Эмблема МГУ Московский государственный университет имени М.В.Ломоносова Л.Н.Шевырдяева NATURALLY SPEAKING Учебное пособие по развитию навыков чтения и устной речи 2010 1 Данное учебное пособие предназначено для студентов 2-3 курсов и аспирантов биохимических специальностей биологических факультетов университетов и имеет своей целью дальнейшее совершенствование уже полученных навыков чтения и устной речи. Пособие содержит оригинальные тексты на английском языке, взятые из научных журналов (Science, Scientific American, New Scientist). Тексты и задания, представленные в пособии, рассчитаны на обучающихся продвинутого уровня и содержат задания для обсуждения и вопросы, предполагающие значительный уровень как лингвистической подготовки, так и знаний в сфере биологии. 2 Введение Данное учебное пособие предназначено для студентов биологического факультета 2-3 курсов и аспирантов биохимического отделения и имеет своей целью совершенствование уже полученных навыков чтения и устной речи. Тексты и задания, представленные в пособии, рассчитаны на обучающихся продвинутого уровня и содержат задания для обсуждения и вопросы, предполагающие значительный уровень как лингвистической подготовки, так и знаний в сфере биологии. Учебное пособие состоит из 3 разделов (section) по 5 уроков (unit) в каждом в соответствии с возрастанием объема и сложности текстов и заданий. Каждый раздел рассчитан на один семестр, а каждый урок – на 3-4 занятия. Тематическая подборка текстов и их расположение определяются помимо прочего и информированностью студентов: некоторые темы в полном объеме и с достаточным знанием фактического материала они могут обсуждать только к 3 курсу. Чтение в данном учебном пособии представлено не только как цель, но и как средство обучения, выступая в качестве содержательной базы при совершенствовании навыков говорения. В каждом уроке представлены тексты, направленные на развитие трех основных видов чтения – просмотрового чтения (reading for general information), чтения с выборочным извлечением нужной информации (reading for specific information) и чтения с полным пониманием (reading for detail). После текстов даются задания, развивающие навыки монологического и диалогического высказывания, ведения беседы и аргументации, для совершенствования которых и предназначено учебное пособие. По этой же причине в него не включены упражнения по грамматике. В плане формирования грамматических навыков чтения задачи данного учебного пособия ограничиваются лишь увеличением количества легко распознаваемых грамматических явлений и развитием на этой базе механизма структурной антиципации. В ходе обучения осуществляется совершенствование умения говорить как в диалогической, так и в монологической форме. При развитии диалогической формы речи акцент сделан на диалоге-обмене мнениями и информацией. При обучении монологической форме речи большое внимание уделяется работе над рассуждением, выражением своего отношения, сравнительной оценкой мнений и позиций, интерпретацией и выражением причинно-следственных связей. В пособии представлены оригинальные неадаптированные тексты (в некоторых случаях – фрагменты текстов или их сокращенный вариант), взятые из авторитетных научных изданий и их интернет-версий – Nature, Scientific American, New Scientist, а также научной колонки The New York Times. Необходимо отметить, что приведенные в текстах точки зрения зачастую имеют провокационный характер и могут вызвать сильную реакцию учащихся – несогласие, неодобрение и даже полное отрицание заявленных фактов. Некоторые тексты прямо противоречат друг другу. Такая стратегия выбрана автором вполне сознательно и представляется оправданной, поскольку напрямую отвечает целям пособия – на основе прочитанного совершенствовать навыки устной речи, ведения научной дискуссии и аргументации. В задачи автора входило сделать каждый урок учебного пособия познавательным и интересным для студентов всех специальностей, сталкивая альтернативные мнения, и создавая тем самым условия для взаимообогащающего общения. При отборе текстов пристальное внимание уделялось и их терминологической насыщенности; освоение лексики подчинено методическому принципу «снежного кома», когда лексика предыдущих уроков и текстов снова встречается и отрабатывается в последующих. Некоторые темы также перекликаются друг с другом, и уже проработанные ранее вопросы расширяются в следующих уроках. Так, например, нарушения сна и их причины (урок Sleep) позднее рассматриваются при обсуждении воздействия алкоголя на организм человека (урок Alcohol). Основные термины урока Human Genetics пересекаются с терминами урока Human Evolution. Каждый урок (unit) открывается эпиграфом, отражающим его основную мысль. В первом упражнении предлагаются вопросы для обсуждения по теме урока (What do you know about…), а также в некоторых уроках даны основные термины, которые студенты должны объяснить. Разделы различаются не только по объему и степени сложности текстов, но и по их количеству и предлагаемым упражнениям. В первом разделе даются самые простые небольшие тексты, а также упражнения на отработку лексики, которые далее уже не встречаются. Во втором и третьем разделах тексты становятся сложнее и длиннее с нарастающей степенью терминологической насыщенности. Предлагаемые к текстам задания в форме вопросов множественного выбора (multiple choice), вопросов «верно-неверно» (true/false), задания на заполнение пропусков (blank filling) и соотнесение информации (matching information) проверяют 3 умение студентов извлекать информацию из текстов, выявлять причинно-следственные связи, интерпретировать отношение говорящего. В связи с тем, что учебное пособие полностью построено на аутентичных текстах разного характера, большое значение придается самостоятельному обращению учащихся к словарям и справочным изданиям, тем самым у студентов и аспирантов формируется потребность и развивается умение использования одно- и двуязычной справочной литературы и источников. Последним заданием каждого урока является составление краткого обзора всех рассмотренных в его рамках вопросов. Данное задание направлено на развитие навыков анализа, реферирования и устных презентаций. В конце каждого из трех разделов учебного пособия (section) приводится список рекомендуемых тем для устных докладов и презентаций студентов. 4 Contents Section 1 Unit 1. Human body ……………………………………………………………………..…..3 Unit 2. Water ………………………………………………………………………………….6 Unit 3. Fungi …………………………………………………………………………………..9 Unit 4. Bacteria ……………………………………………………………………………….12 Unit 5. Domesticated animals …………………………………………………………..…15 Recommended Report and Presentation Topics ………………………………………18 Section 2 Unit 6. Brain ………………………………………………………………………….…………19 Unit 7. Sleep …………………………………………………………………………………….22 Unit 8. Coffee …………………………………………………………………………………...25 Unit 9. Human Genetics and Diversity …………………………………………….……….28 Unit 10. Animal adaptations ………………………………………………………….………31 Recommended Report and Presentation Topics …………………………………………34 Section 3 Unit 11. Human Evolution ………………………………………………….……………….35 Unit 12. Alcohol ……………………………………………………………………………….39 Unit 13. Sex and Gender …………………………………………………………………….43 Unit 14. Aging ………………………………………………………………………...……….47 Unit 15. Food ……………………………………………………………………….………….51 Recommended Report and Presentation Topics ………………………………………..57 5 Section 1. Unit 1. Human Body Any lover of humanity who looks back on the achievements of medical science must feel his heart glow and his right ventricle expand with the percardiac stimulus of a permissible pride. Stephen B. Leacock, Canadian economist and humorist Exercise 1. What do you know about the human body? 1. How is our body prepared for the physical stresses and wear of human life? Speak about each system of organs. 2. What are the most surprising abilities of the human body? 3. What is the adaptive significance of four-chambered heart and greater and lesser circulation? 4. How does the human body adapt to changes? 5. What medical achievements have most significantly changed human life and health care? Exercise 2. Match the terms which will be used in the text (1-6) with their definitions (A-F). 1. corpus callosum 2. cerebral hemispheres 3. stroke 4. cerebrospinal fluid 5. seizure1 6. congenital A. A pair of structures, originating from the forebrain, that contain the centers concerned with the major senses, voluntary muscle activities, and higher brain functions, such as language and memory. B. Describes phenotypic character or condition recognizable at, and usually before, birth. The term usually refers to hereditary or inborn conditions that are most often harmful. C. A clear watery fluid containing glucose, salts, and a few white blood cells, that is found in the internal cavities and between the surrounding membranes of the central nervous system. It cushions and protects nerve tissues. D. A paroxysmal event due to abnormal, excessive, hypersynchronous discharges from an aggregate of CNS neurons. Epilepsy is diagnosed when there are recurrent numerous events due to a chronic, underlying process. E. A thick band of nerve fibers that connects the two cerebral hemispheres in the brain of placental mammals. It enables coordination of the functions of the two hemispheres. F. A rapidly developing loss of brain function(s) due to disturbance in the blood supply to the brain, caused by a blocked or burst blood vessel. Exercise 3. Now read the text about a unique brain operation. Strange but True: When Half a Brain Is Better than a Whole One You might not want to do it, but removing half of your brain will not significantly impact who you are By Charles Choi The operation known as hemispherectomy—where half the brain is removed—sounds too radical to ever consider, much less perform. In the last century, however, surgeons have performed it hundreds of times for disorders uncontrollable in any other way. Unbelievably, the surgery has no apparent effect on personality or memory. The first known hemispherectomy was performed on a dog in 1888 by German physiologist Friedrich Goltz. In humans, neurosurgeon Walter Dandy pioneered the operation at Johns Hopkins University in 1923 on a brain 1 Note. Causes of seizures: a. for neonates (less than 1 month old) include perinatal hypoxia and ischemia, intracranial hemorrhage and trauma, acute CNS infection, metabolic disturbances (hypoglycemia, hypocalcemia, hypomagnesemia, pyridoxine deficiency), drug withdrawal, developmental disorders, genetic disorders; b. for infants and children (up to 12 years of age) the causes are febrile seizures, genetic disorders (metabolic, degenerative, primary epilepsy syndromes), CNS infection, developmental disorders, trauma, idiopathic; c. for adolescents (12–18 years) – trauma, genetic disorders, infection, brain tumor, illicit drug use, idiopathic; d. for young adults (18–35 years) – trauma, alcohol withdrawal, illicit drug use, brain tumor, idiopathic. 6 tumor patient. (That man lived for more than three years before ultimately succumbing to cancer.) The procedure is among the most drastic kinds of brain surgery—"You can't take more than half. If you take the whole thing, you've got a problem," Johns Hopkins neurologist John Freeman quips. One side effect Canadian neurosurgeon Kenneth McKenzie reported in 1938 after a hemispherectomy on a 16-year-old girl who suffered a stroke was that her seizures stopped. Nowadays, the surgery is performed on patients who suffer dozens of seizures every day that resist all medication, and which are due to conditions that mostly affect one hemisphere. "These disorders are often progressive and damage the rest of the brain if not treated," University of California, Los Angeles, neurosurgeon Gary Mathern says. Freeman concurs: "Hemispherectomy is something that one only does when the alternatives are worse." Anatomical hemispherectomies involve the removal of the entire hemisphere, whereas functional hemispherectomies only take out parts of a hemisphere, as well as severing the corpus callosum, the fiber bundle that connects the two halves of the brain. The evacuated cavity is left empty, filling with cerebrospinal fluid in a day or so. The strength of anatomical hemispherectomies, a specialty of Hopkins, lies in the fact that "leaving even a little bit of brain behind can lead seizures to return," Freeman says. On the other hand, functional hemispherectomies, which U.C.L.A. surgeons usually perform, lead to less blood loss. "Our patients are usually under two years of age, so they have less blood to lose," Mathern says. Most Hopkins hemispherectomy patients are five to 10 years old. Neurosurgeons have performed the operation on children as young as three months old. Astonishingly, memory and personality develop normally. A recent study found that 86 percent of the 111 children who underwent hemispherectomy at Hopkins between 1975 and 2001 are either seizure-free or have nondisabling seizures that do not require medication. The patients who still suffer seizures usually have congenital defects or developmental abnormalities, where brain damage is often not confined to just one hemisphere, Freeman explains. Another study found that children that underwent hemispherectomies often improved academically once their seizures stopped. "One was champion bowler of her class, one was chess champion of his state, and others are in college doing very nicely," Freeman says. Of course, the operation has its downside: "You can walk, run—some dance or skip—but you lose use of the hand opposite of the hemisphere that was removed. You have little function in that arm and vision on that side is lost," Freeman says. Remarkably, few other impacts are seen. If the left side of the brain is taken out, "most people have problems with their speech, but it used to be thought that if you took that side out after age two, you'd never talk again, and we've proven that untrue," Freeman says. "The younger a person is when they undergo hemispherectomy, the less disability you have in talking. Where on the right side of the brain speech is transferred to and what it replaces is something nobody has really worked out." Mathern and his colleagues have recently conducted the first functional magnetic resonance imaging study into hemispherectomy patients, investigating how their brain changes with physical rehabilitation. Probing how the remaining cerebral hemispheres of these patients acquire language, sensory, motor and other functions "could shed a great deal of light on the brain's plasticity, or ability to change," Freeman notes. Still, having half a brain— and therefore only the use of one hand and half a field of vision in each eye—is a condition most would prefer to avoid. (From Scientific American Online, May 24, 2007) Exercise 4. The words on this list are all verbs (some of them were used in the text). What are the corresponding noun forms? Write them in the second column. The first one has been done for you as an example. 1. to diagnose - diagnosis 2. to examine - _______________ 3. to prescribe - ______________ 4. to suffer - _________________ 5. to operate - _______________ 6. to cure - __________________ 7. to recover - _______________ 8. to analyse - _______________ 9. to infect - _________________ 10. to carry - ________________ 11. to replace - ______________ 12. to degenerate - ___________ 13. to paralyse - ______________ 14. to treat – _________________ 15. to affect – ________________ 16. to damage - _______________ Exercise 5. Rewrite the sentences below, changing the verbs (which are in bold) to nouns. Do not change the meaning of the sentences, but be prepared to make grammatical changes if necessary. The first one has been done for you as an example. 1. I diagnosed that the patient had a heart condition. 1. My diagnosis was that the patient had a heart condition. 7 2. I examined the patient fully. 3. I prescribed a course of antibiotics. 4. He suffered very little. 5. Ten per cent of the population are thought to carry the bacteria. 6. This disease cannot be cured. 7. He has recovered fully. 8. The lab analysed the blood sample. 9. We found that the tissue was infected. 10. We operated immediately. 11. We replaced the patient's hip. 12. His condition has degenerated. 13. His arm was paralysed after the stroke 2. I made a full 3. I wrote a 4. He experienced very little 5. Ten per cent of the population are thought to be 6. There is no 7. He has made a full 8. The lab made an 9. We found an 10. The 11. The patient was given a hip 12. There has been a 13. He suffered Exercise 6. Now make up your own sentences with the following verbs and corresponding nouns: to treat, to affect, to damage. Exercise 7. Using the information from the text in Exercise 3 speak on the following: 1. History of hemispherectomy. 2. Surgical indication. 3. Difference between functional and anatomical hemispherectomy. 4. Positive and negative consequences of hemispherectomy. 5. Implications of the operation for fundamental science. Exercise 8. Prove that the human body has unique adaptive abilities. Use the information from the text in Exercise 3 and additional facts, if necessary. Combine all the information into one report. 8 Unit 2. Water Water, thou hast no taste, no color, no odor; canst not be defined, art relished while ever mysterious. Not necessary to life, but rather life itself, thou fillest us with a gratification that exceeds the delight of the senses. Antoine de Saint-Exupery, The Wisdom of the Sands Exercise 1. What do you know about water? 1. What are the functions of water in human organism? What processes is water involved in? 2. What is the function of water in photosynthesis? 3. Can water produce negative effect on the human body? 4. What is dehydration? What negative consequences can it cause? 5. Why does daily water consumption of different classes of animals – amphibians, reptiles, birds, mammals – differ? 6. Do freshwater and saltwater kinds of fish have any difference in metabolism? 7. Why can’t we use distilled water for drinking? Exercise 2. How long can the average person survive without water? Now read the explanation given by Randall K. Packer, a professor of biology at George Washington University, and check if your answer was correct. It is impossible to give an answer to this seemingly simple question because many variable factors determine a person's survival time. Under the most extreme conditions, death can come rather quickly. For example, a child left in a hot car or an athlete exercising hard in hot weather can dehydrate, overheat and die in a period of a few hours. An adult in comfortable surroundings, in contrast, can survive for a week or more with no, or very limited, water intake. To stay healthy, humans must maintain water balance, which means that water losses must be made up for by water intake. We get water from food and drink and lose it as sweat and urine. Another major route of water loss usually goes unnoticed: because we exhale air that is water saturated, we lose water each time we exhale. On a cold day we see this water in the air as it condenses. Exposure to a hot environment and vigorous exercise both increase body temperature. The only physiological mechanism humans have to keep from overheating is sweating. Evaporation of sweat cools blood in vessels in the skin, which helps to cool the entire body. Under extreme conditions an adult can lose between one and 1.5 liters of sweat an hour. If that lost water is not replaced, the total volume of body fluid can fall quickly and, most dangerously, blood volume may drop. If this happens, two potentially life-threatening problems arise: sweating stops and body temperature can soar even higher, while blood pressure decreases because of the low blood volume. Under such conditions, death occurs quickly. Because of their relatively larger skin surface-to-volume ratio, children are especially susceptible to rapid overheating and dehydration. The combination of dehydration and overheating sends thousands of people to hospital emergency rooms each year, but diarrhea, excessive vomiting, and kidney failures of various sorts can also cause dehydration. A person can stay hydrated by drinking many different kinds of fluids in addition to water, with one exception. Drinking alcoholic beverages actually causes dehydration because ethanol depresses the level of the anti-diuretic hormone arginine vasopressin (AVP). As a result, urine volume increases such that more fluid is lost in urine than is gained by consuming the beverage. Exercise 3. Give definitions to the following terms connected with water: To dehydrate / to rehydrate, to condense, fluid, water balance, hormone, kidney, sweating, evaporation. Exercise 4. According to the text in Exercise 2, what is more damaging for one’s health? Why? a. hot weather b. high blood pressure c. sweating d. drinking alcoholic beverages e. low blood pressure f. physical exercise g. vomiting Exercise 5. Now read the article about water overdose. Strange but True: Drinking Too Much Water Can Kill In a hydration-obsessed culture, people can and do drink themselves to death. By Coco Ballantyne 9 Liquid H2O is the sine qua non of life. Making up about 66 percent of the human body, water runs through the blood, inhabits the cells, and lurks in the spaces between. At every moment water escapes the body through sweat, urination, or exhaled breath, among other routes. Replacing these lost stores is essential but rehydration can be overdone. There is such a thing as a fatal water overdose. Earlier this year, a 28-year-old California woman died after competing in a radio station's on-air waterdrinking contest. After downing some six liters of water in three hours in the contest, Jennifer Strange vomited, went home with a splitting headache, and died from so-called water intoxication. There are many other tragic examples of death by water. In 2005 a fraternity hazing at California State University, Chico, left a 21-year-old man dead after he was forced to drink excessive amounts of water between rounds of push-ups in a cold basement. Club-goers taking MDMA ("ecstasy") have died after consuming copious amounts of water trying to rehydrate following long nights of dancing and sweating. Going overboard in attempts to rehydrate is also common among endurance athletes. A 2005 study in the New England Journal of Medicine found that close to one sixth of marathon runners develop some degree of hyponatremia, or dilution of the blood caused by drinking too much water. Hyponatremia, a word cobbled together from Latin and Greek roots, translates as "insufficient salt in the blood." Quantitatively speaking, it means having a blood sodium concentration below 135 millimoles per liter, or approximately 0.4 ounces per gallon, the normal concentration lying somewhere between 135 and 145 millimoles per liter. Severe cases of hyponatremia can lead to water intoxication, an illness whose symptoms include headache, fatigue, nausea, vomiting, frequent urination and mental disorientation. In humans the kidneys control the amount of water, salts and other solutes leaving the body by sieving blood through their millions of twisted tubules. When a person drinks too much water in a short period of time, the kidneys cannot flush it out fast enough and the blood becomes waterlogged. Drawn to regions where the concentration of salt and other dissolved substances is higher, excess water leaves the blood and ultimately enters the cells, which swell like balloons to accommodate it. Most cells have room to stretch because they are embedded in flexible tissues such as fat and muscle, but this is not the case for neurons. Brain cells are tightly packaged inside a rigid boney cage, the skull, and they have to share this space with blood and cerebrospinal fluid, explains Wolfgang Liedtke, a clinical neuroscientist at Duke University Medical Center. "Inside the skull there is almost zero room to expand and swell," he says. Thus, brain edema, or swelling, can be disastrous. "Rapid and severe hyponatremia causes entry of water into brain cells leading to brain swelling, which manifests as seizures, coma, respiratory arrest, brain stem herniation and death," explains M. Amin Arnaout, chief of nephrology at Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School. Where did people get the idea that guzzling enormous quantities of water is healthful? A few years ago Heinz Valtin, a kidney specialist from Dartmouth Medical School, decided to determine if the common advice to drink eight, eight-ounce glasses of water per day could hold up to scientific scrutiny. After scouring the peerreviewed literature, Valtin concluded that no scientific studies support the "eight x eight" dictum (for healthy adults living in temperate climates and doing mild exercise). In fact, drinking this much or more "could be harmful, both in precipitating potentially dangerous hyponatremia and exposure to pollutants, and also in making many people feel guilty for not drinking enough," he wrote in his 2002 review for the American Journal of Physiology—Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative Physiology. And since he published his findings, Valtin says, "not a single scientific report published in a peer-reviewed publication has proven the contrary." Most cases of water poisoning do not result from simply drinking too much water, says Joseph Verbalis, chairman of medicine at Georgetown University Medical Center. It is usually a combination of excessive fluid intake and increased secretion of vasopressin (also called antidiuretic hormone), he explains. Produced by the hypothalamus and secreted into the bloodstream by the posterior pituitary gland, vasopressin instructs the kidneys to conserve water. Its secretion increases in periods of physical stress—during a marathon, for example—and may cause the body to conserve water even if a person is drinking excessive quantities. Every hour, a healthy kidney at rest can excrete 800 to 1,000 milliliters, or 0.21 to 0.26 gallon, of water and therefore a person can drink water at a rate of 800 to 1,000 milliliters per hour without experiencing a net gain in water, Verbalis explains. If that same person is running a marathon, however, the stress of the situation will increase vasopressin levels, reducing the kidney's excretion capacity to as low as 100 milliliters per hour. Drinking 800 to 1,000 milliliters of water per hour under these conditions can potentially lead to a net gain in water, even with considerable sweating, he says. While exercising, "you should balance what you're drinking with what you're sweating," and that includes sports drinks, which can also cause hyponatremia when consumed in excess, Verbalis advises. "If you're sweating 500 milliliters per hour, that is what you should be drinking." But measuring sweat output is not easy. How can a marathon runner, or any person, determine how much water to consume? As long as you are healthy and equipped with a thirst barometer unimpaired by old age or mind-altering drugs, follow Verbalis's advice, "drink to your thirst. It's the best indicator." (From Scientific American Online, June 21, 2007) Exercise 6. Are the following statements true or false, according to the text? Why? Explain your choice. 1. Water is the basic substance in the human organism. 2. Drinking excessive amounts of water can lead to death. 3. Hyponatremia is a Latin word which means “water overdose”. 4. Hyponatremia is a serious disorder characteristic for sportsmen. 10 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Liver filters water and plays the key role in excreting wastes. Excessive amounts of water are particularly damaging for the brain. A considerable body of evidence confirms the advice to drink much. Excessive water intake combined with physical exercise may result in serious health problems. It’s not recommended to drink while exercising. Exercise 7. These sentences all give very good advice, but they have been divided into separate halves. Match the half-sentences in Column A with the half-sentences in Column B to make 14 sentences which are correct, complete and true. Write five other pieces of advice for healthy life. A 1. Regular exercise is ... 2. A balanced diet should ... 3. Medicines should ... 4. A patient in shock should ... 5. Not taking any exercise is ... 6. Reading in bad light can ... 7. You should do ... 8. A normal adult should drink ... 9. HIV can be transmitted ... 10. Bad posture can ... 11. People with fair complexions ... 12. Surgical instruments must ... 13. Babies should ... 14. Hemorrhage control routinely should ... В a) ... burn easily in the sun. b) ... cause back pain. c) ... be inoculated against diphtheria. d) ... be kept out of the reach of children. e) ... be kept warm and lying down. f) ... about 2.5 litres of fluid each day. g) ... good for the heart. h) ... five minutes' exercise every morning. i) ... be sterilised before use. j) ... make the eyes ache. k) ... provide all the nutrients needed, in the correct proportions. l) ... an unhealthy way of living. m) ... be by pressure and elevation. n) ... by using non-sterile needles Exercise 8. Summarize everything you now know about significance and effects of water into one report. 11 Unit 3. Fungi Every man carries a parasite somewhere. Japanese proverb Exercise 1. What do you know about fungi? 1. What is a fungus? Why are fungi classified into a separate Kingdom? 2. Are fungi unicellular or multicellular organisms? 3. Are fungi stationary or moving organisms? 4. What is the difference between a fungus and a mushroom? Do all fungi have a fruiting body? 5. Are fungi hetero- or autotrophs? 6. What ecological functions are performed by fungi? 7. What cases of symbiotic relationship between fungi and other organisms do you know? Give examples of mutualism and parasitism. 8. What is the significance of fungi for humans? Exercise 2. Explain the following terms in English: chitin extracellular digestion yeast saprophyte mold mutualist hypha (hyphae) parasite mycelium haustoria asexual reproduction sexual reproduction spore fragmentation budding Exercise 3. Can you believe that fungi are the largest and fastest organisms on Earth? Why? Why not? Read the following two texts (Text A and Text B) to find out. Text A. The Largest Organism on Earth Is a Fungus The blue whale is big, but nowhere near as huge as a sprawling fungus in eastern Oregon By Anne Casselman Next time you purchase white button mushrooms at the grocery store, just remember, they may be cute and bite-size but they have a relative out west that occupies some 2,384 acres (965 hectares) of soil in Oregon's Blue Mountains. Put another way, this humongous fungus would cover 1,665 football fields, or nearly four square miles (10 square kilometers) of turf. The discovery of this giant Armillaria ostoyae in 1998 heralded a new record holder for the title of the world's largest known organism, believed by most to be the 110-foot- (33.5-meter-) long, 200-ton blue whale. Based on its current growth rate, the fungus is estimated to be 2,400 years old but could be as ancient as 8,650 years, which would earn it a place among the oldest living organisms as well. A team of forestry scientists discovered the giant after setting out to map the population of this pathogenic fungus in eastern Oregon. The team paired fungal samples in petri dishes to see if they fused, a sign that they were from the same genetic individual, and used DNA fingerprinting to determine where one individual fungus ended. This one, A. ostoyae, causes Armillaria root disease, which kills swaths of conifers in many parts of the U.S. and Canada. The fungus primarily grows along tree roots via hyphae, fine filaments that mat together and excrete digestive enzymes. But Armillaria has the unique ability to extend rhizomorphs, flat shoestringlike structures, that bridge gaps between food sources and expand the fungus's sweeping perimeter ever more. A combination of good genes and a stable environment has allowed this particularly ginormous fungus to continue its creeping existence over the past millennia. "These are very strange organisms to our anthropocentric way of thinking," says biochemist Myron Smith of Carleton University in Ottawa, Ontario. All fungi in the Armillaria genus are known as honey mushrooms, for the yellow-capped and sweet fruiting bodies they produce. Some varieties share this tendency for monstrosity but are more benign in nature. In fact the very first massive fungus discovered in 1992—a 37-acre (15-hectare) Armillaria bulbosa, which was later renamed Armillaria gallica—is annually celebrated at a "fungus fest" in the nearby town of Crystal Falls, Mich. Myron Smith was a PhD candidate in botany at the University of Toronto when he and colleagues discovered this exclusive fungus in the hardwood forests near Crystal Falls. "This was kind of a side project," Smith recalls. "We were looking at the boundaries of [fungal] individuals using genetic tests and the first year we didn't find the edge." Next, the microbiologists developed a new way to tell an individual apart from a group of closely related siblings using a battery of molecular genetic techniques. The major test compared fungal genes for signs of inbreeding, where heterozygous strips of DNA become homozygous. That's when they realized they had struck it big. The individual Armillaria bulbosa they found weighed over 100 tons (90.7 metric tons) and was roughly 1,500 years old. Ironically, the discovery of such huge fungi specimens rekindled the debate of what constitutes an individual organism. "It's one set of genetically identical cells that are in communication with one another that have a sort of common purpose or at least can coordinate themselves to do something," explains Tom Volk, a biology professor at the University of Wisconsin–La Crosse. Both the giant blue whale and the humongous fungus fit comfortably within this definition. So does the 6,615-ton (six-million-kilogram) colony of a male quaking aspen tree and his clones that covers 107 acres (43 hectares) of a Utah mountainside. 