SAINT HONORE BAKERY RENOVATION PROJECT MANAGEMENT PLAN Version 4.0 10/25/2020 Page 1 of 95 Saint Honore Bakery Renovation Project VERSION HISTORY The development and distribution of the Project Management Plan was controlled and tracked via the below table figures. Whenever any revision, it is to be noted and submitted by the author for an approvement by the responsible person. Versio Implemented Revision Approved Approval n# By Date By Date 4.0 Nguyen Duy 10/25/20 Onu, <mm/dd/yy> Son 3.0 Nguyen Duy Stephen 10/07/20 Son 2.0 Nguyen Duy Nguyen Duy Son adding sections 6, 7 and 8 <mm/dd/yy> adding sections 5 and 6 9/09/20 Adding part of section Stephen 9/07/20 Son 1.0 Onu, Reason Onu, Stephen 8/25/20 Onu, Stephen Page 2 of 95 1 plus sections 2 and 3 8/27/20 Saint Honore Bakery Renovation Project TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Project Overview .............................................................................................................. 5 1.1 2. Purpose, Scope, Objectives and Business Case ..................................................... 6 1.1.1 Scope.................................................................................................................. 7 1.1.2 Statement of work (SOW) ............................................................................... 9 1.1.3 Business Case.................................................................................................. 13 1.2 Project Deliverables ............................................................................................... 15 1.3 Project Organization ............................................................................................. 15 1.4 Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) ..................................................................... 16 1.4.1 Task Description Documentation ................................................................. 17 1.4.2 Organization Breakdown Structure (OBS) ................................................. 19 1.5 Responsibility Assignment Matrix (RAM) .......................................................... 20 1.6 Work Authorization............................................................................................... 21 1.7 Work Charter ......................................................................................................... 22 Risk Assessment ............................................................................................................. 26 2.1 Risk Identification.................................................................................................. 26 2.2 Assessment of Probability and Consequence (Qualitative)................................ 27 2.3 Assessment of Probability and Consequence (Quantitative) ............................. 28 2.4 Mitigation Strategies .............................................................................................. 30 3. Quality Management Report ........................................................................................ 31 4. Project Schedule ............................................................................................................. 32 5. 4.1. Activity Duration Estimates .................................................................................. 32 4.2. Gantt Chart ............................................................................................................ 35 4.3. Activity Network .................................................................................................... 37 Project Budget ................................................................................................................ 39 5.4 Project Resources ................................................................................................... 40 5.5 Other Costs ............................................................................................................. 44 5.6 Cost Estimates ........................................................................................................ 45 5.7 Time-Phased Budget .............................................................................................. 48 6. Communications Management ..................................................................................... 51 7. Tracking and Status Updates........................................................................................ 52 8. 7.1. Tracking Method ................................................................................................... 52 7.2. Notification Record ................................................................................................ 57 7.3. Control Systems ..................................................................................................... 58 Project Closing ............................................................................................................... 61 pg. 3 Saint Honore Bakery Renovation Project Appendix 1: The Company’s Model Of Project Participation Decision ................................. 63 Appendix 2: Stakeholder Analysis Log ................................................................................... 64 Appendix 3: Alternative Analysis ............................................................................................ 65 Appendix 4: The Business Case Documentation - The Company’s Cost and Profit Structure .................................................................................................................................................. 66 Appendix 5 : Contractual Requirements and Terms ............................................................... 67 Appendix 6: Quality Management Report ............................................................................... 79 Appendix 7: QC Plan ............................................................................................................... 81 Appendix 8: Defect Reports..................................................................................................... 82 Appendix 9: Weekly Progress Report...................................................................................... 83 Appendix 10: Configuration Management Plan ...................................................................... 85 Appendix 12 : Key Terms ....................................................................................................... 93 Appendix 13 : Reference ........................................................................................................ 95 pg. 4 Saint Honore Bakery Renovation Project Introduction Solid Interior Ltd., Co. (The Company) is a Vietnam-based company which was established in 2009. It specializes in corporate interior design and build. Under its vision: “Change the way of design and construction management for the interior industry” , and its mission: “Towards improving customer experience and project team in the process of interior design and construction management” The Company has been developing fast and and sustainably via years. At the present, its staffs consist of about 100 people. In 2019, its revenue was nearly USD 8 billion which constantly achieved a 40% annual growth rate. The company’s main clients are located in the big cities and provinces of Vietnam. Its business is focused on three (3) main sectors: 1) Office interior design and build 2) Residential interior design and build 3) F&B and Retails interior design and build Saint Honore (SH) is a French bakery company. In Vietnam, its first baker was located in district 2. The owner is expanding into other districts. He would like to assign The Company to offer him a renovation proposal including project management at the second location in HCM City. 1. Project Overview - Motivation: This is a potential project to The company because its meets its budget and schedule terms. Also, it belongs to one of The company's three strategic business segments of which is major on food and beverage sectors (F&B). - Goals: To complete the project within schudule, budget and client satisfactory. pg. 5 Saint Honore Bakery Renovation Project - Objectives: To complete all three (3) major deliverables of the project within 34 working days and in budget of $ 95,000. - Success criteria: The initial success criteria for this project is determined as time, cost and organization learning. - Major deliverables of the project include Fitout, Furniture and Mechanical Electrical Plumbing (MEP). - There are required constraints in the project that the company need to consider carefully which consists of (1) budget + (2) time + (3) performance + (4) client acceptance. 1.1 Purpose, Scope, Objectives and Business Case - Purpose: To create a beautiful interior finishing product, thereby accumulating more experience for the project team, generate revenue and profit for The Company, build stronger project portfolio of The Company for the similar project sector. - Scope: The scope of the project includes all works related to the renovation; supply and installation of all furniture and MEP system. pg. 6 Saint Honore Bakery Renovation Project - Objectives: To complete all three (3) major deliverables of the project within 34 working days and in budget of $ 95,000. - Business case: o This project may help the Company increase revenue and profit so that it contributes to reaching the revenue target of the fiscal year. Ignoring the project might partly affect revenue and profit of the company as well as lose the opportunity to cultivate and accumulate experience for the company's existing project human resources. o This project also meets The Company’s required revenue and cost structure. o This is a proper project within its financial capacity of cash flow, and does not exceed the company's existing financial capacity. o This project is belongs to F&B sector which is one of the three strategic potential project sectors of The Company. o The project has the execution duration of 34 days which is also within the feasibility of The Company's available resources. Base on The Company’s model of project participation decision, all of the above factors are consistent with its strategy of selecting an executed project. (Details refer to the Appendix 1) 1.1.1 Scope The scope of the project includes all works related to the renovation; supply and installation of all furniture and MEP system. - Problem statement: Swan park new urban area is being developed by CFLD – the project developer of townhouses and villas to sell to customers wishing to live and invest. In the past five years of construction and development, the number of residents to live in is still quite limited compared to the project developer’s expectation. Realizing that the limited facilities may be the problem, which could be a barrier to pg. 7 Saint Honore Bakery Renovation Project attracting more residents to stay, CFLD decides to develop a bakery among its existing list of available convenience stores before the key event of handing over new houses to its residents, specifically before November 23rd, 2020. - Requirements gathering: The requirements are collected by the Company through the Project Developer’s meetings with the Contractor, email exchanges between the parties including the Project Developer, the Bakery Owner and the Company. (Details refer to Appendix 2) o Requirements on project progress and budget: need to meet the planned schedule and budget; o Overall project quality requirement: acceptable at fair level o Technical requirements: it is necessary to have a 3-phase power supply for the entire kitchen to be able to run high capacity kitchen appliances. - Information gathering: o Project-related information such as progress, budget, and quality given to the Company by the Project Developer. o Besides, the company also studies the specificity of the existed bakery through the bakery owner to provide the detailed contacts of specialized kitchen devices suppliers who have cooperated with the owner. o The Company needs advice from its internal technical experts to properly and fully meet the requirements of electrical engineering for kitchen devices, as well as backup supplies for the installation of future additional kitchen appliances. o The Company needs to contact with the site’s Board of Management to have more detailed instruction and rules on work permission. - Project constraints: In order that the project is successfully handed over to the investor and brought into use, some required constraints need to be met consisting of (1) budget + (2) time + (3) performance + (4) client acceptance. pg. 8 Saint Honore Bakery Renovation Project - Alternative Analysis: At the same time when this project started, there were also two other similar projects that the Company need to consider of joining. Then, in terms of the potential factors for future growth, revenue and cost structure, SH project relatively more closely meets the strategic goals of the Company. (Details refer to appendix 3) - Business case documentation: (Details refer to appendix 4) 1.1.2 Statement of work (SOW) - Introduction and background: o Swan park new urban area is being developed by CFLD – the project developer of townhouses and villas to sell to customers wishing to live and invest. In the past five years of construction and development, the number of residents to live in is still quite limited compared to the project developer’s expectation. Realizing that the limited facilities may be the problem, which could be a barrier to attracting more residents to stay, CFLD decides to develop a bakery among its existing list of available convenience stores before the key event of handing over new houses to its residents, specifically before November 23rd, 2020. pg. 9 Saint Honore Bakery Renovation Project o Major scope of work to be completed and handed over to CFLD includes Fitout, Furniture and MEP system. Out of the scope of work includes the internet connection and camera system. o Priority items needed to take note: the provision and installation of a 3-phase power supply system for stove and grill appliances in MEP; the specifications of the electrical kitchen devices must conform to the CFLD requirements. o Objective: all work packages are put into use and run smoothly with no functional defects 2 days before CFLD’s handover event to its residents. - Approach: o Major milestones/key events anticipated. o Special standards or methodologies to be observed / Plans for status report updates: It is a must to comply with the application of the project management and report system on the company's online apps on a daily and weekly basis. Date (dd/mm/yy) Milestone/event 13/10/2020 Site handover, and first 40% advance payment 14/10/2020 Kickoff 17/09/2020 Floor marking inspection 30/10/2020 Conceal structure inspection 10/11/2020 Pre-completion inspection 20/11/2020 Final inspection, and second 40% advance payment 21/11/2020 Final handover 23/11/2020 House handover event 30/11/2020 Project termination, and remaining amount payment pg. 10 Saint Honore Bakery Renovation Project o Assumptions critical to the project: Assuming that CFLD handed over the site to the Company’s project team and paid the first full payment on the committed schedule so that the Company could start with the preparation and commencement of the project according to the planned schedule. o Procedures for changes of scope or work