands and water Affairs, rhrough the Depanment of physical pranning, Horsing and Estare Management office, Nodh-wesr Dkqict cou;cir, g"i di *r,r,i, u month of this publication notice. ftii;" i.i*, ISSUED on lsth day of Septernber, 2023, MOTLOGEL\Ir'A THUSO, ,",;.:;x';:ilfff;"*, Second Publicotion Tolyn alld Country platrrring Act (No.4 of2013) Kltsiso mo SechrbeDg ka l,€nareo la Moolo wa Dtalhabotolo tsa Miutr phndng Ares DevetopmeDt pt.r (2)23.2043) cO DIRACATSA rsedana m (2) va motao wa Town and Counfy planning Act fa Tona va Tsamatuo Merero va l-iut Mesi le Ditirclo tsa Kgo'phi Ditlhabototo la mots€ wa Maun ta tebaka la dingwugu rn"*."'rn1-iligo ngwaga wa 2043 . t" No.4,2013, sechaba se itsisiwe ,ri,"t"tsheko ya Lenaneo la f".G'" iiji" ;;;;il;;g*ug, "" *u m23 go fitlha Sechab^a se kopiwa go bona le go kanoka lenan€o Ie la moalo wa didhabololo ko mafelong a a Iatelang: Ofisiya tsa Tsamaiso Mercm ya l,efatshe.Metsi te Oitireto sa XgoptroLi*. l) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) ]niiSrifOing, Gaborone lrphata la Ditogamaaro Irphata la Ditogamaano tsa Me6i le tsa Mersi le Main Mall, mo Ditorcpo ko The Square Building, CBD, caborone Diloropo ko BGt Complex,iighiinauloiif-,'ir_"i"o*, Diofinsi Dikgoto lsa t(hansele ya Bokone Bophi,irr, ofi.i y; Dilo;;;;;; f"tst. te t,t"tto, Kgotla kgolo ye Batawana, ko KposinE. Maun Diofisi Dikgolo rsa Kabo Dirsha rno M-aun Dikatgero tsotrhe mabapi le lenaneo le la-ditlhabololo, di ka rcmelwa ka mokwalo mo sebakeng sa kgwedi momgo ga kitsiso e ko go Tona wa Tsarnaiso Mererc ya kfa."he, Metsi le t." igoptro I_".*i Oifuig"to ls€_di Bhwanetse go feta ka mogolwane wa Khanr"t. ya tutot . *" Uuun iUn!-d-.i1, iioga*ra|]o t f_.f"rf,. Ie Tlhokomelo Mado ko arereselg ya hivare Bag Ot.'lr_laun, " mo scua*lniiu r'gi"ii'nl-.go E ntshirswe ka: gu uoi.o ".. l5th Lwetse.2023_ MOTLOGELWA THUSO, Mokwaledi wa Khansele, Khahtek Kgolo ya Bokone Bophiriia. Second Publicarion 5687 OF BOTSWANA IN TIIE IIIGII COURI OF TIIE REPTJBLIC AT GABORONE HELD Case No. CVHGB (n132E 21 - In the mattel betwe€n: Plaintiff LIM ITED /a BancABC AFRICAN BANKING CORPORATION OF BOTSWANA and lst Dekndant znd Delendant 3rd Delendont 4th Defendant 5fi Delendant LID FU QIANG (PTY) LIU JIAN QIANG LEI XUI YUAN ZENG YAN PINC LEI BAI FU NOTICE OF SALE IN EXECUTION BEPLEASEDToTAKENoTlCErrrarpursrranltoajudgmentSranledbytheHonouablecoun.thefollowins be sold by public auclioo by DePuty o"rtlo^"" iii' +tr' *?s''}t zni' immovable DroDerv herernoe. or tr," r 'r. as follows: bidder highest rhe N."Lr" v"'ui"",o ii,.l* DATE OF SALE: TIME: VF,NUE: PROPERTY TO BE SOI'D : "ill 12th ocrob€r, 2023; 0930 houls; Tribal l-ot No 86, Sikwanei being Tribal l,ot No i.i J.-r.ra-}" ;*ttt. ,itle and intercst on a piece of land i;the Baksarla rribal ienitorv measuring 26e5m) {rwoLease of and Ninlv-Five square M;res) held under ol dated tie 2nd day ofJune mlT made in fa'r'our I ""-rl.asvzolT oi"on b€ins l2 roomed unfinished il..;ii;#:'';#; ilois#it;ii..ini; j"j]""' ;,ilil;i'ili a'"#.-Ji,r, a"'iol"nr showeri and a bot'ndarv walli cheque otherwis€ detaili conditions -rn-i".iia.,i iJ.,2 TERMS AND CONDITIONS: ililii'". i# *ii-i*a inspected at rh; Plaintiff DATED s of sale mav be Atlomeys'Office at Gaborone Ois 24th day ofAugust' m23' ATTORNEYS' Plointifr s A'domevs SHERTFF NONOFO MABNA ' c/o RAMATEPA DEPUTY 7056? GABoRONE ( UB)' Box "' Po I l. Extension Drive. I I , Morupule ""' i,r",'i"li Second Publication OF BOTSWANA IN TIIE HIGII COURT OF TIIE RXPUBLIC HELD AT GABORONE Case No. CVHGB - (n]J28-21 In the matter between: Plaintit LlMl-tED t/a BancABC AFRICAN BANKING CORPORATIONOF BOTSWANA and zu QIANG gTY) L'TD Lru JIAN QIANG LEI XUI YUAN ZENG YAN PING 1$ Dekndent 2nd Delendalt 3d Defendont 4th Delendan 5th LEI BAI FU DekndQnt NOTICE OF SALE IN EXECUTION BE PLEASED TO TAKE court. the followinS p'-r*t ro a judgmem granred by the Honoumble public auction by DePuty by sold *iti be or m lst,.znt' iJl+tt''--is'riEiti'a-" NOtCr trrut movable pmperty hereuna". N'ondro rntutinu ,o the highest bidder iiaf DATE OF SNE: TIME: VENUE: PROPERTY TO BE SOID : as follows: 27lh September, 1230 hours; mBi Tribal l-ot No. 1522, Sikwane; r-s, x 9 5kg water drum' I x water Pond conn€ctor i^,ti., t * g'"it" p"p' I x metal pipe clamp' 6 plastic ptp"i', i'Iir#i il'trt i"-'i.:rii;i;;imao' i 5688 TERMS AND chai$, I x coffee table.4 piec€ woodcn chairs wiih side table, I x office desk, 5 fans. I x of6ce chair, I i_bookshef, t x tamp stana, Z x wooae"d;;dl; wooden chair,3 x fotdinS tabtes,2 x 25001Jojo.tanks ana f x Urifting ;rcliiie; casrr or ranr.guaranteJ'Gir;;;#;I"fl;"Jnditions of sa.le may be plaintiff,s coNDrTroNS: inspected at the DAIED Attorneys, Office. ar Caborone this 24lh day ofAugust, 2023. DEPUTY_.SH-EIIry.IONOFO MABINA, c/o RAMALEPA ATTORNEYS, ptarn .it \ Aioneys, ptot No. 3l?1, Morupule Ddve, Extension I r, po s"*id56z,-criir&i;irEli;o). Second Publicotion IIt THE HIGH COURT HELD AT GABORONE OF THE REPUBLIC OF BOTSWANA Case No.CVHGB - AOt326-21 In thc matbr between: AFRICAN BANKING CORPORAIION OF BOTSWANA LIMrIED ,a and FU QIANG (PTY) LTD BancABC plaintit .s, Delendan Lru JIAN QIANG 2nd Defendant LEI XUI YUAN YAN PING LEI BAI FU 3td Delendaat 4th Defendaht sth Delendant ZE NG NOfiCE OF SALE IN EXECT]IION BE PLEASED TO TAKE NOTICE rhat ousuant !o a judgmenr granred by the Honourabte Court. rhe following immovable propeny hercunder of rhe tst.2;d,3rd. +tt l -------* *if.r6ryrvu,I -a S-tf, O.f."ra_rs rrtri" by Deputy sheriff Nonofo Mabina !o the highesr bidder as follows: "rcrion * *ijir SALE: TIME: U_!U-l. PROPERTY TO BE SOl,Dr DATE OF l2rh Ocrober.2o23; JO hours; Tribal Irt No. 1522, Sikwane; ls! DefeDdanr.s righi, lid€ inrercsr on a piece of land being Tribal l.or No. 1522. Sikwane, situate in llle Bakgatla 'r ib"l T"rritory, measuring 7732m, (Seven Thousand Seven Hundred ard Thirty-Two Squarc Metres), held under Iras€ of Agement M . TL 4g4lml7 datad d.2ndd;y of Jute, 2017 made in ;; favour of eiallg ery ) Limil,ed, with developmenE rhcreon being a warehous€ p:p.r.manufacruring macilinery, 2 om@ with-to ets insiae, storermms. 2 oubide loileh for manaiement, 4 si.f torut,, *uto pora, iorrj F,u *iS h"d]:91.:hl 2 TERMS AND CONDDONS: room. boundary wall cash at lhe DATED 5l paved with sliding gaEl or banl.guaranterd cheque otherwise"d"etaiied condrdons of sale may plaintiff,s Attomeys,Office. at Caborone lhis 24th day ofAugust,2023. DEPUTY SHERIFF NONOFO MABINA, c/o RAMALEPA pla intiff,s A,'ornays, ATTORNEYS, -ci;r;ioNE plot No.3l7l, Morupule Drive, Extemion 11, p.o. soi zoj6t-, fUBl. Second Publication be 56E9 IN THE HIGH COURT OF THE REPT'BLIC OF BOTSWANA HELD AT LOBATSE ceft No . CVHGB - 003185'22 In the matter between: GH GROI,]P Applicatt ETD LID and KAYSHER ( TY) LTD OMPHEMETSE KAMOGELO THAPELO I s, Respondent 2nd Respondcnt SUBSTITUTED SERVICE BEFORE THE HONOURABLE ruSTICE DUBE on loth February, 2023' UPoNHEARING:AttomeyMsNanyaroG.forlheAPPlicantandhavingreadthedocumentsfiledofrecold. IT IS ORDERED THAT: by way of advertising/ is hercby granted for the Applicant to effect service of process on lhe Respondent a) - lrave prtrirhrii*ii"-i, the covemmint cazeue and once in the Daily Newspaper of substituted servicc of process for i) ii) iii) an order in the following terms: Pula NinetyJudgment irl the sum of P56, E9892 (Fifty-Six Thousand EiSht HundEd and Ninety-Eight Two Thebe) against thc Respondent for rental aneas; the prime lending Intercst on th;ame amounicalculated at the rat€ of 2% (two percent) per anmrm abole late ftom time of the Bank or any other rate as may be specified in the scheiule; Costs of suit on attomey/client scale; and DAIED at Gaboronc this 30th day of August, 2023' Park' RAHM KHAN & COMP1;I{Y, Plai iffh AttorneF, Olnce No l,PlotNo 50362, Showgounds Offrce PO. Box 18E4, GABORONE, TelePhone Nos 3188988'9, Fax Nos 318895l/990' E-mail: gnanyarc@rahfu*han co'bw' By Ner of Cout, Registrar & Master. Second Publbdtion Public Notice M REPUBLIC OF BOTSWANA NOTIFICATION FOR PUBLIC REVIEW OF THE ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT FOR TIIE PROPOSED BASE METAIS EXPLORATION ACIIVTTTES IN'IHE iT,IIT,ME DISTRICT In-compliance with,secrion I 0 ( 2 r of the v ironmenrar Assessmenl ( EA ) Act { cap. 65:07). the major findings ^En the above project tne tnv[onmental lmpacB Assessment for are as summarised trldw: ot Notur€ and Msgnitude of lhe Activitv The projecr Propon€nl Turume.Yeurs propngary Limited, wishes to undertake base metals exploration activities w_rtnrn srx prospecting license ("pL ) areas: pL207 t2020-pL208t20m.pL2o9t2o2o,pL2lot202b, pL2I I/202b proje.r invotve aeromagnetic su-.y.. giouna g"opr,yricat llr_,^r]10-r!_]T_"p!l:gj, orarnono core onllmg wttirnIgg:The project Enures. *i s;;t;;; ;; Rxtionale for the Project gl9: 1:,Til^10_f:ll-v. results are posltrve. thts could pro,jecr is ro,tunher exptore base metat rargers on prospccring ticenses. lead to development of a potenlial mine to exploit the reiource, If rhe explorarion Locetion of lhe Activitv The proposed exploration area is nearGweta within the Tutume District. The prospecling arcas are accessible via the marn AJ larred mad and various 8m.r€l roads. The project area Iies wilhin triuuiuna,-wtatite uanagement AreJ Uoncessron arcas, and the Nxai Pan National Park Atrtlcipated_EnvironmeDtrl Lnpf,cts atrd Propo6ed Mitigation Mersurls The rable below prcsents a summary of the impaits associatld with the proposed project together with the prcposed mitigation measues for each, as per the project Environmental Managjment plan. Elvlronmeltdlmpacls hoposedMitigationMeasure Predict€d subcultural aftefacts Risk ofdamage to surface and An archaeological induction wilh drilling personnel should be conducted !o inform on procedues to be followed in the eveni of an archaeological discovery. Discovery of archaeological remains must be reported to tie Depanmenl of National Museum and Monuments C.DNMM,) irunediately. Human burials or skeletal remains inadvertently discovercd within the environment of the project area must be Eeated with uUnost respect and dignity, and works should immediately be halted, and a rcport must be made to lhe DNMM. and disturbance ofnora communities Irss ofvegetation Establishment and prolifemtion of invasive species Disturbance, alteration and d€sEuction of fauna and alien plant and their habita$ Vegetation cleamnce should be Iimrrcd to requircd sitetfootDrints. Open firEs on site should be prohibited. Maturc trees,large trees and protected species should be preservad. Rehabilitation musl be undertaken wilhout dclay after drilling. Re-seeding should be done with suitable species where naruil rc_vegetation fails. Equipment brcught to site should be clean and ftee of any plant material from prcvious work sites. Any alien plant species mus! be rcmoved immediately when seen at the project site. Vegetation clearance and disturbance should be minimised. Poaching and killing of animals must be stricrly prohibitei. All poaching incidents should be reported to the potice and the Depatu;nt of wildlife and Nad;nal parks ('DWNP). The Proponent should enforce speed rcstrictions. Awareness and tmining of staff on issues of wildlife. Drilling crcws should b€ frrlly inducted on wildlife conservation and management practises, 5691 Envimnmentsl ImPads Propoced Mltigation Measurc of top-soil due to erosion Removal of vegetation must tle done on r€quired ar€as only' Rehabilitation ahould be implemented without delay after ddlling' grc\['th' Indigenous trees must be us;al for rc-vegetation to accelerate vegetation Hictd lrss Risk of soil cortamination by hydrocarbons Heavy duty sheeting lo be used below drill rigs and recycled &illing liquid storage to avoid contamination. Oii and fuel should be storcd in facilities where leaks 8nd spillage can be contalned' Ol rllUg" t lt" .u.t U" made available on-sile for immediate containment of oil spillages. tvi^iri.nan". of rn""t ir.s and vehictes must be done rcSularly lo prevenl hydrocarbon spitlages. p iays should be used !o collect fuel and oils l.akjng from machines - any Hydrocanbon spill and contaminated soils should be isolated and treated without I delay. o.iiiing^ul"t should be used as Pel the recommendation in the material safety data sheets. Risk of surface and ground water contamination bY hydroca$ons Drilling consumables should be used as per the reconunendation in the material safetv data sheets. duw Dlastic she€linq to be usei below He; io..ilf" r'iiii"* drill rigs of drillin; warcr with engine oil or dicsel tuel ftom the drill rig should be avoidedOil and fuel should be stored in facilities where leaks and sPillage can be contained' Oii spillage kits must te made available on-site for inmediate contarnment of oil spillages. of machines and vehicles must be done regutarly to Prcvent fuel spillages. n iravs qhor.rld be used to collect fuel and oils leaking ftom machines' Hyirocarton spitls and conlaninated water should be isolated and Eeated wilhout iiui"i"n*" r delay. Depletion of groundwater suitable Boreholes should be used in agreement with landowne$, and lhey must be and caDable ofmeetins the drillers'water demand. spillage Water'should be rt-usJd through usc of lined sumps and drill riSs and avoid of water. Increa!€ in ambient noise levels. Resularly mainiained equipment that does not prcduce exc€ssive noise to be used Mihincry to be equipped with sound mufflers to minimise troise' employees shoula-U,jprovided with adequatc PPE such as ear plugs and eatmuffs' Air pollution due to dust soeed rcstrictions should b€ implemented to minimis€ vehicle entrained dust and emissions. Envircnmental pollution due to incrcas€d waste genemtion ni"in.n-"" and emission tesis will be p€rformei rcgulady on all vehicles and machinery. Machinery must be switched off while not in us€. dust' Dust suppression techniques must be apPlied to Prcvent Seneration of excessive Clearcd vegetation waste to be put in stockpiles for use duri!8 rehabilitation -Dcsigrrateiwaste trolding areas at the drillers' facilities will be used to tempomrily store generul waste ftom dill sites. drillers' facilities should be removed r€Sularly and must he dismsed at licensed facilities. i{rrriors *".t" su"h used oil should be kept separately and dispos€d at facililies WastJftom holding areas at * accepting such waste. Ttreie stiouU Uc strlct trousekeeping at the ddll sites, food waste is to be contaircd and rcmoved .aeekly. works Awarcness campar;ns regarding waste must be presented during ddlling tkough toolbox talks. s692 Envirodrentrl Impacts Propo6ed Mltigadon Measuir Occupational health and safety risks The Proponenl s health and safety sFcificadons musr be fully adhered -footprint to. Hlcted A buffcr zone should be instigated around the drilling cornmunity exposurc to dust and noise. Adequate prolective equipment to minimise a.d clolhing must b€ provided to exploration Staff should be trained and qualified for the work they arc assigned to do. The community should be informed of airbome suveys before -their commencement. An Occupational, Heahh, Safety Risk Assessment should be conducted before works to identify risks associated with the various activities lhat ne€d to be guar;l ;; against. The hoponent should also have a Contractor,s Code of Conduct ihat is always adhered to. The speed of trucks should be rcgulated to minimise possible accidents. Access rodrill shes should be rcstricted lo project woikers ro avoid issues of security and fieft. Al1 work areas should be maintained on site to avoid att-acting scavengers. All drillinS works shoutd be suspended if a prcdaror or megah'erbivo;is spotted on site to avoid injury to workers and accidentally forcing wift animals ro co'mmunitv arcas - liaison wi6 DWNPofficials for removal should be canied out. Nighlddving and walking should be prohibited. Risk of traffic delays and accidents Poor rclations *ith Social disruption Night-time driving should be prohibired. Vehicles shouldte maiotained, and lhey must te in a road-worlhy condition. Speed limits and other traffic regrllations must be adheEd lo. Implement rcgular awareness Eaining for stalf in rclation to driving. Consultation and communication with landowne$, communities and strleholders should b€ continuous. Avoid darnage_to public and privaE propeny. Should there be damag€. ir should be repaircd or r€placed without delay. Claims aod dispures of surrounding properties should be rerorded on comDlaims sheets and resolved wirhour delay I within a week). Payment of fair compensation for damage or property or death of livestock. Wlere possible, rccruit locally to minimise in-migration and the risk of incrcas€d HIV aod AIDS prcvalence rates. A zero-lolemnc€ policy on fuaternising with undemge childrcn should be implement€d. All cases of iiatemisation with undemge childrcn should be r€ported to the local police. Management ofcommunity tensions. grievances and concems lhrough a uafioaI€nt and easlly acc.ssible Crievance Reponing Mechanism. Increase in HIV and AIDS prevalence Information material on communicable and non-communicable dis&ses will be provided in the language best understood by employees. Heahh discussions through toolbox lalks and iD collaboration with local health professionals will be conducted. Contractors' camps should b€ locatod at the Condoms should be provided &ill sites away ftom local communities. for ft€e to Eoject wotieIs and rhev should be encoumged to us€ them corectly during health discussions. Where possible, recruit locally to minimise the risk of indeased prcvalence lales, Risk of undesinbl€ sitc condition after closure ard decommissioning HIV and AIDS Theae should be r€gular monitoring for thc site. Therc should b€ waste malagement of used oil and different types of waste. The pmjeat arca should be dccommissioned according io the compaDy rchabilitation plan. 5693 Environm€ntal Predicted Impacts Proposed Mitigation Measure ImprovedlivelihoodsLocalcommunitiesinGwetaandTsoka6haashoutdbegivenpriorityforemployment' dui to employment especially opponunities thal require low-skilled workers. opportuniiie; Ricruitmeni ior low_skilted labourers should be coordinared through norice boards t the office of the tribal administration in Gweta and Tsokatshaa to increase the lhances o, local I(crurlmenl. The Proponent shouldconsider reserving acertain quota ofvacancies for women and youlh. especially in ,ields that relate to low skilled workers. Conclusion Conclusions drawn from the Environmental hnpacl Assessment are that some negative environmental impacts may arise as a resutt of the implemenrarion of the project. Positive impacts such as improved livelihoods as a result of employment opporlunitiei are also expected. Mirigation measures have been proposed to curb the adverse impacts onj enian." rhe positiue impacts ofoperation, and ifconectly implemented, most of the identified negadve impacts will be minimised oreliminated. Recommendation be allowed to proceed with due implementation of all the mitigation measures Impacl Assessment project the Environmenlal in recommended It is recommended rhttt the project Envimnmental Impact Study placement Copies ofthe detail;d Environmental Impact Sratements have been placed at the following places for reviewing by the public and Interested & Affected Parties ('lAPs"). l. 2. 3. Department of Environmental Affairs in Francistown Gweta kgotla Tsokatshaa kgolla f-rom fiose likely to be affected by the prcject and othef inleresled pefsons should b€ submitted to: The Distri;t Environmental Coordinator, Privale Bag F020, Francistown, Telephone No.2417363, Fax No. 2417108 or hand-delivered to DEA office in Ffancisrown (Nlshe House. Firsl Floor. office Nos. 2-104, 2.109, 2.1 10. 2. I 1 I & 2.1 I 2 before the 3rd of October, 2023. writrencomments orobjections Kitsiso ya Ditshr aelo tsa SetShabtr KITSISO YA DITSHWALO TSA SETSHABA MO DIPATLISISONG TSATSHEKATSHEKO YA DITLAMORAGO MO TIKOLOGONG TSATIRO YA GO DUPA DITSHIPI MO KCAOLONG YA TUTIME Go diraBatsa karolo ya lesome ya motawana wa bobedi wa molao wa tshekatsheko tikologo maduo a tshekatsheko ya ditlamoraSo tsa tiro e e bolelsweng fa godimo a sobokilwe fa tlase: iwa tiro iutume Melals Proprietary Limited' o eletsa go dupa ditshipi mo-kgaolong ya Tutume mo ytzostzozo. PL2o912020, PL21012020. PL2l1l2O20. mafelong a a mo dileselersong tsa go d-upar pl-zoltzozo, pL2l212'020, gauii le Cweta m; kgaolong ya Tutume. Tiro e. e akaretsa go dupa, go sekaseka lefalshe ka maranyane Sebopego le bogolo voilofai *o iro. a mo phefong le go go tlhatlhoba mebu le lefalshe. Maikaelelo a tlhabololo e Maikaelelo a tiro ke go dupa go sekasekiwa dirshipi mo mafelong a diteseletso tse di nankotsweng fa godimo, fa maduo a atlegile, go I(a nni le kgonagalo ya go simolola ditlhatlhobo tsa go aga le go tsamaisa meepo' Lefelo la tiro ka I_efelo la kanoko le gaufi le motse wa Gweta mo kgaolong ya Tutume- Tsela ya A3 le dit-selana tse di mabapi di dirisiwa go ya ko mifelong a diteselelso tsa go dura. Mafelo a, a mo lefalsheng la morafe. le malelo a dhokomelo ya diphologolo tsa naga le bojanala ya Nxai. go leka go fokotsa manokonoko le go oketsa bomolemoiwa tiro Moalo o fa iiase o supatshoboko !a ditlamorago tse di ama,ngwang le tiro e,gammogole medhale ee akanyeditsweng go fokotsa manoko;oko a llamo;ago nngwe le flngwe. go remeletswe mo ditshekatshekong tsa tiro e' Diflamorago tse di solofetsweng le metlhal€ ya 5694 Ditlamorago tse di Metlhale ya go fokotsa manokonoko kana go oketsa bomolemojwa diflamorago solofetsweng Ditlamorueo tse di sa siamang ya , drlhutamarope le Badiri ba tiro ya go dupa ba tshwanetse go rutunrshwa ka dilhulaganyo tse di Kgonagalo go,senyega ga matlotlo.a a ka fa ga lefatshe lshwanetlen8 go salwa morago fa go ka fitlhelwa matlorlo/thutamarope fa go ntse go dase Go gotlhega le go fokotsega ga ditlharc maJang le duniua Fago tt firlhwehva mallotlo/dirhuramarope, Lephata la Ditso le Matlotlo Ie tshwanetse go irsisjrve ka bofefb. Direpa kgotsa marapo a barho a a ka firlhelwang mo mafelong a tiro a tshwanetse go tshwarwa ke seriti le rlotlo, ditiro tsa go dupa di emisiwe. kitso ya se e tshwanetse go isiwa ko l_ephatenB la Ditso le Matlorlo. co tshwanerse gore go tlhagolwe mafelo fela a a tlhokafalang. Melelo e e godiwang e seka ga letlelelwa. Ditlhare tse ditona. tse di godileng Ie tseo rse di sireledjtsweng ka fa molaong di lshwanetse go somarelwa. Go tshwanetse go baakanngwa mafelo a a neng a djrisiwa mo nakong e e sa fediseng pelo. Fa e le gore go tlhoga ga majang le naga go a pala. go rshwanetse go lengtva majang. Go tlhoga ga mefero le Didirisiwa tsa 1iro di rshlvanetse gore ebe di re phepa,di sena ditlhatshana re dimela go dimela tsa metsenelela tswa ko mafelong a diiiro rsa pel;. Mefero le dimela rsa mersenelela tse di ka bonwang mo lefelong la go dupa di tshwanerse go ntshiwa ka bofefo. Go.tshwenyega ga diphologolo lsa naga madulo a llone. le Go tlhagola le go gotlhega ga dimela go tshwanetse gore go fokodiwe. Co tsoma le gu bolaya diphologolo tsa naga mo go ing ia fa molaong go tshwanetse qo rlediwa thrbel$a. Lephata Ia Diphologolo le Makgabisa-naga le tshwanetse go itsisewe ka bofefo fa go ka nna le polao ya phologolo ya naga e e seng ka fa molaong. Moikopedi wa tiro o daa tlhomamisa gore melawana ya go thibelo mabelo a dikoloi. Go tlaa netefadiwa gore badiri ba rlaa tsibosiwa ebe ba rutuntshwa diphologolo rsa naga. Go gogolwa ga mmu o fa godimo Kgonagalo ya go kgotlela mmu ka o co tlaa ntshiwa dimela mo mafelong a a tlhokegang fela. kfelo la tiro le rshwanetse go baakanngwa ka b-ofet fa go sena go dupiwa. Go rshwanetse go dirisiwa dimela tse di rlholegang mo mafelong a a amilvang ke go fefosa go mela ga ditlhare. tiro Go tshwanetsc ga dirisiwa mabeelo ka ga tlase ga didirisiwa tse di dupang go fema kgotlelesego. Maokrvane a Ishwanetse go bewa mo lefelong le le ka thibang go tshologa ga one. Didirisiwa tsa go fema kgotlhelesego ya mmu di rshwanetse tsa nna teng mo lefelong la tiro. Dikoloi le didfisiwa tse dingwe di tshwanetse tsa baalanngwa go itsa go durla ga Mmu o o kgotlelesegileng o tshwanetse go tlhaolwa ebe o phepafadiwa mo nakong e e sa fediseng pelo. Didirisiwa le dilwana tsa go bora di tshwanetse go dirisiwa go salwa morago dilaelo tsa tsone. 