Jerome J. Connor · Susan Faraji Fundamentals of Structural Engineering Fundamentals of Structural Engineering Jerome J. Connor • Susan Faraji Fundamentals of Structural Engineering Jerome J. Connor Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, MA, USA Susan Faraji Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering University of Massachusetts-Lowell Lowell, MA, USA ISBN 978-1-4614-3261-6 ISBN 978-1-4614-3262-3 (eBook) DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-3262-3 Springer New York Heidelberg Dordrecht London Library of Congress Control Number: 2012940713 # Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2013 (Corrected at 2nd Printing 2012) This work is subject to copyright. All rights are reserved by the Publisher, whether the whole or part of the material is concerned, specifically the rights of translation, reprinting, reuse of illustrations, recitation, broadcasting, reproduction on microfilms or in any other physical way, and transmission or information storage and retrieval, electronic adaptation, computer software, or by similar or dissimilar methodology now known or hereafter developed. Exempted from this legal reservation are brief excerpts in connection with reviews or scholarly analysis or material supplied specifically for the purpose of being entered and executed on a computer system, for exclusive use by the purchaser of the work. Duplication of this publication or parts thereof is permitted only under the provisions of the Copyright Law of the Publisher’s location, in its current version, and permission for use must always be obtained from Springer. Permissions for use may be obtained through RightsLink at the Copyright Clearance Center. Violations are liable to prosecution under the respective Copyright Law. The use of general descriptive names, registered names, trademarks, service marks, etc. in this publication does not imply, even in the absence of a specific statement, that such names are exempt from the relevant protective laws and regulations and therefore free for general use. While the advice and information in this book are believed to be true and accurate at the date of publication, neither the authors nor the editors nor the publisher can accept any legal responsibility for any errors or omissions that may be made. The publisher makes no warranty, express or implied, with respect to the material contained herein. Printed on acid-free paper Springer is part of Springer Science+Business Media ( Preface Audience The intended audience of this book is that of students majoring in civil engineering or architecture who have been exposed to the basic concepts of engineering mechanics and mechanics of materials. The book is sufficiently comprehensive to be used for both elementary and higher level undergraduate structures subjects. In addition, it can serve students as a valuable resource as they study for the engineering certification examination and as a reference later in their careers. Practicing professionals will also find the book useful for self-study, for review for the professional registration examination, and as a reference book. Motivation The availability of inexpensive digital computers and user-friendly structural engineering software has revolutionized the practice of structural engineering. Engineers now routinely employ computer-based procedures throughout the various phases of the analysis and design detailing processes. As a result, with these tools engineers can now deal with more complex structures than in the past. Given that these tools are now essential in engineering practice, the critical question facing faculty involved in the teaching of structural engineering is “How the traditional teaching paradigm should be modified for the computer age?” We believe that more exposure to computer-based analysis is needed at an early stage in the course development. However, since the phrase “garbage in garbage out” is especially relevant for computer-based analysis, we also believe that the student needs to develop, through formal training in analysis methodology, the ability to estimate qualitatively the behavior of a structure subjected to a given loading and to confirm qualitative estimates with some simple manual computations. v vi Preface Based on a review of the current structural engineering academic literature, it appears that the current set of undergraduate textbooks are focused mainly on either (i) teaching manual analysis methods and applying them to simple idealized structures or (ii) reformulating structural analysis methods in terms of matrix notation. The first approach is based on the premise that intuition about structural behavior is developed as one works through the manual computations, which, at times, may seem exhaustive. The second approach provides the basis for developing and understanding computer software codes but does not contribute toward developing intuition about structural behavior. Clearly there is a need for a text that provides a balanced treatment of both classical and modern computer-based analysis methods in a seamless way and also stresses the development of an intuitive understanding of structural behavior. Engineers reason about behavior using simple models and intuition that they have acquired through problem-solving experience. The approach adopted in this text is to develop this type of intuition through computer simulation which allows one to rapidly explore how the structure responds to changes in geometry and physical parameters. We believe this approach better prepares the reader for the practice of structural engineering. Objectives Structural engineers have two major responsibilities during the design process. First, they must synthesize the structural system, i.e., select the geometry and the type of structural members that make up the structure. Second, they must size the members such that the structure can comfortably support the design loading. Creating a structural concept requires a deep knowledge of structural behavior. Sizing the members requires information about the internal forces resulting from the loading. These data are acquired through intelligent application of analysis methods, mainly computer-based methods. With these responsibilities in mind, we have selected the following objectives for this book: • Develop the reader’s ability to analyze structures using manual computational procedures. • Educate the reader about structural behavior. We believe that a strong analytical background based on classical analysis methodology combined with computer simulation facilitates the development of an understanding of structural behavior. • Provide the reader with an in-depth exposure to computer-based analysis methods. Show how computer-based methods can be used to determine, with minimal effort, how structures respond to loads and also how to establish the extreme values of design variables required for design detailing. • Develop the reader’s ability to validate computer-based predictions of structural response. Preface vii • Provide the reader with idealization strategies for reducing complex structures to simple structural models. • Develop an appreciation for and an awareness of the limitations of using simple structural models to predict structural behavior through examples which illustrate behavioral trends as structures become more complex. Organization We have organized this text into three parts. Parts I and II are intended to provide the student with the necessary computational tools and also to develop an understanding of structural behavior by covering analysis methodologies, ranging from traditional classical methods through computer-based methods, for skeletal type structures, i.e., structures composed of one-dimensional slender members. Part I deals with statically determinate structures; statically indeterminate structures are covered in Part II. Certain classical methods which we consider redundant have been omitted. Some approximate methods which are useful for estimating the response using hand computations have been included. Part III is devoted to structural engineering issues for a range of structures frequently encountered in practice. Emphasis is placed on structural idealization; how one identifies critical loading patterns; and how one generates the extreme values of design variables corresponding to a combination of gravity, live, wind, earthquake loading, and support settlement using computer software systems. A Web site containing computer analysis files for certain examples and homework problems is provided. This information can be accessed at http://extras. Brief descriptions of the subject content for each part are presented below. Part I discusses statically determinate structures. We start with an introduction to structural engineering. Statically determinate structures are introduced next. The treatment is limited to linear elastic behavior and static loading. Separate chapters are devoted to different skeletal structural types such as trusses, beams, frames, cables, curved members, footings, and retaining walls. Each chapter is selfcontained in that all the related analysis issues for the particular structural type are discussed and illustrated. For example, the chapter on beams deals with constructing shear and moment diagrams, methods for computing the deflection due to bending, influence lines, force envelopes, and symmetry properties. We find it convenient from a pedagogical perspective to concentrate the related material in one location. It is also convenient for the reader since now there is a single source point for knowledge about each structural type rather than having the knowledge distributed throughout the text. We start with trusses since they involve the least amount of theory. The material on frames is based on beam theory so it is logical to present it directly after beam theory. Cables and curved members are special structural types that generally receive a lower priority, due to time constraints, when selecting a syllabus for an introductory course. viii Preface We have included these topics here, as well as a treatment of footings and retaining walls, because they are statically determinate structures. We revisit these structures later in Part III. Part II presents methods for analyzing statically indeterminate structures and applies these methods to a broad range of structural types. Two classical analysis methods are described, namely the force (also referred to as the flexibility) method and the displacement (or stiffness) method are presented. We also present some approximate analysis methods that are based on various types of force and stiffness assumptions. These methods are useful for estimating the structural response due to lateral loads using simple hand computations. Lastly, we reformulate the traditional displacement method as a finite element method using matrix notation. The finite element formulation (FEM) is the basis of most existing structural analysis software packages. Our objectives here are twofold: First, we want to enable the reader to be able to use FEM methods in an intelligent way, and second, we want the reader to develop an understanding of structural behavior by applying analysis methods to a broad range of determinate and indeterminate skeletal structures. We believe that using computer analysis software as a simulation tool to explore structural behavior is a very effective way of building up a knowledge base of behavioral modes, especially for the types of structures commonly employed in practice. Part III discusses typical structural engineering problems. Our objective here is to expose the reader to a select set of activities that are now routinely carried out by structural engineers using structural engineering software. These activities are related to the approach followed to establish the “values” for the design variables. Defining these values is the key step in the engineering design process; once they are known, one can proceed to the design detailing phase. Specific chapters deal with horizontal structures such as multi-span girder, arch, and cable-stayed bridge systems; modeling of three-dimensional vertical structures subjected to lateral loading; and vertical structures such as low and high rise buildings subjected to gravity loading. The topics cover constructing idealized structural models; establishing the critical design loading patterns for a combination of gravity and live loading; using analysis software to compute the corresponding design values for the idealized structures; defining the lateral loading due to wind and earthquake excitation for buildings; and estimating the three-dimensional response of low rise buildings subjected to seismic and wind loadings. The Web site provides input files for examples and selected homework problems. Computer solutions are generated for certain example problems contained in the text using Mathcad [29], Matlab [30], and GTSTRUDL® [31]. The corresponding input files for these problems are available on In addition, a number of homework problems requiring computer solutions are included in the various chapters. Providing this information avoids the need for the student to be trained on the software. Preface ix Course Suggestions The following suggestions apply for students majoring in either civil engineering or architecture. Depending on the time available, we suggest organizing the material into either a two-semester or a three-semester sequence of subjects. Our recommendations for the three-semester sequence are as follows: Structures I The goal of this subject is to provide the skills for the analysis of statically determinate trusses, beams, frames, and cables, and to introduce some computerbased analysis methods. Chapters 1, 2, part of 3, part of 4, and the first part of 5 Structures II The objectives of this subject are to present both classical and computer-based analysis methods for statically indeterminate structures such as multi-span beams, gable frames, arches, and cable-stayed structures subjected to various loadings. The emphasis is on using analysis methods to develop an understanding of the behavior of structures. Chapters 9, 10, 11, 12, 6, and the last part of 5 Structures III This subject is intended to serve as an introduction to the practice of structural engineering. The material is presented as case studies for the two most common types of structures, bridges, and buildings. Issues such as geometrical configurations, idealized structural models, types and distribution of loadings, determination of the values of the design variables such as the peak moment in a beam, and force envelopes are discussed. Both the superstructure and the substructure components are considered. Extensive use of computer software is made throughout the subject. Recitation classes dealing with the design detailing of steel and concrete elements can be taught in parallel with the lectures. Chapters 13, 14, 15, 7, and 8 The makeup of the two-semester sequence depends on how much background in mechanics and elementary structures the typical student has and the goal of the undergraduate program. One possibility is to teach Structures I and II described above. Another possible option is to combine Structures I and II into a single subject offering together with Structures III. A suggested combined subject is listed below. x Preface Structures (Combined I + II) Chapters 3, 4 (partial), 9 (partial), 10, 11, and 12 Features of the Text Organization by Structural Type The chapters are organized such that an individual chapter contains all the information pertaining to a particular structural type. We believe this organization facilitates access to information. Since the basic principles are generic, it also reinforces these principles throughout the development of successive chapters. Classical Analysis Methods In-depth coverage of classical analysis methods with numerous examples helps students learn fundamental concepts and develop a “feel” and context for structural behavior. Analysis by Hand Computation The book helps teach students to do simple hand computing, so that as they move into doing more complex computational analysis, they can quickly check that their computer-generated results make sense. Gradual Introduction of Computer Analysis The text provides students with a gradual transition from classical methods to computational methods, with examples and homework problems designed to bring students along by incorporating computational methods when most appropriate. Finite Element Methods In-depth coverage of finite element methods for skeletal structures. Input files are available for all relevant example problems and homework exercises, so that students can more easily use the software. Preface xi Detailed Sample Problems Sample problems in each chapter illustrate detailed solutions to structural analysis problems, including some problems illustrating computer analysis. Most of the sample problems are based on real scenarios that students will encounter in professional practice. Units Both SI and customary US units are used in the examples and homework problems. Homework Problems That Build Students’ Skills An extensive set of homework problems for each chapter provides students with more exposure to the concepts and skills developed in the chapters. The difficulty level is varied so that students can build confidence by starting with simple problems, and advancing toward more complex problems. Comprehensive Breadth and Depth, Practical Topics The comprehensive breadth and depth of this text means it may be used for two or more courses, so it is useful to students for their courses and as a professional reference. Special topics such as the simplifications associated with symmetry and anti-symmetry, arch type structures, and cable-stayed structures are topics that a practicing structural engineer needs to be familiar with. Acknowledgements We would like to thank our spouses Barbara Connor and Richard Hennessey for their patience and moral support over the seemingly endless time required to complete this text. We are most appreciative. We would also like to thank our colleagues and students who provided us with many valuable suggestions concerning the content and organization of the text. We are especially indebted to Dr. Moneer Tewfik and Dr. Carlos Brebbia for their constructive criticisms and enthusiastic support as the text was evolving into its final form. xiii Contents Statically Determinate Structures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Introduction to Structural Engineering . .. .. . .. .. . .. .. . .. .. .. . .. .. . .. .. . 1.1 Types of Structures and Structural Components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.1.1 Structural Components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.1.2 Types of Structures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.2 Critical Concerns of Structural Engineering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.2.1 Reactions . . .. . . . . . .. . . . . . . .. . . . . . . .. . . . . . .. . . . . . . .. . . . . . . .. . . . 1.2.2 Initial Stability . . . . .. . . .. . . .. . . . .. . . .. . . .. . . . .. . . .. . . .. . . . .. . . 1.2.3 Loss of Stability Due to Material Failure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.2.4 Buckling Failure Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.2.5 Priorities for Stability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.3 Types of Loads . .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . . . .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . . . .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . . . .. . 1.3.1 Source of Loads . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.3.2 Properties of Loadings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.3.3 Gravity Live Loads . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.3.4 Wind Loading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.3.5 Snow Loading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.3.6 Earthquake Loading . .. . . . .. . . .. . . . .. . . .. . . . .. . . .. . . . .. . . .. . . 1.4 Structural Design Philosophy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.5 Basic Analytical Tools of Structural Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.5.1 Concept of Equilibrium-Concurrent Force System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.5.2 Concept of Equilibrium: Non-concurrent Force System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.5.3 Idealized Structure: Free Body Diagrams . . . .. . . . . . . . .. . . . 1.5.4 Internal Forces . .. . . . . . .. . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . . .. . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . 1.5.5 Deformations and Displacements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.5.6 Structural Behavior; Structural Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.5.7 The Importance of Displacements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.6 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.6.1 Objectives of the Chapter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.6.2 Key Issues and Concepts Introduced . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 4 4 4 7 10 10 12 13 14 14 15 17 19 20 26 28 30 31 Part I 1 32 33 35 35 38 39 45 47 47 47 xv xvi 2 3 Contents Statically Determinate Truss Structures .. .. . .. . .. .. . .. . .. .. . .. . .. . .. .. . 2.1 Introduction: Types of Truss Structures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.1.1 Structural Idealization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.1.2 Historical Background . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.2 Analysis of Planar Trusses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.2.1 Equilibrium Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.2.2 Statically Determinate Planar Trusses . . .. . .. . .. . . .. . .. . .. . 2.2.3 Stability Criterion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.2.4 Method of Joints: Planar Trusses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.2.5 Method of Sections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.2.6 Complex Trusses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.3 Computation of Deflections .. . . . .. . . .. . . . .. . . . .. . . .. . . . .. . . . .. . . .. . . 2.3.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.3.2 Force–Deformation Relationship . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.3.3 Deformation–Displacement Relations . . .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . 2.3.4 Method of Virtual Forces . .. . . . .. . . . .. . . . .. . . . .. . . . .. . . . .. . . 2.4 Influence Lines . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . 2.5 Analysis of Three-Dimensional Trusses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.5.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.5.2 Restraining Rigid Body Motion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.5.3 Static Determinacy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.5.4 Method of Joints for 3-D Trusses . . .. . . . . .. . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . 2.6 Matrix Formulation: Equilibrium Analysis of Statically Determinate 3-D Trusses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.6.1 Notation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.6.2 Member–Node Incidence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.6.3 Force Equilibrium Equations .. . . . .. . . .. . . . .. . . .. . . . .. . . .. . . 2.6.4 Stability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.6.5 Matrix Formulation: Computation of Displacements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.7 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.7.1 Objectives of the Chapter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.7.2 Key Facts and Concepts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.8 Problems . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . 51 51 54 54 61 61 62 63 67 83 94 100 100 100 102 105 117 132 132 133 137 139 154 161 161 161 162 Statically Determinate Beams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.1 Definition of a Prismatic Beam .. . . . .. . . .. . . . .. . . . .. . . . .. . . .. . . . .. . . 3.2 Stability and Determinacy of Beams: Planar Bending . . . . . . . . . . . 3.2.1 Fixed Support: Planar Loading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.2.2 Hinged Support: Planar Loading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.2.3 Roller Support: Planar Loading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.2.4 3-D Fixed Support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.2.5 3-D Hinged Support . .. . .. . .. . .. .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. .. . .. . .. . .. . 3.2.6 3-D Roller Support: Z Direction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.2.7 Static Determinacy: Planar Beam Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.2.8 Unstable Support Arrangements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 185 185 188 190 190 191 192 192 192 193 193 150 150 152 152 154 Contents 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 3.10 3.11 3.12 4 xvii 3.2.9 Beam with Multiple Supports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.2.10 Beam with a Moment Release . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Reactions: Planar Loading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Internal Forces: Planar Loading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Differential Equations of Equilibrium: Planar Loading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Displacement and Deformation of Slender Beams: Planar Loading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.6.1 Moment: Curvature Relationship . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.6.2 Qualitative Reasoning about Deflected Shapes . . . . . . . . . 3.6.3 Moment Area Theorems .. . .. . . .. . .. . . .. . .. . . .. . . .. . .. . . .. . 3.6.4 Computing Displacements with the Conjugate Beam Method . . .. .. . .. .. . .. .. . .. .. . .. .. . .. .. . .. .. . .. .. . .. .. . 3.6.5 Computing Displacements with the Method of Virtual Forces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.6.6 Computing Displacements for Non-prismatic Members . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Deformation–Displacement Relations for Deep Beams: Planar Loading . .. . .. . .. .. . .. . .. . .. . .. .. . .. . .. . .. . .. .. . .. . .. . Torsion of Prismatic Members . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Symmetry and Anti-symmetry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.9.1 Symmetry and Anti-symmetry: Shear and Moment Diagrams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.9.2 Symmetry and Anti-Symmetry: Deflected Shapes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Influence Lines and Force Envelopes for Statically Determinate Beams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.10.1 The Engineering Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.10.2 Influence Lines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.10.3 Force Envelopes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.11.1 Objectives of the Chapter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.11.2 Key Facts and Concepts . .. . . . .. . . . .. . . . .. . . . .. . . . .. . . . .. . . Problems . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . Statically Determinate Plane Frames . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.1 Definition of Plane Frames . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.2 Statical Determinacy: Planar Loading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.3 Analysis of Statically Determinate Frames .. . . .. . .. . . .. . .. . . .. . .. . 4.3.1 Behavior of Portal Frames: Analytical Solution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.4 Pitched Roof Frames . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.4.1 Member Loads . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.4.2 Analytical Solutions for Pitched Roof Frames . . . . . . . . . . 4.5 A-Frames . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 193 194 196 204 213 235 237 238 243 254 259 270 274 277 280 280 283 287 287 290 316 329 329 329 330 355 355 357 360 373 378 378 381 396 xviii Contents 4.6 4.7 4.8 4.9 4.10 4.11 5 6 Deflection of Frames Using the Principle of Virtual Forces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Deflection Profiles: Plane Frame Structures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Computer-Based Analysis: Plane Frames . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Plane Frames: Out of Plane Loading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.10.1 Objectives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.10.2 Key Concepts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Problems . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . 399 412 415 415 419 419 420 420 Cable Structures . . .. . . . .. . . .. . . . .. . . .. . . .. . . . .. . . .. . . . .. . . .. . . . .. . . .. . . . .. . . 5.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.2 Cables Subjected to Concentrated Loads . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.2.1 Horizontal Cables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.2.2 Inclined Cables . . .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . .. . . .. . . .. . . 5.3 Cables Subjected to Distributed Loading . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . 5.3.1 Horizontal Cable: Uniform Loading per Horizontal Projection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.3.2 Inclined Cables . . .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . .. . . .. . . .. . . 5.4 Advanced Topics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.4.1 Arc Length . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.4.2 Equivalent Axial Stiffness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.4.3 Equivalent Axial Stiffness for an Inclined Cable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.4.4 Cable Shape Under Self Weight: Catenary .. . . . .. . . . .. . . 5.5 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.5.1 Objectives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.5.2 Key Concepts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.6 Problems . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . 443 443 445 445 453 458 Statically Determinate Curved Members . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . 6.1 A Brief History of Arch-Type Structures .. . .. . .. . . .. . .. . .. . . .. . .. . 6.2 Modeling of Arch Structures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.3 Internal Forces in Curved Members . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.4 Parabolic Geometry .. .. . .. . .. .. . .. .. . .. . .. .. . .. . .. .. . .. .. . .. . .. .. . .. . 6.5 Method of Virtual Forces for Curved Members . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.5.1 Non-shallow Slender Curved Members . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.5.2 Shallow Slender Curved Members . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.5.3 Circular Curved Member . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.6 Analysis of Three-Hinged Arches . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . .. . . . . 6.7 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.7.1 Objectives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.7.2 Key Factors and Concepts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.8 Problems . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . 489 489 494 498 503 510 511 511 515 518 533 533 534 534 458 460 464 464 468 471 474 478 478 478 479 Contents 7 8 Shallow Foundations . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . 7.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.1.1 Types of Foundations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.1.2 Types of Shallow Foundations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.1.3 Soil Pressure Distribution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.2 An Analytical Method for Evaluating the Soil Pressure Distribution under a Footing . . . .. . . . . . . .. . . . . . . .. . . . . . .. . . . . . . .. . . . . 7.3 Dimensioning a Single Rectangular Footing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.4 Dimensioning Combined Footings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.5 Dimensioning Strap Footings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.6 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.6.1 Objectives of the Chapter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.7 Problems . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . 550 554 565 575 587 587 587 Vertical Retaining Wall Structures . .. . .. . .. . .. .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. .. . .. . 8.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.1.1 Types of Retaining Walls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.1.2 Gravity Walls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.1.3 Cantilever Walls . .. . . .. . .. . .. . . .. . .. . . .. . .. . .. . . .. . .. . .. . . .. . 8.2 Force Due to the Backfill Material . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.2.1 Different Types of Materials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.2.2 Rankine Theory: Active Soil Pressure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.3 Stability Analysis of Retaining Walls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.4 Pressure Distribution Under the Wall Footing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.5 Critical Sections for Design of Cantilever Walls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.6 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.6.1 Objectives of the Chapter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.6.2 Key Concepts and Facts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.7 Problems . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . 599 599 599 600 601 601 601 604 605 607 623 627 627 627 628 Statically Indeterminate Structures .. .. . .. . .. .. . .. . .. .. . .. . .. . .. .. . 633 The Force Method . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . 9.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.2 Maxwell’s Law of Reciprocal Displacements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.3 Application of the Force Method to Beam-Type Structures . . . . . 9.3.1 Beam with Yielding Supports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . 9.3.2 Fixed-Ended Beams . . . .. . . . .. . . . . .. . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . .. . . . 9.3.3 Analytical Solutions for Multi-span Beams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.4 Application to Arch-Type Structures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.5 Application to Frame-Type Structures . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . 9.5.1 General Approach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.5.2 Portal Frames . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.5.3 Pitched Roof Frames . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . 635 635 644 647 654 668 673 683 693 694 695 707 Part II 9 xix 545 545 545 546 547 xx Contents 9.6 9.7 Indeterminate Trusses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.7.1 Objectives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.7.2 Key Factors and Concepts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Problems . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . 712 719 719 720 720 The Displacement Method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.2 Displacement Method Applied to a Plane Truss . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.3 Member Equations for Frame-Type Structures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.4 The Displacement Method Applied to Beam Structures . . . . . . . 10.4.1 Two Span Beams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.5 The Displacement Method Applied to Rigid Frames . . . . . . . . . . . 10.5.1 Portal Frames: Symmetrical Loading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.5.2 Portal Frames Anti-symmetrical Loading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.6 The Moment Distribution Solution Procedure for Multi-span Beams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.6.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.6.2 Incorporation of Moment Releases at Supports . . . . . . . 10.6.3 Moment Distribution for Multiple Free Nodes . . . . . . . . 10.7 Moment Distribution: Frame Structures . .. .. . .. .. . .. .. . .. .. . .. .. . 10.7.1 Frames: No Sideway . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.7.2 Frames with Sideway . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.8 Plane Frames: Out of Plane Loading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.8.1 Slope-Deflection Equations: Out of Plane Loading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.9 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.9.1 Objectives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.9.2 Key Factors and Concepts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.10 Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 737 737 739 742 747 747 775 779 781 9.8 10 11 Approximate Methods for Estimating Forces in Statically Indeterminate Structures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11.2 Multi-span Beams: Gravity Loading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11.2.1 Basic Data-Moment Diagrams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11.2.2 Quantitative Reasoning Based on Relative Stiffness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11.3 Multistory Rigid Frames: Gravity Loading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11.4 Multistory Rigid Frames: Lateral Loading . . . . . .. . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . 11.4.1 Portal Method . . . .. . . . .. . . . .. . . .. . . . .. . . . .. . . .. . . . .. . . . .. . . 11.4.2 Shear Stiffness Method: Low-Rise Rigid Frames . .. .. . .. .. . .. .. . .. . .. .. . .. .. . .. .. . 11.4.3 Low-Rise Rigid Frames with Bracing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 788 788 793 795 800 800 809 821 821 826 826 826 827 843 843 844 844 845 847 849 850 857 863 Contents 11.5 11.6 11.7 12 High-Rise Rigid Frames: The Cantilever Method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11.6.1 Objectives of the Chapter .. . .. . . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . . .. . .. . .. . 11.6.2 Key Concepts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 870 876 876 876 876 Finite Element Displacement Method for Framed Structures .. . . . .. . . .. . . .. . . . .. . . .. . . . .. . . .. . . . .. . . .. . . . .. . . .. . . 12.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.2 Key Steps of the Finite Element Displacement Method for Member Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.3 Matrix Formulation of the Member Equations: Planar Behavior . . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . 12.4 Local and Global Reference Frames . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.5 Nodal Force Equilibrium Equations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.6 Introduction of Nodal Supports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.6.1 Systematic Approach . .. .. . .. . .. .. . .. .. . .. .. . .. . .. .. . .. .. . 12.7 Specialized Formulation for Beam and Truss Structures . . . . . . . 12.7.1 The Steps Involved for Plane Truss Structures . . . . . . . . 12.7.2 The Steps Involved for Beam Structures with Transverse Loading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.8 Three-Dimensional Formulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.9 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.9.1 Objectives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.10 Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 887 890 893 900 901 916 917 Practice of Structural Engineering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 953 Multi-span Horizontal Structures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13.1 The Engineering Process for Girders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13.2 Influence Lines for Indeterminate Beams Using M€ uller-Breslau Principle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13.3 Engineering Issues for Multi-span Girder Bridges . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13.3.1 Geometric Configurations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13.3.2 Choice of Span Lengths . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13.3.3 Live Loads for Multi-span Highway Bridge Girders: Moment Envelopes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13.3.4 Loading Due to Support Settlements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13.4 Case Studies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13.4.1 Case Study I: A Three-Span Continuous Girder Bridge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13.4.2 Case Study II: Two-Hinged Parabolic Arch Response: Truck Loading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 955 955 Part III 13 xxi 885 885 886 923 935 938 938 939 957 962 962 965 968 973 976 976 982 xxii Contents 13.4.3 Case Study III: Three-Span Parabolic Arch Response: Truck Loading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13.4.4 Case Study IV: Cable-Stayed Bridge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13.5.1 Objectives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13.5.2 Key Facts and Concepts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 985 986 992 992 992 992 14 Lateral Load Issues for Buildings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14.1 Types of Multistory Building Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14.2 Treatment of Lateral Loading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14.2.1 Wind Loading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14.2.2 Earthquake Loading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14.3 Building Response Under Lateral Loads . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14.3.1 Center of Twist: One Story Frame . . . .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . 14.3.2 Center of Mass: One Story Frame . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14.3.3 One Story Frame: General Response . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14.3.4 Multistory Response . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14.3.5 Matrix Formulation: Shear Beam Model . . . .. . .. . .. . .. . 14.4 Response of Symmetrical Buildings . . . . . .. . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . .. . . . . 14.5 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14.5.1 Objectives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14.5.2 Key Facts and Concepts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14.6 Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 999 999 1001 1002 1003 1011 1012 1026 1029 1032 1035 1039 1056 1056 1057 1057 15 Vertical Loads on Multistory Buildings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15.1 Loads on Frames . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15.2 Treatment of Gravity Floor Loads . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15.3 Live Load Patterns for Frame Structures . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . 15.4 A Case Study: Four-Story Building . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15.4.1 Building Details and Objectives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15.5 Analysis Procedures for Bracing Scheme . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15.5.1 Case (1) Frames Are Braced in Both N–S and E–W Directions: Building Details . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15.5.2 Case (1) Beam Properties in the N–S and E–W Directions . .. . . . .. . . . .. . . .. . . . .. . . . .. . . . .. . . . .. . 15.5.3 Case (1) Bracing Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15.5.4 Case (1) Interior Columns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15.5.5 Summary for Case (1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15.5.6 Case (2) Frames Are Rigid in the N–S Direction but Remain Braced in the E–W Direction . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15.5.7 Strategy for N–S Beams and Columns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15.5.8 Live Load Patterns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1069 1069 1071 1074 1087 1087 1089 13.5 13.6 1089 1091 1093 1097 1098 1098 1098 1102 Contents 15.6 15.7 xxiii 15.5.9 Moment Diagrams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15.5.10 Design Values . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15.5.11 Summary for Case (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15.6.1 Objectives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15.6.2 Key Concepts . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. .. . .. . .. . .. . .. .. . .. . .. . .. . Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1105 1109 1112 1112 1112 1112 1113 References .. . .. . .. .. . .. . .. .. . .. . .. .. . .. . .. .. . .. . .. .. . .. . .. .. . .. . .. .. . .. . .. .. . .. . .. . 1121 Index .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . 1123 Photo Credits Chapter 1 Fig. 1.1c Offshore Platform, Brazil. This image was produced by Agência Brasil, a public Brazilian news agency and published under a Creative Commons Attribution License. It was accessed in February 2012 from Oil_platform_P-51_(Brazil).jpg Fig. 1.1a Skyscraper under construction in Kutuzovsky Prospekt, Moscow, Russia. This image, created by Denghu, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License. The image was accessed in April 2012 from http://commons. Fig. 1.8 Millau Viaduct, Author: Delphine DE ANDRIA Date: 18.11.2007, from FreeMages. Accessed May 2012 from This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License. Chapter 2 Fig. 2.13 Three-dimensional truss of roof system. This image of the lead shot tower in Melbourne, Australia, created by, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License. The image was accessed in February 2012 from shot_tower.htm Chapter 5 Fig. 5.1 Clifton Suspension bridge, England. Picture taken by Adrian Pingstone in October 2003 and placed in the public domain. Accessed in February 2012 from xxv xxvi Photo Credits Fig. 5.5 Munich Olympic stadium, view from Olympic Tower. Picture taken by Arad Mojtahedi in July 2008 and placed in the public domain. Accessed in May 2012 from jpg Fig. 5.21 Millau Viaduct, Author: Delphine DE ANDRIA, Date: 18.11.2007, from FreeMages. Accessed in May 2012 from photo-916-millau-viaduct.html. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License. Chapter 6 Fig. 6.5 Alcantara Toledo Bridge, Puente de Alcántara, Toledo, Spain. This image was originally posted to Flickr on December 19, 2006 and published under a Creative Commons Attribution License. It was accessed in February 2012 from Fig. 6.7 Eads Bridge, USA. This image was originally posted to Flickr by Kopper at It was reviewed on January 18, 2011 (2011-01-18) by the FlickreviewR robot and confirmed to be licensed under the terms of the cc-by-2.0 (Creative Commons Attribution 2.0). It was accessed in February 2012 from Eads_Bridge-1.jpg Fig. 6.8 Salginatobel Bridge, Switzerland. Bild (Figure) 1.4-45 Ansicht der Salginatobelbr€ ucke. P. 81 in Mehlhorn, G. et al. “Br€uckenbau auf dem Weg vom Altertum zum modernen Br€ uckenbau,” in Handbuch Br€ucken. Gerhard Mehlhorn (Ed). Berlin, Heidelberg. Springer-Verlag (2010) Fig. 6.9a New Gorge Arch, West Virginia. This image was originally posted to Flickr by nukeit1 at It was reviewed on November 14, 2007 (2007-11-14) by the FlickreviewR robot and confirmed to be licensed under the terms of the cc-by-2.0 (Creative Commons Attribution 2.0). It was accessed in February 2012 from http://commons.wikimedia. org/wiki/File:New_River_Gorge_Bridge_West_Virginia_244750516.jpg Chapter 8 Fig. 8.4 Gravity retaining wall. Courtesy of HNTB Corporation, 31 St. James Avenue, Suite 300 Boston, MA 02116, USA Chapter 13 Fig. 13.1a Multi-span curved steel box girder bridge. Courtesy of HNTB Corporation, 31 St. James Avenue, Suite 300, Boston, MA 02116, USA Photo Credits xxvii Fig. 13.1c The John James Audubon Bridge crossing the Mississippi River. This image is credited to the Louisiana TIMED Managers and was accessed in April 2012 from Fig. 13.34 Typical cable-stayed scheme. This work has been released into the public domain by its author, Kelly C. Cook. This applies worldwide. The image was accessed in February 2012 from Sunshine_Skyway_from_Tampa_Bay.jpeg Problem 13.9 Puente del Alamillo in Seville, Spain. This work has been released into the public domain by its author, Consorcio Turismo Sevilla. This applies worldwide. The image was accessed in March 2012 from wiki/File:Puente_del_Alamillo.jpg Part I Statically Determinate Structures A structure is an assemblage of components which are connected in such a way that the structure can withstand the action of loads that are applied to it. These loads may be due to gravity, wind, ground shaking, impact, temperature, or other environmental sources. Structures are everywhere in the built environment. Buildings, bridges, tunnels, storage tanks, and transmission lines are examples of a “structure.” Structural engineering is the discipline which is concerned with identifying the loads that a structure may experience over its expected life, determining a suitable arrangement of structural members, selecting the material and dimensions of the members, defining the assembly process, and lastly monitoring the structure as it is being assembled and possibly also over its life. In Part I, we first present an overview of structural engineering so that the reader can develop an appreciation for the broad range of tasks that structural engineers carry out and the challenges that they face in creating structures which perform satisfactorily under the loadings that they are subjected to. We then discuss a particular sub-group of structures called statically determinate structures. This sub-group is relatively easy to deal with analytically since only equilibrium concepts are involved. Also, most structures belong to this category. Trusses, beams, frames, cables, curved members, shallow foundations, and vertical retaining walls are described in separate chapters. The last two topics are not normally covered in elementary texts but we have included them here for completeness. In general, all structures can be classified as either statically determinate or statically indeterminate. Part II describes techniques for dealing with statically indeterminate structures. Part III describes how the methodologies presented in Parts I and II are applied to “engineer” various types of bridges and buildings. This section is intended to identify the key issues involved in structural engineering practice. 1 Introduction to Structural Engineering Overview A structure is an assemblage of components which are connected in such a way that the structure can withstand the action of loads that are applied to it. These loads may be due to gravity, wind, ground shaking, impact, temperature, or other environmental sources. Examples of structures employed in civil infrastructure are buildings, bridges, dams, tunnels, storage tanks, and transmission line towers. Non-civil applications include aerospace structures such as airplane fuselages, missiles; naval structures such as ships, offshore platforms; and automotive structures such as cars and trucks. Structural engineering is the discipline which is concerned with identifying the loads that a structure may experience over its expected life, determining a suitable arrangement of structural members, selecting the material and dimensions of the members, defining the assembly process, and lastly monitoring the structure as it is being assembled and possibly also over its life. In this chapter, we describe first the various types of structures. Each structure is categorized according to its particular function and the configuration of its components. We then discuss the critical issues that a structural Engineer needs to address when designing or assessing the adequacy of a structure. The most important issue is preventing failure, especially a sudden catastrophic failure. We describe various modes of failures: initial instability, material failure, and buckling of individual structural components. In order to carry out a structural design, one needs to specify the loading which is also a critical concern. Fortunately, the technical literature contains considerable information about loadings. We present here an overview of the nature of the different loads and establish their relative importance for the most common civil structures. Conventional structural design philosophy and the different approaches for implementing this design strategy are described next. Lastly we briefly discuss some basic analytical methods of structural engineering and describe how they are applied to analyze structures. J.J. Connor and S. Faraji, Fundamentals of Structural Engineering, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-3262-3_1, # Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2013 3 4 1.1 1 Introduction to Structural Engineering Types of Structures and Structural Components Structures are everywhere in the built environment. Buildings, bridges, tunnels, storage tanks, and transmission lines are examples of a “structure.” Structures differ in their makeup (i.e., the type and configuration of the components), and also in their function. Our approach to describing a structure is based on identifying a set of attributes which relate to these properties. 1.1.1 Structural Components The components are the basic building blocks of a structure. We refer to them as structural elements. Elements are classified into two categories according to their geometry [1]: 1. Line Elements—The geometry is essentially one-dimensional, i.e., one dimension is large with respect to the other two dimensions. Examples are cables, beams, columns, and arches. Another term for a line element is member. 2. Surface Elements—One dimension is small in comparison to the other two dimensions. The elements are plate-like. Examples are flat plates, curved plates, and shells such as spherical, cylindrical, and hyperbolic paraboloids. 1.1.2 Types of Structures A structure is classified according to its function and the type of elements used to make up the structure. Typical structures and their corresponding functions are listed in Table 1.1 and illustrated in Fig. 1.1. A classification according to makeup is listed in Table 1.2 and illustrated in Fig. 1.2. Table 1.1 Structures classified by function Structural type Function Building Provide shelter above ground Bridge Provide means of traversing above ground over a site Tunnel Provide means of traversing underground through a site Tower Support transmission lines and broadcasting devices Retaining walls Retain earth or other material Containments Provide means of storage of materials, also enclose dangerous devices such as nuclear reactors Platforms Provide a platform for storage of materials and machinery either onshore or offshore 1.1 Types of Structures and Structural Components Fig. 1.1 Examples of typical structures classified by function 5 6 Fig. 1.1 (continued) 1 Introduction to Structural Engineering 1.2 1.2 Critical Concerns of Structural Engineering 7 Critical Concerns of Structural Engineering Of primary concern to a Structural engineer is ensuring that the structure will not collapse when subjected to its design loading. This requires firstly that the engineer properly identify the extreme loading that the structure may experience over Table 1.2 Structures classified by makeup Structural type Composition Frame • Composed of members rigidly or semi-rigidly connected in rectangular or triangular patterns • May be contained in a single plane (plane frame, plane grid), or in a 3D configuration (space frame) Truss • A type of framed structure where the members are Connected together at their ends with frictionless pins (plane or space truss) Girder/Beam • Composed of straight members connected sequentially (end to end) • An additional descriptor related to the type of member cross section is used Examples are plate girders, box girders, and tub girders Arch Curved beams (usually in one plane) Cable • Composed of cables and possibly other types of elements such as girders Examples are cable-stayed bridges and tensioned grids Shell • Composed of surface elements and possibly also line elements such as beams The elements may be flat (plate structures) or curved (spherical or cylindrical roof structures) Fig. 1.2 Examples of typical structures classified by makeup Fig. 1.2 (continued) 1.2 Critical Concerns of Structural Engineering Fig. 1.2 (continued) 9 10 1 Introduction to Structural Engineering its design life and secondly, ensure that the forces generated internally within the structure due to external loading combined satisfy the conditions for force equilibrium. In general, a structure will deform, i.e., change its shape, when loaded. It may also move as a rigid body if not properly restrained. Certain structures such as airplanes and automobiles are designed to move. However, civil structures are generally limited to small motion due to deformation, and rigid body motion is prohibited. Identifying the design loads is discussed later in this chapter. We focus here on the force equilibrium requirement for civil structures. 1.2.1 Reactions Civil structures are connected to the ground at certain points called supports. When the external loading is applied to the structure, the supports develop forces which oppose the tendency of the structure to move. These forces are called reactions [2]. The nature and number of reactions depends on the type of support. Figure 1.3 shows the most common types of idealized structural supports for any planar structure. A roller support allows motion in the longitudinal direction but not in the transverse direction. A hinge prevents motion in both the longitudinal and transverse directions but allows rotation about the pin connection. Lastly, the clamped (fixed) support restrains rotation as well as translation with 2 reaction forces and one moment. Three-dimensional supports are similar in nature. There is an increase from 2 to 3 and from 3 to 6 in the number of reactions for the 3D hinge and a clamped supports. 1.2.2 Initial Stability If either the number or nature of the reactions is insufficient to satisfy the equilibrium conditions, the structure is said to be initially unstable. Figure 1.4a illustrates this case. The structure consists of a triangular arrangement of members that are pinned at their ends. This combination of members forms a rigid body. However, the arrangement is supported on two roller supports, which offer no resistance to horizontal motion, and consequently the structure is initially unstable. This situation can be corrected by changing one of the roller supports to a hinge support, as shown in Fig. 1.4b. In general, a rigid body is initially stable when translational and rotational motions are prevented in three mutually orthogonal directions. Even when the structure is adequately supported, it still may be initially unstable if the members are not properly connected together to provide sufficient internal forces to resist the applied external forces. Consider the four member pin-connected planar structure shown in Fig. 1.5a. The horizontal force, P, cannot be transmitted 1.2 Critical Concerns of Structural Engineering 11 Fig. 1.3 Typical supports for planar structures to the support since the force in member 1-2 is vertical and therefore cannot have a horizontal component. Adding a diagonal member, either 1-3 or 2-4, would make the structure stable. In summary, initial instability can occur either due to a lack of appropriate supports or to an inadequate arrangement of members. The test for initial instability is whether there are sufficient reactions and internal member forces to equilibrate the applied external loads. Assuming the structure is initially stable, there still may be a problem if certain structural components fail under the action of the extreme loading and cause the structure to lose its ability to carry load. In what follows, we discuss various failure scenarios for structures which are loaded. 12 1 Introduction to Structural Engineering Fig. 1.4 Examples of unstable and stable support conditions—planar structure a b 1 P 4 3 2 Unstable c P 4 P 1 2 3 Stable Stable Fig. 1.5 Stabilizing an initially unstable planar structure 1.2.3 Loss of Stability Due to Material Failure In the first scenario, the level of stress in a component reaches the ultimate stress for the material, causing a material failure, which, in turn, triggers a failure of the component. This type of failure depends on the stress–strain relationship for the material. Figure 1.6 illustrates the tensile stress–extensional strain response of tension specimens fabricated from two different types of materials [3, 4]. The behavior of the first material is essentially linear up to a peak stress, sf, at which point the material fractures and loses its ability to carry any load. This behavior is referred to as brittle behavior and obviously is not desirable from a structural behavior perspective. The second response is completely different. The initial behavior is linear up to a certain stress value defined as the yield stress, sy. For further straining, the stress remains essentially constant. Eventually, the material stiffens and ultimately fails at a level of strain which is considerably greater than the yield strain, ey. This behavior is typical for ductile materials such as the steels used in civil structures. In practice, the maximum allowable strain is limited to a multiple of the yield strain. This factor 1.2 Critical Concerns of Structural Engineering 13 is called the ductility ratio (m) and is on the order of 5. Ductile behavior is obviously more desirable since a member fabricated out of a ductile material does not lose its load capacity when yielding occurs. However, it cannot carry additional loading after yielding since the resistance remains constant. From a design perspective, the Structural Engineer must avoid brittle behavior since it can result in sudden catastrophic failure. Ductile behavior and the associated inelastic deformation are acceptable provided that the ductility demand is within the design limit. Limit state design is a paradigm for dimensioning structural components that assumes the component is at its limit deformation state and calculates the force capacity based on the yield stress [24]. a b σf σf σy Stress Stress Strain Brittle material εy Strain Ductile material Fig. 1.6 Stress–strain behavior of brittle and ductile materials a b P < Pcr c P = Pcr P elastic inelastic Pcr end deflection. e Fig. 1.7 Behavior of a flexible member 1.2.4 Buckling Failure Mode Another possible failure scenario for a structural component is buckling. Buckling is a phenomenon associated with long slender members subjected to compressive loading [3, 4]. We illustrate this behavior using the member shown in Fig. 1.7a. 14 1 Introduction to Structural Engineering As the axial loading is increased, the member remains straight until a critical load value is reached. At this point, the member adopts a deflected configuration (Fig. 1.7b) with the load remaining constant. The member force remains essentially constant as the end deflection, e, is increased (Fig. 1.9c). This load deflection behavior is similar to inelastic action in the sense that the member experiences a large deflection with essentially no increase in load. For flexible members, the critical load for buckling (Pcr ) is generally less than the axial compressive strength based on yielding, therefore buckling usually controls the design. 1.2.5 Priorities for Stability Finally, summarizing and prioritizing the different concerns discussed in the previous sections, the highest priority is ensuring the structure is initially stable. If not stable, the structure will fail under an infinitesimal load. The second priority is avoiding buckling of the members. Buckling can result in large deformation and significant loss in load capacity for a member, which could cause the structure to lose its ability to support the applied loading. The third priority is limiting inelastic deformation of members under the extreme design loading. Although there is no loss in load capacity, the member cannot provide any additional load capacity, and therefore the deformation will increase significantly when the external loading is increased. We discuss this topic further in Sect. 1.4 where we present design philosophies. 1.3 Types of Loads As described above, structures must be proportioned so that they will not fail or deform excessively under the loads they may be subjected to over their expected life. Therefore, it is critical that the nature and magnitude of the loads they may experience be accurately defined. Usually there are a number of different loads, and the question as to which loads may occur simultaneously needs to be addressed when specifying the design loading. In general, the structural engineer works with codes, which specify design loadings for various types of structures. General building codes such as the “International Building Code” [12] specify the requirements of governmental agencies for minimum design loads for structures and minimum standards for construction. Professional technical societies such as the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) [8], the American Concrete Institute (ACI) [11], the American Institute of Steel construction (AISC) [9], and the British Standards Institute (BSI) [22] publish detailed technical standards that are also used to establish design loads and structural performance requirements. In what follows, we present an overview of the nature of the different loads and provide a sense of their relative importance for the most common civil structures. 1.3 Types of Loads 1.3.1 15 Source of Loads Loads are caused by various actions: the interaction of the structure with the natural environment; carrying out the function they are expected to perform; construction of the structure; and terrorist activities. Interaction with the Environment Interaction with the natural environment generates the following types of loads: • Gravity—gravitational force associated with mass • Snow—gravity type loading • Wind—steady flow, gusts • Earthquake—ground shaking resulting from a seismic event • Water—scour, hydrostatic pressure, wave impact • Ice—scour, impact • Earth pressure—soil–structure interaction for foundations and underground structures • Thermal—seasonal temperature variations The relative importance of these sources depends on the nature of the structure and the geographical location of the site. For example, building design is generally governed by gravity, snow, wind, and possibly earthquake loads. Low-rise buildings in arctic regions tend to be governed by snow loading. Underground basement structures and tunnels are designed for earth pressure, hydrostatic pressure, and possibly earthquake loads. Gravity is the dominant source of load for bridge structures. Wave and ice action control the design of offshore platforms in coastal arctic waters such as the coasts of Alaska and Newfoundland. Structures located in California need to be designed for high seismic load. Structures located in Florida need to be designed for high wind load due to hurricanes. Thermal loads occur when structural elements are exposed to temperature change and are not allowed to expand or contract. Function Function-related loads are structure specific. For bridges, vehicular traffic consisting of cars, trucks, and trains generates gravity-type load, in addition to the self-weight load. Office buildings are intended to provide shelter for people and office equipment. A uniformly distributed gravity floor load is specified according to the nature of the occupancy of the building. Legal offices and libraries tend to have a larger design floor loading since they normally have more storage files than a normal office. Containment structures usually store materials such as liquids and granular solids. The associated loading is a distributed internal pressure which may vary over the height of the structure. Construction Construction loading depends on the process followed to assemble the structure. Detailed force analyses at various stages of the construction are required for complex structures such as segmented long-span bridges for which the erection 16 1 Introduction to Structural Engineering Fig. 1.8 Millau viaduct loading dominates the design. The structural engineer is responsible for approving the construction loads when separate firms carry out engineering and construction. A present trend is for a single organization to carry out both the engineering design and construction (the design-build paradigm where engineering companies and construction companies form a joint venture for the specific project). In this case, a team consisting of structural engineers and construction engineers jointly carries out the design. An example of this type of partnering is the construction of the Millau Viaduct in southwestern France, shown in Fig. 1.8. The spans were constructed by cantilevering segments out from existing piers, a technically challenging operation that required constant monitoring. The bridge piers are the highest in the world: the central pier is 280 m high. Terrorist Loads Terrorist loads are a new problem for structural engineers, driven primarily by the need to protect essential facilities from terrorist groups. Design criteria are continuously evolving, and tend to be directed more at providing multilevel defense barriers to prevent incidents, rather than to design for a specific incident. Clearly, there are certain incidents that a structure cannot be designed to safely handle, such as the plane impacts that destroyed the World Trade Center Towers. Examining progressive collapse mechanisms is now required for significant buildings, and is the responsibility of the structural engineer. 1.3 Types of Loads 17 Table 1.3 Loading attributes Attribute Duration Spatial distribution Temporal distribution Degree of certainty Value Temporary or permanent Concentrated or distributed Impulsive; cyclic; quasi-static Return period; probability of occurrence a b c Force Force Force Time Time Time Fig. 1.9 Temporal variation of loading. (a) Impulsive. (b) Cyclic. (c) Quasi-static 1.3.2 Properties of Loadings The previous discussion was focused on the source of loadings, i.e., environmental, functional, construction, and terrorist activity. Loadings are also characterized by attributes, which relate to properties of the loads. Table 1.3 lists the most relevant attributes and their possible values. Duration relates to the time period over which the loading is applied. Long-term loads, such as self weight are referred to as dead loads. Loads whose magnitude or location changes are called temporary loads. Examples of temporary loads are the weight of vehicles crossing a bridge, stored items in buildings, wind and seismic loads, and construction loads. Most loads are represented as being applied over a finite area. For example, a line of trucks is represented with an equivalent uniformly distributed load. However, there are cases where the loaded area is small, and it is more convenient to treat the load as being concentrated at a particular point. A member partially supported by cables such as a cable-stayed girder is an example of concentrated loading. Temporal distribution refers to the rate of change of the magnitude of the temporary loading with time. An impulsive load is characterized by a rapid increase over a very short duration and then a drop off. Figure 1.9 illustrates this case. Examples are forces due to collisions, dropped masses, brittle fracture material failures, and slamming action due to waves breaking on a structure. Cyclic loading alternates in direction (+ and ) and the period may change for successive cycles. The limiting case of cyclic loading is harmonic excitation where the amplitude and period are constant. Seismic excitation is cyclic. Rotating machinery such as printing presses, electric generators, and turbines produce harmonic excitation on their supports when they are not properly balanced. Quasi-static loading is characterized by a relatively slow build 18 1 Introduction to Structural Engineering Table 1.4 Occupancy categories Category Description I Structures that represent a low hazard to human life in the event of a failure II All structures outside of Categories I, III, and IV III Structures that represent a substantial hazard to human life in the event of failure IV Essential structures. Failure not allowed up of magnitude, reaching essentially a steady state. Because they are applied slowly, there is no appreciable dynamic amplification and the structure responds as if the load was a static load. Steady winds are treated as quasi-static; wind gusts are impulsive. Wind may also produce a periodic loading resulting from vortex shedding. We discuss this phenomenon later in this section. The design life of a structure is that time period over which the structure is expected to function without any loss in operational capacity. Civil structures have long design lives vs. other structures such as motorcars, airplanes, and computers. A typical building structure can last several centuries. Bridges are exposed to more severe environmental actions, and tend to last a shorter period, say 50–75 years. The current design philosophy is to extend the useful life of bridges to at least 100 years. The Millau viaduct shown in Fig. 1.8 is intended to function at its full design capacity for at least 125 years. Given that the natural environment varies continuously, the structural engineer is faced with a difficult problem: the most critical natural event, such as a windstorm or an earthquake that is likely to occur during the design life of the structure located at a particular site needs to be identified. To handle this problem, natural events are modeled as stochastic processes. The data for a particular event, say wind velocity at location x, is arranged according to return period which can be interpreted as the average time interval between occurrences of the event. One speaks of the 10-year wind, the 50-year wind, the 100-year wind, etc. Government agencies have compiled this data, which is incorporated in design codes. Given the design life and the value of return period chosen for the structure, the probability of the structure experiencing the chosen event is estimated as the ratio of the design life to the return period. For example, a building with a 50-year design life has a 50 % chance of experiencing the 100-year event during its lifetime. Typical design return periods are 50 years for wind loads and between 500 and 2,500 years for severe seismic loads. Specifying a loading having a higher return period reduces the probability of occurrence of that load intensity over the design life. Another strategy for establishing design loads associated with uncertain natural events is to increase the load magnitude according to the importance of the structure. Importance is related to the nature of occupancy of the structure. In ASCE Standards 7-05 [8], four occupancy categories are defined using the potential hazard to human life in the event of a failure as a basis. They are listed in Table 1.4 for reference. The factor used to increase the loading is called the importance factor, and denoted by I. Table 1.5 lists the values of I recommended by ASCE 7-05 [8] for each category and type of loading. 1.3 Types of Loads Table 1.5 Values of I Wind Category Non-horizontal I 0.87 II 1.00 III 1.15 IV 1.15 19 Horizontal 0.77 1.00 1.15 1.15 Table 1.6 Uniformly distributed live loads (ASCE 7-05) Occupancy Computer equipment Dormitories File room Court rooms Scientific laboratories Public rooms Rest rooms Laundries Foundries Ice manufacturing Transformer rooms Storage, hay or grain Snow 0.80 1.00 1.10 1.20 Earthquake 1.00 1.00 1.25 1.50 Magnitude lbs/ft2 (kN/m2) 150 (7.18) 80 (3.83) 125 (6.00) 50–100 (2.4–4.79) 100 (4.79) 100 (4.79) 60 (2.87) 150 (7.18) 600 (28.73) 300 (14.36) 200 (9.58) 300 (14.36) For example, one increases the earthquake loading by 50 % for an essential structure (category 4). 1.3.3 Gravity Live Loads Gravitational loads are the dominant loads for bridges and low-rise buildings located in areas where the seismic activity is moderate. They act in the downward vertical direction and are generally a combination of fixed (dead) and temporary (live) loads. The dead load is due to the weight of the construction materials and permanently fixed equipment incorporated into the structure. As mentioned earlier, temporary live loads depend on the function of the structure. Typical values of live loads for buildings are listed in Table 1.6. A reasonable estimate of live load for office/residential facilities is 100 lbs/ft2 (4.8 kN/m2). Industrial facilities have higher live loadings, ranging up to 600 lbs/ft2 for foundries. Live loading for bridges is specified in terms of standard truck loads. In the USA, bridge loads are defined by the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) [10]. They consist of a combination of the Design truck or tandem, and Design lane load. 20 1 Introduction to Structural Engineering Fig. 1.10 Characteristics of the AASHTO Design Truck The design truck loading has a total weight of 72 kip (323 kN), with a variable axle spacing is shown in Fig. 1.10. The design tandem shall consist of a pair of 25 kip (112 kN) axles spaced 4 ft (1.2 m) apart. The transverse spacing of wheels shall be taken as 6 ft (1.83 m). The design lane load shall consist of a load of 0.64 kip/ft2 (30.64 kN/m2) uniformly distributed in the longitudinal direction and uniformly distributed over a 10 ft (3 m) width in the transverse direction. 1.3.4 Wind Loading Wind Pressure Distribution The effect of wind acting on a building is represented by a pressure loading distributed over the exterior surface. This pressure loading depends on the geometry of the structure and the geographic location of the site. Figure 1.11 illustrates the 1.3 Types of Loads 21 a Elevation view b Plan view Fig. 1.11 Flow lines and pressure distributions due to wind a b θ B θ A A wind B wind Fig. 1.12 Wind pressure profiles for a gable roof. (a) y < 45 . (b) y > 45 flow past a low-rise, single story, flat roof structure. The sharp corners such as at point A causes flow separation, resulting in eddies forming and turbulence zones on the flat roof, side faces, and leeward face. The sense of the pressure is positive (inward) on the incident face and negative (outward) in the turbulence zones. In general, the magnitude of the pressure varies over the faces, and depends on both the shape of the structure and the design wind velocity at the site. The influence of shape is illustrated by Fig. 1.12, which shows the effect of roof angle on the pressure distribution. When y > 45 , there is a transition from negative to positive pressure on face AB of the inclined roof. This shift is due to the flow separation point moving from A to B for steeply inclined roofs. 22 1 Introduction to Structural Engineering Wind Velocity The effect of the site is characterized firstly by the topography at the site, and secondly by the regional wind environment. Exposure categories are defined to describe the local topography and to establish the level of exposure to wind. ASCE 7-05 adopts the following definitions of exposure categories. Category B: Site located within an urban or suburban area having numerous closely spaced obstructions similar in size to a single family dwelling, and extending at least 2,600 ft from the site. Category D: Site located in a flat unobstructed area or on a water surface outside hurricane prone regions, and extending at least 5,000 ft from the site. Category C: All cases where exposure categories B and D do not apply. Regional wind environments are represented by maps containing wind speed data for a specified return period and exposure category. Figure 1.13 shows US data for the 50-year wind speed observed at 10 m elevation corresponding to Exposure C. The higher wind speeds along the East and Gulf Coasts reflects the occurrence of hurricanes in these regions. Typical 50-year wind speeds are on the order of 100 miles per hour (45 m/s). Given a site, one can establish the 50-year wind speed at 10 m elevation using Fig. 1.13. In general, the wind velocity increases with distance from the ground. A typical approximation is a power law: z1=a VðzÞ ¼ V z (1.1) where z is the elevation above the ground, V is the velocity measured at elevation z, and a 7. For US data, one takes z¼10 m and V given by Fig. 1.13. Pressure Profiles The next step is to establish the vertical pressure distribution associated with this velocity distribution, and then modify it to account for the shape of the building. Pressure and velocity are related by Bernoulli’s Equation, which is a statement of conservation of energy. Specialized for steady irrrotational inviscid flow of a weightless fluid, the Law states that [13] 1 E ¼ Energy per unit volume ¼ p þ rV 2 2 (1.2) is constant along a streamline. Here, p is the pressure energy, r is the mass density, and 1=2rV 2 is the kinetic energy per unit volume. Assuming the pressure is zero in the free stream flow regime away from the structure, and taking point (1) in the free stream and point (2) at the structure, one obtains 1 p2 ¼ r V12 V22 2 (1.3) 1.3 Types of Loads 23 Fig. 1.13 Basic Wind Speed miles per hour (meter per second) for the East coast of USA The free stream velocity, V1, is defined by (1.1). Considering the flow to be stopped by the structure, (V2 0), it follows that the maximum pressure energy associated with the free stream velocity is estimated as 1 ðp2 Þmax ¼ rV12 ¼ pstag 2 (1.4) This pressure is called the stagnation pressure and is generally expressed in at z ¼ 10 m and a function k(z) which defines the terms of the reference velocity, V, vertical distribution. 24 1 Introduction to Structural Engineering 1 pstag ¼ rV2 kðzÞ 2 (1.5) ASCE 7-05 tabulates values of k(z) vs. z. The actual pressure distribution is influenced by the geometric shape which tends to change both the magnitude and sense of the pressure. Figures 1.11 and 1.12 illustrate this effect for flat and gable roof structures. Design codes handle this aspect by introducing “shape” factors for different regions of the structural surface. They also include a gust factor for “dynamic” loading, and an importance factor for the structure. The final expression for the design pressure has the following general form: Pdesign ¼ IGCp ðzÞpstag (1.6) where Cp(z) is the pressure coefficient that accounts for the shape, G is the gust factor, and I is the importance factor corresponding to the occupancy category. Values for these parameters are code dependent. The determination of the design pressure can be labor intensive if one wants to account fully for the spatial distribution of design pressure. A reasonable estimate can be obtained using the simplified procedure illustrated in the following example which is appropriate for low-rise buildings. Example 1.1 Wind pressure distribution on a low-rise gable roof structure Given: The structure shown in Fig. E1.1a. There are four surface areas included in the sketch. Zone (1) is the windward face, zone (2) is the leeward face, and zones (3) and (4) are on the gable roof. 3 4 Wind 2 20° 30 ft 20° 1 120 ft Fig. E1.1a Determine: The wind pressure distribution on the interior zone away from the ends. Assume V ¼ 100 mph and exposure C 1.3 Types of Loads 25 Solution: Applying (1.5) leads to pstag ¼ ð0:00256Þð104 ÞkðzÞ ¼ 25:6kðzÞðlb=ft2 Þ Values of k(z) and the corresponding pstag are listed below z (ft) 15 20 25 30 k (z) 0.85 0.90 0.94 0.98 pstag (lb/ft2) 21.8 23.0 24.1 25.1 We assume the structure is Category III and use I ¼ 1.15. For low-rise buildings with h < 60 ft, the factors G and Cp are combined and specified as constant for each zone. Using data from ASCE 7-05, the values are GCp 0.53 0.43 0.69 0.48 Zone 1 2 3 4 IGCp 0.609 0.495 0.794 0.552 Lastly, we compute the design pressure using (1.6). The ASCE 7-05 code assumes that pdesign varies on the windward force (zone 1), but specifies constant distributions for the other zones. The details are listed below. Zone 1 Zone 2 Zone 3 Zone 4 pdesign pdesign pdesign pdesign ¼ ¼ ¼ ¼ 0.609 (25.6) k(z) ¼ 15.59 k(z) 0.495 (25.6) k(30) ¼ 12.42 psf 0.791 (25.6) k(30) ¼ 19.92 psf 0.552 (25.6) k(30) ¼ 13.85 psf Pressure distributions generated with (1.6) define the quasi-static wind load, which acts predominately in the horizontal (lateral) direction. For low-rise buildings, gravity loads are the dominant loads and generally control the structural dimensioning process for vertical members. Since the wind loads are horizontal, whereas the gravity loads are vertical, lateral structural bracing systems such as shown in Fig. 1.14 need to be incorporated in certain types of structures such as a braced frames. This topic is addressed further in Chaps. 11, 14, and 15. Fig. 1.14 Lateral bracing system 26 1 Introduction to Structural Engineering Fig. 1.15 Vortex shedding patterns—plan view D V Ft Vortex Shedding Pressure The action of a steady wind on a structure is represented by quasi-static forces. However, a steady wind also creates periodic forces due to the shedding of vortices from the turbulence zones at the leeward face [13]. Consider the rectangular cross section plan view shown in Fig. 1.15. As the incident flow velocity increases, eddies are created at the upper and lower surfaces and exit downstream. This shedding pattern develops a cyclic mode, shedding alternately between the upper and lower surfaces, which result in an antisymmetric pressure distribution. The net effect is a periodic force, Ft, acting in the transverse direction with frequency, fs. An estimate for the shedding frequency is fs ðcycles per secondÞ 0:2V D (1.7) where D is a representative dimension in the transverse direction and V is the free stream velocity. Vortex shedding is a major concern for tall buildings and slender long-span horizontal structures since these structures are flexible and consequently more susceptible to transverse periodic excitation with a frequency close to fs. Lowrise buildings are stiffer and relatively insensitive to vortex shedding-induced transverse motion. 1.3.5 Snow Loading Design snow loads for a structure are based on ground snow load data for the region where the structure is located. Snow loads act on the roof zones of structures. For a flat roof, defined as a roof with a slope angle less than 5 , the snow load is represented as a uniform downward pressure, pf. The magnitude of pf depends on the exposure category and regional environment at the site, as well as the importance of the structure. We express pf as pf ¼ Cpg (1.8) 1.3 Types of Loads 27 Fig. 1.16 Snow loadings on sloped and flat roofs. (a) Flat roof. (b) Sloped roof where pg is the ground snow pressure given by Fig. 1.16a and C is a factor that incorporates the exposure and importance parameters. A typical value of C is 1. The ground snow pressure varies from 0 in the southeastern zone of the USA up to 100 psf in northern New England. A sloped roof is defined as a roof with a slope angle greater than 5 . The snow load on a sloped roof is expressed in terms of the horizontal projected area rather than the actual surface area. Figure 1.16b illustrates this definition. 28 1 Introduction to Structural Engineering Fig. 1.17 Snow drift profiles The sloped roof pressure depends on the slope angle as well as the other parameters mentioned earlier. ps ¼ CS pf (1.9) where Cs is a slope coefficient. In general, Cs 1. For y < 30 , one usually assumes Cs 1 and takes ps pf. When the roof has projections as illustrated in Fig. 1.17, a nonuniform snow loading can result due to the drifting on both the windward and leeward faces produced by wind. Drifts are modeled as triangular surcharge loadings. The details are code dependent. 1.3.6 Earthquake Loading The structural engineer’s task is to design structures such that they can resist earthquake the ground shaking associated with an earthquake without collapsing. Since an earthquake may occur anytime during the design life, the first task is to identify the magnitude of peak ground acceleration (rga) that has a specified probability of occurrence during the design life. A common value is 2 % probability of occurrence in 50 years, which corresponds to a return period of 2,500 years. Earthquake ground motion is site specific in that it depends on the location and soil conditions for the site. Sites near known faults and sites on soft soils such as soft clay experience more intense ground motion. Factors such as the importance of the building, the geographic location of the site, and the type of soil must be taken into account when specifying the design magnitude for rga. In order to understand how buildings respond to ground motion, one needs to examine the dynamic response. Consider the three-story frame shown in Fig. 1.18a. We approximate it with the simple beam/mass system defined in Fig. 1.18b. This approximation, known as a single degree-of-freedom model, provides useful information concerning the influence of certain structural properties on the response. 1.3 Types of Loads 29 Fig. 1.18 A typical three-story frame and the corresponding one degree-of-freedom model. Fig. 1.19 Peak lateral inertia force The ground acceleration is defined as ag . This motion causes the mass to vibrate. We define aT;max as the peak total acceleration of the mass (Fig. 1.19). If the frame is very stiff, aT;max is essentially equal to ag;max , the peak ground acceleration. When the frame is very flexible, aT;max is small in comparison to ag;max . It follows that the stiffness of the structure has a significant influence on the peak total acceleration response. The peak acceleration also depends on the geographic location and the soil conditions at the site. Data concerning earthquake accelerations is published by the US Geological Survey on their Web site [17]. This site contains an extensive set of earthquake ground motion records for the USA and other major seismically active regions throughout the world. 30 1 Introduction to Structural Engineering Fig. 1.20 Seismic load profile lateral Vmax 2 h Vmax 3 h Vmax 6 h The motion of the mass generates an inertia force which is resisted by the lateral shear force in the system. The maximum value of the lateral shear force is denoted as Vmax . Vmax ¼ MaT;max aT;max ¼W g (1.10) Given the structural weight, W, and the peak total acceleration, one can estimate the peak total lateral load that the structure will experience due to seismic excitation. This load is assumed to be distributed linearly throughout the height of the structure, as indicated in Fig. 1.20, and used to generate an initial structural design. The final design is checked with more refined dynamic analysis. Seismic Design is an advanced topic within the field of Structural Engineering. We will discuss this topic in more detail in Chap. 14. 1.4 Structural Design Philosophy Conventional structural design philosophy is based on satisfying two requirements, namely safety and serviceability [8]. Safety relates to extreme loadings, which have a very low probability of occurrence, on the order of 2 %, during a structure’s life, and is concerned with the collapse of the structure, major damage to the structure and its contents, and loss of life. The most important priority is ensuring sufficient structural integrity so that sudden collapse is avoided. Serviceability pertains to medium to large loadings, which may occur during the structure’s lifetime. For service loadings, the structure should remain operational. It should suffer minimal damage, and furthermore, the motion experienced by the structure should not exceed specified comfort levels for humans and motion-sensitive equipment mounted on the structure. Typical occurrence probabilities for service loads range from 10 to 50 %. 1.5 Basic Analytical Tools of Structural Analysis 31 Safety concerns are satisfied by requiring the resistance, i.e., the strength of the individual structural elements to be greater than the demand associated with the extreme loading. Once the structure is dimensioned, the stiffness properties are derived and used to check the various serviceability constraints such as elastic behavior. Iteration is usually necessary for convergence to an acceptable structural design. This approach is referred to as strength-based design since the elements are dimensioned initially according to strength requirements. Applying a strength-based approach for preliminary design is appropriate when strength is the dominant design requirement. In the past, most structural design problems have fallen in this category. However, the following developments have occurred recently that limit the effectiveness of the strength-based approach. Firstly, the trend toward more flexible structures such as tall buildings and long-span horizontal structures has resulted in more structural motion under service loading, thus shifting the emphasis toward serviceability. Secondly, some new types of facilities such as micro device manufacturing centers and hospital operating centers have more severe design constraints on motion than the typical civil structure. For example, the environment for micro device manufacturing must be essentially motion free. Thirdly, recent advances in material science and engineering have resulted in significant increases in the strength of traditional civil engineering materials. However, the material stiffness has not increased at the same rate. The lag in material stiffness vs. material strength has led to a problem with satisfying the requirements on the various motion parameters. Indeed, for very high strength materials, the motion requirements control the design. Fourthly, experience with recent earthquakes has shown that the cost of repairing structural damage due to inelastic deformation was considerably greater than anticipated. This finding has resulted in a trend toward decreasing the reliance on inelastic deformation to dissipate energy and shifting to other type of energy dissipating and energy absorption mechanisms. Performance-based design [14] is an alternate design paradigm that addresses these issues. The approach takes as its primary objective the satisfaction of motionrelated design requirements such as restrictions on displacement and acceleration and seeks the optimal deployment of material stiffness and motion control devices to achieve these design targets as well as satisfy the constraints on strength and elastic behavior. Limit state design can be interpreted as a form of performancebased design where the structure is allowed to experience a specific amount of inelastic deformation under the extreme loading. 1.5 Basic Analytical Tools of Structural Analysis Engineering a structure involves not only dimensioning the structure but also evaluating whether the structure’s response under the construction and design loadings satisfy the specified design criteria. Response evaluation is commonly referred to as structural analysis and is carried out with certain analytical methods developed in the field of Engineering Mechanics and adopted for structural systems. In this section, we review these methods and illustrate their application to some simple structures. 32 1 Introduction to Structural Engineering Most of this material is covered in textbooks dealing with Statics and Mechanics of Materials [2–4] and Structural Analysis [5–7]. Heyman’s text [15] contains an excellent description of the “underlying science of Structural Engineering.” 1.5.1 Concept of Equilibrium-Concurrent Force System We begin with a discussion of equilibrium conditions for solid bodies. This topic is relevant to structural engineering since structures are solid bodies subjected to loads, and we need to ensure that a structure remain at rest, i.e., that it is in a state of equilibrium. The simplest case is a body subjected to a set of concurrent forces. By definition, the lines of action of the forces comprising a concurrent force system intersect at a common point. Figure 1.21 illustrates this case. For static equilibrium, the resultant of the force system must be a null vector. ! ! ! ! ! R ¼ F1 þ F2 þ F 3 ¼ 0 (1.11) We convert the vector equilibrium over to a set of algebraic equations by resolving the force vectors into their components with respect to an arbitrary set of orthogonal directions (X, Y, Z). This operation leads to 3 X Fi;x ¼ F1;x þ F2;x þ F3;x ¼ 0 i¼1 3 X Fi;Y ¼ F1;Y þ F2;Y þ F3;Y ¼ 0 (1.12) i¼1 3 X Fi;z ¼ F1;z þ F2;z þ F3;z ¼ 0 i¼1 We find it more convenient to work with (1.12) rather than (1.11). When all the force vectors are in one plane, say the X–Y plane, the force system is called a planar force system and (1.12) reduces to 2 equations. Most of the force systems that we deal with will be planar systems. F2 F1 Y X Fig. 1.21 Concurrent force system Z F3 1.5 Basic Analytical Tools of Structural Analysis 1.5.2 33 Concept of Equilibrium: Non-concurrent Force System The next level of complexity is a body subjected to a non-concurrent planar force system. Referring to Fig. 1.22, the forces tend to rotate the body as well as translate it. Static equilibrium requires the resultant force vector to vanish and, in addition, the resultant moment vector about an arbitrary point to vanish. ! ! ! ! ! R ¼ F1 þ F2 þ F 3 ¼ 0 ! ! M0 ¼ 0 (1.13) Resolving the force and moment vectors into their X, Y, Z components leads to six scalar equations, three for force and three for moment. When the force system is planar, say in the X–Y plane, the equations (1.13) reduce to three scalar equations 3 X Fi;x ¼ 0 i¼1 3 X (1.14) Fi;Y ¼ 0 i¼1 X M0 ¼ 0 where O is an arbitrary point in the x–y plane. Note that now for a planar system there are three equilibrium conditions vs. two for a concurrent system. Note also that since there are three equilibrium equations, one needs to apply three restraints to prevent planar rigid body motion. F1 F2 Y o X Fig. 1.22 Non-concurrent force system Z F3 34 1 Introduction to Structural Engineering Example 1.2 Equilibrium equations Given: The rigid body and force system shown in Fig. E1.2a. Forces Ax ; AY ; and BY are unknown. a 1.5 m 40 kN 200 kN Y AX AY 2m B A BY 5m X Fig. E1.2a Determine: The forces Ax ; AY ; and BY Solution: We sum moments about A, and solve for BY P MA ¼ 40ð1:5Þ 200ð2Þ þ BY ð5Þ ¼ 0 BY ¼ þ92 ) BY ¼ 92 kN " Next, summing forces in the X and Y directions leads to (Fig. E1.2b) X X Fx !