12 And, at second glance, even those button mushrooms aren't so tiny. A large mushroom farm can produce as much as one million pounds (454 metric tons) of them in a year. "The mushrooms that people grow in the mushroom houses - they're nearly genetically identical from one grower to another," Smith says. "So in a large mushroom-growing facility that would be a genetic individual—and it's massive!" In fact, humongous may be in the nature of things for a fungus. "We think that these things are not very rare," Volk says. "We think that they're in fact normal." (From Scientific American Online, October 4, 2007) Text B. Seedy but Speedy: Fungus Spews Spores at 55 Mph By Susannah F. Locke In a finding that could help control harmful fungus, researchers have discovered a high-speed mechanism the germs use to project their spores into the air. Scientists from Miami University (M.U.) in Oxford, Ohio, and the College of Mount St. Joseph in Cincinnati report in the journal PLoS ONE that fungi may be one of the fastest land species, clocking speeds of up to 55 miles (88 kilometers) per hour and producing accelerations 180,000 times greater than gravity. Fungi are the most common crop pathogens in the world. Most are fairly harmless to people, although like other allergens they sometimes exacerbate allergies and asthma. But certain varieties such as Stachybotrys chartarum, commonly referred to as black mold, that thrive in damp places like basements may also infect the lungs of people who have compromised immune systems or chronic bronchitis. Biologists once believed that mild air currents were enough to release fungi's spores, but are increasingly finding that molds employ elaborate methods to spew their seeds away from the nest. Using ultrahigh-speed video, the researchers calculated that some fungi use their own natural water pressure like squirt guns to eject their spores. Lead study author Nicholas Money, a fungus biologist at M.U., studied fungi that grow on cow patties and other herbivore dung. These species play a critical role in the ecosystem by breaking down waste to recycle its nutrients into the soil. The fungi project their spores away from the resident dung because cows will not eat near feces. By shooting them up to eight feet (2.5 meters) away, a grazing animal will be more inclined to eat them, thereby spreading the fungal spawn via its own manure. The research video camera shot 250,000 frames per second to capture fungi spurting their spores into the air, trailing glistening liquid behind them. The researchers used the video to clock the spores speeding along at 55 mph. The team also identified how several fungi build up water pressure to power a spore launch. First, the fungi accumulate sugars and other small molecules in their cells, which, in turn, brings in more water. Targeting the first step of this process could be a key to developing new fungicides. "By understanding the basic mechanism," he says, "you might find ways to remediate a mold-damaged home." (From Scientific American Online, September 17, 2008) Exercise 4. Answer the following questions using the information from the texts: 1. What animal is generally considered the biggest organism on earth? 2. What extraordinary characteristics does the discovered Armillaria ostoyae fungus possess? 3. Why is Armillaria ostoyae characterized as a pathogenic fungus? 4. What conditions allowed the fungus to grow to such enormous size? 5. How can scientists distinguish an individual from a group of closely related siblings? 6. What effect do fungi produce on people and the environment? 7. What mechanisms does Stachybotrys chartarum black mold use to spurt its spores into the air? 8. Why do fungi have to employ such complicated techniques? Exercise 5. Earlier you discussed parasitic fungi. Now read the article which describes one example of multi-species relationship in detail. Fungus genome boosts fight to save North American forests DNA sequence could advance efforts to control pine beetle infestations. By Elie Dolgin Canadian researchers have decoded the DNA of the tree-killing fungus found in the mouths of mountain pine beetles, the destructive bugs that wipe out entire North American forests. Further genome sequencing of the beetle and pine tree species should help forest managers design better pest-control tactics, the authors say. "It's really getting to a systems-level understanding of the mountain pine beetle epidemic," says study co-author Jörg Bohlmann, a chemical ecologist at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, Canada, who is leading the multi-species genome initiative. "What really happens in nature is not confined to one species, but is happening at the intersection when one species interacts with another." Mountain pine beetles (Dendroctonus ponderosae) have eaten their way through vast swathes of western North American pine forests, including around 15 million hectares in British Columbia alone. As the burrowing beetles tunnel under the bark to feed and lay eggs, they release spores of the blue-stain fungus (Grosmannia clavigera), which stops the production of a protective toxic resin released by the tree and allows the beetles to continue to infest. Bohlmann and his colleagues assembled the fungus's 32.5-million-base-pair genome, which is around a hundredth the size of the human genome, using a combination of next-generation and traditional sequencing 13 technologies — the first time that a complex eukaryotic organism has been sequenced from scratch using such a hybrid approach. The genome was reported online this month in the journal Genome Biology. For the other two species — the beetle and the tree — the researchers are concentrating mainly on expressed gene sequences, fragments of the complete DNA sequence, rather than the genomes in their entirety. They've already amassed one of the largest insect libraries of gene transcripts for the bark beetle from more than a dozen beetle life stages and body parts. The lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta) and jack pine (Pinus banksiana) are still at a much earlier stage of sequencing. The goal, says Dezene Huber, a chemical ecologist at the University of Northern British Columbia in Prince George, Canada, is to predict the dynamics between the organisms under various climatic conditions. "We should be able to look at particular genes and say which population of trees is interacting with which population of fungus and which population of beetles," he says. "It's really going to push science in a big way," says Brian Aukema of the Canadian Forestry Service in Prince George, who plans to incorporate the genomic data into landscape ecological models. "Once you have that information, you can hopefully feed that into models and understand where these beetle populations might be the most susceptible to treatments, intervention strategies and mitigation." Multi-species genomic interactions have been studied for some human diseases, including malaria, and a few symbiotic ecological relationships such as leaf-cutter ants and their microbial partners, but the approach has never before been applied on this scale for an outbreaking forest nuisance. Already, the University of British Columbia researchers, led by mycologist Colette Breuil, have taken the fungus genome, pinpointed the gene responsible for staining the pine wood blue and created a knockout strain that does not produce any pigment. The blue staining reduces the commercial value of affected timber, but it is not clear what role the colouring plays in driving infestation. The researchers are now testing this strain to tease that apart. But the full utility of the fungus genome might only be realized after other related species are also sequenced, says Diana Six, who studies the interaction between bark beetles and fungi at the University of Montana in Missoula. Comparing the blue-stain fungus with free-living or pathogenic fungi will shed light on how the beneficial fungus helps the beetles thrive, she says. Using genomics to stop the bark beetles is a "bit of a long shot, for sure", admits Chris Keeling, a research associate in Bohlmann's lab. But it might offer the best strategy for containing the forest pests, which have already started to jump host species from lodgepole pine, which is found only west of the Rockies, to jack pine, which stretches east across the entire continent. "We might be able to tweak the system to reduce the beetle populations or prevent them from spreading further east," Keeling says. (From Nature online, 18 Sept. 2009) Exercise 6. Speak in detail on the multi-species interaction described in this article according to the following plan: 1. What species are involved in the relationship? What is the role of each? 2. Why do scientists study this phenomenon on the genetic level? 3. What main steps have researchers taken so far? What results have they obtained? 4. What are the perspectives of such genomic investigations? Exercise 7. Put the words given in the brackets in the correct word-form. Gene Study Suggests Early Evolution of Land Plants and Fungi Changed Earth's Climate By Harald Franzen Land plants and fungi may have arisen far earlier than previously thought, according to a study published today in the journal Science. The gene-based research suggests that the (1)_________ (to emerge) of these organisms may have led to major climate and animal (2)_________ (to evolve) events. The Pennsylvania State University research team, led by (3)__________ (to evolve) biologist Blair Hedges, based their (4)___________ (to find) on the so-called molecular clock. Genes (5)___________ (to know) to accumulate (6)____________ (to mutate) at a constant rate, much like a ticking clock, can be used to determine when a species originated. To figure out when land plants and fungi originated, the team analyzed 119 such molecular clock genes common to (7)___________ (to live) species of animals, plants and fungi. Their (8)_________ (to result) proved startling. In contrast to fossil-based studies that place the (9)__________ (to appear) of land plants and fungi at around 480 million years ago, the genetic findings indicate that land plants and fungi evolved approximately 700 million and 1,300 million years ago, respectively. The early (10)______________ (to present) of plants and fungi on land would have reduced the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, producing a (11)____________ (to cool) effect, the authors note. At the same time, the plants boosted atmospheric oxygen levels, thus paving the way for the (12)__________ (to evolve) of complex animals. (From Scientific American Online, August 10, 2001) Exercise 8. Speak about fungi and their role on our planet. Summarize all the facts which have been discussed in this unit. 14 Unit 4. Bacteria Soap and water and common sense are the best disinfectants. Sir William Osler, Canadian physician and Oxford professor of medicine Exercise 1. What do you know about bacteria? 1. What is a bacterium? Why are bacteria classified into a separate Kingdom? 2. What is the difference between eubacteria and archaebacteria? 3. How are archaebacteria adapted to survive in the extreme conditions of their habitat? 4. What processes and mechanisms do bacteria use to obtain energy and nutrients? 5. What is the purpose of Gram staining? 6. How do bacteria reproduce? What is the difference between binary fission and conjugation? 7. What are the functions of bacteria in the environment? 8. What is their significance for humans? 9. In what ways do disease-causing bacteria damage human organism? Exercise 2. Explain the following terms in English: prokaryote antibiotics strain resistance (to antibiotics) colony nitrogen fixation pathogen obligate aerobes endospore obligate anaerobes coccus bacillus spirillum Staphylococcus bacteria Streptococcus bacteria Exercise 3. Read and translate the following text. Antibacterial Products May Do More Harm Than Good Antibacterial soaps and other cleaners may actually be aiding in the development of superbacteria. By Coco Ballantyne Tuberculosis, food poisoning, cholera, pneumonia, strep throat and meningitis: these are just a few of the unsavory diseases caused by bacteria. Hygiene—keeping both home and body clean—is one of the best ways to curb the spread of bacterial infections, but lately consumers are getting the message that washing with regular soap is insufficient. Antibacterial products have never been so popular. Body soaps, household cleaners, sponges, even mattresses and lip glosses are now packing bacteria-killing ingredients, and scientists question what place, if any, these chemicals have in the daily routines of healthy people. Traditionally, people washed bacteria from their bodies and homes using soap and hot water, alcohol, chlorine bleach or hydrogen peroxide. These substances act nonspecifically, meaning they wipe out almost every type of microbe in sight—fungi, bacteria and some viruses—rather than singling out a particular variety. Soap works by loosening and lifting dirt, oil and microbes from surfaces so they can be easily rinsed away with water, whereas general cleaners such as alcohol inflict sweeping damage to cells by demolishing key structures, then evaporate. "They do their job and are quickly dissipated into the environment," explains microbiologist Stuart Levy of Tufts University School of Medicine. Unlike these traditional cleaners, antibacterial products leave surface residues, creating conditions that may foster the development of resistant bacteria, Levy notes. For example, after spraying and wiping an antibacterial cleaner over a kitchen counter, active chemicals linger behind and continue to kill bacteria, but not necessarily all of them. When a bacterial population is placed under a stressor—such as an antibacterial chemical—a small subpopulation armed with special defense mechanisms can develop. These lineages survive and reproduce as their weaker relatives perish. "What doesn't kill you makes you stronger" is the governing maxim here, as antibacterial chemicals select for bacteria that endure their presence. As bacteria develop a tolerance for these compounds there is potential for also developing a tolerance for certain antibiotics. This phenomenon, called cross-resistance, has already been demonstrated in several laboratory studies using triclosan, one of the most common chemicals found in antibacterial hand cleaners, dishwashing liquids and other wash products. "Triclosan has a specific inhibitory target in bacteria similar to some antibiotics," says epidemiologist Allison Aiello at the University of Michigan School of Public Health. When bacteria are exposed to triclosan for long periods of time, genetic mutations can arise. Some of these mutations endow the bacteria with resistance to isoniazid, an antibiotic used for treating tuberculosis, whereas other microbes can supercharge their efflux pumps—protein machines in the cell membrane that can spit out several types of antibiotics, Aiello explains. These effects have been demonstrated only in the laboratory, not in households and other real world environments, but Aiello believes that the few household studies may not have been long enough. "It's very possible that the emergence of resistant species takes quite some time to occur…; the potential is there," she says. 15 Apart from the potential emergence of drug-resistant bacteria in communities, scientists have other concerns about antibacterial compounds. Both triclosan and its close chemical relative triclocarban (also widely used as an antibacterial), are present in 60 percent of America's streams and rivers, says environmental scientist Rolf Halden, co-founder of the Center for Water and Health at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. Both chemicals are efficiently removed from wastewater in treatment plants but end up getting sequestered in the municipal sludge, which is used as fertilizer for crops, thereby opening a potential pathway for contamination of the food we eat, Halden explains. "We have to realize that the concentrations in agricultural soil are very high," and this, "along with the presence of pathogens from sewage, could be a recipe for breeding antimicrobial resistance" in the environment, he says. Triclosan has also been found in human breast milk, although not in concentrations considered dangerous to babies, as well as in human blood plasma. There is no evidence showing that current concentrations of triclosan in the human body are harmful, but recent studies suggest that it acts as an endocrine disrupter in bullfrogs and rats. Further, an expert panel convened by the Food and Drug Administration determined that there is insufficient evidence for a benefit from consumer products containing antibacterial additives over similar ones not containing them. "What is this stuff doing in households when we have soaps?" asks molecular biologist John Gustafson of New Mexico State University in Las Cruces. These substances really belong in hospitals and clinics, not in the homes of healthy people, Gustafson says. Of course, antibacterial products do have their place. Millions of Americans suffer from weakened immune systems, including pregnant women and people with immunodeficiency diseases, points out Eugene Cole, an infectious disease specialist at Brigham Young University. For these people, targeted use of antibacterial products, such as triclosan, may be appropriate in the home, he says. In general, however, good, long-term hygiene means using regular soaps rather than new, antibacterial ones, experts say. "The main way to keep from getting sick," Gustafson says, "is to wash your hands three times a day and don't touch mucous membranes." (From Scientific American Online, June 07, 2007) Exercise 4. Using the information from the text and other facts you know prove that: 1. Hygiene is one of the most important medical achievements of human civilization. 2. Pharmaceutical companies and the media are heavily promoting antibacterial products. 3. There are a lot of traditional substances effective to maintain hygiene. 4. Antibacterial components of modern cleaners stimulate the development of resistant bacteria. 5. Bacteria can develop resistance even to those antibiotics they have never come in contact with. 6. More research is needed to demonstrate the negative effects of antibacterial products in the household. 7. Antibacterial products can contaminate both households and the environment. 8. They can also present potential danger for human health. 9. There are some categories of people who really require additional antibacterial protection. Exercise 5. Make 15 two-word expressions connected with medical treatment by combining words from the two lists: A and B. Then match each expression with the appropriate phrase below. The first one has been done for you as an example. A allergic balanced bedside biological bone brain clinical digestive general general heart malignant plastic primary surgical B anaesthetic attack clock death diet intervention manner marrow practitioner reaction surgery system tooth trial tumour 1. A condition in which the heart has a reduced blood supply because one of the arteries becomes blocked by a blood clot, causing myocardial ischaemia and myocardial infarction (heart attack) 2. A substance given to make someone lose consciousness so that a major surgical operation can be carried out 3. Soft tissue in cancellous bone. 4. The treatment of disease or other condition by surgery. 5. Any one of the first twenty teeth which develop in children between about six months and two-and-a-half years of age, and are replaced by the permanent teeth at around the age of six. 16 6. Surgery to repair damaged or malformed parts of the body. 7. A condition in which the nerves in the brain stem have died, and the person can be certified as dead, although the heart may not have stopped beating. 8. The way in which a doctor behaves towards a patient, especially a patient who is in bed. 9. An effect produced by a substance to which a person has an allergy, such as sneezing or a skin rash. 10. A trial carried out in a medical laboratory on a person or on tissue from a person. 11. A tumour which is cancerous and can grow again or spread into other parts of the body, even if removed surgically. 12. A doctor who provides first-line medical care for all types of illness to people who live locally, refers them to hospital if necessary and encourages health promotion. 13. The rhythm of daily activities and bodily processes such as eating, defecating or sleeping, frequently controlled by hormones, which repeats every twenty-four hours. 14. The set of organs such as the stomach, liver and pancreas which are associated with the digestion of food. 15. A diet that provides all the nutrients needed in the correct proportions. Exercise 6. Fighting Bacteria. Divide into two groups. Each group should read either Text A or Text B about two unusual methods of fighting bacteria. Then in pairs discuss your text with the partner. Try not to miss any details. Text A. Tea Aids Oral Health By Sarah Graham A spot of tea may offer more than just a pleasant way to pass the afternoon. Research findings presented this week at the 103rd General Meeting of the American Society for Microbiology in Washington, D.C. suggests that it can help fight bad breath and may boost the powers of toothpaste. Christine Wu and Min Zhu of the University of Illinois at Chicago College of Dentistry isolated chemical components of tea leaves known as polyphenols and tested them against three species of bacteria known to cause bad breath. The researchers found that the compounds, specifically catechins and theaflavins, inhibited growth of the oral bacteria over a 48-hour incubation period. What is more, lower concentrations of the chemicals interfered with the enzyme that catalyzes the production of hydrogen sulfide, which has the notorious smell of rotten eggs, and reduced its production by 30 percent. The compounds studied by the scientists are present in both green tea and black tea, although they are more abundant in the latter. In a second study, researchers reported that green tea may provide additional benefits. Milton Schiffenbauer of Pace University and his colleagues tested tea's ability to fight bacteria that cause infections such as strep throat and dental caries. They found that green tea extracts and polyphenols--particularly those from caffeinated beverages--inhibited bacterial growth. Adding these agents to toothpaste and mouthwash, he notes, may make them more effective at combating microbial agents. (From Scientific American Online, May 21, 2003) Text B. Scientists Explain Why Vegetable Recipes Skimp on Spices By Kate Wong Several years ago, a team of researchers from Cornell University proposed that the spices used in traditional meat-based cuisines originally served not as flavor, but to stave off bacteria and fungi. Now new research is providing further food for thought: findings reported in the June issue of Evolution and Human Behavior explain why vegetable-based dishes tend to lack such spiciness. Plants, it turns out, don't require so much protection against microorganisms as meats because they have their own natural chemical and physical defenses, which continue to function after cooking. Cornell neurobiologist Paul W. Sherman and undergraduate Geoffrey Hash thus predicted that if spices first served as antimicrobials, especially in warmer climates, vegetable recipes in the same countries surveyed for the meat research should feature fewer spices. Subsequent investigation bore this out. Analyzing 2,129 traditional vegetable recipes from 36 different countries, the team found that spice usage was far lower than that found in meat-based dishes from the same cultures. Indeed, of the 41 spices considered, 38 appear more frequently in meat recipes; the three that don't fit this pattern - sesame, caraway and sweet pepper - offer little protection anyway. "Humans have always been in a co-evolutionary race with parasites and pathogens in foods, and our cookbooks are the written record of that race," Sherman asserts. "We haven't had to 'run' as hard when we ate vegetables. We haven't had to use extra pharmaceuticals to make vegetables safe for consumption." (From Scientific American Online, July 11, 2001) Exercise 7. Speak about bacteria and their role on our planet. Summarize all facts which have been discussed in this unit. 17 Unit 5. Domestic and Domesticated Animals A horse! A horse! My kingdom for a horse! William Shakespeare The Tragedy of King Richard the Third I have known the horse in war and in peace, and there is no place where a horse is comfortable. The horse has too many caprices, and he is too much given to initiative. He invents too many ideas. No, I don’t want anything to do with a horse. Mark Twain Exercise 1. What do you know about domestication of animals? 1. What domestic animals do you know? What wild animals do they come from? 2. What was the first domesticated animal? Why? 3. What purposes were domesticated animals used for? 4. How does the process of domestication take place? Exercise 2. Read the following two texts (Text A and Text B) about domestication of dogs and goats to check your answers in Exercise 1. Text A. The Origin of Dogs Where did our best friend originate? Researchers are looking to DNA to dig up answers about where, when and why pooches became popular By Katherine Harmon From Chihuahua to Great Danes, all domestic dogs (Canis familiaris) seem to be descended from the Eurasian gray wolf (Canis lupis). But what we still don't know is exactly when and where our best friends transformed from predators into partners. And such knowledge might help solve the long-disputed question of exactly why dogs were the first animal to be domesticated. The dog genome was first decoded in 2005—and even before that researchers had been using genetic tools to track Fido's first home. Early research pointed toward east Asia as the locus of first taming after the discovery of high genetic diversity and other key markers in dog populations from various villages there. Some investigators, however, have since pointed out that the genetic search sampled more east Asian village dogs, neglecting similar pups roaming other villages around the globe. That's where the Village Dog Genetic Diversity Project at Cornell University comes in. Starting with a recent genetic analysis of dogs in African villages, the Cornell group hopes ultimately to create a detailed DNA-based map of canine ancestry worldwide, which in turn should provide a new understanding of the ancient humans who took them in. One part of that new insight appeared earlier this month in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), in a study that calls into question the assumption of dogs' east Asian origin. A team led by Adam Boyko, a researcher at Cornell's Carlos D. Bustamante Lab, sampled 318 village dogs in Africa (as well as hundreds of dogs from North America and Europe for comparison) and discovered that the high genetic diversity of canines there resembles that found in east Asia. "We found almost without exception they're descended from different ancestral populations," Boyko says of the village dogs sampled in Africa. That means they may have been there just as long as others had been in east Asia. Researchers have also yet to figure out when people first began raising dogs. The going theory is that dogs were domesticated somewhere between 15,000 and 40,000 years ago. But, Boyko explains, genetic testing has not gone deep enough to come up with a more refined date. To try to track down some more clues, field crews have fanned out around the globe this summer to test village dogs in Vietnam, New Guinea, Malaysia and other locations in Eurasia in order to get more data. Of course, scrappy village dogs aren't often the focus of heartfelt conservation efforts, and some even face active elimination programs. But these pups also have challenges from newly arrived European-descent dogs, which threaten to make a splash in the regional gene pool. "It is unclear the degree to which older populations will be able to maintain their genetic identity and persist in the face of modernity," Boyko and his co-authors wrote in the PNAS paper. So time is of the essence in digging up a solid answer about doggie descent. Looking back into the pooch family tree will help researchers learn more not only about dogs, but about ancient people, as well. A genetic map of dog domestication could reveal important information about human migration and trade routes. "We may be able to turn dogs into a genetic marker for what human populations were doing," Boyko says. He adds that he and his colleagues also plan to "look for which regions of the genome went under selection earliest," and from that "we'll also learn what traits were selected for at that time." That knowledge, 18 along with a little help from archaeologists, may be able to uncover sniff out just why the dog was so special and became most likely the first domesticated species. (From Scientific American Online, August 20, 2009) Text B. Gene Study Suggests Goats Got Around Through Early Human Commerce At the dawn of human history, long migrations were not for weaklings. Early travelers, however, could count on a sturdy, reliable and self-propelling source of food during their trips, a French study has just revealed. Researchers from Joseph Fourier University in Grenoble and the Muse National d’Histoire Naturelle in Paris, in collaboration with scientists from the University of Geneva in Switzerland, discovered that our ancestors likely used goats as "walking larders" some 10,000 years ago. Their findings, which are published on today's issue of the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), come from an analysis of DNA extracted from goat mitochondria -small organelles that work as cellular power plants. The short string of DNA contained in the mitochondria (mDNA) - which accounts for only a small fraction of the total cellular DNA - accumulates mutations at a relatively regular rate and so researchers can use variations in its genes to measure evolutionary changes. The more differences two individuals or species show in the nucleotide composition of their mDNA, the more distantly related they are. Moreover, because mitochondria are only inherited from mothers, the DNA is not subject to the gene shuffling that affects the rest of the genome after fertilization. Therefore mDNA points researchers to only one or a few common female ancestors from which different populations originated. For their studies, Gordon Luikart from Grenoble University and his colleagues collected mDNA from more than 400 wild and domesticated goats in Europe, Asia, Africa and the Middle East, representing 88 breeds distributed across the Old World. Their results suggest that all of the world's 700 million domestic goats originated from only three ancestors, which were domesticated at different times in different places during prehistory. The first goats were probably domesticated about 10,000 year ago at the dawn of the Neolithic in a region of the Middle East known as the Fertile Crescent. Intriguingly, the genetic analysis showed that, unlike other domestic animals such as cattle, sheep and pigs, today's descendants of the first domesticated goats are rather evenly distributed in all continents of the Old World. This pattern suggests that goats followed humans in their early migrations. "Goats have been a highly mobile species, probably as small and portable units of human trade throughout history," researchers David MacHugh and Daniel G. Bradley note in a commentary to the PNAS paper. Goats can live on little food in harsh climates and still provide a major source of meat, skin and fibers for millions of people in the developing world. Strange as it might seem, we should rightfully include those skinny animals in the short list of man's best friends. (From Scientific American Online, May 8, 2001) Exercise 3. Do you agree with the following statements? Why? Why not? Explain your answer. 