5695 jwa diuamorago Metlhale ya go fokotsa manokonoko kana go oketsa bomolemo Ditlamorago ts€ di solofetsweng Kgonagalo ya go kgodela metsi le didiba Didirisiwa le dilwana tsa go bora di tshwanetse go dirisiwa go salwa morago ditaelo Go tshwanetse ga dirisiwa mabe€lo ka ga tlase ga didirisiwa tse di dupang 80 fema kgotlelesego ga a kopane le leokwane' G-o tshwanitse ga nelefatswa gore metsi a a dirisiwang go dupa Dipe tse di kgoilelang metsi jaaka leokwane di tshwanetse go bewa mo lefelong le le ka itsang go duda. Didnisiiva tsa go fema kgotleleseBo ya metsi di ishwanetse go nna teng mo lefelong la tiro. Dikoloi le didirisiwa tse dingwe di tshwanetse tsa baakanngwa go itsa go dutla ga a a kgotlelesegiteng a tshwanetse go tlhaolwa ebe a phepafadiwa mo nakong e e sa fediseng Pelo. Metsi Go feh ga metsi Go tlaa netefadiwa gore metsi a didibaadirisiwa katumalano le beng badidiba'le Eore go seka ga Eogiwa metsi a a fetang selekanyo se sediba se a tshelang' dupang a ka dirisiwa kgapelsakgapetsn mme go beleeditswe fa gare ga a didiba i4etsi a a disampo le diBhipo go fokotsa selekanyo sa metsi se se ka tlhokiwang' le didirisiwa lse dingwe di tshwanelse go baakangwa go fokotsa modumo' Go tlaa tsenngwa didirisiwa tse di fokotsang modumo mo dikoloing le mechene' Badiri ba tshwanelse go liwa dirisiwa tse di ba babalelang ditsebe' Koketsego ya modumo Dikoloi Kgodelesego ya phefo Go tlaa fbkodiwa mabelo a dikoloi go fokotsa go tsoga ga lerole e e bakwang ke lerole Kgotlelo ya lefalshe Dikoloi le didirisiwa di tshwanetse 8o tlhodumelwa go tlhomamisa gore mosi o o tsrvang mo go tsone ke wa selekanyo se se letlelesegang Mr. hene e .eka yx llogel\ta e duma e \e mo l,ri:ong go dupiwa Lerole e tshwanetse go balwa go fokotsa tlhagogo ya lerole le le ntsi fa le mesi ya dikoloi. ee bakwang ke koketsego ya matlakala Botsogo le Pabalesego ya badiri gore di dirisiwe Dillhaga le dillharetse di somotswengdi tshwanetse go kgobokanngwa fa go phepafadiwa. ebe go Ma-tlaiala a tstrrvanetse go b€wa mo lefelong le le bayang malele ka nakwana' a netefadiwa gore a ntshiwa kgapelsakgapetsa a latlhelwang ko mafetong a matlakala a ka fa molaongMatlakala a a kotsi jaaka maokwane a tshwanetse go latlhelwa ko mafelong a a amogelang matlakala a mofuta o. Go tih*unetse ga ruruotshiwa badiri ka tshlvaro le tatlho ya matlalGla' I-enaneo la botsogo Ie pabalesego ya badiri le tshwanelse la diragadiwa' fa go Go tshwanetse gore go nne le molelwane o o sa tlolweog go sireletsa setshaba dipiwa. ba tshwanetse go abelwa dilwana tsa tiro tsa itshireletso tse di feletseng Badiri ba lshwanetse gore ba dire dilirc tse ba di rutetsweng' pele Setshabn se shwanetie go itsesiwe ka ditshekatsheko tsa maranyane a difofane ga di simolohva. ishekatsheko ya tsa pabalesego e tshwanelse go dirwa pele ga ditiro tsotlhe di B;diri simololwa. Irbelo la diteraka le tshwaetse gore Ie laolwe. Go tsena mo lefelong la tiro go tshwanetse 8o laolwa. go Tiro yotlhe e tshwanetse gore e diriwe ko mafelong a a tlhophetsweng tiro 8o fema gogela dibatana. ii; e tshwanetse go emisiwa fa 8o ka bonwa sebatana kgotsa tlou mo lefelong la tiro le go netefatsa gore ;iphologo ga di tsamaele ko morafeng trphatha la Diphologolo leo' mo lefelong ntshiwe gore phologolo e go itsesiwe te rJwanetse iaa4atisanala Go kgweetsa bosigo 8o seka 8a letlelelwa. s696 Didamorago ts€ di Metlhale ya go fokotsa manokonoko kana go oketsa bomol€mo jwa didamorago solofetsweng Kgorelesego ya meserele ya dikoloi Go seka ga kgweediwa bosigo. le koketsego ya dikorsr l\a dikolor Go ba sa dirisanya le Dikoloi di tshwanerse goreebedilemo seemong beng metse/malapa se se letlelelel wang gore di kgweediwe mo ditsetens. Melao 1a Islla e r.huanel\e go \al!ra morago. Badiri ba tiro ba rutuntshiwe ka ipabalelo rseleng. Dipuisano gare gaTutume Metais le morafe di rshwanerse go nna di buletswe. Go daa netefadiwa gore dithoto tsa morafe le batho di tlaa sieke ai senngwe, mme fa go kanna le tshenyo epe,e rshwanetse gore e baakanngwe mo nal<ong e e; feaiseng peio. Go tshwanetse go kwadisiwa dingongora mo bukaneng. Dingongora di tshlvanetse go rarabololwa mo malatsing a le supa. Dituelo rsa phimolo-dikeledi ya tshenyo le polao ya diruiwa di tshwanerse gore di lekane. Go baka kgollhang mo Fa go kgonega, go lshwanetse go thapiwa batho ba metse e e amiwang ke tiro go morafeng/ mo melseng fokotsa go huduga ga batho le k;ke6ego ya dipalo tsa HIV Co ilsalanya le bana ba ba ka fa tlase ga dingwaga tse I g go seka ga lerlelelwa. Dikgang rsotlhe asa botsalanyo gare ga badiri ba tiro le bana bo tshwanetse gore bo itsesiw; mapodise a kgaolo. Moikopedi wa tiro o tshwanease go rarabolola dingongorego tsorlhe tse di amanang le tiro ya gagwe. Koketsego ya tsa dipalo HMe AIDS f*:lig:,: l" g. . logela t e lalo la tiro mo seemlng se se sa slaman l Ditlamoraqo tse Tshono ya go bona mmereko Go rlaa abiwa dibukana rse di rutang ka malwetsi a a tshelanwang le a a sa tshelanweng mo temeng e e tlhaloganngrvang botoka ke badiri. Go tlaa nna le dipuisano ka tsa bolsogo, go ikgolagantswe le maphatha a borsogo a kgaolo. Bonnojwa badiri bo tlaa bewa sekgelenyana le metse. Dikausu di rlaa ab€lwa badiri mahala. Badiri ba tshwanetse go rotloediwa go di dirisa ka fa tshwannong. Fa go kgonega. go tshwanetse go thapiwa badiri mo metseng a e amirvang ke tiro go fokotsa kgonagaio ya Koketsego ya dipalo tsa HIV le AIDS. Go tshwanerse gore go nne le thutaganyo ya go tartha leokwane le ie dirisirsweng te mar lalala a manp we Moil@pedi wa tiro o tshwanetse go netefatsa gore mafelo a tiro a phephafadiwa go selwa morago thulaganyo ya phephafatso. di sianeng Go tshwanetse go rhapiwa badid mo metsenge mabapi ko Gweta leTsokatshaa, bogolo jang ba ba senang botsipajo bo kalo. Go tshwanelse ga nna le tsamaiso e e papameheng ya tsa khiro, go roiwa marapo le ithu6unrsho ya bodiredi; kliro e tshwanetse gore e dirwe go dirisanngwa le baeteledipele ba morafe. Moikopedi wa tiro o tshwanetse go leka go netefatsa gore palo nngwe ya badii ebe e beetswe basha le bomme ba Ko motsubong Tshw€tsoee lserweng mo lenaneong la pabarero tikorogo re le dirirweng ke gorc, ditramorago tse di bosura di tla nna teng ka ndha ya riro e. Ditramorago tse,di tra kgona go laolesega mmJgapi di ka kgona go fokotswa manokonoko ka go dimgatsa metlhale ya go fokotsa manokonoko. Ditlamorago tse dI nire jaaka iitsho_no tsa tiro, ari tra nna teng go tswa mo droog e. Thotloetso Ditshekatsheko tsa ditlamorago tsa tiro ko rikologong di supa fa ere gorc tiro ya go dupa e ka tswelela mme go ' diragadiwe mananm a paakanyo a go gakololsweng ti one. meriti ya pego fraeriti yu p.gJe,i tu uonwa mo mafelong a a latelang go ka tlhodumelwa ke botlhe ba ba amegang kSotsa bana le kgatlhego. Peo ya l. 2. Lephatla la Tshomarelo Tikologo ko Francistown Grveta kgoda 3 Tsokalshaa kgotla Dikakgelo le dipotso tsotlhe lsa ba ba amegang di ka romelwa kwa: Mookamedi waxgaolo, Irphata la Tshomalelo Tiko)ogo, privaie Bag F020. Francisrown,Telephone No.2417363, Fax No.2417108, kgotsa tsa isiwa ko I-ephateng la TshJmarelo Tikologo kwa Francistown (Ntshe House, First Floor' oflice Nos.2.104,2.109' 2.110,2'111 and 2.112 pele ga Phalane a tlhola malatsi a le mararo 2023. Secot\l Publiuttion 5698 Public Notice fr i,...r..:.r c\ \-Y,r.!r c1::-,, .7 r=:=+1 .1 /ii"il$',;ir,F ,-rr!:'Jl.h,r ,/ REPUBLIC OF BOTSWANA Notice issued in terms of Section l0 (2) of the Environmental Assessment Act (Cap) 65:07) NOTTFICAIION FOR PUBLIC REVIF,W OFAN ENVIRONMENIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT (EIA) FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF 2 HIGH DENSITY PLOTS AND AT LEAST i+i iTNbiC EEUTTV NESIDENTIAL HOUSING UNITS ANDASSOCIATED INFRASTRUCTURE BY BOTSWENE TTOI-,STNC CONPORAIION (BHC) AT RAKOPS The major findings of an Environmenlal Impact Assessment (EIA) sturiy undenaken for the construction of the proposed residential development and associated infrastructure for iHC aie as ,,ummari.ea l".eunae.. Nature and Magnitude ofthe Activity The proposed construction of the res idential development and associaled infrastructure will comprise of the following facilil'e.: 2 high dens'r) plots. prot\ ,,d 2 open Bulter /one. The land .pace\. I nu,ser) \chuol. pencral dealer. .rngle-farnrtl unil\ occup) ing 145 he \er\rceJ $ith nece*a' inl.rrsrructtie comprising ot inreinai roaa lvill ul\o netrvork. storm lvater network. po(abre water suppry and wastewater reticuration, intemal sireet righting and power supply rericulation Location of the Activity The proposed a proie* sire rocared rn JakoDo kilometer Nonh-Ean of Xere Lodge. ward,Rakops vilage along the Letlhakane-Maun Road, approximately Anticipat€d Environmental Impacts and proposed Mitigation Measures The environmental impacts and mitigalion measures idenriied by rhe EIA study are presentecl in derail in the rable Anticipated lmpacts Mitigation Disturbance ofsoil stability Air Pollution /Enhanc€ftent Measures Excavation activities must be limircd ro the proposed site only. Dug rrenches must be well compacred. Adequate dust suppressant measures including regular sprinkling of water especially on ioo\edirr.un!egeratedarea\cnd.trippedrorLl,urfa.e.musrbe'una.nrteni.nrfrrirr" conrrol lugilr!e dun gener.ued dunnt \ite prepardlr,,n and (on\truclion acrivirii,. ' Sltrcl piling of eanh material. for consrru(tion rnu,t be carried uut \ rlhin tempor,rnl] constructed enclosures to Iimit fugirive dust. All planrs and consuuction equipment should be maintained to the appropriate standards to ensure thar exhaust €missions are minimized. Noise pollution Consrruclron .ite yard, concrele batchinp plant.. a\phall balchine olant\ and orher noi,\ tixed lacihtie. mu.l be locJted well aq.r! lrom n.i.e sen.iriri rreas adircent ro rhi developmenr site. Construcrion activities must be planned to avoid prolonged noise generaring acrivities. All machines and plants (e.g. cranes and trucks) that wilibe used in-termit,.nity ,r"t L" shut down during periods ofinactivity. Project operations must sl.ictly be underraken during the day time. Land Pollution Skips and bins ror waste collection must be srrategically placed around the construcrion site. The skips and bjns musl be emptied regularly at the designated dumping site. The waste receptacles at the consruction siles must bi covered to pievent access by vermin and minimise odour, Water /Portable toilets musr be provided on site. Collection of waste must be undertaken by a licensed and regulated waste managemenl comPany, 5699 provi'ion musl be made lo provrde secondr4 contarnmenl for \lonng ha^fdou' mdterial. such rr luel and ]ubricant{ of .plff.,f,e contractor shall take prompt action to clear the polluted area in ,fr. Adequare Poten(ial ground "r""t the "spread of pollutants and Drevent conlamination goii;rnu H*.ine Corporation mu'r hrre a licensed and registered wa\k clean-up company to treat the contaminated soil. lo ensure that RegDlar checks must be carried out on consfuction fleet and machinery Potefltial soil thev don't emit anv oil. pollution I a'".ir"*a "a"u i"*t te chosen to be used for the service ofconstruction fleet service with g vel or other more To e*Jvate us mu"h of the soil currently on-site and back-fill lhal $ould to$er risk of $alel logging 5rJble 'oil' foundrlion including lhrough u\e ol a rai\e0 parkrng To ele\xte as much of the butlding -flood water from the siorm-water drainage would take that f.t ifrur .fop.. *".n*as so Risk of flooding long to reach the buildings. Potential risk of lire Possible spread of HIV/AtDS as smoke detectors' There must te regular maintenance ofall fire saving equipment such 6re extinguishers and sPrinklers. All slaff musl bt ueinid on lire emergenc) plan' and nre wamlng safel) 'igns' They must be ,hould become tamiliariTed with the ared \ fire and life salety slsLems' slatt pull Iire extinguishers ' alarms as manual such controls p.".ises fire *i f, rft" *"1i"..."a ' J"*"-.. fire alarm monitoring service. exit doors & stair*ells voice alarm use "rot" and Iocation system/lntercom. sprinklers, Iire doors as well as their Condoms must be providert to decommissioning site. i"; ;;;;. all staff working at the site during constnrction in'ciuding HIV/AIDS and safltv education should be provided and !o all $orkers on Ihe oroiecl al lea.l on(e monthl)' *;ii;,t;p.d ht'i ard bor should be readilv a\aitable on srre and workers should tle trained on how lo administer it Road accidents and raffic con-gestion construction work Traffic signs waming motorists and pedestrians about the presence of the site approaches road as one the access along especi;tly ,"Jr.rrii.t ."u sJ*"cted The 'ipn. should al.o be availed durlng lhe operallon pha'e lncludlng The local communirl mu.l be informed in ad\ ance of project commencemenl safety measures which will need to be uphe'ld' responsible offic€r In the event of any €hance 6ndings. all work must be stopped and of Naiional Museum and Monuments or the archaeologist of the lindinss. and L""i.^.i"^-?ta employees must be sensitized on the possibility of chance finds educated on what to do in the event of such sightings' .".ii"iiiy'ttt. olp*."nt Potential damage to archaeological Occupational accidents an] problemr that The develoDer mu'l hdve d heallh and 'alel] plan in place to addres' could arise during underlaking of con'lruclion acli!iIies' O*ine ih".o^;""lon. the;ite area must be demdrcated or isolated from the Plblic fencing such as corrugated iron sheets and nets to arest ffying ;;;;;;i;p.;p.." Employment creation oorrible,Iabour mu\l be sourced locally Con"ia.iri." .r" t gi\en lo gender bdlance during the recruitment exerci5e oLiect sand reqrict unauthorized enID lo Ihe 'ile' w;ll-eouiDoed firsr aid boxes musl be readily a\arlable on \ile' ofan) potenlial danger mult br displaled' Waming .afety 'ign" Ar much Boost in economy as where Pos'ible. Localconrracrors and .upphers musl be engaged procrdurei and pollcles Recruitment process to adhere to Emplolmenl Act labour be contracted This will possible must Local contractors and suppliers of materials where induce or lead to a boo\l in lhe local economy $orkers lo enable the workers lo lnvesr Financial management le\sons musl be given to wisely the money they would be making' 5700 Envimnmental ImpactAssessment placement Copies ofrhe EIA srudy can b€ reviewed al the followins locations: l. Depanmenl ot En\ ironmentrl Affair, lSero$e) 2. Rakops Main Kgotta 3. Boteti District Council written comments orobjecrions from those likely_to be affecred by the project and other interested persons shourd be submired to the Departmenr of Environmenral Affai.., s";;;;in;;;';)d iiiiJ".o*. r02. Correspondences All wrillgn com...,. relaling to rhe public should be directly forwarded ro: the Distrid Environmenr _review Coordinator Depanmenr of Environmenrat AUain. ftirate Bag 0O28. -i.]"pf,or. No. 4610t74, Fa\ No 4631.107 or hand deli!ered ro: DEA Office. palamaot<u. Wa.a--"S"^**. Kilsiso e ntshiiva mabapi le Kgaolo ya lesome ya molao wa Tshekatsheko l.ikologo karolo ya bosupa (7). kamtwana ya bobedi (2), Cap 65:07 KITSISO YA KANOKO KE SECHABA YATSHEKATSHEKO YA TIKOLOGO MABAPI LE TSHEKATSHEKo YA sEEMo sATIKOI.oco MABAPI Li KA.o YA ueri-6"o"riouNo I-e DITLAMELo TsA oNE Mo MoTSENG wA RAKoPS KE BA BoT.'ANA iiju;IN;:,oi,,**,o* Dillamorago tsa dipatlisiso rse di bonweng fa-go dirwa tshekatsheko tsa seemo matlo a bonno ke ba BHC di sobokilwe fa-llase: Boleng le selekanyo sa Tiro e e akarersa sa 1ikologo mabapi le kago ya tiro krgo ),a marlo akaret\a le tse dl latelang, M3tlo 1"r,ci a a tlhtraganeng ga raro kana mo dtsheng tse di masome a matlhano. Kago e rla a bonno a msrrhatraganvane re a e seng a matrhallaganyane. sekoro sa bana, lebenkele re mafero a go tra a tlopelwans go ra agitLa mo po one. Nnewe !x dirrn,u"r"r; ,,; . ir" ,,r. i,g" y"iii,.ii'L" r.,tr""s rr riro. )ameseleeeferr\angmersiaputa.kag-oyalgopoyamer.raale.os.g.l.lgryr."iiJ"...*o.irrpf,.puf. r(aso drpone tsa mebtla, Lefelo la lim Lelelo Ia kago le mo kgorlena !a JrkoDu mo mor\eng wa.Rakop: mo Boreri go bapa le r\eir )a LellhJkane- vaun, .elekanlo ,d khrlomilhara e te nnt$e tqa bukone ' borthabalwa Xere LodB.: Ditlamorago lse di ka tlhagogang ka nako ya tiro le tse di akanrsweng go ka dirwa go rbkotsa manokonoko a kameBo ]a tikologo Ditlamorago tse di ka tlhagogang ka nako ya tiro le medhale ya go di fokotsa ke tse di lalelang: Manokonoko mo TSe di akantsweng go ka baakanya kgotsa go ka tokafatsa s€€mo Tikologory Kgoreletsegotatlhego mmu ya Go epiwa go tshwanetse ga direrwa mo referong ra kago fera. Tlhomamisa gore mesele e katletswe morago gi go *iai*, gu Co_tld Kgotlelesego ya phefo Koketsego ya modumo [a mellhale u.. tokot.3ng lerole jdJ.d Eo Lhela met\i mo mmrnlr Mehu ya kdgo e r\h\Lanetse a beu a fa go acel go lo[or.a go likwa [e ) "seng phefo e e ka brlang lerote Dikoloi tsodhe tsa kago di tshwanerse lsa bakangwagangwe le gapegorediseka ntsha mesi e e ka kgorlelang tikologo. Ditiro.r'a e e kag_o_ tse di lso\ang modumo o monl.r di t\h$aner\e isi direlwa |\gaxata te maleio a a ka amiu ang Le modumo o o fetelet.eng, Dnrro I\a I go di tshwanetse go baakanledr$ a dt dirwe ka le-naneo eo irsa pore modumo o lseye \ebala se se leele o le teng. Dldirisi*a r.e di r.osan'g modimo 0r.lla drn\rwa di kaba_kanngwa gore Ji \ekr tea tso.a modumo t.orlhe ka n o e le nngwe, ]a kago (mor,he8are, ro neterar\:r sore l*".,trLaetesesitens mooumo wa kago e nne o o letlelesegxng. 9:jll_oll:ll, 5701 go bewa mo mafelong aa Mabeelo a matlakala a tshwanetse go khurumehva Ie lebaneng mo lefelong la kago . voir"r.riu u rtr,t""r.i.. go tiholol wa kgapetsakgapetsa krva lefuting la madakala ke uatlalala a tstrrvanetse go khurumelwa go thibela monko le go hidhelelwa a tshwanetse go nna a ilikeBo a lshololang.Matlwana di ka tse dipholosotswana Kgotlelesego ya tikoloSo renp mo lefelonl la krgu. tvt,rilor,rt., a r.t go dira tiro e. Kgonagalo ya kgotlelesego ya metsi 'ianer.ieo latlhrs a le kornpone e runlaJit\$eng ka la molaong Didirisiwa tse di ka beeletsang le tse di ka tlhatswang fa go kgotlelescgileflg teng di tshwanetse tsa nna teng ka dinako tsotlhe' oiairisirva tse al ka beeletsang le tse di ka tlhatswang fa go kgotlelesegileng teng di tshwanetse tsa nna teng ka dinako tsotlhe o l shlvd net\c l_, io nna le I'eonaralo va go l\h,)loga ga leokq ane rrr [on lerdkJ -p.l.ri.r go pheprlar'r lelelo lele Igollege'eErleng le eo rilJ Vu l. "t.n".,* Po rrsrmr sr kqollele\eAo il";; *" ti,. igncr .i,tlu,net.e g"i-l so thdPa lompone e rurrtudir'\(n! ka lx molairng go tlhatswa leokv,'ane kSotswa di wele tse di tshologilenS' Didirisilva lsa kago di tshwanetse Kgotlelesego ya mmu tsa tlholNa kgapetsa kgapetsa gore 8a di dul'e diwele. mo lefelong Paakanyo ya dikotoi le didirisiwa tsa kago di tsh\"anetse go direlwa le le tlhophilweng go kganela kgotlelesego ya mmu' Kgonagalo ya go ema ga metsi/morwalela DidirisiNa Kgonagalo ya go baka tshenyo ka molelo Kanamo ya mogare wa ke Go eDololi mmu o o lillhel$anE loo mme Po I'enng$e o o 'x l'hrbelel$eng so emr mel.i go dibelJ go ema 8r mel\i Igol\x mors aleld. yr BofhiI ima 6o arro moatn "a t ugo o o t:r godimo o r':'mai'et''r mel\r nltheng gore metsi a pula a tseye sebaka se se leele go goroga kwa dikasonS' tse di hvantshang melelo di tshwanelse tsa baakanngwa ka dinako tsotlhe. gaUerek; Uollhe ba tshwanetse ba rutuntshiwa ka tsa potlakelo molelo- Ba otr*un.o" t";tt" fu ailganedi lsa moielo di beilweng teng ka nako tsotlhe' HIV/ AIDS Mosuke le dikotsiisa tsela Dikausu di tshwanetse lsa nna teng ka nako tsollhe' fiNa oitt,rto t.u uot.ogo a; ukarelsa balwetsi jwa HIV/AIDS di tshwanetse 8o babereki le setshaba ka kakaretso. Glolo.o tu rhu'o,r nrlhJ le r\hwanerte 8o nna renP [r na[o t'ollhe mme r'rakx le babereti bx rulise le 80 rorloetsa go dirFd didirisiwa r'e di mrr teng golafetseng. ba ba diatlana f-a ba thusa ya kago bogolo jang fa Matshwao a tsela a tshlvanelse go nna teng ka nako la kago. lefelong mo Nenang e t\elenqe rlhuko tu i" rno,* uui'f," unet'e 9-' ir'r'ile ta tiro e srmologa gorc ba ele ba fela fa lefelong la kago. ba lephala la t\a mallolto a llholePo Tshenyo ya matlotlo a lr'i'e tlholego lheogelse it16 Co Dikgobalo mo tirong a t3 nako eo. y" t.u ,nrttotto Lh\ moil\eannpe )o.o lla,bont r mdlhala anelse pa nna te morlo $ a lca il\hireler\o go Ihu\r go rarrbolola nako )r l\agu a u k. rlh.rgogang rmrrvdnE la kago le r.hwanerse go atetel$a go bJbalelJ ser\haba 'e se ka drI'gobrlo Lefel; lfol'a fa 8o nale 'eng$e 'e o belaelrnP ele 'a mallollo a llholego u tiholego e tshwanetse ya dirwa pele tiro e simologa' lr ke dikgobalo ka nako Yak a8o. rutnr"o yu,itrha ie tshrvanetse la nna teng ka nakoisotlhe mo lefelong i.toii"o la kago. kwa ntle kgotsa Phiro e tla akarelsa banni ba motse pele e ka hira ba ba tswang Tlhamo ya ditiro metse e e mabapi Phiro e l.h\^anet'e go akarel'a bomme le borre' go kgonagala' so .utunt"r"Lu uu ;iot.e ba tshwanebe ba hirwe go dira tiro fa ya phiro melawana go obametswe dirwa Phiro e tshwanetse 8o 5102 Kabakanyo itsholelo Bo rakonteraka ba morse ba rshwanerse ba hirwe go dira liro fa gokgonagala. Se se da tsisa kabakanyo ya irsholelo_ Thuto bo rakonteraka ba motse ba tshwanetse ba hirwe go dira tiro f.a go kgonagala ka tsa madi le poloko tsa one di tshwanerse tsr kgone go boloka madi a bone. Maf€lo,a mok$alo $s tshekatsheko ya likologo o ka bonwang k$a go one: rvroKwatu o o ietetseng wJ dirshelatshcko tsa tikologo o ka bonwa kwa-mafelong L 2. 3. fi; babereki gore;; a a latelang: Lephdra lu tsa Tikoloso (Sero$e) Rakops Krorlr Khansele ya Boteri. Dikakgelo-di ka romelwa 8o' The District En-viro-nmenl _coordinator. Department of Environmental Affairs, privare Bag 0028 Serowe, Telephone No.4630174, Fax No. 4631307: Kgotsa ka letsogo kwa Lephara la tsa Tikologo. kgoth ya palamaokue, Serowe pele 8a kgwedi ya Lwetse e tlhola mrlarri .r le m.r.ome a mabedi te bornbabonp;e.202J. - C> A.H-A Se(ond Publitution 5703 Public Notice r |a==r1 .\ '-l;,iflirt ,ii \r's,'l\ REPUBLIC OF BOTSWANA Noticeissuedintermsofsectionl0(2)oftheEnvironmentalAssessmentAct'(CAP65:07) IMPACT STAIEMENT FOR THE NOTIFICATION FOR PUBLIC REVIEW OF ENVIRONMENTAL INDUSTRIAL PROPOSED QUARRY IN FRANCISTOWN. DUMELA (ElA) sludy undetaken for the proposed Quany dre as The major findings ofan Environmental lmpact Assessment summarized hereunder: Dumela lndu\rrral lheproieitr'an (oncrere 'tone J\nhxrI producrs l-enralhiBricks(Ptv,Ltdi'propo'rngrode!eloprQurrr)arl-ran(rslosn p'ouce \dnd lt,ir |ni"! e.,1" ilili;:i ;;;:;i.;;;;',t,, und 'ok bigger.r/cd rocl piece' u'ed rn land'caping' r.]-' *ir'''g ' u' The location of the proiect/development is situated 4 km west ofFrancistown - Ramokglvebana The develoDmenl is tocated about 8km from Francistown and depot industrial and is access bv a sravel road rrom ir.',n J;::" *;',i'#t.'il;;;;l*,i. ^'u.,, headinS to the wesl r., l"ela cro TheanticiDaiedenvironm€ntalimpactsoftheprojectandiheproposedmitigationmeasurestorespondto hoth negatire and positire environmental impscts' ffii;i;;il;;;t.;;i;J Impacis operrtion afld decommissionins stases: impo"t" u.e liL"lv to o'ccur during ihe consrruction Enhancement'Mitigalion measures Construction Phase impacts Loss of vegetation Surface and groundwater contamination Noise nuisance limils' Works should be undertaken within the working area be cut down' Mature rees and endangered tree species should not a red tape or paint' Trees not to be cleared should be marked with spillages and leaks of fuels' oils 'tnd Equipment should be serviced regularly to avoid olher lubricants. up and treated immediately' Should spillages occur accidentally.rhey should be cleaned gear such as ear plugs and ear Workers should t€ provided with noise proteciion mufflers. wel! maintained to rcduce the Construction machinery and equipment should be amount of noise generated. Air pollution lo 'rvoid unneces'ar) noi'e' Machinery nol rn use .hoLrld rrlways be rumed off water to suppress dust' The access road should be sprinkled with recycled with tarpaulin during Trucks lransporting construction material should be covered transportaion. serviced io rcduce emissions' Ensure that all plant and equipment is regularly Increased emploYment oppo(uniiies provisions of lhe Employment Act should A recruitment procedure that abides by the be developed and imPlemented' oflabour' There should be genderequity in the recruitment ODerational Phase 5104 Impacts nuisance EnhancemeniryIitigation measures Noise Machinery and equipment should be rvell mainrained ro reduce the amount of noise generated. Machinery should always be switched off lvhen not in :rse. rather lhan being left running 1() surtace and cause unnecessary noise. Equipment should be serviced regularly to avoid spillages and teaks of fuels, oils and .. ground*alerpollution otherlubricants Should spillages Air occur accidentally, rhey should be cleaned up wjlhout delay. EqLripmenr and machinery should not be 6xed on sire rarher at a workshop. Pollurion lncreased risks ;;;:.#;;'- ofroad '*- Workers should be provided with dust prorection gear (e.g. dusi masks). Excessive duit should be suppressed by sprinkling of waler. A nuximum s ;i'fi]::lT.:f* "'" or 40km'&r shourd be appried to arr hautase vehicres wirhin Truck drivers should be on rhe lookout fbr domestic animal!. A machinery slould be firted wjlh ffashing/rvaming lighrs and hautage trucks transportirg conslruction marerials shoulcl be covered atili Increared emproymenr Thc conrractor shourd resorr to usinS oppo(unitics sho( term employmenr trme. rabour-based lechnorogies rn order opp"nr"iri.. ti. i. j .*."r..r.";, ii. p.q"", _.o. b creare Give priority to local when rccruiting personnel_ ililfi::i:ri-t , Lenvathi Bricks Ptv (Ltd) should source 8.,0ds locallv where possible. Citi/en o\ned, Smd Medrum_tnrerpri,e. rSMMF,r ,houtd be eng.rged uhere pui\jble to fu(rlilate rhe Citj.,en Economic Lmpo$ermenl Dn\e. Decommissioning phase Noise Polludon Worken shoutd be provided with noise protection gear such as ear plugs and ear mufllers Scheduled consrrucrion period should be adhered exposure to noise. Air pollution Land porrurion to avoid longer than necessary Workers on site should b€ protected agaiost dusl by being provided with dust masks. The access road shouid be sprinkied with recycled water to suppress dust. provide ri'er corecting receptacres for differenl forms ofwasre at strateqic locations. Litter should be disposerl at the desjgnared landlill. Environmental Impact Assessment placem€nr Copies ofthe Environmenral lmpact Slarement can be accessed at the following areas by the public: l. ,1. Depaamenr of Fnrrronmental A||uir\. Phase 6 Kgorla trrn(r.tot\ n oftice Correspondences All correspondences shourd be addressed to The Dsrricr Envronmenlal coordinator. Depanment ofEnvironmenral Arrairs, Private Bas F020. Francisrown.,nd rer.pho,; N;. or handderivered to Department ofEnvironmenrat Affairs. Francisrown, t,tt"he Hous" ;;i)i?:.i,"'f"]'ri,'$,6 fefo; ii,f,r S"pii.t"iim: 5705 Kitsiso Tikologo wa Bolesome Kitsiso e,s.ntshiwa ka ntlha ya Tsetlana ya molao wa Tsh€katsheko (Envimnmental Assessm€nt Act, (CAP 65:07) E E KA MABAPI LE KANOKO YATSTIEKATSHEKO YA KAM€GO YATIKOLOCO KITSISO SECHABA "riexweNc KE KAGo LE TSHIMoLoDISo YA KEPo YA MATLAPA A KAGo "" -'"- sa kamego ya tikologo ka nako ya kago fa DiDarlisrso tse dr bonreng Ia go .lirwa Llitshekatsheko tsa seemo di 'obokrlwe ra rla'e' diri'isJ a llhole ,n,,"1i"''o 1. nu'r" 'a ;'#i;';l;;-;;.b iiu Boleng le bogolo I ".',,hi Rr,.k' ' iwa ditlhabololo Prv r l ld e )il millrp'r elel\a sn \rmoludi'a lepo d l\a [Jgo k$ a Dumelr lndrr\rrial Flrncr'lo\\n' tonkoreiri remarrrpaaadirrsr'.rng ;'Ji:'ll:;il,ili;;;s:';;;i:.;i;;"*J;ii',"oittrauo.m'rt"pa"t;so go kgabisa. Lefelo la Tlhabololo i"i"iJ ri,""iJ,ii" J*r,itomeihara g.,;;lri; ii"','"L t" ii",iiii.Jr"','i,i,li,li. tse nne mo tse borobabonswc go ts\\ a mo Frxnt rsrnwn' ho le nnt Jikhilomethara gaut'hlvxne e le nng\\e thilomerhara le Le Frrn.itto"n- na*okpo'r'ana'-Letel' 'ekgele e lebile Bophirima rerer.,s lelgo dirisirva tsela va mmu e e tswang co va 'r i", cro a ditlamorago tsedi Ditlemorago tse di ka baki$ang ke tlhabololo, metlhale ya go fokotsa manokonoko sa siamang kana go nonotsha tsedi siameng. ;;G;?;;k"i; sa tlhole ;;;;konoko di dirisilva ke a a ka di nning teng ka nako va kaso' nako va iiriso le ka nako va fa dirlhabololo a latelang: Ka fa di ka fokotswang/ tsa okeiswa ka teng Ditlamorago Ka nako ya kago Tatlhego ya dimela Tiro go fokotsa tatlhego ya e tshwanetse ya dirwa mo mafelong a a maleba fela dimela e nlsi. Ditlhare tse ditona le tse di Diilhare tse di sa sa bonweng motlhofb ga di a tshwanela go kgaolwa' o o kgaotweng di tshwanetse lsa tshwaiwa ka pente kgotsa mogala mohibidu Kgotlelesego ya metsi Didirisiwa di tshwanelse tsa baakanngwa gangwe le gape go itsa go duta 8a leokwane. tshetsweng ke Go tshrvanetse ga phepalatswa go bo go tlhatswiwa mmu o o leokwane fa le ka tshologa ka phoso' ModumooomontsiBaberekibatshwanetsegofiwadidirisiwatsedithibangditsebesofokotsamodumo. gaPe go fokotsa tsa kago di tshwanetse tsa baakannngwa gangwe le modumo o o feteletseng' di seog mo tirisong di tshrvanetse tsa timiwa go fokotsa modumo' Didirisirva Didirisiwa KgotleleseSo ya phefo tse ya tshelwa metsi go fokotsa Tselana e e dirisiwang go ya kwa lefelong e tshwanetse lerole' khuflrmetswa ka Diteraka tse di tsamaisang mmu wa kago di tshwanetse tsa go ilsa lerole' Polaseleke go fokoha mosi o tsa kago di tshwaneise tsa baakannngv'a gangwe kgotlelanB Phefo wa tsa pereko' Ditselana tsotlhe tsa khiro di tshwanetse go nna ka fa molaong Didirisilva Koketsego ya lsa p€reko ditshono ya bong' Tsamaiso