BBU V100R018C10 Technical Specifications Issue 04 Date 2022-07-29 HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 2022. All rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without prior written consent of Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. Trademarks and Permissions and other Huawei trademarks are trademarks of Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All other trademarks and trade names mentioned in this document are the property of their respective holders. Notice The purchased products, services and features are stipulated by the contract made between Huawei and the customer. All or part of the products, services and features described in this document may not be within the purchase scope or the usage scope. Unless otherwise specified in the contract, all statements, information, and recommendations in this document are provided "AS IS" without warranties, guarantees or representations of any kind, either express or implied. The information in this document is subject to change without notice. Every effort has been made in the preparation of this document to ensure accuracy of the contents, but all statements, information, and recommendations in this document do not constitute a warranty of any kind, express or implied. Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. Address: Huawei Industrial Base Bantian, Longgang Shenzhen 518129 People's Republic of China Website: Email: Issue 04 (2022-07-29) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. i BBU Technical Specifications Contents Contents 1 BBU Technical Specifications................................................................................................ 1 1.1 Changes in BBU Technical Specifications........................................................................................................................ 4 1.2 Board Technical Specifications......................................................................................................................................... 11 1.2.1 Mapping Between Boards and BBUs.......................................................................................................................... 11 1.2.2 Technical Specifications of Main Control Boards....................................................................................................13 GSM Technical Specifications of Main Control Boards..................................................................................... 13 UMTS Technical Specifications of Main Control Boards................................................................................... 14 LTE Technical Specifications of Main Control Boards........................................................................................ 15 LTE FDD Technical Specifications of Main Control Boards...........................................................................15 LTE TDD Technical Specifications of Main Control Boards...........................................................................15 LTE NB-IoT Technical Specifications of Main Control Boards..................................................................... 16 LTE FDD+NB-IoT Technical Specifications of Main Control Boards.......................................................... 17 LTE TDD+NB-IoT Technical Specifications of Main Control Boards.......................................................... 17 LTE FDD+TDD Technical Specifications of Main Control Boards............................................................... 18 LTE FDD+TDD+NB-IoT Technical Specifications of Main Control Boards............................................... 19 NR Technical Specifications of Main Control Boards......................................................................................... 20 NR FDD Technical Specifications of Main Control Boards........................................................................... 20 NR TDD Technical Specifications of Main Control Boards........................................................................... 21 NR FDD+TDD Technical Specifications of Main Control Boards................................................................ 21 Multimode Technical Specifications of Main Control Boards......................................................................... 22 LN Technical Specifications of Main Control Boards...................................................................................... 23 UN Technical Specifications of Main Control Boards..................................................................................... 23 GN Technical Specifications of Main Control Boards..................................................................................... 24 ULN Technical Specifications of Main Control Boards...................................................................................24 GLN Technical Specifications of Main Control Boards...................................................................................25 GUN Technical Specifications of Main Control Boards..................................................................................25 GULN Technical Specifications of Main Control Boards................................................................................26 GUL Technical Specifications of Main Control Boards................................................................................... 26 UL Technical Specifications of Main Control Boards...................................................................................... 27 GL Technical Specifications of Main Control Boards....................................................................................28 GU Technical Specifications of Main Control Boards...................................................................................29 1.2.3 Technical Specifications of Baseband Processing Units........................................................................................29 GSM Technical Specifications of Baseband Processing Units......................................................................... 29 Issue 04 (2022-07-29) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. ii BBU Technical Specifications Contents UMTS Technical Specifications of Baseband Processing Units....................................................................... 30 LTE Technical Specifications of Baseband Processing Units............................................................................ 32 LTE FDD Technical Specifications of Baseband Processing Units............................................................... 32 LTE TDD Technical Specifications of Baseband Processing Units...............................................................47 LTE NB-IoT Technical Specifications of Baseband Processing Units..........................................................61 LTE FDD+NB-IoT Technical Specifications of Baseband Processing Units.............................................. 67 LTE TDD+NB-IoT Technical Specifications of Baseband Processing Units.............................................. 74 LTE FDD+TDD Technical Specifications of Baseband Processing Units....................................................79 LTE FDD+TDD+NB-IoT Technical Specifications of Baseband Processing Units................................... 83 NR Technical Specifications of Baseband Processing Units............................................................................. 87 NR FDD Technical Specifications of Baseband Processing Units............................................................... 87 NR TDD Technical Specifications of Baseband Processing Units............................................................... 93 NR FDD+TDD Technical Specifications of Baseband Processing Units..................................................104 Multimode Technical Specifications of Baseband Processing Units...........................................................107 LN (TDD) Technical Specifications of Baseband Processing Units..........................................................107 LN (FDD) Technical Specifications of Baseband Processing Units.......................................................... 109 TN (TDD) Technical Specifications of Baseband Processing Units..........................................................114 TN (FDD) Technical Specifications of Baseband Processing Units..........................................................116 LN (FDD) N (TDD) Technical Specifications of Baseband Processing Units........................................117 LMN (TDD) Technical Specifications of Baseband Processing Units......................................................119 LMN (FDD) Technical Specifications of Baseband Processing Units...................................................... 122 LMN (FDD) N (TDD) Technical Specifications of Baseband Processing Units....................................127 UL Technical Specifications of Baseband Processing Units........................................................................129 UM Technical Specifications of Baseband Processing Units................................................................... 132 GL Technical Specifications of Baseband Processing Units..................................................................... 135 GU Technical Specifications of Baseband Processing Units.................................................................... 135 GUL Technical Specifications of Baseband Processing Units.................................................................. 136 ULM Technical Specifications of Baseband Processing Units................................................................. 137 1.3 BBU5900 Technical Specifications ............................................................................................................................... 141 1.3.1 GSM Technical Specifications of the BBU5900..................................................................................................... 141 1.3.2 UMTS Technical Specifications of the BBU5900...................................................................................................142 1.3.3 LTE Technical Specifications of the BBU5900........................................................................................................ 144 LTE FDD Technical Specifications of the BBU5900...........................................................................................144 LTE TDD Technical Specifications of the BBU5900.......................................................................................... 145 LTE NB-IoT Technical Specifications of the BBU5900..................................................................................... 147 LTE FDD+NB-IoT Technical Specifications of the BBU5900.......................................................................... 148 LTE TDD+NB-IoT Technical Specifications of the BBU5900.......................................................................... 149 LTE FDD+TDD Technical Specifications of the BBU5900............................................................................... 150 1.3.4 NR Technical Specifications of the BBU5900.........................................................................................................151 NR FDD Technical Specifications of the BBU5900........................................................................................... 151 NR TDD Technical Specifications of the BBU5900........................................................................................... 152 BBU5900 NR (FDD+TDD) Technical Specifications..........................................................................................152 Issue 04 (2022-07-29) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. iii BBU Technical Specifications Contents 1.3.5 Multimode Technical Specifications of the BBU5900......................................................................................... 153 LN (TDD) Technical Specifications of the BBU5900........................................................................................ 154 LN (FDD) Technical Specifications of the BBU5900........................................................................................ 155 TN (TDD) Technical specifications of the BBU5900........................................................................................ 156 TN (FDD) Technical Specifications of the BBU5900........................................................................................ 157 GULN (TDD) Technical Specifications of the BBU5900..................................................................................158 GULN (FDD) Technical Specifications of the BBU5900.................................................................................. 160 GUTN (TDD) Technical Specifications of the BBU5900................................................................................. 161 GUTN (FDD) Technical Specifications of the BBU5900..................................................................................162 GUL Technical Specifications of the BBU5900...................................................................................................163 UL Technical Specifications of the BBU5900................................................................................................... 165 GL Technical Specifications of the BBU5900................................................................................................... 166 GU Technical Specifications of the BBU5900.................................................................................................. 167 1.3.6 BBU5900 Equipment Specifications.......................................................................................................................... 168 1.4 BBU5900A Technical Specifications..............................................................................................................................170 1.4.1 GSM Technical Specifications of the BBU5900A.................................................................................................. 170 1.4.2 UMTS Technical Specifications of the BBU5900A................................................................................................171 1.4.3 LTE Technical Specifications of the BBU5900A..................................................................................................... 172 LTE FDD Technical Specifications of the BBU5900A........................................................................................172 LTE TDD Technical Specifications of the BBU5900A........................................................................................173 LTE NB-IoT Technical Specifications of the BBU5900A.................................................................................. 174 LTE FDD+NB-IoT Technical Specifications of the BBU5900A....................................................................... 174 LTE TDD+NB-IoT Technical Specifications of the BBU5900A....................................................................... 175 LTE FDD+TDD Technical Specifications of the BBU5900A............................................................................ 175 1.4.4 NR Technical Specifications of the BBU5900A......................................................................................................176 NR FDD Technical Specifications of the BBU5900A........................................................................................ 176 NR TDD Technical Specifications of the BBU5900A........................................................................................ 177 BBU5900A NR (FDD+TDD) Technical Specifications.......................................................................................177 1.4.5 Multimode Technical Specifications of the BBU5900A...................................................................................... 178 LN (TDD) Technical Specifications of the BBU5900A..................................................................................... 179 LN (FDD) Technical Specifications of the BBU5900A..................................................................................... 180 TN (TDD) Technical Specifications of the BBU5900A..................................................................................... 181 TN (FDD) Technical Specifications of the BBU5900A..................................................................................... 181 GULN (TDD) Technical Specifications of the BBU5900A............................................................................... 182 GULN (FDD) Technical Specifications of the BBU5900A............................................................................... 183 GUTN (TDD) Technical Specifications of the BBU5900A...............................................................................184 GUTN (FDD) Technical Specifications of the BBU5900A...............................................................................185 GUL Technical Specifications of the BBU5900A................................................................................................ 185 UL Technical Specifications of the BBU5900A................................................................................................ 186 GL Technical Specifications of the BBU5900A.................................................................................................187 GU Technical Specifications of the BBU5900A................................................................................................187 1.4.6 BBU5900A Equipment Specifications....................................................................................................................... 188 Issue 04 (2022-07-29) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. iv BBU Technical Specifications Contents 1.5 BBU3900/BBU3910 Technical Specifications.............................................................................................................191 1.5.1 GSM Technical Specifications of the BBU3900/BBU3910................................................................................. 191 1.5.2 UMTS Technical Specifications of the BBU3900/BBU3910............................................................................... 193 1.5.3 LTE Technical Specifications of the BBU3900/BBU3910.................................................................................... 198 LTE FDD Technical Specifications of the BBU3900/BBU3910.......................................................................198 LTE TDD Technical Specifications of the BBU3900/BBU3910.......................................................................200 LTE NB-IoT Technical Specifications of the BBU3900/BBU3910................................................................. 202 LTE FDD+NB-IoT Technical Specifications of the BBU3900/BBU3910...................................................... 203 LTE TDD+NB-IoT Technical Specifications of the BBU3900/BBU3910...................................................... 205 LTE FDD+TDD Technical Specifications of the BBU3900/BBU3910............................................................207 1.5.4 NR Technical Specifications of the BBU3910.........................................................................................................208 NR FDD Technical Specifications of the BBU3910........................................................................................... 208 NR TDD Technical Specifications of the BBU3910........................................................................................... 209 BBU3910 NR (FDD+TDD) Technical Specifications..........................................................................................210 1.5.5 Multimode Technical Specifications of the BBU3900/BBU3910..................................................................... 211 LN (TDD) Technical Specifications of the BBU3910........................................................................................ 212 LN (FDD) Technical Specifications of the BBU3910........................................................................................ 213 TN (TDD) Technical Specifications of the BBU3910........................................................................................214 TN (FDD) Technical Specifications of the BBU3910........................................................................................ 215 GULN (TDD) Technical Specifications of the BBU3910..................................................................................216 GULN (FDD) Technical Specifications of the BBU3910.................................................................................. 216 GUTN (TDD) Technical Specifications of the BBU3910................................................................................. 217 GUTN (FDD) Technical Specifications of the BBU3910..................................................................................218 GUL Technical Specifications of the BBU3900/BBU3910............................................................................... 219 UL Technical Specifications of the BBU3900/BBU3910................................................................................222 GL Technical Specifications of the BBU3900/BBU3910................................................................................223 GU Technical Specifications of the BBU3900/BBU3910...............................................................................225 1.5.6 BBU3900/BBU3910 Equipment Specifications...................................................................................................... 227 1.6 BBU3910A Technical Specifications..............................................................................................................................229 1.6.1 GSM Technical Specifications of the BBU3910A.................................................................................................. 229 1.6.2 UMTS Technical Specifications of the BBU3910A................................................................................................230 1.6.3 LTE Technical Specifications of the BBU3910A..................................................................................................... 231 LTE FDD Technical Specifications of the BBU3910A........................................................................................231 LTE TDD Technical Specifications of the BBU3910A........................................................................................233 LTE NB-IoT Technical Specifications of the BBU3910A.................................................................................. 233 LTE FDD+NB-IoT Technical Specifications of the BBU3910A....................................................................... 234 1.6.4 Multimode Technical Specifications of the BBU3910A...................................................................................... 235 UL Technical Specifications of the BBU3910A................................................................................................... 235 UM Technical Specifications of the BBU3910A................................................................................................. 236 ULM Technical Specifications of the BBU3910A............................................................................................... 237 GL Technical Specifications of the BBU3910A................................................................................................... 237 GU Technical Specifications of the BBU3910A.................................................................................................. 238 Issue 04 (2022-07-29) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. v BBU Technical Specifications Contents GUL Technical Specifications of the BBU3910A................................................................................................ 239 1.6.5 BBU3910A Equipment Specifications....................................................................................................................... 240 1.7 BBU3910C Technical Specifications.............................................................................................................................. 244 1.7.1 GSM Technical Specifications of the BBU3910C.................................................................................................. 244 1.7.2 UMTS Technical Specifications of the BBU3910C................................................................................................ 245 1.7.3 LTE FDD Technical Specifications of the BBU3910C........................................................................................... 245 1.7.4 Multimode Technical Specifications of the BBU3910C...................................................................................... 246 GU Technical Specifications of the BBU3910C.................................................................................................. 246 GL Technical Specifications of the BBU3910C................................................................................................... 247 1.7.5 BBU3910C Equipment Specifications....................................................................................................................... 248 1.8 Traffic Model........................................................................................................................................................................ 251 1.8.1 LTE Traffic Model............................................................................................................................................................ 252 LTE FDD Traffic Model............................................................................................................................................... 252 LTE TDD Traffic Model............................................................................................................................................... 255 LTE NB-IoT Traffic Model..........................................................................................................................................259 1.8.2 NR Traffic Model............................................................................................................................................................. 261 Issue 04 (2022-07-29) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. vi BBU Technical Specifications 1 BBU Technical Specifications 1 BBU Technical Specifications The BBU is a baseband unit that centrally manages the entire base station system. BBUs are classified into BBU3900/BBU3910/BBU3910A/BBU3910C/BBU5900/ BBU5900A. The BBU3900/BBU3910/BBU5900/BBU5900A supports flexible configuration of different types and quantities of main control boards and baseband processing units. Accordingly, the BBUs have different capacity and signaling specifications. The BBU3910A/BBU3910C is an integrated BBU. Its capacity and signaling specifications are fixed. NOTICE The specifications that are not mentioned in this document or described as unsupported may be configurable. The product supports only the specifications that are mentioned in this document and meet specific constraints. If the specifications that are not mentioned in this document or described as unsupported are configured, services may be affected or the network may be out of service. NOTE ● In this document, G is short for GSM, U is short for UMTS, L is short for LTE FDD, T is short for LTE TDD, M is short for LTE NB-IoT. N (FDD) is short for NR FDD and N (TDD) is short for NR TDD. ● This document describes only the technical specifications of the BBUs used by macro base stations. For details about the technical specifications of the BBUs used by LampSite base stations, see LampSite BBU Technical Specifications. ● Unless otherwise specified, the specifications described in this document refer to the maximum values. Product Versions The following table lists the product versions related to this document. Issue 04 (2022-07-29) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 1 BBU Technical Specifications 1 BBU Technical Specifications Product Name Solution Version Product Version BBU5900 SRAN18.1 V100R018C10 For details about software versions of the BBU and BBU boards, see Description > Hardware Description > 3900 & 5900 Series Base Station Software and Hardware Compatibility Description. BBU5900A SRAN18.1 V100R018C10 For details about software versions of the BBU and BBU boards, see Description > Hardware Description > 3900 & 5900 Series Base Station Software and Hardware Compatibility Description. BBU3910 SRAN18.1 V100R018C10 For details about software versions of the BBU and BBU boards, see Description > Hardware Description > 3900 & 5900 Series Base Station Software and Hardware Compatibility Description. BBU3900 SRAN18.1 V100R018C10 For details about software versions of the BBU and BBU boards, see Description > Hardware Description > 3900 & 5900 Series Base Station Software and Hardware Compatibility Description. BBU3910A SRAN18.1 V100R018C10 For details about software versions of the BBU and BBU boards, see Description > Hardware Description > 3900 & 5900 Series Base Station Software and Hardware Compatibility Description. Issue 04 (2022-07-29) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 2 BBU Technical Specifications 1 BBU Technical Specifications Product Name Solution Version Product Version BBU3910C SRAN18.1 V100R018C10 For details about software versions of the BBU and BBU boards, see Description > Hardware Description > 3900 & 5900 Series Base Station Software and Hardware Compatibility Description. Intended Audience This document is intended for: ● Network planning engineers ● Onsite engineers ● System engineers 1.2 Board Technical Specifications A BBU can be configured with the main control board, baseband processing unit, power and environment monitoring board, and fan. This document describes the technical specifications of main control boards and baseband processing units. For technical specifications of other boards, see the related BBU hardware description. 1.3 BBU5900 Technical Specifications The BBU5900 can be configured with 1–2 main control boards and 2–6 baseband processing units. The capacity and signaling specifications of the BBU5900 vary with the types and numbers of main control boards and baseband processing units configured. This section describes the capacity specifications, signaling specifications, and equipment specifications of the BBU5900 working in different RATs in typical board configurations. 1.4 BBU5900A Technical Specifications The BBU5900A can be configured with 1 main control board and 1–3 baseband processing units. The capacity and signaling specifications of the BBU5900A vary with the types and numbers of main control boards and baseband processing units configured. This section describes the capacity specifications, signaling specifications, and equipment specifications of the BBU5900A working in different RATs in typical board configurations. 1.5 BBU3900/BBU3910 Technical Specifications The BBU3900/BBU3910 can be configured with 1–2 main control boards and 2–6 baseband processing units. The capacity and signaling specifications of the BBU3900/BBU3910 vary with the types and numbers of main control boards and baseband processing units configured. This section describes the capacity, signaling, and equipment specifications of the BBU3900/BBU3910 working in different RATs in typical configurations. 1.6 BBU3910A Technical Specifications The BBU3910A is an outdoor integrated BBU. The capacity and signaling specifications of the BBU3910A in each mode are fixed values. Issue 04 (2022-07-29) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 3 BBU Technical Specifications 1 BBU Technical Specifications 1.7 BBU3910C Technical Specifications The BBU3910C is an outdoor integrated BBU. The capacity and signaling specifications of the BBU3910C in each mode are fixed values. 1.8 Traffic Model On live networks, the specifications of the main control board and baseband processing unit depend on the processing capability of the hardware and the traffic model. The configuration specifications of the main control board, baseband processing unit, and BBU vary by traffic model. This section describes Huawei traffic models. 1.1 Changes in BBU Technical Specifications This section describes the changes in BBU Technical Specifications. 04 (2022-07-29) This is the fourth commercial release. Compared with Issue 03 (2022-06-27), this issue includes the following new topics: ● BBU5900 NR (FDD+TDD) Technical Specifications ● BBU5900A NR (FDD+TDD) Technical Specifications ● BBU3910 NR (FDD+TDD) Technical Specifications Compared with Issue 03 (2022-06-27), this issue does not include any changes or exclude any topics. 03 (2022-06-27) This is the third commercial release. Compared with Issue 02 (2022-04-27), this issue does not include any new topics or exclude any topics. Compared with Issue 02 (2022-04-27), this issue includes the following changes. Issue 04 (2022-07-29) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 4 BBU Technical Specifications 1 BBU Technical Specifications Topic Change Description LTE Technical Specifications of Main Control Boards Added descriptions of the specifications of the main control board and baseband processing unit. NR Technical Specifications of Main Control Boards GSM Technical Specifications of Baseband Processing Units UMTS Technical Specifications of Baseband Processing Units LTE Technical Specifications of Baseband Processing Units NR Technical Specifications of Baseband Processing Units Multimode Technical Specifications of Baseband Processing Units 1 BBU Technical Specifications Added the description that performance can only be ensured under the presented specifications. 02 (2022-04-27) This is the second commercial release. Compared with Issue 01 (2022-03-08), this issue does not include any new topics. Compared with Issue 01 (2022-03-08), this issue includes the following changes. Issue 04 (2022-07-29) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 5 BBU Technical Specifications 1 BBU Technical Specifications Topic Change Description LTE FDD Technical Specifications of Baseband Processing Units Modified the document: Added the description of CPRI to some cell number specifications. NR FDD Technical Specifications of Baseband Processing Units LN (FDD) Technical Specifications of Baseband Processing Units Compared with Issue 01 (2022-03-08), this issue does not exclude any topics. 01 (2022-03-08) This is the first commercial release. Compared with Draft B (2022-02-08), this issue does not include any new topics. Compared with Draft B (2022-02-08), this issue includes the following changes. Topic Change Description NR TDD Technical Specifications of Baseband Processing Units Added RRC_CONNECTED user number specifications of the UBBPg3 and NR TDD cells in CPRI scenarios. LTE FDD Technical Specifications of Baseband Processing Units Added cell number specifications of the UBBPg3 in eCPRI scenarios. NR FDD Technical Specifications of Baseband Processing Units LN (FDD) Technical Specifications of Baseband Processing Units Compared with Draft B (2022-02-08), this issue does not exclude any topics. Issue 04 (2022-07-29) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 6 BBU Technical Specifications 1 BBU Technical Specifications Draft B (2022-02-08) This is a draft. Compared with Draft A (2021-12-30), this issue does not include any new topics. Compared with Draft A (2021-12-30), this issue includes the following changes. Topic Change Description NR TDD Technical Specifications of Baseband Processing Units Document change: Deleted some 4T4R cell number specifications of the UBBPg3 in mmWave scenarios@eCPRI. Compared with Draft A (2021-12-30), this issue does not exclude any topics. Draft A (2021-12-30) This is a draft. Compared with Issue 06 (2021-11-27) of SRAN17.1, this issue does not include any new topics. Compared with Issue 06 (2021-11-27) of SRAN17.1, this issue includes the following changes. Topic Change Description LN (FDD) Technical Specifications of Baseband Processing Units Added the following cell number specifications for the UBBPg3: ● LTE FDD 12x1.4/3/5/10/15/20 MHz 4T4R + NR FDD 6x25/30/40 MHz 4T4R ● LTE FDD 12x1.4/3/5/10/15/20 MHz 4T4R + NR FDD [3x25/30/40 MHz 4T4R + 6x5/10/15/20 MHz 4T4R] ● LTE FDD 18x1.4/3/5/10/15/20 MHz 4T4R + NR FDD 3x25/30/40 MHz 4T4R Added the following cell number specifications for the UBBPg2/UBBPg2a: ● LTE FDD 3x1.4/3/5/10/15/20 MHz 4T4R + NR FDD [3x25/30/40 MHz 4T4R + 3x5/10/15/20 MHz 4T4R] Issue 04 (2022-07-29) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 7 BBU Technical Specifications 1 BBU Technical Specifications Topic Change Description 1.2.1 Mapping Between Boards and BBUs Added the specifications of the UMPTe3. GSM Technical Specifications of Main Control Boards LTE Technical Specifications of Main Control Boards NR Technical Specifications of Main Control Boards Multimode Technical Specifications of Main Control Boards NR FDD+TDD Technical Specifications of Baseband Processing Units Added the following cell number specifications for the UBBPg3: LN (FDD) N (TDD) Technical Specifications of Baseband Processing Units ● NR FDD 6x40 MHz 4T4R + NR TDD 3x100 MHz 8T8R ● NR FDD 3x40 MHz 4T4R + NR TDD 3x100 MHz 32T32R/64T64R ● NR FDD 6x20 MHz 4T4R + NR FDD 3x40 MHz 4T4R + NR TDD 3x100 MHz 8T8R LMN (FDD) N (TDD) Technical Specifications of Baseband Processing Units ● LTE FDD 6x20 MHz 4T4R + NR FDD 3x40 MHz 4T4R + NR TDD 3x100 MHz 8T8R NR TDD Technical Specifications of Baseband Processing Units Removed the following restriction: When multiple SUL cells are configured, the SUL cells must be configured with the same number of receive antennas and same bandwidth. LTE TDD Technical Specifications of Baseband Processing Units Added support for mixed configuration of 32T32R and 64T64R cells by the UBBPg2a, UBBPg3b, and UBBPg3. 1.2.1 Mapping Between Boards and BBUs Deleted the UMPTa1, UCCU, and UBRI boards. Issue 04 (2022-07-29) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 8 BBU Technical Specifications 1 BBU Technical Specifications Topic Change Description NR TDD Technical Specifications of Baseband Processing Units Increased the number of UEs in RRC connected mode at the UBBPg3 board level and NR TDD cell level in mmWave scenarios. NR TDD Technical Specifications of the BBU5900 NR TDD Technical Specifications of the BBU5900A LN (FDD) N (TDD) Technical Specifications of Baseband Processing Units Added the cell number specifications of LTE FDD 6x20 MHz 4T4R + NR FDD 6x20 MHz 4T4R + NR TDD 3x100 MHz 8T8R supported by the UBBPg3/ UBBPg3a. LMN (FDD) N (TDD) Technical Specifications of Baseband Processing Units TN (FDD) Technical Specifications of Baseband Processing Units Added the cell number specifications of LTE TDD 3x20 MHz 32T32R/64T64R + NR FDD 6x20 MHz 4T4R supported by the UBBPg2a and UBBPg3b. NR FDD Technical Specifications of Baseband Processing Units ● Added the cell number specification of 3x20 MHz 8T8R supported by the UBBPg1a. ● Added the cell number specifications of 3x25/30/40 MHz 8T8R supported by the UBBPg2/UBBPg2a/UBBPg3b. ● Added the cell number specifications of 6x25/30/40 MHz 8T8R supported by the UBBPg3. ● Added the 20 MHz 32T32R cell number specifications supported by the UBBPg2a/ UBBPg3b/UBBPg3. ● Added the 40 MHz 32T32R cell number specifications supported by the UBBPg3. NR FDD+TDD Technical Specifications of Baseband Processing Units Issue 04 (2022-07-29) Added the cell number specifications of 3x20 MHz 4T4R + 3x100 MHz 8T8R supported by the UBBPg3b. Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 9 BBU Technical Specifications 1 BBU Technical Specifications Topic Change Description TN (TDD) Technical Specifications of Baseband Processing Units ● Added the cell number specifications of LTE TDD 3x20 MHz 8T8R + NR TDD 3x100 MHz 8T8R supported by the UBBPg3b. TN (TDD) Technical Specifications of Baseband Processing Units ● Added the cell number specifications of LTE TDD 3x20 MHz 8T8R + NR TDD 3x80 MHz 8T8R supported by the UBBPg2a. LN (FDD) Technical Specifications of Baseband Processing Units Added the cell number specifications of LTE FDD 3x20 MHz 32T32R + NR FDD 3x20 MHz 32T32R supported by the UBBPg3. LN (FDD) Technical Specifications of Baseband Processing Units Added the cell number specifications of LTE FDD 6x20 MHz 8T8R + NR FDD 3x40 MHz 8T8R supported by the UBBPg3. LN (TDD) Technical Specifications of Baseband Processing Units Added the following cell number specifications for the UBBPg3b: LMN (TDD) Technical Specifications of Baseband Processing Units ● LTE FDD 3x20 MHz 4T4R + NR TDD 3x100 MHz 32T32R/64T64R ● Added the cell number specifications of LTE TDD 6x20 MHz 8T8R + NR TDD 3x60 MHz 8T8R supported by the UBBPg3b. ● Added the cell number specifications of LTE TDD 6x20 MHz 8T8R + NR TDD 3x60 MHz 8T8R supported by the UBBPg2a. ● LTE FDD 3x20 MHz 4T4R + NR TDD 3x100 MHz 8T8R 1.5.2 UMTS Technical Specifications of the BBU3900/BBU3910 Deleted specifications of the WBBPa/WBBPb1/ WBBPb2/WBBPb3/WBBPb4/WBBPd1/WBBPd2/ WBBPd3. 1.5.1 GSM Technical Specifications of the BBU3900/BBU3910 Deleted specifications of the UTRP2/UTRP3/ UTRP4/UTRP6/UTRP9. 1.5.2 UMTS Technical Specifications of the BBU3900/BBU3910 Compared with Issue 06 (2021-11-27) of SRAN17.1, this issue does not exclude any topics. Issue 04 (2022-07-29) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 10 BBU Technical Specifications 1 BBU Technical Specifications 1.2 Board Technical Specifications A BBU can be configured with the main control board, baseband processing unit, power and environment monitoring board, and fan. This document describes the technical specifications of main control boards and baseband processing units. For technical specifications of other boards, see the related BBU hardware description. 1.2.1 Mapping Between Boards and BBUs The types of supported main control boards and baseband processing units vary depending on the case-structured BBUs. This section describes the main control boards and baseband processing units supported by each case-structured BBU. Table 1-1 lists the main control boards and baseband processing units supported by the BBU5900. Table 1-1 Mapping between the main control boards or baseband processing units and the BBU5900 Board Type Boards Supported by the BBU5900 Main control board ● UMPTb (UMPTb1/UMPTb2/UMPTb3/UMPTb9) ● UMPTe (UMPTe1/UMPTe2/UMPTe3) ● UMPTg (UMPTg1/UMPTg2/UMPTg3) ● UMPTga (UMPTga1/UMPTga2/UMPTga3) Baseband processing unit ● UBBPd (UBBPd1/UBBPd2/UBBPd3/UBBPd4/UBBPd5/ UBBPd6/UBBPd9) ● UBBPe(UBBPe1/UBBPe2/UBBPe3/UBBPe4/UBBPe5/ UBBPe6/UBBPe18) ● UBBPg(UBBPg1/UBBPg1a/UBBPg2/UBBPg2a/UBBPg3b/ UBBPg3/UBBPg4) ● UBBPei ● UBBPem ● UBBPex2 ● UBBPf1 ● UBBPf3 ● UBBPfw1 Table 1-2 lists the main control boards and baseband processing units supported by the BBU5900A. Issue 04 (2022-07-29) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 11 BBU Technical Specifications 1 BBU Technical Specifications Table 1-2 Mapping between the main control boards or baseband processing units and the BBU5900A Board Type Boards Supported by the BBU5900A Main control board ● UMPTe (UMPTe1/UMPTe2/UMPTe3)a ● UMPTg (UMPTg1/UMPTg2/UMPTg3) ● UMPTga (UMPTga1/UMPTga2/UMPTga3) Baseband processing unit ● UBBPg (UBBPg1/UBBPg1a/UBBPg2/UBBPg2a/ UBBPg3b/UBBPg3/UBBPg4) ● UBBPe (UBBPe1/UBBPe2/UBBPe3/UBBPe4/UBBPe5/ UBBPe6/UBBPe18) ● UBBPd (UBBPd1/UBBPd2/UBBPd3/UBBPd4/UBBPd5/ UBBPd6/UBBPd9) ● UBBPem ● UBBPf1 ● UBBPex2 ● UBBPf3 a: The UMPTe is applicable only to areas above -20°C (-4 °F). Table 1-3 lists the main control boards and baseband processing units supported by the BBU3910. Table 1-3 Mapping between the main control boards or baseband processing units and the BBU3910 Board Type Boards Supported by the BBU3910 Main control board ● GTMUb/GTMUc ● UMPTb (UMPTb1/UMPTb2/UMPTb3/UMPTb9) ● UMPTe (UMPTe1/UMPTe2/UMPTe3) ● UMPTg (UMPTg1/UMPTg2/UMPTg3) ● UMPTga (UMPTga1/UMPTga2/UMPTga3) Baseband processing unit ● UBBPd (UBBPd1/UBBPd2/UBBPd3/UBBPd4/UBBPd5/ UBBPd6/UBBPd9) ● UBBPe (UBBPe1/UBBPe2/UBBPe3/UBBPe4/UBBPe5/ UBBPe6/UBBPe18) ● UBBPg (UBBPg1/UBBPg1a/UBBPg2/UBBPg2a) ● UBBPei ● UBBPem ● UBBPex2 ● UBBPf1 ● UBBPf3 Issue 04 (2022-07-29) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 12 BBU Technical Specifications 1 BBU Technical Specifications Table 1-4 lists the main control boards and baseband processing units supported by the BBU3900. Table 1-4 Mapping between the main control boards or baseband processing units and the BBU3900 Board Type Boards Supported by the BBU3900 Main control board ● GTMUb/GTMUc ● UMPTa (UMPTa2/UMPTa6) ● UMPTb (UMPTb1/UMPTb2/UMPTb3/UMPTb9) ● UMPTe (UMPTe1/UMPTe2/UMPTe3) Baseband processing unit ● UBBPd (UBBPd1/UBBPd2/UBBPd3/UBBPd4/UBBPd5/ UBBPd6/UBBPd9) ● UBBPe (UBBPe1/UBBPe2/UBBPe3/UBBPe4/UBBPe5/ UBBPe6/UBBPe18) ● UBBPg (UBBPg1/UBBPg1a) ● WBBP (WBBPf1/WBBPf2/WBBPf3/WBBPf4/WBBPf5/ WBBPf6) ● LBBP (LBBPc/LBBPd1/LBBPd2/LBBPd3/LBBPd4/LBBPd5) 1.2.2 Technical Specifications of Main Control Boards Main control boards include the GTMU supporting only one RAT as well as the UMPT supporting multiple RATs. As system designs differ, the technical specifications supported by main control boards vary with the RATs. When the specifications of a main control board are limited, you can replace it with one of higher specifications or add a new one. GSM Technical Specifications of Main Control Boards The GSM technical specifications of a main control board mainly include the maximum number of carriers. The maximum number of carriers supported by the main control board may vary by the transmission mode. When working in GSM mode, the main control board supports two OM modes: LegacyOM and SingleOM. In LegacyOM mode, the GSM base station is operated and maintained through the base station controller. In SingleOM mode, the GSM base station is operated and maintained through the OSS. Different main control boards support different OM modes. The GTMU supports only the LegacyOM mode. The following table lists the number of carriers supported by a GTMU. Issue 04 (2022-07-29) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 13 BBU Technical Specifications 1 BBU Technical Specifications Table 1-5 Number of carriers per GTMUb/GTMUc Board Number of Carriers GTMUb In LegacyOM mode: ● TDM: 126 ● IP over FE: 60 ● IP over E1: 48 GTMUc In LegacyOM mode: ● TDM: 126 ● IP over FE: 60 ● IP over E1: 48 In GSM scenarios, the UMPT supports only the SingleOM mode. The following table lists the number of carriers supported by the UMPT. Table 1-6 Number of carriers per UMPT in GSM mode Board Number of Carriers UMPTa2 ● IP over FE: 72 ● IP over E1: 48 UMPTb1/UMPTb2/ UMPTb3/UMPTb9 ● IP over FE: 72 UMPTe1/UMPTe2/ UMPTe3 IP over FE: 72 UMPTga1/UMPTga2/ UMPTga3 IP over FE: 72 UMPTg1/UMPTg2/ UMPTg3 IP over FE: 72 ● IP over E1: 48 UMTS Technical Specifications of Main Control Boards The signaling specifications of a UMTS main control board depend on the types and numbers of configured baseband processing units and transmission boards. The following sections describe the signaling specifications in different combinations of the main control board, baseband processing unit, and transmission board: ● 1.3.2 UMTS Technical Specifications of the BBU5900 ● 1.4.2 UMTS Technical Specifications of the BBU5900A ● 1.5.2 UMTS Technical Specifications of the BBU3900/BBU3910 Issue 04 (2022-07-29) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 14 BBU Technical Specifications 1 BBU Technical Specifications LTE Technical Specifications of Main Control Boards The LTE technical specifications of a main control board include the technical specifications when the main control board works in LTE FDD, LTE TDD, LTE NBIoT, and multimode concurrency scenarios. LTE FDD Technical Specifications of Main Control Boards The LTE FDD technical specifications of a main control board include the number of UEs in RRC connected mode, number of UL synchronized UEs, number of DRBs, and signaling specifications. The following table lists the specifications per main control board in LTE FDD mode. Table 1-7 Specifications per main control board in LTE FDD mode Board Number of UEs in RRC Connected Mode Number of UL Synchronize d UEs Number of DRBs Signaling Specificati ons (BHCA) UMPTa2/UMPTa6 10800 10800 32400 288000 UMPTb1/UMPTb2/ UMPTb3/UMPTb9 10800 10800 32400 360000 UMPTe1/UMPTe2/ UMPTe3 14400 14400 43200 1620000 UMPTga1/UMPTga2/ UMPTga3 14400 14400 43200 1620000 UMPTg1/UMPTg2/ UMPTg3 28800 28800 86400 3240000 LTE TDD Technical Specifications of Main Control Boards The LTE TDD technical specifications of a main control board include the number of UEs in RRC connected mode, number of UL synchronized UEs, number of DRBs, and signaling specifications. The following table lists the specifications per main control board in LTE TDD mode. Table 1-8 Specifications per main control board in LTE TDD mode Board Number of UEs in RRC Connected Mode Number of UL Synchronized UEs Number of DRBs Signaling Specification s (BHCA) UMPTa6 10800 10800 32400 288000 Issue 04 (2022-07-29) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 15 BBU Technical Specifications 1 BBU Technical Specifications Board Number of UEs in RRC Connected Mode Number of UL Synchronized UEs Number of DRBs Signaling Specification s (BHCA) UMPTb1/ UMPTb2/ UMPTb3/ UMPTb9 10800 10800 32400 360000 UMPTe1/ UMPTe2/ UMPTe3 14400 14400 43200 1620000 UMPTga1/ UMPTga2/ UMPTga3 14400 14400 43200 1620000 