1. Studies of animal domestication may shed light on human origin, development and migrations. 2. Scientists know exactly when and where different wild animals were domesticated. 3. Dogs were first domesticated in Africa. 4. Genetic material from numerous breeds and populations of animals is used for investigation. 5. Mitochondrial DNA is used to determine the origin of species. 6. Goats were extremely useful for ancient people. 7. Dogs and goats were domesticated in the same region. 8. All modern goats originate from the same common ancestor. Exercise 4. Divide into two groups. Each group should read either Text A or Text B on domestication of wild horses. In pairs, share your information with your partner and discuss both texts to combine all the details, so you could answer the questions in Exercise 5. Text A. DNA Hints at Origins of Domestic Horses By Sarah Graham The last sighting of a wild horse population occurred in 1969 in Mongolia. A far more common sight is a domestic horse, whether on a farm or a racetrack. Now scientists have shed new light on how these magnificent beasts came to be controlled by humans. According to a report published online this week by the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, modern horses were domesticated from several distinct ancestral populations. And because horse domestication may have played a key role in the spread of some European languages, the findings could further the study of language evolution. To track the trail of domestic horses, Thomas Jansen of Biopsytec Analytik in Rheinbach, Germany, and his colleagues sequenced DNA from 318 horses representing 25 different breeds. Specifically, the team analyzed mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA), which is inherited from the mother, and compared the recent samples to previously published DNA data from 334 other animals. The researchers identified 17 distinct types of mtDNA and calculated that at least 77 different wild mares must have been domesticated in order to account for today's domestic horses. Just how these animals were domesticated remains unclear, however. Because of the necessary diversity of the mares, the team posits that several separate and geographically diverse populations participated in the process. One theory holds that domestication occurred independently at a number of locales. Alternatively, the procedure 19 may have slowly spread from a single starting point. In that case, the authors write, "the knowledge and the initially domesticated horses themselves would have spread, with local mares incorporated en route, forming our regional mtDNA clusters." (From Scientific American Online, July 16, 2002) Text B. Modern Horses Have Many Origins By Julia Karow About 6000 years ago, somewhere in the Eurasian grassland steppe, man started to capture and tame wild horses--at least that's what remains from archaeological sites in Ukraine and Kazakhstan, tell scientists. Initially, people did not only use horses for transport, but also for food; at the time, dogs, cows, sheep and goats had already lived with humans for several thousand years. Now genetic evidence from modern and ancient horses, published in today's Science, completes the picture: the taming of horses did not occur in only one place, but in several, geographically distant locations. Researchers from Sweden and the U.S. analyzed parts of the mitochondrial DNA of 191 domestic horses from ten different breeds, including the Icelandic Pony, the Arabian horse and the (American) Standardbred. They also included DNA sequences from 12,000 to 28,000-year-old horse bones found in Alaska and from 1,000 to 2,000-year-old horse remains from Northern Europe in the comparison. Mothers alone pass on mitochondria to their offspring, which is why the data represents only the maternal line. But the DNA samples from the modern horses differed so much from each other that they probably originated from several different groups of domesticated horses. And the genetic variation within each breed indicates that probably more female horses and only a few studs were used for breeding--a practice that continues today. Rather than giving away domesticated horses, people in Eurasia probably taught each other techniques for capturing and keeping wild horses from their own area. That's why today's breeds still carry the genetic hallmarks of many different wild populations. (From Scientific American Online, January 19, 2001) Exercise 5. Answer the following questions: 1. When was a wild horse population seen for the last time? 2. What methods were used to determine the time of horse domestication? 3. What genetic material was used in each study described in the texts? 4. When and where did domestication of horses start? 5. How was domestication of horses performed? Exercise 6. Make up a list of the 10 key facts about studies of domestication. Agree on the final list of facts with the whole group. Then summarize everything you now know about domestication of wild animals into one report. 20 Section 1. Recommended Report and Presentation Topics 1. Seizures: classifications, etiology, treatment. 2. Epilepsy. 3. Malignant tumours. 4. Unique abilities of the human body. 5. Unique abilities of the human brain. 6. Do fresh water and sea water animals drink? 7. What do marine organisms drink? 8. Why is water considered the most valuable resource of the future? 9. Water conservation. 10. Poisonous mushrooms. 11. Symbiotic partnerships inside the human body. 12. Do bacteria packed yoghurts really benefit our health? 13. Extreme bacterial habitats. 14. How did different breeds of domestic dogs originate? 15. Why were cats domesticated? 21 Section 2. Unit 6. Brain I’ll give you my opinion of the human race . . . Their heart’s in the right place, but their head is a thoroughly inefficient organ. W. Somerset Maugham It is good to rub and polish our brains against that of others. Michel de Montaigne Exercise 1. What do you know about the human brain? 1. What is the structure of the nervous system? 2. What are the functions of the brain? 3. What is each region of the brain responsible for? Speak about forebrain, midbrain, hindbrain, cerebellum, medulla oblongata, cerebral cortex, etc. 4. What is a neuron? 5. What are the functions of neurotransmitters? 6. What do you know about nerve cell growth (neurogenesis) and neuroplasticity? 7. What is intelligence? 8. What is memory? Exercise 2. Read introduction to the text. What do you think the possible methods to improve brainpower are? Six Ways to Boost Brainpower The adult human brain is surprisingly malleable: it can rewire itself and even grow new cells. Here are some habits that can fine-tune your mind By Emily Anthes Amputees sometimes experience phantom limb sensations, feeling pain, itching or other impulses coming from limbs that no longer exist. Neuroscientist Vilayanur S. Ramachandran worked with patients who had so-called phantom limbs, including Tom, a man who had lost one of his arms. Ramachandran discovered that if he stroked Tom’s face, Tom felt like his missing fingers were also being touched. Each part of the body is represented by a different region of the somatosensory cortex, and, as it happens, the region for the hand is adjacent to the region for the face. The neuroscientist deduced that a remarkable change had taken place in Tom’s somatosensory cortex: because Tom’s cortex was no longer getting input from his missing hand, the region processing sensation from his face had slowly taken over the hand’s territory. So touching Tom’s face produced sensation in his nonexistent fingers. This kind of rewiring is an example of neuroplasticity, the adult brain’s ability to change and remold itself. Scientists are finding that the adult brain is far more malleable than they once thought. Our behavior and environment can cause substantial rewiring of the brain or a reorganization of its functions and where they are located. Some believe that even our patterns of thinking alone are enough to reshape the brain. Researchers now know that neurogenesis (the birth of new neurons) is a normal feature of the adult brain. Studies have shown that one of the most active regions for neurogenesis is the hippocampus, a structure that is vitally important for learning and long-term memory. Neurogenesis also takes place in the olfactory bulb, which is involved in processing smells. But not all the neurons that are born survive; in fact, most of them die. To survive, the new cells need nutrients and connections with other neurons that are already thriving. Scientists are currently identifying the factors that affect the rate of neurogenesis and the survival of new cells. Mental and physical exercise, for instance, both boost neuron survival. Exercise 3. Now divide into pairs or small groups and read about each method. Then tell other students what you have read about. Try not to miss any detail. METHOD 1: EXERCISE Mice that run on wheels increase the number of neurons in their hippocampus and perform better on tests of learning and memory. Studies of humans have revealed that exercise can improve the brain’s executive functions (planning, organizing, multitasking, and more). Exercise is also well known for its mood-boosting effects, and people who exercise are less likely to get dementia as they age. Among those who are already aged, athletic 22 senior citizens have better executive function than do those who are sedentary; even seniors who have spent their entire lives on the couch can improve these abilities just by starting to move more in their golden years. You don’t need to be Chuck Norris (thankfully) to get the brain benefits of exercise. Studies of senior citizens have shown that as little as 20 minutes of walking a day can do the trick. A variety of mechanisms might be responsible for this brain boost. Exercise increases blood flow to the brain, which also increases the delivery of oxygen, fuel and nutrients to those hard-working neurons. Research has shown that exercise can increase levels of a substance called brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), which encourages growth, communication and survival of neurons. Exercise also improves sleep quality, a pile of studies suggests. And immune function. Is there anything it can’t do? METHOD 2: DIET The brain needs fuel just as the body does. So what will really boost your brainpower, and what will make you lose your mind? Saturated fat, that familiar culprit, is no better for the brain than it is for the body. Rats fed diets high in saturated fat underperformed on tests of learning and memory, and humans who live on such diets seem to be at increased risk for dementia. Not all fat is bad news, however. The brain is mostly fat—all those cell membranes and myelin coverings require fatty acids—so it is important to eat certain fats, particularly omega-3 fats, which are found in fish, nuts and seeds. Alzheimer’s disease, depression, schizophrenia and other disorders may be associated with low levels of omega-3 fatty acids. It is especially important that babies get enough fat. Babies who don’t get enough of the stuff have trouble creating the fatty myelin insulation that helps neurons transmit signals. Luckily for babies, breast milk is 50 percent fat. Fruits and vegetables also appear to be brain superfoods. Produce is high in substances called antioxidants, which counteract atoms that can damage brain cells. Researchers have found that high-antioxidant diets keep learning and memory sharp in aging rats and even reduce the brain damage caused by strokes. That’s food for thought. It’s not just what you eat that affects the brain. It’s also how much. Research has shown that laboratory animals fed calorie-restricted diets—anywhere from 25 to 50 percent less than normal—live longer than other animals do. And it turns out they also have improved brain function, performing better on tests of memory and coordination. Rodents on calorie-restricted diets are also better able to resist the damage that accompanies Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and Huntington’s disease. METHOD 3: STIMULANTS Stimulants are substances that rev up the nervous system, increasing heart rate, blood pressure, energy, breathing and more. Caffeine is probably the most famous of the group. (It is actually the most widely used “drug” in the world.) By activating the central nervous system, caffeine boosts arousal and alertness. Although high doses of caffeine can undoubtedly have unpleasant effects (ranging from irritability, anxiety and insomnia to the most unpleasant of all: death in rare cases), small to moderate amounts can boost our mental functioning in ways researchers are now measuring. One study showed that the equivalent of two cups of coffee can boost short-term memory and reaction time. Functional MRI scans taken during the study also revealed that volunteers who had been given caffeine had increased activity in the brain regions involving attention. In addition, research suggests caffeine can protect against age-related memory decline in older women. But try to limit yourself to fewer than 100 cups a day. That much coffee contains about 10 grams of caffeine, enough to cause fatal complications. Cocaine and amphetamines are less benign. Although they work on the brain through different mechanisms, they have similar effects. Taking them increases the release of some of the brain’s feel-good neurotransmitters— including dopamine and serotonin—and produces a rush of euphoria. They also increase alertness and energy. That all sounds pretty good, but cocaine and amphetamines are extremely addictive drugs and in high doses they can cause psychosis and withdrawal. The withdrawal symptoms are nasty and can lead to depression, the opposite of that euphoric feeling. And of course, an overdose can kill you. METHOD 4: VIDEO GAMES Video games could save your life. Surgeons who spend at least a few hours a week playing video games make one-third fewer errors in the operating room than nongaming doctors do. Indeed, research has shown that video games can improve mental dexterity, while boosting hand-eye coordination, depth perception and pattern recognition. Gamers also have better attention spans and information-processing skills than the average Joe has. When nongamers agree to spend a week playing video games (in the name of science, of course), their visualperception skills improve. And strike your notions of gamers as outcasts: one researcher found that white-collar professionals who play video games are more confident and social. Of course, we cannot talk about the effects of video games without mentioning the popular theory that they are responsible for increasing real-world violence. A number of studies have reinforced this link. Young men who play a lot of violent video games have brains that are less responsive to graphic images, suggesting that these gamers have become desensitized to such depictions. Another study revealed that gamers had patterns of brain activity consistent with aggression while playing first-person shooter games. This does not necessarily mean these players will actually be violent in real life. The connections are worth exploring, but so far the data do not support the idea that the rise of video games is responsible for increased youth violence. 23 METHOD 5: MUSIC When you turn on Queen’s Greatest Hits, the auditory cortex analyzes the many components of the music: volume, pitch, timbre, melody and rhythm. But there’s more to music’s interaction with the brain than just the raw sound. Music can also activate your brain’s reward centers and depress activity in the amygdala, reducing fear and other negative emotions. A highly publicized study suggested that listening to Mozart could boost cognitive performance, inspiring parents everywhere to go out and buy classical CDs for their children. The idea of a “Mozart effect” remains popular, but the original study has been somewhat discredited, and any intellectual boost that comes from listening to music seems to be tiny and temporary. Nevertheless, music does seem to possess some good vibrations. It can treat anxiety and insomnia, lower blood pressure, soothe patients with dementia, and help premature babies to gain weight and leave the hospital sooner. Music training can bolster the brain. The motor cortex, cerebellum and corpus callosum are all bigger in musicians than in nonmusicians. And string players have more of their sensory cortices devoted to their fingers than do those who don’t play the instruments. There is no agreement yet on whether musical training makes you smarter, but some studies have indeed shown that music lessons can improve the spatial abilities of young kids. METHOD 6: MEDITATION Meditation, or the turning of the mind inward for contemplation and relaxation, seems to help all types of conditions—anxiety disorders, sure, but it can also reduce pain and treat high blood pressure, asthma, insomnia, diabetes, depression and even skin conditions. And regular meditators say they feel more at ease and more creative than nonmeditators do. Researchers are now illuminating the actual brain changes caused by meditation by sticking meditators into brain-imaging machines. For one, although the brain’s cells typically fire at all different times, during meditation they fire in synchrony. Expert meditators also show spikes of brain activity in the left prefrontal cortex, an area of the brain that has generally been associated with positive emotions. And those who had the most activity in this area during meditation also had big boosts in immune system functioning. Meditation can increase the thickness of the cerebral cortex, particularly in regions associated with attention and sensation. (The growth does not seem to result from the cortex growing new neurons, though—it appears that the neurons already there make more connections, the number of support cells increases, and blood vessels in that area get bigger.) (From Scientific American, February, 2009) Exercise 4. Do you agree with the recommendations given? Comment on each method suggested. Exercise 5. Do you know any other methods that can help you to increase brainpower? 24 Unit 7. Sleep Sleep covers a Man all over, Thoughts and all, like a Cloak; ’tis Meat for the Hungry, Drink for the Thirsty, Heat for the Cold, and Cold for the Hot. Miguel de Cervantes Don Quixote Introduction. Sleep remains one of the great mysteries of modern neuroscience. We spend nearly one-third of our lives asleep, but the function of sleep still is not known. Fortunately, over the last few years researchers have made great headway in understanding some of the brain circuitry that controls wake-sleep states. Scientists now recognize that sleep consists of several different stages; that the choreography of a night’s sleep involves the interplay of these stages, a process that depends upon a complex switching mechanism; and that the sleep stages are accompanied by daily rhythms in bodily hormones, body temperature and other functions. Sleep disorders are among the nation’s most common health problems, affecting up to 70 million people, most of whom are undiagnosed and untreated. These disorders are one of the least recognized sources of disease, disability and even death, costing an estimated $100 billion annually in lost productivity, medical bills and industrial accidents. Research holds the promise for devising new treatments to allow millions of people to get a good night’s sleep. Exercise 1. What do you know about sleep? 1. What is sleep? What processes take place in human organism during sleep? 2. What processes take place in the human brain during sleep? 3. How long does sleep last? What stages does it include? 4. What sleep disorders do you know? 5. Are you an early bird or a night owl? What other sleep habits do you have? Exercise 2. Is sleep primarily to benefit the body or the mind? Read the following text to find the answer. Why Do We Sleep? By C. Claiborne Ray “Sleep has many functions, and most of us think the main functions are not for the body but for the brain,” said Dr. Arthur Spielman, a sleep expert at City College of New York. “But,” he added, “you are talking to a brain scientist, and it depends on whom you ask.’’ The reason sleep occurs in the first place is tied to both mental and physiological cycles that evolved on a planet with a 24-hour cycle of light and dark, Dr. Spielman said. The internal biological clocks that developed in living things, from single cells to humans, allow them to anticipate the transitions from light to dark and from dark to light, so that they are ready for the functions appropriate to light, like metabolism and photosynthesis, and for those suited to darkness. “A physiologist might say sleep was to avoid wasting metabolic energy in the dark,’’ he said. “But a brain scientist would say that glycogen, the only fuel for the brain, is depleted during waking and restored during sleep.” Sleep is useful for restoring particular parts of the brain that are quiet during sleep and return to functioning during waking, like the areas involved in attention, alertness and memory. Sleep is also important for regulating the timing of hormones under the control of the brain, Dr. Spielman said, like cortisol, the stress-response hormone, which is suppressed at the beginning of sleep and ramps up in anticipation of waking, and growth hormone, which is secreted at night during sleep characterized by slow brain waves. (August 15, 2006 NY Times) Exercise 3. Read the chapter about sleep taken from the book Brain Facts: a Primer on the Brain and Nervous System, 2002 to check your answers in Exercise 1. The Stuff of Sleep Sleep appears to be a passive and restful time when the brain is less active. In fact, this state actually involves a highly active and well-scripted interplay of brain circuits to produce the stages of sleeping. The stages of sleep were discovered in the 1950s in experiments examining the human brain waves or electroencephalogram (EEG) during sleep. Researchers also measured movements of the eyes and the limbs during sleep. They found that over the course of the first hour or so of sleep each night, the brain progresses through a series of stages during which the brain waves progressively slow down. The period of slow wave sleep is accompanied by relaxation of the muscles and the eyes. Heart rate, blood pressure and body temperature all fall. If awakened at this time, most people recall only a feeling or image, not an active dream. Over the next half hour or so, the brain emerges from the deep slow wave sleep as the EEG waves become progressively faster. Similar to during waking, rapid eye movements emerge, but the body’s muscles become almost completely paralyzed (only the muscles that allow breathing remain active). This state is often called rapid 25 eye movement (REM) sleep. During REM sleep, there is active dreaming. Heart rate, blood pressure and body temperature become much more variable. The first REM period usually lasts ten to 15 minutes. Over the course of the night, these alternative cycles of slow wave and REM sleep alternate, with the slow wave sleep becoming less deep, and the REM periods more prolonged, until waking occurs. Over the course of a lifetime, the pattern of sleep cycles changes. Infants sleep up to 18 hours per day, and they spend much more time in deep slow wave sleep. As children mature, they spend less time asleep, and less time in deep slow wave sleep. Older adults may sleep only six to seven hours per night, often complain of early wakening that they cannot avoid, and spend very little time in slow wave sleep. Sleep disorders The most common sleep disorder, and the one most people are familiar with, is insomnia. Some people have difficulty falling asleep initially, but other people fall asleep, and then awaken part way through the night, and cannot fall asleep again. Although there are a variety of short-acting sedatives and sedating antidepressant drugs available to help, none of these produces a truly natural and restful sleep state because they tend to suppress the deeper stages of slow wave sleep. Excessive daytime sleepiness may have many causes. The most common are disorders that disrupt sleep and result in inadequate amounts of sleep, particularly the deeper stages. These are usually diagnosed in the sleep laboratory. Here, the EEG, eye movements and muscle tone are monitored electrically as the individual sleeps. In addition, the heart, breathing, and oxygen content of the blood can be monitored. Obstructive sleep apnea causes the airway muscles in the throat to collapse as sleep deepens. This prevents breathing, which causes arousal, and prevents the sufferer from entering the deeper stages of slow wave sleep. This condition can also cause high blood pressure and may increase the risk of heart attack. There is also an increased risk of daytime accident, especially automobile accidents, which may prevent driving. Treatment is complex and may include a variety of attempts to reduce airway collapse during sleep. While simple things like losing weight, avoiding alcohol and sedating drugs prior to sleep, and avoiding sleeping on one’s back can sometimes help, most people with sleep apnea require positive airway pressure to keep the airway open. This can be provided by fitting a small mask over the nose that provides an air stream under pressure during sleep. In some cases, surgery is needed to correct the airway anatomy. Periodic limb movements of sleep are intermittent jerks of the legs or arms, which occur as the individual enters slow wave sleep, and can cause arousal from sleep. Other people have episodes in which their muscles fail to be paralyzed during REM sleep, and they act out their dreams. This REM behavior disorder can also be very disruptive to a normal nights’ sleep. Both disorders are more common in people with Parkinson’s disease, and both can be treated with drugs that treat Parkinson’s, or with an anti-epileptic drug called clonazepam. Narcolepsy is a relatively uncommon condition (one case per 2,500 people) in which the switching mechanism for REM sleep does not work properly. Narcoleptics have sleep attacks during the day, in which they suddenly fall asleep. This is socially disruptive, as well as dangerous, for example, if they are driving. They tend to enter REM sleep very quickly as well, and may even enter a dreaming state while still awake, a condition known as hypnagogic hallucinations. They also have attacks during which they lose muscle tone, similar to what occurs during REM sleep, but while they are awake. Often, this occurs while they are falling asleep or just waking up, but attacks of paralysis known as cataplexy can be triggered by an emotional experience or even hearing a funny joke. Recently, insights into the mechanism of narcolepsy have given major insights into the processes that control these mysterious transitions between waking, slow wave and REM sleep states. (From Brain Facts: a Primer on the Brain and Nervous System, 2002) Exercise 4. Work in small groups. Write out from the text 15 key word combinations which will help you to retell the text and explain your choice. Then together agree on the final list of word combinations. Exercise 5. In the following text the paragraphs are mixed. Put them in the correct logical order. The first and the last paragraphs are in their right places. How long can humans stay awake? J. Christian Gillin, a professor of psychiatry at the University of California, San Diego, conducts research on sleep, chronobiology and mood disorders. He supplies the following answer. (А) The easy experimental answer to this question is 264 hours (about 11 days). In 1965, Randy Gardner, a 17-year-old high school student, set this apparent world-record for a science fair. Several other normal research subjects have remained awake for 8 to 10 days in carefully monitored experiments. None of these individuals experienced serious medical, neurological, physiological or psychiatric problems. On the other hand, all of them showed progressive and significant deficits in concentration, motivation, perception and other higher mental processes as the duration of sleep deprivation increased. Nevertheless, all experimental subjects recovered to relative normality within one or two nights of recovery sleep. Other anecdotal reports describe soldiers staying awake for four days in battle, or unmedicated patients with mania going without sleep for three to four days. (B) The more difficult answer to this question revolves around the definition of "awake." As mentioned above, prolonged sleep deprivation in normal subjects induces altered states of consciousness (often described as "microsleep"), numerous brief episodes of overwhelming sleep, and loss of cognitive and motor functions. We all 26 know about the dangerous, drowsy driver, and we have heard about sleep-deprived British pilots who crashed their planes (having fallen asleep) while flying home from the war zone during World War II. Randy Gardner was "awake" but basically cognitively dysfunctional at the end of his ordeal. (C) In the case of rats, however, continuous sleep deprivation for about two weeks or more inevitably caused death in experiments conducted in Allan Rechtschaffen’s sleep laboratory at the University of Chicago. Two animals lived on a rotating disc over a pool of water, separated by a fixed wall. Brainwaves were recorded continuously into a computer program that almost instantaneously recognized the onset of sleep. When the experimental rat fell asleep, the disc was rotated to keep it awake by bumping it against the wall and threatening to push the animal into the water. Control rats could sleep when the experimental rat was awake but were moved equally whenever the experimental rat started to sleep. The cause of death was not proven but was associated with whole body hypermetabolism. (D) In certain rare human medical disorders, the question of how long people can remain awake raises other surprising answers, and more questions. Morvan’s fibrillary chorea or Morvan’s syndrome is characterized by muscle twitching, pain, excessive sweating, weight loss, periodic hallucinations, and severe loss of sleep (agrypnia). Michel Jouvet and his colleagues in Lyon, France, studied a 27-year-old man with this disorder and found he had virtually no sleep over a period of several months. During that time he did not feel sleepy or tired and did not show any disorders of mood, memory, or anxiety. Nevertheless, nearly every night between 9:00 and 11:00 p.m., he experienced a 20 to 60-minute period of auditory, visual, olfactory, and somesthetic (sense of touch) hallucinations, as well as pain and vasoconstriction in his fingers and toes. In recent investigations, Morvan’s Syndrome has been attributed to serum antibodies directed against specific potassium (K+) channels in cell and nerve membranes. (E) Another rare disorder, Fatal Familial Insomnia (FFI), is an autosomal dominate disease that is invariably fatal after about six to 30 months without sleep. FFI is probably misnamed because death results from multiple organ failure rather than sleep deprivation. The pathological processes include degeneration of the thalamus and other brain areas, over-activity of the sympathetic nervous system, hypertension, fever, tremors, stupor, weight loss, and disruption of the body's endocrine systems. FFI belongs to a class of infectious prion diseases that include Mad Cow Disease. (F) To return to the original question, "How long can humans stay awake?" the ultimate answer remains unclear. Despite the rat studies in Chicago, I am unaware of any reports that sleep deprivation per se has killed any human (excluding accidents and so forth). Indeed, the U.S. Department of Defense has offered research funding for the goal of sustaining a fully awake, fully functional "24/7" soldier, sailor, or airman. Future warriors will face intense, around-the-clock fighting for weeks at a time. Will bioengineering eventually produce genetically-cloned soldiers and citizens with a variant of Morvan’s syndrome who need no sleep but remain effective and happy? I hope not. A good night’s sleep is one of life’s blessings. As Coleridge wrote years ago, "Oh sleep! It is a gentle thing, beloved from pole to pole," and Wilse Webb, a prominent sleep researcher, more recently called sleep the gentle tyrant: It can be delayed but not defeated. Exercise 6. Are the following statements true or false, according to the text? Explain your answer. 