þ ¼ Ax þ 200 ¼ 0 ) Ax ¼ 200 ) Ax ¼ 200 kN Fy "þ ¼ AY þ 92 40 ¼ 0 ) AY ¼ 52 ) AY ¼ 52 kN # 40 kN b 200 kN 200 kN A 52 kN Fig. E1.2b B 92 kN 1.5 Basic Analytical Tools of Structural Analysis 1.5.3 35 Idealized Structure: Free Body Diagrams Generating an idealization of an actual structure is the key step in applying the equilibrium equations. Given a structure acted upon by external loads and constrained against motion by supports, one idealizes the structure by identifying the external loads and supports, and replacing the supports with their corresponding unknown reaction forces. This process is called constructing the free body diagram (FBD). Figures 1.23a, b illustrate the details involved. One applies the equilibrium equations to the FBD. Note that this diagram has 4 unknown reaction forces. Since there are only three equilibrium equations, one cannot determine all the reaction forces using only the equilibrium conditions. In this case, we say that the structure is statically indeterminate. Constructing a FBD is an essential step in applying the equilibrium equations. The process is particularly useful when the structure is actually a collection of interconnected structural components such as a framed structure. One first generates a FBD for the entire structure and then works with separate FBD’s for the individual members. We illustrate this approach throughout the text. 1.5.4 Internal Forces Consider the body shown in Fig. 1.24a. Suppose we pass a cutting plane as indicated and separate the two segments. We represent the action of body “n” on a F2 F1 Y A B X b F1 F2 Y A X AX B BX AY Fig. 1.23 Constructing the Free Body Diagram (FBD) BY 36 1 Introduction to Structural Engineering a F2 F1 "n" "m" A B b c F1 F F2 M "n" M "m" A B F Fig. 1.24 Definition of internal forces ! ! body “m” by a force F and moment M . From Newton’s third law, the action of body m on body n is opposite in sense. ! ! Once the reaction forces are known, we can determine F and M by applying the equilibrium conditions to either segment. These force quantities are called “internal forces” in contrast to the reactions which are “external forces.” Note that the magnitude of the internal forces varies with the location of the cutting plane. The following example illustrates the process of computing internal forces. Example 1.3 Given: The body and loading shown in Fig. E1.3a. 20 kip 1 10 kip 2 A B 1 6 ft 2 2 ft 4 ft 4 ft 8 ft 24 ft Fig. E1.3a Determine: The internal forces at Sects. 1.1 and 2.2 Solution: First we determine the reactions at A and B by applying the equilibrium conditions to entire body AB (Fig. E1.3b). 1.5 Basic Analytical Tools of Structural Analysis 37 Fig. E1.3b The static equilibrium equations are X X X Fx ¼ 0 Ax ¼ 0 FY ¼ 0 AY þBY ¼ 30 Mabout A ¼ 0 8ð20Þ þ 16ð10Þ 24BY ¼ 0 20 2 þ ð10Þ ¼ 13:3 kip " 3 3 and then AY AY ¼ 16:7 kip " Next, we work with the free body diagrams shown below. We replace the ! internal F with its normal and tangential components, F and V (Figs. E1.3c, d). BY ¼ We solve for BY , Fig. E1.3c Left segmentcutting plane 1-1 Applying the equilibrium conditions to the above segment leads to X X X Fx !þ F11 ¼ 0 F y "þ ¼ 0 V11 þ 16:7 ¼ 0 ) V11 ¼ 16:7 kip # Mabout11 ¼ 0 M11 16:7ð6Þ ¼ 0 ) M11 ¼ 100:2 kip ft counterclockwise Applying the equilibrium conditions to the segment shown below leads to X X X Fx !þ F22 ¼ 0 F y "þ ¼ 0 Mabout22 ¼ 0 V22 20 þ 16:7 ¼ 0 ) V22 ¼ 3:3 kip " M22 12ð16:7Þ þ 4ð20Þ ¼ 0 ) M22 ¼ 120:4 kip ft counterclockwise 38 1 Introduction to Structural Engineering Fig. E1.3d Left segmentcutting plane 2-2 20 kip A 2 16.7 kip 8 ft M2-2 V2-2 2 F2-2 4 ft Note that the sense of V11 and V22 are opposite. 1.5.5 Deformations and Displacements When a body is subjected to external loads, internal forces are developed in order to maintain equilibrium between the internal segments. These forces produce stresses which in turn produce strains that cause the body to change its shape and displace from its unloaded position. Consider the member shown in Fig. 1.25. We apply an axial force which generates the axial stress, s, equal to s¼ F A (1.15) where A is the cross-sectional area. The resulting strain depends on E, the modulus of elasticity for the material [3] and [4]. e¼ s E (1.16) Extensional strain is defined as the change in length. e¼ Fig. 1.25 Unreformed and deformed states DL L (1.17) 1.5 Basic Analytical Tools of Structural Analysis 39 Then, DL¼Le ¼ L F AE (1.18) We refer to the movement due to strain as the displacement and denote it by u. It follows that DL u. Finally, we write (1.18) as u¼ L F AE (1.19) Strains are generally referred to as deformations since they relate to a change in shape. This example illustrates that displacements are a consequence of deformations which are due to forces. Note that deformations are dimensionless quantities whereas displacements have geometric units such as either length (translation) or angle (rotation). The coefficient of F in (1.19) has units of displacement/ force. We interpret this coefficient as a measure of the flexibility of the member. Here we are defining flexibility as displacement/unit force. The inverse of flexibility is called stiffness. Stiffness relates the force required to introduce a unit displacement. Inverting (1.19) leads to AE F¼ u L (1.20) It follows that the stiffness of an axial loaded member is equal to AE L . Stiffness and flexibility are important concept in Structural Engineering. We use them to reason qualitatively about the change in behavior of a structure when we introduce modifications to the geometry and structural members. Obviously, to reduce displacements, one makes the structure stiffer. How this is achieved is one of the themes of this text. 1.5.6 Structural Behavior; Structural Analysis When a structure is subjected to an external loading, it responds by developing internal forces which lead to internal stresses. The stresses generate strains, resulting in displacements from the initial unloaded position. Figure 1.26 illustrates the displacement process for a beam type member subjected to a transverse loading. This process is continued until the internal stresses reach a level at which the external loading is equilibrated by the internal forces. The final displacement profile corresponds to this equilibrium state. Structural analysis is concerned with quantifying the response of structures subjected to external loading. The scope includes determining the magnitude of 40 1 Introduction to Structural Engineering A B Initial P2 P1 A B Final x P1 A V M Equilibrium state x Fig. 1.26 Simple beam response the reactions, internal forces, and displacements. The analysis is generally carried out in the following order. Study Forces In the study of forces, we apply the equilibrium equations to various Free Body Diagrams. We work initially with the FBD for the structure treated as a single body, and determine the reactions. Once the reactions are known, we select various cutting planes and determine the corresponding internal forces. This phase involves some heuristic knowledge as to “the best” choice of cutting planes. Study Displacements Displacements are the geometric measures that define the position of the structure under the applied external loading. Displacements are a consequence of internal stresses and are usually expressed in terms of the internal forces. The form of the “Force-displacement” relations depends on the type of structural member, e.g., a truss member, a beam, etc. We discuss this topic in more detail in Chaps. 2 and 3. In what follows, we illustrate these computations for some fairly simple structures. Example 1.4 Given: The structure defined in Fig. E1.4a. Member AB is a beam type member. It is connected to a hinge support at A, and supported at B by a cable, BC. 1.5 Basic Analytical Tools of Structural Analysis 41 Determine: The reactions, cable tension, and vertical displacement at B. Assume EC ¼ 200 GPa, AC ¼ 600 mm2 ; h ¼ 4 m; L ¼ 10 m, and P ¼ 80 kN Fig. E1.4a C Cable P A AcEc h B vB L/2 L/2 Solution: We start with the free body diagram of the entire structure shown in Fig. E1.4b. We note that the cable force is tension. Requiring the sum of the moments of the forces with respect to point A to vanish leads to the TC Fig. E1.4b Tc P A B Ax Ay L/2 P Mabout A ¼ L/2 L P LTC ¼ 0 2 + TC ¼ P 2 Next, we determine the reactions at A using force summations. X X FY ¼ 0 A y þ TC P ¼ 0 ) A y ¼ Fx ¼ 0 Ax ¼ 0 P 2 42 1 Introduction to Structural Engineering The vertical displacement of B is equal to the extension of the cable. Noting (1.19), the expression for nB is nB ¼ h h P 4; 000 80 ¼ ¼ 1:33 mm # TC ¼ Ac Ec Ac Ec 2 ð600Þð200Þ 2 a P C A D B l 4 l 4 b l 2 P A C AX D B Fd Fc AY l 4 l 4 l 2 Fig. 1.27 Rigid member on springs In what follows, we illustrate the application of the general analysis procedure to the idealized structure defined in Fig. 1.27. Member ABCD is considered to be rigid. It is supported by a hinge at A and springs at C and D. The force, P, is constant. Replacing the hinge support and springs with their corresponding forces results in the free body diagram shown in Fig. 1.27b. There are four unknown forces; AX , AY , Fc , and Fd . Setting the resultant force equal to zero leads to AX ¼ 0 AY þ Fc þ Fd ¼ P (1.21) Next, we require that the moment vanish at A. l l P ¼ Fc þ lFd 4 2 (1.22) 1.5 Basic Analytical Tools of Structural Analysis 43 Since there are more force unknowns than force equilibrium equations, the structure is statically indeterminate. a u b γ u F B h F A e C Fig. 1.28 Deformation modes. (a) Extension. (b) Shear Fig. 1.29 Deformation–displacement relations We generate additional equations by examining how the structure deforms. Deformation is a consequence of applying a force to a material. Deformation is associated with a change in shape. Figure 1.28 illustrates various deformation modes: the first is extension of a spring; the second is shear. A rigid body is an idealized case: the deformations are considered to be negligible. An important phase in the analysis of a deformable body is the study of deformations. One first identifies the displacement variables that define the “deformed” position and then, using geometric analysis, establishes the expressions relating the deformations of the deformable structural elements with the displacements. We illustrate this process for the structure defined in Fig. 1.29. Member ABCD is assumed to be rigid and therefore remains straight when the load is applied. Deformation occurs in the springs at C and D, causing ABCD to rotate about the hinge at A. There is only one independent displacement variable. We take it to be the rotation angle y shown in Fig. 1.29. With this choice of sense, the springs compress. When y is small, the spring deformations can be approximated as linear functions of y. This approximation is valid for most cases. ec ¼ l y 2 (1.23) ed ¼ l y The last step in the analysis involves relating the deformations and the corresponding internal forces. For this example structure, the internal forces are the spring forces, Fc and Fd. In general, the relationship between the force and deformation of a component is a function of the makeup of the component (i.e., the 44 1 Introduction to Structural Engineering material used and the geometry of the component). Here, we assume the behavior is linear and write Fc ¼ kc ec Fd ¼ k d e d (1.24) where kc, and kd are the spring stiffness factors. Note that the units of k are force/ length since e has units of length. At this point, we have completed the formulation phase. There are seven equations, (1.21)–(1.23), relating the seven variables consisting of the four forces, one displacement, and two deformations. Therefore, the problem is solvable. How one proceeds through the solution phase depends on what variables one want to determine first. Starting with (1.23), we observe that the reaction Av can be determined once the spring forces are known. Therefore, we hold this equation in reserve, and focus on the remaining equations. We can combine (1.23) and (1.24) by substituting for the deformations. The resulting equations together with (1.24) are Fc ¼ l kc y; 2 Fd ¼ ðkd lÞy l l P ¼ Fc þ lFd 4 2 (1.25a) (1.25b) The most convenient strategy is to substitute for Fc, Fd in the second equation. Then, l 1 P ¼ l kc þ kd ly 4 4 and y¼ P ð4kd þ kc Þl (1.26) Finally, the spring forces corresponding to this value of y are kc P 2ð4kd þ kc Þ kd Fd ¼ P ð4kd þ kc Þ Fc ¼ (1.27) An alternate strategy is to solve first for one of the spring forces. Suppose we take Fc as the primary force variable. Using (1.25b), we solve for Fc. 1 Fc ¼ P 2Fd 2 (1.28) 1.5 Basic Analytical Tools of Structural Analysis 45 Another equation relating Fc and Fd is obtained by eliminating y in (2.23a). The steps are y¼ 1 Fc kc ðl=2Þ (1.29) 2kd Fc kc (1.30) and Fd ¼ Equation (1.30) represents a constraint on the spring forces. The deformations of the springs are not arbitrary; they must satisfy (1.23), which can be written as: ed ¼ 2ec (1.31) Finally, substituting for Fd in (1.28) and solving for Fc leads to Fc ¼ 1=2 P 1 þ 4kd =kc (1.32) The rotation angle is determined with (1.29) and Fc with (1.30). We refer to the first solution procedure as the displacement or stiffness method. It is relatively simple to execute since it involves only substitution. Most of the structural analysis computer programs are based on this method. The second procedure is called the force or flexibility method. Some manipulation of the equations is required when the structure is statically indeterminate and consequently the method is somewhat more difficult to apply in this case. However, the Force Method is more convenient to apply than the displacement method when the structure is statically determinate, since the forces can be determined using only the equilibrium equations. The approach we present in part I of the text is based on the Force Method. Later in part II, we present the Force and Displacement methods in more detail in Chaps. 9 and 10. 1.5.7 The Importance of Displacements Displacements are important for two reasons. Firstly, the serviceability requirement for structures is usually specified as a limit on the magnitude of certain displacements. Secondly, for indeterminate structures, one cannot determine the internal forces using only the equations of static equilibrium. One needs to consider the displacements and internal forces simultaneously. This topic is addressed in part II of the text. The following example illustrates one of the strategies employed for a statically indeterminate beam. 46 1 Introduction to Structural Engineering Example 1.5 A statically indeterminate beam Given: The beam shown in Fig. E1.5a. Fig. E1.5a P A D C B L/4 L/2 L/4 Determine: The reactions. Solution: First, we construct the free body diagram for the beam (Figs. E1.5b, c). Fig. E1.5b P Ax B L/4 Dy Cy Ay L/4 L/2 Considering summation of forces in the X and Y directions and summation of moments about A, we obtain the following three equations. P Fx ! þ ) Ax ¼ 0 P Fy "þ ¼ 0 ) Ay þ Cy þ Dy ¼ P P MaboutA ¼ 0 ) L4 P ¼ L2 Cy þ LDy We have only two equations for the three vertical reactions, Ay , Cy , and Dy . Therefore, we cannot determine their magnitude using only the force equilibrium equations. The Force (or Flexibility) method for this problem is based on releasing one of the roller supports, say support C, replacing it with an unknown force, Cy , and allowing point C to move vertically under the action of the applied loads. First, we take Cy ¼ 0 and apply P. Point C moves an amount Dcjp shown in the Figure below. Then, we take P ¼ 0, Cy ¼ 1, and determine Dcjv the corresponding movement at C due to a unit upward force at C. Assuming the support at C is unyielding, the net movement must be zero. Therefore, we increase the force Cy until this condition is satisfied. Once Cy is known, we can find the remaining forces using the equations of static equilibrium. In order to carry out this solution procedure, one needs to have a method for computing displacements of beams. These methods are described in Chap. 3. 1.6 Summary c 47 P A C D B Cy P A B D C Cy = 0 Δ | cp Cy = Δ c|p Δ c| v Δ c|v A D C Cy = 1 1 Fig. E1.5c 1.6 Summary 1.6.1 Objectives of the Chapter • Provide an overview of the set of issues that a structural engineer needs to address as a practicing professional engineer. • Introduce the basic analytical methods of structural analysis and describe how they are applied to determine the response of a structure. 1.6.2 Key Issues and Concepts Introduced • A structure is an assemblage of structural components which are arranged in such a way that the structure can withstand the action of the loads that are applied to it. Structures are classified according to their makeup such as trusses, frames and their function such as bridges, office buildings. • The primary concern of a structural engineer is to ensure that the structure will not collapse during its expected lifetime. This requires firstly that the engineer properly identify the extreme loading that the structure is likely to experience over its design life, and secondly, that the structure is dimensioned so that it has adequate capacity to resist the extreme loading. 48 1 Introduction to Structural Engineering • Structures are restrained against rigid body motion by supports. When the structure is loaded, reaction forces are developed by the supports. A minimum of three non-concurrent reaction forces are necessary to prevent rigid body motion for a planar structure. • Initial instability occurs when the reactions are insufficient or the members are not properly arranged to resist applied external forces. In this case, the structure will fail under an infinitesimal load. This condition can be corrected by modifying the supports or including additional members. • Loss of stability under loading can occur when a primary structural member loses its capacity to carry load due to either elastic buckling or failure of the material. There are two modes of material failure: “brittle” and “ductile.” Brittle failure occurs suddenly with a complete loss in load capacity. One should avoid this mechanism. Ductile failure is evidenced by substantial inelastic deformation and loss in stiffness. The limit state design procedure allows for a limited amount of inelastic deformation. • Loads applied to civil structures are categorized according to direction. Vertical loads are due to gravitational forces and are defined in terms of the weight of objects. Lateral loads are produced by natural events such as wind and earthquake. The relative importance of these loads depends on the nature of the structure and the geographical location of the site. • Loads are also generated during the construction of the structure. The design loading for certain types of structures such as segmented concrete girders is controlled by the construction process. Most structural failures occur during the construction process. • Loads are also classified according to the time period over which the loads are applied. Long-term loads, such as self weight, are called “dead “loads. Loads whose magnitude or location changes are called “live” loads. Typical live loads are produced by vehicles crossing bridges, and people occupying buildings. • Extreme loads such as wind and earthquakes are defined in terms of their return period, which is interpreted as the average time interval between occurrences of the event. One speaks of the 50 year wind, the 50 year earthquake, etc. The magnitude of the load increases with increasing return period. • The design life of a structure is the time period over which the structure is expected to function without any loss in functionality. Bridges are designed to last at least 100 years. Industrial buildings are expected to have design lives usually greater than 100 years. The probability that a structure will experience an extreme event over its design life is approximately equal to the ratio of the design life to the return period. • The effect of wind acting on a building is represented by a pressure loading distributed over the external surfaces. The magnitude and spatial variation of the pressure depends on the shape of the building and the local wind environment. Positive pressure is generated on windward vertical forces and steeply inclined roofs. Turbulence zones occur on flat roof and leeward faces, and result in negative pressure. 1.6 Summary 49 • Design codes specify procedures for computing the spatial distribution of wind pressure given the expected extreme wind velocity at the geographic location. The wind velocity tends to be larger in coastal regions. A typical wind velocity for coastal regions of the USA is 100 miles per hour. The corresponding wind pressure is approximately 20 psf. • Snow loading is represented as a uniform download pressure acting on the roof zones of a structure. Design snow pressure is based on ground snow data for the region where the structure is located. Snow is an important loading for the northern part of the USA, Canada, and Eastern Europe. • Earthquakes produce sudden intense short-term ground motion which causes structures to vibrate. The lateral floor loading is due to the inertia forces associated with the acceleration generated by the ground shaking and is generally expressed as ðWf =gÞamax where Wf is the floor weight and amax is the peak value of floor acceleration. Seismic engineering is specialized technical area which is beyond the scope of this textbook. However, the reader should be knowledgeable of the general seismic design strategy. • Conventional structural design philosophy is based on satisfying two requirements: safety and serviceability. Safety relates to extreme loading, and is concerned with preventing collapse and loss of life. Safety is achieved by providing more resistance than is required for the extreme loading. Serviceability relates to loading which occur during the structure’s lifetime. One needs to ensure that the structure remains operational and has no damage. • Motion-Based Design, also called performance-based design, is an alternate design methodology that takes as its primary objective the satisfaction of motion-related design requirements such as displacement and acceleration. The goal here is to provide sufficient stiffness and energy dissipation mechanisms to limit the motion under extreme loading. • Structural analysis is concerned with quantifying the response of a structure subjected to external loading. This effort involves determining the reactions, internal forces, and displacement profiles. One generally carries out the analysis in two steps: study of forces and study of displacements. In the study of forces, one applies the force equilibrium equations to isolate segments of the structure called Free Body Diagrams. Selecting appropriate Free Body Diagrams is a skill acquired through practice. In the study of displacements, one first uses a geometric-based approach to express the deformation measures in terms of displacement measures. The displacement measures are then related to the internal forces by introducing certain material properties such as the elastic modulus. These relations allow one to determine the displacements, given the internal forces. We apply this approach throughout part II of the text. It provides the basis for the analysis of statically indeterminate structures. 2 Statically Determinate Truss Structures Overview We begin this chapter by reviewing the historical development of truss structures. Trusses have played a key role in the expansion of the highway and railroad systems during the past two centuries. From a mechanics perspective, they are ideal structures for introducing the concepts of equilibrium and displacement. We deal first with the issues of stability and static determinacy, and then move on to describe manual and computer-based techniques for determining the internal forces generated by external loads. A computational scheme for determining the displacements of truss structures is presented next. Given a structure, one needs information concerning how the internal forces vary as the external live load is repositioned on the structure for the design phase. This type of information is provided by an influence line. We introduce influence lines in the last section of this chapter and illustrate how they are constructed for typical trusses. This book focuses on linear elastic structural analysis. Although nonlinear structural analysis is playing an increasingly more important rule in structural design, we believe an understanding of linear analysis is essential before discussing the topic of nonlinear analysis. 2.1 Introduction: Types of Truss Structures Simple two-dimensional (2-D) truss structures are formed by combining one-dimensional linear members to create a triangular pattern. One starts with a triangular unit, and then adds a pair of members to form an additional triangular unit. This process is repeated until the complete structure is assembled. Figure 2.1 illustrates this process for the case where all the members are contained in a single plane. Such structures are called plane trusses; the nodes are also called “Joints.” J.J. Connor and S. Faraji, Fundamentals of Structural Engineering, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-3262-3_2, # Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2013 51 52 2 a b Statically Determinate Truss Structures c New node New node Fig. 2.1 Simple planar truss construction a b New node Fig. 2.2 Simple space truss construction a a b c c e d b d b a e b c d d d a e c b a c e Fig. 2.3 Simple planar trusses Three members connected at their ends form a rigid structure in the sense that, when loaded, the change in shape of the structure is due only to the deformation of the members. It follows that a structure constructed in the manner described above is also rigid provided that the structure is suitably supported. Simple three-dimensional (3-D) space trusses are composed of tetrahedral units. Starting with a tetrahedral unit, one forms an additional tetrahedral unit by adding three linear elements, as illustrated in Fig. 2.2. When the structure is suitably supported to prevent rigid body motion, the assemblage is rigid. The question of suitable supports is addressed later in the chapter. Examples of simple planar trusses are shown in Fig. 2.3. Starting with the initial triangle abc, one adds the nodes d, e, etc. 2.1 a Introduction: Types of Truss Structures a 53 b c c b Fig. 2.4 Compound planar trusses Fig. 2.5 Complex planar trusses Trusses may also be constructed by using simple trusses as the “members,” connected together by additional bars or joints. These structures are called compound trusses. Figure 2.4 shows several examples of compound trusses, where the simple trusses are shown as shaded areas. A truss geometry that does not fall in either the simple or compound category is called a complex truss [23]. Examples are shown in Fig. 2.5. This type of truss is not used as frequently as either simple or compound trusses. 54 2 Statically Determinate Truss Structures Fig. 2.6 Single span truss bridge system 2.1.1 Structural Idealization Trusses are components of larger structural systems, such as buildings, bridges, and towers. In order to evaluate the behavior under loading, one needs to identify the main structural components of the system and determine how the external load is transmitted from one component to another. This process is called “structural idealization,” it is a key step in the analysis process. In what follows, we illustrate idealization strategies for typical bridges and roof systems. Figure 2.6 shows a typical single span truss bridge system. The key components are the two simple planar trusses, the lateral bracing systems at the top, sides, and bottom levels and the flooring system consisting of floor stringers/beams and deck slab. Loading applied to the deck slab is transmitted through the stringer/beam system to the bottom nodes of the two planar trusses. The major percentage of the analysis effort is concerned with analyzing a simple truss for dead weight, wind, and traffic loading. Roofing system for buildings such as warehouses, shopping centers, and sports facilities employ trusses to support the roof envelope. Figure 2.7 illustrates a scheme for a typical roofing system for a single-story industrial building. The roof system consists of steel decking attached to purlins which, in turn, are supported at the top nodes of the planar trusses. Loading applied to the roof area in a bay is transmitted through the purlins to the trusses adjacent to the bay, and eventually to the supports. Bracing is incorporated to carry the lateral loading which may act either in the longitudinal or transverse direction. The primary effort for this structural system is concerned with analyzing a single planar roof truss for the tributary area loading applied at the top chord nodes. 2.1.2 Historical Background The first application of truss type structures is believed to be in Egyptian boats built between 3,100 and 2,700 BC. Egyptian boat builders used trusses constructed by 2.1 Introduction: Types of Truss Structures 55 Fig. 2.7 Typical industrial building roofing system tying the members together with vines to form the sides and attached the outer hull to these structures (Garrison, 1991). The Romans used wood trusses for bridges and roofs. Examples are a bridge over the Danube (circa 106 AD) and the entrance to the Pantheon (circa 120 AD). The next time frame is that of the Middle Ages. Examples of trusses are found in English cathedrals (Salisbury Cathedral, circa 1258 AD) and great halls (Westminster Palace, circa 1400). Deployment of wooden trusses continued through the Gothic and Renaissance periods, mainly to support roofs. The Engineers of these time periods intuitively understood the rigidity provided by the triangular form, but lacked a theory that they could apply to evaluate the response for a given load. A major contribution to the theory is the work of Leonardo daVinci (1452–1519), who formulated the concepts of force and moment as vectors and showed that forces can be combined using a graphical construction that is now called the force parallelogram. From the early 1600s to the mid-1800s, many advances in the development of a scientific basis for a theory of structures were made. Key contributors were Newton (1642–1729), Hooke (1635–1703), Galileo Galilei (first useable formula for strength of a cantilever beam-1638), Euler (theory of buckling of columns-1757), Bernoulli (bending deformation of a beam-1741), Navier (produced an integrated theory of Structural Mechanics—1826), and Mobius (published the Textbook of Statics—1837). Wooden bridge truss structures were popular in the early 1800s, especially in the USA. There are many examples of covered wooden bridges in Vermont and New Hampshire. Figure 2.8 illustrates some typical structural schemes. There was a flourishing industry in New England producing wooden bridge trusses, many of which were exported to Europe. As with many emerging technologies, competition from other emerging technologies occurred and eventually took over the market for the product. The first impetus for change was the Industrial Revolution which occurred in the early 1800s. The concept of the railroad 56 2 Statically Determinate Truss Structures Fig. 2.8 Covered wood bridges was invented during this period. This invention created a demand for more robust and more durable bridges to carry the heavier moving loads over longer spans. Cost also became an issue. Up to this time, wooden bridges were designed to carry light pedestrian and horse and carriage traffic over relatively short spans. Their expected life was short, but since they used local materials and local labor, they were not expensive and durability was not an issue. However, they were not adequate for the railroad traffic and other solutions were needed. 2.1 Introduction: Types of Truss Structures 57 Fig. 2.9 Examples of named trusses Another technology that was evolving in the late 1700s was iron making. Processes for making cast and wrought iron cheaper than existing methods were developed in the 1780s. Methods for shaping wrought iron into shapes that could be used as truss members were also invented simultaneously. These inventions set the stage for the use of iron members in trusses during the early 1800s. Initially, wrought iron was used for tension elements and wood for compression elements. Gradually, cast iron replaced wood for compression elements. The first all iron truss bridge in the USA was built in 1840 by Squire Whipple, a leading bridge designer in the USA at that time. He is also known for his book Essay on Bridge Building, published in 1847, the first publication on Structural Theory by an US author. Some other designers active in the 1840s were W. Howe, T. Pratt, A. Fink in North America and J. Warren in the UK. Trusses of this era were given the name of the individual who designed or constructed them. Examples are shown in Fig. 2.9. Starting around 1850, iron trusses were used not only for bridges but also for other long-span structures such as market halls, exhibition buildings, and railway stations. Notable examples are the Crystal Palace, the Eiffel tower and the Saint Pancras station (Fig. 2.10). During the period from1850 to 1870, an improved version of iron called steel was invented. This material was much stronger than cast iron; more ductile than wrought iron, and quickly displaced iron as the material of choice. The first all steel truss bridge in the USA was built for the Chicago and Alton Railroad in 1879. The structure consisted of a series of Whipple trusses with a total length of 1,500 ft spanning over the Mississippi River at Glasgow, Missouri. The first major longspan steel bridge was the Firth of Forth Bridge built in Scotland in 1890. Another similar cantilever style truss bridge was built over the St Lawrence River in Quebec, 58 2 Statically Determinate Truss Structures Canada in 1919. The initial steel structures used eyebars and pins. Rivets replaced pins as connectors in the late 1800s. High-strength bolts and welding are now used to connect the structural members in today’s modern steel constructions. Figure 2.11 illustrates typical bolted and welded connections. Connection details are usually designed by the steel fabricator and checked by the structural engineer. The goal in connection design is to minimize steel erection time (Fig. 2.12). Fig. 2.10 Examples of structures made of iron trusses. (a) Crystal Palace. (b) Eiffel Tower. (c) Saint Pancras station 2.1 Introduction: Types of Truss Structures 59 Fig. 2.10 (continued) Fig. 2.11 Typical pin joint connections Steel truss bridges were the dominant choice for long-span crossings until the mid-1900s when another structural form, the cable-stayed bridge, emerged as a competitor. Cable-stayed bridges have essentially captured the market for spans up to about 900 m. Segmented concrete girder construction has also emerged as a major competitor for somewhat shorter spans. Plane trusses now are used mainly for prefabricated joists, for gable roof systems, and for spanning long interior 60 2 Statically Determinate Truss Structures Fig. 2.12 Example of early steel bridges—Firth of Forth Bridge, Scotland Fig. 2.13 Three-dimensional truss roof system distances in buildings and sporting facilities such as convention halls and stadiums. Three-dimensional space trusses are used in dome type structures such as shown in Fig. 2.13, and also for towers. One of the most notable examples of the space truss concept is the Eiffel tower in Paris, France. 2.2 Analysis of Planar Trusses 2.2 61 Analysis of Planar Trusses In this section, we focus on introducing analysis and behavior issues for planar trusses. The discussion is extended in the next section to deal with threedimensional space structures. The analysis of trusses is based on the following idealizations that ensure that the forces in the members are purely axial: 1. The loads and displacement restraints are applied only at the nodes. 2. The members are connected with frictionless pins so that the members can rotate freely and no moment exists at the ends. 3. The stress due to the weight of the members is small in comparison to the stress due to the applied loads. 4. Each member is straight and is arranged such that its centroidal axis coincides with the line connecting the nodal points. With these restrictions, it follows that a member is subjected only to an axial force at each end. These forces are equal in magnitude and their line of action coincides with the centroidal axis of the member. There is only one unknown per member, the magnitude of the force. The resulting state is uniform axial stress throughout the member. Depending on the loading, the member force may be either tension or compression. Figure 2.14 illustrates free body diagrams for a truss member and its associated nodes. Fig. 2.14 Free body diagram of a truss member and its associated nodes. (a) Tension. (b) Compression 2.2.1 Equilibrium Considerations Each node of a plane truss is acted upon by a set of coplanar concurrent forces. There are no moments since the pins are frictionless and the lines of action of the forces intersect at the node. For equilibrium of a node, the resultant force vector must vanish. In Squire Whipple’s time (1840s), equilibrium was enforced using Leonardo da Vinci’s graphical method based on the force polygon. Now, one applies an analytical approach based on resolving the force vectors into 62 2 Statically Determinate Truss Structures components and summing the components. The corresponding scalar equilibrium equations are X Fn ¼ 0 X Fs ¼ 0 (2.1) where n and s are two arbitrary nonparallel directions in the plane. Figure 2.15 illustrates this notation. Fig. 2.15 Concurrent force system at a node 2.2.2 Statically Determinate Planar Trusses In general, three motion restraints are required to prevent rigid body motion of a planar truss. Two of these restraints may be parallel. However the third restraint cannot be parallel to the other two restraints since, in this case, the truss could translate in the direction normal to the parallel restraint direction. Each restraint generates an unknown force, called a reaction. Therefore, the minimum number of reactions is 3. Examples of typical support motion restraints and the corresponding reactions are shown in Fig. 2.16. There are two scalar equilibrium equations per node for a plane truss. Assuming that there are j nodes, it follows that there are a total of 2j equilibrium equations available to determine the force unknowns. We suppose there are m members and r reactions. Then, since each member and each reaction involves only one unknown force magnitude, the total number of force unknowns is equal to m + r. When the number of force unknowns is equal to the number of equilibrium equations, the structure is said to be statically determinate. If m + r < 2j, the truss is unstable since there are an insufficient number of either member forces or reactions or possibly both to equilibrate the applied loads. A word of caution: a statically determinate truss may also be unstable if the reactions are not properly aligned so as to prevent rigid body motion of the truss. We discuss this point in 2.2 Analysis of Planar Trusses 63 Fig. 2.16 Types of supports for planar trusses. (a) Hinge Support (two restraints ) 2 reactions). (b) Roller Support (1 restraint ) 1 reaction). (c) Rigid link more detail in the following section. It follows that a plane truss is statically determinate, unstable, or indeterminate when m þ r ¼ 2j Statically determinate m þ r < 2j Unstable (2.2) m þ r > 2j Statically indeterminate 2.2.3 Stability Criterion In this section, we examine in more detail the question of whether a planar truss structure is initially stable. Assuming a plane truss has m members, r reactions, and j joints, these are 2j force equilibrium equations that relate the known (given) joint loads and the (m + r) unknown forces. If m + r < 2j, the number of force unknowns is less than the number of equilibrium equations that the forces must satisfy. Mathematically, the problem is said to be under determined or inconsistent. 64 2 Statically Determinate Truss Structures One cannot find the exact solution for an arbitrary loading, except in the trivial case where the magnitude of all the loads is zero, and consequently the forces are zero. Once a nontrivial load is applied, the structure cannot resist it, and motion ensues. The descriptor “initial instability” is used to denote this condition. Even when m + r ¼ 2j, a truss may still be unstable if the motion restraints are not properly arranged to prevent rigid body motion of the structure. There may be an insufficient number of restraints or the restraints may be aligned in such a way that rotation of a segment is possible. The stability of a complex truss depends on the geometrical arrangements of the members. Even though the truss satisfies the condition, m + r ¼ 2j, and has sufficient restraints, it still may be unstable. The instability condition becomes evident when one attempts to determine the member forces using the 2j force equilibrium equations. The solution is not unique when the structure is unstable. When m + r > 2j and the structure is suitably restrained against rigid body motion, the structure is said to be statically indeterminate. This terminology follows from the fact that now there are more force unknowns than equilibrium equations, and not all the forces can be determined with only equilibrium considerations. One needs some additional equations. We address this type of problem in Part II. In what follows, we illustrate the initial stability criteria with typical examples. Stability can be defined in a more rigorous way using certain concepts of linear algebra, a branch of mathematics that deals with linear algebraic equations. This approach is discussed in Sect. 2.4 Example 2.1 Simple trusses Given: The structures shown in Fig. E2.1a–d Determine: Whether the structures are initially stable, determinate or indeterminate. Solutions: Fig. E2.1 Case (a): There are five members, three reactions, and four nodes. Then applying (2.2) mþr ¼8 2j ¼ 8 The structure is determinate and initially stable. 2.2 Analysis of Planar Trusses 65 m=5 r=3 j=4 R1 R2 R3 Case (b): mþr ¼9 2j ¼ 8 m=6 r=3 j=4 R1 R2 R3 There is one extra force and therefore the structure is initially stable and indeterminate to the first degree. Case(c): The stability criterion appears to be satisfied. mþr ¼8 2j¼ 8 m=6 r=2 j=4 R2 R1 However, the number of supports is insufficient to prevent rigid body motion in the horizontal direction. Therefore the structure is initially unstable. Case (d): The stability criterion appears to be satisfied. mþr ¼8 2j¼ 8 66 2 Statically Determinate Truss Structures m=5 r=3 j=4 R1 A R3 R2 However, the three displacement restraints are concurrent (point A) and therefore the structure can rotate at point A. It follows that the structure is initially unstable. Example 2.2 A compound truss Given: The structure shown in Fig. E2.2a. This compound truss is actually a combination of two simple trusses. Determine: Is the structure statically determinate? Fig. E2.2a Solution: The structure is statically determinate and stable. m þ r ¼ 24 2j ¼ 24 Example 2.3 A complex truss Given: The complex truss defined in Fig. E2.3a. Determine: Is the truss statically determinate? Fig. E2.3a 2.2 Analysis of Planar Trusses 67 Solution: There are three restraints, six joints, and nine members. m þ r ¼ 12 2j ¼ 12 The truss appears to be stable. Note that the condition, m + r ¼ 2j is necessary but not sufficient to ensure stability of this truss. Sufficient conditions are discussed further in Sect. 2.4. In what follows, we describe two classical hand computation-based procedures for finding the member forces in simple and compound trusses due to an applied loading. These approaches are useful for gaining insight as to how loads are carried by structures. That is the most important aspect of structural engineering that one needs to master in order to be a successful practitioner. Also, although most current structural analysis is computer based, one still needs to be able to assess the computer-generated results with a simple independent hand computation. 2.2.4 Method of Joints: Planar Trusses Each joint of a plane truss is subjected to a concurrent force system. Since there are two equilibrium equations for a 2-D concurrent force system, one can solve for at most two force unknowns at a particular joint. The strategy for the method of joints is to proceed from joint to joint, starting with the free body diagram of a joint that has only two unknowns, solving for these unknowns, and then using this newly acquired force information to identify another eligible joint. One continues until equilibrium has been enforced at all the joints. When all the joints are in equilibrium, the total structure will be in equilibrium. This analysis procedure was first described in Squire Whipple’s 1840 Essay on Bridge Building. Enforcing the equilibrium conditions is simplified if one works with the force components referred to a common reference frame. Once one component is known, it is a simple step to determine the magnitude of the other component and the force. As an illustration, we consider the member shown in Fig. 2.17. The ratio of force components is equal to the ratio of the projected lengths. This equality follows from the fact that the direction of the force is the same as the direction of the line. Here, we are taking the horizontal and vertical directions as the common reference frame. Fy Ly ¼ ¼ tan y Fx Lx Similarly, the force is determined using F¼ Fy Fx ¼ cos y sin y 68 2 Statically Determinate Truss Structures Fig. 2.17 Force components n s F2 F1 = F2 θ F1 F3 F3 = 0 Fig. 2.18 Zero force member Another simplification is possible when the joint has only three members, two of which are colinear, and there is no applied load at the joint. Figure 2.18 illustrates this case. There is only one force acting at an angle to the direction of the two common members, and equilibrium in the normal direction (n) requires the magnitude of this force to be zero. The other two forces must have the same magnitude. When applying the method of joints, it is convenient to first determine the reactions by enforcing global equilibrium on the total structure. With the reactions known, it may be easier to locate a joint having only two unknown member forces. In what follows, we present a set of examples that illustrate how the method of joints is efficiently applied. Example 2.4 Three member truss analyzed by the methods of joints Given: The truss and loading defined by Fig. E2.4a. Determine: The reactions and member forces. 2.2 Analysis of Planar Trusses 69 Fig. E2.4a Solution: We first find the reactions at joints a and b. Moment summation about joint a leads to the y reaction at b. Force summations provide the remaining two reaction forces. The results are shown below (Fig. E2.4b). ∑Ma= 0 X X 10(10)–15(10) −Yb(20) = 0 FX ¼ 0 ! þ FY ¼ 0 " þ Xa þ 10 ¼ 0 Ya þ 15 2:5 ¼ 0 ⇒ ) ) Yb= −2.5 Xa ¼ 10 Ya ¼ 12:5 ∴ Yb = 2.5 kip ↓ ; Xa ¼ 10 kip ; Ya ¼ 12:5 kip # Fig. E2.4b Reactions One can start at any joint since they all have just two unknown member forces. We pick joint b (Fig. E2.4c). Summation of forces in the y direction gives Fbc;y ¼ 2:5 kip. Then summing forces in the x direction requires Fba being compressive and equal to 2.5 kip. We indicate a tensile member force with an arrow pointing away from the joint. The opposite sense is used for compression. One converts the force components to the force magnitude using the Pythagorean qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi Theorem, F¼ F2x þF2y . 70 X X 2 Statically Determinate Truss Structures Fy ¼ 0 Fbc;y ¼ 2:5 " Then Fbc;x ¼ 2:5 pffiffiffi ; Fbc ¼ 2:5 2 kip ðTensionÞ Fx ¼ 0 Fba ¼ 2:5 kip (Compression) Fbc = 2.5 2 Fbc,y = 2.5 Fbc,x = 2.5 2.5 2.5 b Fba Fba = 2.5 2.5 α b 2.5 Fig. E2.4c Joint b There is only one unknown member force left, Fca. One can work with either joint a or joint c. We pick joint c. The free body diagram for joint c is shown in Fig. E2.4d. Equilibrium in the x direction requires Fca,x ¼ 12.5 kip. X Fx ¼ 0 Fca;x ¼ 12:5 pffiffiffi ; Fca ¼ 12:5 2 kip (Tension) 15 15 Fca,x = 12.5 C 10 C Fca,y 2.5 α α 2.5 10 12.5 Fca = 12.5 2 12.5 Fbc = 2.5 2 Fig. E2.4d Joint C Note that in this example we do not need to use the remaining equilibrium equations (one for joint c and two for joint a) since we used instead three global 2.2 Analysis of Planar Trusses 71 equilibrium equations to calculate the reactions. The total number of joint equilibrium equations is equal to six (two per joint three joints). If we use three equations for global equilibrium, there are only three independent equations left to apply to the joints. The final results are shown on the sketch below. Tensile forces are denoted with a + sign, and compressive forces with a sign. Fig. E2.4e Example 2.5 Five member truss analyzed by the methods of joints Given: The truss defined in Fig. E2.5a. Determine: The reactions and member forces for the loading shown. 27 kN Fig. E2.5a 18 kN b 5m d 3m a c 4m 4m Solution: We first find the reactions and then proceed starting with joint a, and then moving to joints c and d. 72 2 Statically Determinate Truss Structures Fig. E2.5b 27 kN 18 kN b d α β a c Rax Ray ∑Ma = 0 X X −10(10) –18(8) +Rc(8) = 0 ⇒ FX ¼ 0 ! þ Rax 18 ¼ 0 ) ∴ Rc= 31.5 kip ↓ Rc= −31.5 ) FY ¼ 0 " þ Ray þ 27 31:5 ¼ 0 Rc Rax ¼ 18 Ray ¼ 4:5 ; Rax ¼ 18 kip ! ; Ray ¼ 4:5 kip " 27 kN 18 kN b d a β α c 18 kN Fig. E2.5c 4.5 kN 31.5 kN 2.2 Analysis of Planar Trusses 5 2 73 5 cosβ= 0.447 sinβ = 0.894 β 1 3 α 4 Fab cosα =0.8 sinα =0.6 Fad β α a 18 kN 4.5 kN 8P Fx ¼ 0 > > > < > > > :P Fy ¼ 0 Fad cos a þ Fab cos b þ 18 ¼ 0 ( ) Fad ¼ 31:5 kN Fab ¼ 16:1 kN Fad sin aþFab sin b þ 4:5 ¼ 0 Fcd Fcb β α c 31.5 kN 8P Fx ¼ 0 > > > < > > > :P Fy ¼ 0 Fcd cos a þ Fcb cos b ¼ 0 ( ) Fcd sin aþFcb sin b 31:5 ¼ 0 Fcd ¼ 31:5 kN Fcb ¼ 56:35 kN 74 2 Statically Determinate Truss Structures Fbd = 37.8 d α α 18.9 18.9 31.5 X 31.5 Fy ¼ 0 Fbd ¼ 37:8 kN (Compression) The final forces are listed below. 27 kN 18 kN b 56.35 16.1 −37.8 d a 18 kN −31.5 −31.5 4.5 kN 31.5 kN Example 2.6 Five member truss analyzed by the methods of joints Given: The truss defined in Fig. E2.6a. Determine: The reactions and member forces for the loading shown. g e b 4m h a f d 10kN 4m Fig. E2.6a Bridge truss c 10kN 4m 10kN 4m 4m 2.2 Analysis of Planar Trusses 75 Solution: We note that the structure and loading are symmetrical with respect to a vertical axis through points e and d. It follows that the forces in symmetrically located members are equal and therefore we need to find the forces in only ½ of the structure. Joints c, e, and f are special in the sense that two incident members are co-linear. Then, noting Fig. 2.18, Fcb ¼ 10 kN (Tension) Fed ¼ 0 Ffg ¼ 10 kN (Tension) e g b 0 +10 α h α f +10 α d 10 kN α a c 10 kN 10 kN Fig. E2.6b There are multiple options. We can first find the reactions and then proceed inward, starting with joint a, and then moving to joints c and b. An alternate approach would be to start at joint d, find the y component of Fbd, and then move to joint b. g 1 Xh = 0 h α e 1 f Yh= 15kN 1 1 1 1 b α α d 10kN 1 1 α a c 10kN 10kN Ya= 15kN Fig. E2.6c Reactions We list the results for the first approach below. We first find Fba;y with the vertical equilibrium condition at joint a. Then we find Fac from the horizontal component of Fba. X Fy ¼ 0 Fba;y ¼ 15 kN # Then Fba;x ¼ 15 kN ! pffiffiffi ; Fba ¼ 15 2 kN (Compression) X Fx ¼ 0 Fac ¼ 15 kN (Tension) 76 2 Statically Determinate Truss Structures Fba 15 α Fac 15 2 15 a a 15 15 15 Fig. E2.6d Joint a At joint c, we note from the sketch that Fdc ¼ 15 kN ðTensionÞ. Fig. E2.6e Joint c 10 Fdc 15 c 10 At joint b, we note from the sketch that Fdb must be in tension and Fbe must be in compression. Fbe b α 5 α 15 Fbe = 20 15 5 Fdb Fdb = 5 √ 2 10 b α α 10 Fig. E2.6f Joint b We first find Fdb,y with the vertical equilibrium condition at joint b. X Then Fdb;x ¼ 5 ; Fy ¼ 0 Fdb;y ¼ 5 # pffiffiffi Fdb ¼ 5 2 kN (Tension) 15 √ 2 2.2 Analysis of Planar Trusses 77 Then we apply the horizontal equilibrium equation at joint b. X Fx ¼ 0 Fbe ¼ 20 kN (Compression) The resultant member forces are shown below. Note that, for this loading, the members in the top zone (the top chord) are in compression and the bottom chord members are in tension. The interior vertical and diagonal members are in tension. When iron was used as a structural material, cast iron, which is relatively weak in tension, was employed for the top chord members and wrought iron, which is relatively strong in tension, for the verticals, diagonals, and bottom chord members. −20 Fig. E2.6g −20 +7.07 −21.2 +10 +15 +15 10 kN 15 kN −21.2 +7.07 0 +10 +15 10 kN +15 10 kN 15 kN If the truss structure is inverted as shown below, the sense of the member forces is also reversed. This geometric arrangement is preferred for bridge crossings when the clearance below the structure is not a problem. 10 kN 10 kN −15 +21.2 15 kN Fig. E2.6h 4m −15 −10 0 −7.07 +20 4m −15 −15 −10 10 kN −7.07 4m +21.2 15 kN +20 4m 4m 78 2 Statically Determinate Truss Structures Example 2.7 A cantilever truss analyzed by methods of joints Given: The truss and loading defined by Fig. E2.7a. Determine: The member forces for the loading shown. d d 9 ft 3 b 1 9 ft a e f c 12 ft 15 kip ⇒ g 9 ft 4 a 15 kip 30 kip 3 Xg g Yh 12 ft 4 c e h 12 ft 3 3 4 f 30 kip h b 4 2 Yg Fig. E2.7a Solution: First we determine the zero force members. Starting at joint c, we observe that Fcb ¼ 0. Then moving to joint b, it follows that Fbe ¼ 0. Fdb Fcb=0 b Fce c Fca Fbe =0 Fba Fcb=0 Fig. E2.7b Zero force members In this case, we do not need to first find the reactions. We can start at joint a. Fba = 50 30 Fac = 25 Fig. E2.7c Joint a a 40 15 30 2.2 Analysis of Planar Trusses X 79 Fy ¼ 0 Fba;y ¼ 30 ! Fba;x ¼ 40 ; Fba ¼ 50 kip (Tension) Given Fba, we determine Fac X Fx ¼ 0 Fac ¼ 25 kip (Compression) Next, we move to joint d and determine Fdf Fig. E2.7d Joint d d 30 80 40 40 Fdf X Fx ¼ 0 Fdf;x ¼ 40 ; Fdf;y ¼ 80 Fdb = 50 Fde pffiffiffi Fdf ¼ 40 5 kip (Tension) With Fdf known, we can determine Fde X Fy ¼ 0 Fde ¼ 110 kip ðCompressionÞ At joint e, we determine Fef and Feg . 110 Fbe = 0 Fef = 25 e 25 Feg = 110 Fig. E2.7e Joint e The last joint is joint f. We first determine Ffg,x X Fx ¼ 0 Ffg;x ¼ 15 ; Ffg;y ¼ 20 Ffg ¼ 25 kip ðCompressionÞ 80 2 Then P Statically Determinate Truss Structures Fy ¼ 0 Ffh ¼ 100 kip (Tension) Fdf = 40 √ 5 Fig. E2.7f Joint f 80 40 Fef = 25 f 25 20 Ffg 15 Ffh The final forces are listed below. Fig. E2.7g d +50 +89.44 b −110 +50 f −25 −25 +100 −25 h 0 0 e a c −25 30 kip −110 g 15 kip 100 kip 130 kip Example 2.8 Gable roof truss analyzed by the method of joints Given: The truss and loading defined by Fig. E2.8a. Determine: The member forces. 15 kip 2.2 Analysis of Planar Trusses 81 Fig. E2.8a 10 kN d 10 kN 10 kN 9m f b 10 kN 10 kN 9m h a c e 5 kN 5 kN 9m g 5 kN 9m 9m 9m Solution: Fig. E2.8a shows a typical truss structure for supporting roof (top joints) and ceiling (bottom joints) loads. Members cb and gf function to transfer loads to the top joints (b and f). Their force magnitudes are Fbc ¼ 5 kN (Tension) Fgf ¼ 5 kN (Tension) All the remaining joints have at least three unknown member forces and reactions. Therefore, we start the analysis by first finding the reactions. 10 10 d d 10 f b 10 Xa 1 1 c Ya 1 1 1 1 e 5 g 5 5 h Yh a 10 f b 10 10 1 1 a 10 10 α +5 c α α +5 e g 10 α h 32.5 32.5 5 5 5 Fig. E2.8b Reactions Given the reactions, we start at joint a. Force Fba must be compression and pffiffiffi Fba;y ¼ 22:5 # . Then, Fba;x ¼ 22:5 and Fba ¼ 22:5 2 kN ðCompressionÞ. It follows that, Fac is in tension and equal to 22.5 kN. 82 2 Statically Determinate Truss Structures Fig. E2.8c Joint a Fba 10 22.5 22.5 a Fac 32.5 We then move on to joint b. Members ab and bd are co-linear, and member be is normal to this common direction. Summing forces in the normal direction results in X Fn ¼ 0 pffiffiffi 2 kN ðCompressionÞ Fbe ¼ ð10 þ 5Þ cos a ¼ 15 2 Next, summing forces in the tangential direction leads to Fbd . X Ft ¼ 0 Fig. E2.8d Joint b pffiffiffi pffiffiffi Fbd ¼ 22:5 2 ð10 þ 5Þ cos a ¼ 15 2 kN (Compression) n 10 t Fbd b α Fba = 22.5 √2 5 Fbe The last force is Fde . We use joint d shown in Fig. E2.8e. Summing forces in the y direction leads to Fde ¼ 20 kN (tension) 2.2 Analysis of Planar Trusses 83 Fig. E2.8e Joint d 10 d 15 15 15 15 Fdb = 15 √2 Fdf = 15 √2 Fde The final forces are listed below. Fig. E2.8f -2 2 1. 1. -2 10 kN 2 10 kN 10 kN 6 0. 1. -3 -1 5 kN 8 2.2.5 +5 +22.5 +22.5 5 kN 32.5 kN 1. +22.5 6 0. +5 -3 -1 10 kN 8 +20 10 kN +22.5 5 kN 32.5 kN Method of Sections If one wants to determine only the force in a particular member, applying the method of joints might not be convenient since in general it involves first finding the force in other members. For example, consider the truss shown in Fig. 2.19a. Suppose the force in member ef is desired. One possible strategy is to first determine the reactions at joint a, then proceed to joints b, c, d, and lastly e where the Y component of Fef can be determined once Fed is known. Another possible strategy is to start at joint j, and then precede to joints i, h, g, and f. Either approach requires some preliminary computation that provides information on forces that may or may not be of interest. The method of sections is an analysis procedure that avoids this preliminary computation. One passes a cutting plane through the truss, isolates either the left or 84 2 d b a Statically Determinate Truss Structures f h h Y X c a e g P2 P1 i P3 j P4 1 b b d c a e P1 Ya f h g 1 P2 i P3 j P4 Yj 1 c b d Fdf f Fef Y h X a c Ya e P1 α Feg P2 1 Fig. 2.19 (a) An example of a truss. (b) Cutting vertical plane. (c) Truss segment for method of sections right segment, and applies the equilibrium equations for a rigid body to the segment. The choice of cutting plane is critical. It must cut the particular member whose force is desired, and other members that are concurrent. This restriction is necessary since there are only three equilibrium equations for planar loading, and therefore, one can only determine three unknowns. 2.2 Analysis of Planar Trusses 85 We illustrate this method for the truss defined in Fig. 2.19a. We start by determining the reaction at a. To determine Fef we use the vertical cutting plane 1-1 and consider the left segment shown in Fig. 2.19c. Summing forces in the Y direction leads to: X Fy ¼ 0 " þ Fef cosaa ¼ P1 þ P2 Ya (2.3) We point out here that the function of the diagonal members is to equilibrate the unbalanced vertical forces at the sections along the longitudinal axis. These forces are called “shear” forces. If the force in member df is desired, one can use the moment equilibrium condition with respect to joint e which is the point of concurrency for members ef and eg. X Mabout e ¼ 0 hFdf ¼ ‘P1 2‘Ya (2.4) Similarly, for member eg, we use moment equilibrium about joint f: X Mabout f ¼ 0 hFeg ¼ 3‘Ya 2‘P1 ‘P2 (2.5) For parallel chord trusses (top and bottom chords are parallel), the function of the chords is to equilibrate the unbalanced moments at the various sections. One chord force is compressive, the other force is tensile. For downward vertical loading, the top chord is generally in compression, and the bottom is in tension. The method of section is convenient in the sense that it allows one to easily identify the sense of a particular member force. Example 2.9 Application of the method of sections to a parallel chord truss Given: The structure and loading shown in Fig. E2.9a Determine: The force in members Fgd, Fgf, and Fdc. Use the method of sections. b c d 2.4 m Y X h a f 2 kN 3m Fig. E2.9a e g 3m 3 kN 4 kN 3m 3m 86 2 Statically Determinate Truss Structures Solution: We start by determining the reactions. ∑ Ma = 0 X FX ¼ 0 ! þ X ⇒ 2(3) + 4(6) + 3(9) –Ye (12) = 0 Ye = 4.75 kN ↑ Xa ¼ 0 FY ¼ 0 " þ Ya þ 4:75 2 4 3 ¼ 0 b a ) Ya ¼ 4:25 kN " c d h Xa = 0 g 2 kN Ya = 4.25 kN e f 4 kN Ye = 4.75 kN 3 kN Fig. E2.9b Then, we pass a vertical cutting plane through the panel between joints d and c and consider the left segment. Enforcing equilibrium leads to: 1 b c Fcd Fgd 2.4 m h a α Fgf g 4.25 kN 2 kN 3m Fig. E2.9c 4 kN 3m 1 2.2 Analysis of Planar Trusses 87 X Fy ¼ 0 Fgd;y ¼ 1:75 " Therefore Fgd;x ¼ 2:1875 Therefore Fgd ¼ 2:8 kN (Tension) X Matg ¼ 0 Fcd ð2:4Þ 2ð3Þ þ 4:25ð6Þ ¼ 0 Fcd ¼ 8:125 Therefore Fcd ¼ 8:125 kN ðCompressionÞ X Fx ¼ 0 Fgf 8:125 þ 2:1875 ¼ 0 Fgf ¼ þ5:9375 Therefore Fgf ¼ 5:9375 kN ðTensionÞ. b c 8.125 kN 2.8 kN a h 5.9375 kN g 4.75 kN 2 kN 4 kN Fig. E2.9d Example 2.10 The method of sections applied to a roof truss Given: The structure shown in Fig. E2.10a. Determine: The member forces Fdb, Fbe, and Fce. 14 kN 10 kN d 12 kN 2m b f 2m h a c 4m Fig. E2.10a e 4m g 4m 4m 88 2 Statically Determinate Truss Structures Solution: We determine the reactions first. 14 kN 12 kN 10 kN d 1 b 2 1 α a 2 f α h c e g 17.5 kN 18.5 kN Fig. E2.10b To determine the member forces Fdb, Fbe, and Fce, we use a vertical cutting plane. The appropriate segment is shown below. Various options are possible. We choose first to determine Fdb by summing moments about e. Then summing moments about b leads to Fce. Lastly we can find Fbe by summing either X or Y forces. 1 d Fbd 12 kN 2m b Y Fbe X a α c Fce 18.5 1 4m Fig. E2.10c 4m e 2m 2.2 Analysis of Planar Trusses 89 The calculations for this analysis procedure are listed below: 1. ∑ Me = 0 Fbd;x ¼ 25 2. ∑Mb = 0 4 Fbd,x + (18.5) 8 − (12) 4 = 0 F bd ;x Fbd ¼ cos a ¼ 27:95 kN (Compression) −2 Fce + (18.5) 4 = 0 Fce ¼ 37 kN (Tension) 3. P FY ¼ 0 " þ Fbe;y ¼ 6 Fbe;y 12 12:5 þ 18:5 ¼ 0 ) Fbe ¼ Fbe;y ¼ 13:41 kN (Compression) sin a Example 2.11 Analysis of K-type trusses with the method of sections Given: The truss defined in Fig. E2.11a. Determine: The member forces Fab, Fbe, Fed, and Fcd. 2 1 a b 2m e 2m c 10 kN d 1 5 @ 4 m =20 m Fig. E2.11a Solution: We determine reactions first. A vertical section such as ①—① cuts four unknown forces and does not lead to a solution. There are no vertical cutting planes that involve only three unknown forces. Therefore, one has to be more creative with the choice of planes. For this type of truss, plane ②—② is the appropriate choice. Isolating the left segment and summing moments about joint c results in Fab: ∑Mc = 0 4 Fab –10 (4) + 8(8) = 0 → Fab = −6 ∴ Fab = 6kN (Compression) 90 2 a Statically Determinate Truss Structures b α e 1 2 α c d 10 kN 8 kN 2 kN Fig. E2.11b a Fab e Y Fcd X c 8 10 Fig. E2.11c Then summing X forces, X Fx ¼ 0 Fcd ¼ Fab ¼ þ6 ;Fcd ¼ 6 kN (Tension) The diagonal forces Feb and Fed are found using section ①—①. Summing moments about joint d leads to Feb: ∑Md = 0 4 (Fab + Feb,x) -10(8) +8(12) = 0 Feb;x ¼ þ2 ; Feb ¼ 4(−6 + Feb,x) +16 = 0 Fed;x ¼ 2:24 kN (Tension) cos a 2.2 Analysis of Planar Trusses 91 Fab a Feb b α e Fed c 8 Fcd d 10 Fig. E2.11d We find Fed by summing x forces, and noting that the horizontal components of the chord forces must cancel. X Fx ¼ 0 Fed;x ¼ Fed;x a ; Fed ¼ 2:24 kN (Compression) −6 b 2.24 e −2.24 c 6 d 10 kN Fig. E2.11e If one wants all the member forces, one can apply multiple cutting planes or combinations of the method of joints and method of sections. How one proceeds is a matter of personal preference. Example 2.12 A hybrid analysis strategy Given: The truss defined in Fig. E2.12a Determine: All the member forces using a combination of the method of joints and the method of sections. 92 2 Statically Determinate Truss Structures Fig. E2.12a Solution: We note that the structure and loading are symmetrical with respect to a vertical axis through points c and g. It follows that the forces in symmetrically located members are equal and therefore we need to find the forces in only ½ of the structure. We start by determining the reactions. The member forces Fbc , Fhc , and Fhg can be determined by passing vertical cutting plane 1-1 and enforcing the equilibrium equations. Fig. E2.12b 2.2 Analysis of Planar Trusses 93 Considering the left segment and enforcing equilibrium leads to: Section 1-1: X Mat h ¼ 0 ðFbc cosgÞð6Þ þ 15ð8Þ ¼ 0 X pffiffiffi Fy ¼ 0 Fhc ¼ 4 2 kip (Tension) X Fx ¼ 0 Fhg ¼ 16 kip (Tension) pffiffiffi Fbc ¼ 10 5 kip (Compresion) We then enforce equilibrium at joints a and h. Equilibrium at joint a: Fab = 25 a α Fah = 20 15 X X Fy ¼ 0 Fab;y ¼ 15 # ; Fab ¼ 25 kip (Compression) Fx ¼ 0 Fah ¼ Fab;x ¼ 20 kip (Tension) Equilibrium at joint h: Fbh = 4 √2 16 20 h X Fy ¼ 0 Fbh ¼ Fch;y ¼ 4 kip (Compresion) The final member forces are listed below. 94 2 Statically Determinate Truss Structures 12 c 9 −22.36 −22.36 b −25 −4 d 0 +5.65 9 +5.65 −25 −4 a +20 h +16 +16 g 15 e f +20 15 Fig. E2.12c 2.2.6 Complex Trusses Complex trusses are defined as truss structures that cannot be classified as either simple or compound trusses. In order to determine the member forces, one has to establish the complete set of nodal force equilibrium equations expressed in terms of the member forces. If the truss is statically determinate, the number of equations will be equal to the number of force unknowns, and theoretically one can solve these equations for the force unknowns. However, if one cannot determine the member forces, the truss is said to be geometrically unstable. Static determinacy is a necessary but not sufficient condition for stability. In what follows, we expand on this point. Consider the planar truss shown in Fig. 2.20a. There are nine members, three reactions, and six nodes. Then, 2j ¼ 12 m þ r ¼ 9 þ 3 ¼ 12 and the truss is statically determinate. It also has a sufficient number of reactions to prevent rigid body motions. We use 3 of the 12 equilibrium equations to determine the reactions, leaving 9 equations available to solve for the 9 member forces. P P Fx ¼ 0 Mat1 ¼ 0 P Fy ¼ 0 R1x ¼ P P R5 ¼ " 2 P R1y ¼ # 2 2.2 Analysis of Planar Trusses 95 a h 2 3 2 3 2 P 4 9 1 h 4 1 8 h 2 7 5 6 5 6 h h b h 2 3 2 3 2 P 4 9 1 h 4 Rlx = P 8 1 h 2 Rly = P 2 7 5 6 5 R5 = 6 h Fig. 2.20 (a). (b) Reactions. (c). (d). (e). (f) member forces h P 2 96 2 c F2 2 P Statically Determinate Truss Structures F3 3 α α α F9 α α α F3 F2 F8 F7 F4 F1 Joint 3 Joint 2 Joint 4 F7 F4 F5 F6 F9 5 α 4 α -α 1 6 2 F5 α α 5 P 2 cosα=.89 sinα=.45 Joint 6 Joint 5 3 d 2 h 2 P h 3 1 4 1 h 2 4 9 8 5 7 6 5 6 h Fig. 2.20 (continued) h 2.2 Analysis of Planar Trusses e 97 F2 2 P 3 β α F9 F2 F3 β β β α F3 F7 F8 F4 Joint 4 F1 Joint 2 4 Joint 3 F7 F4 F6 2 β F5 5 1 α 6 cosα=.89 sinα=.45 Joint 6 f P 2 Joint 5 + 14.1 6m F1 = 20 kN –20 2 10 kN 4 – 22.4 + 20 – 11.2 1 3m 5 3 + 14.1 6m α α F5 2 1 cosβ = sinβ = .71 α -α 1 F9 F2 = 14.1 kN F3 = 14.1 kN +15 F4 = 15 kN 5 F6 = 22.4 kN F5 = 22.4 kN F7 = –20 kN 10 kN + 22.4 5 kN 6 6m Fig. 2.20 (continued) F8 = –11.2 kN + 22.4 F9 = –22.4 kN 5 kN 6m 98 2 Statically Determinate Truss Structures Enforcing equilibrium at joints 2–6 results in the following nine equations: P Fx ¼ 0 0:89F2 þ 0:894F9 ¼ P Joint 2 P Fy ¼ 0 F1 þ 0:45F2 0:45F9 ¼ 0 P Fx ¼ 0 0:89F2 0:89F3 ¼ 0 Joint 3 P Fy ¼ 0 0:45F2 þ 0:45F3 þ F7 ¼ 0 P Fx ¼ 0 0:89F3 þ 0:89F8 ¼ 0 Joint 4 P Fy ¼ 0 0:45F3 F4 0:45F8 ¼ 0 8P 0:89F5 þ 0:89F9 ¼ 0 < Fx ¼ 0 Joint 5 P P : Fy ¼ 0 F4 0:45F5 þ 0:45F9 ¼ 2 nX o Joint 6 Fx ¼ 00:89F5 0:89F6 ¼ 0 (2.6) We express (2.6) in matrix form BF ¼ P (2.7) where 8 9 F1 > > > > > > > > > F > > 2> > > > > > > > > F > > 3 > > > > > > > > > = < F4 > F ¼ F5 > > > > > F6 > > > > > > > > > > > > > F 7 > > > > > > > > > F8 > > > > ; : > F9 2 0 6 1 6 6 0 6 6 0 6 B¼6 6 0 6 0 6 6 0 6 4 0 0 0:89 0:45 0:89 0:45 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0:89 0:45 0:89 0:45 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 9 8 P1 > > > > > > > > > > 0 > > > > > > > > > > 0 > > > > > > > > > > > > 0 > > > > = < 0 P¼ > > > > > 0> > > > > > > > > 0 > > > > > > > > > > P > > > > > > > > > 2> > > ; : 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0:89 0:45 0:89 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0:89 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0:89 0:45 0 0 0 3 0:89 0:45 7 7 0 7 7 0 7 7 0 7 7 0 7 7 0:89 7 7 0:45 5 0 The coefficient matrix, B is singular (the determinate of B equals 0). Therefore, a unique solution for the unknown forces does not exist for an arbitrary nodal load. 2.2 Analysis of Planar Trusses 99 The truss is said to be geometrically unstable since the elements of B depend only on the geometric pattern. In order to eliminate the instability, one needs to change the geometry. We modify the truss by changing the vertical position of node 3 as shown in Fig. 2.20d. The individual nodal force systems are defined in Fig. 2.20e and the corresponding nodal force equilibrium equations are listed in (2.8). 8X < Fx ¼ 0 0:71F2 þ 0:89F9 ¼ P Joint 2 X : Fy ¼ 0 F1 þ 0:71F2 0:45F9 ¼ 0 8X < Fx ¼ 0 0:71F2 0:71F3 ¼ 0 Joint 3 X : Fy ¼ 0 0:71F2 þ 0:71F3 þ F7 ¼ 0 8X < Fx ¼ 0 0:71F3 þ 0:89F8 ¼ 0 Joint 4 X : Fy ¼ 0 0:71F3 F4 0:45F8 ¼ 0 8X > Fx ¼ 0 0:89F5 þ 0:89F9 ¼ 0 < Joint 5 X P > : Fy ¼ 0 F4 0:45F5 þ 0:45F9 ¼ 2 nX Joint 6 Fx ¼ 0 0:89F5 0:89F6 ¼ 0 (2.8) In this case, the coefficient matrix B is nonsingular (detB 6¼ 0), and it follows that the structure is geometrically stable: 2 0 6 1 6 6 0 6 6 0 6 B ¼6 6 0 6 0 6 6 0 6 4 0 0 0:71 0 0:71 0 0:71 0:71 0:71 0:71 0 0:71 0 0:71 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0:89 0 0:45 0 0:89 0:89 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0:89 0 0:45 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0:89 0:45 7 7 0 7 7 0 7 7 0 7 7 0 7 7 0:89 7 7 0:45 5 0 Solving (2.8) using a computer software system [30] leads to member forces listed below. 100 2 9 8 2P > > > > > > > > > > 1:41P > > > > > > > > > > 1:41P > > > > > > > > > > 1:5P > > = < 1 F ¼B P ¼ 2:24P > > > > > 2:24P > > > > > > > > > > > > 2P > > > > > > > > > > > 1:12P > > > > ; : 2:24P Statically Determinate Truss Structures 8 F1 > > > > > F2 > > > > > F3 > > > > > > < F4 ) F5 > > > F6 > > > > > > F7 > > > > > F8 > > : F9 ¼ 2P ¼ 1:41P ¼ 1:41P ¼ 1:5P ¼ 2:24P ¼ 2:24P ¼ 2P ¼ 1:12P ¼ 2:24P For P ¼ 10 kN and h ¼ 6 m, the member forces are listed in Fig. 2.20f. Assembling the nodal force equilibrium equations usually is a tedious operation, especially for three-dimensional space structures. The process can be automated by using matrix operations. We will describe one approach later in Sect. 2.6. 2.3 Computation of Deflections 2.3.1 Introduction The deflections of the joints are due to the change in length of the members that make up the truss. Each member is subjected to an axial force which produces, depending on the sense, either an extension or a contraction along the member. We call these movements “axial deformation.” The study of deflection involves two steps. Firstly, we determine the axial deformation due to the applied loading. This step involves introducing the material properties for the members. Secondly, we need to relate the deflections to the axial deformations. This step is purely geometric. In what follows, we develop procedures for determining the axial deformation due to an axial force, and the deflections resulting from a set of axial deformations. The latter procedure is carried out here using a manual computation scheme. A computer-based scheme is described in the next section. 2.3.2 Force–Deformation Relationship Consider the axially loaded member shown in Fig. 2.21. We suppose an axial force, F, is applied, and the member extends an amount e. Assuming the material is linear elastic, e is a linear function of F. We estimate the proportionality factor by first determining the stress, then the strain, and lastly the extension. We discussed this approach in Chap. 1. The steps are briefly reviewed here. 2.3 Computation of Deflections 101 Fig. 2.21 F L eforce 1. Stress s¼ F A where A is the cross-sectional area 2. Strain e¼ s F ¼ E AE where E is young’s modulus 3. Extension eforce ¼ Le ¼ FL AE where L is the member length The member may also experience an extension due to a temperature change or a fabrication error. Introducing these additional terms, the total extension is expressed as e ¼ eforce þ etemperature þ efabrication error (2.9) where eforce ¼ FL AE etemperature ¼ aDTL efabrication error ¼ e0 a is the coefficient of thermal expansion, DT is the temperature change, and e0 represents the fabrication error. The total extension, e, is the quantity that produces the displacement of the node. 102 2 a Statically Determinate Truss Structures b u Y,v P2 A B⬘ eBC P1 X,u v A B C B eAB C Fig. 2.22 Initial and deformed geometries. (a) Initial geometry. (b) Deformed configuration 2.3.3 Deformation–Displacement Relations Consider the planar truss structure shown in Fig. 2.22. Suppose the members experience deformation and one wants to determine the final position of node B. Our approach is based on first temporarily disconnecting the members at B, allowing the member deformations to occur, and then rotating the members such that they are reconnected. The movements of the nodes from the original configuration to the new configuration are defined as the displacements. These quantities are usually referred to a global reference frame having axes X and Y and corresponding displacement components u and v. For structural materials such as steel, the extensions are small in comparison to the original length. Then, the member rotations will also be small. Noting Fig. 2.22b, and the above assumptions, it follows that the displacements are related to the deformations by u eAB v eBC (2.10) The simplicity of this results is due to the fact that the structure’s geometry is simple (the members are orthogonal to the coordinate axes). We consider the single member AB defined in Fig. 2.23. Our strategy is to track the motion of the end B as it experiences an extension, e. The final length is (L + e) where e is the extension. We assume Dy is small and project the final length onto the original direction. This step provides a first order estimate for the extension in terms of the nodal displacements. e u cosy þ v siny (2.11) We consider next a two member planar truss shown in Fig. 2.24. Since the member orientations are arbitrary, the deformation–displacement relations will involve all the displacement components. 2.3 Computation of Deflections 103 B⬘ ≈ e L v q B u (L+e) Y Δq q A X Fig. 2.23 Extension displacement relationships v B Y (1) X A q1 u (2) q2 C Fig. 2.24 Geometry—two member truss Applying (2.11) to the above structure leads to e1 ¼ u cosy1 þ v siny1 e2 ¼ u cosy2 þ v siny2 (2.12) Given the member forces, one computes the extensions e1 and e2 and finally determines the displacements by solving (2.12). siny2 siny1 e2 siny1 cosy2 þ cosy1 siny2 siny1 cosy2 þ cosy1 siny2 cosy2 cosy1 v ¼ e1 þ e2 siny1 cosy2 þ cosy1 siny2 siny1 cosy2 þ cosy1 siny2 u ¼ e1 104 2 Statically Determinate Truss Structures Example 2.13 Calculation of displacements Given: The structure defined in Fig. E2.13a. Determine: The displacement components u and v at joint 2. E ¼ 29,000 ksi, h ¼ 10 ft. A ¼ 2 in.2 8 kip 4 kip 2 Y (1) X 60° 1 h (2) 30° 3 Fig. E2.13a Solution: We apply the equilibrium equation to joint 2 to determine the member forces. 8 kip 60 30 4 kip 2 F1 = 4.93 F2 = 7.46 Fig. E2.13b Then we determine member extensions. e1 ¼ F1 L1 ð4:93Þð11:547 12Þ ¼ 0:018 in: ¼ 2ð29; 000Þ A1 E e2 ¼ F2 L2 ð7:46Þð20 12Þ ¼ 0:02 in: ¼ 2ð29; 000Þ A2 E Evaluating the coefficients in (2.12) for this geometry leads to 0:5 u2 þ 0:866 v2 ¼ 0:018 0:866 u2 þ 0:5 v2 ¼ 0:02 2.3 Computation of Deflections 105 Solving for u2 and v2 , we obtain u2 ¼ þ0:008 in: or u2 ¼ 0:008 in: ! v2 ¼ 0:026 in: or v2 ¼ 0:026 in: # 2.3.4 Method of Virtual Forces The formulation described in the previous section is not convenient for manual computation, even for fairly simple trusses. However, there is an alternative procedure called the Virtual Force Method, which avoids the need to solve simultaneous equations. Engineers prefer this approach since it is based on executing a set of force equilibrium analyses, a task that they are more familiar with. The Method of Virtual Forces is a procedure for determining the deflection at a particular point in a structure given that the member forces are known. A general proof of the method can be found in [16]. We apply the method here for truss type structures. Later in the following chapters, we apply the procedure to beam and frame type structures. The method is restricted to static loading and geometrically linear behavior, i.e., where the displacements are small. This is not a serious restriction for civil structures such as building and bridges. Consider a typical truss shown in Fig. 2.25a. Suppose the deflection, dA , in a specified direction at point A is desired. One applies a virtual force, dPA , at A in the specified desired direction and computes the corresponding member forces, dF, and reactions, dR, using only the static equilibrium equations. Usually one takes dPA to be a unit load. Note that this virtual force system is “specialized” for the particular displacement that one is seeking. The displacement is determined using the following expression: dA dPA ¼ X e dF members X d dR (2.13) reactions where e is the total extension defined by (2.9), d is the support movement, and dR the corresponding reaction. When the supports are unyielding, d ¼ 0, and the statement simplifies to dA dPA ¼ X e dF (2.14) members Given the actual forces, one evaluates e with (2.9), then determines the product, e dF, and lastly sums over the members. Applying (2.13) is equivalent to solving the set of simultaneous equations relating the deformations and the displacements. The following example illustrates this point. 106 2 Statically Determinate Truss Structures P1 a P2 dA A Y B X C P3 δPA b A δRBx B C δRCy δRBy Fig. 2.25 (a) Desired deflection—Actual Force System F. (b) Virtual Force System dF Example 2.14 Computation of Deflection—Virtual Force Method Given: The plane truss shown in Fig. E2.14a. Assume A ¼ 1,300 mm2 and E ¼ 200 GPa. Determine: The horizontal displacement at c (uc ). 10 kN 10 kN 40 kN c b AE = constant l =3 m a d l =3 m Fig. E2.14a Geometry and loading 2.3 Computation of Deflections 107 Solution: Applying (2.14), the horizontal displacement at node c (uc ) is determined with X X Fl uC dP ¼ e dF ¼ dF AE 10 10 Fig. E2.14b Actual forces, F −40 40 b 2 0√ +4 −10 0 a 40 50 0 1 c 2 b δP =1 −1 +√ 0 −50 d 30 Fig. E2.14c Virtual forces, dF c a d 0 1 1 The actual and virtual forces are listed below. Using this data, and assuming AE is constant, the computation proceeds as follows: Member L F dF ab l –10 0 l 10 AE 0 bc l –40 0 l 40 AE 0 FL e ¼ AE 0 l 80 AE l 50 AE cd l –50 –1 da ac l 0 pffiffiffi 40 2 0 pffiffiffi 2 eforce dF ¼ pffiffiffi l ð80 2 þ 50Þ AE pffiffiffi l 2 uc ¼ X edF l 50 AE 0 pffiffiffi l 80 2 AE The plus sign indicates the deflection is in the direction of the unit load. For A ¼ 1,300 mm2, E ¼ 200 GPa, and l ¼ 3 m, the displacement is 108 2 uc ¼ Statically Determinate Truss Structures pffiffiffi 3ð103 Þ ð80 2 þ 50Þ ¼ 1:88 mm ! 1; 300ð200Þ We point out that the virtual force (dF) results identify which member deformations contribute to the corresponding deflection. In this case, only two member deformations contribute to the horizontal displacement. Example 2.15 Computation of Deflection—Virtual Force Method Given: The plane truss shown in Fig. E2.15a. Assume E ¼ 200 GPa. Determine: The value of A required to limit the vertical displacement at e (ve ) to be equal to 10 mm. b 10 kN e c 20 kN l =3 m AE = constant a d l =3 m l =3 m Fig. E2.15a Geometry and loading Solution: Following (2.14) the horizontal displacement at node c (uc ) is determined with ve dP ¼ X eforce dF ¼ X Fl AE dF The actual and virtual forces are listed below. 10 +30 30 0 √2 0 20 30 Fig. E2.15b Actual forces, F −10 −30 40 20 2 0√ −1 2.3 Computation of Deflections 109 δP =1 2 −1 +√ 0 −√ 2 +1 0 −1 1 2 Fig. E2.15c Virtual forces, dF Using this data, and assuming AE is constant, the following computations are carried out: Member L F dF ab bc cd l l l 0 0 –30 0 0 –1 da l –10 pffiffiffi 30 2 30 pffiffiffi 10 2 –1 pffiffiffi 2 1 pffiffiffi 2 ac ce ed pffiffiffi l 2 l pffiffiffi l 2 ve ¼ X eforce dF ¼ FL e ¼ AE 0 0 l 30 AE l 10 AE l 60 AE l 30 AE l 20 AE edF 0 0 l 30 AE l 10 AE pffiffiffi l 60 2 AE l 30 AE pffiffiffi l 20 2 AE pffiffiffi P l e dF¼ AE ð80 2 þ 70Þ pffiffiffi l ð80 2 þ 70Þ AE The plus sign indicates the deflection is in the direction of the unit load. For, E ¼ 200 GPa, and l ¼ 3,000 mm, the required area is Arequired ¼ pffiffiffi pffiffiffi l ð3; 000Þ ð80 2 þ 70Þ ¼ 275 mm2 ð80 2 þ 70Þ ¼ ve E 10ð200Þ Example 2.16 Computation of Deflection—Virtual Force Method Given: The plane truss shown in Fig. E2.16a. Member bc and cf also have fabrication error of +0.5 in. Determine: The vertical component of the displacement at joint g (vg ). Take A ¼ 2 in:2 and E ¼ 29,000 ksi for all the members. 110 2 Statically Determinate Truss Structures 12 kip c 9 kip 9 kip 6 ft b d 6 ft a e h g 8 ft f 12 ft 12 ft 8 ft Fig. E2.16a Solution: The actual and virtual forces are listed below. 12 kip c 9 kip −22.36 −22.36 b −25 0 5.65 −4 9 kip d 5.65 −4 −25 e a 20 h 16 15 kip Fig. E2.16b Actual forces, F g 16 f 20 15 kip 2.3 Computation of Deflections 111 c −.75 −.75 b +.166 −.83 +1 −.235 d −.235 +.166 −.83 g a +.67 +.83 h .5 e +.83 f +.67 δP = 1 .5 Fig. E2.16c Virtual forces, dF Member ab bc cd de ef fg gh ha bh cg df ch cf Lin. 120 161 161 120 96 144 144 96 72 144 72 203.6 203.6 L/A 60 80.5 80.5 60 48 72 72 48 36 72 36 101.8 101.8 F –25 –22.36 –22.36 –25 20 16 16 20 –4 0 –4 5.65 5.65 dFv –0.83 –0.75 –0.75 –0.83 0.67 0.83 0.83 0.67 0.166 1 0.166 –0.235 –0.235 dFv 1,245 1,350 1,350 1,245 643 960 960 643 –24 0 –24 –135.7 –135.7 PL A F dF ¼ 8; 077 L AF e0in. 0 +0.5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 +0.5 e0 dFv 0 –0.375 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 –1.1175 P e0 dFv ¼ 0:49 X L 8; 077 F dF ¼ ¼ þ0:278 in: ) vgload 0.28 in: # vgload ¼ eforce dF ¼ AE 29; 000 X vg fabrication error ¼ e0 dF ¼ 0:49 in: ) vg fabrication error ¼ 0:49 in: " X vg ðloadþfabricationÞ ¼ þ0:278 0:49 ¼ 0:21 in: ) vgðloadþfabricationÞ ¼ 0:21 in: " Example 2.17 Deflection of a gable truss Given: The plane truss shown in Fig. E2.17a. The truss has variable cross sections, such that A ¼ 6,500 mm2 for top chord members, A ¼ 3,900 mm2 for bottom chord members, A ¼ 1,300 mm2 for diagonal members, and A ¼ 650 mm2 for vertical members and E ¼ 200 GPa. Determine: The vertical displacement of node j (vj ) and the horizontal displacement of node g (ug ). 112 2 10 kN 10 kN 10 kN 0.2l 0.2l 0.2l 10 kN d c b Statically Determinate Truss Structures 10 kN e f a l l = 3m k j l = 3m i l = 3m l = 3m g h l = 3m l = 3m Fig. E2.17a Geometry and loading Solution: The actual and virtual forces are listed below. 10 10 10 −127.5 −102 −25.5 0 5 125 125 10 −76.5 −76.5 −26.9 −102 −26.9 20 100 5 100 10 −25.5 0 125 −127.5 125 25 25 Fig. E2.17b Actual forces F −2.55 +2.5 +2.5 +1 0 0 0 0 −2.55 −2.55 −2.55 +2.5 0.5 −2.55 0 0 +2.5 0 0 +2.5 −2.55 +2.5 0.5 dP = 1 Fig. E2.17c Virtual forces dFv 0 0 0 1 +1 0 0 +1 Fig. E2.17d Virtual forces dFu 0 0 +1 0 0 0 +1 0 0 0 +1 0 0 +1 dP = 1 2.3 Computation of Deflections 113 The computations are organized using the spread sheet format listed below. Note that the upper and lower chords and only the central member contribute to the central vertical deflection. And only the lower chord contributes to the horizontal support deflection. The plus sign indicates the deflection is in the direction of the unit load. Member ab bc cd de ef fg gh hi ij jk kl la bl ck dj ei fh bk cj ej fi L mm 3,059 3,059 3,059 3,059 3,059 3,059 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 600 1,200 1,800 1,200 600 3,059 3,231 3,231 3,059 A mm2 6,500 6,500 6,500 6,500 6,500 6,500 3,900 3,900 3,900 3,900 3,900 3,900 650 650 650 650 650 1,300 1,300 1,300 1,300 L/A 0.47 0.47 0.47 0.47 0.47 0.47 0.77 0.77 0.77 0.77 0.77 0.77 0.92 1.85 2.77 1.85 0.92 2.35 2.48 2.48 4.71 F kN –127.5 –102.0 –76.5 –76.5 –102.0 –127.5 125.0 125.0 100.0 100.0 125.0 125.0 0.0 5.0 20.0 5.0 0.0 –25.5 –26.9 –26.9 –25.5 dFu 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 dFv –2.55 –2.55 –2.55 –2.55 –2.55 –2.55 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 (L/A) FdFu 0 0 0 0 0 0 96.2 96.2 77 77 96.2 96.2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (L/A) FdFv 152.8 122.2 91.7 91.7 122.2 152.8 240.6 240.6 192.5 192.5 240.6 240.6 0 0 55.4 0 0 0 0 0 0 The remaining computations involve dividing by E. X L FdFu ¼ 538:8 kN/mm A X 1X L eforce dF ¼ FdFu ¼ 538:8=200 ¼ 2:69 mm ! ;ug ¼ E A X L FdFv ¼ 2; 136:2 kN/mm A X 1X L eforce dF ¼ ;vj ¼ FdFv ¼ 2; 136:2=200 ¼ 10:7 mm # E A We pointed out earlier that the distribution of member forces depends on the orientation of the diagonal members. We illustrate this behavior by reversing the diagonal pattern for the truss defined in Fig. E2.17a. The member forces corresponding to the same loading are listed in Fig. E2.17e. Suppose the vertical deflection at mid-span is desired. The corresponding virtual force system is shown in Fig. E2.17f. 114 2 Statically Determinate Truss Structures 10 10 10 −127.5 −127.5 −10 125 27 10 −102 −102 −15 29 100 0 75 29 −127.5 −15 27 75 10 −10 100 −127.5 125 Fig. E2.17e Diagonal pattern reversed—Actual forces F −2.55 0 0 0 +2.5 +2.5 −2.55 −2.55 −2.55 0 +1 +2.5 0 −2.55 0 +2.5 0 0 +2.5 −2.55 +2.5 dP = 1 Fig. E2.17f Diagonal pattern reversed—Virtual forces dF Member ab bc cd de ef fg gh hi ij jk kl la bl ck dj ei fh bk dk di fi L mm 3,059 3,059 3,059 3,059 3,059 3,059 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 600 1,200 1,800 1,200 600 3,059 3,498 3,498 3,059 A mm2 6,500 6,500 6,500 6,500 6,500 6,500 3,900 3,900 3,900 3,900 3,900 3,900 650 650 650 650 650 1,300 1,300 1,300 1,300 L/A 0.47 0.47 0.47 0.47 0.47 0.47 0.77 0.77 0.77 0.77 0.77 0.77 0.92 1.85 2.77 1.85 0.92 2.35 2.69 2.69 2.35 F kN –127.5 –127.5 –102 –102 –127.5 –127.5 125.0 100 75 75 100 125. –10 –15 0 –15 –10 27 29 29 27 dFv –2.55 –2.55 –2.55 –2.55 –2.55 2.55 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 (L/A)F dFv 153 153 122.2 122.2 153 153 240.6 192.5 144.4 144.4 192.5 240.6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2.3 Computation of Deflections 115 Using the data listed above, the mid-span deflection calculations are X L FdFv ¼ 2;011 kN=mm A ;vj ¼ X eforce dF ¼ 1X L FdFv ¼ 2;011=200 ¼ 10 mm # E A The examples presented to this point have been concerned with loads. Structures are also subjected to seasonal (and daily) temperature changes and it is of interest to determine the corresponding nodal displacements. A unique feature of statically determinate structures is their ability to accommodate temperature changes without experiencing member forces. When subjected to a temperature change, a statically determinate structure adjusts its geometry in such a way that there are no forces introduced in the members. From a design perspective, this behavior is very desirable since member forces, i.e. stresses, are due only to the loads. However, one may need to compute the deflected shape due to temperature change from some initial state. The effect of temperature change is to produce an additional extension in a truss member given by: etemperature ¼ aDT‘ where a is a material property, defined as the coefficient of thermal expansion, and DT is the temperature change from the initial state. Then, the form of the Principle of Virtual force specialized for only temperature and unyielding supports reduces to d dP ¼ X ðetemperature Þð dFÞ (2.15) The computational procedure is similar to the approach discussed earlier. We evaluate (aDT) ‘ for the members. Then, given a desired deflection, we apply the appropriate virtual loading and compute dF for the members. Lastly we evaluate the summation. The following example illustrates the details. This discussion applies only for statically determinate trusses. A temperature change introduces internal forces in statically indeterminate trusses. Analysis procedures for this case are discussed in Chaps. 9 and 10. Example 2.18 Computation of deflection due to temperature Given: The plane truss shown in Fig. E2.18a. 116 2 Statically Determinate Truss Structures b 8 ft d 8 ft c a 8 ft 8 ft Fig. E2.18a Determine: The vertical displacement at joint d due to temperature increase of DT ¼ 65 F for all members. A ¼ 2 in.2, E ¼ 29,000 ksi and a ¼ 6:5ð106 Þ= F Solution: The corresponding virtual force system is listed below. b −1.12 −1.12 2 d δP = 1 a .5 Fig. E2.18b Virtual forces dF .707 .707 c .5 2.4 Influence Lines Lin. 214.7 214.7 135.7 135.7 96 Member ab bc cd da bd vd ¼ 2.4 117 X e ¼ aDTL 0.091 0.091 0.057 0.057 0.041 dF –1.12 –1.12 0.707 0.707 2 e dF –0.102 –0.102 0.04 0.04 0.082 P e dF ¼ 0:042 etemperature dF ¼ ða DTL) dF¼ 0:042 ) vd ¼ 0:042 in: " Influence Lines Consider the plane bridge truss shown in Fig. 2.26a. To design a particular member, one needs to know the maximum force in the member due to the design loading. The dead loading generally acts over the entire structure, i.e., on all the nodes. For this loading component, one places all the dead load on the structure and carries out a single analysis for the member forces. The live loading, by definition, can act anywhere on the structure and therefore one needs to determine the location of the live loading that produces the maximum force in the member that is being designed. A systematic approach to locating the critical position of the live loading is based on first constructing an influence line for the member force. This construction involves a series of analyses, one for each possible location of live loading. The live load is usually taken as a single force, of unit magnitude, which is moved from node to node across the structure. The resulting influence line is a plot of the member force as a function of the location of the applied load. Figure 2.26b illustrates the possible nodal positions of a vertical load applying to the bottom chord, and the corresponding member forces. Given this data, one can construct an influence line for any of the member forces. The process described above assumes the loading is a concentrated load applied at the nodes. For bridge structures, the live loading is actually applied to the deck which transmits the load to the transverse beams, and finally to the nodes. The deck is usually simply supported on the transverse beams, so the complete deck-beam system is statically determinate and one can determine the reactions at the nodes using only the equations of statics. We illustrate this computation using the structure shown in Fig. 2.27a. We suppose a truck loading is passing over the span. Consider the position shown in Fig. 2.27b. The wheel loads act on the deck segments gf and fe. The live load vehicle analysis reduces to just applying loads to the nodes adjacent to the vehicle since the deck segments (gf and fe) are simply supported. Noting Fig. 2.27c the equivalent nodal loads are 118 2 a a b g f Statically Determinate Truss Structures c l h d l e l b a l 0.5 0.5 b √2 3 √2 4 l c √2 4 0 √2 4 4 0 1 h d 0.75 3 4 g f 0.75 e 0.25 0.25 1 4 1 −1 a − 2 2 −1 b √2 √2 2 2 0 0 c − √2 2 0 h d 0.5 1 2 g 0.5 f 0.5 e 1 2 1 a − 0.5 − 0.5 2 4 0 2 4 − 0.5 b − 2 4 0 c − 1 3 2 4 h d 0.25 1 4 g 0.25 f 0.75 e 0.75 1 Fig. 2.26 (a) Truss geometry. (b) Load positions and corresponding member forces 3 4 2.4 Influence Lines 119 a P1 P2 a b g f c l h d h l b e l a b g f l l c h d x c g e h P1 P2 f e transverse beam R1 deck segment l R2 R3 l Fig. 2.27 (a) Truss geometry. (b). (c) x R1 ¼ 1 P1 l x x h R2 ¼ P1 þ 2 P2 l l l x h þ 1 P1 R3 ¼ l l 120 2 Statically Determinate Truss Structures Note that the reactions are linear functions of x, the position coordinate for the truck. We define Fj as the force in member j. Applying separate unit loads at nodes g and f leads to Fj g and. Fj jf . Then, according to the equations listed above, the force due to a unit load at x is x x Fj x ¼ 1 Fj g þ Fj j f l l The most convenient way to present these results is to construct a plot of Fj vs. x where Fj is the force in member j due to a unit load at x, and x is taken to range over the nodes on the bottom chord. We need to apply these loads only at the nodes since the plot is linear between adjacent nodes. Plots of this type are called influence lines. Figure 2.28a shows the influence line for chord member ab. This visual representation is convenient since one can immediately identify the critical location of the load. For the chord member, ab, the maximum magnitude occurs when the load is applied at mid-span. Also, we note that the force is compression for all locations. Given an actual loading distribution, one evaluates the contribution of each load, and then sums the contributions. If the actual live load consisted of a uniform loading, then it follows that one would load the entire span. The maximum force due to the truck loading is determined by positioning the truck loads as indicated in Fig. 2.28b. In general, one positions the vehicle such that the maximum vehicle load acts on node f. The influence line for member fg is plotted in Fig. 2.28c. In this case, the member force is always tension. The function of the diagonal members is to transmit the vertical forces from node to node along the span. This action is called “shear.” The influence line for a diagonal is different than the influence lines for upper and lower chord members, in that it has both positive and negative values. Figure 2.28d shows the result for diagonal af. A load applied at node g generates compression, whereas loads at nodes f and e produce tension. Lastly, a symmetrically located diagonal with opposite orientation, such as cf vs. af has an influence line that is a rotated version of its corresponding member (see Fig. 2.28d vs. Fig. 2.28e). Because the influence lines for diagonals have both positive and negative values, one needs to consider two patterns of live load in order to establish the peak value of the member force. For member af, the extreme values are pffiffiffi Load at node f F ¼ 2p=2 ffiffiffi Load at node g F ¼ 2=4 For member cf, the extreme pffiffiffi values are Loads at node e F ¼ p ffiffiffi 2=4 Loads at node f F ¼ 2=2 If a uniform load is applied (see Fig. 2.28f), the peak force values for both members will be: pffiffiffi Fmax ¼ þ 2=2 a Fab 1.0 0.5 h g f e d −0.5 −1.0 b h Fab P1 h Fab P2 P1 P2 1.0 1.0 0.5 h g f e d 0.5 h −0.5 −0.5 −1.0 −1.0 g f P1 > P2 F ab c max e d P2 > P1 = P1+P2(1−0.5 h ) l F ab max = P2+P1(1−0.5 h ) l Ffg 1.0 h d g f e f e d Faf + 2 2 h − 2 4 g d Fig. 2.28 (a) Influence line for cord member ab. (b) Vehicle positioning for Fab jmax . (c) Influence line for chord member fg. (d) Influence line for diagonal member af. (e) Influence line for diagonal member cf. (f) Uniform unit load 122 2 Statically Determinate Truss Structures e Fcf + 2 2 e − 2 4 h g f f −2 a d −2 b √2 3 2 2 1 c √2 2 0 3 2 2 2 1 d h 1.5 1.5 g f 1.5 1 1 e 1.5 1 1.5 1.5 Fig. 2.28 (continued) As mentioned earlier, diagonal members function to transmit vertical loads to the end supports. We showed above that the sense of the diagonal force depends on the orientation of the member. The sense of the diagonal force is important since slender members behave differently under compression vs. tension. A slender member subjected to compressive load will fail by buckling rather than by yielding since the buckling load is considerably less than the yield force. Therefore, from a design perspective one should avoid using slender compression members. For truss type structures, this problem can be avoided by selecting an appropriate diagonal orientation pattern. As an example, consider the two diagonal patterns shown in Fig. 2.29a, b. The sense of the member forces due to a uniform live load is indicated by C (compression) and T (tension). Pattern (a) is more desirable since all the interior diagonals are in tension. However, some of the vertical members are in compression. Pattern (b) has alternating sense for the diagonals; the vertical hangers are all in tension. In general, for both truss types the top chord forces are compression and the bottom chord forces are tension. Figure 2.29c, d show similar results for inclined chord trusses. The designators “Pratt,” “Warren” and “Howe” refer to the individuals who invented these geometrical forms. 