ya khiro ga ya tshwanela go nna le kgetlhololo Ka nako ya fa lefelo le b€reka Modumo o o monlsi Didirisiwa lsa kago di tshwanetse tsa baakannngwa gangwe le gape go fokotsa modumo o o feteletseng' Didirisiwa lse di seng mo tirisong di tshwanetse tsa timiwa go fokotsa modumo' 5',706 Ditlamorago Ka fa di ka fokotswang/ tsa oketswa ka teng Kgotlelesego ya metsi Didirisiwa di tshwanetse tsa baalanngwa gangwe le gape 80 ilsa go duta ga leokwane Go tshwanerse ga phepafatswa go bo go tlhatsrvirva mmu o o tshetswenS ke leokwane fa Ie ka tshologa ka phoso. Didirisiwa di rshwanetse go baakanyediwa mo letelong le le maleba Kgodelesego ya phefo Babereki ba tshwanetse go liwa dibipa nko re moromo go rhibera 8., tsenwa ke rerore. Fa go tsoSa lerole le le ntsi. le tshwanerse go fokotswa ka go gasa gasa mersi. Koketsego ya tsa tsela dikotsi Dikoloi tse di rla bong di rsamaisa mmu kgorsa matlapa a kago di tshwanetse go dirisa lebelo la dikhitomerhara rse masom;e mane mi.elatlng sa nura tefetong -o la tiro. Bakgrveetsi ba diteraka ba tshwanetse go ela tlhoko diruiwa mo ditseleng. Didirisiwa di rshwanelse go tsenngwa dipone rsa rsiboso, tse di nvalang mmu kgotsa marapa a kago tsone di tshwanelse go klurumetswa ka nako tsorlhe. Koketsego ya tsa pereko ditshono Rrakonterala o tshwanetse€o bula ditshonotsa pereko gore ba ba sa b€rekeng mo _ tikologong ya lefelo la tiro ba bone ditshono. Bengaa ba rshlvanetse go bewa ko pele fa go tla mo go rsa Kabakanyo ya iisholelo Ba kliro. trnyathi Bricks (pry) Lrd ba rshwanetse go reka didirisiwa gae fa go kgonegang teng. rse di diritweng mo Bagwebi ba borlana ba tshwanerse go rorloediwa fa go kgonagalang_ Ka nako ya fa lefelo le sa tlhola le bereka Modumo o o montsi Kgotlelesego ya phefo Babereki ba tshwanerse go fiwa didirisiwa rse di thibang dirsebe go fbkorsa modumo. Go rshwanerse ga nna le rsamaiso e e faphegileng ya kago go thibela tsogo ya modumo e e tsayang lobato. Babereki ba rshlvanetse go fiwa dibipa nko le molomo go lhibe)a go tsenwa ke lerole Tselana e e dirisilvang go ya kwa lefetong e lshwanetse ya tshehva mers; go fokotsa lerole Kgotlelesego ya Go tshwanetse ga nna le didirisilva tse di beelanB matlakala ka go farologana lefatshe Ba one. Matlakala a tshwanerse go latlhehva kwa lefuteng la matlakala. Mafelo a go beilweng meriti ya mokwalo wa maduo s tshekatsheko Meriti ya mokwalo wa tshekatsheko tikologo o o feletseng e ka bonwa kwa mafelong I 2. a a latelang: Lephcu la Merero )a lsaTtkologo (Franci.lown) Ksorla,ya Phase 6 Tshoboko le dikgakololo tsa tshekatsheko b: ks-or,a ba ba nans te rsattheso mo r,rons e. o ra ,omerwa Y:l)^,|_: yi-oli:*r,_.P g: lll\ i lnof.g la lllq(]:::eqnarara|4ererolrr\arrtutopopri\areBagF0.z0.Francrsrown.Mosata:14t7l6J,F;\:24r5.ztotana or kx rsrwa ka tetso8o ba dmesans. kwa Lephali la Merero ya tsa T;kologo. Francistown. Ntshe-House pele ga 29th Lwelse.2023. Se,ond Puhlication 5107 Licences applied for NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned have Liquor A(l rA(t No. tr of 2U04 r to obuin 3' Na e a (l Address l\'pe a certificate ol Licence lac'1tion ward Coodhope in terms of section Coundl of the Dat' ol Hearing Liqxor Control Authority Lrquor Bar serorome L,quor Bar san}ner'| Liquor Bar roteng Yill **o*. Liquor Bar Letsiboso If,rlhakrne Liquor Authority h"S*:[* Liquor Bar Gakuto Lrquor ffil:ffi:" "*. PO Box 20t20' Liquor Bar Metlhabens ward' Tloklveng Liquor Authoritv 3Ii'r""ff;ff:--" Liquor Bar Mmoka Bottle store LotNo Bortle store PlotNo Moipone ,a Rubicon Liquor Restaurant' Rebecca 13 23 PO. Box 227' *,." . ABF. il','I'oi *...,. P.O. Box 679 3[fur1',;:lJ',ffi PO. Box 904, p.o. Box PO. Box PO. Box . t . ' 108. ' 1990. Il, I3['.iffi,ro,t".. Private Bag 0028, H;lr'jl'ixl";,or, t*.. No.54367. Plaza, Y,lril;"rs*-, (Pu') Ltd.. ,a Liquor Stop. Plot No. 2071 , Ma}lalapye. Second Publication ward ward' M{waneng 4s88' Gabane s4367 CBD' New Mogobe Plaza Ptot Mogobe Boseja Ward. ward Bottle store 2oTl' Ward' Plot No Boseja MahalaPye illi::[:" '' Lrquor contro] r1 ru 23 20 0e 23 Authority control 09 09 23 control 3l'08 23 Authorily control 23 control '23 Liquor Authority controt Liquor Authority 280e23 control 23 Control '23 Liquor Authority Liquor Authority Licences NorlcE Is HEREB' GrvEN Liquor Act No.9 of2004 ro obrain Nane and Acldrc\s rhar rhe undersigned have appiied for a cerrificate in terms a: T,"pe of Lk ence of section Council Llxution 13 of rhe Dak of HeorinB Seaclif} Bar. Kgosing Ward, Liquorcontrol Ranaka Authority Bo(le Srore Mutlwa Ward. Molapowabojang Liquor Authority Bottle Store CBD, Liquor Bar PO. Box 66. Ranaka. Winners Point Bortle Store. PO. Box 33 BBG. Molapowaboiang. Co(on CIoud (Pry) Lrd., PO. Box AD I66ABE, Gaborone. Borth\ ick (Pty) Lrd., P.O. Box AD 872 ADD, Gaborone. Orange Park & Pub. The Fields Mall. Shop No. 15 Liquor Disrriburor plot No. P.O. Box,ll0. Jwaneng. The Sunshine Shop. PO. Box Liquorcontrol .23 Liquor Bar Madalong Ward. Kanye Liquor Authority Bottle Store Etsha 13 Liquor Conuol Authority 13.10.23 Disaneng Ward. Maun Liquor Conrrol Authority .23 Plot No. 10058. Mokgobelele Ward, Letlhakane Bokaa Ward. Liquor Control Authority .23 Liquor Control Authority 15.1 1.23 PO. Box 626. Bottle Store Let Frey Investments (Pty) Ltd.. Bottle Store PO. Box 379. Shoshong. Jumbo Botswana (Pry) Ltd.. Botrle Src,re ,a Liquor Shoshong Plot No. 1028, KP Stop Plot No. 1028. Oodi. Authority Contml .23 Control .23 Conlrol 21 Control .23 Control Liquor Authority Oodi. Jumbo Bo(srvana (Pty) t/a Liquor Slop Plot No. I028. KP .23 Liquor Authoriry i3. MosetsanagapeMosibinyane. Bottlestore KP Control Gakitlane Ward, Moshana Etsha Baitshegersi. Liquor Authoriry Liquor Bar 10. Gaone \hnessa PO. Box 1095. Orapa. .23 Liquor Authority PO. Box 1982. Jwaneng. Amedour (Ry) Ltd.. Control Moporoporo Road. Broadhursl Mokatse. Kgatleng Disrrict Liquor Bar Mokatse, Kgatleng. Amezo Investmenl (Pty) Ltd.. 10221 .23 Lrd.. Liquor Wholesale PIot No. 1028, KP- Oodi. Liquor Authority .23 Liquor Bar Plol No. 1870, Extension 4 Liquor Confiol Authorhy .23 Lot No.2330. Liquor Control Authority 03.10.23 Oodi. Accute Mode Investments. PO. Box 1332. Jwaneng. First Leap Proprierary Plot No.3191, St. Patrick Streer. Village Mall. Franc istown. Limired, Bolrle Store Serowe 5109 Tbnder No' DS/BDF 035/202f'2024lSUP Botswana Defence Force' 5 Corp6 of SiSnals Republic of Bots\f,ana - OF PRINTER TONERS' A SUPPLIES CONTRACT FOR THE PROCUREMENT orHER coNsuMABLEs FoR BDF FoR Two (2) YEARs ietrnlncgs el'o . SEALED TENDER OFFERS ARE INVITED for the prccuremert of printer toners' cartridges and other consumables. Force' sir seretse Khama Barracks' . d;i;;;;g Department is: 5 corps of signals' Bolswana Defence Botswana' Gaborone. Bag 302, Private . Procureme;l Me$od is:Open Domeslic Bidding' for award of the contmct' be . Tenderers who are domiciled in so"*u'u ;;"t, in order to be consideredcalegory: Code: 201- Eleclronic repisrered wirh rhe Pubti. p..ur"..nt n.gurriory Aulhonry in the lollolving lcr' a;a"'iol-- sr."!J""atlectronii Equipment spares and Accessories ncludes ;?liiilil':il Equipment' 03 Mechanical Reieiving and Transmission sto;d"ust oth"",oz una il;;;;iJ il6;"r, . Equipmenl. Machines. Spare\ and Acces\orres' section 76 (2) of the Public Procurement The tender is reserved tol cltlzens or cliEen contractots as stated under method prccurement with the be aligned Act. To Scheme: be applied to qualifying bidders in.line wirh rhe prescribedPreference {LDD)l Dnve Diversificalion (A) Ecooomic 2010: . Coln"t Oi-.""tir" CAB i'{io. l1 (EDD) will be applied in.the render. For companies The above dircctive oD Econo.i""ution orive copies of their;;gistraiion with Ministry of Trade certifieA s'rlmlt ttrey st'outa directiue, the from to benefit producers local (M'I'l are prool lhal liey I as and lndustr) (LPs)' The Direclive CAB l3(BI20I.] LocalProcuremenl Scheme .'Local p.o" be aPplied in this tender'for companies to benelit The Directive on ".n"" enclo;ed signed by Youth officer and the Chief and from this alirective, they .f,ouro tuU'nii ""ttin"^t" (youth' anddisabied) are requested to submit certified copies women ttris scleme *d"r fiaJ".. *f," q*fi8' .igi"t *n it"i-"""" -' . j.t .i-rr-rg iiol i" l"n. oitutt"Jliot"tt *ill ut" tequired to submit cenr6cate that confirm lheir disabilitv' Signals Procurement for collection of Tender Documents is: Botswana Defence Force' . ffr" if,r.i"iuOar"ss "aal Botssand Mogoditshane Barrack'. l/.}nma Office,'Srr Seretse hours with effect from . i;;;;;";;;t .ay ue cottectea aT ri'ng working days bet*een 0800. hours and l6{n Office' BDF Headquai€rs' Rlock B iiirt !"r,"-U".. ZOZ: L,5 Corps of Signali Procur;ment (one Hundred and s'wilstio0''T"; iundred and ritr] Pula onl]r and Pl2s'00 made oul in la\ouroflhe guaranteed-cheque "i bank puy"Ltt intushorby yo,tt fo, Twenty File Pula on!, ) . iH:[ilffi;e covemment ol Botswan" o. ,fr. e-"u.i'Ubtp"J-tnt stated in ihe Tender Document is required on collection of the Tender Document wriling' not later ."lutiog to tt'" issuance of these documents may be addressed' in . ilil;;;;;;ns Telephone No 3662476' Email: Sedumedi' S K' io: Colonel iut" ,t ti'a"' [- *rerr tll a"vt u.r"." " "ioting Telephone No. 3662139, Email: Kmpone@'gov'bw. Fax .rJr-"oidvai"""o,,l t-i"ut"nunt coion-.irr,rpone, No.3973600. 2023' receip! of sealed tender offerc is 0900 hours on 10th october' . ii" -d date for accepted. "i..i.gii." . Lare tender offe6 wilt nol be . The Bid Submission Method is: One-Envelope Submission in which a tenderer's financial and technical offers are submitted logether in one sealed enveloPe' dullcate copies of th€ original . Submit one (1) origiDal tenoer propoiai'matrca "original" and two () DS/BDF035/2023 2024lsUP No' irarked:"Tender clearly on" tiur"J"n""iop" o*rri"ri..i,"a "Ci,pv" lnp.o"u..rn"nioi p"nr"tTonen Canridges and Olher Con\umable5 for BDF forTwo A Supplies Conract for th" and security' Central Business rii v!!r.; -o .r,ar u. a"uverea o: pl anent Secretary' Ministi of D€fenceir,siruared berseen Mara Hotel pt^" Boiv_ana.-rhe^building c"i*.,.. i. i+i!i. iiri"'i ictiir. iirn.. Floor' 0o4'Ground No olfice (CTo) Headqua(ers' C."ir,"iitirlr.p..a organisation bidders should b€ clearly marked on the envelope' . ""a ii. i"."t--a "aii"sse;f ThePublicProcurcmentRegulatoryAuthority,sstandardisedConditionsofTenderforsuppliesshallapplytothis i"i *rrr"l al the-applic;ble Tend;r Data is contained in the Teoder Document ;"-P'*"ring Depanm€nt or covemment of Botswana is not bound ..*"*.""i. -i;;i;:Hir;;;*"e ir-rt" i""e"i;, to accept the lowest or any t€nder offer' The Directoa P rocurement Over s iqht, Ministry of Defence and SecutitY. First Publication 5710 Republic of Botsvans Tender No, DS/BDF 039/2023.2024ISERV Botswana Def€nce Force (Corps of El€ctrical and Mechanical Engineers) - A SERVICE CONTRACT FOR THE DISPOSAL OF USED BATTERIES FOR VARIOUS VEHICLES OF BOTSWANA DEFENCE FORCE FOR THREEYTiARS SEALED TENDER oFFERS ARE INvrrED for a service conrracl for the disposar of used batteries for various vehicles ofBotswana Defence Force for vears. The Procuring Entity is: Botswana Defence Force {Corps of ElecEical and Mechanical Engine€N). Di\posal Method is: Open Domestic Biddin!. Tenderers who are dom icr red in Bolswana must, in order to be considered for award of the contract, be registercd with the Public procurement RegulatorJ Authority in the following categories: CJe: _ Collection and Disposal of Hazardous Material, Sub-Code: 0? , Scrap Metal Colleciion aid Disposal. The tender is rcserved for citizens or citizen contractorc as stated under section 76 (2) ofthe l,ubric hocurement i,: Prefercnce margins wirr be appried lo qualifying bidde^ in line with prescdbed prefercnce scheme as follows: r he-cabrnel L,tredive CAB No. I I tA) of 2010 on Economic Diversification Drive (EDD), as per guidelines on the diversification and stimuration of rocar economy througr prefercnce margins based on the tumover and thrcsholds, shall be implemented in the evaluation of this tendei The successf; bidde(s) will be required to abide by rhe underakings given on the diversification and stimulation of2ol0 publish; by Ministry of rrade and Industry. Bidd€rs_should be registered with Ministry of rrade and Industry and attach a certified copy of EDD certificate for eligibility lo receive prcference under this tender Presidential Directive 19 (B) 2013; The Local procurcment scheme is in line with the citizen Economic Empowermenr (cEE) Policy and secdon 66 (3) of the ppAD Act, borh of which advocate tbr the econoftic empowementof womerl, youth and p€ople with disabilities in general specifica y in the rural areas. Bidders should attach relevant documentation for the entitlement to thi scheme (ceftified copies of National Identity card, Certifcate of Disabiliry or Swom Declaration for the enlitlement to the schemey. A site visit with the Procuring unit will be herd u. corps of Electrical and Mechanical Engineers as folows: S/No. I 2 3 4 5 6 Incation Mogoditshane, DoE and nme SSKB ar Donga l0/lo/2023 Francistown,2Mc East at 0900 hours 16110/2023 ar OSOO Military Garrisson (EMG) Setebi-phikwe 13/t0/2023 hours at O9OO hours 18/ 10/2023 at 09oo hours Maun camp fiebephatshwa caborcne, clenvalley l/lo/2023 ar O90O hours 10/10/2023 at 1400 hours I The physical address for collection of render Documents is: sir seretse Khama Barracks, Mogoditshane at Corps of Electrical and Mechanical EngineeN, procurcmen! Office. Tender Documenrs may be colrected during working hours between ogoo hours and l2oo hours and ftom 1400 hours to 1600 hours on weekdays, with effect ftom 25th september, 2023 at a non-refundabre fee of p125.oo Pula onlv) payable in cash. Youth registered companies pay a non-rchrndabte 1o"""111{f.:ld tee ot P65.UJ (Sixty-Five 'Y:"tv'Five Pula onty). Payment should be made at Covemment Revenue Office at Supa Save building (Choppies inside SSKB BDF Camp) next lo ABSA ATM Machine. Queries or clarifications relating to the issuance of these documents may be addrcssed, in writing, not raler than five (5) working days before rhe tender closing date to: Major O. Moioi and Mrs p Kgaswa, ielephone '1'662342/2221,Etr,r llt or Email:, Fax No. 390623i The closing time and date for receipt of sealed tender offers is O9O0 hours on Z4th October,2023. Late tender offers will not be accepted. Nos. The Bid submission Method is: Two-Envelope submission, in which the seared original and aI the sealed copies of the technical offer are placed in one sepamte seared enverope and clearly m-arked ..Technical Bid,', whilst the sealed original and all the sealed copies of the financial offe; are enclosei in anorher separate seared envelop€ and cready marked "Financial Bid". The two sealed envelopes arc then placed in one outer securcly sealed envelope. The Evaluation Method is: Highest Cost Seleltion - Services Evaluation Method. 57tl The 6rs! being a "Technical Bid" two sepalaie envelopes (all enclosed in one envelope) (2) duplicate copies proposal (l) Gnder original Plus two one uaiarin! and the second a..Financiar nla". eacrr "os/BDF 039/2023'2023/sERv contract for lhe service A a".ty m"*"4' '"r"rrJtiNo Force for ThreeYears" shall be delivered Defence ofBotswana v"ttJt"t v"tio'" fo. Disoosal ofused Batieri". Ground Floor' office -a s"curitv' erivate Bas 00384' Gaborone' "io'r"*" No.0ol, Plot No. 54355, Central Business Distnct' Gaborone' ofbidders should be clearly marked on the envelope' ftt" . Bidde$ are to submit - i,,Ji-""'J"p"t *ri"v ;:Y;##i;;il, . ""n"t-a "aa.sse; ThePublicProcuremen!RegulatoryAuthority'sstandardisedconditionsofTenderforSuppliesshallapplytoihis ;it *rJapplicole renaer oata is contained in the Tender Document' tht P;uring Entitv or covemment of Botswana is not bound to i;;;i;h ".*ule;;;, "ff;'il.Hir;;il-c i, i[. r"*gti"e-' accept the lowest or any tender ofrer. The Director' Procure ent OYersiSht' MinistrY of Delence and SecuriD- First Publication Tender No' DS/BDF 063/2023'2024 Botswana I)efence Force (Military Police) Republic of Botswana - MILITARY TENDER FOR THE PROCUREMENT OF ANTI'RIOT AND FORCE DEFENCE BOTSWANA FOR EQUIPMENT POLICE equipment for the Procurement of Anti-Riot and Mititary Police SEALED TENDER OFFERS ARE INVITED for Botswana Defence Force. Mogoditshane oepun ent is: Botswana Defence Force (Military Police)' SSKB' "u;ng Bldding Domeslic Procurement Method is: Open gos*an^ tuti' i"n order to be cons idercd for award of the contract' be rcgistered Tendererc who are alomicif"a in lottto.ity in the following category: Code: 219 Defence supplies' n"goruto.y Procure."nt with the Public Sub-Code: 03 - Defence F4uipment' ?6 (2) of lhe Public Procurement for citiz;ns or citizen contractors as stated under section . . d. . . il; ;;; ;;*ed .TheCabinetDirectiveCABNoll(A)of2Ol0onEconomicDiYersificationDrive(EDD)'asperguidelines the turnover and through preference mmgins based on on the aliversification ana ,tiauruuon oi i66-j ""onomy will be requircd to bidder(s) tuccessful Tt'" t"n-d"i tf it of thresholds, shall b€ impf"."nt"O in 0'" of Trade "'"footion and stimulation of 20lo published bv Ministry abide by the undertaking, gi'"n on o" ai'"tt;n"uiion . and Industry. Certiflcate and Industry and attach a certified copy of EDD Bidders should be rcgistered with Ministry of Trade (local bidders)' this tender under prcference y t"".iu" ,o to. at suge 3 Gnancial evaluation' "tigiUlti wittr disabiliiies will be Siven a ls% preference i'' i'titi*tv poti" Headquarte$' ssKB' Finance . ;;;:;;";;J;opie oii"nao Diurnt,'tt r. i;;;il;d*;. "ou*tion hours and . ?fffi ro"r-"ro .u, be collected on 26th septemb€r' 2023 during workirg davs between o80o . . . 1600 hours. and Fifty Pula only) payabte in cash o' bv bank Suaranteed A non-retundable fee of BwP250 m (Two Hundred of Botswana or oe eiocuring Entity stated in the Tender chmue made out in favour of the Documenl' the Tender of colleclion on Document is re4uired ionat"o -a t"n'y-five Pula only) as p€r Presidential Directive Youth companies shall pay BwPr 2s 'odione *d ceni6ed bv Ministry of Youth cender' spon and cuhure ' ,p"'ip-"r aieiiiliiv "r of these documents may be addressed' in writing' not later to tf'"'Ltlr-"t Quedes or cladfication. ."t"tiog d*" to: Major D Sinombe and Major G Rachaba' Telephone No' than 5 (frve) davs beforc tft" t"na"t G";;;;;;i ini''+ iijiliiis i""J "fo-tJg 3662263. There is no site visit for this tender' 2023 *d date for rcceipt of seale'l tender offers is omo hours on I 8th october' . . il;;d;;; . Iate tender offers will not be accePted' . The Bid Submission Method is: One--Envelope are submitted together in one sealed enveloPe Subrission in which a tenderer's financial and technical offers 5112 ' submit one (1)originar tender proposal ma*ed "originar" and rwo (2) duplicate copies ofthe originar document marked 'copy' in one seared enverope crearrl marked: ."render No. o'vgor oiiJzoz:-zour _ Tender for the Procuremenr ofAnti-Riot and Mitirary poiice Equipment !o Botswan" O"f.n"" fo.".,, .hall be hand_ delivered to: The permanent secreraru procurement bversight U"it, Uirirt y il'f"""" and"na Security, Central sq uare B ui td ins. Headqu*..,, rro, No. s+:ss cio,,a "i , iiii, l, curo.o,". m" ruiraing is situated between Masa Hotet and Cemral Transpon ^i". H"J"""i.r". Organisation ICTOi Ihe names and addrc\se, ot bidders should be clearty maiked on the ij.iiblii" . ii,il. en*t;;.-'-- The Public Procurement Regulatory Authority,s Standardised Conditions ofTender for Supplies shall apply to this _ procurement, for which a1l lhe applicabre Tender Data is containea in tte renaer oocuiJnt. Notwirhstanding anythinS in the foresoing, tte mocu;ng onrity o; is nor bound to accept the lowest or any tender offer c;;;;;;;;;;;.,."ana The Director. P roc urement O|er si I ht, Ministry of Delence and Secutity. Republic of Botswani Tender No. DS/POL Botswana police Service - 03 5/2023.2024 EXPRESSION OF INTEREST (EOI) FOR HIRING RESIDENTIAL ACCOMMODATION FOR BOTSWANA POLICE SERVICE SEALED TENDER OFFERS ARE INVITED for the procuement of Expression of Interest fot hiring residenrial accommodation for Botswana police Servic€, The Procuring Entiry i\: Botswana police Service. hocurcment Melhod is: Expression oflnterest (EOI). The BPS invites EOI from reputed property ownels, Estate Agents and citizen owned prof,erty Development Companies for hiring ofresidential accommodation for Botsw;na police Service. Companies,/Estate Agents; Tenderers who are domiciled in Boiswana mus!, in order to be considercd for awaftl of the contract, be regisrered with the public procurcmenl Regulatory Aurhority (ppRA) in the foitowing category, Code: :te Real property Estate Services, Sub,Code: 05 Development and Sales; Individual Propeny Owners. Attach Title Decd,/Ceftificate of Customarv Land Granr. Arrach ldenliry Documenr of property o* Submission offully Complered Declaration Fom ofTendering. Submission of Cenifica!e of Aurhority of Signatory. The rendef is reserved for 1007, citizens or citiien contractors as stated under section 76 (2) (c) of the pubric . . . . . hocurement Act. Tender Documenls may be collected in any of the following police stations/establishmenB: uaDorone at pollce Headquarters, Francistown Cejtral, Maun, Kasane, Shakawe, Serowe, Gantsi, Nata, Gweta, Molepolole, Kang, Lobatse, Kanye, coodhope, T\rtume, Tonota, Bobo";;;, J*"r"rg, ktlhatane Ramotswa. Thamasa. Mmarhei'he. Moshupa. otiphanr.s Drift, l?llt-"];_,Y*lrtr. Icojane. Moreporole, PhtBhane ::rirral. Molopo. Ralops. Bobonong. Matsrloje. Dukwi, and Turume. Iender_tlocumenrs may be collected during working hous (we€kdays) betweeD 0?30 hours and 1245 hours and from 1345 hours to 1630 hours wirh effecr from 2Sttr SeptemUer, ZtiZi. i,i;il;; Queries or clarifications rclating to the issuanc€ of thes€ documents may be addressed in writing no! later than seven (7) days beforc the t€nder closing date to: Ilrr T, Mojaje, Telephone No;. 3622+5onioo, t no;";og*.u*. The closrng time and date for receipt of seared tenaer offeis is 0900 hou^ offers will not be accefled. B,ld M.erhod is: One-Envetop€ Submission in which'ss'o_n Ie rLre suom ted together rn one sealed envelope, ." f.Jr, i+,r, o",.t"., zoz3. Late tender a tenderer,s financial and technical offe$ Submit orc ( L original cnder proposal marked..Original and rwo (2 r duplicare copies of$e original document marked -Copy in one sealed envetoDe ctearty marked: -Tender No. oistw:lt Expression of Inleresr for Hiring of Resrdential Accommodation for Botswana police service,, and shall be delivered to: P€nnan€nt_Secretary, Ministry oi Defence and Security, pdvare Bag 0O3Aa, C"bo-;"]i.ouna Ofn"" No.0O4, Plot No. 54355, Centml Business District, Gaborone. BotsJana. oiiiiiii-uzq _ n*., 5',713 . the envelo!|e' The name and address of the bidder should b€ clearly malked on of Tender for Supplies shall apply to this The Public Procurement Regularory Authority's Standar'lised Conditions Document' the Tender in is contained Data Tender thJapplicable which all for onrcurement. *i.i*"air* accept the lowest -rtrrrrJin'tie to foregoing' the Procudng Entity or Govemment of Botswana is not bound ol any lender offer' The Director' Procurement Ove r sight' Ministry ofDele ce and Securiry' Tender No' DS/POL(Xsl2023l20UlSUPl' Repubtic of Bots\ aDa Botswana Police Forcmic Science Services - CONFIGURATION TENDER FOR THE PROCUREMENT OF SUPPLY' DELIVERY' INSTALLAIION' MICROSCOPE ELECTRON OF SCANMNG AND COMMISSIONING . . . electron microscope' SEALED TENDER OFFERS ARE INVITED for the procurement of scanning Services Science Forensic Police is: Botswana Entity The Procuring Procurement Method is: OPen Domestic Bidding. .TendercrswhoarcdomiciledinBotswanamust,i"nordertot]€consideledfolawardoflhecontact'beregisteled p.o.or"ment Regulatory Aulhoriry in lhe following category: Code: 202 - Medical Supplies Meaicai Consumables' Ifealthcare Aids' surgical orthopaedic and sub-Colde: surgical Equipment (including Hospital Fumiturc) spar€s and Medical, 05 n""i"i," * iub-Code: and Consumables or Equipmenl Accessories or Sub-Code:06 - TheraPeutic and Diag_nostlc iladiation -spares *itt ,t" putli" 0+ u.a-i.i^,"a gqrlp-"nr, iJ"."t.y b-J", zri C"n".a Sopplies' Sub-C-ode:09 LabJrarory Equipment' Spares and Accessories e g Test Tube' Benson Bumers, etc. (Verification will be done online)' (2) Public hocurement Act' ff," rcra., i. ,.r"*"a ior citizens or citizen contracto$ as stated under section 76 ofrhe p."f"."n"" .*gint *ill be applied to qualifylng bidders in line with lhe Prescribed Preference Scheme: prufi" t"na.r" pe. Stututot/lnstrument No' 23 of 2020 - Tenders up to 10 million Pula are "f reserved lor lO0'% cllizen owned companlet E onomic Divenification Drive (EDD) Economic Diversification orive liOO; - where applicable. the in order to be considered for preferential must' wilt Ue appried in tre euatuatioo oi itre tenaet Bidders that the required items/ un gOD Registration cenificate and should make an undertaking t to visit facilities/factories right the reserves service "urr*nt1' Police The Botswana p.oao""a locilly. .oppli". .ilaf u" violation of the EDD conditions shall lead to ao immediate termination of fie a,,'n'nn o.oar"tion -a .olllpiiuot *a to*"'t uest priced bid nav be consid€red for award of the tender' (CEE) - tn line wirh the Citizen Economic Empowerment (CEE) Y-oith Empowerment Economic Citizen poticv of 20t0 and the'Presidential Dircctive cAB 14 (b) of 2015, youth, women and Pople with disability",.n"" t,' ota"t rot the target sroup to benent fiom this preference' thev (orranS) and supporting documents should submit for the_entitl;ment of the scheme, Nationai ldenlity price tte bidder who falls within the target group should be given an outright 15% . . .'-^i.*-"i.i . . ;ilf ;;;;;;;; -v ;;t ;;;;;i"J,;l5t;;;;; eip.i"" . "orrlp-iron. prelerence margin in the oPen lender Forensic Science Service fhe'ptrvsicat addrJss for coliection of Tender Documents is: Botswana PolicePolice Forensic science services wing' Plot'ou'un .". got.**u Bureau of standards (BoBs), Botswana No. 5i745. Airpoa Road Block 8. Gaborone Bots$ana' . i.lii". oo"u.!n,t.ay be collected during working days betwe€n 0800 hours and 1600 hours' from Tuesday' 3rd October, 2023 . electronically made . .q non-renrnaaUte fee of BWP250 O0 (Two Hundred and Fifty Pula only) payable in cash orDocument is requircd m Coremment of Botswana or the Procuring Entity siatid in the Tender fee of BWP125 00 youth ..gistered coripaniei pay a non-refundable on collection of the Tende, Oo.r."nt. Services Paym-ents to be mide at BotswanaPolice Forcnsic Science Pulaonlv) irna."O id* -af*"nty-Five Police Forensic Science Sen ice' wing Plol Bolsnana iBOBSl. sunluras of Bureau Borswana Headquaners, workins davs between 0730 hours and 1245 ii;;d:iro.r.i, c'uo'on", gotswana 'ludns hours and from 1345 hou$ to 1600 hours' lhese documents may be addressed' in writing' not later than br".i* *_"i*in"",ions relating ro the issuancero'ofSuperintendent Salani B" Assismnt Superintendent of Police autt *nai, tt. *for" .li.niul auy. "to.,,,g Botswana Bureau of Standards (BOBS)' p"lice Headquaners' Services Science Forensic iiiii. d. Road' Block 8' Gaborone' Botswana' Airport No 55745 potice lto.ensic Science Senices Wing, Plot ooi in iuuo,, of iil*5:;i:i;; . c-il"i.