1. A healthy person can survive without sleep no more than three days. 2. Sleep deprivation damages normal functioning of the organism. 3. Prolonged sleep deprivation produces no negative effect on health. 4. Sleep disorders may be a symptom of serious diseases. 5. Sleep disorders can be inherited. 6. Research of sleep has serious implications for economy and industry. Exercise 7. Would you like to be able to live without sleep? Why? Why not? Exercise 8. Summarize everything you know about sleep, its functions and sleep disorders into one report. 27 Unit 8. Coffee In the cauldron boil and bake; Eye of newt and toe of frog, Wool of bat and tongue of dog, Adder’s fork and blind-worm’s sting, Lizard’s leg and howlet’s wing. . . William Shakespeare, Macbeth Exercise 1. What do you know about coffee? 1. What is coffee produced from? 2. In what regions of the world is coffee grown? 3. What do you know about coffee plants? 4. What is the main active ingredient of coffee? 5. How does caffeine affect the human body? 6. What are the risks of coffee overdose? 7. What other products contain caffeine? 8. How is the effect of coffee different from the effect of tea if caffeine is contained in both? Exercise 2. Read the following facts about caffeine and coffee trees to check your answers in Exercise 1. What is caffeine? An alkaloid found in coffee, cocoa beans, tea, kola nuts and guarana. Also added to many fizzy drinks, energy drinks, pep pills and cold and flu remedies. For a single portion of espresso, 50 to 55 roasted coffee beans are required; a single imperfect bean will taint the whole sufficiently to be noticeable. This is because human olfaction and taste senses originated as defense mechanisms that protected our ancestors from rotten—hence, unhealthy—foods. What does caffeine do? A stimulant of the central nervous system. Pure caffeine is a moderately powerful drug and is sometimes passed off as amphetamine. In small doses, such as the 150 milligrams in a typical cup of filter coffee, it increases alertness and promotes wakefulness. Caffeine also raises heart and respiration rate and promotes urine production. Higher doses induce jitteriness and anxiety. The fatal dose is about 10 grams. How does caffeine work? Caffeine blocks receptors for the neurotransmitter adenosine, which is generally inhibitory and associated with the onset of sleep. Also raises dopamine levels, and stimulates the release of the fight-or-flight hormone adrenalin (From Newscientist.com). What is coffee? Raw coffee beans are the seeds of plants belonging to the Rubiaceae family, which comprises at least 66 species of the genus Coffea. The two species that are commercially exploited are Coffea arabica, which accounts for two thirds of world production, and C. canephora, often called robusta coffee, with one third of global output. Robusta coffee plants and all wild coffee species have 22 chromosomes, whereas arabica has 44. Therefore, arabica and other coffee species cannot be crossed to produce a hybrid plant. Robusta is a high-yielding and disease-resistant tree standing up to 12 meters tall that grows best in warm, humid climates. It produces a cup featuring substantial body, a relatively harsh, earthy aroma, and an elevated caffeine content that ranges from 2.4 to 2.8 percent by weight. Although robusta is sold by many purveyors, it does not give rise to the highest-quality coffee. Arabica, which originated in the Ethiopian highlands, is a medium- to low-yielding, rather delicate tree from five to six meters tall that requires a temperate climate and considerable growing care. Commercially grown coffee bushes are pruned to a height of 1.5 to 2.0 meters. Coffee made from Arabica beans has an intense, intricate aroma that can be reminiscent of flowers, fruit, honey, chocolate, caramel or toasted bread. Its caffeine content never exceeds 1.5 percent by weight. Because of its superior quality and taste, arabica sells for a higher price than its hardy, rougher cousin. A good rainfall induces coffee plants to blossom, and some 210 days afterward red or yellow fruit called cherries appear. Each cherry contains two oblong seeds—the coffee beans. The ultimate quality of the resulting coffee beans depends on the genetics of the plant, the soil in which it grows and the microclimate, which encompasses factors such as altitude, the amount of rainfall and sunlight, and daily temperature fluctuations. Along with the roasting processes that are applied, these agricultural and geographical considerations are responsible for the taste differences among the many varieties of coffee beans that suppliers combine to produce the various distinctive blends one can purchase (From Scientific American, June 2002). Exercise 3. Now read detailed explanation of the effects of caffeine provided by biologist Neal J. Smatresk, Dean of the College of Science at the University of Texas at Arlington, and find answers to these questions: 1. What is a neurotransmitter? What is a second messenger? 2. How does caffeine affect heart? 3. Does caffeine affect all animals? 28 How does caffeine affect the body? Caffeine--the drug that gives coffee and cola its kick--has a number of physiological effects. At the cellular level, caffeine blocks the action of a chemical called phosphodiesterase (PDE). Inside cells, PDE normally breaks down the second chemical messenger cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP). Many hormones and neurotransmitters cannot cross the cell membrane, and so they exert their actions indirectly via such second messengers; when they bind to a receptor on the surface of a cell, it initiates a chemical chain reaction called an enzyme cascade that results in the formation of second messenger chemicals. Historically, cAMP was the first second messenger ever described. Now, however, scientists have identified several major classes of second messengers, which are generally formed in similar ways through a set of molecules called G proteins. The advantage of such a complex system is that an extracellular signal can be greatly amplified in the process, and so have a massive intracellular effect. Thus, when caffeine stops the breakdown of cAMP, its effects are prolonged, and the response throughout the body is effectively amplified. In the heart, this response prompts norepinephrine--also called noradrenalin--and a related neurotransmitter, epinephrine, to increase the rate and force of the muscle's contractions. Although the two act in concert, norepinephrine is released by sympathetic nerves near the pacemaker tissue of the heart, whereas epinephrine is released primarily by the adrenal glands. These chemical messages lead to "fight or flight" behavior. During stressful or emergency conditions, they raise the rate and force of the heart, thereby increasing the blood pressure and delivering more oxygen to the brain and other tissues. Caffeine would be expected to have this effect on any animals that used these neurotransmitters to regulate their heartbeat. Generally speaking, the effects of caffeine are most pronounced in birds and mammals. Reptiles have some response, and lower vertebrates and invertebrates have rather small or no responses. From an evolutionary perspective, fish and amphibians don't show as strong a response to epinephrine and norepinephrine as the higher vertebrates, and they lack a well-developed sympathetic (that is, stimulatory) enervation to heart. Exercise 4. What positive and negative effects produced by coffee do you know? Choose from the list below: a. Coffee boosts attention, concentration and alertness. b. Coffee improves mental performance. c. Coffee increases life expectancy. d. Coffee helps to fight infections. e. Coffee prevents aging. f. Coffee increases the risk of cardiovascular diseases. g. Coffee can lead to a stroke. h. Coffee protects against cancer. Exercise 5. Read the article about health effects of coffee to check your answers in Exercise 4. Coffee as a Health Drink? Studies Find Some Benefits By Nickolas Bakalar Coffee is not usually thought of as health food, but a number of recent studies suggest that it can be a highly beneficial drink. Researchers have found strong evidence that coffee reduces the risk of several serious ailments, including diabetes, heart disease and cirrhosis of the liver. Among them is a systematic review of studies published last year in The Journal of the American Medical Association, which concluded that habitual coffee consumption was consistently associated with a lower risk of Type 2 diabetes. Exactly why is not known, but the authors offered several explanations. Coffee contains antioxidants that help control the cell damage that can contribute to the development of the disease. It is also a source of chlorogenic acid, which has been shown in animal experiments to reduce glucose concentrations. Caffeine, perhaps coffee’s most famous component, seems to have little to do with it; studies that looked at decaffeinated coffee alone found the same degree of risk reduction. Larger quantities of coffee seem to be especially helpful in diabetes prevention. In a report that combined statistical data from many studies, researchers found that people who drank four to six cups of coffee a day had a 28 percent reduced risk compared with people who drank two or fewer. Those who drank more than six had a 35 percent risk reduction. Some studies show that cardiovascular risk also decreases with coffee consumption. Using data on more than 27,000 women ages 55 to 69 in the Iowa Women’s Health Study who were followed for 15 years, Norwegian researchers found that women who drank one to three cups a day reduced their risk of cardiovascular disease by 24 percent compared with those drinking no coffee at all. But as the quantity increased, the benefit decreased. At more than six cups a day, the risk was not significantly reduced. Still, after controlling for age, smoking and alcohol consumption, women who drank one to five cups a day — caffeinated or decaffeinated — reduced their risk of death from all causes during the study by 15 to 19 percent compared with those who drank none. 29 The findings, which appeared in May in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, suggest that antioxidants in coffee may dampen inflammation, reducing the risk of disorders related to it, like cardiovascular disease. Several compounds in coffee may contribute to its antioxidant capacity, including phenols, volatile aroma compounds and oxazoles that are efficiently absorbed. In another analysis, published in July in the same journal, researchers found that a typical serving of coffee contains more antioxidants than typical servings of grape juice, blueberries, raspberries and oranges. “We were surprised to learn that coffee quantitatively is the major contributor of antioxidants in the diet both in Norway and in the U.S.A.,” said Rune Blomhoff, the senior author of both studies and a professor of nutrition at the University of Oslo. The same anti-inflammatory properties may explain why coffee appears to decrease the risk of alcoholrelated cirrhosis and liver cancer. This effect was first observed in 1992. Recent studies, published in June in The Archives of Internal Medicine, confirmed the finding. Still, some experts believe that coffee drinking, and particularly caffeine consumption, can have negative health consequences. A study published in January in The Journal of the American College of Cardiology, for example, suggests that the amount of caffeine in two cups of coffee significantly decreases blood flow to the heart, particularly during exercise at high altitude. Rob van Dam, a Harvard scientist and the lead author of The Journal of the American Medical Association review, acknowledged that caffeine could increase blood pressure and slightly increase levels of the amino acid homocysteine, possibly raising the risk for heart disease. “I wouldn’t advise people to increase their consumption of coffee in order to lower their risk of disease,” Dr. van Dam said, “but the evidence is that for most people without specific conditions, coffee is not detrimental to health. If people enjoy drinking it, it’s comforting to know that they don’t have to be afraid of negative health effects.” (NY Times. August 15, 2006) Exercise 6. In the following text the lines are mixed up. Put them in their proper order. The first and the last lines are in their correct places. Decaf Coffee Plants Developed By Sarah Graham For many coffee lovers, their precious beverage comes with an unwanted ingredient: caffeine. As a result, which solvents flush caffeine from the beans. Their next step is to apply their technique to C. arabica plants, which produce the high-quality Arabica coffee that accounts for 70 percent of the world market. Of course, it remains to percent less caffeine than regular plants do. Three enzymes are involved in making caffeine in coffee plants. Researchers at the Nara Institute of Science the gene controlling one of these enzymes--theobromine synthase, or CaMXMT1--was repressed. Compared with processes have been developed to remove the compound, although current methods are expensive and regular plants, leaves from one-year-old GM plants exhibited a 50 to 70 percent reduction in caffeine content. from the plant. Researchers report today in the journal Nature that their genetically modified coffee plants have 70 apart from their low caffeine content at maturity." According to the report, "the transgenic plants described here should yield coffee beans that are essentially normal The scientists note that their technique could sidestep some of the problems of industrial decaffeination, in and Technology in Japan led by Shinjiro Ogita engineered seedlings of Coffea canephora in which expression of sometimes compromise flavor. But scientists may have come up with a way to get decaffeinated coffee straight be seen if java lovers will embrace "GM joe." (From Scientific American Online, June 19, 2003) Exercise 7. Make up a list of the 10 key facts about coffee. Agree on the final list of facts with the whole group. Then summarize everything you now know about coffee into one report. 30 Unit 9. Human Genetics and Diversity I am the family face; Flesh perishes, I live on, Projecting trait and trace Through time to times anon, And leaping from place to place Over oblivion. Thomas Hardy From a drop of water. . . a logician could infer the possibility of an Atlantic or a Niagara without having seen or heard of one or the other. So all life is a great chain, the nature of which is known whenever we are shown a single link of it. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle A Study in Scarlet Exercise 1. What do you know about genetics? Explain the following terms in English: DNA, RNA Ribosome Phenotype Selective breeding Nucleic acid Replication Genotype Hybrid Gene Transcription Enhancer Breeding (crossing) Genome Translation Promoter Inbreeding Allele Processing Silencer Pure line Dominant / recessive gene Splicing Terminator Exercise 2. Discuss the following questions about genetic diversity of humans: 1. What role does genetic diversity of humans play? 2. What genetic mechanisms control population diversity? 3. To what degree are different ethnic groups genetically different? Exercise 3. Read the following two texts (Text A and Text B) about current genetic research of population diversity to check your answers in Exercise 2. Text A. How Our Genomes Control Diversity Two research efforts have determined DNA recombination mechanisms that underlie population diversity, how it happens and where in the genetic code it occurs By Nikhil Swaminathan Two recent discoveries have shed new light on the source of diversity in the human population. In one study, scientists examined patterns in DNA recombination, the process by which a person's genome is consolidated into one set of chromosomes to pass onto an offspring. In the other, a link was made between variants of a particular gene and the extent to which DNA recombination occurs. In human testes and ovaries, where sperm cells and egg cells, respectively, are manufactured, sections of chromosomes inherited from a person's parents are shuffled together to create a collage of genetic material that is passed to offspring. This process by which a new, unique set of chromosomes is created (with a mix of roughly half the material coming from each parent) is called DNA recombination and is the source of variation in populations. "Recombination impacts population diversity," says George Coop, a postdoctoral fellow in human genetics at the University of Chicago and co-author of an article that details variation in the pattern in which genes are shuffled from individual to individual. "Recombination is the way that you generate novel haplotypes, novel combinations of mutations." (Haplotypes are combinations of different versions of genes on a single chromosome that are inherited as a unit.) Coop and colleagues in Science reveal the results of a high-resolution study designed to map the locations where recombination occurs—where one parent's genes have been swapped out for another. Using a population of 725 Hutterites—communal farmers who settled in the Dakotas and Montana in the mid-19th century—the team scanned genomes for 500,000 single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). SNPs mark points of genetic variation to estimate where DNA shuffles occurred. Researchers can tell which part of a child's genetic code came from which of its four grandparents by comparing variants in both. The researchers noted nearly 25,000 total recombination events in analyses of 364 offspring. Excluding the sex chromosomes, the team found that eggs typically showed 40 instances of recombination on each of their chromosomes, whereas the chromosomes in sperm are typically made with 26 recombinational occurrences. The University of Chicago team also noted that as women age, more recombination takes place during meiosis (the cellular process that produces an egg). In men, there is no age effect. Further, they noted that such incidents tended to focus on so-called "hot spots," locations where this crossover takes place often. Some turned out to be gender specific, with females utilizing some recombination regions more often than males (and vice versa). The 31 usage of these zones of frequent recombination varied between individuals, but it seemed to be conserved among families, indicating that the extent and pattern of recombination may be inherited. Interestingly, a finding out of the Icelandic biotech firm deCODE genetics, also appearing in Science, sheds light on that last observation. From a genome-wide analysis looking at 300,000 SNPs in 20,000 people, deCODE scientists were able to find two locations on a gene found on chromosome 4 and link variations at those two locales to the recombination rate. "What's interesting about the SNPs is that the variants have opposite effects on the sexes," says deCODE's chief executive officer Kari Stefansson. According to the new study, one of the locations on the gene, known as RNF212, is associated with high rates of recombination in men, but low rates in women; for the other marker, the gender effect is reversed. "If you were going to design a mechanism to keep rates within [certain] limits you would do exactly this," Stefansson explains about the gender paradigm. "For one generation, it leads to higher recombination rate; for the next generation, it would lead to a lower recombination rate." Overall, the two positions can account for 22 percent of the variability in a man's recombination rate and 6.5 percent of the variability in a female's, the study says. Chicago's Coop lauded the deCODE efforts, noting that this was the first mapping of a gene that influences recombination in mammals. "I would imagine that the variation that we see in individuals is in part caused by these SNPs," he says. "I think this represents a big step forward in determining the events of human recombination." (From Scientific American Online, February 5, 2008) Text B. Ethnic Differences Traced to Variable Gene Expression Finding could explain why ethnic groups suffer from particular common diseases By Nikhil Swaminathan Tay-Sachs disease seems to favor Jews of Eastern European descent. Cystic fibrosis has an affinity for Caucasians. Type 2 diabetes strikes Latin Americans and people of African descent more often than it does those of other ethnic groups, appearing at rates of incidence that are 90 and 60 percent higher, respectively, than in Caucasians. Researchers have been conducting studies such as the International HapMap Project--a global effort to catalogue common single-nucleotide variations, such as the addition, deletion or substitution of a base in the code of a gene--to get to the bottom of long-observed correlations between ethnicity and common complex diseases. But those efforts have borne little fruit, according to Vivian Cheung, a human geneticist at the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine. So, rather than characterize these individual nucleotide changes in genes, Cheung and geneticist Richard Spielman employed microarray technology--essentially a genome chip that allows a researcher to analyze the expression of many genes at once--to study across Chinese, Japanese and European populations many different traits that are coded for in a type of white blood cell. Their results, reported in this week's Nature Genetics, were that different ethnic groups not only carried different genes, but there were greater disparities than previously believed in the degrees to which genes that were the same among ethnic groups were expressed. Further, the genes themselves did not control the levels of their own expression, rather noncoding regions adjacent to them determined whether to ratchet up or down the proteins or other functional end products the genes encoded. The authors of the new study note that large-scale changes to DNA--such as specific substitutions or deletions of genetic material--almost certainly also contribute to differences between ethnic groups. But Cheung says that expression levels likely can explain some of the ethnic underpinnings of Tay-Sachs and cystic fibrosis as well as hypertension, which plagues those of Afro-Caribbean descent at a higher rate than other populations. From its microarray, the team measured 4,197 genes expressed by cells. (After measuring expression levels of those genes, Cheung, Spielman and their colleagues decided to lump the Japanese and Chinese groups together due to similar results.) When the researchers then compared the Asian populations with the Caucasian sampling, they noted that 1,097, more than 25 percent, of the genes had differing expression levels. After analyzing some of the nearly 1,100 genes in detail, Cheung and Spielman believe that the expression level discrepancies were due to nucleotide differences in noncoding regions around the genes, and not the genes themselves. "We were able to pinpoint 11 genes where people have different forms of the regulator," Cheung reveals, providing an example: "Let's say that among the Caucasian population, maybe the regulator that turns on the gene more happens to be more frequent--overall the expression level of that gene will be higher. Whereas in the Asian population, more people have the regulator that causes the expression level to be lower." Steve McCarroll, a population and medical geneticist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology's Broad Institute says that with so many genetic variants out there, researchers need all the help they can get determining which ones actually will affect cell function. "One of the things that's exciting about this work is that identifying the genetic variants that account for gene expression differences could help the field to find those genetic variants that affect disease risk," he says. (From Scientific American Online, January 9, 2007) Exercise 4. Who are the following scientists mentioned in the articles? What studies have they carried out? • Kari Stefansson • George Coop • Vivian Cheung and Richard Spielman • Steve McCarroll Exercise 5. Using the information from the texts prove that: 1. DNA recombination is the source of variation in populations. 32 2. 3. 4. 5. DNA recombination is age and sex related. Ethnic groups suffer from particular common diseases. Not only different genes but difference in expression levels of these genes account for common diseases. Noncoding regions are responsible for the degree of gene expression. Exercise 6. Put the sentences given below (a-e) into their correct place in the text (1-5). Ancient Europeans More Diverse, Genetically Speaking, than Modern Ones Bubonic plague may be responsible for reducing the genetic diversity of present-day Britons By David Biello Modern Britons are a cosmopolitan bunch. Peoples from across the globe now make the island home, bringing with them, theoretically, a diverse array of genes. (1) _____ Molecular ecologist Rus Hoelzel of Durham University in England and his European colleagues compared the genetic make up of six English ancestors from the Roman period, 25 from early in the Saxon conquest and 17 from the late Saxon period with the mitochondrial DNA sequences of more than 6,000 modern Europeans and Middle Easterners. "We found higher mitochondrial DNA diversity in ancient England (Roman to Saxon times) than in either modern England or in a combination of northern European countries," Hoelzel says. (2) _______ Even when present-day Europeans were broken down into 10 smaller samples of 48 individuals each, they still were less diverse than their ancestors. (3) ______ ; 6.3 percent of ancients carried it compared with nearly 22 percent of modern Britons and an average of nearly 19 percent of all Europeans. The CRS haplotype imparts no known special traits in the humans who bear it, but the "black death" may have played a role in increasing its abundance in the modern population. (4) _____ The dread disease could either have increased the proportion of certain haplotypes somehow associated with increased survival or simply led to the extinction of rare haplotypes in families or villages who had a particular susceptibility, Hoelzel says. Only three small groups—modern peoples from Belarus, Palestine and Turkey—showed similar levels of diversity to these early ancestors, though studies by others have shown that southern Europeans, such as Italians, seem to retain a broader pool of genetic material. (5) ______ , according to researchers, the ancients possessed a more robust array of differing genetic stocks. (From Scientific American Online, August 1, 2007) (a) The 48 ancients bore 36 different haplotypes—a set of variations in the genetic code. But their descendants more commonly carried one particular haplotype, known as Cambridge reference sequence (CRS) (b) It is unclear exactly why contemporary Europeans are less genetically diverse despite a continuing influx of new populations but, (c) This bubonic plague swept Britain (and all of Europe) in the 14th century, killing as much as half of the population, before recurring again in London in the 17th century. (d) “Modern human populations are highly diverse, just less so in northern Europe, at least, than the ancient populations in England." (e) But comparing the genetic material of more than 1,000 contemporary Englishmen with that of 48 of their ancient peers reveals that the ancients had even more diverse genetic codes. Exercise 7. In the following text the lines are mixed up. Put them in the correct order. Genetic Study Reveals Similarities between Diverse Populations By Sarah Graham genetically very similar, researchers say. A report published today in the journal Science suggests that 93 to 95 from differences in a very small proportion of genetic traits." people from several continents, suggesting that only a tiny fraction of genetic traits are distinctive to specific percent of human genetic variation exists among individuals within populations, while differences among major Marcus W. Feldman of Stanford University and his colleagues analyzed samples from 1,056 people belonging to alone can provide enough information to group people by population. 52 populations. Specifically, they looked at 377 so-called microsatellites, short segments of DNA that occur in Though they may speak different languages and eat distinct foods, people from far-flung geographical locations are populations. This means that visible differences between human groups--such as skin color and skull shape--result groups make up less than 5 percent of the variation. But the findings also reveal that even these tiny differences specific patterns. "Each microsatellite had between four and 32 distinct types," Feldman says. "Most were found in (From Scientific American Online, December 20, 2002) Exercise 8. Summarize everything you know about population diversity and genetic mechanisms involved into one report. 33 Unit 10. Animal Diversity Nature proceeds little by little from things lifeless to animal life in such a way that it is impossible to determine the exact line of demarcation, nor on which side thereof an intermediate form should lie. Aristotle Exercise 1. What do you know about diversity of animals and their adaptations? 1. Why are animals classified into a separate Kingdom? 2. What are the basic taxonomic differences between the main classes of animals? 3. What basic adaptations have animals developed to different environments where animal live? 4. What environments can animals never adapt to? Why? Are there other organisms that can live there? 5. What is the role of species diversity in the stability of ecosystem? 