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DDI presentation 20230207

The State of Leadership Development
Build a Foundation for Leadership Development
Identify Your Business Drivers
Build Your Leadership Competency Framework
Adopt Leader-First Instructional Design Principles
Invest in Great Leadership Facilitators
Design Exceptional Leadership Development
#1 Use Micro and Macro Learining Effectively
#2 Blend Group and Self-Directed Leadership
#3 Creat Peer Learning Group
#4 Leverage Tools for Personalized Leadership
#5 Use Assessment for Development
#6 Employ Leadership Practice Tools
#7 Build in Feedback for Personal
Manage Successful Leadership Development Program
How to Measure Results of Leadership Development
Gain Stakeholder Engagement for Your Leadership
Development Program
Create a Communicatiion Strategy
Secure Manager Support for Leadership Development
How to Kick Off Your Leadership Development
Explore Moment of Leadership
New Role: New Leader
Strategy and Culture Shift: Creating an Inclusive
Just-in Time Support for Leaders: Having a
Challenging Conversation
React to Crisis: Switch to Remote and Hybrid Work
Intro: State of Leadership
Intro: The State of Leadership Development
Ultimate Guide to Leadership Development
Leadership Is Tough
Ultimate Guide to Leadership Development
The Pendulum of Leadership Development
Meeting Leaders in Motion
Make Development a Way of Work
Leadersip Development for Every Moment
Build a Foundation for Leadership
Build a Foundation for Leadership
Identify Your Business Drivers
Build Your Leadership Competency framework
Adopt Leadership-First Instructional Design Principles
Invest in Great Leadetship Facilitators
Identify Your Business Drivers
Ultimate Guide to Leadership Development
Identify Your Business Drivers
Ultimate Guide to Leadership Development
Connect Business Drivers to Competencies
Ultimate Guide to Leadership Development
Build Your Leadership Competency
What Is a Competency?
The Characteristics of Great Competencies
Differentiating Your Leadership Competency
Framework by Level (1)
Differentiating Your Leadership Competency
Framework by Level (2)
Differentiating Your Leadership Competency
Framework by Level (1)
How Often Should You Update Your
Leadership Competency Framework?
A Holistic View of Success
Summary: Use Your Framework to Get
Adopt Leader-First Instructional Design
Ultimate Guide to Leadership Development
Adopt Leader-First Instructional Design
Ultimate Guide to Leadership Development
Adopt Leader-First Instructional Design
Ultimate Guide to Leadership Development
Adopt Leader-First Instructional Design
Ultimate Guide to Leadership Development
Adopt Leader-First Instructional Design
Ultimate Guide to Leadership Development
Adopt Leader-First Instructional Design
Ultimate Guide to Leadership Development
Applying Instructional Design Principles
Invest in Great Leadership Facilitators
How Important Are great Facilitators for Effective Leadership
Invest in Great Leadership Facilitators
Who Should Facilitate Your Group Training Sessions?
Invest in Great Leadership Facilitators
Leveraging Internal Facilitators
Invest in Great Leadership Facilitators
Who Should You Consider for Internal Facilitate?
Invest in Great Leadership Facilitators
The 4 Competencies for Leadership Facilitators
Invest in Great Leadership Facilitators
Expanding Facilitation skills
Design Exceptional
Leadership Development:
7 Best Practices
7 Best Practices For Leadership Development
• #1: Use Micro and Macro Learning Effectively
• #2: Blend Group and Self-Directed Leadership
• #3: Create Peer Learning Groups
• #4: Leverage Tools for Personalized Leadership
• #5 Use Assessment for Development
• #6 Employ Leadership Practice Tools
• #7 Build in Feedback for Personal Development
#1: Use Micro and Macro Learning Effectively
What is MicroLearning?
When Should I Use MicroLearning?
• Support for an immediate challenge
• Reinforce concepts previously learned in a more
in-depth courseDevelopment
• Explore complementary topics
• Bring relevance to a topic
The Pros and Risks of Microlearning
• Support for an immediate challenge
• Reinforce concepts previously learned in a more
in-depth courseDevelopment
• Explore complementary topics
• Bring relevance to a topic
The Pros and Risks of Microlearning
• Support for an immediate challenge
• Reinforce concepts previously learned in a more
in-depth courseDevelopment
• Explore complementary topics
• Bring relevance to a topic
Behavior Change vs. “Behavior Do”
An Example of “Behavior Do”
What is MacroLearning
And When Should I Use It?
How Macrolearning Fits in a Learning Journey
How Microlearning Fits in a Learning Journey
Micro and Macro Learning Together Achieve
#2: Blend Group and Self-Directed Leadership
Ultimate Guide to Leadership Development
#2: Blend Group and Self-Directed Leadership Development
Don’t Fall into Self-Directed Leadership Development Traps
#2: Blend Group and Self-Directed Leadership Development
What Is Self-Directed Learning?
#2: Blend Group and Self-Directed Leadership Development
How to Implement Successful Self-Directed Leadership
#2: Blend Group and Self-Directed Leadership Development
How to Implement Successful Self-Directed Leadership
#2: Blend Group and Self-Directed Leadership Development
What Can Cause Self-Directed Learning to Fail?
