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TCC Help Guide: Software Content Management

TCC Help Guide
Cinedigm Software Group© All rights reserved 2011
TCC Help Guide
Cinedigm Software Group© All rights reserved 2011
Published on July 2011 by Cinedigm Software Group
A division of Cinedigm Digital Cinema Corporation
21051 Warner Center Lane
Woodland Hills, CA 913677
This document contains proprietary information that is protected by copyright. No part of this document may be
photocopied, reproduced, or translated without the prior written consent of Cinedigm Digital Cinema Corp. The
information contained in this document is subject to change without notice.
Cinedigm Digital Cinema Corp. provides this material as is and makes no warranty of any kind, expressed or
implied, including but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose.
Cinedigm Digital Cinema Corp. shall not be liable for errors contained herein or for incidental or consequential
damage (including lost profits) in connection with the furnishing, performance, or use of the material, whether based
on warranty, contract, or other legal theory.
Table of Contents
Part I Getting Started
1 Launching
the Application
2 Hardware
................................................................................................................................... 8
New Hardw are.......................................................................................................................................................... 8
Content Delivery
Media Player Servers
.......................................................................................................................................................... 10
3 Common
Hom e Page .......................................................................................................................................................... 11
.......................................................................................................................................................... 13
Selection Criteria
.......................................................................................................................................................... 14
4 The Workflow
(Events, Actions and Results)
Action 1 - Verify
schedule im port w as successful – Hom e Page
Action 2 - Ingest
content and keys - Monitor LMS
Ingesting Content
......................................................................................................................................................... 17
Ingesting Keys
......................................................................................................................................................... 18
Verifying Ingestion
......................................................................................................................................................... 18
Action 3 – Title
Mapping a .........................................................................................................................................................
Feature Title
Action 4 - Enter
Trailer Placem ent - Trailer Placem ent
Creating a .........................................................................................................................................................
New Trailer Pack
Assigning .........................................................................................................................................................
a Trailer Pack to Show s using Rules
Assigning .........................................................................................................................................................
a Trailer Pack to Show s Manually
Action 5 - Schedule
Backup Content - Schedule View er
Defining Backup
Action 6 - Hom..........................................................................................................................................................
e Page – Monitor System
Action 7 - Delete
Content – Monitor Players
Monitoring .........................................................................................................................................................
Part II Scheduling
1 Viewing
Schedule Detail (Schedule Viewer)
.......................................................................................................................................................... 34
Schedule View
er Tim eline
the Show Header Bar
Adjusting the
View of Timeline
Show tim es .......................................................................................................................................................... 36
2 Filtering
Schedule Viewer
3 Modifying
a Schedule
Adding a Show
.......................................................................................................................................................... 38
Deleting a Show
.......................................................................................................................................................... 39
Copying a Show
.......................................................................................................................................................... 40
4 Edit Show
Times - Detail
5 Editing
Show Segments
Adding a Segm
ent to a Show
Adding Content
to Show Segm ent
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6 Preparing
Backup Content
7 Searching
for a Schedule by Status (Schedule Status)
Selecting Schedule
Status Criteria
Schedule Status
Results – Detail
Part III Pre-show Placement
1 Viewing
Pre-show Placement
2 Filtering
Pre-show Placement
3 Creating
a Pre-show Pack
4 Assigning
a Pre-show Pack
Assigning a Pre-show
Pack to Show s using Rules
Assigning a Pre-show
Pack to Show s Manually
5 Managing
Pre-Show Pack Records
Creating a New
Record from an Existing Pre-show Pack
Copying a Pre-show
Deleting a Pre-show
6 Viewing
Placed Pre-shows
Part IV Content Ingestion
1 Viewing
Monitor LMS
2 Filtering
Monitor LMS
3 Ingesting
4 Ingesting
5 Verifying
Part V Title Mapping
1 Viewing
Title Mapping
2 Filtering
Title Mapping
3 Mapping
a Feature Title
4 Adding
a New Title Manually
Part VI KDM Key Delivery
1 Ingesting
2 Transfering
KDM from Local PC to LMS
3 Verifying
KDM Information
Part VII Managing Transfers
1 Restarting
a failed transfer
2 Starting
and Stopping Scheduled Transfers
Part VIII Trouble Shooting
1 Schedule
Scenario 1 - Missing
Scenario 2 - Missing
Key, Content and SPL
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2 Title Mapping
................................................................................................................................... 95
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Getting Started
Getting Started
Getting Started
The topics in this section serve as your introduction to the Theatre Command Center application (TCC).
It is intended to be used as a training tool for new users learning TCC and as an ongoing reference while
you are working with the application. It contains all the basic functions that need to be performed once
the user has been given access to the system. Details on the system set-up and administrative
functions can be found in later chapters.
The Getting Started chapter is organized as follows:
L a u n c hin g t he Applic a t io n
To familiarize you with the TCC icon and the login page
H a r dw a r e
To provide you with an overview of the new hardware that has been installed in your theatre, only
to the extent that you may need to recognize equipment for basic trouble shooting (e.g. are the
servers plugged in/powered on and how to connect a device to allow ingestion of content)
C o m m o n F u n c t io n s
To familiarize you with the Home Page, introduce you to both the look and feel of the application
and demonstrate how to navigate through the GUI (Graphical User Interface)
S t a t u ses
To familiarize you with the various icons used within the TCC application that are used to
communicate the status of a particular key, piece of content or schedule
S elec t io n C r it er ia
To introduce you to the selection criteria throughout the TCC application and to teach you how
the selection criteria can help focus your attention on the data that is most relevant to the task
at hand
T C C W o r k f lo w
To introduce you to the functions that you will be performing within the TCC application and to
make sure that all the elements, necessary to run a show, are where they need to be when they
need to be there. Also, to help you understand what events will cause them to take actions
within the application
Launching the Application
The TCC application can be accessed from any PC that has network access to the TMS Server. As part
of your installation, a new PC will be included or an existing PC will be designated for this purpose.
Once the PC has been connected and the application loaded, an icon will appear on the desktop.
1. Double-click the shortcut to TCC.exe icon to launch the application.
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TCC Help Guide
After double-clicking the previous icon, a login screen will appear.
TCC Login
2. Type your User ID and Password and click
As part of converting your theatre to digital, various pieces of new hardware will be installed. Given that
hardware may vary slightly from theatre to theatre, based on the number of screens in your theatre and
the physical limitations of space, the following descriptions are intended as a general introduction.
New Hardware
Content Delivery Devices
Media Player Servers
New Hardware
Although it is not necessary for you to understand the detailed working of each piece of hardware, it may
be useful to recognize the key components.
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Getting Started
Theatre Management System (TMS) Server Library Management Server (LMS)
The TMS Server acts as the command center
for the entire digital cinema operations at a
theatre. It is the central device that manages
the movement of content, schedules and keys
required for shows to play successfully.
The Library Management Server is the central storage
disk array for media files. Content that is transferred
to individual screens is done so from this device. The
number of arrays depends on disk space
requirements, normally determined based on the
number of auditoriums.
Windows PC
At least one PC that can run Windows is needed. This may be a PC that is already in the theatre.
This PC can be located anywhere in the theatre as long as it can be put on the theatre’s internal
Content Delivery Devices
There are various types of devices that will contain content to be delivered to your theatre (e.g. DVD,
CRU, hard drive, memory stick). It is important that you be familiar with the devices, so that you are
able to ingest (or copy) the content from these devices onto the LMS.
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Hard Drives
USB/Memory Stick
CRU Drive
Media Player Servers
There are a number of different brands of media player servers available. There is one of these devices
for each auditorium. Content will need to be transferred to these devices, in order for it to play in an
GDC Player
Qube Player
DoRemi Player
Dolby Player
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Getting Started
Common Functions
The following topics will assist with your understanding of the TCC user interface.
Home Page
Selection Criteria
Home Page
Once logged in to the application, the Home Page will appear. This screen provides an at-a-glance view
of the schedule for the current day and content for both the current and next week. It also shows current
player and LMS status. These views are represented by each of the tiles within the Home Page.
TCC Home Page
Standard Menu
A standard menu is displayed at the top of all screens throughout the application. Many of the menu’s
functions are similar to basic Windows type functions.
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The standard items of note are:
Application – this is an alternative to the TCC - Favorites option for navigating from function to
Options > Edit Menu Groups/Favorites – this allows you to modify what is displayed on the Home
Theatre’s Local Date and Time
Provides the current date and time of the theatre.
Tile View Options
to expand/collapse each tile and
to close the tile.
Throughout the application, colored, underlined or highlighted text indicates that additional information
is available by clicking the text.
Clicking on the solid blue underlined text will hyperlink you to a new screen.
Clicking on the green dotted underlined text will display a pop-up window, which will hover
above the currently open screen.
TMS - Favorites
The TMS – Favorites tile provides a list of links that can be clicked to navigate to routine TCC
functions. TMS – Favorites can be customized to include/exclude links.
Right Click Menus – Additional Options
Depending on where the cursor is located on the screen, right-clicking will often reveal additional menu
Bottom Navigation Bar
This feature allows you to return to a previously viewed screen and then navigate easily between them,
without having to refresh the data.
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Getting Started
Icons are used throughout the Home Page and various screens in the application to communicate the
status of content, keys and schedules.
Error – content is not found or content is received but not mapped when shown in
relation to a scheduled show.
Warning – ingest is in progress.
OK – scheduled content has been received and is on the player or being
Finished – the player has completed playing a show.
Play out
Playing – the player is in progress of playing.
