20 SECRETS OF Successful NURSING STUDENTS 20 SECRETS OF Successful NURSING STUDENTS Dear future nurse, Congratulations on your decision to become a nurse! I am so excited to share these twenty secrets of successful nursing students with you as I truly believe any student can be successful in nursing school. By aligning yourself with the attitude and habits of a successful student, something incredible happens. You begin to believe that you are a successful student. And what you believe is what you become! You are about to embark on one of the most intense and richly rewarding experiences of your life. But the truth is, nursing school is hard. As it should be. The level of responsibility you carry as a nurse is enormous. So, the amount of material you must learn to take on that responsibility must also be enormous. These secrets of success won’t make nursing school any easier and they won’t make the amount of material you must learn any less. What they will do, however, is make you stronger and more prepared to handle whatever nursing school throws your way. Throughout this guide, I have included action steps to help you brainstorm ways to incorporate these habits into your life, starting right now. Ready to be successful? Let’s do this! © 2021 Straight A Nursing | www.straightanursingstudent.com Successful nursing students… SECRET #4 S E CRE T #1 Take care of themselves Make time for time management SE CRE T #6 Don’t always read their textbooks Keep socializing separate from studying Avoid wasting time SECRET #7 Successful students are resourceful S E CRE T #9 Know your preferred learning style(s) Know what to memorize vs conceptualize Take advantage of every learning opportunity SE C R E T # 1 2 Avoid cramming for exams Make organization a priority Don’t compete, they collaborate SE C R E T # 1 6 SECRET #15 Know how to stay engaged, even with online classes Accept feedback with grace Pay attention to the details Keep test anxiety under control Create their own study guides Know what to review before nursing school starts (and between semesters) SECRET #19 SE C R E T # 20 Have a positive attitude and mindset Have constructive coping mechanisms 20 SECRETS OF Successful NURSING STUDENTS SE C RE T # 1 Take care of themselves Successful nursing students make their own wellness a top priority. I know, I know. You’re probably thinking this is a no-brainer. But you would be surprised how many nursing students start out with great intentions and, as the intensity of the program grows, begin neglecting their self care as they devote more and more time to studying. I’ve even had students tell me they feel guilty for not pulling all-nighters. Seriously? This is exactly the attitude that leads to nurses working while sick, never taking vacation days, and burning out at the bedside. Let’s start by setting boundaries right now, in nursing school. Say it with me…”my wellbeing is a top priority.” You will not get far if you are constantly tired, stressed and poorly nourished. So what does this mean? As a successful nursing student, you will do things like: Make sleep a priority. This means not studying until all hours of the night, and no all-nighters EVER! Adhere to a consistent sleep/ wake schedule Plan ahead to eat healthy meals Reach for study snacks that fuel your body and your brain Schedule exercise just as you would an exam Drink more water than you do coffee or energy drinks (this one is huge!) © 2021 Straight A Nursing | www.straightanursingstudent.com 20 SECRETS OF Successful NURSING STUDENTS ACTION PLAN Now let’s brainstorm a few ideas that you truly feel you can implement along with one or two action steps to help keep you on track. Choose a date by which to complete your action step and then mark it off when you are done. For example, if I were to commit to exercising three times a week, an action step might be to download a running app or score some hand weights on Facebook Marketplace. Have fun and be creative! Ideas to take care of myself Action steps © 2021 Straight A Nursing | www.straightanursingstudent.com Date 20 SECRETS OF Successful NURSING STUDENTS SE C RE T # 2 Make time for time management Nursing prerequisites are definitely no joke, but nothing can really prepare you for the intensity of nursing school. It hits like a ton of bricks in the first week or two of classes and does not let up until you turn in that final project or hit submit on that final exam. I cannot count how many students have written to me telling me they simply were not prepared for how busy and impacted nursing school is...and these are the students I prepared ahead of time with my book Nursing School Thrive Guide, my nursing school prep course Crucial Concepts Bootcamp, or my Facebook group! There’s simply nothing like it, which is why having a solid time-management strategy is absolutely vital. The key is to use what works for you. If you’re a list maker like I am, you might want to look into a paper planner or a large white board so you can write things