2.4 Influence Lines 123 C C T T a C P P b T T T 0 c P C C T T C T d C T 0 0 T T P P T C T C T C T C T P C T P C C C T P P C T T C T P C P C T T 0 P C T T C P P C T P T P P C T T C P C C C T P T P C C T T T T C 0 C T T C T C T T C C T 0 C T Fig. 2.29 Force pattern for various truss geometries. (a) Pratt Truss. (b) Warren truss. (c) Pratt Truss. (d) Howe Truss Example 2.19 Given: The structure and truck loading shown in Fig. E2.19a. 124 2 5m a 16 kN Statically Determinate Truss Structures b c 8 kN 8m h d g f 8m 8m e 8m 8m Fig. E2.19a Determine: The maximum force in members ab and fg due to the truck loading. Solution: We first determine the influence lines for a unit vertical force applied along the bottom nodes. Fab 1.0 0.5 h g f e d f e d −0.5 −1.0 Fig. E2.19b Influence line for member ab Ffg 1.0 h g Fig. E2.19c Influence line for member fg 2.4 Influence Lines 125 5m Fab 16 kN 8 kN 1.0 0.5 h g f e d e d −0.5 −.69 −1.0 −1 Fig. E2.19d 5m 16 kN Ffg 1.0 8 kN .75 h .59 g f Fig. E2.19e Then, we position the truck loading as indicated below Fabmax ¼ 16ð1Þ þ 8ð0:69Þ ¼ 21:52 ; Fabmax ¼ 21:52 kN Compresion Ffgmax ¼ 16ð0:75Þ þ 8ð0:59Þ ¼ þ16:72 ; Ffgmax ¼ 16:72 kN Tension 126 2 Statically Determinate Truss Structures Example 2.20 Live load analysis for a gable roof structure Given: The gable roof structure shown in Fig. E2.20a. P3 P2 P1 a d c P7 P6 P4 P8 P3 e P9 b 0.2 f 0.2 P10 0.2 g α 1 k j i h Fig. E2.20a Structural geometry and nodal loads Determine: 1. Tabulate all the member forces due to the individual unit nodal forces applied to the top chord. We refer to this type of table as a force influence table. 2. Use the force influence table to draw the influence line for member cd. 3. The force in member cd due to the wind load shown in Fig. E2.20b. 20 kN 30 kN 60 kN d 60 kN c α 30 kN a 40 kN 1m 40 kN e b 20 kN f 1m 1m α l = 5m k = 5m j = 5m i = 5m g h = 5m = 5m Fig. E2.20b Wind Solution: Part (i) The member forces due to the ten individual unit nodal loads are listed in Fig. E2.20c. Computer-based analysis software is usually used for this computation. 2.4 Influence Lines 127 −1.7 −4.2 .83 0 4.1 −0.85 −0.85 1 .5 −2.5 4.1 −0.9 .33 0 0 .83 1.7 −0.85 0 0 .83 −0.85 .83 .17 Case (1) 1 0 .67 3.3 0 −1.7 −1.7 −3.4 −3.4 0 3.3 −1.8 .7 −1.7 0 0 3.3 1.7 0 0 1.7 −1.7 1.7 Case (2) .33 1 −2.55 .5 0 2.5 −2.55 0 −2.55 −2.55 0 2.5 0 0 2.5 0 0 2.5 −2.55 0 0 2.5 −2.55 2.5 .5 Case (3) 1 −1.7 .33 0 1.7 −1.7 0 −1.7 −1.7 0 .7 −1.8 0 1.7 1.7 0 3.3 −3.4 0 0 3.3 −3.4 3.3 .67 Case (4) −0.85 .17 .83 0 −0.85 0 .83 −0.85 −0.85 0 .33 0 −.9 .83 Case (5) Fig. E2.20c Force results for different load positions 1.7 1 .5 −1.7 −2.5 4.1 −4.2 0 4.1 .83 128 2 .17 1 .83 −.18 −.51 .1 0 −.17 −.17 −.34 1 .83 −.17 .06 0 0 .33 −.17 0 0 .16 .16 .16 Case (6) .033 .34 .34 .66 .066 0 0 0 .66 .033 −.34 −.34 1 1 Statically Determinate Truss Structures −.36 −.34 .13 0 0 .66 0 .33 −.34 0 .33 .33 .066 Case (7) .51 1 0 0 .5 1 .51 .51 0 .5 −.51 0 0 0 .5 0 .5 −.51 0 .5 .5 .1 .1 Case (8) .34 .34 .34 −.13 .34 1 0 0 .66 0 .66 0 .36 .66 .066 1 0 .33 −.34 0 −.34 0 .33 .33 .066 Case (9) .17 .17 1 −.51 0 .17 0 0 .83 .033 .83 0 0 .83 .17 .34 −.06 .18 −.1 .51 .66 .16 1 0 .16 −.17 .033 Case (10) Fig. E2.20c (continued) The complete set of member force results are listed in the following Table. One uses this table in two ways. Firstly, scanning down a column shows the member which is most highly stressed by the loading acting at the position corresponding to the column. Scanning across a row identifies the loading which has the maximum contribution to the member force. 2.4 Influence Lines 129 Force Influence Table Member P1 ¼ 1 P2 ¼ 1 ab –4.2 –3.4 bc –1.7 –3.4 cd –0.85 –1.7 de –0.85 –1.7 ef –0.85 –1.7 fg –0.85 –1.7 gh 0.83 0.17 hi 0.83 0.17 ij 0.83 0.17 jk 1.7 3.3 kl 4.1 3.3 la 4.1 3.3 bl 0 0 ck 0.5 0 dj .33 0.7 ei 0 0 fh 0 0 bk –2.5 0 cj –0.9 –1.8 je 0 0 if 0 0 P3 ¼ 1 –2.55 –2.55 –2.55 –2.55 –2.55 –2.55 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 P4 ¼ 1 P5 ¼ 1 –1.7 –0.85 –1.7 –0.85 –1.7 –0.85 –1.7 –0.85 –3.4 –1.7 –3.4 –4.2 3.3 4.1 3.3 4.1 3.3 1.7 1.7 0.83 1.7 0.83 1.7 0.83 0 0 0 0.0 0.7 .33 0 .5 0 0 0 0 0 0 –1.8 –.9 0 –2.5 P6 ¼ 1 0.17 –0.34 –1.7 –1.7 –1.7 –1.7 0.16 0.16 0.16 0.33 0.83 0.83 0 0.1 0.06 0 0 –0.51 –0.18 0 0 P7 ¼ 1 0.34 0.34 –0.34 –0.34 –0.34 –0.34 0.33 0.33 0.33 0.66 0.66 0.66 0 0 0.13 0 0 0 –0.36 0 0 P8 ¼ 1 P9 ¼ 1 0.51 0.34 0.51 0.34 0.51 0.34 –0.51 0.34 –0.51 –0.34 –0.51 –.34 0.5 0.33 0.5 0.33 0.5 0.33 0.5 0.66 0.5 0.66 0.5 0.66 0 0 0 0 0 –0.13 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.36 0 0 P10 ¼ 1 0.17 0.17 0.17 0.17 0.34 –1.7 0.16 0.16 0.66 0.83 0.83 0.83 0 0 –0.06 –0.1 0 0 0 0.18 0.51 Part (ii) One can interpret the force influence table as representing the complete set of influence lines for the individual members. We use this data it to draw influence line for member cd. a b c d −.85 −1.7 e −1.7 −2.55 Fig. E2.20d Influence line for member cd—vertical load f −.85 g 130 2 Statically Determinate Truss Structures .51 .34 .17 a b c d −.17 e f g −.34 Fig. E2.20e Influence line for member cd—horizontal load Part (iii) Given an actual wind loading for the upper chord, one scales these force results according to the loading and then combines the scaled results to obtain the member force. P cos α P α P sin α Fig. E2.20f 58.8 58.8 29.4 5.88 a 11.76 α 11.76 9.8 9.8 d c 39.2 e b 1 Fig. E2.20g Wind loading 39.2 7.8 f k j i 7.8 h 19.6 3.9 g 2.4 Influence Lines 131 9.8 58.8 c 58.8 29.4 a d 39.2 39.2 e b α f 1 a k j c b 19.6 i d g h e f −.85 g −.85 −1.7 −1.7 −2.55 Fig. E2.20h 9.8 d 11.76 c e 7.8 11.76 b f 7.8 3.9 g 5.88 a α l k i j h .51 .34 .17 a b c d e f g −.17 −.34 Fig. E2.20i The corresponding force in member cd is determined as follows: Fcd ¼ 58:8ð0:85Þ þ 58:8ð1:7Þ þ 9:8ð2:55Þ 39:2ð1:7Þ 39:2ð0:85Þ þ 11:76ð0:17Þ þ 11:76ð0:34Þ þ 9:8ð0:51Þ þ 7:8ð0:34Þ þ 7:8ð0:17Þ ¼ 72 ; Fcd ¼ 72 kN Compresion 132 2 Statically Determinate Truss Structures 2.5 Analysis of Three-Dimensional Trusses 2.5.1 Introduction Most structural systems such as highway bridges and roof systems can be considered to be composed of a set of planar trusses. However, there are exceptions, such as towers and domed structures, which cannot be decomposed into planar components and consequently one needs to deal with three-dimensional combinations of members. These structural types are called space structures. The basic unit for a 3-D space truss is the tetrahedron, a geometrical object composed of 6 members that form 4 triangular faces. Figure 2.30 illustrates this object. We form a 3-D structure by attaching members to existing nodes. Each new node requires 3 members. Provided that the structure is suitably supported with respect to rigid body motion, the displacements that the structure experiences when loaded are due only to deformation of the members. Space truss structures are used for vertical structures such as towers, and longspan horizontal structures covering areas such as exhibition halls and covered stadiums. They usually are much more complex than simple plane trusses, and therefore more difficult to analyze. The equilibrium analysis for three-dimensional trusses is similar to that for planar structures except that now there are three force equilibrium equations per node instead of two equations. One can apply either the method of joint or the method of sections. Manual analysis techniques are difficult to apply for large-scale space structures, and one usually resorts to computer-based analysis procedures. Our immediate objectives in this section are to discuss how a space structure needs d c Z Y a X Fig. 2.30 Tetrahedron units for 3-D trusses b 2.5 Analysis of Three-Dimensional Trusses 133 Y X Z Fig. 2.31 Restraints for a 3-D rigid object to be restrained in order to prevent rigid body motion, and to illustrate some manual calculations using the methods of joints. We present a computer-based method in the next section. 2.5.2 Restraining Rigid Body Motion A rigid three-dimensional body requires six motion constraints to be fully constrained; three with respect to translation, and three with respect to rotation. We select an orthogonal reference frame having directions X, Y, and Z. Preventing translation is achieved by constraining motion in the X, Y, and Z directions as illustrated in Fig. 2.31. Even when suitably restrained against translation, the body can rotate and we need to provide additional constraints which eliminate rotation about the X, Y, and Z axes. To prevent rotation about an axis, say the X axis, one applies a translational constraint in a direction which does not pass through X. This rule is used to select three additional constraint directions, making a total of six restraints. If one introduces more than six restraints, the structure is said to be statically indeterminate with respect to the reactions. Various examples illustrating the selection of restraints are listed below (Fig.2.32). 134 2 a Statically Determinate Truss Structures b Y Y X X Z Z c d Y α X Z Fig. 2.32 Types of supports for space trusses. (a) Hinge joint. (b) Slotted roller. (c) Roller. (d) Rigid link Example 2.21 Various restraint schemes Given: The 3-D truss shown in Fig. E2.21a. Determine: Possible restraint schemes. d c Z Y b a X Fig. E2.21a 3-D truss 2.5 Analysis of Three-Dimensional Trusses 135 Solution: The preferred way of displaying 3-D objects is to work with projections on the X–Y and X–Z planes, referred to as the “plan” and “elevation” views. The projections corresponding to the object defined in Fig. E2.21a are shown in Fig. E2.21b. c d Z Y d b a a b c X X Elevation Plan Fig. E2.21b Plan and elevation views The choice of restraints is not unique. One can employ a 3-D hinge which provides full restraint against translation, or roller type supports which provide restraint against motion in a particular direction. Suppose we place a 3-D hinge at joint a. Then a is “fixed” with respect to translation in the X, Y, and Z directions. c Z Y d Ax d b a a Ay X b c Az X Fig. E2.21c 3-D hinge at a With these restraints, the body can still rotate about either line a-b or line a-c, or a line parallel to the Z axis through a. The first two modes are controlled with Z restraints applied at b and c. The third node is controlled with either an X or Y restraint applied at either b or c. Figure E2.21d shows the complete set of displacement restraints chosen. 136 2 Y Statically Determinate Truss Structures Z c d b d Ax a Ay c a By b Cz Az Bz X X Fig. E2.21d Complete set of restraints Other possible restraint schemes are shown in Fig. E2.21e–g. Our strategy is to first restrain translation and then deal with the rotation modes. Y c d Ax Z cx d b c a By a Az Cz b Bz X X Fig. E2.21e Alternative restraint scheme #1 cy Y d a Z cx c d b a By Az X Fig. E2.21f Alternative restraint scheme #2 c Cz b Bz X 2.5 Analysis of Three-Dimensional Trusses 137 cy Y d Ax Z cx c d b a a Az c Cz b Bz X X Fig. E2.21g Alternative restraint scheme #3 2.5.3 Static Determinacy The approach we followed in Sect. 2.2.1 for 2-D Plane trusses is also applicable for 3-D trusses. One just has to include the additional variables associated with shifting from two to three dimensions. Each member of a truss structure has a single force measure, the magnitude of the axial force. However, for 3-D trusses, there are three equilibrium equations per node instead of two for a plane truss. Defining m as the number of members, r as the number of reactions, and j as the number of nodes, it follows that the number of force unknowns and the number of force equilibrium equations available are Force Unknowns ¼ m + r Force Equilibrium Equations ¼ 3j The structure is statically determinate when m + r ¼ 3j. If m + r > 3j, there are more force unknowns than available equilibrium equations and the structure is designated as statically indeterminate. Lastly, if m + r < 3j, there are less force unknowns than required to withstand an arbitrary nodal loading, and the structure is unstable, i.e., it is incapable of supporting an arbitrarily small loading. 8 < <3J m þ r ¼ ¼ 3J : >3J 9 unstable = determinate ; indeterminate In addition to these criteria, the structure must be suitably restrained against rigid body motion. Example 2.22 A stable determinate structure Given: The structure defined in Fig. E2.22a, b. 138 2 Fig. E2.22 Plan and elevation views Statically Determinate Truss Structures Y Dy Cy c d e Ax b a X x-z plan view Z e b, c a, d Az , Dz Bz , Cz X x-z plan view Determine: The stability Solution: For the structure shown above, there are eight members, seven reactions, and five joints. Then m¼8 r¼7 m þ r 3j and the structure is initially stable. Example 2.23 An unstable structure Given: The truss defined in Fig. E2.23a Determine: The stability j¼5 2.5 Analysis of Three-Dimensional Trusses 139 Solution: The number of force unknowns is equal to the number of available force equilibrium equations but the structure has a fundamental flaw. The translation restraints in the X–Y plane are concurrent, i.e., they intersect at a common point, d0 , shown in Fig. E2.23b. As a result, the structure cannot resist rotation about a Z axis through d0 . c Y d a b X Fig. E2.23a x–y plan view Z d X a c d' b Fig. E2.23b x–z plan view 2.5.4 Method of Joints for 3-D Trusses Each member of a space truss is assumed to be pinned at its ends to nodes in such a way that there is no bending in the member, only an axial force whose direction coincides with the centroidal axis. The direction of the force is determined by the geometry of the member, so one needs only to determine the magnitude. We find these quantities using force equilibrium equations. Our overall strategy is to first determine the reactions with the global equilibrium conditions. Once the reactions are known, we range over the nodes and establish the nodal force equilibrium equations for each node. This process is similar to the method of joints for Planar Trusses except that now there are three equilibrium equations per node. The member forces are computed by solving the set of nodal force equilibrium equations. 140 2 Statically Determinate Truss Structures Z b F Fz az a lz ay Fy Y ax Fx lx X ly Fig. 2.33 Resolution of a force into its components Consider the force vector shown in Fig. 2.33. Since the force vector orientation coincides with the direction of the centroidal axis for member ab, the force components are related to the geometric projections of the member length. We resolve the force vector into X, Y, and Z components, and label the components as Fx, Fy, and Fz. Noting the commonality of directions, the force components are related to the force magnitude and geometric projections by Fx ‘x ¼ ¼ cos ax ¼ bx F ‘ab Fy ‘y ¼ ¼ cos ay ¼ by F ‘ab Fz ‘z ¼ ¼ cos az ¼ bz F ‘ab (2.16) The coefficients, bx , by , and bz , are called direction cosines. Given the coordinates of the nodes at each end (a, b), one determines the projection and length using lx ¼ xb xa ly ¼ yb ya lz ¼ zb za qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi l ¼ lx 2 þ ly 2 þ lz 2 (2.17) We are assuming the positive sense of the member is from node a toward node b. These relationships allow one to carry out the equilibrium analysis working initially with the components and then evaluate the force magnitude. 2.5 Analysis of Three-Dimensional Trusses F¼ 141 qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi F2x þ F2y þ F2z (2.18) We illustrate the analysis process with the following examples. There are many ways to carry out the analysis. Our approach here is based primarily on trying to avoid solving sets of simultaneous equations relating the force magnitudes. However, there are cases where this strategy is not possible. Example 2.24 Analysis of a tripod structure Given: The tripod structure shown in Fig. E2.24a, b. The supports at a, b, and c are fully restrained against translation with 3-D hinges. Determine: The force in each member. a Cy c Cx 8 ft 20 kip Y d 16 ft X b Bx a Ax By Ay 18 ft 12 ft x-y plan view b 10 kip d 20 kip Z 26 ft X a Az 18 ft c b Cz Bz 12 ft x-z plan view Fig. E2.24 Tripod geometry and supports 142 2 Statically Determinate Truss Structures Solution: There are three reactions per support, making a total of nine reaction unknowns. Adding the three unknown member forces, raises the total number of force unknowns to 12. Each joint has three force equilibrium equations and there are four joints, so the structure is statically determinate. The first step is to determine the direction cosines for the members. This data is listed in Table E2.1 below. Table E2.1 Member ad bd cd lx 18 –12 0 ly 16 16 –8 lz 26 26 26 l 35.4 32.8 27.2 bx 0.508 –0.366 0.000 by 0.452 0.488 –0.294 bz 0.734 0.793 0.956 We first determine the Z reaction at c by enforcing moment equilibrium about an X axis through a-b. 10ð16Þ Cz ð24Þ ¼ 0 Cz ¼ 6:67 kip " The reaction force at c is equal to the z component of the force in member cd. Therefore, Fcd;z ¼ Cz ¼ 6:67 Fac ¼ 6:67 ¼ 6:98 ðCompressionÞ :956 Fcd;x ¼ Cx ¼ 0 and Cy ¼ Fcd;y ¼ 2:052 kip # We determine the Y reaction at b by summing moments about the Z axis through a. 20ð16Þ þ 2:052ð18Þ ¼ 30 By By ¼ 11:90 kip " Then, 2.5 Analysis of Three-Dimensional Trusses 143 Fbd;y ¼ By ¼ 11:90 Fbd ¼ 11:9 ¼ 24:39 ðCompressionÞ :488 Bx ¼ Fbd;x ¼ 8:92 Fbd;z ¼ 0:793ð24:39Þ ¼ 19:33 Bz ¼ 19:33 " Lastly, we sum forces in the Z direction and determine the reaction at A. Bz þ Cz þ Az ¼ 10 Az ¼ 10 6:67 19:33 ¼ 16 Az ¼ 16 kip # Then Fad;z ¼ þ16 (Tension) and Fad ¼ 16 ¼ 21:8 (Tension) 0:734 Ax ¼ 0:508ð21:8Þ ¼ 11:07 kip Ay ¼ 0:452ð21:8Þ ¼ 9:85 kip # We were able to find the member forces working at any time with no more than a single unknown. A more direct but also more computationally intensive approach would be to work with joint d and generate the three force equilibrium equations expressed in terms of the magnitudes of the three member forces. In this approach, we use the direction cosine information listed in Table E2.1 and assume all the member forces are tension. The corresponding force equilibrium equations are P P P Fx ¼ 0 20 þ 0:366Fbd 0:508Fad ¼ 0 Fy ¼ 0 0:294Fcd 0:452Fad 0:488Fbd ¼ 0 Fz ¼ 0 10 þ 0:734Fad þ 0:798Fbd þ 0:956Fcd ¼ 0 144 2 Statically Determinate Truss Structures Example 2.25 Analysis of a tetrahedron Given: The tetrahedron structure defined in Fig. E2.25a, b. Determine: The member forces. a b Bx 8 ft Y 20 kip d 16 ft X a c Cx Ay 18 ft 12 ft x-y plan view b 10 kip d 20 kip Z 26 ft X a b Az Bz 18 ft c Cz 12 ft x-z plan view Fig. E2.25 Tetrahedron geometry and support Solution: There are six reactions (three Z forces, two X forces, and one Y force), six members, and four joints. The determinacy criteria, 3j ¼ m þ r ! 3ð4Þ ¼ 6 þ 6 is satisfied, so the structure is statically determinate. 2.5 Analysis of Three-Dimensional Trusses 145 Table E2.2 Member ab ac bc ad bd cd ly 24 0 24 16 8 16 lx 18 30 12 18 0 12 lz 0 0 0 26 26 26 l 30.0 30.0 26.8 25.4 27.2 32.8 bx 0.600 1.000 0.447 0.508 0.000 0.366 by 0.800 0.000 0.895 0.452 0.290 0.488 bz 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.734 0.960 0.793 We first determine the direction cosines for the members listed in Table E2.2. Next, we determine the Z reactions at a, b, and c. X Mx at a¼0 10ð16Þ ¼ 24Bz X Bz ¼ 6:67 " My at a ¼ 0 20ð26Þ þ 10ð18Þ ¼ 6:67ð18Þ þ 30Cz X Cz ¼ 19:33 " Fz ¼ 0 19:33 þ 6:67 þ Az ¼ 10 Az ¼ 16 ¼ 16 # The Y component at a is determined with: SFy ¼ 0 ∴ Ay ¼ 0 Then, we enforce SMz ¼ 0 with respect to a Z axis through a. 24Bx ¼ 20ð16Þ Bx ¼ 13:34 Lastly, we evaluate Cx X Fx ¼ 0 Cx þ Bx ¼ 20 Cx ¼ 6:66 With the reactions known, each of the joints involves only three unknowns, and we can start with any joint. It is most convenient to start with joint c and enforce Z equilibrium. X Fz ¼ 0 Fcd;z ¼ Cz ¼ 19:33 146 2 Statically Determinate Truss Structures Then Fcd ¼ 24:4 (Compression) We find Fcb by summing Y forces at C. X Fy ¼ 0 þ Fcb;y þ Fcd;y ¼ 0 Fcb;y ¼ 11:91 Fcb ¼ þ13:3 (Tension) Then, we find Fac by summing X forces at C. Fac þ Fcb;x þ Cx Fcd;x ¼ 0 Fac ¼ 3:69 (Compression) We move on to joint b. Summing Z forces yields Fbd X Fz ¼ 0 Bz þ Fbd;z ¼ 0 Fbd;z ¼ 6:67 Fbd ¼ 6:95 (Compression) Summing X (or Y) forces leads to Fab X Fx ¼ 0 Bx þ Fab;x Fcb;x ¼ 0 Fab;x ¼ 13:34 þ 5:94 ¼ 7:40 Fab ¼ 12:33 (Compression) The last step is to determine Fad by enforcing Z force equilibrium at a. X Fz ¼ 0 Fad;z þ Az ¼ 0 Fad;z ¼ 16 Fad ¼ þ21:8 (Tension) We could have solved this problem by establishing the three force equilibrium equations for joint d, and finding Fad, Fcd, Fbd. Once the reactions are known, 2.5 Analysis of Three-Dimensional Trusses 147 we could set up the equations for joints c and b, and solve for the member forces Fac, Fbc, and Fab. We follow a different approach to illustrate how one applies the method of joints in a selective manner to a 3-D space truss. Example 2.26 Displacement computation—3-D truss Given: The tripod structure defined in Fig. E2.26a, b. Determine: The displacements at joint d due to loading shown and temperature increase of DT = 55 F for all the members. Assume A = 2.0 in2, E = 29103ksi, and a = 6.6.106/ F. Solution: We apply the virtual loads dPx, dPy, and dPz, (see Fig. E2.26c, d) at joint d and determine the corresponding virtual member forces, dFu, dFv, and dFw. The individual displacement components due to loading are determined with: a c Y 20 kip d X 8 ft 16 ft a b 18 ft 12 ft x-y plan view b 10 kip 20 kip d Z 26 ft X a 18 ft x-z plan view Fig. E2.26 Tripod geometry and supports b c 12 ft 148 2 u dPx ¼ v dPy ¼ w dPz ¼ Statically Determinate Truss Structures X Fl dFu AE X F‘ AE dFv X F‘ dFw AE For temperature change, we use c c Y u , dPx d v , dPy X b a x-y plan view w , dPz d d Z X a c x-z plan view Fig. E2.26 (continued) b 2.5 Analysis of Three-Dimensional Trusses u dPx ¼ v dPy ¼ w dPz ¼ 149 X X X ða DTlÞ dFu ða DTlÞ dFv ða DTlÞ dFw The relevant data needed to evaluate these equations is listed below. We use the member forces determined in Example 2.24 and consider a temperature increase of 55 F. Note that we need to shift length units over to inches when computing F‘=AE. Member l (ft) A (in2) ad bd cd 35.4 32.8 27.2 2.0 2.0 2.0 F 21.77 –24.39 –6.98 For dP ¼ 1.0 dFu dFv 1.18 –1.09 0.00 0.59 0.82 –1.13 dFw F‘ AE 0.18 0.25 0.69 0.160 –0.165 –0.039 (in) alDT (in) 0.154 0.143 0.118 The displacements due to loads are u¼ X Fl dFu ¼ ð0:160Þð1:18Þ þ ð0:165Þð1:09Þ ¼ 0:37 in: AE X Fl dFv ¼ ð0:160Þð0:59Þ þ ð0:165Þð0:82Þ þ ð0:039Þð1:13Þ AE ¼ 0:0032 in: v¼ X Fl dFw ¼ ð0:160Þð0:18Þ þ ð0:165Þð0:25Þ þ ð0:039Þð0:69Þ AE ¼ 0:0394 in: w¼ A 55 F temperature increase produces the following displacements: u¼ v¼ X w¼ X ða DTlÞ dFu ¼ ð0:154Þð1:18Þ þ ð0:143Þð1:09Þ ¼ 0:026 in: ða DTlÞ dFv ¼ ð0:154Þð0:59Þ þ ð0:143Þð0:82Þ þ ð0:118Þð1:13Þ ¼ 0:075in: X ða DTlÞ dFw ¼ ð0:154Þð0:18Þ þ ð0:143Þð0:25Þ þ ð0:118Þð0:69Þ ¼ 0:145in: 150 2.6 2 Statically Determinate Truss Structures Matrix Formulation: Equilibrium Analysis of Statically Determinate 3-D Trusses Manual techniques are easy to apply for simple geometries, but become more difficult with increasing geometric complexity. The equilibrium analysis approaches described in the previous sections can be formulated as a sequence of matrix operations which can be readily automated for computer-based analysis. In what follows, we describe one approach for the equilibrium analysis of statically determinate 3-D trusses. We present a more general matrix formulation later in Chap. 12. 2.6.1 Notation A truss is an assembly of nodes that are interconnected with members. It is convenient to define the geometry with respect to a global Cartesian coordinate system, X Y Z, and number the nodes and members sequentially. Figure 2.34 illustrates this scheme. The structure has four nodes and six members. 4 2 1 6 Z 3 1 3 5 4 2 Y X Fig. 2.34 We assume a positive sense for each member and define the direction cosines consistent with the assumed sense. The positive and negative nodes for member n are denoted as nþ and n . Noting (2.16) and (2.17), the direction cosines for member n are determined using xnþ xn ¼ bnx ln ynþ yn ¼ bny ln znþ zn ¼ bnz ln (2.19) 2.6 Matrix Formulation: Equilibrium Analysis of Statically Determinate 3-D Trusses 151 Z n+ ln n− zn − Y xn− zn− yn − X xn− yn− Fig. 2.35 It is convenient to introduce matrix notation at this point (Fig. 2.35). We define the nodal coordinate matrix for node j as 8 9 > = < xj > xj ¼ y j > ; : > zj (2.20) and the direction cosine matrix for member n as bn . 9 8 > = < bnx > bn ¼ bny > > ; : bnz (2.21) With this notation, the matrix form of (2.19) is bn ¼ 1 ðxnþ xn Þ ln where ln 2 ¼ ðxnþ xn ÞT ðxnþ xn Þ (2.22) 152 2.6.2 2 Statically Determinate Truss Structures Member–Node Incidence The computation of the direction cosines can be automated using the topological data for the members and nodes. This data is represented in tabular form. One lists, for each member, the node numbers for the positive and negative ends of the member. It is commonly referred to as the member–node incidence table. The table corresponding to the structure defined in Fig. 2.34 is listed below. One loops over the members, extracts the nodal coordinates from the global coordinate vector, executes the operation defined by (2.22), and obtains the member direction cosine matrix, b. Member 1 2 3 4 5 6 2.6.3 Negative mode 1 3 1 1 2 2 Positive mode1 4 4 3 2 3 4 Force Equilibrium Equations The force vector for a member points in the positive direction of the member, i.e., from the negative end toward the positive end. Noting (2.16), the set of Cartesian components for member n are listed in the matrix, Pn , which is related to bn by 8 9 > = < Fx > Pn ¼ Fy ¼ Fn bn > ; : > Fz (2.23) The force components acting on the nodes at the ends of the member are equal to Pn . Figure 2.36 illustrates this distribution. We generate the set of force equilibrium equations for a node by summing the force matrices acting on the node. Consider node l. Let Pl be the external force matrix for node l. The matrix equation for node l involves the member force matrices for those members which are positive incident and negative incident on node l. Pl ¼ X nþ ¼l Fn bn þ X n ¼l Fn bn (2.24) This step is carried out for each node. Equation (2.24) requires i scalar equations where i ¼ 2 for a plane truss and i ¼ 3 for a space truss. We assemble the complete 2.6 Matrix Formulation: Equilibrium Analysis of Statically Determinate 3-D Trusses 153 n+ Pn− = − Pn = −Fn βn Pn− = − Pn = −Fn βn Fn Fn n− Fig. 2.36 set of equations in partitioned form, taking blocks of i rows. Assuming j nodes and m members, the equations are written as. P0 ¼ B0 F (2.25) where the dimensions of the global matrices are B0 ¼ ði times jÞ m; F ¼ m 1; P0 ¼ ði times jÞ 1 The algorithms for generating P0 and B0 are For member n ðn ¼ 1; 2; . . . ; mÞ þ bn in partitioned row nþ ; column n bn in partitioned row n; column n ) of B0 (2.26) For node lðl ¼ 1; 2; . . . ; jÞ External load Pl in partitioned row l of P0 These operations can be easily implemented using spread sheet software. The required size of the spread sheet is i times j rows and m + 1 columns, (m columns for the member forces and one column for the external nodal loads). Applying (2.26) to the structure shown in Fig. 2.34 and noting the incidence table leads to the following form of B0 . 154 2 Statically Determinate Truss Structures Certain joint loads correspond to the r reactions which are not initially known. We separate out the rows in B0 and P0 corresponding to the r reactions, resulting in (i times (j–r)) rows relating the m force unknowns. The reduced set of equations is expressed as (we drop the prime superscript on b and P to simplify the equation) P ¼ BF (2.27) When the structure is statically determinate, m ¼ i times (j – r), and since the coefficient matrix B is now square, one can solve for F. We used a similar approach when discussing complex planar trusses in Sect. 2.2. 2.6.4 Stability A structure is said to be said to be stable when a unique solution for the member forces exist for a given set of external loads. The relationship between the loading and the resulting member forces is defined by the linear matrix equation, (2.27). Noting Cramer’s rule [26], the stability requirement can be expressed as determinant ðBÞ 6¼ 0 (2.28) which is equivalent to requiring B to be nonsingular. Singularity can be due to an insufficient number or improper orientation of the restraints. It may also arise due to the geometrical pattern of the members. Complex trusses, such as the example discussed in Sect. 2.2, may exhibit this deficiency even though they appear to be stable. 2.6.5 Matrix Formulation: Computation of Displacements The manual process described in the previous section for computing displacements is not suited for large-scale structures. We faced a similar problem with the analysis of space trusses, and in that case, we resorted to a computer-based scheme. 2.6 Matrix Formulation: Equilibrium Analysis of Statically Determinate 3-D Trusses 155 We follow a similar strategy here. We utilize the matrix notation introduced earlier, and just have to define some additional terms related to deformation and nodal displacement. Noting (2.11), we see that e involves the direction cosines for the member, and the nodal displacements. Using the notation for the direction cosine matrix defined by (2.15) and also defining u as the nodal displacement matrix, b ¼ bx ; by ; bz u ¼ fu; v; wg (2.29) we express the extension e as a matrix product. e ¼ bT u (2.30) We generalize (2.30) for member n connected to nodes nþ and n en ¼ bTn ðunþ un Þ (2.31) Note that this matrix expression applies to both 2-D and 3-D structures. Following the strategy used to assemble the matrix force equilibrium equations, we assemble the complete set of deformation–displacement relations for the structure. They have the following form e ¼ ðB0 ÞT U0 (2.32) where U 0 ¼ u1 ; u2 ; . . . ; uj ; e ¼ fe 1 ; e 2 ; . . . ; e m g and B0 is defined by (2.20). Note that B0 is the matrix associated with the matrix force equilibrium equations (2.19). Some of the nodal displacements correspond to locations where constraints are applied and their magnitudes are known. When the structure is statically determinate, support movement introduces no deformation, and we can delete these terms from U0 . We also delete the corresponding rows of B0 . These operations lead to the modified equation e ¼ BT U (2.33) Note that the corresponding modified equilibrium equations have the form P ¼ B F. The duality between these equations is called the “Static-Geometric” analogy. Once F is known, one determines the extension of a member using e¼ L F þ eI AE 156 2 Statically Determinate Truss Structures where eI contains terms due to temperature and fabrication error. We express the set of deformations in matrix form e ¼ f FþeI (2.34) where f is a diagonal matrix containing the flexibility coefficients for the members, 2 6 f¼6 4 L AE 1 3 7 7 5 L AE 2 (2.35) L AE m Given P, one generates B and, solves for F, F ¼ B1 P (2.36) Then we compute e with (2.34) and lastly solve for U using. U ¼ ðB1 ÞT e (2.37) This approach can be represented as a series of computer operations. The major computational effort is in assembling and inverting B. The deflection computation requires minimal additional effort since one needs to compute B1 in order to determine the member forces. Using matrix notation, it is relatively straight forward to prove the validity of the Method of Virtual Forces. We apply a virtual force dP0 and find the corresponding virtual forces using the matrix equilibrium equations. dP0 ¼ B0 dF (2.38) Member forces which satisfy the force equilibrium equations are said to be statically permissible. Note that dP0 includes both the external nodal loads and the reactions. The extensions are related to the nodal displacements by (2.32) e ¼ ðB0 ÞT U0 (2.38a) where U0 contains both the nodal displacements and support movements. We multiply (2.38a) by dFT , h i T dFT e ¼ dFT ðB0 Þ U0 (2.38b) and note the identity, T T dFT ðB0 Þ ½B0 dF ðdP0 Þ T (2.39) 2.6 Matrix Formulation: Equilibrium Analysis of Statically Determinate 3-D Trusses 157 Then, (2.38b) takes the form dFT e ¼ ðdP0 ÞT U0 (2.40) Separating out the prescribed support displacements and reactions, and expanding the matrix products leads to the scalar equation X dF e ¼ X dP u þ X dR u (2.41) The final form follows when dP is specialized as a single force. Example 2.27 Planar complex truss Given: The planar structure shown in Fig. E2.27. Assume equal cross-sectional areas. Determine: (a) The displacements at the nodes. Take A ¼ 10 in.2 and E ¼ 29,000 ksi. (b) The value of A required to limiting the horizontal displacement to 1.5 in. 30 kip 3 2 15 ft 3 2 40 kip 9 4 20 ft 4 1 8 7 1 5 10 ft 6 5 6 22 ft 22 ft Fig. E2.27 Solution: This truss is a complex truss similar to example discussed in Sect. 2.2.5. One needs to solve the complete set of force equilibrium equations to find the member forces. Therefore, applying the Method of Virtual Forces is not computationally advantageous in this case, so we use a computer-based scheme. The computer method presented above is applicable for both planar and 3-D trusses. 158 2 Statically Determinate Truss Structures We just need to take i ¼ 2 for the planar case. The results for the nodal displacements are listed below. ( ( ( ( ( ( u1 ¼ 0 v1 ¼ 0 u2 ¼ 4:88 in: v2 ¼ 0:13 in: u3 ¼ 2:34 in: v3 ¼ 4:15 in: u4 ¼ 0:27 in: v4 ¼ 0:09 in: u5 ¼ 4:42 in: v5 ¼ 0 u6 ¼ 2:2 in: v6 ¼ 4:43 in: The area required to limit the horizontal displacement to 1.5 in. is Arequired ¼ ð10Þ 4:88 ¼ 32:53 in:2 1:5 The revised nodal displacements for A ¼ 32:53 in:2 will be ( ( ( ( ( ( u1 ¼ 0 v1 ¼ 0 u2 ¼ 1:5 in: v2 ¼ 0:04 in: u3 ¼ 0:72 in: v3 ¼ 1:27 in: u4 ¼ 0:08 in: v4 ¼ 0:03 in: u5 ¼ 1:36 in: v5 ¼ 0 u6 ¼ 0:68 in: v6 ¼ 1:36 in: 2.6 Matrix Formulation: Equilibrium Analysis of Statically Determinate 3-D Trusses 159 Example 2.28 Space truss Given: The space structure shown in Fig. E2.28. Assume equal cross-sectional areas. Take A ¼ 1,300 mm2 and E ¼ 200 GPa. Determine: The member forces, the reactions, and the nodal displacements. Use computer-based scheme. Solution: The joint displacements, the member forces, and the reactions are listed below. Joint displacements: 8 u1 ¼ 0 > > < Joint 1 v1 ¼ 4:9 mm > > : w1 ¼ 0 8 u2 ¼ 0 > > < Joint 2 v2 ¼ 3:5 mm > > : w2 ¼ 0 8 u3 ¼ 1:3 mm > > < Joint 3 v3 ¼ 0 > > : w3 ¼ 0 8 u4 ¼ 4:5 mm > > < Joint 4 v4 ¼ 8:9 mm > > : w4 ¼ 2:2 mm Member forces and reactions: 8 Fð1Þ > > > > > Fð2Þ > > > > <F ð3Þ > F > ð4Þ > > > > > F ð5Þ > > : Fð6Þ ¼ 37:47 kN ¼ 76:94 kN ¼ 38:66 kN ¼ 68:26 kN ¼ 128:27 kN ¼ 9:05 kN 8 > R1x ¼ 26:67 kN > > > > > R1z ¼ 50:37 kN > > > < R ¼ 66:67 kN 2x > R2z ¼ 123:33 kN > > > > > R3y ¼ 60:00 kN > > > : R ¼ 7:04 kN 3z 2 a R2x 2m Y 4 40 kN 4m 60 kN X R1x 1 3 R3y 5m 4m x-y plan view 80 kN b 4 40 kN Z 7m X 1 R1z 3 2 R2z R3z 5m 4m x-z plan view 4 c (6) (4) (5) Z 1 (2) X Y Fig. E2.28 (3) 3 2 (1) 2.7 Summary 161 2.7 Summary 2.7.1 Objectives of the Chapter • To develop a criteria for assessing the initial stability of truss type structures • To present methods for determining the axial forces in the members of statically determinate trusses • To present a matrix-based formulation for the analyses of arbitrary statically determinate trusses • To present methods for computing the displaced configuration of a truss • To introduce the concept of an influence line and illustrate its application to trusses 2.7.2 Key Facts and Concepts • The statical determinacy of a plane truss is determined by comparing the number of unknown forces vs. the number of available force equilibrium equations. • The forces in the members of a statically determinate truss are independent of the member properties such as area and material modulus and support movements. • The two force analysis procedures are the method of joints and the method of sections. The method of joints strategy proceeds from joint to joint, always working with a joint having a statically determinate force system. This approach generates all the member forces. The method of sections is designed to allow one to determine the force in a particular member. One passes a cutting plane through the structure, selects either segment, and applies the equilibrium conditions. This method requires less computation and generally is easier to apply. • Given the external loads, one can determine the internal member forces using force equilibrium equations when the truss is statically determinate. The displacements due to the loading can be computed manually using the method of virtual forces. To determine the displacement at a point A in a particular direction, da , one applies a virtual force dPa at point A in the same direction as the desired displacement and computes, using static equilibrium equations, the internal forces dF, and reactions, dR, due to dPa . The displacement is given by X da dPa ¼ members e dF X d dR reactions where d is the prescribed support movement and e is the elongation of the member due to force, temperature change, and initial fabrication error. e¼ L F þ ða DTÞL þ e0 AE 162 2 Statically Determinate Truss Structures This method is restricted to static loading and small displacements. It is also applicable for statically indeterminate trusses when the member forces are known. • The concept of influence lines is very useful for dealing with the live loading which can act anywhere on the structure. Given a particular member force and a particular type of live loading, usually a unit vertical loading, the influence line displays graphically the magnitude of the force for various locations of the load. By viewing the plot, one can immediately determine the position of the load that produces the peak magnitude of the member force. 2.8 Problems Classify each of the following plane trusses defined in Problems 2.1–2.4 as initially stable or unstable. If stable, then classify them as statically determinate or indeterminate. For indeterminate trusses, determine the degree of static indeterminacy. Problem 2.1 2.8 Problems Problem 2.2 Problem 2.3 163 164 2 Statically Determinate Truss Structures Problem 2.4 Determine all the member forces for the plane trusses defined in Problems 2.5–2.12 using the method of joints. Problem 2.5 c b d e 3m j i h f g a 12 kN 4m 10 kN 4m 10 kN 4m 12 kN 4m 4m Problem 2.6 b c d 8 ft a h f e g 1 1 10 kip 6 ft 12 kip 6 ft 6 kip 6 ft 6 ft 2.8 Problems 165 Problem 2.7 14 kip 10 kip 6 ft 8 kip c d b 8 ft e a g 20 ft f 8 ft 8 ft 20 ft Problem 2.8 14 kip 12 kip 12 kip 3 4 ft 6 ft 2 4 1 5 8 12 ft 7 8 ft 6 8 ft 12 ft 166 2 Statically Determinate Truss Structures Problem 2.9 50 kN c 30 kN 40 kN 2m b d 2m e a g h 3m f 4m 4m 3m Problem 2.10 6 kip c 8 kip 8 kip 6.4 ft d b 1.6 ft f 8 ft e a 8 ft 8 ft 2.8 Problems 167 Problem 2.11 a 2 120 kN 12 m 3 1 6 4 6m 5 12 m b 6m 6m 12 m 2 120 kN 10 m 3 1 6 4 6m 5 12 m 6m 6m 12 m Problem 2.12 1.43 kip 2.15 kip 4.30 kip 2.86 kip 8 ft c 1.43 kip d b 8 ft a e g 20 ft 2.15 kip f 12 ft 12 ft 20 ft 168 2 Statically Determinate Truss Structures Determine all the member forces for the plane trusses defined in Problems 2.13–2.18 using a combination of the method of joints and the method of sections. Problem 2.13 b c d 3m i j g 3m f h a 40 kN 3m 25 kN 3m e 30 kN 3m 3m Problem 2.14 12 ft 10 kip d e 6 kip 12 ft c 4 kip f 12 ft b g 12 ft h a 24 ft 8 kip 2.8 Problems 169 Problem 2.15 c b 1m 3m d f h a e g 36 kN 27 kN 18 kN 4m 4m 4m 4m Problem 2.16 d c e f g 6 ft b 6 ft p a r q o h s n t l k 8 kip 6 kip 4 kip j i m 4 kip 6 ft 6 kip 8 kip 10 kip 12 ft 6 ft 12 ft 12 ft 12 ft 6 ft 6 ft Problem 2.17 8 kip 10 kip e 10 kip f 6 kip 18 ft 4 kip c n 6 kip 4 kip g o b h a i m 9 ft k l 9 ft 12 ft 12 ft j 9 ft 9 ft 170 2 Statically Determinate Truss Structures Problem 2.18 30 kN 40 kN 60 kN d c 40 kN e 30 kN f g 3m b h 3m 20 kN i a l k j 12 m 9m 12 m 9m Problem 2.19 Use the principle of virtual forces to determine the horizontal and vertical displacement at joint b due to loading shown and temperature increase of DT ¼ 40 F for members ab and bc. Assume A ¼ 1.4 in.2, E ¼ 29,000 ksi and a ¼ 6:5ð106 Þ= F 6 kip b 4 kip 10 ft ΔT = 40⬚ ΔT = 40⬚ d 10 ft a c 15 ft 15 ft 2.8 Problems 171 Problem 2.20 For the plane truss shown, use the principle of virtual forces to determine the vertical displacement at joint b and the horizontal displacement at joint c. E ¼ 200 GPa. The areas of the members are as follow: Aab ¼ Abc ¼ Abe ¼ 1290 mm2 Abf ¼ Abd ¼ 645 mm2 Acd ¼ Ade ¼ 1935 mm2 Aaf ¼ Afe ¼ 2580 mm2 Problem 2.21 For the plane truss shown, use the principle of virtual forces to determine the vertical displacement at joint C. Assume A ¼ 2 in.2 and E ¼ 29,000 ksi. 172 2 Statically Determinate Truss Structures Problem 2.22 For the plane truss shown, use the principle of virtual forces to determine the vertical and horizontal displacement at joint d. 30 kN 22 kN b 45 kN d c 3m e a f 4m 4m A ¼ 1,300 mm2 E ¼ 200 GPa Problem 2.23 Use the principle of virtual forces to determine the horizontal and vertical displacement at joint b due to: (a) Loading shown. (b) Temperature increase of DT ¼ 16 C for members ab and bc. A ¼ 900 mm2 E ¼ 200 GPa a ¼ 12 106 = C 2.8 Problems 173 30 kN 20 kN b 4m d 4m a c 5m 5m Problem 2.24 Use the principal of virtual force method to determine the horizontal component of the displacement at joint d. Assume A ¼ 0:5 in:2 and E ¼ 29,000 ksi. (i) For the loading shown (ii) For a fabrication of error of –0.25 in. for members ac and df (iii) For the summation of loading of Case (i) and Case (ii) 7 kip 5 kip 10 kip b d c 9 ft e a f 12 ft 12 ft 174 2 Statically Determinate Truss Structures Problem 2.25 Use the principle of virtual forces method to determine the horizontal component of the displacement at joint b. Assume A ¼ 0:5 in:2 , E ¼ 30,000 ksi, a ¼ 6:5 106 = F (i) For the loading shown (ii) For a temperature increase of DT ¼ 60 F for all members (iii) For the summation of loading of Case (i) and Case (ii) b 10 kip 12 ft d a c 8 kip 12 ft 9 ft Problem 2.26 For the plane truss shown in Problem 2.10, use the principle of virtual forces to determine the vertical displacement at joint f. A ¼ 2 in.2 E ¼ 29,000 ksi Problem 2.27 For the plane truss shown below, determine the required cross-sectional area for the truss members to limit the vertical deflection at d to .56 in. Assume equal crosssectional areas. E ¼ 29,000 ksi. 2.8 Problems 3 kip 175 9 kip 7 kip c b 3 kip 7 kip e f 8 ft d h i a 36 ft 20 ft 36 ft g 8 ft 20 ft Problem 2.28 For the plane truss shown in Problem 2.12, use the principle of virtual forces to determine the vertical displacement at joint g. The areas are 4 in.2 for top chord members, 3 in.2 for bottom chord members, and 2 in.2 for other members. E ¼ 29,000 ksi. Problem 2.29 3 ft 3 ft 3 ft u v 15 ft 15 ft 15 ft 15 ft 15 ft 15 ft Suppose the top chord members in the truss defined above experience a temperature decrease of 60 F. Determine the resulting displacements, u and v. A ¼ 2 in.2, E ¼ 29,000 ksi and a ¼ 6:5 106 = F. Problem 2.30 Solve Problem 2.15 using computer software. Assume the cross-sectional areas are equal to A. (a) Demonstrate that the member forces are independent of A by generating solutions for different values of A. (b) Determine the value of A required to limit the vertical displacement to 50 mm. 176 2 Statically Determinate Truss Structures Problem 2.31 Consider the complex truss defined below in Figure (a). Use computer software to determine the member forces for the loading shown in Figure (a). (a) Assume equal areas (b) Take an arbitrary set of areas (c) Determine the member forces corresponding to the loading shown in Figure (b). Are the forces similar to the results of part (a). Discuss. 20 kip 3 20 ft 2 40 kip 4 20 ft 1 5 10 ft 6 20 ft 20 ft (a) 20 kip 3 20 ft 20 kip 2 4 20 ft 1 5 10 ft 20 ft 6 (b) 20 ft 20 kip 2.8 Problems 177 Problem 2.32 Solve Problem 2.11 using computer software. Assuming the cross-sectional areas are equal to A. Demonstrate that the member forces are independent of A by generating solution of different values of A. Problem 2.33 Consider the complex truss defined below. Assume equal areas. Use computer software to determine the member forces and joint displacements (limit the maximum joint displacement to 30 mm). E ¼ 200 GPa. 20 kN 3 6m 2 40 kN 4 6m 1 5 3m 6 6m 6m 178 2 Statically Determinate Truss Structures Problem 2.34 For the truss and the loading shown: P2 2m P1 2m 2m 1 P4 P3 3 3 2 19 13 12 12 4m 18 P6 4 5 2 1 P5 4 15 14 20 16 P7 5 6 21 6 17 11 11 10 10 4m 9 9 4m 4m 8 8 4m 7 7 4m (a) Tabulate all the member forces due to the individual unit vertical nodal forces applied to the top chord (force influence table). Use computer software. (b) Use the force influence table in part (a) to (i) Draw influence lines for members 15, 4, and 20. (ii) Calculate the member forces in members 3, 19, 10, and 14 for the following loading: P2 ¼ 10 kN, P4 ¼ 6, and P6 ¼ 8 kN. Problem 2.35 For the truss and the loading shown: a b c d e f g 6 ft n m P2 P1 10 ft k 10 ft 10 ft j P3 10 ft h i P4 P5 10 ft 10 ft (a) Tabulate all the member forces due to the individual unit vertical nodal forces applied to the bottom chord (force influence table). Use computer software. (b) Use the force influence table in part (a) to (i) Draw influence lines for members bc, cm, and ji. (ii) Calculate the member forces in members ke, de, kl, and ei for the loading P1 ¼ 8 kip, P3 ¼ 10 kip, and P4 ¼ 4 kip. Problem 2.36 The roof structure shown below consists of trusses spaced uniformly, 20 ft (6 m) on center, along the length of the building and tied together by purlins and x-bracing. The roofing materials are supported by the purlins which span between trusses at the truss joints. 179 20 ft (6 m) Problems 20 ft (6 m) 20 ft (6 m) 2.8 Purlin Purlin Purlin Truss Purlin Truss Purlin Truss Truss 80 ft (24 m) (a) Roof structural make-up wall wall (b) Elevation-typical truss 3 2 10 ft (3 m) 4 1 5 8 20 ft (6 m) 7 20 ft (6 m) 6 20 ft (6 m) 80 ft (24 m) (c) Truss geometry 20 ft (6 m) 10 ft (3 m) 180 2 Statically Determinate Truss Structures Consider the following loadings: Dead load: roof material, purlins, truss members, estimated at 15 psf (720 Pa) of roof surface Snow load: 20 psf (960 Pa) of horizontal projection of the roof surface Wind load: windward face 12 psf (575 Pa), leeward face 8 psf (385 Pa) normal to roof surface PD PD 80 ft (24 m) (d) Dead load Ps Ps 80 ft (24 m) (e) Snow load Pw2 Pw1 80 ft (24 m) wind direction (f) Wind load Determine the following quantities for the typical interior truss: (a) Compute the truss nodal loads associated with gravity, snow, and wind. (b) Use computer software to determine the member forces due to dead load, snow load, and wind. Tabulate the member force results. 2.8 Problems 181 Problem 2.37 Determine the member forces for the space truss shown. 10 kip a Y b 6 ft d 12 ft X c 12 ft 2 ft 8 ft X-Y Plan 20 kip d Z 18 ft X a b c 14 ft 8 ft X-Z Plan Problem 2.38 Determine the member forces for the space truss shown. 182 2 Y Statically Determinate Truss Structures b a d 1m 30 kN 4m c X 4m 1m 2m X-Y Plan 20 kN d 30 kN Z 6m a b c X 5m 2m X-Z Plan Problem 2.39 Determine the member forces for the space truss shown. 10 kip b a Y 6 ft d 12 ft X c 12 ft 2 ft X-Y Plan 8 ft 2.8 Problems 183 20 kip d Z 18 ft a b c X 14 ft 8 ft X-Z Plan Problem 2.40 Determine the member forces for the space truss shown. Y b c 40 kip e 60 kip X 32 ft d a 20 ft 20 ft X-Y Plan e Z 60 kip 24 ft X a,b d,c 40 ft X-Z Plan Problem 2.41 For the space truss shown in Problem 2.37, use the principle of virtual forces to determine the displacements u, v, and w at joint d. E ¼ 29,000 ksi and A ¼ 3.0 in.2 3 Statically Determinate Beams Overview Our focus in this chapter is on describing how beams behave under transverse loading, i.e., when the loading acts normal to the longitudinal axes. This problem is called the “beam bending” problem. The first step in the analysis of a statically determinate beam is the determination of the reactions. Given the reactions, one can establish the internal forces using equilibrium-based procedures. These forces generate deformations that cause the beam to displace. We discuss in detail the relationship between the internal forces and the corresponding displacements and describe two quantitative analysis procedures for establishing the displacements due to a particular loading. The last section of the chapter presents some basic analysis strategies employed in the design of beams such as influence lines and force envelopes. 3.1 Definition of a Prismatic Beam Beams are used extensively in structures, primarily in flooring systems for buildings and bridges. They belong to the line element category, i.e. their longitudinal dimension is large in comparison to their cross-sectional dimensions. Whereas truss members are loaded axially, beams are loaded normal to the longitudinal direction, and carry the loading by bending and twisting action. This mode is illustrated in Fig. 3.1. The transverse loading produces transverse deflection, which results in a nonuniform distribution of stress throughout the body. Most of the applications of beams in building structures involve straight beams with constant cross-section. We refer to this subgroup as prismatic beams. Figure 3.2 defines the geometrical parameters and notation used for prismatic beams. The longitudinal axis passes through the centroid of the cross-section, and the y, z axes are principal inertia directions. The relevant definition equations are J.J. Connor and S. Faraji, Fundamentals of Structural Engineering, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-3262-3_3, # Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2013 185 186 3 Statically Determinate Beams Fig. 3.1 Beam cross-sections and bending mode. (a) Simply supported beam. (b) Section A-A— Cross-section examples. Rectangular, T shape, I shape. (c) Bending mode ð ð ð ydA ¼ A zdA ¼ ð A Iz ¼ y2 dA ð yzdA ¼ 0 A (3.1) A Iy ¼ z2 dA A These conditions ensure that when the applied loads are in the x–y plane, points on the longitudinal axis will not displace in the z direction. Figure 3.3 illustrates this mode of behavior. For this type of loading, the longitudinal axis becomes a curve n(x) contained in the x–y plane. This type of behavior is called planar bending. There are cases where the line of action of the loading does not pass through the X-axis, such as illustrated in Fig. 3.4. The eccentricity produces a torsional moment about the Z-axis, and the cross-section will rotate as well as deflect. This behavior is called “combined bending and torsion.” A prismatic member acted upon by just a torsional moment will experience only torsional behavior, i.e., the cross-section will just twist. 3.1 Definition of a Prismatic Beam Fig. 3.2 Notations for prismatic beam Fig. 3.3 Planar bending mode 187 188 3 Statically Determinate Beams Fig. 3.4 Combined bending and torsion Mechanics of Solids texts deal with stresses and strains in beams. Our objective here is not to redevelop this material but rather to utilize it and formulate a structural theory for beams that will provide the basis for analyzing the behavior of structures composed of beam elements. Since structural theory is founded on Engineering Mechanics Theory, at least one subject dealing with Engineering Mechanics is usually required before studying Structural Theory. We assume that the reader has this level of exposure to Engineering Mechanics. 3.2 Stability and Determinacy of Beams: Planar Bending We presented the general concept of stability of a rigid body in Chap. 1 and used the general concept to develop stability criteria for truss-type structures in Chap. 2. In what follows, we examine the stability question for beam-type structures and develop similar criteria. For completeness, we first briefly review the basis for stability discussed in Chap. 1. Consider the rigid body shown in Fig. 3.5. Assume the body can move only in the x–y plane. There are three types of planar motion for a rigid body: translation in the x direction, uA , translation in the y direction, vA , and rotation about an axis normal to the x–y plane, oA . A body is said to be stable when rigid body motion is prevented. Therefore, it follows that one must provide three motion constraints to restrain motion in the X–Y plane. One needs to be careful in selecting the orientation of the three translation constraints. Consider Fig. 3.6, we first choose two directions, “a” and “b” in the X–Y plane. They intersect at point o. With these two constraints, the only possible rigid body motion is rotation about point o. If we take the third direction as “c,” this rotation is not prevented. Therefore, it follows that the three directions must be nonconcurrent as well as coplanar, i.e., they cannot intersect at a common point. This implies that they must not be parallel. Any other direction, such as “c0 ” is permissible. 3.2 Stability and Determinacy of Beams: Planar Bending 189 Β Α wA VA Y B A uA X Fig. 3.5 planar rigid body motions C Y o C' a b X Fig. 3.6 Concurrent displacement constraints When the loading is arbitrary, the body needs to be constrained against motion in any plane. This requires six constraints, three with respect to translation and three with respect to rotation about the X, Y, and Z direction. The strategy for selecting restraints is similar to the treatment of 3-D truss structures. We point out that for pure rotational loading, only one rotational restraint is required. Z Y X 190 3 Statically Determinate Beams Motion constraints produce reaction forces when the body is loaded. The nature of the reaction forces depends on the constraints. Various types of supports for beams subjected to planar bending are illustrated below. 3.2.1 Fixed Support: Planar Loading The beam is embedded at point A in such a way that the end is prevented from translating or rotating. We say the member is “fixed” at A. The reactions consist of two forces and one moment. 3.2.2 Hinged Support: Planar Loading Suppose A is to be fully restrained against translation. This can be achieved by pinning the member. Horizontal and vertical reactions are produced. 3.2 Stability and Determinacy of Beams: Planar Bending 3.2.3 191 Roller Support: Planar Loading Suppose A is to be restrained against motion perpendicular to the surface of contact. We add a restraint to A by inserting a device that allows motion parallel to the surface of contact but fully restrains motion in the direction perpendicular to the surface. We refer to this device as a roller. This restraint produces a reaction force perpendicular to the surface of contact. When the loading is three dimensional, additional restraints are required. The supports describe above needs to be modified to deal with these additional restraints. Typical schemes are shown below. 192 3 3.2.4 3-D Fixed Support 3.2.5 3-D Hinged Support 3.2.6 3-D Roller Support: Z Direction Statically Determinate Beams 3.2 Stability and Determinacy of Beams: Planar Bending 3.2.7 193 Static Determinacy: Planar Beam Systems In general, a body restrained with three nonconcurrent coplanar displacement constraints is stable for planar loading. When loading is applied, the only motion that occurs is due to deformation of the body resulting from the stresses introduced in the body by the loading. The motion restraints introduce reaction forces. Since there are three equations of force equilibrium for a body, and only three unknown forces, one can determine these force unknowns using only the force equilibrium equations. In this case, we say that the structure is stable and statically determinate. If a body is over restrained, i.e. if there are more than three nonconcurrent displacement restraints, we say that the structure is statically indeterminate. This terminology follows from the fact that now there are more than three force unknowns and consequently one cannot uniquely determine these unknowns with only the three available force equilibrium equations. Statically indeterminate structures require a more rigorous structural theory and therefore we postpone their treatment to part II of the text. In what follows, we present some examples of statically determinate and statically indeterminate planar beams. 3.2.8 Unstable Support Arrangements A B C The beam shown above has the proper number of constraints, but they are all vertical. There is no constraint against horizontal motion, and therefore the beam is unstable. A B The beam shown above is unstable. The roller support at B constrains motion in the horizontal direction but does not prevent rigid body motion about point A. 3.2.9 Beam with Multiple Supports There are three vertical restraints and one horizontal restraint. These restraints produce the four reaction forces shown below. 194 3 Statically Determinate Beams Fig. 3.7 Two-span beam One of the vertical restraints is redundant, i.e., is not needed for stability and therefore can be deleted. Deleting the support at B results in the structure shown below. A beam supported only at its ends in a minimal way is referred to as a simple supported beam. The beam depicted in Fig. 3.7 is called a two-span continuous beam. This beam is statically indeterminate to the first degree. We will show later that multi-span continuous beams are more structurally efficient than simply supported beams in the sense that they deflect less for a given design loading. 3.2.10 Beam with a Moment Release Suppose we cut the beam shown in Fig. 3.8 at point D and insert a frictionless hinge. We refer to the hinge as a moment release since the moment is zero. The hinge does not restrain rotation at D, and member DC is free to rotate about D. The beam is now statically determinate. The corresponding reaction forces are listed below on the free body diagrams (Fig. 3.9). 3.2 Stability and Determinacy of Beams: Planar Bending 195 Fig. 3.8 Beam with moment release Fig. 3.9 Free body diagram for beam with moment release Fig. 3.10 Three-span beam Fig. 3.11 Statically determinate versions of three-span beam with moment releases Member DC is statically determinate since there are only three reaction forces. Once the forces at D are known, the remaining reactions for member ABD can be determined. Therefore, it follows that inserting a hinge at D reduces the static indeterminacy by one degree. We consider next the three-span continuous beam shown in Fig. 3.10. This structure is indeterminate to the second degree since there are two extra vertical supports. One can reduce the structure to a statically determinate structure by inserting two moment releases. Various possibilities are listed in Fig. 3.11. The optimal location of moment releases is illustrated in Examples 3.33 and 3.34. 196 3.3 3 Statically Determinate Beams Reactions: Planar Loading When a structure is subjected to external loads, the displacement restraints develop reaction forces to resist the tendency for motion. If the structure is statically determinate, we can determine these forces using the three global force equilibrium equations for planar loading applied to a body. One selects a set of directions 1-1 and 2-2, where 2-2 is not parallel to 1-1. The steps are (i) Summation of forces in direction 1 1 ¼ 0 (ii) Summation of forces in direction 2 2 ¼ 0 where direction 2 2 is not parallel to direction 1 1 (3.2) (iii) Summation of moments about an arbitrary point; A ¼ 0 One constructs a free body diagram of the structure and applies these equations in such a way as to obtain a set of uncoupled equations, which can be easily solved. When a statically indeterminate structure has a sufficient number of releases to reduce it to being statically determinate, we proceed in a similar way except that now we need to consider more than one free body. In what follows, we present a series of examples that illustrate the computation of the reactions. Example 3.1 Beam with two over hangs Given: The beam shown in Fig. E3.1a. Determine: The reactions. Fig. E3.1a Solution: Summing moments about B leads to the vertical reaction at A. X MB ¼ 0 1 2 8 2 RA ð20Þ þ 10 þ ð1:2Þð8Þ ð8Þ 1:2 20 þ 8 ¼ 0 2 3 2 3 ; RA ¼ 4:3 " 3.3 Reactions: Planar Loading Summing the vertical forces, X FY ¼ 0 197 8 RB þ 4:3 1:2 ð2Þ ¼ 0 2 ; RB ¼ 5:3 " The reactions are listed below. Example 3.2 Simply supported beam Given: The beam shown in Fig. E3.2a. Determine: The reactions. Fig. E3.2a Solution: As a first step, we construct the free body diagram for the beam. The reaction at B is normal to the inclined surface. We resolve it into horizontal and vertical components using (Fig. E3.2b) RBy ¼ RB cosa RBx ¼ RB sina Summing moments about A leads to the vertical reaction at B. Fig. E3.2b 198 3 Statically Determinate Beams X MA ¼ 0 L wL LRBy ¼ 0 2 wL " ; RBy ¼ 2 Given RBy , we find the reaction RB RB ¼ RBy wL ¼ cos a 2 cos a The corresponding horizontal component is RBx ¼ RB sina¼ wL tan a 2 We determine the reactions at A using force summations. P P wL tan a ! 2 Fx ¼ 0 RAx ¼ RBx ¼ Fy ¼ 0"þ RAy þ RBy wL ¼ 0 RAy ¼ wL " 2 Suppose w ¼ 30 kN/m; a ¼ 30 and L ¼ 10 m. The reactions are listed below. Example 3.3 Two-span beam with a moment release Given: The beam shown in Fig. E3.3a. There is a moment release at D. Determine: The reactions. Fig. E3.3a 3.3 Reactions: Planar Loading 199 Solution: The most direct way of analyzing this structure is to first work with a free body diagram of beam segment DC. Applying the equilibrium conditions to this segment results in X wL " 4 X wL " FY ¼ 0 VD ¼ 4 X Fx ¼ 0 HD ¼ 0 MD ¼ 0 RC ¼ With the internal forces at D known, we can now proceed with the analysis of segment ABD. Summing moments about A leads to RB X MA ¼ 0 ð0:75LÞð1:5wLÞ þ ð1:5LÞð0:25wLÞ LRB ¼ 0 RB ¼ 1:5wL " Summing the vertical and horizontal forces, X X FY ¼ 0 RAy ¼ 1:75 wL RB ¼ 0:25 wL " Fx ¼ 0 RAx ¼ 0 200 3 Statically Determinate Beams The reactions are listed below. If the hinge was placed at point B, the structure would act as two simply supported beams, and the reactions would be as shown below. Example 3.4 Given: The beam shown in Fig. E3.4a. Determine: The reactions. Fig. E3.4a Solution: we construct the free body diagram for the beam. 3.3 Reactions: Planar Loading 201 We start with the free body diagram of beam segment AB. Then, with the internal force at B known, we precede with the analysis of segment BCDE. X X MB ¼ 0 RA ¼ 75 kN " FY ¼ 0 VB ¼ 75 kN Analysis of segment BCDE: X MC ¼ 0 RE ð6Þ þ 75ð4Þ 60ð2Þ þ P FY ¼ 0 " The reactions are listed below. 30 2 ð4Þ ¼ 0 2 RC ¼ þ325 RE ¼ 70 202 3 Statically Determinate Beams Example 3.5 Three-span beam with two moment releases Given: The beam shown in Fig. E3.5a. Determine: The reactions. Fig. E3.5a Solution: We first work with a free body diagram of beam segment EF. Then, with the internal forces at E and F known, we precede with the analysis of segment ABE and FCD. The reactions are listed below. 3.3 Reactions: Planar Loading 203 Example 3.6 Horizontal beam supporting a vertical sign Given: The structure defined in Fig. E3.6a. Member BED is rigidly attached to the beam, ABC. Member FG is simply supported on member BED. Assume member FG has some self-weight, W and is acted upon by a uniform horizontal wind load p. This structure is an idealization of a highway sign supported on a beam. Determine: The reactions. Fig. E3.6a Solution: We work with two free body diagrams, one for member FG and the other for the remaining part of the structure. Consider first member FG. Enforcing equilibrium leads to: VF ¼ W HF ¼ HG ¼ ph 4 Next, we apply these forces to the structure composed of member ABC and member BED. The free body diagram is shown below. 204 3 Statically Determinate Beams Summing moments about A leads to RC X MA ¼ 0 L ph ph ¼ ð2hÞ þ ð2:5hÞ þ RC L 2 4 4 W h ; RC ¼ ph 1:125 2 L W The horizontal and vertical reactions at A are ph 2 W h ¼ þ ph 1:125 2 L RAx ¼ RAy Note that the vertical reaction at C may become negative if ph is large with respect to W and h is of the order of L. 3.4 Internal Forces: Planar Loading We have shown that external loads produce reaction forces. The next question we need to address is: What is the effect of this combination of external loads and reaction forces on the body? We answer this question by examining the equilibrium of an arbitrary segment of the body. 3.4 Internal Forces: Planar Loading 205 a Y w A HA=0 B X wL wL 2 x 2 L b M(x) w M(x) w B A wL 2 V(x) wL 2 V(x) x L -x Fig. 3.12 (b) Internal shear and moment Consider the uniformly loaded, simply supported beam shown in Fig. 3.12a. We pass a cutting plane a distance x from the left end and consider either the left or right segment. The external loads create a force unbalance. To maintain equilibrium, a vertical force, V(x), and a moment, M(x), are required at the section. We refer to these quantities as the internal shear force and bending moment. The magnitudes of V(x) and M(x) for this section are wL þ wx 2 wL wx2 x MðxÞ ¼ 2 2 VðxÞ ¼ (3.3) We need to first define a sign convention for the positive directions of the internal force quantities. This notation is shown in Fig. 3.13 for a positive face, i.e., a face whose outward normal points in the + X direction. The shear force is positive when it points in the + Y direction, and the positive sense for moment is from X to Y. Depending on the external loading, there may also be an axial force. The positive sense for the axial force is taken as the + X direction. These directions are reversed for a negative face. This sign convention is also used in the matrix formulation of the beam bending problem which is the basis for computer-based analysis software. Historically, some authors use a sign convention for shear which is opposite to this choice. We prefer to employ the above convention since it is consistent with the output of 206 3 Statically Determinate Beams Y M V F M F X V positive face negative face Fig. 3.13 Sign convention for internal forces V(X) wL V 2 + wL X L/2 L 2 M(X) wL2 8 M X L/2 L Fig. 3.14 Shear and moment diagrams structural software systems and therefore allows the reader to transition easily from analytical to digital computation schemes. Figure 3.14 shows the variation of these quantities over the span. The shear varies linearly with maximum values at the supports. The moment varies parabolically, and the maximum value occurs at mid-span. These plots are called “shear” and “moment” diagrams. Positive moment is plotted on the top face in the USA. In the UK, positive moment is plotted on the bottom face. Again, it is a question of what convention one is most comfortable with. The maximum bending moment and shear force are used to determine the dimensions of the cross-section. The specific design procedure depends on the material selected, such as wood, steel, or concrete, and the design code adopted. 3.4 Internal Forces: Planar Loading 207 One constructs the internal force distributions by selecting various cutting planes, evaluating the corresponding values, and then extrapolating between the sections. With some experience, one can become very proficient at this operation. We illustrate the process with the following examples. Example 3.7 Cantilever beam with multiple concentrated loads Given: The cantilever beam with two concentrated loads shown in Fig. E3.7a. Determine: The shear and moment diagrams. Fig. E3.7a Solution: We first determine the reactions at A by enforcing the equilibrium equations. X Fy ¼ 0 RA 20 40 ¼ 0 ) RA ¼ 60 kN " X MA ¼ 0 MA 20ð3Þ 40ð6Þ ¼ 0 ) MA ¼ 300 kN m Then we pass a cutting plane between points A and B 0 x<3 VðxÞ ¼ 60 MðxÞ ¼ 300 þ 60x 208 3 Statically Determinate Beams Lastly, we cut between B and C. 3<x 6 VðxÞ ¼ 40 MðxÞ ¼ 300 þ 60x 20ðx 3Þ ¼ 40x 240 The distributions are plotted below. 3.4 Internal Forces: Planar Loading 209 There are some features that we want to point out. Firstly, a concentrated load produces a discontinuity in the form of a “jump” in the shear force, such as at points B and C. Secondly, when the loading consists only of concentrated loads, the shear diagram consists of segments having constant values, and the moment diagram is composed of a set of straight-line segments. We have demonstrated these features here. Later in the next section, we will establish a proof based on equilibrium considerations. A thought question: When would the moment diagram have a jump in the moment value? Hint: Consider Example 3.15. Example 3.8 Cantilever beam with uniform loading Given: The uniformly loaded cantilever beam shown in Fig. E3.8a. Determine: The shear and moment distributions. Fig. E3.8a Solution: We pass a cutting plane between points A and B. Then we can consider either segment shown below. The shear and moment required for equilibrium are 0xL VðxÞ ¼ wðL xÞ w MðxÞ ¼ ðL xÞ2 2 These functions are plotted below. Note that the maximum moment varies as L2 . 210 3 Statically Determinate Beams Example 3.9 Beam with an eccentric lateral load Given: The structure defined in Fig. E3.9a. Member BC is rigidly attached to member AB at B. Determine: The axial, shear, and moment diagrams. Fig. E3.9a Solution: Member BC is rigidly attached to the beam, AB, and has a horizontal load applied at its end. The effect of this force is to apply a bending moment at B, which causes beam AB to bend. Figure E3.9b illustrates the deflected shape. 3.4 Internal Forces: Planar Loading 211 Fig. E3.9b We determine the reactions first. The free body diagram is shown below. Moment summation about A leads to X MA ¼ 0 RB L þ Ph ¼ 0 ) h RB ¼ P L ) h RB ¼ P # L The reactions at A required for equilibrium are X X Fy ¼ 0 Fx ¼ 0 h RAy ¼ VB ¼ P L ) RAx ¼ P ! ) RAy ¼ h P" L Next, we pass a cutting plane at D, isolate the left segment, and enforce equilibrium. 212 3 Statically Determinate Beams The results are VðxÞ ¼ Ph=L MðxÞ ¼ ðPh=LÞx FðxÞ ¼ P The beam is subjected to combined compression and bending: The maximum moment is equal to Ph and occurs at B. This is the critical section for design. Plots of F, V, and M for member AB are shown below. 3.5 Differential Equations of Equilibrium: Planar Loading 3.5 213 Differential Equations of Equilibrium: Planar Loading The strategy described in the previous section was based on working with a free body diagram of a large segment of the beam and determining the shear and moment by applying the equilibrium equations. We generate the distributions of these quantities by selecting various free body diagrams. This approach is convenient when the loading is fairly simple, i.e., it consists of a combination of concentrated forces and uniformly distributed loadings. For complex distributed loadings expressed as analytic functions, one needs a more systematic approach for enforcing the equilibrium conditions. In what follows, we describe an approach based on applying the equilibrium conditions to a differential element of the beam, resulting in a set of differential equations relating the shear force and moment to the applied distributed loading. Consider the beam and the differential element shown in Fig. 3.15. We use the same sign convention for V and M as defined in Sect. 3.4. We take the positive sense of the distributed loading to be “downward” since these loadings are generally associated with gravity. Considering V and M to be functions of x, expanding these variables in terms of their differentials, and retaining up to first order terms results in the forces shown in Fig. 3.15b. w(x) a X b (M + (V− dM dx dV dx dx w dx ) (V+ dx 2 Y O dx 2 ) dx 2 (M− ) dx 2 dV dx X dM dx ) dx 2 dx 2 Fig. 3.15 Beam with arbitrary distributed loading. (a) Beam. (b) Differential beam element 214 3 Statically Determinate Beams Summing forces in the Y direction, dV dx dV dx V Vþ w dx ¼ 0 dx 2 dx 2 and combining terms leads to dV w dx ¼ 0 dx Lastly, since this equation must be satisfied for arbitrary dx, it follows that dV ¼w dx (3.4) In words, “the rate of change of the shear force is equal to the applied distributed loading.” Repeating this analysis for moment summation about point o, the steps are dM dx dM dx dV dx dx dV dx dx Mþ M þ V ¼0 þ Vþ dx 2 dx 2 dx 2 2 dx 2 2 + dM þ V dx ¼ 0 dx + dM þV ¼0 dx + dM ¼ V dx (3.5) Equation (3.5) states that “the rate of change of the bending moment is equal to minus the shear force.” These two relations are very useful for checking the consistency of the shear and moment diagrams. One can reason qualitatively about the shape of these diagrams using only information about the loading on a segment of the beam. For example, if w ¼ 0, the shear is constant and the moment varies linearly. If w ¼ constant, the shear varies linearly and the moment varies quadratically. One can establish a set of integral equations by integrating the derivative terms. Consider two points, x1 and x2, on the longitudinal X-axis. Integrating (3.4) and (3.5) between these points leads to V 2 V1 ¼ ð x2 w dx x1 (3.6) 3.5 Differential Equations of Equilibrium: Planar Loading 215 Y A distributed load w(x) V1 V2 = V1 + Adistributed load X1 X2 A X shear M1 M2 = M1 − A V(x) shear Fig. 3.16 Interpretation of shear and moment in terms of segmental loadings M2 M1 ¼ ð x2 V dx (3.7) x1 The first result can be interpreted as: “The difference in shear between two points is equal to the area of the distributed loading diagram included between these points.” The second result relates the change in moment to the area of the shear diagram. Figure 3.16 illustrates these interpretations. The integral forms are useful if one wants to either compute values at discrete points or determine analytical solutions. The differential forms are more convenient for qualitatively reasoning about the shape of the diagrams. We generally use both approaches to construct shear and moment diagrams. Another useful property that can be established from (3.5) relates to the maximum values of the moment. We know from calculus that extreme values of a continuous function are located at points where the first derivative is zero. Applying this theorem to the moment function, M(x), the location x*, of an extreme value (either maximum or minimum) of moment is found by solving: dM ¼0 (3.8) dx x¼x Noting (3.5), it follows that extreme values of moment occur at points where the shear force is zero. One first generates the shear diagrams from the applied loading. This process identifies the points of zero shear. If we are interested only in peak values of moment, we can select free body diagrams by passing cutting planes through these locations and apply the equilibrium conditions. This approach is the most direct procedure. 216 a 3 P Statically Determinate Beams b M M -face M +face V+face V- face Fig. 3.17 Jump conditions. (a) Shear. (b) Moment When the loading consists of concentrated forces, the shear diagram has a discontinuity at the point of application of each concentrated force. By considering the equilibrium of a differential element at the point (see Fig. 3.17), one can establish that the “jump” in shear is equal to the applied load. Similarly, the jump in moment is equal to the applied external moment, M. Vþface Vface ¼ P (3.9) Mþface Mface ¼ M (3.10) One applies (3.6) and (3.7) to generate solutions for the segments adjacent to the discontinuities and uses (3.9) and (3.10) to connect the solutions. In what follows, we illustrate the application of the differential/integral equation representation to generate shear and moment diagrams. This material overlaps slightly with the material presented in the previous section. Some repetition is useful for reinforcing basic concepts. Example 3.10 Cantilever beam—triangular loading Given: A cantilever beam with a triangular distributed loading (Fig. E3.10a). Determine: V(x) and M(x). wB A B x L Fig. E3.10a w(x) = wB x L 3.5 Differential Equations of Equilibrium: Planar Loading 217 Solution: First, we determine the reactions at A (Fig. E3.10b) P P FY ¼ 0 MA ¼ 0 wB L " 2 wB L2 MA ¼ 3 VA ¼ wB A 2 MA = wBL B 3 wBL VA = 2 x Fig. E3.10b Reactions Next, we determine the shear, V(x), with (3.5) (Fig. E3.10c). Integrating between points A and x x wB x wB x2 wB x2 VðxÞ VA ¼ wðxÞ dx ¼ dx ¼ ¼ 2L 0 2L 0 0 L ðx Noting that VA ¼ ðx wB L , the solution for V(x) reduces to 2 wB x2 VðxÞ ¼ L þ 2 L We determine the moment, M(x), with (3.6) wB x2 wB x3 L Lx MðxÞ MA ¼ VðxÞdx ¼ dx ¼ L 2 3L 0 0 2 ðx Noting that MA ¼ ðx wB L2 , one obtains 3 3 x Lx L2 MðxÞ ¼ wB þ 6L 2 3 218 3 x L w(x) = wB A 2 MA = wBL x3 Lx L2 M(x) = wB ( − 6L + 2 − 3 ) 3 VA = Statically Determinate Beams wBL 2 x V(x) = wB 2 ( −L + x ) L 2 Fig. E3.10c Internal shear and moment The shear and moment distribution are plotted below. Note that the peak values of shear and moment occur at x ¼ 0. Also note that the boundary conditions at B are VB ¼ MB ¼ 0 since this cross-section is free, i.e., unrestrained and unloaded. Example 3.11 Distributed and concentrated loads Given: The beam and loading defined in Fig. E3.11a. Determine: V(x) and M(x). 3.5 Differential Equations of Equilibrium: Planar Loading P a 219 L a w A C B Fig. E3.11a Solution: This example illustrates how to deal with a combination of distributed and concentrated loads. We separate the distributed and the concentrated loads and then superimpose the results (Fig. E3.11b). w P a A C A + L a C B wL 2 wL 2 x P(L–a) L P a Pa L x L a w A C B wL + P(L–a) 2 L x wL + Pa 2 L Fig. E3.11b Reactions We consider first the segment AB. Applying (3.6) and (3.7), and noting the boundary conditions at x ¼ 0, the distributions for 0 x<a are VðxÞ ¼ MðxÞ ¼ wL ðL aÞP þ wx 2 L wL PðL aÞ 1 xþ x wx2 2 L 2 220 3 Statically Determinate Beams The values of V and M just to the left of point B are VB ¼ MB ¼ wL PðL aÞ þ wa 2 L wL 1 PðL aÞ a wa2 þ a 2 2 L Applying (3.9) and (3.10) for the jump conditions at B, and noting signs, the quantities just to the right of B are VBþ ¼ P þ VB ¼ MBþ ¼ MB ¼ wL Pa þ wa 2 L wL 1 PðL aÞ a wa2 þ a 2 2 L Note that there is no jump in moment for this example. Applying (3.6) and (3.7), these expressions for a < x L expand to VðxÞ ¼ Pa wL þ wx L 2 MðxÞ ¼ Pa Pax wLx wx2 þ L 2 2 The approach we followed here is general and applies for all loadings. It is fairly straightforward to establish the expressions for the regions 0 x < a and a < x L. An easier way to obtain the shear and moment diagrams for this example would be to generate separate diagrams for the two types of loadings and then superimpose the results. The individual shear and moment diagrams are plotted below (Figs. E3.11c, d). 3.5 Differential Equations of Equilibrium: Planar Loading P a 221 L a w A C B wL + P(L–a) 2 L wL + Pa 2 L x wL 2 + – wL 2 L/2 L/2 V + + Pa L + – P(L–a) L a L–a Fig. E3.11c Shear diagrams P a L a w A C B wL + P(L–a) 2 L x wL + Pa 2 L wL2 8 + L/2 L/2 + M Pa (L–a) L + a Fig. E3.11d Moment diagrams L–a + 222 3 Statically Determinate Beams Suppose P ¼ 15 kip; a ¼ 12 ft; L ¼ 36 ft and w ¼ 1:2 kip/ft. The combined shear and moment diagrams are plotted below. Example 3.12 Uniform loading combined with end moments Given: A simply supported beam subjected to a uniform loading and bending moments at the ends. This is a typical case for a floor beam in a rigid building frame, i.e., where the beam–column connections apply moment to the ends of the beam (Fig. E3.12a). 3.5 Differential Equations of Equilibrium: Planar Loading 223 Fig. E3.12a Determine: The location and magnitude of the maximum moment. Solution: We consider separate loadings and then superimpose the results. The solution due to the end moment is (Fig. E3.12b) * MB M*A B A * + MB * MA * + M*B MA L L * M*A + MB V + + L * MA + M + – M*B Fig. E3.12b 224 3 Statically Determinate Beams The uniform loading provides the following distribution (Fig. E3.12c): w A B wL 2 wL 2 wL 2 V + + – wL 2 wL2 8 + M + Fig. E3.12c Combining these solutions leads to the analytical solution VðxÞ ¼ MðxÞ ¼ MA wL M þMB þ wx þ A 2 L MA þ MB wL wx2 x xþ 2 L 2 These functions are plotted below (Figs. E3.12d, e). 3.5 Differential Equations of Equilibrium: Planar Loading 225 V(x) V + ( wL M*A + M*B + ) 2 L + 0 (– – x L wL M*A + M*B ) + 2 L M*A + M*B –( L – ) 2 wL Fig. E3.12d M(x) M + M*A + Mmax L 0 x – ( * * L MA + M B – ) wL 2 M*B Fig. E3.12e The peak moment occurs where the shear is zero. Noting the plot of V(x), the shear is zero at xmax. xmax V¼0 + L MA þMB ¼ 2 wL The form of the solution suggests that we express the sum of the end moments as a MA þ MB ¼ wL2 2 where a is a dimensionless parameter. Substituting for this term, the equation simplifies to 226 3 Statically Determinate Beams L xmax ¼ ð1 aÞ 2 Lastly, we determine Mmax using this value for x. Mmax ¼ MA þ wL2 ð1 aÞ2 8 Given w and the end moments, one evaluates a, a¼ MA þMB wL2 2 and then Mmax. When a ¼ 1, the peak moment occurs at an end point and equals the applied end moment. The case where the end moments are equal in magnitude but opposite in sense is of considerable interest. One sets MA ¼ MB ¼ M , and it follows that a ¼ 0. The moment diagram is symmetrical with respect to the centerline. The peak negative values of moment occur at the end points; the peak positive moment occurs at the center point of the span (Fig. E3.12f). M* M* w A B wL 2 wL 2 L/2 L/2 wL 2 + V + – wL 2 M+max + M + – M* M+max = Fig. E3.12f wL2 8 – wL2 – * M 8 M* 3.5 Differential Equations of Equilibrium: Planar Loading 227 þ When there is no end restraint, M* ¼ 0. Then Mmax ¼ wL2 =8. The effect of end restraint is to reduce the positive moment and introduce a negative moment at the ends. This behavior is typical for rigid frames such as building frames subjected to gravity loading. We examine this behavior in more detail in Chap. 15. Example 3.13 Given: The beam shown in Fig. E3.13a 2 kip/ft 2 kip/ft B A C hinge 24 ft 24 ft Fig. E3.13a Determine: The reactions, shear, and bending moment distributions. Solution: We draw the free body diagram of beam segment AB. Applying the equilibrium conditions to this segment results in (Fig. E3.13b) P P MA ¼ 0 Fy ¼ 0 ð24Þ ð24Þ ¼0 2 3 ð24Þ þ8¼0 RA ð2Þ 2 VB ð24Þ ð2Þ VB ¼ 8 kip RA ¼ 16 kip 2 kip/ft A B VB = 8 RA = 16 24 ft Fig. E3.13b Segment AB With the internal force at B known, one can now proceed with the analysis of segment BC (Fig. E3.13c). P ð24Þ 8 þ RC ¼ 0 ) RC ¼ 32 kip " 2 P ð24Þ ð24Þ ¼ 0 ) MC ¼ 384 kip ft clockwise MC ¼ 0 MC þ 8ð24Þ þ ð2Þ 2 3 FY ¼ 0 ð2Þ 228 3 Statically Determinate Beams 2 kip/ft MC = 384 B C VB = 8 RC = 32 24 ft Fig. E3.13c Segment BC The peak moment occurs where the shear is zero. Segment AB: X ; Mmax 1 x1 x1 ¼ 0 ! x1 ¼ 13:85 ft 2 12 13:85 1 13:85 ¼ 8ð13:85Þ ð13:85Þ ¼ þ73:9 kip ft 12 2 3 Fy ¼ 0 8 Segment BC: P Fy ¼ 0 Vx2 ¼ 8 þ 12 x 2 x2 6¼ 0 12 ∴ Therefore, there is no peak moment between B and C. The shear and bending moment diagrams are listed below (Fig. E3.13d). 3.5 Differential Equations of Equilibrium: Planar Loading 229 2 kip/ft 2 kip/ft 384 kip ft B C A Reactions 16 kip 24 ft 32 kip 24 ft 32 kip 8 kip Shear + V + – 13.85 ft 16 kip 73.9 kip/ft Moment + M + – 384 kip ft Fig. E3.13d Example 3.14 Given: The beam shown in Fig. E3.14a 45 kN 60 kN 24 kN / m A B C F D 5m 3m 2m E 2m 2m Fig. E3.14a Determine: The reactions, and the shear and bending moment distributions. Solution: Applying the equilibrium conditions to the free body diagram of beam segment AB results in (Fig. E3.14b) 230 3 P P P Fx ¼ 0 Statically Determinate Beams RAX ¼ 0 5 2 VB ð5Þ ð24Þ ð5Þ ¼ 0 2 3 5 RAY þ 40 ð24Þ ¼0 2 MA ¼ 0 FY ¼ 0 VB ¼ 40 " RAY ¼ 20 " 24 kN / m A RAX = 0 B RAY = 20 VB = 40 5m Fig. E3.14b Segment AB With the internal force at B known, one can now proceed with the analysis of segment BCDEF (Fig. E3.14c). X X MF ¼ 0 RC ð6Þ 40ð9Þ 45ð4Þ 60ð2Þ ¼ 0 RC ¼ 110 " FY ¼ 0 RF þ 110 60 45 40 ¼ 0 RF ¼ 35 " 45 kN B 60 kN C F D VB = 40 E RF = 35 RC = 110 3m 2m 2m 2m Fig. E3.14c The last step invokes establishing the expressions for V and M. The peak moment occurs where the shear is zero. 3.5 Differential Equations of Equilibrium: Planar Loading 231 Segment AB: P Fy ¼ 0 20 12 24 5 x1 x1 ¼ 0 ! x1 ¼ 2:89 m 1 1 ; Mmax ¼ 20ð2:89Þ ð2:89Þð13:87Þ ð2:89Þ ¼ þ38:5 kN m 2 3 Next, we determine the remaining end moments and end shears for segments AB, BC, and CF using the equilibrium equations for the members. The reactions, shear, and bending moment distributions are listed below. Note that the moment distribution for segment AB is a cubic function (Fig. E3.14d). 232 3 Statically Determinate Beams 45 kN 60 kN 24 kN / m A B C F Reactions hinge D 110 kN 20 kN 5m 3m X1 = 2.89m Shear E 35 kN 2m 2m 2m 40 kN 35 kN 40 kN V + + + – – – 20 kN 25 kN 70 kN 70 kN - m 38.5 kN-m Moment M + 20 kN-m + + – 120 kN-m Fig. E3.14d Example 3.15 Given: The beam shown in Fig. E3.15a Determine: The reactions, and the shear and bending moment distributions. 10 k 2kip/ft 8 kip ft B A D C 12 ft 10 ft E 10 ft 12 ft Fig. E3.15a P Solution: We first determine the reaction at B using MA ¼ 0. We then compute the reaction at A by summing forces in the Y direction (Fig. E3.15b). 3.5 Differential Equations of Equilibrium: Planar Loading P P MA ¼ 0 FY ¼ 0 233 12 2 ð12Þ þ 8 þ 10ð32Þ ¼ 0 RB ð44Þ þ ð2Þ 2 3 12 RA 2 10 þ 9:64 ¼ 0 2 RB ¼ 9:64 " RA ¼ 12:36 " 10 k 2 kip ft 8 kip ft A B C D E RB = 9.64 RA = 12.36 12 ft 10 ft 10 ft 12 ft Fig. E3.15b Applying (3.7) to the different segments results in: Segment EB ð MB ME ¼ Vdx ¼ 9:64ð12Þ ¼ 115:68 E!B MB ¼ 0 ; ME ¼ 115:68 kip ft Segment DE ð ME MD ¼ Vdx ¼ ð0:36Þð10Þ ¼ 3:6 E!B ME ¼ 115:68 ; MD ¼ 112 kip ft Note that there is a jump in the shear at E. P Fy ¼ 0 VEface 9:64 þ 10 ¼ 0 VEface ¼ 0:36 Note that there is a jump in the bending moment at D. VEface ¼ 0:36 " kip 234 3 P M¼0 MDface þ 8 112 ¼ 0 Statically Determinate Beams MDface ¼ 104 kip ft Segment CD ð MD MC ¼ Vdx ¼ ð0:36Þð10Þ ¼ 3:6 E!B MD ¼ 104: ; MC ¼ 100:4 kip ft Segment AC P Fy ¼ 0 1 1 x1 x1 ¼ 0 12:36 2 6 ! x1 ¼ 12:18 ft x1 ¼ 12:18 ft>12 ft. Therefore, shear will not be zero between A and C. The reactions, shear, and bending moment distributions are listed below (Fig. E3.15c). 3.6 Displacement and Deformation of Slender Beams: Planar Loading 235 10 kip 2 kip /ft 8 kip /ft A B Reactions C D E 9.64 kip 12.36 kip 12 ft 10 ft 10 ft 12 ft 9.64 kip Shear + V + – – .36 kip – .36 kip 12.36 kip 115.68 kip ft 112 kip ft 100.4 kip ft M + Moment + 104 kip ft + + + Fig. E3.15c 3.6 Displacement and Deformation of Slender Beams: Planar Loading Figure 3.18 shows how a slender beam responds to a transverse planar loading. The geometric quantities that define the movement of the beam from its unloaded position due to an applied loading are defined as the displacements. Displacements are also referred to as deflections. Consider the segment of a homogeneous beam shown in Fig. 3.19. We take the X-axis to coincide with the initial position of the centroidal axis, and the Y-axis to be 90 counterclockwise from the X-axis. When the loading is applied in the X–Y plane, points on the centroidal axis move horizontally and vertically. We assume the cross-section, which is initially normal to the centroidal axis, remains normal to the curve connecting the displaced points. This is a standard assumption for beams known as “Kirchoff’s” hypothesis and implies that the cross-section rotates through the same angle as the tangent to the centroidal axis. Kirchoff’s hypothesis is valid for slender beams, i.e., beams having a depth to span ratio less than about 0.1. With this assumption, the independent geometric measures are the two displacement components, u(x) and n(x), which are functions of x for static loading. Given vðxÞ, we find the cross-sectional rotation, y(x), with the geometric relation, tany ¼ dv dx 236 3 a Statically Determinate Beams w b Fig. 3.18 Fig. 3.19 Definition of displacement components The next assumption that we introduce concerns the magnitude of y. We assume here that y2 is small in comparison to unity, which implies that the tangent is essentially equal to the angle in radians: tany y (3.11) Then the expression for y reduces to yþ dv dx (3.12) Deformations are dimensionless strain measures resulting from displacements. Consider the differential elements shown in Fig. 3.20. The initial rectangular shape is transformed to a quadrilateral shape with curved upper and lower edges. Adjacent cross-sections experience a relative rotation equal to ðdy=dxÞ dx, which causes line elements parallel to the centroidal axis to either elongate or contract. These changes in length produce extensional strains. A line element located y units above the centroidal axis experiences a strain e(y) equal to eðyÞ ¼ y dy dx (3.13) 3.6 Displacement and Deformation of Slender Beams: Planar Loading Fig. 3.20 Differential beam elements. (a) Initial. (b) Deformrd a 237 b c d y a b d´ c´ a´ b´ dx dx According to this model, the strain varies linearly over the cross-section and the peak strain values occur at the upper and lower surfaces; the centroidal axis is not strained. At this point, we introduce some standard notation for the derivative of the crosssection rotation angle, y. dy d2 v ðunits of radians=lengthÞ dx dx2 1 r ¼ radius of curvature ¼ ðunits of lengthÞ w w ¼ curvature (3.14) We prefer to work with the curvature and express the extensional strain as e ¼ yw (3.15) Given w, one can establish qualitatively the shape of the curve defining the displaced centroidal axis. An analytical solution for the displacement, v, can also be determined by integrating (3.14). We will illustrate both procedures in later sections. 3.6.1 Moment: Curvature Relationship We have demonstrated how to establish the bending moment distribution corresponding to a given loading. We have also showed how the displacement field can be generated once the curvature is known. To find the displacements due to a given loading, we need to relate the moment and the corresponding curvature along the centroidal axis. Given this relationship, it is a fairly straightforward process to move from prescribed loading to the resulting displacement. The positive sense of the bending moment on a positive cross-section is defined as counterclockwise. Then noting Fig. 3.21, the moment and normal stress are related by 238 3 Fig. 3.21 Definition of normal stress and moment Y Statically Determinate Beams y s M X ð M¼ ys dA (3.16) A We determine the stress using the stress–strain relation. In what follows, we assume the material behavior is linear elastic. The stress is a linear function of the strain in this case. s ¼ Ee ¼ yEw (3.17) where E is Young’s modulus for the material. Substituting for s in (3.16) leads to M ¼ EIw (3.18) Ð where I ¼ y2 dA. Given M and EI, one finds the curvature (w) with w¼ M EI (3.19) and then the displacement n by integrating d2 n M ¼w ¼ dx2 EI (3.20) The complete solution of (3.20) consists of a homogenous term and a particular term, n ¼ c 0 þ c 1 x þ np (3.21) where np is the particular solution corresponding to the function, M=EI, and c0, c1 are constants. Two boundary conditions on n are required to determine c0 and c1. 3.6.2 Qualitative Reasoning about Deflected Shapes Noting (3.18) and the fact that EI is always positive, it follows that the sense of curvature w is the same as the sense of M. The deflected shapes corresponding to positive and negative curvature are shown in Fig. 3.22. It is more convenient to 3.6 Displacement and Deformation of Slender Beams: Planar Loading a Y X b +χ positive curvature 239 –χ negative curvature Fig. 3.22 Deflected shapes for positive and negative curvature a X b +M Y –M negative moment positive moment Fig. 3.23 Deflected shape for positive and negative moments (– χ) χ=0 (+ χ) Fig. 3.24 Shape transition at an inflection point interpret these deflected shapes as the result of applying positive and negative moments. Figure 3.23 illustrates this interpretation. We divide the moment diagrams into positive and negative moment zones and identify,using Fig. 3.23, the appropriate shape for each zone. Points where the moment changes sign are called inflection points. The curvature is zero at an inflection point, which implies that the curve is locally straight. We deal with inflection points by adjusting the orientation of adjoint shapes such that their tangents coincide at the inflection point. Figure 3.24 illustrates this process. The last step involves enforcing the displacement boundary conditions associated with end conditions. Figure 3.25 shows four types of end conditions (full fixity, hinge, roller, and free) with their corresponding displacement measures that are constrained by these conditions. The deflected shape must pass through a support. If an end is fixed, the crosssection cannot rotate at that point. We need to orient the deflected shape such that the tangent coincides with the initial centroidal axis. In what follows, we present a series of examples which illustrate the process of developing qualitative estimates of deflected shapes given the bending moment distribution. 240 3 1. Fixed θ u = 0, Statically Determinate Beams dv dx θ u = 0, 2. Hinge u 3. Roller θ 4. Free Fig. 3.25 Types of end conditions—displacement measures Example 3.16 Deflected shape—uniformly loaded, simply supported beam Given: The uniformly loaded, simply supported beam shown in Fig. E3.16a. Determine: The deflected shape. w A B L Fig. E3.16a Solution: The moment is positive throughout the span so Fig. 3.23a applies. The displacement boundary conditions require vð0Þ ¼ vðLÞ ¼ 0 One starts at the left end, sketches a curve with increasing positive curvature up to mid-span and then reverses the process. The deflected shape is symmetrical with respect to mid-span since the moment diagrams and support locations are symetrical (Figs. E3.16b, c). 3.6 Displacement and Deformation of Slender Beams: Planar Loading Fig. E3.16b Moment diagram 241 wL2 8 + Fig. E3.16c Deflected shape v M + B A A B L/2 L/2 Example 3.17 Deflected shape—cantilever beam Given: The cantilever beam defined in Fig. E3.17a. Determine: The deflected shape. Fig. E3.17a P A B x L Solution: We note that the moment is negative throughout the span. Point A is fixed and therefore the tangent must be horizontal at this point. The displacement boundary conditions require vð0Þ ¼ yð0Þ ¼ 0 We start at point A and sketch a curve with decreasing negative curvature up to x ¼ L (Figs. E3.17b, c). A B – Fig. E3.17b Moment diagram PL M + 242 3 Statically Determinate Beams v Fig. E3.17c Deflected shape B A – Example 3.18 Deflected shape of a beam with an overhang Given: The beam with overhang shown in Fig. E3.18a. Determine: The deflected shape. w Fig. E3.18a A C B L L/2 Solution: We note that Fig. E3.18b shows that the moment diagram has both positive and negative regions with an inflection point at x ¼ 0.75L. Therefore, it follows that the left segment has positive curvature and the right segment has negative curvature. We need to join these shapes such that the tangent is continuous at point D and the deflections are zero at points A and B (Fig. E3.18c). .56 wL2 8 D B C A .75L wL2 8 Fig. E3.18b Moment diagram v D A B .75L Fig. E3.18c Deflected shape Example 3.19 Deflected shape—beam with a moment release Given: The beam shown in Fig. E3.19a. Determine: The deflected shape. C M + 3.6 Displacement and Deformation of Slender Beams: Planar Loading 243 Fig. E3.19a P .25L C B A D hinge L .5L .5L Solution: Member CD is connected to member ABC with a hinge at point C. A hinge is a physical artifact that allows the members connected to it to rotate freely, i.e., no moment is introduced. A hinge point is different from an inflection point. Although the moment is zero for both hinge and inflection points, the crosssectional rotation is discontinuous at a hinge, whereas it is continuous at an inflection point. This feature is illustrated in the displacement sketch shown below. The left segment (ABC) has negative curvature. The right segment (CD) has positive curvature (Figs. E3.19b, c). Fig. E3.19b Moment diagram Fig. E3.19c Deflected shape 3.6.3 Moment Area Theorems The starting point for quantitative analysis is the set of differential equations relating the moment, the cross-sectional rotation, and the deflection. dy MðxÞ ¼ dx EI dn ¼ yðxÞ dx (3.22) Given MðxÞ=EI, we integrate dy=dx between two points x1 and x2 on the x-axis and write the result as ð x2 MðxÞ dx (3.23) yðx2 Þ yðx1 Þ ¼ x1 EI 244 3 Statically Determinate Beams We interpret (3.23) as “The difference in rotation between 2 points is equal to the area of the M/EI diagram included between these points.” This statement is referred to as the “First Moment Area” theorem. Taking x2 as x in (3.23), we can express y(x) as ðx MðxÞ dx (3.24) yðxÞ ¼ yðx1 Þþ x1 EI Given y(x), we solve for nðx2 Þ. nðx2 Þ ¼ nðx1 Þþ ð x2 yðxÞ dx (3.25) x1 Evaluating (3.24) first, and then substituting for y(x) in (3.25) leads to ð x2 ð x MðxÞ dx dx nðx2 Þ nðx1 Þ ¼ ðx2 x1 Þyðx1 Þþ x1 x1 EI (3.26) The double integral in (3.26) can be evaluated using integration by parts. First, we note the following identity, d(uvÞ ¼ udv þ vdu Integrating between x1 and x2, ð x2 ð x2 d(uvÞ ¼ ðu dv þ v duÞ x1 (3.27) (3.28) x1 and rearranging terms leads to ð x2 x1 u dv ¼ uvjxx21 ð x2 v du (3.29) x1 We take u¼ ðx M dx x1 EI (3.30) dv ¼ dx in (3.26). Using (3.29), the double integral can be expressed as ð x2 x1 ðx x 2 ð x2 MðxÞ MðxÞ MðxÞ dx dx ¼ x dx dx x EI EI EI x1 x1 x1 x1 ð x2 MðxÞ ¼ dx ðx 2 x Þ EI x1 ðx (3.31) 3.6 Displacement and Deformation of Slender Beams: Planar Loading 245 Fig. 3.26 Area and moment of area V(x) 2 V(x2) x2 (x2 - x1) x1 M(x) dx EI θ(x1)(x2 - x1) V(x1) 1 θ(x1) x1 x x2 Fig. 3.27 Graphic interpolation of (3.26) Finally, an alternate form of (3.26) is nðx2 Þ nðx1 Þ ¼ ðx2 x1 Þyðx1 Þþ ð x2 x1 ðx 2 x Þ MðxÞ dx EI (3.32) This form is referred to as the “Second Moment Area Theorem.” Figure 3.26 shows that the last term can be interpreted as the moment of the M/EI diagram with respect to x2. It represents the deflection from the tangent at point 1, as indicated in Fig. 3.27. 