Herbs from Mineral World a supplement to Shifu’s lecture - spring 08 道 ..But there was another predisposing cause for alchemical ideas in China, the absence of any prejudice against the use of mineral drugs analogous to that which existed so long under the Galenical domination in Europe; indeed the Chinese went to the other extreme, compounding with remarkable persistence through the centuries all kinds of dangerous elixirs containing metallic and other elements (mercury, arsenic, lead, etc., as well as gold) which caused untold harm to those who resolutely took them. However the Taoist, if he chose, could avoid these dangers, for there were many other techniques available in the quest for material immortality, not only alchemical and pharmaceutical but also dietetic, respiratory, gymnastic, sexual, heliotherapeutic and meditational. With all these could he aspire to incorporation into the ranks of the invisible bureaucracy of the universe as a Heavenly Immortal; or else seek for transformation into an Earthly Immortal, purified, ethereal and free, able to spend the rest of eternity wandering as a kind of wraith through the mountains and forests, enjoying the company of similar enlightened spirits and the cycle of the seasons ever repeated yet with glory ever renewed. ESSENTIALS OF TAOISM and the Taoist Influence on Herbal Medicine Literature by Subhuti Dharmananda, Ph.D., Director, Institute for Traditional Medicine, Portland, Oregon 夜明砂 Ye Ming Sha Bat feces night bright sand p117 Categorie Class Properties Ch’s Entered Dosage Key Characteristics Materia Medica Herbs that Clear Heat Vespertilionis Faeces acrid, cold Liver 3 - 9 grams Cools the Blood, reduces stasis and stagnation, stops pain due to Blood stasis; treats eye disorders due to heat Caution & Contraindications Use with caution during pregnancy. In the absence of stasis or stagnation this substance is inappropriate for use in eye disorders Comments Ye Ming Sha is composed of 63% unashable matter, 3% total nitrogen, urea, uric acid, and traces of vitamin A. 浮海石 Fu Hai Shi Costaziae Os - Costaziae skelton float-sea-stone p397 Categorie Class Properties Ch’s Entered Dosage Key Characteristics Caution & Contraindications Materia Medica transform phlegm and stop coughing Celloporidae salty, cold LU 6-10gram transform stubborn phlegm, cools phlegmheat in the lungs, disperses clumps, treats painful urinary dribbling none Chemical Formula: CaCo3 (limestone of coralline or plankton origin) Comments 青礞石 金礞石 Chloriti Lapis Qing Meng Shi • Jin Meng shi Micae Lapis aureus By nature intense and heavy, Chloriti Lapis (Qing Merng Shi) has the specific actions of driving Qi downwards, sending phlegm downward and out of the body, clearing severe food stagnation, pacifying the Liver and sedating convulsions. Primarily used for treating cough and wheezing or childhood convulsions due to due to stubborn phlegm clogging and impeding the upper or middle burner. p397 Materia Medica Categorie Herbs that transform phlegm and stop coughing Class Properties Ch’s Entered Dosage Key Characteristics Caution & Contraindications Comments mineral sweet, salty, neutral LV, LU, ST 9-15g strongly drives phlegm retained in the stomach and intestines downward and out of the body, pacifies the liver, suppresses jitteriness and convulsions. Contraindicated in those with significant blood/qi deficiency, and during oregnency Vermiculite: (Mg,Fe,Al)3 (Al,Si)4O10(OH)2-4H20 Chlorite shist is a metamorphic rock formed at low temperature (400-500˚C) and pressure (3-5 Kbar). 天竹黄 Tian Zhu Huang Siliceous secretions of bamboo heaven bamboo yellow Tian Zhu Huang is similar to Zhu Li in origin…both are secretions of bamboo, dislodge phlegm, open the orifices and arrest tremors and convulsions. But, Tian Zhu Huangʼs ability to arrest palpations and tremors is stronger than that of Zhu Li. It is especially useful in treating childrens night terrors. Commonly used in combination with other wind-phlegm herbs, for adult stroke patients with impaired speech. p389 Categorie Class Properties Ch’s Entered Dosage Key Characteristics Caution & Contraindications Comments Materia Medica Herbs that transform phlegm and stop coughing Bambusae concretio silicea / Bamboo sugar Sweet and cold Gallbladder, Heart ,Liver 3-9g in decoctions, .6-1g taken straight Arrests palpitations, extinguishes wind, dislodges phlegm, and opens the orifaces None noted Composed of 88% SiO2 (quartz), 4% Fe2O3 (hematite), 3% Al2O3 (corundum), CaO (lime). K+ (potassium ion). 