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CCDI (G10 Advanced) - Checkpoint 3 (SA) – Parts A & B (Practical)
Student Name
Student ID
School Name
Habiba Mahmood
Date Completed
PART A (Practical) – 30 marks
Design a Python program to print the sequence of numbers between 2 integer numbers.
Your program should ask the user to enter 2 numbers, then print all the numbers between these
2 numbers. For example, if a user enters 3 and 10, then the output is 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9.
Write the program using any loop structure of your choice, then copy/paste your Part A code into
the box below:
Checkpoint 3 (SA) – Parts A&B
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CCDI – G10 Adv (2023-24-T1)
PART B (Practical) – 50 marks
Security at a military base needs to determine if visitors can enter a highly secure room in the
building. Access is based on their military rank and years served.
Their security team has asked you to create the program using the following logic:
 If their rank is 'GENERAL', then print 'FULL ACCESS'.
 If their rank is 'OFFICER' and they have served 5 years
or more, then print 'FULL ACCESS'.
 If their rank is 'OFFICER' and they have served less
than 5 years, then print 'RESTRICTED ACCESS'.
 Otherwise, print 'NO ACCESS'.
Write the program. Afterwards, copy/paste your complete Part B code into the box below:
Checkpoint 3 (SA) – Parts A&B
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CCDI – G10 Adv (2023-24-T1)
Checkpoint 3 (SA) – Parts A&B
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CCDI – G10 Adv (2023-24-T1)