6. What role do parasites and predators play in keeping biodiversity? Exercise 2. You are going to read a text about bird migrations. The following figures will be used in the text. What do you think they refer to? • 30,000 km • 100 hours • 500 beats • 9000 m • 21 grams Exercise 3. Now read the text to check your answers. Have Wings, Will Travel: Avian Adaptations to Migration By Mary Deinlein Avian Aeronautics Flight affords the utmost in mobility and has made possible the evolution of avian migration as a means of exploiting distant food resources and avoiding the physiological stress associated with cold weather. Variations in the patterns of migration are nearly as numerous as the birds that migrate. While some species move only a few kilometers up and down mountain slopes, others will travel hundreds or even thousands of kilometers, often traversing vast bodies of water or tracts of inhospitable terrain. One record holder in long-distance travel is the Arctic Tern (Sterna paradisaea), which makes an annual round-trip of about 30,000 kilometers between opposite ends of the globe, from Arctic breeding grounds to Antarctic seas. This feat is possible because terns are adapted for feeding at sea, allowing them to refuel en route. Even more amazing are the aerial voyages of the landbirds and shorebirds whose transoceanic flights must be accomplished non-stop. The Pacific Golden-Plover (Pluvialis fulva) flies continuously for more than 100 hours to travel the 5,000- to 7,000-kilometer distance from northern Siberia and Alaska to Hawaii and other islands in the Pacific Ocean. The Blackpoll Warbler's (Dendroica striata) over-water flight from the coast of New England or southern Canada to South America keeps it aloft for 80 to 90 continuous hours over a distance of 3,000 to 4,000 kilometers, an effort which researchers Tim and Janet Williams conclude "requires a degree of exertion not matched by any other vertebrate; in man the metabolic equivalent would be to run a 4 minute mile for 80 hours. Even the tiny Rubythroated Hummingbird (Archilochus colubris), weighing only about as much as a penny, makes the 1,000-kilometer, 24-hour spring flight across the Gulf of Mexico from the Yucatan Peninsula to the southern coast of the United States. So how do they do it? What specialized adaptations allow birds to accomplish such prodigious feats of endurance? Bird Basics To understand how superbly adapted birds are to their highly mobile way of life, one must first consider the quintessential characteristics that distinguish birds from all other animals. Feathers, the trademark of the Class Aves, provide the insulation necessary to maintain a high "engine" (body) temperature, ranging from 107 to 113 degrees F across species. Additionally the long feathers of the wings act as airfoils which help generate the lift necessary for flight. Well-developed pectoral muscles power the flapping motion of the wings. A streamlined body shape and a lightweight skeleton composed of hollow bones minimize air resistance and reduce the amount of energy necessary to become and remain airborne. Keeping the hard-running avian engine running smoothly requires super-efficient circulatory and respiratory systems. Birds have a large, four-chambered heart which proportionately weighs six times more than a human heart. This, combined with a rapid heartbeat (the resting heart rate of a small songbird is about 500 beats per minute; that of a hummingbird is about 1,000 beats per minute) satisfies the rigorous metabolic demands of flight. The avian respiratory system—the most efficient in the animal kingdom—consists of two lungs plus special air sacs, and takes up 20% of a bird's volume compared to 5% in a human. Unlike mammalian or reptilian lungs, the lungs of birds remain inflated at all times, with the air sacs acting as bellows to provide the lungs with a constant supply of fresh air. 34 Migratory Mania In addition to these general avian characteristics, migratory birds exhibit a suite of specialized traits. Migrants generally have longer, more pointed wings than non-migratory species, a feature which further minimizes air resistance. Also, the pectoral muscles of migrants tend to be larger and composed of fibers which are more richly supplied with nutrient- and oxygen-carrying blood vessels and energy-producing mitochondria, making the pectoral muscles of migrants especially efficient at energy production and use. Many migrants face the additional challenge of flying at high altitudes. Most songbirds migrate at 500 to 2,000 meters, but some fly as high as 6,800 meters; swans have been recorded at 8,000 meters and Bar-headed Geese (Anser indica) flying over the Himalayas at 9,000 meters. Accounting for their ability to withstand the low levels of oxygen available at such altitudes, the blood of migratory birds is characterized by two specialized adaptations. The oxygen-carrying capacity of the blood is enhanced by a high concentration of red blood cells. Secondly, instead of one form of hemoglobin in the red blood cells as is typical in non-migrants and other classes of vertebrates, some migratory birds possess two forms of hemoglobin which differ in their oxygen carrying and releasing capacities. This guarantees an adequate oxygen supply over a wide range of altitudes and allows birds to adapt rapidly to varying levels of oxygen availability. Preparing for take-off Migrants change rapidly into a "superbird state" in preparation for migration. This transformation is triggered by an internal annual "clock," which is set by day length and weather. When it comes to fueling migration, fat is where it's at. Fat is not only lighter and less bulky than carbohydrates or protein, but also supplies twice as much energy. Not surprisingly, then, preparation for migration entails a rapid weight gain program geared to increasing fat reserves. This program combines both behavioral and physiological changes. A dramatic increase in appetite and food consumption, termed hyperphagia, begins about two to three weeks before migration and persists throughout the migratory period. Accompanying this veritable feeding frenzy is an increase in the efficiency of fat production and storage. As a result, a migratory bird can increase its body weight through fat deposition by as much as 10% per day (usually 1-3%). Additionally, in birds that are in migratory disposition, the pectoral muscles become larger and well supplied with enzymes necessary for the oxidation, or "burning," of fat. Longer migration distances require greater amounts of fat. Non-migratory passerines maintain a "fat load" of about 3-5% of their lean body weight. In preparation for migration, short- and medium-distance migratory songbirds attain a fat load of between 10 and 25%, while long-distance migrants reach fat loads of 40 to 100%. Maximum fat loads are attained just prior to flights over major topographic barriers, such as deserts, high mountains, or large bodies of water. A typical Blackpoll Warbler at the end of its breeding season weighs about 11 grams, equivalent to the weight of four pennies. In preparing for its transatlantic trek, it may accumulate enough fat reserves to increase its body weight to 21 grams. Readiness for migration entails other behavioral modifications. Before migrating in the fall, many migrants which ordinarily eat insects will switch to a diet of berries and other fruits. At this time when food intake needs are increasing and insect numbers are decreasing, fruits are abundant and high in carbohydrates and lipids which are readily converted to fat. Many migrants that typically are not gregarious will flock together prior to, or during, migration. This social behavior may result in improved predator avoidance, food finding, and orientation. Some species also fly in formation, a strategy that improves aerodynamics and reduces energy expenditure. A radical shift from being active exclusively during the day to migrating at night occurs in many species during migration, including most shorebirds and songbirds. Possible advantages to flying at night include decreased vulnerability to predators, reduced threat of dehydration or overheating, a greater likelihood of encountering favorable winds and a stable air mass (rising hot air and more variable wind directions occur during the daytime), and time during the day to forage. Migratory birds kept in captivity exhibit behavior termed Zugunruhe, or migratory restlessness. This behavior, characterized by rapid fluttering of the wings while perching, begins at the same time that conspecifics (individuals of the same species) in the wild are setting off on migration, and persists for the same length of time required for the wild counterparts to complete their migration. The captive birds even orient themselves in the appropriate direction in which they would be migrating. Over the past 15 years, this behavior has allowed researchers to demonstrate experimentally that many of the important physical and behavioral correlates to migration are under at least partial genetic control. For instance, when migratory Blackcaps (Sylvia atricapilla ) were mated with nonmigratory individuals of the same species, 30% of the offspring exhibited Zugunruhe. When individuals which displayed high levels of Zugunruhe, consistent with their long migratory routes, were bred with conspecifics with short migration routes, the offspring displayed intermediate levels of Zugunruhe. The results from these and other cross-breeding experiments support the hypothesis that migration and its associated patterns—such as distance and timing—are inherited traits, at least in some species. These experiments apply to species with relatively fixed migration routes. Many species have facultative migration patterns, moving only when food supply is low, or when weather turns bad. Research has shown that access to food for these species greatly affects Zugunruhe. Despite this advanced understanding of some of the mechanisms behind avian migrations, the annual odysseys of billions of birds remain one of the most mysterious and amazing phenomena in the animal world. Exercise 4. What bird species are mentioned in the text? What facts are given about each of them? 35 Exercise 5. Give detailed answers to the following questions using the information from the text: 1. Why do birds migrate? 2. What adaptations allow birds to accomplish their migrations? Describe each in detail. 3. How are migratory birds different from non-migratory species? 4. How do birds prepare for the hardships of migration? 5. What is Zugunruhe? Exercise 6. In the following text the paragraphs are mixed. Put them in the correct logical order. The first paragraph is in its right place. How do deep-diving sea creatures withstand huge pressure changes? Paul J. Ponganis and Gerald L. Kooyman of the Center for Marine Biotechnology and Biomedicine at Scripps Institution of Oceanography provide the following answer. A sperm whale can dive down more than 2,000 meters and can stay submerged for up to an hour. (A) Some sea creatures exploit great depths. The biggest physiological challenges in adapting to pressure are probably faced by those animals that must routinely travel from the surface to great depth. Two such animals are the sperm whale and the bottlenose whale. From the days of whaling, these animals have been recognized as exceptional divers, with reports of dives lasting as long as two hours after they were harpooned. Today, with the use of sonar tracking and attached time-depth recorders, dives as deep as 6,000 feet (more than a mile below the surface of the ocean) have been measured. Routine dive depths are usually in the 1,500- to 3,000-foot range, and dives can last between 20 minutes and an hour. (B) Loss of gas exchange at depth has another important implication: the lungs of the deep diver cannot serve as a source of oxygen during the dive. Instead deep-diving whales and seals rely on large oxygen stores in their blood and muscle. Several adaptations enable this. First, these animals have mass specific blood volumes that are three to four times those found in terrestrial mammals (i.e., 200 to 250 milliliters of blood per kilogram body mass, in contrast to a human value of 70 milliliters blood per kilogram). Second, the concentration of hemoglobin (the oxygen-transport protein in blood) is also elevated to a level about twice that found in humans. Third, the concentration of myoglobin, the oxygen storage protein in muscle, is extremely elevated in these animals, measuring about 10 times that in human muscle. (C) In summary, the primary anatomical adaptations for pressure of a deep-diving mammal such as the sperm whale center on air-containing spaces and the prevention of tissue barotrauma. Air cavities, when present, are lined with venous plexuses, which are thought to fill at depth, obliterate the air space, and prevent "the squeeze." The lungs collapse, which prevents lung rupture and (important with regard to physiology) blocks gas exchange in the lung. Lack of nitrogen absorption at depth prevents the development of nitrogen narcosis and decompression sickness. In addition, because the lungs do not serve as a source of oxygen at depth, deep divers rely on enhanced oxygen stores in their blood and muscle. (D) Diving to depth can result in mechanical distortion and tissue compression, especially in gas-filled spaces in the body. Such spaces include the middle ear cavity, air sinuses in the head, and the lungs. Development of even small pressure differentials between an air cavity and its surrounding tissue can result in tissue distortion and disruption—a condition in human divers known as "the squeeze." In some species of cetaceans, the middle ear cavity is lined with an extensive venous plexus, which is postulated to become engorged at depth and thus reduce or obliterate the air space and prevent development of the squeeze. Cetaceans also have large Eustachian tubes communicating with the tympanic cavity of the ear and the large pterygoid sinuses of the head. These air sinuses of the head have an extensive vasculature, which is thought to function in a manner similar to that of the middle ear and facilitate equilibration of air pressure within these spaces. Lastly, most marine mammals lack frontal cranial sinuses like those present in terrestrial mammals. (E) Collapse of the lungs forces air away from the alveoli, where gas exchange between the lungs and blood occurs. This blunting of gas exchange is important in the deep diver because it prevents the absorption of nitrogen into the blood and the subsequent development of high blood nitrogen levels. High blood nitrogen pressures can exert a narcotic effect (so-called nitrogen narcosis) on the diver. It may also lead to nitrogen bubble formation during ascent—a phenomenon known as decompression sickness or "the bends." Collapse of the lungs in the deep diver avoids these two problems. (F) Another organ susceptible to compression damage is the lung. In deep-diving whales and seals, the peripheral airways are reinforced, and it is postulated that this allows the lungs to collapse during travel to depth. Such collapse has been observed radiographically and confirmed with blood nitrogen analyses in the deep-diving Weddell seal. Exercise 7. Make up a list of the 10 key terms used in the text, then agree with the whole group on the final list. Retell the article using these terms. Exercise 8. Prepare your own report about adaptations of other species to their habitat and lifestyle. 36 Section 2. Recommended Report and Presentation Topics 1. Mental disorders. 2. Brain regions and their functions. 3. What exactly are dreams? 4. Dreams and nightmares. 5. Early bird or night owl? 6. Coffee – friend or foe? Health effects of coffee. 7. Decaffeinated coffee. 8. Tea or coffee? 9. Eugenics. 10. Gene therapy. 11. GM plants. 12. GM animals. 13. Engineered animals and natural populations. 14. Animal conservation. 15. Ecotourism. 37 Section 3. Unit 11. Human Evolution The species does not grow into perfection: the weak again and again get the upper hand of the strong,—their large number, and their greater cunning are the cause of it. Friedrich Nietzsche Exercise 1. What is evolution? 1. Why is Africa considered the birthplace of Homo sapiens? 2. What is the difference between monocentrism and polycentrism? 3. What caused bipedalism (bipedal locomotion) and upright posture in humans? 4. Why do people living in the south tend to have dark skin colour, while people living in the north have fair complexion? 5. How did human races originate? 6. What factors can speed up evolution? Exercise 2. Explain the meaning of the following key terms connected with evolution: natural selection mutation variation atavism heredity norm of reaction rudiment selective breeding species divergence competition genotype population convergence biological progress phenotype ecological niche parallelism biological regression adaptation Exercise 3. Now read the article to check some of your answers in Exercise 1. Culture Speeds Up Human Evolution Analysis of common patterns of genetic variation reveals that humans have been evolving faster in recent history By David Biello Homo sapiens sapiens has spread across the globe and increased vastly in numbers over the past 50,000 years or so—from an estimated five million in 9000 B.C. to roughly 6.5 billion today. More people means more opportunity for mutations to creep into the basic human genome and new research confirms that in the past 10,000 years a host of changes to everything from digestion to bones has been taking place. "We found very many human genes undergoing selection," says anthropologist Gregory Cochran of the University of Utah, a member of the team that analyzed the 3.9 million DNA sequences* showing the most variation. "Most are very recent, so much so that the rate of human evolution over the past few thousand years is far greater than it has been over the past few million years." "We believe that this can be explained by an increase in the strength of selection as people became agriculturalists—a major ecological change—and a vast increase in the number of favorable mutations as agriculture led to increased population size," he adds. Roughly 10,000 years ago, humanity made the transition from living off the land to actively raising crops and domesticated animals. Because this concentrated populations, diseases such as malaria, smallpox and tuberculosis, among others, became more virulent. At the same time, the new agriculturally based diet offered its own challenges—including iron deficiency from lack of meat, cavities and, ultimately, shorter stature due to poor nutrition, says anthropologist John Hawks of the University of Wisconsin–Madison, another team member. "Their bodies and teeth shrank. Their brains shrank, too," he adds. "But they started to get new alleles that helped them digest the food more efficiently. New protective alleles allowed a fraction of people to survive the dread illnesses better." By looking for wide swaths of genetic material that vary little from individual to individual within these sections of great variation, the researchers identified regions that both originated recently and conferred some kind of advantage (because they became common rapidly). For example, the gene known as LCT gave adults the ability to digest milk and G6PD offered some protection against the malaria caused by Plasmodium falciparum parasite. "Ten thousand years ago, no one on planet Earth had blue eyes," Hawks notes, because that gene—OCA2—had not yet developed. "We are different from people who lived only 400 generations ago in ways that are very obvious; that you can see with your eyes." Comparing the amount of genetic differentiation between humans and our closest relatives, chimpanzees, suggests that the pace of change has accelerated to 10 to 100 times the average long-term rate, the researchers write in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA. Not all populations show the same evolutionary speed. For example, Africans show a slightly lower mutation rate. "Africans haven't had to adapt to a fundamentally new climate," because modern humanity evolved where they live, Cochran says. "Europeans and East Asians, 38 living in environments very different from those of their African ancestors and early adopters of agriculture, were more maladapted, less fitted to their environments." And this speedy pace of evolution will not slow until every possible beneficial mutation starts to happen—the maximum rate of adaptation. This has already begun to occur in such areas as skin color in which different sets of genes are responsible for the paler shades of Europeans and East Asians, according to the researchers. The finding raises many questions. Among them: "the medical applications of this kind of knowledge [as well as] exactly what most of the selected changes do and what drove their selection," Cochran says. But the history of humanity is beginning to be read out from our genes, thanks to a detailed knowledge of the thousands of them that have evolved recently. "We're going to be classifying these by functional categories and looking for matches between genetic changes and historic and archaeological changes in diet, skeletal form, disease and many other things," Hawks says. "We think we will be able to find some of the genetic changes that drove human population growth and migrations—the broad causes of human history." (From Scientific American Online, December 10, 2007) *This article wrongly characterized the HapMap genotype dataset used for this analysis as "genes" rather than "DNA sequences." Exercise 4. Are the following statements true or false, according to the text? Explain your answer. 1. Homo Sapiens has demonstrated great biological progress over its history. 2. The rate of human evolution has slowed down due to vast numbers of people living. 3. Transition to agricultural lifestyle and domestication of animals provided a reliable source of food for people. 4. It also helped to improve human health condition. 5. Different populations demonstrate different rates of evolutionary changes. 6. Humans have developed numerous adaptations and thus have achieved the maximum rate of adaptation. 7. Genetic research sheds light on human evolution. Exercise 5. Are humans still evolving? Discuss the following questions: a. What changes have taken place since the emergence of Homo Sapiens? Give as many examples as you can. b. What adaptations to their environment and lifestyle have people developed? Exercise 6. Read the text which provides some information about the changes of human phenotype. Why are we getting taller as a species? Humans increased in stature dramatically during the last 150 years, but we have now likely reached the upper limit. The average height of a human man will probably never exceed that of basketball player Shaquille O'Neal, who stands 7 feet and 1 inch tall. This answer comes from Michael J. Dougherty, assistant director and senior staff biologist at Biologic Image: SportsLine USA, Inc. In fact, over the last 150 years the average height of people in industrialized nations has increased approximately 10 centimeters (about four inches). Why this relatively sudden growth? Are we evolving to greater heights? Before answering these questions, we need to remember that evolution requires two things: variation in physical and/or behavioral traits among the individuals in a population; and a way of selecting some of those traits as adaptations, or advantages to reproduction. For example, finches that have large, powerful beaks also have an advantage cracking large, tough seeds during periods when small, soft seeds are scarce. As a consequence, large-beaked birds are more likely to eat better, survive longer and reproduce than small-beaked birds. Because beak shape is an inherited trait, more successful reproduction by large beaked birds means that the genes predisposing finches to large beaks are transmitted to the next generation in relatively larger numbers than those genes encoding small beaks. Thus, the population of finches in the next generation will tend to have larger beaks than finches in their parent's generation. Let's use this basic operating principle of evolution to predict, retrospectively, the direction of change in human height if evolution were the cause of the change. We know from studies conducted in industrial England that children born into lower socioeconomic classes were shorter, on average, than children born into wealthy families. We also know that poorer families had larger numbers of children. Given those initial conditions, what would evolution predict? The average population should have become shorter because the shorter individuals in the population were, from an evolutionary fitness perspective, more successful in passing on their genes. But this did not happen. Instead, all segments of the population--rich and poor, from small and large families--increased in height. Thus, natural selection, the process whereby differences in reproductive success account for changes in the traits of a population, does not explain why we are taller. If evolution doesn't explain height increases, what does? Most geneticists believe that the improvement in childhood nutrition has been the most important factor in allowing humans to increase so dramatically in stature. The evidence for this argument is threefold: 39 First, the observed increase in height has not been continuous since the dawn of man; it began sometime around the middle of the nineteenth century. In fact, examinations of skeletons show no significant differences in height from the stone age through the early 1800s. Also, during World Wars I and II, when hunger was a frequent companion of the German civilian population, the heights of the children actually declined. They only recovered during the post-war years. Such data are consistent with recent research indicating that slow growth induced by temporary malnourishment can usually be reversed. Chronic underfeeding during childhood, however, permanently affects stature and other traits, including intelligence. Second, the trend toward increasing height has largely leveled off, suggesting that there is an upper limit to height beyond which our genes are not equipped to take us, regardless of environmental improvements. Interestingly, the age of menarche, which is also influenced by nutrition, has shown a corresponding decrease over this same time period. Some scientists believe that the increase in teenage and out-of-wedlock pregnancies in the developed world may be an unanticipated consequence of improved nutrition. Third, conditions of poor nutrition are well correlated to smaller stature. For example, the heights of all classes of people, from factory workers to the rich, increased as food quality, production and distribution became more reliable, although class differences still remain. Even more dramatic, the heights of vagrant London boys declined from 1780 to1800 and then rose three inches in just 30 years--an increase that paralleled improving conditions for the poor. Even today, height is used in some countries as an indicator of socioeconomic division, and differences can reveal discrimination within social, ethnic, economic, occupational and geographic groups. For those hoping that humans might someday shoot basketballs through 15-foot high hoops, the fact that the increase in human height is leveling off no doubt will be disappointing. For those who understand, however, that our genes are merely a blueprint that specifies what is possible given an optimal environment, a limit on height is just one of many limitations in life, and certainly not the most constraining. With environmental variables perhaps near their optimum, what are the prospects for evolutionary increases in height as a consequence of changes to our genetic blueprints? Apply the methods of the thought experiment above and see. Exercise 7. Using the information from the text prove that: 1. Evolution doesn’t explain the increased height of people. 2. Improvement in childhood nutrition has been the most important factor in increasing the stature. 3. People will hardly increase their height any more. Exercise 8. In the following text the paragraphs are mixed. Put them in the correct logical order. The first and the last paragraphs are in their right places. African Adaptation to Digesting Milk Is "Strongest Signal of Selection Ever" East African cattle herding communities rapidly and independently evolved ability to digest lactose By Nikhil Swaminathan (A) For many adults in the world, the phrase "got milk?" is quickly followed by "got a nearby toilet?" Lactose, the primary sugar in milk, is a universal favorite in infancy but into adulthood the level of lactase-phlorizin hydrolase, the enzyme that metabolizes lactose in the small intestine, decreases and digestion of dairy products becomes difficult. In some populations, however, such as those located in northern Europe, the ability to digest milk remains most likely as a result of lifestyles based around cattle domestication. In 2002 Finnish scientists localized the genetic mutation that conferred this trait in northern Europeans to two regions on chromosome 2. (B) Tishkoff and her students tested 470 people representing over 43 ethnic fractions in the Sudan, Kenya and northern Tanzania for lactose intolerance using glucose-monitoring kits, familiar to most diabetics. The team then selected the 40 most lactose intolerant participants and the 69 most tolerant and sequenced parts of their genomes around the two markers identified in the Finnish lactase persistence study. The researchers determined there were 123 single nucleotide polymorphisms--SNPs, or changes to one base in the genetic code--associated with digestibility. Of these, three SNPs were more promising than the others and one of them was very common among Tanzanians and Kenyans, showing up in 40 to 50 percent of the sequences. (C) Tishkoff believes that because she found so many markers associated with lactose tolerance in the sequencing of her 109 subjects, evolution clearly develops multiple solutions when there is a strong selective force. "There are some populations that can digest milk, and they don't have any of these mutations," she says. "There are more out there." Dallas Swallow, a human geneticist at University College London, agrees with that assessment. She released a study on a small Sudanese tribe in Human Genetics this past November, finding three markers, two of which Tishkoff had isolated in her study. Oddly enough, Swallow found no data on the Maryland study's primary variant. Tishkoff argues this disparity is due to geographic specificity of these mutations. Swallow, for her part, notes that Tishkoff's dramatic results may be a result of "the relative relatedness" of her sample. "If you have an ethnic group which is rather a small population in size but happens to migrate over geographic distances then they might be more related to each other than the surrounding people," she points out. (D) Working with this highly correlated locus, Tishkoff's team sequenced a broad region of the chromosome around this nucleotide to determine whether it arose in concert with the European mutation. "It turns out they're on completely different chromosome backgrounds," she explains. "So it had a completely different origin." Next, the team tested to see if the mutation was positively selected, conferring a reproductive advantage and spreading 40 quickly through the population. People who had this particular SNP on both copies of chromosome 2 had identical genetic scripts for the next two million base pairs--a phenomenon that occurs when there is a strong benefit to having a particular trait." Because this section has been preserved intact without being mutated or broken up by recombination, it indicates that it is very recent and very strong. In addition, Tishkoff's team determined the date range when the mutation likely occurred: 3,000 to 7,000 years ago, which matches up well with the archaeological record that places pastoralization coming to East Africa about 5,000 years ago. The European trait dates back about 9,000 years. (E) Now, the results of a four-year, international research project find that communities in East Africa leading traditionally similar pastoral lives evolved their ability to drink milk rapidly and independently of the northern Europeans. According to University of Maryland biologist Sarah Tishkoff, the lead author of a study appearing in today's Nature Genetics, the mutation allowing them to "get milk" arose so quickly and was so advantageous that "it is basically the strongest signal of selection ever observed in any genome, in any study, in any population in the world." (F) Nevertheless, both researchers are pleased that their studies found at least two genetic markers in common. Swallow concedes: "It looks jolly well as though drinking milk as an adult was good for some of us at some time in our history, that's for sure." (From Scientific American Online, December 11, 2006) Exercise 9. Make up a list of the 10 key facts about human evolution discussed in this unit. Prove and explain your choice. Then summarize all the information discussed into one report. 