Topic 2 Tropical Storms, Wind Structure and Mean Velocity in the ABL Dr. Jin Wang Sep 18, 2023 1 Contents 1. Boundary Layer Winds 2. Wind Structure 3. Mean Velocity Profiles 4. Wind Spectrum & Scales 5. Non-synoptic winds: downbursts & tornadoes 2 Boundary Layer Winds 3 Atmospheric Boundary Layer Flow As the earth’s surface is approached, the frictional forces play an important role in the balance of forces of moving air. The region of frictional influence is called the ‘atmospheric boundary layer’. 4 Atmospheric Boundary Layer Flow Balance of forces in the ABL Wind velocity spiral in the ABL 5 Wind Structure 6 Wind Velocity Components • Velocity in x-direction U(t) = U + u(t) or U + u’ where U is the mean and u’ is the fluctuating component. • Velocities in y and z-direction V(t) = v(t) or v’ W(t) = w(t) or w’ 7 Wind Velocity Components • In more rigorous terms, let x, y, z be a Cartesian reference system with origin in O on the ground; z is vertical and directed upwards. The wind field is represented by the vectorial temporal law of velocity at point M of coordinates x, y, z: U(M) = i u(z) U (M; t) = i u (M; t) + jv (M; t) + kw‘ (M; t) • The wind field is represented by the vectorial temporal law of velocity at point M of coordinates x, y, z: U(M; t) = U(M) + U (M; t) 8 The Wind Structure Not steady, but fluctuating and gusty does not vary significantly over a 10 min. interval period to 1 hour; local stationarity decreases near the ground; mean velocity profile (fluctuating component); more or less constant at all heights Longer duration disturbances = correlated Short duration gusts = non correlated U p (pressure on structures) Fig. : Record of Wind Speed at Three Heights on a 150 m (500 ft) Mast in Open Terrain (Sale East, Victoria, Australia – E.L. Deacon) Local stationarity (10 min. – 1 hour) BUT: 4 day variations 9 Wind Turbulence • Wind speed can be considered as two components; mean wind speed and fluctuating component (U+u’) • Fluctuating component (turbulence) caused by convective movement (meteorological) and/or by ground roughness (mechanical turbulence) • In boundary layer at high wind speed, it is assumed that mechanical turbulence predominates; this is of interest to engineers • Turbulence (mechanical) is higher in rougher terrain than in smoother terrain; e.g. suburban vs. flat open terrain. • Turbulence (mechanical) decreases with increasing height above ground. • Turbulence (gust) parameters of importance are: • turbulence intensity (standard deviation of fluctuations normalized by mean wind speed) • gust/eddy frequency • gust/eddy size (wind snapshot) referred as integral scale 10 Wind Turbulence • Tendency of mean wind speed to stay relatively steady over periods of 10 min to an hour is significant stationarity basic idea to wind tunnel testing. • Explanation of steadiness lies in the fact that processes generating the mean flow have time scales >> 1 hour. • However, mean speed does vary with time; large fluctuations cover a period of several days 11 Mean velocity profiles 12 Atmospheric Boundary Layer Flow As the earth’s surface is approached, the frictional forces play an important role in the balance of forces of moving air. The region of frictional influence is called the ‘atmospheric boundary layer’. 13 Variation of Wind Speed with Height • Ground obstructions retard the movement of air close to the ground surface, causing a reduction in wind speed. • At some height above ground, the movement of air is no longer affected by ground obstruction. This height is called gradient height, Zg, which is a function of ground roughness. • The unobstructed wind speed is called gradient wind speed, Ug. It is constant above gradient height. • The power law is generally used by engineers to represent variation of wind speed with height. It is an empirical equation. • The logarithmic law is used by meteorologists/engineers. It is based on physics of the boundary layer. It is valid in the bottom 20 to 30% of the boundary layer 14 Logarithmic Law • The logarithmic law was originally derived for the turbulent boundary layer on a flat plate by Prandtl; however, it has been found to be valid in an unmodified form in strong wind conditions in the atmospheric boundary layer near the surface. • The wind shear, i.e., the rate of change of mean wind speed with height is a function of the following variables: the height above the ground the retarding force per unit area exerted by the ground surface on the flow – known as the surface shear stress, the density of air, • Near the ground, the effect of the earth’s rotation (Coriolis forces) is neglected. 