UMPTg1/ UMPTg2/ UMPTg3 28800 28800 86400 3240000 LTE NB-IoT Technical Specifications of Main Control Boards The LTE NB-IoT technical specifications of a main control board include the number of UEs in RRC connected mode, number of attached UEs, and signaling specifications. The following table lists the specifications per main control board in LTE NB-IoT mode. Table 1-9 Specifications per main control board in LTE NB-IoT mode Board Number of UEs in RRC Connected Mode Number of Attached UEs Signaling Specifications (BHCA) UMPTa2/UMPTa6 10800 920000 432000 UMPTb1/UMPTb2/ UMPTb3/UMPTb9 10800 1150000 540000 UMPTe1/UMPTe2/ UMPTe3 14400 5200000 2430000 UMPTga1/ UMPTga2/ UMPTga3 14400 5200000 2430000 UMPTg1/UMPTg2/ UMPTg3 28800 10400000 4860000 Issue 04 (2022-07-29) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 16 BBU Technical Specifications 1 BBU Technical Specifications LTE FDD+NB-IoT Technical Specifications of Main Control Boards The LTE FDD+NB-IoT technical specifications of a main control board include the number of UEs in RRC connected mode, number of attached UEs, and signaling specifications. This section uses 20 MHz bandwidth for LTE FDD cells and 200 kHz bandwidth for LTE NB-IoT cells as an example to describe the preceding specifications when the main control board works in both LTE FDD and LTE NB-IoT modes. When the main control board works in both LTE FDD and LTE NB-IoT modes, LTE FDD and LTE NB-IoT dynamically share main control resources. The number of UEs in RRC connected mode for LTE FDD, number of attached UEs for LTE NB-IoT, and signaling specifications dynamically change based on the main control resource usage. The following table lists the specifications per main control board. Table 1-10 Specifications per main control board in LTE FDD+NB-IoT mode Board Number of UEs in RRC Connected Mode(1) Number of UEs in RRC Connected Mode for LTE FDD + Number of Attached UEs for LTE NB-IoT LTE FDD Signaling Specifications + LTE NB-IoT Signaling Specifications (BHCA) UMPTa2/ UMPTa6 10800 7500+270000 201000+129000 UMPTb1/ UMPTb2/ UMPTb3/ UMPTb9 10800 7500+345000 252000+161000 UMPTe1/ UMPTe2/ UMPTe3 14400 11500+1040000 1296000+484000 UMPTga1/ UMPTga2/ UMPTga3 14400 11500+1040000 1296000+484000 UMPTg1/ UMPTg2/ UMPTg3 28800 23000+2080000 2592000+968000 (1): The number of UEs in RRC connected mode is the maximum number supported by the board in concurrency scenarios. LTE TDD+NB-IoT Technical Specifications of Main Control Boards The LTE TDD+NB-IoT technical specifications of a main control board include the number of UEs in RRC connected mode, number of attached UEs, and signaling specifications. This section uses 20 MHz bandwidth for LTE TDD cells and 200 kHz bandwidth for LTE NB-IoT cells as an example to describe the preceding specifications when the main control board works in both LTE TDD and LTE NB-IoT modes. Issue 04 (2022-07-29) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 17 BBU Technical Specifications 1 BBU Technical Specifications When the main control board works in both LTE TDD and LTE NB-IoT modes, LTE TDD and LTE NB-IoT dynamically share main control resources. The number of UEs in RRC connected mode for LTE TDD, number of attached UEs for LTE NB-IoT, and signaling specifications dynamically change based on the main control resource usage. The following table lists the specifications per main control board. Table 1-11 Specifications per main control board in LTE TDD+NB-IoT mode Board Number of UEs in RRC Connected Mode(1) Number of UEs in RRC Connected Mode for LTE TDD + Number of Attached UEs for LTE NB-IoT LTE TDD Signaling Specifications + LTE NB-IoT Signaling Specifications (BHCA) UMPTa6 10800 7500+270000 201000+129000 UMPTb1/ UMPTb2/ UMPTb3/ UMPTb9 10800 7500+345000 252000+161000 UMPTe1/ UMPTe2/ UMPTe3 14400 11500+1040000 1296000+484000 UMPTga1 / UMPTga2 / UMPTga3 14400 11500+1040000 1296000+484000 UMPTg1/ UMPTg2/ UMPTg3 28800 23000+2080000 2592000+968000 (1): The number of UEs in RRC connected mode is the maximum number supported by the board in concurrency scenarios. LTE FDD+TDD Technical Specifications of Main Control Boards The LTE FDD+TDD technical specifications of a main control board include the number of UEs in RRC connected mode, number of UL synchronized UEs, number of DRBs, and signaling specifications. When the main control board works in both LTE FDD and LTE TDD modes, LTE FDD and LTE TDD dynamically share main control resources, including the maximum number of UEs in RRC connected mode, number of UL synchronized UEs, number of DRBs, and signaling specifications, as listed in the following table. Issue 04 (2022-07-29) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 18 BBU Technical Specifications 1 BBU Technical Specifications Table 1-12 Specifications per main control board in LTE FDD+TDD mode Board Number of UEs in RRC Connected Mode Number of UL Synchronized UEs Number of DRBs Signaling Specification s (BHCA) UMPTa6 10800 10800 32400 288000 UMPTb1/ UMPTb2/ UMPTb3/ UMPTb9 10800 10800 32400 360000 UMPTe1/ UMPTe2/ UMPTe3 14400 14400 43200 1620000 UMPTga1/ UMPTga2/ UMPTga3 14400 14400 43200 1620000 UMPTg1/ UMPTg2/ UMPTg3 28800 28800 86400 3240000 LTE FDD+TDD+NB-IoT Technical Specifications of Main Control Boards The LTE FDD+TDD+NB-IoT technical specifications of a main control board include the number of UEs in RRC connected mode, number of attached UEs, and signaling specifications. This section uses 20 MHz bandwidth for LTE FDD and LTE TDD cells and 200 kHz bandwidth for LTE NB-IoT cells as an example to describe the preceding specifications when the main control board works in LTE FDD, LTE TDD, and LTE NB-IoT modes simultaneously. When the main control board works in LTE FDD, LTE TDD, and LTE NB-IoT modes at the same time, LTE FDD, LTE TDD, and LTE NB-IoT dynamically share main control resources. The number of UEs in RRC connected mode for LTE (FDD+TDD), number of attached UEs for LTE NB-IoT, and signaling specifications dynamically change based on the main control resource usage. The following table lists the specifications per main control board. Table 1-13 Specifications per main control board in LTE FDD+TDD+NB-IoT mode Board Number of UEs in RRC Connected Mode(1) Number of UEs in RRC Connected Mode for LTE FDD +TDD + Number of Attached UEs for LTE NB-IoT LTE FDD+TDD Signaling Specifications + LTE NB-IoT Signaling Specifications (BHCA) UMPTa2/ UMPTa6 10800 7500+270000 201000+129000 Issue 04 (2022-07-29) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 19 BBU Technical Specifications 1 BBU Technical Specifications Board Number of UEs in RRC Connected Mode(1) Number of UEs in RRC Connected Mode for LTE FDD +TDD + Number of Attached UEs for LTE NB-IoT LTE FDD+TDD Signaling Specifications + LTE NB-IoT Signaling Specifications (BHCA) UMPTb1/ UMPTb2/ UMPTb3/ UMPTb9 10800 7500+345000 252000+161000 UMPTe1/ UMPTe2/ UMPTe3 14400 11500+1040000 1296000+484000 UMPTga1/ UMPTga2/ UMPTga3 14400 11500+1040000 1296000+484000 UMPTg1/ UMPTg2/ UMPTg3 28800 23000+2080000 2592000+968000 (1): The number of UEs in RRC connected mode is the maximum number supported by the board in concurrency scenarios. NR Technical Specifications of Main Control Boards The NR technical specifications of a main control board include the technical specifications when the main control board works in NR TDD, NR FDD and multimode concurrency scenarios. NR FDD Technical Specifications of Main Control Boards The NR FDD technical specifications of a main control board include the number of UEs in RRC connected mode, number of DRBs, and signaling specifications. The following table lists the specifications per main control board in NR FDD mode. Table 1-14 Specifications per main control board in NR FDD mode Board Number of UEs in RRC Connected Mode Number of DRBs Signaling Specifications (BHCA) UMPTe1/UMPTe2/ UMPTe3 3600 10800 648000 UMPTga1/UMPTga2/ UMPTga3 7200 21600 1080000 Issue 04 (2022-07-29) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 20 BBU Technical Specifications 1 BBU Technical Specifications Board Number of UEs in RRC Connected Mode Number of DRBs Signaling Specifications (BHCA) UMPTg1/UMPTg2/ UMPTg3 14400 43200 1728000 NR TDD Technical Specifications of Main Control Boards The NR TDD technical specifications of a main control board include the number of UEs in RRC connected mode, number of DRBs, and signaling specifications. The following table lists the specifications per main control board in NR TDD mode. Table 1-15 Specifications per main control board in NR TDD mode Board Number of UEs in RRC Connected Mode Number of DRBs Signaling Specifications (BHCA) UMPTe1/UMPTe2/ UMPTe3 3600 10800 648000 UMPTga1/UMPTga2/ UMPTga3 7200 21600 1080000 UMPTg1/UMPTg2/ UMPTg3 14400 43200 1728000 NR FDD+TDD Technical Specifications of Main Control Boards The NR FDD+TDD technical specifications of a main control board include the number of UEs in RRC connected mode, number of DRBs, and signaling specifications. When the main control board works in both NR FDD and NR TDD modes, NR FDD and NR TDD dynamically share main control resources. The following table lists the specifications per main control board. Issue 04 (2022-07-29) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 21 BBU Technical Specifications 1 BBU Technical Specifications Table 1-16 Specifications per main control board in NR FDD+TDD mode Board Number of UEs in RRC Connected Mode Number of DRBs Signaling Specifications (BHCA) UMPTe1/UMPTe2/ UMPTe3 3600 10800 648000 UMPTga1/UMPTga2/ UMPTga3 7200 21600 1080000 UMPTg1/UMPTg2/ UMPTg3 14400 43200 1728000 Multimode Technical Specifications of Main Control Boards Co-MPT refers to the scenario where a main control board works in multiple modes. Multimode co-MPT technical specifications include the number of carriers, number of cells, and number of UEs in co-MPT scenarios among GSM, UMTS, NR, and LTE. Unless otherwise specified, in this section, LTE refers to LTE FDD, LTE TDD, and LTE NB-IoT, and NR refers to NR FDD and NR TDD. ● Co-MPT scenarios comply with the specifications of each single RAT. For example, if NR FDD does not support 32T32R/64T64R cells, then GULN does not support 32T32R/64T64R cells either. ● In this section, the co-MPT specifications involving NR TDD is applicable to sub-6 GHz scenarios. ● In typical GL/UL/LN/GUL/GULN scenarios, LTE FDD and LTE TDD dynamically share the LTE specifications of the main control board. NR FDD and NR TDD dynamically share the NR specifications of the main control board. ● In typical GL/UL/LN/GUL/GULN scenarios where the specifications of GSM and UMTS remain unchanged, the LTE FDD capacity of the main control board is affected after LTE NB-IoT is introduced. That is, LTE FDD and NB-IoT share the number of LTE FDD cells and number of UEs in RRC connected mode of the main control board before LTE NB-IoT is introduced. ● When the UMPT works in GSM, UMTS, LTE, and NR modes, these modes dynamically share main control resources in terms of signaling specifications, which are related to the processing configuration of baseband processing units. Therefore, this document does not provide signaling specifications of a single main control board working in multiple modes. Instead, this document provides signaling specifications of main control boards and baseband processing units working in multiple modes in typical configurations. For details, see: Issue 04 (2022-07-29) – 1.3.5 Multimode Technical Specifications of the BBU5900 – 1.4.5 Multimode Technical Specifications of the BBU5900A – 1.5.5 Multimode Technical Specifications of the BBU3900/BBU3910 Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 22 BBU Technical Specifications 1 BBU Technical Specifications LN Technical Specifications of Main Control Boards The following table lists the specifications per UMPT in LN co-MPT scenarios. Table 1-17 Co-MPT specifications per UMPT in LN mode Board LTE UMPTe1/UMPTe2/ UMPTe3 NR Number of Cells Numbe r of UEs in RRC Connec ted Mode Number of Cells Numbe r of UEs in RRC Connec ted Mode 2T2R/4T4R/8T8R: 72 5400 2T2R/4T4R/8T8R: 36 2400 32T32R/64T64R: 18 UMPTga1/ UMPTga2/ UMPTga3 2T2R/4T4R/8T8R: 72 UMPTg1/ UMPTg2/UMPTg3 2T2R/4T4R/8T8R: 72 32T32R/64T64R: 18 7200 32T32R/64T64R: 18 2T2R/4T4R/8T8R: 36 3600 32T32R/64T64R: 18 14400 32T32R/64T64R: 36 2T2R/4T4R/8T8R: 72 7200 32T32R/64T64R: 36 UN Technical Specifications of Main Control Boards The following table lists the specifications per UMPT in UN co-MPT scenarios. Table 1-18 Co-MPT specifications per UMPT in UN mode Board UMTS NR Number of Cells Number of Cells Number of UEs in RRC Connected Mode UMPTga1/ UMPTga2/ UMPTga3 48 2T2R/4T4R/8T8R: 36 3600 UMPTg1/ UMPTg2/UMPTg3 48 Issue 04 (2022-07-29) 32T32R/64T64R: 18 2T2R/4T4R/8T8R: 72 7200 32T32R/64T64R: 36 Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 23 BBU Technical Specifications 1 BBU Technical Specifications GN Technical Specifications of Main Control Boards The following table lists the specifications per UMPT in GN co-MPT scenarios. Table 1-19 Co-MPT specifications per UMPT in GN mode Board GSM NR Number of Carriers Number of Cells Number of UEs in RRC Connected Mode UMPTga1/ UMPTga2/ UMPTga3 72 2T2R/4T4R/8T8R: 36 3600 UMPTg1/ UMPTg2/UMPTg3 72 32T32R/64T64R: 18 2T2R/4T4R/8T8R: 72 7200 32T32R/64T64R: 36 ULN Technical Specifications of Main Control Boards The following table lists the specifications per UMPT in ULN co-MPT scenarios. Table 1-20 Co-MPT specifications per UMPT in ULN mode Board UMPTga1/ UMPTga2/ UMPTga3 UMTS LTE NR Number of Cells Number of Cells Number of UEs in RRC Connect ed Mode Number of Cells Numbe r of UEs in RRC Connec ted Mode 48 2T2R/4T4R/ 8T8R: 72 7200 2T2R/ 4T4R/ 8T8R: 36 3600 32T32R/ 64T64R: 18 UMPTg1/ UMPTg2/UMPTg3 48 2T2R/4T4R/ 8T8R: 72 32T32R/ 64T64R: 18 14400 32T32R/ 64T64R: 36 Issue 04 (2022-07-29) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 2T2R/ 4T4R/ 8T8R: 72 7200 32T32R/ 64T64R: 36 24 BBU Technical Specifications 1 BBU Technical Specifications GLN Technical Specifications of Main Control Boards The following table lists the specifications per UMPT in GLN co-MPT scenarios. Table 1-21 Co-MPT specifications per UMPT in GLN mode Board UMPTga1/ UMPTga2/ UMPTga3 GSM LTE NR Number of Carriers Number of Cells Number of UEs in RRC Connect ed Mode Number of Cells Numb er of UEs in RRC Conne cted Mode 72 2T2R/4T4R/ 8T8R: 72 7200 2T2R/ 4T4R/ 8T8R: 36 3600 32T32R/ 64T64R: 18 UMPTg1/ UMPTg2/UMPTg3 72 2T2R/4T4R/ 8T8R: 72 32T32R/ 64T64R: 18 14400 32T32R/ 64T64R: 36 2T2R/ 4T4R/ 8T8R: 72 7200 32T32R/ 64T64R: 36 GUN Technical Specifications of Main Control Boards The following table lists the specifications per UMPT in GUN co-MPT scenarios. Table 1-22 Co-MPT specifications per UMPT in GUN mode Board UMPTga1/ UMPTga2/ UMPTga3 Issue 04 (2022-07-29) GSM UMTS NR Number of Carriers Number of Cells Number of Cells Number of UEs in RRC Connect ed Mode 72 48 2T2R/4T4R/8T8R: 36 3600 32T32R/64T64R: 18 Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 25 BBU Technical Specifications 1 BBU Technical Specifications Board UMPTg1/ UMPTg2/UMPTg3 GSM UMTS NR Number of Carriers Number of Cells Number of Cells Number of UEs in RRC Connect ed Mode 72 48 2T2R/4T4R/8T8R: 72 7200 32T32R/64T64R: 36 GULN Technical Specifications of Main Control Boards The following table lists the specifications per UMPT in GULN co-MPT scenarios. Table 1-23 Co-MPT specifications per UMPT in GULN mode Board GSM UMT S LTE NR Num ber of Carri ers Num ber of Cells Number of Cells Num ber of UEs in RRC Conn ecte d Mod e Number of Cells Num ber of UEs in RRC Con nect ed Mod e UMPTga1/ UMPTga2/ UMPTga3 72 48 2T2R/4T4R/ 8T8R: 72 7200 2T2R/4T4R/ 8T8R: 36 3600 UMPTg1/ UMPTg2/UMPTg3 72 32T32R/ 64T64R: 18 48 2T2R/4T4R/ 8T8R: 72 32T32R/ 64T64R: 18 1440 0 32T32R/ 64T64R: 36 2T2R/4T4R/ 8T8R: 72 7200 32T32R/ 64T64R: 36 GUL Technical Specifications of Main Control Boards The following table lists the specifications per UMPT in GUL co-MPT scenarios. Issue 04 (2022-07-29) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 26 BBU Technical Specifications 1 BBU Technical Specifications Table 1-24 Co-MPT specifications per UMPT in GUL mode Board UMPTa2 GSM UMTS LTE Number of Carriers Number of Cells Number of Cells Number of UEs in RRC Connect ed Mode 72 BBU3900: 24 2T2R/4T4R/8T8R: 36 7200 2T2R/4T4R/8T8R: 36 7200 2T2R/4T4R/8T8R: 72 14400 BBU3910/ BBU5900: 48 UMPTb1/ UMPTb2/ UMPTb3/UMPTb9 72 UMPTe1/UMPTe2/ UMPTe3 72 BBU3900: 24 BBU3910/ BBU5900: 48 BBU3900: 24 BBU3910/ BBU5900/ BBU5900A: 48 UMPTga1/ UMPTga2/ UMPTga3 72 UMPTg1/ UMPTg2/UMPTg3 72 32T32R/64T64R: 18 BBU3910/ BBU5900/ BBU5900A: 48 2T2R/4T4R/8T8R: 72 BBU3910/ BBU5900/ BBU5900A: 48 2T2R/4T4R/8T8R: 72 14400 32T32R/64T64R: 18 14400 32T32R/64T64R: 36 UL Technical Specifications of Main Control Boards The following table lists the specifications per UMPT in UL co-MPT scenarios. Table 1-25 Co-MPT specifications per UMPT in UL mode Board UMPTa2 UMTS LTE Number of Cells Number of Cells Number of UEs in RRC Connected Mode BBU3900: 24 2T2R/4T4R/8T8R: 36 7200 BBU3910/ BBU5900: 48 Issue 04 (2022-07-29) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 27 BBU Technical Specifications 1 BBU Technical Specifications Board UMTS LTE Number of Cells Number of Cells Number of UEs in RRC Connected Mode UMPTb1/ UMPTb2/ UMPTb3/UMPTb9 BBU3900: 24 2T2R/4T4R/8T8R: 36 7200 UMPTe1/UMPTe2/ UMPTe3 BBU3900: 24 2T2R/4T4R/8T8R: 72 14400 BBU3910/ BBU5900/ BBU5900A: 48 32T32R/64T64R: 18 UMPTga1/ UMPTga2/ UMPTga3 BBU3910/ BBU5900/ BBU5900A: 48 2T2R/4T4R/8T8R: 72 UMPTg1/ UMPTg2/UMPTg3 BBU3910/ BBU5900/ BBU5900A: 48 2T2R/4T4R/8T8R: 72 BBU3910/ BBU5900: 48 14400 32T32R/64T64R: 18 14400 32T32R/64T64R: 36 GL Technical Specifications of Main Control Boards The following table lists the specifications per UMPT in GL co-MPT scenarios. Table 1-26 Co-MPT specifications per UMPT in GL mode Board GSM LTE Number of Carriers Number of Cells Number of UEs in RRC Connected Mode UMPTa2 72 2T2R/4T4R/8T8R: 36 7200 UMPTb1/ UMPTb2/ UMPTb3/UMPTb9 72 2T2R/4T4R/8T8R: 36 7200 UMPTe1/UMPTe2/ UMPTe3 72 2T2R/4T4R/8T8R: 72 14400 UMPTga1/ UMPTga2/ UMPTga3 72 UMPTg1/ UMPTg2/UMPTg3 72 Issue 04 (2022-07-29) 32T32R/64T64R: 18 2T2R/4T4R/8T8R: 72 14400 32T32R/64T64R: 18 2T2R/4T4R/8T8R: 72 14400 32T32R/64T64R: 36 Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 28 BBU Technical Specifications 1 BBU Technical Specifications GU Technical Specifications of Main Control Boards The following table lists the specifications per UMPT in GU co-MPT scenarios. Table 1-27 Co-MPT specifications per UMPT in GU mode Board GSM UMTS Number of Carriers Number of Cells UMPTb1/ UMPTb2/ UMPTb3/UMPTb9 72 BBU3900: 24 UMPTe1/UMPTe2/ UMPTe3 72 UMPTga1/ UMPTga2/ UMPTga3 72 BBU3910/BBU5900/BBU5900A: 48 UMPTg1/ UMPTg2/UMPTg3 72 BBU3910/BBU5900/BBU5900A: 48 BBU3910/BBU5900: 48 BBU3900: 24 BBU3910/BBU5900/BBU5900A: 48 1.2.3 Technical Specifications of Baseband Processing Units Baseband processing units include the LBBP and WBBP that support only one RAT as well as the UBBP that supports multiple RATs. As system designs differ, the technical specifications supported by baseband processing units vary with the RATs. When the specifications of a baseband processing unit are limited, you can replace it with one of higher specifications or add a new one. GSM Technical Specifications of Baseband Processing Units GSM baseband supports two work modes: In non-baseband extension mode, baseband resources are processed by RF modules. In baseband extension mode, baseband resources are processed by an independent baseband processing unit. Only the UBBPd board can process GSM baseband resources. The UBBPe, UBBPg, and others cannot. The following table lists the carrier specifications per UBBPd working in GSM mode. In the following table, 2R is short for 1T2R or 2T2R and 4R is short for 1T4R or 2T4R. The bandwidth of a single GSM carrier is fixed to 200 kHz. The following table lists the specifications per UBBPd in GSM mode. Issue 04 (2022-07-29) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 29 BBU Technical Specifications 1 BBU Technical Specifications Table 1-28 Specifications per UBBPd in GSM mode Board Number of 2R Carriers Number of 4R Carriers UBBPd1/UBBPd2/ UBBPd3/UBBPd4 24 12 UBBPd5 36 18 UBBPd6 48 24 UMTS Technical Specifications of Baseband Processing Units The UMTS technical specifications of a baseband processing unit include the number of cells, number of UL/DL CEs, number of HSDPA codes, and number of HSDPA/HSUPA UEs. The specifications of baseband processing units may vary with the types. The specifications of the WBBP and UBBP in this section are described as follows: ● For the WBBP, "2R" in "Number of 2R Cells" is short for 1T2R. For the UBBP, "2R" in "Number of 2R Cells" is short for 1T2R or 2T2R. For the WBBPf and UBBP, "4R" in "Number of 4R Cells" is short for 1T4R, 2T4R, or 4T4R. The WBBP does not support mixed configuration of 2R and 4R cells. ● The number of HSDPA codes is represented by AxB, in which A is the number of cells and B is the number of HSDPA codes supported by each cell. In the following tables, the maximum number of HSDPA codes supported by a board is provided when the board is configured with 2R or 4R cells. ● The bandwidth of a single UMTS carrier is fixed to 5 MHz. The following tables list the technical specifications per baseband processing unit in UMTS mode. Table 1-29 Technical specifications per WBBP Board Numb er of 2R Cells Number of 4R Cells Number of UL/DL CEs Numbe r of HSDPA Codes Number of HSDPA/ HSUPA UEs WBBPf 1 6 3 192/256 6x15 144/144 WBBPf 2 6 3 256/384 6x15 192/192 WBBPf 3 6 3 384/512 6x15 256/256 WBBPf 4 6 6 512/768 6x15 384/384 WBBPf 5 6 3 384/512 6x15 256/256 Issue 04 (2022-07-29) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 30 BBU Technical Specifications 1 BBU Technical Specifications Board Numb er of 2R Cells Number of 4R Cells Number of UL/DL CEs Numbe r of HSDPA Codes Number of HSDPA/ HSUPA UEs WBBPf 6 6 6 512/768 6x15 384/384 Table 1-30 Technical specifications per UBBPd in UMTS mode Board Numb er of 2R Cells Number of 4R Cells Number of UL/DL CEs Numbe r of HSDPA Codes Number of HSDPA/ HSUPA UEs UBBPd 1 6 3 384/512 6x15 288/288 UBBPd 2 6 6 512/768 6x15 384/384 UBBPd 3 6 3 384/512 6x15 288/288 UBBPd 4 6 6 512/768 6x15 384/384 UBBPd 5 6 6 768/768 6x15 512/512 UBBPd 6 12 6 1024/1024 12x15 768/768 Table 1-31 Technical specifications per UBBPe in UMTS mode Board Number of 2R Cells Number of 4R Cells Number of UL/DL CEs Number of HSDPA Codes Number of HSDPA/ HSUPA UEs UBBPe1 6 3 384/512 6x15 288/288 UBBPe2 6 6 512/768 6x15 384/384 UBBPe3 12 6 768/768 12x15 512/512 UBBPe4/ UBBPe5/ UBBPe6/ UBBPei 12 6 1024/1024 12x15 768/768 UBBPe18 12 6 1024/1024 12x15 768/768 Issue 04 (2022-07-29) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 31 BBU Technical Specifications 1 BBU Technical Specifications Table 1-32 Technical specifications per UBBPg in UMTS mode Board Number of 2R Cells Number of 4R Cells Number of UL/DL CEs Number of HSDPA Codes Number of HSDPA/ HSUPA UEs UBBPg1/ UBBPg1a 12 6 1024/1024 12x15 768/768 UBBPg2/ UBBPg2a 12 6 1024/1024 12x15 768/768 UBBPg3b 12 6 1024/1024 12x15 768/768 UBBPg3 12 6 1024/1024 12x15 768/768 NOTE In UMTS scenarios, the UBBP supports mixed configuration of 2R and 4R cells. Assume that the UBBP supports mixed configuration of x 2R cells and y 4R cells. The following conditions must be met: ● UBBPd2/UBBPd4/UBBPd5/UBBPe2: (x + y) ≤ 6 ● Other boards: (x + 2y) ≤ Number of 2R cells supported by the UBBP and y < Number of 4R cells supported by the UBBP ● If a BBU3900 is configured with both the WBBP and UBBP and the WBBP provides optical fiber connections, the UBBP that does not provide optical fiber connections cannot provide the preceding maximum capacity. LTE Technical Specifications of Baseband Processing Units The LTE technical specifications of a baseband processing unit include the technical specifications when the baseband processing unit works in LTE FDD, LTE TDD, LTE NB-IoT, and multimode concurrency scenarios. LTE FDD Technical Specifications of Baseband Processing Units The LTE FDD technical specifications of a baseband processing unit include the number of cells, number of UEs, number of DRBs, throughput, signaling specifications, and so on These specifications are as follows: Issue 04 (2022-07-29) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 32 BBU Technical Specifications 1 BBU Technical Specifications Table 1-33 LTE FDD technical specifications of baseband processing units Category Description Cell Number Specifications ● Cell number specifications refer to the number of cells with different bandwidths and antenna configurations. ● When a cell is bound to multiple pieces of sector equipment, the number of cells refers to the number of pieces of sector equipment or number of sector equipment groups. ● For FDD massive MIMO cells, the number of cells refers to the number of sector split groups. UE Number Specifications UE number specifications refer to the number of UEs in RRC connected mode and number of uplink synchronized UEs. DRB Number Specifications DRB number specifications refer to the number of DRBs. Throughput Specifications Throughput specifications include the uplink and downlink throughput of cells and boards. Signaling Specifications Signaling specifications are measured in BHCA. For the definition of BHCA, see Control-Plane Traffic Model. Number of CA UEs and Number of VoLTE UEs ● The number of carrier aggregation (CA) UEs is the sum of the maximum number of primary component carrier (PCC) UEs and the maximum number of secondary component carrier (SCC) UEs in different CA scenarios. ● The number of VoLTE UEs refers to the number of voice service UEs using the IMS voice solution. Cell Number Specifications LTE FDD cells support bandwidths of 1.4 MHz, 3 MHz, 5 MHz, 10 MHz, 15 MHz, and 20 MHz, and various antenna configurations, such as 2T2R/4T4R/8T8R/ 32T32R. 8T8R or higher antenna configurations are supported when the bandwidth is at least 5 MHz. The number of LTE FDD cells is expressed as A x B nTnR, indicating A cells, B bandwidth of each cell, and nTnR antenna configuration. For example, 3x5/10/15/20 MHz 4T4R indicates three cells, where the bandwidth of each cell can be 5 MHz, 10 MHz, 15 MHz, or 20 MHz, and the antenna configuration is 4T4R. When mixed configuration of cell number specifications exists, the cell number specifications are connected by using a plus sign (+). This part describes the maximum number of cells supported by each baseband processing unit with different cell bandwidths and antenna configurations. The capabilities of baseband processing units for mixed configuration of cells with different antenna configurations are as follows: Issue 04 (2022-07-29) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 33 BBU Technical Specifications 1 BBU Technical Specifications ● Unless otherwise specified, the LBBP does not support mixed configuration of 2T2R and 4T4R cells. ● Unless otherwise specified, the UBBPe/UBBPg supports mixed configuration of 2T2R and 4T4R cells. The maximum number of cells that can be configured in mixed configuration scenarios is calculated as follows: Min (number of 2T2Ronly cells, number of 4T4R-only cells) ● Unless otherwise specified, the UBBPe/UBBPg does not support mixed configuration of 2T2R, 4T4R, and 32T32R cells. ● Unless otherwise specified, a baseband processing unit that supports 2T2R cells is compatible with 1T1R and 1T2R cells by default. And the number of supported 1T1R and 1T2R cells is the same as that of supported 2T2R cells. ● Unless otherwise specified, a baseband processing unit that supports 4T4R cells is compatible with 2T4R cells by default. And the number of supported 2T4R cells is the same as that of supported 4T4R cells. NOTE The number of in-band LTE NB-IoT carriers that can be deployed on LTE FDD cells for each baseband processing unit working in LTE FDD mode is as follows: ● For an LBBPd, one in-band LTE NB-IoT carrier can be deployed on each LTE FDD cell. ● For a UBBPd, one in-band LTE NB-IoT carrier can be deployed on each LTE FDD cell. ● For a UBBPe, four in-band LTE NB-IoT carriers can be deployed on each LTE FDD cell. ● For a UBBPg, four in-band LTE NB-IoT carriers can be deployed on each LTE FDD cell. The following tables list the maximum number of cells per baseband processing unit in LTE FDD mode. Table 1-34 Number of cells per LBBP in LTE FDD mode Board Number of Cells LBBPc 3x1.4/3/5/10/15/20 MHz 2T2R LBBPd1 3x1.4/3/5/10/15/20 MHz 2T2R LBBPd2 3x1.4/3/5/10/15/20 MHz 2T2R(1) 3x1.4/3/5/10/15/20 MHz 4T4R(1) LBBPd3 6x1.4/3/5/10/15/20 MHz 2T2R LBBPd5 6x1.4/3/5/10/15/20 MHz 2T2R 3x1.4/3/5/10/15/20 MHz 4T4R (1): The LBBPd2 supports mixed configuration of 2R and 4R cells. In mixed configuration scenarios, the total number of cells does not exceed the number of supported 4R cells. Issue 04 (2022-07-29) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 34 BBU Technical Specifications 1 BBU Technical Specifications Table 1-35 Number of cells per UBBPd in LTE FDD mode Board Number of Cells UBBPd3 3x1.4/3/5/10/15/20 MHz 2T2R UBBPd4 3x1.4/3/5/10/15/20 MHz 2T2R 3x1.4/3/5/10/15/20 MHz 4T4R UBBPd5 6x1.4/3/5/10/15/20 MHz 2T2R UBBPd5 3x1.4/3/5/10/15/20 MHz 4T4R(1) UBBPd6 6x1.4/3/5/10/15/20 MHz 2T2R 6x1.4/3/5/10/15/20 MHz 4T4R (1): The UBBPd5 supports mixed configuration of 2R and 4R cells. In mixed configuration scenarios, the total number of cells does not exceed the number of supported 4R cells. Table 1-36 Number of cells per UBBPe in LTE FDD mode Board Number of Cells UBBPe1 3x1.4/3/5/10/15/20 MHz 2T2R UBBPe2 3x1.4/3/5/10/15/20 MHz 2T2R 3x1.4/3/5/10/15/20 MHz 4T4R UBBPe3 6x1.4/3/5/10/15/20 MHz 2T2R(1) 3x1.4/3/5/10/15/20 MHz 4T4R(1) UBBPe4 6x1.4/3/5/10/15/20 MHz 2T2R 6x1.4/3/5/10/15/20 MHz 4T4R UBBPe4 3x5/10/15/20 MHz 8T8R UBBPe5 9x1.4/3/5/10/15/20 MHz 2T2R 9x1.4/3/5/10/15/20 MHz 4T4R UBBPe6 12x1.4/3/5/10/15/20 MHz 2T2R 12x1.4/3/5/10/15/20 MHz 4T4R 6x5/10/15/20 MHz 8T8R UBBPei 12x1.4/3/5/10/15/20 MHz 2T2R 12x1.4/3/5/10/15/20 MHz 4T4R UBBPex2 Issue 04 (2022-07-29) 2x5/10/15/20 MHz 32T32R Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 35 BBU Technical Specifications 1 BBU Technical Specifications Board Number of Cells UBBPe18 6x1.4/3/5/10/15/20 MHz 2T2R 6x1.4/3/5/10/15/20 MHz 4T4R 3x5/10/15/20 MHz 8T8R (1): Mixed configuration of 2R and 4R cells is supported. In mixed configuration scenarios, the total number of cells does not exceed the number of supported 4R cells. Table 1-37 Number of cells per UBBPg in LTE FDD mode (1) Board Number of Cells UBBPg1 6x1.4/3/5/10/15/20 MHz 2T2R 6x1.4/3/5/10/15/20 MHz 4T4R 3x5/10/15/20 MHz 8T8R UBBPg1a 6x1.4/3/5/10/15/20 MHz 2T2R 6x1.4/3/5/10/15/20 MHz 4T4R 3x5/10/15/20 MHz 8T8R UBBPg2 12x1.4/3/5/10/15/20 MHz 2T2R 12x1.4/3/5/10/15/20 MHz 4T4R 6x5/10/15/20 MHz 8T8R UBBPg2a/UBBPg3b 12x1.4/3/5/10/15/20 MHz 2T2R 12x1.4/3/5/10/15/20 MHz 4T4R 6x5/10/15/20 MHz 8T8R 3x5/10/15/20 MHz 32T32R (CPRI) UBBPg3 24x1.4/3/5/10/15/20 MHz 2T2R UBBPg3 24x1.4/3/5/10/15/20 MHz 4T4R UBBPg3 12x5/10/15/20 MHz 8T8R UBBPg3 6x5/10/15/20 MHz 32T32R (CPRI) UBBPg3 6x5/10/15/20 MHz 32T32R (eCPRI) UBBPg3 ● 12x1.4/3/5/10/15/20 MHz 4T4R + 3x5/10/15/20 MHz 32T32R (CPRI)(1)(2) ● 12x1.4/3/5/10/15/20 MHz 2T2R + 3x5/10/15/20 MHz 32T32R (CPRI)(1)(2) Issue 04 (2022-07-29) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 36 BBU Technical Specifications 1 BBU Technical Specifications Board Number of Cells UBBPg3 6x5/10/15/20 MHz 8T8R + 3x5/10/15/20 MHz 32T32R (CPRI)(1)(2) (1) When 4T4R/8T8R cells and 32T32R cells are established on the same BBP, all cells must be bound to baseband equipment. If cell setup fails, reset the BBP for resource regrouping. (2): It is recommended that the Work Mode parameter of the baseband processing unit be set to HYBRID_BALANCE(Mixed configuration balancing). UE Number Specifications In LTE FDD scenarios, the UE number specifications include the number of UEs in a cell and the number of UEs supported by a baseband processing unit. The following table lists the number of UEs supported by cells with different bandwidths in LTE FDD scenarios. Table 1-38 Number of UEs per cell in LTE FDD mode Cell Bandwidth (MHz) Number of UEs in RRC Connected Mode Number of UL Synchronized UEs 1.4 168 LBBPc: 56 LBBPd: 100 UBBP: 168 3 360 LBBPc: 120 LBBPd/UBBP: 360 5 600 LBBPc: 200 LBBPd/UBBP: 600 10/15/20 1200(1) LBBPc: 400 LBBPd/UBBP: 1200 (1): If a sector split group configured on the UBBPg contains multiple 32T32R cells, the maximum number of UEs in RRC connected mode in each sector split group is 2400. The following table lists the number of UEs supported by each baseband processing unit in LTE FDD scenarios when cells with different bandwidths are configured. Issue 04 (2022-07-29) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 37 BBU Technical Specifications 1 BBU Technical Specifications Table 1-39 Number of UEs per LBBP in LTE FDD mode Board Number of UEs in RRC Connected Mode Number of UL Synchronized UEs LBBPc ● 1.4 MHz: 504 ● 1.4 MHz: 168 ● 3 MHz: 1080 ● 3 MHz: 360 ● 5/10/15/20 MHz: 1800 ● 5/10/15/20 MHz: 600 ● 1.4 MHz: 504 ● 1.4 MHz: 300 ● 3 MHz: 1080 ● 3 MHz: 1080 ● 5 MHz: 1800 ● 10/15/20 MHz: 3600 ● 5/10/15/20 MHz: 1200(1) ● 1.4 MHz: 1008 ● 1.4 MHz: 600 ● 3 MHz: 2160 ● 3/5/10/15/20 MHz: 1200(1) LBBPd1/LBBPd2 LBBPd3/LBBPd5 ● 5/10/15/20 MHz: 3600 (1): The number of UL synchronized UEs supported by an LBBP can reach 3600 by specifying the MaxSyncUserNumPerBbi parameter. The increase of UEs, however, may cause user experience and system performance to deteriorate. Therefore, it is not recommended that this parameter be used to increase the number of supported UEs to over 1200. Table 1-40 Number of UEs per UBBPd in LTE FDD mode Board Number of UEs in RRC Connected Mode Number of UL Synchronized UEs UBBPd3/UBBPd4 ● 1.4 MHz: 504 ● 1.4 MHz: 504 ● 3 MHz: 1080 ● 3 MHz: 1080 ● 5 MHz: 1800 ● 5 MHz: 1800 ● 10/15/20 MHz: 3600 ● 10/15/20 MHz: 3600 ● 1.4 MHz: 1008 ● 1.4 MHz: 1008 ● 3 MHz: 2160 ● 3 MHz: 2160 ● 5/10/15/20 MHz: 3600 ● 5/10/15/20 MHz: 3600 UBBPd5/UBBPd6 Issue 04 (2022-07-29) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 38 BBU Technical Specifications 1 BBU Technical Specifications Table 1-41 Number of UEs per UBBPe in LTE FDD mode Board Number of UEs in RRC Connected Mode Number of UL Synchronized UEs UBBPe1/UBBPe2 ● 1.4 MHz: 504 ● 1.4 MHz: 504 ● 3 MHz: 1080 ● 3 MHz: 1080 ● 5 MHz: 1800 ● 5 MHz: 1800 ● 10/15/20 MHz: 3600 ● 10/15/20 MHz: 3600 ● 1.4 MHz: 1008 ● 1.4 MHz: 1008 ● 3 MHz: 2160 ● 3 MHz: 2160 ● 5/10/15/20 MHz: 3600 ● 5/10/15/20 MHz: 3600 ● 1.4 MHz: 1512 ● 1.4 MHz: 1512 ● 3 MHz: 3240 ● 3 MHz: 3240 ● 5/10/15/20 MHz: 3600 ● 5/10/15/20 MHz: 3600 ● 1.4 MHz: 2016 ● 1.4 MHz: 2016 ● 3 MHz: 4320 ● 3 MHz: 4320 ● 5/10/15/20 MHz: 4800 ● 5/10/15/20 MHz: 4800 ● 1.4 MHz: 2016 ● 1.4 MHz: 2016 ● 3 MHz: 4320 ● 3 MHz: 4320 ● 10/15/20 MHz: 4800 ● 10/15/20 MHz: 4800 ● 5 MHz: 1200 ● 5 MHz: 1200 ● 10/15/20 MHz: 2400 ● 10/15/20 MHz: 2400 ● 1.4 MHz: 1008 ● 1.4 MHz: 1008 ● 3 MHz: 2160 ● 3 MHz: 2160 ● 5/10/15/20 MHz: 3600 ● 5/10/15/20 MHz: 3600 UBBPe3/UBBPe4 UBBPe5 UBBPe6 UBBPei UBBPex2 UBBPe18 Table 1-42 Number of UEs per UBBPg in LTE FDD mode Board Number of UEs in RRC Connected Mode Number of UL Synchronized UEs UBBPg1/UBBPg1a ● 1.4 MHz: 1008 ● 1.4 MHz: 1008 ● 3 MHz: 2160 ● 3 MHz: 2160 ● 5/10/15/20 MHz: 3600 ● 5/10/15/20 MHz: 3600 ● 1.4 MHz: 2016 ● 1.4 MHz: 2016 ● 3 MHz: 4320 ● 3 MHz: 4320 ● 5/10/15/20 MHz: 4800 ● 5/10/15/20 MHz: 4800 UBBPg2/UBBPg2a/ UBBPg3b Issue 04 (2022-07-29) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 39 BBU Technical Specifications 1 BBU Technical Specifications Board Number of UEs in RRC Connected Mode Number of UL Synchronized UEs UBBPg3 ● 1.4 MHz: 4032 ● 1.4 MHz: 4032 ● 3 MHz: 8640 ● 3 MHz: 8640 ● 5/10/15/20 MHz: 9600 ● 5/10/15/20 MHz: 9600 DRB Number Specifications The following tables list the number of DRBs per baseband processing unit in LTE FDD mode. Table 1-43 Number of DRBs per LBBP in LTE FDD mode Board Number of DRBs LBBPc 5400 LBBPd1/LBBPd2/ LBBPd3/LBBPd5 10800 Table 1-44 Number of DRBs per UBBPd in LTE FDD mode Board Number of DRBs UBBPd3/UBBPd4/ UBBPd5/UBBPd6 10800 Table 1-45 Number of DRBs per UBBPe in LTE FDD mode Board Number of DRBs UBBPe1/UBBPe2/ UBBPe3/UBBPe4/ UBBPe5 10800 UBBPe6 14400 UBBPei 14400 UBBPex2 7200 UBBPe18 10800 Issue 04 (2022-07-29) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 40 BBU Technical Specifications 1 BBU Technical Specifications Table 1-46 Number of DRBs per UBBPg in LTE FDD mode Board Number of DRBs UBBPg1/UBBPg1a 10800 UBBPg2/UBBPg2a/ UBBPg3b 14400 UBBPg3 28800 Throughput Specifications In LTE FDD scenarios, the throughput specifications include the throughput in a cell and the throughput supported by a baseband processing unit. The following table lists the throughput per cell with different configurations in LTE FDD mode. Table 1-47 Throughput per cell in LTE FDD mode Cell Configuration Throughput (DL 64QAM, UL 64QAM) (Mbit/s) Throughput (DL 256QAM, UL 64QAM) (Mbit/s) ● 1.4 MHz 2T2R DL: 8.7 DL: 11.832 ● DL 2x2 MIMO+UL 2x2 MUMIMO UL: 8.784 UL: 8.784 ● 1.4 MHz 2T4R DL: 8.7 DL: 11.832 ● DL 2x2 MIMO+UL 2x4 MUMIMO UL: 8.784 UL: 8.784 ● 1.4 MHz 4T4R DL: 8.7 DL: 20.616 ● DL 4x4 MIMO+UL 2x4 MUMIMO UL: 8.784 UL: 8.784 ● 3 MHz 2T2R DL: 22 DL: 29.296 ● DL 2x2 MIMO+UL 2x2 MUMIMO UL: 22.128 UL: 22.128 ● 3 MHz 2T4R DL: 22 DL: 29.296 ● DL 2x2 MIMO+UL 2x4 MUMIMO UL: 22.128 UL: 22.128 ● 3 MHz 4T4R DL: 44 DL: 59.526 ● DL 4x4 MIMO+UL 2x4 MUMIMO UL: 22.128 UL: 22.128 ● 5 MHz 2T2R DL: 36 DL: 48.936 ● DL 2x2 MIMO+UL 2x2 MUMIMO UL: 36.672 UL: 36.672 Issue 04 (2022-07-29) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 41 BBU Technical Specifications 1 BBU Technical Specifications Cell Configuration Throughput (DL 64QAM, UL 64QAM) (Mbit/s) Throughput (DL 256QAM, UL 64QAM) (Mbit/s) ● 5 MHz 2T4R DL: 36 DL: 48.936 ● DL 2x2 MIMO+UL 2x4 MUMIMO UL: 36.672 UL: 36.672 ● 5 MHz 4T4R DL: 73 DL: 97.896 ● DL 4x4 MIMO+UL 2x4 MUMIMO UL: 36.672 UL: 36.672 ● 10 MHz 2T2R DL: 73 DL: 97.896 ● DL 2x2 MIMO+UL 2x2 MUMIMO UL: 73.392 UL: 73.392 ● 10 MHz 2T4R DL: 73 DL: 97.896 ● DL 2x2 MIMO+UL 2x4 MUMIMO UL: 73.392 UL: 73.392 ● 10 MHz 4T4R DL: 150 DL: 175.6 ● DL 4x4 MIMO+UL 2x4 MUMIMO UL: 73.392 UL: 73.392 ● 15 MHz 2T2R DL: 110 DL: 149.776 ● DL 2x2 MIMO+UL 2x2 MUMIMO UL: 110.112 UL: 110.112 ● 15 MHz 2T4R DL: 110 DL: 149.776 ● DL 2x2 MIMO+UL 2x4 MUMIMO UL: 110.112 UL: 110.112 ● 15 MHz 4T4R DL: 220 DL: 299.856 ● DL 4x4 MIMO+UL 2x4 MUMIMO UL: 110.112 UL: 110.112 ● 20 MHz 2T2R DL: 150 DL: 195.816 ● DL 2x2 MIMO+UL 2x2 MUMIMO UL: 150.752 UL: 150.752 ● 20 MHz 2T4R DL: 150 DL: 195.816 ● DL 2x2 MIMO+UL 2x4 MUMIMO UL: 150.752 UL: 150.752 ● 20 MHz 4T4R DL: 299 DL: 391.656 ● DL 4x4 MIMO+UL 2x4 MUMIMO UL: 150.752 UL: 150.752 The following tables list the throughput per baseband processing unit in LTE FDD mode. Issue 04 (2022-07-29) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 42 BBU Technical Specifications 1 BBU Technical Specifications Table 1-48 Throughput per LBBP in LTE FDD mode Board Throughput (Mbit/s) LBBPc DL: 300 UL: 100 LBBPd1 DL: 450 UL: 225 LBBPd2 DL: 600 UL: 225 LBBPd3/LBBPd5 DL: 600 UL: 300 Table 1-49 Throughput per UBBPd in LTE FDD mode Board Throughput (Mbit/s) UBBPd3 DL: 450 UL: 225 UBBPd4 DL: 600 UL: 225 UBBPd5 DL: 600 UL: 300 UBBPd6 DL: 1200 UL: 600 Table 1-50 Throughput per UBBPe in LTE FDD mode Board Throughput (Mbit/s) UBBPe1 DL: 450 UL: 225 UBBPe2/UBBPe3 DL: 600 UL: 300 UBBPe4/UBBPe5 DL: 1200 UL: 600 UBBPe6 DL: 2400 UL: 1200 Issue 04 (2022-07-29) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 43 BBU Technical Specifications 1 BBU Technical Specifications Board Throughput (Mbit/s) UBBPei DL: 2400 UL: 1200 UBBPex2 DL: 2400 UL: 600 UBBPe18 DL: 1200 UL: 600 Table 1-51 Throughput per UBBPg in LTE FDD mode Board Throughput (Mbit/s) UBBPg1/UBBPg1a DL: 1200 UL: 600 UBBPg2/UBBPg2a/ UBBPg3b DL: 2400 UBBPg3 DL: 4800 UL: 1200 UL: 2400 Signaling Specifications The following tables list the signaling specifications per baseband processing unit in LTE FDD mode. Table 1-52 Signaling specifications per LBBP in LTE FDD mode Board Signaling Specifications (BHCA) LBBPc 63000 LBBPd1/LBBPd2 126000 LBBPd3/LBBPd5 144000 Table 1-53 Signaling specifications per UBBPd in LTE FDD mode Board Signaling Specifications (BHCA) UBBPd3/UBBPd4 270000 UBBPd5/UBBPd6 396000 Issue 04 (2022-07-29) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 44 BBU Technical Specifications 1 BBU Technical Specifications Table 1-54 Signaling specifications per UBBPe in LTE FDD mode Board Signaling Specifications (BHCA) UBBPe1/UBBPe2 270000 UBBPe3/UBBPe4 432000 UBBPe5 540000 UBBPe6 648000 UBBPei 648000 UBBPex2 432000 UBBPe18 432000 Table 1-55 Signaling specifications per UBBPg in LTE FDD mode Board Signaling Specifications (BHCA) UBBPg1/UBBPg1a 432000 UBBPg2/UBBPg2a/ UBBPg3b 720000 UBBPg3 1296000 Number of CA UEs and Number of VoLTE UEs The maximum number of CA UEs supported by a baseband processing unit is the sum of the maximum number of primary component carrier (PCC) UEs and the maximum number of secondary component carrier (SCC) UEs supported by the board, including the specifications in different CA scenarios. This specification, calculated based on model 1, meets the following requirements: ● Number of non-CA UEs + Number of PCC CA UEs x [1 + (N - 1) x0.5] + Number of SCC CA UEs x 0.5 ≤ Number of UEs in RRC connected mode, where N indicates the number of aggregated carriers, for example, N = 2 in 2CC CA. ● The maximum number of PCC CA UEs cannot exceed the number of CA UEs listed in the following tables. For example, the UBBPd3 board supports a maximum of 750 PCC-served 2CC CA UEs or 500 PCC-served 3CC CA UEs when it carries only PCC-served UEs. ● Number of non-CA UEs + Number of PCC CA UEs + Number of SCC CA UEs ≤ Number of UEs in RRC connected mode The following tables list the number of CA UEs and the number of VoLTE UEs per baseband processing unit. Issue 04 (2022-07-29) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 45 BBU Technical Specifications 1 BBU Technical Specifications Table 1-56 Number of CA UEs and number of VoLTE UEs per LBBP in LTE FDD mode Board Number of 2CC CA UEs Number of 3CC CA UEs Number of 4CC CA UEs Number of 5CC CA UEs Number of VoLTE UEs (with ROHC) LBBPc 0 0 0 0 270 LBBPd1/LBBPd2 350 230 175 140 600 LBBPd3/LBBPd5 400 260 200 160 600 Table 1-57 Number of CA UEs and number of VoLTE UEs per UBBPd in LTE FDD mode Board Number of 2CC CA UEs Number of 3CC CA UEs Number of 4CC CA UEs Number of 5CC CA UEs Number of VoLTE UEs (with ROHC) UBBPd3/ UBBPd4 750 500 375 300 720 UBBPd5/ UBBPd6 1100 730 550 440 1000 Table 1-58 Number of CA UEs and number of VoLTE UEs per UBBPe in LTE FDD mode Board Number of 2CC CA UEs Number of 3CC CA UEs Number of 4CC CA UEs Number of 5CC CA UEs Number of VoLTE UEs (with ROHC) UBBPe1/ UBBPe2 750 500 375 300 720 UBBPe3/ UBBPe4 1200 800 600 480 1200 UBBPe5 1500 1000 750 600 1400 UBBPe6 1800 1200 900 720 1600 UBBPei 1800 1200 900 720 1600 UBBPex2 1200 800 600 480 1600 UBBPe18 1200 800 600 480 1200 Issue 04 (2022-07-29) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 46 BBU Technical Specifications 1 BBU Technical Specifications Table 1-59 Number of CA UEs and number of VoLTE UEs per UBBPg in LTE FDD mode Board Number of 2CC CA UEs Number of 3CC CA UEs Number of 4CC CA UEs Number of 5CC CA UEs Number of VoLTE UEs (with ROHC) UBBPg1/ UBBPg1a 1200 800 600 480 1200 UBBPg2/ UBBPg2a/ UBBPg3b 1800 1200 900 720 1800 UBBPg3 2700 1800 1350 1080 3200 LTE TDD Technical Specifications of Baseband Processing Units The LTE TDD technical specifications of a baseband processing unit include the number of cells, throughput, number of UEs, number of DRBs, signaling specifications, and so on. NOTE In LTE TDD co-BBP scenarios, the Frame Offset parameter must be set to the same value for LTE TDD cells. These specifications are as follows: Table 1-60 LTE TDD technical specifications of baseband processing units Category Description Cell Number Specifications ● Cell number specifications refer to the number of cells with different bandwidths and antenna configurations. ● When a cell is bound to multiple pieces of sector equipment, the number of cells refers to the number of pieces of sector equipment or number of sector equipment groups. UE Number Specifications UE number specifications refer to the number of UEs in RRC connected mode and number of uplink synchronized UEs. DRB Number Specifications DRB number specifications refer to the number of DRBs. Throughput Specifications Throughput specifications include the uplink and downlink throughput of cells and boards. Signaling Specifications Signaling specifications are measured in BHCA. For the definition of BHCA, see Control-Plane Traffic Model. Issue 04 (2022-07-29) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 47 BBU Technical Specifications 1 BBU Technical Specifications Cell Number Specifications LTE TDD cells support bandwidths of 5 MHz, 10 MHz, 15 MHz, and 20 MHz and antenna configurations of 2T2R/4T4R/8T8R/32T32R/64T64R. 8T8R or higher antenna configurations are supported when the bandwidth is at least 10 MHz. The number of LTE TDD cells is expressed as A x B nTnR, indicating A cells, B bandwidth of each cell, and nTnR antenna configuration. For example, 3x5/10/15/20 MHz 4T4R indicates three cells, where the bandwidth of each cell can be 5 MHz, 10 MHz, 15 MHz, or 20 MHz, and the antenna configuration is 4T4R. When mixed configuration of cell number specifications exists, the cell number specifications are connected by using a plus sign (+). This part describes the maximum number of cells supported by each baseband processing unit with different cell bandwidths and antenna configurations. Unless otherwise specified, the cell number specifications are supported when the subframe configuration is SA1 or SA2. The following tables list the number of cells per baseband processing unit in LTE TDD mode. Table 1-61 Number of cells per LBBP in LTE TDD mode Board Number of Cells LBBPc 3x5/10/20 MHz 2T2R 3x5/10 MHz 4T4R 1x20 MHz 4T4R LBBPd2 3x5/10/15/20 MHz 2T2R 3x5/10/15/20 MHz 4T4R LBBPd4 3x10/20 MHz 8T8R LBBPd5 3x5/10/15/20 MHz 2T2R 3x5/10/15/20 MHz 4T4R 3x10/15/20 MHz 8T8R Table 1-62 Number of cells per UBBPd in LTE TDD mode Board Number of Cells UBBPd4 3x5/10/15/20 MHz 2T2R 3x5/10/15/20 MHz 4T4R UBBPd6 6x5/10/15/20 MHz 2T2R 6x5/10/15/20 MHz 4T4R 3x10/15/20 MHz 8T8R Issue 04 (2022-07-29) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 48 BBU Technical Specifications 1 BBU Technical Specifications Board Number of Cells UBBPd9 3x10/15/20 MHz 8T8R Table 1-63 Number of cells per UBBPe in LTE TDD mode Board Number of Cells UBBPe4(1) 6x5/10/15/20 MHz 2T2R 6x5/10/15/20 MHz 4T4R 3x10/15/20 MHz 8T8R 12x5/10/15/20 MHz 2T2R UBBPe6(1) 12x5/10/15/20 MHz 4T4R 6x10/15/20 MHz 8T8R UBBPe18(1) 6x5/10/15/20 MHz 2T2R 6x5/10/15/20 MHz 4T4R 6x10/15/20 MHz 8T8R (SA2) 3x10/15/20 MHz 8T8R (SA1) UBBPem(2)(3) 2x10/15/20 MHz 64T64R UBBPei(1) 12x5/10/15/20 MHz 2T2R 12x5/10/15/20 MHz 4T4R 6x10/15/20 MHz 8T8R (1): When the uplink-downlink subframe configuration is SA1 or SA2, the UBBPe/UBBPei supports mixed configuration of 2T2R, 4T4R, and 8T8R cells. In mixed configuration scenarios, the total number of cells is the smaller value of 2T2R, 4T4R, and 8T8R cells in non-mixed configuration scenarios. For example, for the UBBPe4 with mixed configuration of 2T2R, 4T4R, and 8T8R, the total number of cells supported is 3. (2): The UBBPem cannot be used with the UMPTa6/UMPTb. (3): In load sharing networking, the UBBPem does not support inter-fiber cell establishment. Table 1-64 Number of cells per UBBPf in LTE TDD mode Board Number of Cells UBBPf1(1) 3x10/15/20 MHz 64T64R UBBPf3(1) 3x10/15/20 MHz 64T64R Issue 04 (2022-07-29) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 49 BBU Technical Specifications 1 BBU Technical Specifications Board Number of Cells UBBPfw1(1) 6x10/15/20 MHz 64T64R (1): The UBBPf1/UBBPf3 cannot be used with the UMPTa6/UMPTb. The UBBPf1/ UBBPf3/UBBPfw1 supports only SA2. Table 1-65 Number of cells per UBBPg in LTE TDD mode Board Number of Cells UBBPg1 6x5/10/15/20 MHz 2T2R 6x5/10/15/20 MHz 4T4R 6x10/15/20 MHz 8T8R (SA2) 3x10/15/20 MHz 8T8R (SA1) UBBPg1a 6x5/10/15/20 MHz 2T2R 6x5/10/15/20 MHz 4T4R 6x10/15/20 MHz 8T8R (SA2) 3x10/15/20 MHz 8T8R (SA1) UBBPg2 12x5/10/15/20 MHz 2T2R 12x5/10/15/20 MHz 4T4R 6x10/15/20 MHz 8T8R UBBPg2a 12x5/10/15/20 MHz 2T2R 12x5/10/15/20 MHz 4T4R 12x10/15/20 MHz 8T8R (SA2) 6x10/15/20 MHz 8T8R (SA1) 6x5/10/15/20 MHz 4T4R + 3x10/15/20 MHz 32T32R/ 64T64R(2) 4x5/10/15/20 MHz 4T4R + 4x10/15/20 MHz 32T32R/ 64T64R(3) 6x10/15/20 MHz 8T8R + 3x10/15/20 MHz 32T32R/ 64T64R(2) 4x10/15/20 MHz 8T8R + 4x10/15/20 MHz 32T32R/ 64T64R(3) UBBPg2a 6x10/15/20 MHz 32T32R/64T64R(1) UBBPg3b 12x5/10/15/20 MHz 2T2R 12x5/10/15/20 MHz 4T4R Issue 04 (2022-07-29) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 50 BBU Technical Specifications 1 BBU Technical Specifications Board Number of Cells 12x10/15/20 MHz 8T8R (SA2) 6x10/15/20 MHz 8T8R (SA1) 6x5/10/15/20 MHz 4T4R + 3x10/15/20 MHz 32T32R/ 64T64R(2) 4x5/10/15/20 MHz 4T4R + 4x10/15/20 MHz 32T32R/ 64T64R(3) 6x10/15/20 MHz 8T8R + 3x10/15/20 MHz 32T32R/ 64T64R(2) 4x10/15/20 MHz 8T8R + 4x10/15/20 MHz 32T32R/ 64T64R(3) UBBPg3b 9x10/15/20 MHz 32T32R/64T64R(1) UBBPg3 24x5/10/15/20 MHz 2T2R 24x5/10/15/20 MHz 4T4R 24x10/15/20 MHz 8T8R (SA2) 12x10/15/20 MHz 8T8R (SA1) 12x5/10/15/20 MHz 2T2R/4T4R + 6x10/15/20 MHz 32T32R/64T64R(2) 12x10/15/20 MHz 8T8R + 6x10/15/20 MHz 32T32R/ 64T64R(2) UBBPg3 9x10/15/20 MHz 32T32R/64T64R(1) UBBPg4 6x10/15/20 MHz 64T64R (SA2) Note: The cells before and after the plus sign (+) form a group, indicating that mixed channel configurations are allowed for these cells. In mixed channel configurations, all cells must be bound to baseband equipment. If cell setup fails, reset the BBP for resource regrouping. Only SA2 is supported when 32T32R or 