down each week and check them off. If you’re into technology-based planning, then it helps to experiment with different systems so that you have it all in place by the time your new schedule begins. You do not want to be setting up a system or learning how to navigate a new app or planner once school starts. If it’s not in place by the time classes begin, then it’s not going to happen and you risk falling behind. Regardless of what type of planning system you use, it’s important you make time every week to plan out your schedule. Prioritize your most-important action items, block out time for everything you need to do and make SLEEP your absolute #1 priority. Love paper planning? Check out the planners I make specifically for nursing students, available at: www.etsy.com/shop/straightanursing © 2021 Straight A Nursing | www.straightanursingstudent.com 20 SECRETS OF Successful NURSING STUDENTS Ready to put this plan into action? It starts by asking yourself some key questions. What kind of planner will I use? Standing commitments (kids, work, etc…) Things to keep my life running smoothly (errands and chores). I will get to bed by _____ each night. I will exercise _____ times per week. Activities I enjoy are: What are my non-negotiables? In other words, what am I NOT willing to sacrifice for nursing school? Now, you simply need to make time each week to incorporate these elements into your planner. Looking for guidance on how to do that? Then you’ll LOVE Module 9 of Crucial Concepts Bootcamp! © 2021 Straight A Nursing | www.straightanursingstudent.com 20 SECRETS OF Successful NURSING STUDENTS SE C RE T # 3 Avoid wasting time The next key to your nursing school success is to identify those things that steal your time and keep you from taking care of yourself or completing your coursework. Here are a few examples of the biggest time thieves: • Social media • Video games, television or streaming services • Unproductive study groups • Not knowing how or what to study • Reading the textbook word for word • Household chores What are some things that take up too much of your time? How can you set limits so they don’t derail you from your goals? Things that waste my time Ideas to limit their impact 1 2 3 4 5 © 2021 Straight A Nursing | www.straightanursingstudent.com 20 SECRETS OF Successful NURSING STUDENTS SE C RE T # 4 Know what to memorize vs conceptualize One of the first things you’ll hear your nursing instructors say is that you will need to start studying and learning in a whole new way. They will tell you that the days of memorizing facts are over and that you must now fully understand concepts in order to answer critical thinking exam questions (also known as NCLEX-style questions). This is partially true. It is also partially false. The truth is, you will still have to do some memorizing in nursing school. Knowing what information to memorize vs conceptualize is key to studying effectively and performing well on exams. Successful students know this and use it to their advantage. For example, you’ll need to memorize things like the cranial nerves and the pathway of blood flow through the heart, but you must conceptualize the nursing interventions for a patient with heart failure or a stroke. Here’s the best part. The things you memorize (such as the blood flow pathway) should help you understand concepts (like heart failure). It’s a win-win! For MEMORIZING information, which of these strategies will you use? Flash cards Drawings Verbal repetition For CONCEPTUALIZING information, which strategies work best or sound most helpful to you? Re-writing your lecture and book notes into your own words Creating tables and graphs Writing repetition Teaching the information to a classmate Other: Writing a study guide Watching videos or listening to podcasts Other: © 2021 Straight A Nursing | www.straightanursingstudent.com 20 SECRETS OF Successful NURSING STUDENTS SE C RE T # 5 Don’t always read their textbooks Well, they don’t read ALL their textbooks. With the amount of assigned reading in nursing school, there is no way to do all the assigned reading word-for-word. It’s just not possible, especially if you want to actually spend time reviewing information, working on assignments and studying for exams. Instead, successful students skim the text before class so they have a very basic understanding of what topics are being discussed. After class, they use the text as a reference book to augment the lecture and fill in the gaps. Some students will even use a truncated version of textbooks such as the Made Incredibly Easy or ATI study books. These resources are great for getting right down to the nitty-gritty, must-know information. You may come across an instructor who relies heavily on the text. In these cases, it may be helpful to form a reading group with other classmates and take turns outlining the chapters. This way, you’re not reading the entire text, but you are getting the information in outline format. Just make sure you partner with students