effort: All changes from CFLD will be informed by email or held meeting to deploy, and will be confirmed by both CFLD and the Company for the arising on time or cost (if any). In case the changes are deemed necessary by the Company according to the technical requirement on site, the Company will notify CFLD for confirmation before making changes. - Resource Requirements: o It is required by the project manager that The company ensures relevant functional departments provide competent resources in both professional and experience to form a qualified project team. Besides, departments also need to backup alternative resources in case of unexpected force majeure changes. o It is necessary to have equipment and tools available for construction preparation including surveillance camera system, temporary lighting system, shielding system, safety warning system, construction uniform and etc., o It is required that the accounting department must make a construction deposit as part of the work permission procedure before starting the project renovation work. o Detailed plan/rationale for resource needs and assignments Person Role and Rationale Mai Thanh Tùng (Mr.) Project Director: internal approval Mr. Shyne Project Sponsor (Developer): external approval Nguyen Duy Son (Mr.) Project Manger: leading the project pg. 11 Saint Honore Bakery Renovation Project Pham Hong Vien Phuong (Mrs.) Business Development Staff: communicating Phạm Hương Giang (Ms.) Creative Manager: designing Vo Minh Tan (Mr.) Draft man: 2D & 3D drawings Nguyen Thi Ngan Phuong (Mrs.) Cost Estimator/Procurement Staff: estimating cost and proceeding the procurement Vo Thanh Hong (Mr.) Construction Manger: managing scope, schedule and technical issues Cao Van Khai (Mr.) Site Supervisor: supervising works on site and reporting Le Thi Thu (Mrs.) Site Cleaning Staff Nguyen Thi Ut Huong (Ms.) Project Administrator: contract and paper works - Risk Concern: o All risk factors are oriented from the below root risk breakdown structure (RBS). They are initially identified through internal discussion of project team, and assessed based on historical data, expertise knowledge and experience. pg. 12 Saint Honore Bakery Renovation Project o General risk mitigation strategies shall include: accepting the low risks, minimize the medium and high risks. o The given solutions to minimize the potential impact of those medium and high risks will be consulted and demonstrated by all of project team's function members. o All risk mitigation execution during the project running period will periodically be re-accessed its efficiency by week and recorded into online application of the Company as a lesson-learned data for future projects. - Acceptance Criteria: o Detailed acceptance process and criteria / Testing/qualification approach: At the key inspection milestones (refer to the above table of major milestones), there will be onsite meetings between project functional members and the sponsor for a check of design / technical issues, sample materials / material specification conformed to the construction documents approved by the two parties, including: table of specification, technical drawings, sample materials, etc. The inconsistent findings will be discussed by both parties and agreed on a written adjustment plan before the remediation execution. o Termination of project: The project will be suspended in case the two parties cannot agree on the adjustment plan, or there are obstacles come from any stakeholder affecting the quality / progress of the project. All of these shall be recorded in writing and specifically informed to all interested parties. o Estimated Time and Cost are given by the sponsor where the renovation works are carried within 34 working days and a total budget of usd 95,000. 1.1.3 Business Case - The satisfaction of business pg. 13 Saint Honore Bakery Renovation Project o This project belongs to F&B sector which is one of the three potentially strategic projects of the Company. o The project is considered to help the Company increase revenue and profit so that it can contribute to the Company’s revenue target of the fiscal year. Ignoring the project might partially affect revenue and profit of the company as well as lose the opportunity to cultivate and accumulate experience for the company's existing project human resources. - Feasibility of the project o This project also meets The Company’s required revenue and cost structure. o This is a proper project within its financial capacity of cash flow, and does not exceed the company's existing financial capacity. The cash flow of the project starts from October 14th, 2020 and ends on November 21st, 2020. o The project has the execution duration of 34 days which is also within the feasibility of The Company's available resources. - Internal and external forces: o Be supported by the sponsor with the most favorable conditions for project implementation because the he takes this project as high priority to be introduced to the residents on the house handover event. o The project team has enough professional competence and experience to ensure that the project is completed on schedule and committed quality. - Comparative analysis of the costs and benefits (details refer to table in the appendix 3). - Time estimates to return on investment: The project payback period is expected without an exceedance of 45 days. pg. 14 Saint Honore Bakery Renovation Project 1.2 Project Deliverables 1.3 Project Organization Page 15 of 95 Saint Honore Bakery Renovation Project 1.4 Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) Page 16 of 95 Saint Honore Bakery Renovation Project 1.4.1 Task Description Documentation The Tasks can be understood as work packages which have the lowest level in the WBS’s hierarchy. In this case, all work packages which are individual project activities under the three deliverables can be considered as tasks. DELIVERABLE FITOUT FURNITURE MEP TASKS / WP DESCRIPTION F.BASIC CONSTRUCTION This package includes all works related to block construction, paving, roofing, waterproofing. F.GYPSUMS This work package includes supply and installation of dry walls and ceilings. F.GLASS This package covers all works related to the supply and installation of glass walls / doors / windows (door accessories included if any). The materials are glass, aluminum and steel. F.FLOORING/ WALL FINISHING This work package includes tiling, plastering and painting works. FU.MFC/MDF This package covers all works related to the supply and installation of wooden items including tables, chairs, cabinets and shelves. FU.METAL BASE This package covers all works related to the supply and installation of steel or aluminum items supporting for the FU.MFC/MDF one. FU.SOFA This package covers all works related to the supply and installation of leather or fabric mattress items. FU.MFC/MDF This package covers all works related to the supply and installation of wooden items including tables, chairs, cabinets and shelves. FU.METAL BASE This package covers all works related to the supply and installation of steel or aluminum items supporting for the FU.MFC/MDF one. FU.SOFA This package covers all works related to the supply and installation of leather or fabric mattress items. MEP.PLUMBING This package includes all works related to connecting water and other pipes. Page 17 of 95 Saint Honore Bakery Renovation Project MEP.HVAC This package includes all works related to supply and installation of heating, ventilating and air conditioning system. MEP.FIRE PROTECTION This is a common fire protection system which includes smoke detector and sprinkler. MEP.LIGHTING This work package includes wiring and lighting system installation works. MEP.TESTING & OPERATING This work package includes testing and operating all MEP system works. pg. 18 Saint Honore Bakery Renovation Project 1.4.2 Organization Breakdown Structure (OBS) - Owner assignment of work packages including all cost accounts across the cooperating teams implemented. Page 19 of 95 Saint Honore Bakery Renovation Project 1.5 Responsibility Assignment Matrix (RAM) - All team members are clearly identified their roles and responsibilities in the whole project including responsible, notification, approval and support. It is demonstrated via the below responsibility assignment matrix table. - The below table describes the key roles supporting the project. Name & Project Role Organization Project Responsibilities Mr. Shyne Project Sponsor Person responsible for acting as the project’s champion and providing direction and support to the team. In the context of this document, this person approves the request for funding, approves the project scope represented in this document, and sets the priority of the project relative to other projects in his/her area of responsibility. Business & Contracting Steward Person who has the authority to enter into, terminate, or change a contractual agreement on behalf of The Company. This person bears the legal responsibility for the contract and coordinating between The Company and Client. CFLD Mrs. Vien Phuong SDI Page 20 of 95 Saint Honore Bakery Renovation Project Name & Project Role Organization Project Responsibilities Mr. Thanh Tung Project Director Person who has full authority to give the decision on the project. He/she is responsible for approving the project construction commencement and payment for implementing the project. Project Manager Person who performs the day-to-day management of the project and has specific accountability for managing the project within the approved constraints of scope, quality, time and cost, to deliver the specified requirements, deliverables and customer satisfaction. Construction Engineering Person who is responsible for date-to-date schedule and technical issues. The Construction Engineering is responsible for providing technical direction to the project. Creative Steward Person who is responsible for playing the lead role for interior desgining and consulting for the project. Procurement Steward Person who is responsible for the project’s cost estimation, implementing the purchasing work materials or placing orders, payment planning. SDI Mr. Duy Son SDI Mr. Vo Hong SDI Ms. Huong Giang SDI Mrs. Ngan Phuong SDI 1.6 Work Authorization - This is about all key agreements between the sponsor and the contractor, including the contractual requirements and valid consideration (which are clearly demonstrated in the contract enclosed in the appendix 5). - This is a Lump-sum contract which is valued of $95,000. The handover date of the project is only valid in the case the sponsor commits and secure all agreed milestones in this this contract. - The Effect date of the contract is counted from October 12th , 2020. The Kick off starting from October 14th , 2020 and completed on November 21st , 2020. - Penalty: Without prejudice to any other right or remedies which the Company may have, in case of the Service Provider breaches any its obligation under this Agreement, it pg. 21 Saint Honore Bakery Renovation Project must be penalized 8% of total value of the contractual obligation which is subject to the breach to the Company. (refer to term 12.2 in the appendix 5) - Applicable law and dispute resolution: (refer to term 22 in the appendix 5) o This Agreement is governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Vietnam; o In case of any difficulties or disputes arise during the implementation the Agreement, the Parties will firstly have discussion and negotiation on the mutual benefit basis; o Any dispute arising out of or relating to this Agreement cannot be settled by negotiation between the Parties, shall be resolved by Vietnam International Arbitration Centre (VIAC) in accordance with its Rules of Arbitration. The seat of the arbitration shall be Ho Chi Minh City. The Tribunal shall consist of three (3) arbitrators. The language of the arbitration shall be Vietnamese. The arbitral award shall be final and binding on the Parties. 1.7 Work Charter - Version History Version # 1.0 Implemented By Duy Son Revision Date 09/06/20 Approved By Thanh Tung Approval Date 09/07/20 Reason Initial charter draft - Project Title: Saint Honore Bakery Renovation - Scope and Objectives: Saint Honore Bakery identifies that a new store opening in the new Swan Park residential area is necessary and needs to be deployed early to serve residents preparing to move in. What needs to be done is to renovate, decorate and equip all necessary equipment for baking and preserving the cake for good quality and food safety. The main pg. 22 Saint Honore Bakery Renovation Project objective is that the project needs to be completed on schedule with a full range of baking and serving functions, but also ensure that the project cost is within the approved budget. - Overview: Swan park new urban area is being developed by CFLD – the project developer of townhouses and villas to sell to customers wishing to live and invest. In the past five years of construction and development, the number of residents to live in is still quite limited compared to the project developer’s expectation. Realizing that the limited facilities may be the problem, which could be a barrier to attracting more residents to stay, CFLD decides to develop a bakery among its existing list of available convenience stores before the key event of handing over new houses to its residents, specifically before November 23rd, 2020. - General Objectives: 1. Identify the potential barriers that hinder the progress required by the project. 2. Determine the feasible cost of the project to meet the set budget. 3. Develop the specific plan to ensure the project schedule and cost to be under control from start to end. - Specific Objectives: 1. Identify the progress barriers. a. Identify all difficulties and limitations that may affect the overall progress of the project. b. Develop a complete list of all of these constraints and limitations with specific suggesting solution. 2. Determine the feasible cost a. Collect all relevant practical cost packages from leaders and team members of the past successful projects project. pg. 23 Saint Honore Bakery Renovation Project b. Combine all these cost packages with contingency plans to ensure that the budget is well balanced and well controlled, and does not exceed the originally approved budget. 