乳香 Ru Xiang Frankincense fragrant milk p634 Categorie Class Properties Ch’s Entered Dosage Key Characteristics Caution & Contraindications Comments Materia Medica herb that regulate blood burseraceae acrid bitter warm HE, LV, SP 3-9 gram invigorates the blood, promotes the movement of qi, stops pain, generates flesh contra in the absence of stasis and pregnancy. not for long term Frankincense is tapped from the very scraggly but hardy Boswellia tree through slashing the bark and allowing the exuded resins to bleed out and harden. These hardened resins are called tears. There are numerous species and varieties of frankincense trees, each producing a slightly different type of resin. Differences in soil and climate create even more diversity in the resin, even within the same species. These trees are also considered unusual for their ability to grow in environments so unforgiving that the trees sometimes grow directly out of solid stone, which the tree attaches to by means of a sucker-like appendage. The deep roots and its sucker like appendage prevent the tree from being torn away from the stone during the violent storms that frequent this region; the tears from these hardy survivors are considered superior due to their more fragrant aroma. The aroma from these tears are more valuable for their presumed healing abilities and are also said to have superior qualities for religious ritual. [1] Tapping is done 2 to 3 times a year with the final taps producing the best tears due to their higher aromatic terpene, sesquiterpene and diterpene content. High quality resin can be visually discerned through its level of opacity. Omani frankincense is said to be the best in the world, although quality resin is also produced in Yemen, and along the north coast of Somalia. Recent studies have indicated that frankincense tree populations are declining due to over-exploitation. Heavily tapped trees have been found to produce seeds that germinate at only 16% while seeds of trees that had not been tapped germinate at more than 80%. Frankincense is used in perfumery and aromatherapy. Olibanum essential oil is obtained by steam distillation of the dry resin. The smell of the olibanum smoke is due to the products of pyrolysis. Omani frankincense is said to be the best in the world, although quality resin is also produced in Yemen, and along the north coast of Somalia 沒藥 Mo Yao Myrrha Myrrh is a reddish-brown resinous material, the dried sap of the tree Commiphora myrrha, native to Somalia and the eastern parts of Ethiopia. The sap of a number of other Commiphora and species are also known as myrrh, including that from (sometimes called East Indian myrrh), and . Its name entered English via the Ancient Greek, μύρρα, which is probably of Semitic origin. Myrrh is also applied to the potherb Myrrhis odorata otherwise known as "Cicely" or "Sweet Cicely". p636 Categorie Class Properties Ch’s Entered Dosage Key Characteristics Caution & Contraindications Materia Medica herb that regulate the blood burseraceae bitter, neutral HE, LV, SP 3-9gram breaks up bloood stasis to stop pain. reduces swelling, generates flesh in absence of stasis, or during pregnancy not for long term Myrrh was used as an embalming ointment and was used, up until about the 15th century, as a penitential incense in funerals and cremations. The "holy oil" traditionally used by the Eastern Orthodox Church for performing the sacraments of chrismation and unction is traditionally scented with myrrh, and receiving either of these sacraments is commonly referred to as "receiving the Myrrh". In Chinese medicine, myrrh is classified as bitter, spicy, neutral in temperature and affecting the heart, liver, and spleen meridians. Its uses are similar to those of frankincense, with which it is often combined in decoctions, liniments and incense. Myrrh is said to be blood-moving, while frankincense is said to move the Qi more, and is better for arthritic conditions. It is said to be useful for amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea, menopause and , as it is said to purge out of the uterus. Myrrh is said to help toothache pain, and can be used in liniment for bruises, aches and sprains. Myrrh is most commonly used in Chinese medicine for rheumatic, arthritic and circulatory problems. It is combined with such herbs as notoginseng, safflower stamens, Angelica sinensis, cinnamon and Salvia miltiorrhiza, usually in alcohol, and used both internally and externally. [1] Myrrh is used more frequently in Ayurveda, Unani medicine and Western herbalism, which ascribe to it tonic and rejuvenative properties. A