Global-e technical operations team Tier 1 technical support exam Questions list SQL 3 SQL Tables RED – table name BLUE – column name Counties CountryId CountryName 74 France 211 United Kingdom 230 United States SQL Tables 4 Prioritizing tickets 5 Ticket question 1 6 Ticket question 2 7 Log investigation 8 ▪ The Exam contains 5 questions ▪ Answer all of the questions in English ▪ After the exam there will be an open discussion on some of the questions. ▪ The exam should take around 40 minutes. Good Luck! PAGE \* MERGEFORM AT 1 SQL Tables RED – table name BLUE – column name Counties CountryId CountryName 74 France 211 United Kingdom 230 United States SQL You can find the SQL tables In the next page 1.1 What will be the output of this query? SELECT m.merchantname, c.countryname, FROM merchants m JOIN countries c ON m.countryid = c.countryid WHERE m.merchantid IN(232,599) AND countryname LIKE 'United%' Answer here: The Output of this query would be 211 United Kingdom 1.2 Using the tables in the next page, write a query that shows the country name and merchant ID for all active merchant countries (active countries are listed as 1 under IsActive) PAGE \* MERGEFORM AT 1 SQL Tables RED – table name BLUE – column name Counties CountryId CountryName 74 France 211 United Kingdom 230 United States Answer here: Select c.countryname, m.merchantid from Counties c Join Merchantcounties M where m.isActive = 1 MerchantCountries MerchantCountryId MerchantId CountryId IsActi ve 22055 91 74 1 3430 91 211 0 3429 91 230 1 11449 232 74 1 11576 232 211 0 11577 232 230 1 181687 599 74 0 181796 599 211 1 PAGE \* MERGEFORM AT 1 SQL Tables RED – table name BLUE – column name Counties CountryId CountryName 74 France 211 United Kingdom 230 United States 181810 599 230 1 Merchants MerchantId MerchantName CountryId City 91 Marks and Spencer Plc 211 Lond on 232 Sigma Sports Ltd 211 Esher 599 IZIPIZI 74 Paris Prioritizing tickets Please order the following cases from 1 to 9 based on importance and the order you will handle each one PAGE \* MERGEFORM AT 1 SQL Tables RED – table name BLUE – column name Counties CountryId CountryName 74 France 211 United Kingdom 230 United States ▪ 1 is the most important, 9 is the least important ▪ all of them are active cases ▪ Tier 1 – Big merchant, Tier 2 – Medium merchant, Tier 3 – Small merchant Ticket issue Priority A Tier 1 merchant opened a NEW ticket about 2 blocked Admin users 2 A Tier 3 merchant opened a NEW ticket about a few customers that complained about a checkout issue 4 A Logistics team member REOPENED a ticket that a major issue thought to be resolved is still on going 1 A developer replied on a ticket asking for more information on a previously escalated issue 5 An account manager of a Tier 1 merchant opened a NEW ticket on behalf of the merchant telling us the merchant has an issue loading the checkout page 3 A Tier 1 merchant opened a ticket notifying us of a Flash Sale that is scheduled to happen in 12 hours 6 A Tier 2 merchant sent a notification about an upcoming maintenance they plan to have 8 You get a call from home asking when you will be home. 9 A Tier 2 merchant replied on an OPEN issue and provided additional information as previously requested 7 PAGE \* MERGEFORM AT 1 SQL Tables RED – table name BLUE – column name Counties CountryId CountryName 74 France 211 United Kingdom 230 United States Ticket question 1 You have received the following ticket from a Tier 2 merchant, A. Please describe the steps you take to handle the ticket (between 3-8 steps). B. Write a reply to the merchant. Hello Tech support team, We have received complaints from several customers from Germany that they were unable to enter the checkout, we are currently running a 10% sale on our new collection. Please check this issue and advise us when it will be fixed. Thank you, Boden technical team Answer here: A. Step 1: Acknowledge the ticket and thank the merchant for bringing the issue to our attention. Step 2: Gather information about the issue by asking for more details about the problem, such as the specific steps that customers are taking when they encounter the error, the error messages they are receiving and any relevant log files. Step 3: Investigate the issue by checking the merchant's website and checkout process to see if there are any known issues or bugs that could be causing the problem. Step 4: Check the server logs and web analytics data to see if there are any patterns or trends that can help to identify the cause of the problem. PAGE \* MERGEFORM AT 1 SQL Tables RED – table name BLUE – column name Counties CountryId CountryName 74 France 211 United Kingdom 230 United States Step 5: If the problem is related to the checkout process, check the merchant's payment gateway to see if there are any issues that could be causing the problem. Step 6: Provide the merchant with an estimated time frame for resolving the issue and keep them informed of progress on the resolution. Step 7: Once the issue has been resolved, follow up with the merchant to confirm that the issue has been fixed and that the customers are able to complete the checkout process without any issues. Step 8: Document the issue, the troubleshooting steps taken, and the resolution for future reference. B. Reply to the merchant: Dear Boden Technical Team, Thank you for bringing this issue to our attention. We are currently investigating the issue and working to resolve it as soon as possible. We have gathered the necessary information and are now checking your website and checkout process for