246 3 Statically Determinate Beams Using the Moment Area theorems, one has to evaluate only two integrals, ðx MðxÞ dx x1 EI ðx MðxÞ HðxÞ ¼ dx x EI x1 JðxÞ ¼ (3.33) When I is a complicated function of x, these integrals can be evaluated using a symbolic integration scheme or the numerical integration scheme described in Sect. 3.6.6. The final expressions for n(x) and y(x) in terms of nðx1 Þ; yðx1 Þ, and these integrals are [we take x2 ¼ x in (3.23) and (3.32)] yðxÞ ¼ yðx1 Þ þ JðxÞ nðxÞ ¼ nðx1 Þ þ ðx x1 Þyðx1 Þ þ xJðxÞ HðxÞ (3.34) Example 3.20 Deflected shape—cantilever beam Given: The cantilever beam shown in Fig. E3.20a. Consider EI is constant. v Fig. E3.20a B A x L Determine: The deflected shapes for various loadings: concentrated moment, concentrated force, and uniform load. Solution: We measure x from the left support. The displacement boundary conditions are nA ¼ nð0Þ ¼ 0 yA ¼ yð0Þ ¼ 0 Taking x1 =0 and noting the boundary conditions at x ¼ 0, (3.34) reduces to 0xL ðx MðxÞ dx yðxÞ ¼ 0 EI ðx ðx MðxÞ MðxÞ dx x dx nðxÞ ¼ x EI 0 EI 0 3.6 Displacement and Deformation of Slender Beams: Planar Loading 247 Solutions for various loadings are listed below. (i) Concentrated moment (Fig. E3.20b) Fig. E3.20b M* A x B L The expressions for M(x), y(x), and v(x) for a concentrated moment are as follows: MðxÞ ¼ M 0xL ðx 1 M yðxÞ ¼ x Mðx) dx ¼ EI 0 EI ð ð x x 1 x M x2 M x2 M x2 nðxÞ ¼ ¼þ Mðx) dx x MðxÞdx ¼ EI 0 EI 0 EI 2EI 2EI Specific values are M L EI M L2 nB ¼ 2EI yB ¼ (ii) Concentrated Force (Fig. E3.20c) P A B x L Fig. E3.20c 248 3 Statically Determinate Beams The expressions for m(x), y(x), and v(x) for a concentrated load are as follows: MðxÞ ¼ þPðx LÞ 0xL 2 ðx 1 P x yðxÞ ¼ Lx Mðx) dx ¼ EI 0 EI 2 ðx ð x 1 x P x3 Lx2 n(x) ¼ MðxÞ dx xMðxÞ dx ¼ EI 0 EI 0 EI 6 2 Specific values are PL2 2EI PL3 nB ¼ 3EI yB ¼ (iii) Uniform Loading (Fig. E3.20d) w Fig. E3.20d A B x L The expressions for M(x), y(x), and v(x) for a uniform load are as follows: 3.6 Displacement and Deformation of Slender Beams: Planar Loading 249 wx2 wL2 þ wLx 0xL 2 2 ð 1 x w x3 þ 3Lx2 3L2 x yðxÞ ¼ Mðx) dx ¼ EI 0 6EI ð ð x x 1 x w ð x4 þ 4Lx3 6L2 x2 Þ n(x) ¼ Mðx) dx xMðx) dx ¼ EI 0 EI 0 24EI MðxÞ ¼ Specific values are wL3 6EI wL4 ¼ 8EI yB ¼ nB Example 3.21 Deflected shape—simply supported beam Given: The simply supported beam shown in Fig. E3.21a. Consider EI is constant. Fig. E3.21a v B A X L Determine: The deflected shape under different load conditions. Solution: We measure x from the left support. The displacement boundary conditions are vA ¼ vð0Þ ¼ 0 vB ¼ vðLÞ ¼ 0 yA ¼ y(0) 6¼ 0 yB ¼ y(LÞ ¼ 6 0 Noting the boundary conditions at x ¼ 0, the general solution (3.34) for constant EI is given by 0xL ðx MðxÞ dx 0 EI ðx ðx MðxÞ MðxÞ dx x dx nðxÞ ¼ xyð0Þ þ x EI EI 0 0 yðxÞ ¼ y(0) þ 250 3 Statically Determinate Beams We determine y(0) using the remaining boundary condition, n(L) ¼ 0. Evaluating nðxÞ at x ¼ L and equating the result to 0, leads to y(0) ¼ ðL 0 MðxÞ 1 dx þ EI L ðL x 0 MðxÞ dx EI Various loading cases are considered below. We omit the integral details and just present the final solutions. (i) Concentrated Moment (Fig. E3.21b) Fig. E3.21b M* B A L The expressions for M(x), y(x), and v(x) for a concentrated moment are as follows: MðxÞ ¼ M x L 0xL ðx ð MðxÞ 1 L MðxÞ MðxÞ dx þ dx þ dx x L 0 EI 0 EI 0 EI M L x2 1 ¼ EI 2L2 6 ðx ðx ðL ð MðxÞ x L MðxÞ MðxÞ MðxÞ dx þ dx þ x dx x dx x vðxÞ ¼ x EI L EI EI EI 0 0 0 0 M L2 x3 x ¼ 6EI L3 L y(x) ¼ ðL 3.6 Displacement and Deformation of Slender Beams: Planar Loading 251 Specific values are M L 6EI M L yB ¼ 3EIpffiffiffi 3 M L2 vmax ¼ 27 EI yA ¼ L x ¼ pffiffiffi 0:58L 3 at (ii) Concentrated Force (Fig. E3.21c) Fig. E3.21c P B A C a L-a X The expressions for M(x), y(x), and v(x) for a concentrated load are as follows: La MðxÞ ¼ P x L 0xa Pa ðL xÞ L axL MðxÞ ¼ Segment AC 0 x a ð ðx MðxÞ 1 L MðxÞ MðxÞ dx þ dx þ dx x L 0 EI 0 EI 0 EI PL2 a 1 x 2 1 a a ¼ 2 1 þ L 2 L 6L L EI y(x) ¼ ðL 252 3 Statically Determinate Beams ð ðx ðx MðxÞ x L MðxÞ MðxÞ MðxÞ dx þ dx þ x dx x dx x L 0 EI EI 0 EI 0 EI 0 PL3 a 1 x 3 1 a x a ¼ 2 1 þ L 6 L 6LL L EI vðx) ¼ x ðL Segment CB a x L PL2 1 1 a2 x 1 x 2 a þ yðxÞ ¼ þ L 2 L L EI 3 6 L x 2 x 3 3 PL 1 a a 2 x a 2 2þ vðxÞ ¼ þ þ 3 L L L L L EI 6 L Specific values are Pað2L2 3aL þ a2 Þ 6EIL Pa 2 ðL a2 Þ yB ¼ 6EI L Pa2 ðL aÞ2 vC ¼ 3EIL yA ¼ The maximum deflection occurs at the point where yðx)=0. This location depends on a. When a < L/2 the peak displacement occurs in segment CB. The location reverses when a > L/2. Special case: a ¼ L/2 ymax ¼ yB ¼ yA ¼ PL2 16EI yC ¼ 0 vmax ¼ PL3 48EI at x ¼ L 2 3.6 Displacement and Deformation of Slender Beams: Planar Loading 253 (iii) Uniform Loading (Fig. E3.21d) w Fig. E3.21d A B L X The expressions for M(x), y(x), and v(x) for a uniform load are as follows: wx2 wL x 0xL þ 2 2 ðL ð ðx MðxÞ 1 L MðxÞ MðxÞ yðxÞ ¼ dx þ dx þ dx x L 0 EI 0 EI 0 EI wL3 x3 x2 ¼ 4 3 þ 6 2 1 24EI L L ð ðx ðx ðL MðxÞ x L MðxÞ MðxÞ MðxÞ dx þ dx þ x dx x dx vðxÞ ¼ x x L 0 EI EI 0 EI 0 EI 0 4 wL4 x x3 x ¼ 4þ2 3 L 24EI L L MðxÞ ¼ Specific values are yA ¼ yB ¼ nmax ¼ 5wL4 384EI wL3 24EI at x ¼ L 2 Note that the rotation is zero at mid-span since the loading and the structure are symmetrical. For future reference, the end displacements corresponding to typical loading condition are summarized in Table 3.1. We utilize these results in formulating the Force method to be presented in Chap. 9. 254 3 Statically Determinate Beams Table 3.1 Catalogue of displacements for various loading condition cases Loading Rotation y+ Translation n+ wL3 4x3 6x2 3 þ 2 1 24EI L L 4 wL4 x 2x3 x 4þ 3 vðxÞ ¼ L 24EI L L yðxÞ ¼ yB ¼ yA ¼ wL3 24EI 5wL4 384EI at nmax ¼ x¼ L 2 PabðL þ bÞ PabðL þ aÞ Pa2 b2 yB ¼ vC ¼ 6EIL 6EIL 3EIL PbL 3x2 aðL þ bÞ 2 þ 0xa yðxÞ ¼ 6EI L L2 PbL2 x3 aðL þ bÞx vð xÞ ¼ 3þ 0xa 6EI L L3 yA ¼ M L x 2 1 M L M L yA ¼ yB ¼ 2 EI 2L 6 6EI 3EI pffiffiffi M L2 x 3 x 3 M L2 L vmax ¼ at x ¼ pffiffiffi 0:58L vðxÞ ¼ 6EI L3 L EI 27 3 yðxÞ ¼ 3 wL3 x 3x2 3x wL3 yB ¼ 3 þ 2 L 6EI 6EI L L 4 wL4 x 4x3 6x2 wL4 4þ 3 2 nB ¼ vðxÞ ¼ 24EI 8EI L L L 2 2 P x PL L x yB ¼ yðxÞ ¼ EI 2 2EI yðxÞ ¼ vðxÞ ¼ P 3 ðx 3L x2 Þ 6EI M x EI M x2 vðxÞ ¼ 2EI yðxÞ ¼ 3.6.4 vB ¼ PL3 3EI M L EI M L2 vB ¼ 2EI yB ¼ Computing Displacements with the Conjugate Beam Method The examples listed above illustrate how the moment area theorems defined by (3.34) are applied to compute displacement profiles. Most of the effort involved is concerned with evaluating integrals and specializing the results for different 3.6 Displacement and Deformation of Slender Beams: Planar Loading 255 boundary conditions. This approach is straightforward but somewhat tedious. In what follows, we describe a different strategy referred to as the conjugate beam method, which interprets the problem of finding the displacement as an equilibrium problem involving the shear and bending moment in a “Conjugate “beam which is related to the actual beam. Most engineers find it more convenient to work with shear and moment diagrams. The basic geometric equations are (3.22) which are listed below for convenience. These equations are similar in form to the differential force equilibrium equations defined by (3.4) and (3.5) that are shown below. dV ¼w dx dM ¼ V dx This similarity suggests that one can interpret the geometric variables as force variables for an “equivalent” beam, referred to as the conjugate beam. The relationships between the variables are defined in Table 3.2. One applies the loading to the conjugate beam and determines the shear and moment distributions. By definition, these variables are related to the rotation (y) and displacement (n). However, one first must establish the appropriate boundary condition for the conjugate beam. Various types of boundary conditions are listed below (Table 3.3). Table 3.2 Actual beam Loading w Conjugate beam + M Loading EI y+ V n+ M + + + 256 3 Statically Determinate Beams Table 3.3 Actual beam Fixed v =0 y ¼ 0 Conjugate beam Free M =0 V=0 Fixed–Fixed Free–Free Hinge v =0 y 6¼ 0 Hinge M =0 V 6¼ 0 Hinge roller Hinge roller Interior roller v =0 y 6¼ 0 Interior roller M =0 V 6¼ 0 Example 3.22 Deflection computation using the conjugate beam method Given: The simply supported beam shown in Figs. E3.22a–c. Assume P ¼ 40 kN, a ¼ 2 m, L ¼ 8 m, I=160(106 Þ mm4 , and E=200 GPa. P B A C Fig. E3.22a a L-a Determine: The vertical displacement at C and rotations at A and B. Take EI is constant. Solution: We determine the bending moment distribution and then apply the M/EI loading to the conjugate beam. 3.6 Displacement and Deformation of Slender Beams: Planar Loading 257 P B A C Pa L P(L-a) L Pa(L-a) L M + + Fig. E3.22b Bending moment distribution The rotation and displacement of the actual beam are computed using y ¼ VConj v ¼ MConj Pa(L-a) EIL B A C RA conj = Pa(2L2 – 3aL + a2) 6EIL RB conj = Pa(L2 – a2) 6EIL Fig. E3.22c Conjugate beam X X MB ¼ 0 Fy ¼ 0 Pað2L2 3aL þ a2 Þ " 6EIL PaðL2 a2 Þ " ) RB conj ¼ 6EIL ) RA conj ¼ MC conj ¼ Mx¼a ¼ MC conj ¼ Pa2 ðL aÞ2 3EIL Pa2 ðL aÞ2 counterclockwise 3EIL 258 3 Statically Determinate Beams Therefore 2 9 2 Pað2L2 3aL þ a2 Þ 40ð2Þ 2ð8Þ 3ð2Þð8Þ þ 2 10 ¼ ¼ 0:0044 rad clockwise yA ¼ VA conj ¼ 6EIL 6ð200Þð160Þð106 Þð8; 000Þ yB ¼ VB conj = PaðL2 a2 Þ 40ð2Þð82 22 Þ109 ¼ 0:0031 rad counterclockwise ¼ 6EIL 6ð200Þð160Þð106 Þð8;000Þ vC ¼ MC conj ¼ Pa2 ðL aÞ2 40ð2Þ2 ð6Þ2 1012 ¼ 7:5 mm # ¼ 3EIL 3ð200Þð160Þð106 Þð8; 000Þ We point out that when the M/EI expression is nonlinear, one needs to resort to integration, and the effort involved is similar to that required when the actual geometric equations are used. Example 3.23 Deflection computation using the conjugate beam method Given: The beam shown in Fig. E3.23a Fig. E3.23a 9 kip 3 kip B D A 2I I 8 ft 16 ft C 8 ft Determine: The vertical displacement at C and rotation at A. Assume I=200 in.4 and E=29,000 ksi. Solution: First, we determine the bending moment distribution (Fig. E3.23b). 9 kip 3 kip B A D 2I I C 7 kip 5 kip 40 kip ft + M – 24 kip ft Fig. E3.23b + 3.6 Displacement and Deformation of Slender Beams: Planar Loading 259 Next, we apply the M/EI loading to the conjugate beam (Fig. E3.23c). 24 kip ft EI 12 kip ft EI 20 kip ft EI MCconj = 256 kip ft3 EI A C D RA conj = 112 kip ft2 EI 8 ft B hinge 10 ft 6 ft 8 ft RCconj = 64 kip ft2 EI Fig. E3.23c Conjugate beam RA conj ¼ 112 kip ft2 ¼ 0:00278 " EI RC conj ¼ 64 kip ft2 ¼ 0:0016 # EI MC conj = 256 kip ft3 ¼ :076 counterclockwise EI Therefore yA ¼ VA conj ¼ 0:00278 rad clockwise yC ¼ VC conj ¼ 0:0016 rad clockwise vC ¼ MC conj ¼ .076 in. # 3.6.5 Computing Displacements with the Method of Virtual Forces The procedures described in the previous section are intended to generate analytical solutions for the displacement and rotation. In many cases, one is interested only in the motion measures for a particular point. Rather than generate the complete analytical solution and then evaluate it at the point of interest, one can apply the Method of Virtual Forces. The Method of Virtual Forces specialized for bending of slender beams is defined in Ref. [16]. We express the principle as ð d dP ¼ ðbending deformation) ðdMðx)Þ dx (3.35) L Where d is the desired displacement measure, dP is the virtual force in the direction of d, and dM(x) is the virtual moment due to dP. The deformation due to transverse 260 3 w a Statically Determinate Beams w b B vA A L L δP = 1 c θB δP = 1 d A B L L Fig. 3.28 Actual and virtual loads moments. (a) Actual load M(x). (b) Deflected shape. (c) Virtual load dMv (x) for nA , (d) Virtual load dMy ðxÞ for yB shear is not included since it is negligible for slender beams. When the behavior is linear elastic, the bending deformation is related to the moment by bending deformation dy MðxÞ ¼ dx EI and (3.35) takes the form ð d dP ¼ MðxÞ dMðx) dx L EI (3.36) The steps involved in applying the principle are as follows. We use as an example, the beam shown in Fig. 3.28. To determine a desired vertical displacement or rotation such as nA or yB , one applies the corresponding virtual force or virtual moment in the direction of the desired displacement or rotation, determines the virtual moment dMv (x) or dMy (x), and then evaluates the following integrals. ð nA ¼ MðxÞ dMn (x) dx L EI ð yB ¼ MðxÞ dMy ðxÞ dx L EI Just as we did for truss structures in Chap. 2, one takes dP to be a unit value. We illustrate the application of this procedure with the following examples. Example 3.24 Deflection computation—method of virtual forces Given: A uniformly loaded cantilever beam shown in Fig. E3.24a. 3.6 Displacement and Deformation of Slender Beams: Planar Loading 261 w Fig. E3.24a A B L Determine: The vertical displacement and rotation at B. Take EI is constant. Solution: We start by evaluating the moment distribution corresponding to the applied loading. This is defined in Fig. E3.24b. The virtual moment distributions corresponding to vB , yB are defined in Figs. E3.24c, d. Note that we take dP to be either a unit force (for displacement) or a unit moment (for rotation). Fig. E3.24b M (x) wL2 2 w A B wL x L The actual moment M(x) is 0xL MðxÞ ¼ wLx w x2 wL2 w ¼ ðx LÞ2 2 2 2 Vertical deflection at B: We apply the virtual vertical force, dP ¼ 1 at point B and compute the corresponding virtual moment. 0xL Fig. E3.24c dMvB (x) ¼ x L dMvB (x) dP = 1 L A B 1 x Then, noting (3.36) ð MðxÞ 1 dMvB (x)dx ¼ EI EI L ð 1 L w ¼ ðx LÞ3 dx EI 0 2 vB ¼ ðL 0 w ðx LÞ2 ð x LÞ dx 2 262 3 Statically Determinate Beams Integrating leads to vB ¼ wL4 # 8EI Rotation at B: We apply the virtual moment, dP ¼ 1 at point B and determine dM (x). Fig. 3.24d dMyB (x) 1 δP = 1 A B x This loading produces a constant bending moment, 0xL dMyB (x) ¼ 1 Then, noting (3.36) ð MðxÞ 1 dMyB (x)dx ¼ yB ¼ EI L EI ðL 0 w ðx LÞ2 ð1Þ dx 2 Finally, one obtains yB = wL3 clockwise 6EI Example 3.25 Deflection computation—method of virtual forces Given: The simply supported beam shown in Fig. E3.25a. w A B C L Fig. E3.25a Determine: The vertical deflection and rotation at point C located at mid-span. Take EI is constant. Solution: We start by evaluating the moment distribution corresponding to the applied loading. This is defined in Fig. E3.25b. The virtual moment distributions 3.6 Displacement and Deformation of Slender Beams: Planar Loading 263 corresponding to vC , yC are defined in Figs. E3.25c, d. Note that we take dP to be either a unit force (for displacement) or a unit moment (for rotation). w Fig. E3.25b B A wL 2 C x1 x2 L/2 wL 2 L/2 The actual moment is L 2 L 0 < x2 < 2 0 < x1 < wL wx2 x1 1 2 2 wL wx22 Mðx2 Þ ¼ x2 2 2 Mðx1 Þ ¼ Vertical displacement at C: We apply a unit virtual load at point C and determine dM(x). L 2 L 0 < x2 < 2 0 < x1 < Fig. E3.25c 1 dMvC (x1 ) ¼ x1 2 1 dMvC ðx2 ) ¼ x2 2 dMvC (x) δP = 1 B A C 1/2 1/2 x2 x1 L/2 L/2 Then, evaluating the integral in (3.36), we obtain ð Mðx1 Þ Mðx2 Þ dMvC (x1 ) dx1 þ dMvC (x2 ) dx2 vC ¼ EI EI AC BC "ð # ð L=2 L=2 1 1 wLx1 wx1 2 1 wLx2 wx2 2 x1 x2 ¼ dx1 þ dx2 EI 0 2 2 2 2 2 2 0 ð ¼ 5wL4 # 384EI 264 3 Statically Determinate Beams Rotation at C: We apply a unit virtual moment at point C and determine dM(x). L 2 L 0 < x2 < 2 0 < x1 < Fig. E3.25d 1 dMyC (x1 ) ¼ x1 L 1 dMyC (x2 ) ¼ x2 L dMyC (x) δP = 1 B A 1 L C x1 x2 L/2 L/2 Then, evaluating the integral in (3.36), we obtain ð Mðx1 Þ Mðx2 Þ dMyC ðx1 Þ dx1 þ dMyC (x2 ) dx2 yC ¼ EI EI AC BC (ð ) ð L=2 L=2 1 x1 wLx1 wx1 2 x2 wLx2 wx2 2 ¼ dx1 dx2 ¼ 0 EI 0 L 2 2 L 2 2 0 ð Example 3.26 Deflection computation—method of virtual forces Given: The beam shown in Fig. E3.26a. 10 kip 1 kip/ft B A C 30 ft Fig. E3.26a 10 ft 1 L 3.6 Displacement and Deformation of Slender Beams: Planar Loading 265 Determine: Use the virtual force method to determine the vertical deflection and rotation at C. E ¼ 29,000 ksi and I ¼ 300 in.4 Solution: We start by evaluating the moment distribution corresponding to the applied loading. We divide up the structure into two segments AB and CB and 0 < x1 < 30 Mðx1 Þ ¼ 11:67x1 0 < x2 < 10 Mðx2 Þ ¼ 10x2 x1 2 2 Vertical deflection at C: We apply a unit virtual load at point C and determine dM(x). x1 3 0 < x1 < 30 dMvC (x1 ) ¼ 0 < x2 < 10 dMvC (x2 ) ¼ x2 Then, noting (3.36), we divide up the structure into two segments AB and CB and integrate over each segment. The total integral is given by ð Mðx1 Þ Mðx2 Þ dMvC ðx1 Þ dx1 þ dMvC (x2 ) dx2 EI EI AB CB ð 30 ð 1 x1 2 x1 1 10 ¼ 11.67x1 ð10 x2 Þðx2 ) dx2 dx1 þ EI 0 EI 0 2 3 ð vC ¼ ¼þ 2073:33 kip ft3 2; 073:33ð12Þ3 ¼ ¼ þ0:41 in. EI 29; 000ð300Þ 266 3 Statically Determinate Beams The positive sign indicates the vertical displacement is in the direction of the unit load. ; vC ¼ 0:41 in. # Rotation at C: We apply a unit virtual moment at point C and determine dM(x). x1 30 0 < x1 < 30 dMyC ðxÞ ¼ 0 < x2 < 10 dMyC ðxÞ ¼ 1 Then, noting (3.36) ð MðxÞ MðxÞ dMyC ðxÞ dx1 þ dMyC ðxÞ dx2 EI EI AB CB ð 30 ð 1 x1 2 x1 1 10 ¼ 11.67x1 ð10x2 Þð1) dx2 dx1 þ EI 0 EI 0 2 30 ð yC ¼ ¼ 374 kip ft2 374ð12Þ2 ¼ ¼ þ0:0063 rad EI 29; 000ð300Þ The positive sign indicates that the rotation is in the direction of the unit moment. ; yC ¼ 0:0063 rad clockwise 3.6 Displacement and Deformation of Slender Beams: Planar Loading 267 Example 3.27 Deflection computation—method of virtual forces Given: The beam shown in Fig. E3.27a. 16 kN 20 kN 30 kN / m A F D C B 2m 4m 4m 3m Fig. E3.27a Determine: Use the virtual force method to determine the vertical deflection at F, rotation at B, and rotation at D. Assume E ¼ 200 GPa and I=120(10)6 mm4 . Solution: We start by evaluating the moment distribution corresponding to the applied loading. 0 < x1 < 8 Mðx1 Þ ¼ 15x1 2 þ 139x1 20ðx1 þ 2Þ ¼ 15x1 2 þ 119x1 40 0 < x2 < 8 Mðx2 Þ ¼ 15x2 2 þ 137x2 16ðx2 þ 3Þ ¼ 15x2 2 þ 121x2 48 0 < x3 < 3 Mðx3 Þ ¼ 16x3 Vertical deflection at F: We apply a unit virtual load at point F and determine dM. 268 3 0 < x1 < 4 1 dMvF (x1 ) ¼ x1 2 0 < x2 < 4 1 dMvF (x2 ) ¼ x2 2 Statically Determinate Beams Then, noting (3.36) ð Mðx1 Þ Mðx2 Þ dMvF (x1 ) dx1 þ dMvF (x2 ) dx2 EI EI BF CF ð4 ð4 x1 x2 1 ¼ 15x1 2 þ 119x1 40 15x2 2 þ 121x2 48 dx1 þ dx2 2 2 EI 0 0 ð vF ¼ ¼ 1; 248 kN m3 1; 248ð10Þ9 ¼ 52 mm ¼ EI 200ð120Þð10Þ6 The positive sign indicates the vertical displacement is in the direction of the unit load. ; vF ¼ 52mm # Rotation at B: We apply a unit moment at point B and determine dM(x). 3.6 Displacement and Deformation of Slender Beams: Planar Loading 0 < x2 < 8 269 dMyB (x2 ) ¼ 18 x2 Then, noting (3.36) ð yB ¼ ¼ Mðx2 Þ 1 dMyB (x2 )dx2 ¼ EI EI CB ð8 15x2 2 þ 121x2 48 0 x2 8 dx2 469:3 kN m2 469:3ð10Þ6 ¼ ¼ þ0:0195 rad EI 200ð120Þð10Þ6 The positive sign indicates that the rotation is in the direction of the unit moment. ; yB ¼ 0:0195 rad clockwise Rotation at D: We apply a unit moment at point D and determine dM(x). 0 < x1 < 8 0 < x3 < 3 1 dMyD (x1 ) ¼ x1 8 dMyD (x3 ) ¼ 1 Then, noting (3.36) ð ð Mðx1 Þ Mðx3 Þ dMyD (x1 ) dx1 þ dMyD (x3 ) dx3 BC EI DC EI ð ð x1 1 8 1 3 ¼ 15x1 2 þ 119x1 40 ð16x3 Þð1) dx3 dx1 þ EI 0 EI 0 8 yD ¼ ¼þ 386:7 kN m2 386:7ð10Þ6 ¼ ¼ 0:016 rad EI 200ð120Þð10Þ6 270 3 Statically Determinate Beams The positive sign indicates that the rotation is in the direction of the unit moment. ; yD ¼ 0:016 rad counterclockwise 3.6.6 Computing Displacements for Non-prismatic Members When the member is non-prismatic, I is a function of x and it may be difficult to obtain a closed form solution for the integral involving 1=I. In this case, one can employ a numerical integration scheme. In what follows, we describe a numerical integration procedure which can be easily programmed. Consider the problem of evaluating the following integral J¼ ð xB f ðxÞ dx (3.37) xA We divide the total interval into n equal segments of length h h¼ xB xA n and denote the values of x and f at the equally spaced points as x1 ; x2 ; x3 ; . . . ; xnþ1 f1 ; f2 ; f3 ; . . . ; fnþ1 (3.38) 3.6 Displacement and Deformation of Slender Beams: Planar Loading 271 f(x) f1 f2 f3 fn x3 xn A x1 x2 fn+1 B xn+1 h Fig. 3.29 f(x) fn+1 fn xn xn-1 h h fn+2 xn+2 x Fig. 3.30 This notation is illustrated in Fig. 3.29. The simplest approach is based on approximating the actual curve of f(x) with a set of straight lines connecting ðfn ; fnþ1 Þ, ðfnþ1 ; fnþ2 Þ, etc. as shown in Fig. 3.30. The incremental area between xn and xnþ1 is approximated as DJn;nþ1 ¼ ð xnþ1 xn h f ðxÞdx ðfn þ fnþ1 Þ 2 (3.39) Also, the area between x1 and xn is expressed as Jn ¼ ð xn f ðxÞ dx x1 Starting with J1 =0, one generates successive areas with (3.40) 272 3 Statically Determinate Beams J2 ¼ J1 þ DJ1;2 ¼ DJ1;2 J3 ¼ J2 þ DJ2;3 .. . Jn ¼ Jn1 þ DJn1;n .. . Jnþ1 ¼ Jn þ DJn;nþ1 (3.41) The total integral, Jnþ1 expands to Jnþ1 ¼ ð xnþ1 x1 ( n X 1 f ðxÞdx h ð f1 þ fnþ1 Þ þ fj 2 j¼2 ) (3.42) Equation is known as the “Trapezoidal’ Rule. One uses (3.41) to evaluate the intermediate integrals when applying the Moment Area Theorems such as (3.33) and (3.34). Equation (3.42) is used with the Virtual Force Method. We illustrate the application of this approach combined with the Virtual Force Method to the beam defined in Fig. 3.31. Suppose the vertical displacement at point Q is desired. Given M(x) and I(x), we subdivide the X-axis into n equal intervals and evaluate M/I and dMðxÞat each point. h¼ L n xk ¼ ðk 1Þh k ¼ 1; 2; ::::; n þ 1 xQ dMðxk Þ ¼ 1 xk x < xQ L xQ x>xQ dMðxk Þ ¼ ðL xk Þ L Fig. 3.31 3.6 Displacement and Deformation of Slender Beams: Planar Loading 273 Lastly, we take f = MI dM in (3.42) and evaluate the summation. The choice of h depends on the “smoothness of the function M/I, a typical value is L/20. One can assess the accuracy by refining the initial choice for h and comparing the corresponding values of the integral. Suppose the deflection at x=L=2 is desired. The virtual moment for this case is 8 1 1 > > dMðxÞ ¼ 1 xk ¼ xk > < 2 2 > 1 > > : dMðxÞ ¼ ðL xk Þ 2 for for xk > xk < L 2 L : 2 We also suppose the loading is uniform and the variation of I is given by I ¼ I0 1 þ 4 x x 2 L L where I0 is constant. The corresponding moment is M¼ wL wx2 wL2 x x 2 x ¼ 4 2 L L 2 8 Substituting for M, dM, and I, the virtual force expression for the displacement takes the form 8 h 2 i dM 9 1 = x wL4 4 ð< 4 x x L L L L wL h i d v x¼ a ¼ ¼ 2 8EI0 :1 þ 4 x x 2 ; L 8EI0 L L 0 where a is a dimensionless coefficient that depends on the interval size. We take the interval as f and subdivide the interval 0-1 into n such intervals. Applying (3.42) and taking a range of values for n leads to 274 3 n ¼ 10 n ¼ 20 n ¼ 30 Statically Determinate Beams a ¼ 0:065 a ¼ 0:0559 a ¼ 0:0559 We note that taking n ¼ 20 is sufficiently accurate. We used MATLAB [29] to program the computation associated with (3.42). 3.7 Deformation–Displacement Relations for Deep Beams: Planar Loading When the depth to span ratio is greater than 0.1, the theory presented in Sect. 3.6 which is based on Kirchhoff’s hypothesis needs to be modified to include the transverse shear deformation. Figure 3.32 illustrates this case: the cross-section remains a plane but is no longer normal to the centroidal axis. Defining b as the rotation of the cross-section, and g as the transverse shear strain, it follows that g¼yb dv b dx (3.43) The extensional strain now involves b rather than y. eðyÞ ¼ y db dx (3.44) Expressions for the internal force variables, V and M, in terms of the deformation measures are derived in a similar way as followed in Sect. 3.6.1. We express them as: M ¼ EI db dx (3.45) V ¼ GAs g β Y c c π −γ 2 y θ a b Fig. 3.32 b X a 3.7 Deformation–Displacement Relations for Deep Beams: Planar Loading 275 Fig. 3.33 where G is the material shear modulus and As is the effective shear area, i.e., the cross-sectional area over which the shear stress is essentially uniformly distributed. For an I shape steel section, As is taken as the web area. Given M and V, one first determines b by integrating between 2 points, xA and x bðxÞ bðxA Þ ¼ ðx M dx EI xA (3.46) If A is a fixed support, b(xA) ¼ 0. Once b is known, we find v by integrating dv V ¼bþ dx GAs This leads to ðx V bþ vðxÞ vðxA Þ ¼ dx GAs xA (3.47) In general two boundary conditions are required to specify the two integration constants. For example, consider the structure and loading defined in Fig. 3.33. The transverse shear force and moment expressions are VðxÞ ¼ wðL xÞ MðxÞ ¼ w ðL xÞ2 2 Point A is a fixed support. Then bðxA Þ=vðxA Þ=0. Noting (3.46), b¼ ðx 0 w ðL xÞ2 dx 2EI + b¼ w w 3 ðL xÞ3 L 6EI 6EI 276 3 Statically Determinate Beams Substituting for b in (3.47) leads to vðxÞ ¼ ¼ x h w w w 3 ix ðL xÞ4 Lx ðL xÞ2 þ 2GAs 24EI 6EI 0 0 w w 1 L4 ðL xÞ4 L3 x þ ðL xÞ2 L2 þ 2GAs 6EI 4 4 (3.48) Specializing for x ¼ L, the end displacement is equal to þ " vðLÞ ¼ wL4 4EI 1þ GAs L2 8EI The effect of shear deformation is to “increase” the displacement by a dimensionless factor which is proportioned to the ratio EI=GAs L2 . This factor is usually small with respect to 1 for homogeneous cross-section. It may be large for composite beams that have a “soft” core, i.e., where G E. Rather than work with the deformation–displacement results, one can apply an extended form of the Principle of Virtual Forces. We add the shear deformation term to the integral and also introduce the virtual shear force dV. Then, (3.36) expands to ð MðxÞ VðxÞ dM(x) þ d dP ¼ dV(x) dx EI GAs L (3.49) The steps involved are the same as for slender beams. One now has to determine dV as well as dM for a given dP. Revisiting the previous example defined in Fig. 3.33, we compute v(L). The details are as follows. dV(x) ¼ 1 dM(x) ¼ ðL xÞ 3.8 Torsion of Prismatic Members þ # vðLÞ ¼ 277 ÐL w ÐL w ðL xÞ2 ðL xÞ dx þ ðL xÞð1Þ dx 0 2EI 0 GAs L w w ðL xÞ4 þ ðL xÞ2 8EI 2GA s 0 w 4 w 2 L þ ¼ L 8EI 2GAs L ¼ 0 Applying the Principle of Virtual Forces for this example involves less algebra than required for integration. 3.8 Torsion of Prismatic Members Consider the prismatic member shown in Fig. 3.34. Up to this point, we have assumed the line of action of the external loading passes through the centroidal axis, and consequently the member just bends in the X–Y plane. This assumption is not always true and there are cases where the loading may have some eccentricity with respect to the X-axis. When this occurs, the member twists about the X-axis as well as bends in the X–Y plane. Fig. 3.34 Prismatic member—eccentric load Y P Y e Z Pe Z P Fig. 3.35 278 3 Statically Determinate Beams Fig. 3.36 We deal with an eccentric load by translating its line of action to pass the X-axis. This process produces a torsional moment about X as illustrated in Fig. 3.35. The torsional moment is resisted by shearing stresses acting in the plane of the cross-section, resulting in shear strain and ultimately rotation of the cross-section about the X-axis. Mechanics of Solids texts such as [16] present a detailed theory of torsion of prismatic members so we just list the resultant equations here. First, we introduce the following notation listed in Fig. 3.36 Mt ¼ moment vector about the X-axis (positive sense from Y toward Z) bt ¼ rotational vector about the X-axis mt ¼ distributed external torsional moment loading J ¼ torsional cross-sectional property (similar to I for plane bending) The differential equation of equilibrium for torsion has the form dMt þ mt ¼ 0 dx (3.50) One needs to restrain the member at one point for stability. A free end has Mt =0. Given Mt , one determines the rotation with Mt ¼ GJ dbt dx (3.51) 3.8 Torsion of Prismatic Members 279 Note the similarity between the expression for bending and twisting. We find bt by integrating (3.51). ðx Mt dx (3.52) bt ðxÞ bt ðxA Þ ¼ GJ xA A boundary condition on bt is required to determine bt ðxÞ. Typical boundary conditions are illustrated below. The principle of Virtual Forces can be extended to deal with combined bending and twisting by adding the twist deformation term to the integration. The general expression which includes all deformation terms is ð M V Mt dM þ dMt dx dV þ d dPA ¼ (3.53) EI GAs GJ L where dMt is the virtual torsional moment. When bending and twisting are coupled because of eccentric loading, it is convenient to solve the bending and twisting problems separately, and then combine the solutions. In what follows, we illustrate this approach. The eccentric load shown in Fig. 3.36 produces the distributed torsional loading equal to we, and the planar loading w. Noting (3.50), the torsional moment is Mt ¼ weðL xÞ We determine the twist with (3.52). The left end is fixed, so bt ð0Þ=0. Then ðx x 1 we ½weðL xÞ ¼ ðL xÞ2 bt ðxÞ ¼ 2GJ 0 0 GJ we 2Lx x2 bt ðxÞ ¼ 2GJ The solution for plane bending is generated with (3.22) dy w ¼ ðL xÞ2 dx 2EI h w ix w wL3 ðL xÞ3 ¼ ðL xÞ3 yðxÞ ¼ 6EI 6EI 6EI 0 x nðxÞ ¼ w wL3 x w 1 L4 ðL xÞ4 ðL xÞ4 L3 x þ ¼ 24EI 6EI 0 6EI 4 4 280 3 Statically Determinate Beams Fig. 3.37 The solution for a cantilever beam subjected to a concentrated torsional moment at the free end is needed later when we deal with plane grids. Noting Fig. 3.37, the torsional moment is constant, Mt ¼ M and the twist angle varies linearly with x bt ¼ M x GJ (3.54) 3.9 Symmetry and Anti-symmetry 3.9.1 Symmetry and Anti-symmetry: Shear and Moment Diagrams This section discusses the relationship between certain properties of the shear and moment diagrams and the nature of the loading distribution and support locations. We first introduce some background material on symmetrical and anti-symmetrical functions. Consider the function f(x) shown in Fig. 3.38. We say the function is symmetrical with respect to x ¼ 0 when f(x) ¼ f(x) and anti-symmetrical when f(x) ¼ f(x). Symmetrical functions have df/dx ¼ 0 at x ¼ 0. Anti-symmetrical functions have f ¼ 0 at x ¼ 0. One can establish that the derivative of a symmetrical function is an anti-symmetrical function. Similarly, the derivative of an antisymmetrical function is a symmetrical function. If we know that a function is either symmetrical or anti-symmetrical, then we have to generate only one-half the distribution. The shape of the other half follows by definition of the symmetry properties. Starting with the basic differential equations relating the shear, moment, and applied distributed loadings: dV ¼w dx dM ¼ V dx dMt þ mt ¼ 0 dx 3.9 Symmetry and Anti-symmetry a 281 f(x) f(-x) f(x) x 0 An arbitrary function b c f(x) f(x) Anti-Symmetrical function Symmetrical function x x 0 0 Symmetrical function anti-Symmetrical function Fig. 3.38 We can deduce the following properties for V, M, and Mt , given the nature of the loading 1: 2: w is a symmetrical function V is anti - symmetrical M is symmetrical w is an anti - symmetrical function V is symmetrical 3: M is anti - symmetrical mt is a symmetrical function 4: Mt is anti - symmetrical mt is an anti - symmetrical function (3.55) Mt is symmetrical The following cases illustrate these rules. Symmetrical—planar loading: Case (a) (Fig. 3.39): Case (b) (Fig. 3.40): Note that the center section is in pure bending, i.e. the shear force is zero. This loading scheme is used to test beams in bending Anti-symmetry—planar loading: Case (a) (Fig. 3.41): Case (b) (Fig. 3.42): 282 3 Statically Determinate Beams w Fig. 3.39 Uniform loading wL 2 wL 2 L wL 2 V + wL 2 2 wL 8 M + Fig. 3.40 2 point loading P P P P a a L-2a V + P P Pa Pa M + Fig. 3.41 Anti-symmetrical uniform loading w wL 4 w L 2 L 4 wL 4 L 2 wL 4 wL 4 L 4 V + wL 4 wL2 32 M + wL2 32 3.9 Symmetry and Anti-symmetry 283 Fig. 3.42 Anti-symmetrical 2 point loading P P(1-2 a ) L a P(1-2 ) L a – P L-2a a ( 2P ) L + a – P(1-2 a ) L a P(1-2 ) L a Pa(1-2 ) L + – V + M + a Pa(1-2 ) L We use the concept of symmetry to represent an arbitary loading as a superposition of symmetrical and anti-symmetrical loadings. Then, we generate the individual shear and moment diagrams and combine them. As an illustration, consider a simply supported beam with a single concentrated force shown in Fig. 3.43a. We replace it with two sets of forces, one symmetrical and the other anti-symmetrical, as shown in Fig. 3.43b. Then we use the results shown in Figs. 3.40 and 3.42 to construct the shear and moment diagrams. 3.9.2 Symmetry and Anti-Symmetry: Deflected Shapes A structure is said to be geometrically symmetrical with respect to a particular axis when, if one rotates the portion either to the right or to the left of the axis through 180 , it coincides identically with the other portion. Figure 3.44 illustrates this definition. If we rotate A-B about axis 1-1 it ends up exactly on A-C. A mathematical definition of geometric symmetry can be stated as follows: for every point having coordinates X, Y, there exists a corresponding point with coordinates X, Y. In addition to geometric symmetry, we also introduce the concept of support symmetry. The supports must be located symmetrically with respect to the axis of geometric symmetry and be of the same nature, e.g., vertical, horizontal, and 284 3 a Statically Determinate Beams P P(1- a ) L Pa L L-a a b P 2 P 2 P 2 P 2 a a L-2a + c P 2 P 2 P( 1 - a ) 2 L P( 1 - a ) 2 L a L-2a a Fig. 3.43 Representation of an arbitrary loading by superposition. (a) Single concentrated load. (b) Set of symmetrical loads. (c) Set of anti-symmetrical loads 3.9 Symmetry and Anti-symmetry 285 1 Axis of symmetry A Y X C B 1 Fig. 3.44 Geometric symmetry Fig. 3.45 Unsymmetrical support rotational constraints. Consider Fig. 3.45. There are two vertical restraints at points A and B. The geometric symmetry axis, 1-1, passes through mid-span. For complete symmetry, the roller support at point A needs to be shifted to the end of the span. Another example is shown in Fig. 3.46. We say a structure is symmetrical when it has both geometric and support symmetry. The symmetry property is very useful since it leads to the following conclusions: When a symmetrical structure is loaded symmetrically, the resulting deflected shape is also symmetrical. Similarly, a symmetrical structure loaded anti-symmetrically has an anti-symmetric deflected shape. These conclusions follow from the differential equations listed below and the properties of symmetrical and anti-symmetrical functions: 286 3 Statically Determinate Beams Axis of symmetry A B symmetrical A B Unsymmetrical A B symmetrical L/2 L/2 Fig. 3.46 Support symmetry examples dV ¼ w dx dM ¼ V dx dMt þ mt ¼ 0 dx db M ¼ dx EI (3.56) dn V ¼bþ dx GJ dbt Mt ¼ dx GJ If f(x) is symmetrical, df =dx is anti-symmetrical; If f(x) is anti-symmetrical, df =dx is symmetrical. Using these properties, we construct the following table relating the response variables to the loading for a symmetrical structure (Table 3.4). We have placed a lot of emphasis here on symmetry because it is useful for qualitative reasoning. It also allows us to work with only one-half the structure provided that we introduce appropriate boundary conditions on the axis of symmetry. The boundary conditions for the symmetrical case follow from the fact that V, b, and Mt are anti-symmetric functions and therefore vanish at the symmetry axis. We introduce a new support symbol shown in Fig. 3.47, which represents these conditions. The roller support releases V and Mt ; the rigid end plate eliminates b. 3.10 Influence Lines and Force Envelopes for Statically Determinate Beams Table 3.4 Loading response relationships— symmetrical structure Loading w symmetrical w anti-symmetrical mt symmetrical mt anti-symmetrical Fig. 3.47 Symmetrical boundary conditions on a symmetry axis 287 Response variables V anti-symmetrical M symmetrical b anti-symmetrical n symmetrical V symmetric M anti-symmetrical b symmetrical n anti-symmetrical Mt anti-symmetrical bt symmetrical Mt symmetrical bt anti-symmetrical axis of symmetry For example, consider the symmetrically loaded simply supported beam shown in Fig. 3.48a. We can work with either the left or right segment. We choose to work with the left segment, with an appropriate support at c on the axis of symmetry. The displacement boundary conditions for this segment are na ¼ 0; bc ¼ 0 The solution generated with this segment also applies for the other segment (the right portion). When the loading is anti-symmetrical, the bending moment and displacement are also anti-symmetric functions which vanish at the symmetry axis. The appropriate support on the axis of symmetry, for this case is a roller support. We replace the full beam with the segments shown in Fig. 3.49b, c. We analyze the left segment, and then reverse the sense of the response variables for the other segment. 3.10 Influence Lines and Force Envelopes for Statically Determinate Beams 3.10.1 The Engineering Process The objective of the engineering process is to define the physical makeup of the beam, i.e., the material, the shape of the cross-section, and special cross-section features such as steel reinforcement in the case of a reinforced concrete beam. Cross-sectional properties are governed by the strength of the material and constraints associated with the specific design codes recommended for the 288 3 P a Statically Determinate Beams P c a L1 b L1 L/2 L/2 c b P(L / 2-L1) P P P(L / 2-L1) b c a L1 L1 P P L/2 L/2 Fig. 3.48 Boundary conditions on symmetry axis—symmetrical planar loading. (a) Symmetrical load. (b) Left segment. (c) Right segment Fig. 3.49 Bending conditions on symmetry axis—anti-symmetrical planar loading. (a) Antisymmetrical planar load. (b) Left segment. (c) Right segment 3.10 Influence Lines and Force Envelopes for Statically Determinate Beams 289 different structural materials such as concrete, steel, and wood. Given the maximum values of shear and moment at a particular location, the choice of material, and the general shape of the cross-section, the determination of the specific crosssectional dimensions involves applying numerical procedures specific to the associated code. This computational aspect of the engineering process is called design detailing. Detailing mostly has been automated and there are an extensive set of computer aided design tools available. Therefore, we focus here mainly on that aspect of the engineering process associated with the determination of the “maximum” values of shear and moment for statically determinate beams. Part II extends the discussion to statically indeterminate beams. Shear and bending moment result when an external loading is applied to a beam. We described in Sect. 3.4 how one can establish the shear and moment distributions corresponding to a given loading. For statically determinate beams, the internal forces depend only on the external loading and geometry; they are independent of the cross-sectional properties. Now, the loading consists of two contributions: dead and live. The dead loading is fixed, i.e. its magnitude and spatial distribution are constant over time. Live loading is, by definition, time varying over the life of the structure. This variability poses a problem when we are trying to establish the maximum values of shear and moment. We need to consider all possible live load scenarios in order to identify the live load locations that result in the maximum values of shear and moment. There are two approaches to treating live loads for statically determinate beams. In the first approach, we select a particular location on the longitudinal axis and determine how the moment and shear at that point vary as the position of the live load is varied. We usually plot these quantities as a function of the position of the live load, which usually is taken as a single concentrated force of unit magnitude and refer to the resulting plot as an influence line. With this plot, one can easily identify the critical position of live loading for the cross-section of interest. It is a valuable tool to establish loading patterns. The current trend is to use beams having a constant cross-section. In this case, we need the absolute maximum values of shear and moment. We are generally not interested in the location of these maxima, just their values. Therefore, in the second approach, we determine for each position of the live load the global maximum values, i.e., the maximum value of the quantity throughout the span. Plots of global maxima vs. live load positions are called force envelopes. It is important to distinguish between influence lines and force envelopes. They display different entities. An influence line relates a force quantity at a particular point to the position of the live load, whereas a force envelope relates the absolute maximum value of the force quantity along the span to the position of the live load. The following sections illustrate the construction of these plots. 290 3 Statically Determinate Beams 3.10.2 Influence Lines Influence Line for Bending Moment We consider the simply supported beam with a concentrated load applied a distance x from the left support shown in Fig. 3.50. We view x as a variable and explore how the moment and shear diagrams vary as x ranges from 0 to L. This information allows us to construct both the influence lines at a particular point and the force envelopes. The bending moment diagram is plotted in Fig. 3.51. We note that the maximum value of moment occurs at the point of application of the force and is related to x by x Mmax ¼ Px 1 L (3.57) We can use the bending moment diagram shown above to establish the influence line for moment at a particular location, say a distance x1 from the left support. There are two loading regions, x < x1 and x > x1 for P. The corresponding moment at x1 follows from Fig. 3.52a. Fig. 3.50 Simply supported beam P A x P (1- _ ) L B P x x _ L x Px (1- _ ) L + M + Fig. 3.51 Reactions and bending moment diagram for concentrated load 3.10 a Influence Lines and Force Envelopes for Statically Determinate Beams P P A x P(1- _ ) L 291 A B x x P(1- _ ) L x P _ L x1 B x P _ L x x1 L b L Mx (x) Mx max = 1 1 P x1 (L - x1) L x1 L x Fig. 3.52 (a) Free body diagrams for x < x1 and x > x1. (b) Influence line for moment at location x1 x < x1 x > x1 Px ðL x 1 Þ L x Mx1 ¼ Px1 1 L M x1 ¼ (3.58) The influence line for Mx1 is obtained by varying x in (3.58). The result is plotted in Fig. 3.52. This plot shows that the maximum value of Mx1 as x ranges from 0 to L occurs when the force is applied at x1 . Mx1 max ¼ Px1 ðL x1 Þ L (3.59) Influence Line for Shear Force We proceed in a similar manner to establish the influence line for the shear force. The shear diagram for a single concentrated force applied at x is shown in Fig. 3.53. Suppose we want the influence line for the shear at location x1 . Noting Figs. 3.53 and 3.54, the shear force at x1 for the different position of the load are Px L x < x1 V j x1 ¼ þ x > x1 Pð L x Þ V j x1 ¼ L (3.60) These functions are plotted below. At point x1 , there is a discontinuity in the magnitude of V equal to P and a reversal in the sense. This behavior is characteristic of concentrated forces (Fig. 3.55). For example, the influence line for shear at a cross-section located at x1 =0:25L is plotted below (Fig. 3.56). 292 3 Statically Determinate Beams P A B RA x RB x1 L + x P(1- _ ) L P − _x L V + Fig. 3.53 Shear diagram for concentrated load x < x1 P x RA RB x1 L x P(1- _ ) L P + − _x L V + Fig. 3.54 Shear diagram for concentrated load x > x1 P x P(1- _ ) L x P L x_ L x1 Vx1 (x) Px_1 L + P(L-x1) L − Fig. 3.55 Influence line for shear at location x1 x I.L.for V at x1 3.10 Influence Lines and Force Envelopes for Statically Determinate Beams 293 P =1 x L x1 =.25L 0.25 + I.L. for V at x1 =.25L − 1 0.75 Fig. 3.56 Influence line for shear at x1 ¼ 0.25L— simply supported beam P ¼ 1 Example 3.28 Construction of influence lines Given: The two-span beam shown in Fig. E3.28a. There is a hinge (moment release) at the midpoint of the second span. A B D C hinge L 2 L 2 L Fig. E3.28a Determine: The influence lines for the vertical reaction and bending moment at B. Solution: We consider a unit vertical load moving across the span and use the free body diagrams to determine the reaction and moment at B. Figure E3.28b shows that when the load is acting on member ABC, the reaction at D equals zero and x RB ¼ L x for 0 < x < 1:5. RA ¼ 1 L P=1 P=1 x x RA = (1 – C B A x ) L RB = L Fig. E3.28b x L D RD = 0 .5L .5L RA = (1 – x ) L L RB = D C B A x L RD = 0 .5L .5L 294 3 Statically Determinate Beams When the load is applied to the hinge (point C) (Fig. E3.28c), the reaction at D equals zero and RB ¼ + 1.5 RA ¼ 0:5 x ¼ 1:5L. for P=1 D B A C RA = .5 RD = 0 RB = 1.5 L .5L .5L Fig. E3.28c The behavior changes when the loading passes to member CD. Now there is a reaction at D which releases some of the load on member ABC (see Fig. E3.28d). x RD ¼ 2 1:5 þ L ð1Þð2L xÞ x ¼2 2 0:5L L x RB ¼ 1:5VC ¼ 3 2 L x RA ¼ 0:5VC ¼ 2 L VC ¼ for 1.5L < x < 2L P=1 2L–x x B A x RA = (2 – ) L RB = 3(2 – L D C x ) L .5L RD = 2(–1 . 5 + x ) L .5L Fig. E3.28d We determine the influence line for MB using the same free body diagrams. First, we note that MB =0 when the load is on span AB. The moment increases linearly with (x–L) when the load is on span BC and then decreases linearly to 0 for span CD. The resulting influence lines are plotted below (Fig. E3.28e). 3.10 Influence Lines and Force Envelopes for Statically Determinate Beams A C B L 2 L 295 D hinge L 2 1.5 1 + I.L. for RB 1 + I.L. for RA – .5 I.L. for M at B – .5L 1 + I.L. for RD Fig. E3.28e Influence lines for RB ; RA ; RD , and MB Example 3.29 Construction of influence lines Given: The beam shown in Fig. E3.29a. 1 2 B C A 1 2 3m 4m 2m 10 m Fig. E3.29a Determine: Draw the influence line for the reaction at B, the reaction at C, the moment at section 1-1, and the shear at section 2-2. Solution: We consider a unit vertical load moving across the span and use the free body diagrams to determine the shear and moments at sections 1-1 and 2-2. The following figures show the steps (Figs. E3.29b–d). 296 3 2 P=1 Statically Determinate Beams P=1 1 2 B .4 B 2.8 C A A 2 1 2 1.4 4m 3m .4 2m 5m 1.4 P=1 2 1 .4 B 2 A 2 1 1.4 Fig. E3.29b Unit load at A P=1 2 P=1 C A 2.1 .3 B B A 2 .7 .7 .3 2 4m 3m 2m 5m B .7 2.1 A 2 .7 P=1 2 B 1 .3 A 2 .7 Fig. E3.29c Unit load at section 2-2 1 1.5 3.10 Influence Lines and Force Envelopes for Statically Determinate Beams P=1 297 2 B .5 B 1.5 C A A .5 4m .5 2m 3m 2 .5 5m P=1 2 B 1 .5 A .5 2 Fig. E3.29d Unit load at section 1-1 The resulting influence lines are plotted below (Fig. E3.29e). 1 2 B C A 2 4m 3m 1 2m 5m 1 1.4 + I.L. for RB 1 + .4 – I.L. for RC .3 I.L. for V2-2 – .4 + .7 2.5 + – 2 Fig. E3.29e Influence lines for RB ; RC ; V22 , and M11 I.L. for M1-1 1 2.5 298 3 Statically Determinate Beams Generating Influence Lines with the Principle of Virtual Work The principle of Virtual work is an alternative way of stating equilibrium conditions for a rigid body. Although the principle is derived in Engineering Mechanics subjects, we assume the reader is not familiar with the topic and therefore present a brief review here. We consider a rigid body subjected to a set of forces which are in equilibrium. Suppose we introduce a small rigid body displacement of the body from its equilibrium position as indicated in Fig. 3.57. This displacement is called a virtual displacement. According to the principle of Virtual Work, when the forces are in equilibrium, the net work due to these forces during the virtual displacement is equal to zero for all arbitrary virtual displacement patterns. This statement is expressed as a vector dot product, dW ¼ X! Fi d! vi ¼ 0 (3.61) It is more convenient to work with the scalar form in terms of displacements dw ¼ X Fi dvi (3.62) where dvi is the virtual displacement in the direction of Fi . Requiring (3.62) to be satisfied for arbitrary rigid body virtual displacement leads to the force equilibrium equations, X! ! Fi ¼ 0 X ! ! M0 ¼ 0 (3.63) F2 F3 dv3 dv2 dv1 F1 dv4 F4 Fig. 3.57 Virtual displacement 3.10 Influence Lines and Force Envelopes for Statically Determinate Beams 299 Example 3.30 Given: The rigid body shown in Fig. E3.30a. P A Ax B 45° C x Ay L/2 L/2 By Fig. E3.30a Determine: The equilibrium equations using the Principle of Virtual Work. Solution: We introduce the virtual displacement shown in Fig. E3.30b. A′ dnA A C′ dq B′ dnC B C dnB Y duC duA X Fig. E3.30b The motion consists of rigid body translations du and dv , in the X and Y directions, and a dy rotation about B. The individual motions are related by the following rigid body conditions, duA ¼ duC ¼ duB ¼ du dvB ¼ dv dvC ¼ dv þ L dy 2 dvA ¼ dv þ L dy Next, we evaluate the work equation L dW ¼ ðAx þ 0:707P) du þ BY dv þ 0:707P dv þ dy þ AY ðdv þ L dyÞ 2 ¼0 300 3 Statically Determinate Beams Rearranging the terms, 0:707PL dW ¼ ðAx þ 0:707P) du þ ðAY þ BY þ 0:707P) dv þ LAY þ dy 2 ¼0 Requiring the work equations to be satisfied for arbitrary virtual displacements du , dv , and dy leads to the force equilibrium equations Ax þ 0:707P ¼ 0 AY þ BY þ 0:707P ¼ 0 1 Ay þ ð0:707P) ¼ 0 2 In the previous section, we established the influence line for a quantity using an equilibrium equation. We can achieve the same result by specializing the choice of a virtual displacement. For example, suppose one wants the influence line for the reaction at A defined in Fig. 3.58. We select the virtual displacement profile generated by displacing A, holding B fixed as indicated in the figure. Then, applying the work equations, dW ¼ RA dvA ð1Þ dv ¼ 0 and solving for RA leads to dv Lx ¼ ð1Þ RA ¼ ð1Þ dvA L Fig. 3.58 3.10 Influence Lines and Force Envelopes for Statically Determinate Beams 301 Fig. 3.59 Influence line for reaction at A Lastly, if we take dvA =1, the corresponding virtual displacement pattern is the influence line for RA . Students prefer working with visual displays rather than with equations and find the virtual work approach more convenient since it is more procedural. Summarizing, to generate the influence line for a force quantity we remove the restraint corresponding to the quantity and introduce a virtual displacement. The resulting virtual displacement pattern is the influence line for the quantity. Examples of typical cases are listed below. Reaction at A (Fig. 3.59): Internal moment at point C (Fig. 3.60): We introduce a hinge at C, and then apply a unit rotation, dyC , which generates a triangular displacement profile. 302 3 Statically Determinate Beams P M A B C X dqC dvC dqA dqB L1 L2 L Fig. 3.60 Influence line for moment at C The geometric parameters are related by dvc L2 L1 dyC ¼ dyA þ dyB ¼ 1 þ dyA L2 dyA ¼ dvc L1 dyB ¼ We suppose dy is small. Substituting in the work equation leads to Pðx dyA ) þ M dyC ¼ 0 + Px dyA þ M L1 þ L2 dyA ¼ 0 L2 + M¼ PL2 x L This result confirms that the virtual displacement profile is a scaled version of the influence line for moment. 3.10 Influence Lines and Force Envelopes for Statically Determinate Beams 303 Internal shear at C (Fig. 3.61): We introduce a shear release at C and apply a differential displacement of the adjacent cross-sections. This motion produces the displacement profile shown below. Assuming dy is small, the virtual motion parameters are related by d1 ¼ L1 dy d2 ¼ L2 dy d ¼ d1 þ d2 ¼ Ldy Using these results, the work equation takes the following form, dW ¼ VL dy Pðx dyÞ ¼ 0 + V¼P Fig. 3.61 Influence line for shear at C x L 304 3 Statically Determinate Beams Fig. 3.61 (continued) Since dy is small, we sketch the influence line as shown below. These examples show that one can determine the analytical solution for an influence line with the principle of Virtual Work. However, we use the Principle mainly to generate a qualitative estimate of the overall shape of the influence line. Given the shape, one can identify the critical loading pattern and then generate a quantitative estimate. The following example illustrates this point. Example 3.31 Construction of influence lines Given: The beam shown in Fig. E3.31a. 1 2 B A C 1 D 2 5 ft 3 ft 6 ft 16 ft 8 ft Fig. E3.31a Determine: The influence lines for the vertical reactions at B and C, moment at section 2-2, and the moment and shear forces at section1-1 using the Principle of 3.10 Influence Lines and Force Envelopes for Statically Determinate Beams 305 Virtual Work. Suppose a uniformly distributed live load of wL =1:2 kip/ft and uniformly distributed dead load of wD =0:75 kip/ft are placed on the beam. Using these results, determine the maximum value of the vertical reaction at B and the maximum and minimum values of moment at section 2-2. Solution: The vertical displacement patterns corresponding to the force quantities of interest are plotted in Fig. E3.31b. By definition, these displacement patterns are scaled versions of the influence lines. We determine the appropriate scale factors using force body diagrams shown in Fig. E3.31c. We take the load placed at A to calibrate the diagrams. 1 2 B A C 1 3 ft 5 ft 1 1.375 2 16 ft 6 ft D 8 ft .6875 + – 1 I.L. for RB .5 1.5 .3125 + .375 I.L. for RC – 4 + – I.L. for M at 2-2 – 4 3 .3125 + + – .5 I.L. for V at 1-1 – .6875 .375 3.4375 + – I.L. for M at 1-1 – 2.5 4.125 Fig. E3.31b Influence lines for RB ; RC ; V11 , M22 , and M11 306 3 P=1 Statically Determinate Beams 2 1 B P=1 D C 1 .375 B A 1 2 1.375 6 ft 5 ft 3 ft A .375 8 ft 4.125 1 1.375 5 ft 8 ft P=1 2 .375 B A 3 2 1.375 8 ft Fig. E3.31c Then, the peak value of RB is determined using data shown in Fig. E3.31d. RBmax ¼ 1:2ð15:125Þ þ 0:75ð15:125 2Þ ¼ 28 kip wD wL A B C D wD wL A B C D I.L for RB 15.125 –2 Fig. E3.31d Maximum and minimum values of RB Similarly, the peak values of moment at section 2-2 are generated using the data shown in Fig. E3.31e. ( Mmax at 2 2 ¼ 1:2ð32Þ þ 0:75ð32 9 16Þ ¼ 43:65 kip ft Mmin at 2 2 ¼ 1:2ð9 16Þ þ 0:75ð32 9 16Þ ¼ 24:75 kip ft 3.10 Influence Lines and Force Envelopes for Statically Determinate Beams 307 wL wD A B C wL D wL wD A B C D 4 I.L. for M at 2-2 32 –9 –16 Fig. E3.31e Example 3.32 Construction of influence lines Given: The beam shown in Fig. E3.32a. hinge A D B C 6m 2m 5m Fig. E3.32a Determine: The influence lines for the vertical reactions at C, A, and D, the internal shear force at B, and the internal moment at C using Principle of Virtual Work. Suppose a concentrated live load of PL =50 kN and uniformly distributed dead load of wD =12 kN/m is placed on the beam. Determine the maximum value of the vertical reactions at D and C. Solution: The vertical displacement patterns corresponding to the force quantities of interest are plotted in Fig. E3.32. By definition, these scaled displacement patterns are the influence lines. We take the load placed at A to calibrate the diagrams (Fig. E3.22c). The peak values are determined using Figs. E3.32d, e. 308 3 A C B Statically Determinate Beams D hinge 6m 2m 5m 1.4 1 + I. L. for RC 1 + I. L. for V at B 1 + I. L. for RA 1 + I. L. for RD – .4 I. L. for M at C – 2 Fig. E3.32b P=1 C A D B RA = 0 RD = 0.4 RC = 1.4 Fig. E3.32c 3.10 Influence Lines and Force Envelopes for Statically Determinate Beams PL wD A D B 6m 2m C 5m 1.4 I. L. for RC + 9.1 Fig. E3.32d PL wD A D B 6m 2m C 5m I. L. for RD –1.6 +2.5 Fig. E3.32e RCmax ¼ 12ð9:1Þ þ 50ð1:4Þ ¼ 179:2 kN ( ð2:5 1:6Þð12Þ þ 50ð1Þ ¼ 60:8 kN RDmax ¼ ð2:5 1:6Þð12Þ þ 50ð:4Þ ¼ 9:2 kN 309 310 3 Statically Determinate Beams Example 3.33 Cantilever construction-concentrated loading Given: The three-span symmetrical scheme shown in Fig. E3.33a. There are two moment releases located symmetrically with respect to the centerline of the center span. This structure is statically determinate: Member cd functions as a simply supported member; segments bc and de act as cantilevers in providing support for member cd. The structural arrangement is called cantilever construction and is used for spanning distances which are too large for a single span or a combination of two spans. a b hinge hinge c d αL2 (1 – 2α)L2 L1 L2 e f αL2 L1 LT Fig. E3.33a Determine: A method for selecting L1, given LT, and the location of the moment releases. Solution: The optimal geometric arrangement is determined by equating the maximum moments in the different spans. Given the total crossing length, LT, one generates a conceptual design by selecting L1, and a which defines the location of the hinges. The remaining steps are straightforward. One applies the design loading, determines the maximum moments for each beam segment, and designs the corresponding cross-sections. The local topography may control where the interior supports may be located. We assume here that we are not constrained in choosing L1 and describe below how one can utilize moment diagrams to arrive at an optimal choice for L1 and a. We consider the design load to be a single concentrated force that can act on any span. The approach that we follow is to move the load across the total span and generate a sequence of moment diagrams. This calculation provides information on the location of the load that generates the maximum moment for each span. When the load is on ab, member ab functions as a simply supported beam, and we know from the previous example that the critical location is at mid-span. As the load moves from b to c, bc acts like a cantilever, and the critical location is point c. Lastly, applying the load at the midpoint of c, d produces the maximum moment for cd. Since the structure is symmetrical we need to move the load over only one-half the span. Moment diagrams for these cases are shown in Figs. E3.33b–d. P a L1 L1 2 2 b c b c e d f PL1 4 + a d f e Fig. E3.33b Moment diagram—load on member AB P a P αL2 d b (1 – αL2 e f c )p L1 L1 αL2 L1 a b e d c f – PαL2 Fig. E3.33c Moment diagram—load on member BC P a c b αL2 a b − d e (1- 2α)L2 αL2 + Mcd c Mb Fig. E3.33d Moment diagram—load on member CD d f f e − 312 3 Statically Determinate Beams Based on these analyses, the design moments for the individual spans are PL1 4 Mjfe ¼ Mjab Mjbc ¼ PaL2 Mjed ¼ Mjbc Mjab ¼ Mjcd ¼ Mb ¼ PL2 ð1 2aÞ 4 P aL2 2 Me ¼ Mb From a constructability perspective, a constant cross-section throughout the total span is desirable. This goal is achieved by equating the design moments and leads to values for L1 and a. Starting with Mjbc =Mjcd , one obtains PaL2 ¼ PL2 ð12aÞ 4 + a ¼ ð12aÞ 4 + a ¼ 16 Next we equate Mjab and Mjbc , resulting in PL1 4 ¼ PaL2 + L1 ¼ 23 L2 The “optimal” center span is 2L1 þ L2 ¼ LT + 3 L2 ¼ LT ¼ 0:429LT 7 If the interior supports can be located such that these span lengths can be realized, the design is optimal for this particular design loading. We want to emphasize here that analysis is useful for gaining insight about behavior, which provides the basis for rational design. One could have solved this problem by iterating through various geometries, i.e., assuming values for a and L1, but the strategy described above is a better structural engineering approach. 3.10 Influence Lines and Force Envelopes for Statically Determinate Beams 313 Example 3.34 Cantilever construction—uniform design loading Given: The three-span symmetrical structure shown in Fig. E3.34a. Determine: The optimal values of L1 and a corresponding to a uniform live loading w. a b hinge hinge c d αL2 f αL2 (1- 2α)L2 L1 e L1 L2 LT Fig. E3.34a Solution: Using the results of the previous example, first, we establish the influence lines for the moment at mid-span of ab (M11 ), at point b (Mb ), and at mid-span of member cd (M22 ). They are plotted below (Figs. E3.34b–e). 1 a 2 b c + e f d e f 2 1 a d b c Influence Line M1-1 − a b c d e f Influence Line Mb − a + b c d e f Influence Line M2-2 Fig. E3.34b Influence lines We suppose that the uniformly distributed loading can be applied on an arbitrary segment of a span. We start with the side span, ab. Based on the influence line, we load span ab. 314 3 w b Statically Determinate Beams d c f e a α L2 α L2 L1 L1 L2 + Mab a L1 c b d f e 2 Fig. E3.34c Moment diagram Next, we load the center span. Loading the segment bcd produces the maximum values for Mb and Mcd . The third option is to load the center span. w a f c d e b a Mcd + b c − e − d f Mbc Fig. E3.34d Moment diagram w a f c d b a w (1-2α) αL22 2 Fig. E3.34e Moment diagram _ w (1-2α)2 L22 + b c e 8 d e _ 3.10 Influence Lines and Force Envelopes for Statically Determinate Beams 315 The peak values for these loading schemes are Mab ¼ Mcd ¼ Mbc ¼ wL21 8 wL22 ½1 2a 2 8 wL22 2 a þ að1 2aÞ 2 The remaining steps are the same as for the previous example. We want to use a constant cross-section for the total span and therefore equate the design moments. This step results in values for a and L1. Setting Mbc =Mcd results in 1 8 ½1 2a 2 ¼ ½a2 þ að1 2aÞ 8a2 8a þ 1 ¼ 0 + h pffiffii 1 a ¼ 2 1 22 ¼ 0:147 Setting Mab =Mcd leads to pffiffiffi 2 2 wL21 wL22 wL22 ¼ ½1 2a 2 ¼ 2 8 8 8 pffiffiffi 2 L2 ¼ 0:707L2 ; L1 ¼ 2 Lastly, L2 is related to the total span by 2L1 þ L2 ¼ LT + pffiffiffi ð1 þ 2ÞL2 ¼ LT + L2 ¼ 0:414LT These results are close to the values based on using a single concentrated load. Examples 3.33 and 3.34 illustrate an extremely important feature of statically determinate structures. The reactions and internal forces produced by a specific loading depend only on the geometry of the structure. They are independent of the properties of the components that comprise the structure. This fact allows one to obtain a more favorable internal force distribution by adjusting the geometry as we did here. 316 3 Statically Determinate Beams These examples also illustrate the use of cantilever construction combined with internal moment releases. In Part II of the text, we rework those problems using beams which are continuous over all three spans, i.e., we remove the moment releases. The resulting structures are statically indeterminate. 3.10.3 Force Envelopes A Single Concentrated Force Figure 3.62 defines the bending moment distribution for a single concentrated load. We note that Mmax is a quadratic function of x. One can plot Mmax vs. x and determine the location of the maximum value of Mmax . Alternatively, one can apply the following analytical approach. Differentiating Mxmax with respect to x and setting the result equal to zero leads to the desired value of x. @ @x ðMmax Þ ¼0 + P 1 2x L ¼ 0 + x ¼ L2 P A x) P (1- _ L B x P_ L x L + P (1- x ) L Px L V + _ Mmax= P x(1- x ) L + M + Fig. 3.62 Reactions, shear and bending moment diagrams for concentrated load at x 3.10 Influence Lines and Force Envelopes for Statically Determinate Beams 317 Fig. 3.63 Moment envelope for a single concentrated load P Fig. 3.64 Shear envelope for a single concentrated load P According to the above equation, the absolute maximum value of bending moment occurs when the force is applied at mid-span. Mmax jmax ¼ PL 4 Figure 3.63 shows the moment envelope for the case where there is only a single concentrated force. We note from Fig. 3.62 that the absolute maximum shear force is equal to the applied force, P, and either VA or VB controls depending on the location of the load with respect to mid-span. Figure 3.64 shows the shear envelope for the case where there is only a single concentrated force. 318 3 Statically Determinate Beams Example 3.35 Construction of moment envelope Given: The two-span beam shown in Fig. E3.35a. There is a hinge (moment release) at the midpoint of the second span. A Fig. E3.35a C B D hinge L 2 L L 2 Determine: The moment envelope corresponding to a single concentrated load moving across the span. Solution: The analytical information that is related to the bending moment distributions generated in Example 3.28 is utilized to construct the moment envelope shown in Fig. E3.35b. One can also use the computer to generate these results. P=1 A B X L C D L 2 L 2 L 4 + + − M L 2 Fig. E3.35b Moment envelope for a concentrated unit load The moment envelope is useful for identifying the position of the load that controls the design. For this example, we see that the load applied at the midpoint of span AB produces the largest positive moment and the load applied at C produces the largest negative moment. 3.10 Influence Lines and Force Envelopes for Statically Determinate Beams 319 Multiple Concentrated Loads We consider next the case where there are two concentrated forces. This loading can simulate the load corresponding to a two axle vehicle. The notation is defined in Fig. 3.65. The resultant force R = P1 þ P2 is located e units from the line of action of P2 . where e¼ P1 d1 P1 þ P2 The moment diagram for a set of concentrated forces is piecewise linear with peak values at the points of application of the forces. Figure 3.66 shows the result for this loading case. Analytical expressions for the reactions and the moments at points ① and ② are 1 d1 ðL x Þ P1 L L x d1 RB ¼ ðP1 þ P2 Þ þ P1 L L x d1 ðL x d1 Þ M1 ¼ ðP1 þ P2 Þ ðL x d1 Þ þ P1 L L x d1 M2 ¼ ðP1 þ P2 Þ ðL xÞ P1 x L L RA ¼ ðP1 þ P2 Þ P2 P1 2 x Fig. 3.65 Two concentrated forces 1 d1 L (3.64) 320 3 P2 d1 x 2 Statically Determinate Beams P1 1 RA RB L M2 M1 M + x d1 L- x - d1 Fig. 3.66 Moment diagram—arbitrary position of loading These moments are quadratic functions of x. One can compute M1 and M2 for a range of x values and determine the values of x corresponding to the peak values. Alternatively, one can determine the value of x corresponding to a maximum value of a particular moment by differentiating the corresponding moment expression with respect to x and setting the result equal to zero. Maximum value of M2 @M2 ¼0 @x x d1 ðP1 þ P2 Þ 1 2 P1 ¼ 0 L L L d1 P1 L e xjM2 max ¼ ¼ 2 2 P 1 þ P2 2 2 (3.65) Maximum value of M1 @M1 ¼0 @x (P1 þ P2 ÞðL 2x d1 Þ P1 d1 ¼ 0 xjM1 max ¼ L d1 e 2 2 2 (3.66) 3.10 Influence Lines and Force Envelopes for Statically Determinate Beams 321 C a R P2 P1 2 1 B A e/2 e/2 x d1 -e L/2 L/2 M2 M1 M + b C R P2 P1 A B 2 x 1 e L/2 M2 d1 -e d1 -e 2 2 L/2 M1 M + Fig. 3.67 Critical location of loading for maximum bending moments. (a) xjM2 max . (b) xjM1 max We can interpret the critical location for the maximum value of M2 from the sketch shown in Fig. 3.67a. The force P2 is located e/2 units to the left of mid-span and the line of action of the resultant is e/2 units to the right of mid-span. A similar result applies for M1. P1 is positioned such that P1 and R are equidistant from midspan as shown in Fig. 3.67b. 322 3 Statically Determinate Beams The absolute maximum live load moment is found by evaluating M1 and M2 using the corresponding values of xjM1max and xjM2max . In most cases, the absolute maximum moment occurs at the point of application of the largest force positioned according to (3.66) and (3.67). Example 3.36 Illustration of Computation of Maximum Moments for two-force loading Given: The beam shown in Fig. E3.36a and the following data R¼W P1 ¼ 0:2W P2 ¼ 0:8W Fig. E3.36a d1 ¼ 14 ft P2 L ¼ 40 ft P1 d1 X 1 2 L Determine: The maximum possible moment in the beam as the two-force loading system moves across the span. 0:2W (14) = 2.8 ft from P2. Solution: The resultant is located e = W Using (3.65) xjM2 max = L e = 20 1.4 ¼ 18.6 ft 2 2 Using (3.64) and the above value for x, the reactions and bending moments are RA = 0.465W RB = 0.535W M1 = 3.96W M2 = 8.69W The critical loading position for M2 is shown in Fig. E3.36b. 3.10 Influence Lines and Force Envelopes for Statically Determinate Beams 323 C R P1 = .2W P2 = .8W 2.8 ft 11.2 ft 1 2 RA RB 18.6 1.4 1.4 11.2 7.4 Fig. E3.36b We compute M1 in a similar way. The critical location is found using (3.66). xjM1 max = L d1 e ¼ 20 7 1.4 ¼ 11.6 ft 2 2 2 Next we apply (3.64). RA ¼ 0.64W RB ¼ 0.36W M1 ¼ 5.184W M2 ¼ 7.424W The critical loading position for M1 is shown in Fig. E3.36c. C R P2 = .8W 2.8 ft P1 = .2W 11.2 ft 1 2 RA RB 11.6 Fig. E3.36c 2.8 5.6 5.6 14.4 324 3 Statically Determinate Beams It follows that the absolute maximum live load moment occurs when P2 is positioned 18.6 ft from the left support. This point is close to mid-span (Fig. E3.36d). P2 = .8W Fig. E3.36d P1 = .2W 1 2 RB RA 14 ft 18.6 ft 7.4 ft 8.69W 3.96W M + The analysis for the case of three concentrated loads proceeds in a similar way. Figure 3.68 shows the notation used to define the loading and the location of the resultant force. The moment diagram is piecewise linear with peaks at the point of application of the concentrated loads. We generate expressions for the bending moments at points 1, 2, and 3 for an arbitrary position of the loading defined by x and then determine the locations of maximum moment by differentiating these expressions. First, we locate the resultant force R ¼ P1 þ P2 þ P3 e¼ d2 P2 þ ðd1 þ d2 ÞP1 R (3.67) The moments at locations 1, 2, and 3 are functions of x. M3 ¼ R ðL x eÞx L M2 ¼ R ðL x eÞðx þ d2 Þ P3 d2 L M1 ¼ R ðL x d2 d1 Þðx þ eÞ L (3.68) 3.10 Influence Lines and Force Envelopes for Statically Determinate Beams a P3 x d2 P2 2 3 325 P1 d1 1 L R b e x RA P3 3 d2 P2 2 d1 P1 1 RB M3 M2 M1 M + Fig. 3.68 Notation and moment diagram—three concentrated loads Differentiating each expression with respect to x and equating the result to zero leads to the equations for the critical values of x that correspond to relative maximum values of the moments. For M3 jmax For M2 jmax For M1 jmax 1 x ¼ ðL eÞ 2 1 x ¼ ðL e d2 Þ 2 1 x ¼ ðL d2 d1 eÞ 2 (3.69) The positions of the loading corresponding to these three values of x are plotted in Fig. 3.69. Note that the results are similar to the two concentrated load case. We need to evaluate (3.68) for each value of x in order to establish the absolute maximum value of the bending moment. 326 3 C a Statically Determinate Beams R P3 P2 P1 e/2 e/2 3 RA 2 1 RB x L/2 L/2 b C R RA e x P1 P2 P3 d1 d2 -e 2 c RB d2 -e 2 C R P3 RA x d2 P2 P1 e - d2 ( L - d2 + d1 -e ) 2 2 d2 + d1 -e 2 Fig. 3.69 Possible locations of loading for maximum moment RB 3.10 Influence Lines and Force Envelopes for Statically Determinate Beams 327 Example 3.37 Given: The beam shown in Fig. E3.37a. Fig. E3.37a 32 kip 32 kip 8 kip w= 2.4 kip/ft B A 60 ft Determine: The maximum possible moment in the beam caused by (1) A truck moving across the span (Fig. E3.37b). Fig. E3.37b R= 72 kip 32 kip 32 kip 8 kip 4.67 ft 14 ft 14 ft (2) A uniformly distributed dead load of w ¼ 2.4 kip/ft in addition to the truck loading. Solution: Part (1): The critical truck loading position is defined by Fig. E3.37c. The corresponding bending moment diagram is plotted below; the maximum moment occurs 2.3 ft from the center of the span. Mmax = 806:7 kip ft. 72 kip C 32 kip 38.8 kip 18.34 32 kip 8 kip 9.33 2.33 2.33 14 791 711kip ft Fig. E3.37c Moment distribution for moving truck load + 13.67 33.2 kip 806.7kip ft 454kip ft M + 328 3 Statically Determinate Beams Part (2): The bending moment diagram for uniform loading is parabolic, with a maximum value at mid-span. Fig. E3.37d Moment distribution for dead load w= 2.4 kip/ft B A 72 kip 72 kip x 60 ft 1080 kip ft 1073.5 kip ft + 30 ft Mdead ðxÞ ¼ 72x 1:2x2 M + 2.33 ft 0 x 60 We estimate the peak moment due to the combined loading by adding corresponding moment values from Figs. E3.37c, d. ) Mcombined ¼ ðMdead þ Mtruck Þat x¼32:33ft ¼ 1; 073:5 þ 806:7 1880 kip ft Mmax ¼ 1; 880 kipft Mcombined ¼ ðMdead þ Mtruck Þat x¼30 ft ¼ 1; 080 þ 791 1; 871 kipft When there are multiple loadings, it is more convenient to generate discrete moment envelope using a computer-based analysis system. The discrete moment envelope for the combined (dead + truck) loading is plotted below (Fig. E3.37e). Scanning the envelope shows that the maximum moment occurs at x ¼ 30.9 ft and Mmax =1; 882:6 kip ft. This result shows that it was reasonable to superimpose the moment diagrams in this example. 32 kip 32 kip 8 kip 2.4 kip/ft A B x 60 ft 1882.6 kip ft Fig. E3.37e Discrete moment envelope for the combined (dead + truck) loading 3.11 3.11 Summary 329 Summary 3.11.1 Objectives of the Chapter • To develop analytical and computational methods for quantifying the behavior of beams subjected to transverse loading. Of particular interest are the reactions, the internal forces (shear, bending, and twisting moments), and the displacements. • To introduce the concepts of influence lines and force envelopes which are needed to establish design values for beam cross-sections. 3.11.2 Key Facts and Concepts • A stable statically determinate beam requires three nonconcurrent displacement restraints. There are three reaction forces which are determined using the static equilibrium equations. • External loads are resisted by internal forces acting on a cross-section. For planar loading, these quantities consist of an axial force, F, a transverse shear force, V, and a bending moment, M. One can establish the magnitude of these variables using the static equilibrium equations. Alternatively, one can start with the following differential equilibrium equations, dV ¼w dx dM ¼V dx Integrating between points 1 and 2 leads to V 2 V1 ¼ ð x2 w dx x1 M2 M1 ¼ ð x2 V dx x1 The first equation states that the difference in shear is equal to the area under the loading diagram. The second equation states that the change in moment is equal to the minus area under the shear diagram. • Planar bending results in a transverse displacement, vðxÞ. When the beam is slender, these variables are related by 330 3 Statically Determinate Beams d2 v M ¼ dx2 EI where I is the second moment of area for the section. Given MðxÞ, one determines vðxÞ by integrating this expression and noting the two boundary conditions on v. • The transverse displacement at a particular point can also be determined using the Principle of Virtual Forces specialized for planar bending of slender beams. ð d dP ¼ M dM dx EI L Here, d is the desired displacement, dP is a virtual force in the direction of d, and dMis the virtual moment corresponding to dP. One usually employs numerical integration when the integral is complex. • An influence line is a plot of the magnitude of a particular internal force quantity; say the bending moment at a specific location vs. the position of a unit concentrated load as it moves across the span. It is useful for establishing the peak magnitude of the force quantity at that location. • A force envelope is a plot of the maximum value of a force quantity, say the bending moment along the span vs. position of the load. It is used when the cross-section is taken as constant along the span and the absolute maximum value is required for design. 3.12 Problems For the beams defined in Problems 3.1–3.22, compute the reactions and draw the shear and moment diagrams. Problem 3.1 3.12 Problems Problem 3.2 Problem 3.3 Problem 3.4 331 332 3 Problem 3.5 Problem 3.6 Problem 3.7 Statically Determinate Beams 3.12 Problems Problem 3.8 Problem 3.9 Problem 3.10 333 334 3 Problem 3.11 Problem 3.12 Problem 3.13 Statically Determinate Beams 3.12 Problems 335 Problem 3.14 Problem 3.15 70 kN 30 kN/m E A D hinge B 5m Problem 3.16 C 5m 3m 3m 336 3 Problem 3.17 Problem 3.18 Problem 3.19 Statically Determinate Beams 3.12 Problems 337 Problem 3.20 Member BD is rigidly attached to the beam at B. Problem 3.21 Determine the maximum bending moment. Assume EI is constant. Problem 3.22 Determine the maximum bending moment. Does the bending moment distribution depend on either E or I? Justify your response. 338 3 Statically Determinate Beams For the beams defined in Problems 3.23–3.27, use the conjugate beam method to determine the vertical deflection and rotation measures indicated. Assume EI is constant. Problem 3.23 yB ; nB I ¼ 200 in4 ; E ¼ 29,000 kip=in2 Problem 3.24 yB ; nB I ¼ 200 in4 ; E ¼ 29,000 ksi Problem 3.25 yA ; nC I ¼ 80ð106 Þ mm4 ; E ¼ 200 GPa 3.12 Problems 339 Problem 3.26 yD ; nC I ¼ 200 in4 ; E ¼ 29,000 ksi Problem 3.27 yD ; nC I ¼ 80ð106 Þ mm4 ; E ¼ 200 GPa 340 3 Statically Determinate Beams For the beams defined in Problems 3.28–3.35, use the virtual force method to determine the vertical deflection and rotation measures indicated. Problem 3.28 yB ; nD I ¼ 120ð106 Þmm4 ; E ¼ 200 GPa Problem 3.29 yA ; nC I ¼ 300 in4 ; E ¼ 29; 000 ksi 3.12 Problems 341 Problem 3.30 yC ; nD I ¼ 120ð106 Þ mm4 ; E ¼ 200 GPa Problem 3.31 yC ; nC I ¼ 200 in4 ; E ¼ 29; 000 ksi 342 3 Statically Determinate Beams Problem 3.32 yC ; nC I ¼ 100ð106 Þ mm4 ; E ¼ 200 GPa Problem 3.33 yB ; nE I ¼ 300 in4 ; E ¼ 29; 000 ksi 3.12 Problems 343 Problem 3.34 yC ; yE ; and nE I ¼ 160ð106 Þ mm4 ; E ¼ 200 GPa Problem 3.35 yB ; nB I ¼ 120 in4 ; E ¼ 29; 000 ksi Determine the analytical solutions for the deflected shape for the beams defined in Problems 3.36–3.39. Assume EI is constant. 344 3 Problem 3.36 Problem 3.37 Problem 3.38 Statically Determinate Beams 3.12 Problems 345 Problem 3.39 Problem 3.40 Determine the value of I require to limit the vertical deflection at B to 1/2 in. E ¼ 29,000 ksi. Problem 3.41 (a) Solve Problem 3.39 using computer software. Consider different sets of values for EI. Show that the magnitude of the deflection varies as 1/EI. Assume P = 100 kN; L = 8 m. (b) Suppose the peak deflection is specified. How would you determine the appropriate value of I? Problem 3.42 Utilize symmetry to sketch the deflected shape. EI is constant. Assume E ¼ 200 GPa and I=160ð10Þ6 mm4 . 346 3 Statically Determinate Beams Problem 3.43 Determine the vertical deflection of point A. Sketch the deflected shape of the beam. EI is constant. Problem 3.44 Determine the vertical deflection of point A. Sketch the deflected shape of the beam. EI is constant. 3.12 Problems 347 Problem 3.45 Determine the vertical deflection of point A. Sketch the deflected shape. EI is constant. Problem 3.46 Consider the cantilever beam shown below. Determine the displacement at B due to the loading. Use the principle of Virtual Forces and evaluate the corresponding 4 integral with the trapezoidal rule. Take w0 =10 kip/ft, L=20 ft, I0 =1,000 in. , px E=29,000 ksi, I=I0 1 þ cos 2L . Problem 3.47 Assume AB is a “deep” beam. I and A are constant. Determine the analytical solution for b (the rotation of the cross-section) and v. 348 3 Statically Determinate Beams Problem 3.48 (1) Determine bt (the rotation of the cross-section about the longitudinal axis) at B due to the concentrated torque at C. (2) Suppose a distribution torque, mt , is applied along A–B. Determine. Mt (x). px Take mt = sin 2L (3) Determine bt at B due to the distributed torsional loading. Problem 3.49 Draw the influence lines for: (a) Reaction at A (b) Moment at E (c) Shear at D Problem 3.50 Draw the influence lines for: (a) Reaction at B (b) Reaction at C (c) Moment at E (d) Shear at F 3.12 Problems 349 Problem 3.51 Draw the influence lines for: (a) Reaction at A (b) Reaction at C (c) Reaction at D (d) Moment at E Problem 3.52 Draw the influence lines for: (a) Vertical reaction at A (b) Vertical reaction at B (c) Moment at point F (d) Shear at point F Suppose a uniformly distributed dead load of 18 kN/m and uniformly distributed live load of 30 kN/m are placed on the beam. Use the above results to determine the maximum values for the vertical reaction at A and the moment at point F. Also show the position of the live load on the beam. 350 3 Statically Determinate Beams Problem 3.53 Draw the influence line for: (a) The reaction at B (b) The moment at E (c) The shear at F (d) The moment at F Suppose a uniformly distributed live load of 1.2 kip/ft and uniformly distributed dead load of 0.8 kip/ft are placed on the beam. Use the above results to determine: (a) The maximum value of the vertical reaction at B (b) The maximum and minimum values of shear at F (c) The maximum and minimum values of moment at F Problem 3.54 For the beams shown, determine the moment and shear envelopes corresponding to a single concentrated load moving across the span. Problem 3.55 Determine the maximum possible moment in the 40 ft span beam as the loading system shown moves across the span. 3.12 Problems 351 Problem 3.56 Determine the location of the maximum possible moment in the 20 m span beam as the loading system shown moves across the span. Problem 3.57 Determine the maximum possible moment in a 80 ft span beam as the loading system shown moves across the span. Assume a uniform load of 2 kip/ft also acts on the span. Use computer software. Problem 3.58 For the beam shown: (a) Draw the influence lines for the vertical reaction at support D, the moment at point F, and the shear at point C. (b) For a uniformly distributed live load of 20 kN/m, use the above results to determine the maximum values of the reaction at D, moment at F, and shear at point F. Also show the position of the live load on the beam. 352 3 Statically Determinate Beams (c) Establish the moment envelope corresponding to a single concentrated vertical load. Problem 3.59 For the beam shown below Draw the influence line for: (a) The vertical reaction at B (b) The moment at D (c) The vertical reaction at C If a uniformly distributed live load of 1.8 kip/ft and uniformly distributed dead load of 1.4 kip/ft are placed on the beam, use the above results to determine the maximum and minimum values of (a) The vertical reaction at C (b) The moment at D Problem 3.60 Using computer software, determine the influence line for the vertical displacement at x ¼ 5 m. Assume EI is constant. 3.12 Problems 353 Hint: Apply a unit load at x ¼ 5 m and determine the deflected shape. This is a scaled version of the influence line. Verify by moving the load and recomputing the displacement at x ¼ 5 m. 4 Statically Determinate Plane Frames Overview Plane frame structures are composed of structural members which lie in a single plane. When loaded in this plane, they are subjected to both bending and axial action. Of particular interest are the shear and moment distributions for the members due to gravity and lateral loadings. We describe in this chapter analysis strategies for typical statically determinate single story frames. Numerous examples illustrating the response are presented to provide the reader with insight as to the behavior o\f these structural types. We also describe how the Method of Virtual Forces can be applied to compute displacements of frames. The theory for frame structures is based on the theory of beams presented in Chap. 3. Later in Chaps. 9, 10, and 15, we extend the discussion to deal with statically indeterminate frames and space frames. 4.1 Definition of Plane Frames The two dominant planar structural systems are plane trusses and plane frames. Plane trusses were discussed in detail in Chap. 2. Both structural systems are formed by connecting structural members at their ends such that they are in a single plane. The systems differ in the way the individual members are connected and loaded. Loads are applied at nodes (joints) for truss structures. Consequently, the member forces are purely axial. Frame structures behave in a completely different way. The loading is applied directly to the members, resulting in internal shear and moment as well as axial force in the members. Depending on the geometric configuration, a set of members may experience predominately bending action; these members are called “beams.” Another set may experience predominately axial action. They are called “columns.” The typical building frame is composed of a combination of beams and columns. Frames are categorized partly by their geometry and partly by the nature of the member/member connection, i.e., pinned vs. rigid connection. Figure 4.1 illustrates J.J. Connor and S. Faraji, Fundamentals of Structural Engineering, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-3262-3_4, # Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2013 355 356 4 a Statically Determinate Plane Frames b c d Fig. 4.1 Typical plane building frames. (a) Rigid Portal frame. (b) Rigid multi-bay portal frame. (c) Multistory rigid frame. (d) Multistory braced frame b d e e a c Fig. 4.2 A-frame some typical rigid plane frames used mainly for light manufacturing factories, warehouses, and office buildings. We generate three dimensional frames by suitably combining plane frames. Figure 4.2 shows an A-frame, named obviously for its geometry. This frame has three members ab, bc, and de that are pinned together at points d, b, and e. Loads may be applied at the connection points, such as b, or on a member, such as de. A-frames are typically supported at the base of their legs, such as at a and c. Because of the nature of the loading and restraints, the members in an A-frame generally experience bending as well as axial force. To provide more vertical clearance in the interior and also to improve the aesthetics, a more open interior space is created by pitching the top member as 4.2 Statical Determinacy: Planar Loading 357 Fig. 4.3 Gable (pitched roof) frames a c b Fig. 4.4 Statically determinate support schemes for planar frames a b c Fig. 4.5 Statically indeterminate support schemes—planar frames illustrated in Fig. 4.3. Pitched roof frames are also referred to as gable frames. Architects tend to prefer them for churches, gymnasia, and exhibition halls. 4.2 Statical Determinacy: Planar Loading All the plane frames that we have discussed so far can be regarded as rigid bodies in the sense that if they are adequately supported, the only motion they will experience when a planar load is applied will be due to deformation of the members. Therefore, we need to support them with only three nonconcurrent displacement restraints. We can use a single, fully fixed support scheme, or a combination of hinge and roller supports. Examples of “adequate” support schemes are shown in Fig. 4.4. All these schemes are statically determinate. In this case, one first determines the reactions and then analyzes the individual members. If more than three displacement restraints are used, the plane frames are statically indeterminate. In many cases, two hinge supports are used for portal and gable 358 4 a Statically Determinate Plane Frames hinge b hinge Fig. 4.6 3-Hinge plane frames A MA B Y MB X A FA B FB VA VB Fig. 4.7 Free body diagram—member forces frames (see Fig. 4.5). We cannot determine the reaction forces in these frame structures using only the three available equilibrium equations since there are now four unknown reaction forces. They are reduced to statically determinate structures by inserting a hinge which acts as a moment release. We refer to these modified structures as 3-hinge frames (see Fig. 4.6). Statical determinacy is evaluated by comparing the number of unknown forces with the number of equilibrium equations available. For a planar member subjected to planar loading, there are three internal forces: axial, shear, and moment. Once these force quantities are known at a point, the force quantities at any other point in the member can be determined using the equilibrium equations. Figure 4.7 illustrates the use of equilibrium equations for the member segment AB. Therefore, it follows that there are only three force unknowns for each member of a rigid planar frame subjected to planar loading. We define a node (joint) as the intersection of two or more members, or the end of a member connected to a support. A node is acted upon by member forces associated with the members’ incident on the node. Figure 4.8 illustrates the forces acting on node B. These nodal forces comprise a general planar force system for which there are three equilibrium equations available; summation of forces in two nonparallel directions and summation of moments. Summing up force unknowns, we have three for each member plus the number of displacement restraints. Summing up 4.2 Statical Determinacy: Planar Loading B C 359 C B B D B D A A Fig. 4.8 Free body diagram—node B a b c hinge b d a e c Fig. 4.9 Indeterminate portal and A-frames equations, there are three for each node plus the number of force releases (e.g., moment releases) introduced. Letting m denote the number of members, r the number of displacement restraints, j the number of nodes, and n the number of releases, the criterion for statical determinacy of rigid plane frames can be expressed as 3m þ r n ¼ 3j (4.1) We apply this criterion to the portal frames shown in Figs. 4.4a, 4.5a, and 4.6b. For the portal frame in Fig. 4.4a m ¼ 3; r ¼ 3; j ¼ 4 For the corresponding frame in Fig. 4.5a m ¼ 3; r ¼ 4; j ¼ 4 This structure is indeterminate to the 1st degree. The 3-hinge frame in Fig. 4.6a has m ¼ 4; r ¼ 4; n ¼ 1; j ¼ 5 Inserting the moment release reduces the number of unknowns and now the resulting structure is statically determinate. Consider the plane frames shown in Fig. 4.9. The frame in Fig. 4.9a is indeterminate to the 3rd degree. m ¼ 3; r ¼ 6; j ¼ 4 360 4 Statically Determinate Plane Frames The frame in Fig. 4.9b is indeterminate to the 2nd degree. m ¼ 4; r ¼ 6; j ¼ 5 n ¼ 1 Equation (4.1) applies to rigid plane frames, i.e., where the members are rigidly connected to each other at nodes. The members of an A-frame are connected with pins that allow relative rotation and therefore A-frames are not rigid frames. We establish a criterion for A-frame type structures following the same approach described above. Each member has three equilibrium equations. Therefore, the total number of equilibrium equations is equal to 3 m. Each pin introduces two force unknowns. Letting np denote the number of pins, the total number of force unknowns is equal to 2np plus the number of displacement restraints. It follows that 2np þ r ¼ 3m (4.2) for static determinacy of A-frame type structures. Applying this criterion to the structure shown in Fig. 4.2, one has np ¼ 3, r ¼ 3, m ¼ 3 and the structure is statically determinate. If we add another member at the base, as shown in Fig. 4.9c, np ¼ 5, r ¼ 3, m ¼ 4, and the structure becomes statically indeterminate to the 1st degree. 4.3 Analysis of Statically Determinate Frames In this section, we illustrate with numerous examples the analysis process for statically determinate frames such as shown in Fig. 4.10a. In these examples, our primary focus is on the generation of the internal force distributions. Of particular interest are the a c b d a Rax Ray b ΣMa = 0 Rd ΣFx = 0 Rax ΣFy = 0 Ray Rd + b c Axial, F + c + + d a b c + + + + + b d a Moment, M d a Shear, V Fig. 4.10 (a) Typical frame. (b) Sign convention for the bending moment, transverse shear, and axial force 4.3 Analysis of Statically Determinate Frames 361 location and magnitude of the peak values of moment, shear, and axial force since these quantities are needed for the design of the member cross-sections. The analysis strategy for these structures is as follows. We first find the reactions by enforcing the global equilibrium equations. Once the reactions are known, we draw free body diagrams for the members and determine the force distributions in the members. We define the positive sense of bending moment according to whether it produces compression on the exterior face. The sign conventions for bending moment, transverse shear, and axial force are defined in Fig. 4.10b. The following examples illustrate this analysis strategy. Later, we present analytical solutions which are useful for developing an understanding of the behavior. Example 4.1 Unsymmetrical cantilever frame Given: The structure defined in Fig. E4.1a. Fig. E4.1a 15 kN / m B C 6m A 2m Determine: The reactions and draw the shear and moment diagrams. Solution: We first determine the reactions at A, and then the shear and moment at B. These results are listed in Figs. E4.1b, c. Once these values are known, the shear and moment diagrams for members CB and BA can be constructed. The final results are plotted in Fig. E4.1d. X X X Fx ¼ 0 RAx ¼ 0 Fy ¼ 0 RAy ð15Þð2Þ ¼ 0 RAy ¼ 30 kN " MA ¼ 0 MA ð15Þð2Þð1Þ ¼ 0 MA ¼ 30 kN m counter clockwise 362 4 Statically Determinate Plane Frames Fig. E4.1b Reactions 15 kN / m B RAx = 0 C A RAy = 30 kN MA= 30 kN-m Fig. E4.1c End actions 30 kN 30 kN-m 15 kN / m 30 kN-m C B B 30 kN 30 kN-m A 30 kN Fig. E4.1d Shear and moment diagrams + + – 30 kN – – + 30 kN-m 30 kN-m Shear, V Moment, M 4.3 Analysis of Statically Determinate Frames 363 Example 4.2 Symmetrical cantilever frame Given: The structure defined in Fig. E4.2a. Fig. E4.2a 15 kN / m D B C 6m A 2m 2m Determine: The reactions and draw the shear and moment diagrams. Solution: We determine the reactions at A and shear and moment at B. The results are shown in Figs. E4.2b, c. X X X Fx ¼ 0 RAx ¼ 0 Fy ¼ 0 RAy ð15Þð4Þ ¼ 0 RAy ¼ 60 kN " MA ¼ 0 MA ð15Þð2Þð1Þ þ ð15Þð2Þð1Þ ¼ 0 MA ¼ 0 15 kN / m D B RAx = 0 C A RAy = 60 kN Fig. E4.2b Reactions MA= 0 364 4 Fig. E4.2c End actions Statically Determinate Plane Frames 60 kN 15 kN / m 30 kN-m 30 kN-m B B D 15 kN / m B C 30 kN 30 kN A 60 kN Finally the shear and moment diagrams for the structures are plotted in Fig. E4.2d. Note that member AB now has no bending moment, just axial compression of 60 kN. Fig. E4.2d Shear and moment diagrams + – + – – 30 kN – 30 kN-m Shear, V Moment, M Example 4.3 Angle-type frame segment Given: The frame defined in Fig. E4.3a. 2 kip/ft C B 10 ft 6k D 10 ft A 20 ft Fig. E4.3a 4.3 Analysis of Statically Determinate Frames 365 Determine: The reactions and draw the shear and moment diagrams. Solution: We determine the vertical reaction at C by summing moments about A. The reactions at A follow from force equilibrium considerations (Fig. E4.3b). X X MA ¼ 0 Fx ¼ 0 X Fy ¼ 0 2ð20Þð10Þ þ 6ð10Þ RC ð20Þ ¼ 0 RC ¼ 23 kip " RAx ¼ 6 kip RAy 2ð20Þ þ 23 ¼ 0 RAy ¼ 17 kip " 2 kip/ft C B RC = 23 kip 6 kip D RAx = 6 kip A RAy = 17 kip Fig. E4.3b Reactions Next, we determine the end moments and end shears for segments CB and BA using the equilibrium equations for the members. Figure E4.3c contains these results. 60 kip ft 60 kip ft 17 kip B 17 kip 6 kip D 6 kip A 2 kip/ft C B 17 kip B 60 kip ft 17 kip 23 kip 60 kip ft 17 kip Fig. E4.3c End actions Lastly, we generate the shear and bending moment diagrams (Fig. E4.3d). The maximum moment occurs in member BC. We determine its location by noting that the moment is a maximum when the shear is zero. 366 4 Statically Determinate Plane Frames 2 kip/ft C Mx 23 kip Vx=0 x1 23 ð2Þx1 ¼ 0 ! x1 ¼ 11:5 ft Then Mmax ¼ 23ð11:5Þ 2ð11:5Þ2 ¼ 132:25 kip ft 2 + + 132.25 kip ft 23kip + – + 60 kip ft 11.5ft 17 kip 11.5ft + + + – 60 kip ft 6kip Moment, M Shear, V Fig. E4.3d Shear and moment diagrams Example 4.4 Simply supported portal frame Given: The portal frame defined in Fig. E4.4a which is similar to that discussed in the text. Determine: The shear and moment distributions. w=1kip/ft P=2 k C B 20 ft A D 32 ft Fig. E4.4a 4.3 Analysis of Statically Determinate Frames 367 Solution: The reaction at D is found by summing moments about A. We then determine the reactions at A using force equilibrium considerations. Figure E4.4b shows the result. X X X MA ¼ 0 1ð32Þð16Þ þ 2ð20Þ RD ð32Þ ¼ 0 Fx ¼ 0 RAx ¼ 2 Fy ¼ 0 RAy 1ð32Þ þ 17:25 ¼ 0 RD ¼ 17:25 " RAy ¼ 14:75 " Fig. E4.4b Reactions 1.0 kip/ft 2k 2 C B A D 14.75 17.25 Isolating the individual members and enforcing equilibrium leads to the end forces and moments shown in Fig. E4.4c. 40 kip ft 2 1.0 kip/ft 40 kip ft B B 2 14.75 C 17.25 C 14.75 17.25 17.25 14.75 40 kip ft 40 kip ft 14.75 17.25 C 2 B D 2 A 14.75 Fig. E4.4c End actions 17.25 368 4 Statically Determinate Plane Frames We locate the maximum moment in member BC. We suppose the moment is a maximum at x ¼ x1 . Setting the shear at this point equal to zero lead to 1.0 kip/ ft Mx C Vx = 0 x1 17.25 17:25 x1 ð1Þ ¼ 0 ! x1 ¼ 17:25 ft ð1Þð17:25Þ2 ¼ 148:78 kip ft 2 The shear and moment diagrams are plotted in Fig. E4.4d. Then Mmax ¼ 17:25ð17:25Þ + + 148.78 kip ft 17.25 kip 40 kip ft + + – + x1 = 17.25 ft + + x1 = 17.25 ft – 14.25 kip 2 kip Shear, V Moment, M Fig. E4.4d Shear and moment diagrams Example 4.5 3-Hinge portal frame Given: The 3-hinge frame defined in Fig. E4.5a. Determine: The shear and moment distributions. w=1kip / ft E P = 2 kip B C Hinge 20 ft D A 16 ft Fig. E4.5a 16 ft 4.3 Analysis of Statically Determinate Frames 369 Solution: Results for the various analysis steps are listed in Figs. E4.5b–g. Step 1: Reactions at D and A The vertical reaction at D is found by summing moments about A. P MA ¼ 0 RDy ð32Þ ð1Þð32Þð16Þ 2ð20Þ ¼ 0 RDy ¼ 17:25 kip " Fig. E4.5b 1kip / ft 2 kip B C E A RAx D RAy RDx RDy Next, we work with the free body diagram of segment ECD. Applying the equilibrium conditions to this segment results in X X X ME ¼ 0 17:25ð16Þ ð1Þð16Þð8Þ RDX ð20Þ ¼ 0 Fx ¼ 0 FE ¼ RDX ¼ 7:4 kip ! Fy ¼ 0 V E þ 17:25 ð1Þð16Þ ¼ 0 RDX ¼ 7:4 kip V E ¼ 1:25 kip # Fig. E4.5c 1kip/ft FE C E VE D RDX RDy = 17.25 With the internal forces at E known, we can now proceed with the analysis of segment ABE. P P Fx ¼ 0 RAx þ 2 7:4 ¼ 0 RAx ¼ 5:4 kip ! Fy ¼ 0 RAy þ 17:25 ð1Þð32Þ ¼ 0 RAy ¼ 14:75 kip " 370 4 Statically Determinate Plane Frames 1kip/ft B 7.4 kip E 2 kip 1.25 kip RAX A RAy Fig. E4.5d Reactions are listed below 1kip/ft 2 kip 5.4 kip B C E A D 7.4 kip 17.25 kip 14.75 kip Fig. E4.5e Reactions Step 2: End actions at B and C 108 kip ft 7.4 B 2 14.75 5.4 14.75 108 kip ft B 7.4 148 kip ft 1kip / ft 7.4 14.75 C 17.25 148 kip ft C 148 kip ft 7.4 7.4 17.25 17.25 108 kip ft 108 kip ft 5.4 B 5.4 A 148 kip ft 17.25 14.75 14.75 Fig. E4.5f End actions 7.4 C 7.4 D 17.25 4.3 Analysis of Statically Determinate Frames 371 Step 3: Shear and moment diagrams First, we locate the maximum moment in member BC. 108 kip ft 1kip/ft Mx B 7.4 kip 7.4 kip 14.75 kip x1 Vx = 0 14:75 ð1Þx1 ¼ 0 ! x1 ¼ 14:75 ft Then Mmax ¼ 14:75ð14:75Þ 1ð14:75Þ2 108 ¼ 0:78 kip ft 2 + + 14.75 ft 14.75 ft 17.25 kip + 0.78 kip ft – 108 kip ft 14.75 kip 148 kip ft + – + – + + – – + – 5.4 kip 7.4 kip Shear, V Moment, M Fig. E4.5g Shear and moment diagrams Example 4.6 Portal frame with overhang Given: The portal frame defined in Fig. E4.6a. Determine: The shear and moment diagrams. 15 kN / m 8 kN E C B 6m D A 10 m Fig. E4.6a 3m 372 4 Statically Determinate Plane Frames Solution: Results for the various analysis steps are listed in Figs. E4.6b–d. X X X MA ¼ 0 RD ð10Þ 8ð6Þ ð15Þð13Þð6:5Þ ¼ 0 Fx ¼ 0 RAx ¼ 8 kN Fy ¼ 0 RAy þ 131:55 ð15Þð13Þ ¼ 0 RD ¼ 131:55 kN " RAy ¼ 63:45 kN " 15 kN/m 8 kN B A RAX = 8 kN E C D RAy = 63.45 kN RD= 131.55 kN Fig. E4.6b Reactions 48 kN-m 8 kN B 63.45 kN 8 kN 48 kN-m B 67.5 kN-m 67.5 kN-m 15 kN / m C 86.55 kN 48 kN-m 63.45 kN 67.5 kN-m C 63.45 kN 86.55 kN 45 kN 131.55 kN 63.45 kN 131.55 kN 48 kN-m 8 kN C B 8 kN A D 63.45 kN 131.55 kN Fig. E4.6c End actions 4.3 Analysis of Statically Determinate Frames 373 First, we locate the maximum moment in member BC. 48 kN-m 15 kN / m Mx B Vx = 0 x1 63.45 kN 63:45 ð15Þx1 ¼ 0 ! x1 ¼ 4:23 m ð15Þð4:23Þ2 þ 48 ¼ 182 kN m 2 The corresponding shear and moment diagrams are listed in Fig. E4.6d. Then Mmax ¼ 63:45ð4:23Þ + x1 = 4.23 m + 86.55 kN x1 = 4.23 m + – 182 kN-m 48 kN-m + – + – – + 67.5kN-m + + 63.45 kN + 45 kN 8 kN Shear, V Moment, M Fig. E4.6d Shear and moment diagrams 4.3.1 Behavior of Portal Frames: Analytical Solution The previous examples illustrated numerical aspects of the analysis process for single story statically determinate portal frames. For future reference, we list below the corresponding analytical solutions (Figs. 4.11–4.14). We consider both gravity and lateral loading. These solutions are useful for reasoning about the behavior of this type of frame when the geometric parameters are varied. 