15 Logarithmic Law ∗ where: z0 = roughness length u* = friction velocity o = shear stress at the ground surface ρ = air density k = Karman’s constant ~ 0.4 16 Example ∗ ∗ ∗ Example 1.xlsx 17 The Deaves and Harris mean wind profile • The logarithmic law is applicable to strong winds with thermally neutral stability for heights in the surface layer up to 100-200 m, a height range which includes most structures. • The Deaves and Harris (D& H) model attempts to provide a consistent mathematical model for the complete atmospheric boundary layer up to the gradient height, ∗ ∗ 18 Power Law 19 Aerodynamic Roughness over Different Types of Terrains Z0 and are functions of ground roughness. Typical values of Z0 and are given in the following table. Values of gradient height, ZG, power law exponents , and the roughness len Terrain Terrain description Gradient Roughness Mean category height, length, speed z𝑍G zo exponent (m) (m) 1 2 3 4 Open sea, ice, tundra, desert Open country with low scrub or scattered trees Suburban areas, small towns, well wooded areas Numerous tall buildings, city centres, well developed industrial areas 250 0.001 0.11 300 0.03 0.15 400 0.3 0.25 500 3 0.36 20 Matching of the Two Laws α is also related with Z0 as follows ⁄ Where is a reference height at which the two ‘laws’ are matched. Figure Comparison of the logarithmic ( and power laws ( ) for mean velocity profile. 21 Power Law Exponent 22 Homogeneous Terrain 23 Example Consider a change of terrain roughness from 1=1/7 to 2 =1/3 and a corresponding change of gradient height from zg1 =274 m to zg2 =457 m. Suppose V1=50 m/s at z1=20 m. What is the wind speed at 20 m above the location 2. (i.e. at z2=20 m)? Soln: z1 U1 = U g z g1 1 2 z2 U2 = Ug z g2 z2 U 2 = U1 z g2 Dividing 2 by 1 and rearranging 2 z g1 z1 1 Therefore, the wind speed at 20m above ground at location 2 is 1/ 3 1/ 7 20 274 U 2 = 50 457 20 = 25.6m / s 24 Transition Terrain 25 Transition Terrain Developing wind profile (ESDU 82026) 26 Transition Terrain Smooth to rough transition 27 Example 28 Transition Terrain Illustration of wind profiles at the site, and upwind and far downwind of the change in roughness (ESDU 74026) 29 Wind spectrum & scales 30 Wind Spectrum and Scales •Describes better these wind fluctuations •Power spectrum = a representation of the fluctuating energy with frequency: FFT (time series) •For a very long record (several years); various speed and direction fluctuations Synoptic wind spectrum & scales; description of the distribution of wind energy with frequency Variation of Mean Velocity in the Atmospheric Boundary Layer 31 Wind Spectrum (Van der Hoven 1957) Idealization of the Wind Speed Spectrum Over an Extended Frequency Range 32 Comments for the Wind Spectra • Two “humps” and a “gap” • Energy appears into two major humps (T = 4 days movement of large-scale pressure systems (T = 1-day diurnal frequency), T = 1 min associated with turbulence) separated by a gap (T = 10 mm to 1 hour) • Turbulence is created through surface drag • The higher the mean velocity, the larger the turbulence production and the higher spectrum in storm winds • The gap enables a convenient distinction between “mean wind” and “gusts” • Choice of an averaging period for mean wind of 1 hr to 10 mm provides fairly stable mean values (thunderstorms may be an exception). • Therefore, it is possible to assume that synoptic wind turbulence is a stationary Gaussian random process. 