DOKUZ EYLUL UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF ENGINEERING ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING EED 2309 SEMICONDUCTOR DEVICES LABORATORY 1 REPORT STUDENT GROUP: A1 - 3 STUDENT NAME: Utkucan SÖZEYATAROĞLU STUDENT ID: 2021502052 STUDENT NAME: Mert ALTAY STUDENT ID: 2021502086 TEACHER NAME: Abdullah BOZTEKIN OCTOBER 21, 2023 1.THEORY At this section, theoretical results of the laboratory procedure and purpose of diode on the circuit takes place. Diodes are the semiconductors, that can allow electrical current to flow in one direction. Beside the Si diodes has the similar properties, they are supply power. Si diodes has a low forward voltage. IDEAL DIODE : Si DIODE: The V-I characteristic of a silicon diode is shown in the figure. Since it is short circuit its procedure Vps + Vd + VR = 0 (Kirchoff’s voltage law) Vps + VD1 – VD2 = 0 (Kiechoff’s voltage law) -Vps + VR + VD = 0 (Kirchoff’s voltage law) I1 = ID1 + ID2 (Kirchoff's current law) 2.APPLICATIONS AND RESULTS The digital multimeter was set to measure resistance and showed 0 when the two probes were touched together. DMM is set to measure resistance and current respectively and measurement values are taken. Figure 1 Propes of the DMM connected to propes of the diodes with parallel connection. For E = 0,5 V VD = 0,467 V For E = 1 V VD = 0,522 V Propes of the DMM connected to propes of the resistance with parallel connection. For E = 0,5 V VR = 0,104 V For E = 1 V VR = 0,522 V Digital multimeter is set to measure current. Propes of the DMM connected to power supply and prope of the diode with serial connection. For E = 0,5 V ID = 0,09 mA For E = 1 V ID = 0,43 Ma For E = 0,5 V , circuit is a open circuit which mean is current is “0” and the voltage below “0”. For E = 1 V , circuit is a short circuit which mean is voltage is equal to “0” and the current more than “0”. Figure 2 Propes of the DMM connected to propes of the Diode 2 vith parallel connection. VD2 = 5,783 V V0 = 0 V ID = 0,01 mA In this circuit, diode2 is reverse-biased. Therefore, it can be modelled as an open circuit. The reason for this is that the second diode is connected in the opposite direction to the current passing through the circuit, acting as an open switch and causing no current to flow through the circuit. Figure 3 Propes of the DMM connected to power supply and “+” prope with serial connection. I1 = 28,9 mA ID1 = 14,33 mA ID2 = 14,17 mA V = 0,67 V At the figure 3, connecting the two diodes in the same direction as the current passing through the circuit therefore acts as a closed switch and ensures that the current passing through the circuit is completed, that is why the circuit is forward-bias which mean is short circuit. CONCLUSION In this experiment, we obsered the effects of the diodes in these cicuits. Flow of the current is one of these effects. In the figure 1, for 0,5V power supply cicuit is open circuit because “E” must be min 0,7V, for Si diodes. Fort he 1V power supply, since it is short cicuit, current flows. In the figure 3, since diode does not connect correct, circuit is reverse bias. For these reasin, current equal to zero. In the figure 2.4, we obtain what happen if the diodes connected parallel each other. We observed, how to voltage and current values change when the diodes connected forward, reverse and parallel.