374 4 Statically Determinate Plane Frames Portal frame—Gravity loading: Shown in Fig. 4.11 a b w B C A D w h wL 2 L wL 2 Reactions + + c + wL 2 wL 2 d w L2 8 + – Shear, V Moment, M Fig. 4.11 Statically determinate portal frame under gravity loading. (a) Geometry and loading. (b) Reactions. (c) Shear diagram. (d) Moment diagram 4.3 Analysis of Statically Determinate Frames 375 Portal frame—Lateral loading: Shown in Fig. 4.12 a b B P C P D P h A Ph L L Ph L Reactions + c d Ph L + Ph + + Ph + + + – P Shear, V Moment, M Fig. 4.12 Statically determinate portal frame under lateral loading. (a) Geometry and loading. (b) Reactions. (c) Shear diagram. (d) Moment diagram 376 4 Statically Determinate Plane Frames 3-hinge portal frame—gravity loading: Shown in Fig. 4.13 a b w B w C E hinge hinge h w L2 8h A w L2 8h D wL 2 L/2 L/2 wL 2 Reactions + + c + M* – Shear, V w L2 8h hinge – – – M* = M* + w L2 8h wL 2 M+ M+ – hinge + + d + – + wL 2 w L2 8 Moment, M Fig. 4.13 Statically determinate 3-hinge portal frame under gravity loading. (a) Geometry and loading. (b) Reactions. (c) Shear diagram. (d) Moment diagram 4.3 Analysis of Statically Determinate Frames 377 3-hinge portal frame—lateral loading: Shown in Fig. 4.14 a B P b E P C hinge hinge h P/2 D A c Ph L L/2 Ph L + hinge + + + hinge – Ph 2 – Ph 2 + + P/2 Ph 2 Ph 2 + – – Reactions d + Ph L Ph L + L/2 P/2 P/2 Shear, V Moment, M Fig. 4.14 Statically determinate 3-hinge portal frame under lateral loading. (a) Geometry and loading. (b) Reactions. (c) Shear diagram. (d) Moment diagram These results show that the magnitude of the peak moment due to the uniform gravity load is the same for both structures but of opposite sense (Figs. 4.11, 4.13). The peak moment occurs at the corner points for the 3-hinge frame and at mid-span for the simply supported frame which behaves as a simply supported beam. The response under lateral loading is quite different (Figs. 4.12, 4.14). There is a 50 % reduction in peak moment for the 3-hinge case due to the inclusion of an additional horizontal restraint at support D. For the 3-hinge frame, we note that the bending moment diagram due to gravity loading is symmetrical. In general, a symmetrical structure responds symmetrically when the loading is symmetrical. We also note that the bending moment diagram for lateral loading applied to the 3-hinge frame is anti-symmetrical. Both loadings produce moment distributions having peaks at the corner points. In strength-based design, the cross-sectional dimensions depend on the design moment; the deepest section is required by the peak moment. Applying this design approach to the 3-hinge frame, we can use variable depth members with the depth increased at the corner points and decreased at the supports and mid-span. Figure 4.15 illustrates a typical geometry. Variable depth 3-hinge frames are quite popular. We point out again here that the internal force distribution in statically determinate structures depends only on the loading and geometry and is independent of the cross-sectional properties of the members. Therefore provided 378 4 Statically Determinate Plane Frames Fig. 4.15 Variable cross-section 3-hinge frame we keep the same geometry (centerline dimensions), we can vary the cross-section properties for a 3-hinge frame without changing the moment distributions. 4.4 Pitched Roof Frames In this section, we deal with a different type of portal frame structure: the roof members are sloped upward to create a pitched roof. This design creates a more open interior space and avoids the problem of rain water pounding or snow accumulating on flat roofs. Figure 4.16 shows the structures under consideration. a hinge b θ θ h h hc hc L/2 L/2 Rigid frame-simply supported L/2 L/2 3 hinge frame Fig. 4.16 Pitched roof frames The first structure is a rigid frame with a combination of pin and roller supports; the second structure is a 3-hinge frame. Both structures are analyzed by first finding the reactions and then isolating individual members to determine the member end forces, and the internal force distributions. 4.4 Pitched Roof Frames Fig. 4.17 Loading on an inclined member. (a) Vertical load per horizontal projection. (b) Vertical load per length. (c) Normal load per length 379 a w1 w1 dx w1 θ ds θ dx b w2 w2 θ w2 dx w2 ds θ dx w3 c w3 w3 ds θ w3 θ ds dx 4.4.1 Member Loads Typical loads that may be applied to an inclined member are illustrated in Fig. 4.17. They may act either in the vertical direction or normal to the member. In the vertical direction, they may be defined either in terms of the horizontal projection of the length of the member or in terms of the length of the member. When computing the reactions, it is convenient to work with loads referred to horizontal and vertical directions and expressed in terms of the horizontal projection. The w1 loading is already in this form. For the w2 load, we note that dx ¼ ds cosy 380 4 Statically Determinate Plane Frames ds θ dx Then w2 dx cosy w2 ds ¼ w2;v ¼ w2 cosy (4.3) The w3 load is normal to the member. We project it onto the vertical and horizontal directions and then substitute for ds. w3,v w3 q w3,h ds q dx ðw3 dsÞ cos y ¼ w3;v dx w3 ds siny ¼ w3;h dx dx sin y ¼ w3;h dx w3 cos y The final result is a w1 dx w1,v dx w1 w1,v θ ds dx Fig. 4.18 Equivalent vertical member loadings θ ds dx w1,v = w1 4.4 Pitched Roof Frames b 381 w2 ds w2,v dx w2,v w2 ds θ w2,v = w2 cosθ θ dx dx c w3,v dx w3 ds w3 θ w3,v ds w3,h θ w3,h dx w3,v = w3 w3,h = w3 tanθ dx dx Fig. 4.18 (continued) w3;v ¼ w3 w3;h ¼ w3 tany (4.4) It follows that the equivalent vertical loading per horizontal projection is equal to the normal load per unit length. These results are summarized in Fig. 4.18. When computing the axial force, shear, and moment distribution along a member, it is more convenient to work with loads referred to the normal and tangential directions of the member and expressed in terms of the member arc length. The approach is similar to the strategy followed above. The results are summarized below (Fig. 4.19). Vertical–horizontal projection loading: w1;n ¼ w1 cos y2 w1;t ¼ w1 cos y sin y (4.5) w2;n ¼ w2 cos y w2;t ¼ w2 sin y (4.6) Vertical member loading: w3 loading: w3;n ¼ w3 w3;t ¼ 0 382 4 Statically Determinate Plane Frames w1 dx a w1,n ds w1 w1,n ds θ θ w2 ds w1,t = w1 cosθ sinθ w2,n ds w2 w2,n ds θ w2,t ds θ w2,n = w2 cosθ w2,t = w2 sinθ dx dx c w1,n = w1 cosθ2 dx dx b w1,t ds w3 ds w3 w3,n ds w3,n ds θ ds θ dx w3,n = w3 w3,t = 0 dx Fig. 4.19 Equivalent normal and tangential member loadings 4.4.2 Analytical Solutions for Pitched Roof Frames Analytical solutions for the bending moment distribution are tabulated in this section. They are used for assessing the sensitivity of the response to changes in the geometric parameters. Gravity loading per unit horizontal projection: Results are listed in Figs. 4.20 and 4.21. Lateral Loading: Results are listed in Figs. 4.22 and 4.23. Pitched Roof Frames 383 a Fig. 4.20 Simply supported gable rigid frame. (a) Structure and loading. (b) Moment diagram weq C D B h hc E A L/2 b M* L/2 M* + + 4.4 + + C B M* = A D weq L2 8 384 4 Statically Determinate Plane Frames weq a C hinge D B h hc A E L/2 L/2 b M+,max + xmax M* + xmax M+,max M* = hc h M* – hc h weq L2 8 xmax = L h 1+ c h h – M+,max M* 1 hc 1 1 hc + – 4 2 h 4 h 2 Fig. 4.21 3-Hinge frame under gravity loading. (a) Structure and loading. (b) Moment diagram Pitched Roof Frames 385 a Fig. 4.22 Simply supported rigid frame—lateral loading. (a) Structure and loading. (b) Moment diagram C P B D A E h hc L Phc 2 + b Phc 2 + Phc Phc + + + + 4.4 386 Fig. 4.23 3-hinge frame— lateral loading. (a) Structure and loading. (b) Moment diagram 4 Statically Determinate Plane Frames a C hinge P D B h hc A E L + b + Phc 2 + Phc 2 – Phc 2 Phc 2 + + + – Example 4.7 Simply supported gable frame—lateral load Given: The gable frame with the lateral load defined in Fig. E4.7a. Determine: The shear, moment, and axial force diagrams. C 3m 20 kN D B 6m A E 12 m Fig. E4.7a 4.4 Pitched Roof Frames 387 Solution: Moment summation about A leads to the vertical reaction at E. The reactions at A follow from force equilibrium considerations. Next, we determine the end forces and moments for the individual members. Lastly, we generate the shear and moment diagrams. Results for the various analysis steps are listed in Figs. E4.7b–e. Step 1: Reactions C 20 kN 20 kN B D A E 10 kN Fig. E4.7b Reactions 10 kN Step 2: End forces 60 kN-m C 60 kN-m C 120 kN-m 10 kN B 20 kN 120 kN-m 10 kN 20 kN B D 10 kN 10 kN 10 kN 10 kN A 10 kN Fig. E4.7c End forces—global frame D E 10 kN 388 4 Statically Determinate Plane Frames Step 3: Member forces—member frames 60 kN-m 60 kN-m 4.47 kN C 4.47 kN C D 9.02 kN 9.02 kN B 4.47 kN 120 kN-m 4.47 kN 9.02 kN 9.02 kN Fig. E4.7d End forces in local member frame Step 4: Internal force diagrams + + + 9.02 kN 9.02 kN 60 kN-m + + 120 kN-m + 9.02 kN 9.02 kN 60 kN-m + + + – + 20 kN Shear, V Moment, M + + + – 4.47 kN + 4.47 kN – + 10 kN 10 kN Axial force, F Fig. E4.7e Force distributions + + 4.4 Pitched Roof Frames 389 Example 4.8 3-Hinge gable frame—lateral loading Given: The 3-hinge gable frame shown in Fig. E4.8a. Determine: The shear, moment, and axial force diagrams. hinge C 3m 20 kN D B 6m A E 12 m Fig. E4.8a Solution: Step 1: Reactions The reactions (Fig. E4.8b) are determined by summing moments about A and C and applying the force equilibrium conditions. hinge C 20 kN 13.33 kN A 10 kN Fig. E4.8b Reactions D B E 10 kN 6.67 kN 390 4 Statically Determinate Plane Frames Step 2: End forces—global frame (Fig. E4.8c) C 6.67 6.67 C 40 80 6.67 10 10 B D 6.67 10 10 40 D 13.33 B 13.33 kN 10 80 10 6.67 E A 6.67 kN 10 kN 10 kN Fig. E4.8c End forces Step 3: End forces—local member frame Figure E4.8d shows the end forces and moments resolved into components referred to the local member frame. C 80 kN-m 11.92 kN B 1.5 kN 1.5 kN 11.92 kN Fig. E4.8d End actions in local member frame 10.44 kN C 5.96 kN D 10.44 kN 5.96 kN 40 kN-m 4.4 Pitched Roof Frames 391 Step 4: Internal force distribution (Fig. E4.8e) + 11.92 kN + + + + + 80 kN-m 5.96 kN + – + 13.33 kN – + – – + 40 kN-m + + 6.67 kN Shear, V Moment, M 1.5 kN 10.44 kN + – – 1.5 kN + + 10.44 kN + + – 10 kN 10 kN Axial force, F Fig. E4.8e Force distributions Note that the 3-hinge gable structure has a lower value of peak moment. Example 4.9 Simply supported gable frame—unsymmetrical loading Given: The frame defined in Fig. E4.9a. The loading consists of a vertical load per horizontal projection applied to member BC. Determine: The member force diagrams. w=1.0 kip / ft C 10 ft B θ D 20 ft A Fig. E4.9a E 20 ft 20 ft 392 4 Statically Determinate Plane Frames Solution: The reactions at E and A are determined by summing moments about A and by enforcing vertical equilibrium. Figure E4.9b shows the results. Fig. E4.9b Reactions 1.0 kip / ft C B θ D A E 15 kip 15 kip Next we determine the end forces and moments for the individual members. Then, we need to resolve the loading and the end forces for members BC and CD into normal and tangential components. The transformed quantities are listed in Figs. E4.9c, d. 1.0 kip/ ft 100 kip ft C B 15 kip 100 kip ft C D 5 kip 15 kip 5 kip 15 kip Fig. E4.9c End actions— global frame 15 kip 5 kip B D A E 5 kip 4.4 Pitched Roof Frames 393 100 kip ft 2.23 kip C 0.8 kip/ ft .4 kip/ ft 6.7 kip 100 kip ft 2.23 kip C 4.47 kip D 4.47 kip 2.23 kip x B 13.42 kip 4.47 kip Fig. E4.9d End actions—local frame The maximum moment in member BC occurs at x1 . We determine the location by setting the shear equal to zero. 13:42 0:8x1 ¼ 0 ) x1 ¼ 16:775 Then Mmax ¼ 13:42ð16:775Þ 0:8ð16:775Þ2 12 ¼ 112:56 kip ft Figure E4.9e contains the shear, moment, and axial force diagrams. x1 4.47kip + 112.56 kip ft 100 kip ft + + 2.23 kip + 4.47kip – – – 2.23 kip 6.7 13.42 kip – – 15 kip Shear, V Moment, M 5 kip Axial force, F Fig. E4.9e Example 4.10 3-Hinge gable frame Given: The 3-hinge gable frame shown in Fig. E4.10a. Determine: The shear and moment diagrams. w=1.0 kip / ft C hinge 10 ft B θ D 20 ft A Fig. E4.10a E 20 ft 20 ft 394 4 Statically Determinate Plane Frames Solution: We analyzed a similar loading condition in Example 4.9. The results for the different analysis phases are listed in Figs. E4.10b–d. Comparing Fig. E4.10e with Fig. E4.9e shows that there is a substantial reduction in the magnitude of the maximum moment when the 3-hinged gable frame is used. 1.0 kip/ft C D B 3.33 kip A E 15 kip 5 kip wn=0.8 kip/ft 3.33 kip D A 15 kip Fig. E4.10b Reactions C wt=.4 kip/ft B 3.33 kip E 5 kip 3.33 kip 4.4 Pitched Roof Frames 395 1.0 kip/ft C 3.33 kip 3.33 kip C 66.6 kip ft 5 kip 3.33 kip 5 kip B D 3.33 kip 66.6 kip ft 5 kip 15 kip 66.6 kip ft 66.6 kip ft 5 kip 15 kip 3.33 kip D 3.33 kip E 3.33 kip B 3.33 kip A 5 kip 15 kip Fig. E4.10c End forces C .745 k 0.8 kip/ft 5.22 k C 5.96 k 9.69 k B .4 kip/ft x 11.93 k 66.6 kip ft Fig. E4.10d End forces in local frame 2.98 k D 2.98 k 5.22 k 66.6 kip ft 396 4 Statically Determinate Plane Frames 22.19 kip ft + 5.96 kip x1 = 14.91 ft + + 2.98 kip – 66.6 kip ft 66.6 kip ft – – + 11.93 kip – – 3.33 kip 3.33 kip Shear, V Moment, M .745 kip 9.69 kip – 5.22 kip – 5.22 kip – – 15 kip 5 kip Axial force, F Fig. E4.10e Shear and moment diagrams 4.5 A-Frames A-frames are obviously named for their geometry. Loads may be applied at the connection points or on the members. A-frames are typically supported at the base of their legs. Because of the nature of the loading and restraints, the members in an A-frame generally experience bending as well as axial force. We consider first the triangular frame shown in Fig. 4.24. The inclined members are subjected to a uniform distributed loading per unit length wg which represents the self-weight of the members and the weight of the roof that is supported by the member. We convert wg to an equivalent vertical loading per horizontal projection w using (4.3). We start the analysis process by first finding the reactions at A and C. Next, we isolate member BC (see Fig. 4.24c). X Mat B w L 2 wL L ¼ þ hFAC ¼ 0 2 2 2 2 + FAC ¼ wL2 8h 4.5 A-Frames 397 a Fig. 4.24 (a) Geometry and loading. (b) A-frame loading and reactions. (c) Free body diagrams. (d) Moment diagram B wg wg h θ A θ L/2 b C L/2 w= wg cosθ B h A θ θ wL 2 2 L/2 c C wL w FAC B L/2 w FAC B FAC A x C FAC x wL wL 2 2 FAC d A C L/4 Mmax θ L/4 Mmax θ FAC 398 4 Statically Determinate Plane Frames The horizontal internal force at B must equilibrate FAC. Lastly, we determine the moment distribution in members AB and BC. Noting Fig. 4.24c, the bending moment at location x is given by MðxÞ ¼ wL 2h wx2 wL wx2 x FAC x ¼ x 2 L 4 2 2 The maximum moment occurs at x ¼ L/4 and is equal to Mmax ¼ wL2 32 Replacing w with wg , we express Mmax as Mmax ¼ w L2 g cosy 32 As y increases, the moment increases even though the projected length of the member remains constant. We discuss next the frame shown in Fig. 4.25a. There are two loadings: a concentrated force at B and a uniform distributed loading applied to DE. We first determine the reactions and then isolate member BC. Summing moments about A leads to P L wL L þ ¼ RC L 2 2 2 RC ¼ P wL þ 2 4 The results are listed below. Noting Fig. 4.25d, we sum moments about B to determine the horizontal component of the force in member DE. L P wL wL L h þ þ Fde ¼ 2 2 4 4 4 2 Fde ¼ PL wL2 þ 2h 8h The bending moment distribution is plotted in Fig. 4.25e. Note that there is bending in the legs even though P is applied at node A. This is due to the location of member DE. If we move member DE down to the supports A and C, the moment in the legs would vanish. 4.6 Deflection of Frames Using the Principle of Virtual Forces 399 P a b B P B h/2 D E w E D w D h/2 A C A L/4 L/2 E C L/4 P c B Fde D wL 4 A RA = B w Fde A wL + P/2 4 RC = D Fde E wL 4 wL 4 C wL 4 P + wL 2 4 e B Fde wL 4 Fde wL 4 2 ( w L + PL ) 8 16 Fde w D P/2 Fde Fde D Fde C P + wL 4 2 P/2 d E Fde wL 4 + w L2 32 + 2 + ( w L + PL ) 8 16 E wL 4 C wL + P/2 4 Fig. 4.25 (a) A-frame geometry and loading. (b), (c), (d) Free body diagrams. (e) Bending moment distribution 4.6 Deflection of Frames Using the Principle of Virtual Forces The Principle of Virtual Forces specialized for a planar frame structure subjected to planar loading is derived in Ref. [16]. The general form is X ð M F V dM þ dF þ dV ds d dP ¼ EI AE GAs members s (4.7) 400 4 Statically Determinate Plane Frames Frames carry loading primarily by bending action. Axial and shear forces are developed as a result of the bending action, but the contribution to the displacement produced by shear deformation is generally small in comparison to the displacement associated with bending deformation and axial deformation. Therefore, we neglect this term and work with a reduced form of the principle of Virtual Forces. X ð M F d dP ¼ dM þ dF ds (4.8) EI AE members s where dP is either a unit force (for displacement) or a unit moment (for rotation) in the direction of the desired displacement d; dM and dF are the virtual moment and axial force due to dP. The integration is carried out over the length of each member and then summed up. For low-rise frames, i.e., where the ratio of height to width is on the order of unity, the axial deformation term is also small. In this case, one neglects the axial deformation term in (4.8) and work with the following form X ð M d dP ¼ ( dMÞ ds (4.9) EI members s Axial deformation is significant for tall buildings, and (4.8) is used for this case. In what follows, we illustrate the application of the Principle of Virtual Forces to some typical low-rise structures. We revisit this topic later in Chap. 9, which deals with statically indeterminate frames. Example 4.11 Computation of deflections—cantilever-type structure Given: The structure shown in Fig. E4.11a. Assume EI is constant. E ¼ 29; 000 ksi; I ¼ 300 in:4 1.2 kip/ft B C 10 ft A Fig. E4.11a 6 ft 4.6 Deflection of Frames Using the Principle of Virtual Forces 401 Determine: The horizontal and vertical deflections and the rotation at point C, the tip of the cantilever segment. Solution: We start by evaluating the moment distribution corresponding to the applied loading. This is defined in Fig. E4.11b. The virtual moment distributions corresponding to uc ; vc ; yc are defined in Figs. E4.11c–e. Note that we take dP to be either a unit force (for displacement) or a unit moment (for rotation). 1.2 kip/ft C B x2 0 < x1 < 10 M(x1) = –21.6 0 < x2 < 6 M(x2) = –1.2 x22 2 x1 21.6 kip ft A 7.2 kip Fig. E4.11b M(x) C B δP = 1 x2 0 < x1 < 10 δM(x1) = –10 + x1 0 < x2 < 6 x1 1 A 10 Fig. E4.11c dMðxÞ for uc δM(x2) = 0 402 4 Fig. E4.11d Statically Determinate Plane Frames dMðxÞ for vc δP = 1 B C x2 0 < x1 < 10 δM(x1) = –6 0 < x2 < 6 δM(x2) = –x2 x1 6 A 1 Fig. E4.11e dMðxÞ for yc C B δP = 1 x2 0 < x1 < 10 δM(x1) = –1 0 < x2 < 6 δM(x2) = –1 x1 1 A We divide up the structure into two segments AB and CB and integrate over each segment. The total integral is given by ð ð X ð M M M dM ds ¼ dM dx1 þ dM dx2 EI AB EI CB EI members s The expressions for uc ; vc ; and yc are generated using the moment distributions listed above. 4.6 Deflection of Frames Using the Principle of Virtual Forces EIuC ¼ ð 10 403 ð21:6Þð10 þ x1 Þ dx1 ¼ 1; 080 kip ft3 0 uC ¼ EIvC ¼ ð 10 0 vC ¼ 1; 080ð12Þ3 ¼ 0:2145 in ! 29; 000ð300Þ ð6 1:2 2 x ðx2 Þ dx2 ¼ 1; 490 kip ft3 ð21:6Þð6Þ dx1 þ 2 2 0 1; 490ð12Þ3 ¼ 0:296 in: # 29; 000ð300Þ EIyC ¼ ð 10 ð21:6Þð1Þ dx1 þ 0 yC ¼ ð6 1:2 2 x2 ð1Þdx2 ¼ 259 kip ft2 2 0 259ð12Þ2 ¼ 0:0043 rad clockwise 29; 000ð300Þ Example 4.12 Computation of deflections Given: The structure shown in Fig. E4.12a. E ¼ 29,000 ksi, I ¼ 900 in.4 Determine: The horizontal displacements at points C and D and the rotation at B. θB 2 kip /ft C uC B 10 ft D 6k uD 10 ft A Fig. E4.12a 20 ft Solution: We start by evaluating the moment distribution corresponding to the applied loading. This is defined in Fig. E4.12b. 404 4 Statically Determinate Plane Frames 2 kip/ft B C x3 23 x2 D 6k x1 A 6 0 < x1 < 10 M(x1) = 6x1 0 < x2 < 10 M(x2) = 60 0 < x2 < 20 M(x3) = 23x3 – x32 17 Fig. E4.12b M(x) The virtual moment distributions corresponding to uc and uD are listed in Figs. E4.12c, d. C B δP =1 x3 x2 1 D 0 < x1 < 10 δM (x1) = x1 0 < x2 < 10 δM (x2) = x2 + 10 0 < x3 < 20 δM (x3) = x3 x1 A 1 1 Fig. E4.12c dM for uC B C x3 δP = 1 x2 D A x1 1 1/2 Fig. E4.12d dM for uD 1/2 0 < x1 < 10 δM (x1) = x1 0 < x2 < 10 δM (x2) = 10 0 < x3 < 20 δM (x3) = x3 2 4.6 Deflection of Frames Using the Principle of Virtual Forces 405 δP = 1 C B x3 1 / 20 x2 D x1 A 0 < x1 < 10 δM (x1) = 0 0 < x2 < 10 δM (x2) = 0 0 < x3 < 20 δM (x3) = – x3 20 1 / 20 dM for yB Fig. E4.12e We express the total integral as the sum of three integrals. Z Z Z X Z M M M M dM ds ¼ dM dx1 þ dM dx2 þ dM dx3 EI AD EI DB EI CB EI members s The corresponding form for uc is Z 10 EIuC ¼ Z 10 6x1 ðx1 Þ dx1 þ 0 Z 0 ¼ 2x31 10 þ 0 20 ðx2 þ 10Þð60Þ dx2 þ 0 30x22 þ 600x2 10 þ 0 23x33 3 20 x43 4 23x3 x23 ðx3 Þ dx3 ¼ 32; 333 kip ft3 0 32; 333 ð12Þ3 ¼ 2:14 in: ! uC ¼ ð29; 000Þð900Þ Following a similar procedure, we determine uD Z 10 EIuD ¼ Z 6x1 ðx1 Þ dx1 þ 0 Z 10 þj600x2 j10 0 þ 0 20 60ð10Þ dx2 þ 0 ¼ 2x31 uD ¼ 10 0 23x33 1 4 x3 8 6 18; 667ð12Þ3 ¼ 1:23 in: ! ð29; 000Þð900Þ 23x3 x23 x2 20 ¼ 18; 667 kip ft3 0 3 dx3 406 4 Statically Determinate Plane Frames Lastly, we determine yB (Fig. E4.12e) Z 20 EIyB ¼ 0 ¼ 23x33 x43 þ 60 80 yB ¼ 23x3 x23 x3 dx3 20 20 ¼ 1; 066:67 kip ft2 0 1; 066:67ð12Þ2 ¼ 0:0059 ð29; 000Þð900Þ The minus sign indicates the sense of the rotation is opposite to the initial assumed sense. θΒ = .0059 rad Example 4.13 Computation of deflection Given: The steel structure shown in Figs. E4.13a–c. Take I b ¼ 43 I c , hC ¼ 4 m, Lb ¼ 3 m, P ¼ 40 kN, and E ¼ 200 GPa. Determine: The value of I C required to limit the horizontal displacement at C to be equal to 40 mm. P C Ib hc Ic A Lb Fig. E4.13a Solution: We divide up the structure into two segments and express the moments in terms of the local coordinates x1 and x2 . 4.6 Deflection of Frames Using the Principle of Virtual Forces Fig. E4.13b M(x) P hc Lb B P 407 C x2 x1 A P 0 < x1 < hc M(x1) = Px1 0 < x2 < Lb M(x2) = P hc x2 Lb P hc Lb Fig. E4.13c dM for uC hc Lb B C δP = 1 x2 0 < x1 < hc δM(x1) = x1 0 < x2 < Lb δ M(x2) = x1 A 1 hc Lb We express the total integral as the sum of two integrals. Z Z X Z M M M dM ds ¼ dM dx1 þ dM dx2 EI AB EI CB EI members s The corresponding expression for uC is 1 uC ¼ EI c uC ¼ P EI c Z hc 0 Z 1 ðPx1 Þðx1 Þ dx1 þ EI b + hc ðx1 Þ2 dx1 þ 0 + Ph3c PL3b hc 2 uC ¼ þ 3EI c 3EI b Lb Z 0 Lb hc hc P x2 x2 dx2 Lb Lb Z P h c 2 Lb ðx2 Þ2 dx2 EI b Lb 0 hc x Lb 2 408 4 Statically Determinate Plane Frames Then, for I b ¼ 43 I c , the I C required is determined with Ph2c hc Lb 40ð4; 000Þ2 4; 000 3; 000 þ þ uC ¼ ¼ ¼ 40 Ic ð4=3ÞI c 3E I c I b 3ð200Þ ; Ic ¼ 167ð10Þ6 mm4 Example 4.14 Computation of Deflection—non-prismatic member Given: The non-prismatic concrete frame shown in Figs. E4.14a–d. Lb B P C ICB IAB hc A Fig. E4.14a Take hC ¼ 12 ft, Lb ¼ 10 ft, P ¼ 10 kip, and E ¼ 4 ksi. Consider the member depths (d) to vary linearly and the member widths (b) to be constant. Assume the following geometric ratios:: dAB;1 ¼ 2dAB;0 d CB;1 ¼ 1:5dCB;0 b¼ dAB;0 2 4.6 Deflection of Frames Using the Principle of Virtual Forces 409 Fig. E4.14b Lb dAB,1 B C dCB,0 dCB,1 x2 hc x1 A dAB,0 Determine: (a) A general expression for the horizontal displacement at C. Use numerical integration to evaluate uC as a function of dAB;0 . (b) The value of d AB;0 for which uC ¼ 1:86 in: Solution: Part (a): The member depth varies linearly. For member AB, x x1 x1 dAB;1 1 d(x1 Þ ¼ d AB;0 1 1 þ d AB;1 ¼ dAB;0 1 þ h h h dAB;0 x 1 ¼ d AB;0 gAB h Then I AB ¼ dAB;0 ðgAB Þ3 Similarly, for member BC dðx2 Þ ¼ dCB;0 x2 d CB;1 1þ 1 Lb d CB;0 x2 ¼ dCB;0 gCB Lb I CB ¼ dCB;0 ðgCB Þ3 We express the moments in terms of the local coordinates x1 and x2 . 410 4 Statically Determinate Plane Frames Lb B P C x2 hc P hc Lb x1 M(x1) = Px1 0 < x 1 < hc M(x2) = P hc x2 Lb 0 < x2 < L b P A P hc Lb Fig. E4.14c M(x) Lb B C x2 hc x1 1 δP = 1 hc Lb δM(x1) = x1 0 < x1 < hc hc δM(x2) = x2 0 < x2 < Lb Lb A hc Lb Fig. E4.14d dM for uC We express the total integral as the sum of two integrals. Z Z X Z M M M dM ds ¼ dM dx1 þ dM dx2 EI AB EI CB EI members s 4.6 Deflection of Frames Using the Principle of Virtual Forces 411 The corresponding expression for uC is uC ¼ 1 E Z hc 0 1 I AB ðPx1 Þðx1 Þ dx1 þ 1 E Z Lb 0 hc hc P x2 x2 dx2 I CB Lb Lb 1 Substituting for I AB and I CB and expressing the integral in terms of the dimensionless values x1 =h ¼ x1 and x2 =Lb ¼ x2 , the expression for uC reduces to uC ¼ Pðhc Þ3 EI AB;0 Z 0 1 ð x1 2 Þ d x1 ðgAB Þ þ 3 Pðhc =Lb Þ2 ðLb Þ3 EI CB;0 Z 0 1 ð x2 2 Þ d x2 ðgCB Þ3 Taking gAB ¼ gCB ¼ 1 leads to the values for the integrals obtained in Example 3.13, i.e., 1/3. Part (b): Using the specified sections, the g functions take the form x1 ¼ 1 þ x1 h 1 x2 1 ¼1þ ¼ 1 þ x2 2 Lb 2 gAB ¼ 1 þ gCB Then, the problem reduces to evaluating the following integrals: Z J1 ¼ 0 1 ð x1 2 Þ d x1 ð1 þ x1 Þ3 Z and J 2 ¼ 0 1 ð x2 2 Þ d x2 ð1 þ ð1=2Þ x2 Þ3 We compute these values using the trapezoidal rule. Results for different interval sizes are listed below. N 10 20 25 30 J1 0.0682 0.0682 0.0682 0.0682 J2 0.1329 0.1329 0.1329 0.1329 Next, we specify the inertia terms bðdAB;0 Þ3 12 bðd CB;0 Þ3 ¼ 12 I AB;0 ¼ I BC;0 For I AB;0 ¼ ð3=4ÞI CB;0 , the expression for uC reduces to ( ) 2 P hc 3 3 3 uC ¼ hc J 1 þ ðLb Þ ðJ 2 Þ EI AB;0 4 Lb 412 4 Statically Determinate Plane Frames Then, setting uC ¼ 1:86 in: and solving for I AB;0 leads to ( ) 2 P h 3 c I AB;0 ¼ h3c J 1 þ ðLb Þ3 ðJ 2 Þ ¼ 606:2 in:2 EuC 4 Lb Finally 1=4 ¼ 10:98 in: dAB;0 ¼ 24I AB;0 1=3 4 dCB;0 ¼ dAB;0 ¼ 12:1 in: 3 4.7 Deflection Profiles: Plane Frame Structures Applying the principle of Virtual Forces leads to specific displacement measures. If one is more interested in the overall displacement response, then it is necessary to generate the displacement profile for the frame. We dealt with a similar problem in Chap. 3, where we showed how to sketch the deflected shapes of beams given the bending moment distributions. We follow essentially the same approach in this section. Once the bending moment is known, one can determine the curvature, as shown in Fig. 4.26. In order to establish the deflection profile for the entire frame, one needs to construct the profile for each member, and then join up the individual shapes such as that the displacement restraints are satisfied. We followed a similar strategy for planar beam-type structures; however, the process is somewhat more involved for plane frames. Consider the portal frame shown in Fig. 4.27. Bending does not occur in AB and CD since the moment is zero. Therefore, these members must remain straight. However, BC bends into a concave shape. The profile consistent with these constraints is plotted below. Note that B, C, and D move laterally under the vertical loading. Suppose we convert the structure into the 3-hinge frame defined in (Fig. 4.28). Now, the moment diagram is negative for all members. In this case, the profile is symmetrical. There is a discontinuity in the slope at E because of the moment release. Gable frames are treated in a similar manner. The deflection profiles for simply supported and 3-hinge gable frames acted upon by gravity loading are plotted below (Figs. 4.29 and 4.30). M M χ =M EI +χ Fig. 4.26 Moment-curvature relationship 4.7 Deflection Profiles: Plane Frame Structures a Parabolic b C B c + B A D A 413 C B D A C D Bending Moment Loading Deflection profile Fig. 4.27 Portal frame a b B C E A D Bending Moment Loading C – A D E B – C – A c E B – D Deflection profile Fig. 4.28 3-Hinge frame a b c + + C C A D E Loading α B D B α A Bending Moment E Deflection profile Fig. 4.29 Simply supported gable frame The examples presented so far have involved gravity loading. Lateral loading is treated in a similar way. One first determines the moment diagrams, and then establishes the curvature patterns for each member. Lateral loading generally produces lateral displacements as well as vertical displacements. Typical examples are listed below (Figs. 4.31, 4.32, and 4.33). a b c + C + D B – – A E Loading Bending Moment Deflection profile Fig. 4.30 3-Hinge gable frame a b c + P + Bending Moment Loading Deflection profile Fig. 4.31 Portal frame a b c + P – + Loading – Bending Moment Deflection profile Fig. 4.32 3-Hinge frame +PL 6 P a b c + –PL 6 – – L 2L L/2 L/2 – –PL 3 L Loading Fig. 4.33 3-Hinge frame Bending Moment Deflection profile 4.8 4.8 Computer-Based Analysis: Plane Frames 415 Computer-Based Analysis: Plane Frames When there are multiple loading conditions, constructing the internal force diagrams and displacement profiles is difficult to execute manually. One generally resorts to computer-based analysis methods specialized for frame structures. Consider the gable plane frame shown in Fig. 4.34. One starts by numbering the nodes and members, and defines the nodal coordinates and member incidences. Next, one specifies the nodal constraints. For plane frames, there are two coordinates and three displacement variables for each node (two translations and one rotation). Therefore, there are three possible displacement restraints at a node. For this structure, there are two support nodes, nodes 1 and 5. At node 1, the X and Y translations are fully restrained, i.e., they are set to zero. At node 5, the Y translation is fully restrained. Next, Information related to the members, such as the cross-sectional properties (A, I), loading applied to the member, and releases such as internal moment releases are specified. Finally, one specifies the desired output. Usually, one is interested in shear and moment diagrams, nodal reactions and displacements, and the deflected shape. Graphical output is most convenient for visualizing the structural response. Typical output plots for the following cross-sectional properties I 1 ¼ 100 in:4 , I 2 ¼ 1; 000 in:4 , I 3 ¼ 300 in:4 , E ¼ 29,000 ksi, A1 ¼ 14 in:2 , A2 ¼ 88 in:2 , and A3 ¼ 22 in:2 are listed in Fig. 4.35. Y 1.2 kip/ft .8 kip/ft 4 kip 8 ft 2 5 6 I,A 3 3 3 I2, A2 6 kip 3 4 I1, A1 16 ft I1, A1 1 1 10 ft Fig. 4.34 Geometry and loading 6 I2, A2 2 I3, A3 4 5 X 20 ft 20 ft 10 ft 7 416 4 Statically Determinate Plane Frames a Fig. 4.35 Graphical output for structure defined in Fig. 4.34. (a) Displacement profile. (b) Bending moment, M. (c) Shear, V. (d) Axial force, F. (e) Reactions 3 1.67 in 2.6 in 2 4 6 7 5 1 5.2 in 165.4 kip ft + + b 40 kip ft − − 60 kip ft − − c 1.53 kip 22.5 kip + – 4 kip 6 kip 17.5 kip d – – 9 kip – – 7 kip 22.9 kip e 30.2 kip 0.8kip/ft 4 kip 2 5 2 6 3 1.2kip/ft 6 kip 3 6 7 4 1 4 1 5 22.9 kip 30.2 kip 4.9 4.9 Plane Frames: Out of Plane Loading 417 Plane Frames: Out of Plane Loading Plane frames are generally used to construct three dimensional building systems. One arranges the frames in orthogonal patterns to form a stable system. Figure 4.36 illustrates this scheme. Gravity load is applied to the floor slabs. They transfer the load to the individual frames resulting in each frame being subjected to a planar loading. This mechanism is discussed in detail in Chap. 15. Fig. 4.36 A typical 3-D system of plane frames Our interest here is the case where the loading acts normal to the plane frame. One example is the typical highway signpost shown in Fig.4.37. The sign and the supporting member lie in a single plane. Gravity load acts in this plane. However, the wind load is normal to the plane and produces a combination of bending and twisting for the vertical support. One deals separately with the bending and torsion responses and then superimposes the results. The typical signpost shown in Fig. 4.37 is statically determinate. We consider the free body diagram shown in Fig. 4.38. The wind load acting on the sign produces bending and twisting moment in the column. We use a double-headed arrow to denote the torsional moment. " " MtB b ¼ Pw 2 418 4 Statically Determinate Plane Frames Fig. 4.37 Sign post structure Fig. 4.38 Free body diagrams Suppose the Y displacement at C is desired. This motion results from the following actions: Member BC bends in the X–Y plane 3 Pw b2 vC ¼ 3EI 2 Member AB bends in the Y–Z plane vB ¼ Pw h 3 3EI 1 4.10 Summary 419 Node C displaces due to the rotation at B 2 b h vC ¼ Pw 2 GJ Summing the individual contributions leads to vc total ¼ Pw b3 h3 b2 h þ þ 24EI 2 3EI 1 4GJ PZ Z Y X Fig. 4.39 Plane grid structure Another example is the transversely loaded grid structure shown in Fig. 4.39. The members are rigidly connected at their ends and experience, depending on their orientation, bending in X–Z plane or the Y–Z plane, as well as twist deformation. Plane grids are usually supported at their corners. Sometimes, they are cantilevered out from one edge. Their role is to function as plate-type structures under transverse loading. Plane grids are statically indeterminate systems. Manual calculations are not easily carried out for typical grids so one uses a computer analysis program. This approach is illustrated in Chap. 10. 4.10 Summary 4.10.1 Objectives • To develop criteria for static determinacy of planar rigid frame structures • To develop criteria for static determinacy of planar A-frame structures • To present an analysis procedure for statically determinate portal and pitched roof plane frame structures subjected to vertical and lateral loads • To compare the bending moment distributions for simple vs. 3-hinged portal frames under vertical and lateral loading 420 4 Statically Determinate Plane Frames • To describe how the Principle of Virtual Forces is applied to compute the displacements of frame structures • To illustrate a computer-based analysis procedure for plane frames • To introduce the analysis procedure for out-of-plane loading applied to plane frames. 4.10.2 Key Concepts • A planar rigid frame is statically determinate when 3m + r n ¼ 3j, where m is the number of members, r is the number of displacement restraints, j is the number of nodes, and n the number of releases. • A planar A-frame is statically determinate when 3m ¼ r þ 2np , where np is the number of pins, m is the number of members, and r is the number of displacement restraints. • The Principle of Virtual Forces specialized for frame structures has the general form d dP ¼ X ð M members EI dM þ F dF ds AE s For low-rise frames, the axial deformation term is negligible. • The peak bending moments generated in 3-hinged frames by lateral loading are generally less than for simple portal frames. 4.11 Problems For the plane frames defined in Problems 4.1–4.20, determine the reactions, and shear and moment distributions. 4.11 Problems 421 Problem 4.1 30 kN / m B 25 kN C 4m D A 6m Problem 4.2 2 kip / ft B C 20 ft D 10 kip 10 ft A 20 ft 422 4 Statically Determinate Plane Frames Problem 4.3 30 kN / m 1 B C 5m 40 kN D 5m A 6m Problem 4.4 10 kip 2 kip/ft 20 ft 20 ft 10 ft 1 4.11 Problems 423 Problem 4.5 30 kN / m C B 4m D A 7m Problem 4.6 1kip/ ft F C B E 20 ft D A 10 ft 32 ft 10 ft Problem 4.7 15 kN / m F B C hinge E 6m A 3m D 4m 4m 3m 424 4 Statically Determinate Plane Frames Problem 4.8 10 kip 2 kip/ft C B 10 ft 6 kip 10 ft D A 20 ft 10 ft Problem 4.9 18 kN / m 40 kN 4m 5m 6m Problem 4.10 10 kip 2 kip / ft 20 ft 10 ft 10 ft 10 ft 4.11 Problems 425 Problem 4.11 30 kN / m B C 4m D A 4m 4m Problem 4.12 2 kip /ft C B 6 kip hinge 12 ft A D 12 ft 12 ft Problem 4.13 30 kN / m 30 kN E B C F 4m A 2m D 6m 20 kN 2m 15 kN 426 4 Statically Determinate Plane Frames Problem 4.14 2 kip/ft C 1 kip/ft 12 ft D 24 ft Problem 4.15 25 kN 15 kN / m 18 kN / m B C E 4m D A 3m 3m 3m Problem 4.16 .6 kip/ft .8 kip/ft 12 ft 1 kip/ ft 24 ft 4.11 Problems 427 Problem 4.17 10 kN / m hinge 12 kN / m 4 m 15 kN / m 4m 4m Problem 4.18 1.2 kip / ft 10 kip 12 ft 16 ft 20 ft 16 ft Problem 4.19 30 kN / m 15 kN / m 40 kN 15 kN / m 20 kN C B D 4m 5m A D 4m 4m 3m 428 4 Statically Determinate Plane Frames Problem 4.20 1.2 kip / ft 8 ft 10 kip 16 ft 20 ft For the gable frames defined in Problems 4.21–4.29, determine the bending moment distributions. Problem 4.21 18 kN / m 2.5 m 45 kN 5m 12 m 4.11 Problems 429 Problem 4.22 4 kip 1.4 kip / ft 8 kip 8 ft 16 ft 10 ft 40 ft 10 ft Problem 4.23 1.2 kip/ft hinge 8 ft 10 kip 16 ft 40 ft Problem 4.24 18 kN / m 25 kN 18 kN / m 25 kN 3m 6m 3m 12 m 3m 430 4 Statically Determinate Plane Frames Problem 4.25 6 kip 1.2 kip/ft 1.2 kip/ft 6 kip hinge 10 ft 20 ft 10 ft 20 ft 20 ft 10 ft Problem 4.26 15 kN / m 15 kN / m 3m 5m 6m 6m 4.11 Problems 431 Problem 4.27 1 kip/ft 1 kip/ft hinge 10 ft 15 ft 20 ft 20 ft Problem 4.28 1 kip/ft 1 kip/ft 10 ft 15 ft 1kip/ft 1 kip/ft 20 ft 20 ft 432 4 Statically Determinate Plane Frames Problem 4.29 15 kN / m hinge 3m 5m 15 kN / m 15 kN / m 15 kN / m 6m 6m For the A-frames defined in Problems 4.30–4.32, determine the reactions and bending moment distribution. Problem 4.30 self weight=.8 kip/ft self weight=.8 kip/ ft 16 ft 12 ft 12 ft 4.11 Problems 433 Problem 4.31 10 kip 9 ft .4 kip/ft 12 ft 9 ft 14 ft 9 ft Problem 4.32 40 kN 6m 4m 4m 434 4 Statically Determinate Plane Frames Problem 4.33 Determine the horizontal deflection at D and the clockwise rotation at joint B. Take E ¼ 29,000 ksi. Determine the I required to limit the horizontal displacement at D to 2 inches. Use the Virtual Force method. 2 kip /ft C B I 20 ft I 10 kip D 10 ft A 20 ft Problem 4.34 Determine the value of I to limit the vertical deflection at C to 30 mm. Take E ¼ 200 GPa. Use the Virtual Force method. C 2m I B I 4m A 6m 40 kN 4.11 Problems 435 Problem 4.35 Determine the value of I required limiting the horizontal deflection at D to ½ in. Take E ¼ 29,000 ksi. Use the Virtual Force method. 10 kip D 4 ft I I B C I 16 ft A 8 ft Problem 4.36 Determine the vertical deflection at D and the rotation at joint B. Take E ¼ 200 GPa and I ¼ 60ð10Þ6 mm4 . Use the Virtual Force method. 40 kN 30 kN / m C B I 6m I I A 6m 3m D 436 4 Statically Determinate Plane Frames Problem 4.37 Determine the horizontal displacement at joint B. Take E ¼ 29,000 ksi and I ¼ 200 in.4 Use the Virtual Force method. 2 kip/ft B C I I 12 ft I D A 12 ft 12 ft Problem 4.38 Determine the displacement at the roller support C. Take E ¼ 29,000 ksi and I ¼ 100 in.4 Use the Virtual Force method. 2kip/ft C 8 kip B 12 ft 1 1 I I A 16 ft Problem 4.39 Determine the horizontal deflection at C and the rotation at joint B. Take E ¼ 200 GPa and I ¼ 60ð10Þ6 mm4 . Use the Virtual Force method. 20 kN / m B 10 kN C 2I I I A 6m D 10 m 4.11 Problems 437 Problem 4.40 Determine the horizontal deflection at C and the vertical deflection at E. Take E ¼ 29,000 ksi and I ¼ 160 in.4 Use the Virtual Force method. 10 kip B E C I 14 ft I I D A 10 ft 16 ft Problem 4.41 Determine the horizontal deflection at C. I ¼ 100ð10Þ6 mm4 and E ¼ 200 GPa. Sketch the deflected shape. Use the Virtual Force method. 18 kN / m B I 3m C I 4m 6m Problem 4.42 Sketch the deflected shapes. Determine the vertical deflection at A. Take I ¼ 240 in:4 ; E ¼ 29; 000 ksi, and h ¼ 2b ¼ 10 ft. Use the Virtual Force method. 438 4 a P Statically Determinate Plane Frames P A I I I h b b b w I I A I h b b Problem 4.43 Determine the deflection profile for member DBC. Estimate the peak deflection. Use computer software. Note that the deflection is proportional to 1/EI. 1.2 kip /ft D 2I B C 2I I 12 ft A 8 ft 20 ft Problem 4.44 Consider the pitched roof frame shown below and the loadings defined in cases (a)–(f). Determine the displacement profiles and shear and moment diagrams. EI is constant. Use a computer software system Take I ¼ 10000 in4 (4160(10)6 mm4), 4.11 Problems 439 E ¼ 30,000ksi (200GPa). 3 10 ft (3 m) 2 3 2 Y 1 4 15 ft (4.5 m) 5 1 x 25 ft (7.5 m) a 4 25 ft (7.5 m) b 1 kip/ft (15 kN/m) 1 kip/ft (15 kN/m) 1 kip/ft (15 kN/m) d c 1 kip/ft (15 kN/m) 1 kip/ft (15 kN/m) 18 kip (80 kN) 1 kip/ft (15 kN/m) 1 kip/ft (15 kN/m) e f 9 kip (40 kN) 1 kip/ft (15 kN/m) 1 kip/ft (15 kN/m) Problem 4.45 Consider the frame shown below. Determine the required minimum I for the frame to limit the horizontal deflection at C to 0.5 in. The material is steel. Use computer software. 30 kip B C 3I I 12 ft I D A 30 ft 440 4 Statically Determinate Plane Frames Problem 4.46 Consider the frame shown below. Determine the required minimum I for the frame to limit the vertical deflection at E to 15 mm . The material is steel. Use computer software. 40 kN 30 kN / m B I E C I I/3 4m I/3 D A 5m 5m Problem 4.47 Consider the triangular rigid frame shown below. Assume the member properties are constant. I ¼ 240 in:4 , A ¼ 24 in:2 , and E ¼ 29000 ksi. Use computer software to determine the axial forces and end moments for the following range of values of tany ¼ 2h=L ¼ 0:1; 0:2; 0:3; 0:4; 0:5 P = 20 kip h q q L = 30 ft Compare the solution with the solution based on assuming the structure is an ideal truss. 4.11 Problems 441 Problem 4.48 Consider the structure consisting of two members rigidly connected at B. The load P is applied perpendicular to the plane ABC. Assume the members are prismatic. Determine yy at point C. L1 Z A Y B I1 : J1 X I2 : J2 C L2 θc P Problem 4.49 Members AB, BC, and CD lie in the X–Y plane. Consider the cross-sectional properties to be constant. Determine the z displacement at B and D. Take pffiffiffi LAB ¼ L; LBC ¼ L2 ; LCD ¼ L 2. Y X Z A B 45º C D P 5 Cable Structures Overview Historically, cables have been used as structural components in bridge structures. In this chapter, we first examine how the geometry of a cable is related to the loading that is applied to it. We treat concentrated loadings first and then incorporate distributed loadings leading up to a theory for continuously loaded inclined cables. We also analyze the effect of temperature on the cable geometry. Lastly, we develop an approximate formula for estimating the stiffness of a cable modeled as an equivalent straight member. This modeling strategy is used when analyzing cable-stayed structures. 5.1 Introduction A cable is a flexible structural component that offers no resistance when compressed or bent into a curved shape. Technically, we say a cable has zero bending rigidity. It can support only tensile loading. The first cables were made by twisting vines to form a rope-like member. There are many examples of early cable suspension bridges dating back several thousand years. With the introduction of iron as a structural material, cables were fabricated by connecting wrought iron links. Figure 5.1 shows an example of an iron link suspension bridge, the Clifton Suspension bridge near Bristol England built in 1836–1864 and designed by Isambard Brunel. When high-strength steel wires became available, steel replaced wrought iron as the material of choice for cables. Modern cables are composed of multiple wires (up to 150 wires) clustered in a circular cross-section and arranged in a parallel pattern, as illustrated in Fig. 5.2. This arrangement is used for cable-stayed bridges and suspension bridges. The cable is normally coated with a protective substance such as grease and wrapped or inserted in a plastic sheathing. One of the most notable early applications of steel cables was the Brooklyn Bridge built in 1870–1883 and designed by John Roebling and Wilhelm Hildebrandt. John Roebling also invented and perfected the manufacture of steel J.J. Connor and S. Faraji, Fundamentals of Structural Engineering, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-3262-3_5, # Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2013 443 444 5 Cable Structures Fig. 5.1 Clifton Suspension Bridge, England Fig. 5.2 Cable–strand arrangements wire cable which was used for the bridge. At the time of completion, the total length of the Brooklyn Bridge was 50 % greater than any existing suspension bridge, an extraordinary advancement in bridge engineering (Fig. 5.3). Cable-stayed structures employ cables fabricated from ultra high-strength steel to allow for the high level of tension required for stiffness. The cable-stayed bridge concept has emerged as the predominant choice for main spans up to about 1,000 m, replacing the conventional truss structural system. Figure 5.4 shows the Normandy Bridge, with a main span of 856 m. Built in 1995, it held the record for the largest main span until 1999, when it was exceeded by the Tatara bridge in Japan. Cable nets are also used as the primary structural elements for long-span horizontal roof structures. Figure 5.5 shows a single-layer cable net structure with a double-curved saddle-shaped surface designed by Schlaich Bergermann and partners for a stadium in Kuwai. 5.2 Cables Subjected to Concentrated Loads 445 Fig. 5.3 Brooklyn Bridge, USA 5.2 Cables Subjected to Concentrated Loads 5.2.1 Horizontal Cables Suppose we conduct the following experiment shown in Fig. 5.6. We start with a horizontally aligned cable that is pin connected at A, supported with a roller support at B, and tensioned with a force H. We then apply a concentrated load, P, at mid-span. The cable adopts the triangular shape shown under the action of P. Two questions are of interest. Firstly, why a triangular shape? Secondly, how is the downward vertical displacement at mid-span related to P and H? Historically, the term “sag” is used to describe the vertical motion of a cable. We answer these questions by noting that the magnitude of the moment at any section along the length of the cable must be zero since a cable has no resistance to bending. Summing moments about B X at B M ¼ RA L P L P ¼ 0 ! RA ¼ " 2 2 Next, we consider the free body diagram for the arbitrary segment shown in Fig. 5.7. Setting the moment at x equal to zero leads to an expression for the sag, nðxÞ. X Mat x ¼ P x HnðxÞ ¼ 0 2 (5.1) 446 5 Cable Structures Fig. 5.4 Normandy Bridge, France nðxÞ¼ P x 2H (5.2) Finally, evaluating nðxÞ at x ¼ L/2 results in an equation relating nC and P. nC ¼ PL 4H (5.3) 5.2 Cables Subjected to Concentrated Loads 447 Fig. 5.5 Doubly curved single-layer cable net, Kuwait a A Fig. 5.6 Transverse loading on pretensioned cable. (a) Axial load. (b) Transverse load added. (c) Free body diagram B H L b A P q vc B X v H C L/2 L/2 c H RA = Fig. 5.7 Free body diagram of cable segment P A P 2 B C H RB = H P 2 A q P RA = 2 v(X) T x The relationship between nC and H is plotted below. Usually, one specifies H and determines nC . However, there are cases where one specifies nC , and determines the required value of H. In general for cable systems, one needs to specify either a force or a sag in order to define solution. 448 5 Cable Structures vc H The tension in the cable is given by sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 2ffi 2ffi P P ¼ H 1þ T ¼ H2 þ 2 2H H A θ C H (5.4) vc P/2 P/2 L 2 Noting that the angle of inclination of the cable is related to the sag by tan y ¼ nC P=2 ¼ H L=2 (5.5) leads to an alternative expression for the tension, sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 2ffi pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi P H ¼ H 1 + tan2 y ¼ T ¼ H 1þ 2H cosy q H T P/2 (5.6) 5.2 Cables Subjected to Concentrated Loads Fig. 5.8 Moment distribution for simply supported beam M0 ðxÞ 449 P B A RA = P 2 x L/2 L/2 RB = P 2 PL 4 + + When y is small, T is approximately equal to H. Equation (5.1) combines two moment distributions, one due to the transverse loading P and the other due to H. The moment due to P can be interpreted as the moment in a simply supported beam spanning between points A and B, the support points for the cable. Figure 5.8 shows this distribution. We express (5.1) as M0 ðxÞ nðxÞH ¼ 0 (5.7) where M0(x) is the moment due to the transverse loading acting on the simply supported beam spanning between A and B. Then, the expression for the sag can be written as nðxÞ ¼ M0 ðxÞ H (5.8) We interpret this result as follows. The shape of the vertical sag of the cable from the horizontal chord is a scaled version of the moment diagram for the transverse loading acting on a simply supported beam spanning between the cable supports. We extend this reasoning to a cable subjected to multiple concentrated loads. Figure 5.9a illustrates this case. The moment diagram for a set of concentrated loads is piecewise linear, with peak values at the points of application of the concentrated loads. It follows from (5.8) that the shape of the cable is also piecewise linear. Details are listed below. One generates M0(x), the corresponding shearV0 ðxÞ, the displacement n, and the tension T. Note that one has to specify either H or one of the vertical coordinates (nC or nD ) in order to compute the shape. T¼ qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi H V02 þ H 2 ¼ cos y 450 5 a A H B vC RA vD Cable Structures H RB C D P1 P2 a2L a1L L b P1 P2 C D A B RA RA = a2 P2 + (1 – a1)P1 RB = (1 – a2)P2 + a1 P1 RB MD MC MC = a1 L RA MD = a2 L RB + + c B A M vD = D H M vC = C H v C D d T= H H V2 + H2 = cos ° A B V°CD C H RA H H C D H RB H D V° AC V°CD V°DB Fig. 5.9 Cable with two concentrated loads. (a) Loading. (b) M0 ðxÞ diagram. (c) Cable sag profile. (d) Cable tension computation Example 5.1 Cable with multiple concentrated loads Given: The cable and loading shown in Fig. E5.1a. Determine: The shape corresponding to this loading. Assume (a) nD ¼ 6 ft (b) nD ¼ 12 ft. 5.2 Cables Subjected to Concentrated Loads 451 A B vc vE vD C E 10 kip 12 kip D 14 kip 20 ft 30 ft 38 ft 22 ft Fig. E5.1a Cable geometry and loading Solution: First, we find the vertical reactions and generate the shear diagram V0(x) and moment diagram, M0(x), treating chord AB as a simply supported beam acted upon by the three vertical forces (Fig. E5.1b). Fig. E5.1b Simply supported beam results The downward vertical sag from the chord AB is determined with (5.8). þ# nðxÞ ¼ M0 ðxÞ H 452 5 Cable Structures In order to compute n(x), we need the horizontal force, H. (a) Taking nD ¼ 6 ft results in 6¼ 610 ) H ¼ 101:67 kip H The remaining sags are 364 ¼ 3:58 ft 101:67 391:6 nE ¼ ¼ 3:85 ft 101:67 nC ¼ The final results for the shape are plotted below (Fig. E5.1c). 101.67 kip A B 3.58ft 18.2 kip 101.67 kip 3.85ft 6 ft C E 10 kip 17.8 kip 12 kip D 14 kip Fig. E5.1c Sag profile for nD ¼ 6 ft Once the shape is known, one can find the tension in the various segments using (Fig. E5.1d) T= Vo2 + H2 = H cosθ θ Vo Fig. E5.1d Force decomposition TAC ¼ pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 18:22 þ 101:672 ¼ 103:3 kip TCD ¼ pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 8:22 þ 101:672 ¼ 102 kip TDE ¼ pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 5:82 þ 101:672 ¼ 101:8 kip TEA ¼ pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 17:82 þ 101:672 ¼ 103:2 kip H T 5.2 Cables Subjected to Concentrated Loads 453 (b) Taking nD ¼ 12 ft results in H¼ 610 ¼ 50:83 kip 12 nC ¼ 364 ¼ 7:16 ft 50:83 nE ¼ 391:6 ¼ 7:7 ft 50:83 and TAC ¼ 54 kip TCD ¼ 51:5 kip TDE ¼ 51:16 kip TEB ¼ 53:85 kip The sag profile is plotted below (Fig. E5.1e) 50.83 kip B A 50.83 kip 7.16ft 7.7 ft 18.2 kip 17.8 kip 12 ft C E 10 kip 12 kip D 14 kip Fig. E5.1e Sag profile for nD ¼ 12 ft Note that increasing the prescribed value of nD decreases the cable forces. 5.2.2 Inclined Cables When the cable is inclined, we follow the same approach except that now we measure the cable sag with respect to the inclined chord. Consider the cable defined in Fig. 5.10. This example differs from the previous examples only with respect to the inclination of the chord AB. 454 5 Cable Structures B chord Y yB vD A X D vC P2 C P1 a1 L h a2 L h Lh Fig. 5.10 Inclined cable with concentrated loads P1 P2 C D B A RA a1 Lh Lh(1 – a1 – a2) RA = a2 P2 + (1 – a1)P1 RB RB = (1 – a2)P2 + a1 P1 a2 Lh MD MC MC = a1 Lh RA + + MD = a2 Lh RB Fig. 5.11 Moment due to vertical loads, M0 ðxÞ The reactions and corresponding bending moment distribution generated by the vertical loads are shown in Fig. 5.11. Note that these moment results are identical to the results for the case of a horizontal chord orientation. The reactions generated by the horizontal cable force, H are defined in Fig. 5.12. Setting the total moment equal to zero leads to yB x þ HyðxÞ ¼ 0 Lh + yB M0 ðxÞ ¼ H x yðxÞ HnðxÞ Lh + M0 ðxÞ nðxÞ ¼ H M0 ðxÞ H 5.2 Cables Subjected to Concentrated Loads 455 B Y yB H yB vD H A Lh D vC X H C H yB Lh a2 Lh a1 Lh Lh Fig. 5.12 Reactions due to horizontal force, H Note that the solution for nðxÞ is identical to the results for the horizontal cable except that now one measures the sag from the inclined chord. Example 5.2 Analysis of an inclined cable Given: The inclined cable and loading shown in Fig. E5.2a. Determine: The sag of the cable. Assume nD ¼ 6 ft. A vC vE vD C 4 ft B E D 10 kip 12 kip 14 kip Fig. E5.2a Inclined geometry 20 ft 30 ft 38 ft 22 ft Solution: According to the theory presented above, the sag with respect to the inclined chord is given by þ# nðxÞ ¼ M0 ðxÞ H where V0(x) and M0(x) are the simply supported beam shear and moment (Fig. E5.2b). The V0(x) and M0(x) results are 456 5 10 kip 14 kip 12 kip C D E A Cable Structures B 17.8 kip 18.2 kip 20 ft 38 ft 30 ft 22 ft 17.8 kip + 5.8 kip + + – – 8.2 kip 18.2 kip Simply supported beam shear, V0 (x) 610 kip ft 364 kip ft 391.6 kip ft + + Simply supported beam moment, M0 (x) Fig. E5.2b Simply supported beam results Then nC ¼ 364 H nD ¼ 610 H nE ¼ 391:6 H For nD ¼ 6 ft, the value of H follows from H¼ M0D 610 ¼ 101:67 kip ¼ 6 nD Finally, the values of sag at C and E are 364 ¼ 3:58 ft 101:67 391:6 nE ¼ ¼ 3:85 ft 101:67 nC ¼ To determine the tension, we need to compute the vertical shear in each panel. 5.2 Cables Subjected to Concentrated Loads 457 The vertical reactions due to H (Fig. E5.2c) are HyB 101:67ð4Þ ¼ 3:7 kip ¼ 110 L A 101.67 kip 3.7 kip B 101.67 kip C 3.7 kip E D Fig. E5.2c Vertical reactions due to H The net results for vertical shear are shown in Fig. E5.2d. A 101.67 kip 21.9kip B C 10 kip E D 14 kip 101.67 kip 14.1kip 12 kip Net reactions 14.1 kip 2.1 kip + V + – – 11.9 kip 21.9 kip Net vertical shear Fig. E5.2d Vertical shear Lastly, the tension in each segment is computed using these values for V and H. The maximum tension is in segment AC. TAC ¼ TCD ¼ pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 21:92 þ 101:672 ¼ 104 kip pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 11:92 þ 101:672 ¼ 102:4 kip 458 5 TDE ¼ TEA ¼ Cable Structures pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 2:12 þ 101:672 ¼ 102:7 kip pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 14:092 þ 101:672 ¼ 102:6 kip 5.3 Cables Subjected to Distributed Loading 5.3.1 Horizontal Cable: Uniform Loading per Horizontal Projection We consider next the cable system shown in Fig. 5.13. The cable supports a horizontal platform, which in turn, supports a uniform vertical loading. We represent the action of the closely spaced vertical hangers on the cable as a uniform downward loading per unit horizontal projection. The self weight of the cable, which is usually small in comparison to the applied loading, is neglected. Following the procedure described in the previous section, we determine the moment diagram for a simply supported beam spanning between the end supports. The sag of the cable with respect to the horizontal chord AB is an inverted scaled version of the moment diagram. The details are shown in Fig. 5.14. The sag, tan y, and T are given by M0 ðxÞ ðwL=2Þx ðwx2 =2Þ w ¼ ¼ ðLx x2 Þ H H 2H dv 1 dM0 ðxÞ w ¼ ¼ ðL 2xÞ tan y ¼ dx H dx 2H H T¼ cosy vðxÞ ¼ (5.9) It follows that the shape due to a uniform load is parabolic and the maximum sag occurs at mid-span, point c. nC ¼ h ¼ A w 2 wL2 ðL =2 L2 =4Þ ¼ 2H 8H (5.10) w B C A B h v w L Fig. 5.13 Cable with a uniformly distributed loading x C L/2 L/2 5.3 Cables Subjected to Distributed Loading a 459 w A RA = B wL RB = 2 L wL 2 x + + Mo(x) = wL 2 x– w x2 2 Mo(x) distribution b x v(x) vC v θ Cable sag Fig. 5.14 Horizontal cable. (a) Simply supported beam results. (b) Cable sag Example 5.3 Given: The cable shown in Fig. E5.3a. The loading and desired cable geometry is specified. Determine: The value of the horizontal tension force, H and the peak value of cable tension, which produces this geometry under the given loading. w0 = 15 kN/m A H B X H v RA = C w0 L 4 RB = L/2 L = 30 m Fig. E5.3a w0 L 4 h=3 m 460 5 Cable Structures Solution: We note that the maximum value of n occurs at x ¼ L/2. Then, specializing (5.9) for this value of x leads to the value of H: w0 RA = w0L 4 RB = w0L 4 X w0 L w0 x x3 4 3L 1 dM0 ðxÞ 1 w0 L w0 2 ¼ x tan y ¼ H dx H 4 L Mo ðxÞ ¼ H¼ Mo ðx ¼ L=2Þ w0 L2 1 ð15Þð30Þ2 ¼ 375 kN ¼ ¼ nC 12 nC 12ð3Þ The tension is related to H by: T¼ H cosy The peak values of y occur at x ¼ 0 and x ¼ L. tan yat x¼0 ¼ 1 w0 L ð15Þð30Þ ¼ 0:3 ¼ H 4 ð375Þð4Þ yat x¼0 ¼ 16:7 It follows that ymax ¼ 16:7 Tmax ¼ 5.3.2 H ¼ 391:5 kN cosy Inclined Cables Suppose the cable is inclined, and subjected to an arbitrary loading. We define the shape by the function y(x). Figure 5.15 defines this notation. 5.3 Cables Subjected to Distributed Loading 461 a Fig. 5.15 Inclined cable geometry—arbitrary loading. (a) Geometry-arbitrary loading. (b) Simply supported beam results. (c) Reactions due to horizontal force, H. w B Y yB A y(x) X x Lh w b B A RA x RB Lh Mo(x) + c B H Y v(x) H yB A H yB Lh x H yB X Lh y(x) Lh Since the cable has no bending rigidity, the shape of the cable must adjust itself so that the resultant moment due to the vertical load and H vanishes at all points along the cable. Then, setting the total moment at x equal to zero leads to X Mat x ¼ M0 ðxÞ þ HyðxÞ HyB x¼0 Lh + yðxÞ ¼ yB M0 ðxÞ x H Lh (5.11) 462 Fig. 5.16 Cable geometry— lowest point 5 Cable Structures Y sag B v(x) y(x) A X yc xc C We note from Fig. 5.15 that yðxÞ þ vðxÞ yB ¼ x Lh + yB yðxÞ ¼ x vðxÞ Lh (5.12) Finally, equating (5.11) and (5.12) leads to the expression for the sag, vðxÞ ¼ M0 ðxÞ H (5.13) We observe that the solution for the sag is identical to the result that we obtained for the horizontal chord orientation except now one measures the sag from the inclined chord. The solution is also similar to the case of a set of concentrated loads. The lowest point on the cable (point C in Fig. 5.16) is determined by setting the slope equal to zero. dy ¼0 dx xC (5.14) yB 1 dM0 ðxÞ ¼0 Lh H dx (5.15) Noting (5.11), For the case where the distributed load is uniform, M0 ðxÞ is parabolic, and (5.15) expands to yB 1 wLh wxC þ ¼0 (5.16) Lh H 2 5.3 Cables Subjected to Distributed Loading 463 Solving for x leads to xC ¼ Lh yB H 2 Lh w (5.17) For an arbitrary loading, we need to use (5.15). Example 5.4 Given: The inclined cable defined in Fig. E5.4a. Point C is the lowest point of the cable. Determine: The coordinates of point C and the peak values of cable tension. 15 kN/m B Y H = 360 kN yB = 3 m A X yc C XC Lh = 30 m Fig. E5.4a Solution: Noting (5.17) xC ¼ Lh yB H 30 3 360 ¼ ¼ 12:6 m 2 30 15 2 Lh w Applying (5.11) for point C, o yB w n 3 15 2 Lh xC ðxC Þ ¼ 12:6 30ð12:6Þ ð12:6Þ2 yC ¼ xC 30 2ð360Þ Lh 2H ¼ 3:3 m Given H, we can find the cable tension at any point with: T¼ H cos y 464 5 Cable Structures where tan y ¼ dy yB wLh wx ¼ þ dx Lh 2H H The critical locations are at the support points A and B. 3 15ð30Þ ¼ 0:525 yA ¼ 27:7 30 2ð360 3 15ð30Þ 15ð30Þ þ ¼ þ0:725 yB ¼ þ35:9 tan yB ¼ 30 2ð360Þ 360 tan yA ¼ H ¼ 406:6 kN cos yA H ¼ TB ¼ ¼ 444:4 kN cos yB TA ¼ Tmax 5.4 Advanced Topics This section deals with the calculation of arch length, the axial stiffness and the effect of temperature. We also discuss a modeling strategy for cable-stayed structures such as guyed towers and cable-stayed bridges. 5.4.1 Arc Length We consider first the uniformly loaded horizontal cable shown in Fig. 5.17. We have shown that the sag profile due to a uniform load is parabolic, vðxÞ ¼ wL wx2 x 2H 2H and the maximum sag occurs at mid-span, vmax h ¼ wL2 8H Given H and L, of interest is the total arc length of the cable. We need this quantity in order to determine the effect on the cable geometry of a temperature increase in the cable. Figure 5.17 shows the initial and loaded shapes of the cable. Note that the initial length is greater than L. We denote this quantity as L + D. 5.4 Advanced Topics a 465 A B L S b y w x H v(x) v A h B C L/2 L Fig. 5.17 Cable geometry. (a) Initial unloaded. (b) Loaded shape The differential arc length, ds, is related to its horizontal and vertical projections by pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ds ¼ dx2 þ dy2 ¼ dx sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 2 dy 1þ dx (5.18) Integrating between 0 and L leads to an expression for the total arc length S¼ ðL ( 0 2 )12 dy 1þ dx dx (5.19) Given y(x), one evaluates the integral using either symbolic or numerical integration. When the cable is horizontal, y(x) ¼ v(x). When the maximum sag h is small with respect to L, we can assume that dy=dx is small with respect to 1 and simplify the integral in (5.19) using the following binominal series expression, 1 1 1 ð1 þ f Þ2 ¼ 1 þ f f 2 þ 2 8 f j j<1 (5.20) 466 5 Cable Structures Taking f ¼ ðdy=dxÞ2 and retaining only the first two terms, we obtain the following approximation for S: S ðL ( 0 ) 1 dy 2 1þ dx 2 dx (5.21) Ð L 2 Noting Fig. 5.17a, we see that D ¼ 12 0 ddyx dx for this approximation. Lastly, we evaluate S for the case when the loading is uniform. Retaining the first three terms in (5.20) leads to ( ) 8 h 2 32 h 4 SL 1þ 3 L 5 L (5.22) We refer to h/L as the sag ratio. Equation (5.22) shows that the effect of decreasing the sag ratio is to transform the “curved” cable to essentially a straight segment connecting the two end points. The cables used for guyed towers and cable-stayed bridges have small sag ratios, and are approximated as equivalent straight axial elements. We will discuss this topic in a later section. Example 5.5 Given: The cable defined in Fig. E5.5a. Determine: The length of the cable corresponding to this geometry. Also determine the change in geometry due to a temperature increase of 150 F. Take a ¼ 6:6 106 = F. 2kip/ft 40 ft 100 ft 200 ft Fig. E5.5a Solution: The horizontal reaction due to the loading shown is H¼ wL2 ¼ 250 kip 8h We evaluate S using (5.22), ( ) 8 40 2 32 40 4 S ¼ 200 1 þ ¼ 200f1 þ 0:107 0:01g 3 200 5 200 S ¼ 219.4 ft 5.4 Advanced Topics 467 The change in cable length due to a temperature increase is DS ¼ Sð aDTÞ 219:4ð6:6 106 Þð150Þ 0:217 ft This length change produces a change in the sag. We differentiate (5.22) with respect to h, dS 16 h 128 h 3 dh 3 L 5 L and solve for dh. dh dS n o ð16=3Þðh=LÞ 1 4:8ðh=LÞ2 Substituting for dS leads to dh 0:217 n o ¼ 0:25 ft ð16=3Þð40=200Þ 1 4:8ð40=200Þ2 Finally, we update H using the new values for h ¼ 40 + 0.25 ¼ 40.25 ft H¼ wL2 2ð200Þ2 ¼ ¼ 248:5 kip 8h 8ð40:25Þ The effect of temperature increase on H is small for this geometry. Example 5.6 Given: The uniformly loaded inclined cable shown in Fig. E5.6a. Determine: The sag profile and total arc length. w = 1kip/ft B Y yB = 15 ft v(x) A X Lh = 100 ft Fig. E5.6a H = 80 kip 468 5 Cable Structures Solution: The profile defined in terms of y(x) is given by (5.11). For the given dimensions, it expands to yB M0 ðxÞ x H Lh 15 x2 1 x 50x ¼ 100 2 80 yðxÞ ¼ Then, the sag profile is given by x2 1 5 x2 ¼ x vðxÞ ¼ þ 50x 2 80 8 160 We determine the total arc length using (5.19). S¼ ð Lh ( 0 2 )1=2 dy 1þ dx dx Substituting for y(x) leads to S¼ ð 100 ( 0 15 1 ð50 xÞ 1þ 100 80 2 )1=2 dx We evaluate the integral using numerical integration. The result is S ¼ 107.16 ft 5.4.2 Equivalent Axial Stiffness In what follows, we establish a procedure for modeling a shallow horizontal cable as an equivalent straight axial member. Consider the cable shown in Fig. 5.18. Suppose the horizontal force, H, is increased a small amount, say DH. This action causes the support at B to displace horizontally an amount Du. The ratio DH= Du is a measure of the axial stiffness for the cable. We interpret it as the tangent stiffness since we perturbed the system from a “loaded” state. We generate an expression for the tangent stiffness in the following way. We start with the straight unloaded cable shown in Fig. 5.19 and apply a horizontal force. The cable stretches an amount u1 . Next, we apply the uniform 5.4 Advanced Topics 469 a w H A B L b w H + DH A B L Du Fig. 5.18 Actual and perturbed configurations A B L A B H u1 u2 w A B H uB Fig. 5.19 Deflection patterns downward load, holding H constant. Point B moves to the left an amount u2 . We estimate u2 using (5.21) specified for a parabolic shape and small sag ratio, ð L 2 1 dv w2 L3 u2 dx ¼ 24H2 0 2 dx The net motion of B is uB . uB ¼ u1 u2 ¼ HL w2 L3 AE 24H 2 (5.23) 470 5 Cable Structures Fig. 5.20 uB vs: H relationship Equation (5.23) is plotted in Fig. 5.20. For large H, the first term dominates and the behavior approaches the behavior of an axial member. We want to determine dH=du. Since uB is a nonlinear function of H, we first find the derivative du=dH, and then invert. ( ) duB L w2 L3 L 1 AE wL 2 þ 1þ ¼ ¼ 12 H H dH AE 12H 3 AE # dH ¼ kt ¼ duB ! 1 1 þ ð1=12ÞðAE=HÞðwL=HÞ 2 AE L (5.24) Note that AE=L is the axial stiffness of a straight member. Equation (5.24) shows that the tangent stiffness for the horizontal cable approaches AE=L as the tension H is increased. The tangent stiffness kt can also be expressed in terms of a modified elastic modulus Eeq . We write (5.24) as kt ¼ ðA=LÞEeq . Then, the definition equation for Eeq follows: Eeq ¼ E 1 þ ð1=12ÞðAE=HÞðwL=HÞ2 (5.25) In general, Eeq <E. Substituting the terms, A 1 ¼ H s wL h ¼8 H L transforms (5.25) to Eeq ¼ E 1 þ ð16=3ÞðE=sÞðh=LÞ2 (5.26) 5.4 Advanced Topics 471 where s is the stress in the cable. It follows that the equivalent modulus depends on the initial stress in the cable and the sag ratio. A typical value of initial stress is on the order of 50–100 ksi (344,700–1,034,100 kN/m2). Values of sag ratio range from 0.005 to 0.02. The corresponding variation in Eeq for a steel cable with s ¼ 50 ksi (344,700 kN/m2) is tabulated below. E=s 580 h=L 0.005 0.01 0.02 Eeq =E 0.928 0.764 0.447 Note that a typical sag ratio of 0.01 results in a 25% reduction in E. One uses high-strength steel strands, on the order of 150 ksi (1,034,100 kN/m2) yield stress, for cable-stayed structures in order to minimize their loss of stiffness due to cable sag. 5.4.3 Equivalent Axial Stiffness for an Inclined Cable In this section, we extend the modeling strategy to deal with shallow inclined cables. Inclined cables with small sag ratios are used in cable-stayed bridges and also as supports for guyed towers. Figure 5.21 shows the Millau Viaduct Bridge in France. Figure 5.22 illustrates a two-cable scheme for a guyed tower subjected to wind loading. We model each cable as a straight axial member with a modulus of elasticity, Eeq which depends on the initial tension and geometry of the cable. This approach is reasonable when the changes in geometry and tension due to the applied load are small in comparison to the initial properties. Fig. 5.21 Millau Viaduct Bridge in France 472 5 a b T0 Cable Structures u Wind P T0 + DT T0 A Eeq q q T0 – DT A Eeq q q Fig. 5.22 Guyed tower modeling scheme. (a) Initial position. (b) Loaded position Equilibrium of the tower requires 2DTcos y ¼ P (5.27) The corresponding extension of the “equivalent” straight member due to DT is: De¼ DTL AEeq (5.28) Lastly, we relate D e to the horizontal displacement u. D e ¼ ucos y Combining these equations leads to an expression relating P and u. P¼ 2AEeq (cos yÞ2 u L (5.29) The bracketed terms represents the lateral stiffness of the tower for a lateral load applied at the top of the tower. Given Eeq , one can evaluate the lateral response of the tower with (5.29). We develop an expression for Eeq by modifying (5.25). Figure 5.23 shows a typical inclined cable and the notation introduced here. The loading acting on the cable is assumed to be the self weight, wg . Also when the cable is rotated from the horizontal position up to the inclined position, H is now the cable tension, T; the normal distributed load w becomes wg cos y; and the loading term becomes wL ) ðwg cosyÞL ¼ wg Lh (5.30) Substituting for these terms in (5.25) leads to Eeq E 1 þ ð1=12ÞðAE=TÞðwg Lh =TÞ2 (5.31) 5.4 Advanced Topics a 473 wg θ θ T w T L Lh b wg w 90° – θ ds ds w = wg cosq θ dx dx q Fig. 5.23 Inclined cable geometry. (a) Vertical versus normal loading. (b) Loading components Lastly, we introduce the following definitions involving the initial stress and weight density, A 1 ¼ T s wg ¼ gg A (5.32) The final form of (5.31) for an individual cable is Eeq ¼ E 1 þ ð1=12ÞðE=sÞðgg Lh =sÞ2 (5.33) Equation (5.33) is known as Ernst’s Formula. This expression is used when modeling the cables in a cable-stayed scheme with equivalent axial member properties. Example 5.7 Given: The steel cable shown in Fig. E5.7a. Take the initial stress as 700 MPa. Determine: The equivalent modulus, Eeq . 474 5 Cable Structures Fig. E5.7a steel cable AE 120 m Solution: properties of steel are E ¼ 200 GPa and gg ¼ 77 kN/m3 . Substituting these values in (5.33) leads to Eeq 1 ¼ ¼ 0:996 E 1 þ ð1=12Þ 200ð103 Þ=700 ð77ð120Þ=700; 000Þ2 One uses Eeq when specifying the properties of the “equivalent” straight axial member. A Eeq AE 120 m 5.4.4 120 m Cable Shape Under Self Weight: Catenary There are cases where the loading on a cable is due only to self weight. Electrical transmission lines are one example. The previous analyses have assumed the loading is defined in terms of the horizontal projection (dx). This assumption is reasonable when the slope of the cable is small. In order to investigate the case when the slope is not small, we need to work with the exact equilibrium equation. Consider the segment shown in Fig. 5.24. Enforcing equilibrium and noting that the loading is vertical leads to following equations: X X Fy ¼ 0 Fx ¼ 0 d ðTsin yÞdx ¼ wg ds dx d ðTcos yÞ ¼ 0 ) Tcos y ¼ Constant ¼ H dx Substituting for T T¼ H dy ) Tsin y ¼ Htan y ¼ H cos y dx (5.34) 5.4 Advanced Topics 475 a Fig. 5.24 (a) Cable shape under self weight— Catenary. (b) Differential segment Y B x A L b ωg ds T+ dT dx dx θ T dx in the first equation in (5.34) leads to ( 2 )12 d2 y ds dy H 2 ¼ og ¼ og 1 þ dx dx dx (5.35) The general solution of (5.35) is y¼ w H g x þ c1 þ c2 cosh wg H (5.36) where c1 and c2 are integration constants which are determined using the coordinates of the support points. For the unsymmetrical case, we locate the origin at the left support (Fig. 5.24a). When the cable is symmetrical, it is more convenient to locate the origin at the lowest point. We consider the symmetrical case shown in Fig. 5.25. We locate the origin at the lowest point. Then for this choice, c1 ¼ 0 c2 ¼ H wg 476 5 Cable Structures Fig. 5.25 and y¼ w o Hn g x 1 cosh wg H The force H is determined from the condition yðL=2Þ ¼ h wg L H h¼ cosh 1 wg 2H (5.37) We need to solve (5.38) using iteration since it is a transcendental equation. We expand the cosh term, x2 x4 xn þ þ þ 2 24 n! x2 x2 xðn2Þ 1 þ þ þ 2 ¼1þ 2 12 n! cosh x ¼ 1 þ (5.38) When x2 is small with respect to 1, we approximate the expression as cosh x 1 þ Taking x ¼ x2 x2 1þ 2 12 wg L and substituting for cosh x in (5.37) leads to 2H ( ) wg L2 1 wg L 2 1þ h 12 2H 8H (5.39) 5.4 Advanced Topics 477 When the loading is assumed to be per unit projected length, the corresponding expression for h is h ¼ wL2 =8H. For a given H, h is larger for the self weight case. Also for a given h, H is larger for the self weight case. The difference increases with the sag ratio, h/L. We find the arc length using (5.35). H d2 y dx ¼ og ds dx2 Integrating, L 2 1 dy 2 dy2 H H 2 dx ¼ og dx og dx 0 ðL S¼2 2 0 og L 2H S¼ sinh og 2H (5.40) We determine the maximum tension which occurs at x ¼ ðL=2Þ using Tmax ¼ Hcosh og L 2H (5.41) Example 5.8 Given: The cable shown in Fig. E5.8a has a self weight of 1.2 kip/ft. Determine: The arc length, h and maximum tension in the cable using the catenary equations. Also the percent of error in the maximum tension value when using parabolic equations. Consider the following values for H: H ¼ 75, 100, and 250 kip. L = 200 ft H H h wg = 1.2 kip/ft Fig. E5.8a Solution: The relevant equations are listed below. wg L H h¼ cosh 1 wg 2H 478 5 wg L2 hap 8H ( Cable Structures ) 1 wg L 2 1þ 12 2H og L 2H S¼ sinh og 2H Tmax ¼ Hcosh og L 2H These equations are evaluated using a digital computer. The results are summarized in the table below. Note that when h/L is large, the error introduced by the parabolic approximation is significant. H 75 100 250 Catenary S 296.9 251.6 207.7 h 98.6 67.5 24.5 5.5 Summary 5.5.1 Objectives hap. 97 67.2 24.5 Tmax 193 181 279 Parabola h 80 60 24 Tmax 141.5 156.2 277.3 % error Tmax 27% 14% 1% • To describe how a cable adjusts it geometry when subjected to a single vertical concentrated load. • To extend the analysis to a cable subjected to multi concentrated vertical loads. • To derive an expression for the deflected shape of the cable when subjected to an arbitrary vertical loading. • To present a series of examples which illustrate the computational procedure for finding the deflected shape of a cable. • To derive an approximate expression for the equivalent axial stiffness of a cable modeled as a straight member. 5.5.2 Key Concepts • Given a cable supported at two points, A and B, and subjected to a vertical loading. The vertical deflection from the chord connecting points A and B is proportional to the bending moment M in a simply supported beam spanning between A and B. One finds the bending moment diagram using a simple equilibrium analysis. The deflection of the cable with respect to the chord AB is an inverted scaled version of the moment diagram. 5.6 Problems 479 • Under vertical loading, the horizontal component of the cable force is constant. • The length of the cable is determined by integrating S¼ ðL ds ¼ 0 ðL 0 sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 2 dy 1þ dx dx where y¼ M0 ðxÞ yB þ x H Lh One usually approximates the integrand with ds 1 þ ð1=2Þðdy=dxÞ2 when ðdy=dxÞ2 is small in comparison to 1. 5.6 Problems For Problems 5.1–5.8, determine the reactions at the supports, and the tension in each segment of the cable. Problem 5.1 A B 8 ft C D 10 kip 16 ft 15 kip 20 ft 30 ft 480 5 Problem 5.2 B A 3m C D 45 kN 65 kN 5m 6m 10 m Problem 5.3 A B 2m E C D 30 kN 40 kN 50 kN 5m 5m 4m 3m Problem 5.4 B 6 ft 4 ft A D 12 kip C 14 kip 12 ft 24 ft 14 ft Cable Structures 5.6 Problems 481 Problem 5.5 A B 8 ft E C D 10 kip 12 kip 14 kip 15 ft 18 ft 15 ft 10 ft Problem 5.6 B 6 ft A 10 ft E C D 10 kip 20 kip 14 kip 18 ft 15 ft 15 ft 24 ft 482 5 Cable Structures Problem 5.7 A 1m B 3m C E 80 kN D 80 kN 60 kN 4m 6m 4m 6m Problem 5.8 A 10 kip 4.5 ft D C 20 ft E 14.5 ft B 15 kip 30 ft 25 ft 12 kip 15 ft For Problems 5.9–5.14, determine the maximum tension. Problem 5.9 1.2 kip/ft A B 4 ft 30 ft 80 ft 5.6 Problems 483 Problem 5.10 20 kN/m A B 2m 8m 24 m Problem 5.11 Assume w ¼ 1.7 kip/ft and H ¼ 40 kip. w B 20 ft H A 100 ft Problem 5.12 1.45 kip/ft A B 6 ft 40 ft 80 ft 484 5 Cable Structures Problem 5.13 30 m A 4m B H=200 kN 20 kN/m Problem 5.14 Assume w ¼ 1.4 kip/ft, yB ¼ 10 ft, H ¼ 100 kip, and Lh ¼ 40 ft. w B B yB yB Y A A X Lh Lh 5.6 Problems 485 Problem 5.15 Assume w0 ¼ 1:8 kip/ft, vat x¼20 ft ¼ 2 ft and L ¼ 80 ft. Determine the deflected shape. w0 x v(x) L/2 L Problem 5.16 Determine the coordinates of the lowest point on the cable for H ¼ 650 kN w = 30 kN/m Y B 6m A X 30 m H 486 5 Cable Structures Problem 5.17 Determine the peak values of cable tension. 1 kip/ft B Y 10 ft A X yc 10 ft C Xc 100 ft Problem 5.18 Consider the case where the loading is defined in terms of per unit arc length. Derive the expression for the deflected shape, n(x). w ds B yB A v(x) Lh 5.6 Problems 487 Problem 5.19 (a) Determine the total arc length for this geometry. (b) Determine the effect of a temperature increase of 100 F. Assume the cable material is steel. 2 kip/ft B 500 kip 30 ft A 100 ft Problem 5.20 Consider the guyed tower scheme shown in the sketch below. Assume the guys are steel cables that are stressed initially to 520 MPa. Determine the cable cross-sectional area required to limit the lateral motion at the top of the tower to 10 mm. 450 kN 45 m q 60 m 60 m 488 5 Cable Structures Problem 5.21 The cable shown below carries its own weight. Determine the arc length and yB. Point C is the lowest point. Assume w ¼ :8 kip per foot of cable, L1 ¼ 60 ft, L2 ¼ 80 ft, and H ¼ 150 kip. 6 Statically Determinate Curved Members Overview Chapter 3 dealt with beams, which are straight members subjected to transverse loading. We showed there that transversely loaded beams respond by bending, i.e., they equilibrate the loading by developing internal shear and moment quantities. When the centroidal axis is curved, the behavior of a curved member subjected to transverse loading, depending on how the ends are restrained, can undergo a dramatic change from predominately bending action to predominately axial action. This characteristic of curved members makes them more efficient than straight members for spanning moderate to large scale openings. A typical application is an arch structure, which is composed of curved members restrained at their ends. In this chapter, we first develop the general solution for the internal forces in a planar curved member and apply it to members having parabolic and circular shapes. Next, we introduce the method of virtual forces specialized for planar curved members and illustrate its application to compute displacements for various geometries. The last section of the chapter deals with the optimal shape for an arch and the analysis of three-hinged arches, a popular form of arch structure. The material presented here also provides the basis for the analysis of statically indeterminate arches treated in Chap. 9. 6.1 A Brief History of Arch-Type Structures We define an arch as a curved member that spans an opening and is restrained against movement at its ends by abutments. Figure 6.1 illustrates this definition. Arches are designed to carry a vertical loading which, because of the curved nature of the member, is partially resisted by horizontal forces provided by the abutments. Arches generally are more efficient than straight beam-type structures for spanning an opening since their geometry can be modified so that they carry the transverse loading almost completely by axial action, i.e., by compression. However, J.J. Connor and S. Faraji, Fundamentals of Structural Engineering, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-3262-3_6, # Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2013 489 490 6 Statically Determinate Curved Members Curved member opening Abutment Abutment Fig. 6.1 Definition of an arch Fig. 6.2 Corbel arch abutments are required to develop the compression type behavior and this requirement sometimes limits the applicability of the arch for a particular site. In what follows, we briefly discuss the historical development of arch structures and then present the underlying theory for statically determinate curved members. This theory is similar to the theory for gable roof structures presented in Chap. 4. Later, in Chap. 9, we discuss the theory of statically indeterminate curved members. Arches have many applications. They are used for openings in walls, for crossing gorges and rivers, and as monumental structures such as the Arc de Triumph. The first application of arch-type construction in buildings occurred around 4,000BC in Egypt and Greece. Openings in walls were spanned using the scheme shown in Fig. 6.2. Large flat stones were stacked in layers of increasing width until they met at the top layer. Each layer was stabilized by the weight applied above the layer. The concept is called a Corbel arch. No formwork is required to construct the structure. Also, no horizontal thrust and therefore no abutments are needed. The term “false arch” is sometimes used to describe this type of structure. False arches were used almost exclusively in ancient Greece where the techniques of masonry construction were perfected. The type of arch construction shown in Fig. 6.3 for carrying vertical loading across an opening was introduced by the Egyptians around 3,000BC. It employs tapered stones, called voussouirs, which are arranged around a curved opening in such a manner that each brick is restrained by compressive and frictional forces. The system is unstable until the last stone, called the “keystone,” is placed. Consequently, temporary framework is required during construction. 6.1 A Brief History of Arch-Type Structures 491 Key stone Abutment Abutment Fig. 6.3 Key stone arch construction Fig. 6.4 Pont du Gard crossing Starting around 300BC, the Romans perfected masonry arch construction and built some unique structures, many of which are still functioning after 2,000 years. They preferred circular arches and included them in buildings, bridges, and aqueducts. One of the most famous examples is the Pont du Gard, shown in Fig. 6.4; a bridge/aqueduct over the river Gard built in 19BC. Some of the stones weigh up to 6 t. Another example of a second century multiple span Roman arch masonry bridge is shown in Fig. 6.5. The typical span length is 98 ft. This bridge crosses the Tagus River in Spain and was a key element in the transportation network connecting the outer Roman Provinces with Rome. Masonry materials are ideal for arch construction since they are strong under compression and also very durable. However, it is difficult to construct long span masonry arch bridges. With the development of alternate structural materials such as cast iron and steel at the end of the eighteenth century, there was a shift toward arches formed with metal members. Figure 6.6 shows the Iron Bridge built in 1781. 492 Fig. 6.5 Alcantara Toledo bridge Fig. 6.6 Iron Bridge, England 6 Statically Determinate Curved Members 6.1 A Brief History of Arch-Type Structures 493 Fig. 6.7 Eads Bridge, USA The main span is 100 ft and crosses the Severn Gorge in the UK. Each of the members was formed using cast iron technology which was evolving at the time. Since cast iron is weak in tension and tends to fail in a brittle manner, it was shortly replaced as the material of choice by steel. The development of railroads created a demand for bridges with more load capacity and longer spans. During this time period, there were many arch bridges constructed. Figure 6.7 shows the Eads Bridge built in 1874 across the Mississippi River in St. Louis, Missouri. This bridge has ribbed steel arch spans of 520 ft, fabricated with tubular structural alloy steel members; the first use of steel in a major bridge project. Today, the bridge is still carrying pedestrian, vehicular, and light rail traffic across the Mississippi. At the end of the nineteenth century, reinforced concrete emerged as a major competitor to steel as a structural material. Reinforced concrete allowed one to form arch geometries that were aesthetically more pleasing than conventional steel arch geometries, and therefore became the preferred material. Most of this surge in popularity was due to the work of Robert Maillart, a Swiss Engineer (1872–1940), who developed arch concepts that revolutionized the design practice for reinforced concrete arches. An example is the Salginatobel Bridge, shown in Fig. 6.8. This bridge, built in 1930, crosses the Salgina Valley Ravine in Switzerland with a span of 270 ft. It is the ideal solution for this picturesque site and has been recognized by ASCE as a landmark project. 494 6 Statically Determinate Curved Members Fig. 6.8 Salginatobel Bridge, Switzerland A unique arch bridge in the USA is the New Gorge Steel Arch Bridge located in West Virginia. Opened in 1977, it has the longest main span (1,700 ft) and highest height (876 ft) of all arch bridges in North and South America. It held the world record for span and height until 2003 when the Lupu Arch Bridge in Shanghai (1,800 ft span) was opened. A type of weathering steel called Corten was used in the New Gorge Arch structure in order to avoid the need for periodic painting. Another unique arch bridge in the USA is the Hoover Dam Bypass Bridge. Segmented concrete construction was used to fabricate the concrete box elements in situ. The construction process employed a complex tieback scheme, as illustrated in Fig. 6.9b–d. The bridge was completed in 2010. 6.2 Modeling of Arch Structures We idealize an arch structure as a curved member restrained at its ends with a combination of fixed, hinged, and roller supports. Figure 6.10 illustrates various types of end conditions. Case (a) corresponds to full end fixity, a condition that is difficult to achieve. The more common case is (b) where the abutments can prevent translation but not rotation. We refer to this structure as a two-hinged arch. The third case, (c), corresponds to a “tied arch structure” where the ends are interconnected with a tension member. This scheme is used when the abutments are not capable of resisting the horizontal thrust action of the arch. If the arch is a bridge, the roadway may be connected above the structure as in Fig. 6.11a, or below the structure as in Fig. 6.11b. When placed above, the deck weight is transmitted by compression members to the arch. Decks placed below the arch are supported by cables. Both loading cases are idealized as a uniform loading per horizontal projection as shown in Fig. 6.11c. In some cases, soil backfill is 6.2 Modeling of Arch Structures 495 placed between the roadway and the arch. The soil loading is represented as a non uniform loading whose shape is defined by the arch geometry. Figure 6.11d, e illustrate this case. The structures in Fig. 6.10 are statically indeterminate. We can reduce the twohinge arch to a statically determinate structure by converting it to a three-hinge arch. The additional hinge is usually placed at mid-span as shown in Fig. 6.12. Fig. 6.9 Modern Arch Bridges in the USA. (a) New Gorge Arch, West Virginia. (b) Hoover Dam Bypass—under construction. (c) Hoover Dam Bypass—under construction. (d) Hoover Dam Bypass—under construction. (e) Hoover Dam Bypass—completed 496 Fig. 6.9 (continued) 6 Statically Determinate Curved Members 6.2 Modeling of Arch Structures 497 a b c Fig. 6.10 Indeterminate Arch structures with various end fixity conditions. (a) Fully fixed Arch— three degree indeterminate. (b) Two-hinged arch—one degree indeterminate. (c) Tied arch—one degree indeterminate a b c Fig. 6.11 Different roadway arrangements—idealized loading. (a) Roadway above the arch. (b) Roadway below the arch. (c) Idealized uniform dead loading. (d) Soil backfill above the arch. (e) Idealized soil loading 498 6 Statically Determinate Curved Members d Backfill h y(x) X e w = γ3(h − y) Y X Fig. 6.11 (continued) hinge h L/2 L/2 Fig. 6.12 Three-hinge arch In this chapter, we first present a general theory of statically determinate curved members and then specialize the general theory for three-hinge arches. We treat statically indeterminate arches later in Chap. 9. 6.3 Internal Forces in Curved Members We consider the statically determinate curved member shown in Fig. 6.13a. We work with a Cartesian reference frame having axes X and Y and define the centroidal axis of the member by the function, y ¼ y(x). The vertical loading is 6.3 Internal Forces in Curved Members 499 w(x) a C B Y y(x) RBy A RAx X x RAy L b w(x) w(x) x x M Y C Y Fy q Fx y(x) RAx A RAy X-Y frame F y(x) RAx x M V A x X X RAy Local tangential/normal frame Fig. 6.13 (a) Notation for statically determinate curved member. (b) Free body diagram—curved beam. X–Y frame. Local tangential/normal frame assumed to be expressed in terms of the horizontal projected length. These choices are appropriate for the arch structures described in the previous section. We determine the reactions using the global equilibrium equations. The applied load is equilibrated by internal forces, similar to the behavior of a straight beam under transverse load. To determine these internal forces, we isolate an arbitrary segment such as AC defined in Fig. 6.13b. We work initially with the internal forces referred to the X–Y frame and then transform them over to the local tangential/normal frame. Note that now there may be a longitudinal force component as well as a transverse force component, whereas straight beams subjected to transverse loading have no longitudinal component. 500 6 a Statically Determinate Curved Members b Y Fy Y M M V q X Fx Cartesian F q X Local Fig. 6.14 Cartesian—local force components Enforcing equilibrium leads to the general solution for the internal forces. Fx ¼ RAx ðx Fy ¼ RAy þ wðxÞ dx 0 (6.1) ðx M ¼ xRAy yRAx wðxÞx dx 0 Lastly, we transform the Cartesian force components (Fx , Fy ) over to the tangential/normal frame (F, V). Noting Fig. 6.14, the transformation law is F ¼ Fy siny þ Fx cosy V ¼ Fy cosy Fx siny dy tan y ¼ dx (6.2) In order to evaluate the axial (F) and shear forces (V), we need to specify the angle y between the tangent and the horizontal axis. This quantity depends on y(x), the function that defines the shape of the centroidal axis. We specialize the above set of equations for a symmetrical curved member where the loading consists of (a) A uniform vertical loading per projected length defined in Fig. 6.15. (b) A concentrated load at the crown defined in Fig. 6.16. (a) Uniformly distributed load: Enforcing equilibrium and symmetry leads to RAx ¼ 0 Fx ¼ 0 M¼ RAy ¼ RBy ¼ Fy ¼ wL wx2 x 2 2 wL 2 wL wx 2 6.3 Internal Forces in Curved Members 501 w a Y y(x) A RAy = B X x L wL 2 RBy = b c w w M M Y wL 2 Y V Fx q F Fy y(x) A wL 2 x y(x) A X wL 2 x X Fig. 6.15 Curved member—uniform vertical loading. (a) Reactions. (b) Internal forces—Cartesian frame. (c) Internal forces—local frame Note that these results are the same as for a simply supported straight beam subjected to transverse loading. Substituting for Fx and Fy in (6.2) results in the internal forces (F, V, M) due to a uniform vertical loading, wL þ wx sin y F¼ 2 wL (6.3) þ wx cos y V¼ 2 wL wx2 x M¼ 2 2 (b) Concentrated load: The internal forces referred to the Cartesian frame are Segment AC 0 x < L=2 Fx ¼ 0 Fy ¼ M¼ P 2 P x 2 502 6 a Statically Determinate Curved Members P Y C y(x ) A B X x L/2 L/2 RAy = P / 2 RBy = P / 2 b c M M V Fx q F Fy y(x ) A y(x ) x A P/2 x P/2 Fig. 6.16 Curved member—concentrated load. (a) Reactions. (b) Internal forces—Cartesian frame. (c) Internal forces—local frame P/2 P/2 x y(x) A x P/2 Segment CB L=2 < x L Fx ¼ 0 P Fy ¼ 2 P M ¼ ðL xÞ 2 6.4 Parabolic Geometry 503 P P/2 P (L-x) 2 C y(x) A x P/2 Substituting for Fx and Fy in (6.2) results in the internal forces (F, V, M) in the local frame, For 0 x < L=2 For L=2 < x L P sin y 2 P V ¼ cos y 2 P M¼ x 2 P sin y 2 P V ¼ þ cos y 2 P M ¼ ðL xÞ 2 F¼ F¼ 6.4 (6.4) Parabolic Geometry We will show later that a parabolic arch is the optimal shape for a uniform vertical loading, in the sense that there is essentially no bending, only axial force, introduced by this loading. Using the notation defined in Fig. 6.17, the parabolic curve is expressed in terms of h, the height at mid-span, and the dimensionless coordinate, x=L. x x 2 yðxÞ ¼ 4h L L (6.5) Differentiating y(x) leads to tan y ¼ dy h x ¼4 12 dx L L The maximum value of y is at x ¼ 0, L (6.6) 504 6 Statically Determinate Curved Members Y θ y(x) A h B x L/2 X L/2 Fig. 6.17 Notation for parabolic shape function h ymax ¼ tan1 4 L Values of ymax vs. h/L are tabulated in the table below. ( ) h L y 0 0.01 0.025 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 0.45 0.5 0 2.3 5.7 11.3 21.8 30.9 38.6 45 50.2 54.4 58 60.9 63.4 max tanymax 0 0.04 0.1 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 cosymax 1 0.999 0.995 0.98 0.93 0.86 0.78 0.7 0.64 0.58 0.53 0.48 0.45 sinymax 0 0.04 0.099 0.196 0.37 0.51 0.62 0.7 0.77 81 0.85 0.87 0.89 The parameter h=L is a measure of the steepness of the curved member. Deep curved members have h/L 0.25. A curved member is said to be shallow when h=L is small with respect to unity, on the order of 0.1. The trigonometric measures for a shallow curved member are approximated by 8 dy > > y (rad) tan y ¼ > > dx > > > < 1 shallow parabolic curve cos y ¼ pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi2ffi 1 1 þ tan y > > > > > tan y > > sin y ¼ pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi tan y y (rad) : 1 þ tan y2 (6.7) 6.4 Parabolic Geometry 505 Example 6.1 Shallow vs. deep parabolic curved members Given: The parabolic curved beam defined in Fig. E6.1a. Determine: The axial, shear, and moment distributions for (a) h/L ¼ 0.1, (b) h/L ¼ 0.5. w Fig. E6.1a Parabolic geometry Y h A B X L Solution: Enforcing equilibrium and symmetry leads to the reactions listed in Fig. E6.1b. w Fig. E6.1b Reactions Y θ y(x) A x X wL 2 Applying (6.3) and (6.5), the internal forces in the local frame are wL F¼ þ wx sin y 2 wL þ wx cos y V¼ 2 wL wx2 x M¼ 2 2 B wL 2 506 6 Statically Determinate Curved Members where 1 cos y ¼ sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi h x 2 1þ 4 12 L L h x 4 12 L L sin y ¼ sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi h x 2 1þ 4 12 L L The internal forces are listed in the table below and plotted in Figs. E6.1c–e for h/L ¼ 0.1 and h/L ¼ 0.5: h L ¼ 0:1 h L ¼ 0:5 x L M wL2 V wL F wL V wL F wL 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 0 0.045 0.08 0.105 0.12 0.125 0.12 0.105 0.08 0.045 0 –0.464 –0.381 –0.292 –0.197 –0.1 0 0.1 0.197 0.292 0.381 0.464 –0.186 –0.122 –0.07 –0.032 –0.008 0 –0.008 –0.032 –0.07 –0.122 –0.186 –0.224 –0.212 –0.192 –0.156 –0.093 0 0.093 0.156 0.192 0.212 0.224 –0.447 –0.339 –0.125 –0.125 –0.037 0 –0.037 –0.125 –0.23 –0.339 –0.447 F h/L = 0.1 wL h/L = 0.5 0.2 0 − 0.1 − 0.2 − 0.3 Fig. E6.1c Axial force, F − 0.4 − 0.447 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 x L 6.4 Parabolic Geometry 507 Fig. E6.1d Moment, M M wL2 0.15 0.125 0.1 0.05 0 Fig. E6.1e Shear, V 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 x L 1 0.8 V wL h/L = 0.1 h/L = 0.5 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.2 0.4 0 0.6 − 0.2 0.8 1 x L − 0.4 − 0.6 The axial force is compressive and the maximum value occurs at the supports. The maximum shear force also occurs at the supports. The maximum moment occurs at the mid-span. These maximum values are listed below. Fmax ¼ Vmax ¼ 8 > < 0:186 wL for > : 0:447 wL for 8 > < 0:464 wL for > : 0:224 wL for Mmax ¼ 0:125 wL2 h ¼ 0:1 L h ¼ 0:5 L h ¼ 0:1 L h ¼ 0:5 L 508 6 Statically Determinate Curved Members Example 6.2 Shallow vs. deep parabolic curved members Given: The parabolic curved beam defined in Fig. E6.2a Determine: The axial, shear, and moment distributions for (a) h/L ¼ 0.1, (b) h/L ¼ 0.5. P Y h A B X L/2 L/2 Fig. E6.2a Solution: Enforcing equilibrium and symmetry leads to the reactions listed in Fig. E6.2b. P Y θ y(x) A x P/2 X B P/2 Fig. E6.2b Reactions Applying (6.4) and (6.5), the internal forces in the local frame are 6.4 Parabolic Geometry 509 For 0 x < L=2 For L=2 < x L P sin y 2 P V ¼ cos y 2 P M¼ x 2 P sin y 2 P V ¼ þ cos y 2 P M ¼ þ ðL xÞ 2 F¼ F¼ where 1 cos y ¼ sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi h x 2 1þ 4 12 L L h x 4 12 L L sin y ¼ sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi h x 2 1þ 4 12 L L The internal forces are plotted in Figs. E6.1c–e and listed in the table which follows for h/L ¼ 0.1 and h/L ¼ 0.5. F P h/L = 0.1 h/L = 0.5 0.447 0.4 0.2 0.2 x L 0.4 0 0.6 − 0.2 Fig. E6.2c Axial force, F 0.8 1 − 0.4 − 0.447 M PL 0.25 0.2 0.1 Fig. E6.2d Moment, M 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 x L 510 6 Fig. E6.2e Shear, V Statically Determinate Curved Members V P h/L = 0.1 0.6 h/L = 0.5 0.4 0.2 −0.2 0 0.5 1 x L −0.4 −0.6 The axial force is compressive and the maximum value occurs at the supports. The maximum shear force and maximum moment occurs at the mid-span. h L 6.5 ¼ 0:1 h L ¼ 0:5 x L M PL V P F P V P F P 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.2 0.15 0.1 0.05 0 –0.464 –0.476 –0.486 –0.494 –0.498 0.5 0.498 0.494 0.486 0.476 0.464 –0.186 –0.152 –0.117 –0.079 –0.04 0 0.04 0.079 0.177 0.152 0.186 –0.224 –0.265 –0.32 –0.39 0.464 0.5 0.464 0.39 0.32 0.265 0.244 –0.447 –0.424 –0.384 –0.312 –0.186 0 0.186 0.312 0.384 0.424 0.447 Method of Virtual Forces for Curved Members Displacements are determined using the form of the Method of Virtual Forces specialized for curved members [16]: ð d dP ¼ s F V M dF þ dM ds dV þ AE GAs EI (6.9) 6.5 Method of Virtual Forces for Curved Members 511 where d is the desired displacement, dP, dF, dV, dMdenote the virtual force system, and the various terms represent the contribution of axial, shear, and bending deformation. As discussed in Chaps. 3 and 4, the contributions of axial and shear deformation are usually small and only the bending deformation term is retained for slender straight beams and frames composed of slender straight members. ð d dP M dM dx x EI For curved members, we distinguish between “non-shallow” and “shallow” members. 6.5.1 Non-shallow Slender Curved Members For non-shallow slender curved members subjected to transverse loading, the contributions of axial and shear deformation are usually small and only the bending deformation term is retained. In this case, we approximate (6.9) with ð M dM ds ¼ d dP s EI 6.5.2 ð M dM dx x EI cosy (6.10) Shallow Slender Curved Members For shallow slender curved members subjected to transverse loading, the axial deformation may be as significant as the bending deformation and therefore must be retained. In this case, we use ð d dP s F M dF þ dM ds ¼ AE EI ð x F M dx dF þ dM AE EI cos y (6.11) Example 6.3 Deflection of Parabolic curved beam—shallow vs. deep Given: The parabolic curved beam defined in Fig. E6.3a. Consider EI is constant. Determine: The horizontal displacement at B for (a) non-shallow beam and (b) shallow beam. 512 6 Statically Determinate Curved Members w Y y(x) A B X x wL 2 wL 2 L uB Fig. E6.3a The internal forces for this loading are Fx ¼ 0 wL wx þ 2 2 wL wx2 x M¼ 2 2 Fy ¼ ! wL þ wx sin y F¼ 2 wL þ wx cos y V¼ 2 wL wx2 x M¼ 2 2 w Fy M Y Fx y(x) A wL 2 x X If the horizontal displacement at support B is desired, we select the virtual force system shown in Fig. E6.3b. 6.5 Method of Virtual Forces for Curved Members 513 Y y(x ) A 1 x B X δP =1 Fig. E6.3b Virtual force system for uB The internal virtual forces are dFx ¼ 1 dFy ¼ 0 dF ¼ dFy siny þ dFx cosy ¼ cosy dV ¼ dFy cosy dFx siny ¼ siny dM ¼ yðxÞ dy tany ¼ dx δFy δM δFx y(x ) 1 x A (a) Non-shallow curved member: We use the approximate form defined by (6.10) for a non-shallow curved member. uB ¼ ðL 0 M dM dx EI cosy Substituting for M, dM, and cosy, this expression expands to uB ¼ qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ðL wL wx2 x x 2 dx x 1 þ ðtan yÞ2 4h 2 L L EI 2 0 where tan y ¼ 4 h x 12 L L 514 6 Statically Determinate Curved Members For EI constant, the solution is expressed as uB ¼ wL4 ðaÞ EI where a is a function of h/L. We evaluate a using numerical integration. The result is plotted below. .045 .04 .035 .03 a .025 .02 .015 .01 .005 0 .2 .25 .3 .35 h L .4 .45 .5 (b) Shallow curved member: When the parabola is shallow (cosy 1), we need to include the axial deformation term as well as the bending deformation term. Starting with the form specified for a shallow member, (6.11), ð uB ¼ x F M dF þ dM dx AE EI and nothing that F M¼ wL dy 2wh þ wx ¼ 2 ðL 2xÞ2 2 dx L wL wx x 2 2 2 dFx ¼ 1 dF ¼ dFx cos y 1 x x 2 dM ¼ y ¼ 4h L L 6.5 Method of Virtual Forces for Curved Members w 515 θ δF F θ y(x ) A wL 2 δM δV M V y(x ) 1 x x A leads to uB ¼ 2 wLh 1 whL3 þ 3 AE 15 EI Note that the axial deformation causes the ends to move together, whereas the bending deformation causes the ends to move apart. 