64T64R cells are configured or when 32T32R and 64T64R cells are configured together. (1): Mixed configuration of 32T32R and 64T64R cells with the same bandwidth is supported. (2): The Work Mode parameter must be set to HYBRID_BALANCE(Mixed configuration balancing) for the baseband processing unit. (3): The Work Mode parameter must be set to HYBRID_MMCELL_ENHANCE(Mixed configuration enhanced MM) for the baseband processing unit. UE Number Specifications In LTE TDD scenarios, the UE number specifications include the number of UEs in a cell and the number of UEs supported by a baseband processing unit. Issue 04 (2022-07-29) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 51 BBU Technical Specifications 1 BBU Technical Specifications The following table lists the number of UEs per cell with different bandwidths in LTE TDD mode. Table 1-66 Number of UEs per cell in LTE TDD mode Cell Bandwidth (MHz) Number of UEs in RRC Connected Mode Number of UL Synchronized UEs 5 600 ● 300(UBBP/LBBPd) ● 100 (LBBPc) 10 1200(1) ● 600 (UBBP/LBBPd) ● 200 (LBBPc, SA1) ● 160 (LBBPc, SA2) 15 1200(1) 900 (UBBP/LBBPd) 20 1200(1) ● 1200 (UBBP/LBBPd) ● 400 (LBBPc) (1): If a sector split group configured on the BBP contains multiple 8T8R intelligent multi-beam cells, the maximum number of UEs in RRC connected mode in each sector split group is 1200. The following tables list the number of UEs supported by each baseband processing unit in LTE TDD scenarios when cells with different bandwidths are configured. Table 1-67 Number of UEs per LBBP in LTE TDD mode Board Number of UEs in RRC Connected Mode Number of UL Synchronized UEs LBBPc ● 5/10 MHz: 1800 ● 5 MHz: 300 ● 20 MHz: 1800 (2T2R), 1200 (4T4R) ● 10 MHz: 600 (SA1), 480 (SA2) ● 20 MHz: 600 (2T2R), 400 (4T4R) LBBPd4 10/20 MHz: 3600 10/20 MHz: 1800 LBBPd2/LBBPd5 ● 5 MHz: 1800 ● 5 MHz: 900 ● 10/15/20 MHz: 3600 ● 10/15/20 MHz: 1800 Issue 04 (2022-07-29) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 52 BBU Technical Specifications 1 BBU Technical Specifications Table 1-68 Number of UEs per UBBPd in LTE TDD mode Board Number of UEs in RRC Connected Mode Number of UL Synchronized UEs UBBPd4 ● 5 MHz: 1800 ● 5 MHz: 900 ● 10/15/20 MHz: 3600 ● 10/15/20 MHz: 1800 3600 ● 5 MHz: 1800 UBBPd6 ● 10/15/20 MHz: 3600 UBBPd9 3600 3600 Table 1-69 Number of UEs per UBBPe in LTE TDD mode Board Number of UEs in RRC Connected Mode Number of UL Synchronized UEs UBBPe4 3600 ● 5 MHz: 1800 ● 10/15/20 MHz: 3600 UBBPe6 4800 ● 5 MHz: 3600 ● 10/15/20 MHz: 4800 UBBPe18 3600 ● 5 MHz: 1800 ● 10/15/20 MHz: 3600 UBBPem 2400 ● 10 MHz: 1200 ● 15 MHz: 1800 ● 20 MHz: 2400 UBBPei 4800 ● 5 MHz: 3600 ● 10/15/20 MHz: 4800 Table 1-70 Number of UEs per UBBPf in LTE TDD mode Board Number of UEs in RRC Connected Mode Number of UL Synchronized UEs UBBPf1 3600 ● 10 MHz: 1800 ● 15 MHz: 2700 ● 20 MHz: 3600 UBBPfw1 7200 ● 10 MHz: 3600 ● 15 MHz: 5400 ● 20 MHz: 7200 Issue 04 (2022-07-29) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 53 BBU Technical Specifications 1 BBU Technical Specifications Board Number of UEs in RRC Connected Mode Number of UL Synchronized UEs UBBPf3 3600 ● 10 MHz: 1800 ● 15 MHz: 2700 ● 20 MHz: 3600 Table 1-71 Number of UEs per UBBPg in LTE TDD mode Board Number of UEs in RRC Connected Mode Number of UL Synchronized UEs UBBPg1 3600 ● 5 MHz: 1800 ● 10/15/20 MHz: 3600 UBBPg1a 3600 ● 5 MHz: 1800 ● 10/15/20 MHz: 3600 UBBPg2/UBBPg2a/ UBBPg3b 4800 UBBPg3 9600 ● 5 MHz: 3600 ● 10/15/20 MHz: 4800 ● 5 MHz: 7200 ● 10/15/20 MHz: 9600 UBBPg4 4800 ● 10 MHz: 3600 ● 15/20 MHz: 4800 DRB Number Specifications The following tables list the number of DRBs per baseband processing unit in LTE TDD mode. Table 1-72 Number of DRBs per LBBP in LTE TDD mode Board Number of DRBs LBBPc ● 5/10/15 MHz: 5400 ● 20 MHz: 5400 (2T2R), 3600 (4T4R) LBBPd4 10/20 MHz: 10800 LBBPd2/LBBPd5 ● 5 MHz: 5400 ● 10/15/20 MHz: 10800 Issue 04 (2022-07-29) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 54 BBU Technical Specifications 1 BBU Technical Specifications Table 1-73 Number of DRBs per UBBPd in LTE TDD mode Board Number of DRBs UBBPd4 ● 5 MHz: 5400 ● 10/15/20 MHz: 10800 UBBPd6 10800 UBBPd9 10800 Table 1-74 Number of DRBs per UBBPe in LTE TDD mode Board Number of DRBs UBBPe4 10800 UBBPe6 14400 UBBPe18 10800 UBBPem 7200 UBBPei 14400 Table 1-75 Number of DRBs per UBBPf in LTE TDD mode Board Number of DRBs UBBPf1 10800 UBBPfw1 21600 UBBPf3 10800 Table 1-76 Number of DRBs per UBBPg in LTE TDD mode Board Number of DRBs UBBPg1 10800 UBBPg1a 10800 UBBPg2/UBBPg2a/ UBBPg3b 14400 UBBPg3 28800 UBBPg4 14400 Issue 04 (2022-07-29) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 55 BBU Technical Specifications 1 BBU Technical Specifications Signaling Specifications Table 1-77 Signaling specifications per LBBP in LTE TDD mode Board Signaling Specifications (BHCA) LBBPc 63000 LBBPd2 126000 LBBPd4 126000 LBBPd5 126000 Table 1-78 Signaling specifications per UBBPd in LTE TDD mode Board Signaling Specifications (BHCA) UBBPd4 270000 UBBPd6 396000 UBBPd9 396000 Table 1-79 Signaling specifications per UBBPe in LTE TDD mode Board Signaling Specifications (BHCA) UBBPe4 432000 UBBPe6 648000 UBBPe18 432000 UBBPem 648000 UBBPei 648000 UBBPea 648000 Table 1-80 Signaling specifications per UBBPf in LTE TDD mode Board Signaling Specifications (BHCA) UBBPf1 648000 UBBPfw1 1296000 UBBPf3 648000 Issue 04 (2022-07-29) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 56 BBU Technical Specifications 1 BBU Technical Specifications Table 1-81 Signaling specifications per UBBPg in LTE TDD mode Board Signaling Specifications (BHCA) UBBPg1 432000 UBBPg1a 432000 UBBPg2/UBBPg2a/ UBBPg3b 720000 UBBPg3 1296000 UBBPg4 864000 Throughput Specifications In LTE TDD scenarios, the throughput specifications include the throughput in a cell and the throughput supported by a baseband processing unit. The following table lists the throughput per cell with different configurations in LTE TDD mode. Table 1-82 Throughput per cell in LTE TDD mode Cell Configuration Throughput (DL 64QAM, UL 16QAM) (Mbit/s) Throughput (DL 256QAM, UL 16QAM) (Mbit/s) ● 5 MHz 2T2R DL: 25 DL: 35 ● DL 2x2 MIMO+UL 1x2 UL-SIMO UL: 2 UL: 2 ● 5 MHz 4T4R DL: 50 DL: 69 ● DL 4x4 MIMO (TM4)+UL 2x4 UL (VMIMO) UL: 4 UL: 4 ● 10 MHz 2T2R DL: 52 DL: 71 ● DL 2x2 MIMO+UL 1x2 UL-SIMO UL: 5 UL: 5 ● 10 MHz 4T4R DL: 102 DL: 139 ● DL 4x4 MIMO (TM4)+UL 2x4 UL (VMIMO) UL: 9.5 UL: 9.5 ● 10 MHz 8T8R DL: 102 DL: 139 ● DL 4x4 MIMO (TM4)+UL 4x8 UL (VMIMO) UL: 19 UL: 19 ● 10 MHz 32T32R DL: 85 DL: 112 ● DL 4x4 MIMO (TM9)+UL 8x32 UL (VMIMO) UL: 38 UL: 38 Issue 04 (2022-07-29) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 57 BBU Technical Specifications 1 BBU Technical Specifications Cell Configuration Throughput (DL 64QAM, UL 16QAM) (Mbit/s) Throughput (DL 256QAM, UL 16QAM) (Mbit/s) ● 10 MHz 32T32R DL: 368 DL: 496 ● DL 16-Layer MU-BF+UL 8x32 UL (VMIMO) UL: 38 UL: 38 ● 10 MHz 64T64R DL: 85 DL: 112 ● DL 4x4 MIMO (TM9)+UL 8x64 UL (VMIMO) UL: 38 UL: 38 ● 10 MHz 64T64R DL: 552 DL: 744 ● DL 24-Layer MU-BF+UL 8x64 UL (VMIMO) UL: 38 UL: 38 ● 15 MHz 2T2R DL: 80 DL: 108 ● DL 2x2 MIMO+UL 1x2 UL-SIMO UL: 7.5 UL: 7.5 ● 15 MHz 4T4R DL: 155 DL: 211 ● DL 4x4 MIMO (TM4)+UL 2x4 UL (VMIMO) UL: 15 UL: 15 ● 15 MHz 8T8R DL: 155 DL: 211 ● DL 4x4 MIMO (TM4)+UL 4x8 UL (VMIMO) UL: 30 UL: 30 ● 15 MHz 32T32R DL: 128 DL: 171 ● DL 4x4 MIMO (TM9)+UL 8x32 UL (VMIMO) UL: 60 UL: 60 ● 15 MHz 32T32R DL: 544 DL: 752 ● DL 16-Layer MU-BF+UL 8x32 UL (VMIMO) UL: 60 UL: 60 ● 15 MHz 64T64R DL: 128 DL: 171 ● DL 4x4 MIMO (TM9)+UL 8x64 UL (VMIMO) UL: 60 UL: 60 ● 15 MHz 64T64R DL: 816 DL: 1128 ● DL 24-Layer MU-BF+UL 8x64 UL (VMIMO) UL: 60 UL: 60 ● 20 MHz 2T2R DL: 110 DL: 142 ● DL 2x2 MIMO+UL 1x2 UL-SIMO UL: 10 UL: 10 ● 20 MHz 4T4R DL: 210 DL: 284 ● DL 4x4 MIMO (TM4)+UL 2x4 UL (VMIMO) UL: 15 UL: 15 Issue 04 (2022-07-29) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 58 BBU Technical Specifications 1 BBU Technical Specifications Cell Configuration Throughput (DL 64QAM, UL 16QAM) (Mbit/s) Throughput (DL 256QAM, UL 16QAM) (Mbit/s) ● 20 MHz 8T8R DL: 210 DL: 284 ● DL 4x4 MIMO (TM4)+UL 4x8 UL (VMIMO) UL: 40 UL: 40 ● 20 MHz 32T32R DL: 176 DL: 232 ● DL 4x4 MIMO (TM9)+UL 8x32 UL (VMIMO) UL: 80 UL: 80 ● 20 MHz 32T32R DL: 752 DL: 976 ● DL 16-Layer MU-BF+UL 8x32 UL (VMIMO) UL: 80 UL: 80 ● 20 MHz 64T64R DL: 176 DL: 232 ● DL 4x4 MIMO (TM9)+UL 8x64 UL (VMIMO) UL: 80 UL: 80 ● 20 MHz 64T64R DL: 1128 DL: 1464 ● DL 24-Layer MU-BF+UL 8x64 UL (VMIMO) UL: 80 UL: 80 The following tables list the throughput per baseband processing unit. Table 1-83 Throughput per LBBP in LTE TDD mode Board Throughput (Mbit/s) LBBPc DL: 300 UL: 100 LBBPd2/LBBPd4/ LBBPd5 DL: 600 UL: 225 Table 1-84 Throughput per UBBPd in LTE TDD mode Board Throughput (Mbit/s) UBBPd4 DL: 600 UL: 225 UBBPd6/UBBPd9 DL: 1200 UL: 600 Issue 04 (2022-07-29) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 59 BBU Technical Specifications 1 BBU Technical Specifications Table 1-85 Throughput per UBBPe in LTE TDD mode Board Throughput (Mbit/s) UBBPe4 DL: 1200 UL: 600 UBBPe6 DL: 2400 UL: 1200 UBBPe18 DL: 1200 UL: 600 UBBPem DL: 2400 UL: 1200 UBBPei DL: 2400 UL: 1200 Table 1-86 Throughput per UBBPf in LTE TDD mode Board Throughput (Mbit/s) UBBPf1 DL: 2700 UL: 1400 UBBPf3 DL: 2700 UL: 1400 UBBPfw1 DL: 5400 UL: 2700 Table 1-87 Throughput per UBBPg in LTE TDD mode Board Throughput (Mbit/s) UBBPg1 DL: 1200 UL: 600 UBBPg1a DL: 1200 UL: 600 UBBPg2 DL: 2400 UL: 1200 UBBPg2a/UBBPg3b DL: 2400 (4T4R/8T8R); 2700 (32T32R/64T64R) UL: 1200 (4T4R/8T8R); 1400 (32T32R/64T64R) Issue 04 (2022-07-29) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 60 BBU Technical Specifications 1 BBU Technical Specifications Board Throughput (Mbit/s) UBBPg3 DL: 4800 (4T4R/8T8R); 5400 (32T32R/64T64R) UL: 2400 (4T4R/8T8R); 2700 (32T32R/64T64R) UBBPg4 DL: 5400 UL: 2700 LTE NB-IoT Technical Specifications of Baseband Processing Units The LTE NB-IoT technical specifications of a baseband processing unit include the number of cells, number of UEs, throughput, signaling specifications, and so on. These specifications are as follows: Table 1-88 LTE NB-IoT technical specifications of baseband processing units Category Description Cell Number Specifications ● Cell number specifications refer to the number of cells with different bandwidths and antenna configurations. ● When a cell is bound to multiple pieces of sector equipment, the number of cells refers to the number of pieces of sector equipment or number of sector equipment groups. ● For FDD massive MIMO cells, the number of cells refers to the number of sector split groups. UE Number Specifications UE number specifications refer to the number of UEs in RRC connected mode and number of attached UEs. Throughput Specifications Throughput specifications include the uplink and downlink throughput of cells and boards. Signaling Specifications Signaling specifications are measured in BHCA. For the definition of BHCA, see Control-Plane Traffic Model. Cell Number Specifications The bandwidth of a single LTE NB-IoT carrier is 200 kHz. A single LTE NB-IoT cell supports a single carrier and multiple carriers. The antenna configuration can be 2T2R or 4T4R. From SRAN16.1 onwards, a single cell on the UBBP supports flexible carrier configuration. That is, a cell can be configured with any number of carriers within the board specifications (number of cells and number of carriers). The number of cells supported by a baseband processing unit is expressed by A carriers (200 kHz, 2T2R/4T4R) over B cells, where A indicates the number of carriers and B indicates the number of cells. A 200 kHz 2T2R/4T4R carriers can be allocated to B cells. Issue 04 (2022-07-29) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 61 BBU Technical Specifications 1 BBU Technical Specifications Different series baseband processing units have the following restrictions in flexible carrier configuration scenarios: ● When the UBBPd/UBBPe works in multiple modes including LTE NB-IoT, a maximum of two carriers can be configured for a single cell. ● A maximum of eight carriers can be configured for a single cell served by the UBBPg. The following tables list the number of cells per baseband processing unit in LTE NB-IoT mode. Table 1-89 Number of cells per LBBP in LTE NB-IoT mode Board Number of Cells LBBPd1 6x200 kHz 2T2R 3x400 kHz 2T2R LBBPd2 6x200 kHz 2T2R 3x400 kHz 2T2R LBBPd3 9x200 kHz 2T2R(1) 3x400 kHz 2T2R + 3x200 kHz 2T2R LBBPd5 9x200 kHz 2T2R 3x400 kHz 2T2R + 3x200 kHz 2T2R (1): If a CPRI cable is between 20 km and 40 km, the LBBPd3 supports the maximum configuration of 3x200 kHz 2T2R. Table 1-90 Number of cells per UBBPd in LTE NB-IoT mode Board Number of Cells UBBPd3 6 carriers (200 kHz, 2T2R) over 6 cells UBBPd4 6 carriers (200 kHz, 4T4R) over 3 cells UBBPd5 9 carriers (200 kHz, 4T4R) over 9 cells UBBPd6 9 carriers (200 kHz, 4T4R) over 9 cells Table 1-91 Number of cells per UBBPe in LTE NB-IoT mode Board Number of Cells UBBPe1 12 carriers (200 kHz, 2T2R) over 6 cells UBBPe2 12 carriers (200 kHz, 4T4R) over 6 cells UBBPe3 12 carriers (200 kHz, 4T4R) over 9 cells Issue 04 (2022-07-29) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 62 BBU Technical Specifications 1 BBU Technical Specifications Board Number of Cells UBBPe4 12 carriers (200 kHz, 4T4R) over 9 cells UBBPe5 24 carriers (200 kHz, 4T4R) over 12 cells UBBPe6 24 carriers (200 kHz, 4T4R) over 15 cells UBBPe18 12 carriers (200 kHz, 4T4R) over 9 cells Table 1-92 Number of cells per UBBPg in LTE NB-IoT mode Board Number of Cells UBBPg1/UBBPg1a 27 carriers (200 kHz, 4T4R) over 9 cells UBBPg2/UBBPg2a/ UBBPg3b 45 carriers (200 kHz, 4T4R) over 15 cells UBBPg3 81 carriers (200 kHz, 4T4R) over 27 cells UE Number Specifications In LTE NB-IoT scenarios, the UE number specifications include the number of UEs in a cell and the number of UEs supported by a baseband processing unit. The following table lists the number of UEs per cell in LTE NB-IoT mode. Table 1-93 Number of UEs per cell in LTE NB-IoT mode Cell Bandwidth (kHz) Number of UEs in RRC Connected Mode Number of Attached UEs 200 600 50000 400 1200 100000 600 1200 150000 1600 1200 150000 The following tables list the number of UEs in RRC connected mode and the number of attached UEs per baseband processing unit. Issue 04 (2022-07-29) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 63 BBU Technical Specifications 1 BBU Technical Specifications Table 1-94 Number of UEs per LBBP in LTE NB-IoT mode Board Number of UEs in RRC Connected Mode Number of Attached UEs LBBPd1/LBBPd2 3600 400000 LBBPd3/LBBPd5 3600 460000 Table 1-95 Number of UEs per UBBPd in LTE NB-IoT mode Board Number of UEs in RRC Connected Mode Number of Attached UEs UBBPd3/UBBPd4 3600 865000 UBBPd5/UBBPd6 3600 1270000 Table 1-96 Number of UEs per UBBPe in LTE NB-IoT mode Board Number of UEs in RRC Connected Mode Number of Attached UEs UBBPe1/UBBPe2 3600 865000 UBBPe3/UBBPe4 3600 1385000 UBBPe5 3600 1385000 UBBPe6 4800 1385000 UBBPe18 3600 1385000 Table 1-97 Number of UEs per UBBPg in LTE NB-IoT mode Board Number of UEs in RRC Connected Mode Number of Attached UEs UBBPg1/UBBPg1a 3600 1385000 UBBPg2/UBBPg2a/ UBBPg3b 4800 2312000 UBBPg3 9600 4162000 Throughput Specifications In LTE NB-IoT scenarios, the throughput specifications include the throughput in a cell and the throughput supported by a baseband processing unit. Issue 04 (2022-07-29) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 64 BBU Technical Specifications 1 BBU Technical Specifications The following table lists the throughput per cell in LTE NB-IoT mode. Table 1-98 Throughput per cell in LTE NB-IoT mode Cell Configuration Throughput (Mbit/s) 200 kHz 4T4R DL: 0.106 UL: 0.2 400 kHz 4T4R DL: 0.222 UL: 0.4 600 kHz 4T4R DL: 0.338 UL: 0.6 1600 kHz 4T4R DL: 0.918 UL: 1.6 The following table lists the throughput per baseband processing unit. Table 1-99 Throughput per LBBP in LTE NB-IoT mode Board Throughput (Mbit/s) LBBPd1/LBBPd2 DL: 0.666 UL: 1.2 LBBPd3/LBBPd5 DL: 0.954 UL: 1.8 Table 1-100 Throughput per UBBPd in LTE NB-IoT mode Board Throughput (Mbit/s) UBBPd3/UBBPd4 DL: 0.666 UL: 1.2 UBBPd5/UBBPd6 DL: 0.954 UL: 1.8 Table 1-101 Throughput per UBBPe in LTE NB-IoT mode Board Throughput (Mbit/s) UBBPe1/UBBPe2 DL: 1.332 UL: 2.4 Issue 04 (2022-07-29) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 65 BBU Technical Specifications 1 BBU Technical Specifications Board Throughput (Mbit/s) UBBPe3/UBBPe4 DL: 1.332 UL: 2.4 UBBPe5 DL: 2.664 UL: 4.8 UBBPe6 DL: 2.664 UL: 4.8 UBBPe18 DL: 1.332 UL: 2.4 Table 1-102 Throughput per UBBPg in LTE NB-IoT mode Board Throughput (Mbit/s) UBBPg1/UBBPg1a DL: 2.826 UL: 5.4 UBBPg2/UBBPg2a/ UBBPg3b DL: 4.71 UBBPg3 DL: 9.12 UL: 9 UL: 16.2 Signaling Specifications The following tables list the signaling specifications per baseband processing unit. Table 1-103 Signaling specifications per LBBP in LTE NB-IoT mode Board Signaling Specifications (BHCA) LBBPd1/LBBPd2 189000 LBBPd3/LBBPd5 216000 Table 1-104 Signaling specifications per UBBPd in LTE NB-IoT mode Board Signaling Specifications (BHCA) UBBPd3/UBBPd4 405000 UBBPd5/UBBPd6 594000 Issue 04 (2022-07-29) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 66 BBU Technical Specifications 1 BBU Technical Specifications Table 1-105 Signaling specifications per UBBPe in LTE NB-IoT mode Board Signaling Specifications (BHCA) UBBPe1/UBBPe2 405000 UBBPe3/UBBPe4 648000 UBBPe5 810000 UBBPe6 972000 UBBPe18 648000 Table 1-106 Signaling specifications per UBBPg in LTE NB-IoT mode Board Signaling Specifications (BHCA) UBBPg1/UBBPg1a 648000 UBBPg2/UBBPg2a/ UBBPg3b 1080000 UBBPg3 1944000 LTE FDD+NB-IoT Technical Specifications of Baseband Processing Units This section describes the technical specifications of a baseband processing unit working in both LTE FDD and LTE NB-IoT modes. These specifications are as follows: Table 1-107 LTE FDD+NB-IoT technical specifications of baseband processing units Category Description Cell Number Specifications ● Cell number specifications refer to the number of cells with different bandwidths and antenna configurations. ● When a cell is bound to multiple pieces of sector equipment, the number of cells refers to the number of pieces of sector equipment or number of sector equipment groups. ● For FDD massive MIMO cells, the number of cells refers to the number of sector split groups. UE Number Specifications UE number specifications refer to the number of UEs in RRC connected mode and number of attached UEs. Throughput Specifications Throughput specifications include the uplink and downlink throughput of boards. Issue 04 (2022-07-29) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 67 BBU Technical Specifications 1 BBU Technical Specifications Category Description Signaling Specifications Signaling specifications are measured in BHCA. For the definition of BHCA, see Control-Plane Traffic Model. Cell Number Specifications When the baseband processing unit works in both LTE FDD and LTE NB-IoT modes, the number of cells is expressed as A+B, where A and B indicate the number of cells supported by LTE FDD and that supported by LTE NB-IoT, respectively. For example, in 3x1.4/3/5/10 MHz 4T4R + 3x200 kHz 2T2R, 3x1.4/3/5/10 MHz 4T4R indicates the number of LTE FDD cells, and 3x200 kHz 2T2R indicates the number of LTE NB-IoT cells. The following tables list the number of cells per baseband processing unit in both LTE FDD and LTE NB-IoT modes. NOTE The number of in-band LTE NB-IoT carriers that can be deployed on LTE FDD cells for each baseband processing unit working in LTE FDD+NB-IoT mode is as follows: ● For a UBBPd/UBBPe, two in-band LTE NB-IoT carriers can be deployed on each LTE FDD cell. For a UBBPd, if Standard Ratio is set to FDD_ENHANCE, in-band NB-IoT cells cannot be deployed on the LTE FDD cells. ● For a UBBPg, three in-band LTE NB-IoT carriers can be deployed on each LTE FDD cell. The expression of cell number specifications of each RAT in multimode scenarios complies with that in single-RAT scenarios. Table 1-108 Number of cells per LBBP in LTE FDD+NB-IoT mode Board Number of LTE FDD Cells + Number of LTE NB-IoT Cells LBBPd1 3x1.4/3/5/10 MHz 2T2R + 3x200 kHz 2T2R LBBPd2 3x1.4/3/5/10 MHz 4T4R + 3x200 kHz 2T2R LBBPd3 3x1.4/3/5/10/15/20 MHz 2T2R + 3x1.4/3/5/10 MHz 2T2R + 3x200 kHz 2T2R 3x1.4/3/5/10/15/20 MHz 2T2R + 3x400 kHz 2T2R LBBPd5 3x1.4/3/5/10/15/20 MHz 2T2R + 3x1.4/3/5/10 MHz 2T2R + 3x200 kHz 2T2R 3x1.4/3/5/10 MHz 4T4R + 3x200 kHz 2T2R LBBPd5 Issue 04 (2022-07-29) 3x1.4/3/5/10/15/20 MHz 2T2R + 3x400 kHz 2T2R Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 68 BBU Technical Specifications 1 BBU Technical Specifications Table 1-109 Number of cells per UBBPd in LTE FDD+NB-IoT mode Board Number of LTE FDD Cells + Number of LTE NB-IoT Cells UBBPd3 3x1.4/3/5/10 MHz 2T2R + 3 carriers (200 kHz, 2T2R) over 3 cells UBBPd4 3x1.4/3/5/10 MHz 4T4R + 3 carriers (200 kHz, 4T4R) over 3 cells UBBPd5 3x1.4/3/5/10/15/20 MHz 2T2R(1)+ 3x1.4/3/5/10 MHz 2T2R(1)+ 3 carriers (200 kHz, 2T2R) over 3 cells 3x1.4/3/5/10 MHz 4T4R(1) + 3 carriers (200 kHz, 4T4R) over 3 cells 3x1.4/3/5/10/15/20 MHz 2T2R(1) + 6 carriers (200 kHz, 2T2R) over 3 cells UBBPd6 3x1.4/3/5/10/15/20 MHz 4T4R + 3x1.4/3/5/10 MHz 4T4R + 3 carriers (200 kHz, 4T4R) over 3 cells 3x1.4/3/5/10/15/20 MHz 4T4R + 6 carriers (200 kHz, 4T4R) over 3 cells (1): During mixed configuration of LTE FDD 2T2R and 4T4R cells on the UBBPd5, the maximum number of cells that can be configured does not exceed the number of 4R cells. Table 1-110 Number of cells per UBBPe in LTE FDD+NB-IoT mode Board Number of LTE FDD Cells + Number of LTE NB-IoT Cells UBBPe1 3x1.4/3/5/10/15/20 MHz 2T2R + 6 carriers (200 kHz, 2T2R) over 3 cells UBBPe2 3x1.4/3/5/10/15/20 MHz 4T4R + 6 carriers (200 kHz, 4T4R) over 3 cells UBBPe3 6x1.4/3/5/10/15/20 MHz 2T2R(3) + 6 carriers (200 kHz, 2T2R) over 3 cells 3x1.4/3/5/10/15/20 MHz 4T4R(3) + 6 carriers (200 kHz, 4T4R) over 3 cells UBBPe4 6x1.4/3/5/10/15/20 MHz 4T4R + 6 carriers (200 kHz, 4T4R) over 3 cells UBBPe5 9x1.4/3/5/10/15/20 MHz 4T4R + 6 carriers (200 kHz, 4T4R) over 3 cells UBBPe6 12x1.4/3/5/10/15/20 MHz 4T4R + 6 carriers (200 kHz, 4T4R) over 3 cells Issue 04 (2022-07-29) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 69 BBU Technical Specifications 1 BBU Technical Specifications Board Number of LTE FDD Cells + Number of LTE NB-IoT Cells 9x1.4/3/5/10/15/20 MHz 4T4R + 12 carriers (200 kHz, 4T4R) over 6 cells(1) UBBPe18 6x1.4/3/5/10/15/20 MHz 4T4R + 6 carriers (200 kHz, 4T4R) over 3 cells 3x1.4/3/5/10/15/20 MHz 4T4R + 12 carriers (200 kHz, 4T4R) over 6 cells(1) (1): The Standard Ratio parameter must be set to NBIOT_ENHANCE(NBIOT Enhance). (3): During mixed configuration of LTE FDD 2T2R and 4T4R cells on the UBBPe3, the maximum number of cells that can be configured does not exceed the number of 4R cells. Table 1-111 Number of cells per UBBPg in LTE FDD+NB-IoT mode Board Number of LTE FDD Cells + Number of LTE NB-IoT Cells UBBPg1/ UBBPg1a 6x1.4/3/5/10/15/20 MHz 4T4R + 9 carriers (200 kHz, 4T4R) over 6 cells UBBPg2/ UBBPg2a/ UBBPg3b 12x1.4/3/5/10/15/20 MHz 4T4R + 9 carriers (200 kHz, 4T4R) over 3 cells UBBPg3 24x1.4/3/5/10/15/20 MHz 4T4R + 9 carriers (200 kHz, 4T4R) over 6 cells 9x1.4/3/5/10/15/20 MHz 4T4R + 18 carriers (200 kHz, 4T4R) over 6 cells(1) 18x1.4/3/5/10/15/20 MHz 4T4R + 27 carriers (200 kHz, 4T4R) over 12 cells(1) 3x5/10/15/20 MHz 32T32R + 12x1.4/3/5/10/15/20 MHz 4T4R + 9 carriers (200 kHz, 4T4R) over 6 cells(2) (1): The Standard Ratio parameter must be set to NBIOT_ENHANCE(NBIOT Enhance). (2): The Work Mode parameter must be set to HYBRID_BALANCE(Mixed configuration balancing). UE Number Specifications When the baseband processing unit works in both LTE FDD and LTE NB-IoT modes, LTE FDD and LTE NB-IoT dynamically share baseband resources. The number of UEs in RRC connected mode for LTE FDD and the number of attached UEs for LTE NB-IoT dynamically change based on the baseband resource usage. This part provides the specifications in typical resource usage. Issue 04 (2022-07-29) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 70 BBU Technical Specifications 1 BBU Technical Specifications The following tables list the number of UEs per baseband processing unit in both LTE FDD and LTE NB-IoT modes. In these examples, the LTE FDD cell bandwidth is 20 MHz and the LTE NB-IoT cell bandwidth is 200 kHz. Table 1-112 Number of UEs per LBBP in LTE FDD+NB-IoT mode Board Number of UEs in RRC Connected Mode for LTE FDD + Number of Attached UEs for LTE NBIoT Number of UEs in RRC Connected Mode for LTE NB-IoT LBBPd1/LBBPd2 2500+120000 1800 LBBPd3/LBBPd5 2500+130000 1800 Table 1-113 Number of UEs per UBBPd in LTE FDD+NB-IoT mode Board Number of UEs in RRC Connected Mode for LTE FDD + Number of Attached UEs for LTE NBIoT Number of UEs in RRC Connected Mode for LTE NB-IoT UBBPd3/UBBPd4 2500+250000 1800 UBBPd5/UBBPd6 2500+380000 1800 Table 1-114 Number of UEs per UBBPe in LTE FDD+NB-IoT mode Board Number of UEs in RRC Connected Mode for LTE FDD + Number of Attached UEs for LTE NBIoT Number of UEs in RRC Connected Mode for LTE NB-IoT UBBPe1/ UBBPe2 2500+250000 1800 UBBPe3/UBBPe4 2500+410000 3600 UBBPe5 2500+410000 3600 UBBPe6 3350+410000 4800 UBBPe18 2500+410000 3600 Issue 04 (2022-07-29) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 71 BBU Technical Specifications 1 BBU Technical Specifications Table 1-115 Number of UEs per UBBPg in LTE FDD+NB-IoT mode Board Number of UEs in RRC Connected Mode for LTE FDD + Number of Attached UEs for LTE NBIoT Number of UEs in RRC Connected Mode for LTE NB-IoT UBBPg1/UBBPg1a 2500+410000 3600 UBBPg2/UBBPg2a/ UBBPg3b 3350+693000 4800 UBBPg3 6720+1248000 9600 Throughput Specifications The following tables list the throughput of the baseband processing units working in both LTE FDD and LTE NB-IoT modes. In these examples, the LTE FDD cell bandwidth is 20 MHz and the LTE NB-IoT cell bandwidth is 200 kHz. Table 1-116 Throughput per LBBP in LTE FDD+NB-IoT mode Board Throughput (Mbit/s) LBBPd1 DL: 225 UL: 150 LBBPd2 DL: 300 UL: 150 LBBPd3/LBBPd5 DL: 450 UL: 225 Table 1-117 Throughput per UBBPd in LTE FDD+NB-IoT mode Board Throughput (Mbit/s) UBBPd3 DL: 225 UL: 150 UBBPd4 DL: 300 UL: 150 UBBPd5 DL: 450 UL: 225 UBBPd6 DL: 900 UL: 450 Issue 04 (2022-07-29) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 72 BBU Technical Specifications 1 BBU Technical Specifications NOTE When the UBBPd is used to serve LTE NB-IoT cells, the maximum throughput of the board decreases. The decrease in the maximum throughput is proportional to the decrease in the total bandwidth of LTE FDD cells. Table 1-118 Throughput per UBBPe in LTE FDD+NB-IoT mode Board Throughput (Mbit/s) UBBPe1 DL: 450 UL: 225 UBBPe2/UBBPe3 DL: 600 UL: 300 UBBPe4/UBBPe5 DL: 1200 UL: 600 UBBPe6 DL: 2400 UL: 1200 UBBPe18 DL: 1200 UL: 600 Table 1-119 Throughput per UBBPg in LTE FDD+NB-IoT mode Board Throughput (Mbit/s) UBBPg1/UBBPg1a DL: 1200 UL: 600 UBBPg2/UBBPg2a/ UBBPg3b DL: 2400 UBBPg3 DL: 4800 UL: 1200 UL: 2400 Signaling Specifications When the baseband processing unit works in both LTE FDD and LTE NB-IoT modes, LTE FDD and LTE NB-IoT dynamically share baseband resources. The signaling specifications of LTE FDD and LTE NB-IoT vary dynamically based on the baseband resource usage. This part provides the specifications in typical resource usage. The following tables list the signaling specifications per baseband processing unit in both LTE FDD and LTE NB-IoT modes. Issue 04 (2022-07-29) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 73 BBU Technical Specifications 1 BBU Technical Specifications Table 1-120 Signaling specifications per LBBP in LTE FDD+NB-IoT mode Board LTE FDD Signaling Specifications + LTE NB-IoT Signaling Specifications (BHCA) LBBPd1/LBBPd2 88000+56000 LBBPd3/LBBPd5 100000+64000 Table 1-121 Signaling specifications per UBBPd in LTE FDD+NB-IoT mode Board LTE FDD Signaling Specifications + LTE NB-IoT Signaling Specifications (BHCA) UBBPd3/UBBPd4 189000+121000 UBBPd5/UBBPd6 277000+177000 Table 1-122 Signaling specifications per UBBPe in LTE FDD+NB-IoT mode Board LTE FDD Signaling Specifications + LTE NB-IoT Signaling Specifications (BHCA) UBBPe1/UBBPe2 189000+121000 UBBPe3/UBBPe4 302000+193000 UBBPe5 378000+242000 UBBPe6 454000+292000 UBBPe18 302000+193000 Table 1-123 Signaling specifications per UBBPg in LTE FDD+NB-IoT mode Board LTE FDD Signaling Specifications + LTE NB-IoT Signaling Specifications (BHCA) UBBPg1/UBBPg1a 302000+193000 UBBPg2/UBBPg2a/ UBBPg3b 504000+324000 UBBPg3 907000+583000 LTE TDD+NB-IoT Technical Specifications of Baseband Processing Units This section describes the technical specifications of a baseband processing unit working in both LTE TDD and LTE NB-IoT modes. Issue 04 (2022-07-29) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 74 BBU Technical Specifications 1 BBU Technical Specifications These specifications are as follows: Table 1-124 LTE TDD+NB-IoT technical specifications of baseband processing units Category Description Cell Number Specifications ● Cell number specifications refer to the number of cells with different bandwidths and antenna configurations. ● When a cell is bound to multiple pieces of sector equipment, the number of cells refers to the number of pieces of sector equipment or number of sector equipment groups. UE Number Specifications UE number specifications refer to the number of UEs in RRC connected mode and number of attached UEs. Throughput Specifications Throughput specifications include the uplink and downlink throughput of boards. Signaling Specifications Signaling specifications are measured in BHCA. For the definition of BHCA, see Control-Plane Traffic Model. Cell Number Specifications When the baseband processing unit works in both LTE TDD and LTE NB-IoT modes, the number of cells is expressed as A+B, where A and B indicate the number of cells supported by LTE TDD and that supported by LTE NB-IoT, respectively. For example, in 6x5/10/15/20 MHz 4T4R + 3x600 kHz 4T4R, 6x5/10/15/20 MHz 4T4R indicates the number of LTE TDD cells, and 3x600 kHz 4T4R indicates the number of LTE NB-IoT cells. NOTE ● LTE (TDD+NB-IoT) specifications are supported only when SA1 or SA2 is used for LTE TDD. Unless otherwise specified, both the LTE TDD SA1 and SA2 support this specification. ● The expression of cell number specifications of each RAT in multimode scenarios complies with that in single-RAT scenarios. The following tables list the number of cells per baseband processing unit in both LTE TDD and LTE NB-IoT modes. Table 1-125 Number of cells per UBBPe in LTE TDD+NB-IoT mode Board Number of LTE TDD Cells + Number of LTE NB-IoT Cells UBBPe4 6x5/10/15/20 MHz 4T4R + 6 carriers (200 kHz, 4T4R) over 3 cells UBBPe6 12x5/10/15/20 MHz 4T4R + 6 carriers (200 kHz, 4T4R) over 3 cells Issue 04 (2022-07-29) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 75 BBU Technical Specifications 1 BBU Technical Specifications Board Number of LTE TDD Cells + Number of LTE NB-IoT Cells UBBPe18 6x5/10/15/20 MHz 4T4R + 6 carriers (200 kHz, 4T4R) over 3 cells Table 1-126 Number of cells per UBBPg in LTE TDD+NB-IoT mode Board Number of LTE TDD Cells + Number of LTE NB-IoT Cells UBBPg1/ UBBPg1a 6x5/10/15/20 MHz 4T4R + 9 carriers (200 kHz, 4T4R) over 6 cells UBBPg2/ UBBPg2a/ UBBPg3b 12x5/10/15/20 MHz 4T4R + 9 carriers (200 kHz, 4T4R) over 6 cells UBBPg3 24x5/10/15/20 MHz 4T4R + 9 carriers (200 kHz, 4T4R) over 6 cells 9x5/10/15/20 MHz 4T4R + 18 carriers (200 kHz, 4T4R) over 9 cells(1) 18x5/10/15/20 MHz 4T4R + 27 carriers (200 kHz, 4T4R) over 12 cells(1) (1): The Standard Ratio parameter must be set to NBIOT_ENHANCE(NBIOT Enhance). UE Number Specifications When the baseband processing unit works in both LTE TDD and LTE NB-IoT modes, LTE TDD and LTE NB-IoT dynamically share baseband resources. The number of UEs in RRC connected mode for LTE TDD and the number of attached UEs for LTE NB-IoT dynamically change based on the baseband resource usage. This part provides the specifications in typical resource usage. The following tables list the number of UEs per baseband processing unit in both LTE TDD and LTE NB-IoT modes. In these examples, the LTE TDD cell bandwidth is 20 MHz and the LTE NB-IoT cell bandwidth is 200 kHz. Table 1-127 Number of UEs per UBBPe in LTE TDD+NB-IoT mode Board Number of UEs in RRC Connected Mode for LTE TDD + Number of Attached UEs for LTE NBIoT Number of UEs in RRC Connected Mode for LTE NB-IoT UBBPe4 2500+410000 3600 UBBPe6 3350+625000 3600 Issue 04 (2022-07-29) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 76 BBU Technical Specifications 1 BBU Technical Specifications Board Number of UEs in RRC Connected Mode for LTE TDD + Number of Attached UEs for LTE NBIoT Number of UEs in RRC Connected Mode for LTE NB-IoT UBBPe18 2500+410000 3600 Table 1-128 Number of UEs per UBBPg in LTE TDD+NB-IoT mode Board Number of UEs in RRC Connected Mode for LTE TDD + Number of Attached UEs for LTE NBIoT Number of UEs in RRC Connected Mode for LTE NB-IoT UBBPg1/UBBPg1a 2500+410000 3600 UBBPg2/UBBPg2a/ UBBPg3b 3350+693000 4800 UBBPg3 6720+1248000 9600 Throughput Specifications The following tables list the throughput per baseband processing unit in both LTE TDD and LTE NB-IoT modes. In these examples, the LTE TDD cell bandwidth is 20 MHz and the LTE NB-IoT cell bandwidth is 200 kHz. Table 1-129 Throughput per UBBPe in LTE TDD+NB-IoT mode Board Throughput (Mbit/s) UBBPe4 DL: 1200 UL: 600 UBBPe6 DL: 2400 UL: 1200 UBBPe18 DL: 1200 UL: 600 Issue 04 (2022-07-29) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 77 BBU Technical Specifications 1 BBU Technical Specifications Table 1-130 Throughput per UBBPg in LTE TDD+NB-IoT mode Board Throughput (Mbit/s) UBBPg1/UBBPg1a DL: 1200 UL: 600 UBBPg2 DL: 2400 UL: 1200 UBBPg2a/UBBPg3b DL: 2400 (4T4R/8T8R); 2700 (32T32R/64T64R) UL: 1200 (4T4R/8T8R); 1400 (32T32R/64T64R) UBBPg3 DL: 4800 (4T4R/8T8R); 5400 (32T32R/64T64R) UL: 2400 (4T4R/8T8R); 2700 (32T32R/64T64R) Signaling Specifications When the baseband processing unit works in both LTE TDD and LTE NB-IoT modes, LTE TDD and LTE NB-IoT dynamically share baseband resources. The signaling specifications of LTE TDD and LTE NB-IoT vary dynamically based on the baseband resource usage. This part provides the specifications in typical resource usage. The following tables list the signaling specifications per baseband processing unit in both LTE TDD and LTE NB-IoT modes. Table 1-131 Signaling specifications per UBBPe in LTE TDD+NB-IoT mode Board LTE TDD Signaling Specifications + LTE NB-IoT Signaling Specifications (BHCA) UBBPe4 302000+193000 UBBPe6 454000+292000 UBBPe18 302000+193000 Table 1-132 Signaling specifications per UBBPg in LTE TDD+NB-IoT mode Board LTE TDD Signaling Specifications + LTE NB-IoT Signaling Specifications (BHCA) UBBPg1/UBBPg1a 302000+193000 UBBPg2/UBBPg2a/ UBBPg3b 504000+324000 UBBPg3 907000+583000 Issue 04 (2022-07-29) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 78 BBU Technical Specifications 1 BBU Technical Specifications LTE FDD+TDD Technical Specifications of Baseband Processing Units This section provides the cell number and UE number specifications of a baseband processing unit working in both LTE FDD and LTE TDD modes. NOTE In LTE FDD+TDD co-BBP scenarios, the Frame Offset parameter must be set to the same value for LTE FDD and LTE TDD cells. These specifications are as follows: Table 1-133 LTE FDD+TDD technical specifications of baseband processing units Category Description Cell Number Specifications ● Cell number specifications refer to the number of cells with different bandwidths and antenna configurations. ● When a cell is bound to multiple pieces of sector equipment, the number of cells refers to the number of pieces of sector equipment or number of sector equipment groups. UE Number Specifications UE number specifications refer to the number of UEs in RRC connected mode. Cell Number Specifications When the baseband processing unit works in both LTE FDD and LTE TDD modes, the number of cells is expressed as A+B, where A and B indicate the number of cells supported by LTE FDD and that supported by LTE TDD, respectively. For example, in 6x1.4/3/5/10/15/20 MHz 4T4R + 3x5/10/15/20 MHz 4T4R, 6x1.4/3/5/10/15/20 MHz 4T4R indicates the number of LTE FDD cells, and 3x5/10/15/20 MHz 4T4R indicates the number of LTE TDD cells. NOTE ● LTE FDD+TDD specifications are supported only when the LTE TDD subframe configuration is SA1 or SA2. Unless otherwise specified, both the LTE TDD SA1 and SA2 support this specification. ● The expression of cell number specifications of each RAT in multimode scenarios complies with that in single-RAT scenarios. The following tables list the cell number specifications per baseband processing unit in both LTE FDD and LTE TDD modes. Table 1-134 Number of cells per UBBPd in LTE FDD+TDD mode Board Number of LTE FDD Cells + Number of LTE TDD Cells UBBPd6 3x1.4/3/5/10/15/20 MHz 4T4R + 3x5/10/15/20 MHz 4T4R Issue 04 (2022-07-29) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 79 BBU Technical Specifications 1 BBU Technical Specifications Table 1-135 Number of cells per UBBPe in LTE FDD+TDD mode Board Number of LTE FDD Cells + Number of LTE TDD Cells UBBPe4 3x1.4/3/5/10/15/20 MHz 4T4R + 3x5/10/15/20 MHz 4T4R UBBPe5 6x1.4/3/5/10/15/20 MHz 4T4R + 3x5/10/15/20 MHz 4T4R UBBPe5 3x1.4/3/5/10/15/20 MHz 4T4R + 6x5/10/15/20 MHz 4T4R(2) UBBPe6 6x1.4/3/5/10/15/20 MHz 4T4R + 6x5/10/15/20 MHz 4T4R 9x1.4/3/5/10/15/20 MHz 4T4R + 3x5/10/15/20 MHz 4T4R(1) 3x1.4/3/5/10/15/20 MHz 4T4R + 9x5/10/15/20 MHz 4T4R(2) 6x1.4/3/5/10/15/20 MHz 4T4R + 3x10/15/20 MHz 8T8R UBBPe18 3x1.4/3/5/10/15/20 MHz 4T4R + 3x5/10/15/20 MHz 4T4R UBBPe18 3x1.4/3/5/10/15/20 MHz 4T4R + 3x10/15/20 MHz 8T8R (SA2) (1): The Standard Ratio parameter must be set to FDD_ENHANCE(FDD Enhance). (2): The Standard Ratio parameter must be set to TDD_ENHANCE(TDD Enhance). Table 1-136 Number of cells per UBBPg in LTE FDD+TDD mode Board Number of LTE FDD Cells + Number of LTE TDD Cells UBBPg1 3x1.4/3/5/10/15/20 MHz 4T4R + 3x5/10/15/20 MHz 4T4R 3x1.4/3/5/10/15/20 MHz 4T4R + 3x10/15/20 MHz 8T8R (SA2) UBBPg1a 3x1.4/3/5/10/15/20 MHz 4T4R + 3x5/10/15/20 MHz 4T4R 3x1.4/3/5/10/15/20 MHz 4T4R + 3x10/15/20 MHz 8T8R (SA2) UBBPg2 6x1.4/3/5/10/15/20 MHz 4T4R + 6x5/10/15/20 MHz 4T4R 9x1.4/3/5/10/15/20 MHz 4T4R + 3x5/10/15/20 MHz 4T4R(1) 3x1.4/3/5/10/15/20 MHz 4T4R + 9x5/10/15/20 MHz 4T4R(2) 6x1.4/3/5/10/15/20 MHz 4T4R + 3x10/15/20 MHz 8T8R Issue 04 (2022-07-29) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 80 BBU Technical Specifications 1 BBU Technical Specifications Board Number of LTE FDD Cells + Number of LTE TDD Cells UBBPg2a/ UBBPg3b 6x1.4/3/5/10/15/20 MHz 4T4R + 6x5/10/15/20 MHz 4T4R 9x1.4/3/5/10/15/20 MHz 4T4R + 3x5/10/15/20 MHz 4T4R(1) 3x1.4/3/5/10/15/20 MHz 4T4R + 9x5/10/15/20 MHz 4T4R(2) 6x1.4/3/5/10/15/20 MHz 4T4R + 6x10/15/20 MHz 8T8R (SA2) 6x1.4/3/5/10/15/20 MHz 4T4R + 3x10/15/20 MHz 8T8R (SA1) 9x1.4/3/5/10/15/20 MHz 4T4R + 3x10/15/20 MHz 8T8R (SA2)(1) 3x1.4/3/5/10/15/20 MHz 4T4R + 9x10/15/20 MHz 8T8R (SA2)(2) 6x1.4/3/5/10/15/20 MHz 4T4R + 3x10/15/20 MHz 32T32R/ 64T64R(3) UBBPg3 12x1.4/3/5/10/15/20 MHz 4T4R + 12x5/10/15/20 MHz 4T4R 18x1.4/3/5/10/15/20 MHz 4T4R + 6x5/10/15/20 MHz 4T4R(1) 6x1.4/3/5/10/15/20 MHz 4T4R + 18x5/10/15/20 MHz 4T4R(2) 12x1.4/3/5/10/15/20 MHz 4T4R + 12x10/15/20 MHz 8T8R (SA2) 12x1.4/3/5/10/15/20 MHz 4T4R + 6x10/15/20 MHz 8T8R (SA1) 18x1.4/3/5/10/15/20 MHz 4T4R + 6x10/15/20 MHz 8T8R (SA2)(1) 18x1.4/3/5/10/15/20 MHz 4T4R + 3x10/15/20 MHz 8T8R (SA1)(1) 6x1.4/3/5/10/15/20 MHz 4T4R + 18x10/15/20 MHz 8T8R (SA2)(2) 6x1.4/3/5/10/15/20 MHz 4T4R + 9x10/15/20 MHz 8T8R (SA1)(2) 12x1.4/3/5/10/15/20 MHz 4T4R + 6x10/15/20 MHz 32T32R/64T64R(3) UBBPg3 Issue 04 (2022-07-29) 6x1.4/3/5/10/15/20 MHz 4T4R + 6x10/15/20 MHz 4T4R/ 8T8R + 6x10/15/20 MHz 32T32R/64T64R(2)(3)(4) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 81 BBU Technical Specifications 1 BBU Technical Specifications Board Number of LTE FDD Cells + Number of LTE TDD Cells (1): The Standard Ratio parameter must be set to FDD_ENHANCE(FDD Enhance). (2): The Standard Ratio parameter must be set to TDD_ENHANCE(TDD Enhance). (3): The Work Mode parameter must be set to HYBRID_BALANCE(Mixed configuration balancing). Only SA2 is supported for LTE TDD. (4): 6x1.4/3/5/10/15/20 MHz 4T4R indicates the number of LTE FDD cells, and 6x10/15/20MHz 4T4R/8T8R + 6x10/15/20MHz 32T32R/64T64R indicates the number of LTE TDD cells. UE Number Specifications The following tables list the UE number specifications per baseband processing unit in both LTE FDD and LTE TDD modes. Table 1-137 Number of UEs per UBBPd in LTE FDD+TDD mode Board Number of UEs in RRC Connected Mode UBBPd6 3600 Table 1-138 Number of UEs per UBBPe in LTE FDD+TDD mode Board Number of UEs in RRC Connected Mode UBBPe4 3600 UBBPe5 3600 UBBPe6 4800 UBBPe18 3600 Table 1-139 Number of UEs per UBBPg in LTE FDD+TDD mode Board Number of UEs in RRC Connected Mode UBBPg1/UBBPg1a 3600 UBBPg2 4800 UBBPg2a/UBBPg3b 4800 UBBPg3 9600 Issue 04 (2022-07-29) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 82 BBU Technical Specifications 1 BBU Technical Specifications LTE FDD+TDD+NB-IoT Technical Specifications of Baseband Processing Units This section describes the technical specifications of a baseband processing unit working in LTE FDD, LTE TDD, and LTE NB-IoT modes. These specifications are as follows: Table 1-140 LTE (FDD+TDD+NB-IoT) technical specifications of baseband processing units Category Description Cell Number Specifications ● Cell number specifications refer to the number of cells with different bandwidths and antenna configurations. ● When a cell is bound to multiple pieces of sector equipment, the number of cells refers to the number of pieces of sector equipment or number of sector equipment groups. UE Number Specifications UE number specifications refer to the number of UEs in RRC connected mode and number of attached UEs. Cell Number Specifications NOTE ● LTE FDD+TDD+NB-IoT specifications are supported only when LTE TDD subframe configuration SA1 or SA2 is used. Unless otherwise specified, both the LTE TDD subframe configurations SA1 and SA2 support this specification. ● The expression of cell number specifications of each RAT in multimode scenarios complies with that in single-RAT scenarios. When the baseband processing unit works in LTE FDD, LTE TDD, and LTE NB-IoT modes, the number of cells is expressed as A+B+C, where A, B, and C indicate the number of cells supported by LTE FDD, that supported by LTE TDD, and that supported by LTE NB-IoT, respectively. For example, in 6x1.4/3/5/10/15/20 MHz 4T4R + 6x5/10/15/20 MHz 4T4R + 9 carriers (200 kHz,4T4R) over 6 cells, 6x1.4/3/5/10/15/20 MHz 4T4R indicates the number of LTE FDD cells, 6x5/10/15/20 MHz 4T4R indicates the number of LTE TDD cells, and 9 carriers (200 kHz, 4T4R) over 6 cells indicates the number of LTE NB-IoT cells. The following tables list the number of cells per baseband processing unit in LTE FDD, LTE TDD, and LTE NB-IoT modes. Table 1-141 Number of cells per UBBPd in LTE FDD+TDD+NB-IoT mode Board Number of LTE FDD Cells + Number of LTE TDD Cells + Number of LTE NB-IoT Cells UBBPd6 3x1.4/3/5/10 MHz 4T4R + 3x5/10/15/20 MHz 4T4R + 3 carriers (200 kHz, 4T4R) over 3 cells Issue 04 (2022-07-29) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 83 BBU Technical Specifications 1 BBU Technical Specifications Table 1-142 Number of cells per UBBPe in LTE FDD+TDD+NB-IoT mode Board Number of LTE FDD Cells + Number of LTE TDD Cells + Number of LTE NB-IoT Cells UBBPe4 3x1.4/3/5/10/15/20 MHz 4T4R + 3x5/10/15/20 MHz 4T4R + 6 carriers (200 kHz, 4T4R) over 3 cells UBBPe5 6x1.4/3/5/10/15/20 MHz 4T4R + 3x5/10/15/20 MHz 4T4R + 6 carriers (200 kHz, 4T4R) over 3 cells(1) UBBPe5 3x1.4/3/5/10/15/20 MHz 4T4R + 6x5/10/15/20 MHz 4T4R + 6 carriers (200 kHz, 4T4R) over 3 cells(2) UBBPe6 6x1.4/3/5/10/15/20 MHz 4T4R + 6x5/10/15/20 MHz 4T4R + 6 carriers (200 kHz, 4T4R) over 3 cells UBBPe6 9x1.4/3/5/10/15/20 MHz 4T4R + 3x5/10/15/20 MHz 4T4R + 6 carriers (200 kHz, 4T4R) over 3 cells(1) UBBPe6 3x1.4/3/5/10/15/20 MHz 4T4R + 9x5/10/15/20 MHz 4T4R + 6 carriers (200 kHz, 4T4R) over 3 cells(2) UBBPe18 3x1.4/3/5/10/15/20 MHz 4T4R + 3x5/10/15/20 MHz 4T4R + 9 carriers (200 kHz, 4T4R) over 3 cells (1): The Standard Ratio parameter must be set to FDD_ENHANCE(FDD Enhance) or DEFAULT(Default). (2): The Standard Ratio parameter must be set to TDD_ENHANCE(TDD Enhance). Table 1-143 Number of cells per UBBPg in LTE FDD+TDD+NB-IoT mode Board Number of LTE FDD Cells + Number of LTE TDD Cells + Number of LTE NB-IoT Cells UBBPg1/ UBBPg1a 3x1.4/3/5/10/15/20 MHz 4T4R + 3x5/10/15/20 MHz 4T4R + 9 carriers (200 kHz, 4T4R) over 6 cells UBBPg1/ UBBPg1a 3x1.4/3/5/10/15/20 MHz 4T4R + 3x10/15/20 MHz 8T8R (SA2) + 3 carriers (200 kHz, 4T4R) over 3 cells UBBPg2 6x1.4/3/5/10/15/20 MHz 4T4R + 6x5/10/15/20 MHz 4T4R + 9 carriers (200 kHz, 4T4R) over 6 cells 9x1.4/3/5/10/15/20 MHz 4T4R + 3x5/10/15/20 MHz 4T4R(1) + 9 carriers (200 kHz, 4T4R) over 6 cells 3x1.4/3/5/10/15/20 MHz 4T4R + 9x5/10/15/20 MHz 4T4R + 9 carriers (200 kHz, 4T4R) over 6 cells(2) Issue 04 (2022-07-29) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 84 BBU Technical Specifications Board 1 BBU Technical Specifications Number of LTE FDD Cells + Number of LTE TDD Cells + Number of LTE NB-IoT Cells 6x1.4/3/5/10/15/20 MHz 4T4R + 3x10/15/20 MHz 8T8R + 9 carriers (200 kHz, 4T4R) over 6 cells UBBPg2a/ UBBPg3b 6x1.4/3/5/10/15/20 MHz 4T4R + 6x5/10/15/20 MHz 4T4R + 9 carriers (200 kHz, 4T4R) over 6 cells 9x1.4/3/5/10/15/20 MHz 4T4R + 3x5/10/15/20 MHz 4T4R + 9 carriers (200 kHz, 4T4R) over 6 cells(1) 3x1.4/3/5/10/15/20 MHz 4T4R + 9x5/10/15/20 MHz 4T4R + 9 carriers (200 kHz, 4T4R) over 6 cells(2) 6x1.4/3/5/10/15/20 MHz 4T4R + 6x10/15/20 MHz 8T8R (SA2) + 9 carriers (200 kHz, 4T4R) over 6 cells 9x1.4/3/5/10/15/20 MHz 4T4R + 3x10/15/20 MHz 8T8R (SA2) + 9 carriers (200 kHz, 4T4R) over 6 cells(1) 3x1.4/3/5/10/15/20 MHz 4T4R + 9x10/15/20 MHz 8T8R (SA2) + 9 carriers (200 kHz, 4T4R) over 6 cells(2) 6x1.4/3/5/10/15/20 MHz 4T4R + 3x10/15/20 MHz 8T8R (SA1) + 9 carriers (200 kHz, 4T4R) over 6 cells UBBPg2a/ UBBPg3b 6x1.4/3/5/10/15/20 MHz 4T4R + 3x10/15/20 MHz 32T32R/64T64R + 9 carriers (200 kHz, 4T4R) over 6 cells(3) UBBPg3 12x1.4/3/5/10/15/20 MHz 4T4R + 12x5/10/15/20 MHz 4T4R + 9 carriers (200 kHz, 4T4R) over 6 cells 18x1.4/3/5/10/15/20 MHz 4T4R + 6x5/10/15/20 MHz 4T4R + 9 carriers (200 kHz, 4T4R) over 6 cells(1) 6x1.4/3/5/10/15/20 MHz 4T4R + 18x5/10/15/20 MHz 4T4R + 9 carriers (200 kHz, 4T4R) over 6 cells(2) 12x1.4/3/5/10/15/20 MHz 4T4R + 12x10/15/20 MHz 8T8R (SA2) + 9 carriers (200 kHz, 4T4R) over 6 cells 18x1.4/3/5/10/15/20 MHz 4T4R + 6x10/15/20 MHz 8T8R (SA2) + 9 carriers (200 kHz, 4T4R) over 6 cells(1) 6x1.4/3/5/10/15/20 MHz 4T4R + 18x10/15/20 MHz 8T8R (SA2) + 9 carriers (200 kHz, 4T4R) over 6 cells(2) 12x1.4/3/5/10/15/20 MHz 4T4R + 6x10/15/20 MHz 8T8R (SA1) +9 carriers (200 kHz, 4T4R) over 6 cells 18x1.4/3/5/10/15/20 MHz 4T4R + 3x10/15/20 MHz 8T8R (SA1) + 9 carriers (200 kHz, 4T4R) over 6 cells(1) 6x1.4/3/5/10/15/20 MHz 4T4R + 9x10/15/20 MHz 8T8R (SA1) + 9 carriers (200 kHz, 4T4R) over 6 cells(2) Issue 04 (2022-07-29) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 85 BBU Technical Specifications 1 BBU Technical Specifications Board Number of LTE FDD Cells + Number of LTE TDD Cells + Number of LTE NB-IoT Cells UBBPg3 12x1.4/3/5/10/15/20 MHz 4T4R + 6x10/15/20 MHz 32T32R/64T64R (SA2) + 9 carriers (200 kHz, 4T4R) over 6 cells(3) UBBPg3 6x1.4/3/5/10/15/20 MHz 4T4R + 6x10/15/20 MHz 32T32R/64T64R + 6x10/15/20 MHz 4T4R/8T8R + 9 carriers (200 kHz, 4T4R) over 3 cells(2)(3) (1): The Standard Ratio parameter must be set to FDD_ENHANCE(FDD Enhance). (2): The Standard Ratio parameter must be set to TDD_ENHANCE(TDD Enhance). (3): The Work Mode parameter must be set to HYBRID_BALANCE(Mixed configuration balancing). UE Number Specifications When the baseband processing unit works in LTE FDD, LTE TDD, and LTE NB-IoT modes, these modes dynamically share the baseband resources. ● LTE FDD and LTE TDD share the number of UEs in RRC connected mode. ● The number of UEs in RRC connected mode for LTE FDD+TDD and the number of attached UEs for LTE NB-IoT dynamically change based on the baseband resource usage. This part provides the specifications in typical resource usage. This part uses 20 MHz bandwidth for LTE FDD or LTE TDD cells and 200 kHz bandwidth for LTE NB-IoT cells as an example to describe the UE number specifications supported by each baseband processing unit. The following tables list the number of cells per baseband processing unit in LTE FDD, LTE TDD, and LTE NB-IoT modes. Table 1-144 Number of UEs per UBBPd in LTE FDD+TDD+NB-IoT mode Board Number of UEs in RRC Connected Mode for LTE FDD+TDD + Number of Attached UEs for LTE NBIoT Number of UEs in RRC Connected Mode for LTE NB-IoT UBBPd6 2500+380000 1800 Issue 04 (2022-07-29) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 86 BBU Technical Specifications 1 BBU Technical Specifications Table 1-145 Number of UEs per UBBPe in LTE FDD+TDD+NB-IoT mode Board Number of UEs in RRC Connected Mode for LTE FDD+TDD + Number of Attached UEs for LTE NBIoT Number of UEs in RRC Connected Mode for LTE NB-IoT UBBPe4 2500+410000 3600 UBBPe5 2500+410000 3600 UBBPe6 3350+410000 3600 UBBPe18 2500+410000 3600 Table 1-146 Number of UEs per UBBPg in LTE FDD+TDD+NB-IoT mode Board Number of UEs in RRC Connected Mode for LTE FDD+TDD + Number of Attached UEs for LTE NBIoT Number of UEs in RRC Connected Mode for LTE NB-IoT UBBPg1/UBBPg1a 2500+410000 3600 UBBPg2/UBBPg2a/ UBBPg3b 3350+693000 4800 UBBPg3 6720+1248000 9600 NR Technical Specifications of Baseband Processing Units The NR technical specifications of a baseband processing unit include the technical specifications when the baseband processing unit works in NR TDD, NR FDD and multimode concurrency scenarios. NR FDD Technical Specifications of Baseband Processing Units The NR FDD technical specifications of a baseband processing unit include