41 Unit 12. Alcohol We drink one another’s health and spoil our own. Jerome K. Jerome Exercise 1. What do you know about alcohol? 1. What is its main active compound? 2. In what regions of the world is alcohol produced? 3. How does alcohol affect the human body? 4. What are the risks of alcohol overdose? 5. What causes hangover after drinking alcohol? 6. What is alcoholism? How quickly does it develop? Exercise 2. Read the information about alcohol provided by NewScientist.com to check some of your answers in Exercise 1. What is it? Ethanol produced by the action of yeast on sugars. What does it do? Ethanol is a biphasic drug: low doses have a different effect to high doses. Small amounts of alcohol (one or two drinks) act as a stimulant, reducing inhibition and producing feelings of mild euphoria. Higher doses depress the central nervous system, initially producing relaxation but then leading to drunkenness characterised by poor coordination, memory loss, cognitive impairment and blurred vision. Very high doses cause vomiting, coma and death through respiratory failure. The fatal dose varies but is somewhere around 500 milligrams of ethanol per 100 millilitres of blood. How does it work? At low doses (5 milligrams per 100 millilitres of blood), alcohol sensitises NMDA receptors in the brain, making them more responsive to the excitatory neurotransmitter glutamate, so boosting brain activity. These effects are most pronounced in areas associated with thinking, memory and pleasure. At higher doses it desensitises the same receptors and also activates the inhibitory GABA system. How long is its history? 4000BC - Wine and beer making in Egypt and Sumeria 3500BC - Bronze-age vessels show evidence of wine consumption in eastern Mediterranean 800BC - Distillation of spirits in India AD625 - Mohammed orders his followers to abstain from alcohol 1850s - New York bartenders invent the cocktail 1920-33 - Prohibition in the US. Alcohol was also illegal in Finland from 1919 to 1932 and in various Canadian provinces at various times between 1900 and 1948. Exercise 3. Now read more detailed information about the effects of alcohol on the brain provided by Anthony Dekker D.O., Director of Ambulatory Care and Community Health at Phoenix Indian Medical Center. What are the effects of alcohol on the brain? The product of the oldest chemical reaction studied by man, alcohol, continues to challenge researchers. Since the original work on alcohol's neurological effects in the early 20th century, new theories have regularly emerged. What we have learned is that alcohol is a sedative-hypnotic in the acute intoxication phase for most patients. But it diminishes the quality of sleep. Individuals with sleep apnea often experience longer and more severe apneic episodes and hypoxia, or oxygen deprivation, after drinking alcohol. In other individuals, though, alcohol may act as a stimulant. Indeed, its association with violent and selfabusive behavior is well documented. At intoxicating levels, alcohol is a vasodilator (it causes blood vessels to relax and widen), but at even higher levels, it becomes a vasoconstrictor, shrinking the vessels and increasing blood pressure, exacerbating such conditions as migraine headaches and frostbite. Researchers have also thoroughly documented the effects of alcohol on the developing fetus. Approximately one third of all babies born to alcoholic mothers will develop Fetal Alcohol Syndrome or Effects (FAS or FAE), causing central nervous system dysfunctions including Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) and impaired IQ. There are also growth and facial abnormalities associated with these infants. In the early 1900s, H. Meyer and Charles Ernest Overton originally theorized that the effect of alcohol was achieved by altering the lipid environment of cell membranes. This theory, however, requires much higher concentrations of alcohol than are clinically observed. A recent theory, supported by several researchers, pins alcohol's effect on voltage and ligand-gated ion channels that control neuronal activity. Two distinct ligand-gated channels have been identified, inhibitory ones (GABA receptors and strychnine-sensitive glycine receptors) and excitatory ones (N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) and non-NMDA glutamate-activated channels and the 5HT3 subtype of serotonin receptors). The inhibitory aspect occurs due to a hyperpolarization of neurons, secondary to an influx of chloride ions. The neuron becomes less likely to achieve the threshold membrane potential. The excitatory receptor is dependent on the NMDA and non-NMDA glutamate receptors that control the influx of sodium and calcium, which bind to 42 endogenous neurotransmitters (glutamate or aspartate) and depolarize the neuronal membrane. The NMDA receptor seems to have a high permiability to calcium, which acts as a catalyst to several intracellular events. Chronic exposure to alcohol seems to alter the NMDA receptors and this may play a role in the clinical symptoms of alcohol withdrawal. In vitro studies have demonstrated an increase in the binding sites for MK801 (dizocilpine) in neurons chronically exposed to alcohol. This rise may account for the acclimation process, in which greater concentrations of alcohol are needed to cause experimental and clinical symptoms of intoxication. NMDA can cause seizure activity. Mice that have been exposed to chronically elevated levels of alcohol reveal increased numbers of NMDA receptors and NMDA related seizure activity. The NMDA antagonist MK801 has been shown to decrease the severity of seizures in these mice during withdrawal. Through a complex process of cell membrane ion pumps and neurotransmitter stimulation, the multi-faceted effects of alcohol and alcohol withdrawal are becoming better understood. Under the influence of alcohol, the brain experiences impairments in the following regions: •Frontal Lobe - Loss of reason, caution, inhibitions, sociability, talkativeness and intelligence. •Parietal Lobe - Loss of fine motor skills, slower reaction time, shaking. •Temporal Lobe - Slurred speech, impaired hearing. •Occipital Lobe - Blurred vision, poor distance judgement. •Cerebellum - Lack of muscle coordination and balance. •Brain Stem - Loss of vital functions. Exercise 4. Do you agree with the statements below? Give reasons for your choice. 1. Alcohol may have sedative-hypnotic and stimulatory effect on people. 2. Alcohol affects circulatory system. 3. So far scientists have not completely uncovered the mechanism of its activity. 4. The effect of alcohol is most pronounced in the brain. 5. Chronic exposure to alcohol produces no changes of brain structures. Exercise 5. Some scientists argue that alcohol can produce significant positive effect on one’s health. The article below provides evidence for this point of view. Read the article and find answers to the questions: 1. What disorders can alcohol protect from? 2. What are the mechanisms involved? Drink to Your Health? By Arthur L. Klatsky Three decades of research shows that drinking small to moderate amounts of alcohol has cardiovascular benefits. A thorny issue for physicians is whether to recommend drinking to some patients. America has always had trouble deciding whether alcohol is a bad thing or a good thing. Millions who remember Prohibition, when all alcoholic beverages were illegal, now witness a constant stream of advertisements from producers of alcoholic beverages encouraging people to drink. Despite alcohol’s popularity today, however, many still consider abstinence a virtue. Certainly, heavy drinking and alcoholism deserve deep concern for the terrible toll they take on alcohol abusers and society in general. But worry about the dangers of abuse often leads to emotional denials that alcohol could have any medical benefits. Such denials ignore a growing body of evidence indicating that moderate alcohol intake wards off certain cardiovascular conditions, most notably heart attacks and ischemic strokes (those caused by blocked blood vessels). A few studies even show protection against dementia, which can be related to cardiovascular problems. The Alcohol Effect A discussion of moderate drinking requires a working definition of “moderate.” Simple definitions of light, moderate or heavy are somewhat arbitrary, but a consensus in the medical literature puts the upper limit for moderate drinking at two standard-size drinks a day. Studies show that drinking above that level can be harmful to overall health, although sex, age and other factors lower and raise the boundary for individuals. The main medical benefit of reasonable alcohol use seems to be a lowering of the risk for coronary heart disease (CHD), which results from the buildup of atherosclerosis (fatty plaque) in the arteries. Atherosclerosis restricts blood flow to the heart and can promote the formation of vessel-blocking clots. It can thereby cause angina (chest discomfort resulting from low oxygen levels in the heart muscles), heart attack (the death of heart tissue that occurs when a blood clot or narrowing of the arteries prevents blood from reaching the heart) and death, often without warning. The condition usually starts at a young age but takes decades to blossom into overt CHD. The most common form of heart disease in developed countries, CHD causes about 60 percent of deaths from cardiovascular ills and about 25 percent of all deaths in those nations. Pathologists uncovered the first clues to the value of alcohol in the early 1900s, noting that the large arteries of people who died of alcoholic liver cirrhosis seemed remarkably “clean”—that is, free of atherosclerosis. One explanatory hypothesis assumed that alcohol was a nebulous solvent, essentially dissolving the buildup in the arteries; another explanation held that heavier drinkers died before their atherosclerosis had a chance to develop. Neither idea truly explained drinkers’ unblocked arteries, however. 43 A more telling hint emerged in the late 1960s, when Gary D. Friedman of the Kaiser Permanente Medical Center in Oakland, Calif., came up with a novel idea: use computers to unearth unknown predictors of heart attacks. The power of computing could first identify healthy people who had risk factors similar to heart attack victims. Such factors include cigarette smoking, high blood pressure, diabetes, elevated levels of low-density lipoprotein (LDL, or “bad”) cholesterol, low levels of high-density-lipoprotein (HDL, or “good”) cholesterol, male gender, and a family history of CHD. Friedman then searched for predictors of heart attacks by comparing the patients and the newly found controls in hundreds of ways—for example, their exercise and dietary habits and their respective levels of various blood compounds. The computers spit out a surprising discovery: abstinence from alcohol was associated with a higher risk of heart attack. Since then, dozens of investigations in men and women of several racial groups in various countries have correlated previous alcohol use with current health. These studies have firmly established that nondrinkers develop both fatal and nonfatal CHD more often than do light to moderate drinkers. In addition, in 2000 Giovanni Corrao of the University of Milan-Bicocca in Italy, Kari Poikolainen of the Järvenpää Addiction Hospital in Finland and their colleagues combined the results of 28 previously published investigations on the relation between alcohol intake and CHD. In this meta-analysis, they found that the risk of developing CHD went down as the amount of alcohol consumed daily went up from zero to 25 grams. At 25 grams—the amount of alcohol in about two standard drinks—an individual’s risk of a major CHD event, either heart attack or death—was 20 percent lower than it was for someone who did not drink at all. New data about alcohol protecting against death from CHD are even more impressive. At a meeting of the American Heart Association last November, it was announced that those who had one or two alcoholic drinks a day had a 32 percent lower risk of dying from CHD than abstainers did. The possible mechanisms by which alcohol has such an apparently profound effect on cardiovascular health primarily involve cholesterol levels and blood clotting. Blood lipids play a central role in CHD. Numerous studies show that moderate drinkers have 10 to 20 percent higher levels of heart-protecting HDL cholesterol. And people with higher HDL levels, also known to be increased by exercise and some medications, have a lower risk of CHD. That lower risk stems from HDL’s ability to usher LDL cholesterol back to the liver for recycling or elimination, among other effects. Alcohol seems to have a greater influence on a different HDL subspecies (HDL3) than on the type increased by exercise (HDL2), although both types are protective. (The biochemical pathways in the liver that could account for alcohol’s ability to raise HDL levels remain incompletely known; it is thought that alcohol probably affects liver enzymes involved in the production of HDL.) Three separate analyses aimed at determining specific contributions of alcohol all suggest that the higher HDL levels of drinkers are responsible for about half of the lowered CHD risk. Alcohol may also disrupt the complex biochemical cascade behind blood clotting, which can cause heart attacks when it occurs inappropriately, such as over atherosclerotic regions in coronary arteries. Blood platelets, cellular components of clots, may become less “sticky” in the presence of alcohol and therefore less prone to clumping, although data on this question remain ambiguous. Overall, alcohol’s anticlotting capacity is not as well established as its HDL effect, and some effects, such as platelet clumping, may be reversed by heavy or binge drinking. In addition, studies have shown a beneficial effect on CHD risk in people who have far fewer than two drinks a day—say, three or four drinks a week. Anticlotting could be a major factor in the protection accorded by alcohol in these small amounts, which seem insufficient to affect HDL levels greatly. Before accepting alcohol’s benefits, an epidemiologist attempts to locate hidden factors possibly at work. For instance, could lifelong abstainers differ from drinkers in psychological traits, dietary habits, physical exercise habits or other ways that might account for their higher CHD risk without the need to invoke the absence of alcohol? Were such traits to explain away alcohol’s apparent protection, they would need to be present in both sexes, various countries and several racial groups. Considering that no such traits have been identified, the simpler and more plausible explanation is that light to moderate alcohol drinking does indeed enhance cardiovascular health. In fact, the available evidence satisfies most standard epidemiological criteria for establishing a causal relation. The numerous studies examining light and moderate alcohol intake and health reach consistent conclusions. The positives associated with alcohol can be attributed to biologically plausible mechanisms. Alcohol offers specific enhancement of cardiovascular health, not general protection against all illness. And alcohol’s effect can be identified independent of known “confounders,” other alcohol related factors that could be responsible for a subject’s cardiovascular condition. Because heavy drinking is not more protective than lighter drinking, this absence of a clear dose-response relation is also a weakness. Nevertheless, the collected data make a strong case for the cardiac benefits of controlled drinking. To Drink or Not to Drink Most people drink for reasons other than alcohol’s health benefits, and many of them are already using alcohol in amounts that appear to promote cardiovascular health. But the accumulated research on alcohol’s positive effects presents a challenge to physicians. On the one hand, mild to moderate drinking seems better for heart health than abstinence for select people. On the other hand, heavy drinking is clearly dangerous. It can contribute to noncardiovascular conditions such as liver cirrhosis, pancreatitis, certain cancers and degenerative neurological disorders, and it plays a part in great numbers of accidents, homicides and suicides, as well as in fetal alcohol syndrome. (No conclusive evidence links light to moderate drinking to any of these problems.) Heavy drinking also contributes to cardiovascular disorders. Too much alcohol raises the risk of alcoholic cardiomyopathy, in which the heart muscle becomes too weak to pump efficiently; high blood pressure (itself a risk 44 factor for CHD, stroke, heart failure and kidney failure); and hemorrhagic stroke, in which blood vessels rupture in or on the surface of the brain. Alcohol overindulgence is also related to “holiday heart syndrome,” an electrical signal disturbance that disrupts the heart rhythm. The name refers to its increased frequency around particular holidays during which people engage in binge drinking. Given the potential dangers of alcohol, how can individuals and their physicians make the decision as to whether to include alcoholic beverages in their lives and, if so, in what amounts? The ability to predict accurately an individual’s risk of a drinking problem would be a great boon; the least disputed possible consequence of moderate drinking is problem drinking. Individual risk can be approximated using family and personal histories of alcoholrelated problems or conditions, such as liver disease or, of course, alcoholism. Even when known factors are taken into account, however, unpredictable events late in life may result in deleterious drinking changes. Exactly because of these dangers, public health concerns about alcohol until recently have been appropriately focused solely on the reduction of the terrible social and medical consequences of heavy drinking. And the correlation between total alcohol consumption in society and alcohol-related problems has been used to justify pushes for abstinence. Ultimately, however, a more complex message is necessary. Merely recommending abstinence is inappropriate health advice to people such as established light drinkers at high risk of CHD and at low risk of alcohol-related problems—which describes a large proportion of the population. Of course, the most important steps for this group are proper diet and exercise; effective treatment of obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure and high cholesterol; and avoidance of tobacco. But there is a place on that list of beneficial activities for light drinking. Most light to moderate drinkers are already imbibing the optimal amount of alcohol for cardiovascular benefit, and they should continue doing what they are doing. Abstainers should never be indiscriminately advised to drink for health; most have excellent reasons for not drinking. Yet there are exceptions. One case is the person with CHD who “goes clean”—quits smoking, switches to a spartan diet, starts exercising and, with good intentions, gives up the habit of a nightly bottle of beer or glass of wine. This self-imposed prohibition should be repealed. In addition, a number of infrequent drinkers might think about increasing their alcohol intake to one standard drink daily, especially men older than 40 and women older than 50 at high risk of CHD and low risk of alcohol-related problems. But women also have to consider one possible drawback of alcohol: several studies link heavy drinking—and a few even link light drinking—to an increased risk of breast cancer, a less common condition than heart disease in postmenopausal women but certainly quite a serious one. For young women, who are generally at low short-term risk of CHD and therefore may not benefit greatly from alcohol’s positive cardiovascular effects, this possible breast cancer link looms larger in estimating the overall risks and benefits of alcohol. And for all women, the upper limit on moderate drinking should be considered one drink a day. The only clear-cut message regarding alcohol and health, then, is that all heavy drinkers should reduce or abstain, as should anyone with a special risk related to alcohol, such as a family or personal history of alcoholism or preexisting liver disease. Beyond that, however, the potential risks and benefits of alcohol are best evaluated on a case-by-case basis. I believe that it is possible to define a clear, safe limit for alcohol consumption that would offer a probable benefit to a select segment of the population. The ancient Greeks urged “moderation in all things.” Three decades of research shows that this adage is particularly appropriate when it comes to alcohol. (Feature article, abridged. From Scientific American, February, 2003) Exercise 6. Would you recommend moderate amounts of alcohol to the following groups of patients? Why? Why not? ● heavy drinkers ● pregnant women ● diabetics ● patients with CHD ● people with family history of alcoholism ● young people ● obese people ● women older than 50 Exercise 7. You are going to interview your fellow-students. Make up 10 questions about the key facts discussed in the article. Exercise 8. Summarize all the information discussed in this unit and speak on the effects of alcohol on human organism. 45 Unit 13. Sex and Gender A woman is only a woman, but a good cigar is a smoke. Rudyard Kipling Exercise 1. What do you know about the sexes? 1. What are the physiological differences between individuals of male and female gender? What organs and organ systems differ between males and females? 2. What mechanisms and when determine the sex of the future individual? 3. What are the functions of reproductive hormones (sex hormones)? 4. What are the secondary sexual characteristics? 5. Why do women generally live longer than men? 6. Do men and women really have different patterns of mental activity and emotions? Are they genetically or socially programmed? Exercise 2. Read the text to check some of your answers in Exercise 1. Why is life expectancy2 longer for women than it is for men? Bertrand Desjardins, a researcher in the demography department of the University of Montreal, explains. Men dying sooner than women makes sense biologically: because 105 males are born for every 100 females, it would assure that there are about the same number of men and women at reproductive ages. But even though women showed a longer life expectancy in almost every human society in the last decade of the 20th century, the size of the advantage varied greatly. For example, in the U.S. life expectancy was 73.4 years for males and 80.1 years for females, a difference of 6.7 years, whereas in France it was 7.8 years and in the U.K., 5.3 years. The discrepancy was much greater in some countries, with the difference in Russia reaching more than 12 years, but in others, such as India (0.6 year) or Bangladesh (0.1 year), it was much less. The diversity in worldwide longevity alone indicates that the difference in mortality between the sexes is not purely biological and that there are intervening social factors. The current range of situations actually reflects different stages of a three-part historical evolution. Women most probably have a biological advantage that allows them to live longer, but in the past--and in several places, still today--the status and life conditions of women nullified this benefit. Today, given the general progress in female life conditions, women have not only regained their biological advantage, but have gone much beyond it, both because they tend to engage in fewer behaviors that are bad for health than men do and because they better profit from current advances in health care and living conditions. The biological advantage that women have is taken as a certainty, because the mortality of males is higher than that of females from the very outset of life: during the first year of life, in the absence of any outside influence which could differentiate mortality between the sexes, male mortality is 25 to 30 percent greater than is female mortality. The genetic advantage of females is evident. When a mutation of one of the genes of the X chromosome occurs, females have a second X to compensate, whereas all genes of the unique X chromosome of males express themselves, even if they are deleterious. More generally, the genetic difference between the sexes is associated with a better resistance to biological aging. Furthermore, female hormones and the role of women in reproduction have been linked to greater longevity. Estrogen, for example, facilitates the elimination of bad cholesterol and thus may offer some protection against heart disease; testosterone, on the other hand, has been linked to violence and risk taking. Finally, the female body has to make reserves to accommodate the needs of pregnancy and breast feeding; this ability has been associated with a greater ability to cope with overeating and eliminating excess food. Even though many biological and genetic factors have been identified, their overall effect is impossible to measure, especially given the influence of social factors on mortality. The extraordinary economic and social progress, that has occurred since the 18th century, has been accompanied by a dramatic reduction of the social differences between men and women and of the burden of motherhood, which had previously negated women's biological advantage. But the recent mortality trends have gone much farther than the mere recovery of an original advantage, creating instead a new advantage of greater magnitude for women. Observations indicate that the growing excess male mortality in industrial countries could be explained by the rise of so-called "man-made diseases," which are more typically male. These include exposure to the hazards of the workplace in an industrial context, alcoholism, smoking and road accidents, which have indeed increased considerably throughout the 20th century. 2 The measure of life expectancy at birth is a statistic that represents the expected duration of life for babies born during a given time period, usually one calendar year. Calculated from death rates observed at every age, it is based on the critical assumption that the age-specific risks of death observed during a given year will prevail for all babies born in that year, for the remainder of their lives. In contrast, life span is the theoretical upper limit to life that would be observed if everyone in the population adopted ideal lifestyles from birth to death and if external threats to life were eliminated. Some researchers believe that there is no biologically determined life span per se, but rather a series of time-dependent physiological declines that may eventually be subject to modification (Encyclopedia of Bioethics, 2004, p.98) 46 But if these diseases are the only explanation for longer female life expectancy, why has the gap continued to grow even though male and female behavior and life conditions have been converging in recent years? Part of the paradox can certainly be explained by the fact that this convergence is not absolute: male smokers tend to smoke more cigarettes than female smokers do, and men drive more recklessly than female drivers do, for instance. French demographer Jacques Vallin has long been monitoring longevity in general and sex differences in mortality in particular. He adds to the above an interesting explanation of women's current mortality advantage that could explain the more recent trends: the dramatic increase in excess male mortality emerged as an equally dramatic progress in the general health conditions of our societies was taking place. He thus argues that beyond the negative behavioral or environmental factors that affect men more than they do women, there could be very well be a more fundamental difference in lifestyles that allows women to better benefit from the general progress in health. For example, although women now participate massively in the work force, their roles remain different and their professional activities are, on average, less prejudicial to their health. In addition, women often relate to their bodies, their health and their lives in general in a much different way than men do. To caricature, women seek beauty, men seek strength and power; thus, a woman's body must remain young and healthy as long as possible, whereas a man's body must be submitted to risks and challenges from an early age. The result is that women, much more than men, are attentive to their bodies and their needs and often carry on deeper dialogs more easily with their doctors. Hence, women, being more inclined to take care of their bodies and to prolong their lives, may be better able to glean greater profit from modern medical and social advances by practicing activities that are healthier and better protect their bodies. In this context, women's biological advantage now appears relatively minor in the total mortality differences between the sexes. Exercise 3. Are the following statements true or false, according to the text? 1. Equal numbers of boys and girls are born every year. 2. Different economies demonstrate great diversity in average life expectancy. 3. There are no social factors accounting for the difference in male and female longevity. 4. Y-chromosome gives men biological advantage and better survival chances. 5. Historically men have enjoyed a better social position than women. 6. Men are exposed to a greater number of risk factors than women. 