6.5.3 Circular Curved Member When the arch geometry is a circular segment, it is more convenient to work with polar coordinates. We consider the segment shown in Fig. 6.18. In this case R is constant and y is the independent variable. The differential arc length ds is equal to Rdy. We assume the member is slender and retain only the bending deformation term. Equation (6.10) takes the following form d dP ¼ ð yB 0 M dM R dy EI (6.12) When EI is constant, the equation simplifies to d dP ¼ R EI ð yB M dM dy (6.13) 0 B ds R dθ Fig. 6.18 Geometry— Circular arch θ A R 516 6 Statically Determinate Curved Members Example 6.4 Deflection of a light pole Given: The light pole structure defined in Figs. E6.4a–d. Consider EI is constant. Determine: The horizontal and vertical displacements at C. Fig. E6.4a P C R R θ B R h A Solution: Member AB is straight and BC is a circular arc. We take the polar angle from C toward B. The bending moment distribution due to P is Segment B C Segment A B M ¼ PRsiny M ¼ PR 0 < y < p=2 0<x<h P C R sinθ R R B R x h A P Fig. E6.4b PR θ 6.5 Method of Virtual Forces for Curved Members 517 The vertical displacement at C is determined with the following virtual force system δP = 1 Fig. E6.4c C R sinθ R θ B x A 1 R Segment B C Segment A B dM ¼ R sin y dM ¼ R 0 < y < p=2 0<x<h Considering only bending deformation terms, the displacement is given by vc ¼ vc jAB þ vc jCB ¼ 1 EI ðh 0 ðPRÞðR)dx þ 1 EI ð p=2 0 ð PR2 h 1 p=2 3 þ PR ðsin yÞ2 dy EI EI 0 PR2 p ¼ hþ R 4 EI ¼ ð PR sin yÞðR sin y)R dy vc 518 6 Statically Determinate Curved Members Following a similar approach, the virtual force system corresponding to the horizontal displacement at C is evaluated uc Fig. E6.4d C δP = 1 R(1- cosθ) R sinθ R θ B x A 1 (R+h) Segment B C dM ¼ Rð1 cos yÞ 0 < y < p=2 Segment A B dM ¼ ðR þ hÞ þ x 0<x<h Then uc ¼ uc jAB þ uc jBC ¼ 1 EI ðh 0 ðPRÞðR h þ xÞ dx þ 1 EI ð p=2 ð PR sin yÞRð1 þ cos yÞR dy 0 ð PRh2 PR2 h 1 p=2 3 þ þ PR ð1 cosyÞ sin y dy EI EI 0 2EI P R 3 h2 R 2 þR h ¼ þ EI 2 2 ¼ 6.6 Analysis of Three-Hinged Arches An arch is a particular type of curved member that is restrained against movement at its ends. These restraints produce longitudinal forces which counteract the action of vertical loads. Arch structures are generally more efficient than straight 6.6 Analysis of Three-Hinged Arches a 519 w(x) C hinge Y B y(x) A x X L b c w(x) C hinge B RBx RBy RAx Fx C Fy B RBx RBy A RAy Fig. 6.19 Geometry and reactions—three-hinged arch. (a) Geometry. (b) Reactions. (c) Right segment members. In this section, we examine three-hinged arches, which are a popular form of arch structure. These structures are statically determinate. A more detailed study of statically indeterminate arches is presented in Chap. 9. Consider the arch shown in Fig. 6.19. This structure is statically determinate since there is a moment release at C. The overall analysis strategy is as follows: Step 1: Moment summation about A Step 2: Moment summation about C for segment CB of the arch These steps results in two equations relating RBx and RBy , which can be solved. Step 3: X force summation ! RAx Step 4: Y force summation ! RAy Once the reactions are known, one can work in from either end and determine the internal forces and moment using the equations derived in the previous section. The following examples illustrate the approach. 520 6 Statically Determinate Curved Members Example 6.5 Three-Hinged parabolic Arch Given: The three-hinged arch shown in Fig. E6.5a. Determine: The reactions. Assume L1 ¼ 30 m, w ¼ 15 kN/m. w C hinge Y .3 L1 B .25 L1 A X .75 L1 .25 L1 Fig. E6.5a Solution: Summing moments about A and C leads to (Figs. E6.5b, c) X X ðL1 Þ2 þ Bx ð0:25L1 ÞþBy ðL1 Þ ¼ 0 2 ð0:25L1 Þ2 Bx ð0:05L1 Þ þ By ð0:25L1 Þ ¼ 0 w 2 MatA ¼ 0 w MatC ¼ 0 The solution of the above equations leads to 5 Bx ¼ wL1 ¼ 375 kN 6 7 By ¼ wL1 ¼ 131:25 kN " 24 Lastly, the reactions at A are determined using force equilibrium: X 17 wL1 ¼ 318:75 kN " 24 X Fx ¼ 0 Ax ¼ Bx ¼ 375 kN ! Fy ¼ 0 Ay ¼ By þ wL1 ¼ 6.6 Analysis of Three-Hinged Arches 521 15 kN/m Fx C Bx = 375 B Fy By = 131.25 7.5 m Fig. E6.5b 15 kN/m C hinge B Y Bx = 375 By = 131.25 Ax = 375 A X Ay = 318.75 7.5 m 22.5 m Fig. E6.5c Example 6.6 Three-Hinged parabolic Arch—uniform vertical loading Given: The parabolic arch shown in Fig. E6.6a. w(x ) C hinge h A B L/2 L/2 Fig. E6.6a Determine: The internal forces and the vertical displacement at C (vc ). 522 6 Statically Determinate Curved Members Solution: The loading and arch geometry are symmetrical with respect to mid-span. It follows that the vertical reactions are equal to wL=2. Setting the moment at C equal to zero, we obtain an expression for RBx (Fig. E6.6b). w(x ) RBx C B RBx wL 2 Fig. E6.6b Mc+ = 0 w L 2 wL L þ hRBx ¼ 2 2 2 2 ! RBx ¼ wL2 8h Then, summing X forces, X RAx ¼ Fx ¼ 0 wL2 ! 8h The results are listed below (Figs. E6.6b, c). w D RAx = wL 8h A y(x ) 2 wL 2 Fig. E6.6c C hinge x B 2 RBx = wL 8h wL 2 6.6 Analysis of Three-Hinged Arches 523 Cutting the member at D, isolating the segment AD, and applying the equilibrium conditions leads to: Fy D wL2 8h A M Fx x wL 2 Fig. E6.6d Fx ¼ wL2 8h Fy ¼ wx M¼ wL 2 wL wL2 wx2 x y 2 8h 2 Substituting for y, the expression for M reduces to wL wL2 x x 2 wx2 x 4h ¼0 M¼ 2 L L 8h 2 It follows that there is no bending moment in a three-hinged parabolic arch subjected to uniform loading per horizontal projection. We could have deduced this result from the theory of cables presented in Chap. 5. We showed there that a cable subjected to a uniform vertical loading adopts a parabolic shape. A cable, by definition, has no moment. Therefore, if one views a parabolic arch as an inverted cable, it follows that the moment in the arch will be zero. This result applies only for uniform vertical loading; there will be bending for other types of loading applied to a parabolic arch. The axial force and transverse shear are determined with the following transformation equations: wL2 wL cos y þ wx sin y 2 8h wL2 wL sin y þ wx cos y V ¼ Fx sin y þ Fy cos y ¼ 2 8h F ¼ Fx cos y þ Fy sin y ¼ 524 6 Statically Determinate Curved Members where 4h x 12 L L 1 cos y ¼ pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 1 þ tan y2 tan y sin y ¼ pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 1 þ tan y2 tan y ¼ Expanding the expression for V and substituting for tany, one finds wL2 wL V ¼ tan y þ wx cos y 0 2 8h The shear must be zero since the moment is zero. Only axial force exists for this loading. The axial force distribution is plotted below. The maximum value is also tabulated as a function of h/L. h/L 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 Fmax –1.35wL –0.8wL –0.65wL –0.59wL –0.56wL F 0 Fmax L/2 − wL2 8h L Fmax The solution, M ¼ V ¼ 0, is valid for a uniformly loaded three-hinged parabolic arch, i.e., it applies for both deep and shallow arches. If we use the approximate form of the method of Virtual Forces specialized for a “deep” arch, ð M dM ds vc ¼ S EI it follows that the arch does not displace due to bending deformation. However, there will be displacement due to the axial deformation. We need to start with exact expression, 6.6 Analysis of Three-Hinged Arches 525 ð M dM F dF þ vc ¼ ds EI EA S and then set M ¼ 0 ð vc ffi S FdF ds EA Suppose the vertical displacement at mid-span is desired. The virtual force system for dP ¼ 1 is dFx ¼ L 4h ) dFy ¼ L 1 dF ¼ cos y þ siny 4h 2 1 2 Substituting for the forces and assuming AE is constant results in the following integral ð 1 L wL2 wL L 1 þ wx tan y tan y cos y dx vc ¼ þ AE 0 2 4h 2 8h We express the solution as vc ¼ wL2 fag AE where a is a function of h/L. The following plot shows the variation of a. Note that vc approaches 0 for a deep arch. 30 25 20 a 15 10 5 0 .05 .1 .15 .2 .25 .3 h L .35 .4 .45 .5 526 6 Statically Determinate Curved Members Example 6.7 Three-Hinged parabolic Arch—concentrated load applied at mid-span Given: The parabolic arch defined in Fig. E6.7a Determine: The internal forces and vertical displacement at C (vc ). P C hinge y h PL 4h A x B P 2 PL 4h P 2 L/2 L/2 Fig. E6.7a Solution: Enforcing equilibrium leads to the following expressions for the internal forces (Fig. E6.7b): Segment AC 0 x < L=2 PL 4h P Fy ¼ 2 P PL y M ¼ x 2 4h Fx ¼ Segment CB L=2 < x L Fx ¼ Fy ¼ PL 4h P 2 P PL PL yþ M ¼ x 2 4h 2 6.6 Analysis of Three-Hinged Arches 527 Fy Fig. E6.7b M Fx y(x ) PL 4h A x P 2 The corresponding transformed internal forces are Segment AC 0 x < L=2 P PL sin y cos y 2 4h P PL sin y V ¼ cos y þ 2 4h P x x 2 x x2 M ¼ x PL ¼ PL þ 2 2 L L 2L L F¼ Segment CB L=2 < x L P PL sin y cos y 2 4h P PL sin y V ¼ cos y þ 2 4h 3x x2 1 M ¼ PL þ 2 þ 2L L 2 F¼ The values of F, V, and M are listed below. X/L 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 M/PL 0 –0.04 –0.06 –0.06 –0.04 0 –0.04 –0.06 –0.06 –0.04 0 h/L ¼ 0.5 F/P –0.67 –0.69 –0.7 –0.7 –0.65 –0.5 –0.65 –0.7 –0.7 –0.69 –0.67 V/P 0.22 0.16 0.06 –0.08 0.28 þ0:5 0.28 0.08 0.06 –0.16 –0.22 h/L ¼ 0.1 F/P –2.51 –2.53 –2.55 –2.55 –2.53 –2.5 –2.53 –2.55 –2.55 –2.53 –2.51 V/P 0.46 0.3 0.1 –0.1 –0.3 þ0:5 0.3 0.1 –0.1 –0.3 –0.46 528 6 Statically Determinate Curved Members The maximum moment occurs at the location, where dM=dx ¼ 0. Note that Mmax ¼ þPL=4 for a straight member. dM ¼0 dx ) xjMmax ¼ L 4 ) Mmax ¼ PL 16 The distribution of F, V, and M are plotted below. The reversal in sense of M is due to the influence of the horizontal thrust force on the bending moment (Figs. E6.7c–e). M PL 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 1 X/L −0.0625 Fig. E6.7c F h/L = 0.1 P h/L = 0.5 0 −0.5 −2.5 Fig. E6.7d 0.2 0.5 0.8 1 X/L 6.6 Analysis of Three-Hinged Arches 529 V P h/L = 0.1 h/L = 0.5 0.5 1 0 0.5 0.25 X/L −0.5 Fig. E6.7e The virtual forces for the computation of vc are (Fig. E6.7f) dP = 1 D C hinge y L 4h A 1 2 x B L 4h dFx = − L 4h 1 dFy = − 2 L y 1 dM = x − 4h 2 1 2 Fig. E6.7f We consider only bending deformation. The displacement at C is given by ð L=2 P L 1 L dx vc ¼ 2 x y x y 2 2h 2 2h EI cosy 0 When I is a function of x, we use either symbolic or numerical integration. However, when I is taken as I0 =cosy, the integral simplifies and one can obtain an analytical solution. The analytical solution corresponding to this assumption is PL3 1 vc ¼ EI 30 530 6 Statically Determinate Curved Members Example 6.8 Three-Hinged parabolic arch with horizontal and vertical loads Given: The parabolic arch and loading defined in Fig. E6.8a. Determine: (a) Determine the analytical expressions for the axial force, shear force, and bending moment. (b) Using computer software, determine the vertical and horizontal displacements at C due to the loading. Take E ¼ 29,000 ksi, I ¼ 5,000 in.4, and A ¼ 500 in.2 Discretize the arch using segments of length Dx ¼ 1 ft: Also determine profiles for displacement, moment, and axial force. 100 kip B 50 kip C hinge Y 50 ft 37.5 ft A 25 ft D X 50 ft 50 ft Fig. E6.8a Solution: (a) The reactions are listed on Fig. E6.8b. 100 kip 50 kip B C y 18.75 kip A 68.75 kip x 31.25 kip D 68.75 kip Fig. E6.8b Noting that y ¼ 2ðx x2 =100Þ and isolating different segments along the centroidal axis leads to the following expressions for Moment (M), axial force (F), and shear (V). 6.6 Analysis of Three-Hinged Arches Segment AB 531 0 x < 25 Fx ¼ 18:75 Fy ¼ 31:25 F ¼ 18:75 cos y 31:25 sin y V ¼ 18:75 sin y 31:25 cos y ) M ¼ 31:25x 18:75y Segment BC M ¼ 31:25x 18:75y 25 < x < 50 Fx ¼ 68:75 F ¼ 68:75 cos y 31:25 sin y Fy ¼ 31:25 ) M ¼ 31:25x 18:75y 50ðy 37:5Þ V ¼ 68:75 sin y 31:25 cos y M ¼ 31:25x 18:75y 50ðy 37:5Þ Segment CD 50 < x 100 Fx ¼ 68:75 Fy ¼ 68:75 M ¼ 68:75ð100 xÞ 68:75y ) F ¼ 68:75 cos y þ 68:75 sin y V ¼ 68:75 sin y þ 68:75 cos y M ¼ 68:75ð100 xÞ 68:75 (b) The computer generated moment, axial force, and deflection profiles are listed below (Figs. E6.8c–e). Hand computation is not feasible for this task. Fig. E6.8c Moment, M Fig. E6.8d Axial, F 532 6 Statically Determinate Curved Members c uc=2.32 in vc=2.59 in Y Z X Fig. E6.8e Deflection profile Example 6.9 Optimal shape for a statically determinate arch Given: The loading defined in Fig. E6.9a and support locations A and B. Assume H is a variable. 40 kN 80 kN 40 kN y(x) H A B x 6m 3m 3m 6m Fig. E6.9a Determine: The optimal shape of the arch passing through A and B. Consider H to vary from 80 to 200 kN. Note that the optimum shape corresponds to zero bending moment. Solution: We first generate the bending moment distribution in a simply supported beam spanning between A and B (Fig. E6.9b). 40 kN 80 kN 40 kN 1 2 3 A B 80 kN 80 kN 480 600 480 M Fig. E6.9b 6.7 Summary 533 Requiring the bending moment to vanish at points 1, 2, 3 leads to the following y coordinates of points 1, 2, and 3: y1 ¼ 480 H y2 ¼ 600 H y3 ¼ 480 H This piecewise solution is the general solution for the optimal shape (Fig. E6.9c). One specifies H and then determines the coordinates. The value of H selected depends on the capacity of the supports to resist lateral loading. 80 kN 40 kN 40 kN 2 1 3 Y y2 y1 y3 B A X 6m Fig. E6.9c Optimal shape 3m 3m H 6m Configurations corresponding to various values of H are listed below. Note that as H increases, the shape becomes shallower. H kN 80 120 160 200 6.7 Summary 6.7.1 Objectives y1 m 6 4 2 1.4 y2 m 7.5 5 3.75 3 y3 m 6 4 3 2.4 • To develop the equilibrium equations for planar curved members and illustrate their application to parabolic and circular arches. • To introduce and apply the Principle of Virtual Forces for planar curved members. • To describe the analysis process for three-hinged arches. • To illustrate the behavior of statically determinate parabolic arches subjected to vertical and lateral loading. 534 6.7.2 6 Statically Determinate Curved Members Key Factors and Concepts • Depending upon the loading distribution, the geometry of the member, and the support conditions, a curved member may support transverse loading mainly by axial action. This feature makes curved members very attractive for long span structures. • Curved members are classified as either shallow or non-shallow, depending upon the ratio of height to span length. For shallow members, bending and axial action are coupled. In the limit, a shallow curved member reduces to a beam. • When applying the principle of virtual forces to compute displacements of a slender non-shallow (deep) curved member, the contributions due to axial and shear deformation are usually negligible compared to the contribution from bending deformation. • In general, three-hinged arches carry load through both bending and axial action. However, when the arch shape is parabolic and the vertical loading is uniform, there is no bending moment in the three-hinged arch. • Two-Hinged curved members are statically indeterminate. A general theory for these structures is presented in Chap. 9. One can show that, based on this theory, a moment free state can be obtained for an arbitrary loading, by adjusting the shape of the curved member. In this case, two-hinged curved members can behave similar to cables. 6.8 Problems Problem 6.1 Consider the parabolic member shown below. Find the reactions and member forces (F, V, and M). (a) Assume w ¼ 1:2 kip/ft, h ¼ 24 ft, L ¼ 120 ft (b) Assume w ¼ 18 kN/m, h ¼ 7 m, L ¼ 36 m w C Y h A X L/2 L/2 6.8 Problems 535 Problem 6.2 Consider the parabolic member shown below. Find the reactions and member forces at x ¼ 20 and 80 ft. 1.2 kip/ft 20 kip C 16 ft Y 10 kip D 16 ft A B X 60 ft 60 ft Problem 6.3 Consider the parabolic member shown below. Find the reactions and member forces (F, V, and M). 10 kip 4 ft C Y 24 ft A B X 60 ft 60 ft Problem 6.4 Determine the reactions, the axial and shear forces, and the moments at x ¼ 30 ft for the three-hinged parabolic arch shown below. 536 6 Statically Determinate Curved Members 20 ft 20 ft 20 kip 20 kip Y C hinge D 16 ft A B X 40 ft 40 ft Problem 6.5 Consider the three-hinged circular arch shown below (a) Find the reactions (b) Determine the axial and shear forces and the moments at x ¼ 20 ft and x ¼ 40 ft. 1.2 kip/ft 20 kip C hinge Y D 10 kip 4 ft A B X R = 60 ft R = 60 ft 30° 30° 0 6.8 Problems 537 Problem 6.6 Consider the three-hinged parabolic arches shown below. Determine analytical expression for the axial force, shear force, and bending moment. Using computer software, determine displacement profiles. Take h ¼ 9 m, L ¼ 30 m, P ¼ 450 kN, w ¼ 30 kN/m, E ¼ 200 GPa, I ¼ 160ð106 Þ mm4 , and A ¼ 25; 800 mm2 w a C hinge h Y A B X L/2 b L/2 w C hinge h Y A B X L/2 c L/2 P C hinge h Y A B X L/2 L/2 538 6 d Statically Determinate Curved Members P L/4 C hinge P/2 h Y A B X L/2 L/2 Problem 6.7 Consider the simply supported curved member shown below, Assume the shape is defined by an arbitrary function, y ¼ y(x). Suppose the member experiences a uniform temperature increase, DT, over its entire length. Determine the horizontal displacement of B. Problem 6.8 Consider the parabolic member shown below. Determine the horizontal displacement at B. (a) Assume w ¼ 1:2 kip/ft, h ¼ 24 ft, L ¼ 120 ft, E ¼ 29; 000 ksi (b) Assume w ¼ 18 kN/m, h ¼ 7 m, L ¼ 36 m, E ¼ 200 GPa 6.8 Problems 539 w C Y h A B X L/4 L/4 L/2 Problem 6.9 Consider the parabolic member shown below. Determine the vertical displacement at C. Take I ¼ 400 in4, A ¼ 40 in2, E ¼ 29,000 kip/in2 (a) h ¼ 10 ft (b) h ¼ 30 ft 1.2 kip/ft C Y h A B X 30 ft 30 ft 30 ft 30 ft Problem 6.10 (a) Determine analytical expressions for the member forces for the circular curved member shown below. Take R ¼ 40 ft, P ¼ 10 kip, and y ¼ 30 . (b) Repeat part using a computer software package. Discretize the arc length into 3 segments. Assume the following values for the member properties: E ¼ 29,000 ksi, I ¼ 400 in.4, and A ¼ 40 in.2 Compare the analytical and computer generated values for moment and axial force. 540 6 Statically Determinate Curved Members P R θ θ R Problem 6.11 Consider the three-hinged arch shown below. Discuss how the arch behaves when: (a) There is a uniform temperature increase. (b) The support at B settles. C hinge A B Problem 6.12 Consider the semicircular three-hinged arch shown below. Determine the vertical and horizontal displacements at C due to the loading. (a) Assume E ¼ 29,000 ksi, I ¼ 400 in.4, A ¼ 40 in.2, R ¼ 50 ft, and w ¼ 2 kip/ft (b) Assume E ¼ 200 GPa, I ¼ 160ð106 Þ mm4 , A ¼ 25; 800 mm2 , R ¼ 15 m, and w ¼ 30 kN/m 6.8 Problems 541 w C hinge R A B Problem 6.13 Consider the parabolic three-hinged arch shown below. Using computer software, determine the vertical and horizontal displacements at C due to the loading. Discretize the arch using segments of length Dx ¼ L=10, L/20, and L/40. Compare the convergence rate for these segment sizes. (a) Take E ¼ 29,000 ksi, I ¼ 400 in.4, A ¼ 40 in.2, L ¼ 120 ft, h ¼ 60 ft, and w ¼ 2 kip/ft (b) Take E ¼ 200 GPa, I ¼ 160ð106 Þ mm4 , A ¼ 2; 500 mm2 , L ¼ 36 m, h ¼ 18 m, and w ¼ 30 kN/m w C hinge h B A L/2 L/2 542 6 Statically Determinate Curved Members Problem 6.14 Consider the semi-circular curved member shown below. Member CD is rigidly attached to the curved member at C. Determine an expression for the horizontal displacement at D due to P. P D a C A B R R Problem 6.15 (a) Determine analytical solutions for the axial, shear, and moment distribution for the three-hinged semicircular arch shown. Consider the loading to be due to self-weight w. Take w ¼ 0:6 kip=ft and R ¼ 40 ft. (b) Apply computer software using the following discretization: Dy ¼ 9 ; 4:5 ; 2:25 . Compare the convergence rate of the solution. Take E ¼ 29,000 ksi, I ¼ 400 in.4, and A ¼ 40 in.2 w hinge R 6.8 Problems 543 Problem 6.16 Determine the member forces for the three-hinged circular arch shown. Use computer software. (a) Take E ¼ 29,000 ksi, R ¼ 40 ft, P ¼ 4 kip, I ¼ 400 in.4, and A ¼ 40 in.2 (b) Take E ¼ 200 GPa, R ¼ 12 m, P ¼ 18 kN, I ¼ 160ð106 Þ mm4 , and A ¼ 25; 800 mm2 2P 1.5 P hinge P R 30° 30° 60° 60° R Problem 6.17 Determine the optimal shape of the arch passing through A and B for given value of H. Note that optimum shape corresponds to zero moment. Assume L ¼ 120 ft and P ¼ 25 kip. P P/2 P/2 2 1 3 Y y2 y1 y3 A B X .3L .2L .2L L .3L H 544 6 Statically Determinate Curved Members Problem 6.18 Determine the optimal shape of the arch for a given value of H. Assume L ¼ 30 m and o0 ¼ 15 kN/m. 2.5 w0 2.5 w0 w0 L/2 B y(x) A H x L Problem 6.19 Consider the three-hinged arch shown below. Determine the reactions and the internal forces. 10 kip C hinge Y B 30 ft 25 ft A X 75 ft 25 ft 7 Shallow Foundations Overview In most cases civil structures are placed on the ground. That segment of the structure which interfaces with the ground is called the foundation. In this chapter, we focus on a particular type of foundation called a shallow foundation. Shallow foundations are composed of footings which are plate type elements placed on the ground. Their function is to transmit the loads in the columns and walls to the ground. We describe the various types of shallow footings and identify the conditions under which each type is deployed. Then, we develop an analytical procedure for establishing the soil pressure distribution under a footing due to an arbitrary column loading. Given the soil pressure distribution, one can generate the shear and moment distribution in the footing and establish the peak values required for design. In this chapter, we describe how to determine these design values and also present various strategies for dimensioning shallow footings. 7.1 Introduction 7.1.1 Types of Foundations Civil structures are viewed as having two parts. That part of the structure which is above ground is called the superstructure; the remaining part in contact with the ground is referred to as either the substructure or the foundation. Up to this point we have focused on the superstructure. Structural Engineers are responsible for the foundation design as well as the superstructure design. They are aided by Geotechnical Engineers who provide information on the soil properties such as the allowable soil bearing pressure at the site. Figure 7.1 illustrates the different types of foundations. Shallow foundations are located near ground level. The structural loads are transferred directly to the soil J.J. Connor and S. Faraji, Fundamentals of Structural Engineering, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-3262-3_7, # Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2013 545 546 7 Shallow Foundations through plate type elements placed under the columns. These elements are called footings. This scheme is feasible only when the soil strength is adequate to resist the applied loading. If the soil near the surface is weak, it is necessary to transfer the loads to a deeper soil layer having adequate strength. Piles or caissons are typically used to transmit the loads through weak soil media. Basements which serve as underground parking facilities may also be incorporated in foundations. Fig. 7.1 Types of foundations. (a) Shallow foundation. (b) Deep foundation Fig. 7.2 Single footing—axial loading. (a) Plan. (b) Elevation 7.1.2 Types of Shallow Foundations A spread footing is a reinforced concrete plate type structural component that rests directly on the ground and supports one or more columns or walls. Different geometrical arrangements of footings are used, depending on the column spacing and soil strength. The simplest scheme is a single footing per column, shown in Fig. 7.2. One usually works with a square area. However, there sometimes are constraints such as proximity to a boundary line which necessitate shifting to a rectangular geometry. We describe later a procedure for determining the 7.1 Introduction 547 Fig. 7.3 Combined Footing layout. (a) Elevation. (b) Plan view “dimensions” of the footing given certain geometric constraints. In what follows, we consider the column load to be an axial force. Later, we extend the analysis to deal with both axial force and bending moment. When adjacent columns are located too close to each other such that their footings would overlap, or when one of the adjacent columns is located close to a property line, the adjacent footings are combined into a single “mega” footing, and this footing is designed to support the multiple column loads. Figure 7.3 illustrates this footing layout which is called a “combined footing.” A different strategy is employed when the spacing between columns is large and one of the columns is located too close to a property line to support the entire column load with a single footing. It is necessary to shift some of the column load over to an adjacent footing by connecting the footings with a strap beam. This scheme is called a “strap footing” (see Fig. 7.4). 7.1.3 Soil Pressure Distribution A vertical loading applied to the footing is resisted by soil pressure acting on the lower surface of the footing. The distribution of pressure depends on the type of soil at the site. Typical distributions for sand and clay type soils are shown in Fig. 7.5. In practice, we approximate the actual pressure distribution due to a concentric load with an “average uniform” distribution. Depending on the column loading and the location of the column with respect to the centroid of the footing area, one of the distributions shown in Fig. 7.6a–c is normally assumed in order to establish the dimensions of the footing. A uniform 548 7 Shallow Foundations Fig. 7.4 Strap Footing layout. (a) Elevation. (b) Plan view Fig. 7.5 Soil pressure distributions—concentric load. (a) Sandy soil. (b) Clayey soil. (c) Average soil pressure distribution is the most desirable distribution. Since soil cannot resist tensile stress, one wants to avoid the case illustrated in Fig. 7.6c. We will describe a strategy for selecting the footing dimensions so as to avoid this situation in the following section. The allowable pressure varies with the type of soil. Soil is a natural material in contrast to steel, which is manufactured with close quality control. Consequently, there is considerable variability in soil properties. We list typical allowable soil pressures for various types of soils in Table 7.1. These values are useful for estimating initial footing dimensions. 7.1 Introduction 549 a P Centroid of the footing area b M=P e P P e Centroid Centroid or c M=P e P P e Centroid Centroid or Fig. 7.6 Idealized pressure distributions. (a) Uniform. (b) Trapezoidal. (c) Triangular Table 7.1 Allowable soil pressures—Reference Terzaghi and Peck [18] Allowable bearing pressure Soil type [kip/ft2 (kN/m2)] Compact coarse sand 8 (383) Hard clay 8 (383) Medium stiff clay 6 (287) Compact inorganic sand 4 (191) Loose sand 3 (144) Soft sand/clay 2 (96) Loose inorganic sand–silt mixture 1 (48) 550 7 Shallow Foundations a L2 L1 e Y centroid of area axiz of symmetry X footing area, A dA L b P e Centroid of the footing area t x q2 q1 q (x) L1 L2 L Fig. 7.7 Notation–Pressure distribution—single footing. (a) Plan. (b) Elevation 7.2 An Analytical Method for Evaluating the Soil Pressure Distribution under a Footing We consider the single footing shown in Fig. 7.7. The force P represents the resultant of the column loading. We suppose it has an eccentricity e with respect to the centroid of the footing area. We also suppose the footing area is symmetrical with respect to the x axis and locate the area such that the column load is on the axis of symmetry. It follows that the pressure loading is symmetrical with respect to this axis. Taking the origin for x at the centroid of the footing area, we express the pressure as a linear function, qðxÞ ¼ b þ ax (7.1) where a and b are unknown parameters. We determine these parameters by enforcing the equilibrium conditions for the footing. R Since x is measured from the centroid, the first moment of area vanishes. Then, x dA ¼ 0. Requiring force and moment equilibrium to be satisfied, and noting that the column axial loading has an eccentricity, e, with respect to the centroid of the footing area, leads to the following expressions for b and a. 7.2 An Analytical Method for Evaluating the Soil Pressure Distribution. . . 551 Vertical force equilibrium: Ð Ð Ð Ð P ¼ qðxÞ dA ¼ ðb þ axÞ dA ¼ b dA þ a x dA ¼ bA þ 0 + b¼ P A Moment equilibrium: ð Pe ¼ qðxÞx dA + ð ð ð Pe ¼ ðb þ axÞx dA ¼b x dA þ a x2 dA ¼ 0 þ aI + Pe a¼ I where Ð I is the second moment of the footing area with respect to the Y-axis, I ¼ x2 dA. Substituting for a and b, (7.1) takes the form qðxÞ ¼ P Pe þ x A Iy The peak pressures are shown in Fig. 7.7b. P ðPeÞL1 þ q1 ¼ A Iy P ðPeÞL2 q2 ¼ A Iy (7.2) (7.3) One uses (7.3) to determine the pressure when the footing area is defined. When the resultant acts at the centroid, e ¼ 0 and the pressure distribution reduces to a uniform distribution. q ¼ q1 ¼ q2 ¼ P A (7.4) When e 6¼ 0, the distribution is trapezoidal. As e increases, q2 decreases. The critical state occurs when q2 ¼ 0. For this case (Fig. 7.8), eL2 1 ¼ A Iy + ecritical ¼ Iy 1 A L2 (7.5) 552 7 Shallow Foundations a P P e e centroid centroid q2 q1 or q2 q1 b P e e centroid P centroid or q1 q1 Fig. 7.8 Pressure distributions for e ecritical . (a) e < ecritical. (b) e ¼ ecritical Applying this reasoning to a rectangular shape of width B and length L, and noting that A ¼ BL Iy ¼ BL3 12 L1 ¼ L2 ¼ L 2 the expressions for the peak pressures take the form P 6Pe þ BL BL2 P 6Pe q2 ¼ BL BL2 q1 ¼ (7.6) In this case, the critical value for e, which corresponds to either q1 or q2 equal to 0, is given by e ¼ ecritical ¼ L 6 (7.7) In order for the soil pressure to be compressive throughout the footing area, the point of application of the applied loading must be within a zone of width L/3 centered on the centroid. When loaded outside this region, (7.2) does not apply. In this case, the triangular distribution acting on a portion of the surface shown in Fig. 7.9d is used. The soil pressure adjusts its magnitude and extent such that the line of action of the resultant coincides with the line of action of the column force. a R ¼ P ¼ q1 B 2 + 2P q1 ¼ Ba 7.2 An Analytical Method for Evaluating the Soil Pressure Distribution. . . a e 553 Y X B centroid of area L b P e Centroid t q2 q1 P c e = ecritical = L 6 Centroid t q1 d a 3 P P L 2 centroid e q1 e centroid a 3 a a R = q1 ( B) 2 L L Fig. 7.9 (a) Plan—rectangular area. (b) Elevation e < ecritical . (c) Elevation e ¼ ecritical . (d) Pressure distribution for e > ecritical 554 7.3 7 Shallow Foundations Dimensioning a Single Rectangular Footing Normally, the column position is fixed by the geometry of the structure, and one can only adjust the location of the footing with respect to the column. We consider the case where the design goal is a uniform soil pressure. The optimal dimensions of the footing are achieved by locating the centroid of the footing on the line of action of the column force, i.e., by taking e ¼ 0 in Fig. 7.7. The first choice is a square footing. If there is insufficient space in one direction, one can shift to a rectangular footing. If the design is still constrained by space restrictions, one can then follow a different strategy and work with a strap type footing which is discussed later. We have shown that the soil pressure distribution is uniform for symmetrically positioned footings. The footing area is determined using service loads, P and the effective soil pressure, qe which accounts for the weight of the footing and the soil above the footing. This notation is defined in Fig. 7.10. The relevant computations are qe ¼ qallowable gconc: t gsoil ðh tÞ qallowable Arequired g P ! A ¼ LB qe Fig. 7.10 Notation–effective soil pressure (qe ). (a) Plan. (b) Elevation conc: þ gsoil h 2 7.3 Dimensioning a Single Rectangular Footing 555 Current practice estimates the peak values of shear force and moment in the footing using the factored ultimate load Pu and determines the footing thickness and the required reinforcement steel area based on these values. Figure 7.11 illustrates this procedure for a single axial loaded footing. The expressions for the factored ultimate shear and moment are Fig. 7.11 Footing dimensioning process. (a) Factored soil pressure. (b) Shear and moment diagrams. (c) One way shear. (d) Punching shear 556 7 Shallow Foundations Vu ðxÞ ¼ Bqu x Mu ðxÞ ¼ Bqu x2 2 (7.8) where qu ¼ PAu . Positive bending moment requires reinforcing steel placed in two directions at the lower surface. One needs to check for two types of shearing actions, one way shear and punching shear. Figure 7.11 shows the location of the critical sections for shear. The distance parameter depends on the column type (steel, concrete). One needs to refer to the specific code for the value of the distance parameter. Most footings are constructed using reinforced concrete. The location and magnitude of the steel reinforcement is dictated by the sense of the bending moment distribution (i.e., positive or negative). Noting that the function of the reinforcement is to provide the tensile force required by the moment, the moment diagrams shown in Fig. 7.11b require the reinforcement patterns defined in Fig. 7.12. Fig. 7.12 Single Footing steel details. (a) Steel column. (b) Reinforced concrete column 7.3 Dimensioning a Single Rectangular Footing 557 The actual size/number of the rebar depends on the magnitude of the moment and particular design code used to dimension the member. Figure 7.12 illustrates steel reinforcement for steel and concrete columns. A steel plate is welded to the base of a steel column, and anchored to the footing with bolts embedded in the concrete. Dowels are used to connect the longitudinal steel in the concrete column to the footing. Usually the column loading is purely axial and the support is considered to be simply supported. However, there are situations where moment as well as axial force is present in the column. The design strategy is the same for both cases. Example 7.1 Single footing Given: A 400 mm 400 mm concentrically load column with axial dead load (PD ¼ 890 kN), and axial live load (PL ¼ 1,070 kN) to be supported on a shallow foundation. The effective soil pressure is qe ¼ 165 kN/m2 (Figs. E7.1a, b). Fig. E7.1 Geometry and loading Determine: The footing dimensions using service loads. Draw shear and moment diagrams using a factored load of Pu ¼ 1.2PD + 1.6PL. Consider (a) A square footing, (b) A rectangular footing with B ¼ 3 m. Solution: Footing dimensions The required footing area is based on the service load and effective soil pressure. Pservice ¼ Arequired X ðPD þPL Þ ¼ 890 þ 1; 070¼1; 960 kN Pservice 1; 960 ¼ 11:88 m2 ¼ ¼ 165 qe 558 7 Shallow Foundations pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi Assuming a square shape, the required dimension is 11:88 ¼ 3:44 m We use L ¼ B ¼ 3:5 m. Assuming a rectangular footing B ¼ 3 m, the required dimension is 11:88 ¼ 3:96 m. We use L ¼ 4 m L¼ 3 Shear and moment distributions The factored load is Pu ¼ 1:2PD þ 1:6PL ¼ 1:2ð890Þ þ 1:6ð1; 070Þ ¼ 2; 780 kN The corresponding factored soil pressure qu and Vu , Mu are Square shape: qu ¼ Pu 2; 780 ¼ 226:94 kN/m2 ¼ LB ð3:5Þð3:5Þ Vumax ¼ 226:94 ð3:5Þ ð1:55Þ ¼ 1; 231 kN Mumax ¼ 226:94 ð3:5Þ ð1:55Þ2 ¼ 954 kN m 2 The shear and moment diagrams are plotted below. Rectangular shape: qu ¼ Pu 2; 780 ¼ 231:67 kN/m2 ¼ LB ð3Þð4Þ 7.3 Dimensioning a Single Rectangular Footing 559 Vumax long ¼ 231:67ð3Þð1:8Þ ¼1; 251 kN ð1:8Þ2 ¼ 1; 126 kN m 2 ¼ 231:67ð4Þð1:3Þ ¼ 1; 205 kN Mumax long ¼ 231:67ð3Þ Vumax short Mumax short ¼ 231:67ð4Þ ð1:3Þ2 ¼ 783 kN m 2 The shear and moment diagrams are plotted below. Example 7.2 Dimensioning a footing under a column with eccentric loading. Given: A 12 in. 12 in. column supporting the following loads: PD ¼ 120 kip, PL ¼ 80 kip, MD ¼ 60 kip ft, and ML ¼ 40 kip ft. The effective soil pressure is qe ¼ 4:5 kip/ft2 . 560 7 Shallow Foundations P ¼ PD þ PL ¼ 120 þ 80 ¼ 200 kip M ¼ MD þ ML ¼ 60 þ 40 ¼ 100 kip ft Determine: Dimension square/rectangular footings for the following cases. Case (a) the centerline of the column coincides with the centroid of the footing. M is counter clockwise (Fig. E7.2a). Solution: Case (a) Square footing (L ¼ B): We use (7.6) and set q1 ¼ qe 200 6ð100Þ þ ¼ 4:5 ) L ¼ 7:9 ft L2 L3 Fig. E7.2a Geometry and loading 4:3kip/ft2 For L ¼ B ¼ 8 ft ) q1 ; q2 ¼ 3:125 1:17 ¼ 1:95kip/ft2 . Rectangular footing: We take B ¼ 6 ft. The pressure equation has the form 7.3 Dimensioning a Single Rectangular Footing 561 P 6M þ ¼ qe 6L 6L2 + 200 6ð100Þ þ ¼ 4:5 ) L ¼ 9:7 ft 6L 6L2 4:33 kip/ft2 For L ¼ 10 ft and B ¼ 6 ft ) q1 ; q2 ¼ 3:33 1:0 ¼ 2:33 kip/ft2 M P q2 q1 L Case (b) the center line of the column is 3 ft from the property line. M is clockwise (Fig. E7.2b). Fig. E7.2b Geometry and loading 562 7 Shallow Foundations Solution: Case (b) We position the centroid of the footing so that it is on the line of action of the resultant force. The location of the resultant is Mtotal ¼ M Pe ¼ 100 200ðeÞ ¼ 0 ) e ¼ 0:5 ft Then L ) L ¼ 2ð3 þ eÞ ¼ 7 ft 2 P 200 qe ! B ¼ 6:35 q1 ¼ q 2 ¼ LB 7ð4:5Þ P 200 ¼ ¼ 4:39 kip/ft2 For L ¼ 7 ft and B ¼ 6.5 ft ) q1 ¼ q2 ¼ q ¼ LB 7ð6:5Þ 3þe¼ M P e centroid q L Case (c) the center line of the column is 3 ft from the property line. M is zero (Fig. E7.2c). Fig. E7.2c Geometry and loading 7.3 Dimensioning a Single Rectangular Footing 563 Solution: Case (c) For this case, we locate the centroid on the center of the column. Then e ¼ 0 and L ¼ 6.0 ft. The area is determined with q ¼ q1 ¼ q2 ¼ P 200 qe ! B ¼ 7:4 LB 6ð4:5Þ Use L ¼ 6 ft and B ¼ 7.5 ft q¼ P 200 ¼ ¼ 4:44 kip/ft2 LB 7:5ð6Þ P q L/2 L/2 Case (d) the center line of the column is 3 ft from the property line. M is counterclockwise (Fig. E7.2d). M property line P B t 3 ft 3 ft L Elevation Fig. E7.2d Geometry and loading L Plan 564 7 Shallow Foundations Solution: Case (d) We decide to locate the centroid on the column line. Then e ¼ 0.5 ft. This leads to the trapezoidal pressure distribution shown below. Taking L ¼ 6 ft, and noting (7.3), q1 ¼ 200 6ð100Þ þ 4:5 ) B 11:1 6B Bð6Þ2 4:44 kip/ft2 For L ¼ 6 ft and B ¼ 11.25 ft ! q1 ; q2 ¼ 2:96 1:48 ¼ 1:48 kip/ft2 M P 2.5 ft e =.5 ft q2=1.48 q1=4.44 L=6 ft Another option is to take the centroid on the line of action of the resultant force. Then, e ¼ 0 ft, L ¼ 5 ft and (7.6) yields 200 ¼ 4:5 ! B ¼ 8:9 5B 200 For L ¼ 5 ft and B ¼ 9 ft q ¼ q1 ¼ q2 ¼ 5ð9Þ ¼ 4:44 kip/ft2 M P 2.5 ft e =.5 ft q=4.44 L=5 ft 7.4 7.4 Dimensioning Combined Footings 565 Dimensioning Combined Footings A combined footing has multiple column loads acting on a single area. This design is adopted when the column spacing is too small to allow for separate footings. Figure 7.13 illustrates the case of two columns. The analytical method described in Sect. 7.2 is also applicable here. One just has to first replace the column loads with their resultant force, and then apply (7.2) to determine the pressure distribution. a d d1 d2 Y Centroid of area Axis of symmetry x C 1 e C2 L b d P 1 P 2 R x d-x 1 1 e x q Centroid of footing area q 1 Fig. 7.13 Notation–combined footing. (a) Plan. (b) Elevation 2 566 7 Shallow Foundations Specializing (7.2) for this case, and noting the notations defined in Fig. 7.13, the pressure distribution is given by R Re qðxÞ ¼ þ x A Iy (7.9) R ¼ P1 þ P2 where e is positive when R is located to the left of the centroid of the footing area. The location of the resultant force can be determined by summing moments about the line of action of P1 x1 ¼ P2 d ðP1 þ P2 Þ (7.10) e ¼ d1 x 1 It follows that the soil pressure distribution is uniform when the centroid of the footing area is located on the line of action of the resultant force (Fig. 7.14). For this case, e ¼ 0 and q ¼ R=A. We compute the peak shear and moment, using factored loads. The position of the resultant with respect to the centroid may change when factored loads are used. Ru ¼ P1u þP2u Then, x 1 u ¼ d1 e u ¼ P2u d Ru (7.11) If eu 6¼ 0, the distribution of pressure is trapezoidal, and we use (7.9) to find the corresponding peak pressures due to the factored loads. The shear and moment diagrams corresponding to uniform soil pressure are plotted in Fig. 7.15b. Note that for this type of footing, the bending moment distribution in the footing in the longitudinal direction has both positive and negative regions. The peak moment values are Vu ¼ 0 ! Bqu x1 Pu1 ¼ 0 ! x1 ¼ x21 Pu1 ðx1 L1 Þ 28 Bqu a2 > > L 1 > > 2 > > 2 > a > > Bq a2 u > > L þ P > 1 u1 > 2 2 < 2 ¼ larger of 2 Bqu b > > L2 > > > 2 2 > > > > > > Bqu b 2 b > > : L2 þ Pu 2 2 2 2 ; Mumax ¼ Bqu Mþ u max Pu1 Bqu 7.4 Dimensioning Combined Footings 567 a d M = Re P 1 P R 2 d - d1 d1 Centroid of footing area X q q 1 b 2 d P 1 P R x1 = d1 X 2 d - x1 Centroid of footing area q Fig. 7.14 Conditions for soil pressure distribution. (a) e > 0. (b) e ¼ 0 568 7 Shallow Foundations Since the moment diagram for a combined footing generally has both positive and negative values, the steel placement pattern for a combined footing involves placing steel in the top zone as well as the bottom zone of the cross section. The required steel reinforcing patterns are shown in Fig. 7.15c, d. In general, the reinforcement pattern is two way. For the transverse direction, we treat the footing similar to the single footing and the steel for tension is placed at the lower surface. Fig. 7.15 (a) Rectangular footing with uniform ultimate soil pressure eu ¼ 0. (b) Shear and Moment diagrams eu ¼ 0. (c) Steel reinforcing pattern for longitudinal bending. (d) Steel reinforcing pattern for transverse bending 7.4 Dimensioning Combined Footings 569 Fig. 7.15 (continued) Example 7.3 Dimensioning a combined footing Given: A combined footing supporting two square columns. Column A is 400 mm 400 mm and carries a dead load of 700 kN and a live load of 900 kN. Column B is 500 mm 500 mm and carries a dead load of 900 kN and a live load of 1,000 kN. The effective soil pressure is qe ¼ 160 kN/m2 (Figs. E7.3a, b). Determine: The dimensions B and L for service load of P ¼ PD + PL. Draw shear and moment diagrams for factored load of Pu ¼ 1.2PD + 1.6PL. Solution: Step I : Locate the resultant force PA ¼ PD þ PL ¼ 700 þ 900 ¼ 1; 600 kN PB ¼ PD þ PL ¼ 900 þ 1; 000 ¼ 1; 900 kN R ¼ PA þ PB ¼ 3; 500 kN xA ¼ 1; 900ð5Þ ¼ 2:7 m 3; 500 570 Fig. E7.3a Elevation Fig. E7.3b Plan The resultant equals 3500 kN located 2.7 m from PA . 7 Shallow Foundations 7.4 Dimensioning Combined Footings 571 Step II: Select a rectangular geometry. We position the rectangle so that its centroid is on the line of action of the resultant. The design requirement is L ¼ xA þ 0:5 ¼ ð2:7Þ þ 0:5 ¼ 3:2 2 R 3; 500 ¼ 21:2 m2 Arequired ¼ ¼ qe 165 Take L ¼ 6:4 m and B ¼ 3:4 m ! A ¼ B L ¼ 21:76 m2 The final geometry is shown below Step III: Draw the shear and moment diagrams corresponding to the factored loads Pu ¼ 1.2PD + 1.6PL. We work with the soil pressure integrated over the width of the footing. This leads to the “total” shear and “total” moment. These distributions are plotted below. Note that we treat the column loads as concentrated forces. One can also model them as distributed loads over the width of the column. PAu ¼ 1:2PD þ 1:6PL ¼ 1:2ð700Þ þ 1:6ð900Þ ¼ 2; 280 kN PBu ¼ 1:2PD þ 1:6PL ¼ 1:2ð900Þ þ 1:6ð1; 000Þ ¼ 2; 680 kN The factored resultant acts 2.702 m from PA . It follows that e ¼ 13 mm. We neglect this eccentricity and assume the pressure is uniform. qu ¼ Ru 2; 280 þ 2; 680 ¼ 228 kN/m2 ¼ 6:4ð3:4Þ A 572 7 Shallow Foundations Then for B ¼ 3.4 m, wu ¼ 228ð3:4Þ ¼ 775:2 kN/m The shear and moment diagrams are plotted below. Example 7.4 Given: A combined footing supporting two square columns. Column C1 is 16 in. 16 in. and carries a service load of 220 kip. Column C2 is 18 in. 18 in. and carries a service load of 440 kip. The effective soil pressure is qe ¼ 3:5 kip/ft2 (Figs. E7.4a, b). Determine: The soil pressure distribution caused by the service loads P1 and P2 . Solution: Locate the centroid of the area A ¼ ð9Þð9Þ þ ð13Þð7Þ ¼ 172 ft2 L1 ¼ 81ð17:5Þ þ 91ð6:5Þ ¼ 11:68 ft 172 7.4 Dimensioning Combined Footings Fig. E7.4a Elevation Fig. E7.4b Plan Locate the resultant force R ¼ P1 þ P2 ¼ 220 þ 440 ¼ 660 kip d1 ¼ P2 d 440ð16Þ ¼ ¼ 10:67 ft R 660 e ¼ 11:68 ð10:67 þ 1:5Þ ¼ 0:49 ft 573 574 7 Shallow Foundations The peak pressures are R ðReÞL1 660 660ð:49Þ11:68 þ þ ¼ 3:3 kip/ft2 ¼ A 172 7; 014 Iy R ðReÞL2 660 660ð:49Þ10:32 ¼ 4:3 kip/ft2 q2 ¼ ¼ A 172 7; 014 Iy q1 ¼ L2 = 10.32 ft L1 = 11.68 ft C1 7 ft Y Centroid of area x P1 3.3 C2 Axis of symmetry e P2 4.3 9 ft 7.5 7.5 Dimensioning Strap Footings 575 Dimensioning Strap Footings Strap footings consist of individual footings placed under each column and connected together with a rigid beam to form a single unit. Figure 7.16 illustrates the geometric arrangement for two columns supported by two rectangular footings. The centroid for the interior footing (footing #2) is usually taken to be on the line of action of the interior column. The zone under the rigid beam is generally filled with a geo-foam material that has essentially no stiffness and provides negligible pressure on the beam. Therefore all of the resistance to the column loads is generated by the soil pressure acting on the individual footing segments. Fig. 7.16 Strap footing. (a) Plan. (b) Elevation We suppose the axis connecting the columns is an axis of symmetry for the area segments. The approach follows essentially the same procedure as employed for combined footings. Figure 7.17 defines the notation for this method. First, we locate the resultant of the column loads. P2 d R R ¼ P1 þ P2 e ¼ x 1 d1 x1 ¼ 576 7 Shallow Foundations Fig. 7.17 Notation and pressure distribution for strap footing. (a) Elevation. (b) Plan Next, we take footing #2 to be located such that its centroid coincides with the line of action of load P2 . We locate the origin of the x axis at an arbitrary point on the axis of symmetry and use (7.1) to determine the soil pressure acting on the individual footings. We assume there is no soil pressure acting on the link member. Noting (7.1), the soil pressure is taken as q(x) ¼ b + ax q(x) ¼ 0 for footings #1 and #2 for the strap beam. 7.5 Dimensioning Strap Footings 577 The coefficients are evaluated by integrating over the footing areas. Enforcing equilibrium leads to 2 ð 6 R ¼ qðxÞ dA ¼ bðA1 þ A2 Þ þ a4 ð 2 6 Re ¼ x qðxÞ dA ¼ b4 ð x dA þ A1 ð ð x dA þ A1 ð 3 3 7 x dA5 A2 2 7 6 x dA5 þ a4 A2 ð ð x2 dA þ A1 3 (7.12) 7 x2 dA5 A2 Ð Now, weÐ take the origin for x at the centroid of the combined section. Then A1 x dA þ A2 x dA ¼ 0 and (7.12) reduces to R ¼ bðA1 þ A2 Þ Re ¼ aðI1 þ I2 Þ (7.13) where (I1 þ I2 ) is sum of the second moments of area of the two footing cross sections about the y-axis through the centroid. Lastly, the pressure equation takes the form: qðxÞ ¼ R Re þ x ðA1 þ A2 Þ ðI1 þ I2 Þ (7.14) Note that e is negative when R is located to the right of the centroid (see Fig. 7.17b). where the I’s are computed using the parallel axis theorem. Noting Fig. 7.18, the I’s are computed using the following equations. 2 I1 ¼ IY1 þ A1 d1 I2 ¼ IY2 þ A2 d2 Fig. 7.18 Geometry–strap footing 2 578 7 Shallow Foundations We use (7.14) to determine the pressure for a given geometry and loading. When dimensioning the footing, we locate the centroid of the combined footing area on the line of action of the resultant. This step results in a uniform pressure, e¼0!q¼ R P1 þ P2 ¼ ðA1 þ A2 Þ ðA1 þ A2 Þ (7.15) Given the effective soil pressure, we determine the total area with A1 þ A 2 P1 þ P 2 qe (7.16) The solution procedure is as follows: We assume the magnitude of either A1 or A2 and compute the other area with (7.16). Since we are locating footing #2 such that its centroid coincides with the line of action of P2 , it follows from Fig. 7.17 that x2 d2 . Then noting Fig. 7.18, d2 d2 . Lastly, we determined1 with (7.17) A1 d1 ¼ A2 d2 (7.17) This equation correspond to setting e ¼ 0. An alternative design approach proceeds as follows. Consider Fig. 7.19. The resultants of the pressure distributions acting on the footings are indicated by R1 and R2. Summing moments about the line of action of R1 leads to R2 ¼ P2 P1 e 1 d e1 (7.18) Summing forces leads to R1 þ R 2 ¼ P1 þ P 2 Then R1 ¼ P1 þ P1 e 1 d e1 (7.19) Let V¼ P1 e 1 d e1 (7.20) 7.5 Dimensioning Strap Footings 579 then R1 ¼ P 1 þ V R2 ¼ P 2 V (7.21) R ¼ R1 þ R 2 ¼ P 1 þ P2 The quantity, V, is the shear force in the strap beam. Once e1 is specified, one can determine R1 and R2. We also assume the soil pressure acting on the footing is constant and equal to the design pressure (qe). Then, Fig. 7.19 Approximate strap footing analysis. (a) Plan (b) Elevation (c) Components of footing 580 7 Shallow Foundations Fig. 7.19 (continued) Fig. 7.20 Typical reinforcing patterns R1 qe R2 ¼ qe A1required ¼ A2required (7.22) Typical reinforcing patterns required for bending are illustrated in Fig. 7.20. Example 7.5 Given: The eccentrically loaded footing A connected to the concentrically loaded footing B by strap beam as shown below. Assume the strap is placed such that it does not bear directly on the soil (Figs. E7.5a, b). Determine: Determine the soil pressure profile under the footings. 7.5 Dimensioning Strap Footings 581 Fig. E7.5a (a) Elevation Fig. E7.5b (b) Plan Solution: Noting Fig. 7.17, the various measures are R ¼ 2; 000 þ 2; 400 ¼ 4; 400 kN A1 ¼ 2ð3Þ ¼ 6 m2 A2 ¼ 3ð3Þ ¼ 9 m2 3ð2Þ3 3ð3Þ3 þ 6ð1Þ2 þ þ 9ð6:5Þ2 ¼ 395 m4 12 12 6ð1Þ þ 9ð6:5Þ ¼ 4:3 d1 þ 0:2 ¼ 15 2; 400ð6:3Þ x1 ¼ ¼ 3:436 4; 400 e ¼ 4:3 3:436 0:2 ¼ 0:66 m I1 þ I2 ¼ Note that e is positive when R is located is located to the left of the centroid. 582 7 Shallow Foundations R Re þ x ðA1 þ A2 Þ ðI1 þ I2 Þ 4; 400 4; 400ð0:66Þ x ¼ 293:3 þ 7:35x ¼ 15 395 qðxÞ ¼ ; qð4:3Þ ¼ 325 kN/m2 qð2:3Þ ¼ 310 kN/m2 qð0:7Þ ¼ 288 kN/m2 qð3:7Þ ¼ 266 kN/m2 The corresponding forces are shown below. Example 7.6 Dimensioning a strap footing Given: The exterior column C1 is 12 in. 12 in. and carries a dead load of 160 kip and a live load of 130 kip. The interior column C2 is 16 in. 16 in. and carries a dead load of 200 kip and a live load of 187.5 kip. The property line is at the edge of column #1 and the distance between the center lines of the columns #1 and #2 is 20 ft. The effective soil pressure is qe ¼ 4:625 kip/ft2 (Figs. E7.6a, b). 7.5 Dimensioning Strap Footings 583 d=20 ft Footing #2 Footing #1 Rigid beam C1 C2 B1 A1 B2 A2 L1 L2 Fig. E7.6a Plan Fig. E7.6b Elevation Determine: The dimensions of the footings for both columns using the two solution procedures described above. Solution: Procedure #1: The individual column loads are: P1 ¼ 160 þ 130 ¼ 290 kip P2 ¼ 200 þ 187:5 ¼ 387:5 kip 584 7 Shallow Foundations Next, we locate the resultant of the column loads. R ¼ P1 þ P2 ¼ 677:5 kip 387:5 ð20Þ ¼ 11:6 ft d1 ¼ x 1 ¼ 667:5 d2 ¼ x2 ¼ 20 11:6 ¼ 8:4 ft Noting (7.16) we obtain: A1 þ A 2 ¼ 677:5 146:5 ft2 4:625 We take A2 ¼ 76:56 ft2 . Then A1 69:94 ft2 . We select A1 ¼ 72 ft2 Noting (7.17), A2 76:56 ð8:4Þ ¼ 8:93 ft d1 ¼ d2 ¼ 72 A1 Then L1 ¼ e1 þ :5 ¼ ð11:6 8:93Þ þ :5 ¼ 3:17 ft 2 The final dimensions are shown below. Procedure #2: We illustrate the 2nd design approach here. We estimate A1 by requiring the pressure under the footing#1 to be equal to qe . A1 > P1 290 ¼ 62:7 ft2 ¼ qe 4:625 7.5 Dimensioning Strap Footings 585 We take L1 ¼ 6 ft as a first estimate. Then, noting Fig. E7.6b e1 ¼ L1 :5 2:5 ft 2 The remaining steps are listed below P1 e 1 290ð2:5Þ ¼ ¼ 41:43 kip d e1 20 2:5 R1 ¼ P1 þ V ¼ 290 þ 41:43 ¼ 331:43 kip R2 ¼ P2 V ¼ 387:5 41:43 ¼ 346:07 kip V¼ A1 required ¼ A2 required ¼ 331:43 71:66 ¼ 71:66 ft2 ) B1 ¼ ¼ 11:94 ) L1 = 6 ft 4:625 6 B1 ¼ 12 ft pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 346:07 ¼ 74:82 ft2 ) L2 ¼ B2 ¼ 74:82 ¼ 8:64 ) B2 ¼ L2 ¼ 8:75 ft 4:625 Repeating this computation for the ultimate loading case, P1u ¼ 1:2PD þ 1:6PL ¼ 1:2ð160Þ þ 1:6ð130Þ ¼ 400 kip P2u ¼ 1:2PD þ1:6PL ¼ 1:2ð200Þ þ 1:6ð187:5Þ ¼ 540 kip And assuming the same value for e1 leads to Vu ¼ Pu1 e1 400ð2:5Þ ¼ 57:14 kip ¼ 17:5 d e1 R1u ¼ P1u þVu ¼ 400 þ 57:14 ¼ 457:14 kip R1u 457:14 ¼ 6:35 kip/ft2 ¼ q1u ¼ 6ð12Þ B1 L1 R2u ¼ P2u Vu ¼ 540 57:14 ¼ 482:86 kip R2u 482:86 ¼ 6:31 kip/ft2 q2u ¼ ¼ B2 L2 8:75ð8:75Þ The corresponding forces are shown in the sketches below. 586 The shear and moment diagrams are plotted below. 7 Shallow Foundations 7.7 Problems 7.6 Summary 7.6.1 Objectives of the Chapter 587 • To describe the various types of footings used in shallow foundations. • To develop an analytical procedure for dimensioning footings. • To develop a general analytical procedure for generating the shear and moment distribution in footings based on the assumption of a linear soil pressure distribution. • To identify critical loading conditions which produce pressure loading distributions with high peak magnitudes. 7.7 Problems Problem 7.1 Consider the footing geometry shown below. Determine the soil pressure distribution corresponding to (a) B ¼ L ¼ 8 ft (b) L ¼ 10 ft, B ¼ 5 ft 588 7 Shallow Foundations Problem 7.2 The plan view and elevation of a single footing supporting a 300 mm 300 mm column is shown below. Determine the soil pressure distribution under the footing. Use a factor of 1.2 for DL and 1.6 for LL. Problem 7.3 The plan view and elevation of a single footing supporting a column is shown below. The effective soil pressure is 4 kip/ft2. Determine the required value of L. 7.7 Problems 589 Problem 7.4 A 450 mm 450 mm concentrically load column is to be supported on a shallow foundation. The base of the footing is 1 m below grade. Estimate the size of the footing using service loads. Draw shear and moment diagrams using a factor load of Pu ¼ 1.2PD + 1.6P. The allowable soil pressure is qallowable ¼ 250 kN/m2 , gsoil ¼ 18 kN=m3 ; gconc ¼ 24 kN=m3 , PD ¼ 1,000 kN and PL ¼ 1,400 kN. Consider: (a) A square footing (L1 ¼ L2 ¼ L) and (b) a rectangular footing with L2 ¼ 2.5 m. Problem 7.5 A 350 mm 350 mm column is to be supported on a shallow foundation. Determine the dimensions (either square or rectangular) for the following conditions. That allowable soil pressure is qeffective ¼ 180 kN/m2 . (a) The centerline of the column coincides with the centerline of the footing. 590 7 Shallow Foundations (b) The center line of the column is 0.75 m from the property line. (c) The center line of the column is 0.5 m from the centroid of the footing. 7.7 Problems 591 Problem 7.6 A combined footing supports two square columns: Column A is 14 in. 14 in. and carries a dead load of 140 kip and a live load of 220 kip. Column B is 16 in. 16 in. and carries a dead load of 260 kip and a live load of 300 kip. The effective soil pressure is qe ¼ 4:5 kip=ft2 . Assume the soil pressure distribution is uniform, except for case (b). Determine the footing dimensions for the following geometric configurations. Establish the shear and moment diagrams corresponding to the factored loading, Pu ¼ 1.2PD + 1.6PL. 592 7 Shallow Foundations 7.7 Problems 593 Problem 7.7 Column A is 350 mm 350 mm and carries a dead load of 1,300 kN and a live load of 450 kN. Column B is 450 mm 450 mm and carries a dead load of 1,400 kN and a live load of 800 kN. The combined footing shown below is used to support these columns. Determine the soil pressure distribution and the shear and bending moment distributions along the longitudinal direction corresponding to the factored loading, Pu ¼ 1.2PD + 1.6PL. 594 7 Shallow Foundations Problem 7.8 Dimension a strap footing for the situation shown. The exterior column A is 14 in. 14 in. and carries a dead load of 160 kip and a live load of 130 kip; the interior column B is 18 in. 18 in. and carries a dead load of 200 kip and a live load of 187.5 kip; the distance between the center lines of the columns is 18 ft. Assume the strap is placed such that it does not bear directly on the soil. Take the effective soil pressure as qe ¼ 4:5 kip/ft2 . Draw shear and moment diagrams using a factored load of Pu ¼ 1.2PD + 1.6PL. 7.7 Problems 595 Problem 7.9 Column A is 350 mm 350 mm and carries a dead load of 1,300 kN and a live load of 450 kN. Column B is 450 mm 450 mm and carries a dead load of 1,400 kN and a live load of 800 kN. A strap footing is used to support the columns and the center line of Column A is 0.5 m from the property line. Assume the strap is placed such that it does not bear directly on the soil. Determine the soil pressure distribution and the shear and bending moment distributions along the longitudinal direction corresponding to the factored loading, Pu ¼ 1.2PD + 1.6PL. 596 7 Shallow Foundations Problem 7.10 An exterior 18 in. 18 in. column with a total vertical service load of P1 ¼ 180 kip and an interior 20 in. 20 in. column with a total vertical service load of P2 ¼ 240 kip are to be supported at each column by a pad footing connected by a strap beam. Assume the strap is placed such that it does not bear directly on the soil. (a) Determine the dimensions L1 and L2 for the pad footings that will result in a uniform effective soil pressure not exceeding 3 kip/ft2 under each pad footing. Use ¼ ft increments. (b) Determine the soil pressure profile under the footings determined in part (a) when an additional loading, consisting of an uplift force of 80 kip at the exterior column and an uplift force of 25 kip at the interior column, is applied. 7.7 Problems 597 8 Vertical Retaining Wall Structures Overview Vertical wall type structures function as barriers whose purpose is to prevent a material from entering a certain space. Typical applications are embankment walls, bridge abutments, and as underground basement walls. Structural Engineers are responsible for the design of these structures. The loading acting on a retaining wall is generally due to the soil that is confined behind the wall. Various theories have been proposed in the literature, and it appears that all the theories predict similar loading results. In this chapter, we describe the Rankine theory that is fairly simple to apply. We present the governing equations for various design scenarios, and illustrate their application to typical retaining structures. The most critical concerns for retaining walls are ensuring stability with respect to sliding and overturning, and identifying the regions of positive and negative moment in the wall segments. Some of the material developed in Chap. 7 is also applicable for retaining wall structures. 8.1 Introduction 8.1.1 Types of Retaining Walls Vertical retaining wall structures are used to form a vertical barrier that retains a fluid or other material such as soil. Figure 8.1 illustrates different types of vertical retaining wall structures. They are constructed using unreinforced concrete for gravity walls and reinforced concrete for cantilever walls and bridge abutments. The base of the wall/footing is placed below the frost level. The material behind the wall is called backfill and is composed of granular material such as sand. J.J. Connor and S. Faraji, Fundamentals of Structural Engineering, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-3262-3_8, # Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2013 599 600 8 Vertical Retaining Wall Structures a b Fluid c Bridge deck backfill (granular material) d Approach slab backfill Fig. 8.1 Vertical retaining wall structures. (a) Gravity dam. (b) Cantilever retaining wall. (c) Bridge Abutment. (d) Underground basement backfill P W Toe Heel F N Fig. 8.2 Free body diagram—Gravity structure 8.1.2 Gravity Walls A free body diagram of a gravity structure is shown in Fig. 8.2. The force acting on the structure due to the back fill material is represented by P; the forces provided by the soil at the base are represented by the friction force F and the normal force N; lastly the weight of the structure is represented by W. The end points of the base are called the “toe” and the “heel.” We observe that P tends to overturn the wall about its toe and also to slide the structure in the horizontal direction. The overturning tendency is resisted by the gravity force W which has a counterbalancing moment about the toe. Sliding is resisted by the friction which is proportional to the normal force. Therefore, since both resisting mechanisms are due to gravity, this type of structure is called a “Gravity” structure. Of critical concern are the sliding and overturning failure modes. The key design parameter is the length of the base. We need to select this parameter such that the 8.2 Force Due to the Backfill Material 601 factors of safety for sliding and overturning are sufficient to ensure global stability of the structure. Fig. 8.3 Free body diagram—Cantilever structure backfill P stem WS toe W F heel footing N 8.1.3 Cantilever Walls The amount of concrete required for a gravity type wall increases with height. Therefore, in order to minimize the concrete volume, the cantilever type retaining wall geometry shown in Fig. 8.3 is used. A portion of the concrete wall is removed and a “footing” extending out from both the heel and toe is added. This change has a stabilizing effect in that the weight of the backfill above the footing, represented by Ws , now contributes to the counterbalancing moment and also to the normal force. The wall stem segment of a cantilever wall carries load through bending action whereas the gravity wall carries load primarily through horizontal shear action. These behavior modes dictate the type of construction. Cantilever retaining walls, such as shown in Fig. 8.4, are reinforced concrete structures; gravity type walls tend to be unreinforced concrete. The key design issue is the width of the footing. This parameter is controlled by the requirements on the factors of safety with respect to overturning about the toe and sliding of the wall. 8.2 Force Due to the Backfill Material 8.2.1 Different Types of Materials Fluid We consider first the case where the backfill material is an ideal fluid. By definition, an ideal fluid has no shear resistance; the state of stress is pure compression. The vertical and horizontal pressures at a point z unit below the free surface are (see Fig. 8.5): pn ¼ ph ¼ p ¼ gz (8.1) where g is the weight density. We apply this theory to the inclined surface shown in Fig. 8.6. Noting (8.1), the fluid pressure is normal to the surface and varies linearly with depth. The resultant force acts H/3 units up from the base and is equal to 602 8 Vertical Retaining Wall Structures Fig. 8.4 Cantilever wall construction p=0 pv z ph ph pv Fig. 8.5 Hydrostatic pressure H Pv p=γ z Z P Ph H/3 q q p=γ H Fig. 8.6 Hydrostatic forces on an inclined surface 2 1 H 1 H ¼ g P¼ p 2 sin y 2 sin y (8.2) Resolving P into horizontal and vertical components leads to 1 Ph ¼ P sin y ¼ gH2 2 1 1 Pn ¼ P cos y ¼ gH 2 2 tan y (8.3) 8.2 Force Due to the Backfill Material 603 σn Fig. 8.7 Granular materialstress state τ . σn σn τ σn Fig. 8.8 Angle of repose ϕ ϕ Fig. 8.9 Active and passive failure states a Pa ϕ h Pp H H/3 Granular Material We consider next the case where the backfill behind the wall is composed of a granular material such as dry loose sand (Fig. 8.7). Loose sand behaves in a different manner than a fluid in that sand can resist shearing action as well as compressive action. The maximum shear stress for a sandy soil is expressed as t ¼ sn tan ’ where sn is the normal stress and ’ is defined as the internal friction angle for the soil. A typical value of ’ for loose sand is approximately 30 . One can interpret ’ as being related to the angle of repose that a volume of sand assumes when it is formed by dumping the sand loosely on the pile. Figure 8.8 illustrates this concept. The presence of shear stress results in a shift in orientation of the resultant force exerted on the wall by the backfill. A typical case is shown in Fig. 8.9; P is assumed to act at an angle of ’0 with respect to the horizontal, where ’0 ranges from 0 to ’. The magnitude of the soil pressure force depends on how the wall moved when the backfill was placed. If the wall moved away from the backfill (to the left in Fig. 8.9) the soil is said to be in an active failure state. The other extreme case is when the wall is pushed into the soil; the failure state is said to be in the passive mode. There is a significant difference in the force magnitudes corresponding to these states. 604 8 Vertical Retaining Wall Structures a a H γ kaH h γ kp h b H H Pa h h Pp h/3 H/3 Fig. 8.10 (a) Soil pressure distribution for Rankine theory a 6¼ 0. (b) Soil pressure distribution for Rankine theory a ¼ 0 In general, the active force is an order of magnitude less than the passive force. For the applications that we are considering, the most likely case is when the wall moves away from the soil, and therefore we assume “active” conditions. The downward component tends to increase the stability with respect to overturning about the toe and also increases the friction force. Different theories for the soil pressure distribution have been proposed which relate to the choice of ’0 . The Rankine theory assumes ’0 ¼ 0 (i.e., no shear stress), and the Coulomb theory assumes ’0 ¼ ’. Considering that there is significant variability in soil properties, both theories predict pressure distributions which are suitable for establishing the wall dimensions. In what follows we present the key elements of the Rankine theory. There are many textbooks that deal with mechanics of soil. In particular we suggest Lamb and Whitman [20], Terzaghi and Peck [18], and Huntington [19]. 8.2.2 Rankine Theory: Active Soil Pressure Figure 8.10 defines the geometry and the soil pressure distribution. The pressure is applied to vertical surfaces through the heel and toe, and is assumed to vary linearly with depth as shown. The magnitude per unit wide strip in the longitudinal direction of the wall is defined by 1 2 gH ka 2 1 Pp ¼ gh2 kp 2 Pa ¼ (8.4) 8.3 Stability Analysis of Retaining Walls 605 ws PS H ps Pa H/3 H/2 p Fig. 8.11 Pressure distributions due to surcharge and active soil pressure where g is the unit weight of the soil backfill and ka and kp are defined as the active and passive soil pressure coefficients. 8 qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi9 > = <cos a ðcos aÞ2 ðcos ’Þ2 > qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ka ¼ cos a > ; :cos a þ ðcos aÞ2 ðcos ’Þ2 > kp ¼ (8.5) 1 þ sin ’ 1 sin ’ where ’ is the internal friction angle and a is the angle of inclination for the backfill. When the back fill is level, a ¼ 0 and ka reduces to ka ¼ 1 sin ’ 1 þ sin ’ (8.6) In this case, both resultants are horizontal forces. Soil Pressure due to Surcharge When a surcharge is applied to the top of a backfill, additional soil pressure is developed. This pressure is assumed to be uniform over the depth. In the case of a uniform surcharge applied to a horizontal back fill, the added pressure is estimated as ps ka ws Ps ka ws H (8.7) where ka is defined by (8.6). The soil pressure distributions due to the surcharge and the active soil pressure are illustrated in Fig. 8.11. 8.3 Stability Analysis of Retaining Walls The key concerns for a retaining wall are overturning about the toe and sliding: In order to address these issues, one needs to determine the forces acting on the wall. This step requires that we carry out an equilibrium analysis. Consider the typical gravity wall shown in Fig. 8.12. The weights of the wall and soil segments are denoted by Wj ; Pa and Pp represent the lateral soil pressure forces; 606 8 Vertical Retaining Wall Structures Fig. 8.12 Y W5 Pa W2 Pp yp W4 W1 W3 toe F ya X x N N and F are the normal and tangential (friction) forces due to the soil pressure acting on the base. x defines the line of action of the normal force acting on the base. Summing forces in the vertical direction leads to N¼ X Wj (8.8) Similarly, horizontal force summation yields F¼ X Pi (8.9) The maximum horizontal force is taken as Fmax ¼ mN. This quantity is used to define the factor of safety for sliding: F.S:sliding ¼ Fmax F (8.10) where m is a friction coefficient for the soil/base interface. The line of action of N is found by summing the moments about the toe. N x ¼ Pp yp Pa ya þ X Wj xj ¼ Mnet + Mnet x ¼ N (8.11) For stability respect to overturning, x must be positive. A negative value of x implies that the line of action of N lies outside the base. The safety measure for overturning is defined as the ratio of the resisting moment about the toe to the overturning moment. F.S:overturning ¼ Mresisting Moverturning (8.12) 8.4 Pressure Distribution Under the Wall Footing Fig. 8.13 (a) Gravity wall and (b) cantilever retaining wall 607 b a Soil Soil Noting Fig. 8.12, this definition expands to F.S:overturning P Pp yp þ Wj xj ¼ Pa y a (8.13) Typical desired values are F.S:sliding > 1:5 and F:S:overturning > 2. In order to increase the factors of safety against sliding and overturning one can either increase the width of the concrete wall, or one can add a footing extending out from the original base. These schemes are illustrated in Fig. 8.13. 8.4 Pressure Distribution Under the Wall Footing We consider the pressure acting on the footing is assumed to vary linearly. There are two design constraints: firstly the peak pressures must be less than the allowable bearing pressure for the soil and secondly the pressure cannot be negative, i.e., tension. Noting the formulation presented in Sect. 7.2, the peak pressures are given by Equation (7.6) (we work with a unit width strip of the footing along the length of the wall, i.e., we take B ¼ 1 and N as the resultant) which we list below for convenience. N 6e 1þ q1 ¼ L L (8.14) N 6e 1 q2 ¼ L L The second design constraint requires jej L=6 or equivalently, the line of action of N must be located within the middle third of the footing width, L. The first constraint limits the maximum peak pressure, jqjmax qallowable where qallowable is the allowable soil pressure at the base of the wall. We note that the pressure distribution is uniform when N acts at the centroid of the footing area which, for this case, is the midpoint. Since e depends on the wall height and footing 608 8 Vertical Retaining Wall Structures a centroid q N L L b centroid q2 q1 e x N L L c centroid L/3 q1 e N L L d centroid a 3 q1 N a e L L Fig. 8.14 Pressure distributions on footing/wall base. (a) e ¼ 0. (b) e < L=6. (c) e ¼ L=6. (d) e > L/6 length, we define the optimal geometry as that combination of dimensions for which the soil pressure is uniform. Figure 8.14 shows the soil pressure distributions for various values of e. Note that the line of action of the resultant N always coincides with the line of action of the applied vertical load. Example 8.1 Gravity retaining wall analysis Given: The concrete gravity wall and soil backfill shown in Fig. E8.1a. Determine: The factor of safety against sliding; the factor of safety against overturning; the line of action of the resultant. Use the Rankine theory for soil pressure computations. Neglect the passive pressure acting on the toe. 8.4 Pressure Distribution Under the Wall Footing 609 Fig. E8.1a Wall geometry 1 ft γsoil = .12 kip/ft3 10 ft ϕ = 30° γconc = .15 kip/ft3 H = 12 ft m = .577 2 ft L = 4 ft Solution: 1 sin ’ 1 ¼ For ’ ¼ 30 ka ¼ 1 þ sin ’ 3 Then Pa ¼ 12 ð0:12Þð12Þ2 13 ð1 ftÞ ¼ 2:88 kip/ft of wall Pa = 2.88 kip W2 W1 toe H/3 = 4 ft W3 F Fig. E8.1b Free body diagram x N Next we compute the weight of the concrete wall segments per foot of wall. Noting Fig. E8.1b, W1 ¼ ð0:150Þð10Þð1Þð1 ftÞ ¼ 1:5 kip 10 ð3Þð1 ftÞ ¼ 2:25 kip W2 ¼ ð0:150Þ 2 W3 ¼ ð0:150Þð4Þð2Þð1 ftÞ ¼ 1:2 kip Applying vertical force equilibrium yields N ¼ W1 þ W2 þ W3 ¼ 1:5 þ 2:25 þ 1:2 ¼ 4:95 kip The factor of safety with respect to sliding is defined as the ratio of the maximum available friction force Fmax to the actual horizontal force. 610 8 Vertical Retaining Wall Structures Fmax ¼ mN ¼ 0:577ð4:95Þ ¼ 2:86 kip mN 2:86 ¼ 0:99 F:S:sliding ¼ ¼ Pa 2:88 The line of action of N is determined by summing moments about the toe. The factor of safety with respect to overturning is defined as the ratio of the resisting moment to the overturning moment, both quantities with respect to the toe. H MBoverturning ¼ Pa ¼ 2:88ð4Þ ¼ 11:52kip ft 3 MBresisting ¼ W1 ð3:5Þ þ W2 ð2Þ þ W3 ð2Þ ¼ 1:5ð3:5Þ þ 2:25ð2Þ þ 1:2ð2Þ ¼ 12:15kip ft F.S:overturning ¼ MBresisting 12:15 ¼ 1:05 ¼ MBoverturning 11:52 Mnet ¼ MBoverturning MBresisting ¼ 0:63 kip ft clockwise x ¼ Mnet 0:63 ¼ 0:13 ft ¼ 4:95 N In order to increase the factors of safety the geometry needs to be modified. The following procedure is useful for estimating appropriate values for b1 and b2 . Given the wall height, one can derive expressions for the factors of safety. The details are listed below. b1 W = W1 + W2 H Pa W2 W1 H/3 toe F N b2 ðb1 þ b2 Þ Hgc ¼ N 2 1 2 Pa ¼ k a g s H 2 W¼ 8.4 Pressure Distribution Under the Wall Footing F ¼ Pa ; F.S:sliding ¼ F.S:sliding ¼ + mgc k a gs 611 mN mN ¼ F Pa b2 b1 1þ H b2 H 1 Pa ¼ k a g s H 3 3 6 2 b1 ¼ ðb2 b1 ÞW2 þ b2 W1 3 2 ( ) Hgc b22 1 b1 2 b1 1 ¼ þ 2 b2 3 b2 Moverturning ¼ Mresisting F.S:overturning ¼ F.S:overturning MBresisting ¼ MBoverturning Hgc b22 3 1 12 2 b1 b2 þ bb12 1 3 6 k a gs H + ) 2 ( 2gc b2 1 b1 2 b1 ¼ 1 þ 2 b2 k a gs H b2 One specifies the factor of safety with respect to overturning, and the ratio b1 =b2 , and then computes the value for b2 =H. With b2 =H known, one checks for sliding and if necessary modifies the value of b2 =H. Example 8.2 Given: The concrete gravity wall and soil backfill shown in Fig. E8.2a. Determine: The required value for b2 . Take the factors of safety for overturning and sliding to be equal to 2 and 1.5, respectively. .5 m γsoil = 18 kN/m3 m = .5 γconc = 24 kN/m3 ka = 1/3 Fig. E8.2a b2 4m 612 8 Vertical Retaining Wall Structures Solution: Given b1 ¼ 0.5 m, H ¼ 4 m, F.S:overturning ¼ 2, and F.S:sliding ¼ 1:5 we will determine b2 . F.S:overturning ) ( 2gc b2 2 1 b1 2 b1 ¼ 1 þ 2 b2 k a gs H b2 ) 2 ( 2ð24Þ b2 1 0:5 2 0:5 1 þ ¼2 1 2 b2 b2 4 ð18Þ 3 b22 þ 0:5b2 4:125 ¼ 0 ; b2 required ¼ 1:8 m mgc b2 b1 1þ k a gs H b2 0:5ð24Þ b2 0:5 1:5 ¼ 1þ 1 b2 4 ð18Þ 3 F.S:sliding ¼ b2 required ¼ 2:5 m Use b2 ¼ 2:5 m Example 8.3 Retaining wall with footing Given: The walls defined in Fig. E8.3(a)–(b)–(c). These schemes are modified versions of the wall analyzed in Example 8.1. We have extended the footing to further stabilize the wall. Determine: The factor of safety against sliding; the factor of safety against overturning; the base pressure distribution. Use the Rankine theory for soil pressure computations. Neglect the passive pressure acting on the toe. 1 ft γsoil = .12 kip/ft3 ϕ = 30º 10 ft γconc = .15 kip/ft3 m = .577 2 ft Fig. E8.3a Case “A” A B 4 ft 3 ft 8.4 Pressure Distribution Under the Wall Footing 613 Fig. E8.3b Case “B” 1 ft γsoil = .12 kip/ft3 10 ft ϕ =30⬚ γconc = .15 kip/ft3 2 ft m = .577 4 ft A B 2 ft 4 ft Fig. E8.3c Case “C” 1 ft γsoil = .12 kip/ft3 ϕ = 30º 10 ft γconc = .15 kip/ft3 m = .577 2 ft 4 ft B A 2 ft 4 ft 3 ft Solution: Case “A”: We work with the free body diagram shown in Fig. E8.3(d). The vertical surface is taken to pass through the heel. Soil W4 W1 Pa W2 4 ft W3 B Fig. E8.3d F – x N A 614 8 Vertical Retaining Wall Structures From Example 8.1: W1 ¼ 1:5 kip W2 ¼ 2:25 kip Pa ¼ 2:88 kip MBoverturning ¼ 11:52 kip ft The weight of the footing is W3 ¼ ð:150Þð7Þð2Þð1 ft) ¼ 2:1 kip The weight of soil is W4 ¼ ð:120Þð10Þð3Þð1 ft) ¼ 3:6 kip Then N¼ X Wi ¼W1 þ W2 þ W3 þ W4 ¼ 1:5 þ 2:25 þ 2:1 þ 3:6 ¼ 9:45 kip Fmax ¼ mN ¼ :577ð9:45Þ ¼ 5:45 kip F.S:sliding ¼ Fmax 5:45 ¼ 1:89 ¼ 2:88 Pa We sum moments about the toe: MBresisting ¼ W1 ð3:5Þ þ W2 ð2Þ þ W3 ð3:5Þ þ W4 ð5:5Þ ¼ 1:5ð3:5Þ þ 2:25ð2Þ þ 2:1ð3:5Þ þ 3:6ð5:5Þ ¼ 36:69 kip ft MBoverturning ¼ 11:52 kip ft Using these moments, the factor of safety is F.S:overturning ¼ MBresisting 36:9 ¼ 3:2 ¼ MBoverturning 11:52 Next, we determine the line of action of the resultant Mnet ¼ MBoverturning MBresisting ¼ 25:38 kip ft Mnet 25:38 ¼ 2:68 ft ¼ 9:45 N L L e ¼ x ¼ 3:5 2:68 ¼ 0:82 ft < ¼ 1:167 ft 2 6 x ¼ Lastly, we compute the pressure loading acting on the base. N 6e 9:45 6ð0:82Þ 1 1 q¼ ¼ ) q1 ¼ 2:3 kip/ft2 ; q2 ¼ 0:4 kip/ft2 L L 7 7 8.4 Pressure Distribution Under the Wall Footing B 615 A B A X .4 2.3 N Case “B”: For this case, we work with the free body diagram shown in Fig. E8.3 (e). The dimensions are defined in Fig. E8.3 (b). W3 ¼ ð:150Þð6Þð2Þð1 ft) ¼ 1:8 kip W5 ¼ ð:120Þð2Þð2Þð1 ft) ¼ 0:48 kip soil w5 w1 w2 4 ft w3 B F x1 Fig. E8.3e 2.88 kip A N The calculations proceed as follows: N ¼ W1 þ W2 þ W3 þ W5 ¼ 1:5 þ 2:25 þ 1:8 þ :48 ¼ 6:03 kip Fmax ¼ mN ¼ :577ð6:03Þ ¼ 3:48 kip F.S:sliding ¼ We sum moments about the toe: Fmax 3:48 ¼ 1:2 ¼ 2:88 Pa 616 8 Vertical Retaining Wall Structures MBresisting ¼ W1 ð5:5Þ þ W2 ð4Þ þ W3 ð3Þ þ W5 ð1Þ ¼ 1:5ð5:5Þ þ 2:25ð4Þ þ 1:8ð3Þ þ :48ð1Þ ¼ 23:13 kip ft MBoverturning ¼ 11:52 kip -ft F.S:overturning ¼ MBresisting 23:13 ¼ 2:0 ¼ MBoverturning 11:52 Mnet ¼ MBoverturning MBresisting ¼ 11:61 kip ft x ¼ e¼ L L x ¼ 3 1:925 ¼ 1:07 ft> ¼ 1:0 ft 2 6 q1 ¼ B Mnet 11:61 ¼ 1:925 ft ¼ 6:03 N ; x ¼ a 2 a ¼ 5:77 ft 2N 2ð6:03Þ ¼ ¼ 2:1 kip/ft2 a 5:77 A A 2.1 a/3 N a = 5.77 .23 6 ft Note that the line of action of the normal force is within the base but the pressure is negative at the heel. Case “C”: We work with the free body diagram shown in Fig. E8.3 (f). The dimensions are defined in Fig. E8.3 (c). The revised value of W3 is W3 ¼ ð:15Þð9Þð2Þð1 ft) ¼ 2:7 kip 8.4 Pressure Distribution Under the Wall Footing 617 Fig. E8.3f Soil W4 W1 soil W5 2.88 kip W2 4 ft W3 B F –x 1 A N Then N ¼ W1 þ W2 þ W3 þ W4 þ W5 ¼ 1:5 þ 2:25 þ 2:7 þ 3:6 þ :48 ¼ 10:53 kip Fmax ¼ mN ¼ :577ð10:53Þ ¼ 6:1 kip F.S:sliding ¼ Fmax 6:1 ¼ 2:12 ¼ 2:88 Pa We sum moments about the toe: MBbalancing ¼ W1 ð5:5Þ þ W2 ð4Þ þ W3 ð4:5Þ þ W4 ð7:5Þ þ W5 ð1Þ ¼ 1:5ð5:5Þ þ 2:25ð4Þ þ 2:7ð4:5Þ þ 3:6ð7:5Þ þ :48ð1Þ ¼ 56:88 kip ft F.S:overturning ¼ MBresisting 56:88 ¼ 4:94 ¼ MBoverturning 11:52 Mnet ¼ MBoverturning MBresisting ¼ 45:36 kip ft x ¼ e¼ Mnet 45:36 ¼ 4:3 ft ¼ 10:53 N L x ¼ 4:5 4:3 ¼ 0:2 ft 2 jej < L=6 ¼ 1:5 ft N 6e 10:53 6ð0:2Þ 1 1 ;q¼ ¼ ) q1 ¼ 1:3 kip/ft2 ; q2 ¼ 1:0 kip/ft2 L L 9 9 618 8 Vertical Retaining Wall Structures B A x B 1.3 N A 1 We point out that case C has the lowest peak pressure. The analysis results are summarized in the table below. N Friction F.S.sliding M balancing M overturning F.S. overturning x e q1 q2 Case A 9.45 kip 5.45 kip 1.89 36.9 kip ft 11.52 kip ft 3.2 2.68 ft 0.82 ft < L/6 2.3 kip/ft 0.4 kip/ft Case B 6.03 kip 3.48 kip 1.2 23.13 kip ft 11.52 kip ft 2.0 1.925 ft 1.07 ft > L/6 2.1 kip/ft – Case C 10.53 kip 6.1 kip 2.12 56.88 kip ft 11.52 kip ft 4.94 4.3 ft 0.2 ft < L/6 1.3 kip/ft2 1.0 kip/ft2 Example 8.4 Cantilever retaining wall Given: The retaining wall and soil backfill shown in Fig. E8.4a Determine: The factor of safety against sliding; the factor of safety against overturning; the base pressure distribution. Assume the allowable soil pressure ¼ 4 ksf. Use the Rankine theory for soil pressure computations. Solution: 8.4 Pressure Distribution Under the Wall Footing 1 ft 619 Surcharge = 0.2 kip/ft2 γsoil = .12 kip/ft3 ϕ = 30º 18 ft γconc = .15 kip/ft3 19 ft-8 in H = 22 ft m = .577 h = 4 ft 2 ft-4 in 5 ft 2 ft 7 ft L = 14 ft Fig. E8.4a Noting Fig. E8.4b, the soil pressure and weight forces are 1 1 1 ð0:12Þð22Þ2 ¼ 9:68 kip P a ¼ ka g s H 2 ¼ 2 2 3 1 1 2 Pp ¼ kp gs H 0 ¼ ð3Þð:12Þð4Þ2 ¼ 2:88 kip 2 2 1 ð0:2Þð22Þ ¼ 1:47 kip P s ¼ ka w s H ¼ 3 PS H = 22 ft W5 W1 Pa W4 W2 H/3 Pp W3 h/3 F B N –x L = 14 ft Fig. E8.4b A H/2 620 8 Vertical Retaining Wall Structures W1 ¼ 0:15ð1Þð19:66Þ ¼ 2:95 kip 19:66 W2 ¼ 0:15ð1Þ ¼ 1:47 kip 2 W3 ¼ 0:15ð2:34Þð14Þ ¼ 4:91 kip W4 ¼ 0:12ð7Þð19:66Þ ¼ 16:5 kip W5 ¼ 0:12ð5Þð1:67Þ ¼ 1:0 kip The normal and horizontal forces are X N ¼ W1 þ W2 þ W3 þ W4 þ W5 ¼ 26:84 kip Fmax ¼ mN ¼ 0:577ð26:84Þ ¼ 15:5 kip Fhorizontal ¼ Pa þPs Pp ¼ 9:68 þ 1:47 2:88 ¼ 8:27 kip Next we compute the factors of safety. F.S:sliding ¼ P MBoverturning ¼ Pa Fmax 15:5 ¼ 1:87 ¼ Fhorizontal 8:27 H H 22 22 þ Ps ¼ 9:68 þ 1:47 ¼ 87:2 kip ft 3 2 3 2 MBresisting ¼ W1 ð6:5ÞþW2 ð5:67Þ þ W3 ð7Þ þ W4 ð10:5Þ þ W5 ð2:5Þ þ Pp ð1:33Þ ¼ 2:95ð6:5Þ þ 1:47ð5:67Þ þ 4:91ð7Þ þ 16:5ð10:5Þ þ 1:0ð2:5Þ þ 2:88ð1:33Þ ¼ 241:5 kip ft MBresisting 241:5 ¼ ¼ 2:77 F.S:overturning ¼ MBoverturning 87:2 Lastly, we determine the location of the line of action of N. Mnet ¼ MBoverturning MBresisting ¼ 154:8 kip ft Mnet 154:8 ¼ 5:77 ft ¼ x ¼ 26:84 N L 14 L e ¼ x ¼ 5:77 ¼ 1:23 ft< ¼ 2:33 ft 2 2 6 Using the above values, the peak pressures are N 6e 26:84 6ð1:23Þ 1 1 q¼ ¼ ) q1 ¼ 2:92 kip/ft2 L L 14 14 q2 ¼ 0:91 kip/ft2 8.4 Pressure Distribution Under the Wall Footing 621 x = 5.77 q2 = .91 N q1 = 2.92 Example 8.5 Retaining wall supported by concrete piles Given: The structure shown in Fig. E8.5a. Assume all the loads acting on the wall are resisted by the axial loads in the concrete piles. Consider the pile spaced at 6 ft on center. Use Rankine theory. Determine: The axial loads in the piles. 1.5 ft γsoil = .12 kip/ft3 ϕ = 30º γconc = .15 kip/ft3 ka = 1/3 3 ft 5 ft 1.5 ft 1.5 ft pile Fig. E8.5a H = 20 ft pile 2.5 ft 622 8 Vertical Retaining Wall Structures Solution: We consider a 6 ft segment of the wall. The free body diagram for this segment is shown in Fig. E8.5b. F1 and F2 denote the pile forces; Pa is the active lateral soil force; and the W term relate to various weights. We neglect the passive soil force and assume the horizontal load is carried by the inclined pile. Pa ¼ 1 1 ð0:12Þð20Þ2 ð6Þ ¼ 48 kip 2 3 W1 ¼ ð5Þð17:5Þð6Þð0:12Þ ¼ 63 kip W2 ¼ ð1:5Þð17:5Þð6Þð0:15Þ ¼ 23:6 kip W3 ¼ ð2:5Þð9:5Þð6Þð0:15Þ ¼ 21:4 kip Fig. E8.5b W1 W2 Pa 6.67 ft W3 A B F2,h F1 F2,v 6.5 ft By summing the moments about A, we determine F1 : X MA ¼ 0 ð2:25ÞW2 þ ð3:25ÞW3 þ ð5:5ÞW1 ¼ 6:67Pa þ 6:5F1 ) F1 ¼ 22:92 kips Summing the vertical forces leads to X Fy ¼ 0 ) F2; v ¼ 85:1 kip 8.5 Critical Sections for Design of Cantilever Walls 623 Similarly, the horizontal loads yields X Fx ¼ 0 ) F2;h ¼ Pa ¼ 48 kip Then, the axial force in the battered pile is F2 ¼ pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi Fh 2 þ Fv 2 ¼ 97:7 And the required batter is 48/85.1 ¼ .56 8.5 Critical Sections for Design of Cantilever Walls The different segments of a typical cantilever retaining wall structure are shown in Fig. 8.15. The stem functions as a cantilever beam supported by the footing. Gravity and lateral loading are transmitted by the stem onto the footing which then distributes the loading onto the soil. The footing has two counteracting loadings at the heel; the loading due to the weight of the soil, and the pressure loading. The latter is usually neglected when estimating the peak negative moment in the footing. The bending moment distributions are also plotted in Fig. 8.15d. Note that for this type of structure, the bending moment distribution in the footing has both positive and negative regions. The critical region for design is the stemfooting junction. Retaining wall structures are constructed using reinforced concrete. The thickness of the footing sections is governed by the shear capacity. The location and magnitude of the steel reinforcement is dictated by the sense of the bending moment distribution (i.e., positive or negative). Noting that the function of the reinforcement is to provide the tensile force required by the moment, the moment diagrams shown in Fig. 8.15d require the reinforcement patterns defined in Fig. 8.16. The actual size/ number of the rebars depends on the magnitude of the moment and the particular design code used to dimension the member. 624 8 Vertical Retaining Wall Structures Surcharge a Stem Backfill H Toe Heel t Footing L b + + WS MS M VS FS MS c FS VS d Vh Mt Vt Mh – + M M + + Toe-loads and moment Heel-loads and moment Fig. 8.15 Loadings and response pattern for cantilever Retaining Wall Structure. (a) Cantilever retaining wall components. (b) Stem—loads and bending moment. (c) Footing—loads. (d) Components of footing 8.5 Critical Sections for Design of Cantilever Walls 625 Backfill Heel Toe Fig. 8.16 Typical steel reinforcement patterns Example 8.6 Given: The structure shown in Fig. E8.6a. Determine: (a) The required L1 such that the factor of safety with respect to overturning is equal to 2. (b) The tension areas in the stem, toe, and heel and show the reinforcing pattern. Fig. E8.6a 626 8 Vertical Retaining Wall Structures Solution: 10 kN 1m 4m H = 4.5 m Pa W3 H/3 W1 W2 L1 .5 m .5 m B 1m 1 1 Pa ¼ ka gs H 2 ¼ ð0:35Þð18Þð4:5Þ2 ¼ 63:8 kN 2 2 W1 ¼ ð0:5Þð5Þð24Þ ¼ 60 kN W2 ¼ ð0:5Þð1:5 þ L1 Þð24Þ W3 ¼ ð4ÞðL1 Þð18Þ MBoverturning MBresisting 4:5 ¼ 63:8 þ 10ð5:5Þ ¼ 150:7 3 L1 þ 1:5 L1 þ 1:5 ¼ W1 ð1:25Þ þ W2 þ W3 2 2 F.S:overturning ¼ 2 ¼ MBresisting ¼ MBoverturning W1 ð1:25Þ þ W2 + L1required ¼ 1:2 m L1 þ 1:5 L1 þ 1:5 þ W3 2 2 150:7 8.6 Summary 627 Figure below shows the reinforcing for the tension areas. 10 kN ka = .35 γsoil = 18 kN/m3 5m γconc = 24 kN/m 3 .5 m toe 1.2 m .5 m 8.6 Summary 8.6.1 Objectives of the Chapter 1m • To introduce the topic of vertical retaining wall structures used for embankments, abutments, and underground structures. • To present a theory for establishing the lateral loading exerted by soil backfill on vertical walls. • To develop a methodology for evaluating the stability of cantilever retaining walls when subjected to lateral loading due to backfill and surcharges. 8.6.2 Key Concepts and Facts • The Rankine theory predicts a linear distribution of soil pressure which act normal to a vertical face and increases with depth. The resultant force is given by 1 Pa ¼ gH 2 ka 2 where H is the vertical wall height, g is the soil density, and ka is a dimensionless coefficient that depends on the soil type and nature of the relative motion between the wall and the backfill. For active conditions, ka ¼ 1 sin ’ 1 þ sin ’ where ’ is the soil friction angle, typically 30 . • Stability is addressed from two perspectives: Sliding and overturning. The factor of safety with respect to sliding is defined as the ratio of the peak available 628 8 Vertical Retaining Wall Structures horizontal friction force to the actual friction force. The factor of safety with respect to overturning about the toe is taken as the ratio of the restoring moment to the unbalancing moment. • One selects the dimensions of the footing, such that these factors of safety are greater than one and the resultant force due to the structural weight and the soil loads act within the middle third of the footing width. 8.7 Problems Problem 8.1 For the concrete retaining wall shown, determine the factors of safety against sliding and overturning and the base pressure distribution. Use the Rankine theory for soil pressure computations. .75 m γsoil = 18 kN/m3 m = .5 3m 3.5 m γconc = 24 kN/m3 ka = 1/3 .5 m 2m Problem 8.2 For the concrete retaining wall shown, determine the factors of safety against sliding and overturning and the base pressure distribution. Use the Rankine theory for soil pressure computations. .75 m γsoil = 18 kN/m3 m = .5 3m γconc = 24 kN/m3 ka = 1/3 .5 m 2m 1m 3.5 m 8.7 Problems 629 Problem 8.3 For the concrete retaining wall shown, determine the factors of safety against sliding and overturning and the base pressure distribution. Use the Rankine theory for soil pressure computations 2 ft γsoil = .12 kip/ft3 ϕ =30º 12 ft γconc = .15 kip/ft3 m = .5 2 ft 3 ft 6 ft 4 ft Problem 8.4 For the concrete retaining wall shown, determine the required value for b2 . Take the factors of safety for overturning and sliding to be equal to 1.75 and 1.25, respectively. Use the Rankine theory for soil pressure computations. 1 ft γsoil = .12 kip/ft3 ϕ =30º 14 ft γconc = .15 kip/ft3 m = .5 b2 Problem 8.5 For the retaining wall shown, determine (a) The soil pressure acting on the wall (b) The factor of safety for overturning 630 8 Vertical Retaining Wall Structures (c) The factor of safety for sliding (d) The soil pressure distribution under the footing Assume: m ¼ .5, gsoil ¼ .12 kip/ft3, ka ¼ 1/3, and gconcrete ¼ .15 kip/ft3, m ¼ .5 and F ¼ 30 . 1 ft 0.2 kip/ft2 18 ft 4 ft 1.5 ft 3.5 ft 1.5 ft 6 ft Problem 8.6 1 ft 24 ft 3 ft 3.5 ft 1.5 ft 8 ft 13 ft (a) (b) (c) (d) Determine the factors of safety against overturning and sliding. Determine the soil pressure distribution under the footing (q1 ; q2 ). Determine the moment distribution in the stem. Determine the bending moment distribution in the heel. Assume: Allowable soil pressure ¼ 5.0 ksf, gsoil ¼ 0.12 kip/ft3 Ka ¼ 1/3, and gconcrete ¼ 0.15 kip/ft3 8.7 Problems 631 Problem 8.7 Suggest values for b1 and b2 . Take the safety factors for sliding and over turning to be equal to 2. Assume: gsoil ¼ 0:12 kip/ft3 ; gconcrete ¼ 0:15 kip/ft3 ; m ¼ .57, and F ¼ 30 . Problem 8.8 Determine the minimum value of w at which soil failure occurs (i.e., the soil pressure exceeds the allowable soil pressure). Assume: qallowable ¼ 5 kip/ft2 , gsoil ¼ 0:12 kip/ft3 , gconcrete ¼ 0:15 kip/ft3 , m ¼ .57 and F ¼ 30 . 632 8 Vertical Retaining Wall Structures Problem 8.9 Which of the retaining walls shown below is adequately reinforced for bending? Problem 8.10 (a) Determine the factor of safety with respect to overturning and sliding. (b) Identify the tension areas in the stem, toe, and heel and show the reinforcing pattern. (c) Determine the location of the line of action of the resultant at the base of the footing Part II Statically Indeterminate Structures Statically indeterminate structures are over-restrained in the sense that there are more force unknowns than available equilibrium equations. This situation arises when there are more supports than needed to prevent rigid body motion. Multi-span continuous beams and two-hinged frames are examples of this case. Indeterminacy may also result when there is an excess of members, such as a truss with multiple diagonals. Two dominant methods of analysis are used for indeterminate structures. The traditional approach for analyzing statically indeterminate structures is based on the assumption that the structure behaves in a linear elastic manner and therefore displacement patterns corresponding to different systems of forces can be superimposed to achieve a desired displacement pattern. One replaces the displacement constraints with unknown forces, determines the deflected shapes for each unit force, and then combines and scales these shapes to obtain a final deflected shape that satisfies the constraints. Since one works with force unknowns, this approach is called the “Force Method.” It is also called the “Flexibility Method.” Engineers find the method appealing since the process of superimposing the different deflected shapes can be easily visualized and the computational details, which are suited for hand computation, provide insight on the deflection behavior. A second method is based on solving a set of equilibrium equations expressed in terms of certain displacement measures that define the loaded configuration. It views the structure as an assemblage of members and uses a set of member end force–end displacement relations called the slope deflection equations. In general, the number of displacement unknowns is larger than the number of force unknowns, but the method is readily programmed and numerous software packages now exist. We refer to this approach as the “Displacement Method.” It is also called the “Stiffness Method” since the equations involve stiffness coefficients. In what follows, we discuss both methods. We also describe some approximate hand calculation-based methods that are suitable for rapidly estimating the response due to gravity and lateral loads. Finally we describe the underlying theory for the Displacement Method and illustrate how to apply the method using computer software. 9 The Force Method Overview Up to this point we have focused on the analysis of statically determinate structures because the analysis process is fairly straightforward; only the force equilibrium equations are required to determine the member forces. However, there is another category of structures, called statically indeterminate structures, which are also employed in practice. Indeterminate structures require another set of equations, in addition to the force equilibrium equations, in order to solve for the member forces. There are two general methods for analyzing indeterminate structures, the Force (Flexibility) Method and the Displacement (Stiffness) Method. The Force Method is more suited to hand computation whereas the Displacement Method is more procedural and easily automated using a digital computer. In this chapter, we present the underlying theory of the Force Method and illustrate its applications to a range of statically indeterminate structures including trusses, multi-span beams, arches, and frames. We revisit the analysis of these structures in the next chapter using the Displacement Method, and also in Chapter “Finite Element Displacement Method for Framed Structures,” which deals with computer-based analysis. 9.1 Introduction The force method is a procedure for analyzing statically indeterminate structures that works with force quantities as the primary variables. It is applicable for linear elastic structures. The method is based on superimposing structural displacement profiles to satisfy a set of displacement constraints. From a historical perspective, the force method was the “classical” analysis tool prior to the introduction of digital-based methods. The method is qualitative in the sense that one reasons about deflected shapes and visualizes how they can be combined to satisfy the displacement constraints. We find the method very convenient for deriving analytical solutions that allow one to identify key behavior properties and to assess their J.J. Connor and S. Faraji, Fundamentals of Structural Engineering, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-3262-3_9, # Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2013 635 636 9 The Force Method C B A Fig. 9.1 Actual structure C B restraint direction at C A Fig. 9.2 Primary structure influence on the structural response. The key step is establishing the displacement constraints which are referred to as the geometric compatibility equations. Consider the structure shown in Fig. 9.1. Since there are four displacement restraints, the structure is indeterminate to the first degree, i.e., one of the restraints is not needed for stability, and the corresponding reaction force cannot be determined using only the force equilibrium equations. The steps involved in applying the Force Method to this structure are as follows: 1. We select one of the force redundants and remove it. The resulting structure, shown in Fig. 9.2, is called the primary structure. Note that one cannot arbitrarily remove a restraint. One needs to ensure that the resulting structure is stable. 2. We apply the external loading to the primary structure and determinate the displacement at C in the direction of the restraint at C. This quantity is designated as DC; 0 . Figure 9.3 illustrates this notation. 3. Next, we apply a unit value of the reaction force at C to the primary structure and determine the corresponding displacement. We designate this quantity as dCC (see Fig. 9.4). 9.1 Introduction 637 C Δc,0 C δcc B A Fig. 9.3 Displacements due to the external loading B Rc =1 A Fig. 9.4 Displacement due to unit value of RC 4. We obtain the total displacement at C of the primary structure by superimposing the displacement profiles generated by the external loading and the reaction force at C. DC jprimary structure ¼ DC; 0 þ dCC RC (9.1) 5. The last and the key step is to require the displacement at C of the primary structure to be equal to the displacement at C of the actual structure. DC jactual ¼ DC jprimary ¼ DC; 0 þ dCC RC (9.2) Equation (9.2) is referred to as the “geometric compatibility equation.” When this equation is satisfied, the final displacement profiles for the actual and the primary structure will be identical. It follows that the forces in the primary structure and the actual structure will also be identical. 638 9 The Force Method C D B A Fig. 9.5 Actual structure 1. We solve the compatibility equation for the reaction force, RC . RC ¼ 1 ðDC jactual DC; 0 Þ dCC (9.3) Note that DC jactual ¼ 0 when the support is unyielding. When RC is negative, the sense assumed in Fig. 9.4 needs to be reversed. 2. The last step involves computing the member forces in the actual structure. We superimpose the member forces computed using the primary structure according to the following algorithm: Force ¼ Forcejexternal load þ RC (ForcejRC ¼1 Þ (9.4) Since the primary structure is statically determinate all the material presented in Chaps. 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 is applicable. The Force Method involves scaling and superimposing displacement profiles. The method is particularly appealing for those who have a solid understanding of structural behavior. For simple structures, one can establish the sense of the redundant force through qualitative reasoning. Essentially the same approach is followed for structures having more than one degree of indeterminacy. For example, consider the structure shown in Fig. 9.5. There are two excess vertical restraints. We obtain a primary structure by removing two of the vertical restraints. Note that there are multiple options for choosing the restraints to be removed. The only constraint is that the primary structure must be “stable.” Figure 9.6 shows the different choices. Suppose we select the restraints at C and D as the redundants. We apply the external loading to the primary structure (Fig. 9.7), and determine the vertical displacements at C and D shown in Fig. 9.8. The next step involves applying unit forces corresponding to RC ¼ 1 and RD ¼ 1 and computing the corresponding displacements at C and D. Two separate displacement analysis are required since there are two redundant reactions (Fig. 9.9). 