related species, known as guggul in Ayurvedic medicine is considered one of the best substances for the treatment of circulatory problems, nervous system disorders and rheumatic complaints, Myrrh (Daindhava) is used in many rasayana formulas in Ayurveda. Comments http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Myrrh 自然銅 Zi Ran Tong Pyrite natural copper Pyrite is the most common of the sulfide minerals. The name pyrite is derived from the Greek πυρίτης (puritēs), “of fire” or "in fire”, from πύρ (pur), “fire”. This name is likely due to the sparks that result when pyrite is struck against steel or flint. p647 Categorie Class Properties Materia Medica Herbs that regulate the blood Mineral / Pyritum Acrid, Neutral Ch’s Entered Liver Dosage 3-9g Key Characteristics Caution & Contraindications Comments Dispersis stasis, stops pain, assists the healing of injury to sinews and bones None noted Chemical formula: FeS2 Pyrite (AKA Iron Pyrite or Foolʼs Gold) doesnʼt actually contain any copper in itʼs chemical formula. Instead it is composed of Iron Sulfide. It treats such injuries from trauma as pain from falls, contusions, broken bones, and hematoma. Most often used in pills and powders, but can be used in a decoction if pulverized. Treats breaks and fractures, disperses blood, stops pain, breaks up accumulations…..Materia Medica of Ri Hua-Zi describes its use to anchor and settle the spirit, saying that to “quiet the heart and palpatations with anxiety, grind it in wine, then drink the wine”. 血竭 Xue Jie Dragonʼs blood blood thirst Often classified as an herb for external application, but it is also used internally, usually as a powder. It enters the blood level of the Liver channel to invigorate the blood, disperse stasis and stop pain, and is used for blood pooling due to internal injuries, contusions from falls, stabbing pain in the chest and abdomen, and gynecological conditions such as amenorrhea or post partum pain due to blood stasis. Externally applied it is well known and valued in the treatment of wounds and sores that fail to heal, as it stops bleeding and generates fllesh. p648 Categorie Class Properties Ch’s Entered Dosage Key Characteristics Caution & Contraindications Comments Materia Medica Herbs that regulate the Blood Daemonoropis Resina / Draconis Sanguis Sweet, Salty, Neutral Heart, Liver 1-1.5g in pills and powders INTERNALLY: Invigorates the blood, disperses stasis, stops pain. EXTERNALLY: Generates flesh, assists sores and wounds to heal, stops bleeding. Do Not take internally during pregnancy or menstruation. 陽起石 Yang Qi Shi Actinolite bright arise stone Nephrite can be found in a translucent white to very light yellow form which is known in China as mutton fat jade,[1] in an opaque white to very light brown or gray which is known as chicken bone jade,[1] as well as in a variety of green colors. Nephrite jade was used mostly in pre-1800 China as well as in New Zealand, the Pacific Coast and Atlantic Coasts of North America, Neolithic Europe, and southeast Asia. p811 Categorie Class Properties Ch’s Entered Dosage Key Characteristics Caution & Contraindications Comments Materia Medica Tonifying Herbs minreral salty, slightly warm KD 3-6gram in pill or powder tonify the primal ang at the gate of vitality, warms cold from deficiency in the lower burner yin deficiency with heat signs Chemical Formula: Ca2(MgFe)5Si8O22(OH)2 as opposed to Jadeite (Jade) NaAlSi2O6 Major sources for these forms of Actinolite are Taiwan, and Canada.[2] Other sources are Madagascar, Tanzania, and the US. During Neolithic times, the key known sources of nephrite jade in China for utilitarian and ceremonial jade items were the now depleted deposits in the Ningshao area in the Yangtze River Delta (Liangzhu culture 3400–2250 BC) and in an area of the Liaoning province in Inner Mongolia (Hongshan culture 4700–2200 BC). Jade was used to create many utilitarian and ceremonial objects, ranging from indoor decorative items to jade burial suits. Jade was considered the "imperial gem". From about the earliest Chinese dynasties until present, the jade deposits in most use were from the region of Khotan in the Western Chinese province of Xinjiang (jade deposits from other areas of China, such as Lantian, Shaanxi, were also in great demand). There, white and greenish nephrite jade is found in small quarries and as pebbles and boulders in the rivers flowing from the Kuen-Lun mountain range northward into the Takla-Makan desert area. River jade collection was concentrated in the Yarkand, the White Jade River|White Jade (Yurungkash) and Black Jade (Karakash) Rivers. From the Kingdom of Khotan, on the southern leg of the Silk Road, yearly tribute payments consisting of the most precious white jade were made to the Chinese Imperial court and there transformed into objets d'art by skilled artisans as jade was considered more valuable than gold or silver. 