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Memory Management in Operating Systems

Memory Management in Operating
 The term memory can be defined as a collection
of data in a specific format. It is used to store
instructions and process data.
 The memory comprises a large array or group of
words or bytes, each with its own location. The
primary purpose of a computer system is to
execute programs.
 These programs, along with the information they
access, should be in the main memory during
 The CPU fetches instructions from memory
according to the value of the program counter.
What is Main Memory?
 The main memory is central to the operation of a
Modern Computer. Main Memory is a large array of
words or bytes, ranging in size from hundreds of
thousands to billions.
 Main memory is a repository of rapidly available
information shared by the CPU and I/O devices.
 Main memory is the place where programs and
information are kept when the processor is effectively
utilizing them. Main memory is associated with the
processor, so moving instructions and information into
and out of the processor is extremely fast.
 Main memory is also known as RAM (Random Access
Memory). This memory is volatile. RAM loses its data
when a power interruption occurs.
What is Memory Management?
 In a multiprogramming computer, the Operating
System resides in a part of memory, and the rest
is used by multiple processes.
 The task of subdividing the memory among
different processes is called Memory
 Memory management is a method in the
operating system to manage operations between
main memory and disk during process execution.
 The main aim of memory management is to
achieve efficient utilization of memory.
Why Memory Management is
• Allocate and de-allocate memory before and
after process execution.
• To keep track of used memory space by
• To minimize fragmentation issues.
• To proper utilization of main memory.
• To maintain data integrity while executing of
Logical and Physical Address Space
Logical Address Space:
An address generated by the CPU is known as
a “Logical Address”.
It is also known as a Virtual address.
Logical address space can be defined as the
size of the process.
A logical address can be changed.
Physical Address Space:
 An address seen by the memory unit (i.e the one
loaded into the memory address register of the
memory) is commonly known as a “Physical Address”.
 A Physical address is also known as a Real address.
 The set of all physical addresses corresponding to these
logical addresses is known as Physical address space.
 A physical address is computed by MMU.
 The run-time mapping from virtual to physical
addresses is done by a hardware device Memory
Management Unit(MMU).
 The physical address always remains constant.
A logical address is the virtual address that is
generated by the CPU.
A user can view the logical address of a
computer program.
On the other hand, a physical address is one
that represents a location in the computer
A user cannot view the physical address of a
• When a process is executed it must have resided in memory.
• Swapping is a process of swapping a process temporarily into a
secondary memory from the main memory, which is fast
compared to secondary memory.
• A swapping allows more processes to be run and can be fit into
memory at one time.
• The main part of swapping is transferred time and the total time is
directly proportional to the amount of memory swapped.
• Swapping is also known as roll-out, or roll because if a higher
priority process arrives and wants service, the memory manager
can swap out the lower priority process and then load and
execute the higher priority process.
• After finishing higher priority work, the lower priority process
swapped back in memory and continued to the execution
• Swapping is a mechanism in which a process
can be swapped temporarily out of main
memory (or move) to secondary storage
(disk) and make that memory available to
other processes. At some later time, the
system swaps back the process from the
secondary storage to main memory.
• Though performance is usually affected by
swapping process but it helps in running
multiple and big processes in parallel and
that's the reason Swapping is also known as
a technique for memory compaction.
Memory Management Techniques:
• Contiguous memory management schemes
• Non-Contiguous memory management
Contiguous Memory Allocation
• The main memory should accommodate both the operating
system and the different client processes.
• Therefore, the allocation of memory becomes an important
task in the operating system.
• The memory is usually divided into two partitions: one for
the resident operating system and one for the user
• We normally need several user processes to reside in
memory simultaneously.
• Therefore, we need to consider how to allocate available
memory to the processes that are in the input queue
waiting to be brought into memory.
• In adjacent memory allotment, each process is contained in
a single contiguous segment of memory.
• In a Contiguous memory management
scheme, each program occupies a single
contiguous block of storage locations, i.e., a
set of memory locations with consecutive
Single contiguous memory
management schemes:
• The Single contiguous memory management
scheme is the simplest memory management
scheme used in the earliest generation of
computer systems.
• In this scheme, the main memory is divided
into two contiguous areas or partitions.
• The operating systems reside permanently in
one partition, generally at the lower memory,
and the user process is loaded into the other
Advantages of Single contiguous memory
management schemes:
• Simple to implement.
• Easy to manage and design.