Paused – the player has been paused
Disconnected – the Player will display as being disconnected:
If it was manually disconnected
When initially found after being configured
Manual Mode Connection – The Player will display as being in manual mode
after it has been found on the network and the player is not setup to run on a
Scheduled Mode Connection – The player will display as being in scheduled
mode after it has been found on the network and the player is running on a
Manual Mode Connection Error –The player will display as being in manual
mode with connection errors after it has been found on the network, network
connectivity is lost and the player was not setup to run on a schedule when
network connectivity was lost.
Scheduled Mode Connection Error – The player will display as being in
scheduled mode with connection errors after it has been found on the network,
network connectivity is lost and the player was setup to run on a schedule when
network connectivity was lost.
Key Status
No Key – Content has been scheduled that requires a key but the key has not
been received.
Key OK – Content has been scheduled and corresponding key has been received.
These statuses are displayed on the Status, Content (This Wk ) and Status –
Content (Nxt Wk ) tile of the Home Page. It is a summary that reflects the overall
status of a particular show. This status will always reflect the lowest (worst) status
of any of the above individual statuses. For example, in order for stat to be OK the
content, show and key status for the item must all be OK.
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Selection Criteria
Many of the functional pages within the TCC application include a selection criteria feature. The
selection criteria allows you to filter your request in order to include specific types of information. This
feature allows you to focus exclusively on the specific information you are seeking. All pages with
selection criteria will default to the criterion chosen in the previous session. Any options that you change
within the current session (select/clear) will display on default the next time the page is accessed.
Selection Criteria
Click the
indicator at the right side of a data screen to access the selection criteria filter.
Choose the criteria relevant to your search.
Key Inform a tion:
While using the application, if there is information that you expect to see but is not
displayed, check your selection criteria to determine if the information is being filtered out.
Experiment with the selection criteria to understand how it affects the data being displayed.
The Workflow (Events, Actions and Results)
The following matrix describes the events that will prompt the operator to take certain actions within the
TCC application and the expected results of those actions. These events are part of the daily operation
of the theatre and may not change significantly from the operations of a non-digital theatre. What will
change is the action that you will take in response to the event and the system related processes that
will occur as a result of the action. When followed correctly, the TCC application is designed to ensure
that all the elements of the digital show are available to each screen so that each schedule can run
error-free or, in the case where that is not possible, the TCC will alert you to areas that require your
attention. This matrix will give you an at-a-glance view of what needs to be done and when.
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Getting Started
Prepare for next week schedule:
Use your existing process to
determine holdovers, new
releases and move overs for the
schedule starting next week.
Create Schedule in POS –
use existing procedure.
May need to follow manual
steps to import to TCC,
depending on POS system
being used.
Verify that schedule was
imported successfully see
Action 1
Application will import the
schedule automatically. If the
content for scheduled features
has already been ingested the
system will schedule the
transfers. Otherwise the
transfers will be scheduled once
the content is ingested/mapped.
Feature Content is received (for
non satellite delivery only)
Plug device (CRU, DVD, HD)
into LMS
Ingest content – see Action
Map titles – see Action 3
Application will look for
schedules for the content
received and, if found will
schedule the transfer.
Trailer Content is received
Plug device (CRU, DVD, HD)
into LMS
Ingest content – see Action
Based on the trailer placement
rules the application will
schedule the trailer content to be
Keys are received
Plug device (USB, DVD, HD)
into LMS
Keys are specific to a player and
the TCC will automatically
transfer the key to the
appropriate player once the
corresponding feature is
Trailer Placement
Enter trailer placement into Application will automatically
schedule content to be
TCC – see Action 4
transferred based on trailer
placement rules entered.
Identify ‘back-up’ content by
Schedule backup content in Application will automatically
schedule content to be
TCC – see Action 5
transferred based on backup
Verify schedule for next day(s)
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Monitor system – see
Action 6
Enter update schedules
Enter/update trailers
placement – see Action 3
Contact for missing keys
Delete content (clear room
for pending xfers) – see
TCC Help Guide
Action 7
The actions described in the preceding matrix can be accomplished using the following TCC functions
which are accessible from the TCC - Favorites menu and from the tiles on the Home Page (see Figure
Key Inform a tion:
Although these actions have been numbered, the number does not necessarily indicate the
order in which functions (actions) should be performed. The order, in which the functions are
performed, is dictated by the order in which the ‘events’ from the workflow matrix occur.
Action 1 - Verify schedule import was successful – Home Page
Although the actual creation of your schedule using your POS has not changed, it is important to
validate that the schedule was passed to the TCC application successfully. There are a number of
places where you may see the status of a particular schedule. The Home Page provides an easy way to
verify that your schedule has a successful import status.
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Getting Started
Use the Status – Content (Next Wk ) tile to verify the latest date and time of imported content and that all
statuses are successful .
Hom e Page
Action 2 - Ingest content and keys - Monitor LMS
Using Monitor LMS to ingest content and keys.
Ingesting Content
Ingesting Keys
Verifying Ingestion
Ingesting Content
In order for content to be made available to play on a screen it must be ‘ingested’ or copied from the
device on which it is stored when it was delivered to the theatre. The content will be in a standard format
and the hard drive (or other device on which the content is stored) will contain certain information about
the content regardless of who prepared it or who delivered it. In order for the TCC application to ingest
content, the device must first be plugged in. A list of devices and how to plug them in was covered
earlier in this chapter.
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1. Plug in the device (e.g. HD or USB stick).
The drive will be scanned and display on the M onitor LM S screen.
2. Click the Ready link.
3. Position your cursor in the check box next to the item(s) you wish to ingest
4. Click
Key Inform a tion:
Expand the selection criteria window, if it is not automatically exposed, by
clicking the
indicator on the upper right side of the screen. Modify the
selection criteria to include ‘ingestion’ only by placing a check mark next to it
and click Select.
Any device that is physically attached to the LMS, displaying a status of either
Ready or Finish, may be selected by clicking on the highlighted text. A single
line item for each device is displayed along with a summary of the contents of
that device (number of CPLs, KDMs, files, etc.).
Ingesting Keys
Unlike content, keys are ingested automatically as soon as they are plugged into the LMS. They are
also automatically transferred to the appropriate screen once the corresponding content is scheduled.
Simply plug the device, holding the key, in and the application will take care of the rest.
Verifying Ingestion
The Content screen can be accessed to ensure that content and key have been successfully ingested to
the LMS and to determine what pending actions must be taken prior to featuring content on screen.
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Action 3 – Title Mapping
When content is prepared, prior to being delivered to the theatre, it is given a name or label. This label is
somewhat cryptic and may not be particularly easy to translate into something that is easily
recognizable. The process of title mapping will provide a method for you to associate a user-friendly title
to the content and to indicate to the system how the content relates to items on the schedule. All
feature content that will be expected to play on a screen will need to be mapped once. Other content,
such as: features, trailers, ads, policy statements, etc., will be mapped automatically by TCC once
ingested. Once mapped, the application will use the user-friendly title when displaying the content
throughout the TCC application.
Although the mapping of content to titles is basically the same regardless of the type of content being
mapped (feature, trailer, ad), the application has information about features that have already been
scheduled (using POS) that will be presented to you during the mapping process. Therefore, the
majority of the time, you will be able to map a feature starting with these next steps.
Mapping a Feature Title
Mapping a Feature Title
Use the following procedure to map a feature to title:
1. Select Title M a pping from the TCC - Fa vorites tile of the Hom e Pa g e.
2. Click
to expand the Selection Criteria options section.
3. Select the criterion necessary to limit content results.
The choices made on this screen control what items will display in the title list (top) and
the content or CPL List (bottom).
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4. Click
5. Choose the CPL from the lower half of the screen by positioning cursor, clicking the mouse,
and then dragging and dropping it to the corresponding title at the top half of the screen
(see Figure 9).
Note: Always map Feature content by dragging it to the titles that come in from the POS
schedule import. Creating new titles manually should not be necessary, unless a POS
interface is not being used.
Title List (top)
The top list contains titles that were created automatically by ingesting non feature content or
from the POS’ Schedule Import for feature content. In the unlikely event that the feature title
does not appear, it will need to be added using the Add New Title function.
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Content List (bottom)
The bottom half of the screen is populated by the name or label, assigned by the entity that
created the content, prior to it being sent to the theatre. Therefore, only content that has been
received and copied to the LMS will be displayed here. This list contains the unmapped
Key Inform a tion:
Make sure to enter the correct credits start time to accommodate the end show
automation sequence.
Action 4 - Enter Trailer Placement - Trailer Placement
As with features, trailers must also be scheduled to ensure that the content and associated Show Play
List (SPL) are transferred to the appropriate screen/auditorium. However, unlike features, trailers are not
scheduled using the POS; they are scheduled by grouping trailers into packs then assigning the packs
to shows.
It is important to understand a couple of key concepts before actually trying to schedule trailers. The
first concept is the idea of creating a trailer pack. A trailer pack is simply a way to associate trailers
that will be played together so that they can be easily assigned to the feature or features. The way in
which trailer packs are created may differ from theatre to theatre, depending upon your theatre’s
business practices. For example, trailer packs may be created for: individual features, MPAA rating,
distributor, etc. A trailer may reside in multiple packs.
NOTE: Due to the constant turnover of digital features and trailers, trailer packs are created for and
apply to one, and only one, play week.
Creating a New Trailer Pack
Assigning a Trailer Pack to Shows using Rules
Assigning a Trailer Pack to Shows Manually
Creating a New Trailer Pack
Based on the key concept described previously, use the following instructions to create your trailer
1. Select Trailer Placement from the TCC-Fa vorites tile on your Hom e Pa g e.
2. Select a Play Week.
3. Click
and select New from menu.
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4. Complete pack description fields (Package, Pack Mnemonic, Pack Color, Pack Priority and
5. Click the Add Content tab to add trailers to be included in the pack and click
6. Drag and drop titles from the A dd Content display to the Pa cka g e Titles window.
The trailer pack will be created and ready to be associated to scheduled features.