you trust. Textbooks are not novels, so you shouldn’t read them the same way. © 2021 Straight A Nursing | www.straightanursingstudent.com 20 SECRETS OF Successful NURSING STUDENTS SE C RE T # 6 Keep socializing separate from studying Having a social life is absolutely critical to being a happy and successful nursing student. The key with socializing in nursing school is to do it when it works for you, not when you should be working. One of the biggest time wasters in nursing school is the study group. These meetings can quickly become more about sharing the latest gossip, venting about a professor, and complaining about the schedule rather than studying for the upcoming exam. Smart students either set clear expectations for their study groups or even avoid them altogether. A great alternative is to forgo the large group meetings and, instead, collaborate with one or two other people for very focused, intense study sessions where you quiz each other and teach one another the material. And, of course, don’t forget to schedule some social time on a regular basis! ACTION PLAN If you choose to utilize a study group, what are some ground rules you can set to help ensure the group stays productive? What are some social events you can look forward to this semester? Schedule these into your planner! © 2021 Straight A Nursing | www.straightanursingstudent.com 20 SECRETS OF Successful NURSING STUDENTS SE C RE T # 7 Successful students are resourceful If there’s one trait that trumps all the others (except maybe for being organized) it’s being resourceful. re•source•ful When it comes to undergraduate programs, nursing school is the Big Leagues. Your professors are not going to hold your hands, spoon feed you, or even cut you slack on things like late assignments or clinical days. They expect you to show up prepared and ready to learn...every single time. They also expect you to be resourceful because the job of being a nurse absolutely depends on it. Resourcefulness means you take responsibility for your own education, you seek to understand and you find ways to overcome obstacles. I once had a student email me asking for the definition of a word that is easily found in any dictionary. Not only did this waste her time (she had to wait a few days for me to respond), but it also wasted my time. Resourceful students have the ability to figure things out and it is a trait that will serve you well throughout all of nursing school and your career. A great example of resourcefulness is the student who, during the COVID pandemic, realized she had no access to hands-on learning since the skills labs were shut down. This student had a choice to make. She could throw her hands up in frustration and complain about how unfair nursing school is. Or, she could get resourceful. She called around to feed stores (they provide food and supplies for farm animals) and got syringes and a few other supplies used for animal care. She now had a way to practice giving injections, even though her school had done nothing to augment her learning outside of the lab. Resourcefulness for the win! adjective / having the ability to find quick and clever ways to overcome difficulties Resourceful and successful students… 1 2 3 4 5 Don’t email the instructor questions that can easily be answered in the school handbook, syllabus or course schedule Seek answers to questions about concepts on their own, before reaching out to the instructor Identify resources for acquiring information such as trusted websites or reference books Actively engage in problem-solving, whether it’s in an online class, in simulation lab or in clinical Say, “I can figure this out” far more often than they say, “I give up.” © 2021 Straight A Nursing | www.straightanursingstudent.com 20 SECRETS OF Successful NURSING STUDENTS SE C RE T # 8 Take advantage of every learning opportunity In my book, Nursing School Thrive Guide, I tell a story about a time when I had two nursing students working with me in the ICU. One of them leaped at every opportunity, while the other declined a task stating she had “already done that before.” Say what, now? Successful nursing students view absolutely everything as a learning opportunity. And yes, this includes things you’ve already done before. News flash here... things don’t always go as planned. The troubleshooting and problem solving that come into play are priceless. So, if you’re in clinical and someone asks if you want to help or observe, say YES! If your clinical rotation isn’t in your “dream unit”...guess what? You will still learn a ton! Clinical time is absolutely golden so take every opportunity to get in there and practice taking vital signs, performing assessments, taking a health history and assisting with mobilizing or ADLs. Don’t practice until you get it right. Practice until you can’t get it wrong. And yes, successful students even learn from their failures. When you receive a poor grade or have a rough day in clinical or the lab, you have a couple of different options. You