鐘乳石 Zhong Ru Shi tip of tubular stalactites bell milk stone Many factors impact the shape and color of speleothem (stalactite and stalagmite) formations including the rate and direction of water seepage, the amount of acid in the water, the temperature and humidity content of a cave, air currents, the above ground climate, the amount of annual rainfall and the density of the plant cover. Most cave chemistry revolves around calcite; CaCO3, the primary mineral in limestone. p813 Categorie Class Properties Ch’s Entered Dosage Key Characteristics Materia Medica tonifying herbs mineral acrid, warm, sweet LU 3-9g warms the Lu qi, fortifies the primal yang, promotes lactation Caution & Contraindications excessive or prolonged use can result in stagnation of the stomach qi. contra indicated in cases of wheezing with blood Comments Chemical Formula: CaCO3 (as Calcite or Aragonite), CaMg(CO3)2 (Dolomite), or CaSO4 • 2H2O (Gypsum / Shi Gao) 赤石脂 Chi Shi Zhi red stone resin Halloysite, Kaolin The name is derived from Gaolin 高岭 ("High Hill") in Jingdezhen, Jiangxi province, China. Kaolinite was first described as a mineral species in 1867 for an occurrence in the Jari River basin of Brazil. It is a soft, earthy, usually white mineral (dioctahedral phyllosilicate clay), produced by the chemical weathering of aluminium silicate minerals like feldspar. In many parts of the world, it is colored pink-orange-red by iron oxide, giving it a distinct rust hue. Kaolin is used in ceramics, medicine, coated paper, as a food additive, in toothpaste, as a light diffusing material in white incandescent light bulbs, and in cosmetics. A more recent, and more limited, use is as a specially formulated spray applied to fruits, vegetables, and other vegetation to repel or deter insect damage. A traditional use is to soothe an upset stomach, similar to the way parrots (and later, humans) in South America originally used it.[4] Until the early 1990s it was the active substance of anti-diarrhoea medicine Kaopectate. p877 Category Class Properties Materia Medica Herbs that Stabilize and Bind Sheet silicate mineral Sweet, sour, astringent, warm Ch’s Entered SP, ST, LI Dosage 9-18 gram Key Characteristics Caution & Contraindications Binds to stop chronic diarrhea and uterine bleeding, generates flesh to assist healing of chronic sores, gently augments the Stomach Qi. during pregnancy. ico yin or blood deficiency Chemical Formula: Al2Si2O5(OH)4 Comments 磁石 Ci Shi Magnetite Magnetite is the most magnetic of all the naturally occurring minerals on Earth, and these magnetic properties led to lodestone being used as an early form of magnetic compass. Magnetite typically carries the dominant magnetic signature in rocks, and so it has been a critical tool in paleomagnetism, a science important in discovering and understanding plate tectonics. Magnetite reacts with oxygen to produce hematite. p915 Categorie Class Properties Ch’s Entered Dosage Key Characteristics Caution & Contraindications Materia Medica Substance that calm the spirit oxide mineral acrid, salty, cold KD, LV 15-30 grams sedates and calms the spirit, weighs down the yang while nourishing the true yin improves acuity of hearing and vision. in case of weak spleen or stomach Chemical Formula: Fe3O4 Comments 紫石英 Zi Shi Ying Fluorite purple stone radiance Fluorite is a widely occurring mineral which is found in large deposits in many areas. Notable deposits occur in Germany, Austria, Switzerland, England, Norway, Mexico, many states in the USA, and Ontario in Canada. Large deposits also occur in Kenya in the Kerio Valley area within the Great Rift Valley. p921 Category Materia Medica Substances that Calm the Spirit Class Halide mineral Properties Sweet, warm Ch’s Entered Dosage Key Characteristics Caution & Contraindications HT, LR 9-15 gram Calms the spirit, nourishes the Liver Blood, warms the Penetrating vessel, Conception vessel, and Womb contraindicated in those with fire from yin deficiency. Chemical Formula: CaF2 Comments 琥珀 Hu Po Amber Amber is the name for fossil resin or tree sap that is appreciated for its colour. It is used for the manufacture of ornamental objects and jewellery. Although not mineralized, it is sometimes considered