Page |1 1Chapter 6 Joint Arrangements NAME: Professor: Section: Date: Score: QUIZ: Use the following information for the next two questions: A, BCand C formed a joint operation. agreed on the following: is the appointed as the manager.They As compensation, C is entitled to a ₱120 salary plus bonus of 25% of profit after deducting the salary and the bonus. However, C will be charged for the cost of any unsold inventory. Interest of 10% per annum is allowed to A’s and B’s capital contributions. Any remaining profit or loss is divided equally. The joint operation was complete after a year. y ear. The following were the transactions: A contributed cash of ₱400 and merchandise costing ₱800. B contributed merchandise costing ₱1,600. B paid freight of ₱80 in the transfer. C purchased merchandise worth ₱400 using A’s cash contribution. C paid expenses of ₱800 using his own cash. C made total sales of ₱3,200. All inventories were sold except one-half of those contributed by B. 1. How much is the jjoint oint oper operation ation’s ’s profi profitt after de deductio duction n for salar salary y but before ded deductio uction n for bonus? a. 192 b. 240 c. 360 d. 420 2. On th thee cash settlement settlement between between the joint operators, operators, a. A pays ₱1,288. b. B pays ₱1,816. c. C receives ₱96. d. All of these Use the following information for the next two questions: A and B formed a joint operation. The following were the transactions during the yea year: r: A B Total purchases 400 320 Total sales 960 720 Expenses paid 800 Other income 40 The joint operation was completed at the end of the year. Each joint operator is entitled to a 10% commission on its purchases and a 20% commission on its sales. Any remaining profit or loss is divided equally. 3. How muc much h is the profit profit (loss) (loss) of the joint joint op operati eration? on? a. 200,000 Page |2 b. (200,000) c. 180,000 d. (180,000) 4. On th thee cash settlement settlement between between the joint operators, operators, a. A pays B ₱368 b. B pays A ₱368 c. A pays B ₱428 d. B pays A ₱428 solution for 3 & 4 PURCHASE A PURCHASE B EXPENSES A JOINT OPERATION- A 400 960 320 720 800 40 200 ALLOCATION TO: PROFIT FOR THE YEAR A 10% COMMISSION (10% x 4ON 00) PURCHASE 40 (10%x 320) 20% COMMISSION ON SALES (20% x 960) (20% x 720) TOTAL TO BE DIVIDED EQUALLY ALLOCATION: (208/2) NET SHARE- AS ALLOCATED B TOTALS 50 (40) (32) 32 192 (192) (144) (208) 208 - 144 (104) 128 CASH SETTLEMENT IS DETERMINATION AS FOLLOW JOINT OPERATION – A PURCHASE 400 960 EXPENSES 800 NET SHARE 128 CASH SETTLEMENT – RECEIPT 368 PURCHASE NET SHARE SALES A SALES B OTHER INCOME-B PROFIT- CREDIT BALANCE (104) 72 COLLECTION ON SALES JOINT OPERATION – B 320 720 COLLECTION ON SALES 72 40 COLLECTION ON OTHER INCOME 368 CASH SETTLEMENT - PAYMENT 5. A, B and C fo formed rmed a joint joint operation operation wh which ich was ccomple ompleted ted duri during ng the year year.. A, the ap appoint pointed ed manager, is entitled to a bonus of 10% of the profit before deducting the bonus. Any remaining profit or loss is divided equally. On the joint operation’s completion date, B’s and C’s books show the following balances before adjusting and closing entries: Page |3 Account with A Account with B Account with C Books of B 16 Cr. Books of C 16 Cr. 48 Cr. 56 Dr. The unsold merchandise was charged to A at a cost of ₱88. On the cash settlement between the joint operators, a. b. c. d. A re rece ceiives ves ₱4 ₱48. 8. B pays ₱72. C pays ₱32. a and c 16* 6. A, B and C for formed med a joint joint operatio operation. n. Profit Profit or loss loss shall shall be div divide ided d equal equally. ly. On the joi joint nt operation’s completion date, the books of A, the appointed manager, show the following account balances: Debit Credit JO – Cash 80 Joint operation 20 B Co. 60 C Co. 40 A’ A’ss sh shar aree in the the join jointt oper operat atio ion’ n’ss prof profit it is ₱16 ₱16.. A agre agreed ed to be cha charg rged ed fo forr the the un unso sold ld merchandise. How much is the cost of unsold merchandise charged to A? a. 28 b. 62 c. 68 d. 72 solution: If A’s share in the joint operation’s profit is P6 and profit and loss is dividend equally between 3 joint operations, then the total profit of the joint operation must be P48 (16 for each joint operation’s multiplied by 3 joint operators). unsold merchandise is squeezed after placing relevant data in the joint operation accou accounts. nts. DEBIT BALANCE JOINT OPERATORS 20 68 UNSOLD MERCHANDISE 48 PROF PROFIT IT-C -CRE REDI DIT T BA BALA LANC NCE E (1 (16* 6*3) 3) 7. A, B, and C form formed ed a joint operation. operation. On the the joint operati operation’s on’s com completi pletion on date, the book bookss of A, the appointed manager, show the following account balances: Debit Credit JO – Cash 80 Account with B 60 Account Acco unting ing wit with h C 88 The cost of unsold inventory is ₱72. The joint operation’s profit is ₱44. How much is the balance of the joint operation account before distribution of profit? a. 28 Page |4 b. 116 c. 56 d. 0 Use the following information for the next two questions: A, B, and C formed a joint operation. The joint operators shall make initial contributions ₱40 each. Profit and loss shall be divided equally. The following data relate to the joint operation’s transactions: Joint operation Expenses paid from JO cash Value of inventory taken A 32 Cr. 20 20 B 40 Cr. 8 24 C 48 Cr. 12 16 8. How m much uch is is the join jointt oper operati ation’ on’ss sales? sales? a. 280 b. 40 c. 80 d. 76 9. How m much uch is is the the cash cash settl settleme ement nt to to B? a. ₱80 receipt b. ₱80 payment c. ₱32 receipt d. ₱76 receipt 10. On January 1, 20x1, PATRIMONY PATRIMONY Co. entered into a joint arrangemen arrangementt classified classified as a joint venture vent ure.. For an invest investmen mentt of ₱2,000, ₱2,000,000, 000, PAT PATRIM RIMONY ONY Co. obt obtain ained ed 30% intere interest st in HERITAGE Joint Venture, Inc. During the year, HERITAGE Joint Venture, Inc. reported profit of ₱4,000,000 and other comprehensive income of ₱800,000, i.e., a total comprehensive income of ₱4,800,000. HERITAGE Joint Venture, Inc. declared dividends of ₱2,40 ₱2, 400,0 0,000 00.. How How mu much ch is the the carr carryi ying ng amou amount nt of the the inve invest stme ment nt in join jointt ve vent ntur uree on December 31, 20x1? a. 2,720,000 b. 2,480,000 2,000,000 c. d. 4,160,000