any known issues or bugs that could be causing the problem. We will also check the server logs and web analytics data to see if there are any patterns or trends that can help to identify the cause of the problem. We will provide you with an estimated time frame for resolving the issue and keep you informed of progress on the resolution. We will follow up with you once the issue has been resolved and confirm that customers are able to complete the checkout process without any issues. Thank you for your patience and understanding, Tech Support Team PAGE \* MERGEFORM AT 1 SQL Tables RED – table name BLUE – column name Counties CountryId CountryName 74 France 211 United Kingdom 230 United States Ticket question 2 You received a ticket from an account manager of a NEW Tier 1 merchant, the ticket describes a customer facing error in the checkout, the issue is intermittent. A. What will be the first thing you do when receiving this ticket? B. Do you need more information from the merchant, what extra information do you need? C. 15 minutes after the ticket was opened you receive a call from the account manager, he tells you the merchant is concerned about the issue and needs resolution ASAP, what will you do? Answer here: A. The first thing I would do when receiving this ticket is to gather as much information as possible from the account manager. This would include any error messages or screenshots they have, as well as details about the specific steps the customer is taking when the error occurs. Additionally, I would ask for any relevant information such as the browser and device type the customer is using, the time of day when the error occurs, and if the error is consistent for all customers or just a specific group. This information will help to identify the cause of the problem and guide my next steps for troubleshooting the issue. B. It depends on the information provided in the initial ticket. However, in general, additional information that may be helpful to have from the merchant in order to troubleshoot the issue include: ● ● ● ● ● C. Detailed error messages and any associated log files. Screenshots or videos of errors occurring. information about the specific customer(s) who are expecting the error, such as their browser and device type. Information about the specific steps the customer is taking when the error occurs, such as the pages they are visiting and the actions they are taking information about the merchant’s website and the checkout process, such as any custom code or third-party applications. Any recent changes made to the website or checkout process that may have contributed to the issue. If I receive a call from the account manager 15 minutes after the ticket was opened, and they inform me that the merchant is concerned about the issue and needs resolution ASAP, my first step would be to assure the account manager that I understand the urgency of the situation and that I will do everything possible to resolve the issue as soon as possible. PAGE \* MERGEFORM AT 1 SQL Tables RED – table name BLUE – column name Counties CountryId CountryName 74 France 211 United Kingdom 230 United States My next step would be to check the information that has been provided in the initial ticket, and if necessary, request any additional information from the merchant that may be helpful in troubleshooting the issue. If I have enough information to start troubleshooting, I will begin by reviewing any error messages or log files and look for any obvious issues. I will also check the merchant's website and checkout process to see if there are any known issues or bugs that could be causing the problem. If the problem is related to the mrchant;s website, I will check the website server logs and analytics data to see if there are any patterns or trends that can help identify the cause of the problem. Also, I will check if there are any recent changes that were made to the website or checkout process that could have contributed to the issue If the problem is related to the checkout process, I will check the merchants’s payment gateway to see if there are any issues that could be causing the problem. If I am unable to find the root cause of the issue, I will reach out to my team for assistance and escalate the issue as needed to ensure a prompt resolution. I will also keep the account manager informed of my progress and any updates on the resolution of the issue. PAGE \* MERGEFORM AT 1 SQL Tables RED – table name BLUE – column name Counties CountryId CountryName 74 France 211 United Kingdom 230 United States Log investigation Below is a log of an API call that failed, the log contains request URL, request body, and response body. A. What line in the log describes the issue? B. What part of the request URL is the “query parameter”, also known as “query strings”? C. How would you attempt to fix the error? Request URL: Request Body: { "OrderID":"GE8139543633FR", "DeliveryReferenceNumber":"4026457", "Parcels": [ { "ParcelCode":NULL, "Products": [ { "ProductCode":"CENTRAL-JMTOUTOFOFFICE#77487", "DeliveryQuantity":1 } ] } PAGE \* MERGEFORM AT 1 SQL Tables RED – table name BLUE – column name Counties CountryId CountryName 74 France 211 United Kingdom 230 United States ] } Response Body: { "IsSuccess":false, "ParcelsTracking":null, "TrackingDetails":null, "Errors":[ { "OrderID":" GE8139543633FR ", "MerchantOrderID":"79360", "ErrorCode":"A300", "ErrorText":"Parcel Code cannot be NULL, please insert a value." }], "DeliveryAdviceInformation":null } Answer here: PAGE \* MERGEFORM AT 1