Key Inform a tion:
The play week can be entered using the Play Week calendar function in the upper
left corner. Select any date within the targeted play week.
Enter a meaningful name for your trailer pack. For example, if your trailer pack is for
dramas it could be named “Drama”. If it is for a specific film, you can name it after
the film.
When adding items to the pack, only items that have been ‘mapped’ will appear in
the list (see Map CPL’s).
After selecting the trailers for the trailer pack, play back sequence may be modified
by dragging and dropping trailers to the preferred sequence.
Assigning a Trailer Pack to Shows using Rules
Trailer packs can also be assigned to shows using rules that apply universally across all scheduled
features. This function could save time and effort, as trailer packs are automatically updated with new
content that exists within scope of the applied rule.
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Getting Started
After creating a new trailer pack, select the Rules tab.
Select a specific screen number, or any number of screens, to apply the trailer pack based on this
rule. Screens rules may not be applied in tandem with Screen Classes’ rules.
Screen Classes
Select a specific screen class or all Screen Classes to apply the trailer pack based on this rule.
Screen Classes’ rules may not be applied in tandem with Screens rules.
Select a specific rating or all Ratings to apply the trailer pack based on this rule. Ratings’ rules may
not be applied in tandem with Titles rules.
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Select specific title or add any number of Titles to apply the trailer pack based on this rule. Titles’
rules may not be applied in tandem with Ratings’ rules.
Key Inform a tion:
You can use the ‘Apply to all except selected’ option, located above each tile, when
needing to apply a rule to most of the available items.
If pack rules exist, you cannot manually assign the pack to a show. However, it is
recommended that you use rules to add trailer packs to shows due to the many
advantages that result from its automation.
Assigning a Trailer Pack to Shows Manually
Once your packs are created, assign them manually to shows using the Place Shows tab.
1. Click the blank boxes of individual show(s) for which you would like to apply your trailer
Check marks will appear. Selections may be changed by clicking the individual schedule
2. Press
once completed.
Key Inform a tion:
Select current playweek using the Playweek calendar function in the upper left
Trailer packs may be assigned to individual shows by clicking the appropriate
box next to each scheduled show, or assigned across multiple shows using the
right click menu option. To access menu, position the cursor anywhere on the
right side of the page (organized by screen) and press the right mouse button:
Trailer assignments may be confirmed through the Placement Summary tab in
the Trailer Placement screen (look for your trailer pack’s Pack Mnemonic or Pack
Color), or by viewing the show details for a specific show by double-clicking
anywhere on the graphical bar representing the digital show in the Schedule
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Getting Started
Action 5 - Schedule Backup Content - Schedule Viewer
Just as with 35mm prints it is important to understand that it may be necessary to accommodate lastminute screen move overs or expansions based on how well, or not, a feature performs. This can be
accommodated by defining a feature to be used as ‘backup’ content on one or more screens. This
process will cause the content to be transferred to the designated screen, even though there is no
schedule for the content. In the event that a schedule is added for the backup content, it can be
accommodated immediately because the transfer of the content has already been completed.
Defining Backup Content
Defining Backup Content
1. Right-click in the graphical schedule portion of the screen and select the Backup Content
2. Position your cursor in the check box next to the title you wish to use as backup on the screen
and click the mouse to select the title to be used as backup.
Note: Selecting the Addl Cont check box enables associated trailer packs and other
content to be included in the transfer.
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3. Click
Note: The Save button is located at the bottom right-hand corner of the page and is
activated once selecting a title to be used as backup.
Key Inform a tion:
In the Backup Content pop-up screen, there are three sections for each screen.
o The Scheduled section shows features which are currently scheduled to play.
The O n Pla yer section shows content that is already on the player.
The U se a s Ba ckup section shows features that are on the LMS, or a like
player, that can be used as backup content.
Note: Although TCC will automatically stage the content for transfer, it is always good
practice to verify that there is enough empty space on the playout server to accommodate the
new content.
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Getting Started
Action 6 - Home Page – Monitor System
The Home Page displays various status icons, allowing you to quickly ensure that theatre operations
and system health are satisfactory.
Are there any errors?
If any errors display in red on the Home Page, determine if the error will affect today’s schedule by
using the Schedule Today tile.
No content Schedule transfer or map title.
No Key
Ingest Key
Import POS schedule
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Is the schedule displayed?
If nothing is displayed, verify that the players are active (see item 3). If players are on-line, use
Schedule Viewer to determine if a schedule exists.
Import POS schedule
Are the Players active?
Off-line players are indicated by a particular icon (please refer to the Common Functions section for
statuses and their definitions).
Player not Plug in
plugged in
Player not Turn on player
turned on
Plug in cable
Do high priority error messages exist?
Use the Status - LMS tile to monitor the system’s health (Systems Info – top section) and to learn of
any pending issues needing to be addressed (Messages – bottom section).
CPU or Mem
too high
Contact technical support
Disk space is
more than 80%
Delete unused content
Is next week’s content showing?
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Getting Started
It is important to verify that next week’s content and keys have been successfully ingested and are
ready to be scheduled, as next week’s content will soon become this week’s content.
Use the Status – Content (Next Wk ) tile on the Home Page to ensure that there are no critical errors
indicated in red.
No content Schedule transfer or map title.
No Key
Ingest Key
Import POS
Action 7 - Delete Content – Monitor Players
Although the TCC application manages the movement of content based on POS schedules, manually
entered schedules, trailer placement and title mappings, it requires that there be enough space on the
player to accommodate the transfer. If there is not enough space, the transfer will fail.
Monitoring Players
Monitoring Players
Old content may be deleted from the various players using the Content tab from the Monitor Players
Click the underlined screen (SCR) to see the total amount of space available on the player.
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Make sure the content is not on a current or future schedule.
Click the content you wish to delete and a Delete button will appear in the upper right hand
corner of the window.
The Size column indicates the amount of space that will be freed upon successful deletion
of the content.
Key Inform a tion:
You may limit the type of content being displayed by choosing a single content type
in the selection criteria.
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TCC Help Guide
The TCC application can automatically import weekly show schedules that have been entered into your
POS (Point of Sale) program. In Getting Started, we learned how to use the status indicators of the
Home Page to determine when the import process is complete or when issues exist. We also learned
how to generate pre-show packs that automatically feature with scheduled content based on the custom
rules specified for your theatre. In this chapter, we learn how to examine the results of TCC’s automatic
scheduling and how to make any necessary, theatre-level, modifications that would enable each show to
run as planned. This schedule monitoring and maintenance is performed using TCC’s Schedule Viewer.
The Scheduling chapter is organized as follows:
V iew in g S c hedu le D et a il ( S c hedu le V iew er )
To assist with interpretation of the Schedule Viewer interface
F ilt er in g S c hedu le V iew er
To instruct in accessing a schedule for a specific day and by select content
M o dif yin g a S c hedu le
To instruct in adding, deleting, copying or editing content for a showtime
V iew in g E dit S ho w T im es
To explain the Edit Show Times screen elements
E dit in g S ho w S eg m en t s
To instruct in adding show segments and associated content to a showtime
S ea r c hin g f o r a S c hedu le by S t a t u s ( S c hedu le S t a t u s)
To supply a method for viewing a schedule by select status
Viewing Schedule Detail (Schedule Viewer)
The TCC Schedule Viewer provides a graphical display of features that have been grouped with pre-show
packs, as showtimes, and scheduled in time slots (timeline) across individual screens. The schedule is
often received automatically by means of upfront schedule planning in the POS system and setting rules
for pre-show packs in TCC’s Trailer Placement.
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Using Schedule Viewer, a theatre manager can analyze a schedule for potential issues.
To navigate to Schedule Viewer, select Schedule Viewer from the TCC - Favorites tile or
from the TCC Home Page’s Application menu.
Key Inform a tion:
You can customize your TCC – Favorites group to include/exclude forms, such as Schedule
Viewer, by selecting criterion listed under Options > Edit Menu Groups/Favorites and
clicking Save.
The image below represents the general components of Schedule Viewer: showtimes, a timeline and
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The “Everybody’s Fine” showtime is shown scheduled across the horizontal timeline from 5:35 PM to
7:25 PM for Screen 6.
The Screens partition can be adjusted using the splitter feature, which allows you to increase or
decrease the view. Also, the Content fly-out can be expanded using
Reading the Schedule Viewer screen from left to right, you can quickly detect any issues needing to be
resolved for a screen. Red or yellow status icons represent actions that must be taken to enable a show
to play for the associated screen. Please see the list of common statuses that may display.
Schedule Viewer Timeline
The timeline displays horizontally above all showtimes of the Schedule Viewer.
Schedule View er Tim eline
It includes a color-coded Header Bar that categorizes all showtimes according to their day parts:
Matinee, Evening or Late Night.
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The red-vertical line indicates the theatre’s current play time and may be used to quickly determine
which scheduled shows have played, are currently playing or will soon feature.
Adding/Removing the Show Header Bar
Adjusting the View of Timeline
Adding/Removing the Show Header Bar
The Show Header Bar can be added or removed from the Schedule Viewer timeline.
Schedule View er Tim eline (Right-click Menu)
1. Right-click anywhere on Schedule Viewer’s graphical interface.
2. Select Schedule menu option.
3. The Schedule Header Bar will display checked and in bold font when the feature is added.
4. Select Show Header Bar menu option to either add or remove.
Adjusting the View of Timeline
The timeline will display showing 60 minute intervals on default. In some cases, you may want to adjust
the timeline’s view to monitor the playline as it increments by 30/15/10/5 minute intervals.