*"* s;is,rana Telephone No. (+26?) 3981317, Fax No 3918145 ' 5t ' . . ' ' . 14 A non-compulsory clmificalion meeting with reprcsentatives ofthe Procuring Entity will take place at Botswana Police Forensic science service Headquarters, Botswana Burcau of standardi (BoBs), Botswana police Forensic Science Services Wing, Plol No. 55745, Airport Road, Block 8, Gaborcne, Botswana on Tuesday, 17th October, 2023, starting at 0900 hours. The closing time and date for receipt of sealed tender offers is 09OO hours on Tiresday, 7th November, 2023. Late tender offers will not be accepted. The Bjd submission Method is: one-Envelop€ submission in which a tendercr's financial and technical offers are submitted together in one sealed envelop€. submir one ( I ) original tender proposal mark€d "original" and two (2) duplicate copies ofthe original document marked "Copy" in one sealed envelope clearly marked: .,Tender No. DS/Po[n452O23/mr4BUpL A Tender for the Procurement of supply, Delivery, Installation, configuration and cornmissioning of scanning Electroo Microscop€" and shall be delivered to: pelmaneot Secretary, Ministry of Defence and Se;urity, priva; Bag 00384, caborone, cround Floor, Office No. 004, plot No. 54355, Cental Business Disticr, daborone, Botswana. The names and addresses of bidders should be clearly marked on the envelope. _ The Public Procurement Regulatory Authority's standardised conditions of render for supplies sha[ apply to this procurement, for which all the applicable Tender Data is contained in the Tender Documenr. Not\ryithstanding anything in the foregoing, the procuring Entity or Govemment of Botswana is not bound to accept the lowest or any tender offer. The Dir.ctor, P rocurement Oyer sight, Ministry of Defence ond Security. - Republic of Botswona Ibnder No. DS/POL o3tD0anz)24 SERV Bots\yana Police Seryice A TENDER FOR THE PROCIJREMENT OF CATERINC SERVICES FOR THE COLLEGE AT KANYE FOR THREE (3) YEARS . . BOTSWANA POLICE COLLEGE is undertaking a rende, for rhe procurement of calering se ices for the College at Kanye for three (3) years. Successful bidders will be expected to provide meals and refteshhents to the client. The maximum numt€r the college can host is estimated at 135. Note that this is a framework contmct. Numbem of orders for the service will fluctuate from time to time, and there is a possibility of zero orden. Tbe successful bidder will rent the prcmises of operation within the College, payable to the Co;emment of Botswana through the Department of Lands. Tenderers are invited for an Open Domestic Bidding from rcputable, rccognized rcgistered local contmctors for the prcvisio[ of catering services for ahe College. The catering services include the prcparation and serving of meals at the College to the client, management of the calcring services, the cleaning of kitchens, dinin, facilities, re$room facilities, the coutyard and surounding areas, fumigation of the kitchen, desludging of thi waste PiP€s fiom the kitchen to the main pipe, refuse collection and disposing of all the litter from th; cafeteria to designated landfi lls. Tendere$ who are domiciled in Botswana must, ill ord to be considered for awald of ihe contract. be registered with the Public Procurement Regulatory Authority (ppRA) in the following category: Code: 101 Hotel and CaGring (Restaurant) Services, Sub-Code: 02 - Restaurant and Food Serving Services or Sub-Code: - . ' 03 Canteen and Catering Services. The kocuri[g Entity is: Botswana Police Service. The tender is reserved for citizens or citizen confactors as stated under section 76 (2) of the Public Procurement heference margins will be applied to qualifying bidde$ in line wilh the prescrib€d prcference Scheme. Wherc applicable, the Economic Dive$ification Drive (EDD) wiU be applied in the evaluation of rhe tender. Bidder must, in order to be considercd for preiercntial treatnent, submit all EDD Registration Certifcate; and should make an undertating that the required service shall be Fovided locally. The Botswana Police Service rcserves the right !o visit facilities/faclories duling production and any violation of the EDD conditions shall lead !o an immediate termination of the whole conEact and tbe next compliant bid may be considercd for award of the tender. Youth Empowement - Preferential Treatment for the purchase of tender at half price; pt25.0O (One Hundred and Twenty-Five Pula only) wiU be applied to youth owned companies wilh valid National Identity Cards (oman6) or else the bidder will pay a tull amounr of P250.00 (TVo Hundrcd and Fifty pula only). 5',715 Preferenttal Treatment; which advocate for the economic empowefinent of Citizen Economic Empowermedt (CEE) Policy' both of peneral' in women. youth and people with disabilities lo lhe schemelcopy o{Nauonal Identily loma48) Bidders shall attach relevunr ao.rrn"nru"on io? tttt entitlemenl within the taryet group ottt".."t"u-t .upporting document Al Price comparison' the bidder who falls lenoer' in the open margin "oa pric€ 15% outnght Preference shoutd be Eiven an rirra* oo"trrntnit lt sort*-u police college near olse Administration -, . il;ytd,';Jd*.; r..i"[*,i"i, "t ' ' Block. 1245 hours and from 1345 and hours 0800 . Tender Documents may be collected cludng working hours between 2023' septemb€r' 25tI from hours to 1600 hours in cash or POS to Govemment of . A non-retundable fee of p2SO.OO Gwo iundrea and Fifty Pula only) payable of the Tender Document' on collection is Documents in the Tender ;;;;;;,h;-Pt*r"ng Entiry 'equired Pula only) will be payable Business przs.oo tone i rndred and Twenty-Five""li proof "*r"o ""-paies x",r"t"r Ia"*'v C-Js 1orzan31 which is an authentic -official document as ;;;#.";ffiffi;";#vaia -ttte of P250 00 Cnvo Hundrcd and Fifty poy i'tull ' ,lt"iii"y'ar" Pula only). o, not o. "ru,-l*,r,l "t"t riooet *ili "-orrnt in writing' Dot later relating !o the issuance of these documents may be addrcssed' bir"T".'oi Koloi and Assislanl of Police C' Supenntendenl "f-in"u,ions Senior to: a"tt ttoiing tinO"' rf,e tZf auv, U.for. (+2o7) 5337200/234/243 Fax Nos Telephone polic. Coltege. Poiice C. V".,.. Suoerimendenr ot N;. (+267) 5337254. Email: ckoloi@got bw will take place at Botswana pi.-tender meetini with representatives of the Procuring E ily e ..'" joz:,itanins at l0o0 hours Biddeis are encourased to come and view "",ip"r.".v rorrt o"to[t' ;;l];; C.ii;;;, K:;y. . t ilo i.r* . rhe kitchen uoii";, "n facility. . ii" ii.Ji,ii,'i""l"o time for receiPt of sealed tender offers is Tuesdav' 24th october' 2023 at 0m0 houm' . kre tender offers will nol be accepted. offers arc submitted . The Bid Submission Method is: Two_bnvelope in which a tenderer's financial and lechnical financial offer are of the rhe sealed.copies all and original ;;;il;;;;;.";l"d ";'elop"' *t'itsi t'r'" outer securely placed in one then are envelopes rt't t*Jsealed enclosed in another separate ."a.a tn"io[""atd sealed enveloPe "origrnal" and lwo l2) duplicar copies of the onemal tender proposal' The y t"iiJ' '"rtilat' No Ds'PoL 054/2023'm24i SERV orisinal document mark.a in on. *ait'itrifi "rt*f pto"urement of Cateriag Services at Botswana Police College A Thrce (3) Year Fram"*o.x cont'*iilitrtJ p".r-"rii-*i"uty, of Defeice and Se'urity' Private Bag 00384' It4ininstry to: be deliveted iJ*i*. iil *p-". Proposal. Kanve,' shall Bolswana 6"tl,ron., C-unA n*r.Ofnce No'OO4'Plol No 54355 Gaborone' . il" ""*il *a "Ja*sse; of bidde$ should be clearly marked on the envelope' ThePublicProcurementRegulatoryAutbority'sstandardisedCondidonsofTenderforseflicesshallapplytothis is contained in the Tender Documenls' or Botswana is not bound to accept the lowest or anv Tender Data -*r..i.ri i"i *l"rt "rl the-applic;ble tt'' Govemment i"'.g"^l, ,i,i "H;i;il;,";;;;;iirei, tendel offer. The Director, ment Over sight, P rocure Ministry ofDelence ond SecuritJ' First Publication (16) T€ndcr No' MOJ/OMB-0o412023'2024 Reoublic ol Bolswane Olfice of ahe Ombudsmsn - ' A SUPPLIES CONTRACT FOR THE SUPPLY AND DELIVERY TCT iQUTP]U{ENT TO THE OFFICE OF THE OMBUDSMAN 6 . . . . SEALED TENDER OFFERS ARE INVITED eouioment lo the Office of the Ombudsman lor a supPlies codtract for the supply and delivery Tire Procunne Entiry is: The Office of the Ombudsman Procurement Method is: OPen Domestic Bidding' in order Tenderers who are domiciled in sott*;;u repisrered wift lhe publi. Pro.ur.r.nt ;?l'ffH#ii;::ffili#, Equipment and others). of tCT b be considercd for award of the contract' be ;;tt' 203 - ElecEonic *Jfr|ffi nu$ority in the following category: Code:ICr. PhobFraphic tii _ Etr.""i"E,1rp.ent. s;ares and Accesaories rincludes 5716 ' . The lender is reserved for citizens or citizen contractors as stated under section 76 (2) of the public procuremeot Preference margins will be applied to qualifying bidders in line with the prescribed hefarence Scheme: Presidenrial Directive CAB t9 (8).2013 oflhe Local procurement Scheme (LpS) will be applied in lhe tender. this applies only to companie_s owned by youth, women, people with disabilities, employment and rural sening and should submir proof of eligibility The Economic Diversification Drive (EDD) will apply for this tender as per the presidential Directive CAB 34 (B) 2014, to benefit attach EDD Cerrifcare. Note: A bidder cannot benefit under borh the Economic Diversification Drive (EDD) and the Locar procurement Scheme (LPS). If a bidder falls under both the EDD and LpS scheme then the scheme wirh rhe highest preferential percentage will be applied. . . 'ThephysicaladdressforcollecrionofrenderDocumentsisiofficeoftheombudsman,AdminAccounts,office No.2l,MainMall, Comer Kiama Crescent and eueens Road, next to South Aftican Embassy, Gaborone, Borswana, Telephone Nos. 3953322/3993234, Fax Nos. 395 35 39/3904109. Tender Documenrs may be corected on weekdays during working days between 0g00 hours and 1230 hou,. and from 1400 hours to 1600 hours, effective 22nd September,20I at dffice No. D2_35. A non-refundable fee of Bwpr50.0o (one Hundred and pifty pura only) payabre in cash or by bank guaranteed cheque made out in favour of lhe Govemmeni of ootswana oithe lrocurin! intity statea in theTender Document is required on collection of the Tender Document. No. D2-35. Plot ' ' . wi Youth companies b€ required to pay 50% Presidential Directive CAB 14 (B) of20t5. oflhe se ing price; p75.00 (Seventy_Five pula only) as per 'Queriesorclarificationsrelaringtotheissuanceofthesedocumenrsmaybeaddressed,inwriting,notlaterthan five (5) days before the tender closing dat€ to: Mrs p M. Mogopa, Email: and Mr States Serurut€le, Email: sserurubete@gov.b*' Of6ce of the Ombudsman, Telept on" Nol:'SS:S22, hivate Bag BR374. Gaborone. Botswana. ' . ' . fo No.3953539, The closing time and date for receipt of seared tender offers is 1o0o hours on l3th october,2023: tender offer will te opened on the same day at lO30 hours_ [lte tender offers will nor be accepted. The Bid submission Method is: one-Enverope submission in which a tenderer,s financiar and technicar offerc are submitted together iD one sealed envelope. .,Original,, Submit one (1) original tender proposal marked and two (2) duplicate copies of the original document marked "Copy,,in one sealed envelop€ clearly marked: ..Tender' t.iOrOMSa04ZO 23_202i(16) A supplies conrract for rhe supply and Delivery of ICT Equipment to rhe office of the ombudsman" s;ali b€ delivered to: Ministry of Justice, prot No- 50371, Fairgrounis office park, next to Indepndent Erectorar Commission offices, First Eoor, Office No. 25. The names and addresses of bidde$ should be clearly marked on the eovelope. - . The Public Procurement Reguratory Authority's standardised conditions ofrender for supplies shall apply to this procuremenl, for which all the applicable Tender Data is contained in the Tender Documena. Notwithstanding anything in the foregoing, the procuring Entity or Government of Botswana is not bound to accept the lowest or any tender offer. The Director, Procutement Owrsight, Miflisn) of JLttice . 5',711 (24) Tender No' MoJ/AGC 0[U2023-2024 Republic of Botswana AttorneY Generol's Chambers - DELIVERY OF LAPTOPS AND PRTMTERS TO THE TENDER ^-' - FOR T}IE SUPPLY ANDcHAMBERs HEADQUARTERS' GABoRoNE e;rronrqsv ceNERAL-s 100% citizen owned locally rc8istercd for the supply and SEALED TENDER OFFERS ARE IIWITED from Chambers Headqua(ers' Gaborone' General's A$odey a p"nters to the "t i'iAttomev General s chambers (AGc) eirli,v iii. iiit"*1i[r.r. nirti.i Procurement-Merhod is: OPen Domeslic Biddrnq to be considered for award of the contract, b€ registered Tenderers who are domi"it"o in sot.,r*u lrl-uli, in order following caregory: code: 201 - Flectrical. Electronic. in the procurement public nrtr,o.iiy n"guluto.y with the -s,uc6a"ioil-ir""trical and Eiecro;ic Equipment' spares and Accessories ici Sipri"., ;;;;;;;i; (includes ICT, Photographic Equipment an'l others) ' f; citizens or citizen contractorc as stated under section ?6 (2) of the Public Procurement il;;;; ;;;; ference margins *lll prescribed Preference Scheme' be applied to qualifvlns bidders in line with the . Youth comDanies shouta p^y " non'ttninaiuit r"t of pr:s oo 'Ont Hundred and Twenty-Five Pula onlyl as oer the iresidential Direclive CAB l4lB'/2015' .LPS) will be apPlied in . ;;#;;;i;;; ?ng rs ie, zblioitr'' Local Procuremenr scheme rural settings' with disabiliries women'.peolle youth' ii" i."o"i',m. "ppt". ,o .ornpani"i o*nta ui and cerdfied by the relevant Ministry proot of eligibitiiy submiti irioufa .rpiov*.nt . The Economic"raDitersifi.ation un"e ripoj fitiapity ror Ui" renaer at per the Presidential DirecliteCAB 14lB, 20l4.lo benefil anach EDD Cenificale r""a"i o*uments *. il;:;iil;i;; ni.i.'r 6.""i"L" is: ofnce Room Nos 646 and 647 sixth Floor' ""ii""ii*.i Plol No 50?62 Govemmenl Enclave Gaborone . . Cfr"*bers. a"i"e ;iirin! davs between 0730 hours and 1245 hours and from 1345 i;",iJilii,i;,; ;;'u" i"ir""i"a September' 2023' hours !o 1630 hours, effective 22nd guamnteed ana Fifty Pula onlv) pavable in cash or bv ban1a A non-refundable fee of BwP250.0o (T*;;;;J;; in the Tender Entity stated in favour of ,f," co"J*-"nt'of Sotswana or the *ocurinS Payment-should b€ made at Aitomev Document tenaer rrre ."q"*i "" "tii"*"'-"i ;[j]fi;ffiil: between r"otr' R*i' e"counts Unit' office No 1012' during weekdays 6il"rat'c-lr".L.t i"raqu"n"tt' cheoue made ou! 0SOO tDun and tz+5 hours and from 1345 hours to 1530 hours' may be addressed' in writins' not later than retatlng to the.iss;an; oi these documents ' a;";:;;;"httd;ion" ti' l'it Oiebeletse Bolotsang' (?) the ,"no". Telephone No' 3613757' Email: davs b€fore "'ot'tg-iui" olbololsang@gov bw. Fax No 39l5'lO8' offers offers is lOO0 hours on 13th October' 2023 Tender The closing dme and date for rccelpt ot sealed tender their rePresenEtives who choose or of tendererc presence in the aay same ttre will be ooened at t030 ho,rrs on u';' it,ti'i'"v of Jusdce Plot No solTl Falrsrounds office Park' nexr seven , .ll tH'"il; il;;;;;i<i""'et . . . to IEC Caborone, Late tender offers Crou.d Floor, Confercnce Room' will not be accePted' in which a tedderer's financial and techflical offers The Bid Submission Method is: One-Irvelop€ Subrnission jn one realed envcl'm' are submitted to8ether original and lwo (21 duPlicate copies of the -origidal submit one (l) original tender cieity -arrca' 'Tender. No' MovAGc Nll2023-m24 in one documeot marked "Copv" Atlomey Generali Chambers hnters to r24r A Tender for Prcurement and O"ii""Jii pr;c, '1''e Minisny of Jusrice. Plot No. over.ight Unir. p'po;il''r"a '"d;;;;i;; i" -a u" alr".# * ;.:;;;#:"il;;";:::_JliJr iblli. F"'i-o--a. ornce Pa*. nerl to IEC Gaborone officeNo'25 . il;;;;;-;ddr"sses of bidders should b€ clea y marked on the envelop€' ThePublicPIocur€mentRegulatoryAuthority.sstandardisedconditionsofTenderfor.suppliesshallapplytothis rliappticatte Tenaer oata is contained in $e Tender Document' n*uring Entity or Govemment of Botswana is llot bound to Notwithstanding anythrng ,n 'ot"go'ngl-ttt" accept the lowest or any tender offer' dil;;ii;;;ht[;i *" The Director' Proc ure ment OYer si I ht' Ministry ol Justice 5718 Republlc of Botswatlr - Tender No, FOUA{OMSMJSF;NO,|,4 fr62L23 Depa.tDent of Eerlth Services MaDagement, hlnc€ss Me ra Hoopitot A FRAMEWORK CONIRACT FOR THE PROCUREMENT OF BITI,IMINOUS COAL AND ASSOCIAIED WORKS . . . SEALED TENDER OFFERS ARE IIWrTED for rhe procurcmenr of coal and associared works for princess Marina Hospital. The Procuring Entity is: Department of HJalth Seftices Management, princcss Marina Hospital. Procuement Method is: Open Domestic Bidding Method, resJrvea for tOo% citizen owneO companies. 'TendercrswhoarcdomiciledinBotswanamust,inordertobecoosidercdforawardofthecontract,musthave end tipper truck (truck and traile, with a minimum capacity ofat least 30 tonnes, and be rcgistered with the Public Procurcment Regularory Aurhority in the following category: Code: tiO _ ireigtt Senices, Sut-Coae: 02 ' - Land ard Code: 214 - perroleum products, Sub-Cod;: 03: Cdal. AII applicable preference and rese alion margins shall apply as oudined in the Economic Diveffification Drive guidelines, citizen Economic Empowermen! policy (csED l,ocal procurement schemes where aPPmpriat€ in the evaluation of this tender. To benefit ftom prcferences scheme, bidders must include valid and -a . ' ' ' ' ' .' ' ' . certified copies of preferential scheme. Biddeff will only benefit in one (l) prcference scheme with high percentage of preference, The physical address for collecdon of render Docunents is: Ir,tain suppties oin ce, erincess Marina Hospitar, Plot No. 1836, Hospital Way (South Ring Circle), caborone. Tender Documents may be coneated during working days between oEoo hours and l 600 hours with effect ftom 26rh September 2023. A non rcfi'lndable fee ofBwp250.0o (T*o Hundrcd and Fifty pura only) payabre in cash or by bant Suaranteed cheque made out in favour ol the Covemment of Botswani is re4uirri oniollection of the Tender Document and must be paid to hincess Marina Hospitar, Revenue office in t_he Accident and Emergency ArEa at hinc€ss Marina Hospital. Youth companies wourd purchas€ the Tendef Document at half price; pl25.0o (one Hundred and Ttrenty-Five Pula only) provided they produce documents verifying th* rhly are youth companies with ldentity Documents. Queri€s o! clarifications rcrating to the issuance of these documents may be addressed, in writing, not later than fourteen ( 14) days before the tender closinS date to: Mr Segokgo, Teicphone No. 3621444 or L: Maretele, Telephone No. 3621808, Emailt tsegokgo@gov5w, Fax No.3913716. An optional clarification meeting with rcpresentatives ofthe procuring Entity wilr tale prace at hinc€ss Marina Hospital on I lth October, 2023, starring at tO00 hours. The closing time and date for receipt of sealed tender offers is 1oo0 hous on 24th october, 2023 . Lste tender offers will not be accepted. The Bid submission Me$od is: one_Envelope submission in which a tenderer's financia.r and technicar offe* arc submittcd together in onc sealed envelope. submit one (l)-odginal tenderproposal ma*ed "original and lwo (2) duplicat€ copies ofthe original document marked "copJ" in one sealed envelope clearly marked: "Tender No. polla4owHslirsER/o274l rff,62o23 A TeDder for Prccurement of supplies Procuemen! of Bituminous washed Coal and othe. Associated Services for Princess Madna Hospital for a period of 36 Months" shal b€ delivered to: princess Marina Hospital, Main Supplies Unit. The names and addresses ofbidders should be clearly marked oD the envelope. _ The Public Procurement Regulatory Authority's standardised conditions ofrerder for suppries sharl apply to this procurcEEnt, for which all the applicable Tender Data is contained in the Tender Documen!. Notwilhslanding anyding in the foregoing, the procuring Entity or Gov"--"ot of Bot"**a i. not bound to accept the lowest or any tender offer. Thz Director, Procurement Ove6i ght Il nit, Ministty of Heahh. 5119 ol Bot$rrr' Republic --r*5p".r-uot of A FRAMEWORK - Tbr ler No' PoUMOIUHSM/SLP/02922t05m23 Iltattogemeot' Hrccst Marina Hocpltrl ff"tfth SeJ"es CONTMCT FOR SUPPLY AND DELIVERY MARINA HOSPITAL Foi a panroo or OF FOOD'RAflONS FOR PRINCESS tunrv-sx (36) MONTHS of food rations for a framcwork conEact for supply and delivcry SEALED TENDER OFFERS ARE INVITED (36) months' thirtv-six HosPital for a period of HJalth-d'"i"t' M-"gtln"nt' Princess Marina Hospital' The Procuring Enuty is: oepartmenl ot ro'-"iti"n loo% locallv basei companies' iiiaing' ir, ofin '""c'"a *nria..a for award of the contract' b€ r€gistcred Tendcrcrs who are do^i"it"a in".iriiliriotl".,. subiiv ii o"ioito riog "ategorl".: codc: 207 - Food supplies' with the pubtic procureme" n"grtary,^r,n or Code: 213 - General Soppt"."ns 6l"tu.! O: Codes: 01 - Ceneral Food Supplie., 02 ccst"a-fJ' oz - n"'"og";and code: 216 - Gases' Sub4ode: Manufactutersfuucen, sub-codes: ot . ;;'P";;.t M;;; . oo""i' : il;;;;;"M;; . t ];;;#P;;;, - -. Xf"Ir,1";tJi! ,*.rences il#6ild;.iin"'. outlined in the Econonic Diversification and rcservation margins shall aPply as Policv.tceEPl and ['cal Procurement scheme r"-trni" wilh J" itnder' Bidders will onty bcneEt in I prEfercnc€ sch€me citi"" ii t" e'ipt"t-"ni tu"r'"uo"n (LPs) where aPproPriate in hish Dercentage of PrEference' Marina HosPital supplies DePartnenl i'i., ila*is for collection ofTender Documents is: Princessosm hours and 1230 hours and ftom l'+00 u"t*-*" . : +;a:1:'#;;;;"v #*r'*t"a a*"g "ii"i"g'io'* 2023' N'iondav ro Fridav from 2sttr septemb€r' il;;id;;. p'fu o"fyf p'yable in cash !o Princess Madna iuiat"a oul-"i46" oo . Anon-retunalable fec ofpr,fm ton" i"'y om*tn6.pital Patiens Rerepton) is rcquired pror uo. re:0, HosDirat in Gaborone. to collect the Tender Docr,n.n, oft.. no.iiJ p"i_ "i'i."".rr. Tender Document at ,. yo'urh companias would purchase the half pi". p,",ri"a,n.v p.a,:. l*ll":lii:f;J:,Tj$:'J?i*frflTn:*:ff Hrff Til:;.r'e*lir' st"gorgoolo't*'-rctpt'one.t{o g'#lT,1iiff:B?:,:'iT::..T'"ffi&;i.'?. 'G*" .niJiie-''te' dale and time or the tender will not uir"'-rt'' ' U6;'il;ld";i; . . . . hit"l*0,i11rn" *o t.uua "to'ine "'liii looo hours on 24th october' 2023 dale for receiPt of sealed tender offers is Late tender offers will not b€ ac-c€pte-d' and te-chnical oflers Submission in whrch a tendercr's fiDancial The Bid Submission Melhod is: One-Envclope arc submitted together in one sealed envelope' ( I original document Jiit-be submitted in one envelope contarnin€ onc ) The tech cal and financid tia response and cliarlv marked: "Tender No' and two (2) duplicat€ copi"t rn'" for Supplies and Delivery of Food Rations "n""""fr f,uii"*i"triJiiaa"rt i"'" Pou,'I'loH,/HswsuP/ozs"zsoozoz:''1"/'"t,ne*oikiontract toi nce." tt't"rinu Hospital for a Period of 36 Months"' "copv" . il ;il; ;;; ; *"k"d 'o'igin"l" -d "opies marked - tocared at $e Main supplies Princess i'pt"itJ ioo d'" r"nalt so* a"ir"!*a :' ffi #ffiffi*i;;;L ""J way' (Sou$ Ring Road) Gaborone Botswana' pror . rti*rr" lr"Jp-i' Bidders should abidt No' IE36' Hospital ty trte puctugtngi''utliiro" ottttlit "u<l* or else their bids will nol be evaluated' Supplies apPty to this Standardised Condirions of Tender for The Public Procurement Reglla@ry Authoriry's Document' Tender in the au rle ippticalte TenoerData is conuined r"t "t*1".rn*1, "ili*ii""irii"g tender offer. -ii"i, "rvtrt*g i" ti'" rtt"e"h;Gi;'emment lowest or anv of Botso'ana is not bound to accept the The Director' Procurenzt OversiSht Ministry oI Health' First Publkation U nit' 5720 Repubtic of Borsryane _ Tb-nder No. MTpWpO UIDBWDIr',/SERII72,JZ3-2O24 Department of Building Worts Developrnent anJi.l-uir-,J*r"" A TENDER FOR THE PROCUREMEY:OIS-LI4ryNG SERVICES TO THE DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING woRKs DEVELoPMENT AND MArr.mNANrtp_ rsi;oirapdn iiilnxTro" o. . . :' rwiMri+diji SEALED TENDER OFFERS ARE INVITED for rhe provision of cleaning services to lhe Department Buitding works DevetoDmenr and M4jnrenance _ r*bo,ie f",-" ;,raii;;i'if.iiv_rirr. of ,on*.. ffffff",,:Ji3]ryis:'Min,srryorrranspo(_anrli"-i,"i-r,_iiipii,i"iiii:B.uorgru**sDeveropment fcrcurement rzct Merhod is: Open Domesric Bidding. j:|]iffiH,li"Tl.#;i:1 lij;'i,X*" t,:t, ; order to be considered for award of the conftct, be resisrered the.followinS caEgory: code: IJ2 cleaning sErvic; - . il;#;i;J;:;H:,',.,#i1,",'il."^:J:ff1;..,T:x,l;:.:';,:ffi,fl;.ili,Ti,*.^,,";."; sub-code: 0t - Buitdine Cleanins ' Diversification Drive (EDD), Presidential lr'X,iJ::itJi"'rff:nomic . Directive on Local procurement Scheme (LpS) presidential Drective cAB 34 (B) 2ol4 wil be of . . . Directive CAB 19 (B) 2Ol3 will also apply to The physical addrcss for collection of Gnder Documents isi hocurement Office, Departmenl of Building Works Developmenrand Maintenance.ptor No. 7t6d;;;;.;;;il:'ili;i,." Tender Documents mav becolecred from.25th I230 hours and lrom lzmo hours lo 1600 hou( Jr.i"l-*o.i?r'iouo u.r*.., OSO0 hours and A non-refundable fee of p I 50.OO ( One- H undred and Fifty pula only I payable at Accounts Office in ca5h only i5 required on colecrion of the Tender Doc-umenr. youth shall p;y i;;.Od ii.,.",y-n,* puta onty, upon submitring proofof company ownership.and ID. n receipr ls rcquire7 on coilii"n of,r,. f"na.. Oo"un,"nr. AllyourhpersonsofapesouDlE.i5sha,purcf,"..*,!f*O#o*"r.i,"iiiira".urp.rrr,.rr."ia.nri"f . . . . ' t .'.'ffi:ff s upon proaucini 'o lari fications rElatin p h Queriel or"T:JfiJ'' c I 'a;a ."pi.' .i ,",,s ,,i'ir,*JtJr["^ c"nin.are as proor or he issuance o I these doc-u menls may be address€d. in writing. not later lhan founeen r r4 r davs beforc the r;nder crosing darc ro, rur a. v. serer<a.tmai-t,-i.t.iu.gor.u*. T.r.phon" No. 6s4o32s and Ms o. Mogale, Email: onho;ale @ g",.r*, ni"ol.r" *" 1'i!ib?z.jliax No. 6s.tooo r . A compu lsory sile visit and/or ore-ren.ter meeting w iO represeitrari res oi ri ng ent,y *ill tale place at rf,. rTi"iff;'r'i,",i;$i:workiDeveropmentandv,i,",i-.. 'i."i.,e;,i,it""iou",.zo::..o,ri"g",roo0 The closing/opening lime and dare for receipt of sealed tender offels is 1000 hours on 24th October. 