can go on about your life and risk stumbling again in the exact same way. Or, you can reflect on what went wrong and come up with a plan to behave differently in the future. Guess which method will set you up for success? You got it! © 2021 Straight A Nursing | www.straightanursingstudent.com 20 SECRETS OF Successful NURSING STUDENTS SE C RE T # 9 Know your preferred learning style(s) Many students start nursing school not really knowing the best way to learn. They listen to lectures, do the assigned reading and then cannot figure out why they are struggling. Not every student learns optimally through listening to a lecture (auditory learning) or through reading the text (visual learning), so these methods may not be the best way to study. I encourage all students to take the learning style assessment quiz at: http://www.educationplanner.org (click on the STUDENTS tab, then SELF ASSESSMENTS, then LEARNING STYLE). Not only will you learn how you learn best, you’ll get tips for maximizing your learning that are totally customized to YOU. Let’s take a moment to dive into your particular learning style! What methods have worked well for you in the past? 1 2 3 4 5 6 © 2021 Straight A Nursing | www.straightanursingstudent.com 20 SECRETS OF Successful NURSING STUDENTS Are there methods you’ve tried that simply did not work? Let’s try to avoid those! What type of learner are you based on the quiz? What methods can you utilize for this learning style? © 2021 Straight A Nursing | www.straightanursingstudent.com 20 SECRETS OF Successful NURSING STUDENTS SE C RE T # 1 0 Avoid cramming for exams For starters, successful students manage their time exceedingly well so there’s never any need to “cram” for an exam. In fact, successful students typically review the evening before and then don’t open the books at all on exam day. If you’re starting to panic just thinking about it, stay with me. Exam days are stressful enough all on their own. Adding hectic, frenzied and unproductive cramming at the last minute only adds to the stress. Successful students schedule adequate time to study and wake up on exam days refreshed and ready to perform their best. It’s that simple. ACTION PLAN When you manage your time well, you set yourself up for success when it really matters most. Successful students trust that they’ve prepared adequately, that they know the material and that they will stay calm and focused during the exam. Not cramming for exams will make me feel: Calming activities I can do before the test: © 2021 Straight A Nursing | www.straightanursingstudent.com 20 SECRETS OF Successful NURSING STUDENTS SE C RE T # 1 1 Make organization a priority Nursing school is in a league of its own when it comes to overwhelm. Overwhelming numbers of assignments, overwhelming amount of paperwork, overwhelming projects and reading...everywhere you turn there’s just SO MUCH. You’re going to take care of your study schedule by following Secret #2, but what about all the paperwork and digital files you accumulate? Your goal as a successful nursing student should be that you can locate any document, piece of paper, or tidbit of information in less than one minute. Successful students don’t waste time hunting for things. They have a system in place to organize all of it. The key to getting your systems in place is to do it before classes begin. Once the onslaught of material, assignments, tasks and studying commence, it doesn’t let up...not even for one minute. Set a goal of being able to locate any document in under 60 seconds. Some ideas for organizing include: 1 2 A consistent and logical digital filing system like the one I share with you in Crucial Concepts Bootcamp Before you set a piece of paper down, close an email, or x-out of an online document, ask yourself “Will I be able to quickly find this again in the future?” If the answer is NO, then that 3 Organizing your email into folders for specific categories, classes or urgency 4 Digital note taking with an app like GoodNotes or Notability...no more paper! 5 A system for your handwritten notes, paperwork and printed documents. This could item needs to be placed where it belongs. Don’t be my 2-Binder System or a filing cabinet...do save this for later. Successful students have what works for you! a “one-and-done” mindset around managing paperwork and online documents. © 2021 Straight A Nursing | www.straightanursingstudent.com 20 SECRETS OF Successful NURSING STUDENTS SE C RE T # 1 2 Don’t compete, they collaborate To get where you are today you had to work very, very hard. And, in a lot of cases, you were in direct competition with your peers to get a coveted spot in the nursing program. But now it’s time to set that competitiveness aside and embrace collaboration. Competitiveness within the nursing program helps no one and fosters an environment of pettiness, judgment and envy. Let me be very clear here...you do not have time for that. Period. By collaborating with your cohort, you create and foster an environment of