7. Women make better use of medical services and modern progress in science. Exercise 4. Sex Differences in the Brain. Men and women display patterns of behavioral and cognitive differences that reflect varying hormonal influences on brain development. Before reading the next text guess if the following statements generally refer more to men or to women: a. Men/Women, on average, have stronger verbal skills (especially in writing). b. Men/Women generally are better at mentally manipulating objects. c. Men/Women have better memory for events, words, objects, faces and activities. d. Men/Women are better at performing certain quantitative tasks that rely on visual representations. e. Men/Women can better recognize emotions and show higher levels of empathy. Exercise 5. Read the following article to check some of your answers in Exercise 4. Girl Brain, Boy Brain? The two are not the same, but new work shows just how wrong it is to assume that all gender differences are “hardwired” By Lise Eliot As MRI scanning grows ever more sophisticated, neuroscientists keep refining their search for male-female brain differences that will answer the age-old question, “Why can’t a woman think like a man?” (and vice-versa). Social cognition is one realm in which the search for brain sex differences should be especially fruitful. Females of all ages outperform males on tests requiring the recognition of emotion or relationships among other people. Sex differences in empathy emerge in infancy and persist throughout development, though the gap between adult women and men is larger than between girls and boys. The early appearance of any sex difference suggests it is innately programmed—selected for through evolution and fixed into our behavioral development through either prenatal hormone exposure or early gene expression differences. On the other hand, sex differences that grow larger through childhood are likely shaped by social learning, a consequence of the very different lifestyle, culture and training that boys and girls experience in every human society. At first glance, studies of the brain seem to offer a way out of this age-old nature/nurture dilemma. Any difference in the structure or activation of male and female brains is indisputably biological. However, the assumption that such differences are also innate or “hardwired” is invalid, given all we’ve learned about the plasticity, or malleability of the brain. Simply put, experiences change our brains. Recent research by Peg Nopoulos, Jessica Wood and colleagues at the University of Iowa illustrates just how difficult it is to untangle nature and nurture, even at the level of brain structure. A first study, published in 47 March 2008 found that one subdivision of the ventral prefrontal cortex - an area involved in social cognition and interpersonal judgment, known as the straight gyrus (SG), - is proportionally larger in women, compared to men. (Men’s brains are about 10 percent larger than women’s, overall, so any comparison of specific brain regions must be scaled in proportion to this difference.) Wood and colleagues found the SG to be about 10 percent larger in the thirty women they studied, compared to thirty men. What’s more, they found that the size of the SG correlated with a widely-used test of social cognition, so that individuals (both male and female) who scored higher in interpersonal awareness also tended to have larger SGs. In their article, Wood and colleagues speculate about the evolutionary basis for this sex difference. Perhaps, since women are the primary child-rearers, their brains have become programmed to develop a larger SG, to prepare them to be sensitive nurturers. Prenatal sex hormones are known to alter behavior and certain brain structures in other mammals. Perhaps such hormones—or sex-specific genes—may enhance the development of females’ SG (or dampen the development of males’) leading to inborn differences in social cognition. The best way to test this hypothesis is to look at children. If the sex difference in the SG is present early in life, this strengthens the idea that it is innately programmed. Wood and Nopoulos therefore conducted a second study with colleague Vesna Murko, in which they measured the same frontal lobe areas in children between 7 and 17 years of age. But here the results were most unexpected: they found that the SG is actually larger in boys! What’s more, the same test of interpersonal awareness showed that skill in this area correlated with smaller SG, not larger, as in adults. The authors acknowledge that their findings are “complex,” and argue that the reversal between childhood and adulthood reflects the later maturation of boys’ brains, compared to girls. (Adolescents’ brains undergo a substantial “pruning” or reduction in gray matter volume during adolescence, which happens about two years earlier in girls, compared to boys.) However, in both studies, Wood and colleagues added another test that reminds us to be cautious when interpreting any finding about sex differences in the brain. Instead of simply dividing their subjects by biological sex, they also gave each subject a test of psychological “gender:” a questionnaire that assesses each person’s degree of masculinity vs. femininity—regardless of their biological sex—based on their interests, abilities and personality type. And in both adults and children, this measure of “gender” also correlated with SG size, albeit in just as complicated a way as the correlation between “sex” and SG size. (Larger SG correlated with more feminine personality in adults but less feminine personality in children.) In other words, there does seem to be a relationship between SG size and social perception, but it is not a simple male-female difference. Rather, the SG appears to reflect a person’s “femininity” better than one’s biological sex: women who are relatively less feminine show a correspondingly smaller SG compared to women who are more feminine, and ditto for men. This finding—that brain structure correlates as well or better with psychological “gender” than with simple biological “sex”—is crucial to keep in mind when considering any comparisons of male and female brains. Yes, men and women are psychologically different and yes, neuroscientists are uncovering many differences in brain anatomy and physiology which seem to explain our behavioral differences. But just because a difference is biological doesn’t mean it is “hard-wired.” Individuals’ gender traits—their preference for masculine or feminine clothes, careers, hobbies and interpersonal styles—are inevitably shaped more by rearing and experience than is their biological sex. Likewise, their brains, which are ultimately producing all this masculine or feminine behavior, must be molded—at least to some degree—by the sum of their experiences as a boy or girl. And so, any time scientists report a difference between male and female brains, especially in adults, it begs the question, “Nature or nurture?” Is women’s larger SG the cause of their social sensitivity, or the consequence of living some 30 years in a group that practices greater empathetic responding? Wood and colleagues are among the few neuroscientists to analyze male-female brain differences for their relationship to gender type, as opposed to strict biological sex. Their findings do not prove that social learning is the cause of male-female differences in the brain, but they do challenge the idea that such brain differences are a simple product of the Y chromosome. (From Scientific American Online, September 8, 2009) Exercise 6. Answer the questions using the information from the text: 1. Why is social cognition regarded a fruitful area of investigation? 2. What is nature/nurture dilemma? 3. What is straight gyrus (SG) and what is it responsible for? 4. How do researchers explain larger SG in women from the evolutionary perspective? 5. How did the results of the second study contradict those of the first? 6. What correlation between SG size and sex/gender was finally established? 7. How can it be interpreted? Exercise 7. Divide into two groups. Each group should read either Text A or Text B about differences between the sexes. Then tell other students what you have read about. Text A. Enzyme Lack Lowers Women's Alcohol Tolerance By Harald Franzen An international team of researchers may have found one of the reasons why alcohol harms women more than men: women, it appears, are deficient in an enzyme that helps metabolize alcohol. The findings appear in the 48 April issue of Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research. "It has been known for a long time that, in general, both women and female animals are more susceptible to the negative or toxic effects of alcohol," team member Steven Schenker of the University of Texas at San Antonio says. "This is true for the liver, heart muscle and skeletal muscle, and it may be true for the pancreas and the brain. In other words, there is something about the female gender that makes them more susceptible to toxic amounts of alcohol." In the past scientists attributed this susceptibility to women's smaller body size and their relatively higher percentage of fatty tissue. For this study, however, the researchers focused on what is known as first-pass metabolism. Before alcohol reaches the blood stream, it goes through the stomach, where so-called gastric alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) isozymes break some of it down. "In an earlier study we found that women have less of this ADH activity than men do," notes lead author Charles Lieber of the Mount Sinai School of Medicine. "Accordingly, women have a lesser first-pass metabolism and, therefore, for a given dose of alcohol, their blood level is higher than it is for men." Following up on that research, the team recently turned their attention to the makeup of ADH. They found that one of the enzyme's three components, glutathione-dependent fomaldehyde dehydrogenase (x-ADH), is deficient in women, thus explaining their lower ADH activity levels. To Schenker, the take-home message is clear: "Women simply need to be more cautious than males in terms of the amount of drinking they do." (From Scientific American Online, April 16, 2001) Text B. Data Trends Suggest Women Will Outrun Men in 2156 By Sarah Graham Every four years, athletes from around the world travel to the Olympic Games to compete in the 100-meter dash, hoping to earn title of fastest man or woman on Earth. A new statistical analysis suggests that in the year 2156, the winner of the women's event may finally outrun her male counterpart. Andrew J. Tatem of the University of Oxford and his colleagues collected the finishing times in the men's 100-meter dash run in 1900 and from 1928 (when the women's race was first run) to 2004. The winning times for both genders have been steadily decreasing, with female competitors improving at a slightly faster clip than the males. By plotting the results against the year of competition and extrapolating the results, the team determined that the fastest human on the planet could be a woman after the 2156 games. In today's issue of the journal Nature, they report with a 5 percent margin of error that the event could take place as soon as 2064 or as late as 2788, however. Tatem is the first to admit that the study represents a purely academic exercise. A disease researcher by trade, he says the new study was a result of noticing a strong and interesting trend in sprinting. Indeed, the relationship was surprisingly linear and no other model fit the data as well. “We decided to throw caution to the wind and see if current trends continued, what would happen in the future,” he remarks. Potential confounding factors that are not addressed in the new analysis include illegal drug use, environmental conditions on race day, national boycotts and timing accuracy. In addition, some researchers contend that humans are hurtling toward the limits of their potential and that the winning times predicted for 2156 (8.079 seconds for the female champion and 8.098 seconds for the male winner) are simply beyond our grasp. The next chance to check the trend comes in 2008 at Beijing. (From Scientific American Online, September 30, 2004) Exercise 8. Summarize all the information discussed in this unit and speak on the role of the sexes in nature. 49 Unit 14. Aging What makes old age hard to bear is not the failing of one’s faculties, mental and physical but the burden of one’s memories. W. Somerset Maugham The body is most fully developed from thirty to thirty-five years of age, the mind at about fortynine. Aristotle Exercise 1. What do you know about aging? 1. What is aging? 2. What changes take place in human organism with age? 3. How does aging affect the human brain? 4. Is aging genetically programmed? 5. Can aging be stopped or avoided? 6. Do age-related diseases result from aging? Exercise 2. Read the article below and find answers to the questions: a. How does the text define and explain aging? b. What is the relation between aging and diseases? c. Do the authors agree that aging is genetically programmed? Why? No Truth to the Fountain of Youth What Aging Is... and Isn’t By S. Jay Olshansky, Leonard Hayflick and Bruce A. Carnes Any discussion of aging should first clarify its terms. Various definitions have been proposed, but we think of aging as the accumulation of random damage to the building blocks of life—especially to DNA, certain proteins, carbohydrates and lipids (fats)—that begins early in life and eventually exceeds the body’s self-repair capabilities. This damage gradually impairs the functioning of cells, tissues, organs and organ systems, thereby increasing vulnerability to disease and giving rise to the characteristic manifestations of aging, such as a loss of muscle and bone mass, a decline in reaction time, compromised hearing and vision, and reduced elasticity of the skin. This accretion of molecular damage comes from many sources, including, ironically, the life-sustaining processes involved in converting the food we eat into usable energy. As the energy generators of cells (mitochondria) operate, they emit destructive, oxidizing molecules known as free radicals. Most of the damage caused by these reactive molecules gets repaired, but not all. Biologists suspect that the oxidative assaults ultimately cause irreparable injury to the mitochondria, thereby impeding the cell’s ability to maintain the integrity of the countless molecules needed to keep the body operating properly. The free radicals may also disrupt other parts of cells directly. Aging, in our view, makes us ever more susceptible to such ills as heart disease, Alzheimer’s disease, stroke and cancer, but these age-related conditions are superimposed on aging, not equivalent to it. Therefore, even if science could eliminate today’s leading killers of older individuals, aging would continue to occur, ensuring that different maladies would take their place. In addition, it would guarantee that one crucial body component or another—say, the cardiovascular system—would eventually experience a catastrophic failure. It is an inescapable biological reality that once the engine of life switches on, the body inevitably sows the seeds of its own destruction. Men and women in the developed world typically live longer now (75 and 80 years, respectively) than they did throughout much of history (about 25 years) because human ingenuity—which brought us sanitation systems, vaccines, antibiotics and so on—has had phenomenal success in thwarting the infectious and parasitic diseases responsible for a great deal of premature death. We live longer now not because we have altered the way we age but because we have altered the way we live. Though inevitable, aging is not, as some might think, a genetically programmed process, playing itself out on a rigidly predetermined time schedule. The way evolution works makes it impossible for us to possess genes that are specifically designed to cause physiological decline with age or to control how long we live. Just as an automobile does not have a built-in plan for decline written in its blueprints, we do not possess genetic instructions that tell our bodies how to age or when to die. The logic behind this assertion goes basically like this: Genes perpetuate themselves by orchestrating the transformation of a fertilized egg into a sexually mature adult that produces offspring. Clearly, any genetic variant that compromises this developmental process would be self-eliminating. Conversely, evolution is totally blind to the consequences of gene action (whether good, bad or indifferent) after reproduction is achieved. Genes or genetic variants that prove detrimental in the postreproductive part of the life span can become commonplace, but only if 50 they participate in important processes early on. For example, several genes that contribute to cancer in the later years are known to participate in growth and development early in life. Without a doubt, a host of our genes influence aging, but they do so indirectly, as an inadvertent by-product of processes involved in growth, development, and the maintenance of health and vigor. The lack of a specific genetic program for aging and death means that there are no quick fixes that will permit us to treat aging as if it were a disease. A single genetic intervention in an organism as complex as a human being would have little chance of combating the probably vast array of genes and biological activities that play subtle, unpredictable parts in the timing of our ultimate demise. (From Scientific American Online, December 29, 2008) Exercise 3. You are going to read an article about centenarians – people who are more than 100 years old. Before reading discuss the following questions: 1. Are there any biological limits to human life span? 2. Have people reached the upper limit of longevity? 3. How can average life expectancy be increased? 4. Would you like to live to be a hundred years old? Why? Why not? Exercise 4. Read the text. Is 100 the New 80?: Centenarians Studied to Find the Secret of Longevity Healthy aging may be possible with some genetic help By Barbara Juncosa Centenarians—those who live past age 100—may help researchers find the key to living longer, healthier lives. The reason, say scientists who study this elite group: centenarians may possess genes that protect them from disease into old age. One in every 10,000 individuals in the U.S. reaches the age of 100. There are currently an estimated 60,000 centenarians in the U.S. with up to 70 beyond the age of 110. For the past decade, researchers have marveled at these folks who often live independently—and free of major disabilities—well into their 90s, if not longer. To better understand their exceptional longevity, scientists have recruited centenarians for extensive physical and genetic screening. Of particular interest to researchers is that some of the oldsters have a history of obesity and heavy smoking. But despite these risk factors, most centenarians remain healthy up to the last few months of their lives and, in some cases, up until their dying breaths. Although sheer luck no doubt plays a role, "there is also a striking family history that supports a genetic component," says Nir Barzilai, a geneticist at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York City. In fact, he adds, the odds of centenarians having a relative who lived into old age is 20 times that of the average person. The goal now is "to find the subtle genetic differences between individuals in the genes or families of genes associated with longevity," says Judith Campisi, a senior scientist at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory in California. By understanding the underlying biology of aging, she notes, it may be possible to develop drugs in the future that will promote healthy aging and delay age-related diseases such as some cancers, arthritis, diabetes, high blood pressure and heart disease. The first genetic clues for slowing aging emerged from animal models in which the effect of individual genes on average life spans could be tested. From these early studies, it became clear that insulin (a hormone secreted by the pancreas that signals cells to absorb sugar) and its receptors are critical for longevity in species from yeast or fungi to humans. Insulin lies at the heart of the "biological pathway whose main function is to affect how efficiently we process food into energy," says Bradley Willcox, a geriatrics specialist at the University of Hawaii. His team recently found that a variant in the insulin-pathway gene, FOXO3A, in Japanese men over age 95 was associated with improved energy usage and greater sensitivity to insulin. (Type 2 diabetes, marked by resistance to insulin, now affects 24 million people in the U.S. alone.) Examining the blood profiles of centenarians has also yielded tantalizing targets for further study. Barzilai observed that centenarians had higher levels and larger particles of HDL—high-density lipoprotein, or the so-called good cholesterol. Genetic screening later revealed that 24 percent of centenarians from Ashkenazi Jewish populations carry a variant in the CETP gene—an enzyme important for cholesterol metabolism—that reduces the level of the protein CETP in the blood and is linked to a lower prevalence of hypertension, cardiovascular disease and memory loss. CETP inhibitors have been sought by the pharmaceutical industry as a method for increasing HDL levels and protecting patients against heart disease. But clinical trials of such a drug, Pfizer's Torcetrapib, were halted in 2006 when investigators discovered that it was associated with an increased risk of death from heart attack and other complications, including cancers and infections. Daniel Rader, a cardiologist at the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine in Philadelphia, remains optimistic, however, that other CETP inhibitors could work, because the failure of Torcetrapib was likely due to "effects on blood pressure that were unrelated to CETP inhibition." Pharmaceutical giant Merck is currently testing a new CETP inhibitor, Anacetrapib, but Rader cautions that any potential longevity benefits could simply stem from the drug's ability to decrease the risk of heart disease—the number one killer in the U.S. More expansive genetic studies are now underway as researchers "look at the rate of genetic variation across the entire genome" of centenarians, says Thomas Perls, director of the New England Centenarian Study at 51 Boston University. By examining over one million gene variations, scientists hope to find additional target genes for longevity studies that may not be obvious from blood screening and animal testing. Perls acknowledges that the research is controversial as critics insist that centenarians may be too genetically diverse to pinpoint any common factors that promote healthy aging. But he points out that supercentenarians (those living past age 110) share even more genetic factors than centenarians, possibly improving the chances of finding protective gene variants. "We already know what it takes for the vast majority of us to reach our late 80s in good health," Perls says. That is, stop smoking, exercise, eat a balanced diet and manage stress. "The trick will be to get people from 88 to 100," Perls adds, "but there will never be a magic bullet." (From Scientific American Online, October 28, 2008) Exercise 4. Who are the following scientists mentioned in the article? What point of view do they represent? What studies have they carried out? • Daniel Rader • Thomas Perls • Nir Barzilai • Bradley Willcox • Judith Campisi Exercise 5. Answer the questions: 1. Who are centenarians? What is so special about this group of people? 2. What gives scientists reasons to believe that there may be some genetic factors involved in the longevity of centenarians? 3. What is the role of insulin in fighting aging? 4. Why are expansive genetic studies necessary to uncover the secrets of longevity? Exercise 6. Read the chapter from the book Brain Facts: a Primer on the Brain and Nervous System, 2002. What changes occur to the brain as people age? Picasso, Georgia O’Keefe and Grandma Moses, artists. Louise Nevelson, sculptor. Albert Einstein, physicist. Giuseppe Verdi, musician. Robert Frost, poet. Each of these great minds worked differently, but they all shared an outstanding trait: they were creative and productive in old age. They defied the popular notion that aging always leads to a pronounced decline and loss of cognitive ability. Neuroscientists now believe that the brain can remain relatively healthy and fully functioning as it ages, and that diseases are the causes of the most severe decline in memory, intelligence, verbal fluency and other tasks. Researchers are investigating the normal changes that occur over time and the effect that these changes have on reasoning and other intellectual activities. It appears that the effects of age on brain function vary widely. The vast majority of people get only a bit forgetful in old age, particularly in forming memories of recent events. For example, once you reach your 70s, you may start to forget names or phone numbers, or respond more slowly to conflicting information. This is not disease. However, other individuals develop senile dementia, the progressive and severe impairment in mental function that interferes with daily living. The senile dementias include Alzheimer’s and cerebrovascular diseases and affect about one percent of people younger than age 65, with the incidence increasing to nearly 50 percent in those older than 85. In a small, third group, that includes the Picassos, Einsteins and others, mental functioning seems unaffected by age. The oldest human, Jeanne Calment, was considered to have all her wits during her 122-year lifespan. The wisdom and experience of older people often make up for deficits in performance. The belief that pronounced and progressive mental decline is inevitable was and still is popular for several reasons. For one, until the 20th century, few people lived to healthy old ages. In 1900, when life expectancy was about 47 years, three million people, or four percent of the population, were older than age 65, and typically they were ill. In 1990, when life expectancy was more than 75 years, 30 million people, or 12 percent of the population, were older than age 65. A generation ago, frailty was seen among people in their 60s; today it is more typical among those in their 80s. Moreover, few people challenged the notion that aging meant inevitable brain decline because scientists knew little about the brain or the aging process. Aging neurons Today’s understanding of how the normal brain ages comes from studies of the nervous system that began decades ago and are just now bearing results. Modern technologies now make it possible to explore the structure and functions of the brain in more depth than ever before and to ask questions about what actually happens in its aging cells. Thus, neuroscientists are increasingly able to distinguish between the processes of normal aging and disease. While some changes do occur in normal aging, they are not as severe as scientists once thought. All human behavior is determined by how well the brain’s communication systems work. Often a failure in the cascade of one of these systems results in a disturbance of normal functions. Such a failure may be caused by an abnormal biochemical process or by a loss of neurons. The cause of brain aging still remains a mystery. Dozens of theories abound. One says that specific “aging genes” are switched on at a certain time of life. Another points to genetic mutations or deletions. Other theories 52 implicate hormonal influences, an immune system gone awry and the accumulation of damage caused by cell byproducts that destroy fats and proteins vital to normal cell function. The brain reaches its maximum weight near age 20 and slowly loses about 10 percent of its weight over a lifetime. Subtle changes in the chemistry and structure of the brain begin at midlife in most people. During a lifetime, the brain is at risk for losing some of its neurons, but neuron loss is not a normal process of aging. Brain tissue can respond to damage or loss of neurons in Alzheimer’s disease or after stroke by expanding dendrites and refining connections between neurons. A damaged brain neuron can readjust to damage only if its cell body remains intact. If it does, regrowth can occur in dendrites and axons. When neurons are completely destroyed, nearby surviving neurons can compensate, in part, by growing new dendrites and connections. Intellectual capacity In the first large studies to follow the same group of normal healthy humans for many years, scientists have uncovered unexpected results. They report declines in some mental functions and improvements in others. In one study, the speed of carrying out certain tasks became slower, but vocabulary improved. Several studies found less severe declines in the type of intelligence relying on learned or stored information, compared with the type that uses the ability to deal with new information. This research is supported by animal studies in which scientists found that changes in mental function are subtle. For example, in rodents and primates in which only minor brain abnormalities can be detected, certain spatial tasks, such as navigating to find food, tend to become more difficult with age. The aging brain is only as resilient as its circuitry. Scientists debate whether this circuitry is changed only by neuron atrophy or whether some neuron loss over time also is inevitable. In any event, when the circuitry begins to break down, remaining neurons can respond by expanding their roles. Learning conditions may dictate what happens to brain cells. Studies of rats shed light on some of the changes that occur in brain cells when the animals live in challenging and stimulating environments. In tests of middle-aged rats exposed to these environments, researchers found that dendrites in the cerebral cortex, which is responsible for all conscious activity, developed more and longer branches when compared with rats housed in isolated conditions. Another study showed that brain cells in rats given acrobatic training had greater numbers of synapses per cell than rats given only physical exercise or rats who were inactive. The scientists concluded that motor learning generates new synapses. Physical exercise, however, improved blood circulation in the brain. Other scientists report that rats reared in a stimulating environment made significantly fewer errors on a maze test than did similar rats kept in an isolated environment. Moreover, the stimulated rats showed an increase in brain weight and cortical thickness when compared with the control animals. Older rats tend to form new dendrites and synapses as do younger animals in response to enriched environments. But the response is more sluggish and not as large. Compared to younger rats, the older rats have less growth of the new blood vessels that nourish neurons. While much has been learned about the aging brain, many questions remain to be answered. For instance, does the production of proteins decline with age in all brain neurons? In a given neuron, does atrophy cause a higher likelihood of death? How does aging affect gene expression in the brain—the organ with the greatest number of active genes? Are there gender differences in brain aging that may be due to hormonal changes at menopause? Neuroscientists speculate that certain genes may be linked to events leading to death in the nervous system. By understanding the biology of the proteins produced by genes, scientists hope to be able to influence the survival and degeneration of neurons. (From the book Brain Facts: a Primer on the Brain and Nervous System, 2002) Exercise 7. Are the following statements true of false, according to the text? Explain your opinion, correct the false statements. 1. Mental decline with age is caused by loss of neurons. 2. Healthy aging is accompanied by a considerable loss of memory. 3. Nerve cells can both age and regenerate with time. 4. Neurons respond very slowly to the change of environment and lifestyle. 5. Age can bring some improvement of mental activity. Exercise 8. Summarize all the information about age-related transformations in the human organism discussed in this unit and speak on aging and the current research in this sphere. 53 Unit 15. Food Then I commended mirth, because a man hath no better thing under the sun, than to eat, and to drink, and to be merry. Ecclesiastes 8:15: One should eat to live, not live to eat. Cicero There is no love sincerer than the love of food. George Bernard Shaw Exercise 1. What do you know about food? 1. What nutrients are necessary for human life? 2. Why are vitamins and minerals necessary? 3. How much food should people consume? What does the daily norm of food consumption depend on? 4. What is generally understood as “healthy diet”? 5. What food products are considered healthy and unhealthy? Why? 6. What factors can lead to overweight and obesity? 7. What role have dietary habits played in human evolution? 8. How did cooking food affect human physiology? Exercise 2. The article below deals with the role of dietary habits in human evolution. As you read the text, find answers to the questions: 1. What were the main dietary shifts in human evolution? 