2023. Lare tender offers will not be accenre.l The Bid submission Me'trod is:one_Enverope submission in which the sealedoriginar and a, the seared copies of the technical ofrer are olaced in one sealeaienv"f.p., *f,tf u ,f,. tbe sealea copies ofOe 6nancial offer are also enclosed in riis sealed enrelipe. one (1) originar tender proposal marked "oriSinari and iwo (2) duplicate copies of the original document marked "copv" in one seared enverone crearrvmarked: -r*a"i N"l'irtr.i,w"liiii,,/DBwDlvrsEtuo I/202iprocuremenr otCleanins ?024 Seru]ces to thi O.purt n nr of euiaing wlif. O""ritopr"nr ana lt"int ro'u o,'u,io, orrwe;ry-Four r24) Mo",'h.orn".. no. so* +2. The names and addresses of biddeN should be clearly marked on the envelop. ,."i"a.igij;iart ' . . rffis ili;;;;;;.:d'ro"liif,',i,.,t n*". The Pubric Procurement Reguratory Au$orily's standardised conditions ofrender for services sha, apply lo this procuremenl. for which all rhe applicabte Tend;r Duru i. in tfr" "ort"ir"a in the foresoins, the *" rowest or any r.;):l*H"r"ndinc -ythins i"ii"i;;;;*. c"""_.;;-f B;i.;;;lJio,"ri,.,iii ""..p, The Director, Procurenen Oversight - Govemmenr Bu\er Mintstry oltanspo and puOti, Worti. 5721 - Tender No' MET'DNMM'SERY 4t2022'2UA DePfitment ol National Mus€um Nnd Monuments RePublic of Botswsna NATT]RAL HISTORY PROVTSION OF LANDSCAPING SERVICES AT DNMM MADQUARTERS AN'D WAIER FOR A DAM/BOREI{OLE OF DELIVERY AND ST]PPLY CERDENS . VLT-ECS) TET PERIOD OF 24-MONTHS . , , . DNMM Headquarters and SEALED TENDER OFFERS ARE INVTIED for ttle provision oflandscaping services at watrralilstory 1at vlltage) Gardens' suPply and deliv;ry ofdar borehole wal€r for a period of24 months' ttre oepan-ini or Nadonai Museum and Monumenls, Plot No. 331 , Independenc€ Tte procuring intity Avenue, Gaborcne, Private Bag 00 I 14 ' Gaborone, Botswana' companies only Procurement Method is: Open-Domestic Bidding, reserved for 1007' citizen owned part Pans being; The contract will be awarded in Parts aod a bidder can odly be awarded one Part A: National Museum Headquarters Part B: Natural History (Village) ii .TendercrswhoaredomiciledinBotswanamust, 137 - Gardening Code: 211 - General an? I-anas"aping Se.vices, Sub-Code:01- Gariening, Landscaping and Maintenance' Supplies, Sub-Code: 2l - lrigatior/Gardening Water ffrlinaer is ,eseneA for citidm or citizen coniacton as siated under section ?6 (2) of the Public Prccurcment Act. to purchase all their products from lOOTc citizen locatly based manufacturem and service i"ra"r*. nmvi<Iers. orovidel tha! the soods and services are locally available, comPtitively priced and meet tender quaiity srandard as cenified or recognized bv Botsrpana Bureao of standards (BoBs) "f bodies {a! Per atlached EDD Rerumable Documeno oi orher recognized cenifying c;llection of render Documents is: The Department of National Museum and rr,. piy.i"ui ^ No. 331, IndePendence Avenue. Monuments, Plot .ay be collected from Monday to Friday during rr'orking hours h€rween 0730 hours and 1245 hours and from 14OO hours to 1500 hours with effect from 25th September,2023' only) fol A non-refundable fee of P150.00 (one Hundred and Fifty Pula only) and P75.00 (seventy-Five Pula r"gi.i"."a *itf, ,f," poufic Procurement Regulatory Authorily in the following calegory: Code: . . "* :;;a;iiJ;;i;;. . f; . i""i".'o*...r" . yo,tt,o*n"a"o.p^nl..payableincashorbybankgr,raranteedchequemadeoutinfavouroftheGovemmentof iloi.rr_u o. . qiioi". . . . M,_rseum and Monuments is required on collection of rh€ Tender Document. Monuments at Accounts Office No. 26 at Department of National Museum and o"pun."nt of-National Pay-ent to be made ot .f-m*rions relating to the issuance of these documents may be addressed' in writing' not later Email: dun dre iSi *o.ting aays befo-rc the tender closing alate to: Mr P Sokane, TelePhone No 3610438' nr<otane@po\.bw o; MsO. Boaso,Telephone No.36lO458 Email: oboaSo@gov b$ Fax No' 3q02?97' ,ish and.ior prircndeimeeling with representarives oflhe Proc-uring Enrity will lake place al i".rprr.,i.y "i," Nado;l Mu;eum Headquarteis from 0930 hours to 1030 hours on 4lh october' 2023; NatuBl History (villageifrom 1130 hours to 1230 hours on 4th October' 2023 ' il.i", r"gi.*i", site will be done 30 minutes before rhe start of rhe sire visit and pre-tender meerinS. Method rsl Two'Envelope Submission' The Bid Submission";;h document marked O"" iii-Uir"i""a"r proposal marked "Original and two (2) duplicate cop11s_of the original clearly ma*ed: "Tender No MET-DNMM-SERV 4612o22-mB - Procuement "Copii' in in" ""4"0 and Natural Hisrory (at village) ",ireiope oi Lanascaping services ar DNMM Headqua(eN oi i'Jrvices for provision Gardens'SupplyandDeliveryofDalruts-oreholewaterfolaPeriodof24Months..shallbesubmittedat:old Parliament Annexure 3' f"ri"-i.t y JfiJ" *a frdustry Building, omce No. 22, Procurcment ove ight Unit' . The names and addrcsses of bidders should be clearly marked on the envelop€' . iir" tl-" -d date for receipr of sealed re;der offers is l0OO hous on 20th October,2023. Tender representatives at iheir own cost at . wil!-be opened in the presenca of bidders wishing to attend orlheir offers"ioring l;dusry Building, Office No 22' MET Procurement Ove$ight Unit' Parliament Of'J f"tnirt y oi ftua" date at 1000 hours Annexue 3 on the same"nd I-ate tender offets will not b€ accepted. ThePublicProcurementRegulatoryAuthority.sstandardisedCondilionsofTenderforseryicesshallapplytothis Documenls Drocurement. for which all thaapplicable Tender Dala is contalned in the Tender or any in tire foregoing' the Govemment of Botswana is oot bound to accept the lowest '-i;;ilil;irg tender ofrer. -y;ing Mi Procurement OversiSht Unil , istry of Envircnment and Tourism. 5722 SeleblPhikwe E oDotrdc DtveEtfcsdon Udt (SPEDU) Canc€llrdon oflbndc. - Tbnder No. SPEDU 002.022023 PROCUREMENT OF WORKS FOR DRILLING CONSTRUCfiON AND DEVELOPMENT OF HFTEEN (I5) EXPLORIfiON BOREHOLES IN THE SPEDU REGION ' BIDDERS ARE INFoRMED rhar "Tender No. spEDU cf.2.oz/2o23 of works for - Tender infortheprocurement Drilling construction and Development of Fifteen (r5) Exprorarion Borcholes spEDU Region,, which was gazetted on mth and 27rh rannary,m23 l.,as been cancclled ard will be rc-tendercd for in the iear firturc. MAIBA SAMUNZALA, Director, Strategic Projecrs, S e le b i - P hikw e Eco nomi c Dive rs ificat io n (SPEDU). lJ nit 5123 Comp.nies end Intellectual Prcperty Authorlty - Terder No' CIPA 05-Zyly24 Tender Noiice PROVISION OF CASH IN TRANSIT SERVICE FOR CIPA OFFICES (CIPA) is a?arasElal establish€ THE COMPANIES AND INTELLECTUAL PROPERfi AUTHORITY propeny Authority Act of ml1, to pmmote and enable anJlntelectual ,r,e companies i*1"In*,, e"i"i under the ComPanies Act, Registration the firll Drotection of the ;ehts of investors ;d right holders ;btained N-eishbourins Rishts Act ard fie copvright rniuit'i"r mop.'.v e"t. -a to tender tor the tollowrngi CIPA invites rePutable servic€ providers registercd with PPRA . ;il;il;n;;;;;. L ' Provision of Cash in Transit Service for CIPA Offices' Tender No. CIPA 05-2023124 gir", to 100ea responsite and competitive citizen owned companies' registercd Procurement Riegutatory Authority under the following codesi Pt;;.;;";; . Code: 1OO - Security Services . sub-Code(s): 02 - specialist security services with Public that theylre not employed by any public body' Note: Bidders are requested to provide an affidavit afnrming provided in the Tender documents obtainable at a nonare specifications and Auiiemens pt50.00 tOne Huidrcd and Fiiiy Pula onlyt payable by EFt or bank d€Posit Proof of -6,n.r,h1. of i*a"t Do"um"ntt Youth o*n"d companies shall pav half of the "i-trt" Proof of payment should be emailed to: tender@cipa' foi pl".lZ."re i. *qured as proof . ;;i;;;h;t *ir..,i., ;:ilffi;fir"d;# L,iJi All 'etification payments to be made into the following accounts A";;"iNu-", CompaniesandlntellectualPropertyAuthority Bank Name: Account Number: Stanbic Bank 90600000363EE Faitgrcunds 064967 Swifi Code: SBICBWGX Branch: Branch Code: Refercnce: . Your ComPanY Name The closing dare for r€ceipt oftenderoffe6 is IOOO to CIPA Head Office. ;e ;i;i#;;; hom orl toti &ober' 2023 Tend€rotrers slbuldbe handdelivered qreries must be in wnting and should be emailed to: Email: tender@ciparoiw' First Pubication Kg.tleng District Council - Tender No' 2DClWORlnnOztu A WORKS CONTRACT FOR MAINTENANCE OF TRIBAL STAFF HOUSES IN MOCHUDI (PACKACE C) . SEALED TENDER OFFERS ARE INVmD for the provision of a wotks contnct for mai enance of staff houses in Mochudi. . iir"-i""r" p*-f"naler Estimate is at a nuximum of P4o9' 555 00 (vAI inclusive)' the following: The - Works Contract will include Tribat Administration facilities and slaff houses a. Maintenance works of b. Electrical works c. Extemal works . The Procudng Entity is: Kgatl€ng District Council . ProcurementMethod tu: Open Domestic Bidding' . This is a Measured Works Contmct. h the Public Procur'meot to be consialered for award of the contract' be registered w . i"ra"** ar.i, l" Building consguction works and 0t Code: "Aer iotto*ing (PPRA) in the Authonty Resulatorv ""rtgoti"t' - Buildins Construction ' Crade: OC' this render !o bidders a",ara n"oi touncir srrar Mintenance, Sub-Code(s): Ol . il;?I;;;;il;l *"i been awarded any tender o. quoouon Archilecture and Buildings Department' ,t " tntue of P3OO, OOO.00 (Shanholders/DirEctors) who have during financial year 202312024' under 5',724 ' ' ' ' ' ' ' The tender is rcserved for citizens or citizen contracto$ as stated under section 76 (2) (d) of the public Procurcment Act Only companies domiciled in Kgatleng District shall tE considered for this tender and principal place of business would be confirmed tfuough CIPA portal. In accordance with lhe Local Procurement scheme, there will be a 15% price preference for companies loo% owned by youth, women, people with disability or as set out on the Local procurement certihcate and in accordance with rhe Presidential Directive No. 198 of 2013, thereforc bidders who qualiff under lhis scheme are required to submit copies of ozan8. In addition, disabled bidders arc requircd to submit an affidavit thal confi rms their disability. Tenderers are to purchase all the products from 100% citizen locally based manufacturers and service prcviders, provided that the goods and services are locally available, competitively priced and meet tender specifications in terms of quality standard as cenified or recognized by Botswana Burcau of Standards (BoBS) or other recognized cetifying bodies. The physical addrcss for collection of render Documents is: omce No. l, Administration office, Architecture and Building Services Department, Old Show Ground, phaphane, Mochudi. Documents may be collected during no'-al working hous between o73o hours and 1245 hours a,,d from 1345 hou$ to 1630 hours effective 25rh September, 2023 upon submission of proof of payment. A non-refundable fee of Pl0o.00 (one Hundred pula only) payable in cash to kgatleng Districl councir Revenue office No. 38 at Rurar Administration centre from M;nday to Fiday, between 0goo hours and 1245 hours and from I 345 hours to 1 530 hours. youth owned companies shall procure Tender Documenrs at 5ozo of the payable amouor as per Presidential Direcrive CAB 14 (B) of 2015, upon proof of eligibility (valid om.arg and Shareholder Certifi cate). Queries or clarifications relaling to the issuance of these documenb may be addressed, in wdting, not later than five (5) working days before the tender closing date tor Mr Morupisi, Email: mmorupisi@gor'bw, Telephone N_os. . . . -577411, 5773599 or Mr B. Mapoma, Email:, Telephone No. 5?73528, Fax Nos. 5',777216ts't48037 . The closing date and time for receip! of sealed tender offers is l00O houN on 12th Octob€r. 2023. Late render offers shall not be accepted. The tender evaluation will follow the I-east Cost Selection Works and Supplies Method to identify the lowest pice of a bid which meets a technical and commerciar requirement of procuring Entity as difined under Clause 63 of the PPRA Regulations- i . ' . The Bid Submission Method is: Single Envelope Submission. Bidde must submit one (l) original tender offer marked "originat" and 2 duplicate copies of the original document marked "Copy" in one sealed envelope clearly labelled. Tender submissions should be addrcssed to: Council Secretary, Kgatleng District Council, private Bag Oll, Mochudi, clerdy marked: "Tender No. KG/AB/22 /2023-24 k@.*e',ent ofworks Conracr for Main;ance of Tribal Administration Staff Houses in Mochudi - (package C)". Tender offers shall be delivered to: Prccurement unit (next to Rural Administration cenfie (RAc)), of6ce No. l, Plot No. 18897, Ramp€di Ward, Mochudi. - ' The Public Prccurement Regulatory Authority's standardised conditions of render for works shall apply to this procuremeot, for which all the applicable Tender Data is contaiDed in the Tender Documen6. Notwithstanding anything in the foregoing, Kgatleng District council is not bound !o accept the Iowest or any tender offer, nor incur any expenses in the preparation thereof. lor Council Secretary, Kgaieng Di stt ict Council. 5125 Kgatleng District Council - Tender No 2DCNON23|2023-24 AWORKS CONTRACT FOR MAINTENANCE OF TRIBAL STAFF HOT'SES IN MOCHUDI (PACKAGE D) .SEALEDTENDEROFFERSAREINVITEDforlheprovisionofaworkscontractformaintenanceol.staff houses in Mochudi. . i" ii" r"nder Eslimate is at a maximum $ill include lhe lollowinc: tn. ' i.*.,1.6rn1rrct l.i"*ir""." *"*s ofTribal Adminis;ation i"fl" of P456,996 65 (vAI inclusive)' fhcilities and staffhouses Electrical works c. Extemal works tnlil) i.: KSalleng Dl'lricl Counctl. The ProcurinA-Merhod i\:Open Dome'lic BrddinP' ftoeurement This is a Measured Works Conract. the Public Prmurement to be consitlered for award of the contract be registered with il "rierrppR.q.r rn the tJriJ*inj.ui"go.l"r, Coder 0l Building construction Works and n".ii,rii.-.; erui,.*, i;.:;;^;.;:..", c,,h d..rc,.,. o Buitd,ns cl'n\rruction. crade: oc. b. . . . . iil;; ;;;, r ii$l'*iiiii.i;r-ij;ii. i""".,r . : ,r,"ii it,,. ,"na., ro b,dder\ ( shareholde r./Direcror\ r \itho have "5, *i" unl'i of p:Oo' oOO'Oo auring financial year 2023/2024' under been awarded any tende. o, quo,uuon ouii Architecture and Buildings Department. ^-J section.T6 (2) (d) of the-Public The tender is reserved for citizens or cilizen contractors as stated und€r pffi;;.; ;;-ij;ry ...pu.i.. ao-i.,iJ in o'.t,i.r shal be considered for this tender and ;fln(ro.rl Dlu(e ol bu\r;es would be confirmeJ through CTPA Ponal' for companies 100% i"rre-"-.if,i," *itr be a t s7. pnce preference 'Procurement Certificale and in as set out on the- Local owned bv vouth, women'" *itn li""uiiity iqu or 2oll. rhererore bidders \\ho qualify under rhis \cheme ir,. p",iol",,li oi.*,i,. an alfidatil thal ,,""r.+'i.a t" .r'f.*', .opies ol nn.r'8' ln ilaait'o" a'saUtti b'dders are required lo 'ubmit . . [ ;:.Hl;;;i;ir," i..a ii".ri.-""i l-,]',i"ii"'iiit . confi rms Ni ;' lheir,li\sbilitY and service lo purchase all Iher producls from 100% citizen locally based manufacorers priced and meet lender c6mpelilivel] arailable ioially rhe .r.t,a*t. ,.' i,f .i lhrl )rood',,0 '"t;tt' "it or rec6gnrzed bv Bot'vi'ana Bureau of standards t BoBS) i#. in.l,iti'"1'ii.r,,".. ii q,,iu u -aui u' . in itlid Tenderers are or other recosnized ceniflinE bodres. . il:';i,ii;"ffi;']oiiotEctlon or tender Documenls is: offce No l Administration office' Architecture o"pdnmenr. old Show Cround Phaphane' Mo(hudi' a- e,liiii"* i.'' hou^rs and 1245 hotlrs and from 1345 . Documents mav '.be collected aunng normli *tl,r! f,",r.i U"t**" O? lo of proof ollaym€nt' i.*" iolO:o riorr. rio. 25th Sepiember. 2021. upon submission Di'rrict Council' . e lee of PI00.00 ,o,; i;'d"J"P;l' onlyr palabli in cash to Kparlenc 0d'00 houn and t2,ts """1*ir"arif. orfice \o. .18 ar nurcr ealn,"irliii.]r ce,* r-riMi,"irl L i'iday. uer*ien Re!enue procrire Tender Documents at 507' of hours and fiom t 345 houn to 1510 i;;;;;J;pr.""ihall l4 tj r ol 2015 ' upon proof oi eligibtlitv tvalid unanq CAB 6irectrie per Pre'idenriat ,r.r* ii'l-p"v"ir. ^ and Shareholder Certifi (ate). be addressed. in wriring, not later.than . il;;;;;;i;];;,on" i"iuting to ,r," i..,once of rhese documents may'tmail: mmonrPisi(ago! 'bw Telephone MrMorupi'i Jare o:,".io'i'g *ro,.,ri" a"v. ["J',ii*"iil"* /'l lo/5/46ur/ . . No\' 5// No.577J528.Fa\ Telephone No..57771|l. STTisqs. . iiJ iilrr. io''.eceipt nr ieat"a Ender offers is l0o0 hours on l2th october' 2023 ' "J "i"Jii,i-ijti, . Late tendeioffers shall not be accepted. Supplies Melftod to idenrify the Iowest . if,. t""J", *^ir"ti"" will follow the Least Cost Selection works and of i procuring entity as defined under orice of a brd which -""r. u ,""t n,"ri'ina-"ornmeiciat requlrement r illxuse 63 of the PPRA Regulstion\. . ih" gio suu.i'.ion Merh;d is. single En!elope Submiss'on'-olsinal and 2 dupl'cate copies of the orisinal . 8;1idi;;;il;;-6;it oni ir1 or;ein-at tl"i"i 5ri"' "'iiJ -cop] in oneiealed envelope clearl) hbelled' of wor\s -i;;;; t'i"' 2DC''woRi 2ri 2023'24 - Procuremenr .,*r'.a ilili;ffi';;"' i&raoru.r.iud "aa*'*a '"' Houses in r'tochudi (Packase D)" and addressed to: siatt a;;;;.i f;; M;;ailr.. 'qii'inilltraiion i"rr.,l s."t"r"r xirteng Districl Council Privale Bag 0l I Mochudr' . Tender offers shall be d"livered to: p,oiire-"'""i U'ii f*?it" n*l 'rdministration Centre (RAC))' Office No 1. Plol No. 18897, Rampedi wdid. Mochudi' ofTender for Works shall aPply to this The public procurement Regulatory Aurhority s Standardised Condrtions Documenl\' Tender in the ir conrained Dala Tender lhe-applic;ble i"i\r\ t i.t ^ll i, ili. r.t"eoi'i igarieng Dsrricr Council i\ nor bound 1o accept rhe lowesr or dn) ;";,t',ne lender offer. nor in'. uriny eipense' in the preparrlron lhereol' *..:ri..."i. "ii;i; i;;;;,- fot Co ncil K gatlen| D Fitst Publication Secrctary' istrict Counc il 5.726 Kgsfleng District Council _ Tender No. 2DCIWON24/2023.U AWORKS CONTRACTFOR MAINTENANCE OFTRIBAL STAFF HOUSES IN MOCHUDI (PACKAGE B) . . The Council Pre-TenderE\limaleisalamal(rmumofp470..167.38(\ATinctu\irel sealed Tender offers are invired tbr the provi,ron oi a w;,t":;;"*, i;;;;nance Mochudi. The- Works Contract a. b. . . . ' . . . c. of sratf houses in will include the following: Maintenance works ofTribal Administrad;n faciliries and sraff houses Elecrrical works Extemalworks The Procuring Enrity rs Kgatleng Drstricr Counctl. l,rocuremenl Merhod i!: Open Domesric Biddinp. This i\ a Mersured Works Conracr. Tenderers musr' in order to be considereJ for award of rhe conract, be regbtered with the pubric procurement Repularorv Aurhorir\ rppRA, rhe turowing caregorie': iiiii,r-i,ig (on\rrucrion work\ and Mainrenance. Sub Coder,r:0t 'nBurlding Con.rlructio;. Crale: Councit shal nor :r$drd rhrs render ro biddere rsharehotder\/Direcror,, who have I-:,: Deen "5F.:jl"lg_O1,]ricr awaroeo anv tender or quorarion over the \alue of p.10O.000.00 during financial )ear 202.J 2024, undei Archrte(ture cJ",nibt. and Buildinss Dioanment reserved iir ciirzens or crrizen contraclo^ ar \tated under secrion /o (2) (d, ot lhe tbblic Procuremenr Acr. Onty companre, domrcited rn x gr, r"rg -O,,iii. .i"ii i l.'.'.r"i,a"*a for rhis tender anJ prin(ipal ptace ofbusines\ woutd be conhrmed thro,rlgn Cf Fa eonnf. In accordance with rhe Local procuremen r S.t *iff U. iJs 9. priue preference tbr companies t 0O% oqned b] )ourh..woflen. peopte wilh di.abitit) "r.,orfi"r. 'p.;;r.rn.", (.enrhcare and in u, ..t ou on accordance \L irh rhe pre\rdenrrar Directive No. i98 of 20i 3. tlerefore bioa".. ,"r,o!*riry ura"r *ri" sitrem" are required ro.submit copres or or?dxg. In additio", aisariia ii+irei to suumit an affidavit that conhrms rheir disahilir! p.ri:fo.: att rheir products from l0O% citizen loca y bas€d manuracturers and service 1., le]rg:y: pro\loels. provrded lhal fie goGjs and services l{xall} available. competili!el} priced and meer tender _ar.e specrncalrons rn term\ of quatily srandard a\ ce(ified or rec;gnr/ed by Bor.i ana Buieau ot Srandard. tBOBSt or orher recognized (ertifying bodies. The ptys ical addre\s for cor Gction of render D{ruments is: office No. l , Administration ofrice, Architecture & Burldin€ Services Dep.rnment.Old Show Cr"rrd. ph;ph";. M;;i,rai. b. (.o ected dunng normal working houri between 0730 hours and 1245 hours and from 1345 P^:1lT-.,llgiy rruur\ ro roru nours trom Z)th September.202l. upon \ubmi\.ion ot proolofDarment. A non rerundable lee ol PIoOIX) fone Hundred pula-onl1t payabli in io Kgarleng Dislrict Council. Revenue office No.38 at Rurar Adminislratio' c"nt.. t o"i rtrlna"v io nidav. Letween.too lo,rs and tz+s hours and from 1345 hours ro rs3o hourc. yourh Jh;il p;;-,i."anaer Documents at 507c of rhe.payabte amounr as per pre,idennat Drrecrive "*".d CAB r, id, ;ardii etigrririrl r.atid'unmng and Shareholder Certrhcare, Queries or clanhcations relitinq ro rhe issuance of these documenis may be addressed in writing not later than hve (5 )_$or.ins days berore rrr? renaer cro,in! i;utiii,,l"o"i,p,,," gou.uo, r.r.rr,on.- The lender ir it. i;;t tiiaiii ' ' .' :f ""'-' ;".p;;; ' ;;;;;;oior a;;;, i;M;;1,i. Nos.57?74lt.s77l5qeorMrT.Ralir\ebe.TetephoneNo.s7735!8,iaxN"".iiii)iolS;.iaoi? '. ' . ' ' . "'' The c losing dare and r me for recerpr of sealea teiraer oneis i" t ixro tiori. o,iib",r, ci"rou"., zo:: . Lale tender offers shcll nol be acce;ted_ The lender eva lual ion will follow the t-ea'r.Cost selection work\ and Suppliec Method ro idenrif) rhe lowe.l price of,a bid which meets a rechnicat and as defined under Clause 6l ofthe PPRA Reeularions The.Bid Submis\ion Methfo i.: Singte Envetope Submission. Bldders muv \ubmil one rrr origriar render;ffer marked originar" and 2 dupricale copres or the originar documenl marked _Copy in one sealed enrelope clearll labellei'. I'ender submis\ions sho,rd be addrer.ed ro: councii secrerary. Kgarrenp Di\lricl councir. privare Bap 0 I I . Mochudi. cleart) mar[ed: . Tender No. 2Dc/wOp.2a;20rlii; or works Conrrdcr ror Maintenance of Tribal Admini\tralion Staff Hou\e. in Mochuli (tackap; B;: Tender-offers shall be detivered ro: procurem.n, uri,, piu.iiearii"rilst"rarion tr"iiio Centre, lxec)), office No. l. PIot No. 18897. Rampedi Ward. Mochudi. r ."r....;rii"qriii..ri "i!ffirarg.rttry --i#;;;;r The Public Procurement Regurarory Authority s standardised condirions of render for works shalr appry to this procuremenr, for $hich rhe applicabte Tende; Data is contained in Notwltnslan.rng anything in the foresoing, Kgatleng Districr Council is nor bound to accept rhe lowest or any lender olTer. nor incur an1 expen.e" in rhi piparition riereof. a theiir;.;6;;;;r". fot Council Secrctary, Kgatleng Distict Council. 5',72'7 Kgatleng District Council - Tend€r No' 2DCIWON2512023'24 STAFF HOUSES AWORKS CONTRACT FOR MAINTENANCE OfTRIBAL IN MOCHUDI (PACKAGE A) . . SEALED TENDER OFFERS ARE houses in Mochudi lNVffED for fi"" iil;. j p;;-i;nder E\r rmrre is ar a ma\imu an. '''i.*nt*.6on1r3ct rvill include Ihe lollowing: m staff the provision of a works contract for maintenance of ot Pl'lc Iq2 26 ( vAT inclu'ive)' * o*' ot TI rbal Adminrrrraron facrlilies and \tan houser Electrical works c. Extemal works fhe lirocurlng Entity is: Kgatleng District Council' iiocurement"lvletltoa is: Open Domestic Bidding' This is a Measured Works Contract. contract' be registered with the Public Procurement Tenderers must. in order to be considered fbr award of the and h . . . . frauinL"-* i41' 0l : Reoulaturv Aurhoritv (PPRA) in the i"riJi'i'i!- '""!-'1t:' r.,r"lnr"narice. Sub Code(s):0l Buildinp Conslruclron Uraoe: Building construction \'rorks u( ,*J"i tiaa"^ J" ,,'"i itt"i"r" rrfi:uj' t'Jiil'?iliil"Jnrit" i",,.ir qoo,uuon n'ui' ",",.a-ii,i. . been awarded any lende. o. Architecture and Buildings Depanment . OOo'OO (shafeholders/Directors) who have a"ring financial vear 202312024 ' nn.det (d of lhe Public as 'laled under sectlon 76 {21 The tender is re'ened for crlr/en\ or cililen conlmclors u' consrdered ror thi' tender and . A., onr\ comoan,es #;:tili i'-iG;i[;;-o"iiiii 'r'"ii wiuld be confirmed rhrough clPA Ponal' l,ii,i.iii'rii'.i prelerence for companies t0o% irh rt. L.o.,r p,o.,,.'",,i ii;t;: if,; ;;ll 6. ' l5q -pnce i" accorrlince *"lt;;';.s' on rtre Local Procuement Certificate and in owned b\ \outh, $omen. people *itr'fi'"Oiii'l <ri"- "r oui rhrs scheme IJ#i#.'ii,h ir," pi.,,al",i} o,*"ii" ii".'iqd oiioi:. rrre'.rore trddeh $ ho oualifv under an aflidavir thal . are reouired ro slrbmir copi"'.r confi nit their di.abrlitY. ,"'r''in uiiitio'"iai"Lria riaOt^ -t required 16 'ubmir based manufacturers and service 100% citizen.locally .'il;i#;,.;;;,ri,r",Jir,"i,r,"e"*r,_,;dL*'i"..,,,:l;*u;:hffr:iln:,;*x.i;ids,xl:"[Tr,ilJil Tenderers are to purchase alt their products from \necifications in terms ot quallty stanoa oi other recoqntzed cenilying bodres Oflice Architecture Th. nhv(i..I ,ddress for collection ot lender Documents is: Office No l ' Administration Mo'hudi' Phaphane Ground' sho* old Depanment. ; ;;iil;;1;"1;;t beiween 0-710 houn and l24s hours and Documenti muv be colt.crea a,'ring nJ';;l ;;"'iil;;'"ieil';; or proor or Davmenr' upon zo2: i'pri*uei t u,i orr. h";i t p100.00 'usmission io Koorlini Dirlncr Council in ca,h palutte oniyi ,o#'g"ri'ai.i A non refund.rbte fee ot qan,"li't'lii']' C"rtJ",,i ul"i'l"v r', ntidav betw;en 08-00 hours and ! 24s .. il-*'iri; . Rer enue :itt i; oIfrce No. l8 at irf, n ","r h6ur\xndtromlJ45hour\lotsf0nouit'iourtrownedcompaniesshallProcureTenderDocumenl'at50%of rheDdvablcamounru.p.rer.r,a.n,iui'oir.".i,'.c,qeiaiij,.lzot5uponprooloteligrbilittt\atidorunq and Shareholder Cenifi cate). be addressed in writinA' not later than issuance ofthese documents may'Ernail: Queries or clarifications relating lo the mmonlpisi@sov'bw' Telephone . ttnotltiJ'ii'g"i""" t prt-v"tpi'i 'n" B. M";;;.'E;",i u'"p.'io!*.u". ii".,l.siiziii'lsiiis,j6 o;'Mr five {5, sorkinq da}s be,o,. rerephone'No. s7?1528. Fax Nos 511'1 216151 48031 I U)O hours on l0th October' 2023 ' The closins date ancl time lor recelpt of sealed tender offers i s: t are tendeioffers.hall nol be $cepled' Works and Supplies Melhod lo idenlifv the lo\ e5l The iender evalualion $itl follos theLaq Co't Selection ot i'etcurins Entir) a\ defined under nrice of a bid thich meer\ a ''"h"i';i;;'tl"m;t;"iui"quii"rni't i:lause 63 of the PPRA Reeulalions. Merh;d i\: sinsle L'n!elope submi:sion' and 2 duplicat€ copies of the original Bidden must submit one (I) origi'"i t!l'iti"in"' rn'ir"a-::original in oneieale'l en'elope cleartv labelled' Procurement of works N',;1 locnvbrlzsl 2023-24 Tender offers should be ctearly tPackase A)" and addressed to: in Houitt siuii T,1b"l of Maintenanc" contract for Kg"tleng Di'tncl Council PrivaleBaguII Mocnuor'. . . . . . il;iiiut;i..i"n . il;;;i ;;i;J:t"pv . . iouniit, -"il;l'i+;il; votl'di Ai;;i";;;i;i IRACI) otficeNo to' ptJi'"""iu'ii ffii't i'i'i naminisralion Cenrre Tenderotfers shaltt,e a.riu"r.a i. Ftot No. t Asgl' nampedi ward, Mochudi ' Condidons ofTender for Works shall apply to this The Public Procurement Regulatory Authority's Standardised rn rhe TenderDocumenrs' i\ conhined oara r'na"i ir,i'nppri"iur' i;r;;;h;ii 'Nol$ithslandinsanlltr,nginrf'tfo"soiigligart'engDisrricrCouncilisnolboundtoacceplthelowestorany ".