positivity, encouragement, professionalism and kindness. I don’t know about you, but that’s definitely more my style! clinical, you’ll start to understand this, but it won’t really become clear until you’re out there working on your own. The amount of times a co-worker (or team of co-workers) has jumped in to help me with a situation are too numerous to count. Whether I’ve got a crashing patient who needs immediate intervention, am starving and need a quick break, or simply don’t know or remember how to do a specific skill...I’ve relied on the collaboration and generosity of my coworkers time and time again. Start helping one another now, and you’ll set yourself up for a long, rewarding career with the best people and the most amazing teamwork you’ve ever experienced. Another reason to embrace collaboration is that nursing is a team sport. When you are working in Some ideas for fostering a collaborative environment in nursing school are: 1 Introducing yourself to other students on a regular basis...get to know your classmates! 2 Volunteer to lead a group project (only one per semester!) 3 4 5 6 Offer to practice a new skill with a classmate 7 Other students may need help from time to time. Rather than label them as lazy or unmotivated, understand that they may be experiencing challenges you know nothing Congratulate other students when they do well on an exam or in lab Form a small study group - just be sure to follow the advice of Secret #6! about. Instead of focusing on the negative, ask “Is there anything I can do to help?” 8 Help one another in clinical. Nursing is so much more fun with a friend! Avoid bragging or complaining about your grades...focus on the material © 2021 Straight A Nursing | www.straightanursingstudent.com 20 SECRETS OF Successful NURSING STUDENTS SE C RE T # 1 3 Know how to stay engaged, even with online classes This can be a tough one for a lot of students. Online classes are becoming more and more common, and students often find it challenging to stay engaged and learn effectively in this environment. Some tips for maximizing online learning are: CREATE A DESIGNATED STUDY AREA As wonderful as it sounds to watch your lectures in bed, that’s not the most effective way to stay engaged. Designate a specific study area that signals your brain that when you are in this space, you are “ON.” It doesn’t have to be anything fancy. A corner of the dining room table or a desk in your bedroom are great options. TAKE NOTES AS YOU GO The act of writing notes, jotting down key words and summarizing information goes a really long way toward staying engaged in class AND retaining the information. Note taking isn’t just for lecture-style classes, you can also take notes off online modules and reading. Make it your rule to take notes with every single lesson and you’ll get so much more out of it (and stay engaged in the process!). GET RID OF DISTRACTIONS This could be noise, visual or physical. If you get distracted by people walking past your window, can you face your desk the other direction or close the blinds? If noise distracts you, can you get a white-noise machine or wear noise-cancelling headphones? And if it’s physical...maybe your dog is begging for play-time or your chair is uncomfortable... can you get a more comfortable chair or take Fido for a walk before classes start? GET UP AND MOVE Online classes may mean you’re sitting at your desk a lot more than usual. Make sure you take some time between classes (or halfway through longer lessons) to stand up, move around, stretch, do jumping jacks... whatever you need to do to get your blood moving and ease that stiffness from your body. And, for bonus points, schedule actual physical exercise most days of the week! © 2021 Straight A Nursing | www.straightanursingstudent.com 20 SECRETS OF Successful NURSING STUDENTS STOP MULTI-TASKING While it may seem like “checking this one text” or quickly looking on Amazon for your favorite pens during an online class are no big deal, this constant switching of tasks can pull you out of the experience of learning and cause more fatigue. If you find yourself thinking, “I’ll just do this one thing before I forget” simply jot it down so you can come back to it later. KEEP A LIST OF QUESTIONS As you learn new concepts, you’ll likely have a lot of questions. And guess what? Having questions doesn’t always mean you don’t understand the material. Many times it means you are making connections to OTHER concepts and thinking deeply about the information you are learning. As you learn new material, think of questions you have about these concepts. Jot them down in your notes and see if you can answer them yourself as your understanding of the concept grows. And, if they’re really stumping you, these are the questions to ask in class or in office hours with your instructor. To reduce eye strain follow the 20-20-20 rule...take a 20 second break every 20 minutes to look at something 20 feet away. Try it now and see how it feels! TAKE FULL ADVANTAGE OF