a gemstone. Most of the world's amber is in the range of 30–90 million years old. Semi-fossilized resin or sub-fossil amber is called copal. p923 Categorie Class Properties Ch’s Entered Dosage Key Characteristics Caution & Contraindications Materia Medica substances that clam the spirit fossil resin sweet, neutral BL, HE,LV 1.5-3grams do not dicoct, or calcine settles and calm the spirit, unblocks blood stagnation, facilitates urination yin deficiency with heat signs The average composition of amber leads to the general formula C10H16O. Comments 生鉄落 Sheng Tie Luo Iron Oxide raw iron leavings p927 Category Materia Medica Substances that Calm the Spirit Class iron oxide Properties acrid cool Ch’s Entered Dosage HT, LR 30-60 gram Sadates and calms the liver Key Characteristics Caution & Contraindications spleen def Chemical Formula: Fe3O4 Comments 安息香 An Xi Xiang Benzoin easy breath fragrance Governs noxious Qi in the heart and abdomen…Treats blood pathogens, sudden turmoil disorder, wind pain, and in women, clenched jaw and coma due to blood stasis rushing upward….treats sudden collapse from wind-stroke, and all pain in the heart and abdomen…Stops suddenly occurring heart pain, nausea, and rebellion….Promotes the movement of Qi and Blood; Ground into a powder, it promotes the movement of blood and directs Qi downward, calming the spirit. p952 Categorie Class Materia Medica Aromatic substances that open the orifices Benzoinum / Styrax Benzoin Properties Acrid, Bitter, neutral Ch’s Entered Heart, Liver, Spleen Dosage Key Characteristics Caution & Contraindications Comments .6-1.5g in pills and powders; should not be decocted Open the orifices, awakens the spirit to restore consciousness, invigorates the Qi and Blood, stops pain in the chest and abdomen Caution in cases of fire with yin deficiency 代赭石 Dai Zhe Shi Hematite Red stone from Dai county p991 Categorie Class Materia Medica Extinguish Wind and Stop Tremors oxide mineral Properties bitter, cold Ch’s Entered HE, LV, PC Dosage Key Characteristics Caution & Contraindications 9-30g in decoctions (crushed), 1-3g in pills and powders relies on its heaviness to suppress and direct downward rebellious qi, while cooling liver fire. Use with caution during pregnancy. Do not take long term. Chemical Formula; Fe2O3 Comments Hematite is a very common mineral, colored black to steel or silver-gray, brown to reddish brown, or red. It is mined as the main ore of iron. Varieties include kidney ore, martite (pseudomorphs after magnetite), iron rose and specularite (specular hematite). Huge deposits of hematite are found in banded iron formations. Grey hematite is typically found in places where there has been standing water or mineral hot springs, such as those in Yellowstone. The mineral can precipitate out of water and collect in layers at the bottom of a lake, spring, or other standing water. Hematite can also occur without water, however, usually as the result of volcanic activity. Clay-sized hematite crystals can also occur as a secondary mineral formed by weathering processes in soil, and along with other iron oxides or oxyhydroxides such as goethite, is responsible for the red color of many tropical, ancient, or otherwise highly weathered soils. 白礬/ 明礬 Bai Fan or Ming Fan Alum Alum was often used as a base in skin whiteners and treatments during the late 16th Century in the Elizabethan fashion. Ammonia alum, NH4Al(SO4)2·12H2O, is used in water purification, in vegetable glues, in porcelain cements, in natural deodorants (though potassium alum is more commonly used), in tanning, dyeing and in fireproofing textiles. Soda alum is used in the acidulent of food as well as in the manufacture of baking powder. Materia Medica p1021 Categorie Class Properties Ch’s Entered Dosage Key Characteristics Caution & Contraindications Comments Substances for Topical Application sulfate mineral sour, astringent, cold LI, LV, LU, SP 1-3g in decoctions, .0-1.5g in pills & powders externally, restrains pathogenic dampness and resolves toxicity. internally: transforms phlegm and thin mucus taking internally. weak digestive systems, or in the absence of damp heat. Chemical Formula: KAl(SO4)2.12H2O (potassium alum), Na2SO4·Al2(SO4)3·24H2O (sodium alum), or NH4Al(SO4)2·12H2O (ammonium alum) 爐甘石 Lu Gan Shi Calamine, smithonite furnace sweet stone Zinc carbonate is used in calamine lotion to treat skin diseases and reduce the itching of insect bites. p1023 Categorie Class Properties Ch’s Entered Dosage Key Characteristics Caution & Contraindications Materia Medica Substance for topical application Carbonate mineral sweet, neutral LV, ST external use only clears wind heat from the eyes, inhibits damp sores do not take internally Chemical Formula: ZnCO3 Comments 硫磺 Liu Huang Sulfur Sulfur was known in China since the 6th century BC, in a natural form that the Chinese had called 'brimstone', or shiliuhuang that was found in Hanzhong.