the number of cells, number of UEs, throughput, and signaling specifications. These specifications are as follows: Issue 04 (2022-07-29) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 87 BBU Technical Specifications 1 BBU Technical Specifications Table 1-147 NR FDD technical specifications of baseband processing units Category Description Cell Number Specifications ● Cell number specifications refer to the number of cells with different bandwidths and antenna configurations. ● When a cell is bound to multiple pieces of sector equipment, the number of cells refers to the number of pieces of sector equipment or number of sector equipment groups. UE Number Specifications UE number specifications refer to the number of UEs in RRC connected mode. Throughput Specifications Throughput specifications include the uplink and downlink throughput of cells and boards. Signaling Specifications Signaling specifications are measured in BHCA. For the definition of BHCA, see 1.8.2 NR Traffic Model. Cell Number Specifications In NR FDD scenarios, any combination of 5/10/15/20 MHz 1T1R/2T2R/2T4R/4T4R cells is supported. The number of NR FDD cells is expressed as A x B nTnR, indicating A cells, B bandwidth of each cell, and nTnR antenna configuration. For example, 3x5/10/15/20 MHz 1T1R/2T2R/2T4R/4T4R indicates three cells, where the bandwidth of each cell can be 5 MHz, 10 MHz, 15 MHz, or 20 MHz, and the antenna configuration is 1T1R, 2T2R, 2T4R, or 4T4R. When mixed configuration of cell number specifications exists, the cell number specifications are connected by using a plus sign (+). The following table lists the number of cells per UBBPg. Table 1-148 Number of cells per UBBPg in NR FDD mode Board Number of Cells UBBPg1(1) 3x5/10/15/20 MHz 1T1R/2T2R/2T4R/4T4R UBBPg1a(1) 6x5/10/15/20 MHz 1T1R/2T2R/2T4R/4T4R UBBPg1a(1) 3x10/15/20 MHz 8T8R UBBPg2/UBBPg2a 12x5/10/15/20 MHz 1T1R/2T2R/2T4R/4T4R UBBPg2/UBBPg2a 6x25/30/40 MHz 1T1R/2T2R/2T4R/4T4R UBBPg2/UBBPg2a 6x5/10/15/20 MHz 8T8R UBBPg2/UBBPg2a 3x25/30/40 MHz 8T8R UBBPg2/UBBPg2a 3x25/30/40 MHz 1T1R/2T2R/2T4R/4T4R + 6x5/10/15/20 MHz 1T1R/2T2R/2T4R/4T4R Issue 04 (2022-07-29) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 88 BBU Technical Specifications 1 BBU Technical Specifications Board Number of Cells UBBPg2a 3x10/15/20 MHz 32T32R (CPRI) UBBPg3b 12x5/10/15/20 MHz 1T1R/2T2R/2T4R/4T4R UBBPg3b 6x25/30/40 MHz 1T1R/2T2R/2T4R/4T4R UBBPg3b 6x5/10/15/20 MHz 8T8R UBBPg3b 3x25/30/40 MHz 8T8R UBBPg3b 3x25/30/40 MHz 1T1R/2T2R/2T4R/4T4R + 6x5/10/15/20 MHz 1T1R/2T2R/2T4R/4T4R UBBPg3b 3x10/15/20 MHz 32T32R (CPRI) UBBPg3 24x5/10/15/20 MHz 1T1R/2T2R/2T4R/4T4R UBBPg3 12x25/30/40 MHz 1T1R/2T2R/2T4R/4T4R UBBPg3 12x5/10/15/20 MHz 8T8R UBBPg3 6x25/30/40 MHz 8T8R UBBPg3 6x25/30/40 MHz 1T1R/2T2R/2T4R/4T4R + 12x5/10/15/20 MHz 1T1R/2T2R/2T4R/4T4R UBBPg3 6x10/15/20 MHz 32T32R (CPRI) UBBPg3 3x25/30/40 MHz 32T32R (CPRI) UBBPg3 6x10/15/20 MHz 32T32R (eCPRI) UBBPg3 3x25/30/40 MHz 32T32R (eCPRI) (1): The UBBPg1 and UBBPg1a do not support NR when used in a BBU3900. UE Number Specifications In NR FDD scenarios, the UE number specifications include the number of UEs in a cell and the number of UEs supported by a baseband processing unit. The following table lists the number of UEs in RRC connected mode per cell with different configurations in NR FDD mode. Table 1-149 Number of UEs per cell in NR FDD mode Cell Configuration Number of UEs in RRC Connected Mode 5 MHz 1T1R/2T2R/ 2T4R/4T4R/8T8R 600 10 MHz 1T1R/2T2R/ 2T4R/4T4R/8T8R/ 32T32R 600 Issue 04 (2022-07-29) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 89 BBU Technical Specifications 1 BBU Technical Specifications Cell Configuration Number of UEs in RRC Connected Mode 15 MHz 1T1R/2T2R/ 2T4R/4T4R/8T8R/ 32T32R 600 20 MHz 1T1R/2T2R/ 2T4R/4T4R/8T8R/ 32T32R 600 25 MHz 1T1R/2T2R/ 2T4R/4T4R/8T8R/ 32T32R 600 30 MHz 1T1R/2T2R/ 2T4R/4T4R/8T8R/ 32T32R 600 40 MHz 1T1R/2T2R/ 2T4R/4T4R/8T8R/ 32T32R 600 The following table lists the number of UEs in RRC connected mode per baseband processing unit. Table 1-150 Number of UEs per UBBPg in NR FDD mode Board Number of UEs in RRC Connected Mode UBBPg1 600 UBBPg1a 1200 UBBPg2/UBBPg2a 2400 UBBPg3b 3600 UBBPg3 4800 Throughput Specifications In NR FDD scenarios, the throughput specifications include the throughput in an NR FDD cell and the throughput supported by a baseband processing unit. The following table lists the throughput per cell with different cell configurations in NR FDD mode. Issue 04 (2022-07-29) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 90 BBU Technical Specifications 1 BBU Technical Specifications Table 1-151 Throughput per cell in NR FDD mode Cell Configuratio n Throughput (NSA, DL 256QAM, UL 64QAM) (Mbit/s) Throughput (SA, DL 256QAM, UL 64QAM) (Mbit/s) 5 MHz 1T1R DL: 28 DL: 27 UL: 22 UL: 21 10 MHz 1T1R DL: 58 DL: 56 UL: 45 UL: 45 15 MHz 1T1R DL: 89 DL: 86 UL: 68 UL: 68 20 MHz 1T1R DL: 120 DL: 117 UL: 92 UL: 92 30 MHz 1T1R DL: 180 DL: 177 UL: 139 UL: 139 40 MHz 1T1R DL: 244 DL: 241 UL: 189 UL: 189 5 MHz 2T2R DL: 55 DL: 54 UL: 43 UL: 42 10 MHz 2T2R DL: 116 DL: 112 UL: 90 UL: 90 15 MHz 2T2R DL: 177 DL: 172 UL: 135 UL: 135 20 MHz 2T2R DL: 240 DL: 234 UL: 184 UL: 184 30 MHz 2T2R DL: 360 DL: 354 UL: 279 UL: 279 40 MHz 2T2R DL: 488 DL: 482 UL: 377 UL: 376 5 MHz 2T4R DL: 55 DL: 54 UL: 43 UL: 42 10 MHz 2T4R DL: 116 DL: 112 UL: 90 UL: 90 15 MHz 2T4R DL: 177 DL: 172 UL: 135 UL: 135 20 MHz 2T4R DL: 240 DL: 234 UL: 184 UL: 184 Issue 04 (2022-07-29) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 91 BBU Technical Specifications 1 BBU Technical Specifications Cell Configuratio n Throughput (NSA, DL 256QAM, UL 64QAM) (Mbit/s) Throughput (SA, DL 256QAM, UL 64QAM) (Mbit/s) 30 MHz 2T4R DL: 360 DL: 354 UL: 279 UL: 279 40 MHz 2T4R DL: 488 DL: 482 UL: 377 UL: 376 5 MHz 4T4R DL: 105 DL: 102 UL: 43 UL: 42 10 MHz 4T4R DL: 231 DL: 224 UL: 90 UL: 90 15 MHz 4T4R DL: 353 DL: 344 UL: 135 UL: 135 20 MHz 4T4R DL: 473 DL: 463 UL: 184 UL: 184 30 MHz 4T4R DL: 713 DL: 702 UL: 279 UL: 279 40 MHz 4T4R DL: 965 DL: 953 UL: 377 UL: 377 The following table lists the throughput per baseband processing unit in NR FDD mode. The throughput of a baseband processing unit is related to the cell bandwidth and antenna configuration of the baseband processing unit. The following provides the maximum throughput in various scenarios. Table 1-152 Throughput per UBBPg in NR FDD mode Board Throughput (Gbit/s) UBBPg1 DL: 0.6 UL: 0.3 UBBPg1a DL: 1.2 UL: 0.6 UBBPg2/UBBPg2a DL: 2.4 UL: 1.2 UBBPg3 DL: 4.8 UL: 2.4 Issue 04 (2022-07-29) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 92 BBU Technical Specifications 1 BBU Technical Specifications Board Throughput (Gbit/s) UBBPg3b DL: 2.4 UL: 1.2 Signaling Specifications The following table lists the signaling specifications per baseband processing unit in NR FDD mode. Table 1-153 Signaling specifications per UBBPg in NR FDD mode Board Signaling Specifications (BHCA) UBBPg1 108000 UBBPg1a 216000 UBBPg2/UBBPg2a 432000 UBBPg3b 648000 UBBPg3 864000 NR TDD Technical Specifications of Baseband Processing Units The NR TDD technical specifications of a baseband processing unit include the number of cells, number of UEs, throughput, and signaling specifications. These specifications are as follows: Table 1-154 NR TDD technical specifications of baseband processing units Category Description Cell Number Specifications ● Cell number specifications refer to the number of cells with different bandwidths and antenna configurations. ● When a cell is bound to multiple pieces of sector equipment, the number of cells refers to the number of pieces of sector equipment or number of sector equipment groups. UE Number Specifications UE number specifications refer to the number of UEs in RRC connected mode. Throughput Specifications Throughput specifications include the uplink and downlink throughput of cells and boards. Signaling Specifications Signaling specifications are measured in BHCA. For the definition of BHCA, see 1.8.2 NR Traffic Model. Issue 04 (2022-07-29) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 93 BBU Technical Specifications 1 BBU Technical Specifications Cell Number Specifications NR TDD cells support the following spectrum types: ● Sub-6 GHz Sub-6 GHz indicates frequency bands below 6 GHz. According to 3GPP specifications, the single-carrier bandwidth is 20 MHz, 30 MHz, 40 MHz, 50 MHz, 60 MHz, 70 MHz, 80 MHz, 90 MHz or 100 MHz, and the supported antenna configurations include 1T1R, 2T2R, 4T4R, 8T8R, 32T32R, and 64T64R. When the spectrum type is sub-6 GHz, the cell number specification is expressed as AxB nTnR, indicating A cells, B bandwidth of each cell, and nTnR antenna configuration. For example, 3x20/30/40/50/60/70/80/90/100 MHz 64T64R indicates three cells, where the bandwidth of each cell can be the same (20 MHz, 30 MHz, 40 MHz, 50 MHz, 60 MHz, 70 MHz, 80 MHz, 90 MHz, or 100 MHz), and the cell antenna configuration is 64T64R. When mixed configuration of cell number specifications exists, the cell number specifications are connected by using a plus sign (+). When multiple sub-6 GHz cells are established on one baseband processing unit, the bandwidth, TX/RX mode, slot assignment, and frame offset must be consistent for the cells, and the CPRI/eCPRI interface types must be consistent for the involved RF modules. From SRAN17.0 onwards, 32T32R and 64T64R sub-6 GHz cells with the same bandwidth can be configured on the same UBBPg. NOTE When 32T32R or 64T64R cells are configured on the UBBPg3, mixed configuration of different bandwidths is allowed. For example, when the UBBPg3 is configured with 32T32R cells, the cell number specification is expressed as 3xA 32T32R + 3xB 32T32R, which indicates three 32T32R cells with bandwidth A and three 32T32R cells with bandwidth B. A and B can be different. ● Sub-6 GHz + SUL NR TDD-sub-6 GHz+NR SUL indicates that sub-6 GHz is used together with sub-3 GHz (such as n80, n82, n83, n84, and n86) frequency bands. Sub-3 GHz is used only for transmitting uplink data. The SUL frequency bands n83 and n82 require 10 MHz bandwidth, and the frequency bands n80, n84, and n86 require 15 MHz or 20 MHz bandwidth. The SUL cell number specification is expressed as CxD nR, indicating C cells, D bandwidth of each cell, and nR antenna configuration. For example, 3x10/15/20 MHz 2R/4R indicates three cells, where the bandwidth of each cell can be 10 MHz, 15 MHz, or 20 MHz, and the antenna configuration is 2R or 4R. When the spectrum type is sub-6 GHz+SUL, the cell number specification is expressed using the sum of the sub-6 GHz cell number specification and SUL cell number specification, that is, AxB nTnR + CxD nR. For example, 3x40/50/60/70/80/90/100 MHz 64T64R+3x10/15/20 MHz 2R/4R indicates three sub-6 GHz cells, where the bandwidth of each cell can be 40 MHz, 50 MHz, 60 MHz, 70 MHz, 80 MHz, 90 MHz, or 100 MHz, and the cell antenna configuration is 64T64R, and three SUL cells, where the bandwidth of each cell can be 10 MHz, 15 MHz, or 20 MHz, and the antenna configuration is 2R or 4R. Issue 04 (2022-07-29) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 94 BBU Technical Specifications ● 1 BBU Technical Specifications mmWave mmWave indicates millimeter wave bands. 3GPP defines the n257, n258, n260, and n261 bands as mmWave. A high frequency band has a relatively wide spectrum bandwidth, such as 400 MHz and 800 MHz. However, the single-carrier bandwidths defined in 3GPP specifications are 100 MHz and 200 MHz, and the supported antenna configurations are 2T2R, 4T4R, and 8T8R. Therefore, when the spectrum type is mmWave, the cell number specification is expressed as ExFxG nTnR, where E indicates the number of sectors, F indicates the number of carriers in each sector, and G indicates the bandwidth of each carrier. For example, 3x4x100 MHz 4T4R indicates three sectors, four carriers for each sector, and 100 MHz bandwidth of each carrier. It can be understood as three sectors each with 400 MHz or twelve cells each with 100 MHz. The cell number specifications in mmWave scenarios vary by the CPRI or eCPRI port used by the baseband processing unit. When multiple mmWave cells are established on one baseband processing unit, the bandwidth, TX/RX mode, and slot configuration must be consistent for the cells, and the CPRI/eCPRI interface types must be consistent for the involved RF modules. Sub-6 GHz cells and mmWave cells cannot be configured on the same baseband processing unit. The following tables list the maximum number of cells per baseband processing unit in different spectrum type, bandwidth, and antenna configurations. The baseband processing unit supports the following slot configurations: 7:3, 8:2, and 4:1. Unless otherwise specified, the cell number specifications are supported when the slot configuration is 7:3, 8:2, or 4:1. Table 1-155 Number of cells per UBBPfw in NR TDD mode Board Frequenc y Band Type of a Cell Number of Cells UBBPfw1 Sub-6 GHz 9x80/100 MHz 1T1R UBBPfw1 Sub-6 GHz 6x80/100 MHz 4T4R UBBPfw1 Sub-6 GHz 6x40/60/80/100 MHz 8T8R 9x80/100 MHz 2T2R 3x40/60/80/100 MHz 32T32R 3x40/60/80/100 MHz 64T64R Issue 04 (2022-07-29) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 95 BBU Technical Specifications 1 BBU Technical Specifications Table 1-156 Number of cells per UBBPg in NR TDD mode (1) Board Frequenc y Band Type of a Cell Number of Cells UBBPg2a Sub-6 GHz 6x20/30/40/50/60/70/80/90/100 MHz 1T1R 6x20/30/40/50/60/70/80/90/100 MHz 2T2R 6x20/30/40/50/60/70/80/90/100 MHz 4T4R 3x20/30/40/50/60/70/80/90/100 MHz 8T8R 3x20/30/40/50/60/70/80/90/100 MHz 32T32R 3x20/30/40/50/60/70/80/90/100 MHz 64T64R UBBPg2a Sub-6 GHz + SUL 3x40/50/60/70/80/90/100 MHz 32T32R + 3x10/15/20 MHz 2R/4R UBBPg2a Sub-6 GHz + SUL 3x40/50/60/70/80/90/100 MHz 32T32R/64T64R mixed configuration(3) + 3x10/15/20 MHz 2R/4R UBBPg2a Sub-6 GHz 3xA 32T32R/64T64R mixed configuration(7) UBBPg3 Sub-6 GHz 12x20/30/40/50/60/70/80/90/100 MHz 4T4R 3x40/50/60/70/80/90/100 MHz 64T64R + 3x10/15/20 MHz 2R/4R 6x20/30/40/50/60/70/80/90/100 MHz 8T8R 6x20/30/40/50/60 MHz 32T32R 6x20/30/40/50/60 MHz 64T64R 3x70/80/90/100 MHz 32T32R 3x70/80/90/100 MHz 64T64R 3xA 32T32R + 3xB 32T32R(6) 3xA 64T64R + 3xB 64T64R(6) UBBPg3 Sub-6 GHz 1xA 32T32R/64T64R + 2xA 8T8R UBBPg3 Sub-6 GHz 2xA 32T32R/64T64R(7) + 1xA 8T8R UBBPg3 Sub-6 GHz + SUL 3xA 32T32R + 3xB 32T32R(1) + 6x10/15/20 MHz 2R/4R Issue 04 (2022-07-29) 3xA 32T32R + 3xB 32T32R(2) + 3x10/15/20 MHz 2R/4R Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 96 BBU Technical Specifications Board 1 BBU Technical Specifications Frequenc y Band Type of a Cell Number of Cells 3xA 64T64R + 3xB 64T64R(1) + 6x10/15/20 MHz 2R/4R 3xA 64T64R + 3xB 64T64R(2) + 3x10/15/20 MHz 2R/4R UBBPg3 mmWave 3x4x200 MHz 2T2R (CPRI) UBBPg3 mmWave 3x2x100 MHz 4T4R (CPRI) 3x4x100 MHz 4T4R (CPRI) 3x1x200 MHz 4T4R (CPRI) 3x2x200 MHz 4T4R (CPRI) UBBPg3 mmWave 3x4x200 MHz 4T4R (eCPRI) UBBPg3 mmWave 3x1x100 MHz 8T8R (eCPRI) 3x2x100 MHz 8T8R (eCPRI) 3x4x100 MHz 8T8R (eCPRI) 3x1x200 MHz 8T8R (eCPRI) 3x2x200 MHz 8T8R (eCPRI) UBBPg3 Sub-6 GHz 12x20/30/40/50/60/70/80/90/100 MHz 1T1R UBBPg3 Sub-6 GHz 6xA 32T32R/64T64R mixed configuration(4) UBBPg3 Sub-6 GHz 3xA 32T32R/64T64R mixed configuration(5) UBBPg3 Sub-6 GHz + SUL 3xA 32T32R/64T64R mixed configuration(1)(7) + 3xB 32T32R/64T64R mixed configuration(1)(7) + 6x10/15/20 MHz 2R/4R 12x20/30/40/50/60/70/80/90/100 MHz 2T2R 3xA 32T32R/64T64R mixed configuration(2)(7) + 3xB 32T32R/64T64R mixed configuration(2)(7) + 3x10/15/20 MHz 2R/4R UBBPg3b Sub-6 GHz 6x20/30/40/50/60/70/80/90/100 MHz 4T4R UBBPg3b Sub-6 GHz 3x20/30/40/50/60/70/80/90/100 MHz 8T8R UBBPg3b Sub-6 GHz 6x20/30/40/50/60 MHz 32T32R Issue 04 (2022-07-29) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 97 BBU Technical Specifications 1 BBU Technical Specifications Board Frequenc y Band Type of a Cell Number of Cells UBBPg3b Sub-6 GHz 6x20/30/40/50/60 MHz 64T64R UBBPg3b Sub-6 GHz 3x70/80/90/100 MHz 32T32R UBBPg3b Sub-6 GHz 3x70/80/90/100 MHz 64T64R UBBPg3b Sub-6 GHz + SUL 3x40/50/60/70/80/90/100 MHz 32T32R + 3x10/15/20 MHz 2R/4R UBBPg3b Sub-6 GHz + SUL 3x40/50/60/70/80/90/100 MHz 64T64R + 3x10/15/20 MHz 2R/4R UBBPg3b Sub-6 GHz 6xA 32T32R/64T64R mixed configuration(4) UBBPg3b Sub-6 GHz 3xA 32T32R/64T64R mixed configuration(5) UBBPg3b Sub-6 GHz 6x20/30/40/50/60/70/80/90/100 MHz 1T1R UBBPg3b Sub-6 GHz 6x20/30/40/50/60/70/80/90/100 MHz 2T2R UBBPg3b Sub-6 GHz 3xA 32T32R + 3xB 32T32R(6) UBBPg3b Sub-6 GHz 3xA 64T64R + 3xB 64T64R(6) UBBPg3b Sub-6 GHz + SUL 3x40/50/60/70/80/90/100 MHz 32T32R/64T64R mixed configuration(3) + 3x10/15/20 MHz 2R/4R UBBPg3b Sub-6 GHz 1xA 32T32R/64T64R + 2xA 8T8R UBBPg3b Sub-6 GHz 2xA 32T32R/64T64R(7) + 1xA 8T8R Issue 04 (2022-07-29) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 98 BBU Technical Specifications 1 BBU Technical Specifications Board Frequenc y Band Type of a Cell Number of Cells (1): A or B indicates the cell bandwidth, which can be 20/30/40/50/60/70/80/90/100 MHz. In the case of 3xA 32T32R + 3xB 32T32R and 3xA 64T64R + 3xB 64T64R configurations, the sum of A and B cannot exceed 100 MHz. When the sum of A and B is 100 MHz, neither the combination of 30 MHz and 70 MHz nor the combination of 50 MHz and 50 MHz is supported. In addition, A or B of the non-SUL cell bound with an SUL cell must be greater than or equal to 40 MHz. (2): A or B indicates the cell bandwidth, which can be 20/30/40/50/60/70/80/90/100 MHz. In the case of 3xA 32T32R + 3xB 32T32R and 3xA 64T64R + 3xB 64T64R configurations, the sum of A and B cannot exceed 120 MHz. When the sum of A and B is 120 MHz, neither the combination of 30 MHz and 90 MHz nor the combination of 50 MHz and 70 MHz is supported. In addition, A or B of the non-SUL cell bound with an SUL cell must be greater than or equal to 40 MHz. (3): Mixed configuration of 32T32R and 64T64R cells with the same bandwidth A. (4): Mixed configuration of 32T32R and 64T64R cells with the same bandwidth A. 20 MHz ≤ A ≤ 60 MHz. (5): Mixed configuration of 32T32R and 64T64R cells with the same bandwidth A. 70 MHz ≤ A ≤ 100 MHz. (6): The bandwidth of 20/30/40/50/60/70/80/90/100 MHz is supported. In the case of 3xA 32T32R + 3xB 32T32R and 3xA 64T64R + 3xB 64T64R, the sum of cell bandwidth A and cell bandwidth B cannot exceed 120 MHz. When the sum of A and B is 120 MHz, neither the combination of 30 MHz and 90 MHz nor the combination of 50 MHz and 70 MHz is supported. (7): Mixed configuration of 32T32R and 64T64R cells with the same bandwidth A. 20 MHz ≤ A ≤ 100 MHz. UE Number Specifications In NR TDD scenarios, the UE number specifications include the number of UEs in a cell and the number of UEs supported by a baseband processing unit. The following table lists the number of UEs in RRC connected mode per cell with different band types in NR TDD mode. Issue 04 (2022-07-29) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 99 BBU Technical Specifications 1 BBU Technical Specifications Table 1-157 Number of UEs per cell in NR TDD mode Frequency Band Type of a Cell Number of UEs in RRC Connected Mode Sub-6 GHz UBBPfw: 400 UBBPg: ● 400 (cell bandwidth = 20/30 MHz) ● 1200 (cell bandwidth = 40/50/60/70/80/90/100 MHz) mmWave Per sector: 400 (CPRI), 500 (eCPRI) Per cell: 200 (CPRI), 250 (eCPRI) The following tables list the number of UEs in RRC connected mode supported by each baseband processing unit. Table 1-158 Number of UEs per UBBPfw in NR TDD mode Board Number of UEs in RRC Connected Mode UBBPfw1 1200 Table 1-159 Number of UEs per UBBPg in NR TDD mode Board Number of UEs in RRC Connected Mode UBBPg2a 2400 UBBPg3b 3600 UBBPg3 Sub-6 GHz: 4800 mmWave: 800 (CPRI), 1000 (eCPRI) Throughput Specifications In NR TDD scenarios, the throughput specifications include the throughput in a cell and the throughput supported by a baseband processing unit. The following table lists the throughput specifications (theoretical values) of NR TDD cells with different band types, bandwidths, and antenna configurations using the downlink-uplink configuration 4:1 as an example. Issue 04 (2022-07-29) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 100 BBU Technical Specifications 1 BBU Technical Specifications Table 1-160 Throughput per cell in NR TDD mode (sub-6 GHz) Cell Configurati on Throughput (NSA, DL 256QAM, UL 64QAM) (Mbit/s) Throughput (SA, DL 256QAM, UL 64QAM) (Mbit/s) 40 MHz 4T4R DL: 690 DL: 650 UL: 72 UL: 70 60 MHz 4T4R DL: 1000 DL: 1000 UL: 100 UL: 100 80 MHz 4T4R DL: 1400 DL: 1300 UL: 140 UL: 140 100 MHz 4T4R DL: 1800 DL: 1700 UL: 180 UL: 180 20 MHz 8T8R DL: 280 DL: 280 UL: 70 UL: 61 40 MHz 8T8R DL: 690 DL: 660 UL: 147 UL: 137 50 MHz 8T8R DL: 880 DL: 840 UL: 183 UL: 176 60 MHz 8T8R DL: 1070 DL: 1020 UL: 223 UL: 215 80 MHz 8T8R DL: 1440 DL: 1400 UL: 301 UL: 294 90 MHz 8T8R DL: 1650 DL: 1590 UL: 341 UL: 338 100 MHz 8T8R DL: 1830 DL: 1790 UL: 380 UL: 366 20 MHz 32T32R DL: 960 DL: 940 UL: 70 UL: 70 40 MHz 32T32R DL: 2210 DL: 1990 UL: 147 UL: 147 50 MHz 32T32R DL: 2810 DL: 2560 UL: 183 UL: 183 60 MHz 32T32R DL: 3350 DL: 3080 UL: 223 UL: 223 80 MHz 32T32R DL: 4620 DL: 4300 UL: 301 UL: 301 Issue 04 (2022-07-29) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 101 BBU Technical Specifications 1 BBU Technical Specifications Cell Configurati on Throughput (NSA, DL 256QAM, UL 64QAM) (Mbit/s) Throughput (SA, DL 256QAM, UL 64QAM) (Mbit/s) 90 MHz 32T32R DL: 5160 DL: 4840 UL: 341 UL: 341 100 MHz 32T32R DL: 5750 DL: 5500 UL: 380 UL: 380 20 MHz 64T64R DL: 960 DL: 940 UL: 70 UL: 70 40 MHz 64T64R DL: 2210 DL: 1990 UL: 147 UL: 147 50 MHz 64T64R DL: 2810 DL: 2560 UL: 183 UL: 183 60 MHz 64T64R DL: 3350 DL: 3080 UL: 223 UL: 223 80 MHz 64T64R DL: 4620 DL: 4300 UL: 301 UL: 301 90 MHz 64T64R DL: 5160 DL: 4840 UL: 341 UL: 341 100 MHz 64T64R DL: 5750 DL: 5500 UL: 380 UL: 380 Table 1-161 Throughput per cell in NR TDD mode (mmWave) Cell Configuration Throughput (NSA, DL 64QAM, UL 64QAM) (Mbit/s) Throughput (SA, DL 64QAM, UL 64QAM) (Mbit/s) 1x100 MHz 4T4R DL: 1000 DL: 1000 UL: 250 UL: 250 DL: 2100 DL: 2000 UL: 510 UL: 510 DL: 4200 DL: 4000 UL: 1020 UL: 1020 DL: 8400 DL: 8000 UL: 2040 UL: 2040 1x200 MHz 4T4R 4x100 MHz 4T4R 4x200 MHz 4T4R Issue 04 (2022-07-29) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 102 BBU Technical Specifications 1 BBU Technical Specifications The following tables list the throughput specifications per baseband processing unit. The throughput of a baseband processing unit is related to the cell bandwidth, antenna configuration, spectrum, and CPRI protocol type of the baseband processing unit. The following provides the maximum throughput in various scenarios. Table 1-162 Throughput per UBBPfw in NR TDD mode Board Frequency Band Type of a Cell Throughput (DL:UL=4:1) (Gbit/s) Throughput (DL:UL=8:2) (Gbit/s) UBBPfw1 Sub-6 GHz DL: 9 DL: 9 UL: 1.35 UL: 1.35 Table 1-163 Throughput per UBBPg in NR TDD mode Board Frequency Band Type of a Cell Throughput (DL:UL=4:1) (Gbit/s) Throughput (DL:UL=8:2) (Gbit/s) UBBPg2a Sub-6 GHz DL: 6 DL: 6 UL: 0.9 UL: 0.9 DL: 9 DL: 9 UL: 1.35 UL: 1.35 DL: 9 DL: 9 UL: 1.35 UL: 1.35 DL: 14.5 Not supported UBBPg3b Sub-6 GHz UBBPg3 Sub-6 GHz UBBPg3 mmWave UL: 2.9 Signaling Specifications The following tables list signaling specifications per baseband processing unit in NR TDD mode. Table 1-164 Signaling specifications per UBBPfw in NR TDD mode Board Signaling Specifications (BHCA) UBBPfw1 216000 Issue 04 (2022-07-29) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 103 BBU Technical Specifications 1 BBU Technical Specifications Table 1-165 Signaling specifications per UBBPg in NR TDD mode Board Signaling Specifications (BHCA) UBBPg2a 432000 UBBPg3b 648000 UBBPg3 Sub-6 GHz: 864000 mmWave: 144000 (CPRI), 180000 (eCPRI) NR FDD+TDD Technical Specifications of Baseband Processing Units This section describes the technical specifications of a baseband processing unit working in both NR FDD and NR TDD modes. NR FDD+TDD co-BBP inherits the specifications and restrictions from single-mode NR FDD and NR TDD, including the antenna configuration and cell bandwidth. For example, if NR FDD supports 2T2R and 4T4R baseband specifications, NR FDD in NR FDD+TDD co-BBP scenarios also supports 2T2R and 4T4R. NOTE ● In NR FDD+TDD co-BBP scenarios, the Frame Offset parameter must be set to the same value for NR FDD and NR TDD cells. ● After a single mode is expanded to NR FDD+NR TDD, the specifications (such as throughput) of the single mode may decrease. These specifications are as follows: Table 1-166 NR FDD+TDD technical specifications of baseband processing units Category Description Cell Number Specifications ● Cell number specifications refer to the number of cells with different bandwidths and antenna configurations. ● When a cell is bound to multiple pieces of sector equipment, the number of cells refers to the number of pieces of sector equipment or number of sector equipment groups. UE Number Specifications UE number specifications refer to the number of UEs in RRC connected mode. Signaling Specifications Signaling specifications are measured in BHCA. For the definition of BHCA, see 1.8.2 NR Traffic Model. Cell Number Specifications When the baseband processing unit works in both NR FDD and NR TDD modes, the number of cells is expressed as A+B or A+B+C, where A and B indicate the number of cells supported by NR FDD and that supported by NR TDD, respectively, Issue 04 (2022-07-29) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 104 BBU Technical Specifications 1 BBU Technical Specifications and C indicates the number of SUL cells. For example, in 3x5/10/15/20 MHz 1T1R/ 2T2R/2T4R/4T4R + 3x20/30/40/50/60/70/80/90/100 MHz 32T32R + 3x10/15/20 MHz 2R/4R, 3x5/10/15/20 MHz 1T1R/2T2R/2T4R/4T4R indicates the number of NR FDD cells, 3x20/30/40/50/60/70/80/90/100 MHz 32T32R indicates the number of NR TDD cells, 3x10/15/20MHz 2R/4R indicates the number of SUL cells. When a baseband processing unit works in both NR FDD and NR TDD modes, the constraints on specifications for NR FDD and NR TDD single modes apply. The following table lists the number of cells per baseband processing unit in both NR FDD and NR TDD modes. Table 1-167 Number of cells per UBBPg in NR FDD+TDD+SUL mode Board Number of NR FDD Cells + Number of NR TDD Cells + Number of SUL Cells UBBPg3 3x5/10/15/20 MHz 1T1R/2T2R/2T4R/4T4R + 3x20/30/40/50/60/70/80/90/100 MHz 32T32R + 3x10/15/20 MHz 2R/4R 3x5/10/15/20 MHz 1T1R/2T2R/2T4R/4T4R + 3x20/30/40/50/60/70/80/90/100 MHz 64T64R + 3x10/15/20 MHz 2R/4R UBBPg3 3x5/10/15/20 MHz 1T1R/2T2R/2T4R/4T4R + 3x20/30/40/50/60/70/80/90/100 MHz 32T32R/ 64T64R mixed configuration(1) + 3x10/15/20 MHz 2R/4R (1): 32T32R/64T64R indicates that 32T32R and 64T64R cells with the same bandwidth are configured together. Table 1-168 Number of cells per UBBPg in NR FDD+TDD mode Board Number of NR FDD Cells + Number of NR TDD Cells UBBPg3 6x5/10/15/20 MHz 1T1R/2T2R/2T4R/4T4R + 3x20/30/40/50/60/70/80/90/100 MHz 32T32R/ 64T64R(1) UBBPg3 12x5/10/15/20 MHz 1T1R/2T2R/2T4R/4T4R + 3x20/30/40/50/60/70/80/90/100 MHz 8T8R UBBPg3 3x25/30/40 MHz 1T1R/2T2R/2T4R/4T4R + 3x20/30/40/50/60/70/80/90/100 MHz 32T32R/ 64T64R UBBPg3 6x25/30/40 MHz 1T1R/2T2R/2T4R/4T4R + 3x20/30/40/50/60/70/80/90/100 MHz 8T8R UBBPg3 6x5/10/15/20 MHz 1T1R/2T2R/2T4R/4T4R + 3x25/30/40 MHz 1T1R/2T2R/2T4R/4T4R + 3x20/30/40/50/60/70/80/90/100 MHz 8T8R Issue 04 (2022-07-29) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 105 BBU Technical Specifications 1 BBU Technical Specifications Board Number of NR FDD Cells + Number of NR TDD Cells UBBPg3b 3x5/10/15/20 MHz 1T1R/2T2R/2T4R/4T4R + 3x20/30/40/50/60/70/80/90/100 MHz 32T32R 3x5/10/15/20 MHz 1T1R/2T2R/2T4R/4T4R + 3x20/30/40/50/60/70/80/90/100 MHz 64T64R 3x5/10/15/20 MHz 1T1R/2T2R/2T4R/4T4R + 3x20/30/40/50/60/70/80/90/100 MHz 32T32R/ 64T64R mixed configuration(1) UBBPg3b 3x5/10/15/20 MHz 1T1R/2T2R/2T4R/4T4R + 3x20/30/40/50/60/70/80/90/100 MHz 8T8R (1): 32T32R/64T64R indicates that 32T32R and 64T64R cells with the same bandwidth are configured together. UE Number Specifications When the baseband processing unit works in both NR FDD and NR TDD modes, NR FDD and NR TDD dynamically share baseband resources. The number of UEs in RRC connected mode for NR FDD and that for NR TDD vary dynamically based on the baseband resource usage. This part provides the specifications in typical resource usage. The following table lists the UE number specifications per baseband processing unit in both NR FDD and NR TDD modes. Table 1-169 Number of UEs per UBBPg in NR FDD+TDD mode Board Number of UEs in RRC Connected Mode for NR FDD + Number of UEs in RRC Connected Mode for NR TDD UBBPg3 2400 + 2400 UBBPg3b 1200 + 2400 Signaling Specifications When the baseband processing unit works in both NR FDD and NR TDD modes, NR FDD and NR TDD dynamically share baseband resources. The signaling specifications of NR FDD and NR TDD vary dynamically based on the baseband resource usage. This part provides the specifications in typical resource usage. The following table lists the signaling specifications per baseband processing unit in both NR FDD and NR TDD modes. Issue 04 (2022-07-29) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 106 BBU Technical Specifications 1 BBU Technical Specifications Table 1-170 Signaling specifications per UBBPg in NR FDD+TDD mode Board NR FDD Signaling Specifications (BHCA) + NR TDD Signaling Specifications (BHCA) UBBPg3 432000 + 432000 UBBPg3b 216000 + 432000 Multimode Technical Specifications of Baseband Processing Units Co-BBP refers to the scenario where a baseband processing unit works in multiple RATs, including GSM/UMTS/LTE/NR. Co-BBP specifications vary by the UBBP. ● In this document, G is short for GSM, U is short for UMTS, L is short for LTE FDD, T is short for LTE TDD, M is short for LTE NB-IoT. N (FDD) is short for NR FDD and N (TDD) is short for NR TDD. ● Co-BBP scenarios comply with the specifications of each single RAT. ● To simplify the description, the maximum number of cells is displayed in coBBP scenarios for each single RAT, instead of the cell number specifications in all TX/RX modes. Take the UBBPe4 as an example. In UL co-BBP scenarios, the maximum number of LTE FDD cells is 3x1.4/3/5/10/15/20 MHz 4T4R, and the cell number specifications in 2T4R, 2T2R, 1T2R, and 1T1R are not enumerated. 3x1.4/3/5/10/15/20 MHz 2T4R/2T2R/1T2R/1T1R is supported by default. ● The Standard Ratio parameter can be set to FDD_ENHANCE(FDD Enhance), TDD_ENHANCE(TDD Enhance), NBIOT_ENHANCE(NBIOT Enhance), NR_ENHANCE(NR Enhance), FDD_ENHANCE2(FDD Enhance 2), TDD_ENHANCE2(TDD Enhance 2), NR_ENHANCE2(NR Enhance 2), or UMTS_ENHANCE(UMTS Enhance) for some UBBP boards working in multiple RATs. Such setting allows LTE FDD, LTE TDD, LTE NB-IoT, NR, or UMTS to occupy more baseband resources. Unless otherwise specified, the specifications refer to the co-BBP specifications when the Standard Ratio parameter is set to DEFAULT(Default). LN (TDD) Technical Specifications of Baseband Processing Units The following table lists the LN (TDD) co-BBP specifications per UBBP. NOTE The expression of cell number specifications of each RAT in multimode scenarios complies with that in single-RAT scenarios. Issue 04 (2022-07-29) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 107 BBU Technical Specifications 1 BBU Technical Specifications Table 1-171 Co-BBP specifications per UBBPg in LN (TDD) mode RAT LTE FDD NR TDD Item Number of Cells Number of UEs in RRC Connected Mode Throu ghput (Mbit/ s) Sign aling Spec ificat ions (BH CA) Number of Cells Number of UEs in RRC Connecte d Mode Throu ghput (Mbit /s) Sign aling Spec ificat ions (BH CA) UBBPg2a 6x1.4/3/5/10 /15/20 MHz 4T4R ● 1.4 MHz: 1008 DL: 1200 3600 00 1200 DL: 2250 2160 00 ● 3 MHz: 2160 UL: 600 Sub-6 GHz: 3x20/30/ 40/50/60/ 70/80/90/ 100 MHz 4T4R Sub-6 GHz: 3x20/30/ 40/50/60/ 70/80/90/ 100 MHz 4T4R 1800 Sub-6 GHz: 3x20/30/ 40/50/60/ 70/80/90/ 100 MHz 8T8R 1800 Sub-6 GHz: 3x20/30/ 40/50/60/ 70/80/90/ 100 MHz 32T32R/ 64T64R 1800 Sub-6 GHz: 3x20/30/ 40/50/60/ 70/80/90/ 100 MHz 8T8R 2400 ● 5/10/15/ 20 MHz: 3600 UBBPg3b 6x1.4/3/5/10 /15/20 MHz 4T4R ● 1.4 MHz: 1008 DL: 1200 ● 3 MHz: 2160 UL: 600 3600 00 ● 5/10/15/ 20 MHz: 3600 UBBPg3b( 2) 3x1.4/3/5/10 /15/20 MHz 4T4R ● 1.4 MHz: 504 DL: 600 ● 3 MHz: 1080 UL: 225 1940 00 ● 5/10/15/ 20 MHz: 1200 UBBPg3b( 2) 3x1.4/3/5/10 /15/20 MHz 4T4R ● 1.4 MHz: 504 DL: 600 ● 3 MHz: 1080 UL: 225 1940 00 ● 5/10/15/ 20 MHz: 1200 UBBPg3 ● 12x1.4/3/ 5/10/15/2 0 MHz 4T4R ● 1.4 MHz: 2016 DL: 2400 ● 6x1.4/3/5/ 10/15/20 MHz 8T8R ● 3 MHz: 4320 UL: 1200 ● 5/10/15/ 20 MHz: 4800 Issue 04 (2022-07-29) 6480 00 Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. UL: 340 DL: 2250 3240 00 UL: 340 DL: 3000 3240 00 UL: 450 DL: 6000 3240 00 UL: 900 DL: 4500 4320 00 UL: 680 108 BBU Technical Specifications 1 BBU Technical Specifications RAT LTE FDD Item Number of Cells Number of UEs in RRC Connected Mode Throu ghput (Mbit/ s) Sign aling Spec ificat ions (BH CA) Number of Cells Number of UEs in RRC Connecte d Mode Throu ghput (Mbit /s) Sign aling Spec ificat ions (BH CA) UBBPg3(1 6x1.4/3/5/10 /15/20 MHz 4T4R ● 1.4 MHz: 1008 DL: 1200 3600 00 2400 DL: 9000 4320 00 ● 3 MHz: 2160 UL: 600 Sub-6 GHz: 3x20/30/ 40/50/60/ 70/80/90/ 100 MHz 32T32R/ 64T64R Sub-6 GHz +SUL: 3x20/30/ 40/50/60/ 70/80/90/ 100 MHz 32T32R/ 64T64R + 3x20 MHz 2R/4R 2400 Sub-6 GHz: 6x20/30/ 40/50/60/ 70/80/90/ 100 MHz 4T4R 2400 ) NR TDD ● 5/10/15/ 20 MHz: 3600 UBBPg3(1 ) 3x1.4/3/5/10 /15/20 MHz 4T4R ● 1.4 MHz: 504 DL: 600 ● 3 MHz: 1080 UL: 225 3600 00 ● 5 MHz: 1800 ● 10/15/20 MHz: 3600 UBBPg3 ● 12x1.4/3/ 5/10/15/2 0 MHz 4T4R ● 1.4 MHz: 2016 DL: 2400 ● 6x1.4/3/5/ 10/15/20 MHz 8T8R ● 3 MHz: 4320 UL: 1200 ● 5/10/15/ 20 MHz: 4800 6480 00 UL: 1350 DL: 9000 4320 00 UL: 1350 DL: 4500 4320 00 UL: 680 (1): The Standard Ratio parameter must be set to NR_ENHANCE(NR Enhance). (2): The Standard Ratio parameter must be set to NR_ENHANCE2(NR Enhance 2). LN (FDD) Technical Specifications of Baseband Processing Units The following table lists the LN (FDD) co-BBP specifications per UBBP. NOTE The expression of cell number specifications of each RAT in multimode scenarios complies with that in single-RAT scenarios. Issue 04 (2022-07-29) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 109 BBU Technical Specifications 1 BBU Technical Specifications Table 1-172 Co-BBP specifications per UBBPg in LN (FDD) mode (1) RAT LTE FDD NR FDD Item Number of Cells Number of UEs in RRC Connected Mode Throu ghput (Mbit/ s) Sign Number aling of Cells Specif icati ons (BHC A) Number of UEs in RRC Connecte d Mode Throu ghput (Mbit /s) Sign aling Specif icati ons (BHC A) UBBPg1a 3x1.4/3/5/ 10/15/20 MHz 4T4R ● 1.4 MHz: 504 DL: 600 1380 00 600 DL: 600 1080 00 ● 3 MHz: 1080 UL: 225 3x5/10/15 /20 MHz 4T4R 6x5/10/15 /20 MHz 4T4R 1200 3x5/10/15 /20 MHz 4T4R 600 9x5/10/15 /20 MHz 4T4R 1800 3x25/30/4 0 MHz 4T4R 1200 UL: 300 ● 5/10/15/ 20 MHz: 1800 UBBPg2/ UBBPg2a 6x1.4/3/5/ 10/15/20 MHz 4T4R ● 1.4 MHz: 1008 DL: 1200 ● 3 MHz: 2160 UL: 600 3600 00 DL: 1200 2160 00 UL: 600 ● 5/10/15/ 20 MHz: 2400 UBBPg2/ UBBPg2a( 1) 9x1.4/3/5/ 10/15/20 MHz 4T4R ● 1.4 MHz: 1512 DL: 1200 ● 3 MHz: 3240 UL: 600 3600 00 DL: 600 1080 00 UL: 300 ● 5/10/15/ 20 MHz: 3600 UBBPg2/ UBBPg2a( 2) 3x1.4/3/5/ 10/15/20 MHz 4T4R ● 1.4 MHz: 504 DL: 600 ● 3 MHz: 1080 UL: 225 1940 00 DL: 1800 3240 00 UL: 900 ● 5/10/15/ 20 MHz: 1200 UBBPg2/ UBBPg2a 6x1.4/3/5/ 10/15/20 MHz 4T4R ● 1.4 MHz: 1008 DL: 1200 ● 3 MHz: 2160 UL: 600 3600 00 DL: 1200 2160 00 UL: 600 ● 5/10/15/ 20 MHz: 2400 Issue 04 (2022-07-29) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 110 BBU Technical Specifications 1 BBU Technical Specifications RAT LTE FDD NR FDD Item Number of Cells Number of UEs in RRC Connected Mode Throu ghput (Mbit/ s) Sign Number aling of Cells Specif icati ons (BHC A) Number of UEs in RRC Connecte d Mode Throu ghput (Mbit /s) Sign aling Specif icati ons (BHC A) UBBPg2/ UBBPg2a 3x1.4/3/5/ 10/15/20 MHz 8T8R ● 1.4 MHz: 1008 DL: 1200 3600 00 1200 DL: 800 2160 00 ● 3 MHz: 2160 UL: 600 3x5/10/15 /20 MHz 8T8R 3x25/30/4 0 MHz 4T4R +3x5/10/1 5/20 MHz 4T4R 1200 6x5/10/15 /20 MHz 4T4R 1800 3x5/10/15 /20 MHz 4T4R 900 9x5/10/15 /20 MHz 4T4R 1800 UL: 300 ● 5/10/15/ 20 MHz: 2400 UBBPg2/ UBBPg2a( 2) 3x1.4/3/5/ 10/15/20 MHz 4T4R ● 1.4 MHz: 504 DL: 600 ● 3 MHz: 1080 UL: 225 1940 00 ● 5/10/15/ 20 MHz: 1200 UBBPg3b 6x1.4/3/5/ 10/15/20 MHz 4T4R ● 1.4 MHz: 1008 DL: 1200 ● 3 MHz: 2160 UL: 600 3600 00 DL: 1200 2160 00 UL: 600 DL: 1200 3240 00 UL: 600 ● 5/10/15/ 20 MHz: 2400 UBBPg3b( 1) 9x1.4/3/5/ 10/15/20 MHz 4T4R ● 1.4 MHz: 1512 DL: 1200 ● 3 MHz: 3240 UL: 600 3600 00 DL: 600 1620 00 UL: 300 ● 5/10/15/ 20 MHz: 3600 UBBPg3b( 2) 3x1.4/3/5/ 10/15/20 MHz 4T4R ● 1.4 MHz: 504 DL: 600 ● 3 MHz: 1080 UL: 225 1940 00 DL: 1800 3240 00 UL: 900 ● 5/10/15/ 20 MHz: 1200 Issue 04 (2022-07-29) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 111 BBU Technical Specifications 1 BBU Technical Specifications RAT LTE FDD NR FDD Item Number of Cells Number of UEs in RRC Connected Mode Throu ghput (Mbit/ s) Sign Number aling of Cells Specif icati ons (BHC A) Number of UEs in RRC Connecte d Mode Throu ghput (Mbit /s) Sign aling Specif icati ons (BHC A) UBBPg3b 6x1.4/3/5/ 10/15/20 MHz 4T4R ● 1.4 MHz: 1008 DL: 1200 3600 00 1800 DL: 1200 3240 00 ● 3 MHz: 2160 UL: 600 3x25/30/4 0 MHz 4T4R 3x5/10/15 /20 MHz 8T8R 1200 12x5/10/1 5/20 MHz 4T4R 2400 6x5/10/15 /20 MHz 4T4R 1200 6x10/15/2 0 MHz 8T8R 2400 3x25/30/4 0 MHz 8T8R 2400 UL: 600 ● 5/10/15/ 20 MHz: 3600 UBBPg3b 3x1.4/3/5/ 10/15/20 MHz 8T8R ● 1.4 MHz: 1008 DL: 1200 ● 3 MHz: 2160 UL: 600 3600 00 DL: 800 2160 00 UL: 300 ● 5/10/15/ 20 MHz: 2400 UBBPg3 12x1.4/3/5 /10/15/20 MHz 4T4R ● 1.4 MHz: 2016 DL: 2400 ● 3 MHz: 4320 UL: 1200 6480 00 DL: 2400 4320 00 UL: 1200 ● 5/10/15/ 20 MHz: 4800 UBBPg3(3 ) UBBPg3 UBBPg3 18x1.4/3/5 /10/15/20 MHz 4T4R ● 1.4 MHz: 3024 DL: 3600 ● 3/5/10/1 5/20 MHz: 7200 UL: 1800 6x5/10/15/ 20 MHz 8T8R 4800 DL: 2400 6x5/10/15/ 20 MHz 8T8R 4800 Issue 04 (2022-07-29) 9720 00 6480 00 UL: 1200 DL: 2400 UL: 1200 6480 00 Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. DL: 1200 2160 00 UL: 600 DL: 2400 4320 00 UL: 1200 DL: 2400 4320 00 UL: 1200 112 BBU Technical Specifications 1 BBU Technical Specifications RAT LTE FDD Item Number of Cells Number of UEs in RRC Connected Mode Throu ghput (Mbit/ s) Sign Number aling of Cells Specif icati ons (BHC A) Number of UEs in RRC Connecte d Mode Throu ghput (Mbit /s) Sign aling Specif icati ons (BHC A) UBBPg3 3x5/10/15/ 20 MHz 32T32R (CPRI) 3600 DL: 2400 3600 00 3x10/15/2 0 MHz 32T32R (CPRI) 2400 DL: 2400 4320 00 3x5/10/15/ 20 MHz 32T32R (eCPRI) 3600 3x10/15/2 0 MHz 32T32R (eCPRI) 2400 12x1.4/3/5 /10/15/20 MHz 4T4R ● 1.4 MHz: 2016 DL: 2400 2400 ● 3 MHz: 4320 UL: 1200 6x25/30/4 0 MHz 4T4R 3x25/30/4 0 MHz 4T4R + 6x5/10/ 15/20 MHz 4T4R 2400 3x25/30/4 0 MHz 4T4R 2400 UBBPg3 UBBPg3 NR FDD UL: 1200 DL: 2400 3600 00 UL: 1200 6480 00 UL: 1200 DL: 2400 4320 00 UL: 1200 DL: 2400 4320 00 UL: 1200 ● 5/10/15/ 20 MHz: 4800 UBBPg3 12x1.4/3/5 /10/15/20 MHz 4T4R ● 1.4 MHz: 2016 DL: 2400 ● 3 MHz: 4320 UL: 1200 6480 00 ● 5/10/15/ 20 MHz: 4800 UBBPg3(3 ) 18x1.4/3/5 /10/15/20 MHz 4T4R ● 1.4 MHz: 3024 DL: 3600 ● 3/5/10/1 5/20 MHz: 7200 UL: 1800 9720 00 DL: 2400 4320 00 UL: 1200 DL: 2400 4320 00 UL: 1200 NOTE (1): The Standard Ratio parameter must be set to FDD_ENHANCE(FDD Enhance). (2): The Standard Ratio parameter must be set to NR_ENHANCE2(NR Enhance 2). (3): The Standard Ratio parameter must be set to FDD_ENHANCE2(FDD Enhance 2). Issue 04 (2022-07-29) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 113 BBU Technical Specifications 1 BBU Technical Specifications TN (TDD) Technical Specifications of Baseband Processing Units The following table lists the TN (TDD) co-BBP specifications per UBBP. NOTE The expression of cell number specifications of each RAT in multimode scenarios complies with that in single-RAT scenarios. Table 1-173 Co-BBP specifications per UBBPg in TN (TDD) mode RAT LTE TDD Item Number of Cells Number of UEs in RRC Connecte d Mode Throug hput (Mbit/s ) Sign alin g Spec ifica tions (BH CA) Number of Cells Number of UEs in RRC Connecte d Mode Throu ghput (Mbit /s) Sign aling Specif icati ons (BHC A) UBBPg2a 6x5/10/15/2 0 MHz 4T4R (SA2) 2400 DL: 900 3600 00 Sub-6 GHz: 3x20/30/ 40/50/60/ 70/80/90/ 100 MHz 4T4R 1200 DL: 2250 2160 00 6x5/10/15/2 0 MHz 8T8R (SA2) 2400 Sub-6 GHz: 1200 3x5/10/15/2 0 MHz 8T8R (SA2) 1200 6x5/10/15/2 0 MHz 4T4R (SA2) 2400 UBBPg2a UBBPg2a( 2) UBBPg3b Issue 04 (2022-07-29) NR TDD UL: 120 DL: 900 UL: 120 DL: 450 UL: 60 DL: 900 UL: 120 3600 00 UL: 340 3x20/30/ 40/60 MHz 8T8R 2160 00 Sub-6 GHz: Sub-6 GHz: 3x20/30/ 40/50/60/ 70/80/90/ 100 MHz 4T4R Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 2160 00 UL: 280 1200 3x20/30/ 40/50/60/ 80 MHz 8T8R 3600 00 DL: 1740 DL: 2350 2160 00 UL: 370 1800 DL: 2250 3240 00 UL: 340 114 BBU Technical Specifications 1 BBU Technical Specifications RAT LTE TDD Item Number of Cells Number of UEs in RRC Connecte d Mode Throug hput (Mbit/s ) Sign alin g Spec ifica tions (BH CA) Number of Cells Number of UEs in RRC Connecte d Mode Throu ghput (Mbit /s) Sign aling Specif icati ons (BHC A) UBBPg3b( 3x10/15/20 MHz 32T32R/ 64T64R (SA2) 1600 DL: 976 2880 00 Sub-6 GHz: 3x20/30/ 40/50/60/ 70/80/90/ 100 MHz 32T32R/ 64T64R 1800 DL: 6000 3240 00 6x5/10/15/2 0 MHz 8T8R (SA2) 2400 Sub-6 GHz: 1800 3x5/10/15/2 0 MHz 8T8R (SA2) 1200 ● 12x5/10/1 5/20 MHz 4T4R 4800 1) UBBPg3b UBBPg3b( 2) UBBPg3 ● 12x10/15/ 20 MHz 8T8R (SA2) ● 6x10/15/2 0 MHz 8T8R (SA1) Issue 04 (2022-07-29) NR TDD UL: 160 DL: 900 UL: 120 DL: 450 3600 00 3x20/30/ 40/60 MHz 8T8R UL: 60 2160 00 DL: 1800 6480 00 UL: 240 UL: 900 Sub-6 GHz: Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 3240 00 UL: 280 1800 3x20/30/ 40/50/60/ 70/80/90/ 100 MHz 8T8R Sub-6 GHz: 3x20/30/ 40/50/60/ 70/80/90/ 100 MHz 4T4R/ 8T8R DL: 1740 DL: 3000 3240 00 UL: 450 2400 DL: 4500 4320 00 UL: 680 115 BBU Technical Specifications 1 BBU Technical Specifications RAT LTE TDD NR TDD Item Number of Cells Number of UEs in RRC Connecte d Mode Throug hput (Mbit/s ) Sign alin g Spec ifica tions (BH CA) Number of Cells Number of UEs in RRC Connecte d Mode Throu ghput (Mbit /s) Sign aling Specif icati ons (BHC A) UBBPg3(1) 3x10/15/20 MHz 32T32R/ 64T64R 3600 DL: 1136 4860 00 Sub-6 GHz +SUL: 3x20/30/ 40/50/60/ 70/80/90/ 100 MHz 32T32R/ 64T64R + 3x20 MHz 4R 2400 DL: 6000 4320 00 UL: 170 UL: 910 (1): The Standard Ratio parameter must be set to NR_ENHANCE(NR Enhance). (2): The Standard Ratio parameter must be set to NR_ENHANCE2(NR Enhance 2). TN (FDD) Technical Specifications of Baseband Processing Units The following tables list the TN (FDD) co-BBP specifications per UBBP. NOTE The expression of cell number specifications of each RAT in multimode scenarios complies with that in single-RAT scenarios. Issue 04 (2022-07-29) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 116 BBU Technical Specifications 1 BBU Technical Specifications Table 1-174 Co-BBP specifications per UBBPg in TN (FDD) mode RAT LTE TDD Item Number of Cells Number of UEs in RRC Connected Mode Throug hput (Mbit/s ) Sign alin g Spec ifica tions (BH CA) Number of Cells Number of UEs in RRC Connecte d Mode Throu ghput (Mbit /s) Sign aling Specif icati ons (BHC A) UBBPg2a 6x5/10/15/2 0 MHz 8T8R 2400 DL: 900 Sub-6 GHz: 6x5/10/1 5/20 MHz 4T4R 1200 UL: 120 3600 00 DL: 1200 2160 00 DL: 1136 3600 00 Sub-6 GHz: 6x5/10/1 5/20 MHz 4T4R 1200 Sub-6 GHz: 6x5/10/1 5/20 MHz 4T4R 1800 Sub-6 GHz: 6x5/10/1 5/20 MHz 4T4R 1800 UBBPg2a UBBPg3b UBBPg3b NR FDD 3x5/10/15/2 0 MHz 32T32R/ 64T64R 2400 6x5/10/15/2 0 MHz 8T8R 2400 UL: 170 3x10/15/20 MHz 32T32R/ 64T64R 2400 DL: 900 UL: 120 3600 00 DL: 1136 3600 00 UL: 170 UL: 600 DL: 1200 2160 00 UL: 600 DL: 1200 3240 00 UL: 600 DL: 1200 3240 00 UL: 600 LN (FDD) N (TDD) Technical Specifications of Baseband Processing Units The following table lists the LN (FDD) N (TDD) co-BBP specifications per UBBP. NOTE The expression of cell number specifications of each RAT in multimode scenarios complies with that in single-RAT scenarios. Table 1-175 Co-BBP specifications per UBBPg in LN (FDD) N (TDD) mode RAT Item Issue 04 (2022-07-29) UBBPg3(1) UBBPg3(1) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. UBBPg3(1) UBBPg3( 1) 117 BBU Technical Specifications LTE FDD Number of Cells 3x1.4/3/5/10/15/20 MHz 4T4R 3x1.4/3/5/10/15/20 MHz 4T4R 6x1.4/3/5/1 0/15/20 MHz 4T4R 6x1.4/3/ 5/10/15/ 20 MHz 4T4R Number of UEs in RRC Connected Mode 1.4 MHz: 504 1.4 MHz: 504 3 MHz: 1080 3 MHz: 1080 1.4 MHz: 1008 1.4 MHz: 1008 5 MHz: 1800 5 MHz: 1800 10/15/20 MHz: 3600 10/15/20 MHz: 3600 3 MHz: 2160 3 MHz: 2160 5/10/15/20 MHz: 3600 5/10/15/ 20 MHz: 3600 DL: 600 DL: 600 DL: 1200 UL: 225 UL: 225 UL: 600 DL: 1200 Signaling Specificatio ns (BHCA) 360000 360000 360000 360000 Number of Cells 3x5/10/15/20 MHz 4T4R 3x5/10/15/20 MHz 4T4R 6x5/10/15/ 20 MHz 4T4R 3x25/30 /40 MHz 4T4R Number of UEs in RRC Connected Mode 1200 1200 1200 1200 Throughput (Mbit/s) DL: 600 DL: 600 DL: 1200 UL: 300 UL: 300 UL: 600 DL: 1200 Signaling Specificatio ns (BHCA) 216000 216000 216000 216000 Number of Cells Sub-6 GHz: 3x20/30/40/50/60/70 /80/90/100 MHz 32T32R/64T64R Sub-6 GHz: 6x20/30/40/50/60/70/8 0/90/100 MHz 4T4R Sub-6 GHz: 3x20/30/40 / 50/60/70/8 0/90/100 MHz 8T8R Sub-6 GHz: 3x20/30 / 40/50/6 0/70/80/ 90/100 MHz 8T8R Number of UEs in RRC Connected Mode 2400 2400 2400 2400 Throughput (Mbit/s) NR FDD NR TDD 1 BBU Technical Specifications Issue 04 (2022-07-29) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. UL: 600 UL: 600 118 BBU Technical Specifications 1 BBU Technical Specifications Throughput (Mbit/s) Signaling Specificatio ns (BHCA) DL: 9000 DL: 3000 DL: 4500 UL: 1350 UL: 450 UL: 680 DL: 4500 432000 432000 432000 432000 UL: 680 NOTE (1): The Standard Ratio parameter must be set to NR_ENHANCE(NR Enhance). LMN (TDD) Technical Specifications of Baseband Processing Units The following table lists the LMN (TDD) co-BBP specifications per UBBP. NOTE The expression of cell number specifications of each RAT in multimode scenarios complies with that in single-RAT scenarios. Table 1-176 Co-BBP specifications per UBBPg in LMN (TDD) mode (1) RAT Item UBBPg2a UBBPg3 UBBPg3(1) UBBPg3(1) LTE FDD Number of Cells 6x1.4/3/5/10/15 /20 MHz 4T4R 12x1.4/3/5/ 10/15/20 MHz 4T4R 3x1.4/3/5/10/15/ 20 MHz 4T4R 6x1.4/3/5/10/15/20 MHz 4T4R Number of UEs in RRC Connect ed Mode ● 1.4 MHz: 1008 ● 1.4 MHz: 2016 ● 1.4 MHz: 504 ● 1.4 MHz: 1008 ● 3 MHz: 2160 ● 3 MHz: 1080 ● 3 MHz: 2160 ● 5/10/15/20 MHz: 2520 ● 3/5/10/1 5/20 MHz: 3360 ● 5 MHz: 1800 ● 5/10/15/20 MHz: 2520 Through put (Mbit/s) DL: 1200 DL: 2400 DL: 600 DL: 1200 UL: 600 UL: 1200 UL: 225 UL: 600 Signalin g Specifica tions (BHCA) 252000 453000 252000 252000 Number of Cells 6 carriers (200 kHz, 4T4R) over 6 cells 9 carriers (200 kHz, 4T4R) over 6 cells 3 carriers (200 kHz, 4T4R) over 3 cells 6 carriers (200 kHz, 4T4R) over 6 cells LTE NB-IoT Issue 04 (2022-07-29) ● 10/15/20 MHz: 2520 Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 119 BBU Technical Specifications NR TDD 1 BBU Technical Specifications Number of Attached UEs 347000 624000 190000 347000 Number of UEs in RRC Connect ed Mode 1800, which can be shared with LTE FDD; ≤ 3600 in total 1800, which can be shared with LTE FDD; ≤ 4800 in total 1800, which can be shared with LTE FDD; ≤ 3600 in total 1800, which can be shared with LTE FDD; ≤ 3600 in total Through put (Mbit/s) DL: 0.666 DL: 0.942 DL: 0.318 DL: 0.666 UL: 1.2 UL: 1.8 UL: 0.6 UL: 1.2 Signalin g Specifica tions (BHCA) 162000 291000 89000 162000 Number of Cells Sub-6 GHz: 3x20/30/40/50/ 60/70/80/90/10 0 MHz 4T4R Sub-6 GHz: 3x20/30/40/ 50/60/70/80 /90/100 MHz 8T8R Sub-6 GHz+SUL: 3x20/30/40/50/6 0/70/80/90/100 MHz 32T32R/ 64T64R + 3x20 MHz 2R/4R Sub-6 GHz: 3x20/30/40/50/60/7 0/80/90/100 MHz 32T32R/64T64R Number of UEs in RRC Connect ed Mode 1200 2400 2400 2400 Through put (Mbit/s) DL: 2250 DL: 6000 DL: 6000 DL: 9000 UL: 340 UL: 540 UL: 540 UL: 1350 Signalin g Specifica tions (BHCA) 216000 432000 432000 432000 Table 1-177 Co-BBP specifications per UBBPg in LMN (TDD) mode (2) RAT Item UBBPg3 UBBPg3b UBBPg3b(2) UBBPg3b(2) LTE FDD Number of Cells 12x1.4/3/5 /10/15/20 MHz 4T4R 6x1.4/3/5/10/15/20 MHz 4T4R 3x1.4/3/5/10/15/ 20 MHz 4T4R 3x1.4/3/5/10/1 5/20 MHz 4T4R Issue 04 (2022-07-29) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 120 BBU Technical Specifications LTE NBIoT NR TDD 1 BBU Technical Specifications Number of UEs in RRC Connecte d Mode ● 1.4 MHz: 2016 ● 1.4 MHz: 1008 ● 1.4 MHz: 504 ● 3 MHz: 2160 ● 3 MHz: 1080 ● 5/10/15/20 MHz: 2520 ● 5/10/15/20 MHz: 1200 ● 3 MHz: 1080 Through put (Mbit/s) DL: 2400 DL: 1200 UL: 600 UL: 600 UL: 1200 UL: 600 DL: 225 DL: 225 Signaling Specificat ions (BHCA) 453000 252000 194000 194000 Number of Cells 9 carriers (200 kHz, 4T4R) over 6 cells 6 carriers (200 kHz, 4T4R) over 6 cells 3 carriers (200 kHz, 4T4R) over 3 cells 3 carriers (200 kHz, 4T4R) over 3 cells Number of Attached UEs 624000 347000 190000 190000 Number of UEs in RRC Connecte d Mode 1800, which can be shared with LTE FDD; ≤ 4800 in total 1800, which can be shared with LTE FDD; ≤ 3600 in total 600, which can be shared with LTE FDD; ≤ 1200 in total 600, which can be shared with LTE FDD; ≤ 1200 in total Through put (Mbit/s) DL: 0.942 DL: 0.666 DL: 0.318 DL: 0.318 UL: 1.8 UL: 1.2 UL: 0.6 UL: 0.6 Signaling Specificat ions (BHCA) 291000 162000 89000 89000 Number of Cells Sub-6 GHz: 6x20/30/4 0/50/60/7 0/80/90/1 00 MHz 4T4R Sub-6 GHz: 3x20/30/40/50/60/70/80 /90/100 MHz 4T4R Sub-6 GHz: 3x20/30/40/50/6 0/70/80/90/100 MHz 8T8R Sub-6 GHz: 3x20/30/40/50/ 60/70/80/90/10 0 MHz 32T32R/ 64T64R Issue 04 (2022-07-29) ● 3/5/10/ 15/20 MHz: 3360 Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. ● 1.4 MHz: 504 ● 5/10/15/20 MHz: 1200 121 BBU Technical Specifications 1 BBU Technical Specifications Number of UEs in RRC Connecte d Mode 2400 1800 1800 1800 Through put (Mbit/s) DL: 4500 DL: 2250 DL: 3000 DL: 6000 UL: 680 UL: 340 UL: 450 UL: 900 Signaling Specificat ions (BHCA) 432000 324000 324000 324000 NOTE (1): The Standard Ratio parameter must be set to NR_ENHANCE(NR Enhance). (2): The