3. Develop a specific plan to control schedule and cost a. Secure the plan feasibility and measurement. b. Critical control milestones are needed to ensure the project is in control both on schedule and on cost. - Defining Conditions and Constraints: In order to ensure the handover of a project according to the Employer's expected construction schedule within a month, several conditions are required. Official construction progress can only be applied in the following three phases as approved by the sponsor, including: (1) sign off the contract and construction documents, (2) agreement on the date of handing over the site and approving documents / procedures for construction permits, (3) Approval with floor marking on the actual site. - Project Organization: Key members of the project team are: Name & Organization Project Role Project Responsibilities Mr. Shyne Project Sponsor Person responsible for acting as the project’s champion and providing direction and support to the team. In the context of this document, this person approves the request for funding, approves the project scope represented in this document, and sets the priority of the project relative to other projects in his/her area of responsibility. SDI Business & Contracting Steward Person who has the authority to enter into, terminate, or change a contractual agreement on behalf of The Company. This person bears the legal responsibility for the contract and coordinating between The Company and Client. Mr. Thanh Tung Project Director Person who has full authority to give the decision on the project. He/she is responsible for approving the project CFLD Mrs. Vien Phuong SDI pg. 24 Saint Honore Bakery Renovation Project Name & Organization Project Role Project Responsibilities construction commencement and payment for implementing the project. Project Manager Person who performs the day-to-day management of the project and has specific accountability for managing the project within the approved constraints of scope, quality, time and cost, to deliver the specified requirements, deliverables and customer satisfaction. SDI Construction Engineering Person who is responsible for date-to-date schedule and technical issues. The Construction Engineering is responsible for providing technical direction to the project. Ms. Huong Giang Creative Steward Person who is responsible for playing the lead role for interior designing and consulting for the project. Procurement Steward Person who is responsible for the project’s cost estimation, implementing the purchasing work materials or placing orders, payment planning. Mr. Duy Son SDI Mr. Vo Hong SDI Mrs. Ngan Phuong SDI Team members: All team members will be 100% dedicated to the project for a period of not less than 41 business days. - Project Manager Responsibilities: o Staffing – The project manager is ultimately responsible for the performance of all team members. He / she always ensures the full HR functions required by the project so as not to interfere with the overall project objectives. o Budget – The estimated budget for this project is $95,000. Payments are divided into 3 phases within 34 days: (1) 1st payment is 30% within 5 days before the commencement of the project; (2) 2nd payment is 40% when the project reaches 80% of the implementation volume; (3) 3rd payment is 30% and costs incurred (if any) within 07 days after the project is put into use. The project budget should be well controlled and should not exceed 10% of the originally approved project pg. 25 Saint Honore Bakery Renovation Project budget. All additional budget money must be formally requested by the project manager and approved by the sponsor before proceeding. o Status Updates – All communications on project status must be made to the chief executive officer. Additionally, weekly updates on the project status will be made at executive committee meetings and kept the sponsor informed. o Planning/Tracking – The project will use standard Project Management Application built-in-house by the Contractor; and it will be reported on schedule, exception reports, slippages, and cost performance. Additionally, earned value metrics (SPI and CPI) will be employed throughout the project duration. o Change Control and Configuration – The project manager will have authority to make changes to the project provided that they did not exceed the project budget of $95,000 and had no negative impact on the project schedule. Otherwise, changes to the project scope or development must get sponsor’s approval. o Project Plan – A formal project plan, including statement of work (SOW), risk assessment and mitigation, work breakdown structure (WBS), schedule, and budget must be submitted to the sponsor not later than 5 days before the kick off, or by October 09th, 2020. 2. Risk Assessment 2.1 Risk Identification All potential threats that may affect the project objectives are considered as project risks. Project risk can be both negative and positive to the project outcomes. Below is the project risk breakdown structure (RBS). They are initially identified through internal discussion between the functional leaders and project team members. It is assessed base on historical data, expertised knowledge and experience. pg. 26 Saint Honore Bakery Renovation Project 2.2 Assessment of Probability and Consequence (Qualitative) - External risk factors consist of anticipating the threats on (1) stakeholder issues that may cause the problems with the (2) acceptance of project performance. In this case, it is still confused and unclear of the client’s key person who will do the specification/quality inspection and approve the project performance. This may result in the project's objectives being misunderstood and controversial by both parties during the implementation and acceptance of the project's performance according to the original objectives. Therefore, having a solution to clearly identify the client’s person in charge of project quality acceptance will help the project minimize the risk of wrong understanding of the project's objectives throughout the life of project. - Internal risk factors may include technical and organization issues. o Technical issues: Starting the project with the status that (1) the MEP execution teams are lack of capacity, which may affect the performance on project scope; (2) lack of good solution on HVAC which may lead to the poor quality method of HVAC system. These two scope and method risks may cause the failure of project important objectives which are related to schedule and budget. Developing a clear and sufficient scope as well as a proper construction method will help project team members avoid pg. 27 Saint Honore Bakery Renovation Project mistakes and reworking. Therefore, the project objectives of schedule and budget risks may be mitigated. o Organization issues: the project manager and business steward meet the big difficulties in (1) communicating with the clients because there are so many client’s people involved in the project. This may cause the information confusion to the project team on some key and decisive issues; There are some purchased items appointed by the client, but requested to manage by the contractor. This may make the project team have troubles with (2) procurement control in schedule and budget control; The project has several execution items on unsafe heights such as electrical system installation, air conditioning, and painting. (3) Safety risks are also quite critical. If there is a safety problem, the project may be discontinued. This will seriously affect the project's progress and cost goals. Appropriate and timely solutions to these potential internal risk factors will minimize impacts that could affect the critical project's goal such as the project progress and budget. It helps the project team control better the project performance. 2.3 Assessment of Probability and Consequence (Quantitative) - Determining Likely Risks and Consequences pg. 28 Saint Honore Bakery Renovation Project - Calculating a Project Risk Factor: following the formula in the textbook-p.234, the Overall Risk Factor of the project can be calculated as below: PROBABILITY Pa = .1 CONSEQUENCES Cc = .3 pg. 29 Saint Honore Bakery Renovation Project Ps = .3 Pc = .7 Cs = .1 Cp = .1 Pf = (.1 + .3 + .7)/3 = .37 Cf = (.3 + .1 + .1 )/3 = .16 RF = .37 + .16 - (.37)(.16) = .47 Conclusion: Medium risk to overall project. (RF=.47) 2.4 Mitigation Strategies From the above calculated outcome, the risk factor of the overall project is medium. Therefore, the project team need to develop the general risk mitigation strategies which shall include: (1) accepting the low risks, (2) minimize the medium and high risks. The given solutions to minimize the potential impact of those medium and high risks will be consulted and demonstrated by project team's function members. All risk mitigation execution during the project running period will periodically be re-accessed its efficiency by week and recorded as a lesson-learned data for future projects. In this case, we must give actions to the high-risk factors in probability & in consequences. The project team need focus on communication / procurement / work safety factor (Pc = .7) to avoid the potential problem of behind schedule or low performance which may be caused by the work safety issue; and focus on performance factor (Cp = .7) to avoid the significant degradation in HVAC performance. Potential Threats / Uncertainties Mitigation Strategy High Risk 1. The purchased items appointed by the client, but requested to be managed by the contractor. 1. It is necessary to clearly agree on the responsibilities for the scope of work for the parties to follow closely. 2. The project has several execution items 2. It is necessary to apply and strictly on unsafe heights which might potentially carry the permit work for overhead cause the project stop. construction packages. pg. 30 Saint Honore Bakery Renovation Project 3. Having big difficulties in communicating with the clients due to so many client’s people involved in the project. 3. It is necessary to clarify the responsibilities of the sponsors and the end users in this project. Moderate Risk 4. The MEP execution teams are lack of capacity which may affect the performance on project scope 4. It is a must for a commitment to provide sufficient quality resources from MEP team. 5. Being lack of good solution on HVAC which may lead to the poor quality method of HVAC system. 5. It is necessary to submit a clear solution to the project manager to get approved. Low Risk 6. Being unclear of the client’s key person who will do the specification /quality inspection and approve the project performance. 6. It is necessary to hold a 3-party meeting between the contractor with the sponsor and the bakery to agree on the person who is responsible for the quality acceptance of the project. 3. Quality Management Report - As mentioned in the overview part, the project goals are to complete the project within schedule, budget and client satisfactory. Therefore, in order that the project achieves expected quality, it needs to meet the right schedule and budget as well as make the client satisfied with both project’s three (3) full deliverables and process. (Refer to appendix 6 for detailed template) o The internal success criteria is defined as meeting the planned budget and achieving the lesson-learn for the organization. The project total cost is not allowed over $95,000. In the case of variation cost, it must be submitted to the PM to take consideration and approved by the sponsor. The whole risk mitigating actions and results must be recorded into online organization project management application form. o And the external success criteria is identified that the client is happy with the project process both in time and outcomes. The project must be completed within 34 business days together with the compliance with the planned quality checking milestones. The pg. 31 Saint Honore Bakery Renovation Project outcomes must meet all requirements described in the construction documentation including technical drawings, bill of quantity, specification list and sample materials. - In particular, before the construction commences, the required documents need to be completely discussed and approved. During the implementation of construction management, the communication process in the project team and sponsor is always maintained periodically and unexpectedly (if needed). Every week on Friday, project PM needs to coordinate team to synthesize detailed reports related to progress, costs and exception issues to send to sponsor. The project progress inspection according with the planned milestones should be followed and fully implemented among project team members, site construction teams and sponsor. Technical issues and construction standards agreed in the construction documents will be periodically checked by the internal QC accordingly with the internal QA list (refer to appendix 7). If a violation, he/she will issue the defect list and discuss with the PM to have a plan for timely have the remediation plan and action (refer to appendix 8). All action plan needs to approved by the PM before the remediation execution. 4. Project Schedule From the previous WBS, some 21 activities have been identified and built in the networks. Base on this, the original durations for all project activities are estimated. The project critical path is also found out which has the minimum execution duration of 43 days. This means the original estimated project duration is 43 days which is supposed to be beyond the sponsor’s expectation. For further details, we may refer to the following description. 4.1. Activity Duration Estimates Base on the WBS that we have developed from the previous part, we move on with creating a full list of orderly activities together with its code numbers. Then, it is necessary to identify the predecessor relationships as well as its estimated execution durations including optimistic duration (a), most likely duration (m) and pessimistic ones (b). In order to pg. 32 Saint Honore Bakery Renovation Project calculate the estimated duration (TE), the following formula can be used: TE = (a+4*m+b)/6 (Pinto, 2016). Notes: - Predecessors: Those activities that must be completed prior to initiation of a later activity in the network. - Successors: Activities that cannot be started until previous activities have been completed. These activities follow predecessor tasks. - Optimistic duration: the best duration estimates - Most likely duration: the average duration estimates - Pessimistic duration: the worst duration estimates Activity number Activity (1) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 (2) Kick off Site taking over Floor leveling / marking Floor marking inspection Block wall construction and paving Gypsum wall/ceiling installation Wiring Plumbing works 9 HVAC installation Conceal structure 10 inspection 11 Predecess Successo ors rs Tiling Opti mistic durati on Most likely durati on Pessi mistic durati on Estimat ed duratio n (7) (8) (3) (4) (5) (6) None 2 0 0 0 1 3 1 1 2 2 4 2 3 5 3 5,6 0 0 0 4 7 2 4 6 4 8 3 4 6 5,6 10 4 7 8 6 9 2 4 6 8 10 2 5 6 9,7 11 0 0 0 10 12 2 3 6 pg. 33 1 3 4 4 7 4 5 3 Saint Honore Bakery Renovation Project 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Glass wall/door installation Wall/ceiling plastering & painting Pre-completion inspection Steel table bases production/installation Wooden table tops production/installation Sofa production/installation Lighting system installation Smoke detectors and sprinklers installation 2 3 6 3 6 8 0 0 0 1 4 5 2 5 6 3 7 9 19 1 2 3 2 18 20 1 3 5 3 Testing & operating 19 21 1 2 4 2 Handing over 21 None 0 0 0 - 11 13 12 14 13 15,16,17 14 18 14 18 14 18 15,16,17 pg. 34 3 6 4 5 7 Saint Honore Bakery Renovation Project * Project activity network diagram with task durations: Path 1: Path 2: Path 3: 1-2-3-4-5-7-10-11-12-13-14-15-18-19-20-21 1-2-3-4-5-7-10-11-12-13-14-16-18-19-20-21 1-2-3-4-5-7-10-11-12-13-14-17-18-19-20-21 38 days 39 days 41 days Path 4: Path 5: Path 6: 1-2-3-4-6-7-10-11-12-13-14-15-18-19-20-21 1-2-3-4-6-7-10-11-12-13-14-16-18-19-20-21 1-2-3-4-6-7-10-11-12-13-14-17-18-19-20-21 38 days 36 days 41 days Path 7: Path 8: Path 9: 1-2-3-4-6-8-9-10-11-12-13-14-15-18-19-20-21 1-2-3-4-6-8-9-10-11-12-13-14-16-18-19-20-21 1-2-3-4-6-8-9-10-11-12-13-14-17-18-19-20-21 40 days 41 days 43 days à It is concluded that the path 9 is the project critical path because it crosses over project network with the longest duration. 