OFFICE HOURS OR REDUCE EYE STRAIN SYNCHRONOUS CLASSES Staring at a computer screen can be extremely fatiguing for the eyes, which leads to overall fatigue and even headaches. Make sure your screen is about 2 feet away and adjust screen settings until you find your “sweet spot.” You can also try blue light glasses or even eye drops periodically if your eyes are especially dry. You can also reduce dryness by blinking more frequently or using a humidifier in your workspace. It is so much more helpful to ask your questions in real time than to send an email and wait not-so-patiently for a response. If your instructor is providing live on-line class, connect with him or her on a regular basis by asking questions or seeking clarification. And, if office hours are on the schedule, work those into your calendar as well. © 2021 Straight A Nursing | www.straightanursingstudent.com 20 SECRETS OF Successful NURSING STUDENTS ACTION PLAN What types of things distract me? My ideal office space is located: How can I reduce distractions? My ideal office space includes: © 2021 Straight A Nursing | www.straightanursingstudent.com 20 SECRETS OF Successful NURSING STUDENTS SE C RE T # 1 4 Pay attention to the details Catching a mistake at the bedside or noticing subtle changes in patient condition can literally be what make the difference between life and death. For this reason, nursing students must have an excruciating attention to detail. Many times your exam questions will rely on ONE single word that changes everything, or an assignment will have a KEY piece of information that drastically changes your approach. I can’t tell you how many times a student has emailed me with a question on a dosage calculations problem where the issue was simply they used kg when the patient’s weight was listed in pounds….details matter! TIPS FOR IMPROVING OR ENHANCING YOUR ATTENTION TO DETAIL INCLUDE: 1 Slow down. Being in a rush to read instructions or perform a task usually results in mistakes, wasted time, and even patient harm. 2 Read each exam question fully, being careful that your brain isn’t “filling in” words it expects to be there. 3 Highlight key words as you read, paying careful attention to units of measurement and qualifying words such as “none” or “all.” 4 Stay present in the moment, even when doing repetitive tasks. When your mind wanders, this is a perfect time for details to get missed. 5 When you notice you’re starting to lose focus, take a break. © 2021 Straight A Nursing | www.straightanursingstudent.com 20 SECRETS OF Successful NURSING STUDENTS SE C RE T # 1 5 Create their own study guides While some instructors will provide a study guide for exams, most do not. Again, they expect you to be resourceful and take responsibility for how you prepare for exams. This is the Big Leagues, remember? This doesn’t mean, however, that you’re not going to have a method for studying. Successful students create their own study guides, rather than waste time complaining to their peers about it. SOME IDEAS FOR MAKING YOUR OWN STUDY GUIDES INCLUDE: Use the lesson and course objectives as a guideline. Write question prompts for each core concept...and then answer them. For example, a question prompt might be, “What are the physical manifestations of right-sided heart failure?” or “Why do we use diuretics to treat hypertension?”. Utilize NCLEX review books to hone in on key concepts and practice answering questions. Make a vocabulary list of new terms. Paraphrase key concepts by writing them in your own words. Consider relationships between concepts such as the differences between similar conditions (hypo- and hyperthyroidism for example). Distill the information for a particular concept or disease condition into a single sheet. This forces you to hone in on the things you STILL need to review and connect key concepts together. Create concept maps, tables, and drawings to visually show how concepts connect together. © 2021 Straight A Nursing | www.straightanursingstudent.com 20 SECRETS OF Successful NURSING STUDENTS SE C RE T # 1 6 Know what to review before nursing school starts (and between semesters) While I am a huge fan of relaxing and getting uber-organized before nursing school starts, there are some key topics from Anatomy & Physiology that can help you immensely in nursing school. SUCCESSFUL STUDENTS TAKE THE TIME TO REVIEW THE FOLLOWING TOPICS: Fluid compartments, fluid shifts, pressure gradients, and tonicity Renal system physiology, especially when it comes to the balancing of fluids and electrolytes The renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system Electrolytes and their key roles in the body Dimensional analysis (you’ll use this for dosage calculations) The autonomic nervous system and neurotransmitters Cardiovascular physiology and the pathway of blood flow through the heart Respiratory physiology and gas exchange Mechanisms for maintaining acid-base balance You can review these topics in my nursing school prep course Crucial Concepts Bootcamp, or