9.1 Introduction 639 a C D B A b C D B A c C D B A Fig. 9.6 Choices for primary structure. (a) Option 1. (b) Option 2. (c) Option 3 Combining the three displacement profiles leads to the total displacement of the primary structure. DC jprimary structure ¼ DC; 0 þ dCC RC þ dCD RD DD jprimary structure ¼ DD; 0 þ dDC RC þ dDD RD (9.5) 640 9 The Force Method C D B restraint direction at C A restraint direction at D Fig. 9.7 Primary structure C ΔD,0 D ΔC,0 B A Fig. 9.8 Displacements due to external loading The coefficients of RC and RD are called flexibility coefficients. It is convenient to shift over to matrix notation at this point. We define ( ) ( ) DC; 0 RC D0 ¼ R¼ DD; 0 RD (9.6) dCC dCD flexibility matrix ¼ d ¼ dDC dDD Using this notation; the geometric compatibility equation takes the form Djactual structure ¼ D0 þ d R (9.7) Note that Djactual structure ¼ 0 when the supports are unyielding. Given the choice of primary structure, the flexibility coefficients are properties of the primary structure whereas D0 depends on the both the external loading and the primary structure. We solve (9.7) for R, R ¼ d1 ðDjactual structure D0 Þ (9.8) 9.1 Introduction 641 a C δDC D δCC B A RC =1 b C δDD D δCD B A RD =1 Fig. 9.9 Displacement due to unit values of the redundant. (a) RC ¼ 1. (b) RD ¼ 1 Fig. 9.10 (a) Actual structure. (b) Primary structure—redundant reactions and then determine the member forces by superimposing the individual force states as follows: F ¼ Fjexternal load þ ðFjRC ¼1 ÞRC þ ðFjRD ¼1 ÞRD (9.9) The extension of this approach to an nth degree statically indeterminate structure just involves more computation since the individual matrices are now of order n. Since there are more redundant force quantities, we need to introduce a more systematic notation for the force and displacement quantities. Consider the frame structure shown in Fig. 9.10a. It is indeterminate to the third degree. One choice of primary structure is shown in Fig. 9.10b. We remove the support 642 9 The Force Method Fig. 9.11 (a) Primary structure—redundant internal forces. (b) Primary structure—redundant reactions at D, take the reactions as the force redundants, denote the jth redundant force as Xj and the corresponding measure as Dj . The resulting displacements of the primary structure due to the external loading and the three force redundants are expressed as D1 jprimary structure ¼ D1;0 þd11 X1 þ d12 X2 þ d13 X3 D2 jprimary structure ¼ D2;0 þd21 X1 þ d22 X2 þ d23 X3 (9.10) D3 jprimary structure ¼ D3;0 þd31 X1 þ d32 X2 þ d33 X3 The matrix form of (9.10) is Djprimary structure ¼ D0 þ d X (9.11) Note that the displacement measures may be either a translation or a rotation. A major portion of the computational effort is involved with computing the flexibility coefficients using the Principle of Virtual Forces. The matrix form of the geometric compatibility equation (9.7) is generic, i.e., it is applicable for all structures. One just has to establish the appropriate form for D0 and d. Other possible choices of primary structures are shown in Fig. 9.11. We can retain the two fixed supports, but cut the structure at an arbitrary interior point (Fig. 9.11a). The redundants are taken as the internal forces (axial, shear, and 9.1 Introduction 643 moment) at the point. The flexibility coefficients are now interpreted as the relative displacements of the adjacent cross sections (e.g., spreading, sliding, relative rotation). Another choice involves removing excess reactions as in Fig. 9.11b. Fig. 9.12 (a) Actual structure. (b) Primary structure a A b A c B C D E E B C D X1 X2 X3 X1 X2 X3 E A B C D Fig. 9.13 Multi-span beam. (a) Actual structure. (b) Primary structure—redundant reactions. (c) Primary structure—redundant moments For multi-bay multistory frames, one needs to work with internal force redundants since removing fixed supports is not sufficient to reduce the structure to a statically determinate structure. Figure 9.12 illustrates this case. Multi-span beam-type structures are handled in a similar way when choosing a primary structure. Consider Fig. 9.13. One can either select certain excess reactions or work with bending moments at interior points. We prefer the latter choice since the computation of the corresponding flexibility coefficients is simpler due to the fact that the deflection profiles associated with the redundant moments are confined to adjacent spans. For truss-type structures various cases arises. The truss may have more supports than needed, such as shown in Fig. 9.14a. One choice would be to remove sufficient supports such that the resulting structure is statically determinate (Fig. 9.14b). 644 9 The Force Method a b X1 X2 c X1 X1 X2 X2 Fig. 9.14 (a) Actual structure. (b) Primary structure—redundant reactions. (c) Primary structure—redundant internal forces We can also keep the original restraints, and remove some members, as indicated in the figure below. Another example is shown in Fig. 9.15a. The truss has too many members and therefore the only option is to remove some of the diagonals. Figure 9.15b illustrates one choice of redundants. 9.2 Maxwell’s Law of Reciprocal Displacements The geometric compatibility equations involve the flexibility matrix, d. One computes the elements of d using one of the methods described in part I, such as the Principal of Virtual Forces. Assuming there are n force redundants, d has n2 elements. For large n, this computation task becomes too difficult to deal with manually. However, there is a very useful relationship between the elements of d, called “Maxwell’s Law,” which reduces the computational effort by approximately 50%. In what follows, we introduce Maxwell’s Law specialized for member systems. We consider first a simply supported beam on unyielding supports subjected to a single concentrated unit force. Figure 9.16a defines the geometry and notation. 9.2 Maxwell’s Law of Reciprocal Displacements Fig. 9.15 (a) Actual structure. (b) Primary structure—redundant internal forces 645 a b X2 X1 X3 X2 X3 X1 The deflected shape due to the unit force applied at A is plotted in Fig. 9.16b. Suppose we went to determine the deflection at B due to this load applied at A. We define this quantity as dBA . Using the Principle of Virtual Forces specialized for beam bending; we apply a unit virtual force at B (see Fig. 9.16c) and evaluate the following integral: ð dx (9.12) dBA ¼ MA dMB EI where MA is the moment due to the unit load applied at A, and dMB is the moment due to the virtual unit load applied at B. Now, suppose we want the deflection at A due to a unit load at B. The corresponding virtual force expression is ð dAB ¼ MB dMA dx EI (9.13) where dMA is the virtual moment due to a unit force applied at A and MB is the moment due to the load at B. Since we are applying unit loads, it follows that MA ¼ dMA MB ¼ dMB (9.14) and we find that the expressions for dAB and dBA are identical. dAB dBA (9.15) 646 9 a The Force Method P=1 A B X P =1 b A B dAA d BA c d P =1 A B dAB d BB d P =1 A B dAB e d BB d P =1 A B dAA dBA Fig. 9.16 Reciprocal loading conditions. (a) Actual structure. (b) Actual loading (MA ). (c) Virtual loading (dMB ). (d) Actual loading (MB ). (e) Virtual loading (dMA ) 9.3 Application of the Force Method to Beam-Type Structures 647 This identity is called Maxwell’s Law. It is applicable for linear elastic structures [16]. Returning back to the compatibility equations, defined by (9.7), we note that the coupling terms, dij and dji, are equal. We say the coefficients are symmetrical with respect to their subscripts and it follows that d is symmetrical. Maxwell’s Law leads to another result called M€ uller-Breslau Principle which is used to establish influence lines for indeterminate beams and frames. This topic is discussed in Chaps. 13 and 15. 9.3 Application of the Force Method to Beam-Type Structures We apply the theory presented in the previous section to a set of beam-type structures. For completeness, we also include a discussion of some approximate techniques for analyzing partially restrained single-span beams that are also useful for analyzing frames. Example 9.1 Given: The beam defined in Fig. E9.1a. Assume I ¼ 120ð10Þ6 mm4 ; L ¼ 6 m, w ¼ 30 kN/m; vB ¼ 40 mm; and E ¼ 200 GPa w A B vB L Fig. E9.1a Determine: The reactions for the following cases: (i) w ¼ 30 kN/m, vB ¼ 0 (ii) w ¼ 0, vB ¼ 40 mm (iii) w ¼ 30 kN/m, vB ¼ 40 mm Solution: The beam is indeterminate to the first degree. We work with the primary structure shown below (Fig. E9.1b). A Fig. E9.1b Primary structure B 648 9 The Force Method Applying the external loading and the unit load results in the following deflected shapes (Figs. E9.1c and E9.1d): w B A ΔB,0 Fig. E9.1c Displacements due to external loading δBB B A RB =1 Fig. E9.1d Displacement due to the unit values of RB The deflection terms are given in Table 3.1. DB;0 ¼ dBB ¼ wL4 8EI L3 3EI Then þ" DB jactual ¼ DB;0 þ dBB RB + DB jactual ¼ 4 wL L3 þ RB 8EI 3EI ; RB ¼ DB jactual þ ðwL4 =8EIÞ ðL3 =3EIÞ 3 3 Case (i): For DB jactual ¼ 0 RB ¼ ðwL4 =8EIÞ=ðL3 =3EIÞ ¼ wL ¼ ð30Þð6Þ ¼ 67:5 kN " 8 8 Knowing the value of RB , we determine the remaining reactions by using the static equilibrium equations. P P 5 5 RA ¼ wL ¼ ð30Þð6Þ ¼ 112:5 kN " 8 8 wL2 ¼ 135 kN m ¼0 MA ¼ 8 Fy ¼ 0 M@A counter-clockwise 9.3 Application of the Force Method to Beam-Type Structures 649 30 kN/m MA = 135 kN-m B A RA = 112.5 kN RB = 67.5 kN Case (ii): For w ¼ 0, DB jactual ¼ vB RB ¼ ðvB Þ 3EI ¼ 3 vB ðL3 =3EIÞ L ¼ 3ð200Þð10Þ6 120ð10Þ6 ð6Þ3 ð0:040Þ ¼ 13:33 kN ; RB ¼ 13:33 kN # The reactions are P P Fy ¼ 0 M@A ¼ 0 3EI vB ¼ 13:3 kN " L3 3EI MA ¼ 2 vB ¼ 80 kN m counter-clockwise L RA ¼ MA = 80 kN-m A B vB = 40 mm RA = 3.33 kN RB = 13.33 kN Case (iii): For w 6¼ 0 and DB jactual ¼ vB RB ¼ nB þ ðwL4 =8EIÞ 3 3EI ¼ þ wL 3 vB ¼ 67:5 13:33 ¼ 54:2 kN " 3 ðL =3EIÞ 8 L 650 9 The Force Method The reactions are 30 kN/m 215 kN-m A B 40 mm RB = 54.2 kN 125.83 kN Note that since the structure is linear, one can superimpose the solutions for cases (i) and (ii). Example 9.2 Given: The beam and loading defined in Fig. E9.2a. Assume I ¼ 400 in:4 ; L ¼ 54 ft, w ¼ 2:1 kip/ft, dA ¼ 2:4 in:; and E ¼ 29; 000 ksi. w I dA I B A C 2 L/3 L/3 Fig. E9.2a Determine: The reactions due to (i) The distributed load shown (ii) The support settlement at A Solution: The beam is indeterminate to the first degree. We take the vertical reaction at B as the force unknown, and compute the deflected shapes due to w and RB ¼ 1 applied to the primary structure (Figs. E9.2b and E9.2c). w A C B ΔB,0 Fig. E9.2b Deflected shape due to w 9.3 Application of the Force Method to Beam-Type Structures 651 δBB B C A RB =1 Fig. E9.2c Deflected shape due to unit value of RB Case (i): The distributed load shown DB jactual ¼ DB;0 þ dBB RB + DB;0 DB;0 þ dBB RB ¼ 0 ; RB ¼ dBB þ" The deflection terms can be determined using (3.34). 4wL4 729EI 4L3 dBB ¼ 243EI 4 DB;0 ð4wL =729EIÞ wL ¼ 37:8 kip " ¼ Then RB ¼ ¼ ð4L3 =243EIÞ 3 dBB Knowing the value of RB , we determine the remaining reactions by using the static equilibrium equations. DB;0 ¼ 2.1 kip/ft A C B 6.3 kip 25.2 kip RB =37.8 kip 18 ft 36 ft Case (ii): The support settlement at A (Fig. E9.2d) A δA B ΔB,0 = 2 δ 3 A Fig. E9.2d Displacement due to support settlement at A C 652 9 þ" The Force Method DB jactual ¼ DB;0 þ dBB RB where dBB ¼ 4L3 4ð54Þ3 ð12Þ3 ¼ ¼ 0:386 in: 243EI 243ð29; 000Þð400Þ 2 DB;0 ¼ dA ¼ 1:6 in: 3 Therefore RB ¼ DB;0 ð1:6Þ ¼ 4:14 kip " ¼ 0:386 dBB We determine the remaining reactions using the static equilibrium equations. A δA = 2.4 in C B 2.76 kip RB =4.14 kip 1.38 kip 36 ft 18 ft Example 9.3 Given: The three-span beam defined in Fig. E9.3a. Assume EI constant, L ¼ 9 m, w ¼ 20 kN. w D A I I B I C L L L Fig. E9.3a Determine: The reactions Solution: The beam is indeterminate to the second degree. We remove the supports at B and C, take the vertical reactions at B and C as the force redundants and compute the deflected shapes due to w, X1 ¼ 1 and X2 ¼ 1 applied to the primary structure (Figs. E9.3b–d). w A B Δ1,0 Fig. E9.3b Deflected shape due to external loading C Δ2,0 D 9.3 Application of the Force Method to Beam-Type Structures δ11 653 δ21 A D B C X1 =1 Fig. E9.3c Deflected shape due to X1 = 1 δ22 δ12 A D C B X2 =1 Fig. E9.3d Deflected shape due to X2 = 1 The displacements of the primary structure due to the external loading and the two force redundants are expressed as: D1;0 þd11 X1 þ d12 X2 ¼ 0 D2;0 þd21 X1 þ d22 X2 ¼ 0 Because of symmetry: D1;0 ¼ D2;0 ¼ 11wL4 12EI d11 ¼ d22 ¼ 4L3 9EI d21 ¼ d12 ¼ 7L3 18EI Note that the above deflection terms are given in Table 3.1. Therefore X1 ¼ X2 ¼ D1;0 ð11wL4 =12EIÞ ¼ 1:1wL ¼ 1:1ð20Þð9Þ ¼ d11 þ d12 ð4L3 =9EIÞ þ ð7L3 =18EIÞ ¼ 198 kN 654 9 The Force Method Then, we determine the remaining reactions X FY ¼ 0 RA ¼ RD ¼ 0:4wL ¼ 72 kN " 20 kN/m A D B 72 kN C 9m 9.3.1 198 kN 198 kN 9m 72 kN 9m Beam with Yielding Supports We consider next the case where a beam is supported by another member, such as another beam or a cable. Examples are shown in Fig. 9.17. When the beam is loaded, reactions are developed, and the supporting members deform. a A A B B kb D C b Cable kc A B c A B A A B B ka Fig. 9.17 Beam on flexible supports. (a) Beam. (b) Cable. (c) Column 9.3 Application of the Force Method to Beam-Type Structures 655 Lab B A D C B⬘ Lcd Fig. 9.18 Beam supported by another beam Assuming linear elastic behavior, the supporting members behave as linear elastic restraints, and can be modeled as equivalent spring elements, as indicated in Fig. 9.17. We consider here the case where a vertical restraint is provided by another beam. Figure 9.18 illustrates this case. Point B is supported by beam CD which is parallel to beam AB. In this case, point B deflects when the load is applied to beam AB. One strategy is to work with a primary structure that includes both beams such as shown in Fig. 9.19. The force redundant is now a pair of selfequilibrating forces acting at B, and the corresponding displacement measure is the relative displacement apart between the upper and lower contact points, designated as B and B0 . When the loading is uniform, w B A Δ1,0 D1;0 ¼ wL4 # 8EI The total displacement corresponding to X1 ¼ 1 is the sum of two terms, d11 ¼ d11 jAB þ d11 jCD ¼ L3 þ d11 jCD 3EI Beam CD functions as a restraint on the movement of beam AB. The downward movement of B’ is resisted by the bending action of beam CD. Assuming linear 656 9 The Force Method a A B X1 B Δ1 X1 C D B⬘ B⬘ b A c B Δ1,0 A δ11|beam B AB X1 =1 X1 =1 C D B⬘ δ11|beam CD Fig. 9.19 Choice of force redundant and displacement profiles. (a) Primary structure—force redundant system. (b) Deflection due to external loading. (c) Deflection due to redundant force at B elastic behavior, this restraint can be modeled as a linear spring of stiffness k. One chooses the magnitude of k such that the spring deflection due to the load P is the same as the beam deflection. Then, it follows from Fig. 9.20 that d11jCD ¼ 1 kCD (9.16) 9.3 Application of the Force Method to Beam-Type Structures 657 P P C D u* u* kCD u*= d |P 11 u* = 1 P kCD CD Fig. 9.20 Equivalent spring Assuming the two beams are rigidly connected at B, the net relative displacement must be zero. L3 þ kCD 3EI D1 ¼ D1;0 þ X1 1 ¼0 (9.17) 1 D1;0 þ ð1=kCD Þ (9.18) Solving (9.17) for X1 leads to X1 ¼ ðL3 =3EIÞ Note that the value of X1 depends on the stiffness of beam CD. Taking kCD ¼ 1 corresponds to assuming a rigid support, i.e., a roller support. When kCD ¼ 0, X1 ¼ 0. It follows that the bounds on X1 are 0 < X1 < 3EI L3 (9.19) Another type of elastic restraint is produced by a cable. Figure 9.21 illustrates Ac Ec this case. We replace the cable with its equivalent stiffness, kC ¼ and work h with the primary structure shown in Fig. 9.21b. Using the results derived above, and noting that D1 ¼ 0, the geometric compatibility equation is D1 ¼ D1;0 þ d11 jAB þ d11 jBC X1 ¼ 0 658 9 The Force Method a C Cable AcEc h P Beam A B EbIb a L b C kc B⬘ X1 P Δ1 X1 A B a c P B A Δ1,0 a L Fig. 9.21 (a) Actual structure. (b) Primary structure—force redundant system. (c) Deflection due to applied load 9.3 Application of the Force Method to Beam-Type Structures 659 For the external concentrated loading, D1;0 P a2 L a3 ¼ EI 2 3 Substituting for the various flexibility terms leads to X1 ¼ 1 D1;0 ðL3 =3Eb Ib Þ þ ð1=kc Þ (9.20) 1 L3 is small with respect to , the cable acts like a rigid support, i.e., X1 kc 3Eb Ib 1 L3 approaches the value for a rigid support. When is large with respect to , kc 3Eb Ib the cable is flexible and provides essentially no resistance, i.e., X1 ) 0. The ratio of cable to beam flexibilities is a key parameter for the behavior of this system. Cable-stayed schemes are composed of beams supported with inclined cables. Figure 9.22a shows the case where there is just one cable. We follow essentially the same approach as described earlier except that now the cable is inclined. We take the cable force as the redundant and work with the structure defined in Fig. 9.22b. Note that D1 is the relative movement together of points B and B0 along the inclined direction. Up to this point, we have been working with vertical displacements. Now we need to project these movements on an inclined direction. We start with the displacement profile shown in Fig. 9.22c. The vertical deflection is vB0 , Projecting on the direction of the cable leads to If D1;0 ¼ sinyvB0 ¼ siny 2 P a LB a3 EB I B 2 6 (9.21) Next, we treat the case where X1 ¼ 1 shown in Fig. 9.22d. The total movement consists of the elongation of the cable and the displacement of the beam. d11 ¼ d11 jBC þ d11 jAB The elongation of the cable is d11 jBC ¼ Lc 1 ¼ AC EC k C The beam displacement follows from Fig. 9.22e. d11 jAB sinyL3B ¼ vB;1 siny ¼ siny 3EB IB ¼ ðsinyÞ 2 L3B 3EB IB 660 9 a C The Force Method Lc AcEc P θ A B EbIb a LB b C B⬘ Δ1 X1 P X1 θ B A a c P B A vB0 θ Δ1,0 vB0 q Fig. 9.22 (a) Cable stayed scheme. (b) Force redundant. (c) Deflection due to applied load. (d) Deflection due to X1 = 1. (e) Displacement components 9.3 Application of the Force Method to Beam-Type Structures 661 1 d sin q q A B Condition X1 =1 vB,1 A B e δ11⏐AB vB,1 q Fig. 9.22 (continued) Requiring D1 ¼ 0 leads to X1 ¼ Psiny a2 LB a3 2 6 (sinyÞ2 ðL3B =3EB IB Þþð1=kC Þ EB IB 1 (9.22) Finally, we express X1 in terms of the value of the vertical reaction corresponding to a rigid support at B. X1 ¼ siny 2 ðsinyÞ þ3ðEB IB =L3B ÞðLC =EC AC Þ Rjrigid support at B (9.23) There are two geometric parameters, y, and the ratio of IB =L3B to AC =LC . Note that X1 varies with the angle y. When cables are used to stiffen beams, such as for cable-stayed bridges, the optimum cable angle is approximately 45 . The effective stiffness provided by the cable degrades rapidly with decreasing y. Example 9.4 Given: The structure defined in Fig. E9.4a. Assume I ¼ 400 in:4 , L ¼ 54 ft, w ¼ 2:1 kip/ft, kv ¼ 25 kip/in:; and E ¼ 29; 000 ksi. Determine: The reactions, the axial force in the spring, and the displacement at B. 662 9 The Force Method w C A B I I k V L/3 2 L/3 Fig. E9.4a Solution: The structure is indeterminate to the first degree. We take the axial force in the spring at B as the force unknown. The geometric compatibility equation is D1;0 þ d11 jABC þ 1 X1 ¼ 0 kv The deflection terms can be determined using (3.34). D1;0 ¼ d11jABC ¼ δ11 4wL4 ¼ 14:6 in: 729EI 4L3 ¼ 0:386 in: 243EI ABC C A B X1 =1 X1 =1 1 kv kv Fig. E9.4b Deflected shape due to X1 = 1 9.3 Application of the Force Method to Beam-Type Structures 663 w A C B Δ 1.0 Fig. E9.4c Deflected shape due to external loading Solving for X1 , leads be: X1 ¼ D1;0 14:6 ¼ 34:26 kip " ¼ d11jABC þ ð1=kv Þ 0:386 þ ð1=25Þ The displacement at B is vB ¼ X1 34:26 ¼ 1:37 in: # ¼ 25 kv Next, we determine the remaining reactions by using the static equilibrium equations. 664 9 The Force Method Example 9.5 Given: The structure defined in Fig. E9.5a. Assume I ¼ 200ð10Þ6 mm4 ; L ¼ 18 m, P ¼ 45 kN, AC ¼ 1; 300 mm2 , and E ¼ 200 GPa. E Cable Cable Ac Ac P B A I θ Beam L/4 C θ I L/4 D I L/4 L/4 Fig. E9.5a Determine: The forces in the cables, the reactions, and the vertical displacement at the intersection of the cable and the beam. (a) y ¼ 45 (b) y ¼ 30 Solution: The structure is indeterminate to the second degree. We take the cable forces as the force redundants and work with the structure defined below (Fig. E9.5b). E X1 X2 X2 X1 θ A θ B L/4 Fig. E9.5b Primary structure D C L/4 L/4 L/4 9.3 Application of the Force Method to Beam-Type Structures 665 Next, we compute the deflected shapes due to external loading P, X1 ¼ 1 and X2 ¼ 1 applied to the primary structure (Figs. E9.5c–e). P A D vB,0 vC,0 Fig. E9.5c External loading P vB,1 vC,1 A D sin q Fig. E9.5d X1 ¼ 1 vB,2 vC,2 A D sin q Fig. E9.5e X2 ¼ 1 The displacements of the primary structure due to the external loading and the two force redundants are expressed as D1;0 þ d11 X1 þ d12 X2 ¼ 0 D2;0 þ d21 X1 þ d22 X2 ¼ 0 where d11 ¼ d11 jBeam þ d11 jcable d22 ¼ d22 jBeam þ d22 jcable d12 ¼ d12 jBeam d21 ¼ d21 jBeam 666 9 also D1;0 ¼ vB;0 sin y D2;0 ¼ vC;0 sin y d11 jBeam ¼ vB;1 sin y d21 jBeam ¼ vC;1 sin y d21 jBeam ¼ vB;2 sin y d22 jBeam ¼ vC;2 sin y Because of symmetry: d11 jBeam ¼ d22 jBeam ¼ vB;1 sin y ¼ 3 sin y2 L3 256EI d12 jBeam ¼ d21 jBeam ¼ vB;2 sin y ¼ 7 sin y2 L3 768EI 11 sin yPL3 768EI LC L ¼ ¼ AC E 4 cos yAC E D1;0 ¼ D2;0 ¼ vB;0 sin y ¼ d11 jCable ¼ d22 jCable X 1 ¼ X2 Lastly, the redundant forces are X1 ¼ X2 ¼ D1;0 ðd11 jBeam þ d11 jcable Þ þ d12 jBeam 2 X1 sin θ E θ X1 θ X2 = X1 The Force Method 9.3 Application of the Force Method to Beam-Type Structures (a) For y ¼ 45 667 X1 ¼ X2 ¼ D1;0 ¼ 43 kN ðd11 jBeam þ d11 jcable Þ þ d12 jBeam ; 2X1 sin y ¼ 2ð43Þ sin 45 ¼ 60:8 The remaining reactions are determined using the static equilibrium equations. (b) For y ¼ 30 X1 ¼ X2 ¼ ; D1;0 ¼ 60:3 kN ðd11 jBeam þ d11 jcable Þ þ d12 jBeam 2X1 sin y ¼ 2ð60:3Þ sin 30 ¼ 60:3 The remaining reactions are 668 9.3.2 9 The Force Method Fixed-Ended Beams We treat next the beam shown in Fig. 9.23a. The structure is fully restrained at each end and therefore is indeterminate to the second degree. We take as force redundants the counter clockwise end moments at each end. The corresponding displacement measures are the counterclockwise end rotations, yA and yB . a MB MA B A RB RA L b A B L c B A θA,0 θB,0 L d A B θA,A MA =1 e A θB,A B θAB MB =1 θBB Fig. 9.23 Beam with full end restraint. (b) Primary structure. (c) External loading—displacement profile. (d) Displacement profile for MA ¼ 1. (e) Displacement profile for MB ¼ 1 9.3 Application of the Force Method to Beam-Type Structures 669 We write the general form of the compatibility equations as (we use y instead of D to denote the displacement measures and M instead of X for the force measures): yA ¼ yA;0 þ MA yAA þ MB yAB yB ¼ yB;0 þ MA yBA þ MB yBB (9.24) where yA;0 and yB;0 depend on the nature of the applied loading, and the other flexibility coefficients are yAA ¼ L 3EI yBB ¼ L 3EI yAB ¼ yBA ¼ L 6EI We solve (9.24) for MA and MB 2EI 2ðyA yA;0 Þ þ ðyB yB;0 Þ L 2EI 2ðyB yB;0 Þ þ ðyA yA;0 Þ MB ¼ L MA ¼ (9.25) When the ends are fixed, yA ¼ yB ¼ 0, and the corresponding values of MA and MB are called the fixed end moments. They are usually denoted as MAF and MBF 2EI f2yA;0 þ yB;0 g L 2EI f2yB;0 þ yA;0 g MBF ¼ L MAF ¼ (9.26) Introducing this notation in (9.25), the expressions for the end moments reduces to 2EI f2yA þ yB g þ MAF L 2EI f2yB þ yA g þ MBF MB ¼ L MA ¼ We will utilize these equations in Chap. 10. (9.27) 670 9 The Force Method Example 9.6 Fixed end moments for uniformly distributed loading Given: The uniform distributed loading applied to a fixed end beam (Fig. E9.6a). w Fig. E9.6a A B L Determine: The fixed end moments. Solution: We take the end moments at A and B as force redundant (Fig. E9.6b). Fig. E9.6b Primary structure A B L Noting Table 3.1, the rotations due to the applied load are (Fig. E9.6c) EIyA;0 ¼ wL3 24 EIyB;0 ¼ wL3 24 w Fig. E9.6c Deformation of primary structure due to applied load A B qA,0 Substituting their values in (9.26) leads to MAF ¼ 2EI wL2 wL2 wL2 f2yA;0 þ yB;0 g ¼ ¼ L 6 12 12 MBF ¼ 2EI wL2 wL2 wL2 f2yB;0 þ yA;0 g ¼ þ ¼ L 6 12 12 wL2 12 wL2 MFB = 12 MFA = qB,0 9.3 Application of the Force Method to Beam-Type Structures 671 The shear and moment diagrams are plotted in Fig. E9.6d. w wL2 A 12 B 12 wL wL 2 2 wL + 2 – wL wL2 V + M + 2 wL2 x– 24 x– + – – wL2 wL2 12 12 Fig. E9.6d Note that the peak positive moment for the simply supported case is þðwL2 =8Þ. Points of inflection are located symmetrically at L 1 1 pffiffiffi 0:21L x ¼ 2 3 This solution applies for full fixity. When the member is part of a frame, the restraint is provided by the adjacent members, and the end moments will generally be less than the fully fixed value. Example 9.7 Fixed end moment—single concentrated force Given: A single concentrated force applied at an arbitrary point x ¼ a on the fixed end beam shown in Fig. E9.7a. P a B A x Fig. E9.7a L Determine: The fixed end moments. Solution: We work with the primary structure defined in Fig. E9.7b. A B L Fig. E9.7b Primary structure 672 9 The Force Method Using the results listed in Table 3.1, the rotations are given by (Fig. E9.7c) PaðL aÞð2L aÞ 6L PaðL aÞðLþaÞ ¼ 6L EIyA;0 ¼ EIyB;0 Fig. E9.7c Deformation of primary structure due to external loading P a A θA,0 θB,0 Substituting into (9.26) leads to PaðL aÞ2 L2 PðL aÞa2 MBF ¼ L2 MAF ¼ The critical location for maximum fixed end moment is a ¼ L/2; the PL . The shear and moment corresponding maximum values are MAF ¼ MBF ¼ 8 diagrams are plotted below. Note that there is a 50% reduction in peak moment due to end fixity. 9.3 Application of the Force Method to Beam-Type Structures 673 Results for various loadings and end conditions are summarized in Tables 9.1 and 9.2. Table 9.1 Fixed end actions for fully fixed Table 9.2 Fixed end actions for partially fixed (continued) 674 9 The Force Method Table 9.2 (continued) 9.3.3 Analytical Solutions for Multi-span Beams Consider the two-span beam shown in Fig. 9.24a. We allow for different lengths and different moments of inertia for the spans. Our objective here is to determine analytically how the maximum positive and negative moments vary as the load moves across the total span. We choose the negative moment at B as the redundant. The corresponding primary structure is shown in Fig. 9.24b. Here, DyB is the relative rotation together of adjacent cross sections at B. The geometric compatibility equation involves the relative rotation at B. DyB ¼ DyB;0 þ dyBB MB ¼ 0 The various rotation terms are given in Table 3.1. Note that the dyBB term is independent of the applied loading. 1 L1 L2 þ dyBB ¼ 3E I1 I2 When the loading is on span AB (see Table 3.1), DyB;0 ¼ Then DyB;0 MB ¼ ¼ dyBB P aða2 L21 Þ 6EI1 L1 ðL1 =I1 Þ 1 a2 Pa 1 2 ðL1 =I1 ÞþðL2 =I2 Þ 2 L1 (9.28) Given the value of MB , we can determine the reactions by using the static equilibrium equations. 9.3 Application of the Force Method to Beam-Type Structures 675 Fig. 9.24 (a) Actual structure—notation for a two-span beam. (b) Primary structure—redundant moment. (c) Displacement due to a unit value of the redundant moment. (d) Rotation due to external loading Noting (9.28), the peak moments are given by: PL1 a a2 Negative moment MB ¼ f 1 2 2 L1 L1 a a f a2 a2 Positive moment MD ¼ PL1 1 1 L1 L1 2 L21 L21 (9.29) 676 9 The Force Method Fig. 9.25 Bending moment distribution for load on span AB where f ¼ 1 1 þ ðI1 =L1 ÞðL2 =I2 Þ We define the ratio of I to L as the “relative stiffness” for a span and denote this parameter by r. ri ¼ I L (9.30) span i With this notation, f takes the form f ¼ 1 1 þ ðr1 =r2 Þ The typical bending moment diagram is plotted in Fig. 9.25. When the load is on span BC, one just has to use a different expression for DyB;0 . Redefining the location of P as shown in Fig. 9.26a, the solution takes the following form: DyB;0 b b Pb 1 2 L2 L2 ¼ 6EI2 9.3 Application of the Force Method to Beam-Type Structures 677 Fig. 9.26 (a) Actual structure—loading on span BC. (b) Primary structure—redundant moment. (c) Rotation due to external loading. (d) Bending moment distribution for load on span BC 678 9 The Force Method Then MB ¼ DyB;0 1 1 b b b PL2 ¼ 1 2 L2 L2 L2 dyBB ð1 þ ðr2 =r1 ÞÞ 2 (9.31) Given MB , one can construct the moment diagram. It is similar to Fig. 9.25, but rotated 180 . Example 9.8 Given: The two-span beam shown in Figs. E9.8a, b. Determine: The variation of the bending moment at B with relative stiffness of the adjacent spans (r1/r2¼0.1, 1, and 10). Fig. E9.8a P B A a C D I1 I2 L1 L2 Fig. E9.8b P B A I1 L1 C E b I2 L2 Solution: We determine the variation of the moment at B for a range of relative stiffness ratios covering the spectrum from one span being very flexible to one span being very rigid with respect to the other span using (9.29) and (9.31). Results for the individual spans are plotted in Figs. E9.8c, d. 9.3 Application of the Force Method to Beam-Type Structures 679 |MB| 1/2PL1 .35 curve(a) .19 curve(b) curve r1 r2 1 r (1 + r2 ) 1 (a) 0.1 .09 (b) 1 .5 (c) 10 .9 r1 = I1 L1 r2 = I2 L2 r1 = I1 L1 r2 = I2 L2 .035 curve(c) 0 A a L1 B 3 ≈ .577 3 Fig. E9.8c Load on the left span (9.29) |MB| 1/2PL2 .35 .19 curve(c) 1 r (1 – r2 ) (a) 0.1 .09 (b) 1 .5 (c) 10 .9 curve(a) b L2 C 0.433 Fig. E9.8d Load on the right span (9.31) Example 9.9 Two-span continuous beam—uniform loading Given: The two-span beam shown in Fig. E9.9a. w2 w1 A I1 L1 Fig. E9.9a 1 curve(b) .035 B curve r1 r2 B I2 L2 680 9 The Force Method Determine: The bending moment at support B. Solution: We take the negative moment at the interior support as the force redundant. The solution process is similar to that followed for the case of a concentrated load. One determines the relative rotations at B, and then enforces continuity at B (Fig. E9.9b). MB , ΔθB w1 w2 A C B L1 L2 Fig. E9.9b The various terms are (see Table 3.1) DyB;0 ¼ dyBB ¼ w1 L31 w2 L32 24EI1 24EI2 L1 L2 þ 3EI1 3EI2 Requiring the relative rotation at B equal to zero leads to MB ¼ DyB;0 ¼ dyBB w1 L21 1 þ ðw2 =w1 ÞðL2 =L1 Þ2 ðr1 =r2 Þ 1 þ ðr1 =r2 Þ 8 where r1 ¼ I1 I2 ; r2 ¼ L1 L2 Suppose the loading and span lengths are equal. In this case, MB ¼ wL2 8 for all combinations of I1 and I2. The moment diagram is plotted below (Fig. E9.9c). 9.3 Application of the Force Method to Beam-Type Structures 681 M w L2 w1 = w2 = w 8 L1 = L2 = L 9 16 B A C -1 Fig. E9.9c Another interesting case is where w2 ¼ 0 and I1 ¼ I2. The solution depends on the ratio of span lengths. MB ¼ w1 L1 2 1 8 1 þ ðL2 =L1 Þ Suppose L2 ¼ L1 and I1 ¼ I2, then MB ¼ 1 w1 L1 2 2 8 Example 9.10 Two-span continuous beam with support settlement Given: The two-span beam shown in Fig. E9.10a. The supports at B or A experience a vertical displacement downward due to settlement of the soil under the support. 682 9 A The Force Method B C I1 I2 L2 L1 Fig. E9.10a Determine: The bending moment at B. Solution: We work with the primary structure shown in Fig. E9.10b. MB , ΔθB A C B B I2 I1 L1 L2 Fig. E9.10b Primary structure—redundant moment If the support at B moves downward an amount nB , the relative rotation of the section at B is DyB;0 ¼ nB nB þ L1 L2 Compatibility requires the moment at B to be equal to MB ¼ DyB;0 nB ðð1=L1 Þþð1=L2 ÞÞ ¼ ð1=3EÞððL1 =I1 Þ þ ðL2 =I2 ÞÞ dyBB The minus sign indicates that the bending moment is of opposite sense to that assumed in Fig. E9.10b. 9.4 Application to Arch-Type Structures 683 When the properties are the same for both spans (I1 ¼ I2 and L1 ¼ L2), MB 3EI1 reduces to MB ¼ 2 nB . L1 When the support at A moves downward an amount nA , the behavior is reversed. In this case, DyB;0 ¼ nA =L1 , and MB ¼ nA =L1 ð1=3EÞððL1 =I1 ÞþðL2 =I2 ÞÞ When the properties are the same for both spans (I1 ¼ I2 and L1 ¼ L2), MB 3EI 1 reduces to MB ¼ nA . 2L21 9.4 Application to Arch-Type Structures Chapter 6 introduced the topic of Arch structures. The discussion was concerned with how the geometry of arch structures is defined and how to formulate the equilibrium equations for statically determinate arches. Various examples were presented to illustrate how arch structures carry transverse loading by a combination of both axial and bending action. This feature makes them more efficient than beam structures for long-span applications. 684 9 The Force Method a Y I, A, E tanα = B Δy A hB x tanα α hB L X x L b B X1, Δ1 A Fig. 9.27 (a) Actual structure—geometry. (b) Primary structure— redundant reaction In what follows we extend the analytical formulation to statically indeterminate arches. We base our analysis procedure on the force method and use the principle of virtual forces to compute displacement measures. One of our objectives here is to develop a strategy for finding the geometry for which there is minimal bending moment in the arch due to a particular loading. We consider the two-hinged arch shown in Fig. 9.27a. This structure is indeterminate to the first degree. We take the horizontal reaction at the right support as the force redundant, and use the Principle of Virtual Forces described in Sect. 6.5 to determine D1;0 the horizontal displacement due to loading, and d11, the horizontal displacement due to a unit value of X1. The general expressions for these displacement measures follow from (6.9) ð F0 V0 ðxÞ M0 ðxÞ dM ds dF þ dV þ GAs EI s AE ) ð ( ðdFÞ2 ðdVÞ2 ðdMÞ2 þ ds ¼ þ AE GAs EI s D1;0 ¼ d11 (9.32) We usually neglect the shear deformation term. Whether one can also neglect the axial deformation term depends on the arch geometry. For completeness, we will 9.4 Application to Arch-Type Structures a 685 w B A x 0 wL 2 wL 2 b B Δy X1 = 1 wL wx2 x− 2 2 wL F0 =− ( −wx) sinθ 2 dy tanθ = dx M0 = h δM = −y + B x = Δy L δF = −cosθ − A 1 x hB x L hB L hB sinθ L hB L Fig. 9.28 (a) Force due to applied loading (F0 , M0 ). (b) Force due to X1 ¼ 1 (dF, dM) retain this term. The two internal forces systems are summarized below. We assume the applied load is uniform per projected length (Fig. 9.28). Substituting for the force terms leads to the following expressions for the displacement measures: D1;0 ¼ ðL 0 d11 ¼ 1 wL wL wx2 Dy wx sin yðcos y + tana sin yÞ x dx AEcosy 2 2 2 EIcosy ðL ( 0 ) ð cos yþtana sin yÞ2 ðDyÞ2 þ dx AEcosy EIcosy (9.33) Geometric compatibility requires X1 ¼ D1;0 d11 (9.34) 686 9 The Force Method One can use either symbolic integration or numerical integration to evaluate the flexibility coefficients. We prefer to use the numerical integration scheme described in Sect. 3.6.6. The solution simplifies considerably when axial deformation is neglected with respect to bending deformation. One sets A ¼ 1 in (9.33). This leads to D1;0 ðL ðL wL wx2 Dy M0 Dy x dx ¼ dx ¼ 2 EIcosy 2 EIcosy 0 ðL d11 ¼ þ 0 (9.35) 2 ðDyÞ dx EIcosy 0 Suppose Dy is chosen such that wL wx2 x Dy ¼ b bM0 2 2 (9.36) Then, 1 D1;0 ¼ d11 b and it follows that X1 ¼ 1 b 1 M ¼ M0 þ X1 dM ¼ M0 þ ð bM0 Þ ¼ 0 b (9.37) With this choice of geometry, the arch carries the exterior load by axial action only; there is no bending. Note that this result is based on the assumption that axial deformation is negligible. In general, there will be a small amount of bending when h is not small with respect to L, i.e., when the arch is “deep.” One cannot neglect axial deformation for a shallow arch. Example 9.11 Parabolic arch with uniform vertical loading Given: The two-hinged parabolic arch defined in Fig. E9.11a. 9.4 Application to Arch-Type Structures 687 Y w h y(x) B A X x L Fig. E9.11a Determine: The bending moment distribution. Solution: The centriodal axis for the arch is defined by y ¼ 4h x x 2 L L The bending moment in the primary structure due to the uniform loading per unit x is wL wx2 wL2 x x 2 x ¼ M0 ¼ 2 L 2 2 L We note that the expressions for y and M0 are similar in form. One is a scaled version of the other. M0 ¼ wL2 1 wL2 y¼ y 2 4h 8h Then, noticing (9.36), b¼ 8h wL2 wL2 8h The total moment is the sum of M0 and the moment due to X1 . and X1 ¼ M¼M0 y X1 ¼ wL2 wL2 y y¼0 8h 8h 688 9 The Force Method We see that there is no bending for this loading and geometry. We should have anticipated this result since a uniformly loaded cable assumes a parabolic shape. By definition, a cable has no bending rigidity and therefore no moment. We can consider an arch as an inverted cable. It follows that a two-hinged uniformly loaded parabolic arch behaves like an inverted cable. Example 9.12 Approximate solutions Given: The two-hinged arch and the loading defined in Fig. E9.12a. The integral expression for X1 is given by 9.3.4. Noting (9.35), the solution equals to Ð M0 ds þ Dy EI X1 Ð ds ðDyÞ2 EI This result applies when there is no support movement. Determine: An approximate expression for X1 . Assume the cross section of the arch is deeper at the abutment than at the crown, and the following approximation is used to define I, I¼ I0 cosy where I0 is the cross-sectional inertia at the crown. P h Δy A B x L/2 L/2 Fig. E9.12a Variable depth arch Solution: Substituting for I and ds ¼ dx the integrals simplify to cos y Ð þð1=EI0 Þ DyM0 dx X1 ¼ Ð ð1=EI0 Þ ðDyÞ2 dx and now one can easily determine analytical solutions. 9.4 Application to Arch-Type Structures 689 Suppose a concentrated force, P, is applied at mid-span. The corresponding terms for a symmetrical parabolic arch are: 4h x2 x Dy ¼ L L ð 1 5 Ph L2 DyM0 dx ) EI0 48 EI0 ð 1 8 h2 L ðDyÞ2 dx ¼ EI0 15 EI0 X1 ¼ 75 L P 384 h Note that the bending moment is not zero in this case. Example 9.13 Given: The two-hinged arch and the loading defined in Fig. E9.13a. 2.5 w0 2.5 w0 w0 50 ft A y(x) B X 100 ft Fig. E9.13a Determine: The particular shape of the arch which corresponds to negligible bending. Solution: This two-hinged arch is indeterminate to the first degree. We take the horizontal reaction at the right support as the force redundant (Fig. E9.13b). 690 9 A B y(x) The Force Method X1,Δ1 X 100 ft Fig. E9.13b Primary structure—redundant reaction The applied loading is given by (Fig. E9.13c) 1:5 x wðxÞ ¼ w0 2:5 50 0 < x 50 2.5 w0 2.5 w0 w0 B A x 50 ft 50 ft Fig. E9.13c The corresponding shear and moment in the simply supported beam spanning AB are dV 1:5 2 ¼ wðxÞ ) V ¼ w0 2:5x x þ C1 dx 100 dM 2:5 2 1:5 3 ¼ V ) M ¼ w0 x x þ C1 x þ C2 dx 2 300 Enforcing the boundary conditions, Mð0Þ ¼ 0 Mð100Þ ¼ 0 leads to C2 ¼ 0 C1 ¼ w0 ( 1:5ð100Þ2 1:25ð100Þ 300 ) ¼ 75w0 9.4 Application to Arch-Type Structures 691 Finally, the expression for M reduces to M ¼ w0 f75x 1:25x2 þ 0:005x3 g 0 < x 50 follows (9.36) and (9.37). The desired shape is yðxÞ ¼ MðxÞ w0 w0 ¼ f75x 1:25x2 þ 0:005x3 g ¼ f ðxÞ X1 X1 X1 The function f(x) is plotted below. Note that the shape is symmetrical. When the abutments are inadequate to resist the horizontal thrust, different strategies are employed to resist the thrust. One choice is to insert a tension tie connecting the two supports, as illustrated in Fig. 9.29a. Another choice is to connect a set of arches in series until a suitable anchorage is reached (see Fig. 9.29b). The latter scheme is commonly used for river crossings. We take the tension in the tie as the force redundant for the tied arch. The corresponding primary structure is shown in Fig. 9.30. We just have to add the extension of the tie member to the deflection d11. The extended form for d11 is ð ds L þ ! d11 ¼ y2 (9.38) EI At E a Tie b Fig. 9.29 (a) Single tie arch. (b) Multiple connected arches 692 9 The Force Method y A X , Δ 1 1 t A B X L Fig. 9.30 Choice of redundant The expression for D1,0 does not change. Then, the tension in the tie is given by: Ð yðM0 ds=EIÞ D1;0 Ð ¼ 2 X1 ¼ d11 y ðds=EIÞþðL=At EÞ (9.39) Note that the horizontal reaction is reduced by inserting a tie member. However, now there is bending in the arch. Example 9.14 Given: A parabolic arch with a tension tie connecting the supports. The arch is loaded with a uniformly distributed load per horizontal projection. Consider I to be I0 defined as . cosy Determine: The horizontal thrust and the bending moment at mid-span (Fig. E9.14a). w h Tie A x Fig. E9.14a L B 9.5 Application to Frame-Type Structures 693 Solution: We note the results generated in Example 9.12 which correspond to I0 taking I ¼ . cosy ð ð ds 1 L D1;0 ¼ yM0 ¼ yM0 dx EI EI0 0 ð 1 wL2 L 2 ¼ y dx EI0 8h 0 1 8 2 wL2 whL3 h L ð Þ¼ ¼ EI0 15 8h 15EI0 d11 ¼ L 8 h2 L þ AE 15 EI0 The tension in the tie is X1 ¼ D1;0 wL2 1 ¼ d11 8h ð1 þ ð15=8ÞðI0 =Ah2 ÞÞ Using this value, we determine the moment at mid-span. L ¼ M0 hX1 2 wL2 1 1 ¼ 8 ð1 þ ð15=8ÞðI0 =Ah2 ÞÞ L wL2 ð15=8ÞðI0 =Ah2 Þ wL2 1 ¼ M ¼ 2 2 8 ð1 þ ð15=8ÞðI0 =Ah ÞÞ 8 ð1 þ ð8=15ÞðAh2 =I0 ÞÞ M Note that the effect of the tension tie is to introduce bending in the arch. 9.5 Application to Frame-Type Structures Chapter 4 dealt with statically determinate frames. We focused mainly on threehinge frames since this type of structure provides an efficient solution for enclosing a space. In this section, we analyze indeterminate framed with the Force Method. In the next Chapter, we apply the Displacement Method. The analytical results generated provide the basis for comparing the structural response of determinate vs. indeterminate frames under typical loadings. 694 9 9.5.1 The Force Method General Approach We consider the arbitrary-shaped single bay frame structure shown in Fig. 9.31. The structure is indeterminate to the first degree. We select the horizontal reaction at the right support as the force redundant. The corresponding compatibility equation is D1;0 þ d11 X1 ¼ D1 where D1 is the horizontal support movement at D. a B b C C B D D X1 ,Δ1 A A Fig. 9.31 (a) Actual structure. (b) Primary structure—redundant reaction We compute the flexibility coefficients with the Principle of the Virtual Forces described in Sect. 4.6. The corresponding form for a plane frame specialized for negligible transverse deformation is given by (4.8) ddP ¼ ð X members M F dM þ dF ds EI AE s Axial deformation is small for typical non-shallow frames, and therefore is usually neglected. The d11 term is the horizontal displacement due to a horizontal unit load at D. This term depends on the geometry and member properties, not on the external loads, and therefore has to be computed only once. The D1;0 term is the horizontal displacement due to the external loading, and needs to be evaluated for each loading. Different loading conditions are treated by determining the corresponding values of D1;0 . Given these displacement terms, one determines X1 with X1 ¼ D1;0 d11 Consider the frame shown in Fig. 9.32. Now there are three force redundant and three geometric compatibility conditions represented by the matrix equations, D1;0 þdX ¼D1 9.5 Application to Frame-Type Structures a B b C 695 B C D X2 , Δ2 D A A X1 , Δ1 X3 , Δ3 Fig. 9.32 (a) Actual structure. (b) Primary structure—redundant reactions The flexibility matrix d is independent of the loading, i.e., it is a property of the primary structure. Most of the computations effort is involved with computing d and D1;0 numerically. The integration can be tedious. Sometimes numerical integration is used. However, one still has to generate the moment and axial force diagrams numerically. If the structure is symmetrical, one can reduce the computational effort by working with simplified structural models and decomposing the loading into symmetrical and anti-symmetrical components. It is very useful for estimating in a qualitative sense, the structural response. We discussed this strategy in Chap. 3. In what follows, we list results for different types of frames. Our primary objective is to show how these structures respond to typical loadings. We use moment diagrams and displacement profiles as the measure of the response. 9.5.2 Portal Frames We consider the frame shown in Fig. 9.33a. We select the horizontal reaction at B as the force redundant. The corresponding flexibility coefficient, d11 , is determined with the Principle of Virtual Forces(see Chap. 4). d11 ¼ h31 h3 L þ 2 þ h2 h22 þ 3h1 h2 3EI1 3EI3 3EI2 1 (9.40) This coefficient applies for all loading. Considering the arbitrary gravity loading shown in Fig. 9.34, the expression for the displacement, D1;0 , is determined in a similar way. D1;0 ¼ 2 1 a La h2 h1 a a3 L3 a3 aL2 þP 1 þ h1 PðL aÞ EI2 2 L 3 2L L 3 6 2 (9.41) 696 9 The Force Method Fig. 9.33 Portal Frame. (a) Geometry. (b) Redundant. (c) Reactions due to X1 = 1 Fig. 9.34 Reactions—gravity loading 9.5 Application to Frame-Type Structures 697 Fig. 9.35 Reactions—lateral loading Lastly, we consider the lateral loading shown in Fig. 9.35. The displacement term due to loading is D1;0 1 Ph31 ¼ EI1 3 1 Ph1 L h2 þ h1 þ EI2 3 2 (9.42) When h2 ¼ h1 ¼ h and I2 ¼ I1 ¼ I these expressions simplify to d11 ¼ D1;0 2h3 L þ ðh2 Þ 3EI EI gravity ¼ D1;0 jlateral ¼ Ph ðaÞðL aÞ 2EI (9.43) Ph3 Ph2 L 2EI 3EI The corresponding bending moment diagrams for these two loading cases are shown in Fig. 9.36. Gravity loading: M1 ¼ hX1 a M2 ¼ a 1 P M1 L X1 ¼ P L ða=LÞð1 ða=LÞÞ 2 h 1 þ ð2=3Þðh=LÞ 698 9 The Force Method Lateral loading: M1 ¼ hX1 X1 ¼ P a P 2 M2 b B + C I a − I I − M1 D A c d P B C I h I M1 + − I − M1 D A L Fig. 9.36 (a) Gravity loading—two-hinge frame. (b) Moment diagram. (c) Lateral loading. (d) Moment diagram Lateral-Loading Symmetrical Portal Frame We consider first the two-hinged symmetrical frame shown in Fig. 9.37. This structure is indeterminate to the first degree. We decompose the loading into symmetrical and anti-symmetrical components and generate the corresponding symmetrical and anti-symmetrical structural modes using the material presented in Sect. 3.9. These results are shown in Fig. 9.38b. Point E is at mid-span. The antisymmetrical model is statically determinate since the bending moment at mid-span must equal zero for anti-symmetrical behavior (Fig. 9.38c). The symmetrical loading introduces no bending in the structure, only axial force in member BE. The bending moment distribution due to the anti-symmetrical component is plotted in Fig. 9.39. 9.5 Application to Frame-Type Structures 699 B P C I2 I1 h I1 A D L Fig. 9.37 Geometry of two-hinge portal frame a P/2 C P B P/2 B C B = A D A A b E E C L/2 D L/2 B E F = P/2 Ph L P 2 M =0 P/2 B A L/2 E E h P/2 C A L/2 P/2 E B D A D E P/2 P/2 B c C + D P/2 P/2 P/2 E A Ph L L/2 L/2 Fig. 9.38 Structural models. (a) Decomposition into anti-symmetrical and symmetrical loadings. (b) Symmetric and anti-symmetrical models. (c) Free body diagrams of anti-symmetric and symmetrical segments 700 9 Ph 2 Ph 2 + + The Force Method Ph 2 − Ph 2 Fig. 9.39 Bending moment distribution due to the anti-symmetrical lateral loading Gravity-Loading Symmetrical Portal Frame We consider next the case of gravity loading applied to a two-hinged portal frame. Figure 9.40a defines the loading and geometry. Again, we decompose the loading and treat separately the two loading cases shown in Fig. 9.40b. Fig. 9.40 (a) Two-hinge frame under gravity loading. (b) Decomposition of loading into symmetrical and anti-symmetrical components Geometry and Loading The anti-symmetrical model is statically determinate. Figure 9.41 shows the model, the corresponding free body diagram and the bending moment distribution. The symmetrical model is statically indeterminate to one degree. We take the horizontal reaction at the right support as the force redundant, and work with the primary structure shown in Fig. 9.42. 9.5 Application to Frame-Type Structures 701 Fig. 9.41 (a) Anti-symmetrical model. (b) Free body diagram—anti-symmetrical segment. (c) Bending moment distribution—anti-symmetrical loading Fig. 9.42 Primary structure for two-hinge frame—symmetrical loading case Assuming unyielding supports, the compatibility equation has the following form DD;0 þ dDD HD ¼ 0 where DD;0 and dDD are the horizontal displacements at D due to the applied loading and a unit value of HD . We use the Principle of Virtual Forces specialized for only bending deformation to evaluate these terms. The corresponding expressions are 702 9 The Force Method Fig. 9.43 Bending moment distributions—symmetrical loading—primary structure ð dS DD;0 ¼ M0 dM EI S ð dDD (9.44) dS ¼ ðdMÞ EI 2 S where M0 is the moment due to the applied loading and dM is the moment due to a unit value of HD . These moment distributions are plotted in Fig. 9.43. Evaluating the integrals leads to: DB;0 ¼ dBB P ha ð L aÞ 2 EI2 2h3 h2 L ¼ þ 3EI1 EI2 (9.45) Finally, the horizontal reaction at support D is að L aÞ 1 HD ¼ P 2hL 1 þ ð2=3Þðrg =rc Þ (9.46) where rc ¼ I1 h rg ¼ I2 L are the relative stiffness factors for the column and girder members. (9.47) 9.5 Application to Frame-Type Structures 703 Fig. 9.44 Final bending moment distribution Combining the results for the symmetrical and anti-symmetrical loadings results in the net bending moment distribution plotted in Fig. 9.44. The peak moments are defined by (9.48). M1 ¼ Pa a 1 1 2 L 1 þ ð2=3Þðrg =rc Þ M2 ¼ þ Pa ða=LÞ þ ð2=3Þðrg =rc Þ Pa 2a 1 2 2 L 1 þ ð2=3Þðrg =rc Þ Pa ða=LÞ þ ð2=3Þðrg =rc Þ Pa 2a 1 M3 ¼ þ þ 2 2 L 1 þ ð2=3Þðrg =rc Þ Example 9.15 Two-hinge symmetrical frame—uniform gravity load Given: The frame and loading defined in Fig. E9.15a. Determine: The bending moment distribution. Fig. E9.15a (9.48) 704 9 The Force Method Fig. E9.15b Solution: We work with the primary structure shown in Fig. E9.15b. We only need to determine the DD,0 term corresponding to the uniform loading since the dDD term is independent of the applied loading. The solution for HD is HD ¼ wL2 1 12h 1 þ ð2=3Þðrg =rc Þ where I2 L I1 rc ¼ h rg ¼ Figure E9.15c shows the bending moment distribution. The peak values are M1 ¼ M2 ¼ wL2 1 12 1 þ ð2=3Þðrg =rc Þ wL2 2 1 1 3 1 þ ð2=3Þðrg =rc Þ 8 When members AB and CD are very stiff, rc ! 1 and HD ! wL2 =12h. In this case, the moment at B approaches wL2 =12 which is the fixed end moment for member BC. M2 M1 Fig. E9.15c Bending moment distribution M1 9.5 Application to Frame-Type Structures 705 Fig. 9.45 (a) Geometry. (b) Symmetrical and anti-symmetrical primary structures Symmetrical Portal Frames with Fixed Supports We consider the symmetrical frame shown in Fig. 9.45. Because the structure is symmetrical, we consider the loading to consist of symmetrical and antisymmetrical components. The structure is indeterminate to the second degree for symmetrical loading and to the first degree for anti-symmetrical loading (there is zero moment at mid-span which is equivalent to a hinge at that point). Figure 9.45b defines the primary structures corresponding to these two loading cases. Evaluating the various displacement terms for the anti-symmetrical loading, one obtains: DE;0 ¼ dEE ¼ VE ¼ DE;0 ¼ dEE PLh2 8EI1 L3 L2 h þ 24EI2 4EI1 Ph 1 2L ð1 þ ð1=6ÞðL=I2 ÞðI1 =hÞÞ 706 9 The Force Method Fig. 9.46 Bending moment distribution—anti-symmetric loading The moment diagrams are plotted in Fig. 9.46. The peak values are Ph 1 4 1 þ ð1=6Þðrc =rg Þ " # Ph 1 1 1 þ M ¼ 2 2 1 þ ð1=6Þðrc =rg Þ M ¼ rc ¼ I1 h rg ¼ (9.49) I2 L There are inflection points located in the columns at y* units up from the base where 1 1 y ¼ h 1 (9.50) 2 1 þ ð1=6Þðrc =rg Þ When the girder is very stiff relative to the column, rc/rg ! 0 and y* ! h/2. A reasonable approximation for y* for typical column and girder properties is 0.6h. Figure 9.47 shows the corresponding bending moment distribution for the twohinged portal frame. We note that the peak positive moment is reduced approximately 50% when the supports are fixed. We consider next the case where the girder is uniformly loaded. We skip the intermediate details and just list the end moments for member AB and the moment at mid-span (Fig. 9.48). MBA ¼ wL2 1 12 1 þ ð1=2Þðrg =rc Þ 1 MAB ¼ MBA 2 wL2 2 1 1 ME ¼ 3 1þð1=2Þðrg =rc Þ 8 (9.51) 9.5 Application to Frame-Type Structures 707 Fig. 9.47 Moment distribution for two-hinged frame Fig. 9.48 The bending moment distribution is plotted in Fig. 9.49. The solution for the two-hinged case is shown in Fig. 9.50. These results show that the bending moment distribution is relatively insensitive to end fixity of the base. M þ ¼ ME M ¼ MBA Fig. 9.49 Bending moment distribution—symmetrical loading—fixed supports 1 þ ð1=2Þðrg =rc Þ wL2 1 ¼ 1 þ ð2=3Þðrg =rc Þ 12 1 þ ð2=3Þðrg =rc Þ (9.52) 708 9 The Force Method Fig. 9.50 Bending moment distribution—symmetrical loading—hinged supports 9.5.3 Pitched Roof Frames We consider next a class of portal frames where the roof is pitched, as shown in Fig. 9.51a. We choose to work with the primary structure defined in Fig. 9.51b. We suppose the structure is subjected to a uniform load per horizontal projection on members BC and CD. The bending moment distribution in the primary structure due to the applied loading, M0, is parabolic with a peak value at C (Fig. 9.52). Taking HE ¼ 1 leads to the bending moment distribution shown in Fig. 9.53. It is composed of linear segments. Assuming the supports are unyielding, the flexibility coefficients are wL3 5 1 h1 þ h2 8 EI2 12 cos y 3 2 h1 L h2 h21 þ h1 h2 þ 2 ¼ þ 3 EI1 EI2 cosy 3 DE;0 ¼ dEE (9.53) We define the relative stiffness factors as r1 ¼ I1 h1 r2 ¼ I2 L* (9.54) 9.5 Application to Frame-Type Structures 709 Fig. 9.51 (a) Pitched roof frame—definition sketch. (b) Primary structure— redundant reaction where L* is the length of the inclined roof members BC and CD. L ¼ L 2cosy (9.55) Using this notation, the expression for the horizontal reaction at E takes the form HE ¼ wL2 1 þ ð5=8Þðh2 =h1 Þ 12h1 ð1=3Þðr2 =r1 Þ þ 1 þ ðh2 =h1 Þ þ ð1=3Þðh2 =h1 Þ2 (9.56) The total bending moment distribution is plotted in Fig. 9.54. Equation (9.57) contains the expressions for the peak values. w wL2 8 C wL2 8 C + + wL x wx2 2 θ B D θ B E A wL 2 x 2 D A E wL 2 Fig. 9.52 Bending moment distribution for applied loading, M0 C C (h1+h2) B θ D − h1 B − A E HE = 1 δEE Fig. 9.53 Bending moment distribution for HE ¼ 1 M2 C B M1 A Fig. 9.54 Distribution of total bending moments M1 h1 D − E A M2 (h1+h2) D E 9.5 Application to Frame-Type Structures M1 ¼ 711 wL2 a1 12 wL2 a2 M2 ¼ þ 8 (9.57) where a1 ¼ 1 þ ð5=8Þðh2 =h1 Þ ð1=3Þðr2 =r1 Þ þ 1 þ ðh2 =h1 Þ þ ð1=3Þðh2 =h1 Þ2 2 h2 1þ a2 ¼ 1 a1 3 h1 (9.58) These values depend on the ratio of heights h2 =h1 and relative stiffness, r2 =r1 . One sets h2 ¼ 0 and r2* ¼ 2r2 to obtain the corresponding two-hinged portal frame solution. For convenience, we list here the relevant solution for the three-hinge case, with the notation modified to be consistent with the notation used in this section. The corresponding moment distributions are shown in Fig. 9.55. The peak negative and positive moments are wL2 h1 8 ðh1 þ h2 Þ ( 2 ) wL2 1 1 h1 1 h1 M2 ¼ þ 4 2 h1 þh2 4 h1 þh2 8 M1 ¼ Fig. 9.55 Three-hinge solution (9.59) 712 9 The Force Method In order to compare the solutions, we assume r2* ¼ r1, and h2 ¼ h1 in the definition equations for the peak moments. The resulting peak values are Three-hinge case (9.59): M1 ¼ wL2 1 8 2 wL2 1 M2 ¼ þ 8 16 Two-hinge case (9.57): M1 ¼ wL2 13 wL2 ð0:406Þ ¼ 8 32 8 wL2 3 M2 ¼ þ 8 16 We see that the peak negative moment is reduced by approximately 20% when the structure is reduced to a two-hinged frame. However, the positive moment is increased by a factor of 3. 9.6 Indeterminate Trusses Examples of indeterminate truss structures are shown in Fig. 9.56. One can choose a primary structure by taking either reactions or member forces or a combination as the force redundants. When working with member forces, one visualizes the member as being cut and works with the relative displacement of the adjacent faces. Continuity requires that the net relative displacement is zero. a X,Δ Actual structure Primary structure-redundant reaction Fig. 9.56 Examples of statically indeterminate trusses 9.6 Indeterminate Trusses 713 b X1 , Δ1 X1 , Δ1 Actual structure c Primary structure-redundant internal force X2 , Δ2 X1 ,Δ1 d Actual structure Primary structure-redundant internal forces X1,Δ1 X1,Δ1 X2 , Δ2 Actual structure Primary structure-redundant internal force and reaction Fig. 9.56 (continued) We illustrate the Force Method procedure for the three member truss shown in Fig. 9.57a. The truss is indeterminate to the first degree. The force in member BC is taken as the force redundant and D is the relative displacement together at the end sections. Two deflection computation are required, one due to the external loads and the other due to X ¼ 1. We use the Principle of Virtual Forces discussed in Sect. 2.3.4 for these computations. Results are summarized below X L D1;0 ¼ F0 dF AE Py Py 1 Px L1 1 Px L1 ¼ þ þ 2siny 2siny 2cosy A1 E 2siny 2siny 2cosy A1 E Py L1 2sin2 y A1 E X L ¼ ðdFÞ2 AE 1 L1 L1 siny 1 L1 1 L1 L1 siny ¼ þ þ ¼ þ 2 2 2 4sin y A1 E A2 E 4sin y A1 E 2sin y A1 E A2 E ¼ d11 714 9 a The Force Method Py B Px ABC = A2 A1 A1 A2 A AAB = ABD = A1 θ θ C b LAB = LBD = L1 LBC = L1 sinθ D B X1 , Δ1 X1 , Δ1 A θ θ C Py c B ( D θ B Px 1 Py Px ) + 2sinθ 2cosθ A d ( C Py Px ) − 2sinθ 2cosθ θ D − 2sinθ X1 =1 1 − 2sinθ X1 =1 A θ C θ D Fig. 9.57 (a) Three member truss. (b) Primary structure—redundant internal force. (c) F0 . (d) dF (X ¼ 1) Enforcing compatibility leads to FBC ¼ X1 ¼ ¼ Py ðPy =2sin2 yÞðL1 =A1 EÞ D1;0 ¼ 2 ð1=2sin yÞðL1 =A1 EÞ þ ðL1 siny=A2 EÞ d11 ðA2 =sinyÞ ðA2 =sinyÞ þ 2A1 sin2 y (9.60) Lastly, the remaining forces are determined by superimposing the individual solutions. F ¼ F0 þ dF X1 Px A1 siny þPy FAB ¼ ðA2 =sinyÞþ2A1 sin2 y 2cosy Px A1 siny þPy FDB ¼ ðA2 =sinyÞþ2A1 sin2 y 2cosy (9.61) 9.6 Indeterminate Trusses 715 As expected for indeterminate structures, the internal force distribution depends on the relative stiffness of the members. When A2 is very large in comparison to A1, Py is essentially carried by member BC. Conversely, if A2 is small in comparison to A1, member BC carries essentially none of Py . Example 9.16 Given: The indeterminate truss shown in Fig. E9.16a. Assume AE is constant, A ¼ 2 in.2, and E ¼ 29,000 ksi. Fig. E9.16a 6 kip 4 kip b 10 ft AE constant d 10 ft a c 15 ft 15 ft Determine: The member forces. Solution: The truss is externally indeterminate to the first degree. The horizontal component of the reaction at C is taken as the force redundant (Fig. E9.16b). Fig. E9.16b Primary structure—redundant reaction b d a c We apply the geometric compatibility equation to this truss, D1;0 þ d11 X1 ¼ 0 where D1;0 ¼ d11 ¼ X X F0 dF L AE ðdFÞ2 L AE X1,Δ1 716 9 The Force Method The corresponding forces are listed below (Figs. E9.16c, d). Fig. E9.16c F0 6 kip b 4 kip 14.16 7.5 4 a d −10.21 −11.33 −10.21 c Δ1.0 .33 5.67 Fig. E9.16d dF (x1 ¼ 1) b −1.67 1 d −1.67 2.67 a 2.4 2.4 c X1=1 δ11 Member L (in.) A (in:2 ) ab bc cd da bd P 300 300 216.3 216.3 120 2 2 2 2 2 L A 150 150 108.2 108.2 60 F0 dF 7.5 14.16 10.21 10.21 11.33 1.67 1.67 2.4 2.4 2.67 Inserting this data in the compatibility equation leads to X1 ¼ D1;0 1; 2552:7 ¼5! ¼ 2; 509:5 d11 L AE 418.3/E 418.3/E 625.1/E 625.1/E 422.7/E 2,509.5/E ðdFÞ2 L AE 1,878.7/E 3,547/E 2,656 2,656 1,815/E 12,552.7/E F0 dF 9.6 Indeterminate Trusses 717 Then, the forces are determined by superimposing the individual solutions F ¼ F0 þ dFX1 The final member forces and the reactions are listed below: Example 9.17 Given: The indeterminate truss shown in Fig. E9.17a. Determine: The member forces. Assume AE is constant, A ¼ 200 mm2 , and E ¼ 200 GPa. 50 kN B C A D 30 kN 4m 3m Fig. E9.17a Solution: The truss is internally indeterminate to the first degree. The force in member BD is taken as the force redundant (Fig. E9.17b). C B X1 , Δ1 Fig. E9.17b Primary structure—internal force redundant A X1 , Δ1 D 718 9 The Force Method We apply the geometric compatibility equation to this truss, D1;0 þ d11 X1 ¼ 0 where d11 X L AE X L ¼ ðdFÞ2 AE D1;0 ¼ F0 dF The corresponding forces are listed below (Figs. E9.17c, d). 50 kN 0 B C 50 −50 30 kN −40 30 D A 0 Fig. E9.17c F0 10 40 −.6 B x1 = 1 C 1 −.8 −.8 x1 = 1 0 D A -.6 Fig. E9.17d dF (x1 ¼ 1) 0 0 9.7 Summary Member AB BC CD DA BD AC P 719 A (mm2) 200 200 200 200 200 200 L (mm) 4,000 3,000 4,000 3,000 5,000 5,000 L A 20 15 20 15 25 25 F0 50 0 40 0 0 50 dF 0.8 0.6 0.8 0.6 1 1 ðdFÞ2 ðL=AEÞ 12.8 5.4 12.8 5.4 25 25 86.4/E F0 dF ðL=AEÞ 800 0 640 0 0 1,250 2,690/E Enforcing comparability leads to X1 ¼ FBD ¼ D1;0 2; 690 ¼ 31:13 ¼ 86:4 d11 ; FBD ¼ 31:13 kN compression Then, the forces are determined by superimposing the individual solutions. F ¼ F0 þ dFX1 The final member forces and the reactions are listed below. 9.7 Summary 9.7.1 Objectives • The primary objective of this chapter is to present the Force Method, a procedure for analyzing statically indeterminate structures that works with force quantities as the unknown variables. • Another objective is to use the Force Method to develop analytical solutions which are useful for identifying the key parameters that control the response and for conducting parameter sensitivity studies. 720 9.7.2 9 The Force Method Key Factors and Concepts • The force method is restricted to linear elastic behavior. • The first step is to reduce the structure to a statically determinate structure by either removing a sufficient number of redundant restraints or inserting force releases at internal points. The resulting determinate structure is called the primary structure. • Next one applies the external loading to the primary structure and determines the resulting displacements at the points where the restraints were removed. • For each redundant force, the displacements produced by a unit force acting on the primary structure are evaluated. • Lastly, the redundant forces are scaled such that the total displacement at each constraint point is equal to the actual displacement. This requirement is expressed as D actual ¼D loading þ X ðdunit force Þ X redundant forces where the various terms are displacements at the constraint points. One establishes a separate equation for each constraint point. Note that all calculations are carried out on the primary structure. 9.8 Problems Problem 9.1 Determine the vertical reaction at B. Take E ¼ 29,000 ksi and I ¼ 200 in.4 2kip/ft A C 1.0 in 20 ft B 10 ft 9.8 Problems 721 Problem 9.2 Determine the vertical reaction at B. Take E ¼ 200 GPa and I¼ 80ð10Þ6 mm4 . 15 kN / m A B 12 mm 6m Problem 9.3 Determine the force in spring CD. kv ¼ 60 kip/in. E ¼ 29,000 ksi I ¼ 200 in.4 1.0 kip/ft A B D 10 ft kv C 10 ft Problem 9.4 Given the following properties and loadings, determine the reactions. P ¼ 40 kN w ¼ 20 kN/m L¼5m E ¼ 200 GPa I ¼ 170ð10Þ6 mm4 kv ¼ 40 kN/mm d ¼ 20 mm 722 9 The Force Method P a w B C A I I 1.4 L L/2 b L/2 B C A I δ I L 1.4 L c B A C I I δ L 1.4 L d P B C A I .7L I kv .7L L e w I 0.6 L I kv 1.8 L 9.8 Problems 723 Problem 9.5 Use the force method to determine the reaction at B caused by: 1. The distributed load shown 2. The support settlement at B I ¼ 400 in:4 L ¼ 54 ft w ¼ 2:1 kip/ft dB ¼ 1:2 in: # E ¼ 29; 000 ksi w I I B A C dB L/3 2L/3 Problem 9.6 Use the force method to determine the forces in the cables. Assume beam is rigid. AC ¼ 1; 200 mm2 ;L ¼ 9 m, P ¼ 40 kN, and E ¼ 200 GPa: C B A 3AC Cable 3 / 4L Cable 2AC L/2 L/4 AC Cable P Beam I L/4 L/4 I L/2 724 9 The Force Method Problem 9.7 Consider the parabolic arch shown below. Assume the arch is non-shallow, i.e., h/L is order of (1/2). a P a h y(x) B A x L x x 2 y ¼ 4h L L I¼ Io cos y (a) Determine the horizontal reaction at B due to the concentrated load. (b) Utilize the results of part (a) to obtain an analytical expression for the horizontal reaction due to a distributed loading, wðxÞ. (c) Specialize (b) for a uniform loading, wðxÞ ¼ w0 . (d) Suppose the horizontal support at B is replaced by a member extending from A to B. Repeat part (a). b P a h y(x) A x A L B tie 9.8 Problems 725 Problem 9.8 Consider the semicircular arch shown below. Determine the distribution of the axial and shear forces and the bending moment. The cross-section properties are constant. P R B A Problem 9.9 Parabolic arch Y 9m A B X 18 m 18 m Use a Computer software system to determine the bending moment distribution and deflected shape produced by the following loadings. Take A ¼ 20; 000 mm2 ; I ¼ 400ð10Þ6 mm4 and E ¼ 200 GPa 726 9 a 15 kN / m b 540 kN c The Force Method 180 kN 180 kN 4m 4m Problem 9.10 1 kit/ft B Parabolic arch 30 ft C A Tension rod 120 ft 9.8 Problems 727 A ¼ 30 in:2 I ¼ 1; 000 in4 E ¼ 29; 000 ksi Use a Computer software system to determine the maximum bending moment and the axial force in member ABC. Consider the following values for the area of the tension rod AC: 4, 8, and 16 in.2 Problem 9.11 Parabolic arch Y 40 ft X 160 ft A ¼ 40 in:2 I ¼ 1; 200 in:4 E ¼ 29; 000 ksi Use a Computer software system to compare the bending moment distributions generated by the following loadings: a 1 kip/ft 160 ft b 20 kip 40 ft 40 kip 40 kip 40 kip 40 ft 40 ft 20 kip 40 ft 728 9 The Force Method c 10 kip 20 kip 20 kip 20 kip 20 kip 20 kip 20 kip 20 kip 10 kip 20 ft d 5 kip 20 ft 20 ft 20 ft 20 ft 20 ft 20 ft 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 kip kip kip kip kip kip kip kip kip kip kip kip 20 ft 10 10 10 kip kip kip 5 kip 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 160 ft Problem 9.12 Determine the horizontal reaction at support D. 1 kip/ft B 2 kip C 2I I 20 ft I D A 32 ft 9.8 Problems 729 Problem 9.13 Determine the peak positive and negative moments as a function of h. Consider h ¼ 2, 4, 6 m. 15 kN / m h I I I I 6m A B 9m 9m Problem 9.14 Determine the peak positive and negative moments as a function of h. Consider h ¼ 10, 20, 30 ft. 1.2 kip/ft B C 2I h I I D A 50 ft 730 9 The Force Method Problem 9.15 Using a Computer software system, determine the bending moment distribution and deflected shape due to the loading shown. 7.5 kip 5 kip 5 kip 2.5 kip I2 I1 10 kip 2.5 kip I2 I1 10 kip I2 40 ft I1 I2 15 ft I1 25 ft 25 ft 65 ft 65 ft 15 ft Take I1 ¼ 1; 000 in:4 , I2 ¼ 2; 000 in:4 , E ¼ 29,000 ksi and A ¼ 20 in.2 all members. Problem 9.16 Compare the bending moment distributions and the vertical displacement at B for the structures defined below. Take E ¼ 200 GPa, I ¼ 400ð10Þ6 mm4 , A ¼ 100,000 mm2 and Ac ¼ 1,200, 2,400, 4,800 mm2. Use a Computer software system. 9.8 Problems 731 a 50 kN 50 kN 50 kN B 6m I 9m I I I 6m 6m b 6m 6m 50 kN 50 kN 50 kN B 6m I I Hinge 9m Ac I 6m Hinge I 6m 6m 6m Problem 9.17 Is there any difference in behavior for the structures shown below? Answer the question without resorting to calculations. 732 9 The Force Method a I 20 ft I 12 kip 12 kip I 30 ft I 80 ft b 20 ft I I 12 kip 12 kip Ac Hinge 30 ft Hinge I I 80 ft c I 20 ft I 12 kip 12 kip Ac Hinge 30 ft I Hinge I Ac Hinge 80 ft 9.8 Problems 733 Problem 9.18 Determine the reactions and the member forces for the truss shown. E ¼ 29,000 ksi A ¼ 1 in.2 all members 15 kip 10 kip b 10 ft d a 10 ft c 10 ft Problem 9.19 Determine the reactions and the member forces for the truss shown. Assume the vertical reaction at d as the force redundant. E ¼ 200 GPa A ¼ 660 mm2 all members a ¼ 12 106 = C DT ¼ 10 C b ΔT 4m ΔT d a 4m c 3m 734 9 The Force Method Problem 9.20 Determine the forces in the members. E ¼ 29,000 ksi and A ¼ 1 in:2 all members. 6 kip 10 kip b c 12 ft d a 9 ft Problem 9.21 Determine the member forces of the truss shown. Assume the horizontal reaction at c as the force redundant. 10 kip b 12 ft 10 kip A5 ΔT A1 A2 ΔT d 12 ft A4 A3 a c 16 ft A1 ¼ A2 ¼ A3 ¼ A4 ¼ 10 in:2 A5 ¼ 5 in:2 a ¼ 6:5 106 = F DT ¼ 60 F E ¼ 29,000 ksi 16 ft 9.8 Problems 735 Problem 9.22 Determine the member forces for the truss shown. Assume A ¼ 1,000 mm2 and E ¼ 200 GPa for all the members. Assume the force in member ac and the reaction at support f as force redundants. 40 kN c d b 30 kN 4m f a 3m e 3m The Displacement Method 10 Overview The previous chapter dealt with the Force Method, one of two procedures for analyzing statically indeterminate structures. In this chapter, we describe the second procedure, referred to as the Displacement Method. This method works with equilibrium equations expressed in terms of variables that correspond to displacement measures that define the position of a structure, such as translations and rotations of certain points on the structure. We start by briefly introducing the method specialized for frame-type structures and then apply it to truss, beam, and frame structures. Our focus in this chapter is on deriving analytical solutions and using these solutions to explain structural behavior trends. Later in Chap. 12, we describe how the method can be transformed to a computer-based analysis procedure. 10.1 Introduction The Displacement Method works with equilibrium equations expressed in terms of displacement measures. For truss and frame-type structures, which are composed of members connected at node points, the translations and rotations of the nodes are taken as the displacement measures. For example, the plane truss shown in Fig. 10.1a has two unknown displacements ðu2 ;v2 Þ. The available equilibrium equations are the two force equilibrium equations for node 2. Planar beam-type structures have two displacement measures per node, the transverse displacements and the cross-section rotation. The corresponding equations are the shear, and moment equilibrium equations for each node. For example, the planar beam shown in Fig. 10.1b has five unknown displacements ðy1 ;y2 ; y3 ; y4 ; v4 Þ. Plane frame-type structures have three displacement measure per nodes: two translations and one rotation. One works with the force and moment equilibrium equations for each unrestrained node. In general, the number of node J.J. Connor and S. Faraji, Fundamentals of Structural Engineering, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-3262-3_10, # Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2013 737 738 10 The Displacement Method n2 a u2 2 3 1 b θ1 θ2 n4 θ3 θ4 4 1 2 c 3 θ2 n3 n2 u2 2 θ3 u3 3 4 1 Fig. 10.1 (a) Plane truss. (b) Planar beam. (c) Plane frame equilibrium equations will always be equal to the number of displacements. For example the plane frame shown in Fig. 10.1c has six unknown displacements ðu2 ; v2 ; y2 ; u3 ; v3 ; y3 Þ. The approach followed to generate equations involves the following steps: 1. Firstly, we decompose the structure into nodes and members. Note that the forces applied by a member to the node at its end are equal in magnitude but oppose in sense to the forces acting on the end of the member. The later are called end actions. 2. Secondly, we relate the end actions for a member to the displacement measures for the nodes at the ends of the member. We carry out this procedure for each member. 3. Thirdly, we establish the force equilibrium equations for each node. This step involves summing the applied external loads and the end actions for those members which are incident on the node. 4. Fourthly, we substitute for the member end actions expressed in terms of the nodal displacements. This leads to a set of equilibrium equations relating the applied external loads and the nodal displacements. 10.2 Displacement Method Applied to a Plane Truss 739 5. Lastly, we introduce the prescribed values of nodal displacements corresponding to the supports in the equilibrium equations. The total number of unknowns is now reduced by the number of prescribed displacements. We solve this reduced set of equations for the nodal displacements and then use these values to determine the member end actions. The solution procedure is systematic and is applicable for both statically determinate and statically indeterminate structures. Applications of the method to various types of structure are described in the following sections. 10.2 Displacement Method Applied to a Plane Truss Consider the truss shown in Fig. 10.2. We suppose nodes 2, 3, and 4 are unyielding. We analyzed this structure with the Force Method in Sect. 9.6. We include it here to provide a comparison between the two approaches. There are two displacement measures, the horizontal and vertical translations for node 1. The structure is statically indeterminate to the first degree, so it is a trade-off whether one uses the Force Method or the Displacement Method. The first step is to develop the equations relating the member forces and the nodal displacements. We start by expressing the change in length, e, of each member in terms of the displacements for node 1. This analysis is purely geometrical and involves projecting the nodal displacements on the initial direction of the member. n1 Py Px 1 u1 A1, L1 (1) A1, L1 (2) (3) A2, L2 Fig. 10.2 Truss geometry and loading 4 θ 2 θ 3 740 10 a The Displacement Method b F e v u AE e θ L F Fig. 10.3 Extension and force quantities—Axial loaded member We define an extension as positive when the length is increased. Noting Fig. 10.3a, the extensions of members (1), (2), and (3) due to nodal displacements are given by: eð1Þ ¼ u1 cosy þ v1 siny eð2Þ ¼ v1 (10.1) eð3Þ ¼ u1 cosy þ v1 siny Next, we express the member force in terms of the corresponding extension using the stress–strain relation for the material. Noting Fig. 10.3b, the generic equations are: etotal ¼ e0 þ s¼ 1 e s¼ E L F A where e0 is the initial strain due to temperature change and fabrication error. Then, AE e AEe0 L AE e þ FF ¼ L F¼ (10.2) where FF is the magnitude of the member force due to initial strain. Substituting for the extensions leads to the desired expressions relating the member forces and the corresponding nodal displacements. A1 E A1 E cos y u1 þ sin y v1 þ FFð1Þ L1 L1 A2 E A2 E v1 þ FFð2Þ ¼ v1 ¼ L2 L1 sin y A1 E A1 E ¼ cos y u1 þ sin y v1 þ FFð3Þ L1 L1 Fð1Þ ¼ Fð2Þ Fð3Þ (10.3) 10.2 Displacement Method Applied to a Plane Truss 741 We generate the force-equilibrium equations for node 1 using the free body diagram show below. Py 1 θ F(1) X X θ F(2) Px F(3) Fx ¼ 0 ! Px ¼ cos yðFð1Þ Fð3Þ Þ Fy ¼ 0 " Py ¼ sin yðFð1Þ þ Fð3Þ Þ þ Fð2Þ (10.4) Substituting for the member forces, one obtains a set of uncoupled equations for u1 and v1. 2A1 E cos2 y u1 þ cos yðFFð1Þ FFð3Þ Þ L1 A2 E 2A1 E 2 þ sin y v1 þ sin yðFFð1Þ þ FFð3Þ Þ þ FFð2Þ Py ¼ L1 sin y L1 Px ¼ (10.5) One solves these equations for u1 and v1, and then determines the member forces using (10.3). The resulting expressions are: Fð1Þ Fð2Þ Fð3Þ Px A1 sin y þ Py ¼ þ FFð1Þ 2 cos y A2 = sin y þ 2A1 sin2 y A2 = sin y ¼ Py þ FFð2Þ A2 = sin y þ 2A1 sin2 y Px A1 sin y þ Py ¼ þ FFð3Þ 2 cos y A2 = sin y þ 2A1 sin2 y (10.6) where Px ¼ Px cos yðFFð1Þ FFð3Þ Þ Py ¼ Py sin yðFFð1Þ þ FFð3Þ Þ þ FFð2Þ For this example, it may seem like more effort is required to apply the displacement method vs. the force method (Sec. 9.6). However, the displacement method generates the complete solution, i.e., both the member forces and the nodal displacements. A separate computation is required to compute the displacements when using the Force method. 742 10.3 10 The Displacement Method Member Equations for Frame-Type Structures The members in frame-type structures are subjected to both bending and axial action. The key equations for bending behavior of a member are the equations which relate the shear forces and moments acting on the ends of a member to the deflection and rotation of each end. These equations play a very important role in the analysis of statically indeterminate beams and frames and also provide the basis for the matrix formulation of the displacement method for structural frames. In what follows, we develop these equations using the force method. a A b B θB θA B' nB A' nA A B A B c MA VA MB VB Fig. 10.4 Member deformation and end actions. (a) Initial geometry. (b) Deformed configuration for member AB. (c) Notation for end shear and moment 10.3 Member Equations for Frame-Type Structures Fig. 10.5 Fixed end Actions. (a) Initial. (b) Deformed 743 a A B b MFA MFB VFA VFB θB Fig. 10.6 Response to nodal displacements θA ΔMA nA B' A' ΔVA A ΔVB ΔMB nB B We consider the structure shown in Fig. 10.4a. We focus specifically on member AB. Both of its ends are rigidly attached to nodes. When the structure is loaded, the nodes displace and the member bends as illustrated in Fig. 10.4b. This motion produces a shear force and moment at each end. The positive sense of these quantities is defined in Figs. 10.4b, c. We refer to the shear and moment acting at the ends as end actions. Our objective here is to relate the end actions ðVB ; MB ; VA ; MA Þand the end displacements ðnB ; yB ; nA ; yA Þ. Our approach is based on treating the external loading and end actions as separate loadings and superimposing their responses. We proceed as follows: Step 1 Firstly, we assume the nodes at A and B are fixed and apply the external loading to member AB. This leads to a set of end actions that we call fixed end actions. This step is illustrated in Fig. 10.5. Step 2 Next, we allow the nodes to displace. This causes additional bending of the member AB resulting in additional end actions ðDVB ; DMB ; DVA ; DMA Þ. Figure 10.6 illustrates this notation. Step 3 Superimposing the results obtained in these two steps leads to the final state shown in Fig. 10.7. 744 10 The Displacement Method Fig. 10.7 Final state MA MB A' B' VB VA MB ¼ MBF þ DMB MA ¼ MAF þ DMA VB ¼ VBF þ DVB VA ¼ VAF þ DVA We determine the fixed end actions corresponding to the first step using the force method. Details are described in Chap. 9. Fixed end actions for various loading cases are listed in Table 9.1. For the second step, we visualize the process as consisting of two substeps. First, we displace node B holding A fixed. Then, we displace node A, holding B fixed. Combining these cases result in the response shown in Fig. 10.8c. Superposition is valid since the behavior is linear. These two cases are similar and can be analyzed using the same procedure. We consider first case (a) shown in Fig. 10.8a. We analyze this case by considering ð1Þ AB to be a cantilever beam fixed at A and subjected to unknown forces, DVB and ð1Þ DMB at B (see Fig. 10.9a). The displacements at B are (see Table 3.1): ð1Þ ð1Þ DVB L3 DMB L2 þ 3EI 2EI ð1Þ 2 ð1Þ DV L DMB L þ yB ¼ B EI 2EI nB ¼ (10.7) ð1Þ We determine DVB and DMB1 by requiring these displacements to be equal to the ð1Þ ð1Þ actual nodal displacements vB and yB . Solving for DVB and DMB leads to ð1Þ 12EI 6EI v B 2 yB 3 L L 4EI 6EI yB vB ¼ L L DVB ¼ ð1Þ DMB (10.8) The corresponding end actions at A are determined using the equilibrium conditions for the member. X ð1Þ ð1Þ Fy ¼ 0 ) DVB þ DVA ¼ 0 X ð1Þ ð1Þ ð1Þ M ¼ 0 ) DMB þ DMA þ LDVB ¼ 0 at A θB a B ΔMB(1) nB A ΔV(1) A (1) ΔMA ΔV(1) B θA b nA A B ΔMB(2) ΔV(2) A (2) ΔMA ΔV(2) B θB c ΔM(1) B B A ΔV(1) nB ΔM(2) A ΔV(1) A + = ΔM(2) A B′ ΔMA A′ ΔVA nA θA nA θB θA B ΔVB ΔMB nB A A B B ΔM(2) ΔV(2) A B ΔV(2) B Fig. 10.8 Superposition of nodal motions. (a) Support A fixed. (b) Support B fixed. (c) Superimposed motions a (1) B A ΔMB (1) L ΔVB b (2) ΔMA A B (2) ΔVA Fig. 10.9 (a) Support A fixed. (b) Support B fixed 746 10 The Displacement Method Then ð1Þ 12EI 6EI n B þ 2 yB L3 L 6EI 2EI yB ¼ 2 nB þ L L DVA ¼ ð1Þ DMA (10.9) Equation (10.8) and (10.9) define the end actions due to the displacement of node B with A fixed. Case (b) of Fig. 10.8 is treated in a similar way (see Fig. 10.9b). One works with ð2Þ ð2Þ a cantilever fixed at B and solves for DVA and DMA . The result is ð2Þ 12EI 6EI n A þ 2 yA 3 L L 6EI 4EI yA ¼ 2 nA þ L L DVA ¼ ð2Þ DMA (10.10) The end actions at B follow from the equilibrium conditions for the member. ð2Þ 12EI 6EI n A 2 yA L3 L 6EI 4EI yA ¼ 2 nA þ L L DVB ¼ ð2Þ DMB (10.11) Equations (10.10) and (10.11) define the end actions due to the displacement of node A with B fixed. The complete solution is generated by superimposing the results for these two loading conditions and the fixed end actions. 6EI 12EI ðyB þ yA Þ þ 3 ðnB nA Þ þ VBF 2 L L 2EI 6EI ð1Þ ð2Þ F ð2yB þ yA Þ 2 ðnB nA Þ þ MBF MB ¼ DMB þ DMB þ MB ¼ þ L L 6EI 12EI ð1Þ ð2Þ F VA ¼ DVA þ DVA þ VA ¼ þ 2 ðyB þ yA Þ 3 ðnB nA ÞþVAF L L 2EI 6EI ð1Þ ð2Þ F ðyB þ 2yA Þ 2 ðnB nA Þ þ MAF MA ¼ DMA þ DMA þ MA ¼ þ L L ð1Þ ð2Þ VB ¼ DVB þ DVB þ VBF ¼ We rearrange these equations according to moment and shear quantities. The final form is written as n n o 2EI n B A F 2yA þ yB 3 þ MAB L L n n o 2EI n B A F yA þ 2yB 3 ¼ þ MBA L L MAB ¼ MBA (10.12a) 10.4 The Displacement Method Applied to Beam Structures 747 and n n o 6EI n B A F y þ y 2 þ VAB A B L2 L n n o 6EI n B A F ¼ 2 yA þ yB 2 þ VBA L L VAB ¼ þ VBA M + V + (10.12b) MAB A B MBA EI VBA VAB L θB θ V θA + B′ + VB A′ VA A B Equations (10.12) are referred to as the slope-deflection equations. They are based on the sign conventions and notation defined above. 10.4 The Displacement Method Applied to Beam Structures In what follows, we first describe how the slope-deflection equations are employed to analyze horizontal beam structures, starting with two span beams and then moving on to multi-span beams and frames. The displacement measures for beams are taken as the nodal rotations; the transverse displacements are assumed to be specified. 10.4.1 Two Span Beams We consider the two span beam shown in Fig. 10.10a. One starts by subdividing the beam into two beam segments and three nodes, as indicated in Fig. 10.10b. There are only two rotations unknowns; the rotations at nodes A and B. 748 10 The Displacement Method a nA ∧ nB ∧ nC ∧ A C I2 I1 B L1 b A MAB = 0 L2 MBA MBC MCB B C VCB VBA VBC MAB = 0 A VAB MBA MBC B V BA MCB B VBC C VCB Fig. 10.10 Decomposition of two span beam into beam segments and nodes. (a) Beam geometry and loading. (b) Segments and nodes We enforce moment equilibrium at the nodes. The corresponding equations are: MAB ¼ 0 MBA þ MBC ¼ 0 (10.13) Next we apply the slope-deflection equations (10.12a) to members AB and BC. 2EI1 nB nA F 2yA þ yB 3 MAB ¼ þ MAB L1 L1 2EI1 nB nA F MBA ¼ 2yB þ yA 3 þ MBA L1 L1 2EI2 nC nB F MBC ¼ 2yB 3 þ MBC L2 L2 2EI2 nC nB F MCB ¼ yB 3 þ MCB L2 L2 (10.14) 10.4 The Displacement Method Applied to Beam Structures 749 Substituting for the end moments in the nodal moment equilibrium equations yields 4EI1 2EI1 6EI1 nB nA F MAB yA þ yB ¼ (10.15) L1 L1 L1 L1 2EI1 4EI1 4EI2 6EI1 nB nA 6EI2 nC nB F F yB ¼ þ ðMBA yA þ þ þ MBC Þ L1 L1 L2 L1 L1 L2 L2 Once the loading, support motion and member properties are specified, one can solve for yB and yA . Substituting for the ys in (10.14) leads to the end moments. Lastly, we calculate the end shears. Since the end moments are known, we can determine the end shear forces using either the static equilibrium equations for the members AB and BC or by using (10.12b). MBA A VAB B MBC MCB B VBA C VCB VBC Free body diagram 6EI1 12EI1 nB nA F ð y þy Þ þ VAB A B L1 L21 L21 6EI1 12EI1 nB nA F VBA ¼ 2 ðyB þyA Þ þ 2 þ VBA L1 L1 L1 6EI2 12EI2 nC nB F VBC ¼ 2 ðyB Þ 2 þ VBC L2 L2 L2 6EI2 12EI2 nC nB F VBC ¼ 2 ðyB Þ þ 2 þ VBC L2 L2 L2 VAB ¼ C A MC B RA (10.16) RB RC 750 10 nA The Displacement Method nC nB A C I2 I1 B L1 L2 Fig. 10.11 Beam geometry and support settlements The reactions are related to the end actions by RA ¼ VAB MA ¼ MAB ¼ 0 RB ¼ VBA þ VBC RC ¼ VCB MC ¼ MCB Suppose the only external action on the above two span beam is prescribed support settlements nA , nB , and nC as shown in Fig. 10.11. We compute the corresponding chord rotation terms and include these terms in the slope-deflection equations. The chord rotations are nB nA L1 nC nB ¼ L2 rAB ¼ rBC (10.17) Noting (10.14), the chord rotation terms introduce additional end moments for each member connected to the support which experiences the settlement. The corresponding expressions for the end moments due to this support settlement are 2EI1 f2yA þ yB 3rAB g L1 2EI1 MBA ¼ f2yB þ yA 3rAB g L1 2EI2 MBC ¼ f2yB þ yC 3rBC g L2 2EI2 MCB ¼ f2yC þ yB 3rBC g L2 MAB ¼ (10.18) 10.4 The Displacement Method Applied to Beam Structures 751 Substituting for the moments in the nodal moment equilibrium equations MAB ¼ 0 MBA þ MBC ¼ 0 And noting that yC ¼ 0 results in the following equations relating the nodal rotations 2yA þ yB ¼ 3rAB 2EI1 2EI2 6EI1 6EI2 f2yB þ yA g þ f2yB g ¼ rAB þ r L1 L2 L1 L2 BC (10.19) Note that the solution depends on the ratio of EI to L for each span. One specifies r for each member, solves (10.19) for the ys, and then evaluates the end actions. Example 10.1 Given: The two span beam defined in Fig. E10.1a. Assume the supports are unyielding. Take E ¼ 29,000 ksi, I ¼ 428 in:4 and L ¼ 20 ft. 10 kip 1.5 kip /ft B C A I I L L/2 L/2 Fig. E10.1a Determine: The end actions and the shear and moment diagrams due to the applied loading. Solution: First we compute the fixed end actions by using Table 9.1. 50 kip ft 50 kip ft 1.5 kip/ft A 10 kip B B 15 kip 15 kip 20 ft 25 kip ft 25 kip ft C 5 kip 5 kip 20 ft 752 10 F MAB ¼ 1:5ð20Þ2 ¼ 50 kip ft 12 F MBA ¼ 50 kip ft F MBC ¼ 10ð20Þ ¼ 25 kip ft 8 F MCB ¼ 25 kip ft The Displacement Method 1:5ð20Þ ¼ 15 kip 2 1:5ð20Þ F ¼ 15 kip VAB ¼ 2 10 F VBC ¼ 5 kip ¼ 2 10 F ¼ 5 kip VCB ¼ 2 F VAB ¼ We define the relative member stiffness for each member as kmember AB ¼ kmember BC ¼ EI 29; 000 ð428Þ 1 ¼ k1 ¼ ¼ 4; 310 kip ft L 20 ð12Þ2 Next, we generate the expressions for the end moments using the slopedeflection equations (10.12) and noting that yA ¼ 0 and the supports are unyielding (nA ¼ nB ¼ nC ¼ 0). MAB ¼ 2k1 ðyB Þ þ 50 MBA ¼ 2k1 ð2yB Þ 50 MBC ¼ 2k1 ð2yB þ yC Þ þ 25 MCB ¼ 2k1 ðyB þ 2yC Þ 25 Enforcing moment equilibrium at nodes B and C MBA MBC B VBA MCB = 0 C VBC VCB MBA þ MBC ¼ 0 MCB ¼ 0 leads to 2k1 yB þ 4k1 yC ¼ 25 8k1 yB þ 2k1 yC ¼ 25 + k1 yB ¼ 1:786 k1 yC ¼ 5:357 + yB ¼ 0:0004 rad counter clockwise yC ¼ 0:0012 rad counter clockwise 10.4 The Displacement Method Applied to Beam Structures 753 These rotations produce the following end moments MAB ¼ 53:57 kip ft MBA ¼ 42:84 kip ft MBC ¼ þ42:84 kip ft MCB ¼ 0 Since the end moments are known, we can determine the end shear forces using either the static equilibrium equations for the members or by using (10.12b). 10 k MAB = 53.57 1.5 kip/ft MBA = 42.84 MBC = 42.84 B VAB VBA VBC C VCB Noting (10.12b), we find 6 6 F ðk1 yB Þ þ VAB ¼ ð1:786Þ þ 15 ¼ 15:53 kip L 20 6 6 F VAB ¼ ðk1 yB Þ þ VAB ¼ ð1:786Þ þ 15 ¼ 14:47 kip L 20 6 6 F VBC ¼ ðk1 yB þ k1 yC Þ þ VBC ¼ ð1:786 þ 5:357Þ þ 5 ¼ 7:14 kip L 20 6 6 F VAB ¼ ðk1 yB þ k1 yC Þ þ VCB ¼ ð1:786 þ 5:357Þ þ 5 ¼ 2:86 kip L 20 VAB ¼ The reactions are: RA ¼ VAB ¼ 15:53 kip " MA ¼ MAB ¼ 53:57 kip ft RB ¼ VBA þ VBC ¼ 21:6 kip " RC ¼ VCB ¼ 2:86 kip " MC ¼ MCB ¼ 0 Lastly, the shear and moment diagrams are plotted below. 754 10 The Displacement Method 10 kip 1.5 kip/ft 53.57 kip ft B A C 2.86 kip 21.6 kip 15.53 kip 14.46 kip 10.35 ft 2.86 kip + + – V + M + – 7.14 kip 15.53 kip 26.8 kip ft 28.6 kip ft + + – – 42.84 kip ft 53.57 kip ft Example 10.2 Two span symmetrical beam—settlement of the supports Given: The symmetrical beam shown in Fig. E10.2a. Assume EI is constant. TakeL ¼ 6 m, I ¼ 180ð10Þ6 mm4 ; E ¼ 200 kN/mm2 . Case (i) the middle support settles an amount nB ¼ 40 mm. Case (ii) the left support settles an amount nA ¼ 40 mm. A B C I I L L Fig. E10.2a Determine: The end actions, the shear and bending moment diagrams. Solution: Case (i): Support settlement at B (Fig. E10.2b) 10.4 The Displacement Method Applied to Beam Structures A 755 B C nB L L Fig. E10.2b Settlement at B Noting (10.17) the chord rotations due to settlement at B are: nB nA nB ¼ L L nC nB nB ¼þ ¼ L L rAB ¼ rBC Substituting for rAB and rBC the corresponding slope-deflection equations (10.12) take the form 2EI 6EI ð2yA þyB Þ r L L AB 2EI 6EI ð2yB þyA Þ r MBA ¼ L L AB 2EI 6EI ð2yB þyC Þ r MBC ¼ L L BC 2EI 6EI ð2yC þyB Þ r MCB ¼ L L BC MAB ¼ We enforce moment equilibrium at nodes A, B, and C. MAB = 0 MBA A MBC MCB = 0 C B VBA VBC The corresponding equations are: MAB ¼ 0 ) MBA þ MBC ¼ 0 ) MCB ¼ 0 ) nB L yA þ 4yB þ yC ¼ 0 nB 2yC þ yB ¼ 3 L 2yA þ yB ¼ 3 VCB 756 10 The Displacement Method Solving for the ys leads to yB ¼ 0 3 2 3 yC ¼ þ 2 yA ¼ nB L nB L The corresponding end moments are: 2EI 3 nB 6EI nB 3EI 3ð200Þð180Þ106 ð40Þ ¼ þ 2 nB ¼ L 2 L L L L ð6; 000Þ2 MBA ¼ MBC ¼ 120; 000 kN mm ¼ 120 kN m 2EI 3 nB 6EI nB 3EI ¼ ¼ 2 nB ¼ 120 kN m L 2 L L L L Next, we determine the end shear forces using the static equilibrium equations for the members. 3EI v B L2 A B VAB 3EI v B L2 B VBA C VBC VCB L L 3EI 3ð200Þð180Þ106 n ¼ ð40Þ ¼ 20 kN " B L3 ð6; 000Þ3 3EI ¼ 3 nB ¼ 20 kN # L VAB ¼ VCB ¼ þ VBA ¼ VBC The corresponding reactions are: RA ¼ VAB ¼ 20 kN " RB ¼ VBA þ VBC ¼ 40 kN # RC ¼ VCB ¼ 20 kN " One should expect that yB ¼ 0 because of symmetry. The shear and moment diagrams are plotted below. 10.4 The Displacement Method Applied to Beam Structures 757 B A vB RA = 20 kN C RC = 20 kN RB = 40 kN 20 kN + V – 20 kN + 120 kN-m + M + Case (ii): Support settlement at A (Fig. E10.2c) A B C nA L L Fig. E10.2c Settlement at A Settlement at A produces chord rotation in member AB only. The chord rotation for member AB due to settlement of node A is rAB ¼ nA =L. Substituting for rAB , the corresponding slope-deflection equations (10.12) take the form 2EI 6EI ð2yA þyB Þ r L L AB 2EI 6EI ð2yB þyA Þ r MBA ¼ L L AB 2EI ð2yB þ yC Þ MBC ¼ L 2EI ð2yC þyB Þ MCB ¼ L MAB ¼ 758 10 The Displacement Method Setting MAB ¼ MCB ¼ 0 and MBA þ MBC ¼ 0 leads to 2yA þ yB ¼ 3rAB 2yC þ yB ¼ 0 4yB þ yA þ yC ¼ 3rAB Solving for the ys leads to 5 yA ¼ rAB 4 1 yB ¼ rAB 2 1 yC ¼ rAB 4 Finally, the bending moment at B due to support settlement at A is: MBA ¼ 2EI nA 5 nA 6EInA 1:5EI 1:5ð200Þð180Þ106 þ ¼ 2 nA ¼ ð40Þ 2 L L L 4 L L ð6; 000Þ2 ¼ 60; 000 kN mm ¼ 60 kN m MBC ¼ MBA ¼ 60 kN m counterclockwise Next, we determine the end shear forces using the static equilibrium equations for the members. MBA = A 1.5 EI L2 B vA 1.5 EI vA L2 B MBC = C RC = RA = 1.5 EI vA L3 1.5 EI vA L3 1.5 EI vA L3 Then, 1:5EI 1:5ð200Þð180Þ106 v ¼ ð40Þ ¼ 10 kN A L3 ð6; 000Þ3 1:5EI 1:5EI RB ¼ 3 vA þ 3 vA ¼ þ20 kN L L RA ¼ RC ¼ The shear and moment diagrams are plotted below. 1.5 EI vA L3 10.4 The Displacement Method Applied to Beam Structures A vA C B RA = 10 kN 10 kN 759 RC = 10 kN RB = 20 kN + – V + M + 10 kN – 60 kN-m Example 10.3 Two span beam with overhang Given: The beam shown in Fig. E10.3a. Assume EI is constant. 40 kN 30 kN / m 10 kN / m A I I I B 7m C 4m 3m 3m Fig. E10.3a Determine: The end actions and the shear and moment diagrams. Solution: First we compute the fixed end moments by using Table 9.1. 122.5 kN-m 30 kN / m 122.5 kN-m B A 7m 40 kN 39.18 kN-m 29.39 kN-m B C 4m 3m D 760 10 The Displacement Method 30ð7Þ2 ¼ þ122:5 kN m 12 ¼ 122:5 kN m F MAB ¼þ F MBA F ¼ MBC 40ð4Þð3Þ2 ð7Þ2 F MCB ¼ ¼ þ29:39 kN m 40ð4Þ2 ð3Þ ð7Þ2 ¼ 39:18 kN m We define the relative member stiffness for each member as kmember AB ¼ kmember BC ¼ EI ¼ k1 L Noting that yA ¼ 0 and the supports are unyielding (nA ¼ nB ¼ nC ¼ 0), the corresponding slope-deflection equations (10.12) take the form MAB ¼ 2k1 ðyB Þ þ 122:5 MBA ¼ 2k1 ð2yB Þ 122:5 MBC ¼ 2k1 ð2yB þyC Þ þ 29:39 MCB ¼ 2k1 ð2yC þyB Þ 39:18 We enforce moment equilibrium at the nodes B and C. MBA MBC VBA 45 kN-m MCB B 45 kN-m 10 kN / m C 30 kN C VCB VBC 30 kN The corresponding equations are: MBA þ MBC ¼ 0 ) 2k1 yC þ 6k1 yB ¼ 93:11 MCB þ 45 ¼ 0 ) 4k1 yC þ 2k1 yB ¼ 5:82 Following these equations leads to k1 yB ¼ 13:71 k1 yC ¼ 8:31 D 3m 10.4 The Displacement Method Applied to Beam Structures 761 The corresponding end moments are: MAB ¼ þ149:9 kN m MBA ¼ 67:6 kN m MBC ¼ þ67:6 kN m MCB ¼ 45 kN m Next, we determine the end shear forces using the static equilibrium equations for the members. 149.9 kN-m 40 kN 67.6 kN-m 67.6 kN-m 30 kN / m 10 kN / m B B A C 20.4 kN 49.6 kN 93.2 kN 116.75 kN D The shear and moment diagrams are plotted below. 40 kN 30 kN / m 149.9 kN-m 10 kN / m C B A D 116.75 kN 49.62 kN 113.62 kN 93.2 kN 19.62 kN + – – – 20.38 kN V + 30 kN 116.75 kN 77.4 kN-m 14 kN-m + M – + 45 kN-m 67.6 kN-m 149.9 kN-m In what follows, we modify the slope-deflection equations for the end members of a multi-span continuous beam when they have either a pin or roller support. Consider the three span beam shown in Fig. 10.12a. There are three beam segments 762 10 nA The Displacement Method nC nB nD A D I2 I1 B L1 A MAB = 0 MAB = 0 A VAB L2 MBC MBA VAB I3 C VBA B VBC MCD MCB VCB C MBA B VBC C VCB MDC = 0 VDC VCD MCB MBC B V BA L3 MCD C VAB D MDC = 0 C VDC Fig. 10.12 Three span beam and four nodes. Since the end nodes have zero moment, we can simplify the slopedeflection equations for the end segments by eliminating the end rotations. We did this in the previous examples, as part of the solution process. Now, we formalize the process and modify the slope-deflection equations before setting up the nodal moment equilibrium equations for the interior nodes. Consider member AB. The end moment of A is zero, and we use this fact to express yA in terms of yB . Starting with the expression for MAB , MAB ¼ 2EI1 nB nA F 2yA þ yB 3 ¼0 þMAB L1 L1 and solving for yA leads to 1 3 L1 yA ¼ yB þ rAB MF 2 2 4EI1 AB Then, we substitute for yA in the expression MBA , MBA 2EI1 nB nA F ¼ 2yB þ yA 3 þ MBA L1 L1 and obtain the following form, 10.4 The Displacement Method Applied to Beam Structures MBA modified 3EI1 nB nA 1 F F ¼ yB þ MBA MAB 2 L1 L 763 (10.20) Note that the presence of a pin or roller at A reduces the rotational stiffness at B from 4EI/L to 3EI/L. Substituting for yA in the expression VAB and VBA leads to the following expressions, 6EI 1 1 nB nA F yB VABmodified ¼ þ 2 þ VAB L 2 2 L 6EI 1 1 nB nA F yB VBAmodified ¼ 2 þ VBA L 2 2 L For member BC we use the general unchanged form 2EI2 nC nB F 2yB þ yC 3 MBC ¼ þMBC L2 L2 2EI2 nC nB F MCB ¼ 2yC þ yB 3 þMCB L2 L2 The modified form for member CD is MDC ¼ 0 MCD ¼ 3EI3 nD nC 1 F F yC MDC þ MCD 2 L3 L3 Nodal moment equilibrium equations Now, we return back to Fig. 10.12. If we use the modified form of the moment expressions for members AB and CD, we do not have to enforce moment equilibrium at nodes A and D since we have already employed this condition to modify the equations. Therefore, we need only to consider nodes B and C. Summing moments at these nodes, MBA þ MBC ¼ 0 MCB þ MCD ¼ 0 and substituting for the end moments expressed in terms of yB and yC leads to 3EI1 4EI2 2EI2 6EI2 nC nB 3EI1 nB nA 1 F F F þ yC þ þ MBC ¼0 þ þ MBA MAB L1 L2 L2 L2 L2 L1 L1 2 2EI2 4EI2 3EI3 6EI2 nC nB 3EI3 nD nC 1 F F F þ MDC þ yC þ þ MCD þ MCB ¼0 yB 2 L2 L2 L3 L2 L2 L3 L3 yB (10.21) Given the nodal fixed end moments due to the loading and the chord rotations due to support settlement, one can solve the above simultaneous equations for 764 10 The Displacement Method yB and yC , and determine the end moments by back substitution. Note that the solution depends on the relative magnitudes of the ratio, I=L, for each member. In what follows, we list the modified slope-deflection equations for an end member AB or CD with a pin or roller support at either the A or D ends (see Fig. 10.12). End member AB (exterior pin or roller at A end): MAB ¼ 0 n n o 3EI n 1 F B A F yB MBA modified ¼ þ MBA MAB L 2 L n n o F 3EI n 3 M B A F AB VABmodified ¼ 2 yB þVAB L 2 L L n n o F 3EI n 3 MAB B A F VBAmodified ¼ 2 yB þ VBA þ L 2 L L (10.22a) End member CD (exterior pin or roller at D end): MDC ¼ 0 n n o 3EI n 1 F D C F yC MDC þ MCD L 2 L n o F 3EI nD nC 3 MDC F ¼ 2 yC þ þ VCD L 2 L L n n o F 3EI n 3 MDC D C F ¼ 2 yC þ VDC L 2 L L MCDmodified ¼ VCDmodified VDCmodified (10.22b) Equations (10.22) are referred to as the modified slope-deflection equations. Example 10.4 Two span beam with moment releases at both end Given: The two span beam shown in Fig. E10.4a. Assume EI is constant. Fig. E10.4a 10.4 The Displacement Method Applied to Beam Structures 765 Determine: The end actions and the shear and moment diagrams. Solution: The fixed end moments are (see Table 9.1): 1:4ð20Þ2 ¼ 46:67 kip ft 12 ¼ 46:67 k ft F ¼ MAB F MBA F ¼ MBC 12ð10Þð20Þ2 ð30Þ2 F MCB ¼ ¼ 53:33 kip ft 12ð20Þð10Þ2 ð30Þ2 ¼ 26:67 kip ft We define the relative member stiffness for each member as EI ¼ k1 LBC EI ¼ ¼ 1:5 k1 LAB kmember BC ¼ kmember AB Next, we generate the expressions for the end moments using the modified slopedeflection equations (10.22). MAB ¼ 0 1 F F MAB MBA ¼ MBA modified ¼ 3ð1:5k1 ÞðyB Þ þ MBA ¼ 3ð1:5k1 ÞðyB Þ 2 1 þ 46:67 ð46:67Þ ¼ 4:5k1 yB 70 2 1 F F MCB MBC ¼ MBCmodified ¼ 3ðk1 ÞðyB Þ þ MBC ¼ 3ðk1 ÞðyB Þ 2 1 þ þ53:33 ð26:67Þ ¼ 3k1 yB þ 66:66 2 MCB ¼ 0 The moment equilibrium equation for node B expands to MBA þMBC ¼ 0 + 7:5 k1 yB 3:34 ¼ 0 + k1 yB ¼ 0:4453 766 10 The Displacement Method Finally, the bending moment at B is MBA ¼ 68 kip ft MBC ¼ MBA ¼ 68 kip ft Noting the free body diagrams shown below, we find the remaining end actions. 68 kip ft 1.4 kip/ft 12 kip 68 kip ft B A C B 10.6 kip 1.73 kip 10.27 kip 17.4 kip The shear and moment diagrams are plotted below. 12 kip 1.4 kip/ft B C 27.67 kip 1.73 kip A 10.6 kip 17.4 kip 7.57 ft + 1.73 kip – V + – 10.6 kip 10.27 kip 40.1 kip ft 34.67 kip ft + + – 68 kip ft Example 10.5 Three span beam Given: The three span beam shown in Figs. E10.5a–c. M + 10.4 The Displacement Method Applied to Beam Structures 767 w A I2 I1 I1 B C L1 L2 D L1 Fig. E10.5a Uniform load Determine: The end moments and draw the moment diagram for Case (i): uniform load w. No support settlement. Case (ii): No loading. Support settlement at A. Consider I and L are constants. Case (iii): No loading. Support settlement at B. Consider I and L are constants. Solution: Case (i): Uniform loading The supports are unyielding. Therefore nA ¼ nB ¼ nC ¼ 0. The fixed end moments due to the uniform loading are (see Table 9.1) wL21 12 wL22 F MBC ¼ þ 12 2 wL F MCD ¼þ 1 12 F MAB ¼þ wL21 12 wL22 ¼ 12 wL21 ¼ 12 MFBA ¼ F MCB F MDC We use (10.22) for members AB and CD and (10.12) for member BC. MAB ¼ 0 3EI1 1 F 3EI1 wL2 F yB þ MBA MAB yB 1 ¼ 2 L1 L1 8 2 2EI2 2EI2 wL F MBC ¼ f2yB þ yC g þ MBC ¼ f2yB þ yC g þ 2 L2 L2 12 2EI2 2EI2 wL2 F fyB þ 2yC g + MCB ¼ fyB þ 2yC g 2 MCB ¼ L2 L 12 2 3EI1 1 3EI wL2 1 F F yC þ MCD MDC yC þ 1 MCD ¼ MCDmodified ¼ ¼ 2 L1 L1 8 MBA ¼ MBAmodified ¼ MDC ¼ 0 The nodal moment equilibrium equations are MBA þ MBC ¼ 0 MCB þ MCD ¼ 0 768 10 The Displacement Method Substituting for the end moments, the above equilibrium equations expand to 3EI1 4EI2 2EI2 wL2 wL2 þ yB þyC ¼ 2þ 1 L1 L2 L2 12 8 2EI2 4EI2 3EI1 wL21 wL22 þ yB þ þyC ¼ L2 L2 L1 8 12 + 9 8 3 2 > > = < L 1 þ ð =L Þ 1 2 EI2 2 yB ¼ L2 12 > ; :2 þ 3ðI1 =I2 ÞðL2 =L1 Þ> wL22 yC ¼ yB The corresponding moments are ( ) wL22 ðL1 =L2 Þ2 þ ðI1 =I2 ÞðL2 =L1 Þ MBC ¼ 1 þ 3=2ðI1 =I2 ÞðL2 =L1 Þ 8 MCB ¼ MBC We note that the moments are a function of ðI1 =I2 Þ and ðL1 =L2 Þ. The sensitivity of MBC to the ratio ðL1 =L2 Þ is plotted below for various values of ðI1 =I2 Þ. MBC wL22 8 I1 = 1.5 I2 I1 =1 I2 1.2 I1 =.5 I2 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.5 1 L1 L2 When I and L are constants for all the spans, the solution is wL3 120EI wL3 yC ¼ 120EI yB ¼ 10.4 The Displacement Method Applied to Beam Structures 769 and wL2 10 wL2 ¼ 10 MBA ¼ MCB ¼ MBC ¼ MCD We determine the end shear forces using the static equilibrium equations for the members. wL2 10 wL2 10 w A B .4 wL wL2 10 w B C w D C .5 wL .5 wL .6 wL wL2 10 .6 wL .4 wL The moment diagram is plotted below. w A B I C I L L .4 wL D I L 1.1 wL .4 wL 1.1 wL wL2 40 .08 wL2 .08 wL2 M + + + – .4L – + .4L wL2 wL2 10 10 Case (ii): Support settlement at A, no loading, I and L are constants A nA B C D I I I L L L Fig. E10.5b Settlement at A 770 10 The Displacement Method The chord rotations are nA L ¼ rCD ¼ 0 rAB ¼ þ rBC Specializing (10.22) for members AB and CD and (10.12) for member BC for I and L constant, and the above notation results in MBA modified ¼ 3EI n nA o yB L L 2EI f 2yB þ yC g L 2EI f yB þ 2yC g MCB ¼ L 3EI fyC g MCD modified ¼ L MBC ¼ The nodal moment equilibrium equations are MBA þ MBC ¼ 0 MCB þ MCD ¼ 0 7yB þ2yC ¼ ) 3nA L 2yB þ7yC ¼0 The solution is 7 nA 15L 2 nA yC ¼ 15L yB ¼ and the corresponding moments are 8EI nA 5L2 2EI MCD ¼ 2 nA 5L MBA ¼ We determine the end shear forces using the static equilibrium equations for the members. 8EI 5L2 A 8EI 5L3 B nA 8EI 5L3 nA 8EI 5L2 nA B nA 10EI 5L3 2EI 5L2 nA C nA 10EI 5L3 2EI 5L2 nA C nA 2EI 5L3 D nA 2EI 5L3 nA 10.4 The Displacement Method Applied to Beam Structures 771 The moment diagram is plotted below. A B C I I nA 8EI 5L3 D 18EI nA 5L3 I 12EI nA 5L3 L L 2EI nA 5L3 nA L 2EI nA 5L2 M + + – 8EI nA 5L2 Case (iii): Support settlement at B, no loading, I and L are constants The chord rotations are nB L nB rBC ¼ þ L rCD ¼ 0 rAB ¼ A C B I D I I L L nB L Fig. E10.5c Settlement at B Specializing (10.22) for members AB and CD and (10.12) for member BC for I and L constant, and the above notation results in 772 10 The Displacement Method n o 3EI n B yB þ MBA modified ¼ L L 2EI n nB o 2yB þ yC 3 MBC ¼ L L 2EI n nB o yB þ 2yC 3 MCB ¼ L L 3EI fyC g MCD modified ¼ L The nodal moment equilibrium equations are MBA þ MBC ¼ 0 3nB L 6nB 2yB þ7yC ¼ L 7yB þ2yC ¼ ) MCB þ MCD ¼ 0 The solution is nB 5L 4nB yC ¼ 5L yB ¼ and the corresponding moments are 18EI nB 5L2 12EI MCD ¼ 2 nB 5L MBA ¼ We determine the end shear forces using the static equilibrium equations for the members. 