4.2. Gantt Chart According to the sponsor’s requirement, the project must be completed and handed over by November 21st, 2020 so that the opening ceremony can be prepared and celebrated to introduce to the new residents by November 23rd, 2020. However, the initial planned pg. 35 Saint Honore Bakery Renovation Project schedule is 09 days overhead. So, what we need to do to meet the sponsor’s expectation is finding out how to level the schedule, which means that 9 days need to be cut off. - Below is the project original schedule before the levelling. The path highlighted in red is the critical path because it has the longest duration with 43 days, meaning that the project will take 43 days to be completed which is supposed to be handed over by December 02nd, 2020. - Schedule levelling process: There are several approaches that we can use to shorten a project, such as: (1) laddering activities, (2) reducing the critical path or (3) changing the logical relationships (SF-SS-FFFS). After the analysis and evaluation of the project status, it shows that activities cannot be cut into the smaller phases; as well as implementing options to reduce the critical path may cause big disturbance between activities, excessively padded by the team, or even a time/cost trade-off, etc. Therefore, applying method (1) and (2) to shorten the project’s implementation progress is not recommended in this case. Method (3) is the one that is considered as more feasibility to adjust and control the project critical activities on the critical path. Specifically, the activities 9, 13, 18, 19 have been added the “start to start” (SS) logical relationships with the activities 8, 12, 17, 18 respectively. The output results a positive and expected change in the implementation progress, down from 43 days to 34 days. pg. 36 Saint Honore Bakery Renovation Project Below is the revised project schedule after the levelling: This revised critical path has 34 days which means that the project is shortened to 34 days to be completed. This revised schedule meets the sponsor’s requirement, and the project can be handed over to the sponsor by November 21st, 2020 as expected. 4.3. Activity Network The following table is created to help follow the durations with ease. The way how to get the early start (ES), early finish (EF), late start (LS), late finish (LF), Float/slack durations is based on the methodology in the textbook. It is described as follow: - Forward pass: At a merge point, the largest preceding EF becomes the ES for that note. - Backward pass: At a burst point, the smallest succeeding LS becomes the LF for that note. - Early start (ES) = predecessor’s LF - Late start (LS) = LF - Duration - Early finish (EF) = ES + Duration - Late finish (LF) = Successor’s LS - Float/Slack = LS - ES or LF - EF pg. 37 Saint Honore Bakery Renovation Project (Pinto, 2016). - Based on the above definition, we come out with the table of project’s all activities and events with their ES, EF, LS, LF and Float details listed as follow: Activity Activity number ES (1) (2) EF LS Float / Slack (6) (7) LF (3) (4) (5) 1 Kick off 0 0 0 0 2 Site taking over 0 1 0 1 3 Floor leveling / marking 1 4 1 4 4 Floor marking inspection 0 0 0 0 5 Block wall construction and paving 4 8 6 10 6 Gypsum wall/ceiling installation 4 8 4 8 7 Wiring 8 15 10 17 8 Plumbing works 8 12 8 12 12 17 12 17 0 0 0 0 11 Tiling 17 20 17 20 12 Glass wall/door installation 20 23 20 23 13 Wall/ceiling plastering & painting 23 29 23 29 0 0 0 0 15 Steel table bases production/installation 29 33 32 36 16 Wooden table tops production/installation 29 34 31 36 9 HVAC installation 10 Conceal structure inspection 14 Pre-completion inspection pg. 38 2 2 3 2 Saint Honore Bakery Renovation Project 17 Sofa production/installation 29 36 29 36 18 Lighting system installation 36 38 36 38 19 Smoke detectors and sprinklers installation 38 41 38 41 20 Testing & operating 41 43 41 43 0 0 0 0 21 Handing over - - Project activity network: From the above activity network, it can be concluded that the serial flow highlighted in red arrows is the critical path which has no slack or float (Pinto, 2016). 5. Project Budget Project budget is a plan that identifies the resources to be allocated, the project objectives, and the schedule that allows the organization to achieve those goals. The project budget and project schedule must be created parallel; the budget effectively determines whether or not project milestones can be achieved. The project budget must be coordinated with the project activities identified in the Work Breakdown Structure (WBS). WBS sets the stage for creating the project schedule; the project budget subsequently assigns the necessary resources to support that schedule. The creation of the project budget includes the process by pg. 39 Saint Honore Bakery Renovation Project which we gather data for cost estimates, budget projections, cash flow income and expenses, and expected revenue streams. The ways in which cost data are collected and interpreted mainly depend upon whether we employs a top-down or a bottom-up budgeting procedure (Pinto, 2016). 5.4 Project Resources Cost estimation and project budgeting are linked hand in hand: The estimates of costs for various components of the project are developed into a comprehensive project budgeting document that allows for ongoing project tracking and cost control. Cost estimation processes create a reasonable budget baseline for the project and identify project resources (human and material) as well, creating a time-phased budget for their involvement in the project. Some of the more common sources of project costs include: labor, materials, subcontractors, equipment & facilities, travel (Pinto, 2016). Also, according to Pinto, another way to examine project costs is to investigate the nature of the costs themselves. Among the various forms of project costs are those related to type (direct or indirect), frequency of occurrence (recurring or nonrecurring), opportunity to be adjusted (fixed or variable), and schedule (normal or expedited). From above definitions, we have come out with all project resources integrated with their forms of project costs (cost classifications) for our project as the following table, in which: . The internal labor: The information of the project human resources is collected from the organization breakdown structure (OBS) analyzed in the previous section. . Subcontractors: The information of the project actives is collected from the WBS analyzed in the previous section. . Direct: labor, materials, etc., >< Indirect: overhead, selling, general administration. . Recurring: labor, material, logistics, and sales costs…>< Nonrecurring: marketing analysis, personnel training, or out-placement services. pg. 40 Saint Honore Bakery Renovation Project . Fixed: leasing capital equipment or other project hardware >< Variable: accelerate or increase through usage: materials, etc., . Normal: planned, routine process >< Expedited: unplanned, such as use of overtime, hiring additional temporary workers, contracting with external resources or organizations for support. pg. 41 Saint Honore Bakery Renovation Project Project Resources 1. Internal Labor 1.1 Project Director 1.2 Project Manager 1.3 Business & Contracting Steward 1.4 Construction Engineering 1.5 Creative Steward 1.6 Procurement Steward 1.7 Draft man 1.8 Site Supervisor 1.9 Site Cleaner 2. Materials (Expenses) 2.1 Working lighting and security systems 2.2 Cleaning equipment 2.3 Covering and protect working site 2.4 Temporary working office on site 3. Subcontractors (Bought-Out Costs) 3.1 Floor leveling / marking 3.2 Block wall construction and paving 3.3 Gypsum wall/ceiling installation 3.4 Wiring 3.5 Plumbing works 3.6 HVAC installation 3.7 Tiling 3.8 Glass wall/door installation 3.9 Wall/ceiling plastering & painting Type Direct Indirect x x Frequencies Recurring Non-recurring x Adjustment Fixed Variable x x x x x Page 42 of 95 Schedule Normal Expedited x x x Saint Honore Bakery Renovation Project 3.10 3.11 3.12 3.13 Steel table bases production/installation Wooden table tops production/installation Sofa production/installation Lighting system installation Smoke detectors and sprinklers 3.14 installation 3.15 Testing & operating 4. Equipment/Facilities 4.1 Building lease 4.2 Printing, telecommunication 5. Travel (Expenses) 5.1 Transportation x x x x pg. 43 x x x x Saint Honore Bakery Renovation Project - Labor cost: From the above table, we can identify that the internal labor is direct cost type. The information of the project human resources is also collected from the organization breakdown structure (OBS) analyzed in the previous section. Therefore, we have come out with the below internal labor cost table calculated based on the formula: Total labor costs = (Labor rate) x (Total labor hours). We do not add in the overhead rate (indirect cost) individually in this table because we will compute it in another table as a total overhead (equivalent to 80% of the sum of total internal labor cost and its contingency ) later on. Project Resources Category Rate ($) Hours 1. Internal Labor Cost ($) 14,500 1.1 Project Director DR8 1.2 Project Manager PM6 Business & Contracting 1.3 Steward BD5 1.4 Construction Engineering CM5 1.5 Creative Steward CR5 1.6 Procurement Steward PA4 1.7 Draft man DR3 1.8 Site Supervisor SP3 1.9 Site Cleaner SC2 56 14 784 25 82 2,050 20 82 1,640 18 82 1,476 22 82 1,804 14 82 1,148 10 163 1,630 9 272 2,448 8 190 1,520 5.5 Other Costs These include all significant costs for materials, such as: equipment, overhead, expediting. In our project, we do not have the expedited cost because the target schedule can be met in a normal schedule. Therefore, we will build the table for the costs for materials, equipment and overhead. Project Resources Cost ($) 1. Internal Labor 14,500 Page 44 of 95 Saint Honore Bakery Renovation Project Labor Contingency (10%) 1,450 Overhead (80%) 12,760 2. Expenses (Materials, Travel, Equipment/Facilities) 2.1 Working lighting and security systems 2.2 Cleaning equipment 1,750 300 50 2.3 Covering and protect working site 2.4 Temporary working office on site 40 60 2.5 Travel 500 2.6 Facilities (building lease, printing, etc.,) 800 The forms of costs for materials, equipment and overhead is described as below table: 5.6 Cost Estimates According to the text book (Pinto, 2016), one key for developing project cost estimates is to break the project down by deliverable and work package as a method for estimating task-level costs. Among the more common cost estimation methods are the following: (1) Ballpark estimates, (2) Comparative estimates, (3) Feasibility estimates, and (4) Definitive estimates. In this section, we just discuss on the first three methods. - Ballpark estimates: when either information or time is scarce. The unofficial rule of thumb for ballpark estimates is to aim for an accuracy of ±30%. - Comparative estimates (also known as parametric estimation): historical data can be used as a frame of reference. The unofficial rule of thumb for this method is to aim for an accuracy of ±15%. pg. 45 Saint Honore Bakery Renovation Project - Feasibility estimates: as a guideline on real numbers, or figures derived after the completion of the preliminary project design work. Feasibility estimates are often expressed in terms of a degree of accuracy of ±10%. Our project cost estimate starts at the stage being farther down the life cycle, which means that we have already collected enough information of the sponsor’s requirements, such as: scope of work, guideline, expected work schedule, preliminary interior design. The preliminary design and schedule have also been accepted by the sponsor after the presentation. Then, the bill of quantities is created and developed. These all data and information give a good advantage for the cost estimates work by requesting quotes from suppliers and other subcontractors with a greater degree of confidence, particularly get the engagement in some general scheduling processes to begin to determine the working project baseline. Therefore, in order to have a more accurate cost estimates based on all available data and information we got, the feasibility estimates methods should be preferred and selected instead of the ballpark and comparative ones. We focus on gathering data for cost estimates. The methods for data gathering and allocation can vary widely. The ways in which cost data are collected and interpreted mainly depend upon whether we employ a top-down, a bottom-up, or an activity-based-costing budgeting procedure. These approaches involve radically different methods for collecting relevant project budget information and can potentially lead to very different results. Base on the WBS worked out in the previous section, all relevant activities are developed. Therefore, the activity-based-costing procedure will be preferred. From those orientation and choice for cost estimates method and procedure, we come out with the following comprehensive cost estimates table: Project Resources Category 1. Internal Labor pg. 46 Rate ($) Hours Cost ($) Saint Honore Bakery Renovation Project 1.1 Project Director DR8 1.2 Project Manager PM6 1.3 Business & Contracting Steward BD5 1.4 Construction Engineering CM5 1.5 Creative Steward CR5 1.6 Procurement Steward PA4 1.7 Draft man DR3 1.8 Site Supervisor SP3 1.9 Site Cleaner SC2 Subtotal, Hours and Costs 56 14 25 82 20 82 18 82 22 82 14 82 10 163 9 272 8 190 1,049 Labor Contingency (10%) 105 Total Labor, Hours and Costs 1,154 Overhead (80%) Gross Labor Cost 2. Expenses (Materials, Travel, Equipment/Facilities) 2.1 Working lighting and security systems 2.2 Cleaning equipment 2.3 Covering and protect working site 2.4 Temporary working office on site 2.5 Travel 2.6 Facilities (building lease, printing, etc.,) Total 3. Bought-Out Costs (Subcontractors) 3.1 Floor leveling / marking 3.2 Block wall construction and paving 3.3 Gypsum wall/ceiling installation 3.4 Wiring 3.5 Plumbing works 3.6 HVAC installation 3.7 Tiling 3.8 Glass wall/door installation 3.9 Wall/ceiling plastering & painting 3.10 Steel table bases production/installation 3.11 Wooden table tops production/installation pg. 47 784 2,050 1,640 1,476 1,804 1,148 1,630 2,448 1,520 14,500 1,450 15,950 12,760 28,710 300 50 40 60 500 800 1,750 8,000 1,000 3,000 3,500 3,000 5,000 3,000 3,000 4,000 7,000 8,000 Saint Honore Bakery Renovation Project 3.12 3.13 3.14 3.15 Sofa production/installation Lighting system installation Smoke detectors and sprinklers installation Testing & operating Subtotal Contingency (10%) Total Bought-Out Costs TOTAL (1+2+3) 5,000 2,500 2,000 250 58,250 5,825 64,075 94,535 5.7 Time-Phased Budget As a short brief in the above section 5, the project budget and project schedule must be created parallel; the budget effectively determines whether or not project milestones can be achieved. The project budget must be coordinated with the project activities identified in the Work Breakdown Structure (WBS). WBS sets the stage for creating the project schedule; the project budget subsequently assigns the necessary resources to support that schedule. From that, a time-phased budget is created, in which the total budget for each project activity is disaggregated across the schedule when its work is planned. The time-phased budget allocates costs across both project activities and the anticipated