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Macroeconomics MCQ Quiz (SYBCOM SEM-03)

MCQ- Macro Economics (SYBCOM SEM-03)
1. “The income expenditure approach to the quantity theory of money”- theory presented by?
A. Keynes
B. Pigou
C. Marshall
D. Fisher
2. The real balance equation is presented by……
A. Keynes
B. Pigou
C. Marshall
D. Fisher
3. In Keynesian Equation K represents……?
A. Holding cash balances
B. Velocity of Circulation
C. Money supply D. All
4. “General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money”- Book written by…?
A. Pigou
B. Keynes
C. Adam Smith
D. Hawtrey
5. Who defines “inflation means issue of too much currency”?
A. Marshall
B. Kammerer
C. Adam Smith
D. Hawtrey
6. CPI Stands for……
A. Common Price Index
B. Consumer Price Index
B. Cool Price Index
D. all
7. WPI Stands for……….
A. Wheat Price Index
B. Whole Price Index
C. Wholesale Price Index
D. None of these
8. Which method use for measurement of inflation by RBI at present…..?
9. What is the base year of CPI method for measurement of inflation…?
A. 1991
B. 2010
C. 2012
D. 2014
10. Who published the data of WPI?
B. Ministry of Commerce & Industry
11. Who published the data of CPI?
B. Ministry of Commerce & Industry
12. CSO stands for…………..?
A. Central of State Organization
B. Central Statistical Organization
C. B. Ministry of Commerce & Industry
D. All of these
13. CPI measures price of……?
A. Goods only
B. Services only
C. Both goods and services
14. WPI items divided in ______ categories.
A. 03
B. 04
C. 05
D. 06
D. all
MCQ- Macro Economics (SYBCOM SEM-03)
15. The concept of Semi Inflation and Full Inflation is given by………?
A. Pigou
B. Keynes
C. Adam Smith
D. Hawtrey
16. The Concept of Inflationary Gap is given by……?
A. Pigou
B. Keynes
C. Adam Smith
D. Hawtrey
17. The Concept of Natural rate of Unemployment is given by….?
A. A W Phillips
B. Marshall
C. Adam Smith
D. Keynes
18. _______the situation in too much money is chasing few goods called….?
A. Cost Push Inflation
B. Demand-pull Inflation
C. Inflation
D. None of theses
19. A sustained increase in general price level is called……
A. Inflation
B. Stagflation
C. Deflation
D. D. None of theses
20. Demand-pull inflation is induced by….?
A. Inward shift in aggregate demand curve B. Inward shift in aggregate supply curve
C. Outward shift in aggregate demand curve D. Inward shift in aggregate supply curve
21. Cost-push inflation is induced by…?
A. Increase in Wages, Cost
B. Increase in demand C. Increase in in supply D. All
22. When inflation occurred by supply side shocks is called….?
A. Demand-pull inflation B. Deflation
C. Cost-push inflation
D. Stagflation
23. A decrease in price level of goods and commodity is called…..?
A. Inflation
B. Stagflation
C. Deflation
D. None of theses
24. A situation where Co-existence of Inflation and Unemployment is called….?
A. Inflation
B. Stagflation
C. Deflation
D. None of theses
25. Rising wages which in it turn rising prices through increased in costs….?
A. Demand-pull inflation B. Deflation
C. Cost-push inflation
D. Stagflation
26. What is the relationship between unemployment and inflation is ….
A. Positive
B. Negative (Inverse)
C. Equal
D. All of the above
27. “An excess of anticipated expenditure over available output at base price or constant
price” is called..?
A. Inflation
B. Stagflation
C. Deflation
D. The Concept of Inflationary Gap
28. Which policy is consistent with the principle of justice and equity…..?
A. Anti-Inflationary Policy
B. Indexation
C. Stagflation
D. All of the above
29. During Inflation traders and producers gain _____?
A. Loss
B. Not Loss OR Profit
C. Profit
D. None of theses
MCQ- Macro Economics (SYBCOM SEM-03)
30. Which measures are followed by the government for control inflation…?
A. Monetary measures
B. Fiscal measures
C. Control Investment D. all of these
31. Which measures are followed by the RBI to control inflation?
A. Monetary measures
B. Fiscal measures
C. Control Investment D. all of these
32. “The policy relates to the loans offered by the RBI to the commercial banks against
securities”… is called?
B. Bank rate
33. The RBI established in the year…..?
A. 1935
B. 1936
C. 1934
D. 1939
34. Which is from following is Quantitative Credit Control Tool?
A. Margin
B. Moral Persuasion
C. Bank Rate
D. Publicity
35. Which is from following is Qualitative Credit Control Tool?
B. Moral Persuasion
C. Bank Rate
36. “The Purchase and sale of securities by the central bank on its own initiative” known as.?
B. Moral Persuasion
C. Bank Rate
D. Open Market Operations
37. OMO stands for……?
A. Open Market Operations
B. Open Moral Observe C. Open Market
D. All
38. CRR stands for……?
A. Cash Reserve Rate
B. Cash Repeat Ratio
C. Cash Reserve Ratio
D. None of above
39. “The rate at which the RBI borrows from the banks for short term” is called?
A. Repo rate
B. Reverse Repo rate
C. Bank rate
40. “The rate at which the RBI lends to banks for a very short period”… is called?
A. Repo rate
B. Reverse Repo rate
C. Bank rate
MCQ- Macro Economics (SYBCOM SEM-03)