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Animal Farm Character Name Analysis Worksheet

Analyzing Character Names in Animal Farm
(do not just connect with the Russian Revolution here—think on your own why Orwell uses the names he does)
What do the following names mean?
Mr. Jones
Moses, the
Old Major
Analyzing Character Names in Animal Farm
(do not just connect with the Russian Revolution here—think on your own why Orwell uses the names he does)
What do the following names mean?
Mr. Jones
Moses, the
Old Major
Orwell enjoys using characters with names that can represent every man. In 1984, his
main character is Winston Smith. The name Jones is common in England and
America. When you want to discuss anyone and no one in particular, you may use the
name Jones, Smith, or John Doe. I’m sure you have heard the phrase, “Keeping up
with the Joneses.” The Jones family can represent every family, but in this case, it is
the Romanov family with Czar Nicholas II as head. People always aspire to be the
Joneses. Oh, and by the way, George Orwell had a neighbour by the name of Jones.
Obviously, he did not like him.
Snowball (note: snow) is a pig somewhat light in color. In symbolism, light usually
represents "good" while dark (Napoleon) represents "evil". If you want to take the
analysis further, you may think of “snow” in Russia which is the typical landscape. Or,
it is likely that the “snowball effect” may be at work here. A snowball rolling down a
mountain only gains momentum. Think of this image in association with the book. At
first, overthrowing the czar is simple—maybe this is a precursor of events to come.
Maybe the battle is not over yet. Snowball, as Trotsky, seeks to spread the ideas of
Communism well beyond the farm. Also, like a melting snowball, Trotsky is temporary;
he is ousted from the farm.
Napoleon is a pig that is dark in color. Napoleon represents Stalin. Stalin was similar to
Napoleon Bonaparte of France. Napoleon Bonaparte was seen as a hero of the
revolution and soon came to power in France during the French Revolution. Napoleon
was a dictator, like Stalin, who was welcomed by the citizens. Napoleon represents evil
or darkness.
A squeal is a sound that is used to represent the communication of pigs. In other
words, Squealer represented the pigs in communication (propaganda). He is able to
turn “black into white.” In modern day, Squealers are people who tell on others.
Like a literal boxer (or fighter) this character is able to endure hardship and pain. He is
not a quitter and faithfully believes, “Napoleon is always right.”
First of all, don’t go there with the name. I know what you are thinking. That term was
not invented at that time. OK. Mollie is a feminine name and provides commentary
about the nature of woman who may be stereotypically seen as vain and materialistic,
like the bourgeois. It is easy to see why this book is allegorical because of the various
interpretations of the characters/text.
This character obviously is an allusion to the Bible and Moses who led the people out
of Egypt and presented the 10 commandment to the Palestinians after talking with God
on the mountain. Like the real Moses spreading the word of God, the Raven in Animal
Farm attempts to spread the word of the rebellion to the other farms. Think of birds
and how they are used in religion and literature. Noah received a branch during the
great flood to indicate hope (and land was near). The bird is frequently used as a
messenger. Also, with wings it is capable of doing things the other animals cannot.
This character is a stretch. Orwell may be referencing Benjamin Franklin who is known
for his almanac and wise quips and maxims. Benjamin, in Animal Farm, is an old
curmudgeon who provides commentary about everything.
This name is associated with luck and clover is a fine thing to eat; horses specifically
enjoy a clover field. Clover is maternal and a minor character.
This name supports a military-themed, political book. “Old” would imply wise and
“Major” would indicate high rank. For these reasons, his speech is credible and
regarded highly by the animals. Karl Marx, like Old Major, had pure intentions when
he theorized the ideology behind Communism. Both died before their ideas were
realized. A major in the military may recruit and train other soldiers in their military
Characterization in Animal Farm
Provide a description from the novella of each character at the beginning, middle, and
end of Animal Farm. Is the character static or dynamic? What purpose and role does
the character play? What symbolic and metaphorical meaning does the character
possess? What does the character show about people/humankind?
Mr. Jones
Moses, the
Old Major
Beginning (include page#)
Middle (include page#)
End (include page#)