#2: Blend Group and Self-Directed Leadership Development
Don’t Forget Group-Based Learning
#2: Blend Group and Self-Directed Leadership Development
When Is Self-Directed Leadership Development Most Valuable?
#2: Blend Group and Self-Directed Leadership Development
How to Add Self-Directed Learning to Leadership
#2: Blend Group and Self-Directed Leadership Development
What Does Success Look Like for Self-Directed Leadership
#3: Create Peer Learning Groups
Ultimate Guide to Leadership Development
#3: Create Peer Learning Groups
Leaders Love Learning Together
#3: Create Peer Learning Groups
The Benefits of Peer Learning Groups for Leadership
#3: Create Peer Learning Groups
When to Use Peer Learning Groups
#3: Create Peer Learning Groups
How to Structure Peer Learning Groups
#3: Create Peer Learning Groups
What Should a Peer Learning Session Look Like?
#3: Create Peer Learning Groups
Why Peer Learning is Key for Leadership Development
#3: Create Peer Learning Groups
What Should a Peer Learning Session Look Like?
#4: Leverage Tools for Personalized Leadership
Ultimate Guide to Leadership Development
#4: Leverage Tools for Personalized Leadership Development
What Does Success Look Like for Self-Directed Leadership
#4: Leverage Tools for Personalized Leadership Development
Defining Personalized Learning for Leadership Development?
#4: Leverage Tools for Personalized Leadership Development
How to Use Technology to Personalized Learning
#4: Leverage Tools for Personalized Leadership Development
Personalized Leadership Development: Meeting Leaders in the
#5: Use Assessment for Development
Ultimate Guide to Leadership Development
The Dream Team: Assessment and Development
#5: Use Assessment for Development
Why Assessment is Core to Development
#5: Use Assessment for Development
How Assessment and Development Work Together
#5: Use Assessment for Development
Different Types of Assessment Support Different Development
#5: Use Assessment for Development
How Assessment for Development Is Changing
#5: Use Assessment for Development
Practical Considerations When Using Assessment for
#5: Use Assessment for Development
Leaders Value Data-and Want More Assessment!
#6: Employ Leadership Practice Tools
Ultimate Guide to Leadership Development
Differentiate Your Leadership Development Program with
#6 : Employ Leadership Practice Tools
Why Assessment is Core to Development
#6 : Employ Leadership Practice Tools
5 Characteristics of a Good Leadership Practice Tool
#6 : Employ Leadership Practice Tools
Variety Is the Spice of Practice
#6 : Employ Leadership Practice Tools
The Value of a Coach in Practice
#6 : Employ Leadership Practice Tools
Don’t Leave Leadership Skills Practice to Chance
#7: Build in Feedback for Personal Development
Ultimate Guide to Leadership Development
Feedback Is Core to Behavior Change
#7 : Build in Feedback for Personal Development
Types of Feedback for Personal Development
#7 : Build in Feedback for Personal Development
Types of Feedback for Personal Development
#7 : Build in Feedback for Personal Development
5 Best Practices for Giving and Receiving Feedback
#7 : Build in Feedback for Personal Development
Don’t Forget About Feedback for Personal Development
Manage a Successful
Leadership Development:
Manage a Successful Leadership
Development Program
How to Measure Results of Leadership Development?
What Does Success Look Like in Leadership Development?
How to Measure Results of Leadership Development?
Leadership Can Be Learned, but How is It Measured?
How to Measure Results of Leadership Development?
Level 1 Evaluation: Measure Reaction
How to Measure Results of Leadership Development?
Level 2 Evaluation: Measure Learning
How to Measure Results of Leadership Development?
Level 3 Evaluation: Measure Behavior Change
How to Measure Results of Leadership Development?
Level 4 Evaluation: Measure Results
How to Measure Results of Leadership Development?
Examples of Calculating ROI
How to Measure Results of Leadership Development?
Measuring Implementation Support
How to Measure Results of Leadership Development?
Don’t’ Forget the Lead Indicators
How to Measure Results of Leadership Development?
Create a Measurement Plan
How to Measure Results of Leadership Development?
Measure Results to Plan Next Steps
Gain Stakeholder Engagement for Your
Leadership Development Program
Gain Stakeholder Engagement for Your Leadership
Development Program
Build Commitment with a Stakeholdler Engagement Strategy
Gain Stakeholder Engagement for Your Leadership
Development Program
What Is Stakeholdler Engagement?
Gain Stakeholder Engagement for Your Leadership
Development Program
Why Is Stakeholdler Engagement Important for Leadership
Gain Stakeholder Engagement for Your Leadership
Development Program
Who Are the Stakeholdler That Matter?
Gain Stakeholder Engagement for Your Leadership
Development Program
How Can My Stakeholdler Get Involved?
Gain Stakeholder Engagement for Your Leadership
Development Program
But Not All Stakeholdler Are Equal, Right?