simply dust off your notes from A&P. © 2021 Straight A Nursing | www.straightanursingstudent.com 20 SECRETS OF Successful NURSING STUDENTS ACTION PLAN Topic Date to review Fluid compartments, fluid shifts, pressure gradients, and tonicity Renal system physiology, especially when it comes to the balancing of fluids and electrolytes The renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system Electrolytes and their key roles in the body Dimensional analysis (you’ll use this for dosage calculations) The autonomic nervous system and neurotransmitters Cardiovascular physiology and the pathway of blood flow through the heart Respiratory physiology and gas exchange Mechanisms for maintaining acid-base balance Now, add these dates to your planner to help you commit to your goals and get in the habit of using you planner before school even starts. © 2021 Straight A Nursing | www.straightanursingstudent.com 20 SECRETS OF Successful NURSING STUDENTS SE C RE T # 1 7 Accept feedback with grace Students in nursing school are often taken aback by the level of scrutiny they’re under, especially in lab, simulation and clinical. With this scrutiny also comes a lot of feedback from your instructors. I know it can sometimes feel like criticism, but it’s not. It’s simply feedback. And your mission, as a successful nursing student, is to accept it with grace. It’s also helpful to look at it for what it is...it’s an opportunity! Someone just told you exactly what to focus on to be an even better student and nurse. This is solid gold, people! So, how do you respond with grace when someone offers you feedback? Don’t take it personally and don’t get defensive. If you find yourself saying, “Well, but…” you are heading down the wrong path. Some phrases to use that exhibit grace when accepting feedback are: • “I forgot that step. I remember it now. Thank you for reminding me.” • “I’ll work on that. Thank you.” • “Thank you for the reminder.” • “Thank you for the feedback.” If there is an opportunity to explain your thinking process as a way to seek understanding, that’s great! But be mindful that you’re not trying to “get out of it.” If you want to take it to the next level, you can seek even MORE feedback! • “Thank you for the feedback. Is there anything else you’d recommend I do to improve my performance?” • “I value your feedback. What could I have done differently? What could I improve for next time?” See what all these things have in common? Saying, “thank you!” Gratitude is the most important component of accepting feedback with grace. Remember, feedback doesn’t mean you’re not a good nurse. It simply means someone else cares about you. © 2021 Straight A Nursing | www.straightanursingstudent.com 20 SECRETS OF Successful NURSING STUDENTS SE C RE T # 1 8 Keep test anxiety under control Test anxiety is a very real problem for nursing students, and for very good reasons. These include a brutal grading scale, exit exams, information overload, fear of disappointing others, timed exams, and fear of the unknown. Aside from feeling confident you know the material, adopt the practices of successful students when you’re taking exams: AVOID NEGATIVE SELF TALK Successful students identify and replace negative self talk. A successful student would never say, ‘I don’t know this material” or “I am going to fail.” Instead they use more positive and affirming phrases such as “I studied hard and I’m doing my best on this exam.” AVOID CLOCK-WATCHING TAKE A DEEP BREATH Successful students don’t let timed exams create Successful students use calming techniques during more anxiety. Yes, the timers on exams can be the exam. These include deep breathing and tensing/ intimidating. If the timer distracts you, see if there releasing muscle groups to relieve the body of excess is an option to hide the timer from your view. Use a tension. regular clock to see how much time you have left in the exam. TRUST YOURSELF Successful students have trust in themselves. They NO STUDYING ON TEST DAY trust that they’ve prepared well, and they trust that Successful students do not study on test day or cram they’ll recall the necessary information. You’ve got before the exam. Again, they place trust in themselves to believe in yourself! that they have prepared well and know the material. DE-STRESS BEFORE THE EXAM ONCE IT’S OVER, LET IT GO Successful students avoid stressing out before the Successful students don’t let the stress of the exam exam. Instead they focus on calming activities such carry over into the rest of their day. They decompress as listening to music, playing with their kids or going afterwards and move on to the next assignment (or for a walk. simply take the day off!). © 2021 Straight A Nursing | www.straightanursingstudent.com 20 SECRETS OF Successful NURSING STUDENTS ACTION PLAN What are some calming activities I can do prior to the exam? What are some rewarding activities I can do after the exam to calm my nerves? © 2021 Straight A Nursing | www.straightanursingstudent.com 