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Conspiracy Theories: Could They Really Stay Secret?

Could Major Conspiracies Really Stay
Secret? Science Weighs in
SOCIETY 2 June 2018
A physicist has calculated the probability that four widely believed conspiracy
theories could have lasted this long without being uncovered. And mathematically speaking - it's not looking good for Moon-landing deniers or antivaccers.
The 2016 study revealed that for an old-fashioned cover-up to stay under-wraps
for a decade, fewer than 1,000 people would need to be involved.
And to remain secret for a century, the number of people 'in on it' would need to
be below 125. Considering that the most popular conspiracy theories would
realistically involve thousands of people, the odds aren't great.
"My results suggest that any conspiracy with over a few hundred people rapidly
collapses, and big science conspiracies would not be sustainable," physicist David
Grimes from the University of Oxford in the UK told The Guardian at the time.
Although Grimes's research usually focusses on cancer, he also regularly writes
science stories for the media, and was inspired to conduct this study after being
bombarded with emails from people believing in popular conspiracies.
"It is common to dismiss conspiracy theories and their proponents out of hand but
I wanted to take the opposite approach, to see how these conspiracies might be
possible," he explained. "To do that, I looked at the vital requirement for a viable
conspiracy – secrecy."
He applied his equation to four big conspiracy theories: the belief that vaccines
cause autism; that climate change isn't real; that the Moon landing was a hoax;
and that a cure for cancer already exists, but is being hidden by big
pharmaceutical companies.
Taking into account the number of people that would need to be involved to pull
off each of these four scenarios, and how long they've been around, his results
If the Moon landing was really a hoax, around 411,000 NASA employees
would have known, and it would have been revealed in just 3.7 years.
A cover-up of the link between vaccines and autism would have been
exposed anywhere between 3.2 and 34.8 years after it started.
A climate change 'fraud' would have been revealed in 3.7 to 26.8 years.
The suppression of a cancer cure would have been leaked by someone
inside big pharma in just 3.2 years.
The calculations were based upon the best-case scenario for conspirators, which
means that Grimes's equation assumed that conspirators are really good at
keeping secrets, and that no external investigations were going on.
To create the equation, Grimes had to first establish the probability of a cover-up
being exposed over time. To do this, he considered three IRL, confirmed
conspiracies, including the US National Security Agency (NSA) surveillance
program that was famously uncovered by Edward Snowden after just six years.
He also factored in the Tuskegee syphilis experiment, where the cure for syphilis penicillin - was purposefully withheld from African-American patients. That
conspiracy involved up to an estimated 6,700 people and was eventually revealed
around 25 years later by one of the doctors involved.
Grimes also analysed the FBI forensic analysis scandal. All of these cases are
testament to the fact that conspiracies and mass cover-ups do occur, but that they
don't last very long.
"Not everyone who believes in a conspiracy is unreasonable or unthinking. I hope
that by showing how eye-wateringly unlikely some alleged conspiracies are, some
people will reconsider their anti-science beliefs," explained Grimes.
"While believing the Moon landings were faked may not be harmful, believing
misinformation about vaccines can be fatal."
The results were published in PLOS One.