Schedule View er Tim eline (Right-click Menu)
1. Right-click anywhere on Schedule Viewer’s graphical interface.
2. Select Schedule menu option.
3. Select from (60 / 30 / 15 / 10 / 5) minute’s menu option to view the timeline by that
interval of time.
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Showtimes are arranged in time sequence according to their planned show times (vertical placement)
and assigned screen (horizontal placement). When a trailer or advertisement has been added to a show
as a pre-show pack, the showtime will be lead by a colored bar.
Example: The“Translmania” showtime includes a pre-show pack, while “Vampire’s A..” showtime does
A trailer pack will display as a blue segment, labeled with a "T", preceding the showtime.
An Early Pre-show Ad will display as a pink segment, labeled with an "A", preceding the showtime.
A Late Pre-show Ad will display as a green segment, labeled with an "A", preceding the showtime.
See also:
Pre-show Placement
Filtering Schedule Viewer
Schedule Viewer provides several options in retrieving a schedule for a specific play date. Upon opening
Schedule Viewer, the current day’s schedule will appear on default.
To view content for a different day, you may enter the date directly into the From Date field or use the
calendar drop-down to assist with the date selection. Once the date has been provided, Schedule Viewer
will automatically update its display of content.
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Schedule View er - From Date
To select a date that is not far from the currently selected date, you may use the previous arrow
flip to a past date or the next arrow
to flip to a future date.
Schedule Viewer also enables you to filter the schedule by certain types of content, using select
Display Options.
Example: In the below image, Schedule Viewer will include content for the selected criteria and will not
include unscheduled content.
Schedule View er - Display Options
Selecting one of the following display options will determine what type of content will show.
Include Unscheduled - to view content for unscheduled titles with an "old title" or "new title" status.
This content will also display, along with scheduled titles, when selecting the "Include Old Titles" or
"Include New Titles" options.
Include Scheduled - to view content for all scheduled titles
Include Old Titles - to view content that was ingested in the past and no longer resides on the LMS
Include New Titles - to view content that either is scheduled to play today or in the future, was
ingested this play week or last play week and/or has not been ingested but title was created in the
last 30 days
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TCC Help Guide
Modifying a Schedule
It is recommended that changes be made in the POS, when affecting feature/screen placement or
showtimes. However, it is also possible to make changes to the schedule from TCC’s Schedule Viewer.
To modify a schedule, use the right-click option from the Schedule Viewer screen.
Adding a Show
Deleting a Show
Copying a Show
Adding a Show
Right-click on any part of Schedule Viewer’s graphical schedule to display menu options.
Select Add Show(s) from menu.
Select the Title, Show Template, Screen, Show Time.
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Deleting a Show
Right-click on Schedule Viewer’s graphical schedule to display menu options.
Select Delete Shows from menu.
Select a Playweek, check the box at the feature level (for all shows for the feature and
playweek) or check the box next to a particular show or shows.
Key Inform a tion:
When using the delete function you may right click to access various select all/clear all
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Copying a Show
Right-click on a show schedule item from the Schedule Viewer timeline to access the rightclick menu.
Select Copy Shows from the right-click menu.
Select the Screen Name and Show Time (date) of the new show.
Key Inform a tion:
The right click menu will only display Copy Show Times option if your cursor is
positioned on a particular schedule item.
Edit Show Times - Detail
The Edit Show Times screen allows you to edit the show’s screen and time information. It also displays
additional information for a show, including specific show playout and content statuses.
Double-click the show segment on the Schedule Viewer to open the Edit Show Times
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Title/Show Time
Content details of the opened show.
The Screen field will display enabled, while the Current Mode is set to Edit. Click on
the Move Screen and select the content you would like to move.
to access
Show Time
When the Current Mode is set to edit, the Show Time may be changed to a different time. Use the up
and down arrows to adjust the Show Time setting by either the selected hour or minute.
Current Mode
The Current Mode status represents whether an opened show can be edited or is read-only.
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Edit – will display for shows that have not featured or are at least 15 minutes away from start time.
When the current mode is set to “Edit”, you are able to update all editable fields of the opened Title/
Show Time.
Read Only – will display for shows that have already featured or are within 15 minutes of start time.
When the current mode is set to “Read Only”, previously editable fields will appear disabled, preventing
update of the opened Title/Show Time.
If the show is not less than five minutes away from start time, you may “Enter Edit Mode” manually
If the show is less than five minutes away from start time, you will not be able to enter an edit mode
using the Options menu.
Show Playlist
The Show Playlist consists of segments that will play within the show.
Other than the feature, some of these show segments may not display for your particular circuit.
Advertisement – Ads
Logos – Logo
Trailers – Tsl
Feature - Fe
The Cue hyperlink provides details about the automation cues that will fire-off during the show.
A check mark will display in the KDM column to indicate that a KDM is required for the listed content.
The SPL link displays information relating to the show’s SPL status.
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Options (menu)
The Options menu contains options to refresh the opened Edit Show Times screen, enter edit
mode to apply changes, edit segments and delete shows.
Content (fly-out)
The Content fly-out provides a comprehensive list of all content existing on the schedule of a
select day, including content categorized by a Feature, Trailer, Advertisement and Other tab.
Editing Show Segments
Show Segments allow the TCC system to identify items (segments) that are expected in a ‘normal’
schedule. They allow the system to manage what and where items should appear in a schedule. A set
of default segments are set up as part of your implementation and are used each time a schedule is
created. For example, it is the existence of the trailer segment that tells the application that trailers are
expected as part of the schedule.
Adding a Segment to a Show
Adding Content to Show Segment
Adding a Segment to a Show
The following procedure will add an advertising segment to a schedule.
To modify a schedule, you must first navigate to Schedule Viewer from the Favorites menu on the
Home Page.
Right-click on the specific show you want to edit and select Edit Show Times from the rightclick menu.
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Click the
button located at the bottom of the Edit Show Times screen and select
the Edit Segments menu option.
Cick the
Select a segment item and click
button on the right of Edit Segments form.
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You will be returned to the Edit Segments screen with the new segment inserted.
Key Inform a tion:
Once your new segments appear in the Edit segments view, you are able to move the
order in which they occur by clicking on a segment and dragging it to a new position.
A heavy red dashed line will appear to indicate where the item will be dropped.
Adding Content to Show Segment
Once you have added your segment you can add content, of the corresponding type, to the segment.
To modify a schedule, you must first navigate to Schedule Viewer.
1. Right-click on the specific show you want to edit.
2. Select Edit Show Times from the right-click menu.
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Current Mode
The current mode must reflect Edit in order to add additional content to show segment.
Display Options
Use the Display Options to enter the selection criteria which will limit the content displayed by type.
Adding Content to Show
Use the
to show/hide the content available by type.
Drag and drop a Title from the Content section to the desired segment.
Save Edit
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Click on
Key Inform a tion:
As with the add New Segment function, a heavy red dashed line will appear to indicate where
the item will be dropped.
Preparing Backup Content
Backup Content can be used to initiate the transfer of show(s) to a screen, even when a schedule does
not exist for the show to feature on the designated screen. This functionality accommodates last minute
screen move-overs or expansions based on a feature’s performance, whereby a show is available on a
player as “backup content”.
The following procedure will include backup content for a scheduled showtime.
To schedule backup content you must first navigate to Schedule Viewer.
Right-click on Schedule Viewer’s graphical interface.
Select Backup Content from right-click menu.
Select the Use As Backup checkbox to the left of the title being designated as backup.
Enter Beg Date and Begin Time, or you can click on List to select from a listing of Show
Time Gaps, which lists the time gaps for which the player is not playing a show.
to save changes.
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Searching for a Schedule by Status (Schedule Status)
Schedule Status allows you to retrieve scheduled content based on Segment Type, Content Status or
Show Status selection criteria.
Navigate to Schedule Status using the Application menu or TCC - Favorites menu option.
Selecting Schedule Status Criteria
Schedule Status Results - Detail
Selecting Schedule Status Criteria
Select the Play Week.
Check Include Marker Content, if you would like to view content that is being used as markers
in shows.
Select the Segment Type, Content Status or Show Status wanting to view.
Schedule Status Results – Detail
After selecting criteria, The Schedule Status results will display.
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Pre-show Placement
Pre-show Placement
Pre-show Placement
Unlike features, pre-show content is not scheduled using the Point-of-Sale (POS) system; it is
scheduled by grouping content into "packs", then assigning the packs to features. TCC’s Trailer
Placement, Early Pre-Show Ad Placement and Late Pre-Show Ad Placement facilitate an identical
interface for creating and assigning the pre-show packs you wish to play before each scheduled show.
The distinction in choosing to use one placement method from another rests in how the pre-show is
color-coded on Schedule Viewer.
Use Trailer Placement to place a pre-show consisting primarily of trailer content. After the pre-show
pack has been created and assigned to a feature, the pre-show will appear as a blue segment (labeled
with a "T") preceding the feature on the Schedule Viewer timeline.
Use Early Pre-Show Ad Placement to place a pre-show consisting primarily of early advertisement
content. After the pre-show pack has been created and assigned to a feature, the pre-show will appear
as a pink segment (labeled with an "A") preceding the feature on the Schedule Viewer timeline.
Use Late Pre-Show Ad Placement to place a pre-show consisting primarily of late advertisement
content. After the pre-show pack has been created and assigned to a feature, the pre-show will appear
as a green segment (labeled with an "A") preceding the feature on the Schedule Viewer timeline.
While it is suggested that you select a method of placement based on the content you wish to include in
your pre-show pack, pre-show packs may consist of any combination of trailer, advertisement, short,
teaser, PSA, logo, etc., and can be automatically assigned to the appropriate show playlist (SPL) based
on the rules that you specify.