• In a Single contiguous memory management
scheme, once a process is loaded, it is given
full processor's time, and no other processor
will interrupt it.
Disadvantages of Single contiguous memory
management schemes:
Wastage of memory space due to unused
memory as the process is unlikely to use all the
available memory space.
The CPU remains idle, waiting for the disk to load
the binary image into the main memory.
It can not be executed if the program is too large
to fit the entire available main memory space.
It does not support multiprogramming, i.e., it
cannot handle multiple programs simultaneously.
Multiple Partitioning:
• The single Contiguous memory management scheme is
inefficient as it limits computers to execute only one
program at a time resulting in wastage in memory
space and CPU time.
• The problem of inefficient CPU use can be overcome
using multiprogramming that allows more than one
program to run concurrently.
• To switch between two processes, the operating
systems need to load both processes into the main
• The operating system needs to divide the available
main memory into multiple parts to load multiple
processes into the main memory.
• Thus multiple processes can reside in the main
memory simultaneously.
The multiple partitioning schemes can be of
two types:
• Fixed Partitioning
• Dynamic Partitioning
Fixed Partitioning
• The main memory is divided into several fixedsized partitions in a fixed partition memory
management scheme or static partitioning.
• These partitions can be of the same size or
different sizes. Each partition can hold a single
• The number of partitions determines the
degree of multiprogramming, i.e., the
maximum number of processes in memory.
• These partitions are made at the time of
system generation and remain fixed after that.
Advantages of Fixed Partitioning memory
management schemes:
• Simple to implement.
• Easy to manage and design.
Disadvantages of Fixed Partitioning memory
management schemes:
• This scheme suffers from internal
• The number of partitions is specified at the
time of system generation.
Dynamic Partitioning
• The dynamic partitioning was designed to
overcome the problems of a fixed partitioning
• In a dynamic partitioning scheme, each process
occupies only as much memory as they require
when loaded for processing.
• Requested processes are allocated memory until
the entire physical memory is exhausted or the
remaining space is insufficient to hold the
requesting process.
• In this scheme the partitions used are of variable
size, and the number of partitions is not defined
at the system generation time.
Advantages of Dynamic Partitioning memory
management schemes:
• Simple to implement.
• Easy to manage and design.
Disadvantages of Dynamic Partitioning memory
management schemes:
• This scheme also suffers from internal
• The number of partitions is specified at the
time of system segmentation.
Memory Allocation
• To gain proper memory utilization, memory
allocation must be allocated efficient manner.
• One of the simplest methods for allocating
memory is to divide memory into several
fixed-sized partitions and each partition
contains exactly one process.
• Thus, the degree of multiprogramming is
obtained by the number of partitions.
Multiple Partition Allocation:
• In this method, a process is selected from the
input queue and loaded into the free
• When the process terminates, the partition
becomes available for other processes.
Fixed partition allocation:
• In this method, the operating system
maintains a table that indicates which parts
of memory are available and which are
occupied by processes.
• Initially, all memory is available for user
processes and is considered one large block of
available memory.
• This available memory is known as a “Hole”.
• When the process arrives and needs memory,
we search for a hole that is large enough to
store this process.
First-Fit Allocation in Operating
• First-Fit Allocation is a memory allocation
technique used in operating systems to allocate
memory to a process.
• In First-Fit, the operating system searches
through the list of free blocks of memory,
starting from the beginning of the list, until it
finds a block that is large enough to
accommodate the memory request from the
• Once a suitable block is found, the operating
system splits the block into two parts: the portion
that will be allocated to the process, and the
remaining free block.
In the First Fit, the first available free hole fulfil
the requirement of the process allocated.
Here, in this diagram, a 40 KB memory block is the first
available free hole that can store process A (size of 25 KB),
because the first two blocks did not have sufficient memory
Best-Fit Allocation in Operating
• Best-Fit Allocation is a memory allocation
technique used in operating systems to allocate
memory to a process.
• In Best-Fit, the operating system searches
through the list of free blocks of memory to find
the block that is closest in size to the memory
request from the process.
• Once a suitable block is found, the operating
system splits the block into two parts: the portion
that will be allocated to the process, and the
remaining free block.
• In the Best Fit, allocate the smallest hole that
is big enough to process requirements.
• For this, we search the entire list, unless the
list is ordered by size.
Here in this example, first, we traverse the complete list and find the
last hole 25KB is the best suitable hole for Process A(size 25KB). In this
method, memory utilization is maximum as compared to other
memory allocation techniques.