20 SECRETS OF Successful NURSING STUDENTS SE C RE T # 1 9 Have a positive attitude and mindset The cumulative stress and ongoing demands of nursing school can wear away at your positive attitude, but only if you let it. Successful nursing students tend to have positive attitudes, even when things are tough or don’t go according to plan. completely different attitude. Her exact words to me were, “How could I be upset when I know repeating the class will make me a better nurse in the long run?” That, my friends, is the epitome of having a positive attitude and mindset. This doesn’t mean successful students stick their heads in the sand when they have a bad day, do poorly on an exam, or are faced with a challenge. Instead, successful students view these moments as learning opportunities...and what’s not to love about that? Successful students also avoid complaining, as it perpetuates negativity and sends a message to yourself that you are powerless. Instead, successful students claim ownership of their problems and look for solutions. Remember Secret #7? Resourcefulness definitely comes into play when you’re adopting a positive attitude and mindset. I knew a student who, despite her best efforts, failed a class and had to repeat it. While most students would look at this as an absolute failure, this student had a Take some time to think about how you can adjust your attitude and mindset now, before stressful situations happen. What are some scenarios that might challenge my positive attitude or mindset in nursing school? © 2021 Straight A Nursing | www.straightanursingstudent.com 20 SECRETS OF Successful NURSING STUDENTS How can I reframe my mindset now, so if those scenarios happen, I have a plan to stop the negativity quickly? What are some things I can say when classmates are complaining to help myself exit the conversation or encourage them to stop? Do I have a tendency to immediately jump to the negative when something frustrating happens? What are some ways I can change that? © 2021 Straight A Nursing | www.straightanursingstudent.com 20 SECRETS OF Successful NURSING STUDENTS SE C RE T # 2 0 Have constructive coping mechanisms And finally, we get to one of THE most important things that successful nursing students do...they cope, and they do so constructively. Facebook group and you’ll see the burnout posts pick up momentum about midway through the semester. Every single semester. Burnout during nursing school is a very real problem and a very real risk for any nursing student. From the relentless schedule and lack of free time to the challenging material and pressure to constantly perform at a very high level...it’s a LOT to deal with. Spend enough time in any nursing student forum or The good news is, not all students experience burnout. Those who use constructive coping mechanisms tend to get through the semester without experiencing the lack of motivation, irritability and loss of satisfaction that come with academic burnout. SOME WAYS SUCCESSFUL NURSING STUDENTS COPE INCLUDE: • Recognizing when they need to take a break….and taking it! • Exercising regularly • Socializing with others, especially those outside of nursing school • Using meditation, deep breathing, journaling, prayer and laughter to de-stress and process complex emotions • Remembering their WHY - you started this journey for a reason and sometimes it’s helpful to remember what motivated you in the first place • Unplugging on a regular basis and getting away from the computer and the desk © 2021 Straight A Nursing | www.straightanursingstudent.com 20 SECRETS OF Successful NURSING STUDENTS ACTION PLAN Signs I need to take a break People to reach out to when I’m stressed I can commit to exercising _______ days a week. My preferred coping mechanisms are: Meditation Activities I enjoy are: Deep breathing Journaling Prayer Laughter Other: My WHY is: © 2021 Straight A Nursing | www.straightanursingstudent.com 20 SECRETS OF Successful NURSING STUDENTS Before you go… I want you to go to the website futureme.org and write a letter to your future self to be delivered at some point when you think you’re really going to need it. Maybe it’s during finals week or right before you start next semester. Remind yourself of your why, give yourself a pep talk, tell yourself what strengths will get you over the next hurdle, and show yourself some love! CRUCIAL CONCEPTS BOOTCAMP If these secrets spoke to you and you find yourself wanting more… My Crucial Concepts Bootcamp was designed to teach you HOW to thrive in nursing school. In this self-paced online program, I walk you through the implementation of many of these secrets. Together we’ll review key anatomy and physiology, go step-by-step through dosage calculations, and implement proven systems to help you get and stay organized throughout your nursing school journey...and so much more. I hope to see you there! LEARN MORE https://learn.straightanursingstudent.com/crucial-concepts © 2021 Straight A Nursing | www.straightanursingstudent.com