Standard Ratio parameter must be set to NR_ENHANCE2(NR Enhance 2). LMN (FDD) Technical Specifications of Baseband Processing Units The following tables list the LMN (FDD) co-BBP specifications per UBBP. NOTE The expression of cell number specifications of each RAT in multimode scenarios complies with that in single-RAT scenarios. Table 1-178 Co-BBP specifications per UBBPg in LMN (FDD) mode (1) RAT Item UBBPg2/ UBBPg2a UBBPg2/UBBPg2a(1) UBBPg3 LTE FDD Number of Cells 6x1.4/3/5/10/15/ 20 MHz 4T4R 9x1.4/3/5/10/15/20 MHz 4T4R 12x1.4/3/5/10/15/20 MHz 4T4R Number of UEs in RRC Connecte d Mode ● 1.4 MHz: 1008 ● 1.4 MHz: 1512 ● 1.4 MHz: 2016 ● 3/5/10/15/20 MHz: 2520 ● 3/5/10/15/20 MHz: 3360 Throughp ut (Mbit/s) DL: 1200 DL: 1200 DL: 2400 UL: 600 UL: 600 UL: 1200 Signaling Specificat ions (BHCA) 252000 252000 453000 Issue 04 (2022-07-29) ● 3 MHz: 2160 ● 5/10/15/20 MHz: 1680 Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 122 BBU Technical Specifications LTE NB-IoT NR FDD 1 BBU Technical Specifications Number of Cells 6 carriers (200 kHz, 4T4R) over 6 cells 6 carriers (200 kHz, 4T4R) over 6 cells 9 carriers (200 kHz, 4T4R) over 6 cells Number of Attached UEs 347000 347000 624000 Number of UEs in RRC Connecte d Mode 1800, which can be shared with LTE FDD; ≤ 3600 in total 1800, which can be shared with LTE FDD; ≤ 3600 in total 1800, which can be shared with LTE FDD; ≤ 4800 in total Throughp ut (Mbit/s) DL: 0.666 DL: 0.666 DL: 0.942 UL: 1.2 UL: 1.2 UL: 1.8 Signaling Specificat ions (BHCA) 162000 162000 291000 Number of Cells 6x5/10/15/20 MHz 4T4R 3x5/10/15/20 MHz 4T4R 12x5/10/15/20 MHz 4T4R Number of UEs in RRC Connecte d Mode 1200 600 2400 Throughp ut (Mbit/s) DL: 1200 DL: 600 DL: 2400 UL: 600 UL: 300 UL: 1200 Signaling Specificat ions (BHCA) 216000 108000 432000 Table 1-179 Co-BBP specifications per UBBPg in LMN (FDD) mode (2) RAT Item UBBPg3b UBBPg3b(1) UBBPg2/UBBPg2a UBBPg3b LTE FDD Numb er of Cells 6x1.4/3/5/10/15/ 20 MHz 4T4R 9x1.4/3/5/10/15/ 20 MHz 4T4R 6x1.4/3/5/10/15/20 MHz 4T4R 6x1.4/3/5/10/1 5/20 MHz 4T4R Issue 04 (2022-07-29) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 123 BBU Technical Specifications LTE NB-IoT NR FDD 1 BBU Technical Specifications Numb er of UEs in RRC Conne cted Mode ● 1.4 MHz: 1008 Throug hput (Mbit/ s) DL: 1200 ● 3 MHz: 2160 ● 1.4 MHz: 1512 ● 1.4 MHz: 1008 ● 3/5/10/15/20 MHz: 2520 ● 3 MHz: 2160 ● 1.4 MHz: 1008 ● 5/10/15/20 MHz: 3600 ● 3 MHz: 2160 DL: 1200 DL: 1200 DL: 1200 UL: 600 UL: 600 UL: 600 UL: 600 Signali ng Specifi cations (BHCA ) 252000 252000 360000 360000 Numb er of Cells 6 carriers (200 kHz, 4T4R) over 6 cells 6 carriers (200 kHz, 4T4R) over 6 cells 6 carriers (200 kHz, 4T4R) over 6 cells 6 carriers (200 kHz, 4T4R) over 6 cells Numb er of Attach ed UEs 347000 347000 34700 34700 Numb er of UEs in RRC Conne cted Mode 1800, which can be shared with LTE FDD; ≤ 3600 in total 1800, which can be shared with LTE FDD; ≤ 3600 in total 1800, which can be shared with LTE FDD; ≤ 3600 in total 1800, which can be shared with LTE FDD; ≤ 3600 in total Throug hput (Mbit/ s) DL: 0.666 DL: 0.666 DL: 0.666 DL: 0.666 UL: 1.2 UL: 1.2 UL: 1.2 UL: 1.2 Signali ng Specifi cations (BHCA ) 162000 162000 162000 162000 Numb er of Cells 6x5/10/15/20 MHz 4T4R 3x5/10/15/20 MHz 4T4R 3x25/30/40 MHz 4T4R 3x25/30/40 MHz 4T4R ● 5/10/15/20 MHz: 1680 Issue 04 (2022-07-29) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. ● 5/10/15/20 MHz: 3600 124 BBU Technical Specifications 1 BBU Technical Specifications Numb er of UEs in RRC Conne cted Mode 1800 900 1200 1800 Throug hput (Mbit/ s) DL: 1200 DL: 600 DL: 1200 DL: 1200 UL: 600 UL: 300 UL: 600 UL: 600 Signali ng Specifi cations (BHCA ) 324000 162000 216000 324000 Table 1-180 Co-BBP specifications per UBBPg in LMN (FDD) mode (3) RAT Item UBBPg1a UBBPg3(3) UBBPg2/UBBPg2a(2) UBBPg3b(2) LTE FDD Numb er of Cells 3x1.4/3/5/10/ 15/20 MHz 4T4R 18x1.4/3/5/10/ 15/20 MHz 4T4R 3x1.4/3/5/10/15/20 MHz 4T4R 3x1.4/3/5/10/15/20 MHz 4T4R Numb er of UEs in RRC Conne cted Mode 1260 ● 1.4 MHz: 3024 ● 1.4 MHz: 504 ● 1.4 MHz: 504 ● 3/5/10/15/2 0 MHz: 5040 ● 3 MHz: 1080 ● 3 MHz: 1080 ● 5/10/15/20 MHz: 1200 ● 5/10/15/20 MHz: 1200 Throug hput (Mbit/ s) DL: 600 DL: 3600 DL: 600 DL: 600 UL: 225 UL: 1800 UL: 225 UL: 225 Signali ng Specifi cations (BHCA ) 96000 680000 194000 194000 Numb er of Cells 3 carriers (200 kHz, 4T4R) over 3 cells 6 carriers (200 kHz, 4T4R) over 6 cells 3 carriers (200 kHz, 4T4R) over 3 cells 3 carriers (200 kHz, 4T4R) over 3 cells LTE NB-IoT Issue 04 (2022-07-29) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 125 BBU Technical Specifications NR FDD 1 BBU Technical Specifications Numb er of Attach ed UEs 190000 635000 190000 190000 Numb er of UEs in RRC Conne cted Mode 1800, which can be shared with LTE FDD; ≤ 1800 in total 1800, which can be shared with LTE FDD; ≤ 3600 in total 600, which can be shared with LTE FDD; ≤ 1200 in total 600, which can be shared with LTE FDD; ≤ 1200 in total Throug hput (Mbit/ s) DL: 0.318 DL: 0.942 DL: 0.318 DL: 0.318 UL: 0.6 UL: 1.8 UL: 0.6 UL: 0.6 Signali ng Specifi cations (BHCA ) 41000 297000 89000 89000 Numb er of Cells 3x5/10/15/20 MHz 4T4R 6x5/10/15/20 MHz 4T4R 9x5/10/15/20 MHz 4T4R 9x5/10/15/20 MHz 4T4R Numb er of UEs in RRC Conne cted Mode 600 1200 1800 1800 Throug hput (Mbit/ s) DL: 600 DL: 1200 DL: 1800 DL: 1800 UL: 300 UL: 600 UL: 900 UL: 900 Signali ng Specifi cations (BHCA ) 108000 216000 324000 324000 Issue 04 (2022-07-29) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 126 BBU Technical Specifications 1 BBU Technical Specifications NOTE (1): The Standard Ratio parameter must be set to FDD_ENHANCE(FDD Enhance). (2): The Standard Ratio parameter must be set to NR_ENHANCE2(NR Enhance 2). (3): The Standard Ratio parameter must be set to FDD_ENHANCE2(FDD Enhance 2). LMN (FDD) N (TDD) Technical Specifications of Baseband Processing Units The following table lists the LMN (FDD) N (TDD) co-BBP specifications per UBBP. NOTE The expression of cell number specifications of each RAT in multimode scenarios complies with that in single-RAT scenarios. Table 1-181 Co-BBP specifications per UBBPg in LMN (FDD) N (TDD) mode RAT Item UBBPg3(1) UBBPg3(1) UBBPg3(1) UBBPg3(1) LTE FDD Number of Cells 3x1.4/3/5/10/15/2 0 MHz 4T4R 3x1.4/3/5/10/15/20 MHz 4T4R 6x1.4/3/5/10/ 15/20 MHz 4T4R 6x1.4/3/5/10/ 15/20 MHz 4T4R Number of UEs in RRC Connect ed Mode ● 1.4 MHz: 504 ● 1.4 MHz: 504 ● 3 MHz: 1080 ● 3 MHz: 1080 ● 1.4 MHz: 1008 ● 1.4 MHz: 1008 ● 5 MHz: 1800 ● 5 MHz: 1800 ● 10/15/20 MHz: 2520 ● 10/15/20 MHz: 2520 ● 3 MHz: 2160 ● 3 MHz: 2160 ● 5/10/15/2 0 MHz: 3600 ● 5/10/15/2 0 MHz: 3600 Through put (Mbit/s) DL: 600 DL: 600 DL: 1200 DL: 1200 UL: 225 UL: 225 UL: 600 UL: 600 Signalin g Specific ations (BHCA) 252000 252000 252000 252000 Number of Cells 3 carriers (200 kHz, 4T4R) over 3 cells 3 carriers (200 kHz, 4T4R) over 3 cells 6 carriers (200 kHz, 4T4R) over 6 cells 6 carriers (200 kHz, 4T4R) over 6 cells Number of Attache d UEs 190000 347000 190000 190000 LTE NBIoT Issue 04 (2022-07-29) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 127 BBU Technical Specifications NR FDD NR TDD 1 BBU Technical Specifications Number of UEs in RRC Connect ed Mode 1800, which can be shared with LTE FDD; ≤ 3600 in total 1800, which can be shared with LTE FDD; ≤ 3600 in total 1800, which can be shared with LTE FDD; ≤ 3600 in total 1800, which can be shared with LTE FDD; ≤ 3600 in total Through put (Mbit/s) DL: 0.318 DL: 0.666 DL: 0.318 DL: 0.318 UL: 0.6 UL: 1.2 UL: 0.6 UL: 0.6 Signalin g Specific ations (BHCA) 89000 162000 89000 89000 Number of Cells 3x5/10/15/20 MHz 4T4R 3x5/10/15/20 MHz 4T4R 6x5/10/15/20 MHz 4T4R 3x25/30/40 MHz 1T1R/ 2T2R/2T4R/ 4T4R Number of UEs in RRC Connect ed Mode 1200 1200 1200 1200 Through put (Mbit/s) DL: 600 DL: 600 DL: 1200 DL: 1200 UL: 300 UL: 300 UL: 600 UL: 600 Signalin g Specific ations (BHCA) 216000 216000 216000 216000 Number of Cells Sub-6 GHz: 3x20/30/40/50/60/ 70/80/90/100 MHz 32T32R/64T64R Sub-6 GHz: 6x20/30/40/50/60/70/ 80/90/100 MHz 4T4R Sub-6 GHz: 3x20/30/40/5 0/60/70/80/9 0/100 MHz 8T8R Sub-6 GHz: 3x20/30/40/5 0/60/70/80/9 0/100 MHz 8T8R Number of UEs in RRC Connect ed Mode 2400 2400 2400 2400 Through put (Mbit/s) DL: 9000 DL: 3000 DL: 4500 DL: 4500 UL: 1350 UL: 450 UL: 680 UL: 680 Issue 04 (2022-07-29) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 128 BBU Technical Specifications Signalin g Specific ations (BHCA) 1 BBU Technical Specifications 432000 432000 432000 432000 NOTE (1): The Standard Ratio parameter must be set to NR_ENHANCE(NR Enhance). UL Technical Specifications of Baseband Processing Units The following tables list the UL co-BBP specifications per UBBP. NOTE The expression of cell number specifications of each RAT in multimode scenarios complies with that in single-RAT scenarios. Table 1-182 Co-BBP specifications per UBBPd in UL mode RAT UMTS Item Nu mbe r of Cells Num ber of UL/D L CEs Num ber of HSD PA Code s Number of HSDPA/ HSUPA UEs Number of Cells Number of UEs in RRC Connected Mode Throu ghput (Mbit/ s) Sign alin g Spe cific atio ns (BH CA) UBBPd6 6 512/7 68 6x15 384/384 3x1.4/3/5/10/1 5/20 MHz 4T4R ● 1.4 MHz: 504 DL: 600 198 000 ● 3 MHz: 1080 UL: 225 LTE FDD ● 5 MHz: 1800 ● 10/15/20 MHz: 3600 Issue 04 (2022-07-29) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 129 BBU Technical Specifications 1 BBU Technical Specifications Table 1-183 Co-BBP specifications per UBBPe in UL mode RAT UMTS LTE FDD Item Nu mbe r of Cells Num ber of UL/D L CEs Num ber of HSD PA Code s Number of HSDPA/ HSUPA UEs Number of Cells Number of UEs in RRC Connected Mode Throu ghput (Mbit/ s) Sign alin g Spe cific atio ns (BH CA) UBBPe3(1) 2R: 6 384/5 12 6x15 288/288 3x1.4/3/5/10/1 5/20 MHz 2T2R ● 1.4 MHz: 504 DL: 450 198 000 ● 3 MHz: 1080 UL: 225 4R: 3 ● 5 MHz: 1800 ● 10/15/20 MHz: 3600 UBBPe4(1) 6 512/7 68 6x15 384/384 3x1.4/3/5/10/1 5/20 MHz 4T4R ● 1.4 MHz: 504 DL: 600 ● 3 MHz: 1080 UL: 225 198 000 ● 5 MHz: 1800 ● 10/15/20 MHz: 3600 UBBPe5 6 512/7 68 6x15 384/384 6x1.4/3/5/10/1 5/20 MHz 2T2R ● 1.4 MHz: 1008 DL: 600 ● 3 MHz: 2160 UL: 300 198 000 ● 5/10/15/20 MHz: 3600 UBBPe6 6 512/7 68 6x15 384/384 ● 6x1.4/3/5/1 0/15/20 MHz 4T4R ● 3x5/10/15/ 20 MHz 8T8R Issue 04 (2022-07-29) ● 1.4 MHz: 1008 DL: 1200 ● 3 MHz: 2160 UL: 600 306 000 ● 5/10/15/20 MHz: 3600 Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 130 BBU Technical Specifications 1 BBU Technical Specifications RAT UMTS LTE FDD Item Nu mbe r of Cells Num ber of UL/D L CEs Num ber of HSD PA Code s Number of HSDPA/ HSUPA UEs Number of Cells Number of UEs in RRC Connected Mode Throu ghput (Mbit/ s) Sign alin g Spe cific atio ns (BH CA) UBBPe6(2) 3 256/3 84 3x15 192/192 ● 9x1.4/3/5/1 0/15/20 MHz 4T4R ● 1.4 MHz: 1512 DL: 1200 306 000 ● 3 MHz: 3240 UL: 600 ● 3x5/10/15/ 20 MHz 8T8R UBBPei(1) 6 512/7 68 6x15 384/384 6x1.4/3/5/10/1 5/20 MHz 4T4R ● 5/10/15/20 MHz: 3600 ● 1.4 MHz: 1008 DL: 1200 ● 3 MHz: 2160 UL: 600 306 000 ● 5/10/15/20 MHz: 3600 UBBPe18 6 512/7 68 6x15 384/384 3x1.4/3/5/10/1 5/20 MHz 4T4R ● 1.4 MHz: 504 DL: 600 ● 3 MHz: 1080 UL: 225 198 000 ● 5 MHz: 1800 ● 10/15/20 MHz: 3600 (1): In UL co-BBP scenarios, the UBBPe3, UBBPe4, and UBBPei do not support deployment of LTE NB-IoT in-band carriers on LTE FDD cells. (2): The Standard Ratio parameter must be set to FDD_ENHANCE(FDD Enhance). Issue 04 (2022-07-29) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 131 BBU Technical Specifications 1 BBU Technical Specifications Table 1-184 Co-BBP specifications per UBBPg in UL mode RAT UMTS LTE FDD Item Nu mbe r of Cell s Numb er of UL/DL CEs Num ber of HSDP A Code s Numbe r of HSDPA / HSUPA UEs Number of Cells Number of UEs in RRC Connected Mode Throug hput (Mbit/ s) Sign alin g Spec ifica tion s (BH CA) UBBPg1/ UBBPg1a 6 512/76 8 6x15 384/38 4 3x1.4/3/5/10/1 5/20 MHz 4T4R ● 1.4 MHz: 504 DL: 600 UL: 225 1980 00 3600 00 ● 3 MHz: 1080 ● 5 MHz: 1800 ● 10/15/20 MHz: 3600 UBBPg2/ UBBPg2a UBBPg2/ UBBPg2a( 6 3 512/76 8 256/38 4 6x15 3x15 384/38 4 192/19 2 1) UBBPg3b UBBPg3 6 2R: 12 512/76 8 1024/1 024 4R: 6 6x15 12x1 5 384/38 4 768/76 8 ● 6x1.4/3/5/10 /15/20 MHz 4T4R ● 1.4 MHz: 1008 DL: 1200 ● 3x5/10/15/2 0 MHz 8T8R ● 3 MHz: 2160 UL: 600 ● 5/10/15/20 MHz: 3600 ● 9x1.4/3/5/10 /15/20 MHz 4T4R ● 1.4 MHz: 1512 DL: 1200 ● 3x5/10/15/2 0 MHz 8T8R ● 3 MHz: 3240 UL: 600 ● 5/10/15/20 MHz: 3600 ● 9x1.4/3/5/10 /15/20 MHz 4T4R ● 1.4 MHz: 1512 DL: 1200 ● 3x5/10/15/2 0 MHz 8T8R ● 3 MHz: 3240 UL: 600 ● 5/10/15/20 MHz: 3600 ● 12x1.4/3/5/1 0/15/20 MHz 4T4R ● 1.4 MHz: 2016 DL: 2400 ● 6x5/10/15/2 0 MHz 8T8R ● 3 MHz: 4320 ● 5/10/15/20 MHz: 4800 UL: 1200 3600 00 3600 00 6480 00 (1): The Standard Ratio parameter must be set to FDD_ENHANCE(FDD Enhance). UM Technical Specifications of Baseband Processing Units The following tables list the UM co-BBP specifications per UBBP. Issue 04 (2022-07-29) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 132 BBU Technical Specifications 1 BBU Technical Specifications NOTE The expression of cell number specifications of each RAT in multimode scenarios complies with that in single-RAT scenarios. Table 1-185 Co-BBP specifications per UBBPd in UM mode RAT UMTS Item Num ber of Cells Numb er of UL/DL CEs Num ber of HSDP A Code s Number of HSDPA/ HSUPA UEs Number of Cells Numb er of Attach ed UEs Numb er of UEs in RRC Conne cted Mode Throug hput (Mbit/ s) Sign aling Specif icati ons (BHC A) UBBPd6 2R: 6 512/76 8 6x15 384/384 3 carriers (200 kHz, 4T4R) over 3 cells 63500 0 1800 DL: 0.318 2970 00 4R: 3 LTE (NB-IoT) UL: 0.6 Table 1-186 Co-BBP specifications per UBBPe in UM mode RAT UMTS Item Num ber of Cells Numb er of UL/DL CEs Num ber of HSDP A Code s Number of HSDPA/ HSUPA UEs Number of Cells Numb er of Attach ed UEs Numb er of UEs in RRC Conne cted Mode Throug hput (Mbit/ s) Sign aling Specif icati ons (BHC A) UBBPe3 2R: 6 384/51 2 6x15 288/288 6 carriers (200 kHz, 4T4R) over 3 cells 63500 0 1800 DL: 0.666 2970 00 6 carriers (200 kHz, 4T4R) over 3 cells 63500 0 6 carriers (200 kHz, 4T4R) over 3 cells 63500 0 4R: 3 UBBPe4 UBBPe5 6 6 Issue 04 (2022-07-29) LTE NB-IoT 512/76 8 512/76 8 6x15 6x15 384/384 384/384 UL: 1.2 1800 DL: 0.666 2970 00 UL: 1.2 Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 1800 DL: 0.666 2970 00 UL: 1.2 133 BBU Technical Specifications 1 BBU Technical Specifications RAT UMTS Item Num ber of Cells Numb er of UL/DL CEs Num ber of HSDP A Code s Number of HSDPA/ HSUPA UEs Number of Cells Numb er of Attach ed UEs Numb er of UEs in RRC Conne cted Mode Throug hput (Mbit/ s) Sign aling Specif icati ons (BHC A) UBBPe6 6 512/76 8 6x15 384/384 12 carriers (200 kHz, 4T4R) over 6 cells 98300 0 3600 DL: 1.332 4590 00 9 carriers (200 kHz, 4T4R) over 3 cells 63500 0 UBBPe18 6 LTE NB-IoT 512/76 8 6x15 384/384 UL: 2.4 1800 DL: 0.942 2970 00 UL: 1.8 Table 1-187 Co-BBP specifications per UBBPg in UM mode RAT UMTS Item Num ber of Cells Numb er of UL/DL CEs Num ber of HSDP A Code s Number of HSDPA/ HSUPA UEs Number of Cells Numb er of Attach ed UEs Numb er of UEs in RRC Conne cted Mode Throug hput (Mbit/ s) Sign aling Specif icati ons (BHC A) UBBPg1/ UBBPg1a 6 512/76 8 6x15 384/384 9 carriers (200 kHz, 4T4R) over 3 cells 63500 0 1800 DL: 0.942 2970 00 18 carriers (200 kHz, 4T4R) over 6 cells 11560 00 36 carriers (200 kHz, 4T4R) over 12 cells 20810 00 UBBPg2/ UBBPg2a/ UBBPg3b 6 UBBPg3 2R: 12 4R: 6 Issue 04 (2022-07-29) LTE NB-IoT 512/76 8 1024/1 024 6x15 12x1 5 384/384 768/768 UL: 1.8 3600 DL: 1.884 5400 00 UL: 3.6 Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 4800 DL: 3.678 9720 00 UL: 7.2 134 BBU Technical Specifications 1 BBU Technical Specifications GL Technical Specifications of Baseband Processing Units Only the UBBPd supports GL co-BBP. The following table lists its specifications. For a UBBPd3/UBBPd4 board working in co-BBP mode of which the supported RATs include GSM and LTE, no in-band NB-IoT cell can be configured for an LTE FDD cell. NOTE The expression of cell number specifications of each RAT in multimode scenarios complies with that in single-RAT scenarios. Table 1-188 Co-BBP specifications per UBBPd in GL mode RAT GSM LTE FDD Item Numbe r of 2R Carrier s Numbe r of 4R Carrier s Number of Cells Number of UEs in RRC Connected Mode Throughput (Mbit/s) Signaling Specificati ons (BHCA) UBBPd3(1 12 6 3x1.4/3/5/10 MHz 2T2R ● 1.4 MHz: 504 DL: 225 198000 ● 3 MHz: 1080 UL: 112.5 ) ● 5 MHz: 1800 ● 10 MHz: 3600 UBBPd4(1 12 6 ) 3x1.4/3/5/10 MHz 2T2R ● 1.4 MHz: 504 DL: 225 ● 3 MHz: 1080 UL: 112.5 198000 ● 5 MHz: 1800 ● 10 MHz: 3600 UBBPd5 18 9 3x1.4/3/5/10/15 /20 MHz 4T4R ● 1.4 MHz: 504 DL: 600 ● 3 MHz: 1080 UL: 225 198000 ● 5 MHz: 1800 ● 10/15/20 MHz: 3600 UBBPd6 24 12 3x1.4/3/5/10/15 /20 MHz 4T4R ● 1.4 MHz: 504 DL: 600 ● 3 MHz: 1080 UL: 225 198000 ● 5 MHz: 1800 ● 10/15/20 MHz: 3600 (1): In GL co-BBP scenarios, the UBBPd3 and UBBPd4 do not support the deployment of in-band LTE NB-IoT carriers on LTE FDD cells. GU Technical Specifications of Baseband Processing Units Only the UBBPd supports GU co-BBP. The following table lists its specifications. Issue 04 (2022-07-29) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 135 BBU Technical Specifications 1 BBU Technical Specifications NOTE The expression of cell number specifications of each RAT in multimode scenarios complies with that in single-RAT scenarios. Table 1-189 Co-BBP specifications per UBBPd in GU mode RAT GSM UMTS Item Numb er of 2R Carrier s Numbe r of 4R Carrier s Number of Cells Number of UL/DL CEs Number of HSDPA Codes Number of HSDPA/HSUPA UEs UBBPd1 12 6 2R: 6 192/256 6x15 144/144 256/384 6x15 192/192 192/256 6x15 144/144 256/384 6x15 192/192 384/512 6x15 288/288 512/768 6x15 384/384 4R: 3 UBBPd2 12 6 2R: 6 4R: 3 UBBPd3 12 6 2R: 6 4R: 3 UBBPd4 12 6 2R: 6 4R: 3 UBBPd5 18 9 2R: 6 4R: 3 UBBPd6 24 12 6 GUL Technical Specifications of Baseband Processing Units The following table lists the GUL co-BBP specifications per UBBP. NOTE The expression of cell number specifications of each RAT in multimode scenarios complies with that in single-RAT scenarios. Table 1-190 Co-BBP specifications per UBBPd in GUL mode RAT Item UBBPd6 GSM Number of 2R Carriers 12 Number of 4R Carriers 6 Number of Cells 2R: 6 UMTS 4R: 3 Number of UL/DL CEs Issue 04 (2022-07-29) 256/384 Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 136 BBU Technical Specifications LTE FDD 1 BBU Technical Specifications Number of HSDPA Codes 6x15 Number of HSDPA/ HSUPA UEs 192/192 Number of Cells 3x1.4/3/5/10/15/20 MHz 4T4R Number of UEs in RRC Connected Mode ● 1.4 MHz: 504 ● 3 MHz: 1080 ● 5 MHz: 1800 ● 10/15/20 MHz: 3600 Throughput (Mbit/s) DL: 600 UL: 225 Signaling Specifications (BHCA) 198000 ULM Technical Specifications of Baseband Processing Units The following tables list the ULM co-BBP specifications per UBBP. NOTE The expression of cell number specifications of each RAT in multimode scenarios complies with that in single-RAT scenarios. Table 1-191 Co-BBP specifications per UBBPd in ULM mode RAT Item UBBPd6 UMTS Number of Cells 6 Number of UL/DL CEs 512/768 Number of HSDPA Codes 6x15 Number of HSDPA/ HSUPA UEs 384/384 Number of Cells 3x1.4/3/5/10 MHz 4T4R Number of UEs in RRC Connected Mode ● 1.4 MHz: 504 LTE FDD ● 3 MHz: 1080 ● 5 MHz: 1800 ● 10 MHz: 2520 Throughput (Mbit/s) DL: 300 UL: 112.5 Issue 04 (2022-07-29) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 137 BBU Technical Specifications LTE NB-IoT 1 BBU Technical Specifications Signaling Specifications (BHCA) 138000 Number of Cells 3 carriers (200 kHz, 4T4R) over 3 cells Number of Attached UEs 635000 Number of UEs in RRC Connected Mode 1800, which can be shared with LTE FDD; ≤ 3600 in total Throughput (Mbit/s) DL: 0.318 UL: 0.6 Signaling Specifications (BHCA) 297000 Table 1-192 Co-BBP Specifications per UBBPe in ULM Mode RAT Item UBBPe3 UBBPe4 UBBPe5 UBBPe6 UBBPe18 UMTS Number of Cells 6 (2R) 6 6 6 6 Number of UL/DL CEs 384/512 512/768 512/768 512/768 512/768 Number of HSDPA Codes 6x15 6x15 6x15 6x15 6x15 Number of HSDPA/ HSUPA UEs 288/288 384/384 384/384 384/384 384/384 Number of Cells 3x1.4/3/5/10 MHz 2T2R 3x1.4/3/5/1 0 MHz 4T4R 6x1.4/3/5/10 /15/20 MHz 2T2R 6x1.4/3/5/ 10/15/20 MHz 4T4R 3x1.4/3/5/10 MHz 4T4R Number of UEs in RRC Connected Mode ● 1.4 MHz: 504 ● 1.4 MHz: 504 ● 1.4 MHz: 1008 ● 1.4 MHz: 504 ● 3 MHz: 1080 ● 3 MHz: 1080 ● 3 MHz: 2160 ● 1.4 MHz: 1008 ● 5 MHz: 1800 ● 5 MHz: 1800 ● 10 MHz: 2520 ● 10 MHz: 2520 ● 5/10/15/2 0 MHz: 2520 DL: 255 DL: 300 DL: 600 DL: 1200 DL: 300 UL: 112.5 UL: 112.5 UL: 300 UL: 600 UL: 112.5 LTE FDD Throughput (Mbit/s) Issue 04 (2022-07-29) 3 (4R) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. ● 3 MHz: 2160 ● 5/10/15 /20 MHz: 2520 ● 3 MHz: 1080 ● 5 MHz: 1800 ● 10 MHz: 2520 138 BBU Technical Specifications LTE NB-IoT 1 BBU Technical Specifications Signaling Specification s (BHCA) 138000 138000 216000 216000 138000 Number of Cells 3 carriers (200 kHz, 2T2R) over 3 cells 3 carriers (200 kHz, 4T4R) over 3 cells 6 carriers (200 kHz, 2T2R) over 3 cells 6 carriers (200 kHz, 4T4R) over 3 cells 3 carriers (200 kHz, 4T4R) over 3 cells Number of Attached UEs 635000 635000 635000 635000 635000 Number of UEs in RRC Connected Mode 1800, which can be shared with LTE FDD; ≤ 3600 in total 1800, which can be shared with LTE FDD; ≤ 3600 in total 1800, which can be shared with LTE FDD; ≤ 3600 in total 1800, which can be shared with LTE FDD; ≤ 3600 in total 1800, which can be shared with LTE FDD; ≤ 3600 in total Throughput (Mbit/s) DL: 0.318 DL: 0.318 DL: 0.666 DL: 0.666 DL: 0.318 UL: 0.6 UL: 0.6 UL: 1.2 UL: 1.2 UL: 0.6 Signaling Specification s (BHCA) 297000 297000 297000 297000 297000 Table 1-193 Co-BBP specifications per UBBPg in ULM mode RAT Item UBBPg1/ UBBPg1a UBBPg 3b UBBPg2/ UBBPg2a UBBPg2/ UBBPg2a(1) UBBPg3 UMTS Number of Cells 6 6 6 3 12 (2R) Number of UL/DL CEs 512/768 512/7 68 512/768 256/384 1024/1024 Number of HSDPA Codes 6x15 6x15 6x15 3x15 12x15 Number of HSDPA/ HSUPA UEs 384/384 384/3 84 384/384 192/192 768/768 Number of Cells 3x1.4/3/5 / 10/15/20 MHz 4T4R 9x1.4/ 3/5/10 /15/20 MHz 4T4R 6x1.4/3/5/10/15 /20 MHz 4T4R 9x1.4/3/5/10/15 /20 MHz 4T4R 12x1.4/3/5/1 0/15/20 MHz 4T4R LTE FDD Issue 04 (2022-07-29) 6 (4R) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 139 BBU Technical Specifications Number of UEs in RRC Connected Mode 1 BBU Technical Specifications ● 1.4 MHz: 504 ● 3 MHz: 1080 ● 5 MHz: 1800 ● 10/15/ 20 MHz: 2520 Throughput (Mbit/s) LTE NBIoT DL: 600 UL: 225 ● 1.4 MH z: 151 2 ● 3/5 / 10/ 15/ 20 MH z: 252 0 DL: 1200 UL: 600 ● 1.4 MHz: 1008 ● 1.4 MHz: 1512 ● 1.4 MHz: 2016 ● 3 MHz: 2160 ● 3/5/10/15/2 0 MHz: 2520 ● 3/5/10/15 /20 MHz: 3360 DL: 1200 DL: 1200 DL: 2400 UL: 600 UL: 600 UL: 1200 ● 5/10/15/20 MHz: 2520 Signaling Specificatio ns (BHCA) 138000 25200 0 252000 252000 453000 Number of Cells 3 carriers (200 kHz, 4T4R) over 3 cells 6 carrier s (200 kHz, 4T4R) over 6 cells 6 carriers (200 kHz, 4T4R) over 6 cells 6 carriers (200 kHz, 4T4R) over 6 cells 9 carriers (200 kHz, 4T4R) over 6 cells Number of Attached UEs 190000 34700 0 347000 347000 624000 Number of UEs in RRC Connected Mode 1800, which can be shared with LTE FDD; ≤ 3600 in total 1800, which can be shared with LTE FDD; ≤ 3600 in total 1800, which can be shared with LTE FDD; ≤ 3600 in total 1800, which can be shared with LTE FDD; ≤ 3600 in total 1800, which can be shared with LTE FDD; ≤ 4800 in total Throughput (Mbit/s) DL: 0.318 DL: 0.666 DL: 0.666 DL: 0.666 DL: 0.942 UL: 1.2 UL: 1.2 UL: 1.8 Issue 04 (2022-07-29) UL: 0.6 UL: 1.2 Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 140 BBU Technical Specifications 1 BBU Technical Specifications Signaling Specificatio ns (BHCA) 89000 16200 0 162000 162000 291000 NOTE (1): The Standard Ratio parameter must be set to FDD_ENHANCE(FDD Enhance). 1.3 BBU5900 Technical Specifications The BBU5900 can be configured with 1–2 main control boards and 2–6 baseband processing units. The capacity and signaling specifications of the BBU5900 vary with the types and numbers of main control boards and baseband processing units configured. This section describes the capacity specifications, signaling specifications, and equipment specifications of the BBU5900 working in different RATs in typical board configurations. 1.3.1 GSM Technical Specifications of the BBU5900 The GSM technical specifications of the BBU5900 include the capacity and signaling specifications (both indicated by the number of TRXs). Capacity Specifications The following table lists the maximum capacity per BBU5900 in GSM mode. Table 1-194 Capacity per BBU5900 in GSM mode Board Configuration Capacity(1) 1 UMPT IP over FE: 72 TRXs IP over E1: 48 TRXs (1): Each cell supports a maximum of 24 TRXs, and a single site supports a maximum of 12 cells. Signaling Specifications The following table lists the signaling specifications per BBU5900 in GSM mode. Table 1-195 Signaling specifications per BBU5900 in GSM mode Board Configuration Signaling Specifications 1 UMPT IP over FE: 72 TRXs (1) IP over E1: 48 TRXs Issue 04 (2022-07-29) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 141 BBU Technical Specifications 1 BBU Technical Specifications Board Configuration Signaling Specifications (1) (1): Each cell supports a maximum of 24 TRXs, and a single site supports a maximum of 12 cells. 1.3.2 UMTS Technical Specifications of the BBU5900 This section describes the capacity and signaling specifications of the BBU5900 working in UMTS mode. Capacity Specifications The following table lists the maximum capacity per BBU5900 in UMTS mode. Table 1-196 Capacity per BBU5900 in UMTS mode Board Configuration Capacity 1 UMPTb + 6 UBBPd6 ● Number of cells: 48 ● Number of UL/DL CEs: 6144/6144 Signaling Specifications When the BBU5900 works in UMTS mode, its signaling specifications are related to the main control board and baseband processing unit. The signaling specification of a single BBU cannot exceed 1500 CNBAPS. The following table lists the signaling specifications per BBU5900 in UMTS mode in different board configurations. Table 1-197 Signaling specifications per BBU5900 in UMTS mode Board Configuration Signaling Specifications (CNBAPS) 1 UMPT + 1 UBBPd1~UBBPd5 500 1 UMPT + 2 UBBPd1~UBBPd5 700 1 UMPT + 3 UBBPd1~UBBPd5 900 1 UMPT + 4 UBBPd1~UBBPd5 1100 1 UMPT + 5 UBBPd1~UBBPd5 1300 Issue 04 (2022-07-29) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 142 BBU Technical Specifications 1 BBU Technical Specifications Board Configuration Signaling Specifications (CNBAPS) 1 UMPT + 6 UBBPd1~UBBPd5 1500 1 UMPT + 1 UBBPd6 600 1 UMPT + 2 UBBPd6 900 1 UMPT + 3 UBBPd6 1200 1 UMPT + 4 UBBPd6(1) 1500 1 UMPT + 1 UBBPe1~UBBPe2 500 1 UMPT + 2 UBBPe1~UBBPe2 700 1 UMPT + 3 UBBPe1~UBBPe2 900 1 UMPT + 4 UBBPe1~UBBPe2 1100 1 UMPT + 5 UBBPe1~UBBPe2 1300 1 UMPT + 6 UBBPe1~UBBPe2 1500 1 UMPT + 1 UBBPe3~UBBPe6 600 1 UMPT + 2 UBBPe3~UBBPe6 900 1 UMPT + 3 UBBPe3~UBBPe6 1200 1 UMPT + 4 UBBPe3~UBBPe6(1) 1500 1 UMPT + 1 UBBPg 600 1 UMPT + 2 UBBPg 900 1 UMPT + 3 UBBPg 1200 1 UMPT + 4 UBBPg(1) 1500 (1): The signaling specification has reached the maximum 1500 CNBAPS. The signaling specification of the BBU is still 1500 CNBAPS even if a new baseband processing unit is added. Issue 04 (2022-07-29) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 143 BBU Technical Specifications 1 BBU Technical Specifications 1.3.3 LTE Technical Specifications of the BBU5900 The LTE technical specifications of the BBU5900 include the technical specifications when it works in LTE FDD, LTE TDD, LTE NB-IoT, and multimode concurrency scenarios. LTE FDD Technical Specifications of the BBU5900 The LTE FDD technical specifications of the BBU5900 include the capacity and signaling specifications. Capacity Specifications The capacity of a BBU5900 working in LTE FDD mode is limited by the main control board. The following table lists the capacity per BBU configured with different main control boards. Table 1-198 Capacity per BBU5900 in LTE FDD mode Board Configuration Capacity 1 UMPTb1/UMPTb2 ● Number of cells: 36x20 MHz 4T4R/8T8R ● Throughput: The sum of uplink and downlink data rates at the MAC layer is 1.5 Gbit/s. ● Number of UEs in RRC connected mode: 10800 ● Number of DRBs: 32400 1 UMPTb3/UMPTb9 ● Number of cells: 36x20 MHz 4T4R/8T8R ● Throughput: The sum of uplink and downlink data rates at the MAC layer is 2 Gbit/s. ● Number of UEs in RRC connected mode: 10800 ● Number of DRBs: 32400 1 UMPTe ● Number of cells: 72x20 MHz 4T4R, 18x20 MHz 32T32R, or 36x20 MHz 8T8R ● Throughput: The sum of uplink and downlink data rates at the MAC layer is 10 Gbit/s. ● Number of UEs in RRC connected mode: 14400 ● Number of DRBs: 43200 1 UMPTga ● Number of cells: 72x20 MHz 4T4R, 36x20 MHz 8T8R, or 36x20 MHz 32T32R ● Throughput: The sum of uplink and downlink data rates at the MAC layer is 10 Gbit/s. ● Number of UEs in RRC connected mode: 14400 ● Number of DRBs: 43200 Issue 04 (2022-07-29) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 144 BBU Technical Specifications 1 BBU Technical Specifications Board Configuration Capacity 1 UMPTg ● Number of cells: 144x20 MHz 4T4R, 72x20 MHz 8T8R, or 54x20 MHz 32T32R ● Throughput: The sum of uplink and downlink data rates at the MAC layer is 20 Gbit/s. ● Number of UEs in RRC connected mode: 28800 ● Number of DRBs: 86400 Signaling Specifications The following table lists the signaling specifications per BBU5900 in LTE FDD mode in typical board configurations. Table 1-199 Signaling specifications per BBU5900 in LTE FDD mode Board Configuration Signaling Specifications (BHCA) 1 UMPTb + 3 UBBPd6 1188000 1 UMPTe + 3 UBBPe6 1620000 1 UMPTg + 3 UBBPg3 3240000 LTE TDD Technical Specifications of the BBU5900 The LTE TDD technical specifications of the BBU5900 include the capacity and signaling specifications. Capacity Specifications The capacity of a BBU5900 working in LTE TDD mode is limited by the main control board. The following table lists the capacity per BBU configured with different main control boards. Table 1-200 Capacity per BBU5900 in LTE TDD mode Board Configuratio n Capacity 1 UMPTb1/ UMPTb2 ● Number of cells: 36x20 MHz 8T8R ● Throughput: The sum of uplink and downlink data rates at the MAC layer is 1.5 Gbit/s. ● Number of UEs in RRC connected mode: 10800 ● Number of DRBs: 32400 Issue 04 (2022-07-29) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 145 BBU Technical Specifications 1 BBU Technical Specifications Board Configuratio n Capacity 1 UMPTb3/ UMPTb9 ● Number of cells: 36x20 MHz 8T8R ● Throughput: The sum of uplink and downlink data rates at the MAC layer is 2 Gbit/s. ● Number of UEs in RRC connected mode: 10800 ● Number of DRBs: 32400 1 UMPTe ● Number of cells: 72x20 MHz 8T8R or 18x20 MHz 64T64R ● Throughput: The sum of uplink and downlink data rates at the MAC layer is 10 Gbit/s. ● Number of UEs in RRC connected mode: 14400 ● Number of DRBs: 43200 1 UMPTga ● Number of cells: 72x20 MHz 8T8R or 36x20 MHz 64T64R ● Throughput: The sum of uplink and downlink data rates at the MAC layer is 10 Gbit/s. ● Number of UEs in RRC connected mode: 14400 ● Number of DRBs: 43200 1 UMPTg ● Number of cells: 144x20 MHz 8T8R or 54x20 MHz 64T64R ● Throughput: The sum of uplink and downlink data rates at the MAC layer is 20 Gbit/s. ● Number of UEs in RRC connected mode: 28800 ● Number of DRBs: 86400 Signaling Specifications The following table lists the signaling specifications per BBU5900 in LTE TDD mode in typical board configurations. Table 1-201 Signaling specifications per BBU5900 in LTE TDD mode Board Configuration Signaling Specifications (BHCA) 1 UMPTb + 2 UBBPd4 540000 1 UMPTb + 2 UBBPd6 792000 1 UMPTb + 2 UBBPd9 792000 1 UMPTb + 4 UBBPd6 1440000 Issue 04 (2022-07-29) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 146 BBU Technical Specifications 1 BBU Technical Specifications LTE NB-IoT Technical Specifications of the BBU5900 The LTE NB-IoT technical specifications of the BBU5900 include the capacity and the signaling specifications. Capacity Specifications The capacity of a BBU5900 working in LTE NB-IoT mode is limited by the main control board. The following table lists the capacity per BBU5900 configured with different main control boards. Table 1-202 Capacity per BBU5900 in LTE NB-IoT mode Board Configuration Capacity 1 UMPTb ● Number of cells: 36x400 kHz 4T4R ● Throughput: uplink data rate at the MAC layer: 7.2 Mbit/s; downlink data rate at the MAC layer: 3.8 Mbit/s ● Number of UEs in RRC connected mode: 10800 ● Number of attached UEs: 1150000 1 UMPTe ● Number of cells: 72x600 kHz 4T4R or 18x1600 kHz 4T4R ● Throughput: uplink data rate at the MAC layer: 14.4 Mbit/s; downlink data rate at the MAC layer: 7.6 Mbit/s ● Number of UEs in RRC connected mode: 14400 ● Number of attached UEs: 5200000 1 UMPTga ● Number of cells: 72x600 kHz 4T4R or 18x1600 kHz 4T4R ● Throughput: uplink data rate at the MAC layer: 14.4 Mbit/s; downlink data rate at the MAC layer: 7.6 Mbit/s ● Number of UEs in RRC connected mode: 14400 ● Number of attached UEs: 5200000 1 UMPTg ● Number of cells: 144x600 kHz 4T4R or 54x1600 kHz 4T4R ● Throughput: uplink data rate at the MAC layer: 86.4 Mbit/s; downlink data rate at the MAC layer: 45.2 Mbit/s ● Number of UEs in RRC connected mode: 28800 ● Number of attached UEs: 10400000 Issue 04 (2022-07-29) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 147 BBU Technical Specifications 1 BBU Technical Specifications Signaling Specifications The following table lists the signaling specifications per BBU5900 in LTE NB-IoT mode in typical board configurations. Table 1-203 Signaling specifications per BBU5900 in LTE NB-IoT mode Board Configuration Signaling Specifications (BHCA) 1 UMPTb + 3 UBBPd6 1782000 1 UMPTe + 3 UBBPe6 2430000 1 UMPTg + 3 UBBPg3 4860000 LTE FDD+NB-IoT Technical Specifications of the BBU5900 The technical specifications of the BBU5900 working in both LTE FDD and LTE NBIoT modes include the capacity specifications in various main control board configurations. The capacity of a BBU5900 working in both LTE FDD and LTE NB-IoT modes is limited by the main control board. When the main control board works in both LTE FDD and LTE NB-IoT modes, LTE FDD and LTE NB-IoT share the number of cells and the number of UEs in RRC connected mode supported by the main control board. The following table lists the maximum capacity per BBU5900 configured with different main control boards. Table 1-204 Capacity per BBU5900 in LTE FDD+NB-IoT mode Board Configuration Capacity 1 UMPTb1/UMPTb2 ● Number of cells: 36 (20 MHz 4T4R for LTE FDD cells and 400 kHz 4T4R for LTE NB-IoT cells) ● Throughput: The sum of uplink and downlink data rates at the MAC layer is 1.5 Gbit/s. ● Number of UEs in RRC connected mode: 10800 1 UMPTb3/UMPTb9 ● Number of cells: 36 (20 MHz 4T4R for LTE FDD cells and 400 kHz 4T4R for LTE NB-IoT cells) ● Throughput: The sum of uplink and downlink data rates at the MAC layer is 2 Gbit/s. ● Number of UEs in RRC connected mode: 10800 1 UMPTe ● Number of cells: 72 (20 MHz 4T4R for LTE FDD cells and 600 kHz 4T4R for LTE NB-IoT cells) ● Throughput: The sum of uplink and downlink data rates at the MAC layer is 10 Gbit/s. ● Number of UEs in RRC connected mode: 14400 Issue 04 (2022-07-29) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 148 BBU Technical Specifications 1 BBU Technical Specifications Board Configuration Capacity 1 UMPTga ● Number of cells: 72 (20 MHz 4T4R for LTE FDD cells and 600 kHz 4T4R for LTE NB-IoT cells) ● Throughput: The sum of uplink and downlink data rates at the MAC layer is 10 Gbit/s. ● Number of UEs in RRC connected mode: 14400 1 UMPTg ● Number of cells: 144 (20 MHz 4T4R for LTE FDD cells and 600 kHz 4T4R for LTE NB-IoT cells) ● Throughput: The sum of uplink and downlink data rates at the MAC layer is 20 Gbit/s. ● Number of UEs in RRC connected mode: 28800 LTE TDD+NB-IoT Technical Specifications of the BBU5900 The technical specifications of the BBU5900 working in both LTE TDD and LTE NBIoT modes include the capacity specifications in various main control board configurations. The capacity of a BBU5900 working in both LTE TDD and LTE NB-IoT modes is limited by the main control board. When the main control board works in both LTE TDD and LTE NB-IoT modes, LTE TDD and LTE NB-IoT share the number of cells and the number of UEs in RRC connected mode supported by the main control board. The following table lists the maximum capacity per BBU5900 configured with different main control boards. Table 1-205 Capacity per BBU5900 in LTE TDD+NB-IoT mode Board Configuration Capacity 1 UMPTb1/UMPTb2 ● Number of cells: 36 (20 MHz 4T4R for LTE TDD cells and 400 kHz 4T4R for LTE NB-IoT cells) ● Throughput: The sum of uplink and downlink data rates at the MAC layer is 1.5 Gbit/s. ● Number of UEs in RRC connected mode: 10800 1 UMPTb3/UMPTb9 ● Number of cells: 36 (20 MHz 4T4R for LTE TDD cells and 400 kHz 4T4R for LTE NB-IoT cells) ● Throughput: The sum of uplink and downlink data rates at the MAC layer is 2 Gbit/s. ● Number of UEs in RRC connected mode: 10800 1 UMPTe ● Number of cells: 72 (20 MHz 4T4R for LTE TDD cells and 600 kHz 4T4R for LTE NB-IoT cells) ● Throughput: The sum of uplink and downlink data rates at the MAC layer is 10 Gbit/s. ● Number of UEs in RRC connected mode: 14400 Issue 04 (2022-07-29) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 149 BBU Technical Specifications 1 BBU Technical Specifications Board Configuration Capacity 1 UMPTga ● Number of cells: 72 (20 MHz 4T4R for LTE TDD cells and 600 kHz 4T4R for LTE NB-IoT cells) ● Throughput: The sum of uplink and downlink data rates at the MAC layer is 10 Gbit/s. ● Number of UEs in RRC connected mode: 14400 1 UMPTg ● Number of cells: 144 (20 MHz 4T4R for LTE TDD cells and 600 kHz 4T4R for LTE NB-IoT cells) ● Throughput: The sum of uplink and downlink data rates at the MAC layer is 20 Gbit/s. ● Number of UEs in RRC connected mode: 28800 LTE FDD+TDD Technical Specifications of the BBU5900 The technical specifications of the BBU5900 working in both LTE FDD and LTE TDD modes include the capacity specifications in various main control board configurations. LTE FDD and LTE TDD share the number of cells and the number of UEs in RRC connected mode. The capacity of a BBU5900 working in LTE FDD mode is limited by the main control board. The following table lists the capacity per BBU configured with different main control boards. Table 1-206 Capacity per BBU5900 in LTE FDD+TDD mode Board Configuration Capacity 1 UMPTb1/UMPTb2 ● Number of cells: 36 ● Throughput: The sum of uplink and downlink data rates at the MAC layer is 1.5 Gbit/s. ● Number of UEs in RRC connected mode: 10800 ● Number of DRBs: 32400 1 UMPTb3/UMPTb9 ● Number of cells: 36 ● Throughput: The sum of uplink and downlink data rates at the MAC layer is 2 Gbit/s. ● Number of UEs in RRC connected mode: 10800 ● Number of DRBs: 32400 1 UMPTe/UMPTga ● Number of cells: 72 ● Throughput: The sum of uplink and downlink data rates at the MAC layer is 10 Gbit/s. ● Number of UEs in RRC connected mode: 14400 ● Number of DRBs: 43200 Issue 04 (2022-07-29) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 150 BBU Technical Specifications 1 BBU Technical Specifications Board Configuration Capacity 1 UMPTg ● Number of cells: 144 ● Throughput: The sum of uplink and downlink data rates at the MAC layer is 20 Gbit/s. ● Number of UEs in RRC connected mode: 28800 ● Number of DRBs: 86400 1.3.4 NR Technical Specifications of the BBU5900 The NR technical specifications of the BBU5900 include the technical specifications when it works in NR TDD scenarios. The BBU specification is the smaller value between the total specification of the main control board and that of the baseband processing unit. NR FDD Technical Specifications of the BBU5900 The NR FDD technical specifications of the BBU5900 include the capacity and signaling specifications. Capacity Specifications The following table lists the capacity per BBU5900 in NR FDD mode in typical scenarios. Table 1-207 Capacity per BBU5900 in NR FDD mode Board Configuration Capacity 1 UMPTg + 6 UBBPg3 ● Number of cells: 144x20 MHz 4T4R ● Throughput: 25 Gbit/s (DL+UL) ● Number of UEs in RRC connected mode: 14400 ● Number of DRBs: 43200 Signaling Specifications The following table lists the signaling specifications per BBU5900 in NR FDD mode in typical scenarios. Table 1-208 Signaling specifications per BBU5900 in NR FDD mode Board Configuration Signaling Specifications (BHCA) 1 UMPTg + 6 UBBPg3 1728000 Issue 04 (2022-07-29) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 151 BBU Technical Specifications 1 BBU Technical Specifications NR TDD Technical Specifications of the BBU5900 The NR TDD technical specifications of the BBU5900 include the capacity and signaling specifications. Capacity Specifications The following table lists the capacity per BBU5900 in NR TDD mode in typical scenarios. Table 1-209 Capacity per BBU5900 in NR TDD mode Board Configuration Capacity 1 UMPTg + 6 UBBPg3 Sub-6 GHz: ● Number of cells: 72x100 MHz 4T4R, 36x100 MHz 8T8R, or 18x100 MHz 32T32R/64T64R ● Throughput: 25 Gbit/s (DL+UL) ● Number of UEs in RRC connected mode: 14400 ● Number of DRBs: 43200 mmWave: ● Number of cells: 72x200 MHz 2T2R (CPRI), 36x200 MHz 4T4R (CPRI), 72x200 MHz 4T4R (eCPRI), or 36x200 MHz 8T8R (eCPRI) ● Throughput: 25 Gbit/s (DL+UL) ● Number of UEs in RRC connected mode: 6000 ● Number of DRBs: 18000 Signaling Specifications The following table lists the signaling specifications per BBU5900 in NR TDD mode in typical scenarios. Table 1-210 Signaling specifications per BBU5900 in NR TDD mode Board Configuration Signaling Specifications (BHCA) 1 UMPTg + 6 UBBPg3 Sub-6 GHz: 1728000 mmWave: 1080000 BBU5900 NR (FDD+TDD) Technical Specifications The NR (FDD+TDD) technical specifications of the BBU5900 include the capacity and signaling specifications. NR FDD and NR TDD share the number of cells, number of UEs in RRC connected mode, number of DRBs, and signaling specifications of the main control board. Issue 04 (2022-07-29) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 152 BBU Technical Specifications 1 BBU Technical Specifications Capacity Specifications The following table lists the capacity per BBU5900 in NR (FDD+TDD) mode in typical scenarios. Table 1-211 Capacity per BBU5900 in NR (FDD+TDD) mode Board Configuration Capacity 1 UMPTg + 3 UBBPg3_N(FDD) + 3 UBBPg3_N(TDD) ● Number of NR FDD cells: 72x20 MHz 4T4R ● Number of NR TDD cells: 9x100 MHz 32T32R/ 64T64R ● Throughput: 25 Gbit/s (DL+UL) ● Number of UEs in RRC connected mode: 14400 ● Number of DRBs: 43200 Signaling Specifications The following table lists the signaling specifications per BBU5900 in NR (FDD +TDD) mode in typical scenarios. Table 1-212 Signaling specifications per BBU5900 in NR (FDD+TDD) mode Board Configuration Signaling Specifications 1 UMPTg + 3 UBBPg3_N(FDD) + 3 UBBPg3_N(TDD) 1728000 BHCA 1.3.5 Multimode Technical Specifications of the BBU5900 The multimode technical specifications of the BBU5900 include the capacity and signaling specifications when it works in GSM, UMTS, LTE, and NR concurrency scenarios. Capacity Specifications ● G is short for GSM, U is short for UMTS, L is short for LTE FDD, T is short for LTE TDD, M is short for LTE NB-IoT. N (FDD) is short for NR FDD and N (TDD) is short for NR TDD. ● If GSM is configured with 72 TRXs, each TRX can be configured with only one SDCCH; if GSM is configured with 24 TRXs, each TRX can be configured with three SDCCHs. ● The UL capacity of a UL base station is the same as that of a GUL base station. ● In typical GL/UL/LN/GUL/GULN scenarios, LTE FDD and LTE TDD dynamically share the LTE specifications of the main control board. Issue 04 (2022-07-29) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 153 BBU Technical Specifications 1 BBU Technical Specifications ● In typical GL/UL/LN/GUL/GULN scenarios where the specifications of GSM and UMTS remain unchanged, the LTE FDD capacity of the main control board is affected after LTE NB-IoT is introduced. That is, LTE FDD and NB-IoT share the number of LTE FDD cells and number of UEs in RRC connected mode of the main control board before LTE NB-IoT is introduced. ● Both LTE and NR cells support multiple bandwidths. For example, LTE FDD cells support bandwidth configurations of 1.4 MHz, 3 MHz, 5 MHz, 10 MHz, 15 MHz, and 20 MHz. For simplicity, the cell number specifications of LTE and NR cells in this section only use the maximum bandwidth. For example, the 20 MHz bandwidth is used for LTE FDD cells. ● The BBU capacity specification is the smaller value between the total specification of the main control board and that of the baseband processing unit. There are many multi-RAT configuration combinations. The following multi-RAT capacity specifications are provided only in typical configurations. Signaling Specifications ● If GSM is configured with 72 TRXs (S24/24/24), each TRX can be configured with only one SDCCH; if GSM is configured with 24 TRXs (S8/8/8), each TRX can be configured with three SDCCHs. ● The following specifications are met only in typical configurations. For example, the number of SCTP links required for GSM can be reached only when the typical configuration is used. ● LTE FDD and LTE TDD dynamically share the signaling specifications of the main control board. NR FDD and NR TDD dynamically share the signaling specifications of the main control board. ● In typical GL/UL/GUL scenarios where the specifications of GSM and UMTS remain unchanged, the allocation of LTE FDD signaling specifications of the main control board is affected after NB-IoT is introduced because LTE FDD and NB-IoT share the LTE signaling specifications on the main control board. On commercial networks, it is recommended that 30% of LTE signaling processing specifications be allocated to LTE NB-IoT. LN (TDD) Technical Specifications of the BBU5900 The technical specifications of a BBU5900 working in LN (TDD) co-MPT mode include capacity and signaling specifications. Capacity Specifications The following table lists the capacity specifications in typical configurations when the BBU5900 adopts LN (TDD) co-MPT deployment. Table 1-213 Capacity per BBU5900 in LN (TDD) mode Board Configuration Capacity 1 UMPTe + 4 UBBPe4_L + 2 UBBPg2a_N(TDD) ● LTE FDD: 24x20 MHz 4T4R cells, 5400 UEs in RRC connected mode Issue 04 (2022-07-29) ● NR TDD: 6x100 MHz 8T8R cells, 2400 UEs in RRC connected mode Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 154 BBU Technical Specifications 1 BBU Technical Specifications Board Configuration Capacity 1 UMPTga + 3 UBBPg2a_L + 3 UBBPg3_N(TDD) ● LTE FDD: 36x20 MHz 4T4R cells, 7200 UEs in RRC connected mode 1 UMPTg + 3 UBBPg3_L + 3 UBBPg3_N(TDD) ● LTE FDD: 72x20 MHz 4T4R cells, 14400 UEs in RRC connected mode ● NR TDD: 18x100 MHz 8T8R or 9x100 MHz 64T64R cells, 3600 UEs in RRC connected mode ● NR TDD: 18x100 MHz 8T8R or 9x100 MHz 64T64R cells, 7200 UEs in RRC connected mode Signaling Specifications The following tables list the signaling specifications in typical configurations when the BBU5900 adopts LN (TDD) co-MPT deployment. Table 1-214 Signaling specifications per BBU5900 in LN (TDD) mode Board Configuration Signaling Specifications 1 UMPTe + 4 UBBPe4_L + 2 UBBPg2a_N(TDD) ● LTE FDD: 540000 BHCA 1 UMPTga + 4 UBBPe4_L + 2 UBBPg3_N(TDD) ● LTE FDD: 810000 BHCA 1 UMPTg + 4 UBBPe4_L + 2 UBBPg3_N(TDD) ● LTE FDD: 1080000 BHCA ● NR TDD: 432000 BHCA ● NR TDD: 540000 BHCA ● NR TDD: 864000 BHCA LN (FDD) Technical Specifications of the BBU5900 The technical specifications of a BBU5900 working in LN (FDD) co-MPT mode include capacity and signaling specifications. Capacity Specifications The following table lists the capacity specifications in typical configurations when the BBU5900 adopts LN (FDD) co-MPT deployment. Issue 04 (2022-07-29) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 155 BBU Technical Specifications 1 BBU Technical Specifications Table 1-215 Capacity per BBU5900 in LN (FDD) mode Board Configuration Capacity 1 UMPTe + 4 UBBPe4_L + 2 UBBPg2a_N(FDD) ● LTE FDD: 24x20 MHz 4T4R cells, 5400 UEs in RRC connected mode 1 UMPTga + 3 UBBPg2a_L + 3 UBBPg3_N(FDD) ● LTE FDD: 36x20 MHz 4T4R cells, 7200 UEs in RRC connected mode 1 UMPTg + 3 UBBPg3_L + 3 UBBPg3_N(FDD) ● LTE FDD: 72x20 MHz 4T4R cells, 14400 UEs in RRC connected mode ● NR FDD: 24x20 MHz 4T4R cells, 2400 UEs in RRC connected mode ● NR FDD: 36x20 MHz 4T4R cells, 3600 UEs in RRC connected mode ● NR FDD: 72x20 MHz 4T4R cells, 7200 UEs in RRC connected mode Signaling Specifications The following table lists the signaling specifications in typical configurations when the BBU5900 adopts LN (FDD) co-MPT deployment. Table 1-216 Signaling specifications per BBU5900 in LN (FDD) mode Board Configuration Signaling Specifications 1 UMPTe + 4 UBBPe4_L + 2 UBBPg2a_N(FDD) ● LTE FDD: 540000 BHCA 1 UMPTga + 4 UBBPe4_L + 2 UBBPg3_N(FDD) ● LTE FDD: 810000 BHCA 1 UMPTg + 4 UBBPe4_L + 2 UBBPg3_N(FDD) ● LTE FDD: 1080000 BHCA ● NR FDD: 432000 BHCA ● NR FDD: 540000 BHCA ● NR FDD: 864000 BHCA TN (TDD) Technical specifications of the BBU5900 The technical specifications of a BBU5900 working in TN (TDD) co-MPT mode include capacity and signaling specifications. Capacity Specifications The following table lists the capacity specifications in typical configurations when the BBU5900 adopts TN (TDD) co-MPT deployment. Issue 04 (2022-07-29) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 156 BBU Technical Specifications 1 BBU Technical Specifications Table 1-217 Capacity per BBU5900 in TN (TDD) mode Board Configuration Capacity 1 UMPTga + 3 UBBPg2a_T + 3 UBBPg3_N(TDD) ● LTE TDD: 36x20 MHz 4T4R or 18x20 MHz 64T64R cells, 7200 UEs in RRC connected mode 1 UMPTg + 3 UBBPg3_T + 3 UBBPg3_N(TDD) ● LTE TDD: 72x20 MHz 4T4R or 27x20 MHz 64T64R cells, 14400 UEs in RRC connected mode ● NR TDD: 18x100 MHz 8T8R or 9x100 MHz 64T64R cells, 3600 UEs in RRC connected mode ● NR TDD: 18x100 MHz 8T8R or 9x100 MHz 64T64R cells, 7200 UEs in RRC connected mode Signaling Specifications The following table lists the signaling specifications in typical configurations when the BBU5900 adopts TN (TDD) co-MPT deployment. Table 