Worst-Fit Allocation in Operating
• In this allocation technique, the process
traverses the whole memory and always
search for the largest hole/partition, and
then the process is placed in that
• It is a slow process because it has to traverse
the entire memory to search the largest hole.
In the Worst Fit, allocate the largest available hole to process. This
method produces the largest leftover hole.
Here in this example, Process A (Size 25 KB) is allocated to the largest
available memory block which is 60KB. Inefficient memory utilization is a
major issue in the worst fit.
Non Contiguous Memory Allocation
• In a Non-Contiguous memory management
scheme, the program is divided into different
blocks and loaded at different portions of the
memory that need not necessarily be adjacent
to one another.
• This scheme can be classified depending upon
the size of blocks and whether the blocks
reside in the main memory or not.
• Fragmentation is defined as when the process is
loaded and removed after execution from
memory, it creates a small free hole.
• These holes can not be assigned to new
processes because holes are not combined or do
not fulfil the memory requirement of the
• To achieve a degree of multiprogramming, we
must reduce the waste of memory or
fragmentation problems.
• In the operating systems two types of
Internal Fragmentation
• Internal fragmentation occurs when memory blocks are
allocated to the process more than their requested
• Due to this some unused space is left over and creating
an internal fragmentation problem.
• Example: Suppose there is a fixed partitioning used for
memory allocation and the different sizes of blocks
3MB, 6MB, and 7MB space in memory.
• Now a new process p4 of size 2MB comes and
demands a block of memory.
• It gets a memory block of 3MB but 1MB block of
memory is a waste, and it can not be allocated to other
processes too. This is called internal fragmentation.
External Fragmentation
• In External Fragmentation, we have a free memory
block, but we can not assign it to a process because
blocks are not contiguous.
• Example: Suppose three processes p1, p2, and p3
come with sizes 2MB, 4MB, and 7MB respectively. Now
they get memory blocks of size 3MB, 6MB, and 7MB
allocated respectively.
• After allocating the process p1 process and the p2
process left 1MB and 2MB.
• Suppose a new process p4 comes and demands a 3MB
block of memory, which is available, but we can not
assign it because free memory space is not
contiguous. This is called external fragmentation.
• Both the first-fit and best-fit systems for memory
allocation are affected by external fragmentation.
• To overcome the external fragmentation problem
Compaction is used.
• In the compaction technique, all free memory
space combines and makes one large block. So,
this space can be used by other processes
• Another possible solution to the external
fragmentation is to allow the logical address
space of the processes to be non contiguous, thus
permitting a process to be allocated physical
memory wherever the latter is available.
• External fragmentation can be reduced by
compaction or shuffle memory contents to
place all free memory together in one large
block. To make compaction feasible,
relocation should be dynamic.
• The internal fragmentation can be reduced by
effectively assigning the smallest partition but
large enough for the process.
If the requirement is fulfilled then we allocate
memory to process, otherwise keeping the
rest available to satisfy future requests. While
allocating a memory
sometimes dynamic storage allocation
problems occur, which concerns how to satisfy
a request of size n from a list of free holes.
There are some solutions to this problem:
Non-Contiguous memory
management schemes:
• In a Non-Contiguous memory management
scheme, the program is divided into different
blocks and loaded at different portions of the
memory that need not necessarily be adjacent
to one another.
• This scheme can be classified depending upon
the size of blocks and whether the blocks
reside in the main memory or not.
Need for Paging
• Lets consider a process P1 of size 2 MB and the
main memory which is divided into three
partitions. Out of the three partitions, two
partitions are holes of size 1 MB each.
• P1 needs 2 MB space in the main memory to be
loaded. We have two holes of 1 MB each but they
are not contiguous.
• Although, there is 2 MB space available in the
main memory in the form of those holes but that
remains useless until it become contiguous. This
is a serious problem to address.
• We need to have some kind of mechanism
which can store one process at different
locations of the memory.
• The Idea behind paging is to divide the
process in pages so that, we can store them in
the memory at different holes.
• In Operating Systems, Paging is a storage mechanism
used to retrieve processes from the secondary storage
into the main memory in the form of pages.
• The main idea behind the paging is to divide each
process in the form of pages. The main memory will
also be divided in the form of frames.
• One page of the process is to be stored in one of the
frames of the memory. The pages can be stored at the
different locations of the memory but the priority is
always to find the contiguous frames or holes.
