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Robots on Earth Summary

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Title: Robots on Earth
Author: Jerry West
Summary:The Truth about Robots
For years, robots have been misunderstood as evil mechanical creatures, set on a goal to conquer
humanity and to rule the world. But, the truth is that robots are one of the marvelous mechanical
inventions, that helps in making our lives more easier, safer and efficient. For example, working at
chemical factories is a hazardous job for humans. However, this does not bother the robots, because
they do not require pure air, or adequate temperature, in order to work efficiently.
Robots in Space
Furthermore, robots are used during space missions. The R2 humanoid robot helps humans in the
International Space Station (ISS), by completing tasks, which are potentially dangerous for humans, in
the Space Station. This is another example, which indicates that robots make human lives thrive in both
space and on earth.
Robots and Human Mobility
Lastly, scientists are working on robots, that can be used to treat and help people with unique
disabilities, such as Paralysis. For example, Neuroscientist Miguel Nicolelis is working with the Brazilian
Government to develop a robotic exoskeleton, which will help a Brazilian teenager with quadriplegia, to
play at the 2014 Soccer World Cup.