1-218 Signaling specifications per BBU5900 in TN (TDD) mode Board Configuration Signaling Specifications 1 UMPTga + 4 UBBPe4_T + 2 UBBPg3_N(TDD) ● LTE TDD: 810000 BHCA 1 UMPTg + 4 UBBPe4_T + 2 UBBPg3_N(TDD) ● LTE TDD: 1080000 BHCA ● NR TDD: 540000 BHCA ● NR TDD: 864000 BHCA TN (FDD) Technical Specifications of the BBU5900 The technical specifications of a BBU5900 working in TN (FDD) co-MPT mode include capacity and signaling specifications. Capacity Specifications The following table lists the capacity specifications in typical configurations when the BBU5900 adopts TN (FDD) co-MPT deployment. Table 1-219 Capacity per BBU5900 in TN (FDD) mode Board Configuration Capacity 1 UMPTga + 3 UBBPg2a_T + 3 UBBPg3_N(FDD) ● LTE TDD: 36x20 MHz 4T4R or 18x20 MHz 64T64R cells, 7200 UEs in RRC connected mode Issue 04 (2022-07-29) ● NR FDD: 36x20 MHz 4T4R cells, 3600 UEs in RRC connected mode Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 157 BBU Technical Specifications 1 BBU Technical Specifications Board Configuration Capacity 1 UMPTg + 3 UBBPg3_T + 3 UBBPg3_N(FDD) ● LTE TDD: 72x20 MHz 4T4R or 27x20 MHz 64T64R cells, 14400 UEs in RRC connected mode ● NR FDD: 72x20 MHz 4T4R cells, 7200 UEs in RRC connected mode Signaling Specifications The following table lists the signaling specifications in typical configurations when the BBU5900 adopts TN (FDD) co-MPT deployment. Table 1-220 Signaling specifications per BBU5900 in TN (FDD) mode Board Configuration Signaling Specifications 1 UMPTga + 4 UBBPe4_T + 2 UBBPg3_N(FDD) ● LTE TDD: 810000 BHCA 1 UMPTg + 4 UBBPe4_T + 2 UBBPg3_N(FDD) ● LTE TDD: 1080000 BHCA ● NR FDD: 540000 BHCA ● NR FDD: 864000 BHCA GULN (TDD) Technical Specifications of the BBU5900 The technical specifications of a BBU5900 working in GULN (TDD) co-MPT mode include capacity and signaling specifications. Capacity Specifications The following tables list the capacity specifications in typical configurations when the BBU5900 adopts GULN (TDD) co-MPT deployment. Table 1-221 Capacity per BBU5900 in GULN (TDD) mode Board Configuration Capacity 1 UMPTga + 3 UBBPg3_UL + 3 UBBPg3_N(TDD) ● GSM: 72 TRXs ● UMTS: 36 cells (2R) ● LTE FDD: 36x20 MHz 4T4R cells, 7200 UEs in RRC connected mode ● NR TDD: 18x100 MHz 8T8R or 9x100 MHz 64T64R cells, 3600 UEs in RRC connected mode Issue 04 (2022-07-29) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 158 BBU Technical Specifications 1 BBU Technical Specifications Board Configuration Capacity 1 UMPTg + 3 UBBPg3_UL + 3 UBBPg3_N(TDD) ● GSM: 72 TRXs ● UMTS: 36 cells (2R) ● LTE FDD: 36x20 MHz 4T4R cells, 14400 UEs in RRC connected mode ● NR TDD: 18x100 MHz 8T8R or 9x100 MHz 64T64R cells, 7200 UEs in RRC connected mode 1 UMPTga + 1 UBBPd6_U + 3 UBBPe6_L + 2 UBBPg3_N(TDD) ● GSM: 72 TRXs ● UMTS: 12 cells (2R) ● LTE FDD: 36x20 MHz 4T4R cells, 7200 UEs in RRC connected mode ● NR TDD: 12x100 MHz 8T8R or 6x100 MHz 64T64R cells, 3600 UEs in RRC connected mode 1 UMPTg +1 UBBPd6_U + 3 UBBPe6_L + 2 UBBPg3_N(TDD) ● GSM: 72 TRXs ● UMTS: 12 cells (2R) ● LTE FDD: 36x20 MHz 4T4R cells, 14400 UEs in RRC connected mode ● NR TDD: 12x100 MHz 8T8R or 6x100 MHz 64T64R cells, 7200 UEs in RRC connected mode Signaling Specifications The following tables list the signaling specifications in typical configurations when the BBU5900 adopts GULN (TDD) co-MPT deployment. Table 1-222 Signaling specifications per BBU5900 in GULN (TDD) mode Board Configuration Signaling Specifications 1 UMPTga + 3 UBBPg3_UL + 3 UBBPg3_N(TDD) ● GSM: 24 TRXs ● UMTS: 300 CNBAPS ● LTE FDD: 540000 BHCA ● NR TDD: 378000 BHCA 1 UMPTg + 3 UBBPg3_UL + 3 UBBPg3_N(TDD) ● GSM: 24 TRXs ● UMTS: 300 CNBAPS ● LTE FDD: 810000 BHCA ● NR TDD: 648000 BHCA 1 UMPTga + 1 UBBPd6_U + 3 UBBPe6_L + 2 UBBPg3_N(TDD) Issue 04 (2022-07-29) ● GSM: 24 TRXs ● UMTS: 300 CNBAPS ● LTE FDD: 540000 BHCA ● NR TDD: 378000 BHCA Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 159 BBU Technical Specifications 1 BBU Technical Specifications Board Configuration Signaling Specifications 1 UMPTg + 1 UBBPd6_U + 3 UBBPe6_L + 2 UBBPg3_N(TDD) ● GSM: 24 TRXs ● UMTS: 300 CNBAPS ● LTE FDD: 810000 BHCA ● NR TDD: 648000 BHCA GULN (FDD) Technical Specifications of the BBU5900 The technical specifications of a BBU5900 working in GULN (FDD) co-MPT mode include capacity and signaling specifications. Capacity Specifications The following table lists the capacity specifications in typical configurations when the BBU5900 adopts GULN (FDD) co-MPT deployment. Table 1-223 Capacity per BBU5900 in GULN (FDD) mode Board Configuration Capacity 1 UMPTga + 3 UBBPg3_UL + 3 UBBPg3_N(FDD) ● GSM: 72 TRXs ● UMTS: 36 cells (2R) ● LTE FDD: 36x20 MHz 4T4R cells, 7200 UEs in RRC connected mode ● NR FDD: 36x20 MHz 4T4R cells, 3600 UEs in RRC connected mode 1 UMPTg + 3 UBBPg3_UL + 3 UBBPg3_N(FDD) ● GSM: 72 TRXs ● UMTS: 36 cells (2R) ● LTE FDD: 36x20 MHz 4T4R cells, 14400 UEs in RRC connected mode ● NR FDD: 36x20 MHz 4T4R cells, 7200 UEs in RRC connected mode 1 UMPTga + 1 UBBPd6_U + 3 UBBPe6_L + 2 UBBPg3_N(FDD) ● GSM: 72 TRXs ● UMTS: 12 cells (2R) ● LTE FDD: 36x20 MHz 4T4R cells, 7200 UEs in RRC connected mode ● NR FDD: 36x20 MHz 4T4R cells, 3600 UEs in RRC connected mode Issue 04 (2022-07-29) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 160 BBU Technical Specifications 1 BBU Technical Specifications Board Configuration Capacity 1 UMPTg + 1 UBBPd6_U + 3 UBBPe6_L + 2 UBBPg3_N(FDD) ● GSM: 72 TRXs ● UMTS: 12 cells (2R) ● LTE FDD: 36x20 MHz 4T4R cells, 14400 UEs in RRC connected mode ● NR FDD: 48x20 MHz 4T4R cells, 7200 UEs in RRC connected mode Signaling Specifications The following table lists the signaling specifications in typical configurations when the BBU5900 adopts GULN (FDD) co-MPT deployment. Table 1-224 Signaling specifications per BBU5900 in GULN (FDD) mode Board Configuration Signaling Specifications 1 UMPTga + 3 UBBPg3_UL + 3 UBBPg3_N(FDD) ● GSM: 24 TRXs ● UMTS: 300 CNBAPS ● LTE FDD: 540000 BHCA ● NR FDD: 378000 BHCA 1 UMPTg + 3 UBBPg3_UL + 3 UBBPg3_N(FDD) ● GSM: 24 TRXs ● UMTS: 300 CNBAPS ● LTE FDD: 810000 BHCA ● NR FDD: 648000 BHCA 1 UMPTga + 1 UBBPd6_U + 3 UBBPe6_L + 2 UBBPg3_N(FDD) ● GSM: 24 TRXs 1 UMPTg + 1 UBBPd6_U + 3 UBBPe6_L + 2 UBBPg3_N(FDD) ● GSM: 24 TRXs ● UMTS: 300 CNBAPS ● LTE FDD: 540000 BHCA ● NR FDD: 378000 BHCA ● UMTS: 300 CNBAPS ● LTE FDD: 810000 BHCA ● NR FDD: 648000 BHCA GUTN (TDD) Technical Specifications of the BBU5900 The technical specifications of a BBU5900 working in GUTN (TDD) co-MPT mode include capacity and signaling specifications. Issue 04 (2022-07-29) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 161 BBU Technical Specifications 1 BBU Technical Specifications Capacity Specifications The following table lists the capacity specifications in typical configurations when the BBU5900 adopts GUTN (TDD) co-MPT deployment. Table 1-225 Capacity per BBU5900 in GUTN (TDD) mode Board Configuration Capacity 1 UMPTga + 1 UBBPd6_U + 3 UBBPe6_T + 2 UBBPg3_N(TDD) ● GSM: 72 TRXs ● UMTS: 12 cells (2R) ● LTE TDD: 36x20 MHz 4T4R cells, 7200 UEs in RRC connected mode ● NR TDD: 12x100 MHz 8T8R or 6x100 MHz 64T64R cells, 3600 UEs in RRC connected mode 1 UMPTg +1 UBBPd6_U + 3 UBBPe6_T + 2 UBBPg3_N(TDD) ● GSM: 72 TRXs ● UMTS: 12 cells (2R) ● LTE TDD: 36x20 MHz 4T4R cells, 14400 UEs in RRC connected mode ● NR TDD: 12x100 MHz 8T8R or 6x100 MHz 64T64R cells, 7200 UEs in RRC connected mode Signaling Specifications The following table lists the signaling specifications in typical configurations when the BBU5900 adopts GUTN (TDD) co-MPT deployment. Table 1-226 Signaling specifications per BBU5900 in GUTN (TDD) mode Board Configuration Signaling Specifications 1 UMPTga + 1 UBBPd6_U + 3 UBBPe6_T + 2 UBBPg3_N(TDD) ● GSM: 24 TRXs 1 UMPTg + 1 UBBPd6_U + 3 UBBPe6_T + 2 UBBPg3_N(TDD) ● GSM: 24 TRXs ● UMTS: 300 CNBAPS ● LTE TDD: 540000 BHCA ● NR TDD: 378000 BHCA ● UMTS: 300 CNBAPS ● LTE TDD: 810000 BHCA ● NR TDD: 648000 BHCA GUTN (FDD) Technical Specifications of the BBU5900 The technical specifications of a BBU5900 working in GUTN (FDD) co-MPT mode include capacity and signaling specifications. Issue 04 (2022-07-29) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 162 BBU Technical Specifications 1 BBU Technical Specifications Capacity Specifications The following table lists the capacity specifications in typical configurations when the BBU5900 adopts GUTN (FDD) co-MPT deployment. Table 1-227 Capacity per BBU5900 in GUTN (FDD) mode Board Configuration Capacity 1 UMPTga + 1 UBBPd6_U + 3 UBBPe6_T + 2 UBBPg3_N(FDD) ● GSM: 72 TRXs ● UMTS: 36 cells (2R) ● LTE TDD: 36x20 MHz 4T4R cells, 7200 UEs in RRC connected mode ● NR FDD: 36x20 MHz 4T4R cells, 3600 UEs in RRC connected mode 1 UMPTg +1 UBBPd6_U + 3 UBBPe6_T + 2 UBBPg3_N(FDD) ● GSM: 72 TRXs ● UMTS: 12 cells (2R) ● LTE TDD: 36x20 MHz 4T4R cells, 14400 UEs in RRC connected mode ● NR FDD: 48x20 MHz 4T4R cells, 7200 UEs in RRC connected mode Signaling Specifications The following table lists the signaling specifications in typical configurations when the BBU5900 adopts GUTN (FDD) co-MPT deployment. Table 1-228 Signaling specifications per BBU5900 in GUTN (FDD) mode Board Configuration Signaling Specifications 1 UMPTga + 1 UBBPd6_U + 3 UBBPe6_T + 2 UBBPg3_N(FDD) ● GSM: 24 TRXs 1 UMPTg + 1 UBBPd6_U + 3 UBBPe6_T + 2 UBBPg3_N(FDD) ● GSM: 24 TRXs ● UMTS: 300 CNBAPS ● LTE TDD: 540000 BHCA ● NR FDD: 378000 BHCA ● UMTS: 300 CNBAPS ● LTE TDD: 810000 BHCA ● NR FDD: 648000 BHCA GUL Technical Specifications of the BBU5900 The technical specifications of a BBU5900 working in GUL co-MPT mode include capacity and signaling specifications. Issue 04 (2022-07-29) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 163 BBU Technical Specifications 1 BBU Technical Specifications Capacity Specifications The following table lists the capacity specifications in typical configurations when the BBU5900 adopts GUL co-MPT deployment. Table 1-229 Capacity per BBU5900 in GUL mode Board Configuration Capacity 1 UMPTb + 3 UBBPd5_U + 3 UBBPd5_L ● GSM: 72 TRXs 1 UMPTe + 2 UBBPe4_U + 4 UBBPe6_L ● GSM: 72 TRXs 1 UMPTga + 2 UBBPe4_U + 4 UBBPg3_L ● GSM: 72 TRXs 1 UMPTg + 2 UBBPe4_U + 4 UBBPg3_L ● GSM: 72 TRXs ● UMTS: 18 cells (2R) ● LTE FDD: 18x20 MHz 2T2R cells, 7200 UEs in RRC connected mode ● UMTS: 24 cells (2R) ● LTE FDD: 48x20 MHz 2T2R cells, 14400 UEs in RRC connected mode ● UMTS: 24 cells (2R) ● LTE FDD: 72x20 MHz 2T2R cells, 14400 UEs in RRC connected mode ● UMTS: 24 cells (2R) ● LTE FDD: 72x20 MHz 2T2R cells, 14400 UEs in RRC connected mode Signaling Specifications The following table lists the signaling specifications in typical configurations when the BBU5900 adopts GUL co-MPT deployment. Table 1-230 Signaling specifications per BBU5900 in GUL mode Board Configuration Signaling Specifications 1 UMPTb + 2 UBBPd2_U + 1 UBBPd3_L ● GSM: 18 TRXs 1 UMPTb + 4 UBBPd1_U + 1 UBBPd3_L ● GSM: 24 TRXs Issue 04 (2022-07-29) ● UMTS: 500 CNBAPS ● LTE FDD: 270000 BHCA ● UMTS: 800 CNBAPS ● LTE FDD: 234000 BHCA Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 164 BBU Technical Specifications 1 BBU Technical Specifications Board Configuration Signaling Specifications 1 UMPTe + 1 UBBPd6_U + 5 UBBPd3_L ● GSM: 24 TRXs 1 UMPTe + 2 UBBPd6_U + 4 UBBPe6_L ● GSM: 24 TRXs ● UMTS: 350 CNBAPS ● LTE FDD: 1170000 BHCA ● UMTS: 600 CNBAPS ● LTE FDD: 900000 BHCA UL Technical Specifications of the BBU5900 The technical specifications of a BBU5900 working in UL co-MPT mode include capacity and signaling specifications. Capacity Specifications The following table lists the capacity specifications in typical configurations when the BBU5900 adopts UL co-MPT deployment. Table 1-231 Capacity per BBU5900 in UL mode Board Configuration Capacity 1 UMPTb + 3 UBBPd5_U + 3 UBBPd5_L ● UMTS: 18 cells (2R) 1 UMPTe + 2 UBBPe4_U + 4 UBBPe6_L ● UMTS: 24 cells (2R) 1 UMPTg + 2 UBBPe4_U + 4 UBBPg3_L ● UMTS: 24 cells (2R) ● LTE FDD: 18x20 MHz 2T2R cells, 7200 UEs in RRC connected mode ● LTE FDD: 48x20 MHz 2T2R cells, 14400 UEs in RRC connected mode ● LTE FDD: 72x20 MHz 2T2R cells, 14400 UEs in RRC connected mode Signaling Specifications The following table lists the signaling specifications in typical configurations when the BBU5900 adopts UL co-MPT deployment. Table 1-232 Signaling specifications per BBU5900 in UL mode Board Configuration Signaling Specifications 1 UMPTb + 1 UBBPd2_U + 1 UBBPd3_L ● UMTS: 350 CNBAPS Issue 04 (2022-07-29) ● LTE FDD: 270000 BHCA Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 165 BBU Technical Specifications 1 BBU Technical Specifications Board Configuration Signaling Specifications 1 UMPTb + 1 UBBPd2_U + 2 UBBPd3_L ● UMTS: 350 CNBAPS 1 UMPTe + 1 UBBPd6_U + 5 UBBPd3_L ● UMTS: 350 CNBAPS 1 UMPTe + 2 UBBPd6_U + 4 UBBPe4_L ● UMTS: 600 CNBAPS ● LTE FDD: 504000 BHCA ● LTE FDD: 1350000 BHCA ● LTE FDD: 1206000 BHCA GL Technical Specifications of the BBU5900 The technical specifications of a BBU5900 working in GL co-MPT mode include capacity and signaling specifications. Capacity Specifications The following table lists the capacity specifications in typical configurations when the BBU5900 adopts GL co-MPT deployment. Table 1-233 Capacity per BBU5900 in GL mode Board Configuration Capacity 1 UMPTb + 6 UBBPd6_L ● GSM: 72 TRXs 1 UMPTe + 6 UBBPe6_L ● GSM: 72 TRXs ● LTE FDD: 36x10/15/20 MHz 2T2R cells, 7200 UEs in RRC connected mode ● LTE FDD: 72x10/15/20 MHz 2T2R cells, 14400 UEs in RRC connected mode Signaling Specifications The following table lists the signaling specifications in typical configurations when the BBU5900 adopts GL co-MPT deployment. Table 1-234 Signaling specifications per BBU5900 in GL mode Board Configuration Signaling Specifications 1 UMPTb + 2 UBBPd3_L ● GSM: 48 TRXs Issue 04 (2022-07-29) ● LTE FDD: 414000 BHCA Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 166 BBU Technical Specifications 1 BBU Technical Specifications Board Configuration Signaling Specifications 1 UMPTe + 6 UBBPd3_L ● GSM: 48 TRXs 1 UMPTe + 6 UBBPe6_L ● GSM: 24 TRXs ● LTE FDD: 1170000 BHCA ● LTE FDD: 1350000 BHCA GU Technical Specifications of the BBU5900 The technical specifications of a BBU5900 working in GU co-MPT mode include capacity and signaling specifications. Capacity Specifications The following table lists the capacity specifications in typical configurations when the BBU5900 adopts GU co-MPT deployment. Table 1-235 Capacity per BBU5900 in GU mode Board Configuration Capacity 1 UMPTb + 5 UBBPd6_U ● GSM: 72 TRXs 1 UMPTe + 5 UBBPd6_U ● GSM: 72 TRXs ● UMTS: 36 cells (2R) ● UMTS: 48 cells (2R) Signaling Specifications The following table lists the signaling specifications in typical configurations when the BBU5900 adopts GU co-MPT deployment. Table 1-236 Signaling specifications per BBU5900 in GU mode Board Configuration Signaling Specifications 1 UMPTb + 5 UBBPd1_U ● GSM: 24 TRXs 1 UMPTe + 5 UBBPd1_U ● GSM: 24 TRXs Issue 04 (2022-07-29) ● UMTS: 1000 CNBAPS ● UMTS: 1000 CNBAPS Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 167 BBU Technical Specifications 1 BBU Technical Specifications 1.3.6 BBU5900 Equipment Specifications BBU5900 equipment specifications include the input power specifications, dimensions, weight, heat dissipation capabilities, environmental specifications, and surge protection specifications. Input Power The following table lists the input power specifications of a BBU5900. Table 1-237 Input power of a BBU5900 Item Specifications Input power type –48 V DC Operating voltage –38.4 V DC to –57 V DC Dimensions and Weight The following table lists the dimensions and weight of a BBU5900. Table 1-238 Dimensions and weight of a BBU5900 Item Specifications Dimensions (H x W x D) 86 mm x 442 mm x 310 mm (3.39 in. x 17.40 in. x 12.20 in.) Weight 18 kg (39.69 lb) in full configuration Heat Dissipation Capabilities The following table lists the heat dissipation capability of a BBU5900. Table 1-239 Heat dissipation capability of a BBU5900 Item Specifications Heat dissipation capability 2100 W (configured with a FANf) Environmental Specifications The following table lists the environmental specifications of a BBU5900. Issue 04 (2022-07-29) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 168 BBU Technical Specifications 1 BBU Technical Specifications Table 1-240 Environmental specifications of a BBU5900 Item Specifications Operating temperature Long-term operation: –20°C to +55°C (–4°F to +131°F) Relative humidity 5% RH to 95% RH Ingress protection rating IP20 Atmospheric pressure 70 kPa to 106 kPa Noise sound power level ETS 300 753 3.1 Storage time Installed and used within one year ≤ 7.2 bels Compliance Standards The following table lists the compliance standards for a BBU5900. Table 1-241 Standards compliance for a BBU Item Standard Security standards ● IEC/EN/UL60950-1 ● IEC/EN/UL60950-22 ● IEC/EN/UL62368-1 Operating environment ETSI EN 300 019-1-3 Class3.1 Storage environment ETSI EN 300 019-1-1 Class1.2 NOTE ● The validity period is one year. ● The product can function properly within the validity period if the storage environment meets the preceding standards. Issue 04 (2022-07-29) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 169 BBU Technical Specifications 1 BBU Technical Specifications Item Standard Surge protection ● IEC 62305-1 Protection against lightning - Part 1: General principles ● IEC 62305-3 Protection against lightning - Part 3: Physical damage to structures and life hazard ● IEC 62305-4 Protection against lightning - Part 4: Electrical and electronic systems within structures ● ITU-T K.35 Bonding configurations and earthing at remote electronic sites ● ITU-T K.56 Protection of radio base stations against lightning discharges ● ITU-T K.97 Lightning protection of distributed base stations ● ETSI EN 300 253 Environmental Engineering(EE): Earthing and bonding configuration inside telecommunications centers ● YD/T 2324-2011: Lightning protection requirements and test methods for radio base stations ● GB 50689-2011 Code for design of lightning protection and earthing engineering for telecommunication bureaus (stations) 1.4 BBU5900A Technical Specifications The BBU5900A can be configured with 1 main control board and 1–3 baseband processing units. The capacity and signaling specifications of the BBU5900A vary with the types and numbers of main control boards and baseband processing units configured. This section describes the capacity specifications, signaling specifications, and equipment specifications of the BBU5900A working in different RATs in typical board configurations. 1.4.1 GSM Technical Specifications of the BBU5900A The GSM technical specifications of the BBU5900A include the capacity and signaling specifications (both indicated by the number of TRXs). Capacity Specifications The following table lists the capacity specifications per BBU5900A in GSM mode. Table 1-242 Capacity per BBU5900A in GSM mode Board Configuration Capacity(1) 1 UMPT 72 TRXs Issue 04 (2022-07-29) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 170 BBU Technical Specifications 1 BBU Technical Specifications Board Configuration Capacity(1) (1): Each cell supports a maximum of 24 TRXs, and a single site supports a maximum of 12 cells. Signaling Specifications The following table lists the signaling specifications per BBU5900A in GSM mode. Table 1-243 Signaling specifications per BBU5900A in GSM mode Board Configuration Signaling Specifications 1 UMPT 72 TRXs (1) (1): Each cell supports a maximum of 24 TRXs, and a single site supports a maximum of 12 cells. 1.4.2 UMTS Technical Specifications of the BBU5900A The UMTS technical specifications of the BBU5900A include the capacity and signaling specifications. Capacity Specifications The following table lists the capacity per BBU5900A in UMTS mode. Table 1-244 Capacity per BBU5900A in UMTS mode Board Configuration Capacity 1 UMPT + 3 UBBPd6 ● Number of cells: 36 ● Number of UL/DL CEs: 3072/3072 Signaling Specifications The following table lists the signaling specifications per BBU5900A in UMTS mode in typical board configurations. Table 1-245 Signaling specifications per BBU5900A in UMTS mode Board Configuration Signaling Specifications (CNBAPS) 1 UMPT + 3 UBBPd1~UBBPd5 900 1 UMPT + 3 UBBPd6 1200 Issue 04 (2022-07-29) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 171 BBU Technical Specifications 1 BBU Technical Specifications Board Configuration Signaling Specifications (CNBAPS) 1 UMPT + 3 UBBPe1/ UBBPe2 900 1 UMPT + 3 UBBPe3~UBBPe6 1200 1 UMPT + 3 UBBPg1~UBBPg3 1200 1.4.3 LTE Technical Specifications of the BBU5900A The LTE technical specifications of the BBU5900A include the technical specifications when it works in LTE FDD, LTE TDD, LTE NB-IoT, and multimode concurrency scenarios. LTE FDD Technical Specifications of the BBU5900A The LTE FDD technical specifications of the BBU5900A include the capacity and signaling specifications. Capacity Specifications The following table lists the capacity per BBU5900A in LTE FDD mode. Table 1-246 Capacity per BBU5900A in LTE FDD mode Board Configuration Capacity 1 UMPTg + 3 UBBPg3 ● Number of cells: 72x20 MHz 2T2R/4T4R or 36x20 MHz 8T8R/32T32R ● Throughput: The sum of uplink and downlink data rates at the MAC layer is 20 Gbit/s. ● Number of UEs in RRC connected mode: 28800 ● Number of DRBs: 86400 Signaling Specifications The following table lists the signaling specifications per BBU5900A in LTE FDD mode in typical board configurations. Table 1-247 Signaling specifications per BBU5900A in LTE FDD mode Board Configuration Signaling Specifications (BHCA) 1 UMPTe + 3 UBBPe6 1620000 Issue 04 (2022-07-29) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 172 BBU Technical Specifications 1 BBU Technical Specifications Board Configuration Signaling Specifications (BHCA) 1 UMPTg + 3 UBBPg3 3240000 LTE TDD Technical Specifications of the BBU5900A The LTE TDD technical specifications of the BBU5900A include the capacity and signaling specifications. Capacity Specifications The capacity specifications of the BBU5900A working in LTE TDD mode are restricted by the main control board. The following table lists the capacity specifications per BBU configured with different main control boards. Table 1-248 Capacity per BBU5900A in LTE TDD mode Board Configuratio n Capacity Specifications 1 UMPTe ● Number of cells: 72x20 MHz 8T8R or 18x20 MHz 64T64R ● Throughput: The sum of uplink and downlink data rates at the MAC layer is 10 Gbit/s. ● Number of UEs in RRC connected mode: 14400 ● Number of DRBs: 43200 1 UMPTg ● Number of cells: 72x20 MHz 8T8R or 36x20 MHz 64T64R ● Throughput: The sum of uplink and downlink data rates at the MAC layer is 20 Gbit/s. ● Number of UEs in RRC connected mode: 28800 ● Number of DRBs: 86400 Signaling Specifications The following table lists the signaling specifications per BBU5900A in LTE TDD mode in typical board configurations. Table 1-249 Signaling specifications per BBU5900A in LTE TDD mode Board Configuratio n Signaling Specifications (BHCA) 1 UMPTe + 2 UBBPe6 1296000 Issue 04 (2022-07-29) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 173 BBU Technical Specifications 1 BBU Technical Specifications LTE NB-IoT Technical Specifications of the BBU5900A The LTE NB-IoT technical specifications of the BBU5900A include the capacity and the signaling specifications. Capacity Specifications The following table lists the capacity per BBU5900A in LTE NB-IoT mode. Table 1-250 Capacity per BBU5900A in LTE NB-IoT mode Board Configuration Capacity 1 UMPTg + 3 UBBPg3 ● Number of cells: 81x600 kHz 4T4R or 27x1600 kHz 4T4R ● Throughput: uplink data rate at the MAC layer: 86.4 Mbit/s; downlink data rate at the MAC layer: 45.2 Mbit/s ● Number of UEs in RRC connected mode: 28800 ● Number of attached UEs: 10400000 Signaling Specifications The following table lists the signaling specifications per BBU5900A in LTE NB-IoT mode in typical board configurations. Table 1-251 Signaling specifications per BBU5900A in LTE NB-IoT mode Board Configuration Signaling Specifications (BHCA) 1 UMPTe + 3 UBBPe6 2430000 1 UMPTg + 3 UBBPg3 4860000 LTE FDD+NB-IoT Technical Specifications of the BBU5900A The LTE FDD+NB-IoT technical specifications of the BBU5900A include the capacity and the signaling specifications. When the BBU5900A works in both LTE FDD and LTE NB-IoT modes, LTE FDD and LTE NB-IoT share the specifications of the main control board. The following table lists the capacity per BBU5900A. Issue 04 (2022-07-29) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 174 BBU Technical Specifications 1 BBU Technical Specifications Table 1-252 Capacity per BBU5900A in LTE FDD+NB-IoT mode Board Configuration Capacity 1 UMPTg + 3 UBBPg3 ● Number of cells: 72 (20 MHz 4T4R for LTE FDD cells and 400 kHz 4T4R for LTE NB-IoT cells) ● Throughput: The sum of uplink and downlink data rates at the MAC layer is 20 Gbit/s. ● Number of UEs in RRC connected mode: 28800 LTE TDD+NB-IoT Technical Specifications of the BBU5900A The LTE TDD+NB-IoT technical specifications of the BBU5900A include the capacity specifications when the BBU5900A works in both LTE TDD and LTE NBIoT modes. The UMPT supports LTE TDD and LTE NB-IoT concurrency only when LTE TDD uplink-downlink subframe configuration SA1 or SA2 is used. NOTE TDD+NB-IoT specifications are supported only when TDD subframe configuration 1 or 2 is used. When the BBU5900A works in both LTE TDD and LTE NB-IoT modes, LTE TDD and LTE NB-IoT share the specifications of the main control board. The following table lists the capacity per BBU5900A. Table 1-253 Capacity per BBU5900A in LTE TDD+NB-IoT mode Board Configuration Capacity 1 UMPTg + 3 UBBPg3 ● Number of cells: 72 (20 MHz 4T4R for LTE TDD cells and 400 kHz 4T4R for LTE NB-IoT cells) ● Throughput: The sum of uplink and downlink data rates at the MAC layer is 20 Gbit/s. ● Number of UEs in RRC connected mode: 28800 LTE FDD+TDD Technical Specifications of the BBU5900A The technical specifications of the BBU5900A working in both LTE FDD and LTE TDD modes include the capacity specifications in various main control board configurations. When the BBU5900A works in both LTE FDD and LTE TDD modes, LTE FDD and LTE TDD share the specifications of the main control board and baseband processing unit. The following table lists the capacity per BBU5900A. Issue 04 (2022-07-29) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 175 BBU Technical Specifications 1 BBU Technical Specifications Table 1-254 Capacity per BBU5900A in LTE FDD+TDD mode Board Configuration Capacity 1 UMPTg + 3 UBBPg3 ● Number of cells: 72 (4T4R, 20 MHz) ● Throughput: The sum of uplink and downlink data rates at the MAC layer is 20 Gbit/s. ● Number of UEs in RRC connected mode: 28800 ● Number of DRBs: 86400 1.4.4 NR Technical Specifications of the BBU5900A The NR technical specifications of the BBU5900A include the technical specifications when it works in NR TDD scenarios. The BBU specification is the smaller value between the total specification of the main control board and that of the baseband processing unit. NR FDD Technical Specifications of the BBU5900A The NR FDD technical specifications of the BBU5900A include the capacity and signaling specifications. Capacity Specifications The following table lists the capacity per BBU5900A in NR FDD mode in typical scenarios. Table 1-255 Capacity per BBU5900A in NR FDD mode Board Configuration Capacity 1 UMPTg + 3 UBBPg3 ● Number of cells: 72x20 MHz 4T4R ● Throughput: 25 Gbit/s (DL+UL) ● Number of UEs in RRC connected mode: 14400 ● Number of DRBs: 43200 Signaling Specifications The following table lists the signaling specifications per BBU5900A in NR FDD mode in typical scenarios. Table 1-256 Signaling specifications per BBU5900A in NR FDD mode Board Configuration Signaling Specifications (BHCA) 1 UMPTg + 3 UBBPg3 1728000 Issue 04 (2022-07-29) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 176 BBU Technical Specifications 1 BBU Technical Specifications NR TDD Technical Specifications of the BBU5900A The NR TDD technical specifications of the BBU5900A include the capacity and signaling specifications when it works in NR TDD mode. Capacity Specifications The following table lists the capacity per BBU5900A in NR TDD mode in typical scenarios. Table 1-257 Capacity per BBU5900A in NR TDD mode Board Configuration Capacity 1 UMPTg + 3 UBBPg3 Sub-6 GHz: ● Number of cells: 36x100 MHz 4T4R, 18x100 MHz 8T8R, or 9x100 MHz 32T32R/64T64R ● Throughput: 25 Gbit/s (DL+UL) ● Number of UEs in RRC connected mode: 14400 ● Number of DRBs: 43200 mmWave: ● Number of cells: 36x200 MHz 2T2R (CPRI), 18x200 MHz 4T4R (CPRI), 36x200 MHz 4T4R (eCPRI), or 18x200 MHz 8T8R (eCPRI) ● Throughput: 25 Gbit/s (DL+UL) ● Number of UEs in RRC connected mode: 3000 ● Number of DRBs: 9000 Signaling Specifications The following table lists the signaling specifications per BBU5900A in NR TDD mode in typical scenarios. Table 1-258 Signaling specifications per BBU5900A in NR TDD mode Board Configuration Signaling Specifications (BHCA) 1 UMPTg + 3 UBBPg3 Sub-6 GHz: 1728000 mmWave: 540000 BBU5900A NR (FDD+TDD) Technical Specifications The NR (FDD+TDD) technical specifications of the BBU5900A include the capacity and signaling specifications when it works in NR (FDD+TDD) mode. NR FDD and Issue 04 (2022-07-29) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 177 BBU Technical Specifications 1 BBU Technical Specifications NR TDD share the number of cells, number of UEs in RRC connected mode, number of DRBs, and signaling specifications of the main control board. Capacity Specifications The following table lists the capacity per BBU5900A in NR (FDD+TDD) mode in typical scenarios. Table 1-259 Capacity per BBU5900A in NR (FDD+TDD) mode Board Configuration Capacity 1 UMPTg + 1 UBBPg3_N(FDD) + 2 UBBPg3_N(TDD) ● Number of NR FDD cells: 24x20 MHz 4T4R ● Number of NR TDD cells: 6x100 MHz 32T32R/ 64T64R ● Throughput: 25 Gbit/s (DL+UL) ● Number of UEs in RRC connected mode: 14400(1) ● Number of DRBs: 43200 (1): In the board configuration, the number of UEs in RRC connected mode does not exceed 4800 in NR FDD and 9600 in NR TDD. Signaling Specifications The following table lists the signaling specifications per BBU5900A in NR (FDD +TDD) mode in typical scenarios. Table 1-260 Signaling specifications per BBU5900A in NR (FDD+TDD) mode Board Configuration Signaling Specifications 1 UMPTg + 1 UBBPg3_N(FDD) + 2 UBBPg3_N(TDD) 1728000 BHCA 1.4.5 Multimode Technical Specifications of the BBU5900A The multimode technical specifications of the BBU5900A include the capacity and signaling specifications when it works in GSM, UMTS, LTE, and NR concurrency scenarios. Capacity Specifications ● G is short for GSM, U is short for UMTS, L is short for LTE FDD, T is short for LTE TDD, M is short for LTE NB-IoT. N (FDD) is short for NR FDD and N (TDD) is short for NR TDD. ● If GSM is configured with 72 TRXs, each TRX can be configured with only one SDCCH; if GSM is configured with 24 TRXs, each TRX can be configured with three SDCCHs. Issue 04 (2022-07-29) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 178 BBU Technical Specifications 1 BBU Technical Specifications ● The UL capacity of a UL base station is the same as that of a GUL base station. ● In typical GL/UL/LN/GUL/GULN scenarios, LTE FDD and LTE TDD dynamically share the LTE specifications of the main control board. ● In typical GL/UL/LN/GUL/GULN scenarios where the specifications of GSM and UMTS remain unchanged, the LTE FDD capacity of the main control board is affected after LTE NB-IoT is introduced. That is, LTE FDD and NB-IoT share the number of LTE FDD cells and number of UEs in RRC connected mode of the main control board before LTE NB-IoT is introduced. ● Both LTE and NR cells support multiple bandwidths. For example, LTE FDD cells support bandwidth configurations of 1.4 MHz, 3 MHz, 5 MHz, 10 MHz, 15 MHz, and 20 MHz. For simplicity, the cell number specifications of LTE and NR cells in this section only use the maximum bandwidth. For example, the 20 MHz bandwidth is used for LTE FDD cells. ● The BBU capacity specification is the smaller value between the total specification of the main control board and that of the baseband processing unit. There are many multi-RAT configuration combinations. The following multi-RAT capacity specifications are provided only in typical configurations. Signaling Specifications ● If GSM is configured with 72 TRXs (S24/24/24), each TRX can be configured with only one SDCCH; if GSM is configured with 24 TRXs (S8/8/8), each TRX can be configured with three SDCCHs. ● The following specifications are met only in typical configurations. For example, the number of SCTP links required for GSM can be reached only when the typical configuration is used. ● LTE FDD and LTE TDD dynamically share the signaling specifications of the main control board. NR FDD and NR TDD dynamically share the signaling specifications of the main control board. ● In typical GL/UL/GUL scenarios where the specifications of GSM and UMTS remain unchanged, the allocation of LTE FDD signaling specifications of the main control board is affected after NB-IoT is introduced because LTE FDD and NB-IoT share the LTE signaling specifications on the main control board. On commercial networks, it is recommended that 30% of LTE signaling processing specifications be allocated to LTE NB-IoT. LN (TDD) Technical Specifications of the BBU5900A The technical specifications of a BBU5900A working in LN (TDD) co-MPT mode include capacity and signaling specifications. Capacity Specifications The following table lists the capacity specifications in typical configurations when the BBU5900A adopts LN (TDD) co-MPT deployment. Issue 04 (2022-07-29) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 179 BBU Technical Specifications 1 BBU Technical Specifications Table 1-261 Capacity per BBU5900A in LN (TDD) mode Board Configuration Capacity 1 UMPTg + 1 UBBPg2_L + 2 UBBPg3_N(TDD) ● LTE FDD: 12x20 MHz 4T4R cells, 4800 UEs in RRC connected mode ● NR TDD: 12x100 MHz 8T8R or 6x100 MHz 64T64R cells, 7200 UEs in RRC connected mode Signaling Specifications The following table lists the signaling specifications in typical configurations when the BBU5900A adopts LN (TDD) co-MPT deployment. Table 1-262 Signaling specifications per BBU5900A in LN (TDD) mode Board Configuration Signaling Specifications 1 UMPTg + 1 UBBPg2_L + 2 UBBPg3_N(TDD) ● LTE FDD: 720000 BHCA ● NR TDD: 864000 BHCA LN (FDD) Technical Specifications of the BBU5900A The technical specifications of a BBU5900A working in LN (FDD) co-MPT mode include capacity and signaling specifications. Capacity Specifications The following table lists the capacity specifications in typical configurations when the BBU5900A adopts LN (FDD) co-MPT deployment. Table 1-263 Capacity per BBU5900A in LN (FDD) mode Board Configuration Capacity 1 UMPTg + 1 UBBPg2_L + 2 UBBPg3_N(FDD) ● LTE FDD: 12x20 MHz 4T4R cells, 4800 UEs in RRC connected mode ● NR FDD: 48x20 MHz 4T4R cells, 7200 UEs in RRC connected mode Signaling Specifications The following table lists the signaling specifications in typical configurations when the BBU5900A adopts LN (FDD) co-MPT deployment. Issue 04 (2022-07-29) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 180 BBU Technical Specifications 1 BBU Technical Specifications Table 1-264 Signaling specifications per BBU5900A in LN (FDD) mode Board Configuration Signaling Specifications 1 UMPTg + 1 UBBPg2_L + 2 UBBPg3_N(FDD) ● LTE FDD: 720000 BHCA ● NR FDD: 864000 BHCA TN (TDD) Technical Specifications of the BBU5900A The technical specifications of a BBU5900A working in TN (TDD) co-MPT mode include capacity and signaling specifications. Capacity Specifications The following table lists the capacity specifications in typical configurations when the BBU5900A adopts TN (TDD) co-MPT deployment. Table 1-265 Capacity per BBU5900A in TN (TDD) mode Board Configuration Capacity 1 UMPTg + 1 UBBPg2_T + 2 UBBPg3_N(TDD) ● LTE TDD: 12x20 MHz 4T4R cells, 4800 UEs in RRC connected mode ● NR TDD: 12x100 MHz 8T8R or 6x100 MHz 64T64R cells, 7200 UEs in RRC connected mode Signaling Specifications The following table lists the signaling specifications in typical configurations when the BBU5900A adopts TN (TDD) co-MPT deployment. Table 1-266 Signaling specifications per BBU5900A in TN (TDD) mode Board Configuration Signaling Specifications 1 UMPTg + 1 UBBPg2_T + 2 UBBPg3_N(TDD) ● LTE TDD: 720000 BHCA ● NR TDD: 864000 BHCA TN (FDD) Technical Specifications of the BBU5900A The technical specifications of a BBU5900A working in TN (FDD) co-MPT mode include capacity and signaling specifications. Issue 04 (2022-07-29) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 181 BBU Technical Specifications 1 BBU Technical Specifications Capacity Specifications The following table lists the capacity specifications in typical configurations when the BBU5900A adopts TN (FDD) co-MPT deployment. Table 1-267 Capacity per BBU5900A in TN (FDD) mode Board Configuration Capacity 1 UMPTg + 1 UBBPg2_T + 2 UBBPg3_N(FDD) ● LTE TDD: 12x20 MHz 4T4R cells, 4800 UEs in RRC connected mode ● NR FDD: 48x20 MHz 4T4R cells, 7200 UEs in RRC connected mode Signaling Specifications The following table lists the signaling specifications in typical configurations when the BBU5900A adopts TN (FDD) co-MPT deployment. Table 1-268 Signaling specifications per BBU5900A in TN (FDD) mode Board Configuration Signaling Specifications 1 UMPTg + 1 UBBPg2_T + 2 UBBPg3_N(FDD) ● LTE TDD: 720000 BHCA ● NR FDD: 864000 BHCA GULN (TDD) Technical Specifications of the BBU5900A The technical specifications of a BBU5900A working in GULN (TDD) co-MPT mode include capacity and signaling specifications. Capacity Specifications The following table lists the capacity specifications in typical configurations when the BBU5900A adopts GULN (TDD) co-MPT deployment. Table 1-269 Capacity per BBU5900A in GULN (TDD) mode Board Configuration Capacity 1 UMPTg + 1 UBBPg2_U + 1 UBBPg2_L + 1 UBBPg3_N(TDD) ● GSM: 72 TRXs ● UMTS: 12 cells (2R) ● LTE FDD: 12x20 MHz 4T4R cells, 4800 UEs in RRC connected mode ● NR TDD: 6x100 MHz 8T8R or 3x100 MHz 64T64R cells, 4800 UEs in RRC connected mode Issue 04 (2022-07-29) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 182 BBU Technical Specifications 1 BBU Technical Specifications Signaling Specifications The following table lists the signaling specifications in typical configurations when the BBU5900A adopts GULN (TDD) co-MPT deployment. Table 1-270 Signaling specifications per BBU5900A in GULN (TDD) mode Board Configuration Signaling Specifications 1 UMPTg + 1 UBBPg2_U + 1 UBBPg2_L + 1 UBBPg3_N(TDD) ● GSM: 24 TRXs ● UMTS: 300 CNBAPS ● LTE FDD: 720000 BHCA ● NR TDD: 648000 BHCA GULN (FDD) Technical Specifications of the BBU5900A The technical specifications of a BBU5900A working in GULN (FDD) co-MPT mode include capacity and signaling specifications. Capacity Specifications The following table lists the capacity specifications in typical configurations when the BBU5900A adopts GULN (FDD) co-MPT deployment. Table 1-271 Capacity per BBU5900A in GULN (FDD) mode Board Configuration Capacity 1 UMPTg + 1 UBBPg2_U + 1 UBBPg2_L + 1 UBBPg3_N(FDD) ● GSM: 72 TRXs ● UMTS: 12 cells (2R) ● LTE FDD: 12x20 MHz 4T4R cells, 4800 UEs in RRC connected mode ● NR FDD: 24x20 MHz 4T4R cells, 4800 UEs in RRC connected mode Signaling Specifications The following table lists the signaling specifications in typical configurations when the BBU5900A adopts GULN (FDD) co-MPT deployment. Issue 04 (2022-07-29) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 183 BBU Technical Specifications 1 BBU Technical Specifications Table 1-272 Signaling specifications per BBU5900A in GULN (FDD) mode Board Configuration Signaling Specifications 1 UMPTg + 1 UBBPg2_U + 1 UBBPg2_L + 1 UBBPg3_N(FDD) ● GSM: 24 TRXs ● UMTS: 300 CNBAPS ● LTE FDD: 720000 BHCA ● NR FDD: 648000 BHCA GUTN (TDD) Technical Specifications of the BBU5900A The technical specifications of a BBU5900A working in GUTN (TDD) co-MPT mode include capacity and signaling specifications. Capacity Specifications The following table lists the capacity specifications in typical configurations when the BBU5900A adopts GUTN (TDD) co-MPT deployment. Table 1-273 Capacity per BBU5900A in GUTN (TDD) mode Board Configuration Capacity 1 UMPTg + 1 UBBPg2_U + 1 UBBPg2_T + 1 UBBPg3_N(TDD) ● GSM: 72 TRXs ● UMTS: 12 cells (2R) ● LTE TDD: 12x20 MHz 4T4R cells, 4800 UEs in RRC connected mode ● NR TDD: 6x100 MHz 8T8R or 3x100 MHz 64T64R cells, 4800 UEs in RRC connected mode Signaling Specifications The following table lists the signaling specifications in typical configurations when the BBU5900A adopts GUTN (TDD) co-MPT deployment. Table 1-274 Signaling specifications per BBU5900A in GUTN (TDD) mode Board Configuration Signaling Specifications 1 UMPTg + 1 UBBPg2_U + 1 UBBPg2_T + 1 UBBPg3_N(TDD) ● GSM: 24 TRXs Issue 04 (2022-07-29) ● UMTS: 300 CNBAPS ● LTE TDD: 720000 BHCA ● NR TDD: 648000 BHCA Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 184 BBU Technical Specifications 1 BBU Technical Specifications GUTN (FDD) Technical Specifications of the BBU5900A The technical specifications of a BBU5900A working in GUTN (FDD) co-MPT mode include capacity and signaling specifications. Capacity Specifications The following table lists the capacity specifications in typical configurations when the BBU5900A adopts GUTN (FDD) co-MPT deployment. Table 1-275 Capacity per BBU5900A in GUTN (FDD) mode Board Configuration Capacity 1 UMPTg + 1 UBBPg2_U + 1 UBBPg2_T + 1 UBBPg3_N(FDD) ● GSM: 72 TRXs ● UMTS: 12 cells (2R) ● LTE TDD: 12x20 MHz 4T4R cells, 4800 UEs in RRC connected mode ● NR FDD: 24x20 MHz 4T4R cells, 4800 UEs in RRC connected mode Signaling Specifications The following table lists the signaling specifications in typical configurations when the BBU5900A adopts GUTN (FDD) co-MPT deployment. Table 1-276 Signaling specifications per BBU5900A in GUTN (FDD) mode Board Configuration Signaling Specifications 1 UMPTg + 1 UBBPg2_U + 1 UBBPg2_T + 1 UBBPg3_N(FDD) ● GSM: 24 TRXs ● UMTS: 300 CNBAPS ● LTE TDD: 720000 BHCA ● NR FDD: 648000 BHCA GUL Technical Specifications of the BBU5900A The technical specifications of a BBU5900A working in GUL co-MPT mode include capacity and signaling specifications. Capacity Specifications The following table lists the capacity specifications in typical configurations when the BBU5900A adopts GUL co-MPT deployment. Issue 04 (2022-07-29) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 185 BBU Technical Specifications 1 BBU Technical Specifications Table 1-277 Capacity per BBU5900A in GUL mode Board Configuration Capacity 1 UMPTg + 1 UBBPg2_U + 2 UBBPg2_L ● GSM: 72 TRXs ● UMTS: 12 cells (2R) ● LTE FDD: 24x20 MHz 2T2R cells, 9600 UEs in RRC connected mode Signaling Specifications The following table lists the signaling specifications in typical configurations when the BBU5900A adopts GUL co-MPT deployment. Table 1-278 Signaling specifications per BBU5900A in GUL mode Board Configuration Signaling Specifications 1 UMPTg + 1 UBBPg2_U + 2 UBBPg2_L ● GSM: 24 TRXs ● UMTS: 350 CNBAPS ● LTE FDD: 1170000 BHCA UL Technical Specifications of the BBU5900A The technical specifications of a BBU5900A working in UL co-MPT mode include capacity and signaling specifications. Capacity Specifications The following table lists the capacity specifications in typical configurations when the BBU5900A adopts UL co-MPT deployment. Table 1-279 Capacity per BBU5900A in UL mode Board Configuration Capacity 1 UMPTg + 1 UBBPg2_U + 2 UBBPg2_L ● UMTS: 12 cells (2R) ● LTE FDD: 24x20 MHz 2T2R cells, 9600 UEs in RRC connected mode Signaling Specifications The following table lists the signaling specifications in typical configurations when the BBU5900A adopts UL co-MPT deployment. Issue 04 (2022-07-29) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 186 BBU Technical Specifications 1 BBU Technical Specifications Table 1-280 Signaling specifications per BBU5900A in UL mode Board Configuration Signaling Specifications 1 UMPTg + 1 UBBPg2_U + 2 UBBPg2_L ● UMTS: 350 CNBAPS ● LTE FDD: 1350000 BHCA GL Technical Specifications of the BBU5900A The technical specifications of a BBU5900A working in GL co-MPT mode include capacity and signaling specifications. Capacity Specifications The following table lists the capacity specifications in typical configurations when the BBU5900A adopts GL co-MPT deployment. Table 1-281 Capacity specifications per BBU5900A in GL mode Board Configuration Capacity 1 UMPTg + 3 UBBPg2_L ● GSM: 72 TRXs ● LTE FDD: 36x20 MHz 2T2R cells, 14400 UEs in RRC connected mode Signaling Specifications The following table lists the signaling specifications in typical configurations when the BBU5900A adopts GL co-MPT deployment. Table 1-282 Signaling specifications per BBU5900A in GL mode Board Configuration Signaling Specifications 1 UMPTg + 3 UBBPg2_L ● GSM: 24 TRXs ● LTE FDD: 1350000 BHCA GU Technical Specifications of the BBU5900A The technical specifications of a BBU5900A working in GU co-MPT mode include capacity and signaling specifications. Capacity Specifications The following table lists the capacity specifications in typical configurations when the BBU5900A adopts GU co-MPT deployment. Issue 04 (2022-07-29) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 187 BBU Technical Specifications 1 BBU Technical Specifications Table 1-283 Capacity per BBU5900A in GU mode Board Configuration Capacity 1 UMPTg + 3 UBBPg2_U ● GSM: 72 TRXs ● UMTS: 36 cells (2R) Signaling Specifications The following table lists the signaling specifications in typical configurations when the BBU5900A adopts GU co-MPT deployment. Table 1-284 Signaling specifications per BBU5900A in GU mode Board Configuration Signaling Specifications 1 UMPTg + 3 UBBPg2_U ● GSM: 24 TRXs ● UMTS: 600 CNBAPS 1.4.6 BBU5900A Equipment Specifications BBU5900A equipment specifications include the input power specifications, dimensions, weight, typical power consumption, environmental specifications, and surge protection specifications. Input Power The following table lists the input power specifications of a BBU5900A. Table 1-285 Input power of a BBU5900A Item Specifications DC input power Input power type: –48 V DC Operating voltage range: –38.4 V DC to –57 V DC AC input power Input power type: 110 V AC single-phase Operating voltage range: 90 V AC to 135 V AC Input power type: 220 V AC single-phase Operating voltage range: 176 V AC to 290 V AC Dimensions and Weight The following table lists the dimensions and weight of a BBU5900A. Issue 04 (2022-07-29) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 188 BBU Technical Specifications 1 BBU Technical Specifications Table 1-286 Dimensions and weight of a BBU5900A Item Specifications Dimensions (H x W x D) 400 mm x 160 mm x 380 mm (15.75 in. x 6.30 in. x 14.96 in.) Weight ≤ 20 kg (44.10 lb) in full configuration Typical Power Consumption The following table provides typical power consumption specifications of a BBU5900A. Table 1-287 Typical power consumption of a BBU5900A Item Specifications Typical power consumption 210 W Environmental Specifications The following table lists the environmental specifications of a BBU5900A. Table 1-288 Environmental specifications of a BBU5900A Item Specifications Operating temperature With solar radiation: –40°C to +50°C (–40°F to +122°F) Relative humidity 5% RH to 100% RH Ingress protection rating IP55 Altitude 4000 m (13123.36 ft) Starting from the altitude of 1800 m, the temperature limit degrades 1°C when the altitude increases 100 m. Issue 04 (2022-07-29) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 189 BBU Technical Specifications 1 BBU Technical Specifications Table 1-289 Noise specifications of a BBU5900A (ambient temperature: 25°C or 77°F) Distance (m) Front Rear Right Left Top Sound Pressure Level (dBA) 6 5 6.5 5.5 7 45 3.5 2.5 3.5 3 4 50 1 <1 2 1 2 55 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 60 Table 1-290 Noise specifications of a BBU5900A (ambient temperature: 45°C or 113°F) Distance (m) Front Rear Right Left Top Sound Pressure Level (dBA) 6.5 5.5 8.5 6 8.5 55 3.5 3.0 5.0 3.5 5 60 2 1.5 2.5 1.5 2.5 65 <1 <1 1 <1 1 70 Compliance Standards The following table lists the compliance standards for a BBU5900A. Table 1-291 Standards compliance for a BBU Item Standard Security standards IEC/EN/UL60950-1 IEC/EN/UL60950-22 IEC/EN/UL62368-1 Operating environment Issue 04 (2022-07-29) ETSI EN 300019-1-4 V2.2.1 (2014-04) Class 4.1: "Nonweatherprotected locations" Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 190 BBU Technical Specifications 1 BBU Technical Specifications Item Standard Storage environment ETSI EN300019-1-1 V2.2.1 (2014-04) Class1.2 "Weather protected, not temperature-controlled storage locations" NOTE ● The validity period is one year. ● The product can function properly within the validity period if the storage environment meets the preceding standards. Surge protection ● IEC 62305-1 Protection against lightning - Part 1: General principles ● IEC 62305-3 Protection against lightning - Part 3: Physical damage to structures and life hazard ● IEC 62305-4 Protection against lightning - Part 4: Electrical and electronic systems within structures ● ITU-T K.35 Bonding configurations and earthing at remote electronic sites ● ITU-T K.56 Protection of radio base stations against lightning discharges ● ITU-T K.97 Lightning protection of distributed base stations ● ETSI EN 300 253 Environmental Engineering(EE): Earthing and bonding configuration inside telecommunications centers ● YD/T 2324-2011: Lightning protection requirements and test methods for radio base stations ● GB 50689-2011 Code for design of lightning protection and earthing engineering for telecommunication bureaus (stations) 1.5 BBU3900/BBU3910 Technical Specifications The BBU3900/BBU3910 can be configured with 1–2 main control boards and 2–6 baseband processing units. The capacity and signaling specifications of the BBU3900/BBU3910 vary with the types and numbers of main control boards and baseband processing units configured. This section describes the capacity, signaling, and equipment specifications of the BBU3900/BBU3910 working in different RATs in typical configurations. 