Radio Show Rubric Group Members:_________________________________________________________ Exemplary 20 Accomplished 17 Developing 14 Organization Creativity Extremely well organized Easy to follow Flowed smoothly from one idea to another Organization enhanced the effectiveness of the project Extremely clever Originality Unique approach that truly enhanced the project Went above and beyond, and utilized 2+ “homemade” sound effects. Presented in a thoughtful manner Signs of organization Most transitions were easy to follow, but At times ideas were unclear Clever Thoughtfully and uniquely presented Utilized 2+ “homemade” sound effects. Somewhat organized Ideas were not presented coherently Transitions were not always smooth, Beginning 11 And at times distracted the audience Added a few original touches to enhance the project Did not incorporate originality throughout Used 1+ “homemade” sound effects. Choppy and confusing Difficult to follow Transitions were abrupt , And seriously distracted the audience Little creative energy used during this project Bland, predictable, and lacked "zip" Did not utilize 1+ “homemade” sound effects. Use of Sound Effects Presented in a way that the audience could “see” the setting and characters. Presented in a way that the audience could imagine the setting and characters. Few instances of imagery. The production was not descriptive and it was difficult to follow due to lack of imagery. Imagery Presentation Mechanics Engaging and lively Captured the interest of the audience and maintained this throughout Well done and Interesting to audience Presented clearly and precisely Interesting at times Group should have practiced more in order to sound more natural. The presentation was bland Group should have practiced more in order to sound more natural.