Uploaded by Leila Mammadova

Character Traits Project: Analyze Your Partner

Character Traits
You and your partner will be analyzing each other’s character by asking a series of questions about
one another!
You will create a poster board that shows the character traits of the student you are analyzing.
Make sure your poster board thoroughly represents your partner. Use strong words and details
to make your partner appear in their
best light! Even though you are finding out the best
traits of each other, remember to identify some of their
faults as well. You need to represent
your partner by fully identifying their character traits.
Observe your partner throughout the days of working on this project. How do they treat others? Do
they interact with their friends or go off by themselves? Are they well behaved in class? Observing
your partner will allow you to better learn their traits!
Poster Board
Your poster board will contain a
drawing, printed out picture, or
silhouette of your partner
On the left side of the poster, you will
identify the physical traits of your
On the right side of the poster, you
will identify the internal traits of
your partner
You poster board will be carefully
constructed and neatly done. Be
creative and artistic!
Traits are what we learn based on
what the character says, does (their
actions), thinks, and feels
Use strong, descriptive words when
listing your partner’s traits. Words
such as nice, funny, quiet, are not
strong enough words. Use a thesaurus
to help find powerful words to
describe your character.
Draw the words on your poster board
and be creative with your colors,
fonts, etc.
You must have a minimum of 5 physical traits that describe your character
You must have a minimum of 10 internal traits about your character that show their
You must have a minimum of 3 internal traits about your character that show their
Character Traits Questionnaire
You will ask your partner the following questions in order to learn about their trait. Remind your
partner to answer the questions truthfully.
Questions to ask your partner:
Would you rather be poor and happy, or rich and unhappy?
2. How do you react to a situation that has made you extremely angry?
Would you eat something without knowing what it was?
4. Would you ever go skydiving?
5. Do you enjoy being outdoors, such as hiking, camping, or fishing?
6. Do you like to read books?
7. How many friends would you say you have?
8. Do you get along with a lot of people? Why or why not?
9. What would be the worst way to die?
10. What do you think is your biggest fear?
11. What is your favorite thing to do in your free time?
12. What is your ideal vacation?
13. Do you enjoy building things?
14. Do you like to draw?
15. Do you like to write stories or write in a diary?
Questions to answer about your partner:
Does your partner talk a lot?
2. Do they get easily excited?
Are they a good listener?
4. Do they treat others with respect?
5. Are they nice to their friends?