The Pre-Show Placement chapter is organized as follows:
V iew in g P r e-sho w P la c em en t
To familiarize users with Trailer Placement’s screen interface
F ilt er in g P r e-sho w P la c em en t
To instruct in filtering content used to create a pre-show pack
C r ea t in g a N ew P r e-sho w P a c k
To instruct in creating a new pre-show pack
Assig n in g P r e-sho w P a c k s t o S ho w s
To instruct in assigning a pre-show pack to a show manually or automatically using rules
M a n a g in g P r e-sho w P a c k Rec o r ds
To instruct in creating new pre-show packs from existing records and copying, modifying or
deleting existing records.
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V iew in g pla c ed pr e-sho w s
To view pre-shows which have been placed to feature with scheduled content
Viewing Pre-show Placement
Trailer Placement, Early Pre-show Ad Placement and Late Pre-show Ad Placement allow you to build
pre-show packs from available LMS content and provides various options for placing the pre-show to
feature with already scheduled content. For the purpose of instruction, we use Trailer Placement to detail
pre-show placement features that can be also found on the Early and Late Pre-show Ad Placement
Select Trailer Placement from the TCC – Favorites tile or from the TCC Home Page’s Application
When opening Trailer Placement, the screen will display with disabled pre-show pack criteria and
without any content results. This information will be enabled after opening or saving a new pre-show
Trailer Placem ent
The left-side of the screen consists of fields for generating a pre-show pack, while the remaining screen
is categorized by content and placement tabs. The content and placement tabs deliver a menu of
options available in the planning of the pre-show packs you create.
The screen segments, known as tiles, are separated by a splitter that allows you to control the length or
width of each tile. This feature is useful when needing to view additional columns of data on default.
See also:
Filtering Pre-show Placement
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Pre-show Placement
Filtering Pre-show Placement
After selecting to create a new pre-show pack, content will become available on the Add Content tab
that you can filter using the Display Options criteria. Selecting to filter the display will allow you to focus
only on content which you are interested in adding to your pre-show pack(s). The more selections you
check mark, the longer the listed content will become. Choosing not to select, or de-select, a certain
option will exclude that option from the Add Content tab display.
Click the Display Options hyperlink to add/remove options from display on the Add Content tab of
Trailer Placement, Early Pre-Show Ad Placement or Late Pre-Show Ad Placement.
Pre-show Placem ent - Display Options
Content Criteria
Select one of the following options for displaying content.
Content Ingested in last (default: 30) days - selecting this criteria will display content ingested
within the amount of days you enter, for the options you check mark
Content in pack - displays content existing in already created/assigned pre-show packs
Old Content - displays content that was ingested in the past, but is no longer on the LMS
Missing Content - displays content that has not been ingested or contains errors
Aspect Ratio Criteria
Select to view content with one of the following film aspect ratios.
Not Defined - displays content that has no aspect ratio defined
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1.00 - displays content using a universal aspect ratio (1.0)
2.42 - displays content using a universal aspect ratio (2.42)
Flat (1.78) - displays content for Flat aspect ratio (1.78)
Flat (1.85) - displays content for an Academy Flat aspect ratio (1.85)
Flat (1.90) - displays content for Flat aspect ratio (1.90)
HD (1.77) - displays content including an HD aspect ratio (1.77)
Scope (2.39) - displays content including an Anamorphic Scope ratio (2.39)
Rating Code Criteria
You may chose to view Trailer Placement content by one of the following MPAA rating codes.
Not Defined - displays content that has not been rated or is undefined.
G - displays content rated for a General Audience, where all ages are admitted. This content contains
no nudity, sexual content, drug use or strong language. Violence is minimal and the theme of the
movie is deemed appropriate for young children. According to the MPAA, a G rating does not indicate
the film is a children's movie.
PG - displays content where Parental Guidance is suggested. Some material may not be suitable for
children. The film may contain some profanity, violence or brief nudity, but only in relatively mild
intensity. A PG film should not include drug use.
PG-13 - displays content where parental guidance is advised. Some material may be inappropriate for
children under 13. Any content featuring drug use will get at least a PG-13 rating.
R - displays content which has been restricted. Under 17 requires an accompanying parent or adult
guardian, due to a high level of adult content, such as harsh profanity, intense violence, explicit sexual
content and extensive drug use.
See also:
Viewing Pre-show Placement
Creating a Pre-show Pack
Based on the key concept described previously, use the following instructions to create your pre-show
pack. This procedure can be followed for either Trailer Placement, Early Pre-show Ad Placement or Late
Pre-show Ad Placement. For the purpose of this instruction however, we will use Trailer Placement to
create a pre-show pack.
1. Select Trailer Placement from the TCC-Favorites tile on your Home Page.
2. Select a Play Week.
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Pre-show Placement
3. Click
and select New from menu.
4. Complete pack description fields (Package, Pack Mnemonic, Pack Color, Pack Priority and
5. Click the Add Content tab to add trailer titles to be included in the pack. Drag and drop titles from
the Add Content display to the Package Titles window.
6. Click
to create the new pre-show pack.
Now, the pack is ready to be placed with scheduled features (see Assigning a Pre-show Pack).
Key Inform a tion:
Pre-show packs apply towards a single play week. The play week can be entered using the
Play Week calendar function in the upper left corner. Select any date within the targeted
play week.
Enter a meaningful name for your pre-show pack. For example, if your pre-show pack is
for dramas it could be named “Drama”. If it is for a specific film, you can name it after the
When adding items to the pack, only items that have been ‘mapped’ will appear in the list
(see Map CPL’s).
After selecting the titles for the pre-show pack, the play back sequence may be modified
by dragging and dropping trailers to the preferred sequence.
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See also:
Assigning a Pre-show Pack
Creating a New Record from Pre-show Pack
Copying a Pre-show Pack
Assigning a Pre-show Pack
Once a pre-show pack has been created, it is ready to be assigned to scheduled features (shows). Preshow assignments can be automatically placed to shows using TCC's rule options or setup manually.
Assigning a Pre-show Pack to Shows using Rules
Assigning a Pre-show Pack to Shows Manually
Assigning a Pre-show Pack to Shows using Rules
Pre-show packs can be assigned to shows using rules that apply universally across all scheduled
features. This function could save time and effort, as trailer packs are automatically updated with new
content that exists within scope of the applied rule.
After creating a new pre-show pack, select the Rules tab. The below chart details how the rules may
be applied to the opened pre-show pack.
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Pre-show Placement
Choose to select a specific screen number, or any number of screens, to apply the trailer pack based
on this rule. Screens rules may not be applied in tandem with Screen Classes’ rules.
Screen Classes
Choose to select a specific screen class or all Screen Classes to apply the trailer pack based on this
rule. Screen Classes’ rules may not be applied in tandem with Screens rules.
Choose to select a specific rating or all Ratings to apply the trailer pack based on this rule. Ratings’
rules may not be applied in tandem with Titles rules.
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Choose to select a specific title or add any number of titles to apply the trailer pack based on this rule.
Titles’ rules may not be applied in tandem with Ratings’ rules.
Key Inform a tion:
You can use the ‘Apply to all except selected’ option, located above each tile, when needing to
apply a rule to most of the available items.
If pack rules exist, you cannot manually assign the pack to a show. However, it is recommended
that you use rules to add trailer packs to shows due to the many advantages that result from its
Assigning a Pre-show Pack to Shows Manually
Once your pre-show packs are created, assign them manually to shows using the Place Shows tab.
1. Click the blank boxes of individual show(s) for which you would like to apply your trailer pack.
Check marks will appear. Selections may be changed by clicking on the individual schedule item.
2. Press
once completed.
Key Inform a tion:
Select current play week using the Playweek calendar function in the upper left corner.
Trailer packs may be assigned to individual shows by clicking the appropriate box next to
each scheduled show, or assigned across multiple shows using the right click menu
option. To access menu, position the cursor anywhere on the right side of the page
(organized by screen) and press the right mouse button:
Trailer assignments may be confirmed through the Placement Summary tab in the Trailer
Placement screen (look for your trailer pack’s Pack Mnemonic or Pack Color), or by
viewing the show details for a specific show by double-clicking anywhere on the graphical
bar representing the digital show in the Schedule Viewer.
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Pre-show Placement
Managing Pre-Show Pack Records
Pre-show packs are saved as records that can be reopened when needing to make modifications, create
additional pre-show packs, copy an existing pre-show to additional show times or delete a pre-show
record entirely from the system.
Pre-show pack records can only be accessed from within the module they were created; therefore, if you
create a pre-show pack in Trailer Placement, you are unable to access the pack from Early or Late Preshow Ad Placement.
Creating a New Record from Pre-show Pack
Copying a Pre-show Pack
Deleting a Pre-show Pack
Creating a New Record from an Existing Pre-show Pack
Every pre-show pack that you create is saved as a record which can be reopened, allowing you to make
any necessary modifications to the current pre-show fields, content or placement assignments. You can
also use a saved pre-show pack record as a template in creating a new pre-show pack. This procedure
can be followed using Trailer and Ad Placement screens, however, we will use Trailer Placement for the
purpose of instruction.
Select Trailer Placement from the TCC-Favorites tile or from the TCC Home Page’s Application menu.
1. Click
and select New Record From menu option.
A New Record From... pop-up window will display available pre-show pack records.
2. Select the pre-show pack you would like to open and click
The Package field will appear with **NEW** preceding the existing pre-show pack name. This
name serves as a placeholder to identify the new record being created. You can choose to
rename the new pre-show pack by typing over this text.
3. Make any necessary changes to the existing pre-show pack data (updating description fields,
adding new titles from the Add Content tab to Package Titles, deleting Package Titles, applying
new rules or manually placing with scheduled features.