time in which the budget is to be expended. It allows the us to match its schedule baseline with a budget baseline, identifying milestones for both schedule performance and project expense (Pinto, 2016). Assumption that our project duration was 34 days after the schedule levelling, equivalent to about 5 weeks of work. The payments for labor cost are made in the end of each month; the project expenses on materials, travel, facilities are made right after the project’s kick off; the payments for all subcontractors are planned to be settled within two or three times during the ongoing project execution period in the agreements; and these scheduled payment weeks will be based on the starting time of work packages or activities linked with the work schedule mentioned above section. Then, combining the cost estimates table with the work schedule of the project activities, we come out with the below Cumulative Budgeted Cost of the Project by using Time-Phased Budgeting method. pg. 48 Saint Honore Bakery Renovation Project Cum. Budgeted Cost Weekly Budget Planned Project Resources 1. Internal Labor 2. Expenses (Materials, Travel, Equipment/Facilities) 3. Bought-Out Costs (Subcontractors) 3.1 Floor leveling / marking Block wall construction and 3.2 paving Gypsum wall/ceiling 3.3 installation 3.4 Wiring 3.5 Plumbing works 3.6 HVAC installation 3.7 Tiling 3.8 Glass wall/door installation Wall/ceiling plastering & painting Steel table bases 3.10 production/installation Wooden table tops 3.11 production/installation 3.9 3.12 Sofa production/installation 3.13 Lighting system installation 3.14 Smoke detectors and sprinklers installation 3.15 Testing & operating Contingency (10%) - Week 18,159 30,068 43,060 62,636 94,535 18,159 11,909 12,992 19,576 31,899 W1 W2 W3 W4 W5 5,742 5,742 5,742 5,742 13,834 26,157 $28,710 5,742 $1,750 1,750 $64,075 10,667 8,000 2,667 2,667 2,666 1,000 333 333 334 3,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 6,167 7,250 3,500 1,167 1,167 1,166 3,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 5,000 1,667 1,667 1,666 1,000 1,000 3,000 1,000 3,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 4,000 1,333 1,333 1,334 7,000 2,333 2,333 2,334 8,000 2,667 2,667 2,666 5,000 1,667 1,667 1,666 2,500 1,250 1,250 2,000 1,000 1,000 250 250 5,825 5,825 And below is a chart of cumulative budgeted cost of the project, which is the budget base line (line in blue) for tracking & controlling across our ongoing project pg. 49 Saint Honore Bakery Renovation Project milestones: Cost ($) pg. 50 Saint Honore Bakery Renovation Project 6. Communications Management Among the three communications methods including interactive, push and pull, we determine to use interactive and push method to our running project as the critical and appropriate ones. Our project team and the stakeholders agree on organizing official meetings to exchange the issues as periodically or as needed. Email, phone call or teleconference are also the main channels to discuss and get work approval. In addition, the Zalo or Google chat apps are good electronic media that the team members should create chat groups among internal team members, project team and sponsor, project team and the subcontractors, etc. for exchanging simple and informal information. In particular, the teleconferencing media is preferred for most of the regular meetings between project team members and the sponsor due to government social blocking regulations, or in the case of geographically dispersed project teams or sponsor as they move for business. Below is the agreed communications management protocol among project team members and stakeholders. Purpose of communication Schedule frequency Status updates Weekly Exception/variance As needed reports Media or mechanism used Meeting and/or teleconference Meeting and/or teleconference Called by: Project manager Project manager or technical lead Participants Full project team Impacted team members and client Weekly or at milestone Meeting and/or teleconference Project manager Full project team, sponsor Configuration changes As changes are approved Meeting for impacted parties; e-mail for team Project manager, sponsor or technical lead Impacted team members and client Supplier / subcontractor coordination As needed prior to and post deliveries Phone call Supply chain lead Project manager and supply chain lead Project reviews Page 51 of 95 Saint Honore Bakery Renovation Project Emergency or critical events Collaborative discussion of informal matters As needed Face to face Any team member Full project team As needed Google chat / or Zalo apps Any team member Full project team, sponsor, subcontractor/supplier 7. Tracking and Status Updates Our project team do every effort in tracking the project progress as weekly period and at milestone. Depending on the nature and timing of the desired tracking outcomes, we will use different flexible tracking methods. Tracking methods will include a combination of several methods such as: the S-curve, Gantt chart, Earn value and Milestones. Then, all of these tracking outcomes will be recorded as the project status updates or the Notification Record and delivered to the specific receivers via the determined communications protocol such as emails or meeting / teleconference. 7.1. Tracking Method In some case when the sponsor expects the project team to send him the quick reviews of the project progress, we may alternatively select the S-curve, Gantt chart or milestones tracking methods to have the project status outcomes. This will be tracked and updated to the sponsor every Friday until the project terminated. Cumulative Cost ($) - S-curve: Page 52 of 95 Saint Honore Bakery Renovation Project According the S-curve chart, week 1 and 2 were on the schedule. However, till week 3, the schedule seems to be a bit behind schedule as the actual cost is lower than the planned budget cost. However, this method can not tell the whole story and reasons for the negative variance between the actual budget expenditure again the project baseline (planned budget cost). It just simply helps us a quick review on schedule and cost to issue a proper action in order to bring every thing back to the baseline. - Milestones: This method is used regularly during weekly project team meetings to quickly check and evaluate the project accomplishing process. It shows us a project performance metric with clarity (highlighted in red in the below table). For example, in the team meeting on site to do the conceal structure inspection on October 30th, 2020, the project team should make sure that every tasks being prior to this milestone – especially the ones on the critical path would be completed by this date in order that the next tasks could move on without any negative impacts, and so on. In the case that the inspection outcomes did not meet the project’s requirement, the project team should find out the proper and timely solution. - Gantt chart: Page 53 of 95 Saint Honore Bakery Renovation Project This method helps the team members, sponsor and subcontractors to quickly and clearly understand the tasks which are ahead of, on and behind schedule via the percent accomplishing metric of each tasks. Base on it, team member should give the proper and timely adjustment plan to improve the project progress or performance (if any). However, we can neither estimate time to completion in case significant negative or positive vs baseline nor find out the sources of problem in order to issue the good and timely solution. We can also combine this method and the above milestones tracking one to view at the same time to have more tracking efficiency. For example, we can track the task completion status at the milestone of October 30th, 2020 in the below Gantt chart to see if any task is behind of on schedule. In addition, the project manager also needs to hold the weekly meetings in reviewing the project status, using the “earned value” tracking method to help all related team members understand the current status of the on-going project including the primary project success metrics (cost, schedule, and performance). This tracking method will help each member of the project team see more clearly about the right things of cost, schedule, and Page 54 of 95 Saint Honore Bakery Renovation Project performance to do the adjustment or improvement (if any), to achieve the mutual success criteria for the project. - Earned value: Assuming that we were tracking the project status at the week 3 as below tables: Then, . We have the Schedule Variances Table as below: The SPI is smaller than 1. It means that the progress is behind the plan. The estimated time to completion in the above table is equivalent to 5,2 weeks. This means that it is 0,2 week behind the scheduled plan. Page 55 of 95 Saint Honore Bakery Renovation Project . We have the Cost Variances Table as below: The CPI is almost equivalent to 1. This is not good but not so bad. The actual cost of performed work is slightly over the planned budget. The estimated cumulative cost to completion in the table is equivalent to $94.781. This means that if the project team do nothing to avoid the over planned budget, the estimated cost at the completion will be higher than the budgeted cost which was planned at $94.535 as written down in the first table of this section. . We have the trend analysis table on the SPI as below: From the above table, the SPI (C) did not change between week 1 and week 2, but slightly reduced from 1 to 0.96 cumulative SPI. It means that the schedule is trending to be bad and a bit behind in the comparison with the plan. . We have the trend analysis table on the CPI as below: Page 56 of 95 Saint Honore Bakery Renovation Project From the above table, the CPI (C) keeps steady in week 1 and 2, and downward in week 3 but not serious compared to the threshold 1.0 level. This means that it shows steady positive trend in the recent weeks. In the fact that, since our project is planned about 5 weeks to the completion, the work duration is a bit too short to regularly use “earned value” tracking method. Therefore, we will flexibly focus on combining the S-curve, Gantt chart and milestones tracking method throughout the project for checking the project status faster and clearer. The earned value checking method will only be used once our team have the problem or risk with the primary project success metrics including cost, schedule, and performance. 7.2. Notification Record As per written down in the agreed communications management protocol in above section 6, the project status update to be weekly sent over to the sponsor and the stakeholders. This helps the sponsor acknowledge of how progress is going and what issues need to be timely solved (if any). All of the information related to weekly project status update is named “Weekly Progress Report” and attached in the appendix 9, including all information related to the project documents or deliverables update, project management plan update, work performance information as in the below overview table. In the case of any change request and its impacts, it will be also noted in the matters of concern field. Page 57 of 95 Saint Honore Bakery Renovation Project All of these soft documents are automatically saved in the “Weekly Report – History” on the Company apps which can be accessed and reviewed at any time. And, based on the communication plan in section number 6 mentioned above, the project paper work assistant exactly knows who will be the right persons to receive these notification records. In this case, the status updates will be sent directly to the sponsor by emails and cc to all team members, functional department heads and the project director. The sponsor will be the key person who has the authority to view and get all update, variances, resource support or changes (if any) approved. Regarding to some key milestones checking, the project status update will be discussed and got approved via meetings. Therefore, after the agreement or comments on the project status updates or change request, the project stakeholders must officially confirm by signing off or email by returns. 7.3. Control Systems Page 58 of 95 Saint Honore Bakery Renovation Project - There are different project control systems. Each control system has its own advantages and disadvantages, and the its suitability is also different for each specific project's scope, schedule, and cost feature. Control systems include Configuration control, Design control, Trend monitoring, Document control, Acquisition, Specification control, Financial control, HSSE control (Health Security Safety Environment), etc. In our SH project, we prioritize the control of changes in scope, time, cost; therefore, we use the configuration control as the project’s key control system for controlling throughout the project life cycle. It should be maintained by the whole project team and distributed to the stakeholders periodically as outlined in the communications management protocol of section 6 above, or at the right time as needed accordingly to the actual requirements of the project. In order to effectively manage the SH Project, a coordinated Configuration Management (CM) Plan is needed. This plan will establish CM roles and responsibilities and describe how the SH Project team will track, implement, and communicate configuration items (CIs) and changes throughout the project lifecycle. The purpose of the Configuration Management Plan is to describe how CM will be conducted throughout the project lifecycle. This includes documenting how CM is managed, roles and responsibilities, how CI changes are made, and communicating all aspects of CM to project stakeholders. Without a documented configuration management plan, it is likely that CIs may be missed, incomplete, or unnecessary work is done because of a lack or version and document control. Any configuration changes which are identified by the project team or stakeholders must be captured in a configuration change request (CCR) and submitted to the Change Control Board (CCB). The CCB will review, analyze, and approve/deny the request based on the impact, scope, time, and cost of the proposed change. If the change is approved, the Page 59 of 95 Saint Honore Bakery Renovation Project project requirements will be re-baselined (if necessary) and all changes will be communicated to the project team and stakeholders by the Project Manager. Denied CCRs may be re-submitted with additional or new information for re-consideration by the CCB. (refer to the appendix 10 for detailed CM Plan template that our team will use for the Configuration Control system) - Control documentation: we can refer to the communications control protocol table mentioned in the section 6 above, plus roles and responsibilities part in the appendix 10 to develop the control documentation for the configuration control system. Here, our team will use the “RACI” matrix technique to clarify the responsibility of each project stakeholder as demonstrated as below table: Legends: Documentation Type PM Project Manager C, I LE Lead Engineers C C, I CM Configuration Manager I C, I CCB Control Board PS PM CM LE Engineers CCB Configuration Items I A C A R Configuration Change Requests R I C A Configuration Management Database I R C I PS R Responsible A Accountable C Consult I Informed Page 60 of 95 Project Sponsor Saint Honore Bakery Renovation Project 8. Project Closing