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Philosophy Branches, Thinkers, and Key Terms Overview

Branches of Philosophy:
1. Metaphysics:
De nition: The branch of philosophy that explores the nature
of reality.
• Key Concepts: Substance, existence, causality.
2. Epistemology:
• De nition: The study of knowledge and belief.
• Key Concepts: Justi cation, belief, truth.
3. Ethics:
De nition: The branch of philosophy that deals with moral
principles and values.
• Key Concepts: Virtue ethics, deontology, consequentialism.
4. Logic:
De nition: The study of reasoning and argumentation.
Key Concepts: Deductive reasoning, inductive reasoning,
5. Aesthetics:
De nition: The branch of philosophy that examines beauty,
art, and taste.
Key Concepts: Sublime, aesthetic judgment, artistic
Philosophical Thinkers:
1. Socrates:
Contributions: Socratic method, dialectics.
Famous Saying: "The only true wisdom is in knowing you
know nothing."
2. Aristotle:
Contributions: Virtue ethics, the golden mean.
Famous Saying: "It is the mark of an educated mind to be
able to entertain a thought without accepting it."
3. Immanuel Kant:
Contributions: Categorical imperative, deontology.
Famous Saying: "Act only according to that maxim whereby
you can at the same time will that it should become a
universal law."
4. John Locke:
Contributions: Tabula rasa, natural rights.
Famous Saying: "All mankind... being all equal and
independent, no one ought to harm another in his life, health,
liberty, or possessions."
5. Jean-Jacques Rousseau:
Contributions: Social contract theory.
Famous Saying: "Man is born free, and everywhere he is in
Key Philosophical Terms:
1. Dialectics:
• De nition: A method of argument for resolving contradictions.
• Example: Hegelian dialectics.
2. Utilitarianism:
De nition: The ethical theory that actions are right if they
promote the greatest happiness for the greatest number.
• Advocate: Jeremy Bentham, John Stuart Mill.
3. Absurdism:
De nition: The philosophical belief that life is inherently
• Key Thinker: Albert Camus.
4. Phenomenology:
• De nition: The study of structures of consciousness.
• Key Thinker: Edmund Husserl.
5. Existentialism:
De nition: A philosophical movement emphasizing individual
existence, freedom, and choice.
Key Thinkers: Jean-Paul Sartre, Albert Camus.
Important Philosophical Works:
1. "The Republic" by Plato:
• Topic: Political philosophy, justice.
2. "Meditations" by Marcus Aurelius:
• Topic: Stoic philosophy, ethics.
3. "Critique of Pure Reason" by Immanuel Kant:
• Topic: Epistemology, metaphysics.
4. "Thus Spoke Zarathustra" by Friedrich Nietzsche:
• Topic: Existentialism, individualism.
5. "Being and Time" by Martin Heidegger:
Topic: Phenomenology, ontology.