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4. Click
Copying a Pre-show Pack
Upon creation, Pre-show packs are assigned to a single play week range (Friday thru Thursday). Follow
the below procedure to extend an existing pre-show pack into additional play week(s). This procedure
can be followed using Trailer and Ad Placement screens, however, we will use Trailer Placement for the
purpose of instruction.
Select Trailer Placement from the TCC-Favorites tile or from the TCC Home Page’s Application menu.
Copy Packages (pop-up w indow )
Trailer Placem ent
to open the Copy Packages pop-up window.
Select the From Week and To Week dates for which you would like to copy the pre-show(s).
Pre-shows can be copied to two future play weeks. The play weeks will display to the right of
these fields, assisting with your date selection.
Check mark the pre-show pack record(s) to copy.
to apply the pre-show copy.
Key Inform a tion:
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Pre-show Placement
New trailers, ads, or imported POS scheduled content might be available since your preshow was last created and/or placed. It is recommended that you update your pre-show
pack to ensure the latest ingested titles are included and make any necessary
assignments to new content.
Deleting a Pre-show Pack
Pre-show pack records may be deleted from the TCC system. This procedure can also be followed using
Trailer and Ad Placement screens, however, we will use Trailer Placement for the purpose of instruction.
Select Trailer Placement from the TCC-Favorites tile or from the TCC Home Page’s Application menu.
Trailer Placem ent - Delete Packages
Delete Trailer Pack
to open the Packages pop-up window, listing existing pre-show pack records.
Check mark the pack that you would like to delete.
to open the selected pre-show pack.
to delete the opened pre-show pack.
to agree to delete the previously selected item.
Key Inform a tion:
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New trailers, ads, or imported POS scheduled content might be available since your preshow was last created and/or placed. It is recommended that you update your pre-show
pack to ensure the latest ingested titles are included and make any necessary
assignments to new content.
Viewing Placed Pre-shows
After a pre-show pack has been assigned to a show, you can verify its placement using the Placement
Summary tab. Placement Summary provides a schedule of all content for the opened play week and
allows a quick way to identify a pre-show pack's placement by mnemonic or color code. This procedure
can also be followed using Trailer and Ad Placement screens, however, we will use Trailer Placement for
the purpose of instruction.
Select Trailer Placement from the TCC-Favorites tile or from the TCC Home Page’s Application menu.
After creating a pre-show, click on the Placement Summary tab. To open an existing pre-show record,
and then select the Placement Summary tab.
Placem ent Sum m ary
Pack Text - hyperlink
Click the Pack Text hyperlink to open a pop-up window providing information on a specific pre-show
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Pre-show Placement
Pack Text pop-up
Screen (Scr) - hyperlink
Click the Scr hyperlink to open a pop-up window providing information on an individual screen and its
associated player.
Scr - pop-up
Title - hyperlink
Click the Title hyperlink to open a pop-up window providing information about a featured film and its
scheduled show times.
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Title - pop-up
View Show Pack Mnemonic/Show Pack Color
Choose either Show Pack Mnemonic or Show Pack Color to identify a pre-show packs placement
with scheduled features.
Showtime - hyperlink
Click the Showtime hyperlink to open a window displaying both the scheduled feature and assigned
Show tim e pop-up
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Content Ingestion
TCC Help Guide
Content Ingestion
Ingestion is the process of taking in a title's content and key to the LMS, so that a film may play out
according to schedule.
The Content Ingestion chapter is organized as follows:
V iew in g M o n it o r L M S
To detail the view of the Monitor LMS screen
F ilt er in g M o n it o r L M S
To instruct in filtering the Monitor LMS screen
In g est in g C o n t en t
To instruct on ingesting content to LMS
In g est in g K eys
To instruct on ingesting keys
V er if yin g In g est io n
To verify that content has ingested successfully
Viewing Monitor LMS
The Monitor LMS screen allows you to check the status of content ingested to the LMS and provides
information relating to LMS processes.
Select Monitor LMS from the TCC – Favorites tile or from the TCC Home Page’s Application menu.
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Content Ingestion
Mointor LMS
As content delivery devices are connected to the LMS, the Ingest task will populate with information
relating to the transfer of data.
Device Type - details the type of content delivery device attached to the LMS for ingestion, whether
CRU, Fixed or Satellite.
CRU - Customer Replaceable Units attach to the LMS via USB
Fixed - associated to KDM delivery; KDM information will refresh every 30 seconds.
Sat - associated to content ingested from satellite; satellite ingestions will refresh details every 30
Description - indicates the number of CPLs and/or files to ingest and indicates how many have been
successfully ingested from that amount
Progress - a graphic representing the percentage of content ingested
Beg Date - the date in which a drive was connected for ingestion
End Date - the date in which content is expected to complete ingestion; the end date is only displayed
during transfer
Duration - the total time elapsed during an ingest of content; the duration is only displayed during
Transfer Rate - the rate of data transferred during an ingest, typically averaging an amount in megabits
per second; the transfer rate is only displayed during transfer
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TCC Help Guide
Status (hyperlink)
The Status column provides the current status of content being ingested to LMS.
Finish - status indicating that the CPL/files have been completely ingested; a 'finished' ingest can be
clicked to open the Start Ingestions pop-up window.
Ready - status indicating that a content delivery device has been connected to the LMS and is ready for
ingestion; a 'ready' ingest can be clicked to open the Start Ingestions pop-up window.
Mount - status indicating that a mapped directory or satellite connection is available for automatic
ingestion of content; ingestions with this status refresh every 30 seconds.
Monitor LMS - Starting Ingestion
System Info
SQL Server Version - current version of SQL edition being used
MS Windows Server Version - current version of MS Windows Server being used
CPU - current percentage of computer utilization
Mem - current percentage of memory utilization
Disk - current percentage of disk utilization
DB - current percentage of database utilization
Mem Avail/Total - ratio of the current memory used to total memory available
Disk Time - estimation of play out time for all content
DB Avail/Total - ratio of the current database storage used to total database storage available
Media Storage - transfer rate of media drive
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Content Ingestion
TCC Patch History (hyperlink)
The TCC patch history provides a read-only list of system patches, in sequence of deployment. Staying
on top of TCC system patches is essential to keeping your theatre operations running smoothly, as
repairs to known issues are periodically updated in this manner.
TCC Patch History (pop-up w indow )
Disk Avail/Total (hyperlink)
The DiskAvail/Total provides information for each media drive.
DiskAvail/Total (pop-up w indow )
The Services list provides information for all active TCC services. Services that are not in use will be
listed as inactive. The critical services that must remain active for TCC to operate are:
TCC Player Status Service
TCC Content Ingest Service
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TCC Help Guide
TCC Content Transfer Service
TCC Data Import Service
TCC Logger Service
Microsoft SQL Server
Microsoft FTP Server
The Queue provides an audit trail of system tasks, often used by Exhibiting studios to determine when
signed XML content has played.
Export-Enterprise (hyperlink)
The Export-Enterprise task can be clicked to view a lists of job transfers that have exported from TCC to
Export-Enterprise (pop-up w indow )
Backup (hyperlink)
The Backup task can be clicked to view backup jobs.
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Content Ingestion
Backup (pop-up w indow )
Export-Sec-Log (hyperlink)
The Export-Sec-Log can be clicked to view jobs.
Export-Sec-Log (pop-up w indow )
Clear Data (hyperlink)
The Clear Data hyperlink can be clicked to view a log of tasks that have removed old KDMs, SPLs,
schedules, etc. from the system. This content is automatically removed from the system, based on
code values entered on the System Options screen.
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TCC Help Guide
Clear Data (pop-up w indow )
Filtering Monitor LMS
You may choose to filter the Monitor LMS screen by select options and task ID.
Click the Display Options hyperlink to add/remove options from display on the Monitor LMS screen.
Monitor LMS - Selection Criteria
Options Criteria
Include Active Tasks - displays details for active tasks
Include Completed Tasks - displays details for completed tasks
Include Failed Tasks - displays details for tasks which have failed
As of Date - selecting a date will display information for tasks that have occurred as of the date
Task Id Criteria
LMS - Ingest - displays all ingest tasks
LMS - Check Hash -displays tasks running a check has process
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Content Ingestion
LMS - Transfer - displays all transfer tasks
Ingesting Content
In order for content to be made available to play on a screen it must be ‘ingested’ or copied from the
device on which it is stored when it was delivered to the theatre. The content will be in a standard format
and the hard drive (or other device on which the content is stored) will contain certain information about
the content regardless of who prepared it or who delivered it. In order for the TCC application to ingest
content, the device must first be plugged in.
1. Plug in the device (e.g. HD or USB stick).
The drive will be scanned and display on the M onitor LM S screen.
2. Click the Ready link.
3. Position your cursor in the check box next to the item(s) you wish to ingest
4. Press
Key Inform a tion:
Expand the selection criteria window, if it is not automatically exposed, by
pressing the
indicator on the upper right side of the screen. Modify the
selection criteria to include ‘ingestion’ only by placing a check mark next to it
and press Select.
Any device that is physically attached to the LMS, displaying a status of either
Ready or Finish, may be selected by clicking on the highlighted text. A single
line item for each device is displayed along with a summary of the contents of
that device (number of CPLs, KDMs, files, etc.).
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TCC Help Guide
Ingesting Keys
Unlike content, keys are ingested automatically as soon as they are plugged into the LMS. They are
also automatically transferred to the appropriate screen once the corresponding content is scheduled.
Simply plug the device, holding the key, in and the application will take care of the rest.
See also:
KDM Key Delivery
Verifying Ingestion
The Content screen can be accessed to ensure that content and key have been successfully ingested to
the LMS and to determine what pending actions must be taken prior to featuring content on screen.
Select Content from the Application menu.