Although there is a bit delays and slight increasement in cost in the middle construction phase, the project team has kept tracking and successfully control these issues timely. All approved changes are acknowledged and added to the configuration management database (CMDB) to control the project’s latest update baseline. Therefore, the project has no big issues with scope, time and cost on the termination stage which helps the team can go ahead with natural termination. All project documentation will be prepared for the termination on and after the project handover day. They should be discussed and clearly assigned to the team members in the meetings which is held three days before the project handover. The documentation can be from internal as well additional documentation requirement by the sponsors. It basically is the project baseline of the latest version including project’s contractual, scope, design, specification, schedule, cost, time, etc. Once the project is completed as scheduled with all of its major deliverables, the handover is held with the participation of all stakeholders including the project sponsor, project managers and so on. All the related documentation is shown out and signed off in the case that the sponsor accepts the project performance. Any deny/addition request shall be recorded and issues to all involved stakeholders for confirmation and taking into action plans. All necessary documents such as manual guides, warranty cards, specifications/technical sheets, etc., that are related to all project’s deliverables need to be fully-prepared and handed over to the sponsor. All documentation modifications or additional documentation required by the stakeholders will be clearly planned by project team, and then submitted as committed. Once all of the documentation is approved and signed off, the termination phase is completed. Page 61 of 95 Saint Honore Bakery Renovation Project Lastly, the team member shall hold a meeting in discuss and assess the benefits that the project team achieve after the completion. In addition, the lessons learned throughout the project life cycle is also needed and recorded in the Company’s online application for the future project reference (appendix 11). Since there are no more tasks after this lessons learned and team assessment, the cost accounts also need to be finalized and closed, then no more further cost arise. Page 62 of 95 Saint Honore Bakery Renovation Project Appendix 1: The Company’s Model Of Project Participation Decision Project status analysis Considering base on revenue and cost structure Meeting revenue and cost structure requirement High won opty High won opty Potential Strategy Stakeholder analysis Page 63 of 95 Project participation Saint Honore Bakery Renovation Project Appendix 2: Stakeholder Analysis Log Saint Honore Bakery Renovation Project Dong Nai Province Nguyen Duy Son Project Name: National Center: Project Manager Name: Project Description: <required> ID Name Title 1 Mr. Shin Director (CFLD) 2 Mr. Phillips Director (Saint Honore) 3 Mr. Tung Director (Solid Interior) Contact Information Communication Communication Stake In Types Vehicles Project External Status Meeting Approve technical Meetings and finance issues Conference Meeting Approve brand Calls design and electrical kitchen devices Team Lead Meeting Approve the Meetings project budget Page 64 of 95 Comments Version: Error! Unknown document property name. Error! Unknown document property name. Appendix 3: Alternative Analysis Project Saint Honore Total The Coffee House Total Tous Les Jours Important Weighted (A) Scale 1 Time 1 Contracted Value - Cost 2 Strategic- Potential 3 Score (B) 5 5 4 4 Scale Time Contracted Value - Cost Strategic - Potential 1 1 2 3 5 5 3 4 Scale Time Contracted Value - Cost Strategic- Potential 1 1 2 3 5 5 4 3 Criteria Total (B) Page 65 of 95 Weighted Score (AxB) 5 5 8 12 30 5 5 6 12 28 5 5 8 6 24 65 Saint Honore Bakery Renovation Project Appendix 4: The Business Case Documentation - The Company’s Cost and Profit Structure $ 200,000,000,000 4.0% Variance Cost of Sub-contractors I. Profit = 4.0% Variance Cost of Opty & Team II. Total Cost = 70.8% + 4.4% + 2.7%, or 77.9% Page 66 of 95 Saint Honore Bakery Renovation Project Appendix 5 : Contractual Requirements and Terms SERVICE AGREEMENT Số/ No.: SDIN/100920 This Service Agreement (the “Agreement”) is made and entered into as of [09//15//2020] (the “Effective Date”) by and between: CÔNG TY TNHH SAINT - HONORE ĐẦU TƯ VÀ THƯƠNG MẠI – CHI NHÁNH HỒ CHÍ MINH SAINT- HONORE INVESTMENT AND TRADING COMPANY LIMITED Address : No. 17 Tran Ngoc Dien street, Thao Dien ward, District 2, HCMC Represented by : Ms. TONG THI NHU PHUC Position : Director Mã số thuế/ : 0104979710-002 VAT Code (Hereinafter referred to as the “Company”) AND CÔNG TY TNHH NỘI THẤT BỀN VỮNG SOLID INTERIOR COMPANY LIMITED Address : E44 Nhat Tao, Ward 7, District 11, HCMC Represented by : Mr. MAI THANH TUNG Position : Director VAT Code : 0309267915 (Hereinafter referred to as the “Service Provider”) The Service Provider and the Company are referred to as "Party" individually and "Parties" collectively. FOR VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, the Parties hereby agree as follows: Page 67 of 95 Saint Honore Bakery Renovation Project 1. PROVISION OF THE SERVICES The Service Provider agrees to provide and the Company agrees to use the services (the “Services”) which is provided in details in Schedule 1 of this Agreement; The Service Provider acknowledges and agrees that (a) this Agreement does not constitute an exclusive agreement between the Company and the Service Provider; and (b) there is no obligation of the Company to purchase services similar to the Services from the Service Provider, accordingly the Company may purchase such services from any service suppliers other than the Service Provider; unless otherwise agreed by the Parties. 2. FEES AND PAYMENT 2.1 The fees payable for the Services is provided in Schedule 2; 2.2 Where the Services are provided for a fixed price, the total price for the Services shall be the amount set out and paid to the Service Provider as specified in Schedule 2; 2.3 The Company shall pay invoice properly due, issued and submitted to it by the Service Provider within the period as specified in Schedule 2; 2.4 Without prejudice to any other right or remedy it may have, the Company reserves the right to set off any amount owing at any time to it by the Service Provider against any amount payable by the Company to the Service Provider under this Agreement. 3. COMMENCEMENT AND DURATION The Services supplied under this Agreement shall be provided by the Service Provider to the Company from the date as defined in Schedule 1 (the “Commencement Date”); The Services supplied under this Agreement shall continue to be supplied for a period as defined in Schedule 1 commencing from the Commencement Date (the “Term”) and may be renewed for periods, upon written notice given by the Company to the Service Provider 30 (thirty) days prior to the expiry of the Term, unless this Agreement is terminated in accordance with Clause 14. 4. RIGHTS AND OBLIGATIONS OF THE COMPANY Request the Service Provider to perform the Services in accordance with this Agreement; 4.2 Process payment to the Service Provider in accordance with this Agreement; 4.3 Refuse the Services and/or terminate this Agreement in case the Services are not qualification to the Company and/or the Service Provider breaches its obligation as defined in this Agreement. 5. RIGHTS AND OBLIGATIONS OF THE SERVICE PROVIDER 5.1 Assign and inform the Company on the Service Provider’s staff in charge of performing the Services. Any change of the responsible staff must be informed to the Company before such change; Page 68 of 95 Saint Honore Bakery Renovation Project 5.2 The Service Provider is obligated to issue and send valid VAT invoices to the Company as specified in the Agreement; 5.3 The Service Provider shall cooperate with and support the Company to ensure the best performance of its obligations under the Agreement; 5.4 The Service Provider ensures that it has obtained required licenses/permits to provide Services to the Company in accordance with Vietnamese law and shall provide to the Company these such evidence of licenses/permits when required; 5.5 The Service Provider shall inform the Company immediately of any changes in the Service Provider's organization or method of doing business which might affect the performance of the Service Provider’s obligations under this Agreement; 5.6 The Service Provider to ensure that their employees will comply with rules and regulation of the place where the Services are provided, will follow work safety, work hygiene and fire prevention standard and shall be responsible for all risks during the performance of the Service. 6. MANNER OF PERFORMANCE THE SERVICE The Service Provider shall: 6.1 In the performance of the Agreement, act faithfully and in the best interests of the Company and obtain the Company’s consent before undertaking for any third party which the Company believes may conflict with the interests of the Company; 6.2 Perform the Services and any approved additional services in an expeditious and timely manner; 6.3 Comply with all laws and agreements and not cause or contribute to any noncompliance by the Company with, or to the Company incurring any liability or losing any benefit under, any applicable law or any consent or any contract; 6.4 In the performance of the Services and any approved additional services, comply with all applicable laws, technical regulations and standards; 6.5 Obtain and maintain (and ensure its sub-contractors and its and their employees, agents and representatives obtain and maintain) at all times all consents and qualifications as may be necessary for the Service Provider (and its sub-contractors and its and their employees, agents and representatives) to lawfully perform the services and any approved additional services in each jurisdiction in which performance may be required; 6.6 Assure the quality of the Services and any approved additional services; 6.7 Except as provided otherwise in the Agreement, provide all such facilities, equipment and other resources and things whatsoever as may be necessary or expedient for the performance of the Services and any approved additional services in accordance with the Agreement; and Page 69 of 95 Saint Honore Bakery Renovation Project 6.8 Promptly comply with any lawful and reasonable instruction or direction of the Company concerning the Services. 7. ACCEPTANCE OF THE SERVICES 7.1 The Company shall assign persons from relevant department to be in charge to check and accept the Service and notify these persons to the Service Provider (the “Authorized Person”). In the event that the Servicea have dully been completed according to the Agreement, the Authorized Person shall sign the Minutes of Acceptance (as per the Company’s template in Schedule 3) certifying the completion of the Service and this Minutes of Acceptance shall be the basis for the payment of the Service Fee by the Company to the Service Provider. 7.2 In the event that the Service fails to meet requirements as per provided for in the Agreement or the Company’s expectations, the Authorized Person shall be entitled to refuse to sign the Minute of Acceptance. Then, at the Company’ sole discretion, the Service Provider, by its own costs, shall try its best to fix the mentioned failures for a reasonable time approved by the Company, in order to accomplish the Service as per requirements under the Agreement or the Company’s expectations, or the Company is entitled to reject the Service, and/or terminate the Agreement, not pay the Service Fee without any liability to the Service Provider. 8. BUSINESS CONDUCT The Service Provider acknowledges that the Company’s policy is to conduct its business pursuant to high ethical standards. The Service Provider agrees that during the performance of the Services it shall at all time comply with high standards of professional and ethical business conduct. 9. INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS Upon termination of this Agreement for any reason, all papers and documents in the Service Provider’s possession or under its control belonging to the Company or obtained or prepared by the Service Provider in the course and scope of the Service under this Agreement must be returned to the Company. The Service Provider assigns to the Company, with full title guarantee and free from all thirdparty rights, the Intellectual Property Rights and all other rights in the products of the Services The Service Provider shall, promptly at the Company's request, do or procure to be done all such further acts and things and the execution of all such other documents as the Company may from time to time require for the purpose of securing for the Company the full benefit of this agreement, including all right, title and interest in and to the Intellectual Property Rights and all other rights assigned to the Company in accordance with Article Error! Reference source not found.. This provision of this Article 9 shall survive the termination of this Agreement. 10. INDEMNITY Page 70 of 95 Saint Honore Bakery Renovation Project 10.1 The Service Provider shall at all times indemnify and hold harmless the Company, affiliates and members of the Company, its officers, employees and agents (the “Indemnified Parties”) from and against any loss (including reasonable legal costs and expenses) or liability reasonably incurred or suffered by any of the Indemnified Parties arising from any proceedings against the Indemnified Parties where such loss or liability was caused by: a breach by the Service Provider of its obligations under this Agreement; or any willful, unlawful or negligent act or omission of the Service Provider or its employees, contractors, agents; or any alleged or actual infringement of any third party's intellectual property rights or other rights arising out of providing the Services to the Company. 10.2 This provision of this Article 0 shall survive the termination of this Agreement. 11. CONFIDENTIALITY 11.1 The Service Provider shall keep in strict confidence and and shall not be provided to any third party without the prior written consent of Company the content of this Agreement, as well as any information, documents which are of a confidential nature and have been disclosed by the Company to the Service Provider, its employees, agents or sub-contractors and any other confidential information concerning the Company's business or its products which the Service Provider may obtain (the “Confidential Information”). The Service Provider shall restrict disclosure of such confidential material to its other employees, agents or sub-contractors as need to know the same, and shall ensure that all its employees, agents or sub-contractors are subject to obligations of confidentiality corresponding to those which bind the Service Provider. 11.2 Not withstanding the provision hereof, the disclosure of such Confidential Information (i) to the extent that such Confidential Information is required to be disclosed to any regulatory authority or government agency in relation to the implementation of this Agreement; or (ii) to the extent that such disclosure is required to be disclosed under the applicable laws or rules by governmental authorities or courts, shall not be conclude as breach of this provision, provided that as soon as practicable and unless prohibited by laws of regulations, the Service Provider shall inform the Company of such requirement or request and take such reasonable steps as will permit the latter to have an opportunity to oppose or restrict such disclosure. 