• Pages of the process are brought into the main
memory only when they are required otherwise they
reside in the secondary storage.
• Different operating system defines different
frame sizes.
• The sizes of each frame must be equal.
• Considering the fact that the pages are
mapped to the frames in Paging, page size
needs to be as same as frame size.
Paging in Operating System
• Paging is a memory management scheme that
eliminates the need for a contiguous allocation of
physical memory.
• The process of retrieving processes in the form
of pages from the secondary storage into the
main memory is known as paging.
• The basic purpose of paging is to separate each
procedure into pages.
• Additionally, frames will be used to split the main
• This scheme permits the physical address space
of a process to be non – contiguous.
• Let us consider the main memory size 16 Kb
and Frame size is 1 KB therefore the main
memory will be divided into the collection of
16 frames of 1 KB each.
• There are 4 processes in the system that is P1,
P2, P3 and P4 of 4 KB each. Each process is
divided into pages of 1 KB each so that one
page can be stored in one frame.
• Initially, all the frames are empty therefore
pages of the processes will get stored in the
contiguous way.
Memory Management Unit
• The purpose of Memory Management Unit
(MMU) is to convert the logical address into
the physical address.
• The logical address is the address generated
by the CPU for every page while the physical
address is the actual address of the frame
where each page will be stored.
• When a page is to be accessed by the CPU by
using the logical address, the operating system
needs to obtain the physical address to access
that page physically.
The logical address has two parts.
• Page Number
• Offset
Memory management unit of OS needs to
convert the page number to the frame
What is Virtual Memory in OS
• Virtual Memory is a storage scheme that provides user
an illusion of having a very big main memory. This is
done by treating a part of secondary memory as the
main memory.
• In this scheme, User can load the bigger size processes
than the available main memory by having the illusion
that the memory is available to load the process.
• Instead of loading one big process in the main memory,
the Operating System loads the different parts of more
than one process in the main memory.
• By doing this, the degree of multiprogramming will be
increased and therefore, the CPU utilization will also be
How Virtual Memory Works?
• In modern word, virtual memory has become quite
common these days.
• In this scheme, whenever some pages needs to be
loaded in the main memory for the execution and the
memory is not available for those many pages, then in
that case, instead of stopping the pages from entering
in the main memory, the OS search for the RAM area
that are least used in the recent times or that are not
referenced and copy that into the secondary memory
to make the space for the new pages in the main
• Since all this procedure happens automatically,
therefore it makes the computer feel like it is having
the unlimited RAM.
Demand Paging
• Demand Paging is a popular method of virtual
memory management.
• In demand paging, the pages of a process
which are least used, get stored in the
secondary memory.
• A page is copied to the main memory when its
demand is made or page fault occurs.
• There are various page replacement
algorithms which are used to determine the
pages which will be replaced.
• The Demand Paging is a condition which is occurred in
the Virtual Memory.
• We know that the pages of the process are stored in
secondary memory.
• The page is brought to the main memory when
• We do not know when this requirement is going to
• So, the pages are brought to the main memory when
required by the Page Replacement Algorithms.
• So, the process of calling the pages to main memory to
secondary memory upon demand is known as Demand
Segmentation in Operating System
• A process is divided into Segments.
• The chunks that a program is divided into
which are not necessarily all of the exact sizes
are called segments.
• Segmentation gives the user’s view of the
process which paging does not provide.
• Here the user’s view is mapped to physical
Types of Segmentation in Operating
• Virtual Memory Segmentation: Each process
is divided into a number of segments, but the
segmentation is not done all at once. This
segmentation may or may not take place at
the run time of the program.
• Simple Segmentation: Each process is divided
into a number of segments, all of which are
loaded into memory at run time, though not
necessarily contiguously.
What is Segment Table?
It maps a two-dimensional Logical address into
a one-dimensional Physical address. It’s each
table entry has:
• Base Address: It contains the starting physical
address where the segments reside in
• Segment Limit: Also known as segment
offset. It specifies the length of the segment.
The address generated by the CPU is divided
• Segment number (s): Number of bits required
to represent the segment.
• Segment offset (d): Number of bits
required to represent the size of the segment.
Demand Segmentation
• Operating system also uses demand
segmentation, which is similar to demand
• Operating system to uses demand
segmentation where there is insufficient
hardware available to implement 'Demand
• The segment table has a valid bit to specify if
the segment is already in physical memory or