[1] By the 3rd century, the Chinese discovered that sulfur could be extracted from pyrite.[1] Chinese Daoists were interested in sulfur's flammability and its reactivity with certain metals, yet its earliest practical uses were found in traditional Chinese medicine.[1] A Song Dynasty military treatise of 1044 AD described different formulas for Chinese gun powder, which is a mixture of potassium nitrate (KNO3), carbon, and sulfur. It is an essential element for life and is found in two amino acids, cysteine and methionine. In nonscientific context it can also be referred to as brimstone. p1024 Categorie Class Properties Ch’s Entered Dosage Key Characteristics Materia Medica Substances for Topical Application mineral Sour, hot, toxic KI, LI, PC 1 - 3 grams externally- resolves toxicity, kills parasites, and stops itching, especially good for scabies and tinea. Internally- in prepared form tonifies the fire at the gate of vitality Caution & Contraindications during pregnancy and in yin deficiency with heat signs. Prescribe with caution for internal use. Comments Chemical Formula: S Sulfur is a very soft mineral (1.5-2.5) and is chemically stable from room temperature to about 120˚C at which it begins to fuse. Sulfur will burn at 275˚C. It is also the source of the foul odor of rotten eggs. Wai dan (“external alchemy”) was developed by fangshi (fang-shih, “prescription masters”), the heirs to the ancient shamans, metallurgists, smelters and magicians. Its theoretical foundations emerged from a combination of the yin-yang cosmological matrix with the “Five Elements” (wu xing). Physical immortality of the body was the primary goal of the practitioners of wai dan, who had hoped to transmute the highly toxic cinnabar (mercuric sulphide or red ochre) into the elixir of immortality. The use of cinnabar in Daoist alchemy arose of out homological thinking that sought to connect the cinnabar’s red color with blood, and its transformation into liquid mercury “quicksilver” with the vitality of human semen, the source of new life. The outstanding Daoist wai dan master, Ge Hong (Ko Hung, 261-341 A.D.) wrote the 4th century Daoist classical wai dan alchemical text called Baopuzi (Pao-p’u tzu, “Book of the Master who embraces simplicity”), a work which provides recipes on the transmutation of alchemical cinnabar into the elixir of immortality. staff.xu.edu/~tan/essays/Chinese-NCE-Daoism.pdf 朱砂 Zhu Sha Cinnabar, Sulfide Mineral p1045 Categorie Class Properties Ch’s Entered Dosage Materia Medica Obsolete Substances Sulfide mineral sweet, cool, toxic HE 0.1 - 1.5 gram internally - clears Heart fire and focuses the mind, externally resolves toxicity. Key Characteristics Caution & Contraindications Comments should not be used long term or large amounts. Do not heat. Only “Shui Fei” type to be taken internally. AKA Dan Sha 丹砂,Ling Sha 靈砂,Chen Sha 辰砂,Pi Sha 劈砂. Gong Zhu Sha 貢朱砂 is the highest quality cinnabar fit for imperial court Chemical formula: HgS “zhu” - red sand 水飛 Sui Fei Aqueous Trituration water fly Aqueous trituration is the process of using water in reducing a substance to an extremely fine powder. The process reduces the content of soluble mercuric salts. (p1047) Sui Fei Zhu Sha Floating Cinnabar 水飛朱砂 qing dai shui fen materia medica p161 青黛水飛 Powdered Indigo 煅 Duan Calcification Process of calcining whereby the mineral is super heated then cooled by submerging it in vinagre. For purification, to pulverize for less irritation. 輕粉 Qing Fen Calomel light powder The name calomel is thought to come from the Greek καλος beautiful, and μελας black. This name (somewhat surprising for a white compound) is probably due to its characteristic disproportionation reaction with ammonia, which gives a spectacular black coloration due to the finely dispersed metallic mercury formed. It is also referred to as the mineral horn quicksilver or horn mercury. Calomel was taken internally and used as a laxative and disinfectant before the 20th century . It was also used by doctors in the 1700's in America, and during the revolution, to make patients regurgitate and release their body from "impurities". George Washington may have died prematurely at the age of 67 because his