11.3 This provision of this Article Error! Reference source not found. shall survive the termination of this Agreement. 12. REMEDIES AND PENALTY 12.1 Remedies: If any Services are not supplied in accordance with, or the Service Provider fails to comply with, any terms of this Agreement, the Company shall be entitled (without prejudice to any other right or remedy) to exercise any one or more of the following rights or remedies: to rescind this Agreement in accordance with Clause14; or Page 71 of 95 Saint Honore Bakery Renovation Project to refuse to accept the provision of any further services by the Service Provider and to require the immediate repayment by the Service Provider of all sums previously paid by the Company to the Service Provider under this Agreement; or to require the Service Provider, without charge to the Company, to carry out such additional work as is necessary to correct the Service Provider's failure; and in any case, to claim such damages as it may have sustained in connection with the Service Provider's breach or breaches of this Agreement not otherwise covered by the provisions of this Clause 12, including but not limited to, legal and other professional fees and expenses regarding compensation requirement. Such compensation must be paid to Company within 30 days as from the termination of the Agreement. 12.2 Penalty: Without prejudice to any other right or remedies which the Company may have, in case of the Service Provider breaches any its obligation under this Agreement, it must be penalized 8% of total value of the contractual obligation which is subject to the breach to the Company. 13. FORCE MAJEURE 13.1 An event of force majeure means is any: act of God; war, riot, insurrection, vandalism or sabotage; strike, lockout, ban, limitation of work or other industrial disturbance; law, rule or regulation of any government or governmental agency and executive or administrative order or act of general or particular application; and other occurrence whatsoever which is beyond the control of the Party. 13.2 In case of occurring any Force majeure event that obstructed the implementation a part or whole obligation of the Parties according to the Agreement, the affected Party must inform in writing to the other Party within 03 (three) days from the date of the force majeure. The affected Party must carry out all necessary measures to overcome the such obstacle. In that case, as only decision of the non-affected Party, this Agreement may be extended or immediately terminated. However, should the force majeure endure for a period in excess of 15 (fifteen) days, the non-affected Party is entitled to terminate this Agreement by giving a written notice and without any liability to the other Party. 14. TERMINATION Without prejudice to any other rights or remedies which the Company may have, the Company may terminate this Agreement without liability to the Service Provider on giving the Service Provider not less than 15 (fifteen) days written notice to the Service Provider if: the performance of the Services is delayed, hindered or prevented by circumstances which are in the Company’s opinion beyond the Service Provider's reasonable control; or the Service Provider fails to meet any performance standard or criteria set forth by the Company from time to time; or the Service Provider commits a material breach of any of the terms of this Agreement and fails to remedy that breach within requested period from the day of being notified in writing of the breach; or an order is made or a resolution is passed for the winding up of the Service Provider, or circumstances arise which entitle a Vietnamese court to make a bankruptcy order of the Service Provider; or Page 72 of 95 Saint Honore Bakery Renovation Project the Service Provider ceases, or threatens to cease, to trade; or the Service Provider takes or suffers any similar or analogous action in any jurisdiction in consequence of debt. Either Party may terminate this Agreement at any time during the Term provided that a notification in writing must be submitted to the other Party at least 30 (thirty) calendar days prior to the date of termination; This Agreement may be terminated in other cases as provided for under Vietnamese law and/or as agreed by the Parties; Termination of this Agreement, however it arises, shall not affect or prejudice the accrued rights of the Parties as at termination or the continuation of any provision expressly stated to survive, or implicitly surviving, termination; Commencing upon notice to the Service Provider of expiration or termination of this Agreement and continuing through the effective date of expiration or termination, if so requested by the Company, the Service Provider will assist the Company in termination process so that the Company can use the Services without interruption or adverse effect and to facilitate the orderly transfer of the subject matter of this Agreement as desired by the Company. If requested by the Company, the Service Provider will cooperate with a third party appointed by the Company in connection with the preparation and implementation of a transition plan by such third party upon the termination or expiration of this Agreement. 15. INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR The Company and the Service Provider hereby covenant and agree that the Service Provider shall furnish the Services pursuant to this Agreement solely as an independent contractor and not as an employee or agent of the Company; it is specifically agreed that the Service Provider and the Company shall not be deemed to have a relationship other than as an independent contractor. The Service Provider shall have no power or authority to bind the Company to any contract or agreement. 16. ASSIGNMENT 16.1 Neither a whole or part of this Agreement nor any rights or obligations hereunder may be assigned, delegated, or otherwise transferred by the Service Provider without the prior written consent of the Company. Any attempts so to assign, delegate, or transfer this Agreement or any rights or obligations hereunder without the Company’s consent shall be null and void. 16.2 The Company may at any time assign, transfer or deal in any other manner with all or any of its rights or obligations under this Agreement. 17. WAIVER Neither the Company nor the Service Provider failure to enforce or delay in enforcement of any provision hereof or any right hereunder shall not be construed as a waiver of such provision or right. The Company and the Service Provider exercise of any right hereunder shall not preclude or prejudice the exercise thereafter of the same or any other right. 18. SEVERABILITY Page 73 of 95 Saint Honore Bakery Renovation Project If any term, provision, covenant, or condition of this Agreement, or any application thereof, should be held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, void, or unenforceable, all other provisions, covenants and conditions of this Agreement shall not be held invalid and shall continue in full force thereby. 19. NO SUB-CONTRACTING The Service Provider may not subcontract the performance of any of its obligations hereunder without the prior written consent of the Company. Approval of any contractor or subcontractor by the Company shall not constitute a superseding event or waiver of any right of the Company to reject work which is not in conformance with the standards set forth in this Agreement and does not constitute nor imply authorization of expenses in excess of budgets. To the extent that the Service Provider subcontracts to third parties any of its obligations set forth in this Agreement with prior written consent of the Company, the Service Provider shall remain fully responsible for such obligations and for all acts or omissions of its subcontractors or agents. Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed to create any contractual relationship between the Company and any subcontractor, nor any obligation on the part of the Company to pay any money due to any subcontractor, except as may be otherwise required by law. 20. NOTICES Notice given under this Agreement shall be in writing, sent for the attention of the person, and to the address given in this Agreement (or such other address or person as the relevant party may notify to the other Party) and shall be delivered personally or sent by prepaid, first-class post or recorded delivery. A notice is deemed to have been received, if delivered personally, at the time of delivery, in the case of pre-paid first class post or recorded delivery, 48 hours from the date of posting and, if deemed receipt under this Clause 20 is not within business hours (meaning 9.00 am to 5.30 pm Monday to Friday on a day that is a business day), at 9.00 am on the first business day following delivery. To prove services, it is sufficient to prove that the notice was transmitted by post, that the envelope containing the notice was properly addressed and posted. 21. ANTI-CORRUPTION The Service Provider undertakes that none of its directors, officers, employees, representatives, consultants, advisors or any of its affiliates, have made or will make, with respect to the provision of the Services to the Company, any offer, payment, promise to pay or authorization of the payment of any money, or any offer, gift, promise to give or authorization of the giving of anything of value, directly or indirectly, to or for the use or benefit of (i) any official or employee of any governmental entity or public international organization; (ii) any political party, official, or candidate; (iii) any directors, officers, employees or representatives of the Company; or (iv) any other relevant parties, unless such offer, payment, gift, promise or authorization is not in violation of the applicable laws. The Service Provider acknowledges that any breach of this representation and covenant above will cause damage to the Company and shall undertake to compensate the Company for any losses suffered by it as a result thereof. 22. APPLICABLE LAW AND DISPUTE RESOLUTION Page 74 of 95 Saint Honore Bakery Renovation Project 22.1 This Agreement is governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Vietnam; 22.2 In case of any difficulties or disputes arise during the implementation the Agreement, the Parties will firstly have discussion and negotiation on the mutual benefit basis; 22.3 Any dispute arising out of or relating to this Agreement cannot be settled by negotiation between the Parties, shall be resolved by Vietnam International Arbitration Centre (VIAC) in accordance with its Rules of Arbitration. The seat of the arbitration shall be Ho Chi Minh City. The Tribunal shall consist of three (3) arbitrators. The language of the arbitration shall be Vietnamese. The arbitral award shall be final and binding on the Parties. 23. MISCELLANEOUS 23.1 This Agreement shall construe an entire agreement between the Parties in respect of the subject matter hereof and replace all prior agreements between the Parties. 23.2 This Agreement may be amended or supplemented only by written agreement to be signed by the authorized representatives of the Parties. 23.3 This Agreement shall take effect from the Effective Date; 23.4 This Agreement is made into four (04) bilingual original copies in Vietnamese and English, each Party shall keep two (02) original copies which having the same validity and effective. In case of any discrepancy between two languages, the Vietnamese version shall prevail. Thay mặt và đại diện cho/For and on behalf of: CÔNG TY TNHH NỘI THẤT BỀN VỮNG SOLID INTERIOR COMPANY LIMITED Thay mặt và đại diện cho/For and on behalf of: CÔNG TY TNHH SAINT - HONORE ĐẦU TƯ VÀ THƯƠNG MẠI – CHI NHÁNH HỒ CHÍ MINH SAINT- HONORE INVESTMENT AND TRADING COMPANY LIMITED __________________________ Ông/Mr.: MAI THANH TUNG Giám Đốc/Director __________________________ Bà/ Ms. TỐNG THỊ NHƯ PHÚC Giám Đốc /Director SCHEDULE 1. 1 THE SERVICES Scope of the Services The Service Provider shall provide the following Services to the Company: No. WORK ITEMS I Internal Labor COST (USD) $28,710 Page 75 of 95 NOTE Saint Honore Bakery Renovation Project II Expenses (Materials, Travel, Equipment/Facilities) III Bought-Out Costs (Subcontractors) $1,750 $64,075 1 Fit Out Work 2 Furniture Supply 3 MEP Work $22,000 $20,000 $16,250 Contingency (10%) $5,825 TOTAL $94,535 2. Commencement Date: 10/14/2020 3. Construction Duration: 34 working days This Agreement is valid from the Effective Date and automatically terminated upon fulfillment of all obligations by the Parties under the Agreement. The Service Provider is obligated to complete and handover the Services to the Company on or before 10/015/2020. 4. Other conditions: The Parties shall make the liquidation procedure upon termination the Agreement by signing the Minutes of Liquidation as the Company’s template. SCHEDULE 2. 1. FEE AND PAYMENT Services Fee Regarding the execution of the Services in this Agreement, the Company shall pay the Service Provider the fixed Services Fee in accordance with the scope of works are stipulated in Schedule 1 is USD 94,535 - based on Bill of Quantities attached The above Services Fee is inclusive of VAT, all cost and expenses which the Service Provider has agreed to undertake in accordance with the Agreement. The Service Provider has responsibility, including but not limited to any tax, expenses, levies, insurance to its personnel under Vietnam laws including: a. Staff’s salary with all bonuses and benefits; b. Transportation fee; Page 76 of 95 Saint Honore Bakery Renovation Project c. 24/24 accident and medical insurances. d. Other expenses that the Service Provider is responsible to pay in accordance with laws and/or as agreed of the Parties. 2. Payment method The Services Fee is and shall be paid in Vietnam Dong; Request payment document includes: No Payment Schedule Request payment document 1 The first payment The Agreement signed by the Parties. 1st Debit note The second payment Work done confirmation of 80% or more Tax invoice corresponding to the total amount of 1st and 2nd payment 2nd Debit note The Final payment The final payment requests. VAT invoices based on the final payment amount Minutes of Acceptance is signed by two parties Final account. 