#;;;;,. Lender offer, nor inlcur any expen\e\ in lhe preparalron thereol' lor Council Secretary' KAatung District Co ncil' Fitst Publication 572a Serowe District Council _ Tender No. SDC/E Dunftr,l/2023-Zt2i Education Department A SUPPLIES CONTRACT FOR SUPPLYAND DELIVERY OF cooKING orI- (7s0ML) FoR 3r pRIMARy scuoor_s ' ffiIff:,flrf5i}ffiU"I[i3,.', . . . ' ' . r00% citizen-owned manuracturers ror the suppry and derivery or The User Depanmenr is: iducation Depanmenr. Procuremenr Merhod ,\: package A _ dpen Dome\ric Br,lding. pachage ts - Re.ened for SpEDU eompunie.. Tenderers who are domiciled in Botswana mu$, in order to be considered for award of the contracr, be registered sith rhe Public procuremenr Repulari in the lollo*rng crreSorie': code' 2lJ \4anulacturers/ Produceh sub-code:01- P|.o'.".d Price mirg in ;:of.'tho'i0 w i r be appried ro brd s which quar ify undef Economic Diveniification Drive scheme in accordance wirh presidenriar Dire(tive i1 rBrorz0l4..Lo;nlp.o",r.;;ni-a;";;'-i"J;ai,ioroi.".,ir,.cABl9(B), 20 tJ price preference martin shar aoDry to the forr"*irg .*r"i-i".in.i..1i vorrr,. *or.r, p"opt" *itt -',anv *hose maioritv empt.v"*i'""iiir." fliili.'.il;;: ' . wnijrN"siioijs'orsrnrcr couNclr_ r *' *...,, v",,i;' i""pr" r;':,g *i,r, aii,riii,y ""J The physical address for co,ection Tender Documents is: prccurement unit, office No.15, (supplies) next to Khama Memorial primary ftimary School uocumenrr may be collecte,l dunnp working hours between Monday and Friday during normal working hoursi berween 07J0 hours and r2qs houri and fro'm i:+s r."r." :r,o o"tor".. zoz:. pl50.0o A non retundable fee of aone Hundrea ."a r,r,v prt" y"ut'oin.i co_pani"s snul pay tratr price, that is, P?5.00 (Seventv-Five Etta ont,) "rivi ana,nu ir"Jr."-io'r,i,)rg1 urj iiu." c.nin.ut u. u p.oor, shalt be payable ar councir ievenue o^rhte'No. oo.,rt.oative centre (RAC) durins workins hours berween 0900.hour. iz+l io,,.s io rs:o r,our" maae out ;n favourof Sero$e Drstricr Council Dnor to collecting the Tender""J Document: include proof ot payment rvith youi submission. .'iiiiiil,,ir, "tuii,i#i. a:ilclnili,i*l"i'6"iiji']*"r.", -i . iir.'riii Queries relaring ro the issuance of rhese documents shall be addressed to: M. Modibu, Telephone Nos. 4638400/402 and Fax No. 4635469 and B Obu"i,*, r.f"pr,"* N".'iljso9i. Fax No. a635469. en queries should be in writing on or before. Deadtine ro. *uri."lor-i. r, ;6r, ar 1630 hours. Emait: mmodibu(g,gov.bu or bobusir\e@qov.b$. The clos ing dale and rime for receint o r 5s6led tender offers is I 000 hours on l Tth october, 2023 . Late tender offers will nor be accenrert The Bid Submission Method oF r t).Envelope Submission in which a renderer,s financial and technical offers are submitted together in^:one sealed envelope ii i;;;;, ' . . ' one(l)originartenderoffermarked"original;ndrwo(-2)copiesmarked,,copy,orreturnabledocuments enclord in a plain \ealed envetone artdre"sed ro. fh. S*"".i.i.r"*" 6irL";L'f.orn.;f. privare Bag 001. serowe. and hand-deri!ererr ro: Serowe District c" pr;i/i,.*"r",nJ#-ui'i't)(suppti..) n"*t ro n Memori,ar ftimarv himary schoor nor rater rhan rooo r'ours on rzirr <icioi".,-)o-jiiu*.a, -r"naer No. "n,u sDC/ EDU/T00 r/2023-2025 suDDIv an.r deliverv orcooting oir lisorn-rlll.l ti.iirary sctroots wittrrn sero*e Disrrict Council . The name and addresses of the bidder should be clearly ma*ed on the backside of the plain sealed envelope. The Public procurement Reeuhtorv Atrrhority,s Srandardized Conditions of Tender for Supplies shall apply to thrs,procurcment. for wh.ich atirhe appticable Te;a". - Our, i, ,f," i;r;.;;;;."r,. anyrhing in rhe roresong' centrar District "or,uin"Jl, co.ncir is not bound t. accept the rowest or any ^orwrrhsrandrng tender oller. nor incur any expen,e. in th; prepamtion thereot. B, OBUSITSE As s i stant ManaR er- P roc ureme Cenrral Disiict Coun it nt. 5729 Tend€r No' SDC/EDU/I003/2021'2025 Education DePa ment Serowe District Council - MILK (34OML) A SUPPLIES CONTRACT FOR SUPPLY AND DELIVERY OF UHT COUNCIL DISTRICT SEROWE WITHIN SCHOOLS FOR 31 PR1MARY for the suPply and delivery of TENDER OFFERS ARE INVITED from 100./. cirizen-owned manufacturers (340m1) Schools' 3l Primary for uHT milk . . . The User Depanment is: Education DepartmentProcuremenl Method is: Direct Procurement Method - Food Botswana (P(y) Ltd' .Tendererswhoaredomiciledintsotswanamrtst'inordertobeconsideledforawaldlfthecontfact'beregistered 213 Manufacturers/ lvilh the Public Procurement Regulatory Authority in the follolving categories: Code: Producers. Sub_Code; 01 Processed Food' . ili..,*.e, *ilib. applied to bids which qualify underEconomic Diversilicalion Drive scheme in accordance with Presidential Directive 34 (B) of20l'+' pt."ri.-"","me - Presi{iential Directive CAB 19 (B)' 2013' price preference margin shall apply to and any company whose maiority employees are it'," fottoruing g.nup., vouth, women, people with disability *o-"n. youitr o. plopt" \vith disability and rural settings' Unit (Supplies) Office No' 15' The Dhvsical address for colleciion Tender Documentsls: Public Procurement School' Primar) PIrmaD n"*riokhurrta"riut and Frida) during normal workin-g-hours io.*"nt. ,""V collected during working houfi belween Mon-day starting from 3rd October. 2023. t"tr*.n OZ:O lior." una 1245 houri and fro-m lJ45 hours ro 1630 hours,youth owned companies shall pay half Pula only); ,q nor-."fr"aouf. f"e of Pl50.0o (One Hundred and Fifty prodr:ce ID romazxl and Share Certificale as a proof: t'uia ontrl P75m rse\enl\_Fi\e ^"i.e 'ha, 'hall Cenlre n'e'.n,re or6ce No.,qu; Cenrrat Dinrrcr Council Rural Adminiilrarive iil''i r, in ^"'.,'"nl. u"oo r'""s to l24s hours and from l34s hours to ls3o hours made out your the Tender Document; include proofofpayment with i*"i . . t . i. i.rr.ii iliddfiir;;;;ki;i"ro iu"ori of S"ri*. oirt.l.t Council prior . to collecting b*r_i.. ."tuting ,o the issuance of these documents shall be i,J ru* N.. +6:S+OS ,nd B. Obusitse. All queries should addressed to: M Modibu ' Telephone No 4638400 be in writing three (3) days, before closing date. Email: . iii" J""i"g ar," time for receipt of sealed tender offers is l0oo hours on I 6th ocrober' 2023 . Late tender offers"r-a will not be accepled. . The Bid Submission Method is: One (l) Envelope Submission in which a tenderer's financial and technical otfers are .ubmined logelher in one 'edleJ en!elope' enclosed in a .- n". , , ^rioin,l mrrkerl Oricrnal and l$o l2l clpiei mart'ed Cop) of relumable document( serowe' 001' Bas Private corncil' Dis;rict s"'owe ;i;t; ':,;i.?;;,ilp. "a,r'.ii"a to' rl' s"i'"tu'v' Unit. (supplies) nexrto Khama Memorial iri i""i_a"rir*"a ,1, s*"we oistr;ctiounciL pubiic procurement octoL€r' 2023 marked: "Tender No - SDC/EDU/ 1 pi,-^ry p"."ty rdo:7:ioz:-jozi . Cuuncil School not larcr rhan 1000 hours on l6th Supplv and Delivery oiUHT Milk (340m1) for - 3l Primary Schools within serowe District . marked on the backside of the plain s€aled envelope' The name and addresses of the bidder should be clearly ThePublicProcurementReSulatoryAuthorily,sstandard[edConditionsofTenderforsuppliesshallaPplyto tt ' l. o.ocuremenr. for otrich dllihe applicable "N:i;irilili;;;;;;;re tender offer nor Tender Dala is conlained in the Tender Doc'rmenl ' anv i" ir'. ii*e.i,e. c"ntral District council is not bound to accept the lowest or iniur expens€s in the preparation thereof' B, OBUSITSE. - Procureme t' C e ntral Distt ict Co unci l. Assistant Manager 5730 S€rowe District Council _ Tender No. SDC/ABT(BZ/2O23-2025 SUPPLY AND DELIVERY OF BUILDING MATERIALS TO SEROWE DISTRICT COUNCIL . . . . SEALED TENDER OFFERS ARE INVIIED for the procuremefll of buitding materials to Serowe Districr Council. The Procuring Entiry is: Serowe Distrjcl Council. Proclrement Method is: Open Domestic Bidding rcserved lbr companies domiciled in Serorve District. ' Construction Materials. The tender is reserved Procurement Acr Terderers who are domiciled wilhin Serow; Disrricr (approp;ialely fi"ens"J an,r operaring Hardware establishment) must' in order to be considered for award ofrhe contiact, be registereJ with the public pnrurement Regularory Audority in the following categories: code: 2 I r cenerar Suppries, Sub{ode: t y _ Hardware Toors and - for 100% citizeo! or cirizen conrrautors a\ l'1, O: apptred ro quatifyinC Tr:I.ff:,r1,r,I' Lr) or lUlJ and l-Yeiidenlial Direclive CAB .14 I ' ' ' staleLi under section ?6 (2) of the pubric bidder\ in tine $ irh Locat procuremenr scheme r LpS, CAB js of E_conomic Dller.ihcation Dn!e (EDD]. render Documenrs i., o"pu.i."ri oia..nitecrure and Building { B I 2014 The physicar address for collecrion of Services, Office No. 2. MetalWorks Buildings, Serow€. Documenrs may be collecred during $orking hourc b€tween 0730 hours and 1245 hours and from 1345 hours and 16.]0 hour,. $ h effecl trom 3rd Ocrob;, 2O2l ro tbth October.202l A non-refundabre fee of B wp 50 o0 (one Hundred and Fifty p,ra only) payabre in casb or by bank guaranreed cheque made our in favour of rhe serowe Disrrict councit at Revenue'6ri.e No. azz, nurr eominisrrarion cenrre in serowe. and a re(eipr is required on collection of rhe TeMer Documents. In Iine with Govemment Polic) Reform ol 2015. Affirmative Acrion in Favour ot youlh comp"ni;" pa] )Uao r7j.U0) ot the non-refundable tender fee, upon fumishing rhe offiee wrth a completed iIpA Compa;y bxrad and omarg. 1 ;iii ' .' ' ' . ' . Queries or clarifications reraring to the issuance of rhese documents may be .aa.""r.a,",, *"ting, later rhan Ii ve (5).{a_ys}lory th. tenaer closing dare tor^M-s_B_ Obusitse, Tetephon; No. ' "ot 463569d, Email: and Mr. B. P Kgabeng, Telephone No.463 t057, Fax No.4615469. Ema,l: eostal eaaress: Council Secretar). Serowe Di\lricl Council. private Bag 0O t. Seroue The closing date and time for re{reipt ofseared tender oifers is l6rh october,2023 at l(}tx,) hours. Late tender offers wiil nor be accepted. The Bid Submission Method is: One (l) Envelope Submission in which a renderer's financial and te.hnical offers are submirted together in one seaied envelope. submit one ( l ) originar tender offer marked 'orig;nar" and 2 duplicate copies of the original document marked "Copy- in one_seateJ envetope clearty marked: ..iender No. SDC/AB/TO3)DOZ:_26:S :, Suppty una Oaiuery ol BuildinS Materials to Serowe District Council" addressed to: The Council Se.retary, Serorve Districr council' Private Bag 001, serowe and sha, be hand-derrvered. registered ,r,r, J"pnsitea into a tenae, oox in hocuremenl Unit Of6ce No. 15, Serowe Districr Coun(il. Sero$e' The name and address ofthe bidder should be clearly marked on the envelope Tender opening shall commence immediately after ilosure on l6th octob€;. 2023 at procurement unit office No. I 5. Tenderers wishing to attend to rhe opening of the tender may do so at 1heir own expenses. Covid_ I 9 protocols will be observed. Section I tl ofthe Public hocurement Act shall apply to $is procurement. Regukrory Auihority's Standardized Conditions .,,1t^1!l:-ry::Tent rhrs-procuremenr' tor which aI the appricable T€ndef Data is contained of Tender for suppties shall apply to in the Tender Documenr. in.rhe toreeoins. Central Disrrict Council i. no, r*nJ ro o"".pr rhe lowesr or any renoer orrer nor tncur expenses in lhe preparation lhereol, .j:ji::1,:l9iig.lylhins B. OBUSITSE. - Procurement, Central District Council. Assistant Manager 5731 Bobirwa Dist ct Council - Tender No MESD/POU/REO'CENTRAL- BOBIRWASRySUP/001/2023'2025 GAS TO VAR]OUS INSTITUTIONS SCHOOLS PROCUREMENT OF FOOD RATIONS AND DOMESTIC MONTHS IN BOBIRWA SUB REGION FOR A PERIOD OF 24 gas to various the procurement of food rations and domestic SEALED TENDER OFFERS ARE INVITED for mo-nrhsin'iirl.riion. in eoUit\va Sub Regron for r period ol24 Bobir{a Sub KePron' The Procu ng Enlil) ,': \driour ln'tilulinns in . . Mmadinare SeniorSchool Makome JSS Merementsi JSS Motlhasedi JSS Matshekge Hill School Bobonong JSS Badale JSS Mosetlha JSS Molalatau JSS Gobojango Jss Bobirwa JSS Sefophe JSS Tsetsebjwe JSS Bobonong Brigade Centre and restrickd domeslrc bidding' Procuremenl Methotl ts open Domeslic Bidding re'ened domeslic biddinP is specincall) A' mr Resenalion and P,.f.,.nt,'r r "ili'ot'ilitctron 76 I I cnd 2'iegion' lpoultrv and pourtrv Products' beer ;'"r'a'ng ireou . l.,i ii"li*, o"'i"i f;;)il;;;;;; ona beet producr'. breud'"and "'a conleclionar] dome\lic gas') the confact' be i" s*t*;'" ;;ii' i"irier to be considered for award ofCode: 207 Food calegoriec: lolto$int Ihe rn $ith lhe Publtc ltocuremenr t"g'i'i"ty e'if'"'lty resi.tered 'd,';;i;::;;; Produce 0' Dierary suppremenrs' code ire'h ou n"Ji'ppiL' Generar 0r i;;"i;, 2l6 ca' sub-coders\: . Tenderers who are domicrled ;i!" c#rii;;;i;,,,.^ i'ucoao Domestic '""0il'p'ce'sea rooa' 02 - Be'erage\' code as stated under section 76 (2) ofthe Public hocurement The tendet is reserved for citizens or citizen conraclors 01 . in Lne with the prercribed fuefereoce Scheme: procurement Siheme (LPs): and rhis appries onry to o ittr aisaUitiriet ana thould submii a proof of eligibllil) comDanie\ orvned ur lo,'r' *rlrn*'uniptopte ror )ourh $hotrv o\tned companies price for people \*ilh disabilnies lvholl] preference priie an'l eompanie' oreference lor women uhottl osned Preference marains will be applied to quatifymg bidders ,:,"';;:hHt,ffi;;;,;;d; iqsr j61j'.iih"i"."r ;ll,li;;;; ;;".;ii '.r.,"' vi'i'i'rlo i'i" fi't""n" anached ciBNo lqIBr'Local Procuremenr scheme' [X;'J:;'#";:, ;;"i "r 'i'eisiri'v 'r'"''il u' it"*rni' o;'*tin'arion Drile (EDD) registered locallv c,qs:+ Directive tsllioia";i;" ii. hesidential providen and agncultural producers This applies pti'""a"g;;"";ice r"t"Iy manufactute^ irading in lo benefrt from this preference' submii iDD certrncale only to local manufactur"" una t"ni"ttt" iftoufa SPEDU reservation scheme is: Matshekge The Dhvsical aaldress for collectron of Tender Documents Bobonong .tamini'srturion glocl. ftincipal Accounrs Office iii. . . Documenis may be cort.o"a au'ing *otrti['it'^ *t"la'"y" rt"t uonday Hill School Private Bag 0024' (o Friday' between o80o hours and 2023 eire.t riom :sttr s"pte-ber' 2023 until l lih october' 1245 hours and from 1400 t ou.. ,o roriiio"orr"J,rr ' at 1000 hours. . . *iff u" a"sed for lunch between 1245 hours and 1345 hou'-. 125 - - ^^ (one Hundred and Twentv'00 H'ni'"JunJ rirty eut" ontyl or P fe" or swpzso oo non-refundable A made out in favou of cheque g'*unteed uu"( it uy i" youth ,","1" for Five Pula only) "uJ is required on collection of the Tender "*,"0 ""ttp""t"t ag#srli'Jinit. or trre the covemment ofBotsrvana il#, ilii-*. tril o".r."it than seven (7) ma) be addrcss€d in writing not hter . BS::1Xt;,*o*o*s relating to the issuance of dles€ documenE g"'uti feteptront I'lo :Ot9335 Emarl: knba'uli@gov bw X't'"ii'"" i'l'" to' 0"" cl*i"g lender .tiv\ helole lhe 26tes1it262s4t'1 'Errlair: rinah molefi@gmailsom' ::';fth;ffi;H'i"-;";i;"'" N" zoiq:ji''i"'N"' *i'rt *p***"i'es of the Procudng Entity will take place . . : . Acompulsory site visit analot clariticatioi-m"tti'g at SuPPliers working slations is 1000 hours on l lth October' 2023 The closins date and time lor recerpt of sealed tender offers in which a tenderer's nnanciar and technicar o'". t;, +ii: ii;;;"'i;;;;;ili"" il;'iffi,:;;; il; offe^ are submitted logelher in one sealed envelope' submit one { I I onBinnt ,.nat' orrt' ''coov in one.ealed entelope marked u"a z a'pri..ute copie' of the orisinal documenr 'n-,teso'pouneo-cENTRAL-BOBIRWASR'/ 'i'iii:b'iiin'r" -it"il' tn*il"t'itilti 'ii;odr'ro and Domestic Ga\ to various Insrhurions Rarion' ro,' ij''J*"nr .i,ilfu,)iiri ,oii -'e ii'ia"' p"tioa of ii-l'ionirt" itrtutL u" atr'ut"o t": Cenlral Regional Education Office' in Bobirwa Sub-Region fot u 5,t32 iJ::X:.J"", . OversiSht Othce. Serowe. otd Teemane Manufacruring Company premises (TMC) sefalana The name and address ofthe bidder should be clearly marked on rhe envelope. The Pubhc ftocurement Regularorv procuremenr. tbr which a, Authorit).\ Slandardised Condrrion\ o[Tender lor Supplie\ \hall tppl) to lhr\ rhe applicabte Tender Duta ls .ontuinea in Notwirh\rrndins anlrhing rn ii,e roreeoing. the r.o"u.irg e"ritf oi accept the lowest or aDy tenderoffer, ie'rd;;;;;;;, co,;;;;;;;;;;.,","""" tt. is not bound to M, KEITSHELETSE. ptocurene Oyer Ltni, _siiht First Publicotion chanzi District Council _ Tend$ No. GDC/ELEC/31/202J SUPPLYAND DELIVERY OF ELECTRICAL MAINTENANCE MAI'ERIALS TO GHANZI DISTRICT COUNCIL ' . . . ' SEALED TENDER oFFERs ARE INVITED for supply and delivery of elecrricar maintenance marerials to rhisisaFrameworkco",*.i"*i,r.i,,irr',u.i#ii?lliJo,..,o,.,.ig,,ng,o:,", fi,Tff,il;T.,.",,", The Procuring Entity is: Ghanzi Disric! Council. Procurement Merhod i.:Open Dome.tic Biodrnp. The lender has t$o packales A hi.t.ter is allow; to quote for all packages and can be awarded more than one Package1s.l. Tenderers who are domiciled in Borswana-musr. in order to be considered for award of the contracr, be registered with the public procuremenr Reguraro* e*tr*"v i" ro all Packages being awarded: "itrr.. ".."ot"r.iiitto*ing ""r.go.;., ..r.uunr codei 203 Erectricar' Electronic, Mechanical and Icr suppries, sub-code:01 - Elecrricar and Electronic Equipmenr, Spares and Accessorier trnctudes ICT. pfr.,"ei"'ph,. I"o o,f,.r.l. Code:211 Generarsupplies, Sub-C"a.. rs U*dii*.i i6"i. ' . . ' Eqrp';i ,,il-i.".i*.i,"", u*"m". - s e vi,it to rerit\ oneratronal $arehouie lor rele\ant ,upplie\. t{xat procuremenl Scheme accordice u irh rhe nrovi\ion of rhe Pubric Proii,,.me,,, ecr.,r:o.zr und a. per r, ;||ii"'Xfiy;l$i:|",i,![rn There ma1 be d The tender is reserved for citizen suoDtie^ as srated under section 76 (2) of the publc procuremenr Act. Preference marsrns wi, ;oualitlrng bida.r.-," rl"" ,r,.,i.o"'rr.,n*r." a.t.... qr :oio .i i"oii-*iii ":i,r, ; ;;i.':J;iJ fi:,'appi,e\ ro manurircru,ns \ubmir a .o,y otcenit.r. ,"ii.i,;"p "ppi; irrr",;;i;*,ilid tDb ;";;:;;;;"";: be aDolied ftesrdenriar dire(rire cee companies ontv and \houtd ' . . ii r i.*ued.and cenitied b) Minirrrl otTrcde and Indu"tr1. The physicar addres\ ror corecrion of render.Dociments is: Ere,rical office. Block A at Ghanzi Disrricr Council s Technical Senrces office, rpoputarl) Ci*r, ea".. Documents may be.o ecred durinp uorking huu^ berween 0710 hour\"pi"r," a;d Ll,tS horr. ana lrom t345 hourr and 1630_hours on weekday, * rth erfeet rrom 2z,a s"p,"r*... zii o"iJui.], ,oz:. A non-refundable tender fee of pl50.O0 (one Hr"a*a i,rJ ni y f"L" p,i"ii""i *rr, p75.00 r*", ",.rji.r^.,i,. ioji[i (Seventy_ FrvePutdonty,forlourhownedcomoinie,rproofmusrbep;oviJed,;r,r,i.;;i;,"tre.r.urlDeparrmenr. "rryr ". . Rurar nu-irl',',ii"" riml..'in'oilil* ," ."rr"o,on ot re,der Document. Revenue or6ce ar chdnzi Di"rricr councrr . . . ' '- Queries and clari tical ion s relatin ! ro I he issuance of these documents may "'- be addressed to: Mr O. Kekgabile or O. Moreri. Tetephone No. 6;S6q20. Fax No,. OSSO f f M^ l,6iill0 rhe cto\tng dale and lime for recei.r of sealed render offers is 0900 hours opening will be rmmediarely atrer Lare tender offers will not on l2lh Ocrober 2023. Tender be accepted. The Brd submission Method isr ilne i r) Enverope submission Method in which a tenderer,s financiar and technical otfers are submitted togerher in one .ealed envelope. Submir one (r r originar render ofler marr'ed _oripinrr" marked "copy in one seated enveto'e ctearr! .*1.a,* and J duprrcare copie< or rhe ^ originardocumenr rr:.. r"nder for procuremenr of supptv and Derrrery of Erectricai Mainrenance ura"rLr t" ctrrii-pi.oi", addressed roi The Councit Secrerary, Ghanzi District Councit, and sr,ufr s. nura-a"rir"..J ,ru orn"".. Ct""ri Districl Council not later than 0q)0 hours on l2rh October.202l coi;l;a;i;;i0;i ; iJ,*ir .I iloirii"r, 5733 on the envelope' The name afld address of the bidder should be clearly marked ' apply lolhis s Standardised Cooditions ofTenderfor Supplies shall Tender Data is contained in the Tender Documenr anv Ghanzi District council is not bound ro accept ihe lowest or to*soine, The public procurement Regulatory Authority or..,, fo, tutri.t all thJapplierble ' ,i;;;ii;:;Ji";;;;,r,i"e ,n ir,. 'r'e o. MoswEU. Accountins Olfc?r' Ghdn.i Disttict Coun(il' Selebi-Phik e Town Council - Tend€r No' SPrC/CMS/53/2020 B PAVING OF REBECCA STREET AWORKS CONTRACT FOR ROADS LEVY FUNDS PROJECTS DRAINAGE SYSTEM USING INTERLOCKING BRICKS AND RECONSTRUCTION OF AND ASSOCIATED WORKS IN SELEBI PHIKWE a works contracr for a works contract lbr SEALED TENDER OFFERS ARE INVITED for the provision of Street using interlocking bricks and reconstructioo of drainase paving of Rebecca e."r.ts svstem and associated lvorks in Sclebi Phikwe' ihe Works Contract rvill include lhe follolving: a. Paving bY Interlocking Bricks . ;;;;y-fil b. Access slabs c. Storm rvaler drain reconslruction . The Procuring Entity is: Selebi Phikwe Town Council Civil and Mechanical Services . Procurement Method isi Restricted Domestic Bidding' be registered with the Public Procurement . i"ra....r .r", i, 10 be considered for a',vard of the contract. Civil Engineering Sub Code(s): 0l "rder n""rl" ,qr,i,.*v tpPRA) in the following categoriesr Code:03 Coi.rru.ri.n tRod'. Intr.r\rruLlure Arrneld'' Crrde: OC' 76' (2) ('1) ofthe Public Procurement ActThis tender is reserved lbr citrzen contractors in line with seclion be Selebi Phiki'e' should and ei,fa..|i f,".ulity to. U,ft PPARA and CIPA should correspond apply in this tender' Local Procurement shall Scheme Procurement (B) Local 2013: 19 tuu oir".ti," ir,. youlh' people Nrlh drrabilttres women' and employment: Preferential Treatment is applicable to empo*er the will ie appliei to brdders who hrre (ompleled the Local Procuremenl . . .r.rir,i". :'z p.eference "Reprstrrtron Ccrtililjate i;.."i"..".. ln"r"irt wrll . . . -urgin be 3pphed Io quatifying bidders in line with the following s'hemes: itrir,"na", ii op"n tn companies operating in Selebi Phiklve only maflufacturers and service providers.".".. to p*.r,use all theii proaucts from'100% citizen locatly based priced meet lender specitcations and are locallv available compelilively iror-ia"a ,t ui,f,. gon.f, "nd serrices Bureau of Standards (BOBS) or other in terms ol quaht) standard as cerrhed or recognized by Boisrvana recognized certifYing bodies. Town Council Supplies Department . ii. ir,rt,.rr col leunon of Tender Documents is: Selebi-Ph ikve "aa.ts'lor .rdjacenr s"r*'ano Corpor'rtion Heal o16ce' . Do.trments mav be collecied durlng working hours between 0730 hours and 1245 hours and from 1345 hours . and 1630 hour;from 25th September.2023' payable in cash or by bank guaranteed A non-refundabte fee of P250n0 flwo iundred and Fifty Pula only) companies shatl pav a non'refundable ownerl Youth ;;; t" i;'"ur of setebiphiiwe io*n councii paid at the Revenue Offile No 0 09 ' (Cround Floor)' only) Pula (One lventy-Five and Hundred fee of P 125.00 on collection of the Tender Block, (lra,in Uafi. s"i'eU-pfri*we Prcni of payment is required .;;;';;. Administration Documenl. ' in writing not laterthan relating to the issuance ofthese documents may be addressed' Mosweu' Telephone Nos 2610570/26 and MrT' Paakane Mr J' to' Jui" 6ve (5) "loting 122261261224812613169, Fax No. 261485'l' will take place .tt" ;isit and pre+ender meeting with representatives of the Procurins Entity Depot along inside works lo assemble are ienderers pro_spective troun 'eif on |lth October,2023 at fOoo Independence Road opposite Environmental Heahh Depanment' closes at 0900 hours Tenderers who come late Attendance Registration witt commence at 0800 hours' Gate allowed' not be after 0900 hours will 6r"1"" "..f^,in.uions before the t"na.t days . ;;;;;1.;; . 5',734 . :' . ' . rechnrcat.qualiricarions (Minimum of Certificare in Buildins and Civit Engineering/ attend rhe,ile rrsil. proot of \u(h qurlification\ should be av,iil; sir: visir. rhat ir. cenihed copy ol academic cenrrrcare and o,ie,""iiJ.;i;,y Documenr. No person -d::l'f_rle rn rhe \ite \ isit (hall be allolled ro represenr more rhan panr(rpatrng one re-nderer. dcre a nd me.tor receipr o f sealed lender offers is at I 000 hours on I 8,1 October, 2023 . I!-. Lxte :h.1", tender orters \ttll,xnor be acceored lhetenderetalurtionuill lolloq Lasr Cosr Selerrion Eraluatron procedure. The Bid submission Merhod is: one Envelope submission in which a rend;r's financiar and rechnicar offers are submirred tog€ther in one sealed envelope. ..Origi;al'. ( One i ) original tender offer marked and 2 duplicare copies of the original document marked ..Copy.. I:]::.-o-l,I-T:|i",\irh rlrpnna) Engrneenng technicidn,.hould in,oae,\ealed^envetopectead)marked:.IenderNo.Sf"f-ClCfr SIS':IZOZOe-F.JuL-.rtorWo.t"Contro.t , Ronds I e!) Fund\ projecrs pa! ing oi Rebecca Sreer Using tnrertocking Bricks and i.:.r.-*::.-:,.: utJlLJrarnage S) stem KecoDsrruclon dnd {\\ocia(ed Worki. \hall be deli\ ered to: Sele-bi-philu e lou n Council. .r . Procurement Unir adjacent ro Botswana power Corpomtion. The name and address of tle bjdder should be clearly marked on the envelope. The Public kocurement Regulatory Authorily's srandardised conditions of render for works sha, apply to this procuremenr. for !\ hrch all rhe applicable Tender Data is contained in the Tenao Oo.rr.n,r. r\or\\ rrhstrndrng inlrhing in rhe foregoing, the Govemment ofBolswana is not bound !o accept the lorvest or any T. MOSWEU. Assistant Manager - Prccurenent, Selebi- P hitue To'n n Counc i t. 5735 Gee'force venturcs Proprietary Limited (Bw000002129?1) ALTERAIION OF STATED CAPITAL for passing of a shall be passed as a sPecial resollttion notice IT WAS RESOLVED that the following resolulion sp€cial resolution having been formally waived: following pro!rsions of secrion 59 of the companres Act; that the lT wAS RESOLVED in accordance with rhe **r"ti""'l'ubject to the approvalot rhe Companres and IntelleciualPrope(v '"*,,1fi tilllll;,,* ffi;;;;"i ^ "f".i"r P3 *" *. companv shatl reduce its stated caPital bv Pl '000'000 rrom P4'000'm0 to '00o'00o" Suguna Chickens (Ptv) Ltd (ln Liquidation) L\GHB - 00008/2t AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNT NOTICE OF CONFIRMATION OF FINAL LIQUIDATION NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Final Liquidation 450 or *," co.prnl." e.ilt u'.E.n and Distnbutron A"ccount of ihe above named company' lor the required period' No objections op.n"a to' in t€rms of secrion the account' have been received and the Master has conlirmed 'ntptttion Liquidrtor in terms of section 455 (2) ofthe Companies Act' the FURTHER NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Account' Distribution and Liquidation Final to the *rir'ai"iiiril i""cr.o-"^ according DAIED ANrHoNy euAsHrE, at Gaborone this 31st day ofAugust' 2023' r*fj:,ei.cJ$lJi!