2. What changes have they led to? Food for Thought Dietary change was a driving force in human evolution By William R. Leonard We humans are strange primates. We walk on two legs, carry around enormous brains and have colonized every corner of the globe. Anthropologists and biologists have long sought to understand how our lineage came to differ so profoundly from the primate norm in these ways, and a growing body of evidence indicates that these miscellaneous quirks of humanity in fact have a common thread: they are largely the result of natural selection acting to maximize dietary quality and foraging efficiency. Changes in food availability over time, it seems, strongly influenced our hominid ancestors. Thus, in an evolutionary sense, we are very much what we ate. So when and how did our ancestors’ eating habits diverge from those of other primates? Further, to what extent have modern humans departed from the ancestral dietary pattern? To appreciate the role of diet in human evolution, we must remember that the search for food, its consumption and, ultimately, how it is used for biological processes are all critical aspects of an organism’s ecology. The energy dynamic between organisms and their environments—that is, energy expended in relation to energy acquired—has important adaptive consequences for survival and reproduction. The type of environment a creature inhabits will influence the distribution of energy into maintenance energy (which keeps an animal alive on a day-to-day basis) and productive energy (which, on the other hand, is associated with producing and raising offspring covering the increased costs that mothers incur during pregnancy and lactation). Thus, by looking at the way animals go about obtaining and then allocating food energy, we can better discern how natural selection produces evolutionary change. Becoming Bipeds Without exception, living nonhuman primates habitually move around on all fours, or quadrupedally, when they are on the ground. Scientists generally assume therefore that the last common ancestor of humans and chimpanzees (our closest living relative) was also a quadruped. Exactly when the last common ancestor lived is unknown, but clear indications of bipedalism—the trait that distinguished ancient humans from other apes—are evident in the oldest known species of Australopithecus, which lived in Africa roughly four million years ago. Ideas about why bipedalism evolved abound in the paleoanthropological literature. C. Owen Lovejoy of Kent State University proposed in 1981 that two-legged locomotion freed the arms to carry children and foraged goods. More recently, Kevin D. Hunt of Indiana University has posited that bipedalism emerged as a feeding posture that enabled access to foods that had previously been out of reach. Peter Wheeler of Liverpool John Moores University submits that moving upright allowed early humans to better regulate their body temperature by exposing less surface area to the blazing African sun. The list goes on. In reality, a number of factors probably selected for this type of locomotion. My own research, conducted in collaboration with my wife, Marcia L. Robertson, suggests that bipedalism evolved in our ancestors at least in part because it is less energetically expensive than quadrupedalism. Our analyses of the 54 energy costs of movement in living animals of all sizes have shown that, in general, the strongest predictors of cost are the weight of the animal and the speed at which it travels. What is striking about human bipedal movement is that it is notably more economical than quadrupedal locomotion at walking rates. For hominids living between five million and 1.8 million years ago, during the Pliocene epoch, climate change spurred this morphological revolution. As the African continent grew drier, forests gave way to grasslands, leaving food resources patchily distributed. In this context, bipedalism can be viewed as one of the first strategies in human nutritional evolution, a pattern of movement that would have substantially reduced the number of calories spent in collecting increasingly dispersed food resources. Indeed, modern human hunter-gatherers living in these environments, who provide us with the best available model of early human subsistence patterns, often travel six to eight miles daily in search of food. Big Brains and Hungry Hominids No sooner had humans perfected their stride than the next pivotal event in human evolution—the dramatic enlargement of the brain—began. According to the fossil record, the australopithecines never became much brainier than living apes, showing only a modest increase in brain size, from around 400 cubic centimeters four million years ago to 500 cubic centimeters two million years later. Homo brain sizes, in contrast, ballooned from 600 cubic centimeters in H. habilis some two million years ago up to 900 cubic centimeters in early H. erectus just 300,000 years later. The H. erectus brain did not attain modern human proportions (1,350 cubic centimeters on average), but it exceeded that of living nonhuman primates. From a nutritional perspective, what is extraordinary about our large brain is how much energy it consumes—roughly 16 times as much as muscle tissue per unit weight. We therefore use a much greater share of our daily energy budget to feed our voracious brains. In fact, at rest brain metabolism accounts for a whopping 20 to 25 percent of an adult human’s energy needs—far more than the 8 to 10 percent observed in nonhuman primates, and more still than the 3 to 5 percent allotted to the brain by other mammals. How did such an energetically costly brain evolve? One theory, developed by Dean Falk of Florida State University, holds that bipedalism enabled hominids to cool their cranial blood, thereby freeing the heat-sensitive brain of the temperature constraints that had kept its size in check. I suspect that, as with bipedalism, a number of selective factors were probably at work. But brain expansion almost certainly could not have occurred until hominids adopted a diet sufficiently rich in calories and nutrients to meet the associated costs. Comparative studies of living animals support that assertion. Across all primates, species with bigger brains dine on richer foods, and humans are the extreme example of this correlation, boasting the largest relative brain size and the choicest diet. According to recent analyses by Loren Cordain of Colorado State University, contemporary hunter-gatherers derive, on average, 40 to 60 percent of their dietary energy from animal foods (meat, milk and other products). Modern chimps, in comparison, obtain only 5 to 7 percent of their calories from these comestibles. Animal foods are far denser in calories and nutrients than most plant foods. It stands to reason, then, that for early Homo, acquiring more gray matter meant seeking out more of the energy-dense fare. Fossils, too, indicate that improvements to dietary quality accompanied evolutionary brain growth. All australopithecines had skeletal and dental features built for processing tough, low-quality plant foods. The later, robust australopithecines—a dead-end branch of the human family tree that lived alongside members of our own genus—had especially pronounced adaptations for grinding up fibrous plant foods, including massive, dish-shaped faces; heavily built mandibles; ridges, or sagittal crests, atop the skull for the attachment of powerful chewing muscles; and huge, thickly enameled molar teeth. (This is not to say that australopithecines never ate meat. They almost certainly did on occasion, just as chimps do today.) In contrast, early members of the genus Homo, which descended from the gracile australopithecines, had much smaller faces, more delicate jaws, smaller molars and no sagittal crests—despite being far larger in terms of overall body size than their predecessors. Together these features suggest that early Homo was consuming less plant material and more animal foods. As to what prompted Homo’s initial shift toward the higher-quality diet necessary for brain growth, environmental change appears to have once more set the stage for evolutionary change. The continued desiccation of the African landscape limited the amount and variety of edible plant foods available to hominids. Those on the line leading to the robust australopithecines coped with this problem morphologically, evolving anatomical specializations that enabled them to subsist on more widely available, difficult to chew foods. Homo took a different path. As it turns out, the spread of grasslands also led to an increase in the relative abundance of grazing mammals such as antelope and gazelle, creating opportunities for hominids capable of exploiting them. H. erectus did just that, developing the first hunting-and-gathering economy in which game animals became a significant part of the diet and resources were shared among members of the foraging groups. Signs of this behavioral revolution are visible in the archaeological record, which shows an increase in animal bones at hominid sites during this period, along with evidence that the beasts were butchered using stone tools. These changes in diet and foraging behavior did not turn our ancestors into strict carnivores; however, the addition of modest amounts of animal foods to the menu, combined with the sharing of resources that is typical of hunter-gatherer groups, would have significantly increased the quality and stability of hominid diets. Improved dietary quality alone cannot explain why hominid brains grew, but it appears to have played a critical role in enabling that change. After the initial spurt in brain growth, diet and brain expansion probably interacted synergistically: bigger brains produced more complex social behavior, which led to further shifts in foraging tactics and improved diet, which in turn fostered additional brain evolution. 55 A Movable Feast The evolution of H. erectus in Africa 1.8 million years ago also marked a third turning point in human evolution: the initial movement of hominids out of Africa. Until recently, the locations and ages of known fossil sites suggested that early Homo stayed put for a few hundred thousand years before venturing out of the motherland and slowly fanning out into the rest of the Old World. Earlier work hinted that improvements in tool technology around 1.4 million years ago—namely, the advent of the Acheulean hand ax—allowed hominids to leave Africa. But new discoveries indicate that H. erectus hit the ground running, so to speak. Rutgers University geochronologist Carl Swisher III and his colleagues have shown that the earliest H. erectus sites outside of Africa, which are in Indonesia and the Republic of Georgia, date to between 1.8 million and 1.7 million years ago. It seems that the first appearance of H. erectus and its initial spread from Africa were almost simultaneous. The impetus behind this newfound wanderlust again appears to be food. What an animal eats dictates to a large extent how much territory it needs to survive. Carnivorous animals generally require far bigger home ranges than do herbivores of comparable size because they have fewer total calories available to them per unit area. Large-bodied and increasingly dependent on animal foods, H. erectus most likely needed much more turf than the smaller, more vegetarian australopithecines did. Exactly how far beyond the continent that shift would have taken H. erectus remains unclear, but migrating animal herds may have helped lead it to these distant lands. Modern Quandaries Just as pressures to improve dietary quality influenced early human evolution, so, too, have these factors played a crucial role in the more recent increases in population size. Innovations such as cooking, agriculture and even aspects of modern food technology can all be considered tactics for boosting the quality of the human diet. Cooking, for one, augmented the energy available in wild plant foods. With the advent of agriculture, humans began to manipulate marginal plant species to increase their productivity, digestibility and nutritional content— essentially making plants more like animal foods. This kind of tinkering continues today, with genetic modification of crop species to make “better” fruits, vegetables and grains. Similarly, the development of liquid nutritional supplements and meal replacement bars is a continuation of the trend that our ancient ancestors started: gaining as much nutritional return from our food in as little volume and with as little physical effort as possible. Overall, that strategy has evidently worked: humans are here today and in record numbers to boot. But perhaps the strongest testament to the importance of energy- and nutrient-rich foods in human evolution lies in the observation that so many health concerns facing societies around the globe stem from deviations from the energy dynamic that our ancestors established. For children in rural populations of the developing world, low quality diets lead to poor physical growth, smaller weight and height and high rates of mortality during early life. In these cases, the foods fed to youngsters during and after weaning are often not sufficiently dense in energy and nutrients to meet the high nutritional needs associated with this period of rapid growth and development. In the industrial world, we are facing the opposite problem: rates of childhood and adult obesity are rising because the energy-rich foods we crave—notably those packed with fat and sugar—have become widely available and relatively inexpensive. According to recent estimates, more than half of adult Americans are overweight or obese. Obesity has also appeared in parts of the developing world where it was virtually unknown less than a generation ago. This seeming paradox has emerged as people who grew up malnourished move from rural areas to urban settings where food is more readily available. In some sense, obesity and other common diseases of the modern world are continuations of a tenor that started millions of years ago. We are victims of our own evolutionary success, having developed a calorie-packed diet while minimizing the amount of maintenance energy expended on physical activity. The magnitude of this imbalance becomes clear when we look at traditionally living human populations. Studies of the Evenki reindeer herders that I have conducted in collaboration with Michael Crawford of the University of Kansas and Ludmila Osipova of the Russian Academy of Sciences in Novosibirsk indicate that the Evenki derive almost half their daily calories from meat, more than 2.5 times the amount consumed by the average American. Yet when we compare Evenki men with their U.S. peers, they are 20 percent leaner and have cholesterol levels that are 30 percent lower. These differences partly reflect the compositions of the diets. Although the Evenki diet is high in meat, it is relatively low in fat (about 20 percent of their dietary energy comes from fat, compared with 35 percent in the average U.S. diet), because free-ranging animals such as reindeer have less body fat than cattle and other feedlot animals do. The composition of the fat is also different in free-ranging animals, tending to be lower in saturated fats and higher in the polyunsaturated fatty acids that protect against heart disease. More important, however, the Evenki way of life necessitates a much higher level of energy expenditure. Thus, it is not just changes in diet that have created many of our pervasive health problems but the interaction of shifting diets and changing lifestyles. Too often modern health problems are portrayed as the result of eating “bad” foods that are departures from the natural human diet. This is a fundamentally flawed approach to assessing human nutritional needs. Our species was not designed to subsist on a single, optimal diet. What is remarkable about human beings is the extraordinary variety of what we eat. We have been able to thrive in almost every ecosystem on the earth, consuming diets ranging from almost all animal foods among populations of the Arctic to primarily tubers and cereal grains among populations in the high Andes. Indeed, the hallmarks of human evolution have been the diversity of strategies that we have developed to create diets that meet our distinctive metabolic requirements and the ever increasing efficiency with which we extract energy and nutrients from the environment. (Feature article, abridged. From Scientific American, December 2002) 56 Exercise 3. Which is the best summary of the text? Why? Can you suggest your own variant of the summary? A. Scientific interest in the evolution of human nutritional requirements has a long history. Some scientists argued that the prevalence in modern societies of many chronic diseases—obesity, hypertension, coronary heart disease and diabetes, among them—is the consequence of a mismatch between modern dietary patterns and the type of diet that our species evolved to eat as prehistoric hunter-gatherers. Since then, however, understanding of the evolution of human nutritional needs has advanced considerably—thanks to new comparative analyses of traditionally living human populations and other primates—and a more nuanced picture has emerged. We now know that humans have evolved not to subsist on a single, Paleolithic diet but to be flexible eaters, an insight that has important implications for the current debate over what people today should eat in order to be healthy. The challenge our modern societies now face is balancing the calories we consume with the calories we burn. B. Contemporary human populations the world over have diets richer in calories and nutrients than those of our cousins, the great apes. Differences in the settings in which humans and apes evolved may help explain the variation in costs of movement. Chimps, gorillas and orangutans evolved in and continue to occupy dense forests where only a mile or so of trekking over the course of the day is all that is needed to find enough to eat. Much of early hominid evolution, on the other hand, took place in more open woodland and grassland, where sustenance is harder to come by. Thus, for far-ranging foragers, cost-effective walking saves many calories in maintenance energy needs—calories that can instead go toward reproduction. Selection for energetically efficient locomotion is therefore likely to be more intense among far-ranging animals because they have the most to gain. Exercise 4. You are going to interview your fellow-students. Make up 15 questions about the key facts discussed in the article. Exercise 5. Fruits and vegetables in our diet. Discuss the following questions: 1. What is the role of fruits and vegetables in a healthy diet? 2. Should we cook vegetables or eat them raw? Why? 3. Which cooking techniques allow to preserve healthy substances found in fruits and vegetables and which, on the contrary, can produce negative effects on one’s health? Exercise 6. Read the article below to check some of your answers in Exercise 5. Raw veggies are healthier than cooked ones Do vegetables lose their nutritional value when heated? By Sushma Subramanian Cooking is crucial to our diets. It helps us digest food without expending huge amounts of energy. It softens food, such as cellulose fiber and raw meat, that our small teeth, weak jaws and digestive systems aren't equipped to handle. And while we might hear from raw foodists that cooking kills vitamins and minerals in food (while also denaturing enzymes that aid digestion), it turns out raw vegetables are not always healthier. A study published in The British Journal of Nutrition last year found that a group of 198 subjects who followed a strict raw food diet had normal levels of vitamin A and relatively high levels of beta-carotene (an antioxidant found in dark green and yellow fruits and vegetables), but low levels of the antioxidant lycopene. Lycopene is a red pigment found predominantly in tomatoes and other rosy fruits such as watermelon, pink guava, red bell pepper and papaya. Several studies conducted in recent years (at Harvard Medical School, among others) have linked high intake of lycopene with a lower risk of cancer and heart attacks. Rui Hai Liu, an associate professor of food science at Cornell University who has researched lycopene, says that it may be an even more potent antioxidant than vitamin C. One 2002 study he did (published in the Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry) found that cooking actually boosts the amount of lycopene in tomatoes. He reports that the level of one type of lycopene, cis-lycopene, in tomatoes rose 35 percent after he cooked them for 30 minutes at 190.4 degrees Fahrenheit (88 degrees Celsius). The reason, he says: the heat breaks down the plants' thick cell walls and aids the body's uptake of some nutrients that are bound to those cell walls. Cooked carrots, spinach, mushrooms, asparagus, cabbage, peppers and many other vegetables also supply more antioxidants, such as carotenoids and ferulic acid, to the body than they do when raw, Liu says. At least, that is, if they're boiled or steamed. A January 2008 report in the Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry said that boiling and steaming better preserves antioxidants, particularly carotenoid, in carrots, zucchini and broccoli, than frying, though boiling was deemed the best. The researchers studied the impact of the various cooking techniques on compounds such as carotenoids, ascorbic acid and polyphenols. Deep fried foods are notorious sources of free radicals, caused by oil being continuously oxidized when it is heated at high temperatures. These radicals, which are highly reactive because they have at least one unpaired 57 electron, can injure cells in the body. The antioxidants in the oil and the vegetables get used up during frying in stabilizing the cycle of oxidation. Another study published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry in 2002 showed that cooking carrots increases their level of beta-carotene. Beta-carotene belongs to a group of antioxidant substances called carotenoids, which give fruits and vegetables their red, yellow, and orange colorings. The body converts betacarotene into vitamin A, which plays an important role in vision, reproduction, bone growth and regulating the immune system. The downside of cooking veggies, Liu says: it can destroy the vitamin C in them. He found that vitamin C levels declined by 10 percent in tomatoes cooked for two minutes—and 29 percent in tomatoes that were cooked for half an hour at 190.4 degrees F (88 degrees C). The reason is that Vitamin C, which is highly unstable, is easily degraded through oxidation, exposure to heat (it can increase the rate at which vitamin C reacts with oxygen in the air) and through cooking in water (it dissolves in water). Liu notes, however, that the trade-off may be worth it since vitamin C is prevalent in far more fruits and vegetables than is lycopene. Among them: broccoli, oranges, cauliflower, kale and carrots. Besides, cooked vegetables retain some of their vitamin C content. That said, research shows that some veggies, including broccoli, are healthier raw rather than cooked. According to a study in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry in November 2007, heat damages the enzyme myrosinase, which breaks down glucosinates (compounds derived from glucose and an amino acid) in broccoli into a compound known as sulforaphane. Research published in the journal Carcinogenesis in December 2008 found that sulforaphane might block the proliferation of and kill precancerous cells. A 2002 study in The Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences also found that sulforaphane may help fight the bacterium Helicobacter pylori, which causes ulcers and increases a person's risk of stomach cancer. On the other hand, indole, an organic compound, is formed when certain plants, particularly cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, cauliflower and cabbage, are cooked. According to research in The Journal of Nutrition in 2001, indole helps kill precancerous cells before they turn malignant. And while boiling carrots was found to increase carotenoid levels, another study found that it leads to a total loss of polyphenols, a group of chemicals found in raw carrots. Specific polyphenols have been shown to have antioxidant properties and to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and cancer, according to a 2005 report in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. Comparing the healthfulness of raw and cooked food is complicated, and there are still many mysteries surrounding how the different molecules in plants interact with the human body. The bottom line, says Liu, is to eat your veggies and fruits no matter how they're prepared. "We cook them so they taste better," Liu says. "If they taste better, we're more likely to eat them." And that's the whole idea. (From Scientific American Online, March 31, 2009) Exercise 7. What fruits and vegetables are mentioned in the text? Speak about each one and give detailed information about the healthy substances it contains and what happens to it after cooking. Exercise 8. Divide into three groups. Each group should read one text (either Text A, B or C) about various effects of diet on human health. Then tell other students what you have read about. Text A. Diet Linked to Twin Births By David Biello Over the last 30 years, the number of twin births has nearly trebled. This rise seems to have followed the introduction of in vitro fertilization and a preference for having children later in life. But in the mid-1990s, doctors began limiting the number of embryos transferred in the course of in vitro fertilization and still the proportion of twin births rose. Now new research seems to show that bovine growth hormone in the food supply may be responsible. Using data obtained from mothers by way of questionnaire, physician Gary Steinman of the Long Island Jewish Medical Center and his colleagues compared the number of twin births from moms who consumed meat and/or milk and those who consumed no animal products at all. They found that the omnivores and vegetarians were five times more likely to have fraternal twins than the vegans. In a report published in the current issue of the Journal of Reproductive Medicine, Steinman argues that insulin-like growth factor, a protein released by the liver in response to growth hormone, may be the reason. Studies have shown that the protein increases ovulation and that it persists in the body after entering via digested food, particularly milk. Drinking a glass of milk a day over a 12week period raised levels of the protein in the body by 10 percent. Vegan women, it turns out, have 13 percent lower concentrations of it in their blood. Steinman observed in the May 6 issue of The Lancet that although the twinning rate in the U.K.--where bovine growth hormone is banned--rose by 16 percent between 1992 and 2001, it increased by 32 percent in the U.S., where the substance is not banned. Of the new work he says: "This study shows for the first time that the chance of having twins is affected both by heredity and environment or, in other words, by both nature and nurture." (From Scientific American Online, May 22, 2006) Text B. Diet May Cut Cholesterol As Much As Drugs Do By Sarah Graham Eating a diet similar to that of our simian relatives can have as much of an effect on cholesterol levels as modern medicine does, a new study suggests. Results published today in the Journal of the American Medical 58 Association indicate that a strict, low-fat vegetarian diet high in specific plant products can lower levels of bad cholesterol as much as widely prescribed statin drugs can. A number of foods, soy protein and oats among them, have known cholesterol-lowering effects. David J. A. Jenkins of the University of Toronto and his colleagues tested a specific vegetarian diet that combined many of these food groups into one menu that contained high amounts of plant sterols, fiber, nuts and soy protein. Of the 46 patients with high cholesterol levels that the team studied, 16 ate this diet for a month. A second group of 16 ate a regular low-fat vegetarian diet and 14 participants consumed the low-fat diet and took 20 milligrams of lovastatin, a standard cholesterol-reducing drug. At the end of the study period, those patients who ate the special diet lowered their levels of LDL cholesterol (the "bad" type associated with clogging coronary arteries) by 29 percent whereas the patients taking lovastatin reduced their LDL levels by 31 percent. The low-fat dieters, in contrast, showed just an 8 percent decrease in the amount of LDL present. "As we age, we tend to get raised cholesterol, which in turn increases our risk of heart disease," Jenkins explains. "This study shows that people now have a dietary alternative to drugs to control their cholesterol, at least initially." The results are still preliminary, however. Writing in an accompanying commentary, James W. Anderson of the University of Kentucky notes that if the findings are confirmed by larger and more rigorous studies, they could have far-reaching implications for many patients suffering from cholesterol problems. He notes "those who are motivated to adopt prudent diets might achieve meaningful lipid reductions without pharmacotherapy." (From Scientific American Online, July 23, 2003) Text C. Additive Might Fight Fast-Food Fat By Sarah Graham In recent years fast food has been linked to the country's rising obesity rates and the increased incidence of diabetes. Findings presented yesterday at the annual meeting of the American Chemical Society in San Diego may provide a means of tempering the cuisine's ill effects: an additive that can slow the absorption of fat to a healthier rate. Wallace H. Yokoyama of the United States Department of Agriculture and his colleagues fed a group of hamsters a diet with a fat content similar to that of typical American fast food--that is, with about 38 percent of its calories derived from fat--for four weeks. A second group of animals ate a low-fat diet with 11 percent of the total calories coming from fat. At the end of the study period, the high-fat eaters developed insulin resistance--a precursor to diabetes--whereas the control animals did not. The initial results corroborated previous findings in similar studies. But when the scientists repeated the experiment with the addition of a cellulose derivative known as hydroxypropylmethylcellulose (HPMC) to the high-fat food, the animals on that diet did not develop insulin resistance. HPMC is already used as a food additive to modify the texture of items such as fillings, sauces and glazes. To achieve similar fat-fighting results in humans, much larger amounts (about five grams per serving) would be required, the scientists propose. The mechanism for HPMC's beneficial effects remains unclear, although Yokoyama posits that the compound works to slow down the absorption of fat by the digestive system. The results, which are preliminary, are not a panacea for fast-food devotees, however. "Obviously, the less fat you eat, the better off you are," Yokoyama says. "But if you're going to eat high-fat foods, then adding HPMC to it might help limit the damage." (From Scientific American Online, March 16, 2005) Exercise 9. Summarize all the information about the role of diet discussed in this unit and speak on the effects of food on human organism. 59 Section 3. Recommended Report and Presentation Topics 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. “Out of Africa” migration theory. Hutchinson syndrome. Alzheimer’s disease. Parkinson’s disease. Why do people in the Caucasus traditionally live longer? Age-related transformations in the organism. Anti-age industry. Impaired vision. Wrinkles. Pheromones. The evolutionary role of sexual reproduction. Hermaphrodites. Parthenogenesis. Eating disorders – bulimia, anorexia. Why does fast food taste so good? Health effects of fast food. Dieting. Vegetarians and vegans. Internal organs transformation and alcoholism. Prohibition and legal control of drugs. 60