1.5.1 GSM Technical Specifications of the BBU3900/BBU3910 The GSM technical specifications of the BBU3900/BBU3910 include the capacity and signaling specifications (both indicated by the number of TRXs). A single BBU supports a maximum of 32 cells and each cell supports a maximum of 24 TRXs. Issue 04 (2022-07-29) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 191 BBU Technical Specifications 1 BBU Technical Specifications Capacity Specifications The following table lists the capacity and signaling specifications per BBU3900/ BBU3910 in GSM mode in typical configurations. Table 1-292 Capacity per BBU3900/BBU3910 in GSM mode BBU Board Configuration Capacity(1) BBU3900 1 GTMUb/GTMUc + 1 UTRPb4 + 1 UBRIb (optional) GBTS deployment +TDM transmission: 126 TRXs BBU3900 1 GTMUb/GTMUc + 3 UBBPd1~UBBPd4 GBTS deployment +TDM transmission: 72 TRXs BBU3900 1 GTMUb/GTMUc + 1 UBBPd1~UBBPd4 + 1 UBBPd6 GBTS deployment +TDM transmission: 48 TRXs BBU3900 1 GTMUb/GTMUc + 1 UBRIb (optional) GBTS deployment: ● IP over FE: 60 TRXs ● IP over E1: 48 TRXs BBU3910 1 GTMUb/GTMUc + 1 UBRIb (optional) GBTS deployment: ● TDM: 48 TRXs ● IP over FE: 60 TRXs ● IP over E1: 48 TRXs BBU3910 1 GTMUb/GTMUc + 3 UBBPd1~UBBPd4 GBTS deployment +TDM: 48 TRXs BBU3910 1 GTMUb/GTMUc + 1 UBBPd1~UBBPd4 + 1 UBBPd6 GBTS deployment +TDM: 48 TRXs BBU3900/ BBU3910 1 UMPTb + 2 UBRIb eGBTS deployment: ● IP over FE: 72 TRXs ● IP over E1: 48 TRXs (1): Each cell supports a maximum of 24 TRXs. A GBTS supports a maximum of 32 cells. An eGBTS supports a maximum of 12 cells. Signaling Specifications The following table lists the signaling specifications per BBU3900/BBU3910 in GSM mode in typical configurations. Issue 04 (2022-07-29) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 192 BBU Technical Specifications 1 BBU Technical Specifications Table 1-293 Signaling specifications per BBU3900/BBU3910 in GSM mode BBU Board Configuration Signaling Specifications BBU3900 1 GTMUb/GTMUc + 1 UTRPb4 + 1 UBRIb (optional) GBTS deployment +TDM transmission: 126 TRXs BBU3900 1 GTMUb/GTMUc + 3 UBBPd1~UBBPd4 GBTS deployment +TDM: 72 TRXs BBU3900 1 GTMUb/GTMUc + 1 UBBPd1~UBBPd4 + 1 UBBPd6 GBTS deployment +TDM: 48 TRXs BBU3900 1 GTMUb/GTMUc + 1 UBRIb (optional) GBTS deployment: ● IP over FE: 60 TRXs ● IP over E1: 48 TRXs BBU3910 1 GTMUb/GTMUc + 1 UBRIb (optional) GBTS deployment: ● TDM: 48 TRXs ● IP over FE: 60 TRXs ● IP over E1: 48 TRXs BBU3910 1 GTMUb/GTMUc + 3 UBBPd1~UBBPd4 GBTS deployment +TDM: 48 TRXs BBU3910 1 GTMUb/GTMUc + 1 UBBPd1~UBBPd4 + 1 UBBPd6 GBTS deployment +TDM: 48 TRXs BBU3900/ BBU3910 1 GTMUb + 1 UBRIb (optional) eGBTS deployment+IP over FE/E1: 24 TRXs BBU3900/ BBU3910 1 UMPTb + 2 UBRIb eGBTS deployment: ● IP over FE: 72 TRXs ● IP over E1: 48 TRXs 1.5.2 UMTS Technical Specifications of the BBU3900/BBU3910 The UMTS technical specifications of the BBU3900/BBU3910 include the capacity and signaling specifications. Capacity Specifications The following table lists the capacity per BBU3900/BBU3910 in UMTS mode in typical configurations. Issue 04 (2022-07-29) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 193 BBU Technical Specifications 1 BBU Technical Specifications Table 1-294 Capacity per BBU3900/BBU3910 BBU Board Configuration Capacity BBU3900 1 UMPTb + 6 UBBPd6 ● Number of cells: 24 ● Number of UL/DL CEs: 6144/6144 BBU3910 1 UMPTb + 6 UBBPd6 ● Number of cells: 48 ● Number of UL/DL CEs: 6144/6144 Signaling Specifications The signaling specifications of the BBU3900/BBU3910 working in UMTS mode are related to the main control board and baseband processing unit as well as the UTRP (UTRPa/UTRPb4/UTRPc). The signaling specifications of a single BBU cannot exceed 1500 CNBAPS. The following table lists the signaling specifications per BBU3900/BBU3910. Table 1-295 Signaling specifications per BBU3900/BBU3910 in UMTS mode BBU Board Configuration Signaling Specifications (CNBAPS) BBU3900 1 UMPT + 1 WBBPf 500 BBU3900 1 UMPT + 2 WBBPf 700 BBU3900 1 UMPT + 3 WBBPf 900 BBU3900 1 UMPT + 4 WBBPf 1100 BBU3900 1 UMPT + 5 WBBPf 1300 BBU3900 1 UMPT + 6 WBBPf 1500 BBU3900 ● 1 UMPT + 1 WBBPf + 1 UBBPd1~UBBPd5 ● 1 UMPT + 1 WBBPf + 1 UBBPe1/UBBPe2 BBU3900 ● 1 UMPT + 2 WBBPf + 1 UBBPd1~UBBPd5 ● 1 UMPT + 2 WBBPf + 1 UBBPe1/UBBPe2 BBU3900 ● 1 UMPT + 3 WBBPf + 1 UBBPd1~UBBPd5 ● 1 UMPT + 3 WBBPf + 1 UBBPe1/UBBPe2 Issue 04 (2022-07-29) 700 900 1100 Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 194 BBU Technical Specifications 1 BBU Technical Specifications BBU Board Configuration BBU3900 ● 1 UMPT + 4 WBBPf + 1 UBBPd1~UBBPd5 ● 1 UMPT + 4 WBBPf + 1 UBBPe1/UBBPe2 BBU3900 ● 1 UMPT + 5 WBBPf + 1 UBBPd1~UBBPd5 ● 1 UMPT + 5 WBBPf + 1 UBBPe1/UBBPe2 BBU3900 ● 1 UMPT + 1 WBBPf + 2 UBBPd1~UBBPd5 ● 1 UMPT + 1 WBBPf + 2 UBBPe1/UBBPe2 BBU3900 ● 1 UMPT + 2 WBBPf + 2 UBBPd1~UBBPd5 ● 1 UMPT + 2 WBBPf + 2 UBBPe1/UBBPe2 BBU3900 ● 1 UMPT + 3 WBBPf + 2 UBBPd1~UBBPd5 ● 1 UMPT + 3 WBBPf + 2 UBBPe1/UBBPe2 BBU3900 ● 1 UMPT + 4 WBBPf + 2 UBBPd1~UBBPd5 ● 1 UMPT + 4 WBBPf + 2 UBBPe1/UBBPe2 BBU3900 ● 1 UMPT + 1 WBBPf + 3 UBBPd1~UBBPd5 ● 1 UMPT + 1 WBBPf + 3 UBBPe1/UBBPe2 BBU3900 ● 1 UMPT + 2 WBBPf + 3 UBBPd1~UBBPd5 ● 1 UMPT + 2 WBBPf + 3 UBBPe1/UBBPe2 BBU3900 ● 1 UMPT + 3 WBBPf + 3 UBBPd1~UBBPd5 ● 1 UMPT + 3 WBBPf + 3 UBBPe1/UBBPe2 BBU3900 ● 1 UMPT + 1 WBBPf + 4 UBBPd1~UBBPd5 ● 1 UMPT + 1 WBBPf + 4 UBBPe1/UBBPe2 Issue 04 (2022-07-29) Signaling Specifications (CNBAPS) 1300 1500 900 1100 1300 1500 1100 1300 1500 1300 Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 195 BBU Technical Specifications 1 BBU Technical Specifications BBU Board Configuration BBU3900 ● 1 UMPT + 2 WBBPf + 4 UBBPd1~UBBPd5 ● 1 UMPT + 2 WBBPf + 4 UBBPe1/UBBPe2 BBU3900 ● 1 UMPT + 1 WBBPf + 5 UBBPd1~UBBPd5 ● 1 UMPT + 1 WBBPf + 5 UBBPe1/UBBPe2 BBU3900 ● 1 UMPT + 1 WBBPf + 1 UBBPd6 ● 1 UMPT + 1 WBBPf + 1 UBBPe3 BBU3900 ● 1 UMPT + 2 WBBPf + 1 UBBPd6 ● 1 UMPT + 2 WBBPf + 1 UBBPe3 BBU3900 ● 1 UMPT + 3 WBBPf + 1 UBBPd6 ● 1 UMPT + 3 WBBPf + 1 UBBPe3 BBU3900 ● 1 UMPT + 4 WBBPf + 1 UBBPd6 ● 1 UMPT + 4 WBBPf + 1 UBBPe3 BBU3900 ● 1 UMPT + 5 WBBPf + 1 UBBPd6 ● 1 UMPT + 5 WBBPf + 1 UBBPe3 BBU3900 ● 1 UMPT + 1 WBBPf + 2 UBBPd6 ● 1 UMPT + 1 WBBPf + 2 UBBPe3 BBU3900 ● 1 UMPT + 2 WBBPf + 2 UBBPd6 ● 1 UMPT + 2 WBBPf + 2 UBBPe3 BBU3900 ● 1 UMPT + 3 WBBPf + 2 UBBPd6 ● 1 UMPT + 3 WBBPf + 2 UBBPe3 Issue 04 (2022-07-29) Signaling Specifications (CNBAPS) 1500 1500 800 1000 1200 1400 1500 1100 1300 1500 Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 196 BBU Technical Specifications 1 BBU Technical Specifications BBU Board Configuration BBU3900 ● 1 UMPT + 1 WBBPf + 3 UBBPd6 ● 1 UMPT + 1 WBBPf + 3 UBBPe3 BBU3900 ● 1 UMPT + 2 WBBPf + 3 UBBPd6(4) ● 1 UMPT + 2 WBBPf + 3 UBBPe3(4) Signaling Specifications (CNBAPS) 1400 1500 BBU3900/ BBU3910 ● 1 UMPT + 1 UBBPd1~UBBPd5 BBU3900/ BBU3910 ● 1 UMPT + 2 UBBPd1~UBBPd5 BBU3900/ BBU3910 ● 1 UMPT + 3 UBBPd1~UBBPd5 BBU3900/ BBU3910 ● 1 UMPT + 4 UBBPd1~UBBPd5 BBU3900/ BBU3910 ● 1 UMPT + 5 UBBPd1~UBBPd5 BBU3900/ BBU3910 ● 1 UMPT + 6 UBBPd1~UBBPd5 BBU3900/ BBU3910 ● 1 UMPT + 1 UBBPd6 600 BBU3900/ BBU3910 ● 1 UMPT + 2 UBBPd6 900 BBU3900/ BBU3910 ● 1 UMPT + 3 UBBPd6 1200 BBU3900/ BBU3910 ● 1 UMPT + 4 UBBPd6(4) 1500 BBU3900/ BBU3910 1 UMPT + 1 UBBPg 600 BBU3900/ BBU3910 1 UMPT + 2 UBBPg 900 BBU3900/ BBU3910 1 UMPT + 3 UBBPg 1200 BBU3900/ BBU3910 1 UMPT + 4 UBBPg(4) 1500 Issue 04 (2022-07-29) 500 ● 1 UMPT + 1 UBBPe1/UBBPe2 700 ● 1 UMPT + 2 UBBPe1/UBBPe2 900 ● 1 UMPT + 3 UBBPe1/UBBPe2 1100 ● 1 UMPT + 4 UBBPe1/UBBPe2 1300 ● 1 UMPT + 5 UBBPe1/UBBPe2 1500 ● 1 UMPT + 6 UBBPe1/UBBPe2 Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 197 BBU Technical Specifications BBU 1 BBU Technical Specifications Board Configuration Signaling Specifications (CNBAPS) (4): When the BBU3900 or BBU3910 is configured with the UMPT and WBBP/ UBBP, the maximum signaling specifications are 1500 CNBAPS. 1.5.3 LTE Technical Specifications of the BBU3900/BBU3910 The technical specifications of the BBU3900/BBU3910 include the technical specifications when it works in LTE FDD, LTE TDD, LTE NB-IoT, and multimode concurrency scenarios. LTE FDD Technical Specifications of the BBU3900/BBU3910 This section describes the capacity and signaling specifications of the BBU3900/ BBU3910 working in LTE FDD mode. Capacity Specifications The capacity of a BBU3900/BBU3910 working in LTE FDD mode is limited by the main control board. The following table lists the capacity per BBU configured with different main control boards. Table 1-296 Capacity per BBU3900/BBU3910 in LTE FDD mode BBU Board Configuration Capacity BBU3900 1 UMPTa ● Number of cells: 36x20 MHz 4T4R ● Throughput: The sum of uplink and downlink data rates at the MAC layer is 1.5 Gbit/s. ● Number of UEs in RRC connected mode: 10800 ● Number of DRBs: 32400 BBU3900/ BBU3910 1 UMPTb ● Number of cells: 36x20 MHz 4T4R ● Throughput: The sum of uplink and downlink data rates at the MAC layer is 2 Gbit/s. ● Number of UEs in RRC connected mode: 10800 ● Number of DRBs: 32400 BBU3900/ BBU3910 1 UMPTe ● Number of cells: 72x20 MHz 4T4R, 36x20 MHz 8T8R, or 18x20 MHz 32T32R ● Throughput: The sum of uplink and downlink data rates at the MAC layer is 10 Gbit/s. ● Number of UEs in RRC connected mode: 14400 ● Number of DRBs: 43200 Issue 04 (2022-07-29) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 198 BBU Technical Specifications 1 BBU Technical Specifications BBU Board Configuration Capacity BBU3910 1 UMPTga ● Number of cells: 72x20 MHz 4T4R, 36x20 MHz 8T8R, or 18x20 MHz 32T32R ● Throughput: The sum of uplink and downlink data rates at the MAC layer is 10 Gbit/s. ● Number of UEs in RRC connected mode: 14400 ● Number of DRBs: 43200 BBU3910 1 UMPTg ● Number of cells: 144x20 MHz 4T4R, 72x20 MHz 8T8R, or 54x20 MHz 32T32R ● Throughput: The sum of uplink and downlink data rates at the MAC layer is 20 Gbit/s. ● Number of UEs in RRC connected mode: 28800 ● Number of DRBs: 86400 Signaling Specifications The following table lists the signaling specifications per BBU3900/BBU3910 in LTE FDD mode in typical board configuration scenarios. Table 1-297 Signaling specifications per BBU3900/BBU3910 in LTE FDD mode BBU Board Configuration Signaling Specifications (BHCA) BBU3900 1 UMPTb + 2 LBBPd3 288000 BBU3900 1 UMPTb + 1 LBBPc + 2 LBBPd3 351000 BBU3900 1 UMPTb + 1 LBBPc + 1 LBBPd3 + 1 UBBPd5 603000 BBU3900/ BBU3910 1 UMPTb + 2 UBBPd5 792000 BBU3900 1 UMPTb + 1 LBBPd3 + 2 UBBPd5 936000 BBU3900 2 UMPTb + 1 LBBPc + 1 LBBPd3 + 1 UBBPd5 603000 BBU3900/ BBU3910 1 UMPTb + 4 UBBPd5 1440000 BBU3900/ BBU3910 1 UMPTb + 3 UBBPd6 1188000 BBU3900/ BBU3910 1 UMPTe + 3 UBBPe6 1620000 Issue 04 (2022-07-29) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 199 BBU Technical Specifications 1 BBU Technical Specifications BBU Board Configuration Signaling Specifications (BHCA) BBU3910 1 UMPTg + 3 UBBPg2 1620000 LTE TDD Technical Specifications of the BBU3900/BBU3910 This section describes the capacity and signaling specifications of the BBU3900/ BBU3910 working in LTE TDD mode. Capacity Specifications The capacity of a BBU3900/BBU3910 working in LTE TDD mode is limited by the main control board. The following table lists the capacity of a BBU3900/BBU3910 working in LTE TDD mode when different main control boards are configured. Table 1-298 Capacity per BBU3900/BBU3910 in LTE TDD mode BBU Board Configuratio n Capacity BBU3900 1 UMPTa ● Number of cells: 36x20 MHz 8T8R ● Throughput: The sum of uplink and downlink data rates at the MAC layer is 1.5 Gbit/s. ● Number of UEs in RRC connected mode: 10800 ● Number of DRBs: 32400 BBU3900/ BBU3910 1 UMPTb1/ UMPTb2 ● Number of cells: 36x20 MHz 8T8R ● Throughput: The sum of uplink and downlink data rates at the MAC layer is 1.5 Gbit/s. ● Number of UEs in RRC connected mode: 10800 ● Number of DRBs: 32400 BBU3900/ BBU3910 1 UMPTb3/ UMPTb9 ● Number of cells: 36x20 MHz 8T8R ● Throughput: The sum of uplink and downlink data rates at the MAC layer is 2 Gbit/s. ● Number of UEs in RRC connected mode: 10800 ● Number of DRBs: 32400 BBU3900/ BBU3910 1 UMPTe ● Number of cells: 72x20 MHz 8T8R or 18x20 MHz 64T64R ● Throughput: The sum of uplink and downlink data rates at the MAC layer is 10 Gbit/s. ● Number of UEs in RRC connected mode: 14400 ● Number of DRBs: 43200 Issue 04 (2022-07-29) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 200 BBU Technical Specifications 1 BBU Technical Specifications BBU Board Configuratio n Capacity BBU3910 1 UMPTga ● Number of cells: 72x20 MHz 8T8R or 36x20 MHz 64T64R ● Throughput: The sum of uplink and downlink data rates at the MAC layer is 10 Gbit/s. ● Number of UEs in RRC connected mode: 14400 ● Number of DRBs: 43200 BBU3910 1 UMPTg ● Number of cells: 144x20 MHz 8T8R or 54x20 MHz 64T64R ● Throughput: The sum of uplink and downlink data rates at the MAC layer is 20 Gbit/s. ● Number of UEs in RRC connected mode: 28800 ● Number of DRBs: 86400 Signaling Specifications The following table lists the signaling specifications per BBU3900/BBU3910 in LTE TDD mode in typical board configuration scenarios. Table 1-299 Signaling specifications per BBU3900/BBU3910 in LTE TDD mode BBU Board Configuration Signaling Specifications (BHCA) BBU3900 1 UMPTb + 2 LBBPd2 288000 BBU3900 1 UMPTb + 1 LBBPc + 2 LBBPd2 315000 BBU3900/ BBU3910 1 UMPTb + 2 UBBPd4 540000 BBU3900/ BBU3910 1 UMPTb + 2 UBBPd6 792000 BBU3900/ BBU3910 1 UMPTb + 2 UBBPd9 792000 BBU3900 1 UMPTb + 1 LBBPd2 + 2 UBBPd6 918000 BBU3900/ BBU3910 1 UMPTb + 4 UBBPd6 1440000 BBU3900 2 UMPTb + 1 LBBPc + 1 LBBPd2 + 1 UBBPd4 459000 Issue 04 (2022-07-29) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 201 BBU Technical Specifications 1 BBU Technical Specifications LTE NB-IoT Technical Specifications of the BBU3900/BBU3910 This section describes the capacity and signaling specifications of the BBU3900/ BBU3910 working in LTE NB-IoT mode. Capacity Specifications The capacity of a BBU3900/BBU3910 working in LTE NB-IoT mode is limited by the main control board. The following table lists the capacity per BBU configured with different main control boards. Table 1-300 Capacity per BBU3900/BBU3910 in LTE NB-IoT mode BBU Board Configuratio n Capacity BBU3900 1 UMPTa ● Number of cells: 36x400 kHz 4T4R ● Throughput: uplink data rate at the MAC layer: 7.2 Mbit/s; downlink data rate at the MAC layer: 3.8 Mbit/s ● Number of UEs in RRC connected mode: 10800 ● Number of attached UEs: 920000 BBU3900/ BBU3910 1 UMPTb ● Number of cells: 36x400 kHz 4T4R ● Throughput: uplink data rate at the MAC layer: 7.2 Mbit/s; downlink data rate at the MAC layer: 3.8 Mbit/s ● Number of UEs in RRC connected mode: 10800 ● Number of attached UEs: 1150000 BBU3900/ BBU3910 1 UMPTe ● Number of cells: 72x600 kHz 4T4R or 18x1600 kHz 4T4R ● Throughput: uplink data rate at the MAC layer: 14.4 Mbit/s; downlink data rate at the MAC layer: 7.6 Mbit/s ● Number of UEs in RRC connected mode: 14400 ● Number of attached UEs: 5200000 BBU3910 1 UMPTga ● Number of cells: 72x600 kHz 4T4R or 18x1600 kHz 4T4R ● Throughput: uplink data rate at the MAC layer: 14.4 Mbit/s; downlink data rate at the MAC layer: 7.6 Mbit/s ● Number of UEs in RRC connected mode: 14400 ● Number of attached UEs: 5200000 Issue 04 (2022-07-29) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 202 BBU Technical Specifications 1 BBU Technical Specifications BBU Board Configuratio n Capacity BBU3910 1 UMPTg ● Number of cells: 144x600 kHz 4T4R or 54x1600 kHz 4T4R ● Throughput: uplink data rate at the MAC layer: 86.4 Mbit/s; downlink data rate at the MAC layer: 45.2 Mbit/s ● Number of UEs in RRC connected mode: 28800 ● Number of attached UEs: 10400000 Signaling Specifications The following table lists the signaling specifications per BBU3900/BBU3910 in LTE NB-IoT mode in typical board configuration scenarios. Table 1-301 Signaling specifications per BBU3900/BBU3910 in LTE NB-IoT mode BBU Board Configuratio n Signaling Specifications (BHCA) BBU3900 1 UMPTb + 2 LBBPd3 432000 BBU3900 1 UMPTb + 1 LBBPd3 + 2 UBBPd5 1404000 BBU3900/ BBU3910 1 UMPTb + 2 UBBPd5 1188000 BBU3900/ BBU3910 1 UMPTb + 4 UBBPd5 2160000 BBU3900/ BBU3910 1 UMPTb + 3 UBBPd6 1782000 BBU3900/ BBU3910 1 UMPTe + 3 UBBPe6 2430000 BBU3910 1 UMPTg2 + 3 UBBPg2 2430000 LTE FDD+NB-IoT Technical Specifications of the BBU3900/BBU3910 This section describes the capacity of the BBU3900/BBU3910 working in both LTE FDD and LTE NB-IoT modes. Issue 04 (2022-07-29) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 203 BBU Technical Specifications 1 BBU Technical Specifications When the BBU3900/BBU3910 works in both LTE FDD and LTE NB-IoT modes, LTE FDD and LTE NB-IoT share the specifications of the main control board, and its capacity is limited by the main control board. The following table lists the capacity per BBU configured with different main control boards. Table 1-302 Capacity per BBU3900/BBU3910 in LTE FDD+NB-IoT mode BBU Board Configuratio n Capacity BBU3900 1 UMPTa ● Number of cells: 36 (20 MHz 4T4R for LTE FDD cells and 400 kHz 4T4R for LTE NB-IoT cells) ● Throughput: The sum of uplink and downlink data rates at the MAC layer is 1.5 Gbit/s. ● Number of UEs in RRC connected mode: 10800 BBU3900/ BBU3910 1 UMPTb1/ UMPTb2 ● Number of cells: 36 (20 MHz 4T4R for LTE FDD cells and 400 kHz 4T4R for LTE NB-IoT cells) ● Throughput: The sum of uplink and downlink data rates at the MAC layer is 1.5 Gbit/s. ● Number of UEs in RRC connected mode: 10800 BBU3900/ BBU3910 1 UMPTb3/ UMPTb9 ● Number of cells: 36 (20 MHz 4T4R for LTE FDD cells and 400 kHz 4T4R for LTE NB-IoT cells) ● Throughput: The sum of uplink and downlink data rates at the MAC layer is 2 Gbit/s. ● Number of UEs in RRC connected mode: 10800 BBU3900/ BBU3910 1 UMPTe ● Number of cells: 72 (20 MHz 4T4R for LTE FDD cells and 600 kHz 4T4R for LTE NB-IoT cells) ● Throughput: The sum of uplink and downlink data rates at the MAC layer is 10 Gbit/s. ● Number of UEs in RRC connected mode: 14400 Issue 04 (2022-07-29) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 204 BBU Technical Specifications 1 BBU Technical Specifications BBU Board Configuratio n Capacity BBU3910 1 UMPTga ● Number of cells: 72 (20 MHz 4T4R for LTE FDD cells and 600 kHz 4T4R for LTE NB-IoT cells) ● Throughput: The sum of uplink and downlink data rates at the MAC layer is 10 Gbit/s. ● Number of UEs in RRC connected mode: 14400 BBU3910 1 UMPTg ● Number of cells: 144 (20 MHz 4T4R for LTE FDD cells and 600 kHz 4T4R for LTE NB-IoT cells) ● Throughput: The sum of uplink and downlink data rates at the MAC layer is 20 Gbit/s. ● Number of UEs in RRC connected mode: 28800 LTE TDD+NB-IoT Technical Specifications of the BBU3900/BBU3910 This section describes the capacity of the BBU3900/BBU3910 working in both LTE TDD and LTE NB-IoT modes. When the BBU3900/BBU3910 works in both LTE TDD and LTE NB-IoT modes, LTE TDD and LTE NB-IoT share the specifications of the main control board, and its capacity is limited by the main control board. The UMPT supports LTE TDD and LTE NB-IoT concurrency only when LTE TDD uplink-downlink subframe configuration SA1 or SA2 is used. The following table lists the capacity per BBU configured with different main control boards. Table 1-303 Capacity per BBU3900/BBU3910 in LTE TDD+NB-IoT mode BBU Board Configuratio n Capacity BBU3900 1 UMPTa ● Number of cells: 36 (20 MHz 4T4R for LTE TDD cells and 400 kHz 4T4R for LTE NB-IoT cells) ● Throughput: The sum of uplink and downlink data rates at the MAC layer is 1.5 Gbit/s. ● Number of UEs in RRC connected mode: 10800 Issue 04 (2022-07-29) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 205 BBU Technical Specifications 1 BBU Technical Specifications BBU Board Configuratio n Capacity BBU3900/ BBU3910 1 UMPTb1/ UMPTb2 ● Number of cells: 36 (20 MHz 4T4R for LTE TDD cells and 400 kHz 4T4R for LTE NB-IoT cells) ● Throughput: The sum of uplink and downlink data rates at the MAC layer is 1.5 Gbit/s. ● Number of UEs in RRC connected mode: 10800 BBU3900/ BBU3910 1 UMPTb3/ UMPTb9 ● Number of cells: 36 (20 MHz 4T4R for LTE TDD cells and 400 kHz 4T4R for LTE NB-IoT cells) ● The sum of uplink and downlink data rates at the MAC layer is 2 Gbit/s. ● Number of UEs in RRC connected mode: 10800 BBU3900/ BBU3910 1 UMPTe ● Number of cells: 72 (20 MHz 4T4R for LTE TDD cells and 600 kHz 4T4R for LTE NB-IoT cells) ● Throughput: The sum of uplink and downlink data rates at the MAC layer is 10 Gbit/s. ● Number of UEs in RRC connected mode: 14400 BBU3910 1 UMPTga ● Number of cells: 72 (20 MHz 4T4R for LTE TDD cells and 600 kHz 4T4R for LTE NB-IoT cells) ● Throughput: The sum of uplink and downlink data rates at the MAC layer is 10 Gbit/s. ● Number of UEs in RRC connected mode: 14400 BBU3910 1 UMPTg ● Number of cells: 144 (20 MHz 4T4R for LTE TDD cells and 600 kHz 4T4R for LTE NB-IoT cells) ● Throughput: The sum of uplink and downlink data rates at the MAC layer is 20 Gbit/s. ● Number of UEs in RRC connected mode: 28800 Issue 04 (2022-07-29) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 206 BBU Technical Specifications 1 BBU Technical Specifications LTE FDD+TDD Technical Specifications of the BBU3900/BBU3910 This section describes the capacity of the BBU3900/BBU3910 working in both LTE FDD and LTE TDD modes. When the BBU3900/BBU3910 works in both LTE FDD and LTE TDD modes, LTE FDD and LTE TDD share the specifications of the main control board, and its capacity is limited by the main control board. The following table lists the capacity per BBU3900/BBU3910 when different main control boards are configured. Table 1-304 Capacity per BBU3900/BBU3910 in LTE FDD+TDD mode BBU Board Configuratio n Capacity BBU3900 1 UMPTa ● Number of cells: 36 ● Throughput: The sum of uplink and downlink data rates at the MAC layer is 1.5 Gbit/s. ● Number of UEs in RRC connected mode: 10800 ● Number of DRBs: 32400 BBU3900/ BBU3910 1 UMPTb1/ UMPTb2 ● Number of cells: 36 ● Throughput: The sum of uplink and downlink data rates at the MAC layer is 1.5 Gbit/s. ● Number of UEs in RRC connected mode: 10800 ● Number of DRBs: 32400 BBU3900/ BBU3910 1 UMPTb3/ UMPTb9 ● Number of cells: 36 ● Throughput: The sum of uplink and downlink data rates at the MAC layer is 2 Gbit/s. ● Number of UEs in RRC connected mode: 10800 ● Number of DRBs: 32400 BBU3900/ BBU3910 1 UMPTe ● Number of cells: 72 ● Throughput: The sum of uplink and downlink data rates at the MAC layer is 10 Gbit/s. ● Number of UEs in RRC connected mode: 14400 ● Number of DRBs: 43200 Issue 04 (2022-07-29) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 207 BBU Technical Specifications 1 BBU Technical Specifications BBU Board Configuratio n Capacity BBU3910 UMPTga ● Number of cells: 72 ● Throughput: The sum of uplink and downlink data rates at the MAC layer is 10 Gbit/s. ● Number of UEs in RRC connected mode: 14400 ● Number of DRBs: 43200 BBU3910 1 UMPTg ● Number of cells: 144 ● Throughput: The sum of uplink and downlink data rates at the MAC layer is 20 Gbit/s. ● Number of UEs in RRC connected mode: 28800 ● Number of DRBs: 86400 1.5.4 NR Technical Specifications of the BBU3910 The NR technical specifications of the BBU3910 include the technical specifications when it works in NR FDD and NR TDD scenarios. The BBU specification is the smaller value between the total specification of the main control board and that of the baseband processing unit. NR FDD Technical Specifications of the BBU3910 The NR FDD technical specifications of the BBU3910 include the capacity and signaling specifications. Capacity Specifications The following table lists the capacity per BBU3910 in NR FDD mode in typical scenarios. Table 1-305 Capacity per BBU3910 in NR FDD mode Board Configuratio n Capacity 1 UMPTg + 6 UBBPg2 ● Number of cells: 72x20 MHz 4T4R ● Throughput: 25 Gbit/s (DL+UL) ● Number of UEs in RRC connected mode: 14400 ● Number of DRBs: 43200 Issue 04 (2022-07-29) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 208 BBU Technical Specifications 1 BBU Technical Specifications Signaling Specifications The following table lists the signaling specifications per BBU3910 in NR FDD mode in typical scenarios. Table 1-306 Signaling specifications per BBU3910 in NR FDD mode Board Configuratio n Signaling Specifications (BHCA) 1 UMPTg + 6 UBBPg2 1728000 NR TDD Technical Specifications of the BBU3910 The NR TDD technical specifications of the BBU3910 include the capacity and signaling specifications. Capacity Specifications The following table lists the signaling specifications per BBU3910 in NR TDD mode in typical scenarios. Table 1-307 Capacity per BBU3910 in NR TDD mode Board Configuration Capacity 1 UMPTg + 6 UBBPg2a ● Number of cells: 36x100 MHz 4T4R or 18x100 MHz 8T8R/32T32R/64T64R ● Throughput: 25 Gbit/s (DL+UL) ● Number of UEs in RRC connected mode: 14400 ● Number of DRBs: 43200 Signaling Specifications Table 1-308 Signaling specifications per BBU3910 in NR TDD mode Board Configuration Signaling Specifications (BHCA) 1 UMPTg + 6 UBBPg2a 1728000 Issue 04 (2022-07-29) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 209 BBU Technical Specifications 1 BBU Technical Specifications BBU3910 NR (FDD+TDD) Technical Specifications The NR (FDD+TDD) technical specifications of the BBU3910 include the capacity and signaling specifications. NR FDD and NR TDD share the number of cells, number of UEs in RRC connected mode, number of DRBs, and signaling specifications of the main control board. Capacity Specifications The following table lists the capacity per BBU3910 in NR (FDD+TDD) mode in typical scenarios. Table 1-309 Capacity per BBU3910 in NR (FDD+TDD) Board Configuratio n Capacity 1 UMPTg + 3 UBBPg2a_N(F DD) + 3 UBBPg2a_N(T DD) ● Number of NR FDD cells: 36x20 MHz 4T4R ● Number of NR TDD cells: 9x100 MHz 32T32R/64T64R ● Throughput: 25 Gbit/s (DL+UL) ● Number of UEs in RRC connected mode: 14400(1) ● Number of DRBs: 43200 (1): In the board configuration, the maximum number of UEs in RRC connected mode does not exceed 7200 in both NR FDD and NR TDD. Signaling Specifications The following table lists the signaling specifications per BBU3910 in NR (FDD +TDD) mode in typical scenarios. Table 1-310 Signaling specifications per BBU3910 in NR (FDD+TDD) mode Board Configuratio n Signaling Specifications 1 UMPTg + 3 UBBPg2a_N(F DD) + 3 UBBPg2a_N(T DD) 1728000 BHCA Issue 04 (2022-07-29) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 210 BBU Technical Specifications 1 BBU Technical Specifications 1.5.5 Multimode Technical Specifications of the BBU3900/ BBU3910 The multimode technical specifications of the BBU3900/BBU3910 include the capacity and signaling specifications when it works in GSM, UMTS, NR, and LTE concurrency scenarios. Capacity Specifications ● G is short for GSM, U is short for UMTS, L is short for LTE FDD, T is short for LTE TDD, M is short for LTE NB-IoT. N (FDD) is short for NR FDD and N (TDD) is short for NR TDD. ● If GSM is configured with 72 TRXs, each TRX can be configured with only one SDCCH; if GSM is configured with 24 TRXs, each TRX can be configured with three SDCCHs. ● The UL capacity of a UL base station is the same as that of a GUL base station. ● In typical GL/UL/LN/GUL/GULN scenarios, LTE FDD and LTE TDD dynamically share the LTE specifications of the main control board. ● In typical GL/UL/LN/GUL/GULN scenarios where the specifications of GSM and UMTS remain unchanged, the LTE FDD capacity of the main control board is affected after LTE NB-IoT is introduced. That is, LTE FDD and NB-IoT share the number of LTE FDD cells and number of UEs in RRC connected mode of the main control board before LTE NB-IoT is introduced. ● Both LTE and NR cells support multiple bandwidths. For example, LTE FDD cells support bandwidth configurations of 1.4 MHz, 3 MHz, 5 MHz, 10 MHz, 15 MHz, and 20 MHz. For simplicity, the cell number specifications of LTE and NR cells in this section only use the maximum bandwidth. For example, the 20 MHz bandwidth is used for LTE FDD cells. ● The BBU capacity specification is the smaller value between the total specification of the main control board and that of the baseband processing unit. There are many multi-RAT configuration combinations. The following multi-RAT capacity specifications are provided only in typical configurations. Signaling Specifications ● If GSM is configured with 72 TRXs (S24/24/24), each TRX can be configured with only one SDCCH; if GSM is configured with 24 TRXs (S8/8/8), each TRX can be configured with three SDCCHs. ● The following specifications are met only in typical configurations. For example, the number of SCTP links required for GSM can be reached only when the typical configuration is used. ● LTE FDD and LTE TDD dynamically share the signaling specifications of the main control board. NR FDD and NR TDD dynamically share the signaling specifications of the main control board. ● In typical GL/UL/GUL scenarios where the specifications of GSM and UMTS remain unchanged, the allocation of LTE FDD signaling specifications of the main control board is affected after NB-IoT is introduced because LTE FDD and NB-IoT share the LTE signaling specifications on the main control board. On commercial networks, it is recommended that 30% of LTE signaling processing specifications be allocated to LTE NB-IoT. Issue 04 (2022-07-29) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 211 BBU Technical Specifications 1 BBU Technical Specifications LN (TDD) Technical Specifications of the BBU3910 The technical specifications of a BBU3910 working in LN (TDD) co-MPT mode include capacity and signaling specifications. Capacity Specifications The following table lists the capacity specifications in typical configurations when the BBU3910 adopts LN (TDD) co-MPT deployment. Table 1-311 Capacity per BBU3910 in LN (TDD) mode BBU Type Board Configuratio n Capacity BBU3910 1 UMPTe + 3 UBBPe4_L + 3 UBBPg2a_N(T DD) ● LTE FDD: 18x20 MHz 4T4R or 9x20 MHz 8T8R cells, 5400 UEs in RRC connected mode 1 UMPTg + 3 UBBPg2a_L +3 UBBPg2a_N(T DD) ● LTE FDD: 36x20 MHz 4T4R cells, 14400 UEs in RRC connected mode BBU3910 ● NR TDD: 9x100 MHz 8T8R/64T64R cells, 2400 UEs in RRC connected mode ● NR TDD: 9x100 MHz 8T8R/64T64R cells, 7200 UEs in RRC connected mode Signaling Specifications The following table lists the signaling specifications in typical configurations when the BBU3910 adopts LN (TDD) co-MPT deployment. Table 1-312 Signaling specifications per BBU3910 in LN (TDD) mode BBU Type Board Configuratio n Signaling Specifications BBU3910 1 UMPTe + 4 UBBPe4_L + 2 UBBPg2a_N(T DD) ● LTE FDD: 540000 BHCA 1 UMPTg + 4 UBBPe4_L + 2 UBBPg2a_N(T DD) ● LTE FDD: 1080000 BHCA BBU3910 Issue 04 (2022-07-29) ● NR TDD: 432000 BHCA ● NR TDD: 864000 BHCA Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 212 BBU Technical Specifications 1 BBU Technical Specifications LN (FDD) Technical Specifications of the BBU3910 The technical specifications of a BBU3910 working in LN (FDD) co-MPT mode include capacity and signaling specifications. Capacity Specifications The following table lists the capacity specifications in typical configurations when the BBU3910 adopts LN (FDD) co-MPT deployment. Table 1-313 Capacity per BBU3910 in LN (FDD) mode BBU Type Board Configuratio n Capacity BBU3910 1 UMPTe + 3 UBBPe4_L + 3 UBBPg2a_N(F DD) ● LTE FDD: 18x20 MHz 4T4R or 9x20 MHz 8T8R cells, 5400 UEs in RRC connected mode 1 UMPTg + 3 UBBPg2a_L +3 UBBPg2a_N(F DD) ● LTE FDD: 36x20 MHz 4T4R cells, 14400 UEs in RRC connected mode BBU3910 ● NR FDD: 36x20 MHz 4T4R cells, 2400 UEs in RRC connected mode ● NR FDD: 36x20 MHz 4T4R cells, 7200 UEs in RRC connected mode Signaling Specifications The following table lists the signaling specifications in typical configurations when the BBU3910 adopts LN (FDD) co-MPT deployment. Table 1-314 Signaling specifications per BBU3910 in LN (FDD) mode BBU Type Board Configuratio n Signaling Specifications BBU3910 1 UMPTe + 4 UBBPe4_L + 2 UBBPg2a_N(F DD) ● LTE FDD: 540000 BHCA 1 UMPTg + 4 UBBPe4_L + 2 UBBPg2a_N(F DD) ● LTE FDD: 1080000 BHCA BBU3910 Issue 04 (2022-07-29) ● NR FDD: 432000 BHCA ● NR FDD: 864000 BHCA Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 213 BBU Technical Specifications 1 BBU Technical Specifications TN (TDD) Technical Specifications of the BBU3910 The technical specifications of a BBU3910 working in TN (TDD) co-MPT mode include capacity and signaling specifications. Capacity Specifications The following table lists the capacity specifications in typical configurations when the BBU3910 adopts TN (TDD) co-MPT deployment. Table 1-315 Capacity per BBU3910 in TN (TDD) mode BBU Type Board Configuratio n Capacity BBU3910 1 UMPTe + 3 UBBPe4_T + 3 UBBPg2a_N(T DD) ● LTE TDD: 18x20 MHz 4T4R or 9x20 MHz 8T8R cells, 5400 UEs in RRC connected mode 1 UMPTg + 3 UBBPg2a_T +3 UBBPg2a_N(T DD) ● LTE TDD: 36x20 MHz 4T4R or 18x20 MHz 64T64R cells, 14400 UEs in RRC connected mode BBU3910 ● NR TDD: 9x100 MHz 8T8R/64T64R cells, 2400 UEs in RRC connected mode ● NR TDD: 9x100 MHz 8T8R/64T64R cells, 7200 UEs in RRC connected mode Signaling Specifications The following table lists the signaling specifications in typical configurations when the BBU3910 adopts TN (TDD) co-MPT deployment. Table 1-316 Signaling specifications per BBU3910 in TN (TDD) mode BBU Type Board Configuratio n Signaling Specifications BBU3910 1 UMPTe + 4 UBBPe4_T + 2 UBBPg2a_N(T DD) ● LTE TDD: 540000 BHCA 1 UMPTg + 4 UBBPe4_T + 2 UBBPg2a_N(T DD) ● LTE TDD: 1080000 BHCA BBU3910 Issue 04 (2022-07-29) ● NR TDD: 432000 BHCA ● NR TDD: 864000 BHCA Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 214 BBU Technical Specifications 1 BBU Technical Specifications TN (FDD) Technical Specifications of the BBU3910 The technical specifications of a BBU3910 working in TN (FDD) co-MPT mode include capacity and signaling specifications. Capacity Specifications The following table lists the capacity specifications in typical configurations when the BBU3910 adopts TN (FDD) co-MPT deployment. Table 1-317 Capacity per BBU3910 in TN (FDD) mode BBU Type Board Configuratio n Capacity BBU3910 1 UMPTe + 3 UBBPe4_T + 3 UBBPg2a_N(F DD) ● LTE TDD: 18x20 MHz 4T4R or 9x20 MHz 8T8R cells, 5400 UEs in RRC connected mode 1 UMPTg + 3 UBBPg2a_T +3 UBBPg2a_N(F DD) ● LTE TDD: 36x20 MHz 4T4R or 18x20 MHz 64T64R cells, 14400 UEs in RRC connected mode BBU3910 ● NR FDD: 36x20 MHz 4T4R cells, 2400 UEs in RRC connected mode ● NR FDD: 36x20 MHz 4T4R cells, 7200 UEs in RRC connected mode Signaling Specifications The following table lists the signaling specifications in typical configurations when the BBU3910 adopts TN (FDD) co-MPT deployment. Table 1-318 Signaling specifications per BBU3910 in TN (FDD) mode BBU Type Board Configuratio n Signaling Specifications BBU3910 1 UMPTe + 4 UBBPe4_T + 2 UBBPg2a_N(F DD) ● LTE TDD: 540000 BHCA 1 UMPTg + 4 UBBPe4_T + 2 UBBPg2a_N(F DD) ● LTE TDD: 1080000 BHCA BBU3910 Issue 04 (2022-07-29) ● NR FDD: 432000 BHCA ● NR FDD: 864000 BHCA Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 215 BBU Technical Specifications 1 BBU Technical Specifications GULN (TDD) Technical Specifications of the BBU3910 The technical specifications of a BBU3910 working in GULN (TDD) co-MPT mode include capacity and signaling specifications. Capacity Specifications The following table lists the capacity specifications in typical configurations when the BBU3910 adopts GULN (TDD) co-MPT deployment. Table 1-319 Capacity per BBU3910 in GULN (TDD) mode BBU Type Board Configuratio n Capacity BBU3910 1 UMPTg + 1 UBBPd6_U + 3 UBBPe6_L +2 UBBPg2a_N(T DD) ● GSM: 72 TRXs ● UMTS: 12 cells (2R) ● LTE FDD: 36x10/15/20 MHz 4T4R cells, 14400 UEs in RRC connected mode ● NR TDD: 6x100 MHz 8T8R/64T64R cells, 4800 UEs in RRC connected mode Signaling Specifications The following table lists the signaling specifications in typical configurations when the BBU3910 adopts GULN (TDD) co-MPT deployment. Table 1-320 Signaling specifications per BBU3910 in GULN (TDD) mode BBU Type Board Configuratio n Signaling Specifications BBU3910 1 UMPTg + 1 UBBPd6_U + 3 UBBPe6_L +2 UBBPg2a_N(T DD) ● GSM: 24 TRXs ● UMTS: 300 CNBAPS ● LTE FDD: 810000 BHCA ● NR TDD: 648000 BHCA GULN (FDD) Technical Specifications of the BBU3910 The technical specifications of a BBU3910 working in GULN (FDD) co-MPT mode include capacity and signaling specifications. Issue 04 (2022-07-29) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 216 BBU Technical Specifications 1 BBU Technical Specifications Capacity Specifications The following table lists the capacity specifications in typical configurations when the BBU3910 adopts GULN (FDD) co-MPT deployment. Table 1-321 Capacity per BBU3910 in GULN (FDD) mode BBU Type Board Configuratio n Capacity BBU3910 1 UMPTg + 1 UBBPd6_U + 3 UBBPe6_L +2 UBBPg2a_N(F DD) ● GSM: 72 TRXs ● UMTS: 12 cells (2R) ● LTE FDD: 36x10/15/20 MHz 4T4R cells, 14400 UEs in RRC connected mode ● NR FDD: 36x20 MHz 4T4R cells, 4800 UEs in RRC connected mode Signaling Specifications The following table lists the signaling specifications in typical configurations when the BBU3910 adopts GULN (FDD) co-MPT deployment. Table 1-322 Signaling specifications per BBU3910 in GULN (FDD) mode BBU Type Board Configuratio n Signaling Specifications BBU3910 1 UMPTg + 1 UBBPd6_U + 3 UBBPe6_L +2 UBBPg2a_N(F DD) ● GSM: 24 TRXs ● UMTS: 300 CNBAPS ● LTE FDD: 810000 BHCA ● NR FDD: 648000 BHCA GUTN (TDD) Technical Specifications of the BBU3910 The technical specifications of a BBU3910 working in GUTN (TDD) co-MPT mode include capacity and signaling specifications. Capacity Specifications The following table lists the capacity specifications in typical configurations when the BBU3910 adopts GUTN (TDD) co-MPT deployment. Issue 04 (2022-07-29) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 217 BBU Technical Specifications 1 BBU Technical Specifications Table 1-323 Capacity per BBU3910 in GUTN (TDD) mode BBU Type Board Configuratio n Capacity BBU3910 1 UMPTg + 1 UBBPd6_U + 3 UBBPe6_T +2 UBBPg2a_N(T DD) ● GSM: 72 TRXs ● UMTS: 12 cells (2R) ● LTE TDD: 36x10/15/20 MHz 4T4R cells, 14400 UEs in RRC connected mode ● NR TDD: 6x100 MHz 8T8R/64T64R cells, 4800 UEs in RRC connected mode Signaling Specifications The following table lists the signaling specifications in typical configurations when the BBU3910 adopts GUTN (TDD) co-MPT deployment. Table 1-324 Signaling specifications per BBU3910 in GUTN (TDD) mode BBU Type Board Configuratio n Signaling Specifications BBU3910 1 UMPTg + 1 UBBPd6_U + 3 UBBPe6_T +2 UBBPg2a_N(T DD) ● GSM: 24 TRXs ● UMTS: 300 CNBAPS ● LTE TDD: 810000 BHCA ● NR TDD: 648000 BHCA GUTN (FDD) Technical Specifications of the BBU3910 The technical specifications of a BBU3910 working in GUTN (FDD) co-MPT mode include capacity and signaling specifications. Capacity Specifications The following table lists the capacity specifications in typical configurations when the BBU3910 adopts GUTN (FDD) co-MPT deployment. Issue 04 (2022-07-29) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 218 BBU Technical Specifications 1 BBU Technical Specifications Table 1-325 Capacity per BBU3910 in GUTN (FDD) mode BBU Type Board Configuratio n Capacity BBU3910 1 UMPTg + 1 UBBPd6_U + 3 UBBPe6_T +2 UBBPg2a_N(F DD) ● GSM: 72 TRXs ● UMTS: 12 cells (2R) ● LTE TDD: 36x10/15/20 MHz 4T4R cells, 14400 UEs in RRC connected mode ● NR FDD: 24x20 MHz 4T4R cells, 4800 UEs in RRC connected mode Signaling Specifications The following table lists the signaling specifications in typical configurations when the BBU3910 adopts GUTN (FDD) co-MPT deployment. Table 1-326 Signaling specifications per BBU3910 in GUTN (FDD) mode BBU Type Board Configuratio n Signaling Specifications BBU3910 1 UMPTg + 1 UBBPd6_U + 3 UBBPe6_T +2 UBBPg2a_N(F DD) ● GSM: 24 TRXs ● UMTS: 300 CNBAPS ● LTE TDD: 810000 BHCA ● NR FDD: 648000 BHCA GUL Technical Specifications of the BBU3900/BBU3910 The technical specifications of a BBU3900/BBU3910 working in GUL co-MPT mode include capacity and signaling specifications. Capacity Specifications The following table lists the capacity specifications in typical configurations when the BBU3900/BBU3910 adopts GUL co-MPT deployment. Issue 04 (2022-07-29) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 219 BBU Technical Specifications 1 BBU Technical Specifications Table 1-327 Capacity per BBU3900/BBU3910 in GUL mode BBU Type Board Configuratio n Capacity BBU3900/ BBU3910 1 UMPTb + 3 UBBPd5_U + 3 UBBPd5_L ● GSM: 72 TRXs 1 UMPTe + 2 UBBPe4_U + 4 UBBPe6_L ● GSM: 72 TRXs 1 GTMUb + 1 UMPTb_UL +3 UBBPd6_U + 2 UBBPd5_L ● GSM: 72 TRXs (LegacyOM mode) 1 GTMUc + 1 UMPTb_UL +3 UBBPd6_U + 2 UBBPd5_L ● GSM: 72 TRXs 1 GTMUb + 1 UMPTe_UL + 2 UBBPe4_U + 2 UBBPe6_L ● GSM: 72 TRXs (LegacyOM mode) 1 GTMUc + 1 UMPTe_UL + 2 UBBPe4_U + 2 UBBPe6_L ● GSM: 72 TRXs 1 GTMUb + 1 UMPTb_UL + 3 UBBPd 6_U + 2 UBBPd5_L ● GSM: 72 TRXs (LegacyOM mode) 1 GTMUc + 1 UMPTb_UL +3 UBBPd6_U + 2 UBBPd5_L ● GSM: 72 TRXs BBU3900/ BBU3910 BBU3900 BBU3900 BBU3900 BBU3900 BBU3910 BBU3910 Issue 04 (2022-07-29) ● UMTS: 18 cells (2R) ● LTE FDD: 18x20 MHz 2T2R cells, 7200 UEs in RRC connected mode ● UMTS: 24 cells (2R) ● LTE FDD: 48x20 MHz 2T2R cells, 14400 UEs in RRC connected mode ● UMTS: 24 cells (2R) ● LTE FDD: 12x20 MHz 2T2R cells, 7200 UEs in RRC connected mode ● UMTS: 24 cells (2R) ● LTE FDD: 12x20 MHz 2T2R cells, 7200 UEs in RRC connected mode ● UMTS: 24 cells (2R) ● LTE FDD: 24x20 MHz 2T2R cells, 14400 UEs in RRC connected mode ● UMTS: 24 cells (2R) ● LTE FDD: 24x20 MHz 2T2R cells, 14400 UEs in RRC connected mode ● UMTS: 36 cells (2R) ● LTE FDD: 12x120 MHz 2T2R cells, 7200 UEs in RRC connected mode ● UMTS: 36 cells (2R) ● LTE FDD: 12x20 MHz 2T2R cells, 7200 UEs in RRC connected mode Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 220 BBU Technical Specifications 1 BBU Technical Specifications BBU Type Board Configuratio n Capacity BBU3910 1 GTMUb+ 1 UMPTe_UL + 2 UBBPe4_U + 2 UBBPe6_L ● GSM: 72 TRXs (LegacyOM mode) 1 GTMUc + 1 UMPTe_UL + 2 UBBPe4_U + 2 UBBPe6_L ● GSM: 72 TRXs 1 UMPTg + 2 UBBPe4_U + 4 UBBPg2a_L ● GSM: 72 TRXs BBU3910 BBU3910 ● UMTS: 24 cells (2R) ● LTE FDD: 24x20 MHz 2T2R cells, 14400 UEs in RRC connected mode ● UMTS: 24 cells (2R) ● LTE FDD: 24x20 MHz 2T2R cells, 14400 UEs in RRC connected mode ● UMTS: 24 cells (2R) ● LTE FDD: 48x20 MHz 2T2R cells, 14400 UEs in RRC connected mode Signaling Specifications The following table lists the signaling specifications in typical configurations when the BBU3900/BBU3910 adopts GUL co-MPT deployment. Table 1-328 Signaling specifications per BBU3900/BBU3910 in GUL mode BBU Type Board Configuratio n Signaling Specifications BBU3900 1 UMPTb + 2 UBBPd2_U + 1 LBBPd3 ● GSM: 18 TRXs 1 UMPTb + 2 UBBPd2_U + 1 UBBPd3_L ● GSM: 18 TRXs 1 UMPTb + 4 UBBPd1_U + 1 LBBPd2 ● GSM: 24 TRXs 1 UMPTb + 4 UBBPd1_U + 1 UBBPd3_L ● GSM: 24 TRXs BBU3900/ BBU3910 BBU3900 BBU3900/ BBU3910 Issue 04 (2022-07-29) ● UMTS: 500 CNBAPS ● LTE FDD: 108000 BHCA ● UMTS: 500 CNBAPS ● LTE FDD: 270000 BHCA ● UMTS: 800 CNBAPS ● LTE FDD: 45000 BHCA ● UMTS: 800 CNBAPS ● LTE FDD: 234000 BHCA Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 221 BBU Technical Specifications 1 BBU Technical Specifications BBU Type Board Configuratio n Signaling Specifications BBU3900/ BBU3910 1 UMPTe + 1 UBBPd6_U + 5 UBBPd3_L ● GSM: 24 TRXs 1 UMPTe + 2 UBBPd6_U + 4 UBBPe6_L ● GSM: 24 TRXs BBU3900/ BBU3910 ● UMTS: 350 CNBAPS ● LTE FDD: 1170000 BHCA ● UMTS: 600 CNBAPS ● LTE FDD: 900000 BHCA UL Technical Specifications of the BBU3900/BBU3910 This section provides the capacity and signaling specifications of the BBU3900/ BBU3910 working in UL co-MPT mode. Capacity Specifications The following table lists the capacity specifications in typical configurations when the BBU3900/BBU3910 adopts UL co-MPT deployment. Table 1-329 Capacity specifications of the BBU3900/BBU3910 in UL mode BBU Type Board Configuratio n Signaling Specifications BBU3900/ BBU3910 1 UMPTb + 3 UBBPd5_U + 3 UBBPd5_L ● UMTS: 18 cells (2R) BBU3900/ BBU3910 1 UMPTe + 2 UBBPe4_U + 4 UBBPe6_L ● UMTS: 24 cells (2R) BBU3900 1 UMPTb_UL +3 UBBPd6_U + 2 UBBPd5_L ● UMTS: 24 cells (2R) 1 UMPTe_UL + 2 UBBPe4_U + 2 UBBPe6_L ● UMTS: 24 cells (2R) 1 UMPTb_UL +3 UBBPd6_U + 2 UBBPd5_L ● UMTS: 36 cells (2R) BBU3900 BBU3910 Issue 04 (2022-07-29) ● LTE FDD: 18x20 MHz 2T2R cells, 7200 UEs in RRC connected mode ● LTE FDD: 48x20 MHz 2T2R cells, 14400 UEs in RRC connected mode ● LTE FDD: 12x20 MHz 2T2R cells, 7200 UEs in RRC connected mode ● LTE FDD: 24x20 MHz 2T2R cells, 14400 UEs in RRC connected mode ● LTE FDD: 12x20 MHz 2T2R cells, 7200 UEs in RRC connected mode Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 222 BBU Technical Specifications 1 BBU Technical Specifications BBU Type Board Configuratio n Signaling Specifications BBU3910 1 UMPTe_UL + 2 UBBPe4_U + 2 UBBPe6_L ● UMTS: 24 cells (2R) 1 UMPTg + 2 UBBPe4_U + 4 UBBPg2a_L ● UMTS: 24 cells (2R) BBU3910 ● LTE FDD: 24x20 MHz 2T2R cells, 14400 UEs in RRC connected mode ● LTE FDD: 48x20 MHz 2T2R cells, 14400 UEs in RRC connected mode Signaling Specifications The following table lists the signaling specifications in typical configurations when the BBU3900/BBU3910 adopts UL co-MPT deployment. Table 1-330 Signaling specifications per BBU3900/BBU3910 in UL mode BBU Board Configuratio n Signaling Specifications BBU3900 1 UMPTa + 1 UBBPd2_U + 2 LBBPd2 ● UMTS: 350 CNBAPS 1 UMPTb+ 1 UBBPd2_U + 2 LBBPd2 ● UMTS: 350 CNBAPS BBU3900/ BBU3910 1 UMPTb + 1 UBBPd2_U + 1 UBBPd3_L ● UMTS: 350 CNBAPS BBU3900/ BBU3910 1 UMPTb + 1 UBBPd2_U + 2 UBBPd3_L ● UMTS: 350 CNBAPS BBU3900/ BBU3910 1 UMPTe + 1 UBBPd6_U + 5 UBBPd3_L ● UMTS: 350 CNBAPS BBU3900/ BBU3910 1 UMPTe + 1 UBBPd6_U + 5 UBBPe6_L ● UMTS: 600 CNBAPS BBU3900 ● LTE FDD: 108000 BHCA ● LTE FDD: 180000 BHCA ● LTE FDD: 270000 BHCA ● LTE FDD: 504000 BHCA ● LTE FDD: 1350000 BHCA ● LTE FDD: 1206000 BHCA GL Technical Specifications of the BBU3900/BBU3910 The technical specifications of a BBU3900/BBU3910 working in GL co-MPT mode include capacity and signaling specifications. Issue 04 (2022-07-29) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 223 BBU Technical Specifications 1 BBU Technical Specifications Capacity Specifications The following table lists the capacity specifications in typical configurations when the BBU3900/BBU3910 adopts GL co-MPT deployment. Table 1-331 Capacity per BBU3900/BBU3910 in GL mode BBU Type Board Configuratio n Capacity BBU3900/ BBU3910 1 GTMUb + 1 UMPTb_L + 5 UBBPd6_L ● GSM: 72 TRXs (LegacyOM mode) BBU3900/ BBU3910 1 GTMUc + 1 UMPTb_L + 5 UBBPd6_L ● GSM: 72 TRXs BBU3900/ BBU3910 1 UMPTb + 6 UBBPd6_L ● GSM: 72 TRXs BBU3900/ BBU3910 1 GTMUb + 1 UMPTe_L + 5 UBBPe6_L ● GSM: 72 TRXs (LegacyOM mode) BBU3900/ BBU3910 1 GTMUc + 1 UMPTe_L + 5 UBBPe6_L ● GSM: 72 TRXs BBU3900/ BBU3910 1 UMPTe + 6 UBBPe6_L ● GSM: 72 TRXs BBU3910 1 UMPTg + 6 UBBPg2a_L ● GSM: 72 TRXs ● LTE FDD: 30x20 MHz 2T2R cells, 7200 UEs in RRC connected mode ● LTE FDD: 30x20 MHz 2T2R cells, 7200 UEs in RRC connected mode ● LTE FDD: 36x20 MHz 2T2R cells, 7200 UEs in RRC connected mode ● LTE FDD: 60x20 MHz 2T2R cells, 14400 UEs in RRC connected mode ● LTE FDD: 60x20 MHz 2T2R cells, 14400 UEs in RRC connected mode ● LTE FDD: 72x20 MHz 2T2R cells, 14400 UEs in RRC connected mode ● LTE FDD: 36x20 MHz 2T2R cells, 14400 UEs in RRC connected mode Signaling Specifications The following table lists the signaling specifications in typical configurations when the BBU3900/BBU3910 adopts GL co-MPT deployment. Issue 04 (2022-07-29) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 224 BBU Technical Specifications 1 BBU Technical Specifications Table 1-332 Signaling specifications per BBU3900/BBU3910 in GL mode BBU Type Board Configuratio n Signaling Specifications BBU3900 1 UMPTa + 2 LBBPd2 ● GSM: 18 TRXs 1 UMPTb + 2 LBBPd2 ● GSM: 18 TRXs BBU3900 ● LTE FDD: 180000 BHCA ● LTE FDD: 234000 BHCA or ● GSM: 24 TRXs ● LTE FDD: 180000 BHCA BBU3900 1 UMPTb + 1 LBBPd3 + 1 UBRIb ● GSM: 48 TRXs BBU3900/ BBU3910 1 UMPTb + 2 UBBPd3_L ● GSM: 48 TRXs BBU3900/ BBU3910 1 UMPTb + 1 UBBPd3_L + 1 UBRIb ● GSM: 48 TRXs BBU3900/ BBU3910 1 UMPTe + 6 UBBPd3_L ● GSM: 48 TRXs BBU3900/ BBU3910 1 UMPTe + 6 UBBPe6_L ● GSM: 24 TRXs ● LTE FDD: 108000 BHCA ● LTE FDD: 414000 BHCA ● LTE FDD: 270000 BHCA ● LTE FDD: 1170000 BHCA ● LTE FDD: 1350000 BHCA GU Technical Specifications of the BBU3900/BBU3910 The technical specifications of a BBU3900/BBU3910 working in GU co-MPT mode include capacity and signaling specifications. Capacity Specifications The following table lists the capacity specifications in typical configurations when the BBU3900/BBU3910 adopts GU co-MPT deployment. Table 1-333 Capacity per BBU3900/BBU3910 in GU mode BBU Type Board Configuratio n Capacity BBU3900 1 GTMUb + 1 UMPTb_U + 5 UBBPd6_U ● GSM: 72 TRXs (LegacyOM mode) Issue 04 (2022-07-29) ● UMTS: 24 cells (2R) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 225 BBU Technical Specifications 1 BBU Technical Specifications BBU Type Board Configuratio n Capacity BBU3900 1 GTMUc + 1 UMPTb_U + 5 UBBPd6_U ● GSM: 72 TRXs 1 UMPTb + 5 UBBPd6_U ● GSM: 72 TRXs 1 GTMUb + 1 UMPTb_U + 5 UBBPd6_U ● GSM: 72 TRXs (LegacyOM mode) 1 GTMUc + 1 UMPTb_U+ 5 UBBPd6_U ● GSM: 72 TRXs 1 UMPTb + 5 UBBPd6_U ● GSM: 72 TRXs BBU3900 BBU3910 BBU3910 BBU3910 ● UMTS: 24 cells (2R) ● UMTS: 24 cells (2R) ● UMTS: 48 cells (2R) ● UMTS: 48 cells (2R) ● UMTS: 48 cells (2R) Signaling Specifications The following table lists the signaling specifications in typical configurations when the BBU3900/BBU3910 adopts GU co-MPT deployment. Table 1-334 Signaling specifications per BBU3900/BBU3910 in GU mode BBU Type Board Configuratio n Signaling Specifications BBU3900/ BBU3910 1 UMPTb + 5 UBBPd1_U ● GSM: 24 TRXs BBU3900/ BBU3910 1 UMPTb + 2 UBBPd1_U + 1 UBRIb ● GSM: 48 TRXs BBU3900/ BBU3910 1 UMPTe + 5 UBBPd1_U ● GSM: 24 TRXs BBU3900/ BBU3910 1 UMPTe + 2 UBBPd1_U + 1 UBRIb ● GSM: 48 TRXs Issue 04 (2022-07-29) ● UMTS: 1000 CNBAPS ● UMTS: 500 CNBAPS ● UMTS: 1000 CNBAPS ● UMTS: 500 CNBAPS Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 226 BBU Technical Specifications 1 BBU Technical Specifications 1.5.6 BBU3900/BBU3910 Equipment Specifications BBU3900/BBU3910 equipment specifications include the input power specifications, dimensions, weight, heat dissipation capabilities, environmental specifications, and surge protection specifications. Input Power The following table lists the input power specifications of a BBU3900/BBU3910. Table 1-335 Input power of a BBU3900/BBU3910 Item Specifications Power input type –48 V DC Operating voltage –38.4 V DC to –57 V DC Dimensions and Weight The following table lists the dimensions and weight of a BBU3900/BBU3910. Table 1-336 Dimensions and weight of a BBU3900/BBU3910 Type Dimensions (H x W x D) Weight BBU3900 86 mm x 442 mm x 310 mm (3.39 in. x 17.40 in. x 12.20 in.) 15 kg (33.08 lb) in full configuration 86 mm x 442 mm x 310 mm (3.39 in. x 17.40 in. x 12.20 in.) 15 kg (33.08 lb) in full configuration BBU3910 ≤ 7 kg (15.44 lb) in typical configuration ≤ 7 kg (15.44 lb) in typical configuration Heat Dissipation Capabilities The following table lists the heat dissipation capabilities of a BBU3900/BBU3910. Table 1-337 Heat dissipation capabilities of a BBU3900/BBU3910 Type Heat Dissipation Capability BBU3900 When configured with a FAN: 350 W When configured with a FANc: 650 W Issue 04 (2022-07-29) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 227 BBU Technical Specifications 1 BBU Technical Specifications Type Heat Dissipation Capability BBU3910 When configured with a FANd: 1000 W When configured with a FANe: 1000 W Environmental Specifications The following table lists the environmental specifications of a BBU3900/BBU3910. Table 1-338 Environmental specifications of a BBU3900/BBU3910 Item Specifications Operating temperature ● Long-term operation: –20°C to +55°C (–4°F to +131°F) Relative humidity 5% RH to 95% RH Ingress protection rating IP20 Atmospheric pressure 70 kPa to 106 kPa Noise sound power level ETS 300 753 3.1 ● Short-term operation(1): +55ºC to +60ºC (+131°F to +140°F) ≤ 7.2 bels (1): Short-term operation indicates continuous operation for fewer than 96 hours or operation for fewer than 15 days in a year. Compliance Standards The following table provides the standards compliance for a BBU3900/BBU3910. Table 1-339 Compliance standards for a BBU3900/BBU3910 Item Standard Security standards ● IEC/EN/UL60950-1 ● IEC/EN/UL60950-22 ● IEC/EN/UL62368-1 Operating environment Issue 04 (2022-07-29) ETSI EN 300 019-1-3 Class3.1 Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 228 BBU Technical Specifications 1 BBU Technical Specifications Item Standard Storage environment ETSI EN 300 019-1-1 Class1.2 NOTE ● The validity period is one year. ● The product can function properly within the validity period if the storage environment meets the preceding standards. Surge protection ● IEC 62305-1 Protection against lightning - Part 1: General principles ● IEC 62305-3 Protection against lightning - Part 3: Physical damage to structures and life hazard ● IEC 62305-4 Protection against lightning - Part 4: Electrical and electronic systems within structures ● ITU-T K.35 Bonding configurations and earthing at remote electronic sites ● ITU-T K.56 Protection of radio base stations against lightning discharges ● ITU-T K.97 Lightning protection of distributed base stations ● ETSI EN 300 253 Environmental Engineering(EE): Earthing and bonding configuration inside telecommunications centers ● YD/T 2324-2011: Lightning protection requirements and test methods for radio base stations ● GB 50689-2011 Code for design of lightning protection and earthing engineering for telecommunication bureaus (stations) 1.6 BBU3910A Technical Specifications The BBU3910A is an outdoor integrated BBU. The capacity and signaling specifications of the BBU3910A in each mode are fixed values. 