$!lrl.o u* r r57. GAB.R.NE. First Publication Notice to Debtors and Cr€ditoN Master's Refercnce : ESHOB'000 I 87 /22 who died lN THE ESTATE of the late Mabel Nonofo Senau at Xhosa l Mahalapye' ' Central Mahalapye District' Botswana on the 25th day of August,2021 NoTlCElsHERIBYGlvENthatDebtorsandcre.litorsintheaboveEstate.areherebyrequirediopaytheir (30) days afler publicalion hereof orrnnut"r.. nu,ui"'Jrf itr.'rro-.i.le;"a *irtti",hiny .rehts and fite their ctaim" SUSAN SEGOMOTSO SENAIJ' L€ Er€"trir' Xhosa-l Mahalxpve PO Box1831' /2zEb'tl r' MAHALAP\ E Cellphone Nos 74I898rt4/ First Publication Application for a Certified Copy of Lost Deed Memorandum intends applying for a cenihed copy of lost NOTICE IS HEREBY GMN that the undersigned (Proprietary) Limited in Makati D' of ii ta'-vor'rr t"iJ r6dz' of Agreemenr of t ease No. I24l92 dated riii respect of; u',iil' CERTAIN: \;;i;;;, "ii"o?'u"*iwc, "i ol o*o it'*ono required io lodge the same' in havins obiections to the issuance of such copy are hereby norice' this of publicarion o".l' i"r,i; lhree r 3 r $eek' from la\t a, mn6ns n{i.# glq Mogodil'hxne: land berngTribal Lol No rerriroD: ar Mogoditshane in rhe Bakwena rnbal six Hundrcd and sixtv-seven square Metres); ioez# piece witing' with the 5,736 DATED ar Gaborone on rhe 6rh day of Seprember.2023. MAKATI LAW CONSULrANCY. ptot No. 59^860,Block Ftrst pubrk.ottott i]Hf j, off Westcrn Bypass. (Basotho Drive). Po Bor l08 cABoRo\E. "^.I;:H..*%r*oF,rHEREpuBLrcoFBorswANA rn the matrer casc No berrveen: cvHGB 00tl9l/t8 CITIZENENTREPRENEURIALDEVELOPMENTAGENCY(CEDA) and ptointiff LESANG LECOTLHO NOTICE OF SALE IN EXECUTION BF Pl EASED TO TAKT NO CT rhar ;F -*l*i.fl'ln::i;;:':'iy;;.iJli'.''.I;i,:l.ll.,ii',1,1['i,:iill'1,'tsJfi;!il:,[",f,'Jl'#fi:l;li: DATE OF SALL: TIME,' VEN UE: PROPERTY TO BE SOI,D- 26th Ocrober.2023: I030 hours: C.rborone Nonh. Lor No.679l-t, Caborone: a prele-ol lrnd berng I or No. o79 t.'t. Caborone. mea,uring 450m- (Four Hundred anJ fifry.Squ:rre Melre.). held under Deed ot Tran,Ier-f,f". t, ir:iL.ra. j"' ldvouro[L(.ant Le8orlho k,gether $ rrh \ome Je!"foprn.",. ,f,.r"., J rhree bedronmed \rnple slorey hou.e \\ ilh integrrf lirgt; g"lre. ,lii,;l1i quine^. enctu.ed b) a L8m hiph concrere ""i;Ji, blo.i $rth elecrri( fence xnd sreelslidins pire. Srrictl) crsh or banl'eor", ."rrriirJ ,".d,r il;";; TERMS OF SALE: CONDITIONS OF SALE: ;,;:; or,ite ma) be in.pecred ar rhe ptdinrrff.\ otrice nr RerJrled^:.nl9jrl9n. $rrh Deput) Sheriff UyJpo Mahka on Celtph;ne \o. ?16q6'997. DATED al Gaborone this 5th day of Seprember. 2023. DEPUTY SHERIFF uyApo MAFTKA, ceflphone_No. 71696997, c/o clrzEN EN TREPRENEURIAL DEVELOPMENT AGENCY (CEDA). ptor N-u. 5415{,:Fg:r:hmyJquare. phithp Mamnte Road, CBD. pri\Jre Bag 00504. CABORONt. Il:Ifr'^I::got*o* oF rHE REPUBLIC oE BorswANA Case No.CVHGB In the matter berween: -002tlt t8 CITIZENENTREPRENEURIALD€VELOPMENTAGENCY(CEDA) PRIMROSE MAIXTITLO SOLOMON plaintiff Defendant NOTICE OF SALE IN EXECUTION ro a rudsmenl e"nt"a u1 H-o*,bt. co,.",ro t",ii,i:'#.t"?,13.#15,[?.rJ[?.ll.r':::anr hallbe'oldb) pubhcau(lionb) oep,rl 't'',uou" srr.affvonoro vsiina r; rhe hrghe\r brddera\tollo*\ DATE OF SALE: TIME: VENUE: PROPERTY TO BE SOLD: 3rd November,2023: 1030 hours: Tribal Lor No. I6t.Mmankgodi Vrllaee: a piece oir land bejns Tribal Lor No. l6-l . Mmantgodi, \ituared ar Mmarksod. .n ;#ijffi;; r:Titor). mea,unns r+r:,,,on. rr,o,,-"ii l.1."Bjl::11 xno thrrleen I,ur square Merre. ). held under Notrnat Deed ;if;;; ii;.;; 5',737 TERMS OF SALE: CONDITIONS OF SALE: with some 128/2012 made in favour of Primrose Maikutlo Solomon together lwo Jeveloomenl. Ihereon comprr\rng main bedroom $llh burh_in cupboards (um Lr(chen dinrng room funril) uerrnd., lounPe. porih beJroom', enlrxn.e J,ni* Iiu.a \vr{h cupboa-rds and \orkrop\. pasrgesay launJry communal r',,i.1". *itt tu,f,ruir. ".rrer closel anJ $;sh hand ba'in. eenanr'\ quaner xnd screen rvall with a sliding gate; Strictlv cash or bank guaranleed cheque; Oetailla condltions o-f sale may be inspecled at the Plaintiff's of6ce or with Deputy SheriffNonofo Mabina on Celtphone Nos 71657100 or 73280689' DATED at Gaborone this 6th day ofSeptember' 2023' ci o CITIZEN DEPUTY SHERIFF NONOFO MABINA. Cellphone Nos ' 7 1o57100 or 73280689 Four Thinv Square' No' 5'll50 (CEDA), Plot AGENCY OEVELOPMENT eNrngpneNeUnlerPhillip Malante Road. CBD. Private Bag 0050'I GABORONE IN THE HIGH COURT OF TIIE REPUBLIC OF BOTSWANA HELD AT GABORONE Case No.CVHGB 000484'19 Ifl the matter between: FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF BOTSWANA Ptdi tilf and KI-TECH (PTY) LIMITED MTHULISI SIBANDA 2nd Dekndant NOTICE OF SALE IN EXECIITION judgment and writ of execuion of this Honourable Courl ' BE PLEASED TO TAKE NOTICE that pursuant lo a oitt" utnu" nu,,,"a Defendants wiil be sold in execurion bv Deputv sheriff urgent Jav Chilisa 1l) the highest bidder in the manner set out: ,h.";ll;;;;;";;y DATE OF SALE: TIME OF SALE: VENUE: PROPERTYTO BE SOLD: I'ERMS AND CONDITIONS. 261h Chtober.2023: 1030 hours: Lor No. 62424, Phakalane. Gaborone: fenaanti rights, title and inieresl on a certain piece of land being Lot No oz+i+, pfr"uiun", Gaborone' siluated in Gaborone Administrative District' Seplemb€r' fretd unaer Deed of transfer No. 2461/2016 dated the l6th day of 19l4m2 and measunng (Proprietaiy) Limited Ki-Tech f""out ot in ,uJ" :ofO. ion" ir,or""na Nine Hundred and Fourteen square Metres) together with ,f*u.too-.n,' thcreon bein! a 4 bedronmed hou'e $ith \iltrne room drnrng\ ,,-r. if*"" fi"i"s ,onr.. ki'.h.n. .r balhroom'. Cuesl lollel olnce \er!ant lvall: qurner eniurle. swrmming pool- carpol. 'creen The abole is sold Voerrlool (as rt rs). iu.t oit"nr gu-ont""a cheque othenvise' detaited conditions of sale may be inspected at the Plaintiff's A(omey's office DATED at Gaborone on this lsl day of September' 2021' Telephone No 3923239' DEPUTY SHERIFF URGENT J CHILISA, Cellphone Nos ' 74770666/77594008 Mews, Plot No 74770' wesGm Commercial Road' c/o MWIYA LAW. Plain tiff\ Attornets, Motoiwa -Floor' Caborone PO'Box46770 CABORONE' Central B usiness Diitrict. Unit 7, Th ird 5738 IN THE HIGH COURT OFTHE REPUBLIC OF BOTSWANA HELD AT GABORONE Case No. CVHGB - N1427-19 In the matter between: FIRST \4TIONAL BANK OF BOTSWAN { Plainti"ff and BL AVINATION (PTY) LIMITED LEBOCANG LEPSY MOSOPE I st Defendant 2nd Delcnda t NOTICE OF SALE IN EXECUTION . B-E.PLEASED TO TAKE NOTICE that pursuanr to a judgment and wrir of execurion of this Honourable Court, the following propeny of the above named Defendants wil be sord in execurion by Deputy sheriffopero Mothibi to the highest bidder in the manner set oDt: DATE OF SALE: TIME OF SAI,E: loth November.2023; VENUE: PROPERTYTO BE SOLD.. l0J0 hours; Loi No. 58255. phakalane. Cabomne: Defendants righls. title and inreresr on a cenain piece of land being Lot No. 58255, phakalane. Gaborone situated in Gaborone Administrarivt District. held under Deed ofTransfer No. 934/2016 dated 6rh day ofApril, 2016. made in favour of BL Aviarion (proprietary) Limited and rneasur;g 9.12m, (N,ne Hundred-rnd Fony-Two Squ$e Metres) rogerher rvith develoiments thereon b€ing a 3 bedroomed house wirh siling room, fitted kirchen. master ensuite. TERMS AND CONDITIONST two bedrooms fitted, roilet plus bathroom wirh shower. varendar,double garage, guest wing fitted rrith shower and toilet, swimming pool, servant,s quan-er wlth kitchen, paved with screen wall and electricat fence (flat house) double storcy; The above is sold rosrrloor (as it is). cash or bank guaranreed cheque ;herwise detailed conditions of sale mav be iospented at the plainti,I,s Arromey,s office. DATED at Gaborcne on rhis 7th day of Seprember.2023. DEPUTY SHERIFF OPELO MOTHIB I, Cellph or,e Nos..t22344t9t77636760, c/o MWIYA LAW, s Attorne-,-s.Morojwa Mews, plot No. 74770, westem commercial Road, central Business District. Uoir 7, Third Floor, Gaborone, pO. Box 46770, CABORONE. Plainri,ff IN THE HIGII COURT OFTHE REPUBLIC OF BOTSWANA HELDAIGABORONF. Case NI.CVHGR 002442-19 In the matter between: BBS BANK (/orm€rry BOTSWANA BUILDING SOCTETY) ptaintifl and THE HIVE HOTEL ( TY) LTD DABILO CHIPUKA TEEDZANI CHIPUKA I st Defendant 2nd Dekndant TIKONKO BUSINESS SERVICES 4th Defendant 3td Deknllant NOTICE OF SALE IN EXECUTION PLEASED TO TAKE NOTICE rhat pursuant .be BE sold by auction by Deputy Sheriff Nonofo to ajudgment ofthe above Honourable Mabina to the highest bidder as follows: DATE OF SALE: TIME OF SALE: 27tb Ocrober,2023: 1030 hours: VENUE: SITUATE: Tribal Lot No.96. Moyaphiri. Mogodrt\han(. in the Bakwena Tribal Tenitory; cou(, the folowing wil 5139 MEASURING: PROPERTY TO BE SOLD: l6l5m' (One Thou,and Si\ Hundred and Thiny-Frve squaretrrlelrei): held Lot No. oo. Nkoyaphiri. Mogodirshane in the Bakwena Tribal Territory' ,ri.. v".o.-Oirni of,qgreeiment of l-ease No TL 435/2014 dated the 4th day ,"a. in f"iour ol The Hrve Hr-rrel rProprietaryl Lrmrred logelher "i"".if.iO *iini.'"top."n,.,t"t.on beine l0 bedroom'. I olfice receplion area dininP ia CONDITIONS OF SALE: TERMSOF SALE: gate; room. kitch;n. boardroom, storeroom' screen wall with slidinB *irf be viewed at Deputy Sheriff Nonofo Mabina's "r "rl" 3912?34orCellphone Nos ?1657100/73280689i Telephone No. cash or bank guaranteed cheques. ."'iiii.". DATED office' ofAugust' 2023' at Gaborone on this 30rh day No\' 71657100/73280689' DEP|ITY SHERIFF NONOFO MABINA, Telephone No 39l27l4/Cellphone Rlock B' l,irircilN a rsl-LY (sorswANe). rh" Fields Precrncr' Lot No 5'1349 CBD orn'e Third Floor. PO' Box 1339' GABORONE' "i" IN THE HIGH COURT OFTHE REPUBLTC OFBOTSWANA Case No. CVHGB HELD AT GABORONE - 003790'20 In the matter betweenl RAIN CAPITAL (PT! Plaintifl LIMITED and I st Delendant 2nd Dekndu t 3rd Defe dant & CARRY (PIY) LIMITED ZAIBOONISARASUL SN CASH NIAZ AHMED RASUL NOTICE OF SALE IN EXECUTION judgment Branted by rhe above.Honourable Cour' 100% of BE PLEASED TO TAKE NOTICE that pursuant to a in BotJka 'q uto oefenaants h.ld ;y the secona and tiriJ ,n" r"liowing immovable property which witl be sold bv public auction b] Depul) iherrFf D J. Molo lo lhe hiPhe'l bidder a' lutlolvs: c*T G-lll,llT':d,Y-YT:l:l:: td;; .;;;" $;,il'.';'#;",I;:;1ri.,.."a "-*,.i DATE OF SALE: TIME OF SALE: VENUE: PROPERTYTO BE SOLD: 25rh October.2023; 1030 hoursi l-ot No. 292l.Gaborone; rriii".iitt",-.s in BotokaAuto Centre qhich comDanv is lhe regi'lered owner ol tnl (fty) Limited Bw00000375125 \o 2q2l Gaborone mea'unng iriii,n;,oil. trt"^*a-and Fon) one Square Merresr' held under Deed o[ i.^"'il, N". SO2,200r dared 2.lrd Apnl. 2uOI. in fa\our of Bolol'3Auro Centre rPtvr Limiled wilh a re\idenlial de!etopment lhereonl .TERMS OF SALE: .r"i, lr"t gr-"r,..a accept"rany bid made. DATED cheques. at Gaborone on this 7th day Thi Depuly Sheritf 'hall nor be obliSed ro of September' 2023' 72192666' DEPUTY SHERIFF D. J MOYO.TelePhone No' I16112s/Cetlphone-No 54373' unir2'MatanteMews'PlotNo House & AssocIATES,AJA irNeeHnl .lo,qrnislGABORoNE' 20575' Box PO' CBD. Gaborone. 5',740 IN THE HIGH COURT OFTHE REPUBLIC OFBOTSWANA HELD AT GABORONE Coui ofAppeal No-CACGB -29e.2 t 00 Hish Couft No. CVHCR 93-21 In the malter behveen: CITIZENENTREPRENEURIALDEVELOPMENTAGENCY(CEDA) plaintifl and LAZARUS HABANA Defendant NOTICE OF SALE IN EXECUTION BE PLEASED TO TAKE NOTICE rhar pursudnt h a iudpment grinted by lhe abo\e Honourible Cuun, lhe follo\ving Defendrnr s rmmovable propen) .hrll be,old b) pubtrc auclion by Depurl Strentt Uycpo t,tarrta to itre hrsherr biLider as follor!\ DAI'I: OF SALE: TIME: VENUE: PROPERTY TO BE SOLD: 3rd November,2023i 1030 hou.s: TribalLor No. t7853. Maunr a pie(e oi l.rnd being lribal Lor No. l 7b5J. Maun, \ Uared ar Maun rhe Barr$lnr fribat lerriloD. mea.unng t22tIn , O". Thorr"; and Twenry-One Square Metres), held under Norar;af neea { Bo,ei,,,n I";i;;;;.; of Cession No._fr MA 52:oto drled lhe 25th da1 ot Februrry.20lo. made in ta!our ot La,.arur Hrbana logerher with some de!elopmenl\ therEon beinp e r*o bedroomed hou:e consr\rrnE ol rr\ o bedroom,. open kilchen. \ining room. toilel and birhroom and len.erl: TERMS OF SALE: CONDITIONS OF SAI,E: \rflcll) ca\h ur banI guaranteed cheoue. Detartd^.ondilron\ *f. i.'i".p*,.d al lhe ptarnril.\ oltice or Depur] \heritTUlapo"fMantJ^ry on CeIphone N,,.7toqb997 \ilh DATED at Gaborone this srh day of September. 2023. DPIYIMEIIFF uyAp0 MAFTKA, celtphone No. 7r6e6997, c/o crrrzEN ENTREPRENEURTAL DEVELOPMENT AGENCY (CEDA), ploiNo. S+:SO. rour frrirty Squa." pC rul"i"""" privare Bag 00504, GABORONE. IN THE HIGH COURT OF TIIE REPUBLIC OF BOTSWANA HELDATGABORONE In the matter benveen **a, CSO, Court ofAppeal No. CACAB - 298-2 High Cout No. CVHGB - 001t93-2 t t : CITIZENENTREPRENEURIALDEVET.0PMENTAcENCy(CEDA) ptaintill and LAZARUS HABANA NOTICE OF SALE IN EXECUTION BE PLEASED TO TAKE NOTICE thai purru.rnt lo a Judgment pranled b) the above Honourable Coun, the follo\! ing Detendanr'\ rmmorabte propeny shall be r'ld b) pubhc auclron by Deputy Sheriff Ulapo Mankd to lhe hrshe\t bidder as follo$\ DATE OF SALE: TlME: VENUE: PROPERTY TO BE SOLD: 25th October.2023: 1030 hours: Lot No. 68159. caborone: a piece of land being Lot No.68159, Gaborone, situated at Gaborone Administralive Dt\lrict. mearunng l22lm rOne Thou\dnd Two Hundred and lwenly-One Square Metrest. held under Deed otTran\fer No.857/20t4 the I 5th day of May. 20 I 4, made in favour of Ldz u.u" Huboru ura therein being an unlinished structure; daled a.*fop."rti 5',741 strictly cash orbank guaranteed cheque: with Detaiied conditions if sale may be inspected at the plaintiff's office or Deputy Sheriff Uyapo Mafika on Cellphone No.71696997' TERMS OF SALE: CONDITIONS OF SALE: DATED at Gaborone this 5th day of September' 2023' DEPUTY SHERIFF UYAPO MAFIKA. Cellphone No' 7lbq6c97 c/o CITIZEN ENTREPRENEURIAL Road' CBD' DEVELOPMENT AGENCY (CEDA), Plot No 54350. FourThiny Square PC Malante Private Bag 00504, GABORONE' IN THE HIGH COURT OF THE REPUBLIC OF BOTSWANA HELD AT GABORONE Case No. CvHGB - 001208'21 ln the matter beNeen: CITIZENENTREPRENEURIALDEVELOPMENTACENCY(CEDA) Plaintifl and MOTSL\,II OTLOTLENG YANE Dekndant NOTICE OF SALE IN EXECUTION BE PLEASED TO TAKE NOTICE lhai pursuant to foffo*ing o"i"na""ti l*movable Property ;all be sold a judgment granted by the above Honourable Coult the public auction by Deputy Sheriff Meshack Moshabi to bi the highest bidder as follows: DATE OF SALE: TIME: VENUE: PROPERTYTO BE SOLD: TERMS OF SALE: CONDITIONS OF SALE: tTth ocrober.2023; 1,130 hoursi Tribal Lot No. 3058, Bokaa Village; a oiece of tand being Tribal Lol No. 1058. Bokaa. measudng a08m: lNlne Hundred and trghry Square Melre\). held under Memorandum of Agreemenl of Lease No. Ta MA i645/2011 made in favour of Motsumi odotleng Yane rosether $uh rome developments thereon compri\lng a bachelor hou'e sifling .#m combrned $rlh kikh;n, one bedroom. {hower combined $ilh toilel and srricrlv cash or banl sua.rantetd cheque; neLailld condrrion. Jt rale mat be inspecred al lhe plaintiff ' office or wilh 1 Deputy Sheriff Meshack Moshabi on Cellphone Nos 71623026/7330131 ' DATED a. Caborone this 7th day of September' 2023' DEPUTY SHERIFF MESHACK MOSHABI. Cellphone Nos ?1623026/733013lI'c/oCITIZEN ENTREPRENEURIALDEVELoPMENTAGENCV(CEDA).PlotNo.54350.FourThirtysquare' Phillip Matante Road CBD, Private Bag 00504' GABORONE' 5142 IN THE HIGH COURT OFTHE REPUBLIC OF BOTSWANA HELDATCABORONE Case No. CVHGB - 001208-21 In the matter between: CITIZENENTREPRENEURIALDEVELOPMENTAGENCY(CEDA) ptaintiff and MOTSUMI OTLOTLENG YANE Defendant NOTICE OF SALE IN EXECUTION T9 IAKE NOTTCE rhar pu.suant ro a judgment granted by rhe above Honourable .ro'owrn8 ,,Bi llES:El L'erendanr-s immovabre propen! shau be sold pubric the hiehest bidder as by follow( DATE OF SALE: TIME: VENUE: PROPERTY TO BE SOLD: TERMS OF SALE: CONDITIONS OF SALE: Court, rhe aucrion by Deputy sheriffMeshack Mosha;i ro lTth October.2023: 1030 hours: Tribal Lot No. 2660,Tsolamosese,Mogoditshane: apieceof land being Tribal tnt No.2660. Tsolamosese. Mogoditshane, measuring l37lmr (One Thousand Three Hundred and Seventy-Oneiquare Uetreg. tretE under Notarial De€d of Cession No. MA 69?/2013 made in iavour of Morsumi Otlodeng Yane together with some developments thercon comprising a three bedrcomed house. sitting room, kirchen. barhroom, toilet combinedivith biathroom. lwo and halfhouse and screen wall with electric fence: Stridl, cash or banl guarrnleed cheque; Detailed conditions ol rale may be rnspecled al lhe plainriff.s otnce or with Deputy Sheriff Meshack Moshabi on Cellphone Nos. 7 t623026/7330131l. DATED at Gaborone rhis 7rh day of September, 202j. DEPUTY SHERIFF MESHACK MOSHABI, Cellphone Nos. 7t 623026/7330131 l. c/o CTTIZEN ENTREPRENEURIAL DEVELoPMENT AGENCV (CEDA), PIot No,543so, rour Irirty Sqr:are, Phillip Marante Road. CBD, hivare Bag 00504, GABORONE. IN THE HIGH COURT OFTHE REPUBLIC OF BOTSWANA HELD AT GABORONE Case No.CVHGB M2882-2t In the mater between: ABSA BANK BOTSWANA (Formerty known as BARCLAYS BANK BOTSWANA) plaintilf and CATHRINE LITIHO AMOS LITIHO Ist Defendant 2nd Deknda t NOTICE OF SALE IN EXECUTION ,lIl!a1S_a"TTKENOTICErharpursuanr10ajudgmentofrheaboveHonourableCoun,rhefollowingwill be sold by aucrjon by Deputy Sherift Zachaflah F. Mashamaite to the highest bidder as follows: DATE OF SALE: TIME OF SALE: l9th October.2023: 1000 hoursi VENI]E: Lot No. 1764, Kasane: SITUATE: in the township of Kasane; 643m: (Six Hundred and Fony,Three Square Metres)i Lot No. 1704, Karan€ rn lhe rown\hip of Kasane. held under Deed of Fi\ed Period Slcle Cranr No. F[ oot/20 t6 registered on lhe tSlh day otAugusr.20t6. made in favourofAmos Litiho, rogether wilh some developments theieon being a 3 bedroomed with master ensuite, kitchen, living room, 2 and half house: scrcen wall and 2 sliding gates; MEASURING: PROPERTYTO BE SOI.N: 5',741 conditions of sale will be viewed at Deputy Sheriff Zachariah F' Mashamaite's Offi ce, Cellphone No. 77638433; cash or bank guaranteed cheque. CONDITIONS OF SALE: TERMS OF SALE: DAIED it Gaborone on this 4th day of September' 2023 DEPUTY SHERIFF ZACHARIAH F. MASHAMAITE, Cellphone Nos 7163A$3n4211019 ' VINCUIN A fELLY (BOTSWANA)'The Fields Precinct. Lot No 54349'CBD' "lo Oflice Block B, Third Floor. PO ' Box 1339. GABORONE - IN THE HIGH COURT OF THE REPUBLIC OF BOTSWANA HELD AT GABORONE Case No. CvHCB - 001012'22 In the matter between: CITIZENENTREPRENEURIALDEVELOPMENTAGENCY(CEDA) Plaintifr and Defetuiant MONKGOGI JULIUS SECOBYE NOTICE OF SALE IN EXECUTION a judgmenl granted by the above Honourable Coun' the sold by public auction by Deputy Sheriff Meshack Moshabi to tle property shall immolable s following Defendant rhe highest bidder as follows: BE PLEASED TO TAKE NOTICE lhat pursuant to 1gth Oclober,2023i 1030 hours: DATE OF SALE: TIME: Tribat Lot No.4548, Mochudi: , oiece or land beine Trib3l Lot No. 4548. Mochudi. measunng 715m': lSeven HinJrea ana fitreen'square Metre\,. held under Nolarial Deed of Cesrion No' MA lO2l/2013 made infavour ofMonkgogi Julius Segobye together with some de!eloomenh lhereon comprising a lhree bedroomed house $ i!h ma\kr en\uiIe' lilche;. drninp room. balhroom and toilel combined and fenced: \tncrh, cash or bank guaranleed cheque: wilh neLait'ea conaltion.6t .ale may be,nspected al lhe Plainliff\ otlice or Nos 71623026/7330131l' Cellphone on Moshabi Deputy SheriffMeshack VENUE: PROPERTYTO BE SOLD: TERMS OF SALE: CONDITIONS OF SALE: DATED ai Gaborone this ?th day of September,2023' c/o CITIZEN DEPUTY SHERIFF MESHACK MOSHAB], Cellphone Nos 71623026/7ll0l-3Il DEVELOPMENT ACENCV (CEDAr. Plot No 54350.TourThiny square' Phillip Matante Road, CBD. Private Bag 00504' GABORONE' g-lrnipniNeunler IN TIIE HIGH COURT Of TIIE REPUBLIC OF BOTSWANA HELD AI FRANCISTOWN Case No. CVHFT - 000776'21 In the matter between: CITIZEN ENTREPRENEURIAL DEVELOPMENT AGENCY and KAMOHELO LTJANE (CEDA) PIAi tiff Dekndant NOTICE OF SALE IN EXECUTION granled b) the above Honourable Coun lhe BE PLEASED TO TAKE NOTICE that nur\uurl lo a iudqmenl Depuly Sheriff Meshxck Mo\habi lo following Defendant's immovable propeny Jtratt Ue 'ota ui pu-blic auition by follows: the highest bidder as 5744 DATE OF SALE: TIME: VENUE: 2nd November,2023i 0900 hours: Lot No- 9348, chanzii a piece of land being Lol No. 9348, Chanzi. measurinS 7l3mr (Seven Hundred and Thi(een Square Metres), hetd uncter Deed of No. SOViOia .uaJ -,r,"iJJ, PROPERTYTO BE SOLD: f.i'.f", Kamohelo Lijane, rogether with a*anp..",, :compnsrng fi"9* "fa rwo roomed house. bathroom with"orn. toilet and liitchen with an incomplete screen wall: slrictly cash or bank gDaranteed cheoue: Delailed^condition, ot .ale ma) he insr,ected $ the plarnritr\ offi(e or wirh "' Depury Sherifl" Me,hack Moshabi on Celphone N".. itoZ:O:O,t:-rOr r TERMS OF SALE: CONDITIONS OF SAI.E ii DAIED ar Caborone rhis 7th day of September,2023. DEPU-TY SHERIFF MESHACK MOSHABI, Celtphone Nos. 71623026/7330131l. c/o CITIZEN ENTREPRENEURIAL DEVELOPMENT AGENCV ptoi No. i+iio", no* in"iiy sqr*". phiitip Matanre Road, CBD. privaretCrOal, Bag 00504. CABORONE_ IN TIIE HIGH COURT OFTHE REPUBLIC OTBOTSWANA HELD AI FRANCISTOWN Cdse No. CvHFT- Nn7B8-2t In the matter between: CITIZENENTREPRENEURIALDEVET_oPMENTAGENCY(CEDA) ptaintiff and TSHOLOFELO SMITH D(kndant NOTICE OF SALts IN EXECUTION BE PLEASED fO TAKE NOTTCL rhJr nur\uanl ro a Judpmenr granled b) the abore Honourabte Coun, the rorro\ ins Derendanr'(,mmo\abte Dronen! .h,rr oiriio,ir".1i*n omphemerse perer Karsara to rhe hrgherr bidder as follows: b;.t"trLi;;;;; DATE OF SAI.E: TIME: VENI]F: PROPERTYTO BE SOI,D: I Trh October,2023i I 300 hours: "i;i"" Tribal Lor No. J845. Bloct t. Mmopanc, ol land berng Trlbat Lor No. J845. situaled at Btock I . Mmopane Vi aee lhe Bal\LenJ Tribat Territor). measuring t000mi fOne TtroulanA Sou.i" Metre\]. held under Notar.ial Deed ol Ce\sron No. MA 55q/2014 dale; rhe 2nd day July, 2014, made in favour of Tsholofeto Smith, together wiih some a piece in- developmenr\ thereon being a lhree bedroomed house. ,.;r, "itin'g roltet and talhroom. one roomed hou.e. boundary $all with electric TERMS OF SAI.F: CONDITTONS OF SALE: sliding gate; .lrictl) (a\h or bank guar.rntee{, (heque. Derarled condilions of \ale md) be rn.pecled at rhe i;,.;;;. tence.lnd plaintjff, oltrce or $irh Deputy Sheriff Omphemerse peler Kai\dra on Telephone No. I tqI88/Ceilpho;e Nos. 7 l222244n2195113. DATED at Gaborone rhis 5th day of September,2023. DEPUry SHERIFF OMPHEMETSE KAISARA, Telephone No. I t90t88/Ce phone Nos. 7 I 2222 4!r'72tg5tt3, c/o CITTZEN ENTREPRENETJR I A L DEVELopMENT ACENCt i.irbor, pro, No. s+:SO, FourThiny square, pc Malante Road, CBD, privat. gae 0050tGiB6noNg. 5745 IN TIIE HIGH COURT OF THE REPTIBLIC OF BOTSWANA HELD AT LOBATSE Case No.CVHGB 002517-16 In the matterbetween: BBS BANK LIMITED (r.,rnerlr BOTSWANA BUILDING SOCIETY) and Plaintil| Dek EZEKIEL OBAKENG MOUMAKWA dant NOTICE OF SALE IN EXECLITION BEPLEASEDToTAKENoTICEthatpursuanttoawritofExecutionofthisHonourableCou(datedTth Nou.*U"r. ZOtO, tn" rollorving immovable piope(y of the above mentioned Defendanr will SheriffD. P Gabobakwe in lhe manner hereinafter sel outl be sold in execution to the highest bidder by Deputy DATE OF SALE: TIME OF SALE: PLACE OF SALE: PROPERTYTO BE SOLD: Wednesday, 25th October, 2023; l0l0 hoursr Tribal Loi No. 6388, Tlokwengl certain piece of land being Tribal Loi No 6388, Tlokweng. situated in the Batlokwa Tribal Tenitory, held under Notarial Deed of Cession of Lease No' MA 783/2014 daled l6th September, 2014. made in favour of Ezekiel Obakeng Moumakwa. measuring 1052m: (One Thousand and Fifty-Two Square Metres) with developments thereon consisting of a 4 bedroomed house' sitting room' kitchen.2 b;throoms, toilet, unfinished servanfs quarler and screen wall with eledric fencel TERMS OF SALE: CONDITIONS OF SALE: cash or bank guaranteed cheque; may be inspeited at the Offices of Modimo & Associates al the address below' DATED at Gaborone ihis I lth day of September, 2023' DEPUTYSHERIFFD.PGABoBAKWE.c/oMoDIMo&ASsoCIATEs.CellphoneNos,73900288111747342. Plaintilf s A ornq-s.Second Floor,BBS House' Private Bag BO 77,CABORONE IN THE HIGH COURT OFTHE REPUBLIC OF BOTSWANA HELD AT LOBATSE Case No.CVHCB 00M87'19 In the matter between: FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF BOTSWANA Plaintiff and KI,TECH (PTY) LIMITED MTHULISI SIBANDA I st Delendant 2nd Dektulant NOTICE OF SALE IN EXECUTION BEPLEASEDToTAKENoTlCErhatpursuantloajudgmentandwritofexecutionofthisHonourableCouft' Urgent tfr. fotfo-*irg piop..ty of the above named Defendants'wiil be sold in execution by Deputy Sheriff Jay Chilisa to the highest bidder in the manner set out: DATE OF SALE: TIME OF SALE: VENU E: PROPERTY TO BE SOLD: 26th Ocrober,20231 1430 hours: I-ot No.57310. Block l0,Gaborone; Delendants'nghts. title and interest on a certain piece of land being Lot No' 57310. Block 10, Gaborone. situaled in Gabomne Administrative District, held under Deed of Transfer No. 257112012 dated the 9th day of Novemb€r, 2012. made in favour ofKi-Tech (Proprietary) Limited. measuring 425m'?(Four Hundred and Twenty-Five Squarc Metres) iogether with developments lhereon b€in! a -1 bedroomed hou'e $r[h \rning room 2 combined loilel and bathroom wall lvrlh eleclric fencel kilch'en open pldn. I loilel. 'creen 57 TERMS AND CONDITIONS: 46 The above is sold yo"/s,oor (as ir is). cash or bank guaranteed cheque orhenvise derailed conditions of sale may be inspected at the DATED Plainriff\ A(omey\ ollice. at Gaborone on rhis lst day of September, 2023. DEPUTY_SHTRIFF URGENT J. CHILISA, Celphone Nos. 74770606/77594008. Tetephone No. 3923239. c/o MWIYA LAw' P/air tifr's Aionqts, Morcjwa Mewr, plor No 74770,W."r.rn i'ornln.."irr noua, Central Business District, Unit 7, Third Floor. Gaborone, po. Box 46ii0. Cas-6RoNe IN TIIE IIIGH COURT OFTHE REPUBLIC OF BOTSWANA HELD AT LOBATSE Cuse No. CVHGB - 0002 t4-2021 In the matterbelween: FIRST NAIIONAL BANK BOTSWANA LIMITED and TASHY'S ROYAL GARDENS (PTY) LTD KHUMO KEAKILE TSHEPO VIMBAI ELTAS KEAKII-E Plaintii 2nd Dekndant NOTICE OF SALE IN EXECUTION TAKE NOT]CE rhar pursuanr ro rhe wrir ofexecurion ofrhis Honoumble coun. rhe immovable Defendanrs wrll be sold in execution to the highesr bidder by Depury SheriffD. p Gabobakwe in the manner hereinafter set out: -,-B-!j:LEl-SEDJO f-"flL:::i:::.]:llam,ed DATE OF SALE: TIME OF SALE: PLACE OF SAI.F: PROPERTYTO BE SOLD: 27rh October.2023t I030 hours: Lot No.5878, Ramotswal certajn piece of land being Lot No.5878. siruared in Ramolswa, in rhe Bamalete Tribal Terrirory, measuring 4_l7O9Ha (Four point One Seven Zero Nine TERMS OF SALE: CONDITIONS OF SALE: Hectares). held under Notarial Deed of Cession No. MA 62120 t0 dated rhe t9d day of February, 2010, made in favour of Tshepo Vimbai Elias Keakile, with develop^ments thereon being a 2 !4 house, bo..