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Title Mapping
TCC Help Guide
Title Mapping
When content is prepared, prior to being delivered to the theatre, it is given a name or label. This label is
somewhat cryptic and may not be particularly easy to translate into something that is easily
recognizable. The process of title mapping will provide a method for you to associate a user-friendly title
to the content and to indicate to the system how the content relates to items on the schedule. All
feature content that will be expected to play on a screen will need to be mapped once. Other content,
such as: trailers, ads, policy statements, etc., will be mapped automatically by TCC once ingested.
Once mapped, the application will use the user-friendly title when displaying the content throughout the
TCC application.
Although the mapping of content to titles is basically the same regardless of the type of content being
mapped (feature, trailer, ad), the application has information about features that have already been
scheduled (using POS) that will be presented to you during the mapping process. Therefore, the
majority of the time, you will be able to map a feature starting with these next steps.
V iew in g T it le M a ppin g
To describe Title Mapping screen elements
F ilt er in g T it le M a ppin g
To select criteria for filtering title and CPL content on the Title Mapping screen
M a ppin g a F ea t u r e T it le
To instruct in mapping ingested content to scheduled and non-feature titles imported from POS
Viewing Title Mapping
There are two lists displayed on the Title Mapping screen. The top list contains titles that were created
automatically by ingesting non feature content or from the Schedule Import for feature content. The
bottom list displays content that has been ingested on the LMS or has been found on the media player.
Title mapping allows the user to relate content that has been ingested to the titles scheduled and
imported via the point of sale.
Select Title Mapping from the TCC – Favorites tile or from the TCC Home Page’s Application menu.
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Title Mapping
Title Mapping
Title List (Top)
The Title List contains titles that were created by either the POS schedule import or when nonfeature content was ingested. The titles will display in one of three (3) colors.
1. Titles not mapped (assigned a CPL) are displayed in white.
2. Mapped titles display in yellow
3. Titles that have been mapped but have not yet been saved display in green.
Titles are structured as displayed below.
The high-level title contains title name, genre. The content specific title version contains items like
rating, projector mode and the CPL. Essentially any items that can be different per version.
Title List Right-Click Menu
Additional options can be found on the right-click menu of both mapped and unmapped Title List
Grid - available for both mapped and unmapped titles, this option provides several options for adjusting
and manipulating the data that is displayed.
Edit Title - available for both mapped and unmapped titles, this option allows you to edit POS
imported information.
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Add New Title - available for both mapped and unmapped titles, this option allows you to manually
add a new title in the event that POS data is not being received.
Delete Title Version - available for both mapped and unmapped titles, this option allows you to delete
a title's version.
Remap Title - exclusive to mapped titles, this option allows you to overwrite an existing mapping with
a new CPL.
View Keys - exclusive to mapped titles, this option allows you to view a feature's corresponding key ID
(KDM), valid date range and screen information.
View What Played with This Title - exclusive to mapped titles, this option allows you to view any
pre-show content that is scheduled (placed) to feature with the title.
Combine Titles - exclusive to unmapped titles, this option allows you to combine titles
Content List (Bottom)
The Content List contains the unmapped content. To map a piece of content to a feature, it should
be dragged from the bottom list to a title in the top list.
Note: Always map feature content by dragging it to the titles that come in from the schedule import.
Creating new titles manually should not be necessary, unless a POS interface is not being used.
Content List Right-Click Menu
The following right-click menu options may be accessed for all CPLs of the Content List.
Grid - available for both mapped and unmapped titles, this option provides several options for adjusting
and manipulating the data that is displayed on the Content List.
Add New Title - this option allows you to manually add a new title.
View Keys - provides feature's corresponding key ID (KDM), valid date range and screen information.
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Title Mapping
Filtering Title Mapping
You may choose to filter the Title Mapping screen by content, title or CPL options.
Select Title Mapping from the TCC – Favorites tile or from the TCC Home Page’s Application menu.
1. Click
to expand the Selection Criteria options section.
2. Select the options necessary to add/remove options from display on the Title Mapping
The choices made on this screen control what items will display in the title list (top) and the
content or CPL List (bottom).
Title Mapping - Selection Criteria
3. Click
to view content results.
Content Kind
Select the type of content based on the Content Kind you wish to display from the CPL/Title on the
Title Mapping screen. The selection should typically be "Feature".
Include All CPL Content Kinds - Check mark to view all CPL's, regardless of the selected Content
Title (Top List)
Include Unmapped - check mark to view show titles, on the Title Mapping Screen, that have not had a
CPL/content assigned to them.
Include Mapped -check mark to view show titles, on the Title Mapping Screen, that have not had a
CPL/content assigned to them.
Include Unscheduled - check mark to show titles, on the Title Mapping Screen, that are not on the
Include Scheduled - check mark to view show titles, on the Title Mapping Screen, that are not on the
CPL (Bottom List)
Include No Content - check mark to view content that is not on the LMS. This content has either been
deleted or only exists on one or more media players.
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Include Content - check mark to view content that is currently on the LMS.
Mapping a Feature Title
Use the following procedure to map a feature to title:
1. Select Title Mapping from the TCC - Favorites tile of the Home Page.
2. Choose the CPL from the lower half of the screen by positioning cursor, clicking the mouse,
and then dragging and dropping it to the corresponding title at the top half of the screen.
Note: Always map Feature content by dragging it to the titles that come in from the POS
schedule import. Creating new titles manually should not be necessary, unless a POS
interface is not being used.
Title Mapping
Title List (top)
The top list contains titles that were created automatically by ingesting non feature content or
from the POS’ Schedule Import for feature content. In the unlikely event that the feature title
does not appear, it will need to be added using the Add New Title function.
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Title Mapping
Content List (bottom)
The bottom half of the screen is populated by the name or label, assigned by the entity that
created the content, prior to it being sent to the theatre. Therefore, only content that has been
received and copied to the LMS will be displayed here. This list contains the unmapped
Key Inform a tion:
Make sure to enter the correct credits start time to accommodate the end show
automation sequence.
Adding a New Title Manually
In cases where a POS interface is not being used to automatically receive new titles, you may add a
new title at the Title Mapping screen.
Select Title Mapping from the TCC – Favorites tile or from the TCC Home Page’s Application menu.
Title Mapping - Add New Title
Click the Add New Title hyperlink positioned above the Title List, or right-click on any listed
title to select the Add New Title menu option.
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Complete all required information (fields listed in white) of the Add New Title form.
Once the title has been added and mapped, you must also schedule the title manually using Schedule
Viewer. Pre-show packs (including: trailer, advertisement, short, teaser, PSA, logo, etc.) must be
created or updated using Trailer Placement. Please refer to these topics to ensure that the newly added
title is scheduled and has the intended pre-show packs assigned.
See also:
Mapping a Feature Title
Pre-show Placement
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KDM Key Delivery
TCC Help Guide
KDM Key Delivery
KDM (Key Delivery Message) is a security key encryption that is required to unlock digital content
ingested to the LMS and transferred to a certain media player server of an auditorium. KDM files are
supplied by film distribution companies using various means of delivery, including electronic delivery (email) or a physical media device. Because a KDM key is specific to the media player server that is
scheduled to feature content, a new key must be received prior to playing content transferred between
auditoriums. KDM keys are also only valid for a certain time period, making new KDM keys necessary
whenever a title is held over into additional play weeks.
Once ingested, TCC will automatically transfer the KDM to the appropriate media player that is
scheduled to feature its associated content.
In g est in g K D M t o L M S
To perform a physical ingest of KDM files via a USB connection from the delivery device to the LMS
T r a n sf er r in g K D M f r o m L o c a l P C t o L M S
To transfer KDM files from a PC running the TCC desk-side client to the LMS, without having to
perform a physical connection to the LMS
V er if yin g K D M In f o r m a t io n
To verify KDM information for corresponding feature content and media player
Ingesting KDM to LMS
Unlike content, keys are ingested automatically as soon as they are plugged into the LMS. They are
also automatically transferred to the appropriate screen once the corresponding content is scheduled.
Simply plug the device, holding the key, in and the application will take care of the rest.
Transfering KDM from Local PC to LMS
KDM files can be conveniently transferred to the LMS without having to establish a physical connection
to the LMS. The transfer can be accomplished from your local computer, using TCC's KDM Delivery
screen. To access the KDM files, you will first need to connect the content delivery device via USB to
your computer or save the files from an email to a local hard drive.
1. Save the KDM files to your computer's local hard drive.
2. Select Application --> KDM Delivery from the TCC menu.
3. Click Browse to locate the saved KDM files you wish to transfer to the LMS. Select 'All Files' to view
the KDM files you have previously saved.
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KDM Key Delivery
KDM - Open
4. Click Import to perform the KDM transfer to the LMS.
KDM Delivery
Verifying KDM Information
The Content screen can be accessed to ensure that content and key have been successfully ingested to
the LMS and to determine what pending actions must be taken prior to featuring content on screen.
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Managing Transfers
TCC Help Guide
Managing Transfers
As previously noted, the TCC application automatically schedules content to be transferred based on
when the content appears on the schedule, the amount of time it takes to transfer the content and the
availability of the player. However, there may be times when you need to reschedule or restart a failed
Restarting a failed transfer
If the application attempts to do a transfer and there is not enough room on the player, it will show up on
the monitor LMS as Fail. Under these circumstances, it is up to you to make room on the player and
reschedule the transfer.
Select Monitor LMS from the Favorites menu.
Right-click on the Failed transfer.
You have 3 options:
Enter a new date and time
Press the Now button to start the transfer immediately
Press the List Gaps to show where there are gaps in the playout schedule and choose
one of the gaps.
Key Inform a tion:
Use the log files to determine the reason for the failed transfer (see Monitoring chapter’s
section on Logs).