2 3 The Company shall pay the Service Provider with the following details: Amount inclusive No Payment Schedule of 10% VAT Payment period (USD) 30% Advance Payment 1st 05 days upon receipt of valid request upon signing of the $28,360 payment payment document Agreement 40% after confirmation 2nd 30 days upon receipt of valid request date of work done of $37,814 payment payment document 80% or above 30% and values derived are now completed upon 30 days upon receipt of valid request 3rd testing, commissioning, $28,361 payment document and the Parties payment acceptance and hand signed the Minutes of Acceptance over Page 77 of 95 Saint Honore Bakery Renovation Project 2.4 The Services Fee shall be paid by bank transfer to the Service Provider’s account with the following information: Account Holder: CÔNG TY TNHH NỘI THẤT BỀN VỮNG Account Number: 83033659 (VND) 83033769 (USD) At Bank: ACB – PGD Lê Đại Hành Swift Code: ASCBVNVX Page 78 of 95 Saint Honore Bakery Renovation Project Appendix 6: Quality Management Report Page 79 of 95 Saint Honore Bakery Renovation Project Page 80 of 95 Saint Honore Bakery Renovation Project Appendix 7: QC Plan Page 81 of 95 Saint Honore Bakery Renovation Project Appendix 8: Defect Reports Page 82 of 95 Saint Honore Bakery Renovation Project Appendix 9: Weekly Progress Report Page 83 of 95 Saint Honore Bakery Renovation Project Page 84 of 95 Saint Honore Bakery Renovation Project Appendix 10: Configuration Management Plan CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT PLAN SH PROJECT SOLID INTERIOR LTD., 79 DOAN NHU HAI HCMC, 700000 OCT 26TH, 2020 Page 85 of 95 Saint Honore Bakery Renovation Project TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION 87 ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES 87 CONFIGURATION CONTROL 88 CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT DATABASE (CMDB) CONFIGURATION STATUS ACCOUNTING 90 CONFIGURATION AUDITS 90 89 Page 86 of 95 Saint Honore Bakery Renovation Project INTRODUCTION In our SH project, we prioritize the control of changes in scope, time, cost; therefore, we use the configuration control as the project’s key control system for controlling the project. It should be maintained by the whole project team and distributed to the stakeholders periodically as outlined in the communications management protocol of section 6 above, or at the right time as needed accordingly to the actual requirements of the project. In order to effectively manage the SH Project, a coordinated Configuration Management (CM) Plan is needed. This plan will establish CM roles and responsibilities and describe how the SH Project team will track, implement, and communicate configuration items (CIs) and changes throughout the project lifecycle. The purpose of the Configuration Management Plan is to describe how CM will be conducted throughout the project lifecycle. This includes documenting how CM is managed, roles and responsibilities, how CI changes are made, and communicating all aspects of CM to project stakeholders. Without a documented configuration management plan it is likely that CIs may be missed, incomplete, or unnecessary work is done because of a lack or version and document control. Any configuration changes which are identified by the project team or stakeholders must be captured in a configuration change request (CCR) and submitted to the Change Control Board (CCB). The CCB will review, analyze, and approve/deny the request based on the impact, scope, time, and cost of the proposed change. If the change is approved, the project requirements will be re-baselined (if necessary) and all changes will be communicated to the project team and stakeholders by the Project Manager. Denied CCRs may be re-submitted with additional or new information for re-consideration by the CCB ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES (Roles and responsibilities are important parts of any plan. In order to communicate a clear understanding of expectations, these roles and responsibilities must be clearly defined. Any work that will be performed as part of the plan must be assigned to someone and this section allows us to illustrate who owns these tasks and to communicate them to all project stakeholders.) The following roles and responsibilities pertain to the CM Plan for SH project. Configuration Control Board (CCB) The CCB is comprised of the NexGen Project Sponsor, Project Manager, Configuration Manager, and the Lead Engineer for the configuration item (CI) under consideration. The CCB is responsible for the following: Review and approve/reject configuration change requests Ensure all approved changes are added to the configuration management database (CMDB) Seeking clarification on any CIs as required Project Sponsor The Project Sponsor is responsible for: Chairing all CCB meetings Providing approval for any issues requiring additional scope, time, or cost Project Manager The Project Manager is responsible for: Page 87 of 95 Saint Honore Bakery Renovation Project Overall responsibility for all CM activities related to the SH project Identification of CIs All communication of CM activities to project stakeholders Participation in CCB meetings Re-baselining, if necessary, any items affected by CM changes Configuration Manager The Configuration Manager will be appointed by the Program Management Office (PMO). The Configuration Manager is responsible for: Overall management of the CMDB Identification of CIs Providing configuration standards and templates to the project team Providing any required configuration training Lead Engineers All identified CIs will be assigned to a Lead Engineer. The assigned Lead Engineer is responsible for: Designating a focus group to develop the change request Ensure all change requests comply with organizational templates and standards prior to the CCB Identification of CIs Engineers Each CI will be assigned to a focus group consisting of several engineers. Each member of the focus group will provide input to the change request prior to submitting the change request to the lead engineer for review and presentation at the CCB CONFIGURATION CONTROL (Configuration Control is the process of systematically controlling and managing all steps of configuration throughout the project lifecycle. In order to effectively handle project CM it is important to use a process which ensures only necessary configuration changes are made. Additionally, like any change management efforts, configuration change decisions must be made with the understanding of the impact of the change) The SH Project will use a standardized configuration control process throughout the project lifecycle in order to ensure all CIs are handled in a consistent manner and any approved changes are fully vetted regarding impact and communicated to stakeholders. As CIs are identified by the project team, the Configuration Manager will assign a CI name and the CI will be entered into the CMDB in an “initiate” status. The CI will then be assigned to an engineer focus group. Each member of a CIs focus group will have the ability to access the CI through the CMDB, make changes and edits, and enter the CI back into the CMDB with a description of the change/edit annotated in the CMDB log. It is imperative that for any software changes testing is conducted by the focus group in order to validate any changes made. The Lead Engineer assigned to manage the focus group is responsible for ensuring that testing has been conducted, changes are entered into the CMDB log, and that all changes/edits are saved properly into the CMDB. The Lead Engineer is also responsible for assigning new version numbers and CMDB status for any changes made by his/her assigned focus group. Page 88 of 95 Saint Honore Bakery Renovation Project Many times a CI will have a relationship with one or more other CIs within a project. The Lead Engineer, CM, and Project Manager will work together to ensure these relationships are fully understood. The Lead Engineer and CM will then be responsible for illustrating these relationships and co-dependencies in the CMDB to ensure a full understanding of each CI and how they relate to one another. Any configuration changes which are identified by the project team or stakeholders must be captured in a configuration change request (CCR) and submitted to the CCB. The CCB will review, analyze, and approve/deny the request based on the impact, scope, time, and cost of the proposed change. If the change is approved, the project requirements will be re-baselined (if necessary) and all changes will be communicated to the project team and stakeholders by the Project Manager. Denied CCRs may be re-submitted with additional or new information for re-consideration by the CCB. CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT DATABASE (CMDB) (A Configuration Management Database (CMDB) is where the organizations configuration information is stored. CMDB is a term which originates from Information Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL) which provides a framework for best practices in IT services management. The CMDB contains not only the configuration information for assets but also information about the assets such as physical location, ownership, and its relationship to other configurable items (CIs). A key component to configuration management is having a well-defined and followed process for both document and data management.) The CMDB will be the centralized repository for all configuration information for the NexGen project. The CMDB provides a common platform for the project team to edit, change, revise, and review CIs and also to ensure all documents and data are updated with the latest revision and release formats. Access to the CMDB will be granted and governed by the Company’s project management apps. Two types of CMDB access will be granted for the SH project: Full read and write access will be granted to the CM, Project Manager, Lead Engineers, and Engineers. These individuals will be authorized to access the CMDB to make changes, edit documents and data, and review and approve versions and CI status. Read only access will be granted to the Project Sponsor and all other stakeholders. This access will allow these individuals to view all CIs and CI data but they will not be authorized to make any changes. If these individuals identify the need for a change or edit they will notify the CM who will review the notification and provide feedback. The CMDB will provide assurance that members of the project team are always working off of the latest version of software, data, and documentation. However, it is important to maintain the history of these assets throughout the project lifecycle. As these assets are changed and updated, the Lead Engineer of the CI’s assigned focus group will be responsible for updating the status of the CI and providing new revision numbering. This numbering will be done in accordance with the Company’s standard revision control numbering process wherein higher version numbers indicate more recent versions of the software, data, or documentation. Page 89 of 95 Saint Honore Bakery Renovation Project CONFIGURATION STATUS ACCOUNTING (Accounting for the status of the configuration involves the collection, processing, and reporting of the configuration data for all CIs at any given time. This also includes management stored configuration information held in the Configuration Management Database (CMDB). This may include approved configuration documents, software, data, and their current version numbers; build reports; status of any submitted changes; or any discrepancies and status identified through configuration audits.) It is important that for the SH Project, the Project Sponsor and Vice President of Technology have the ability to review configuration status at any given time. The Project Manager will also submit weekly reports, to include configuration status, every Friday. These reports will consist of the following information as part of the configuration status section: Change requests Aging - How long change requests have been open Distribution – number of change requests submitted by owner/group Trending – what area(s) are approved changes occurring in Version Control Software Hardware Data Documentation Build Reporting Files CI relationships Incorporated Changes Audits Physical Configuration Functional Configuration Prior to any new software releases, the CM will work with each Lead Engineer to ensure all CIs are updated with latest release versions. CONFIGURATION AUDITS (Configuration audits will be an ongoing part of the SH project lifecycle. The purpose of the configuration audit is to ensure all team members are following the established procedures and processes for configuration management. Project audits for the NexGen Project will occur prior to any major software release or at the Project Manager or Sponsor’s discretion if they determine the need for one.) All H configuration audits will be performed by the CM. Throughout the project the CM works closely with Lead Engineers to ensure that all configuration processes and procedures are being followed. As part of the configuration audit the CM will perform the following tasks: Establish an audit environment in the CMDB Page 90 of 95 Saint Honore Bakery Renovation Project The CM will copy all of the latest software, data, and document versions into the audit environment The CM will ensure all versions are correctly numbered and that version control has been performed properly The CM will analyze historical versions and timestamps of all software, data, and documents to ensure all changes/edits were properly recorded and captured The CM will copy latest software versions and conduct software testing to ensure requirements are being met The CM will ensure all required artifacts are present and current in the CMDB The CM will ensure all approved CCRs have been incorporated into the project and are recorded in the CMDB Once the audit has been performed, the CM will compile his/her audit findings. For each finding, the CM must work with the Project Manager/Team to identify the corrective action(s) necessary to resolve the discrepancy and assign responsibility for each corrective action. Upon completion of the project audit and findings, the CM will note all discrepancies and compile a report to be presented to the Project Manager, Sponsor, and VP of Technology. SPONSOR ACCEPTANCE Approved by the Project Sponsor: Date: <Project Sponsor> <Project Sponsor Title> Page 91 of 95 Saint Honore Bakery Renovation Project Appendix 11: Page 92 of 95 Saint Honore Bakery Renovation Project Appendix 12 : Key Terms The following table provides definitions for terms relevant to this document. Term Definition SDI Solid Interior Co. Ltd.,, The Contractor The Company The investor, the sponsor, the project developer SH Saint Honore Bakery MEP Machenical/Electrical/Plumbing system HVAC Heating-Ventilationing-Air Conditioning MFC/MDF A term is used to refer to a kind of industrial wood PM Project Manager QC Quality Control QA Quality Assurance Predecessors: Those activities that must be completed prior to initiation of a later activity in the network. Successors: Activities that cannot be started until previous activities have been completed. These activities follow predecessor tasks. Early start (E S) date: The earliest possible date the uncompleted portions of an activity can start. Late start (L S) date: The latest possible date that an activity may begin without delaying a specified milestone. Float: The amount of time an activity may be delayed from its early start without delaying the finish of the project. Page 93 of 95 Saint Honore Bakery Renovation Project Path: A sequence of activities defined by the project network logic. Critical path: The path through project network with the longest duration. Project network diagram Any schematic display of the logical relationships of project (PND) activities. SF-SS-FF-FS The logical relationships between activities, standing for: Start to Finish, Start to Start, Finish to Finish, Finish to Start Page 94 of 95 Saint Honore Bakery Renovation Project Appendix 13 : Reference Pinto, J. K. (2016). Project_Management_Achieving_Competitive_Advantage (5th ed.). Page 95 of 95