-;^le. rviremash fencea, screen wall ar front, I x flushing roilet, electricity; cash or bank guaranleed cheque; may be inspecred at the offices ofRaselshwane A(omeys ar the address below. DATED at Gaborone rhis I I rh day of Seplember, 2023_ DEPUTY SHERIFF D. p GABOBAKWE. Ce ph one Nos.7 )..t4j3421-t2901 153.+, c/o RASETSHWANE ATTORNEyS, ptaizrrlt Aro,.r4rr, The Courr yard, Unir 4A. ptot No. S4! i3, Riverwalk, pO. Box 600894, G_West, GABORONE. 5117 IN THE HIGH COURT OFTHE REPUBLIC OF BOTSWANA HELD AT LOBATSE High Court No.CVHGB - 001193'21 In the matter between: CITIZENENTREPRENEURIALDEVELOPMENTAGENCY(CEDA) Plaintifr .nd Defendant CECILIA MASEGO MOLATLHEGI NOTICE OF SALE IN EXECUTION above Honourable Coun' the BE PLEASED TO TAKE NOTICE that pursuant to a judgment granted by the putlic auction by Deputy Sheriff Omphemetse Peter fottorring oefenaanf. immovable propeny ihatt fe sota ty Kaisara to the highest bidder as fbllows: 23rd Oclober.2023; I100 hours: DATE OF SALE: TIME: VENUE: Tribal Lot No. PROPERTYTO BE SOLD. I I 10. Kazungula: , "i"...ffrna beins Tribal Lol No. I ll0. KaTungula 'iluared al Kazungula viiirr. m tf,. ctroui fntat Ared. mea'uring ?oom rseven Hundred Square tne Merri.;, held under Notaoal Deed of Ce'sion No' FT MA 48/2018 dated Molallhegi i;it ar" .f februan. 2OlR. made in la\our of Cecrli:r Ma\egohou\e s'lling t,n.rtrer'*,rtr \o*e ait.lopmenl. thereon berng a four bedroomed iolm. kirchen. dinrne room. bath and toilel and veranda' A bachelor pad houte *;tr, i.ii.f,"n. iil ing'ro.m. bath and ioilet combined. screen wall and sliding TERMS OF SALE: CONDITIONS OF SALE: in,crlv cash or bank suaranteed cheque: be rncpeckd ar the Plainliff ' oJ6qg 61 wifi omPhemetse Peter Kaisara on TelePhone No 31m188/ ol*,f'"a .onai,i.^ it,ate .ay o.priy Sf,".iff Cellphone Nos. 71222244172195I DAIED at Gaborone this 5th day l3 of September' 2023' DEPUTY SHERIFF OMPHEMETSE KAISARA. TeIephone No IIgoI8SIg'lLpl:T[9''712222M172t95113' (CEDA)' Plot No 54350' cio CITIZEN ENTREPRENEURIAL DEVELOPMENT AGENCY GABORONE' Four Thi(v Square, PG Matante Road, CBD' Private Bag 00504' ---- IN THE HIGH COURT OT TIIE REPUBLIC OF BOTSWANA HELD AT LOBATSE High Coutt No.CvHGB - 001193 21 ln the matter bet*'eeo: CITIZENENTREPRENEURIALDEVELOPMENTAGENCY(CEDA) and CECILIA MASEGO MOLATLHECI Plaintiff Dekndant NOTICE OF SALE IN EXECT]TION the a judgment granted by the above Honourable Court' p-ublic auction by Deputy sheriff omphemetse Peter by be sold property ihall immovable r.n-"\virg-i.f"rau"t', Kaisara io lhe highest bjdder as follows: BE PLEASED TO TAKE NOTICE that pursuant to DATE OF SALE: TIME: VENU E: PROPERTY TO BE SOLD: 8rh October.2023i 1000 hours; I Lot No. 27739, Block 3. Gaboronel iLi"." .f lunA beinq Lol No 27739. Caborone. \itualed at Caborone wesl' 600m rsi{ Hundred square Meue') helduder Deed ro' "ut'ing t0o8/2008 dated rhe l5th da) of May 2008 made rn lavour of Tran\ler No. ;f Cecilia Ma,ego Molallhegi logelher $ith 'ome developmenls thereon belng ii.'"o' 5748 a three bedroomed castle shaped house. sitting room. kirchen, dining room, separate toilet, bath and toilet, veranda and two and half house wirh b_ath lvall with elecrric fence and sliding gate; stricdy cash or bank guaranleed chequei toilet_. kirchen, screen TERMS OF SAI.F: CONDITIONS OF SALE. ani Detarhd^.onditjons_ol ..rle may be in.pecred al lhe plarnliff\ oirhce or \rith ueputy 5heflI Omphemel.e perer K.ri,rra on Telephone \o.3 tful8g Cellphone Nos.'7 122224/72195 |3 . DATED at caborone rhis 5th day of Seprember. 2023. DEPUTY SHERIFF OMPHEMETSE KAISARA. Tetephone No. -l i 90188/Celtphone Nos. 712222 44t,t2tg5U3, c/o CTTZEN ENTREPRENEURTAL DEVELopMEN"i ACENCiiai;or, pL, N.. s+:so, Four Thirry Square, pC Maranre Road, CBD, privar. SrS O0S0a IN TIIE HIGH COURT OTTHE REPUBLIC OFBOTSWANA HELDATLOBATSE CA;bRONE. High Court No. CVHGB -003689-2 t In the matter between: CITIZENENTREPRENEURIALDEVET_oPMENTAGENCY(CEDA) plaintif: and WINIFRED NEO MPAESELE NOTICE OF SALE IN EXECI-ITION Bt PLEASED IO lAKE NOTICL rhar nur.uanr to a judSmenr granred b) rhe above Honourdbte Coun, lhe rollowins Delendanr\ immorabte oronenv l.hall be .ord d1 pLuril .,1r"'., ui'#p,ii-sr,.ntr ompr,em.r,. c.rer Kaisara to rhe highesr bidder as DATE OF SALE: TIME: VENI]E: PROPERTY TO RE SOLD. tollows: I Trh October.2023: 1000 hoursl Sub-Lease Area No. rg49 KO, Farm Crocodile poolsl a.piece ofland being Sub-LeaseArea No. zg49-KO, situated in LeaseArea 641KO, a Porrion of ponion 8 of Farm Crocodile pool. N". ls_KO ;; Ec.t*Adminr.traljve Di\iJicl. mea,urinp J2.l\1,,; f h.r*"a rno I hrn).trghr Square Melre.,. neld LrnJer Nuraflrl Deed ot Ce.\ron ot Sub_ Lease No. MA 104/2017 dated (he 20rh aay or Fctruary, 2Oii, of Winrhed Neo Mp*rele rogelher irh iome ae,elopmenr. ,il;;;;; oouDre slore) hou.e rvjlh 4 beJroom\" includjng a ma.rer bedroom all en"uie. study room. open plan kitchen, double garag€. guest toilet. toilel and shower, pantry. ielf conrained rtaff quarer.. enrina;nmenl center. \(reen .i..rril ren(e and sttdrng gate; ""fi, .t Iy cash or banI guaranteed cheque. Delailed condition, o[ sale ma] be in,pe.ted al lhe plaintift.s oth(e or uith ;;:;; f*" firri"l m;; ir;;;;. ;j;;; r* TERMS OF SAI,F: CONDITIONS OF SALE: i rrepur) 5henfl Omphemerse perer Kaisarr on Telephone Cellphone Nos. 7l 222244172195 DAIED I No llq0tgg 13. at Gaborone this 5th day of Seprember,2023. DEPUTY SHERIFF OMPHEMETSE KAISARA. Telephone No. ll90lS8/Ce phone Nos. 7t2222 44t.t2tg5l.3, c/o CrTrzEN ENTREPRENEURTAL D€vElopMervr nceNciiC.iijel, pror Four Thi(y Square, pC Maranre Road. CBD, No. s+:so, priva" e"g ooiOa Ceiibnouf. 5',7 49 OF BOTSWANA IN THE HIGH COURT OFTHE REPUBLIC HELD AT LOBATSE Cdse No. CVHGB - 001011'22 In the matter be(veen: CITIZEN ENTREPRENEURIAL DEVELOPMENT AGENCY (CEDA) JACQUELINE MASILO SLAVE NKUBA PIAi IiIf 2nd Dakndant NOTICE OF SALE IN EXECUTION BEPLEASEDToTAKENoTICEthatpursuanltoajuJgmentSrrntedbflhelboveHonourableCourt.the to uy puiri. *.,i* l) Depur) shenffMeshack Moshabi following Defefldanrs. im.n""tr. prop".ry the highest bidder as follows: DATE OF SALE: TI ]WE: VENU E: PROPERTY TO BE SOLD: OF SALE: CONDIT|ONS OF SALE: TERN4S "i"uiill 'oia 24th october,2023: 1430 hoursl Lol No. 15065. Extension 35, Gaborone: 15 CJburone' 'l5oh5' Cxborone \\e't txren\ion I"i".1"tr,rou.,rt l"r under Deed held verres) squJrc Hunareo 'na 20r.1 JD,;d r4rh dav or r-ebruxrv 20rr' \o trnv ;:"#; ;jo;' ii;; :l;'ill:l'.p;,]ij r';;t.,,i r" xr rome developmenr' rhereon L",*'i, i^""' "isrr"e Nlumbx roPerher wirhroom upen plan Lit'hen tuu \rrring hou'i bedroomed ."*ii.r"g , tf,*. garate: harhioom' combined rvrlh toilet'. and d 'rngle stricilv cash or bank guaranteed cheque; Plaintiff's oflice or with iii'".i"i-.""Jr*'. 3i.ale mav be inspected at fie TI623026/733013I l' CeilptroneNos 6.priyir,..inn..1,*r.Mostra'bion DATED at Gaborone this 7th day ofseptember' 2023' Nos DEPUTY SHERIFF MESHACK MOSHABI' Cellphone ? 162302bi 7f-lo ll I I c/o CITIZEN ATENCY (cEDA), Plor No- 54l50.four rhirtv square, Private Bag 00504 CABORONE' CBD Road Phillip Matunte jriinri,i.eiiiijiir,qr_ nEVELopMiIli Public Notice *.rAi3 #-ai,l5El /FEr\\!J,7ffi\ t }'v-/r{ I' i:5 '!:".' ;'+ REPUBLIC OF BOTSWAN Notice Issued in Terms ofSection l0 ofthe Environmental Assessment (EA) Act (Cap.65107) l}"#ii3lrt"i+[?3i,ts1%!HuF]oFANE\vTRoNMENTALMANACE\4ENrpLAN qvEr Ar vvororoorlN rne kiviNENli BltTFil+L Plan (EMP) studv undenaken ror the proposed sraver mining il;Jif::iiIfl:i*EnvironmentalManagement (i) Nalure and Magnitude oflh€ Activitr O.P&Son\(pr)tLrdrnrend\toe\tracraboutl,000.000m,ofrhegravelmarerialsfromaborrowpirforsaleto the public rnd Jorernmenr (ii) proie In rhc re!r,,n Location ofthe Activities The proposed borrorv pii site is locale.t in Mmokolodi. The pro.ject sire is iocared within Sebogotsane Syndicate Pastoral Land on rhe left atong Mmokotodi ",o-"f,.. s"i.rr:; arr.y';;;^* (iii, Anticipated Environmenlal ImDacrs Nrgatire Environmental lmpa;ls .r ne en\ rronrnenrar tn\ I rmpi..r' Jnd miric.rion meusure. idenri6ed b1 rhe LMp \rud) -,. presenreJ "", are rrunmenrat M.rnrpemcnr ptdn nlr'nnen,ttCouro,te lnn," nftheActivity and proposed Mitigation Measures to Respond to th€ rtMpr and \umrrrari^a ," ,r,. pt,,i\ r ph,& crearion rn derair in lhe Propo!ed Mitigution/Enhancenent Measuret t Employmenl irii. U.i." Construction - Recruir as per Employment Act and policies. Recruit locally avajlable skilled manporver. p-ubliciz jng.job opponunities Iocally. Hire borh genders eqr,Jll\. Lossorveserarioncover construcrion lliill):il|,,1"":1ffi.1.:flr:\,i1;",," - Preserve mature trees of ginh <200c;. , Pile cleared rrees fbr collecrion by residenrs tncrcasedHlvAlDsrnrecrron _l\'r'hequrpmenlDrrurloenretinSneu.rea. con\rru.ri on uno o*,u,,on . Iffi[*ilTl:l::,'::,;:o.1,,,.,,i,X,li;",flf;1tT;._"., under slncr (unhde;tirliry . Pro\ ide (Jre and .uppon for tho.e ff::,iJJl::flIT:tl'' ;J;;-" ^ ;;;;;;:; rncred\ed nmbien, no,.e relcr :r:t:t: !i:::ff airquarity - En\ure !ehi.le, and plant are locl,able. ope,,ion operarioa e(led. -^#:"Ti:l;.';;,:ll:ll:!*:l:"','HJ,'#"",. ,ona .,r,. ro,,o*",,, . F:."1[-##:li::1ff,,* [:[:,ffi:.i:$iHl"Tll'li, ,,,,. \!orters a8arn\l noise on "",r \rle. - Install .ilenler. on die\el prc\ered equipmenl. - MainlJin nrinrnp \ehrcle. to reduce noise. priorro minins . Pro\ idc ppE to Decrine in ambienr r i1[i]lX;'J::;Tffiorde^ . U.e !Laler re!ularly ru {uppre,. dt,rr operari.n. all hJul truck\ ro a\ ord dusl generalron. - Appropriare ppE shoutd be issued - Co\ er to workers 5751 _ and safety risks workers and enforce Construction, opemtion lssue PPE to health its usage' decommissioning and workers on work risks' lhat is'tool box talk' Potential occuPational healih and safety risk Train Potenrislconlamlnalion ;;;i;;; ';;;;..;, Con'EUcllon and decomm Avail firs1 aid kil and trained First Aider' - service equipment to ensure proper funclioninS _ Adherence to requisite legislation' aolm'h' - Dri\er. to adhere lo 'peed lrmit' ol q( r' _ Educ,tle $orl('r' to upholLl lhe RoaLITrath' _ No mechJni(cl $orls lobe undenrrlen on \ite' 'rpcrdtlon \s;-'. lt^l:it]::;::l llll,i5l,'J;ilo *n *.u. LI'e oii rrap ro collrrr hazrrdou' lvrll\ - Provide bunJ at iuel3nd 'pillage'' oilstorrge xrea'' - Ensure secondary conlainment to fuel storages' products' - Mark and cap containers for petroleum tpillage \\'ith soil heaps that is .W*"al"g e*ia ' !la\. soil In(rea\ed $c\le qurntllie' lo Porenriul drmage e.I c' ro'ck "f "if ' Consructron opention Limir 'iteilearinPlu\ileonl)'.. A\arlcovered \olrd $'l\re receptacles on siie' - Di\oo{e lollel\ lonlent' l$tce x $eel'' on '_rrc haeoloqic 'rl i"ue\' Clnssuflion Op{ramn _ lnJucr the sorlen *oa"to"i"'rofu ;.;;;;.;:;;i,.,' txrdD*'ommi"rcnrnP'conductmonirorrnsuu'"9'''i''c ' Site rcsloration Decommissioning - Rehabilitate Ph&s€ - ettn OIUM liodings' anJ lrehaeologists in the event of any the bonow pit after mining' (iv) En\ironmenlal Impact Stalement Placement "' ivp irn be re! iewed ar rhe loltowrng locrlions i.r"'.iif,. - ' DeDxrtmenl ot Environmenlal Af[air\ rCrborone) - VmololodrTnb.rl Admrni\lralion rMmokolodi' should be submitted per'on' litelv Io tle aflt'red b) rhe pro:ecr und other intere'red c'uotoni ornce b, 6th october' 2023' to ttt" utp"n"t"* oiin"iton1""n*i e*i'irs '"' iriffit"o;'Jiil."": obrecrion' "r rlom tho'e Bag Departmen! of Environmenlal Affairs' Private Alt comments should be directly forwarded to: The Director' to: Travaslini House' hand-delivered or iqozosl r'l(r iiiol No' (+267) 39020;0' n* 0068. Gaborone, Telephone pint fVo. lZft, Secon,l floor. Old Lobatse Road' Kitsiso Kitsiso e ya molao r ntshiwa mabapi le karolo ya bo lesome a Tshekatsheko Tikotogo (Cap' 65:07) GO YA KAMECO Y'A TIKOLOCO MABAPI LE KITSTSO SECHABA KA KANOKO YATSHEKATSHEKO KWENENG YA KCAOLONG WA i;MOKOLODI MO EPA KERABOLE KWA MOTSEN; Dinrtha kgolo r\a drpdtli'i\o l'e dr lemogrlweng lm ii",'rur.l li' su"f, t. Mmokolodi di \obotilse B:ti:-.i""::!:tl?lX1[' ...ftotr'f. aitiro,t, pr'o tt" 13 , r,r, go dirwa I\hekat\heko le )a krmeso ya likologo mnbapi So epu fa IIJ\e' sa sedikadike so rekisetsa Lt'.r ba ikaelela go epa kerabore va selekanvo t\e dr agrlvrnP mo I'gaolong' wa Mmokolodi ka fa molemeng fa o tswa la matudiso la sebosotsane kwa motseng Mmololodr o ya kwd Dcnoher Bol'$anc QuJn)' h"i:lt ': l'i:" n*long 5752 ' "' ' ** * so lllTH:i"" :i:l[X]:-jif,:i:--li t".or,sheko va rikorogo 3.";[ilry'"" Ditldnorugo rrhamo vaditiro ffIi:.,*" * Kokersego ya mogare le bolwersi .jwa Legab la Tiro kaso Ka nako ya kaso go ep, Ie Ka niko ya go epr Tlhabololo ya ditsela :!-,n.r[o ]r ^r epr ga hJdr.iJrkdgo Co nn.r reng nako ya so mmu tikobgo g ff[*]il;:il.,11:[::;::,*, un*. ffil ii,Ili:';l;ll.T1:,*i:I"'* ."* "" Mmo*o,odi : liiH,ltlliilijI::'.,I""J"11flili )omtreti 0tflhire lse di rona rhar. ,*, ,.,, Kokoant a dirlhare Lollhe l.e di kgroljseng Bo tla ts! r\ewa ke bannr. Kokometsa met\!,,t. rIns drrihedimo\erso ka mosare re burwer'l " ii:.;:;il:Til: K€orolJlefeloenrelemodr.adrlaso. Tlhomrmi\! gore m.rbJri .r ditotoi Kr naku 1a po rerore Ka kd Fok)tsang Mlnokonok, n(, nhelakerabolemur.elengee)insmoepong. K.r nrko va r:o eoa mmu ya tsone di akareditswe mo raforeng - Rutloet.a go rrlhJrlhuba mdlselsi mo h,hpFt.i"" - Ettelels.r rthukometo go S, U" i.l"f*".,., - Rolloet\a rrri\o yd \ela^, "r" rno "*;f" ,ff,rfr*ior* Oiolo, - Mogwebi te ba VDC Iba tshwanetse go dumalanago gweba mmogo ka go baya menwana. nrmu ::l:,t* ," mooLrmo Kokersego ya go tse di re noioi.atso/ribero rokoha :Ti:i: tirruoli mmu Dipoelo ba moraf-e di ]emogileng Dintha Ka nako va KJ nrko )a kago HIV/AIDS e epa kerabore re tse di akaDtsweng so ka dirwa so ep, te dikaratara r a torlet$a. i;ilX;:illH'Jlli'",11',LlXf.Hll'i;," . Sirelets.rditsebe r\a bdU.r"fi rno ro?rr.rg. l\enya dilolor.r modumo mo koloinB Le di modumo . rorot\r modumo qu dikolor ka go di baJ.dnlJ. epa .ll;:;"fl:,::,S.;[:T,:f,1,1";?]"$*].," . . - Fokor"a lerote ku mei.i laro r,"Lft. o o ruelqenS ke djtolor. . Khurumerrr mmu Diksoba,n ,e kamesu Ka nJro )a so yd bor\oeo mo rirons mmu re epd iifi:ii i:trlili il15'i]nT:,L".:,;";'" , ,"", j;;;;;.;;i;li;" soraeta hhuri . Rurunt.ha baberer, k.r ;; - KeKa dtotflstwa tsr thuso ta ootlako o ho ,,,",s d;..;" s";:fi;i$""ff]J*a Ubrmela melao yotlhe e""k.,y" a )uo didiri\ane e e laolrnJt riro e. [r-r,ers'csov,m-u H:i:;Jij,:;i;,,",_",Ll,jiii:,i:]::T;:liii.i"JX",J"1i,l;",ll,i*,,".""0",",. Phllnola leol,sxne ta le r.hologa go lokotsa tgotlele,ego 1a mmu Dibela go dutla ga mibeelo a leol,wrne - Reka rse dr.rlhol,.rfat.rng altareta teokq 80 - Lh$ala,L}rurumela mrbeelo Koker\ego ane te Ie rshotog.rnE. leolwane ki nako - Agelela m beelo I leokwane ka lekom. _ Ldola ole e e hhologrleng kr matlopr kana mmu. yi le a trort.i " Kr nal,o va eo eoa morrar..r'a il'li;:fu::,:i:n,, ;:;",T:ili,l:,#ffi;:_xT.,:T,,,lT:i":.ll Tshen) r, ) a mJr lorlo Kaniko\apoeDa Le\$elamallwancahoitlhomelolenl'hiqegabedi mo bekeng. Jrrhoiego ;;l:;ji#;i:,,,.,.i:.,",i"r;.lj::;Iflfli j:iil":;jll*f:ij^",",,.;;," lrsi\e lephara la r\homarelo marlotli iiJ,lil"rlml moepo morago la ga go epa mmu Kaiaku vd Eo ra,era a rlholego kano rux';,Tii:,:,ix,'*li'i5;,o,,,o.*,,o,uro .oirr.unrpi f" sa so epx mmu 5?53 e ka litlhelwang teng . hrlhel$a kwa malelong d d latelang: (iv) Mafelo a pego ya Tshekatsheko ya Tikologo ' "' p.ri la rilologo; tr ""i.i.i"'".r,"ro lo Merero 1.r t\a Tikologo mo CJhorone - liplrarla - Kgotla Ya Mmokolodi kSadheso ka t'ro e' di ka romelwa kwa go ba ono ba nans le Sl*?il**t".li,"r."r"."so tsa ba ba amiwang ksotsa ba Kgwedi le malar'i a le bor araro nP$ara v a Ph'rlane e f:;;:';:,; i4";;;;;: i.niiJopo mo cct'o'ine-pele sa The Drrecror' Depfimenl ol Fn\ilonmenlrl A[[air\' Me[\alo yollhe e l'. leli'els\ta I$d alere'ene e e lalelanS: Pri\areB.rs0008.Ciborone.reteptronerr"'rizii'iqojoior'*'l''''zo7'l'lu205lkso('a)crsiwakaler\ogo Floor'Old Lobatse Road' ir""l.fa"i* f" f" f""f"ng:Travaglini House'PlotNo l27I Second 5754 Public Notice Notice Issued in T€rms ofS€ction l0 of the Envimnmental Ass€ssmelt Act (Cap.65:07) DETAILED ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT,ASSESSMENT (EIA) FOR PROPOSED RIVER SAND MINING ALoNC LETLHAKANE RrvER NEAR;o Mb"C6;o.., n o,_sro THE MAIOR FINDINGS of an Environmenrat_ lmpcur Assessmenr (EIAt Srudy undertaken for rhe proposed Pruiect h) Leo Mopnl,i Volemr rre a.,umm.rrizeJ hereunde. A. Nature and Magnitude of the Activitv Leo Mogomotsi Morema intends to offei a solutron ro rlregar mming by setring up an enrity io regalry extract river sand from Lerlhakane River and sell ro rhe.on,t*.rioi prol"",.',n ar* ,ne proposed sand e\lrJcli,'n ,ire r. 70t,m lonB JnJ r!erxgely J5nr w;a. ,na fm ,"'ae'prfr. iJ"."i#ri. B. Location o{ the Activity The Lco Mo8omnrsi Molema prniect \ite is located abour 20km to the Soulh West ofMmadjnare along Letlhakane R er utons A r s (sereb'| phik* e-serure roarl). rhe.,ii.ra*e rr.m 'I\ isi,e'iiii o*^ runction) to the projecr a'ea aron' Ar 5 is I4. rkm. The access road ;. r .st, t.r'o.. it *t ich is a rum into rhe leri and soes straishr ,ntir it reaches the veterir,y r",.".,r"" i, i"]i.*. ;, the river. ""iii'ii "aches C. qnticipated Impacls and proposed Mitigation Measures rDc envrronmenldr rmp.r(r. and mrrioarion mea,ure. rdenlrhed by lhe UA,rud) are pre\ented rn deliil in the ,t*, a.[;-i;il*. * "i.iri]r.#i.rog" .[ii i*,,". i" ,r"iLiJ i"r""--.'e aiiJi"ii l"i.-.*or u-"e"-.,i oi;'1ilffi:1,iff[: 'r'ifiT;J',f[];x ',1"-i,"a and the Monitoring Plan to help manage and mollltot pit*tlat impacts is also inctuded in lhe EIA st;temenilan Construction Phase Impacts Mitigation Measures Air pollution by dusr Lrmir \egelation clearance ru rhe $orlrnp gmund. w:,leflnp and compaclron of rhe wor[ing grounLl during conslrucrion wrll Contamination due to oil spillages An, rmperm(rble rubber mrl mU.l be unoergue\ emergencty maintenanee on sire Destrucrion of objects archeological signifi cancc placed under rhe !ehicle lh.rr with The excavation acrivities musr be monitored by an archaeoiogist on monthly basis_ Any chince finds must immediately be secured and reported to DNMM. Loss of vegetation Ensure to regrcw vegetation rvhere it has been disturbed butnol being used. Increased employnrenr opporruniries Give prioriry to the local people during employment recrxitment Operation Phase Impacts Mitigaaion Measures Air pollution by dusr Noise pollution Contamination due ro spillages oil Sprinkle water with a water bowser on haul route two times in a week Stick to day time working hours from 6 hours to 6 hours. Loud machinery and vehicles must be nfted with silencers. and fuel An, impermerble rubber mar musr be placed under the vehi(le rhat unoergoes emergency maintenance on sire 5755 Land pollution due to receplacles' waste The construction site must have a segregaled -ltuit waste I pottublt flushable toilels that site must have ut mu'r be manape,l and.ollecled b) i licen-ed $jr'le canier' must be rivr.i. .if rn".i t. ."rr""ted in container with a water tighl lid and ii,".""ri..i;"" management lill' taken out ofsirc immediately disposed to the land Do oot make llres on site. O, no' J,.ou'.,f,".ipo".le \rurnp\ un lhe ground' Hu\e a 'rPrrene 'lump Risk of iire di\po'Jlbucler thrr ii lrlled wirh sand' Increased employment opPonunities recruilment' Give priority ro lhe local peoPle during emplnyment Decommissioning Phase Impacts Mitigation Measures Contamination due to oil spillages An Land pollulion due to mismanagement impermeable rubber mat must be placed under ihc vehicle that undergoes emergency maintenance on slte' waste receptacles waste The consiructiofl site must have a segregated that site musr have at leait 1 ponable flushable ioilets mu.l be manaqed .rnd iollejtcd b) J lr'en\ed lvx'tc camer' ."f f*rrd rn contarner nith r sater riEhr liJ 3nd mu'r be w..i. .il lill' taken out of site immediately disposed lo the land il;.;;;;*. .r.i-t studv D. Conclusions and Recommendations of tha i'po"tt ot local level' Following the underlaking of The projed rv,ll have bo,tt poritir" una n.gutl'n_t""n-'iion*"ntut tr'ol lhe project be allowed lo proceed wjth ttto-rntila"a ii i' tit-"t"u rhe detailed EIA Studies ro, ,t. p.o1t"t on ,ppi.p.i-i. *pl...*"!ion of th; ;itigalion measures recommended' E. Environmental lmpact Statem€nt Placement ionies of rhe EIS .an be revie$ ed ar the lulloq inP lucdrion': l' . D"pun..n, o, tnvironmenlil Afl'rir' r\elehi-Phrkue) Mmadinare Main Kgotla and'bjecrion\ rorhe projecr must tan,e\ 3re Invited ro re!r<\t rhe repon wrirren commenr' Privare BaA l0 Selebr-Phrks e ' Alf'rF ir.r"rnenrJl u^ i"p'"-tiioi C"ordrn'riJr' Dsrri't br nddre.\ed Jre,ir l) ro: Ttre of Environmental Affairs in Deparrment to: il"lra-aelivered zt'ijl+i-i' anrl TeteDhone No. 2t59995. Fax Ilcl' r' )02 i.[t,-pi,i',. ** spuDU. in Meriring before brh oltober' l,:r::H'""Jtil::Ld Kitsiso e Dir*a ya Tikologo' )a Bolesome ya_Molao wa'Ishekatsheko os:u/' ap' Act {( Assessment Environmental go S€tswe Morago Temana LE KEPO YA MOTLI'JAR A MO NOKENG TSHEKATSHEKO YA SEEMO SATIKOLOGO MABAPI YA LETLAHAKNE GO BAPA LE MOTSE WAMMADINARE mo nokeng ya tikoloSo mabapi le mogopolo wa go rwalela motlhaba Tse di htthetsweng morago 8a tshekalsheko lla'e' fd di Mm:rdrn''e t. mor'e 'obokrlwe 1u f.ri'tJun. go s;p, "a A. S€elo le Bokete jwa Tiro e se go tla ka rlharabolo.e e tla thusang go lila go rwala motlhaba Rre l_eo Mogomoasi Molema o na le markaeleto a e na le teseletso go tswa mo nokens va Letlhakane motlhaba ii"la u""g a"^ r" i" ai*-t**"u".. " airg'oronP I'; di mo rirorosons' Lerero ra Itro i" li ar'""e a"iro'':"'k'e(1 j*o b-oreelel* a To0m b"phrra jwa rsm re borens iwa Im' i'ii"" :: :.[i:1il':,i;;1;; i'i ;;i;;;il;;;;;i;;in.nttt B. Lefelo La uuu ti uotonu '"1" " Tiro motse wa Mmadinare mo 20km kwa Borwa Bophirimajwa r" gr l-* MogomotsiMolema le ka nna ir*t Serr'rler' Seigtle s" lwa trronp e go rs$31\ra " mo I'eleng )x 'q ii-' i'i"ui-pt' noLens \a Letlhalane ler;rons ra riro e kc nna Lskm pele tsa i.tli"'r,i. *-oii i'"i' ' ' ''"*ng " l:Hi:#-;;;i;;;, i, ir, .lro.i*r""t r*" ,riiiitri" go niih.i, boroqo e e r,enang mo mot" ,'in. ,o moiengpo hlthela e Sorogr kwa noleng' ir "i- .-.. "';,"ng ) " br l;pharx lr val\\er\e le MJrlhoko 5756 rse di qorofets*eng mabapi,re tiro kakan)etso e re metrhare-tlgrj" ya go fokorsa manokonoko a tsone Drtllmorago r\a lrru kalanverso e. te melthale )a gu totoid te go rhibeia ]"" a,,rr.*,S.e nrnkor.$e ki bortuto mu Io,.waron* rd rshekar.heko ,kor;s". v"ii",i" . Ji" ii"* . *"pi"i','J"",ip"*. o,,rrmorrrso r.e di senotsrveng ke tshekatsheko c..Ditlamoraqo e. Tiro e mo legatong la kago Ditlamorago Lero,e,e ere,ee(seng #l:::iH",:'lji,::ijT,::f:fi:,:i:T::":: Ietelong te So y.rng po bere[etwa len!. kgatshakgalsh:r metsi le go papieti fa go bereketwang reng go [a lhu.d !o folot..r lerole. co Kgotlelelsego e e bakiwang ke go rshologa ga di ole Go tshwanerse ga bewa mmere o o ka kganelang di ole go rsholofeta mo mmung na[o te nd(; ta ko;i e bddk.rnngqd la t\hoganet.o mo Iefelong la tiro. Co renngrra ga dilo r\e di nan! Ie boleng mo go tsa Go.epirva ga motlhaba go tshwanetse ga tebelellva ke ur-o mort.;nape$a tsa drt\o g-dng*e mo Lg*eaing. T\e di. ka bonwang gone tbo di n.r t. go ,.r dirso di tshwanetse tsa babalelwa mme dJ belwe kiva go ba lephatla la dirso le matlorio a rlhotego Go latlhegelwa ke dimela Nelefar,.r lore Jitlhre rse di lallheger.eng lelelo La ya riro dr lemjwJ gape. Go oletsega ga djphatlha tsa mmereko Tiro fi"?l}|*',". e tswelelse Ditlamorago l*role (DtiMM). * * ** " ndo sae sebaka pele mo so tsa phiro Metlhale ya go thibela kgotsa go fokoha didamorago Kgatshakgatsha metsi mo tseleng e e dirisjng ke dikoloi tsa riro €gbedi mo bekeng go timola lerole. Netefrtsa gnr6 go berekra molshegare ka go simolula ka nako )a borat, o mdphakela gu ema y.r bor.rraro le le fetelerseng Modumo o o feteletseng maitsebo, Metshine e e tsosang modumo o montsi e tshwanetse ya lsenngwa diforsa modumo_ Kgorlelesego e e bakr$ane lc leokwane Kgotle\epo ya tiLoloto Ilhokomelwd ga te gu t\holopa ga di ole Go tshwanetse ga bewa mmete o o ka kganelang di ole 80 r(hologelr mo mmung nalo le nalo la loloi e baakannB$a kd t\hoganer.o mu lelelong la liro. e e bal$ang ' k( eo,a tefelo la matlakala pereko le tshwenetse la nna Ie {iikanti rsa marlakala r\e di l8aoeunr\$eng go ya ka mattakrlc. tel'elo la pereko Ie r\hwanetse la nna le matlwand a boiteketso a a kgonang go tsamaisiwa mme n lshwanerse a tlhokom€lwa ka go ntsha leswe nako le nako a ise a tlale rhata. Ole e e diri.irsweng e t\hwanetse ya tshelwd mo Lantining e e lhxrumel$ang lhata gu il\.r go Lholog.r mme Ia e tlrla e rualrve gone foo e ye go l(hololelua kwa le,elong le le letlelelsseng go latlha ole e e dirsjtsweng. Go tlhagoga ga melelo Co 'ela I golsiqa molelo mo letelonq la trro. Dilompi r(a morsoto di ,eku r"a tallhetua gonS$e te Songnrle, a go nne le emere e e Lhetsweng motlhaba po lallhela drlompi r\a morsoko di sena go rimiua. Go oketsega ga dipharlha rsa mmereko Tiro Netefar.a gore o la beng ba gae ,ebxlJ pelc mo go phrro ya babereli. rca e ya Tsryahva Ditlamorago Metlhale ya go thibela kgotsa go fokotsa didamorago 5751 Kgotlelesego e e bakiwang ke go tshologa ga di le leokwane Kgotlesego ya tikologo e tlhokomelwa ga matlatala e lshwanetse ga bewa mmete o o ka kganelang di ole go tshologela mo mmu[g nako le nako fa koloi e ole Go baalanngwa ka tshoganetso mo lefelong la tiro bakwang ke go sa lrfelo la P€rcko le IJfelo tshwenetse la nna le dikanti tsa di kgaogantsweng go ya ka mallakala' la pereko le tshwanetse la nna le oratlwana matlalala tse a boiteketso a a kgonang go tsamaisiwa mme a tshwanetse a tlhokomelwa ka go ntsha leswe nako le nako a ise a tlale thata. Ole e e dirisitsweng e tshwanetse ya tshelwa mo kantining e e khurume,wang thata go itsa go lshologa mme fa e tlala e rwate gone foo e ye go tshololelwa kwa lefelong le le letleletsweng go latlha ole e e dirsitsweng. Bolrhutlo le lGbelano Meano ka Tirc e go ya go dirwa nu t. aitla.otugo tse di ntle (mosola) le tse di bosula mo tikoloSong e tiro e akanyeditsweng gore tirc e ka tswelela mme go ieng le mo mafelong i'a mo tikologong ya yone. Tshekatsheko ya tikologo' e kaya ."irlr" .orueo ait.Jd-a tsa pabai;loiiiologo le phokotso ya manokonoko a ditlamoraSo tse di kwadilweng mo lekwalong la tshekatsheko tikologo go babalela tikologo le matshelo a batho' ifol E, Mekwalo ya Tbhekatsheko Tikologo le matshelo a batho ya Tiro e Mekwalo ya tshekatsheko ya tikologo e ka bonwa kwa: Lephateng la Merero ya Tikologo kwa Selebi-Phikwe Kgotla e tona Ya Mmadinarc' l. 2. Be Ba Batlrng go Akgels kgotsa go Botsa Mapsbi le Tiro e ;"eia lalidiwa"go tla go bali mokwalo wa tshekatsheko wa tikologo wa tiro e Mekwalo yotlhe ;;dh.;;;; a;trt*f. knult.u_dineonso.eei mab-api le tiro e, e kwalelwe kwa go Disric! Environmental Coordinator, ", Fax No 26l1245 kSotsa ilp*riri"rE"rr""r!nuien1i". p.irit" g"8 l0 selebi-Phikwe. Mogala: -2659905' go bapa le dikantoro o fa isa mokwalo ka letsoSo kwa dikantorong tsa-l.ephau la tsa Tikologo kwa Selebi'Phikwe tsa SPEDU kwa Meriting pele ga kgwedi ya Phalane e le malatsi a le marataro. 2023'