3.3 Movement in space LO-Discover why objects moving in space do not slow down as they do on earth Air Resistance- force caused by a moving object having to push against the particles in the air. Acts in the opposite direction of movement. Faster an object moves, the greater air resistance Vacuum-A space where there are no particles Air resistance is zero Application Airplane during flights, Flaps are closed Thereby reducing the air resistance. Airplane during landing, Flaps are open, the aeroplane can slow down faster with extra air resistance Application-Juno probe(no air resistance or vacuum) Juno probe would have lot of air resistance if it were to move on Earth Juno probe when passed through Jupiter it reached the speed of 266000km/h Ans :1 Towards the sun Ans :1 Towards the sun Ans 2: Gravitational force of the sun Ans 3: Jupiter, because it has largest mass among the planet. Ans 4: Vacuum