1.6.1 GSM Technical Specifications of the BBU3910A The GSM technical specifications of the BBU3910A include the capacity and signaling specifications (both indicated by the number of TRXs). A single BBU3910A supports a maximum of 12 cells and each cell supports a maximum of 24 TRXs. Capacity Specifications The following table lists the capacity per BBU3910A in GSM mode. Issue 04 (2022-07-29) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 229 BBU Technical Specifications 1 BBU Technical Specifications Table 1-340 Capacity per BBU3910A in GSM mode BBU Capacity BBU3910A1/BBU3910A2/ BBU3910A3 ● IP over FE: 72 TRXs ● IP over E1: 48 TRXs Signaling Specifications The following table lists the signaling specifications per BBU3910A in GSM mode. Table 1-341 Signaling specifications per BBU3910A in GSM mode BBU Signaling Specifications BBU3910A1/BBU3910A2/ BBU3910A3 ● IP over FE: 72 TRXs ● IP over E1: 48 TRXs 1.6.2 UMTS Technical Specifications of the BBU3910A The UMTS technical specifications of the BBU3910A include the capacity and signaling specifications. Capacity Specifications The following table lists the capacity per BBU3910A in UMTS mode. Table 1-342 Capacity per BBU3910A in UMTS mode BBU Capacity BBU3910A1 ● Number of cells: 6 ● Number of UL/DL CEs: 512/768 ● Number of HSDPA codes: 12x15 ● Number of HSDPA/HSUPA UEs: 384/384 BBU3910A2 ● Number of cells: 6 ● Number of UL/DL CEs: 768/768 ● Number of HSDPA codes: 12x15 ● Number of HSDPA/HSUPA UEs: 512/512 Issue 04 (2022-07-29) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 230 BBU Technical Specifications 1 BBU Technical Specifications BBU Capacity BBU3910A3 ● Number of cells: 12 ● Number of UL/DL CEs: 1024/1024 ● Number of HSDPA codes: 12x15 ● Number of HSDPA/HSUPA UEs: 768/768 Signaling Specifications The following table lists the signaling specifications per BBU3910A in UMTS mode. Table 1-343 Signaling specifications per BBU3910A in UMTS mode BBU Signaling Specifications BBU3910A1 500 CNBAPS BBU3910A2 500 CNBAPS BBU3910A3 600 CNBAPS 1.6.3 LTE Technical Specifications of the BBU3910A The LTE technical specifications of the BBU3910A include the technical specifications when the BBU3910A works in LTE FDD, LTE TDD, LTE NB-IoT, and multimode concurrency scenarios. LTE FDD Technical Specifications of the BBU3910A The LTE FDD technical specifications of the BBU3910A include the capacity and signaling specifications. Capacity Specifications The following table lists the capacity per BBU3910A in LTE FDD mode. Issue 04 (2022-07-29) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 231 BBU Technical Specifications 1 BBU Technical Specifications Table 1-344 Capacity per BBU3910A in LTE FDD mode BBU Capacity BBU3910A1 ● Number of cells: 3x20 MHz 4T4R(1) ● Throughput: downlink data rate at the MAC layer: 600 Mbit/s; uplink data rate at the MAC layer: 225 Mbit/s ● Number of UEs in RRC connected mode: 3600 ● Number of DRBs: 10800 BBU3910A2 ● Number of cells: 6x20 MHz 2T2R or 3x20 MHz 4T4R(2) ● Throughput: downlink data rate at the MAC layer: 600 Mbit/s; uplink data rate at the MAC layer: 300 Mbit/s ● Number of UEs in RRC connected mode: 3600 ● Number of DRBs: 10800 BBU3910A3 ● Number of cells: 6x20 MHz 4T4R(3) ● Throughput: downlink data rate at the MAC layer: 1200 Mbit/s; uplink data rate at the MAC layer: 600 Mbit/s ● Number of UEs in RRC connected mode: 3600 ● Number of DRBs: 10800 (1): The BBU3910A1 does not support mixed configuration of 2R and 4R cells. (2): The BBU3910A2 supports mixed configuration of 2R and 4R cells. In this configuration, a maximum of three cells are supported. (3): The BBU3910A3 supports mixed configuration of 2R and 4R cells. In this configuration, a maximum of three 2R cells and three 4R cells are supported. Signaling Specifications The following table lists the signaling specifications per BBU3910A in LTE FDD mode. Table 1-345 Signaling specifications per BBU3910A in LTE FDD mode BBU Signaling Specifications BBU3910A1 270000 BHCA BBU3910A2 396000 BHCA BBU3910A3 396000 BHCA Issue 04 (2022-07-29) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 232 BBU Technical Specifications 1 BBU Technical Specifications LTE TDD Technical Specifications of the BBU3910A The LTE TDD technical specifications of the BBU3910A include the capacity and signaling specifications. Capacity Specifications The following table lists the capacity per BBU3910A in LTE TDD mode. Table 1-346 Capacity per BBU3910A in LTE TDD mode BBU Capacity BBU3910A1 ● Number of cells: 3x20 MHz 4T4R ● Throughput: downlink data rate at the MAC layer: 600 Mbit/s; uplink data rate at the MAC layer: 225 Mbit/s ● Number of UEs in RRC connected mode: 3600 ● Number of DRBs: 10800 BBU3910A3 ● Number of cells: 6x20 MHz 4T4R ● Throughput: downlink data rate at the MAC layer: 1200 Mbit/s; uplink data rate at the MAC layer: 600 Mbit/s ● Number of UEs in RRC connected mode: 3600 ● Number of DRBs: 10800 Signaling Specifications The following table lists the signaling specifications per BBU3910A in LTE TDD mode. Table 1-347 Signaling specifications per BBU3910A in LTE TDD mode BBU Signaling Specifications BBU3910A1 270000 BHCA BBU3910A3 396000 BHCA LTE NB-IoT Technical Specifications of the BBU3910A The LTE NB-IoT technical specifications of the BBU3910A include the capacity and signaling specifications. Issue 04 (2022-07-29) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 233 BBU Technical Specifications 1 BBU Technical Specifications Capacity Specifications The following table lists the capacity per BBU3910A in LTE NB-IoT mode. Table 1-348 Capacity per BBU3910A in LTE NB-IoT mode BBU Capacity BBU3910A3 ● Number of cells: 9x200 kHz 4T4R ● Throughput: downlink data rate at the MAC layer: 0.954 Mbit/s; uplink data rate at the MAC layer: 1.8 Mbit/s ● Number of UEs in RRC connected mode: 3600 Signaling Specifications The following table lists the signaling specifications per BBU3910A in LTE NB-IoT mode. Table 1-349 Signaling specifications per BBU3910A in LTE NB-IoT mode BBU Signaling Specifications BBU3910A3 594000 BHCA LTE FDD+NB-IoT Technical Specifications of the BBU3910A The technical specifications of the BBU3910A working in both LTE FDD and LTE NB-IoT modes include the capacity and signaling specifications. Capacity Specifications The following table lists the capacity per BBU3910A in both LTE FDD and LTE NBIoT modes. Table 1-350 Capacity per BBU3910A in LTE FDD+NB-IoT mode BBU Capacity BBU3910A3 ● LTE FDD: 3x20 MHz 4T4R + 3x10 MHz 4T4R ● LTE NB-IoT: 3x200 kHz 4T4R Signaling Specifications The following table lists the signaling specifications per BBU3910A in both LTE FDD and LTE NB-IoT modes. Issue 04 (2022-07-29) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 234 BBU Technical Specifications 1 BBU Technical Specifications Table 1-351 Signaling specifications per BBU3910A in LTE FDD+NB-IoT mode BBU Signaling Specifications BBU3910A3 ● LTE FDD: 198000 BHCA ● LTE NB-IoT: 234000 BHCA 1.6.4 Multimode Technical Specifications of the BBU3910A The multimode technical specifications of a BBU3910A include the capacity and signaling specifications when it works in GSM, UMTS, and LTE concurrency scenarios. In this section, the specifications of multiple modes including GSM refer to those in the scenario where GSM baseband signals are processed by RF modules. UL Technical Specifications of the BBU3910A The technical specifications of a BBU3910A working in UL co-MPT mode include capacity and signaling specifications. In this section, the specifications of multiple modes including GSM refer to those in the scenario where GSM baseband signals are processed by RF modules. Capacity Specifications The following table lists the capacity specifications in typical configurations when the BBU3910A adopts UL co-MPT deployment. Table 1-352 Capacity per BBU3910A in UL mode BBU Type Capacity BBU3910A1 ● UMTS: 6 cells; number of UL/DL CEs: 256/384 ● LTE FDD: 3x20 MHz 2T2R; sum of uplink and downlink data rates at the MAC layer: 450 Mbit/s BBU3910A2 ● UMTS: 6 cells; number of UL/DL CEs: 384/512 ● LTE FDD: 3x20 MHz 2T2R; sum of uplink and downlink data rates at the MAC layer: 450 Mbit/s BBU3910A3 ● UMTS: 6 cells; number of UL/DL CEs: 512/768 ● LTE FDD: 3x20 MHz 4T4R; sum of uplink and downlink data rates at the MAC layer: 600 Mbit/s Issue 04 (2022-07-29) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 235 BBU Technical Specifications 1 BBU Technical Specifications Signaling Specifications The following table lists the signaling specifications in typical configurations when the BBU3910A adopts UL co-MPT deployment. Table 1-353 Signaling specifications per BBU3910A in UL mode BBU Type Signaling Specifications BBU3910A1 ● UMTS: 200 CNBAPS ● LTE FDD: 198000 BHCA BBU3910A2 ● UMTS: 200 CNBAPS ● LTE FDD: 198000 BHCA BBU3910A3 ● UMTS: 300 CNBAPS ● LTE FDD: 198000 BHCA UM Technical Specifications of the BBU3910A The technical specifications of a BBU3910A working in UM co-MPT mode include capacity and signaling specifications. In this section, the specifications of multiple modes including GSM refer to those in the scenario where GSM baseband signals are processed by RF modules. Capacity Specifications The following table lists the capacity specifications in typical configurations when the BBU3910A adopts UM co-MPT deployment. Table 1-354 Capacity per BBU3910A in UM mode BBU Type Capacity BBU3910A3 ● UMTS: 6 cells; number of UL/DL CEs: 512/768 ● LTE NB-IoT: 3x200 kHz 4T4R Signaling Specifications The following table lists the signaling specifications in typical configurations when the BBU3910A adopts UM co-MPT deployment. Issue 04 (2022-07-29) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 236 BBU Technical Specifications 1 BBU Technical Specifications Table 1-355 Signaling specifications per BBU3910A in UM mode BBU Type Signaling Specifications BBU3910A3 ● UMTS: 300 CNBAPS ● LTE NB-IoT: 243000 BHCA ULM Technical Specifications of the BBU3910A The technical specifications of a BBU3910A working in ULM co-MPT mode include capacity and signaling specifications. In this section, the specifications of multiple modes including GSM refer to those in the scenario where GSM baseband signals are processed by RF modules. Capacity Specifications The following table lists the capacity specifications in typical configurations when the BBU3910A adopts ULM co-MPT deployment. Table 1-356 Capacity per BBU3910A in ULM mode BBU Type Capacity BBU3910A3 ● UMTS: 6 cells; number of UL/DL CEs: 512/768 ● LTE FDD: 3x10 MHz 4T4R; sum of uplink and downlink data rates at the MAC layer: 300 Mbit/s ● LTE NB-IoT: 3x200 kHz 4T4R Signaling Specifications The following table lists the signaling specifications in typical configurations when the BBU3910A adopts ULM co-MPT deployment. Table 1-357 Signaling specifications per BBU3910A in ULM mode BBU Type Signaling Specifications BBU3910A3 ● UMTS: 300 CNBAPS ● LTE FDD: 198000 BHCA ● LTE NB-IoT: 234000 BHCA GL Technical Specifications of the BBU3910A The technical specifications of a BBU3910A working in GL co-MPT mode include capacity and signaling specifications. In this section, the specifications of multiple Issue 04 (2022-07-29) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 237 BBU Technical Specifications 1 BBU Technical Specifications modes including GSM refer to those in the scenario where GSM baseband signals are processed by RF modules. Capacity Specifications The following table lists the capacity specifications in typical configurations when the BBU3910A adopts GL co-MPT deployment. Table 1-358 Capacity per BBU3910A in GL mode BBU Type Capacity BBU3910A1 ● GSM: 48 TRXs ● LTE FDD: 3x20 MHz 4T4R; sum of uplink and downlink data rates at the MAC layer: 900 Mbit/s BBU3910A2 ● GSM: 48 TRXs ● LTE FDD: 6x20 MHz 2T2R; sum of uplink and downlink data rates at the MAC layer: 900 Mbit/s BBU3910A3 ● GSM: 48 TRXs ● LTE FDD: 6x20 MHz 4T4R; sum of uplink and downlink data rates at the MAC layer: 900 Mbit/s Signaling Specifications The following table lists the signaling specifications in typical configurations when the BBU3910A adopts GL co-MPT deployment. Table 1-359 Signaling specifications per BBU3910A in GL mode BBU Type Signaling Specifications BBU3910A1 ● GSM: 48 TRXs ● LTE FDD: 270000 BHCA BBU3910A2 ● GSM: 48 TRXs ● LTE FDD: 396000 BHCA BBU3910A3 ● GSM: 48 TRXs ● LTE FDD: 396000 BHCA GU Technical Specifications of the BBU3910A The technical specifications of a BBU3910A working in GU co-MPT mode include capacity and signaling specifications. In this section, the specifications of multiple Issue 04 (2022-07-29) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 238 BBU Technical Specifications 1 BBU Technical Specifications modes including GSM refer to those in the scenario where GSM baseband signals are processed by RF modules. Capacity Specifications The following table lists the capacity specifications in typical configurations when the BBU3910A adopts GU co-MPT deployment. Table 1-360 Capacity per BBU3910A in GU mode BBU Type Capacity BBU3910A1 ● GSM: 48 TRXs ● UMTS: 6 cells; number of UL/DL CEs: 512/768 BBU3910A2 ● GSM: 48 TRXs ● UMTS: 6 cells; number of UL/DL CEs: 768/768 BBU3910A3 ● GSM: 48 TRXs ● UMTS: 12 cells; number of UL/DL CEs: 1024/1024 Signaling Specifications The following table lists the signaling specifications in typical configurations when the BBU3910A adopts GU co-MPT deployment. Table 1-361 Signaling specifications per BBU3910A in GU mode BBU Type Signaling Specifications BBU3910A1 ● GSM: 48 TRXs ● UMTS: 200 CNBAPS BBU3910A2 ● GSM: 48 TRXs ● UMTS: 200 CNBAPS BBU3910A3 ● GSM: 48 TRXs ● UMTS: 300 CNBAPS GUL Technical Specifications of the BBU3910A The technical specifications of a BBU3910A working in GUL co-MPT mode include capacity and signaling specifications. In this section, the specifications of multiple modes including GSM refer to those in the scenario where GSM baseband signals are processed by RF modules. Issue 04 (2022-07-29) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 239 BBU Technical Specifications 1 BBU Technical Specifications Capacity Specifications The following table lists the capacity specifications in typical configurations when the BBU3910A adopts GUL co-MPT deployment. Table 1-362 Capacity per BBU3910A in GUL mode BBU Type Capacity BBU3910A3 ● GSM: 48 TRXs ● UMTS: 6 cells; number of UL/DL CEs: 512/768 ● LTE FDD: 3x20 MHz 4T4R; sum of uplink and downlink data rates at the MAC layer: 600 Mbit/s Signaling Specifications The following table lists the signaling specifications in typical configurations when the BBU3910A adopts GUL co-MPT deployment. Table 1-363 Signaling specifications per BBU3910A in GUL mode BBU Type Signaling Specifications BBU3910A3 ● GSM: 36 TRXs ● UMTS: 300 CNBAPS ● LTE FDD: 198000 BHCA 1.6.5 BBU3910A Equipment Specifications BBU3910A equipment specifications include the input power specifications, dimensions, weight, typical power consumption, environmental specifications, surge protection specifications, and compliance standards. Input Power The following table lists the input power specifications of a BBU3910A. Table 1-364 Input power of a BBU3910A Item Specifications Power input type –48 V DC Operating voltage –38.4 V DC to –57 V DC Issue 04 (2022-07-29) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 240 BBU Technical Specifications 1 BBU Technical Specifications Dimensions and Weight The following table lists the dimensions and weight of a BBU3910A. Table 1-365 Dimensions and weight of a BBU3910A Item Specifications Dimensions (H x W x D) 400 mm x 300 mm x 100 mm (15.75 in. x 11.81 in. x 3.94 in.) Weight ≤ 12 kg (26.46 lb) Typical Power Consumption The following table provides typical power consumption specifications of a BBU3910A. Table 1-366 Typical power consumption of a BBU3910A Item Specifications Typical power consumpti on 108 W (excluding PoE) Surge Protection Specifications The following table lists the surge protection specifications of ports on a BBU3910A. NOTE ● Unless otherwise specified, the surge protection specifications depend on the surge waveform of 8/20 μs. ● All the surge current items, unless otherwise specified as Maximum discharge current, refer to Nominal discharge current. Table 1-367 Surge protection specifications of ports on a BBU3910A Item Specifications Surge protection port –48 V DC power port Surge protection mode Surge current Issue 04 (2022-07-29) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 241 BBU Technical Specifications 1 BBU Technical Specifications Item Specifications Surge protection specificati ons 20 kA Environmental Specifications The following table lists the environmental specifications of a BBU3910A. Table 1-368 Environmental specifications of a BBU3910A Item Specifications Operating temperatu re –40°C to +55°C (without solar radiation) Relative humidity 5% RH to 100% RH Atmosphe ric pressure 60 kPa to 106 kPa Compliance Standards The following table lists the standards compliance for a BBU3910A. Table 1-369 Standards compliance for a BBU3910A Item Standard Security standards ● IEC 60950-1: 2005 (Second Edition) + A1: 2009 + National & Group Differences per CB Bulletin Information technology equipment - Safety Part 1: General requirements ● IEC 60950-22: 2005 (First Edition) + National & Group Differences per CB Bulletin Information technology equipment - Safety - Part 22: Equipment installed outdoors ● IEC 60215 (1987)+A1: 1990+A2: 1993 + National & Group Differences per CB Bulletin Safety requirement for radio transmitting equipment Ingress protection rating Issue 04 (2022-07-29) IP65 Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 242 BBU Technical Specifications 1 BBU Technical Specifications Item Standard Operating environme nt ETS 300 019-1-4 Class 4.1 Storage environme nt ETSI EN300 019-1-1 V2.2.1 (2014-04) Class1.2: "Weather protected, not temperature-controlled storage locations" NOTE ● The validity period is one year. ● The product can function properly within the validity period if the storage environment meets the preceding standards. Transporta tion environme nt EUROPEAN ETS 300 019-1-2 Class 2.3 "PUBLIC transportation" Antiearthquak e performan ce ● IEC 60068-2-57 Environmental testing - Part 2-57: Tests - Test Ff: Vibration - Time-history method ● ETSI EN 300019-1-4: "Earthquake" ● YD5083: Interim Provisions for Test of Anti-seismic Performances of Telecommunications Equipment (telecom industry standard in People's Republic of China) ● NEBS GR63 zone4 Protection standards ● GB50689-2011, YD2324-2011 EMC ● R&TTE Directive 1999/5/EC ● ITU-T K.21/44 ● EN 55022 CLASS B ● ETSI EN 301 489-01 ● ETSI EN 301 489-23(WCDMA/LTE) ● FCC part 15 CLASS B Issue 04 (2022-07-29) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 243 BBU Technical Specifications 1 BBU Technical Specifications Item Standard Surge protection ● IEC 62305-1 Protection against lightning - Part 1: General principles ● IEC 62305-3 Protection against lightning - Part 3: Physical damage to structures and life hazard ● IEC 62305-4 Protection against lightning - Part 4: Electrical and electronic systems within structures ● ITU-T K.35 Bonding configurations and earthing at remote electronic sites ● ITU-T K.56 Protection of radio base stations against lightning discharges ● ITU-T K.97 Lightning protection of distributed base stations ● ETSI EN 300 253 Environmental Engineering(EE): Earthing and bonding configuration inside telecommunications centers ● YD/T 2324-2011: Lightning protection requirements and test methods for radio base stations ● GB 50689-2011 Code for design of lightning protection and earthing engineering for telecommunication bureaus (stations) 1.7 BBU3910C Technical Specifications The BBU3910C is an outdoor integrated BBU. The capacity and signaling specifications of the BBU3910C in each mode are fixed values. 1.7.1 GSM Technical Specifications of the BBU3910C The GSM technical specifications of the BBU3910C include the capacity and signaling specifications (both indicated by the number of TRXs). A single BBU3910C supports a maximum of 12 cells and each cell supports a maximum of 24 TRXs. Capacity Specifications The following table lists the capacity per BBU3910C in GSM mode. Table 1-370 Capacity per BBU3910C in GSM mode BBU Capacity BBU3910C1 24 TRXs Signaling Specifications The following table lists the signaling specifications per BBU3910C in GSM mode. Issue 04 (2022-07-29) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 244 BBU Technical Specifications 1 BBU Technical Specifications Table 1-371 Signaling specifications per BBU3910C in GSM mode BBU Signaling Specifications BBU3910C1 24 TRXs 1.7.2 UMTS Technical Specifications of the BBU3910C The UMTS technical specifications of the BBU3910C include the capacity and signaling specifications. The following table lists the capacity and signaling specifications per BBU3910C in UMTS mode. Capacity Specifications Table 1-372 Capacity per BBU3910C in UMTS mode BBU Capacity BBU3910C1 ● Number of cells: 6 ● Number of UL/DL CEs: 512/512 ● Number of HSDPA codes: 6x15 ● Number of HSDPA/HSUPA UEs: 384/384 Signaling Specifications Table 1-373 Signaling specifications per BBU3910C in UMTS mode BBU Signaling Specifications BBU3910C1 100 CNBAPS 1.7.3 LTE FDD Technical Specifications of the BBU3910C The LTE FDD technical specifications of the BBU3910C include the capacity and signaling specifications. Capacity Specifications The following table lists the capacity per BBU3910C in LTE FDD mode. Issue 04 (2022-07-29) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 245 BBU Technical Specifications 1 BBU Technical Specifications Table 1-374 Capacity per BBU3910C in LTE FDD mode BBU Capacity BBU3910C1 ● Number of cells: 3x20 MHz 2T2R ● Throughput: downlink data rate at the MAC layer: 450 Mbit/s; uplink data rate at the MAC layer: 225 Mbit/s ● Number of UEs in RRC connected mode: 1200 ● Number of DRBs: 3600 Signaling Specifications The following table lists the signaling specifications per BBU3910C in LTE FDD mode. Table 1-375 Signaling specifications per BBU3910C in LTE FDD mode BBU Signaling Specifications BBU3910C1 108000 BHCA 1.7.4 Multimode Technical Specifications of the BBU3910C The multimode technical specifications of a BBU3910C include the capacity and signaling specifications when it works in GSM, UMTS, and LTE concurrency scenarios. In this section, the specifications of multiple modes including GSM refer to those in the scenario where GSM baseband signals are processed by RF modules. GU Technical Specifications of the BBU3910C The technical specifications of a BBU3910C working in GU co-MPT mode include capacity and signaling specifications. In this section, the specifications of multiple modes including GSM refer to those in the scenario where GSM baseband signals are processed by RF modules. Capacity Specifications The following table lists the capacity specifications in typical configurations when the BBU3910C adopts GU co-MPT deployment. Table 1-376 Capacity per BBU3910C in GU mode BBU Type Capacity BBU3910C1 ● GSM: 24 TRXs ● UMTS: 6 cells; number of UL/DL CEs: 512/512 Issue 04 (2022-07-29) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 246 BBU Technical Specifications 1 BBU Technical Specifications Signaling Specifications The following table lists the signaling specifications in typical configurations when the BBU3910C adopts GU co-MPT deployment. Table 1-377 Signaling specifications per BBU3910C in GU mode BBU Type Signaling Specifications BBU3910C1 ● GSM: 24 TRXs ● UMTS: 100 CNBAPS GL Technical Specifications of the BBU3910C The technical specifications of a BBU3910C working in GL co-MPT mode include capacity and signaling specifications. In this section, the specifications of multiple modes including GSM refer to those in the scenario where GSM baseband signals are processed by RF modules. Capacity Specifications The following table lists the capacity specifications in typical configurations when the BBU3910C adopts GL co-MPT deployment. Table 1-378 Capacity per BBU3910C in GL mode BBU Type Capacity BBU3910C1 ● GSM: 12 TRXs ● LTE FDD: 3x20 MHz 2T2R cells Signaling Specifications The following table lists the signaling specifications in typical configurations when the BBU3910C adopts GL co-MPT deployment. Table 1-379 Signaling specifications per BBU3910C in GL mode BBU Type Signaling Specifications BBU3910C1 ● GSM: 12 TRXs ● LTE FDD: 108000 BHCA Issue 04 (2022-07-29) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 247 BBU Technical Specifications 1 BBU Technical Specifications 1.7.5 BBU3910C Equipment Specifications BBU3910C equipment specifications include the input power specifications, dimensions, weight, typical power consumption, environmental specifications, surge protection specifications, and compliance standards. Input Power The following table lists the input power specifications of a BBU3910C. Table 1-380 Input power of a BBU3910C Item Specifications Power input type –48 V DC Operating voltage –38 V DC to –57 V DC Dimensions and Weight The following table lists the dimensions and weight of a BBU3910C. Table 1-381 Dimensions and weight of a BBU3910C Item Specifications Cylinder dimensions (diameter x height) Φ 150 mm x 450 mm (8 L) Dimensions of the maintenance cavity (H x W x D) 210 mm x 98 mm x 95 mm (8.27 in. x 3.86 in. x 3.74 in.) Weight ≤ 8.5 kg (18.74 lb, excluding mounting kits) Typical Power Consumption The following table provides typical power consumption specifications of a BBU3910C. Issue 04 (2022-07-29) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 248 BBU Technical Specifications 1 BBU Technical Specifications Table 1-382 Typical power consumption of a BBU3910C Item Specifications Typical power consumption ● 60 W (on the assumption that the PoE heat consumption is excluded) ● 105 W (on the assumption that the PoE load power consumption is 40 W) Environmental Specifications The following table lists the environmental specifications of a BBU3910C. Table 1-383 Environmental specifications of a BBU3910C Item Specifications Operating temperature ● –40°C to +55°C (without solar radiation) Relative humidity 5% RH to 100% RH Atmospheric pressure 70 kPa to 106 kPa ● –40°C to +50°C (with solar radiation) Surge Protection Specifications The following table lists the surge protection specifications of ports on a BBU3910C. NOTE ● Unless otherwise specified, the surge protection specifications depend on the surge waveform of 8/20 μs. ● All the surge current items, unless otherwise specified as Maximum discharge current, refer to Nominal discharge current. Table 1-384 Surge protection specifications of a BBU3910C Item Specifications –48 V DC power port Surge current Surge protection port –48 V DC power port Issue 04 (2022-07-29) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 249 BBU Technical Specifications 1 BBU Technical Specifications Item Specifications Surge protection mode Surge current Surge protection specification s 20 kA Compliance Standards The following table lists the standards compliance for a BBU3910C. Table 1-385 Standards compliance for a BBU3910C Item Standard Security standards ● IEC 60950-1: 2005 (Second Edition) + A1: 2009 + National & Group Differences per CB Bulletin Information technology equipment - Safety Part 1: General requirements ● IEC 60950-22: 2005 (First Edition) + National & Group Differences per CB Bulletin Information technology equipment - Safety - Part 22: Equipment installed outdoors ● IEC 60215 (1987)+A1: 1990+A2: 1993 + National & Group Differences per CB Bulletin Safety requirement for radio transmitting equipment Ingress protection rating IP65 Operating environmen t ETS 300 019-1-4 Class 4.1 Storage environmen t ETSI EN300019-1-1 V2.1.4 (2003-04) class1.2 "Weather protected, not temperature-controlled storage locations" NOTE ● The validity period is one year. ● The product can function properly within the validity period if the storage environment meets the preceding standards. Transportati on environmen t Issue 04 (2022-07-29) EUROPEAN ETS 300 019-1-2 Class 2.3 "PUBLIC transportation" Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 250 BBU Technical Specifications 1 BBU Technical Specifications Item Standard Antiearthquake performanc e ● IEC 60068-2-57 Environmental testing - Part 2-57: Tests - Test Ff: Vibration - Time-history method ● ETSI EN 300019-1-4: "Earthquake" ● YD5083: Interim Provisions for Test of Anti-seismic Performances of Telecommunications Equipment (telecom industry standard in People's Republic of China) ● NEBS GR63 zone4 Protection standards ● GB50689-2011, YD2324-2011 EMC ● R&TTE Directive 1999/5/EC ● ITU-T K.21/44 ● EN 55022 CLASS B ● ETSI EN 301 489-01 ● ETSI EN 301 489-23(WCDMA/LTE) ● FCC part 15 CLASS B Surge protection ● IEC 62305-1 Protection against lightning - Part 1: General principles ● IEC 62305-3 Protection against lightning - Part 3: Physical damage to structures and life hazard ● IEC 62305-4 Protection against lightning - Part 4: Electrical and electronic systems within structures ● ITU-T K.35 Bonding configurations and earthing at remote electronic sites ● ITU-T K.56 Protection of radio base stations against lightning discharges ● ITU-T K.97 Lightning protection of distributed base stations ● ETSI EN 300 253 Environmental Engineering(EE): Earthing and bonding configuration inside telecommunications centers ● YD/T 2324-2011: Lightning protection requirements and test methods for radio base stations ● GB 50689-2011 Code for design of lightning protection and earthing engineering for telecommunication bureaus (stations) 1.8 Traffic Model On live networks, the specifications of the main control board and baseband processing unit depend on the processing capability of the hardware and the traffic model. The configuration specifications of the main control board, baseband processing unit, and BBU vary by traffic model. This section describes Huawei traffic models. Issue 04 (2022-07-29) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 251 BBU Technical Specifications 1 BBU Technical Specifications 1.8.1 LTE Traffic Model This section describes the traffic models for LTE FDD, LTE TDD, and LTE NB-IoT. The traffic models for LTE FDD and LTE TDD are the same. LTE FDD Traffic Model This section defines the LTE FDD traffic models. The LTE FDD traffic models include: ● Model 1 This traffic model derives from a typical LTE network where smartphones dominate. UEs in this traffic model are characterized by short online duration, frequent network access and connection release, high mobility, and a large number of small-packet data services. ● Model 2 This traffic model derives from a typical LTE network where data cards dominate. LTE dongles and customer premises equipment (CPE) are examples of such data cards. UEs in this traffic model are characterized by long online duration, low mobility, and a large number of large-packet data services. Control-Plane Traffic Model The following table describes the control-plane specifications for traffic models 1 and 2. Table 1-386 Control-plane specifications for traffic models 1 and 2 Signaling Procedure Specifications for Traffic Model 1 Specifications for Traffic Model 2 PS Call Attempt Number per User@BH(1) (times) 180 20 Dedicated Bearer Attempt Number per User@BH (times) 5 1 TAU & Attach & Detach per User@BH (times) 30 5 Intra-eNodeB Handover Number per User@BH (times) 10 1 Inter-eNodeB X2 Based Handover Out Attempt Number per User@BH (times) 40 2 Inter-eNodeB X2 Based Handover In Attempt Number per User@BH (times) 40 2 For example, PS call density Issue 04 (2022-07-29) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 252 BBU Technical Specifications 1 BBU Technical Specifications Signaling Procedure Specifications for Traffic Model 1 Specifications for Traffic Model 2 Inter-eNodeB S1 Based Handover Out Attempt Number per User@BH (times) 0 0 Inter-eNodeB S1 Based Handover In Attempt Number per User@BH (times) 0 0 Inter-RAT Handover Attempt Number per User@BH (times) 3 0 Inter-RAT Redirection Attempt Number per User@BH (times) 12 0 CSFB Based Inter-RAT Handover Attempt Number per User@BH (times) 0 0 CSFB Based Inter-RAT Redirection Attempt Number per User@BH (times) 5 0 CA Scell Configuration Update Attempt Number per User@BH (times) 10 0 Syn2Unsyn Attempt Number per User@BH (times) 0 0 Unsyn2Syn Attempt Number per User@BH (times) 0 0 RRC Re-Establish Number per User@BH (times) 2 0 A3 Reports per User @BH (times) 0 0 Relaxed Backhaul CA Scell Configuration Update Attempt Number per User @BH (times) 0 0 NSA SgNB Configuration Update Attempt Number per User @BH (times) 0 0 Paging number@BH (times) 1260000 100000 (1): @BH means "at busy hours". Traffic models described in the table are obtained during busy hours. Busy Hour Call Attempts (BHCA) is the number of calls attempted at a busy hour. Signaling procedures required for completing a call may include call setup and release (including CS fallback if it occurs) and the following activities during the Issue 04 (2022-07-29) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 253 BBU Technical Specifications 1 BBU Technical Specifications on-hold call: handover, tracking area update (TAU), bearer setup and release, and switching between the in-synchronization state and the out-of-synchronization state. BHCA indicates the signaling processing capabilities of a system. A busyhour call initiated on different operator networks involves different types and numbers of signaling procedures and therefore consumes different amounts of eNodeB resources. As a result, the BHCA capability varies depending on the call model. Based on the definition of traffic model 1, one BHCA (that is, one combined PS call) is defined by taking every item in traffic model 1 divided by the PS call density. The details of one BHCA are listed below. Table 1-387 Definition of one BHCA Definition of a Combined Call or One BHCA Times PS Call Attempts 1 Dedicated Bearer Attempts 0.0278 TAU & Attach & Detach Attempts 0.1667 Intra-eNodeB Handover Attempts 0.0556 Inter-eNodeB X2 Based Handover Out Attempts 0.2222 Inter-eNodeB X2 Based Handover In Attempts 0.2222 Inter-eNodeB S1 Based Handover Out Attempts 0 Inter-eNodeB S1 Based Handover In Attempts 0 Inter-RAT Handover Attempts 0.0167 Inter-RAT Redirection Attempts 0.0167 CSFB Based Inter-RAT Handover Attempts 0 CSFB Based Inter-RAT Redirection Attempts 0.0278 CA Scell Configuration Update Attempts 0.0556 Syn2Unsyn Attempts 0 Unsyn2Syn Attempts 0 RRC Re-Establish Attempts 0.0111 A3 Reports 0 Issue 04 (2022-07-29) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 254 BBU Technical Specifications 1 BBU Technical Specifications User-Plane Traffic Model The following table describes the user-plane specifications for traffic model 1. Table 1-388 User-plane specifications for traffic model 1 Service Type PS Call Attempt Ratio (%) DL Traffic Volume per PS Call (KB) DL: UL Traffic Volume Ratio Web browsing & E-mail 35.00 250 15 Video downloading, uploading & streaming 0.35 20000 50 SNS 15.00 200 4 IM 15.00 5 0.7 Music & APP downloading & Streaming 0.50 5000 30 File sharing & Storage 0.10 400 0.1 Video call 0.20 3000 1 Heart beat 25.00 0.1 1 Other 8.85 50 1 The following table describes the user-plane specifications for traffic model 2. Table 1-389 User-plane specifications for traffic model 2 Service Type PS Call Attempt Ratio (%) UL Traffic Volume per PS Call (KB) DL Traffic Volume per PS Call (KB) FTP 100 600 6000 LTE TDD Traffic Model This section defines the LTE TDD traffic models. The LTE TDD traffic models include: ● Model 1 This traffic model derives from a typical LTE network where smartphones dominate. UEs in this traffic model are characterized by short online duration, Issue 04 (2022-07-29) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 255 BBU Technical Specifications 1 BBU Technical Specifications frequent network access and connection release, high mobility, and a large number of small-packet data services. ● Model 2 This traffic model derives from a typical LTE network where data cards dominate. LTE dongles and customer premises equipment (CPE) are examples of such data cards. UEs in this traffic model are characterized by long online duration, low mobility, and a large number of large-packet data services. Control-Plane Traffic Model The following table describes the control-plane specifications for traffic models 1 and 2. Table 1-390 Control-plane specifications for traffic models 1 and 2 Signaling Procedure Specifications for Traffic Model 1 Specifications for Traffic Model 2 PS Call Attempt Number per User@BH(1) (times) 180 20 Dedicated Bearer Attempt Number per User@BH (times) 5 1 TAU & Attach & Detach per User@BH (times) 30 5 Intra-eNodeB Handover Number per User@BH (times) 10 1 Inter-eNodeB X2 Based Handover Out Attempt Number per User@BH (times) 40 2 Inter-eNodeB X2 Based Handover In Attempt Number per User@BH (times) 40 2 Inter-eNodeB S1 Based Handover Out Attempt Number per User@BH (times) 0 0 Inter-eNodeB S1 Based Handover In Attempt Number per User@BH (times) 0 0 Inter-RAT Handover Attempt Number per User@BH (times) 3 0 Inter-RAT Redirection Attempt Number per User@BH (times) 12 0 For example, PS call density Issue 04 (2022-07-29) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 256 BBU Technical Specifications 1 BBU Technical Specifications Signaling Procedure Specifications for Traffic Model 1 Specifications for Traffic Model 2 CSFB Based Inter-RAT Handover Attempt Number per User@BH (times) 0 0 CSFB Based Inter-RAT Redirection Attempt Number per User@BH (times) 5 0 CA Scell Configuration Update Attempt Number per User@BH (times) 10 0 Syn2Unsyn Attempt Number per User@BH (times) 0 0 Unsyn2Syn Attempt Number per User@BH (times) 0 0 RRC Re-Establish Number per User@BH (times) 2 0 A3 Reports per User @BH (times) 0 0 Relaxed Backhaul CA Scell Configuration Update Attempt Number per User @BH (times) 0 0 NSA SgNB Configuration Update Attempt Number per User @BH (times) 0 0 Paging number@BH (times) 1260000 100000 (1): @BH means "at busy hours". Traffic models described in the table are obtained during busy hours. Busy Hour Call Attempts (BHCA) is the number of calls attempted at a busy hour. Signaling procedures required for completing a call may include call setup and release (including CS fallback if it occurs) and the following activities during the on-hold call: handover, tracking area update (TAU), bearer setup and release, and switching between the in-synchronization state and the out-of-synchronization state. BHCA indicates the signaling processing capabilities of a system. A busyhour call initiated on different operator networks involves different types and numbers of signaling procedures and therefore consumes different amounts of eNodeB resources. As a result, the BHCA capability varies depending on the call model. Based on the definition of traffic model 1, one BHCA (that is, one combined PS call) is defined by taking every item in traffic model 1 divided by the PS call density. The details of one BHCA are listed below. Issue 04 (2022-07-29) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 257 BBU Technical Specifications 1 BBU Technical Specifications Table 1-391 Definition of one BHCA Definition of a Combined Call or One BHCA Times PS Call Attempts 1 Dedicated Bearer Attempts 0.0278 TAU & Attach & Detach Attempts 0.1667 Intra-eNodeB Handover Attempts 0.0556 Inter-eNodeB X2 Based Handover Out Attempts 0.2222 Inter-eNodeB X2 Based Handover In Attempts 0.2222 Inter-eNodeB S1 Based Handover Out Attempts 0 Inter-eNodeB S1 Based Handover In Attempts 0 Inter-RAT Handover Attempts 0.0167 Inter-RAT Redirection Attempts 0.0167 CSFB Based Inter-RAT Handover Attempts 0 CSFB Based Inter-RAT Redirection Attempts 0.0278 CA Scell Configuration Update Attempts 0.0556 Syn2Unsyn Attempts 0 Unsyn2Syn Attempts 0 RRC Re-Establish Attempts 0.0111 A3 Reports 0 User-Plane Traffic Model The following table describes the user-plane specifications for traffic model 1. Issue 04 (2022-07-29) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 258 BBU Technical Specifications 1 BBU Technical Specifications Table 1-392 User-plane specifications for traffic model 1 Service Type PS Call Attempt Ratio (%) DL Traffic Volume per PS Call (KB) DL: UL Traffic Volume Ratio Web browsing & E-mail 35.00 250 15 Video downloading, uploading & streaming 0.35 20000 50 SNS 15.00 200 4 IM 15.00 5 0.7 Music & APP downloading & Streaming 0.50 5000 30 File sharing & Storage 0.10 400 0.1 Video call 0.20 3000 1 Heart beat 25.00 0.1 1 Other 8.85 50 1 The following table describes the user-plane specifications for traffic model 2. Table 1-393 User-plane specifications for traffic model 2 Service Type PS Call Attempt Ratio (%) UL Traffic Volume per PS Call (KB) DL Traffic Volume per PS Call (KB) FTP 100 600 6000 LTE NB-IoT Traffic Model This section defines the LTE NB-IoT traffic models. On live networks, the service capacity of an LTE NB-IoT eNodeB depends on system processing capabilities and the traffic model. This section describes the traffic models defined in 3GPP TR 45.820. Issue 04 (2022-07-29) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 259 BBU Technical Specifications 1 BBU Technical Specifications Table 1-394 Packet interval Access Interval (Hour) User Ratio 24 40% 2 40% 1 15% 0.5 5% Table 1-395 User distribution Coverage Class Ratio 0 (0 dB) 100% 1 (10 dB) 0% 2 (20 dB) 0% Control-Plane Traffic Model Table 1-396 Control-plane specifications for the traffic model Signaling Procedure Specifications for the Traffic Model PS Call Attempt Number per User@BH(1) (times) 0.467 Dedicated Bearer Attempt Number per User@BH (times) 0 TAU & Attach & Detach per User@BH (times) 0.00322(2) Intra-eNodeB Handover Number per User@BH (times) 0 Inter-eNodeB X2 Based Handover Out Attempt Number per User@BH (times) 0 Inter-eNodeB X2 Based Handover In Attempt Number per User@BH (times) 0 Inter-eNodeB S1 Based Handover Out Attempt Number per User@BH (times) 0 Inter-eNodeB S1 Based Handover In Attempt Number per User@BH (times) 0 Issue 04 (2022-07-29) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 260 BBU Technical Specifications 1 BBU Technical Specifications Signaling Procedure Specifications for the Traffic Model Inter-RAT Handover Attempt Number per User@BH (times) 0 Inter-RAT Redirection Attempt Number per User@BH (times) 0 CSFB Based Inter-RAT Handover Attempt Number per User@BH (times) 0 CSFB Based Inter-RAT Redirection Attempt Number per User@BH (times) 0 CA Scell Configuration Update Attempt Number per User@BH (times) 0 Syn2Unsyn Attempt Number per User@BH (times) 0 Unsyn2Syn Attempt Number per User@BH (times) 0 RRC Re-Establish Number per User@BH (times) 0 Paging number@BH (times) 400 NOTE ● (1): @BH means "at busy hours". Traffic models described in the table are obtained during busy hours. ● (2): The value of the TAU timer is extended to 310 hours. User-Plane Traffic Model Table 1-397 User-plane specifications for the traffic model Service Type PS Call Attempt Ratio (%) UL Traffic Volume per PS Call (KB) DL Traffic Volume per PS Call (KB) Uplink data 100 0.1 0 1.8.2 NR Traffic Model This section describes the traffic models for NR FDD and NR TDD. The traffic models for NR FDD and NR TDD are the same. Issue 04 (2022-07-29) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 261 BBU Technical Specifications 1 BBU Technical Specifications Control-Plane Traffic Model Table 1-398 Control-plane traffic model Traffic Model Item Unit NSA Traffic Model SA Traffic Model PS Call Attempt Number times 0.0000 1.0000 Dedicated Bearer Attempt Number times 0.0000 0.0278 TAU&Attach&Det ach times 0.0000 0.0278 SgNB Addition Number times 1.0000 0.0000 SgNB Release Number times 0.7778 0.0000 SgNB Modify Number times 0.0556 0.0000 SgNB Change Number times 0.2222 0.0000 Intra-gNodeB Handover Number times 0.0000 0.1111 Inter-gNodeB Xn Based Handover Out Attempt Number times 0.0000 0.1667 Inter-gNodeB Xn Based Handover In Attempt Number times 0.0000 0.1667 Inter-gNodeB NG2 Based Handover Out Attempt Number times 0.0000 0.0278 Inter-gNodeB NG2 Based Handover In Attempt Number times 0.0000 0.0278 Inter-RAT Handover Attempt Number times 0.0000 0.0278 Issue 04 (2022-07-29) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 262 BBU Technical Specifications 1 BBU Technical Specifications Traffic Model Item Unit NSA Traffic Model SA Traffic Model CA Scell Addition Attempt Number times 0.3333 0.3333 RRC Reconfiguration Number times 0.0167 0.0167 RRC ReEstablishment Attempt Number times 0.0000 0.0111 RRC Resume Number times 0.0000 0.0111 Paging Number per gNodeB per Busy Hour times 0.0000 1260000 (1): Paging is not included in one BHCA definition. User-Plane Traffic Model Table 1-399 User-plane traffic model in the NR TDD massive MIMO scenario Service Type PS Call Attempt Ratio (%) DL Traffic Volume per PS Call (KB) DL:UL Traffic Volume Ratio Web browsing & E-mail 35 250 15 Video downloading, uploading & streaming 3 25000 50 AR/VR 0.1 300000 50 SNS 15 200 4 IM 15 5 0.7 Music & APP downloading & Streaming 1 6000 30 File sharing & Storage 0.2 400 0.1 Video call 0.2 3000 1 Issue 04 (2022-07-29) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 263 BBU Technical Specifications 1 BBU Technical Specifications Service Type PS Call Attempt Ratio (%) DL Traffic Volume per PS Call (KB) DL:UL Traffic Volume Ratio Heart beat 25 0.1 1 Other 5.5 50 1 Table 1-400 User-plane traffic model (in NR TDD non-massive MIMO and NR FDD scenarios) Service Type PS Call Attempt Ratio (%) DL Traffic Volume per PS Call (KB) DL:UL Traffic Volume Ratio Web browsing & E-mail 35 250 15 Video downloading, uploading & streaming 0.35 20000 50 SNS 15 200 4 IM 15 5 0.7 Music & APP downloading & Streaming 0.5 5000 30 File sharing & Storage 0.1 400 0.1 Video call 0.2 3000 1 Heart beat 25 0.1 1 Other 8.85 50 1 Issue 04 (2022-07-29) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 264