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Lesson 2-

Chapter 2
In this chapter , you should be able to:
1. Discuss different curriculum foundations; and
2. Discuss different conceptions of curriculum.
Philosophy provides educators, teachers and curriculum makers with framework for
planning, implementing and evaluating curriculum in schools. It helps in answering what
school are for, what subjects are important, how students should learn and what
materials and methods should be used. In decision making, philosophy provides the
starting point and will be used for the succeeding decision making.
• Historical Foundations of Curriculum
Curriculum theorists and how they view curriculum from a historical
• Historical Foundations of Curriculum
Curriculum theorists and how they view curriculum from a historical
• Historical Foundations of Curriculum
Curriculum theorists and how they view curriculum from a historical
• Historical Foundations of Curriculum
Curriculum theorists and how they view curriculum from a historical
Psychological Foundations of Curriculum
Psychology provides a basis for the teaching and learning process.
1. Behaviorist Psychology
a. connectionism – Edward Thorndike (which influenced Tyler and
Taba, the well known curricularists)
b. classical conditioning – Ivan Pavlov
c. operant conditioning – B. F. Skinner
d. modeling and observation theory – (Bandura)
e. hierarchical learning – Robert Gagne
Psychological Foundations of Curriculum
Psychology provides a basis for the teaching and learning process.
2. Cognitive Psychology
a. cognitive development stages – Jean Piaget
b. social constructivism – Lev Vgotsky
c. multiple intelligences – Howard Gardner
d. learning styles – Felder and Silverman
e. emotional intelligences – Daniel Goleman
Psychological Foundations of Curriculum
Psychology provides a basis for the teaching and learning process.
3. Humanistic Psychology Humanist psychologist are concerned with how
learners can develop their human potential.
a. Gestalt theory
b. theory of human needs and for self actualizing persons - Maslow
c. Carl Roger’s non directive lives
Social Foundations of Education
Schools exist within the social context. In considering the social
foundations of curriculum, we must recognize that schools are the only one
of the many institutions that educate society. The home, the family,
community likewise educate the people in the society. But schools are
formal institutions that address more complex and interrelated societies and
the world.
Six (6) Curriculum Conceptions
1. Academic Rationalist Conception- it is considered the oldest among the
curriculum conceptions. It stresses the importance of different
bodies of knowledge, known as discipline or subject areas, as the
the focus of the curriculum.
2. Cognitive Process Conception- seek to develop a repertoire of cognitive
skills that are applicable to a wide range of intellectual problems.The
subject matters are instruments or tools for developing these cognitive skills
that are lasting in the lives of individuals.
Six (6) Curriculum Conceptions
Humanistic Conception- stresses the idea that the curriculum or
education is an instrument for developing the full potential of individuals.
It seeks to help individual to discover and develop their unique identities.
It stresses that the curriculum should focus on the needs and interest of
4.Social Reconstructionist Conception- views the school or schooling as an
agency for social change. Hence it stresses that curriculum should respond to
the different issues,needs, problems, and the demands of the society.
Six (6) Curriculum Conceptions
5. Technological Conception- is preoccupied with the development of
means to achieve curriculum or educational goals. It views schooling as a
complex system that can be analyzed into its constituent components.
6. Eclectic Conception- is where curriculum workers find themselves
aligning their ideas with two or more curriculum conceptions. Hence, this
curriculum conceptions reiterates the realities in curriculum development
that each of the curriculum conception is to be considered and is influential
to a certain extent in designing the curriculum.
Examine a particular curriculum. Analyze what curriculum
conception is leaning to.