Buginess Asd A level NotebookCURRICULUM IGCSE grettanichellevestin STAKEHOLDER Eines AnyttatisddtedinordirectiyaffectedbythepertormanEL oractivityofabusing Stakeholder groups can beexternal or internal Internal external t iduthdssworxtorlownthebu.in importance of stakeholders in a business Business Hasimpactonatleastonestakeholder activityhasanimpactonatieastlstarennder.fff Nd Pony'sinfluentialstakeholdergroupcnn.fuencebwines.sn ity f mpact ofBusinessdecisions on stakeholders Theshareholderconcept t Shareholders are theownersofthecompany Business accountabilityto stakeholders I i gimpo corporatesocialresponsibility fcorporatesociairesponsibiity.PL Businessare becoming more accountable to stakeholders Mr iii 1 Responsibility to customers 4 Responsibility tolocals MIesponsibilifiesto localcomms ty.is n deciding 2 3 G Responsibility tosuppliers 5 Responsibility to governments tegairesponsibility ogivemartnoemtheirnee L IR g tybidcustomerservi Responsibility to Employees eprovitdrainingandobitdseury BENEFIT OF ACCEPTING RESPONSIBILITY t.be with gout gordgIdopations 2 Receivegovernmentcontract TRADE UNION Ananismadudo Ir 3 Request forsubsidieswillmostlikeld itsmembershipmust bedaproupedby government l Mainly.DEMyWemdependent4xyempioye bemadeUP In mainaim is tit ntsthIet aproyfnetfworm.ae conflictarisingfrom SHaims shareholder concepticoththwific thebusinesslegatdoty.PL Will take they'd Impact on changingBusobj Directors seniormanagers Mightbefoxedodanged s.The impactcan 1orpjedtive besignificant to Stl PUBLIC LIMITED COMPANY VS PRIVATE LIMITED COMPANY Whatis a Public Limited Company A company withlimitedliability sharesthatthe general public canpurchase Why is publiclimited company betterthanprivatelimitedcompany the companythrough shares Theamount raise is I lowerturnoverrate typically higherthan private If Anyone can invest theirmoneyinto GreaterAccessto capital transferability shares of Less risk legal Entity credibility a prestige Expansion opportunities DISADVANTAGE OFPRIVATELIMITEDCOMPANY limitedstock ofexchange Difficulttoraise capital Itis sharedownership capital t labourt management Mayes9MW leave chapter 11 MOTIVATION WHAT ISMOTIVATION It is the internal and external factors thatstimulatethedesire workersto be continually interested inandcomitted to doing a in jobwell Benefit of well motivated Low labour turnover High Lowabsenteeim productivity forimprovements suggestions Motivation theories TAYLORA SCIENTIFICMANAGEMENT MAYO A HUMAN RESOURCE THEORIES A HUMANNEEDS MASLOW 0 HERZBERG A 2FACTORTHEORY MCLELLANDA MOTIVATIONAL NEED THEORY VROOM 4 EXPECTANCYTHEORY TAYLOR4 SCIENTIFIC MANAGEMENT Toimprovework output 1 selectworkers 5 Trainall workers w method 2 6 supervisetheworkers Observethem 3 Record thetimetaken todotask 4 Identifythequickest method 7 pay w piece rate MAYO'S CONCLUSION FROM HIS WORK in working conditions 4 pay levelshavelittleeffects onproductivity EVALUATION OF MAYO'S RESEARCH Changes Giving workers moreofa role in business decision making Puthawthroneeffectinto practice Teams4 MASLOW groupsapplies in modern business organisation HUMAN NEEDS HERZBERGA 2 FACTOR THEORY a Hygiene factors self workingcondition actualisation esteemneeds social needs safety needs physical needs relationship a supervision company policy salary wage b motivation Theworkitself Responsibilities Advancement Achievement MCLELLAND A MOTIVATIONAL NEED THEORY Achievement motivation An individual's ability to builduptheir skills 4 behaviours Authority motivation Tendencytobepleased byhavingan influenceoverotherindividuals Affilation motivation Aconcernover establishing VROOM maintaining or restoring a positiveaffectiverelationshi 4 EXPECTANCYTHEORY A positivelinkbetweeneffortandperformance THREE BELIEFS Valance Expectancy Thedepth thedesire anunemployed of foranextrinsicreward of believethatputting effortintoworkwillleadtoagivenlevel people of performance instrumentality confidence ofemployeesthatthey willactuallygetwhattheydesire HUMAN Human needs food water NEEDS shelter education o clothes