physicians treated a respiratory illness with bloodletting and calomel[3] p1058 Categorie Class Properties Ch’s Entered Dosage Key Characteristics Caution & Contraindications Materia Medica Obsolete Substances chloride mineral Acrid, cold, very toxic LI, KI,LV 0.1 - 0.2 g in pills and powders Attacks toxicity, kills parasites, treats sores and scabies; toxic Strictly forbidden during pregnancy. Internal use with only the utmost caution as it is very toxic and irritates mucous membranes. Chemical formula: Hg2Cl2 Comments 雄黄/雌黄 Xiong Huang / Ci Huang Realgar and Orpiment male yellow / female yellow Mineral Notes: Realgar is a highly unstable mineral and gradually changes to a yellow powder which is Orpiment on exposure to light. It differs from other orange and red minerals by having a uniquely orange-red streak which makes for easy identification. It typically occurs in ore veins with other Sulfides, particularly Stibnite, and Silver and Gold. Often associated with hot-spring deposits. Description: A highly crystalline specimen consisting of yellow Orpiment and orange-red Realgar. Both minerals exist as highly-lustrous tabular plates, richly covering the surface of the supporting matrix. The contrast between the colours is very attractive, making for a good display specimen. Location: Junan, Wenshan, China. p1060 Categorie Class Properties Ch’s Entered Dosage Key Characteristics Caution & Contraindications Comments Materia Medica Obsolete Substances oxide mineral acrid, warm, toxic LI, LV, ST 0.15-0.3gram externally-resolves toxicity and kills parasites, internally-dries dampness, expels phlegm, checks malarial disorders during pregnancy. ico yin or blood deficiency Mineral Species: Realgar and Orpiment Chemical Formula: As4S4 / As3S3 Chemical Name: Arsenic Sulfide Mineral Class: Sulfide http://www.wildaboutrocks.com/prod43.htm 密陀僧 Mi Tuo Seng Litharge, galena secret reclusive monk Litharge is a secondary mineral which forms from the oxidation of galena ores. It forms as coatings and encrustations with internal tetragonal crystal structure. It was first described as a mineral in 1917 for an occurrence in San Bernardino County, California. Historically, the term "litharge" has been combined to refer to other similar substances. For example, litharge of gold is litharge mixed with red lead, giving it a red color; litharge of silver is litharge that comes as a by-product of separating silver from lead; litharge of bismuth is a similar result of the oxidation of bismuth. The term has also been used as a synonym for white lead or red lead. p1061 Categorie Class Properties Ch’s Entered Dosage Key Characteristics Caution & Contraindications Materia Medica Obsolete Substances oxide mineral acrid, salty, neutral, toxic LV, SP 0.3 - 0.9 grams externally: kills parasites, absorbs fluids, reduces swelling, stops bleeding Internally: treats chronic dysenteric disorders, suppresses childhood convulsions, drives phlegm downward Contraindicated in weak patients. Prescribe with caution for internal use. Chemical Formula: PbO Comments Litharge is produced by bringing molten lead into contact with air. Due to the rare occurance of the native mineral, Lithargite is usually artifically produced from Galena (PbS). 硼砂 Peng Sha Borax shelf sand Borax has a wide variety of uses. It is a component of many detergents, cosmetics, and enamel glazes. It is also used to make buffer solutions in biochemistry, as a fire retardant, as an anti-fungal compound for fiberglass, as an insecticide, and as a flux in metallurgy. Boric acid, sodium borate, and sodium perborate are estimated to have a lethal dose from 0.1 to 0.5 g/kg in humans. These substances are toxic to all cells, and have a slow excretion rate through the kidneys. Kidney toxicity is the greatest, with liver fatty degeneration, cerebral edema, and gastroenteritis. p1063 Categorie Class Properties Ch’s Entered Dosage Key Characteristics Caution & Contraindications Materia Medica Obsolete Substances borate mineral sweet, salty, cool LU, ST 1.5 - 3.0 grams externally-resolves toxicity, reduces swelling, prevents putrefaction Internally: clears heat, softens areas of hardness, disperses clumped phlegm, unblocks painful obstruction of throat Use great caution when using internally as long-term use causes renal dysfunction. When used externally it should be calcined first. Chemical Formula: Na2B4O7 - 10H2O Comments Borax is a soft mineral (2-2.5). It is found in large deposits on the shores of central Asia (Tibet, Lop Nor, Kashmir) and the western USA, especially in Death Valley.