Gain Stakeholder Engagement for Your Leadership
Development Program
Stakeholdler Mapping: the Quadrants Explained
Gain Stakeholder Engagement for Your Leadership
Development Program
So, What’s at Stake? Success!
Create a Communication Strategy
Ultimate Guide to Leadership Development
Create a Communication Strategy
It’s Time to Put on Your Marketing Hat!
Create a Communication Strategy
What Are the Elements of a Communication Strategy?
Create a Communication Strategy
Are There Different Types of Communication?
Create a Communication Strategy
Who Will Communicate What by When?
Create a Communication Strategy
Is It Internal Marketing?
Create a Communication Strategy
How Can You Tell If Your Communication Strategy Is Working?
Secure Manager Support for Leadership
Ultimate Guide to Leadership Development
Secure Manager Support for Leadership Development
“Is My Boss Going Through This Program Too?”
Secure Manager Support for Leadership Development
What Are the Barriers to Manager Support?
Secure Manager Support for Leadership Development
How Can Managers Support Development?
Secure Manager Support for Leadership Development
What Type of Manager Support Is Needed?
Secure Manager Support for Leadership Development
What Support Do Managers Need?
Secure Manager Support for Leadership Development
Managers Make a Big Difference
How to Kick Off Your Leadership Development
Ultimate Guide to Leadership Development
How to Kick Off Your Leadership Development Program
Think Strategically About Implementation
How to Kick Off Your Leadership Development Program
Why a Kickoff Strategy Matters
How to Kick Off Your Leadership Development Program
A Successful Kickoff in 4 Steps
How to Kick Off Your Leadership Development Program
The Kickoff Is Crucial
Explore Moments of Leadership
Explore Moments of Leadership
Right Development for the Right Moment of Leadershipl
Explore Moments of Leadership
Macro vs. Micro Moments: The Known and the Unknown
Explore Moments of Leadership
Exploring Moments of Leadership
New Role: New Leader
Transforming People into Leaders
New Role: New Leader
What Does a New Leader Need?
New Role: New Leader
What Foundational Skills Do New Leaders Need?
New Role: New Leader
What Are the Best Ways for New Leaders to Learn These Skills?
New Role: New Leader
How Quickly Can I Provide New Leaders with Training?
New Role: New Leader
An Example New Leader Program
New Role: New Leader
Build a Strong Foundation for Success
Strategy and Culture Shift: Creating an
Inclusive Culture
• New Role: New Leader
• Strategy and Culture Shift: Creating an Inclusive Culture
• Just-In-Time Support for Leader: Having a Challenging Conversation
• React to Crisis: Switch to Remote and Hybrid
Strategy and Culture Shift: Creating an
Inclusive Culture
Leaders Create the Environment for a Strategy and Culture
Strategy and Culture Shift: Creating an Inclusive Culture
Which Leadership Skills Create an Inclusive Culture?
Strategy and Culture Shift: Creating an Inclusive Culture
Sample Program to Develop Inclusive Leaders
Strategy and Culture Shift: Creating an Inclusive Culture
Better Leaders for a Better Future
Just-In-Time Support for Leaders: Having a
Challenging Conversation
Help Leaders in a Tough Moment
Just-In-Time Support for Leaders: Having a Challenging
Tackling Challenging Conversations at the Time of Need
Just-In-Time Support for Leaders: Having a Challenging
Microcourses for Just-in-Time Support for Leaders
Just-In-Time Support for Leaders: Having a Challenging
On-Demand Practice Tools
Just-In-Time Support for Leaders: Having a Challenging
Application Tools and Resources
Just-In-Time Support for Leaders: Having a Challenging
Leadership Happens in the Moment
React to Crisis: Switch to Remote and Hybrid
Ultimate Guide to Leadership Development
React to Crisis: Switch to Remote and Hybrid Work
Your Leaders Are Blindsided, Too
•Drive focus and accountability.
•Create a strong team culture.
Avoid burnout with empathy
React to Crisis: Switch to Remote and Hybrid Work
The Sudden Change to Leading Hybrid Teams
•Drive focus and accountability.
•Create a strong team culture.
Avoid burnout with empathy
React to Crisis: Switch to Remote and Hybrid Work
Sample Learning Journey: Leading Hybrid Teams
•Drive focus and accountability.
•Create a strong team culture.
Avoid burnout with empathy
React to Crisis: Switch to Remote and Hybrid Work
Start with a Self-Insight Tool
•Drive focus and accountability.
•Create a strong team culture.
Avoid burnout with empathy
React to Crisis: Switch to Remote and Hybrid Work
Use Courses to Build Skills
•Drive focus and accountability.
•Create a strong team culture.
Avoid burnout with empathy
React to Crisis: Switch to Remote and Hybrid Work
Microcourses to Boost Learning
•Drive focus and accountability.
•Create a strong team culture.
Avoid burnout with empathy
React to Crisis: Switch to Remote and Hybrid Work
On-Demand Development Tools
•Drive focus and accountability.
•Create a strong team culture.
Avoid burnout with empathy
React to Crisis: Switch to Remote and Hybrid Work
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