Starting and Stopping Scheduled Transfers
A transfer that is in progress is indicated by the
symbol, and the progress of the transfer is
indicated by the % complete in the Progress bar. Any transfer in Progress may be stopped by using the
right-click function and choosing the Cancel Transfer option. Once the transfer has been canceled, the
status will change to Stop. Any stopped transfer may be restarted as described in the previous section.
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Managing Transfers
Right-click and select the Cancel Transfer option.
Cancelled transfers will display with a status of Stop.
Key Inform a tion:
You are also able to see the status and progress of transfers from the Transfers Tab of the
Monitor Players function.
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Trouble Shooting
Trouble Shooting
Trouble Shooting
Select Schedule Viewer from the Favorites Menu.
Scroll to next and previous date using
Select the date you would like to review using From Date.
Left-side of Viewer
The status on the left side is a summary status for all shows on the schedule for the screen date.
There may be more than one show in error.
Right-side of Viewer
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The individual shows with errors are easily recognized as they are displayed in red.
Schedule Errors
Select Schedule Viewer from the Favorites Menu.
Scroll to next and previous date using
Select the date you would like to review using From Date.
Left-side of Viewer
The status on the left side is a summary status for all shows on the schedule for the screen date.
There may be more than one show in error.
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Trouble Shooting
Right-side of Viewer
The individual shows with errors are easily recognized as they are displayed in red.
Scenario 1 - Missing Key
By looking at the detail of the show with errors, you are able to determine that the only problem with this
item is that there is no key. The missing key causes the Show status to be red. Once the key is
received and ingested the errors here will be cleared.
Check Show Status
The missing key causes the Show status to be red.
Check KDM indicator
The current indicator reflects a missing key
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Click on SPL to view detail
Click on SPL to view detail. The green check marks indicate the SPL has been created and moved
to the player.
Scenario 2 - Missing Key, Content and SPL
As with the error in Scenario 1, this scenario is also missing its key; however, along with the missing
key the content is missing and the SPL has not been created or moved to the player. It is important to
deal with the missing content first. Start by looking for the content on the LMS. If it is on the LMS but it
has not been mapped, mapping the content will resolve the issue with the content and stage the
transfer. If the content is on the LMS and has been mapped, look at the status of the transfers to
determine if the transfer failed. Make sure there is enough room on the player and reschedule the
Check KDM indicator
The missing key causes the Show status to be red.
Check Content indicator
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Trouble Shooting
The current Indicator reflects a missing key
Click on SPL to view detail
Click on SPL to view detail. The green check marks indicate the SPL has been created and moved
to the player.
Title Mapping
Here are some Title Mapping Issues that have occurred in the field along with their solutions.
Content was ingested but can’t be found to map to the title.
Check Selection Criteria and make sure correct Content Kind(s) and Include Content are
checked (If Criteria is correct – go to #2).
Content Mapping was already done using “Add Title”.
Edit the manually created feature.
Select “Delete Title” for the feature (Not Delete Title Version).
Refresh the form and re-map the content to the correct title using drag and drop.
A new unmapped title appears for content that has been playing already.
Film ID Has been changed in the Point Of Sale System
1. Delete the scheduled shows for the new title.
2. Edit the new, unmapped feature title
3. Select “Delete Title” for the feature (Not Delete Title Version)*
4. Edit the existing, already mapped title and fix the title ver code to match the new code in the
5. Re-export the schedule from the POS and re-import into TCC.
6. Update all trailer and/or ad packs to include the new shows.
*Note: If the title cannot be deleted because a schedule for the title exists in the past, then edit the
new title. Clear out the Title Ver Code and change the name of the title to something that
describes the title e.g. “XXX- Bad Title Name – Do Not Use”.
Receive a “No Valid Digital Print Found” error when trying to create a trailer / ad pack
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Content is only on player and player doesn’t describe content well enough to pick correct
projector mode.
Edit the existing title (trailer or ad) and fix the Projector Mode. These can be located by
identifying content with a ‘?’ in the format column.
Attempted to import POS schedule into TCC and received the following error in TCC logs:
Error Number [50000] - Source [sys_raiserror_sp] - Message [Error No[2627]
[SQL_STORED_PROCEDURE][tbl_ins_title_ver_sp] Line[100] Message[Violation of UNIQUE KEY
constraint 'UK_title_txt'. Cannot insert duplicate key in object 'dbo.title'.] - Severity[14] State[1]]
- State [1]
Film ID Has been changed in the Point Of Sale or Title was previously mapped manually.
1. Edit the existing, already mapped title and fix the title ver code to match the new code from the
2. Re-export the schedule from the POS and re-import into TCC.
3. Update all trailer and/or ad packs to include the new shows.
*Note: If the title cannot be located in TCC, it may mean that the selection criteria is
incorrect (Possibly a trailer with the same name as the feature). Find the offending
content (if a different type) and rename the content.
If the title still cannot be located, it may be that when it was deleted someone
selected “Delete Title Version” and the title was not deleted (only the title version
was deleted). To remedy this situation:
From the top list click on the Add New Title Link.
Type in the Title Name exactly as it came in from the POS Feed.
Select that title name from the dropdown.
Delete that title using “Delete Title” from the Options Button (Do not use
“Delete Title Version”).
Credits Cue not firing at the correct time
Credits cue was never setup or was setup incorrectly.
Edit the existing title and fix the Credits Start Time.
Feature Playing in Wrong Projector Mode
Content was encoded with an incorrect aspect ratio.
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Trouble Shooting
Edit the existing title and fix the Projector Mode.
Rating Band Missing
Content does not contain ratings band or does not contain a rating in the CPL.
Edit the existing title and manually assign the rating band.
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TCC Help Guide
-Aaction 1
action 2
17, 18
action 3
action 4
action 5
action 6
action 7
ad placement
add content
adding a segment to a show
adding a show
adding content to show segment
are players active
assigning a late pre-show ad pack
assigning a pre-show pack
assigning a pre-show pack to shows manually
assigning a pre-show pack to shows using rules
assigning a trailer pack
assigning a trailer pack to shows manually
place shows
assigning a trailer pack to shows using rules
22, 56
assigning an ad pack to shows manually
assigning an ad pack to shows using rules
assigning an early pre-show ad pack
bottom navigation bar
-Ccommon functions
17, 18, 66, 72, 73, 74
content delivery devices
CRU drive
hard drives
USB memory stick
content ingestion
66, 72, 73, 74
content list
21, 81
content status
copy packages
copying a pre-show pack
19, 66, 72, 73, 74, 76, 79, 80
CPL List
21, 81
creating a new record from an existing pre-show pack
creating a new trailer pack
pack color
pack mnemonic
pack priority
package titles
creating a pre-show pack
creating a trailer pack
creating an ad pack
-Ddelete content
delete pre-show
deleting a pre-show pack
deleting a show
display options
14, 36, 53
-Eearly pre-show ad placement
edit show times - detail
editing show segments
adding a segment to a show
adding content to show segment
enter trailer placement
21, 22, 24
filtering early pre-show ad placement
filtering late pre-show ad placement
Cinedigm Software Group© All rights reserved 2011
filtering monitor lms
filtering pre-show placement
filtering schedule viewer
filtering title mapping
filtering trailer placement
-GGetting Started
high priority error messages
home page
11, 16, 27
green dotted underlined text
solid blue underlined text
18, 66, 72, 73, 74
ingest content and keys
ingesting content
USB stick
ingesting keys
18, 74
66, 72, 73, 74
user id
Library Management Server
17, 18
LMS monitor
66, 72, 73, 74
managing ad pack records
managing pre-show pack records
managing trailer pack records
map title
76, 79, 80
mapping a feature title
media player servers
Dolby player
DoRemi player
GDC player
Qube player
modifying a schedule
adding a show
copying a show
deleting a show
Monitor LMS
17, 18
Monitor Players
Monitor System
new hardware
next week content
66, 72, 73, 74, 84
66, 72, 73, 74
Key Delivery
Key Status (KDM)
key OK
no key
17, 18
-Llate pre-show ad placement
Launching TCC
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pack text
place shows
21, 22
placement summary
play out status
play week
player status
TCC Help Guide
player status
manual mode connection
manual mode connection error
scheduled mode connection
scheduled mode connection error
preparing backup content
21, 22, 24
pre-show content
pre-show pack
pre-show pack record
pre-show placement
right-click menus
schedule backup content
defining backup content
schedule status results - detail
Schedule Viewer
25, 32, 34, 35, 36, 38, 39, 40, 43,
45, 47, 48
schedule viewer timeline
adding the show header bar
adjusting the view of the timeline
header bar
late night
red-vertical line
removing the show header bar
32, 34, 35, 36, 38, 39, 40, 43, 45, 47,
screen classes
screen move-overs
22, 34
searching for a schedule by status
schedule status results - detail
selecting schedule status criteria
selecting schedule status criteria
selection criteria
14, 72, 79
show pack color
show pack mnemonic
standard menu
-Tthe workflow (events, actions and results)
Theatre Management System Server
theatre's local date and time
tile view options
19, 62, 66, 72, 73, 74
title list
20, 80
title mapping
19, 76, 79, 80
TMS Favorites
21, 22, 24
trailer pack
21, 22, 24, 51
trailer placement
21, 22, 24, 32, 34, 35, 36, 38, 39,
40, 43, 45, 47, 48, 51
-Vverify schedule import was successful
verifying ingestion
18, 74
viewing early pre-show ad placement
viewing late pre-show ad placement
viewing monitor lms
viewing placed pre-shows
viewing pre-show placement
viewing schedule detail
content (fly-out)
pre-show packs
time slots
viewing title mapping
viewing trailer placement
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-WWindows PC
Cinedigm Software Group© All rights reserved 2011