33 Structure of Wind Turbulence • Tendency of mean wind speed to stay relatively steady over periods of 10 min to an hour is significant stationarity basic idea to wind tunnel testing. • Explanation of steadiness lies in the fact that processes generating the mean flow have time scales >> 1 hour. • However, mean speed does vary with time; large fluctuations cover a period of several days 34 Statistical Description of Random Wind Fluctuations • In more rigorous terms, let x, y, z be a Cartesian reference system with origin in O on the ground; z is vertical and directed upwards. The wind field is represented by the vectorial temporal law of velocity at point M of coordinates x,y,z: • The wind field is represented by the vectorial temporal law of velocity at point M of coordinates x, y,z: Longitudinal velocity: U(M; t ) = U(M; t ) + u(M; t ) 35 Turbulence Intensity The general level of turbulence or ‘gustiness’ in the wind speed in storm winds, can be measured by its standard deviation or root-mean-square. → The ratio of the standard deviation of each fluctuating component to the mean value is known as the turbulence intensity of that component: Longitudinal: Lateral: Vertical: 36 Wind Spectra In order to describe the distribution of turbulence with frequency, a function called the spectral density, often abbreviated to ‘spectrum’, is used. It is defined so that the contribution to the variance ( , or square of the standard deviation), in the range of frequencies from to , is given by , where is the spectral density function for velocity component . There are many mathematical forms that have been used for in meteorology and wind engineering. One of the most common models for the longitudinal velocity component is the von Karman form (developed for laboratory turbulence by von Karman, 1948, and adapted for wind engineering by Harris, 1968). 37 von Karman Spectra There are many mathematical forms that have been used for in meteorology and wind engineering. One of the most common models for the longitudinal velocity component is the von Karman form (developed for laboratory turbulence by von Karman, 1948, and adapted for wind engineering by Harris, 1968). Longitudinal spectra: / 𝑛 𝑆 (𝑛) 𝜎 𝑛𝐿 𝑈 38 Turbulence Integral Length Scale The velocity fluctuations in a flow passing a point may be considered to be caused by a superposition of conceptual eddies transported by the mean wind. Each eddy is viewed as causing that point a periodic fluctuation with frequency . By analogy with the case of the traveling wave, we define the eddy wave length as . The wave length is a measure of eddy size. Integral scales of turbulence are measured of the average size of the turbulent eddies of the flow. There are altogether nine integral scales of turbulence, corresponding to the three dimensions of the eddies associated with the longitudinal, lateral, and vertical components of the fluctuating velocity. is the auto-covariance function of the fluctuation u. 39 Example Calculate the integral scale and spectra of longitudinal velocity Example.m 40 Gust Factor • In many design codes and standards for wind loading, a peak gust wind speed is used for design purposes. The nature of wind as a random process means that the peak gust within a sample time, T, of, say 10 minutes is itself also a random variable. • The gust factor, G, is the ratio of the expected maximum gust speed within a specified period to the mean wind speed. 41 gust factor uˆ = u + g u u instantaneous peak speed 3-sec averaged peak speed Gu ( ) = uˆ ( ) = u + g u ( ) u ( ) gust factor Gu = uˆ = 1 + gu u = 1 + gu Iu u u Gu ( ) = ( ) uˆ ( ) = 1 + g u ( ) u u u uˆ ( ) ( ) ( ) = 1 + g u ( ) u = 1 + g u ( ) I u u = 1 + g u ( ) I u P0 u u u u = Su ( f )df 2 gust factor ( ) = S u ( f ) ( f , )df 2 u 0 0 g u ( ) = 1.175 + 2 lnTVe 1/ 2 P0 ( ) = 0 Su ( f ) u2 ( f , )df sin 2 (f ) ( f , ) = (f )2 gust factor Gu ( ) : method 1 (frequency domain) g u ( ) = 1.175 + 2 lnTVe 1/ 2 fS u ( f ) u2 = 4 fu (1 + 70.8 f ) u 5 2 6 = 3 sec T = 3600 sec I u = 0.1968 fL fu = u u u ( ) = Su ( f ) ( f , )df = 5.2633 2 2 sin 2 (f ) ( f , ) = (f )2 ( ) = (2f ) 2 Su ( f ) ( f , )df = 2.854 2 2 u 0 0 1 u ( ) Ve = = 0.0863 2 u ( ) P0 ( ) = 0 g u ( ) = 1.175 + 2 lnTVe 1/ 2 Gu ( ) = u = 35m / s Lu = 69.804m Su ( f ) u2 ( f , )df = 0.5839 = 3.557 uˆ ( ) ( ) ( ) = 1 + g u ( ) u = 1 + g u ( ) I u u = 1 + g u ( ) I u P0 = 1.53 u u u gust factor Gu ( ) : method 2 (time domain) 1/ 2 ~ P g u ( ) = 1.175 + 2 ln T 1 P0 ~ = U z P0 = 1 = 0.569 1 + 0.56~ 0.74 Luz = 1.504 = 3 sec T = 3600 sec I u = 0.1968 u = 35m / s Lu = 69.804m ~ TU z T = = 1805 Luz P1 1 = = 0.0178 P0 31.25~1.44 1/ 2 ~ P g u ( ) = 1.175 + 2 ln T 1 P0 Gu ( ) = = 3.485 uˆ ( ) ( ) ( ) = 1 + g u ( ) u = 1 + g u ( ) I u u = 1 + g u ( ) I u P0 = 1.52 u u u Tropical storms, hurricanes & typhoons 45 Large Scale Storms • Hurricanes (also called Tropical Cyclones, Typhoons): • Generally, originate between 5° and 30° latitudes. • Sustained surface wind speeds of 74 mph or more. • Require ocean temperature greater than 26° Celsius (79°F) taken to higher latitudes by warm ocean currents. • Tropical cyclones are translating vortices with diameters of hundreds of miles and counterclockwise (clockwise) rotation in the northern (southern) hemisphere. • Their translation speeds vary from about 3 to 30 mph. • Hurricanes are classified in accordance with the Saffir-Simpson scale 46 Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Scale 47 Hurricane prone regions Source: Williams and Leatherman. 2008. Hurricanes: Causes, Effects, and the Future 48 Satellite image of a hurricane Source: Williams and Leatherman. 2008. Hurricanes: Causes, Effects, and the Future 49 Formation of hurricanes Source: Williams and Leatherman. 2008. Hurricanes: Causes, Effects, and the Future 50 Hurricane flow structure • Gradient level wind speed (Vgr) estimation; useful for hurricanes, typhoons because of: • destruction of surface instruments • infrequency of these storms 𝑉 Track 𝑉 • Particularities • strong curvature of isobars • weak Coriolis effect (near equator) • strong translation with translation 𝑉 𝑉 𝑉 𝛼 𝑟 without translation Tropical storm 51 Hurricane flow structure or Fig. Rankine Vortex based on Rankine vortex 52 Hurricane velocity record Source: Williams and Leatherman. 2008. Hurricanes: Causes, Effects, and the Future 53 The velocity profile is treated like synoptic wind 54 Non-synoptic winds: downbursts & tornadoes 55 Local storms: tornados • Thunderstorms can also produce one of the most destructive types of wind, i.e. the tornado. Maximum wind speeds in a tornado can reach over 100 m/s (224 mph). • Rather like in a Hurricane, but on a much smaller scale, air moves towards the low pressure in a spiraling manner before turning upwards near the eye of the tornado. • Tornadoes are much smaller and shorter lived than hurricanes because there is not a long-term source of moisture for them to feed on as there is for a hurricane over warm sea. Typically, they last on the order of a few minutes to ½ hour. 56 Local Storm: Tornado • Typically, the extent of a tornado is of the order of 100 m to 500 m across at ground level. • The Fujita scale serves a similar purpose for Tornadoes as does the Saffir-Simpson scale for hurricanes. It measures the strength of the Tornado by the damage it does and has associated with it wind speed ranges. • NOAA’s National weather service • • Adapted by NBCC • nt-climate-change/services/seasonalweather-hazards/enhanced-fujitascale-wind-damage.html Tornado at downtown Miami (courtesy of Dr. P. Irwin) 57 Local Storms: Tornado EF (Enhanced Fujita) Scale EF 0 EF 1 EF 2 EF-Scale Wind Speed EF Rating By NOAA [mph] By Environment Canada [km/h] 0 65-85 90-130 1 86-110 135-175 2 111-135 180-220 3 136-165 225-265 4 166-200 270-310 5 Over 200 315 or more EF 3 EF 4 EF 5 Source: 58 Local Storms: Schematic of Tornado (Bezabeh et al., 2018) • Geometric: 𝑎 = • Kinematic: 𝑆 = [ • Dynamic: 𝑅𝑒 = , 𝑟=𝑟 ,𝑣 ≈0 . ] = [ 𝚪 ] 59 60 How do we simulate in laboratory WindEEE Schematics 61 WindEEE Dome at Western 62 63 64 Local Storms: Downbursts Flow structure of a microburst Letchford, C.W. and Chay, M.T., 2002. Pressure distributions on a cube in a simulated thunderstorm downburst. Part B: moving downburst observations. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 90(7), pp.733-753. 65 Local Storms: Downbursts 66 Local Storms: Downbursts 67