18EI 5L2 18EI nB 5L2 12EI nB 5L2 A C B 18EI 5L3 nB 18EI 5L3 B nB nB 12EI 5L2 nB D C 6EI 6EI 12EI L3 L3 5L3 nB 12EI 5L3 nB Noting the free body diagrams, we find the reactions. The moment diagram is plotted below. 10.4 The Displacement Method Applied to Beam Structures B A 5L3 I nB nB D C I 18EI 773 48EI 3 5L L 18EI 5L2 I 42EI nB 5L3 L 12EI nB 5L3 nB L nB + M + – 12EI 5L2 nB Example 10.6 Uniformly loaded three span symmetrical beam—fixed ends Given: The three span symmetrical fixed end beam defined in Fig. E10.6a. This model is representative of an integral bridge with very stiff abutments at the ends of the beam. w A D I1 I2 B L1 I1 C L2 L1 Fig. E10.6a Determine: The end moments. Solution: The slope-deflection equations for unyielding supports, yA ¼ yD ¼ 0 and symmetry yB ¼ yC are MAB ¼ MDC ¼ 2EI1 F ðyB Þ þ MAB L1 2EI1 F ð2yB Þ þ MBA L1 2EI2 F MBC ¼ MCB ¼ ðyB Þ þ MBC L2 MBA ¼ 774 10 The Displacement Method Where wL21 12 2 wL F MBA ¼ MFDC 1 12 2 wL F MBC ¼þ 2 12 2 wL F MCB ¼ 2 12 F F ¼ MCD ¼þ MAB Summing end moments at node B MBA þ MBC ¼ 0 + 4EI1 2EI2 F F yB þ þ MBC Þ ¼ ðMBA L1 L2 and solving for yB leads to yB ¼ yC ¼ ðwL21 =12Þ ðwL22 =12Þ ðð4EI1 =L1 Þ þ ð2EI2 =L2 ÞÞ Suppose I and L are constants. The end rotations corresponding to this case are yB ¼yC ¼ 0 It follows that the end moments are equal to the fixed end moments. MAB ¼ wL2 12 MBA ¼ MBC ¼ wL2 12 The general solution for the moment at B follows by substituting for yB in either the expression for MBA or MBC . After some algebraic manipulation, the expression for MBA reduces to n MBA ¼ wL22 12 ðL1 =L2 Þ2 þ 2ðI1 =I2 ÞðL2 =L1 Þ ð1 þ 2ðI1 =I2 ÞðL2 =L1 ÞÞ o 10.5 The Displacement Method Applied to Rigid Frames 775 We note that the moments are a function of ðI1 =I2 Þ and ðL1 =L2 Þ. The sensitivity of MBA to the ratio ðL1 =L2 Þ is plotted below for various values of ðI1 =I2 Þ. MBA wL22 12 I1 = 1.5 I2 I1 =1 I2 1.2 I1 = .5 I2 1 0.8 0.6 0.5 10.5 1 L1 L2 The Displacement Method Applied to Rigid Frames The essential difference between the analysis of beams and frames is the choice of the nodal displacements. The nodal variables for a beam are taken as the rotations. When there is support movement, we prescribe the nodal translation and compute the corresponding fixed end moments. In this way, the equilibrium equations always involve only rotation variables. Rigid frames are considered to be an assemblage of members rigidly connected at nodes. Since frame structures are formed by joining members at an arbitrary angle the members rotate as well as bend. When this occurs, we need to include the chord rotation terms in the slopedeflection equations, and work with both translation and rotation variables. Using these relations, we generate a set of equations relating the nodal translations and rotations by enforcing equilibrium for the nodes. The approach is relatively straightforward when there are no many displacement variables. However, for complex structures involving many displacement unknowns, one would usually employ a computer program which automates the generation and solution of the equilibrium equations. 776 10 a b c d B e A The Displacement Method w C D Fig. 10.13 Examples of sidesway The term, “sideway” is used to denote the case where some of the members in a structure experience chord rotation resulting in “sway” of the structure. Whether sideway occur depends on how the members are arranged and also depends on the loading applied. For example, consider the frame shown in Fig. 10.13a. Sideway is not possible because of the horizontal restraint. The frame shown in Fig. 10.13b is symmetrical and also loaded symmetrically. Because of symmetry, there will be no sway. The frame shown in Fig. 10.13c will experience sideway. The symmetrical frame shown in Fig. 10.13d will experience sideway because of the unsymmetrical loading. All three members will experience chord rotation for the frame shown in Fig. 10.13e. When starting an analysis, one first determines whether sideway will occur in order to identify the nature of the displacement variables. The remaining steps are relatively straight forward. One establishes the free body diagram for each node and enforces the equilibrium equations. The essential difference is that now one needs to consider force equilibrium as well as moment equilibrium. We illustrate the analysis process with the following example. 10.5 The Displacement Method Applied to Rigid Frames 777 w2 a B P1 C I3 h1 I2 I1 P2 h2 D w1 A L y b Δ Δ x B C x y y x D A Fig. 10.14 (a) Loading. (b) Deflected shape Consider the frame shown in Fig. 10.14. Under the action of the applied loading, nodes B and C will displace horizontally an amount D. Both members AB and CD will have chord rotation. There are three displacement unknowns yB , yC , and D. In general we neglect the axial deformation. The free body diagrams for the members and nodes are shown in Fig. 10.15. We take the positive sense of the members to be from A ! B, B ! C, and C ! D. Note that this fixes the sense of the shear forces. The end moments are always positive when counterclockwise. Moment equilibrium for nodes B and C requires X MB ¼ 0 ) MBA þ MBC ¼ 0 X (10.23a) MC ¼ 0 ) MCB þ MCD ¼ 0 We also need to satisfy horizontal force equilibrium for the entire frame. P P (10.23b) Fx ¼ 0 ! þ ) VAB þ VDC þ Fx ¼ 0 P 1 where Fx ¼ P1 þ P2 þ w1 h1 2 The latter equation is associated with sideway. 778 10 The Displacement Method y a x w2 MBC FBC MCB FCB C B VBC VCB FBA MBA MCD FCD B VCD C x y VBA P2 y VAB w1 A MAB x VDC D MDC FDC FAB MCB b P1 VCB FBC B C FCB VBA VBC VCD MBC MCD FCD MBA FBA w2 c P1 B C P2 VAB w1 A FAB VDC D MDC FDC MAB Fig. 10.15 Free body diagrams for members and nodes of the frame. (a) Members. (b) nodes. (c) Reactions 10.5 The Displacement Method Applied to Rigid Frames 779 Noting that yA ¼ yD ¼ 0, nA ¼ nD ¼ 0, nB ¼ D, and nC ¼ þD the slopedeflection equations (10.12) simplify to 2EI1 D F yB 3 þ MAB h1 h1 2EI1 D F MBA ¼ 2yB 3 þ MBA h1 h1 2EI3 F f2yB þyC g þ MBC MBC ¼ L 2EI3 F f2yC þ yB g þ MCB MCB ¼ L 2EI2 D F MCD ¼ 2yC 3 þ MCD h2 h2 2EI2 D F MDC ¼ yC 3 þ MDC h2 h2 6EI1 D F VAB ¼ 2 yB þ2 þ VAB h1 h1 6EI2 D F VDC ¼ 2 yC þ2 þ VDC h2 h2 MAB ¼ (10.24) Substituting for the end moments and shear forces, in (10.23) leads to 4EI1 4EI3 2EI3 6EI1 D F F yC þ þ þ MBA Þ¼0 þ ðMBC yB þ h1 L L h1 h1 2EI3 4EI3 4EI2 6EI2 D F F yB þ þ þ MCB Þ¼0 (10.25) yC þ þ ðMCD L L h2 h2 h2 X 6EI1 6EI2 12EI1 12EI2 F F þ VDC þ Fx ¼ 0 2 yB 2 yC þ 3 3 D VAB h1 h2 h1 h2 Once the loading and properties are specified, one can solve (10.25) for yB ; yC , and D. The end actions are then evaluated with (10.24). 10.5.1 Portal Frames: Symmetrical Loading Consider the symmetrical frame defined in Fig. 10.16. When the loading is also symmetrical, nodes B and C do not displace laterally, and therefore there is no chord rotation for members AB and CD. Also, the rotations at B and C are equal in magnitude but opposite in sense (yB ¼ yC ). With these simplifications, the expressions for the end moments reduce to 780 10 Fig. 10.16 Portal frame— symmetrical loading. (a) Loading. (b) Deflected shape. (c) Moment diagram The Displacement Method w a B C I2 h I1 I1 D A L b θC θB B θB C θC A + D c MBA MBC + – – + + MAB 2EI2 F ðyB Þ þ MBC L 2EI1 ð2yB Þ ¼ h 1 ¼ MBA 2 MBC ¼ MBA MAB (10.26) Moment equilibrium for node B requires MBC þ MBA ¼ 0 Substituting for the moments, the equilibrium equation expands to I1 I2 F 2EyB 2 þ ¼ MBC h L (10.27) 10.5 The Displacement Method Applied to Rigid Frames 781 We solve for yB and then evaluate MBA . MBA ¼ 1 MF 1 þ ðI2 =LÞ=2ðI1 =hÞ BC (10.28) The bending moment diagram is plotted in Fig. 10.16c. 10.5.2 Portal Frames Anti-symmetrical Loading Lateral loading produces anti-symmetrical behavior, as indicated in Fig. 10.17, and chord rotation for members AB and CD. In this case, the nodal rotations at B and C are equal in both magnitude and sense (yB ¼ yC ). The chord rotation is related to the lateral displacement of B by rAB ¼ nB h a (10.29) P 2 P 2 C B I2 h I1 I1 D A L w nB qB b qC B C A + D MBC c MBA + + B Fig. 10.17 Portal frame— anti-symmetric loading. (a) Loading. (b) Deflected shape. (c) Moment diagram – C + + – A MAB + D 782 10 The Displacement Method Note that the chord rotation sign convention for the slope-deflection equations (10.12) is positive when counterclockwise. Therefore for this choice of the sense of nB , the chord rotation for AB is negative. The corresponding expressions for the end moments are I2 ð3yB Þ L I1 3nB 2yB þ MBA ¼ 2E h h I1 3nB yB þ MAB ¼ 2E h h MBC ¼ 2E (10.30) Equilibrium requires MBC þ MBA ¼ 0 P VAB þ ¼ 0 2 (10.31) We determine the end shear with the moment equilibrium equation for member AB. MBA þ MAB h 2EI1 nB ¼ 2 3yB þ 6 h h VAB ¼ VBA (10.32) MBA B x y VAB A MAB Substituting for the moments and shear in (10.31) leads to two equations with two unknowns, yB and nB . The solution has the following form h2 P 1 4EI1 1 þ 6ðI2 =LÞ=ðI1 =hÞ 0 1 2 ðI 1 þ ð =hÞ=ðI =LÞ Þ 3 1 2 hP B C 3 nB ¼ @ A 24EI1 1 þ ðI1 =hÞ=6ðI2 =LÞ yB ¼ (10.33) 10.5 The Displacement Method Applied to Rigid Frames 783 We evaluate MBA and MAB using (10.30). MAB Ph 4 1 1 1 þ ðI1 =hÞ=ðI2 =LÞ 6 Ph 1 þ 1=3ðI1 =hÞ=ðI2 =LÞ ¼ 4 1 þ 1=6ðI1 =hÞ=ðI2 =LÞ MBA ¼ (10.34) A typical moment diagram is shown in Fig. 10.17c. Note the sign convention for bending moment. When the girder is very stiff with respect to the column, I2 =L I1 =h the solution approaches yB ! 0 h3 P 24EI1 Ph ! 4 Ph ! 4 nB ! MBA MAB (10.35) Example 10.7 Frame with no sideway Given: The frame defined in Fig. E10.7a. 30 kN-m 40 kN C A B 3I 3I 3.6 m I D 9m 1.5 m 4.5 m Fig. E10.7a Determine: The end actions. Solution: The fixed end moments are (see Table 9.1) F MBC ¼ F MCB ¼ 40ð1:5Þ ð4:5Þ2 ð6Þ2 40ð4:5Þ ð1:5Þ2 ð6Þ2 ¼ 33:75 kN m ¼ 11:25 kN m 784 10 The Displacement Method The modified slope-deflection equations (10.22) which account for moment releases at A, C, D are MAB ¼ MDB ¼ MCB ¼ 0 Eð3IÞ ðyB Þ ¼ EIyB 9 EðIÞ ðyB Þ ¼ ð0:83ÞEIyB ¼3 3:6 Eð3IÞ 1 F F ðyB Þ þ MBC ¼3 MCB ¼ ð1:5ÞEIyB þ 39:375 6 2 MBA ¼ MBAmodified ¼ 3 MBD ¼ MBDmodified MBC ¼ MBCmodified Moment equilibrium for node B requires (Fig. E10.7b) Fig. E10.7b 30 kN-m MBA B MBC MBD MBA þMBC þ MBD þ 30 ¼ 0 + EIyB þ ð0:83ÞEIyB þ ð1:5ÞEIyB þ 39:375 þ 30 ¼ 0 + EIyB ¼ 20:83 The final bending moments at B are MBA ¼ 20:8 ) MBA ¼ 20:8 kN m clockwise MBD ¼ 17:3 MBC ¼ 8:1 ) ) MBD ¼ 17:3 kN m clockwise MBC ¼ 8:1 kN m counterclockwise Noting the free body diagrams below, we find the remaining end actions (Figs. E10.7c, d). 10.5 The Displacement Method Applied to Rigid Frames 20.8 kN-m 785 8.1 kN-m C B B A 40 kN 17.3 kN-m 2.31 kN 31.36 kN 2.31 kN 33.67 kN 8.64 kN B D 33.67 kN Fig. E10.7c Free body diagrams 30 kN-m 40 kN C A B 2.31 kN 8.64 kN D 33.67 kN Fig. E10.7d Reactions Example 10.8 Frame with sideway Given: The frame defined in Fig. E10.8a. 9 kip 9 kip 6 kip B 21 C I I 10 ft D A 5 ft 5 ft 20 ft Fig. E10.8a 786 10 The Displacement Method Determine: The end actions. Solution: The fixed end moments are (see Table 9.1) 9ð5Þð15Þ2 9ð15Þð5Þ2 þ ¼ 33:75 kip ft 202 202 F ¼ MBC ¼ 33:75 kip ft F ¼ MBC F MCB The chord rotations follow from the sketch below (Fig. E10.8b): y x Δ x 10 ft B Δ C y y x D A 20 ft Fig. E10.8b rAB ¼ rCD ¼ D 10 rBC ¼ 0 Substituting for the chord rotations in the slope-deflection equations [(10.12) and (10.22)] results in (Figs. E10.8c, d) MAB ¼ MDC ¼ 0 MBA ¼ MBAmodified ¼ 3EðIÞ D yB þ ¼ 0:3EIyB þ 0:03EID 10 10 2Eð2IÞ f2yB þ yC g þ 33:75 ¼ 0:4EIyB þ 0:2EIyC þ 33:75 20 2Eð2IÞ MCB ¼ fyB þ 2yC g 33:75 ¼ 0:2EIyB þ 0:4EIyC 33:75 20 3EðIÞ D yC þ MCD ¼ MCDmodified ¼ ¼ 0:3EIyC þ 0:03EID 10 10 MBC ¼ 10.5 The Displacement Method Applied to Rigid Frames 787 Also MBA 10 MCD ¼ 10 VAB ¼ VDC The end actions are listed in Fig. E10.8c. MBA MCD VCD VBA B C y x 10 ft y 10 ft A VAB VDC x Fig. E10.8c Enforcing equilibrium at nodes B and C yields two equations, MBC þ MBA ¼ 0 MCB þ MCD ¼ 0 ! 0:7EIyB þ 0:2EIyC þ 0:03EID þ 33:75 ¼ 0 ! 0:2EIyB þ 0:7EIyC þ 0:03EID 33:75 ¼ 0 Summing horizontal forces for the entire frame leads to an additional equation, P Fx ¼ 0 ! þ VAB þ VDC þ 6 ¼ 0 + 0:3EIyB 0:3EIyC 0:06EI þ 60 ¼ 0 Solving these three equations, one obtains 8 > < EIyB ¼ 117:5 EIyC ¼ 17:5 > : EID ¼ 1; 500 and then 8 8 > > MBA ¼ þ9:75 MBA ¼ 9:75 kip ft; > > > > > > > > > > MBC ¼ 9:75 MBC ¼ 9:75 kip ft > > > > > > < M ¼ 50:25 < M ¼ 50:25 kip ft CB CB ) > > M M ¼ þ50:25 CD CD ¼ 50:25 kip ft > > > > > > > > > > VAB ¼ :975 VAB ¼ :975 kip > > > > > > : V ¼ 5:25 : V ¼ 5:25 kip DC DC counterclockwise clockwise clockwise counterclockwise 788 10 The Displacement Method Noting the free body diagrams below, we find the remaining end actions (Figs. E10.8d, e). 9.75 kip ft 9.75 kipft 9 kip 9 kip B 6 kip 0.975 kip 50.25 kip ft C 50.25 kip ft 5.025 kip 5.025 kip 6 kip B 12 kip 12 kip C A 5.025 kip 0.975 kip D 5.025 kip 6 kip 12 kip Fig. E10.8d Free body diagrams 9 kip 9 kip 6 kip 0.975 kip Fig. E10.8e Reactions 10.6 B C A D 6 kip 5.025 kip 12 kip The Moment Distribution Solution Procedure for Multi-span Beams 10.6.1 Introduction In the previous sections, we developed an analysis procedure for multi-span beams that is based on using the slope-deflection equations to establish a set of simultaneous equations relating the nodal rotations. These equations are equivalent to the nodal moment equilibrium equations. We generated the solution by solving these equations for the rotations and then, using these values, we determined the end moments and end shears. The solution procedure is relatively straightforward from a mathematical perspective, but it is difficult to gain some physical insight as to how the structure is responding during the solution process. This is typical of mathematical procedures which involve mainly number crunching and are ideally suited for computer-based solution schemes. The Moment Distribution Method is a solution procedure developed by Structural Engineers to solve the nodal moment equilibrium equations. The method was originally introduced by Hardy Cross [21] and has proven to be an efficient 10.6 The Moment Distribution Solution Procedure for Multi-span Beams 789 hand-based computational scheme for beam- and frame-type structures. Its primary appeal is its computational simplicity. The solution is generated in an iterative manner. Each iteration cycle involves only two simple computations. Another attractive feature is the fact that one does not have to formulate the nodal equilibrium equations expressed in terms of the nodal displacements. The method works directly with the end moments. This feature allows one to assess convergence by comparing successive values of the moments as the iteration progresses. In what follows, we illustrate the method with a series of beam-type examples. Later, we extend the method to frame-type structures. Consider the two span beam shown in Fig. 10.18. Supports A and C are fixed, and we assume that there is no settlement at B. We assume initially that there is no rotation at B. Noting Fig. 10.19; the net unbalanced clockwise nodal moment at B is equal to the sum of the fixed end moments for the members incident on node B. This unbalanced moment will cause node B to rotate until equilibrium is restored. Using the slope-deflection equations, we note that the increment in the end moment for a member which is incident on B due to a counterclockwise rotation at B is proportional to the relative stiffness I/L for the member. + MB,net =+ F F + MBC ΣMBF = +MBA (10.36) The moments acting on the node are of opposite sense, i.e., clockwise, from Newton’s law. The equilibrium state for the node is shown in Fig. 10.20. C A I1 I2 B Fig. 10.18 Two span beam with fixed ends L1 L2 M FBA Fig. 10.19 Nodal moments B M FBC 790 10 The Displacement Method Fig. 10.20 Moment equilibrium for node B MB, net ΔMBA ΔMBC B Equilibrium requires the moment sum to vanish. DMBA þ DMBC þ MB;net ¼ 0 Substituting for the moment increments yields an equation for yB 4EI1 4EI2 þ yB ¼ MB;net L1 L2 + yB ¼ 1 ðMB;net Þ ðð4EI1 =L1 Þ þ ð4EI2 =L2 ÞÞ (10.37) Lastly, we use this value of yB to evaluate the incremental end moments. DMBA ¼ ð4EI1 =L1 Þ ðMB;net Þ ðð4EI1 =L1 Þ þ ð4EI2 =L2 ÞÞ ð4EI2 =L2 Þ ð MB;net Þ DMBC ¼ ðð4EI1 =L1 Þþð4EI2 =L2 ÞÞ (10.38) The form of the solution suggests that we define a dimensionless factor, DF, for each member as follows DFBA ¼ I1 =L1 ðI1 =L1 Þ þ ðI2 =L2 Þ I2 =L2 DFBC ¼ ðI1 =L1 Þ þ ðI2 =L2 Þ (10.39) Note that DFBA + DFBC ¼ 1:0. With this notation, the expressions for the incremental end moments reduce to DMBA ¼ DFBA ðMB;net Þ DMBC ¼ DFBC ðMB;net Þ (10.40) 10.6 The Moment Distribution Solution Procedure for Multi-span Beams 791 One distributes the unbalanced fixed end moment to the members incident on the node according to their distribution factors which depend on their relative stiffness. The nodal rotation at B produces end moments at A and C. Again, noting the slope-deflection equations, these incremental moments are related to yB by 2EI1 2EI1 =L1 1 ð MB;net Þ ¼ DFBA ðMB;net Þ yB ¼ 2 L1 fð4EI1 =L1 Þ þ ð4EI2 =L2 Þg (10.41) 2EI2 2EI2 =L2 1 ð MB;net Þ ¼ DFBC ðMB;net Þ DMCB ¼ yB ¼ 2 L2 fð4EI1 =L1 Þ þ ð4EI2 =L2 Þg DMAB ¼ Comparing (10.41) with (10.40), we observe that the incremental moments at the far end are ½ the magnitude at the distributed moments at the near end. 1 DMBA 2 1 DMCB ¼ DMBC 2 DMAB ¼ (10.42) We summarize the moment distribution procedure for this example. The steps are: 1. Determine the distribution factors at each free node (only node B in this case). 2. Determine the fixed end moments due to the applied loading and chord rotation for the beam segments. 3. Sum the fixed end moments at node B. This sum is equal to the unbalanced moment at node B. 4. Distribute the unbalanced nodal moment to the members incident on node B. 5. Distribute one half of the incremental end moment to the other end of each member incident on node B. Executing these steps is equivalent to formulating and solving the nodal moment equilibrium equations at node B. Moment Distribution avoids the operation of setting up and solving the equations. It reduces the effort to a series of simple computations. Example 10.9 Moment distribution method applied to a two span beam Given: The two span beams shown in Fig. E10.9a. 30 kN / m B A C I 3m Fig. E10.9a 3I 6m 792 10 The Displacement Method Determine: The end moments using moment distribution. Solution: The fixed end moments and the distribution factors for node B are listed below. F ¼ 30 MAB ð3Þ2 F ¼ 22:5 kN m MBC ¼0 12 F MBA ¼ 22:5 kN m (P I At joint B L F MCB ¼0 ¼ 3I þ 3I6 ¼ 5I6 I=3 DFBA ¼ 5I=6 ¼ 0:4 DFBC ¼ 3I=6 5I=6 ¼ 0:6 It is convenient to list the end moments and distribution factors on a sketch superimposed on the multi-span beam. A typical sketch is shown below. We distribute the 22.5 kN m unbalanced moment at B and carry over the moments to A and C. After one distribution, moment equilibrium at B is restored. B A 0.4 C 1 FEM’s 22.5 -22.5 0 4.5 9 13.5 27 –13.5 ΣM 1 0.6 DF’s 13.5 0 6.75 6.75 Since the end moments are known, one can determine the end shear forces using the static equilibrium equations for the member. Lastly, the reactions are listed below. 27 kN-m 6.75 kN-m 30 kN / m A 49.5 kN B 43.875 kN C 3.375 kN 10.6 The Moment Distribution Solution Procedure for Multi-span Beams 793 10.6.2 Incorporation of Moment Releases at Supports We consider next the case where an end member has a moment release, as shown in Fig. 10.21. We work with the modified slope-deflection equation for member AB developed in Sect. 10.3 The end moments are given by (10.22) which is listed below for convenience. 3EI1 1 F 3EI1 F F MBAmodified ¼ yB þ MBA MAB ¼ yB þ MBA modified 2 L1 L1 MAB ¼ 0 Then, the increment in moment for member BA due to a rotation at B is 3 I1 DMBA ¼ 4E yB 4 L1 (10.43) DMAB ¼ 0 We use a reduced relative rigidity factor ð3=4ÞI1 =L1 , when computing the distribution factor for node B. Also, we use a modified fixed end moment (see Table 9.2). There is no carryover moment to A. A C I2 I1 B L1 L2 Fig. 10.21 Two span beam with a moment release at a support Example 10.10 Two span beam with a moment release at one end Given: The beam shown in Fig. E10.10a. 30 kN / m B A C I 3m Fig. E10.10a 3I 6m 794 10 The Displacement Method Determine: The end actions. Solution: Since member AB has a moment release, we work with the modified slope-deflection equation for member AB. The computational details are listed below. The modified fixed end moments (see Table 9.2): 30 kN/ m A B 3m 1 F 30ð3Þ2 F F M ¼ 33:75 kN m MBA ¼ M ¼ BA AB modified 2 8 F MAB ¼0 The modified distribution factors for node B: X I 3 I 3I 3I ¼ þ ¼ L 4 3 6 4 jointB DFBA ¼ ð3=4ÞðI=3Þ 1 ¼ ð3I=4Þ 3 DFBC ¼ 1 DFBA ¼ 2 3 The distribution details are listed below. B A DF’S 0 FEM’s 0 ΣM 0 C 1/3 2/3 -33.75 0 11.25 22.5 -22.5 22.5 1 0 11.25 11.25 Noting the free body diagrams below, we find the remaining end actions (Figs. E10.10b, c). 10.6 The Moment Distribution Solution Procedure for Multi-span Beams 22.5 kN-m 30 kN / m A 22.5 kN-m 11.25 kN-m B B 52.5 kN 37.5 kN 795 C 5.625 kN 5.625 kN Fig. E10.10b Free body diagrams 30 kN / m 11.25 kN-m B A C 37.5 kN 58.125 kN 5.625 kN Fig. E10.10c Reactions 10.6.3 Moment Distribution for Multiple Free Nodes The previous examples have involved only a single free node. We now extend the method for multiple free nodes. The overall approach is the same. We just have to incorporate an iterative procedure for successively balancing the nodal moments. Consider the three span beam shown in Fig. 10.22. We assume nodes B and C are fixed, determine the fixed end moments for the members, and compute the unbalanced nodal moments at nodes B and C. If these moments are not equal to zero, the nodes will rotate until equilibrium is restored. Allowing a node, such as B, to rotate produces incremental end moments in members AB and BC equal to DMBA ¼ 4EI1 yB L1 1 DMAB ¼ DMBA 2 DMBC ¼ 4EI2 yB L2 1 DMCB ¼ DMBC 2 B (10.44) C A Fig. 10.22 D I1 I2 I3 L1 L2 L3 796 10 The Displacement Method Similarly, a rotation at node C produces incremental end moments in segment BC and CD. DMCB ¼ 4EI2 yC L2 DMBC ¼ 1 DMCB 2 DMCD ¼ 4EI3 yC L3 DMDC ¼ 1 DMCD 2 (10.45) The distribution and carryover process is the same as described previously. One evaluates the distribution factors using (10.39) and takes the carryover factor as ½. Since there is more than one node, we start with the node having the largest unbalanced moment, distribute this moment, and carry over the distributed moment to the adjacent nodes. This operation changes the magnitudes of the remaining unbalanced moments. We then select the node with the “largest” new unbalanced moment and execute a moment distribution and carry over at this node. The solution process proceeds by successively eliminating residual nodal moments at various nodes throughout the structure. At any step, we can assess the convergence of the iteration by examining the nodal moment residuals. Usually, only a few cycles of distribution and carry over are sufficient to obtain reasonably accurate results. Example 10.11 Moment Distribution method applied to a three span beam Given: The three span beam defined in Fig. E10.11a. 2kip/ft A D 3I I 10 ft B 20ft I C 10ft Fig. E10.11a Determine: The end actions. Solution: The sequence of nodal moment balancing is at the following nodes: C, B, C, B, C. We stop when the unbalanced nodal moment is approximately less than 0.5 kip ft. The computations and distribution details are listed below. 2 F MBA ¼ 16:67 kip ft 2 F MCB ¼ 66:67 kip ft F MAB ¼ 2 ð10Þ 12 ¼ 16:67 kip ft F MBC ¼ 2 ð20Þ 12 ¼ 66:67 kip ft F F ¼ MDC ¼0 MCD 10.6 The Moment Distribution Solution Procedure for Multi-span Beams 797 8 P I ¼ I þ 3I ¼ 5I > > < modified L 10 20 20 At joint B or C I=10 DFBA ¼ DFCD ¼ 5I=20 ¼ 0:4 > > : DFCB ¼ DFBC ¼ 1 0:4 ¼ 0:6 DFDC ¼ DFAB ¼ 1 B A DF’s FEM’s .4 1 16.67 1.4 -66.67 0 26.67 1 0 13.33 20 -42 -21. 6.3 12.6 -2.52 -3.78 -1.89 .56 -.34 1.13 .75 .37 -.22 -47.4 +47.4 -35.8 +35.8 17.9 -28 -1.26 D .6 .4 -16.67 66.67 -14. ΣM C .6 40. 8.4 4.2 Noting the free body diagrams below, we find the remaining end actions (Figs. E10.11b, c). 1.4 kip ft 2kip/ft A 47.4 kip ft B B 5.4 kip 47.4 kip ft 20.58 kip 14.6 kip 2kip/ft 35.8 kip ft 17.9 kip ft 35.8 kip ft C D C 5.37 kip 5.37 kip 19.42 kip Fig. E10.11b Free body diagrams A 5.4 kip Fig. E10.11c Reactions 17.9 kip ft 2kip/ft 1.4 kip ft B 35.18 kip C 24.79 kip D 5.37 kip 798 10 The Displacement Method Example 10.12 Example 10.11 with moment releases at the end supports Given: A three span beam with moment releases at its end supports (Figs. E10.12a–c). 2kip/ft A D I 3I 10 ft B 20ft I C 10ft Fig. E10.12a Determine: The end actions. Solution: We rework Example 10.11 with moment releases at A and D. We use reduced relative rigidities for members AB and CD, and a modified fixed end moment for AB. There is no carryover from B to A or from C to D. Details are listed below. 1 F 2ð10Þ2 F F MBA M ¼ 25 kip ft ¼ M ¼ BA AB modified 2 8 F MAB ¼0 modified 2 kip/ft C A 10 ft F MBC ¼ 2ð20Þ2 ¼ 66:67 kip ft 12 F MCB ¼ 66:67 kip ft 2 kip/ft C B 20 ft F F MCD ¼ MDC ¼0 10.6 The Moment Distribution Solution Procedure for Multi-span Beams 799 8 P I 3 I 3I 9I > > ¼ þ ¼ > > L > 4 10 20 40 modified > > < At joints B or C DFBAmodified ¼ DFCDmodified ¼ 3I=40 ¼ 1 > 9I=40 3 > > > > > 1 2 > : DFCB ¼ DFBC ¼ 1 ¼ 3 3 DFDC ¼ DFAB ¼ 0 The distribution details and end actions are listed below. A B C 2/3 1/3 DF’s 0 1/3 2/3 FEM’s 0 -25. 66.67 -21.29 -2.36 -.26 ΣM 2kip/ft A 5.11 kip 0 48.9 kip ft B B 14.89 kip 20.94 kip -66.67 22.22 44.44 22.22 -21.3 7.1 14.2 -4.74 -2.37 .79 1.56 .79 -.52 -.26 .17 .09 2kip/ft 0 0 -42.59 -48.9 +48.9 48.9 kip ft D 0 7.1 +30.2 0 30.2 kip ft 30.2 kip ft –30.2 C C 30.2 kip 19.06 kip D 3.02 kip Fig. E10.12b Free body diagrams 2kip/ft A 5.11 kip D B C 35.83 kip 22.08 kip Fig. E10.12c Reactions 3.02 kip 800 10.7 10 The Displacement Method Moment Distribution: Frame Structures 10.7.1 Frames: No Sideway Sideway does not occur if there is a lateral restraint. Frames with no sideway are treated in a similar way as beams. The following examples illustrate the process. Example 10.13 Moment distribution method for a frame with no sideway Given: The frame shown in Fig. E10.13a. 8 kip 1.2 kip/ft A C 3I B 3I 12 ft I D 30 ft 5 ft 15 ft Fig. E10.13a Determine: The end actions. Solution: The distribution details and the fixed end moments and end actions are listed below. 1 F 1:2ð30Þ2 F F MBA M ¼ 135 kip ft ¼ M ¼ BA modified 2 AB 8 F MAB ¼0 modified 1.2 kip/ft A B 30 ft 1 F 21 PL F F ¼ 26:25 kip ft MBC ¼ MBC MCB ¼þ modified 2 128 F MCB ¼0 modified 10.7 Moment Distribution: Frame Structures 801 8 kip C B 5 ft 15 ft 8 P I 3 3I 3I I I > > ¼ þ þ ¼ > > > 4 30 20 12 4 modified L > > > > > 3=4ð3I=30Þ > > ¼ 0:3 < DFBAmodified ¼ I=4 At Joint B > 3=4ð3I=20Þ > > DFBCmodified ¼ ¼ 0:45 > > > I=4 > > > > 3=4ðI=12Þ > > : DFBCmodified ¼ ¼ 0:25 I=4 The distribution details are listed below (Fig. E10.13b). –102.4 M FEM’s 0 75.19 32.63 48.94 –135 26.25 .3 .45 .25 0 27.18 27.18 D Fig. E10.13b 0 0 802 10 8 kip 102.4 kip ft 1.2 kip/ft The Displacement Method 75.19 kip ft C B A B 14.58 kip 1.76 kip 9.76 kip 21.42 kip 27.18 kip ft 31.18 kip B D 31.18 kip Fig. E10.13c End actions Noting the free body diagrams below, we find the remaining end actions (Fig. E10.13c). Example 10.14 Symmetrical two-bay portal frame—symmetrical loading Given: The two-bay frame defined in Fig. E10.14a. 30 kN/m B 6m 3I C I I 18 m Fig. E10.14a I F D A E 3I 18 m Determine: The bending moment distribution and end actions using moment distribution. Solution: We use reduced rigidity factors for the column members and no carryover to the hinged ends at nodes A, D, F (Fig. E10.14b). 8 PI I 3 3I > > ¼ þ > > > L 6 4 18 > > < At node B or E ðI=6Þ3=4 > ¼ 0:43 DFBAmodified ¼ DFEFmodified ¼ > > ðI=6Þ3=4 þ ð3I=18Þ > > > > : DFBC ¼ DFEC ¼ 1 0:43 ¼ 0:57 10.7 Moment Distribution: Frame Structures 803 8 PI I 3 3I 3I 11 > > ¼ þ þ ¼ I > > > L 6 4 18 18 24 > > > > < ðI=6Þ3=4 3 At node C DFCDmodified ¼ ¼ ¼ 0:27 > ð11=24ÞI 11 > > > > > > > > : DFCB ¼ DFCE ¼ 1 0:27 ¼ 0:365 2 .365 .365 .57 .43 B .27 C 0 A 0 D .57 E .43 F 0 Fig. E10.14b Distribution factors The fixed end moments are F F F F MBC ¼ MCB ¼ MCE ¼ MEC ¼þ 30ð18Þ2 ¼ þ810 kN m 12 The moment distribution sequence is listed in Fig. E10.14c. Note that there is never any redistribution at node C because of symmetry (Fig. E10.14d). M –348.3 348.3 –348.3 –461.7 FEM’s 0 Fig. E10.14c 0 810 –1040.85 1040.85 –230.85 –810 –348.3 348.3 230.85 461.7 348.3 810 –810 B C 0 E A D 0 F 0 0 804 10 The Displacement Method 231.5 kN 231.5 kN 348 kN-m 348 kN-m 30 kN/m 1041 kN-m 1041kN-m B 30 kN/m 348 kN-m C C B 348 kN-m 308.5 kN E E 231.5 kN 308.5 kN 231.5 kN 617 kN C A F D Fig. E10.14d Free body diagram The final bending moment distributions are plotted in Fig. E10.14e. 545 kN-m 545 kN-m + + 348 kN-m 348 kN-m – – – – 1041 kN-m Fig. E10.14e Example 10.15 Two-bay portal frame—support settlement Given: The frame shown in Fig. E10.15a. Consider Support D experiences a C B 20 ft I I D A 60 ft E 3I 3I I = 1 inch F 60 ft Fig. E10.15a downward settlement of d ¼ 1 in: Determine: The end moments. Take E ¼ 29,000 ksi and I ¼ 2,000 in.4 Solution: We use reduced factors for the column members AB and EF and no carryover to the hinged ends. The distribution factors are listed on the following sketch (Fig. E10.15b). 10.7 Moment Distribution: Frame Structures Fig. E10.15b Distribution factors 805 4 7 3 B 7 3 7 3 7 4 7 1 C 7 E 0 A 1 D F 3 7 0 8 PI I 3 3I 7I > > > ¼ þ ¼ > > L 20 4 60 80 > > > < ðI=20Þ3=4 3 At node B or E DFBAmodified ¼ DFEFmodified ¼ ¼ > 7I=80 7 > > > > > > 3 4 > : DFBC ¼ DFEC ¼ 1 ¼ 7 7 8P I I 3I 3I 7I > > > L ¼ 20 þ 20 þ 20 ¼ 20 > > > > < I=20 1 ¼ At node C DFCD ¼ > 7I=20 7 > > > > > > : DFCB ¼ DFCE ¼ 1 ð1=7Þ ¼ 3 2 7 Settlement at D produces chord rotation in member BC and CE. The corresponding rotations for a 1 in. settlement are d L d ¼þ L rBC ¼ rCE These rotations produce the following fixed end moments (see Table 9.1), 3 EI Δ L2 Δ 3 EI Δ L3 3 EI Δ L F F MBC ¼ MCB ¼ L3 6Eð3IÞd 18EId 18ð29; 000Þð2; 000Þð1Þ 1 ¼þ 2 ¼ ¼ 167:8 kip ft L2 L ð60Þ2 ð12Þ3 F F ¼ MEC ¼ MCE 6Eð3IÞd 18EId ¼ 2 ¼ 167:8 kip ft L2 L 806 10 The Displacement Method These moments are distributed at nodes B and E. Note that no unbalanced moment occurs at node C (Fig. E10.15c). M 0 –71.9 71.9 119.8 –119.8 –71.9 71.9 –71.9 –95.9 –47.95 47.95 95.9 71.9 0 167.8 167.8 –167.8 FEM’s 0 –167.8 0 B C 0 E A D 0 F 0 0 Fig. E10.15c The final bending moment distributions are plotted in Fig. E10.15d. 119.8 kip ft + 71.9 kip ft 71.9 kip ft – – Fig. E10.15d Example 10.16 Two-bay portal frame—temperature increase Given: The frame shown in Fig. E10.16a. Consider member BC and CE to experience a temperature increase of DT. ΔT 3I B 20 ft ΔT 3I I I 60 ft E I F D A Fig. E10.16a C C 60 ft 10.7 Moment Distribution: Frame Structures 807 Determine: The end moments. Solution: The top members will expand, causing members AB and EF to rotate. Member CD will not rotate because of symmetry. Noting Fig. E10.16b, the rotations are rAB ¼ u=2 LAB rEF ¼ u=2 LEF Assuming a uniform temperature increase over the total span, u is equal to X u ¼ ða DTÞ L ¼ 120 aDT u/2 Fig. E10.16b u/2 B C E A D F Noting Table 9.2, the fixed end actions corresponding to the case where there is a hinge at one end are 3 EI Δ L2 Δ 3 EI Δ L3 3 EI Δ L L3 F MBA ¼ 3EI 3EI 3 ð3 a DTÞ ¼ EI a DT rAB ¼ LAB 20ð12Þ 80 F MEF ¼þ 3 EI a DT 80 We assume the material is steel (E ¼ 3 104 ksi, a ¼ 6:6 106 = F ), DT ¼ 120 F, and I ¼ 2,000 in:4 . The corresponding fixed end moments are F MBA ¼ 1; 782 kip in: ¼ 148:5 kip ft F MEF ¼ þ1,782kip in: ¼ þ148:5 kip ft 808 10 The Displacement Method The distribution factors are 8P I I 3 3I 7I > > ¼ þ ¼ > > L 20 4 60 80 > > < 3 At node B or E ðI=20Þ > 4 ¼ 0:43 > > DFBAmodified ¼ DFEFmodified ¼ > > ð7I=80Þ > : DFBC ¼ DFEC ¼ 1 0:43 ¼ 0:57 8 PI I 3 3I 3I 11I > > ¼ þ þ ¼ > > L 20 4 60 60 80 > > > > < 3 ðI=20Þ At node C 4 ¼ 0:28 > DFCDmodified ¼ > > 11I=80 > > > > > : DF ¼ DF ¼ 1 0:28 ¼ 0:36 CB CE 2 The distribution factors are listed on the following sketch. .36 .57 .43 B .36 .28 C 3I 0 A E .43 3I I I 20 ft .57 I 0 0 D F 60 ft 60 ft The distribution details are listed below. ΣM 0 -84.65 84.65 63.85 84.65 FEM’s 0 -148.5 0 -42.33 -84.65 84.65 0 42.33 -42.33 0 0 -84.65 -63.85 0 148.5 0 42.33 B A C E D F The final bending moment distributions are plotted in the following Figure. 42.33 kip ft + – 84.65 kip ft – 84.65 kip ft 10.7 Moment Distribution: Frame Structures 809 10.7.2 Frames with Sideway Given a frame structure, one needs to identify whether there will be chord rotation due to lateral displacement. If sideway is possible, we introduce “holding” forces applied at certain nodes to prevent this motion and carry out a conventional moment distribution based on distribution and carryover factors. Once the fixed end moments are distributed, we can determine the member shear forces, and using these values, establish the magnitude of the holding forces. This computation is illustrated in Fig. 10.23. There is one degree of sidesway, and we restrain node B. The corresponding lateral force is H1. Note that we generally neglect axial deformation for framed structures so fixing B also fixes C. The next step involves introducing an arbitrary amount of the lateral displacement that we had restrained in Step 1, computing the chord rotations and corresponding fixed end moments, applying the holding force again, and then distributing the fixed end moments using the conventional distribution procedure. The holding force produced by this operation is illustrated in Fig. 10.24. One combines the two solutions such that the resulting sideway force is zero. Final solution ¼ case I þ a H1 case II H2 (10.46) P B C A D b P B P H1 C B C VBA A D Fig. 10.23 (a) Frame with sideway (b) Sideway restraining force—case I VCD 810 10 Δ B H2 The Displacement Method Δ H2 C B C VBA VCD A D Fig. 10.24 Sideway introduced—case II The fixed end moments due to the chord rotation produced by the horizontal displacement, D, are (see Table 9.1) F F MBA ¼ MAB ¼ 6EIAB 6EIAB D¼ r 2 LAB AB LAB F F MDC ¼ MCD ¼ 6EICD 6EICD D¼ r LCD CD L2CD where moment quantities are counterclockwise when positive. Following this approach, one works only with chord rotation quantities and converts these measures into equivalent fixed end moments. The standard definition equations for the distribution and carryover factors are employed to distribute the moments. Example 10.17 Portal bent—sideway analysis Given: The portal frame defined in Fig. E10.17a. 10 kip B 10 ft C 2I I I A D 5 ft 15 ft Fig. E10.17a Determine: The end actions. Solution: Since the loading is not symmetrical, there will be lateral motion (sidesway). We restrain node B as indicated in Fig. E10.17b. The distribution factors are also indicated in the sketch. 10.7 Moment Distribution: Frame Structures 811 Fig. E10.17b .5 C .5 .5 B .5 A D We compute the fixed end moments due to the 10 kip load. F ¼ MBC 10ð5Þð15Þ2 ¼ þ28:13 kip ft 202 F ¼ MCB 10ð15Þð5Þ2 ¼ 9:38 kip ft 202 Details of the moment distribution and the end moments for case I are listed below (Fig. E10.17c). The holding force is determined by summing the shear forces in the columns and is equal to 1.1 kip. H1=1.1 kip 16.2 kip ft –16.2 kip ft B Fig. E10.17c Case I—end moments and column shear ΣM -8.06 –8.06 kip ft A -16.23 16.25 -.12 -.12 .25 1.3 kip -8.73 8.71 .51 .51 .25 4.36 kip ft D 4.36 -1.03 -1.03 -2.05 +4.10 -14.06 -14.06 8.20 -7.03 8.20 -7.03 28.13 -9.38 0 0 FEM’s 0 A 0 -2.05 4.10 2.4 kip –8.7 kip ft 8.7 kip ft C B C D 812 10 The Displacement Method Δ Fig. E10.17d Case II— sideway introduced Δ C B h Δ h Δ h A D Next, we introduce a lateral displacement to the left equal to D. Figure E10.17d shows this operation. The chord rotations and corresponding fixed end moments are F F F F ¼ MAB ¼ MDC ¼ MCD ¼ MBA 6EI D h2 Since we are interested only in relative moments, we take EI D=h2 ¼ 1. Details of the moment distribution and the end moments for case II are listed below (Fig. E10.17e). .07 .14 .14 -.28 1.13 2.25 2.25 FEM’s –6.0 A –6.0 1.5 0 B -.03 -.56 1.13 -.56 -.28 1.5 +3.0 +3.0 0 –6.0 -6.0 C B 3.59 kip ft H2 = 1.68 kip –3.59 kip ft –4.8 kip ft A -.03 .07 .84 kip Fig. E10.17e Case II—end moments and column shear D 3.61 kip ft C –3.61 kip ft .84 kip –4.81 kip ft D 10.7 Moment Distribution: Frame Structures 813 We scale this solution by H1 =H2 ¼ 1:1=1:68 and then combine these scaled results with the results for case I. Final end moments ¼ end moments case I + end moments case II (H1 =H2 ) The final moments are summarized in Fig. E10.17f followed by free body diagrams. Fig. E10.17f Final end moments 13.7 kip ft –11.1 –13.7 kip ft B C 11.1 kip ft –4.9 kip ft A D 7.5 kip ft Using these moments, we find the axial and shear forces. 10 kip 13.7 kip ft 1.86 kip 7.63 kip 11.1 kip ft 1.86 kip 2.37 kip 11.1 kip ft 13.7 kip ft 7.63 kip 1.86 kip 1.86 kip B 1.86 kip A 1.86 kip 2.37 kip C D 2.37 kip 7.63 kip 4.9 kip ft Example 10.18 Frame with inclined legs Given: The frame shown in Fig. E10.18a. 7.5 kip ft 814 10 Fig. E10.18a 45 kN B The Displacement Method C I 3m I A 6m 2.5I D 3m 4.5 m Determine: The end actions. Solution: The distribution factors are listed in the sketch below (Fig. E10.18b). Fig. E10.18b 0.5 0.5 0.5 B A C 0.5 1 1 D There are no fixed end moments due to member loads. However, we need to carry out a sideway analysis (case II). We introduce a horizontal displacement at B and compute the corresponding rotation angles. Δ Δ ψBC B 3 4 Δ C ψAB 5 A 4 Δ ψDC D 10.7 Moment Distribution: Frame Structures 815 The rotation of members BC and CD are determined by requiring the horizontal displacement of node C to be equal to D. The angles follow from the above sketch D 3 3=4D D cBC ¼ ¼ 3 4 5=4D D cDC ¼ ¼ 7:5 6 cAB ¼ Finally, the chord rotations are (note: positive sense is counterclockwise) D 3 D ¼þ 4 D ¼ 6 rAB ¼ rBC rDC Using these values, we compute the fixed end moments due to chord rotation. 6ðEIÞ D 2 ¼ ¼ ¼ þ ðEI D) ð3Þ 3 3 6ðEIÞ D 1 F F MBC ¼ MCB ¼ ¼ ðEI D) ð3Þ 4 2 6ð2:5EIÞ D 1 F F MCD ¼ MDC ¼ ¼ þ ðEI D) ð7:5Þ 6 3 F MAB F MBA Since we need only relative moments, we take EI D ¼ 90 Then F F MAB ¼ MBA ¼ þ60 kN m F F MCB ¼ MBC ¼ 45 kN m F F MDC ¼ MCD ¼ þ30 kN m Next, we distribute the moments as shown below 816 10 –1.17 –.14 –.14 .29 .58 –2.34 –2.34 –1.17 –3.75 FEM’s 60 4.68 9.38 –7.5 –7.5 –3.75 60 .58 .29 9.38 4.68 30 –45 30 –45 B A The Displacement Method D C The end moments values are +50 –50 –40 B C +55 +40 A +35 D Using these moments, we find the axial and shear forces. 50 kN-m 30 kN 35 kN B 50 kN-m B 30 kN C 35 30 kN A 40 kN-m C 35 30 kN 35 kN 40 kN-m 35 kN 30 kN 35 kN-m 55 kN-m 35 kN D 30 kN Note that one needs the axial force in member BC in order to determine H2 . Summing horizontal force components at B leads to H2 . 10.7 Moment Distribution: Frame Structures 817 30 kN H2 50 kN-m B 35 kN 35 kN 30 kN 50 kN-m Therefore H2 ¼ 35 þ 35 ¼ 70 kN Given that the actual horizontal force is 45 kN, we scale the sideway moments by H1 =H2 ¼ 45=70 ¼ 9=14. H1 Final end moments ¼ end moments case II H2 The final end moments (kN m) are listed below (Fig. E10.18c). –32.1 –25.7 25.7 C 32.1 B 35.4 A 22.5 Fig. E10.18c Final end moments D Using these moments, we find the axial and shear forces. 32.1 kN-m 32.1 kN-m 19.27 kN B 22.5 kN B 19.27 kN C 22.5 kN 19.27 kN A 25.7kN-m C 22.5 kN 19.27 kN 22.5kN 25.7kN-m 22.5kN 19.27 kN 22.5 kN-m 35.4kN-m 22.5kN 19.27 kN D 818 10 The Displacement Method Example 10.19 Computer-based analysis—frame with inclined legs. Given: The frame shown in Fig. E10.19a. Fig. E10.19a 5 kip 10 kip 2 15 ft I 3 I 2I 30 ft 1 4 5 ft 10 ft 15 ft Determine: The displacement components at nodes 2 and 3, the bending moment distribution, and the reactions. Consider a range of values for I (I ¼ 100; 200; and 400 in:4 ). Take A ¼ 20 in:2 . Use computer software. Solution: The computer generated deflection profiles and the reactions and moment diagram are listed below (Figs. E10.19b–f). Hand computation is not feasible for this task. 1.07 in .35 in 2 1.07 in .35 in 3 1 Fig. E10.19b Deflection profile—I ¼ 100 in.4 4 10.7 Moment Distribution: Frame Structures 819 Fig. E10.19c Deflection profile—I ¼ 200 in.4 .54 in .18 in 2 .54 in .18 in 3 1 4 Fig. E10.19d Deflection Profile—I ¼ 400 in.4 .27 in .09 in 2 .27 in .09 in 3 1 4 + 35.2 kip ft 3 + + – 2 + 22.4 kip ft – + – 1 40.6 kip ft 4 Fig. E10.19e Moment diagram 5 kip 10 kip 2 I 3 I 1 3.82 kip 6.32 kip 2I 40.44 kip ft 3.68 kip 4 8.82 kip Fig. E10.19f Reactions 10.8 Plane Frames: Out of Plane Loading 821 Note that the member forces are invariant since the relative stiffness of the members is the same. Also, the displacement varies linearly with I. 10.8 Plane Frames: Out of Plane Loading We discussed this case briefly in Chap. 4, when we dealt with statically determinate plane frame structures loaded normal to the plane such as highway signs. We extend the analysis methodology here to deal with statically indeterminate cases. Our strategy is based on the displacement method, i.e., we use generalized slopedeflection equations for the members and enforce equilibrium at the nodes. This approach is more convenient than the force method and has the additional advantage that it can be readily adopted for digital computation. 10.8.1 Slope-Deflection Equations: Out of Plane Loading Consider the prismatic member shown in Fig. 10.25a. We assume that the member is loaded in the X–Z plane (note that all the previous discussions have assumed the loading is in the X–Y plane). The relevant displacement measures for this loading are the rotation yx , the rotation yy , and the transverse displacement nz . Figure 10.25b defines the positive sense for these quantities and the corresponding end actions at B. Following the procedure described in Sect. 10.3, one can establish the equations relating the end actions at B to the end displacements at B. Their form is Z a Y A B X L b νBz VBz θBy B Fig. 10.25 θBx MBy B MBx 822 10 The Displacement Method L1 Z Y 1 X 1 P 2 L2 θ1y 1 θ1x ν1z Fig. 10.26 Plane grid GJ yBx L 4EIy 6EIy yBy þ 2 nBz ¼ L L 12EIy 6EIy ¼ nBz þ 2 yBy L3 L MBx ¼ MBy VBz (10.47) where GJ is the torsional rigidity for the cross-section, and Iy is the second moment of area with respect to y-axis. ð Iy ¼ z2 dA (10.48) A The remaining steps are essentially the same as for the planar case. One isolates the members and nodes, and enforces equilibrium at the nodes. In what follows, we illustrate the steps involved. Consider the structure shown in Fig. 10.26. We suppose the supports are rigid. There are three unknown nodal displacement measures, yx , yy , and nz at node 1. Free body diagrams for the members’ incident on node 1 are shown below. Requiring equilibrium at node 1 leads to the following equations (Fig. 10.27): ð1Þ ð2Þ VBz þ VBz þ P ¼ 0 ð1Þ ð2Þ ð1Þ ð2Þ MBx þ MBy ¼ 0 MBy þ MBx ¼ 0 (10.49) 10.8 Plane Frames: Out of Plane Loading 823 Fig. 10.27 Free body diagrams (1) P MBy (1) 1 MBx 1 (1) VBz (2) (2) MBy MBx (2) 2 VBz Noting the relationship between the variables, ð1Þ yBx ¼ y1x ð2Þ yBx ¼ y1y ð1Þ yBy ¼ y1y (10.50) ð2Þ yBy ¼ y1x ð1Þ ð2Þ vBz ¼ vBz ¼ v1z the member equations take the following form, ð1Þ GJ1 y1x L1 ð1Þ 4EI1 6EI1 y1y þ 2 n1z L1 L1 ð1Þ 12EI1 6EI1 n1z þ 2 y1y 3 L1 L1 MBx ¼ MBy ¼ VBz ¼ and (10.51) ð2Þ GJ2 y1y L2 ð2Þ 4EI2 6EI2 ðy1x Þ þ 2 n1z L2 L2 ð2Þ 12EI2 6EI2 n1z þ 2 ðy1x Þ 3 L2 L2 MBx ¼ MBy ¼ VBz ¼ 824 10 The Displacement Method Lastly, we substitute for the end actions in the equilibrium equations leading to GJ1 4EI2 6EI2 þ y1x 2 n1z ¼ 0 L1 L2 L2 GJ2 4EI1 6EI1 þ y1y þ 2 n1z ¼ 0 L2 L1 L1 I1 I2 6EI1 6EI2 12E 3 þ 3 n1z þ 2 y1y 2 y1x þ P ¼ 0 L1 L2 L1 L2 (10.52) The solution is 6EI2 =L22 n1z GJ1 =L1 þ 4EI2 =L2 6EI1 =L21 y1y ¼ n1z GJ2 =L2 þ 4EI1 =L1 ( ) 2 2 6EI1 =L21 6EI2 =L22 I1 I2 12E 3 þ 3 þ þ n1z ¼ þP GJ2 =L2 þ 4EI1 =L1 GJ1 =L1 þ 4EI2 =L2 L1 L2 y1x ¼ (10.53) When the member properties are equal, I1 ¼ I2 L1 ¼ L2 J1 ¼ J2 and the solution reduces to y1y ¼ y1x end shear forces ð1Þ ð2Þ VBz ¼ VBz ¼ P 2 (10.54) Note that even for this case, the vertical displacement depends on both I and J. In practice, we usually use a computer-based scheme to analyze grid-type structures. Example 10.20 Grid structure Given: The grid structure defined in Fig. E10.20a. The members are rigidly connected at all the nodes. Assume the members are steel and the cross-sectional properties are constants. I ¼ 100 in:4 , J ¼ 160 in:4 . The nodal displacement restraints are as follows: Node 1: x, y, z translation Node 2: z translation Node 3: z translation Node 4: x, z translation 10.8 Plane Frames: Out of Plane Loading 825 Y Z 6 3 2 2 20 kip 4 12 5 5 9 1 9 11 1 8 8 15 ft 7 10 3 6 ft 7 6 4 4 ft X 5 ft Fig. E10.20a Determine: The deflection and member end forces at node 9. Use computer software. Solution: The computer output data for this structure is 8 > < w ¼ 0:189 in: Joint 9 yx ¼ 0:00051 rad > : yy ¼ 0:00192 rad Member forces at node 9 8 > < VZ ¼ 1:31 kip Member (9) Mx ¼ 0:25 kip ft > : My ¼ 14:5 kip ft 8 > < VZ ¼ 5:2 kip Member (10) Mx ¼ 0:55 kip ft > : My ¼ 16:6 kip ft 8 > < VZ ¼ 8:2 kip Member (11) Mx ¼ 0:86 kip ft > : My ¼ 27 kip ft 8 > < VZ ¼ 5:3 kip Member (12) Mx ¼ 1:2 kip ft > : My ¼ 26:2 kip ft 826 10 The Displacement Method One checks the results by noting that the sum of the end shears at node 9 must equal the applied load of 20 kip. 10.9 Summary 10.9.1 Objectives • To describe the Displacement Method of analysis specialized for frame-type structures. • To develop the slope-deflection equations for planar bending of beams • To illustrate how to apply the Displacement Method for beams and rigid frame systems using the slope-deflection equations. • To formulate the Moment Distribution procedure and demonstrate its application to indeterminate beams and rigid frames. 10.9.2 Key Factors and Concepts • The Displacement Method works with nodal Force Equilibrium Equations expressed in terms of displacements • The Slope-Deflection Equations relate the end shears and moments to the end translations and rotations. Their general form for planar bending of a prismatic member AB is 2EI 6EI nA nB F f2yA þ yB g þ þ MAB L L L 2EI 6EI nA nB F f2yB þ yA g þ ¼ þ MBA L L L 6EI 12EI F ¼ 2 ðyA þ yB Þþ 3 ðnA nB Þ þ VAB L L 6EI 12EI F ¼ 2 ðyB þ yA Þ 3 ðnA nB Þ þ VBA L L MAB ¼ MBA VAB VBA • Moment Distribution is a numerical procedure for distributing the unbalanced nodal moments into the adjacent members based on relative stiffness. If one continued the process until the moment residuals are reduced to zero, one would obtain the exact solution. Normally, the process is terminated when the residuals are relatively small. • The Slope-Deflection Equations provide the basis for the Computer-Based Analysis Procedure described in Chap. 12. 10.10 Problems 10.10 827 Problems Problem 10.1 Determine the displacements and member forces for the truss shown. Consider the following values for the areas: 1 (a) A1 ¼ A 2 (b) A1 ¼ 2A (c) Check your results with computer-based analysis. Take E ¼ 200 GPa and A ¼ 2; 000 mm2 90 kN 45 kN A A 3m A1 45° 30° Problem 10.2 For the truss shown below, determine the member forces for: (a) The loading shown 1 1 (b) Support #1 moves as follows: u ¼ in: ! and v ¼ in: " 8 2 Take A ¼ 0:1 in:2 ; A1 ¼ 0:4 in:2 , and E ¼ 29,000 ksi. 828 10 The Displacement Method v u 1 A1 10 ft 2 20 ft A 6 kip 10 kip A 4 3 15 ft 15 ft For the following beams and frames defined in Problems 10.3–10.18, determine the member end moments using the slope-deflection equations. Problem 10.3 Assume E ¼ 29,000 ksi, I ¼ 200 in:4 , L ¼ 30 ft, nC ¼ 0:6 in: # , and w ¼ 1:2 kip/ft: w B C A I L Problem 10.4 (a) I1 ¼ I2 and L1 ¼ L2 (b) I1 ¼ 2I2 and L1 ¼ L2 (c) I1 ¼ 2I2 and L1 ¼ 2L2 I 2L nc 10.10 Problems 829 45 kN 22 kN/m B C A I2 I1 L1 L2 L2 2 2 Assume E ¼ 200 GPa, I2 ¼ 80ð10Þ6 mm4 , and L2 ¼ 6 m. Problem 10.5 10 kip 1.5 kip/ft 0.5 kip/ft A I I B 20 ft I 10 ft C 10 ft D 10 ft E ¼ 29,000 ksi and I ¼ 300 in:4 Problem 10.6 Assume E ¼ 200 GPa, I ¼ 80ð10Þ6 mm4 , P ¼ 45 kN, h ¼ 3 m and L ¼ 9 m. D P C E A I I L h B L Problem 10.7 Assume E¼29,000 ksi, I ¼ 200 in:4 , L ¼ 18 ft, and w ¼ 1:2 kip/ft. 830 10 The Displacement Method w I I I L 2L L Problem 10.8 Assume E ¼ 200 GPa and I ¼ 80ð10Þ6 mm4 . 45 kN 30 kN/m 30 kN/m A I I B 12 m D I C 9m 9m 12 m Problem 10.9 Assume E ¼ 29,000 ksi and I ¼ 400 in:4 16 kip 20 kip 1.2 kip/ft A I 10 ft I 10 ft B 30 ft Problem 10.10 Assume E ¼ 200 GPa and I ¼ 100ð10Þ6 mm4 . D I C 9 ft 9 ft 10.10 Problems 831 90 kN 45 kN 30 kN/m A I I I B 6m C 3m 9m 3m Problem 10.11 Assume E ¼ 29; 000 ksi and I ¼ 100 in:4 12 kip ft A C 4I B 4I I 10 ft D 20 ft 20 ft Problem 10.12 (a) Ib ¼ Ic (b) Ib ¼ 1:5Ic B P h Ib C Ic A Ib L D D 832 10 The Displacement Method Assume E ¼ 200 GPa, Ic ¼ 120ð10Þ6 mm4 , L ¼ 8 m, h ¼ 4 m, and P ¼ 50 kN. Problem 10.13 Assume E ¼ 29; 000 ksi and I ¼ 200 in:4 10 kip I I 12 ft 10 ft Problem 10.14 Assume E ¼ 200 GPa and I ¼ 80ð10Þ6 mm4 . 45 kN I 5m I 4m Problem 10.15 I ¼ 600 in:4 E ¼ 29; 000 kip/in:2 10.10 Problems 833 9 kip 2 kip/ft 5 kip I 10 ft I 10 ft Problem 10.16 Assume E ¼ 200 GPa and I ¼ 120ð10Þ6 mm4 . 45 kN A 2I I I 24 m Problem 10.17 Assume E ¼ 29; 000 ksi and I ¼ 200 in:4 10 kip I 12 ft I 6 ft 10 ft 6m 834 10 The Displacement Method Problem 10.18 Assume E ¼ 200 GPa and I ¼ 80ð10Þ6 mm4 . 30 kN/m I I 3m 4m 2I 8m Problem 10.19 For the frame shown below, use computer software to determine the moment diagram and displacement profile. Assume E ¼ 29; 000 ksi and I ¼ 200 in:4 1 kip/ft c b 2I I 20 ft 2I d a 30 ft 10 ft For the following beams and frames defined in Problems 10.20–10.34, determine the member end moments using moment distribution. Problem 10.20 (a) The loading shown (b) A support settlement of .5 inch downward at joint B in addition to the loading (c) Check your results with computer-based analysis. E ¼ 29,000 ksi, I ¼ 300 in4 10 kip 2 kip/ft 1.0 kip/ft A I I 45 ft B 30 ft I 30 ft C 45 ft D 10.10 Problems 835 Problem 10.21 Compute the end moments and reactions. Draw the shear and moment diagrams. Check your results with computer analysis. Assume E ¼ 200 GPa and I ¼ 75ð10Þ6 mm4 . 90 kN 24 kN/m 20 kN/m I I I 5m 7m 5m 10 m Problem 10.22 Determine the bending moments and the reactions for the following cases. Assume EI is constant a A 12 kip 1.4 kip/ft C B 20 ft 8 ft b 16 ft 12 kip 1.4 kip/ft C B A 20 ft 8 ft 16 ft Problem 10.23 Determine the bending moment distribution for the beam shown below. Assume EI is constant. 836 10 The Displacement Method 45 kN 20 kN/m 10 kN/m A D C B 6m 2m 5m 3m Problem 10.24 Determine the bending moment distribution. Assume I1 ¼ 1:4I2 . 12 kip 1.2 kip/ft B C A I2 I1 15 ft 20 ft 15 ft Problem 10.25 Determine the bending moment distribution. 45 kN 30 kN/m I 6m I 3I 9m 3m 3m Problem 10.26 Solve for the bending moments. dB ¼ 0:4 in: # , E ¼ 29,000 ksi, and I ¼ 240 in:4 . 10.10 Problems 837 10 kip 20 kip 2kip/ft A I 20 ft δB I I D C B 10 ft 30 ft 10 ft Problem 10.27 Determine the bending moment distribution and the deflected shape. E ¼ 29,000 ksi (a) Take I1 ¼ I2 ¼ 1; 000 in:4 (b) Take I2 ¼ 1:5I1 . Use computer analysis. Discuss the difference in behavior between case(a) and (b). 1 kip/ft I1 I2 20 ft I1 I2 20 ft 70 ft 70 ft Problem 10.28 Determine the axial, shear, and bending moment distributions. Take Ig ¼ 2Ic 30 kN/m B C Ig 5m Ic Ic A D 5m 5m 838 10 The Displacement Method Problem 10.29 Determine the member forces and the reactions. (a) Consider only the uniform load shown (b) Consider only the support settlement of joint D (d ¼ 0:5 in: # ) (c) Consider only the temperature increase of DT ¼ 80 F for member BC. E ¼ 29; 000 ksi IAB ¼ ICD ¼ 100 in:4 IBC ¼ 400 in:4 a ¼ 6:5 106 = F 2kip/ft B ΔT C 12 ft A D 24 ft δ Problem 10.30 Determine the bending moment distribution for the following loadings. Take Ig ¼ 5Ic . 10.10 Problems 839 a b 40 kN B 30 kN/m C B C Ig Ig 6m Ic 6m Ic D A Ic Ic A D 12 m 12 m c d 80 kN B 6m 80 kN 80 kN C Ig Ic B 6m Ic D A 4m 4m C Ig Ic Ic A 4m D 4m Problem 10.31 Solve for the bending moments. 2 kip/ft I 8 ft 80 kN I 2I 20 ft 12 ft 4m 4m 840 10 The Displacement Method Problem 10.32 Determine the bending moment distribution. 10 kip 6 kip C B 10 ft 2I I I A D 5 ft 15 ft Problem 10.33 Solve for the bending moments. w B C I2 = 400 in4 I2 h I1 L = 24 ft h = 16 ft I1 A I1 = 200 in4 D w = 1.6 kip/ft L Problem 10.34 For the frame shown, determine the end moments and the reactions. Assume E ¼ 200 GPa and I ¼ 40ð10Þ6 mm4 . 10.10 Problems 841 24 kN/m C A B 4I 4I I 3m D 6m 6m Problem 10.35 Determine analytic expression for the rotation and end moments at B. Take I ¼ 1; 000 in:4 , A ¼ 20 in.2 for all members, and a ¼ 1.0, 2.0, 5.0. Is there a upper limit for the end moment, MBD ? 12 kip E 10 ft I C A I B I αI 20 ft D 20 ft 20 ft Problem 10.36 Compare the end moments and horizontal displacement at A for the rigid frames shown below. Check your results for parts (c) and (d) with a computer-based analysis. Take E ¼ 200 GPa and I ¼ 120ð10Þ6 mm4 . A ¼ 10; 000 mm2 for all members. 842 10 The Displacement Method a 40 kN A 21 I I 6m I 6m 24 m b 40 kN A 21 I 24 m c A 40 kN 21 I I 12 m 6m d 6m 6m A 40 kN 21 I 6m I 12 m 6m 6m Approximate Methods for Estimating Forces in Statically Indeterminate Structures 11 Overview In this chapter, we describe some approximate methods for estimating the forces in indeterminate structures. We start with multi-span beams subjected to gravity loading. Next, we treat rigid frame structures under gravity loading. Then, we consider rigid frame structures under lateral loading. For this case, we distinguish between short and tall buildings. For short buildings, we first describe the portal method, an empirical procedure, for estimating the shear forces in the columns, and then present an approximate stiffness approach which is more exact but less convenient to apply. For tall buildings, we model them as beams and use beam theory to estimate the forces in the columns. With all the approximate methods, our goal is to use simple hand calculation-based methods to estimate the forces which are needed for preliminary design and also for checking computer-based analysis methods. 11.1 Introduction The internal forces in a statically indeterminate structure depend on the member cross-sectional properties. We demonstrated this dependency with the examples presented in the previous two chapters. However, in order to design a structure, one needs the internal forces. Therefore, when starting the design process, it is necessary to estimate a sufficient number of force quantities so that the structure is reduced to a statically determinate structure for which the distribution of internal forces is independent of the material properties. For bending type structures, such as multispan beams and frames, the approximations are usually introduced by assuming moment releases at certain locations. The choice of the release locations is based on an understanding of the behavior of the structure for the particular loading under consideration. For indeterminate trusses, we assume the magnitude of certain forces. A typical case for a truss would be when there are two diagonals in a bay. We usually assume the transverse shear is divided equally between the two diagonals. J.J. Connor and S. Faraji, Fundamentals of Structural Engineering, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-3262-3_11, # Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2013 843 844 11 Approximate Methods for Estimating Forces in Statically. . . w w L w L L wL2 24 + wL2 12 – wL2 8 9wL2 128 + – + – .21L wL2 8 .21L .25L Fig. 11.1 Moment diagrams for single-span beams w L w L L 9wL2 128 9wL2 128 + + − wL2 8 .21L – wL2 12 wL2 24 + L .21L.21L wL2 12 wL2 24 + .21L – wL2 12 .25L .25L Fig. 11.2 Moment diagrams for two-span beams 11.2 Multi-span Beams: Gravity Loading 11.2.1 Basic Data-Moment Diagrams Figures 11.1, 11.2, and 11.3 shows moment diagrams due to a uniform distributed loading for a range of beam geometries and support conditions. These results are presented in Chaps. 9 and 10. They provide the basis for assuming the location of moment releases (points of zero moment) for different combinations of span lengths and loading distributions. We utilize this information to develop various strategies for generating approximate solutions for multi-span beams. 11.2 Multi-span Beams: Gravity Loading 845 11.2.2 Quantitative Reasoning Based on Relative Stiffness Consider the multi-span beam shown in Fig. 11.4. Our objective is to estimate the peak positive and negative moments in span BC. As a first step, we estimate the end a w L L .08wL2 L .08wL2 .025wL2 + + + – – wL2 wL2 10 10 .2L .27L .27L .2L w b – L L L wL2 wL2 wL2 24 24 24 + + + – wL2 wL2 12 12 .21L .21L – – .21L wL2 12 .21L wL2 12 .21L .21L Fig. 11.3 Moment diagrams for three-span beams. (a) Simply supported. (b) Fixed at each end. (c) Partial loading. (d) Partial loading symmetrical 846 Approximate Methods for Estimating Forces in Statically. . . 11 w c L L .07 w L2 L .05 w L2 .38L .12 w L2 .03w L2 .58L w d w L L L .10wL2 .10wL2 + + – .45L .45L .05wL2 .1L .1L Fig. 11.3 (continued) B A C D I1 I2 I3 L1 L2 L3 Fig. 11.4 Multi-span beam 11.3 Multistory Rigid Frames: Gravity Loading 847 moments for this span using the member distribution factors which are related to the relative stiffness factors for the members. We consider node B. The distribution factors for members BA and BC are as follows (see Sect. 10.6): DFBA ¼ I1 =L1 ððI1 =L1 Þ þ ðI2 =L2 ÞÞ (11.1) I2 =L2 DFBC ¼ ððI1 =L1 ÞþðI2 =L2 ÞÞ Note that when I is constant for all spans, the relative stiffness parameters reduce to the inverse of the span length. Given the initial unbalanced moment at B, we distribute it according to DMBA ¼ DFBA ðFEMjB Þ DMBC ¼ DFBC ðFEMjB Þ (11.2) We consider no carry over movement to the other ends. I1 I2 If is small in comparison to , then DFBA will be small in comparison to L1 L2 DFBC . It follows that only a small portion of the unbalanced nodal moment at node B will be distributed to member BA. The opposite case is where I1 =L1 is large in comparison to I2 =L2 . Now DFBC is small vs. DFBA . Essentially all of the unbalanced nodal moment is distributed to member BA. The final end moment in member BC is close to its initial value (the initial fixed end moment) since there is relatively little distribution. When I is constant for all the spans, the relative stiffness parameters reduce to the inverse of the span lengths. In this case, one compares the ratio of adjacent span lengths. The limiting cases for extreme values of these ratios are listed in Fig. 11.5. 11.3 Multistory Rigid Frames: Gravity Loading Gravity type loading is usually the dominant loading for multistory frames. It consists of both dead and live loading. Consider the frame shown in Fig. 11.6. We suppose the loading is a uniform gravity load, w. Our objective here is to determine the positive and negative moments in beam AB. 848 a Approximate Methods for Estimating Forces in Statically. . . 11 I1 I << 2 L1 L2 I3 I << 2 L3 L2 B If I1 = I2 = I and L2 << L1 If I2 = I3 = I and L2 << L3 I2 L2 b I1 I >> 2 L1 L2 If I1 = I2 = I and L2 >> L1 I3 I >> 2 L3 L2 C B If I2 = I3 = I and L2 >> L3 I2 L2 c I1 I >> 2 L1 L2 I3 I << 2 L3 L2 B If I1 = I2 = I and L2 >> L1 If I2= I3 = I and L2 << L3 I2 L2 Fig. 11.5 Summary of approximate models for extreme values of L1 =L2 and L3 =L2 . (a) Hinged model. (b) Clamped end model. (c) Clamped/hinged model w h w h w A h w B h Fig. 11.6 Multistory frame—gravity loading L L L 11.4 Multistory Rigid Frames: Lateral Loading 849 One can estimate moments at the ends and at the center by assuming moment releases in the beams. Assuming moment releases at 0.1L leads to þ Mcenter ¼ wð0:8LÞ2 ¼ 0:08wL2 8 MA ¼MB ¼ w 11.4 ð0:1LÞ2 þ wð0:4LÞð0:1LÞ ¼ 0:045wL2 2 Multistory Rigid Frames: Lateral Loading Consider the rigid frame shown in Fig. 11.7a. Under a lateral loading, the frame develops inflection points (points where the bending moment is equal to zero) in the columns and beams. Most of the approximate methods published in the literature are based on the assumption that the inflection points occur at mid-height of the columns and mid-span of the beams, as indicated in Fig. 11.7c. This assumption, a b c L/2 L/2 h/2 h/2 Fig. 11.7 Multistory rigid frame. (a) Initial position. (b) Deflected Position. (c) Assumed location of inflection points 850 11 Approximate Methods for Estimating Forces in Statically. . . coupled with an assumption concerning how the column axial and shear forces are distributed within a story, is sufficient to allow us to compute estimates for the end moments, the axial forces, and the shear forces in the columns. What follows, we present two different approaches for estimating the forces in the columns. The first approach (11.4.1–11.4.3) estimates the column shears in a story, and is applicable mainly for low-rise rigid frames. The second approach (11.5) estimates the axial forces in the columns. Because of the nature of the underlying assumptions, the latter procedure is appropriate only for tall, narrow rigid frames. Both procedures are derived using the idealized model of the structure shown in Fig. 11.7c, i.e., with inflection points at mid-height of the columns and mid-span of the beams. 11.4.1 Portal Method The Portal Method is an empirical procedure for estimating the forces in low-rise rigid frames subjected to lateral loads. In addition to assuming inflection points in the columns and beams, the shear in the exterior columns is assumed to be one-half the shear in the interior columns, which is taken to be equal for all the interior columns. We use this method to generate the first estimate of the member forces. Of particular interest are the end moments in the columns. Example 11.1 Application of the Portal method Given: The rigid frame shown in Fig. E11.1a. Determine: The axial force, shear force, and bending moment in the beams and columns using the Portal method. f 16 kN i c 3.5 m 32 kN h e b 3.5 m a g d 7m 7m Fig. E11.1a Solution: The Portal method assumes the exterior column shear, VE , is equal to one-half the interior column shear force VI , which is taken to be equal for all the interior columns. 11.4 Multistory Rigid Frames: Lateral Loading 851 1 VE ¼ VI 2 Summing the column shear forces for this structure leads to an expression for the total story shear. VT ¼ 2VE þ VI ¼ 2VI Then, 1 VI ¼ V T 2 1 1 VE ¼ VI ¼ VT 2 4 We range over the stories and generate the column shear for each story. The calculations are summarized below. Story Top Bottom VT (kN) 16 48 VI (kN) 8 24 VE (kN) 4 12 Given the column shear forces, one can determine the column end moments using the assumption that there are inflection points at certain locations in the columns. For this structure, since the base is pinned, the inflection points for the first story are at the base. The inflection points for the second story are taken at midheight. The free body diagrams for the various segments are shown below along with the final results. Once the column end moments are known, we can determine the end moments and shear forces in the beams and lastly, the axial forces in the columns using equilibrium equations (Figs. E11.1b–h). i 16 kN c 4 f 8 32 kN a h e b 12 4 24 Fig. E11.1b Shear distribution for the columns (kN) d 12 g 852 11 Approximate Methods for Estimating Forces in Statically. . . 7 f c 14 42 7 84 e b i 14 a 7 h 42 7 g d Fig. E11.1c Bending moment distribution for the columns (kN m) 7 c 7 7 7 f i 7 7 14 7 14 7 49 49 h 49 b 49 e 42 42 84 Fig. E11.1d Moments at the joints (kN m) 7 7 f c i 7 7 49 49 b a e h 49 49 d g Fig. E11.1e Bending moment distribution for the beams (kN m) 11.4 Multistory Rigid Frames: Lateral Loading 853 2 2 f 16 kN i c 2 2 14 14 32 kN h e b 14 14 g d a Fig. E11.1f Shear distribution for the beams (kN) 2 2 c 16 kN 12 12 4 2 2 4 f 8 4 i 2 0 4 2 2 8 24 32 kN 4 24 8 8 h e b 14 a 12 2 0 4 14 14 14 d 24 12 g 0 16 16 Fig. E11.1g Axial and shear forces (kN) 7 kN-m 7 kN-m 2 kN 2 kN 7 kN-m 16 kN 14 kN-m 4 kN 8 kN 4 kN 49 kN-m 14 kN 14 kN 14 kN-m 32 kN 7 kN-m 7 kN-m 42 kN-m 84 kN-m 49 kN-m 12 kN 42 49 kN-m 24 kN 12 kN 0 16 kN Fig. E11.1h Reactions, shear forces and moment distribution 16 kN 854 11 Approximate Methods for Estimating Forces in Statically. . . Example 11.2 Application of the Portal method Given: The rigid frame shown in Fig. E11.2a. Determine: The reactions and the bending moments in the beams and columns using the Portal method. 5 kip 12 ft 10 kip 10 ft 20 ft 30 ft Fig. E11.2a Solution: The Portal method assumes the exterior column shear, VE , is equal to one-half the interior column shear force VI . The calculations are summarized in the table below. Note that, since the base is fixed, we assume inflection points at midheight for the first story (Figs. E11.2b–h). Story Top Bottom VT (kip) 5 15 VI (kip) 2.5 7.5 VE (kip) 1.25 3.75 5 kip 2.5 1.25 1.25 10 kip 3.75 7.5 Fig. E11.2b Shear distribution for the columns (kip) 3.75 11.4 Multistory Rigid Frames: Lateral Loading 7.5 855 15 7.5 37.5 18.75 7.5 18.75 15 18.75 7.5 18.75 37.5 Fig. E11.2c Bending moment distribution for the columns (kip ft) 7.5 7.5 7.5 c 7.5 f 7.5 i 15 7.5 7.5 7.5 15 26.25 b 26.25 e 26.25 26.25 h 18.75 37.5 18.75 Fig. E11.2d Moments at the joints (kip ft) 7.5 7.5 7.5 26.25 7.5 26.25 26.25 Fig. E11.2e Bending moment distribution for the beams (kip ft) 26.25 856 11 Approximate Methods for Estimating Forces in Statically. . . .5 .75 c f 2.63 i .5 .75 1.75 h e b 1.75 2.63 a g d Fig. E11.2f Shear distribution for the beams (kip) .75 5 kip .5 3.75 c 3.75 1.25 f 1.25 i 1.25 2.5 .75 .75 1.25 .5 .25 .5 .25 .75 .5 1.25 2.5 7.5 10 kip b 7.5 3.75 2.63 3.38 2.63 1.25 2.5 7.5 2.5 h e 3.75 1.75 1.13 1.75 2.25 3.38 1.13 2.25 3.75 7.5 3.75 kip 3.75 a 3.38 kip 7.5 kip 18.75 kip ft Fig. E11.2g Axial and shear forces (kip) d 1.13kip 37.5 kip ft 3.75 kip 2.25 kip g 18.75 kip ft 11.4 Multistory Rigid Frames: Lateral Loading 7.5 kip ft 857 7.5 kip ft .75 kip .5 kip 7.5 kip ft 5 kip 15 kip ft 1.25 kip 2.5 kip 26.25 kip ft 2.63 kip 15 kip ft 10 kip 1.75 kip 7.5 kip ft 18.75 kip ft 37.5 kip ft 7.5 kip ft 3.75 kip 18.75 kip ft 1.25 kip 26.25 kip ft 3.75 kip 3.75 kips 7.5 kip 37.5 kip ft 3.38 kip 7.5 kip 18.75 kip ft 3.75 kip 2.25 kip 1.13 kip 18.75 kip ft 37.5 kip ft 18.75 kip ft Fig. E11.2h Reactions, shear forces and moment distribution 11.4.2 Shear Stiffness Method: Low-Rise Rigid Frames In this approach, we model the frame as a set of sub-structures, which resist the lateral shear in the stories through shearing action. First we idealize the frame as a rigid frame with moment releases at the mid-points of the columns and beams. Consider an idealized model of a rigid frame defined in Figure 11.8, having a segment bounded by floor i+1 and floor i. For convenience, we assume Ib and L are constant in a story. We allow for different values of I for the exterior and interior columns. We define VT as the sum of the lateral loads acting on floor i + 1, and all the floors above floor i + 1. This quantity represents the total transverse shear for the story. Next, we define Du as the differential lateral displacement between floor i and floor i + 1. We assume the floor beams are rigid with respect to axial deformation so that all points on the floor experience the same lateral displacement, Du. Lastly, we assume the floors do not move in the vertical direction, and insert rollers as indicated in Fig. 11.9. Our objective in this section is to establish an expression for the column shear forces in a story as a function of the total transverse shear for the story. We visualize the model to consist of the sub-elements shown in Fig. 11.9b. Each sub-element experiences the same Du. The resistance force DPi for sub-element i depends on the stiffness of the element. DPi ¼ ki Du Vi (11.3) Then, summing the forces over the number of sub-elements leads to VT ¼ X Vi ¼ X ki Du ¼ kT Du Noting (11.3) and (11.4), the shear carried by sub-element i is given by (11.4) 858 11 L/2 Approximate Methods for Estimating Forces in Statically. . . L/2 Pn Floor n h/2 h h/2 h h Pi+1 Floor i+1 h Pi Floor i h h h L L L L Fig. 11.8 Low-rise frame a VT Ib Floor i+1 Ic Ic Floor i Ib Ic Ib L L Δu Ib Ib Ib Ic Ib L Ic Ib h L b Δu,ΔP1 1 Δu,ΔP2 2 Δu,ΔP4 Δu,ΔP3 3 4 Δu,ΔP5 5 Fig. 11.9 (a) Idealized model for a story in a low-rise frame. (b) Sub-elements of the idealized model—low-rise frame ki ki Vi ¼ DPi ¼ P VT ¼ VT ki kT (11.5) 11.4 Multistory Rigid Frames: Lateral Loading 859 Ib h ICE Ib h Ib ICI Ib L/2 L/2 L/2 Fig. 11.10 Typical sub-elements. (a) Exterior. (b) Interior According to (11.5), the shear in a column depends on the ratio of the shear stiffness of the corresponding sub-element to the total story shear stiffness. Using the slope-deflection equations presented in Sect. 10.3, one can derive the following expressions for the sub-element shear stiffness factors (Fig. 11.10): Exterior Element—upper story 12EICE 1 12EICE kE ¼ fE ¼ 3 1 þ ðICE =hÞ=ðIb =LÞ h h3 (11.6) Interior Element—upper story kI ¼ 12EICI 1 12EICI fI ¼ 1 þ ð1=2ÞððICI =hÞ=ðIb =LÞÞ h3 h3 (11.7) where the dimensionless factor, ðIc =hÞ=ðIb =LÞ, accounts for the flexibility of the beam. Values of kE =kI for a range of values of ðICI =hÞ=ðIb =LÞ and ICE =ICI are tabulated below (Table 11.1). Table 11.1 Stiffness ratios: Upper stories kE kI ICE ¼ 1=2 ðICI =hÞ=ðIb =LÞ ICI 0 0.5 0.25 0.5 0.5 0.5 1.0 0.5 1.5 0.5 2.0 0.5 ICE ¼1 ICI 1 0.9 0.83 0.75 0.7 0.67 Noting (11.5) we observe that the ratio of the shear in the external column to the shear in the interior column is given by 860 11 Approximate Methods for Estimating Forces in Statically. . . VjEcol kE ¼ VjIcol kI (11.8) The derivation listed above applies for the upper stories, and needs to be modified for the bottom story. Figure 11.11 shows the idealized model used to estimate the story stiffness for the case where the base is fixed. The sub-elements are illustrated in Fig. 11.12 and the corresponding story stiffness factors are defined by (11.9) and (11.10). Exterior Element—Base Story (Fixed support) 9 8 1 ICE =h > > > > 1þ 12EICE < 6 Ib =L = 12EICE ¼ kBE ¼ fBE 2 ICE =h > h3 > h3 > > ; :1 þ 3 Ib =L (11.9) Interior Element—Base Story (Fixed support) kBI 9 8 1 ICI =h > > > > 1þ 12EICI < 12 Ib =L = 12EICI ¼ ¼ fBI 1 ICI =h > h3 > h3 > > ; : 1þ 3 Ib =L VT Ib h Ib ICE Ib Ib ICI ICI L (11.10) L Δu ICI L ICE L Fig. 11.11 Transverse shear model for bottom story—fixed support ΔP , Δu Ib 1 h Ib ICE L/2 h ΔP , Δu 2 ICI L/2 L/2 Fig. 11.12 Typical sub-elements for base story—fixed support. (a) Exterior. (b) Interior 11.4 Multistory Rigid Frames: Lateral Loading 861 ΔP , Δu ICE h Ib ΔP , Δu Ib 1 h 2 ICI L/2 L/2 L/2 Fig. 11.13 Typical sub-elements for base story—hinged support. (a) Exterior. (b) Interior When the base is hinged, we use the expressions listed in (11.11) and (11.12). In this case, we do not assume an inflection point at mid-height of the first story (Fig. 11.13). Exterior Element—Base Story (Hinged support) kBE ¼ 3EICE 1 3EICE fBE ¼ 3 1 þ ð1=2ÞððICE =hÞ=ðIb =LÞÞ h h3 (11.11) Interior Element—Base Story (Hinged support) kBI 3EICI 1 3EICI ¼ 3 ¼ 3 fBI 1 þ ð1=4ÞððICI =hÞ=ðIb =LÞÞ h h (11.12) The base shears are related by VjEcol ¼ VjIcol kBE kBI (11.13) Values of kBE =kBI for a range of ðICI =hÞ=ðIb =LÞ for both hinged and fixed supports are listed in the Table 11.2. Table 11.2 Stiffness ratios: Lowest story Hinged support kE kI ðICI =hÞ=ðIb =LÞ ICE ¼ 1=2 ICI 0 0.5 0.25 0.5 0.5 0.5 1.0 0.5 1.5 0.5 2.0 0.5 ICE ¼ ICI 1 0.944 0.9 0.833 0.786 0.75 Fixed support kE kI ICE ¼ 1=2 ICI 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 ICE ¼ ICI 1 0.948 0.91 0.862 0.833 0.816 862 11 Approximate Methods for Estimating Forces in Statically. . . Example 11.3 Approximate analysis based on the shear stiffness method Given: The frame shown in Fig. E11.3a. f c 4 kip b 8 kip IC ICext h = 12 ft ICext h e IB ICext i IB IB IB IC ICext h = 12 ft g d a L = 30 ft L = 30 ft Fig. E11.3a Determine: The column shear forces using the shear stiffness model and the member properties defined as cases A, B, C, and D. 1 ICext =h IC =h Case A: ICext ¼ IC and IB ¼ 4IC ) ¼ 0:31 ¼ 0:62 2 IB =L IB =L Case B: ICext ¼ IC and IB ¼ 4IC ) ICext =h IC =h ¼ ¼ 0:625 IB =L IB =L Case C: ICext ¼ IC and IB ¼ 2IC ) ICext =h IC =h ¼ ¼ 1:25 IB =L IB =L 1 Case D: ICext ¼ IC and IB ¼ 2IC ) 2 ICext =h ¼ 0:625 IB =L IC =h ¼ 1:25 IB =L Solution: Using Equations (11.6), (11.7), and (11.11), (11.12) the sub-element stiffnesses are: Case A Top story fE ¼ 0:762 Case B Case C Case D fE ¼ 0:615 fE ¼ 0:444 fE ¼ 0:615 fI ¼ 0:762 fI ¼ 0:615 fI ¼ 0:615 kE ¼ 0:5 kI kE ¼ 0:808 kI kE ¼ 0:722 kI kE ¼ 0:5 kI Bottom story fBE ¼ 0:865 fBE ¼ 0:762 fBE ¼ 0:615 fBE ¼ 0:762 fBI ¼ 0:865 fBI ¼ 0:865 fBI ¼ 0:762 fBI ¼ 0:762 kBE ¼ 0:881 kBI kBE ¼ 0:808 kBI fI ¼ 0:762 kBE ¼ 0:5 kBI kBE ¼ 0:5 kBI 11.4 Multistory Rigid Frames: Lateral Loading 863 Noting that VE k E ¼ VI kI we express the total shear as kE VTotal ¼ 2VE þ VI ¼ 2 þ 1 VI kI Once I is specified for the interior and exterior columns, we can evaluate the ratio, kE =kI , and then VI . The computations corresponding to Cases A, B, C, and D are summarized below. We also list the results predicted by the Portal method. Note that the Portal Method agrees exactly with the stiffness method when ICexterior ¼ 1 IC (Cases A and D). 2 interior VT Story (kip) Top 4 Bottom 12 Stiffness method Case A Case B VE VI VE (kip) (kip) (kip) 1 2 1.235 3 6 3.83 VI (kip) 1.53 4.34 Case C VE (kip) 1.18 3.7 VI (kip) 1.64 4.59 Case D VE (kip) 1 3 VI (kip) 2 6 Portal method VE VI (kip) (kip) 1 2 3 6 11.4.3 Low-Rise Rigid Frames with Bracing Lateral load A rigid frame resists lateral loading through bending action of the columns. When a bracing system is combined with the frame, both of these systems participate in carrying the lateral load. From a stiffness perspective, the load is distributed according to the relative stiffness, i.e., the stiffer element carries more load. For low-rise frames, the transverse shear stiffness is the controlling parameter. Figure 11.14 illustrates the structural scheme for a one-story structure. A similar arrangement is used for multistory structures. Of particular interest is the distribution of lateral load between the rigid frame and the brace. The individual systems are defined in Figure 11.15. We assume all sub-elements experience the same lateral displacement Du, and express the lateral loads carried by each structural system as Pframe ¼ kframe Du Pbrace ¼ kbrace Du (11.14) where kframe , kbrace denote the frame and brace stiffness factors. Summing these forces, we write 864 Approximate Methods for Estimating Forces in Statically. . . 11 Ib P Ib Ic Ic L Ib Ib Ic Ic L Ib L Δu Ic L h L Fig. 11.14 Rigid frame with bracing BRACE SYSTEM + RIGID FRAME Fig. 11.15 Individual systems P ¼ Pframe þ Pbrace ¼ ðkbrace þ kframe Þ Du ¼ kT Du (11.15) Solving for Du and back substituting in (11.14) results in Pframe ¼ Pbrace kframe P kT kbrace ¼ P kT (11.16) 11.4 Multistory Rigid Frames: Lateral Loading 865 Also, Pframe kframe ¼ Pbrace kbrace (11.17) According to (11.16), the lateral force carried by a system depends on its relative stiffness. Increasing kbrace shifts load onto the bracing system. Considering a single story, the lateral load required to introduce an inter-story lateral displacement Du is equal to Pframe ¼ kframe Du (11.18) where kframe is estimated by combining (11.11) and (11.12). kframe ¼ X 3E 2ICE ICI þ intercol 1 þ ð1=4ÞððICI =hÞ=ðIb =LÞÞ h3 1 þ ð1=2ÞððICE =hÞ=ðIb =LÞÞ (11.19) Once the member properties are known, one can evaluate kframe . We need to develop a similar expression for a brace. Typical bracing schemes are shown in Fig. 11.16. The lateral load is carried equally by the diagonal members. One determines kbrace using structural mechanics concepts such as deformation and equilibrium. The analytical expressions for the different schemes are kbraceðsingleÞ ¼ AE (sinycos2 yÞ h kbrace ðchevronÞ ¼ 2AE (siny1 cos2 y1 Þ h kbraceðxbraceÞ ¼ P , Δu (11.20) 2AE (sinycos2 yÞ h P , Δu P , Δu AE h AE θ AE h AE h θ1 θ L L L/2 L/2 Fig. 11.16 Diagonal bracing systems. (a) Single. (b) Chevron. (c) X Brace 866 Approximate Methods for Estimating Forces in Statically. . . 11 The diagonal forces reverse when the lateral load reverses, which occurs for wind and earthquake loading. Example 11.4 Shear force distribution Given: The one-story frame defined in Fig. E11.4a. Ib Ib P = 40 kN Ic Ic θ Ib Ic Ic AbraceE θ 6m 6m Ic = 40(10)6 mm4 Ib 6m AbraceE Ic 6m Ib = 160(10)6 mm4 E = 200 GPa Abrace = 650 mm2 Fig. E11.4a Determine: The column shears and the diagonal brace forces. Solution: Using (11.19), the frame stiffness is kframe 3EIc 2 3 þ ¼ 3 1 þ ð1=2ÞððIc =hÞ=ðIb =LÞÞ 1 þ ð1=4ÞððIc =hÞ=ðIb =LÞÞ h 3EIc 8 8 EIc þ ¼ 3 ¼ 12:8 3 5 3 h h The brace stiffness follows from (11.20). Note that there are two braces. kbrace ¼ 2 Abrace E Abrace E Abrace E (siny cos2 yÞ ¼ 2ð0:447Þð0:894Þ2 ¼ 0:714 h h h Noting (11.16), the individual forces are related by Pframe ¼ kframe Ic Pbrace ¼ 17:9 Pbrace kbrace Abrace h2 Summing the forces leads to Pframe þ Pbrace ¼ P ) 17:9 Ic Abrace h þ 1 Pbrace ¼ 40 2 3m 11.4 Multistory Rigid Frames: Lateral Loading 867 Then Pbrace ¼ 40 ¼ 35:6 kN 1 þ ð17:9Þ 40ð10Þ6 = ð650Þð3; 000Þ2 Pframe ¼ 4:36 kN The force in each diagonal brace is given by Fb ¼ Pbrace ¼ 19:9 kN 2cosy We evaluate the column shear forces using the corresponding stiffness factors defined by (11.11) and (11.12). 3EIc 4 kE ¼ 3 5 h 3EIc 8 kI ¼ 3 9 h VE kE 4=5 9 ¼ ¼ ¼ VI kI 8=9 10 ;VE ¼ 0:9VI Summing the shears, 2VE þ 3VI ¼ 4:36 ) 1:8VI þ 3VI ¼ 4:36 Then VI ¼ 0:91 kN VE ¼ 0:82 kN Note that the brace carries the major portion of the story shear. Example 11.5 Shear force distribution Given: The braced rigid frame defined in Fig. E11.5a. Ab ¼ 0:8 in:2 , E ¼ 29; 000 ksi, and I ¼ 150 in:4 . Determine: The lateral forces carried by the frame and brace systems. 868 11 Approximate Methods for Estimating Forces in Statically. . . 2I c f 2I i 4 kip Ab I Ab 2I 2I 8 kip I h e b Ab Ab I I 24 ft 12 ft g d a 12 ft I I 24 ft Fig. E11.5a Solution: Pframe þ Pbrace ¼ 4 kip Upper floor Pframe þ Pbrace ¼ 12 kip Lower floor Frame: Upper story sub-element: Equations (11.6) and (11.7) 6EIc EIc 20EIc 20ð29; 000Þ150 h3 ) kframe ¼ 3 ð2ð6Þ þ 8Þ ¼ 3 ¼ ¼ 29:14 kip/in: h h 8EIc ð12 12Þ3 kI ¼ 3 h kE ¼ Base story sub-element: Equations (11.11) and (11.12) 2EIc EIc 6:4EIc h3 ) kframe ¼ 3 ð2ð2Þ þ 2:4Þ ¼ ¼ 9:32 kip/in: h h3 2:4EIc kI ¼ h3 kE ¼ Brace: kbrace ¼ 2EAb EAb 0:707ð0:8Þð29; 000Þ ¼ 113:9 kip/in: sin y1 ðcos y1 Þ2 ¼ 0:707 ¼ 12ð12Þ h h Shear distributions Pframe 29:14 Pbrace ¼ 0:256Pbrace Pframe ¼ 113:9 kframe ¼ Pbrace ) kbrace 9:32 Pframe ¼ Pbrace ¼ 0:082Pbrace 113:9 Upper floor Lower floor 11.4 Multistory Rigid Frames: Lateral Loading 869 Then ð0:256 þ 1ÞPbrace ¼ 4 kip ) Pbrace ¼ 3:18 kip Upper floor ð0:082 þ 1ÞPbrace ¼ 12 kip ) Pbrace ¼ 11:09 kip Lower floor Therefore Pframe ¼ 0:256Pbrace ¼ 0:81 kip Upper floor Pframe ¼ 0:082Pbrace ¼ 0:91 kip Lower floor Example 11.6 Shear force distribution Given: The braced frame defined in Fig. E11.6a. Determine: The required brace area Ab , to limit the inter-story displacement to 10 mm for each story. Assume E ¼ 200 GPa. Solution: Pbrace ¼ 16 Upper floor Pbrace ¼ 16 þ 32 ¼ 48 Lower floor 2I c f 2I i 16 kN Ab I Ab I I 2I 32 kN b I Ab Ab e h I I 7m 7m Fig. E11.6a kbrace ¼ g d a 3.5 m 2I 2EAb EAb sin y1 ðcos y1 Þ2 ¼ 0:707 h h Pbrace ¼ kbrace u 3.5 m 870 11 Approximate Methods for Estimating Forces in Statically. . . 20 mm 10 Δu|upper story = 10 mm 10 Δu|lower story = 10 mm EAb 16ð3; 500Þ ¼ 39:6 mm2 Duupper ) Ab r 0:707ð10Þð200Þ h EAb 48ð3; 500Þ ¼ 118:8 mm2 Dulower ) Ab r Lower floor 48 ¼ 0:707 0:707ð10Þð200Þ h Upper floor 16 ¼ 0:707 The value for the lower floor controls the design. ; Abrequired ¼ 118:8 mm2 11.5 High-Rise Rigid Frames: The Cantilever Method The approximate procedure described above is applicable for low-rise rigid frames, which behave as “shear type” frames; i.e., the floors displace laterally but do not rotate. One determines the axial forces in the columns using the shear forces in the floor beams. High-rise frames behave more like a cantilever beam. As illustrated in Fig. 11.17b the floors rotate as rigid planes. Their behavior is similar to what is assumed for the cross section of a beam in the formulation of the bending theory of beams; they experience both a translation and a rotation. Just as for beams, the rotational component produces axial strain in the columns. The column shears and moments are found from equilibrium considerations, given the axial forces in the columns. In what follows, we describe an idealized structural model that is used to establish the distribution of column axial forces in a story. This approach is called the “Cantilever Method.” One normally applies this method to estimate the axial forces in the columns at the base of the building, i.e., where the bending moment due to lateral loading is a maximum. We consider the typical tall building shown in Fig. 11.18. Given the lateral load, we can determine the bending moment and transverse shear at mid-height of each story. We denote these quantities as Mi þ 1 and VTi þ 1 . 11.5 High-Rise Rigid Frames: The Cantilever Method 871 a Fig. 11.17 Lateral deflections—tall building b Floor n Floor n floor i + 1 floor i + 1 VTi+1 Mi+1 Floor 1 Fig. 11.18 Tall building model Now, we isolate a segment of the building consisting of floors i + 1, i, and the columns connecting these floors. Figure 11.19 shows this segment. The floors are assumed to be rigid plates, and the columns are represented as axial springs. Floor i + 1 experiences a rotation, Db, with respect to floor i due to the moment Mi þ 1 . We position a reference axis at point o and define xi as the X coordinate for spring i. The corresponding axial stiffness is ki . We locate the origin of the reference axis such that X ki xi ¼ 0 Note that the axial stiffness is equal to the column stiffness, (11.21) 872 Fig. 11.19 Column-beam model for a story bounded by floors i and i + 1 11 Approximate Methods for Estimating Forces in Statically. . . Rigid Plate Floor i + 1 Mi+1, Δ b (1) (2) (3) 0 h (4) Rigid Plate Floor i x Reference Axis Fig. 11.20 Deformation due to relative rotation Mi+1 Δb o ei Fi ki ¼ Ai E h xi (11.22) where Ai is the cross-sectional axis and h is the column height. Then, when E is constant, (11.21) can be written as X Ai xi ¼ 0 (11.23) In this case, one can interpret the reference axis as equivalent to the centroidal axis for the column areas in the story. We suppose the floors rotate about O and define Db as the relative rotation between adjacent floors. The deformation introduced in spring i follows from Fig. 11.20. ei ¼ xi Db Fi ¼ ki ei ¼ ki xi Db (11.24) Summing moments about 0, and equating the result to the applied moment, Mi þ 1 results in Mi þ 1 ¼ X ki xi 2 Db (11.25) Here, Mi þ 1 represents the moment due to the lateral loads applied on and above floor i + 1. We solve for Db and then back substitute in the expression for Fi . The result is 11.5 High-Rise Rigid Frames: The Cantilever Method 873 Miþ1 E ¼ xi Ai P F i ¼ ki xi P Miþ1 h ki xi 2 ð ki xi 2 Þ (11.26) We see that the column force distribution is proportional to the distance from the reference axis and the relative column cross-sectional area. One does not need to specify the actual areas, only the ratio of areas. One should note that this result is based on the assumption that the floor acts as a rigid plate. Stiff belt type trusses are frequently incorporated at particular floors throughout the height so that the high-rise frame behaves consistent with this hypothesis. Example 11.7 Approximate analysis based on the cantilever method Given: The symmetrical 42-story plane frame shown in Fig. E11.7a. Assume the building is supported on two caissons located at the edges of the base. Consider the base to be rigid. Determine: The axial forces in the caissons. w0 = 0.15 kip/ft R 420 ft 280 ft 10 ft F Fig. E11.7a 60 ft F 874 11 Approximate Methods for Estimating Forces in Statically. . . Solution: The Moment at the base is given by R¼ M¼ w0 H ¼ 210w0 2 2H R ¼ 58; 800 w0 ¼ 8; 820 kip ft 3 This moment is resisted by the pair of caisson forces which are equivalent to a couple. 60F ¼ 8; 820 F ¼ 147 kip Example 11.8 Approximate analysis based on the cantilever method Given: The symmetrical plane frame shown in Fig. E11.8a. 5 kip 12 ft 10 kip 12 ft 10 kip 12 ft 10 kip 12 ft 10 kip 12 ft 10 kip 12 ft 10 kip 12 ft 20 ft 20 ft x .5A Fig. E11.8a A 20 ft 10 ft A .5A 11.5 High-Rise Rigid Frames: The Cantilever Method 875 Determine: The column axial forces in the bottom story for the distribution of column areas shown. Solution: The rotational stiffness for the story is: Kx ¼ X ki xi 2 ¼ EX EA Ai xi 2 ¼ 1; 100 h h The bending moment at mid-height of the first story is 2550 kip ft. Then, substituting for Miþ1 and Kx in (11.26) leads to the axial forces in the columns (Fig. E11.8b), AE 2550 F2 ¼ ð10Þ ¼ 23:2 kip h 1100ðAE=hÞ :5AE 2550 F1 ¼ ð30Þ ¼ 34:8 kip h 1100ðAE=hÞ F3 ¼ F2 ¼ 23:2 kip F4 ¼ F1 ¼ 34:8 kip floor 1 2550 kip ft (1) O (2) (3) (4) 12 ft ground floor F1 F2 F3 F4 Fig. E11.8b This computation is repeated for successive stories. Once all the column axial forces are known, one can compute the column shears by assuming inflection points at the midpoints of the columns and beams and applying static equilibrium conditions. The procedure is similar to that followed in Example 11.2. 876 11.6 11 Approximate Methods for Estimating Forces in Statically. . . Summary 11.6.1 Objectives of the Chapter Our goals in this chapter are • To describe some approximate methods for estimating the bending moment distribution in multi-span beams and multi-bay frames subjected to gravity loading. • To present approximate methods for analyzing multistory rigid frames subjected to lateral loading. 11.6.2 Key Concepts • Reasoning in a qualitative sense about the behavior using the concept of relative stiffness provides the basis for a method to estimate the bending moment distribution in multi-span beams. • Two methods are described for analyzing low-rise rigid frame structures. • The Portal method. The Portal method assumes the shear forces in the interior columns are equal to a common value, and the shears in the exterior columns are equal to ½ this value. This is an empirical-based procedure. • The shear stiffness method. The shear stiffness method uses simplified structural models to estimate the shear forces in the columns given the total shear force for a story. This procedure predicts that the shear force in a particular column is proportioned to the relative stiffness. It follows that a stiff column attracts more load than a flexible column. • High-rise rigid frames are modeled as equivalent cantilever beams. The floor slabs are considered rigid and the bending rigidity is generated through the axial action of the columns. One starts with the bending moment at the midpoint between a set of floors, and determines the axial forces in the columns. According to this method, the axial force depends on the axial rigidity of the column and the distance from the centroidal axis. 11.7 Problems Problem 11.1 Estimate the bending moment distribution for the cases listed below. Use qualitative reasoning based on relative stiffness. Assume I constant. 11.7 Problems 877 w = 1 kip/ft a 10 ft 30 ft b 30 ft w = 1 kip/ft 10 ft 30 ft 10 ft Problem 11.2 Estimate the bending moment distribution. Use qualitative reasoning based on relative stiffness. Assume I as constant. 45 kN 3m 3m 3m 3m 9m Problem 11.3 Solve Problem 11.1 cases (a) and (b) using moment distribution. Compare the approximate and exact results. 878 11 Approximate Methods for Estimating Forces in Statically. . . Problem 11.4 Consider the multistory steel frame shown below. Determine the maximum positive and negative moments in the beams using the following approaches: 1. Assume inflection points at 0.1L from each end of the beams. 2. Use a computer software system. Assume Ig ¼ 200(10)6 mm4, Ag ¼ 16000 mm2, Ic ¼ 100(10)6 mm4, Ac ¼ 6000 mm2, and E ¼ 200GPa. Ig 3m Ic 3m Ic 3m Ic 3m Ic Ig Ic Ic Ig Ig Ic 15 kN/m Ig 6m Ic Ig Ic Ig Ic Ig Ig Ic Ig Ic Ic Ig 6m Ic Ic Ig Ic 6m Problem 11.5 Estimate the axial force, shear force, and bending moment distributions. Assume Ig ¼ 2Ic 11.7 Problems 879 a 1.2 kip/ft Ig Ic 20 ft Ic 40 ft b 1.2 kip/ft Ig Ic 20 ft Ic 40 ft Problem 11.6 Members AC and FD are continuous. Estimate the bending moment distribution in AC and FD, and the axial forces in the pin-ended members. Compare your results with results generated with a computer software system. Assume I ¼ 100(10)6 mm4, A ¼ 6000 mm2, Apin-ended ¼ 4000 mm2, and E ¼ 200GPa. 3m 3m 3m C 90 kN 3m D 3m E B 6m F A 12 m 880 11 Approximate Methods for Estimating Forces in Statically. . . Problem 11.7 Repeat problem 11.6 assuming fixed supports at A and F. Problem 11.8 Consider the steel frame shown below. Determine the moment at each end of each member using (a) The Portal method. (b) The shear stiffness method. Take Ig ¼ 300(10)6 mm4, Ag ¼ 18000 mm2 for all the girders, Ic ¼ 100(106) mm4, Ac ¼ 6000 mm2 for all the columns. 25 kN 3.5 m 50 kN 3.5 m 30 kN 3.5 m 6m 6m 6m Problem 11.9 For the steel frames shown, estimate the axial force, shear force, and moments for all of the members using the Portal method. Compare your results with results generated with a computer software system. Take Ic ¼ 480 in4 ; Ac ¼ 40 in2 for all the columns and Ib ¼ 600 in:4 ; Ab ¼ 60 in2 for all the beams. 11.7 Problems a 12 ft 881 4 kip 8 kip 16 ft 40 ft 30 ft b 5 kip c i f l h b 10 ft d 20 ft 10 ft 10 ft n k a c o 10 ft e 10 kip 20 ft j g 30 ft m 20 ft 30 ft 6 kip 8 kip 10 kip 10 ft 20 ft 30 ft 20 ft Problem 11.10 For the steel frames shown, estimate the axial force, shear force, and moments for all of the members. Use the Stiffness method. Take Ic ¼ 480 in4 ; Ac ¼ 40 in2 for all the columns and Ib ¼ 600 in4 ; Ab ¼ 60 in2 for all the beams. 882 11 Approximate Methods for Estimating Forces in Statically. . . a 5 kip 10 ft 10 kip 10 ft 25 ft 25 ft 25 ft 25 ft b 4 kip 12 ft 8 kip 12 ft 20 ft 20 ft 20 ft 20 ft Problem 11.11 Estimate the column axial forces in the bottom story for the distribution of column areas shown. 11.7 Problems 883 22 kN 3.5 m 44 kN 3.5 m 44 kN 3.5 m 44 kN 3.5 m 44 kN 3.5 m 44 kN 3.5 m 44 kN 3.5 m 6m A 9m A 6m A A Problem 11.12 Estimate the column shears for cases (a) and (b). Compare your results with computer-based solutions. Assume Ig ¼ 300 in4 ; Ag ¼ 20 in2 ; Ic ¼ 100 in4 ; Ac ¼ 10 in2 ; Ab ¼ 0:5 in2 and E ¼ 29000ksi. 884 11 Approximate Methods for Estimating Forces in Statically. . . Problem 11.13 Consider the rigid steel frame with bracing shown below. Estimate the column shears and brace forces. Compare your results with a computer based solution. Take Ig ¼ 120ð10Þ6 mm4 ; Ag ¼ 6000 mm2 Ic ¼ 40ð10Þ6 mm4 ; Ac ¼ 2000 mm2 ; Ab ¼ 650mm2 ; and E ¼ 2000 GPa. 90 kN Ic Ig Ig Ab Ab 3m 3m Ic Ig Ic 6m Ig Ic 6m Ab 3m Ab 3m Ic 3m Finite Element Displacement Method for Framed Structures 12 Overview In this chapter we revisit the Displacement Method for structures such as trusses, beams, and frames which are composed of member type elements. Our objective is to identify the basic steps involved in applying the Displacement Method that can be represented as computer procedures. We utilize matrix notation since it is the natural language of computation, and systematically reformulate the different steps as a sequence of matrix operations. This reformulation is referred to as the Finite Element Displacement Method. It is relatively straight forward to convert these matrix operations into computer code once one selects a computer language. 12.1 Introduction In Chaps. 9 and 10 we described two methods for analyzing indeterminate structures, namely the Force and Displacement Methods. The examples that we presented were deliberately kept simple to minimize the computational effort since our objective was to demonstrate “how” the methods are applied rather than the computational details. However, one can appreciate that as a structure becomes more complex, the computational effort becomes the limiting issue for hand computation. Therefore, it is necessary to resort to computer-based procedures in order to execute the various phases of the analysis process. One needs to be familiar with commercial computer-based analysis codes since the extensive use of digital computers in structural analysis and design has revolutionized the practice of structural engineering over the past 40 years. J.J. Connor and S. Faraji, Fundamentals of Structural Engineering, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-3262-3_12, # Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2013 885 886 12.2 12 Finite Element Displacement Method for Framed Structures Key Steps of the Finite Element Displacement Method for Member Systems Chapter 10 discussed the methodology of the Displacement Method and presented examples of beam and frame structures analyzed by this method. We summarize here the key steps involved in applying the Displacement Method to member type structures. In later sections, we re-examine each step and represent the set of actions as a set of matrix operations. Step #1: Formulate the member end force–end displacement equations Using beam theory, we express the forces acting on the ends of a member in terms of the displacement measures for the ends. These equations are referred to as member end action–end displacement equations. Their derivation is contained in Sect. 10.2. A subset of these equations are called the slope-deflection equations. In the derivation, the force and displacement quantities are referred to a local reference frame associated with the orientation of the member. Step #2: Select a global reference frame and transform member variables We select a common reference frame and refer both the nodal and member force and displacement quantities to this common frame. This step involves shifting back and forth from member frames to the global frame and allows one to deal with structures having arbitrary geometries. Step #3: Establish the nodal force equilibrium equations We enforce force equilibrium at each node. This step involves summing the end actions for those members which are incident on the node. Then, using the member equations, we substitute for the end actions in terms of the nodal displacements that correspond to the end displacements for the member. This operation leads to a set of linear algebraic equations which relate the external forces applied to the nodes and the nodal displacements. The coefficient matrix for this set is called the “System Stiffness Matrix.” Step #4: Introduce displacement constraints Supports at nodes introduce constraints on certain nodal displacements. For example, if a node is fully fixed, all the displacement measures associated with the node are equal to zero. Introducing displacement constraints reduces the total number of displacement variables, and one works with a “reduced” set of equilibrium equations. Depending on the structure, a certain number of supports are required to prevent initial instability. Step #5: Solve the nodal equilibrium equations We solve the nodal force equilibrium equations for the nodal displacements. When the number of unknown displacements is large this step is not feasible without a digital computer. Step #6: Determine member end actions We substitute the values of the nodal displacements obtained from the solution of the nodal equilibrium equations into the member force–displacement relations and solve for the member end forces. 12.3 Matrix Formulation of the Member Equations: Planar Behavior 887 Step #7: Check on nodal force equilibrium The last step involves substituting for the member end forces in the nodal force equilibrium equations to check that the external nodal forces are equilibrated by the member forces. This step provides information on the reactions; it also provides a check on statics. Static discrepancy is generally related to the computational accuracy associated with solving the nodal equilibrium equations. Most computers now use double precision representation and numerical accuracy is usually not a problem. 12.3 Matrix Formulation of the Member Equations: Planar Behavior In what follows, we present the member equations for the two-dimensional case where bending occurs in the x–y plane. Figure 12.1 shows the end actions and end displacements referred to the local member frame. We use a subscript l to denote quantities referred to the local frame. The x axis coincides with the centroidal axis for the member, and the y and z axes are the principal inertia directions for the cross section. Subscripts B and A denote the positive and negative ends of the member. It is convenient to represent the set of end forces and end displacements as matrices defined as follows: • End Displacements 8 9 8 9 < u‘B = < u‘A = U‘B ¼ v‘B U‘A ¼ v‘A : ; : ; yB yA (12.1) MB VB X Y B VA FB θB nB MA X A FA B u Y nA Yg θA uA A Xg Fig. 12.1 End forces and displacements—local member frame—planar behavior B 888 12 Finite Element Displacement Method for Framed Structures 8 9 8 9 < F‘B = < F‘A = P‘A ¼ V‘A P‘B ¼ V‘B : ; : ; MB MA • End Forces (12.2) Note that the positive sense for moment and rotation is taken as counter-clockwise, i.e., from X toward Y. We derived the complete set of equations relating the end forces and end displacements in Chap. 10 and used a subset of these equations (10.12) to analyze bending of beams and frames. That analysis was approximate in the sense that the axial deformation of the members was neglected. Consequently, the axial forces had to be determined from the force equilibrium conditions. In what follows, we remove this assumption. The resulting analysis is now applicable for both truss and frame type structures. The formulation is now more involved since there are now more unknowns, but this is not a problem when a computer is used to solve the equations. The complete set of planar equations for the end actions at B are: AE ðu‘B u‘A Þ þ FF‘B L 6EI 12EI F V‘B ¼ 2 ðyB þ yA Þ þ 3 ðv‘B v‘A Þ þ V‘B L L 2EI 6EI MB ¼ ð2yB þ yA Þ 2 ðv‘B v‘A Þ þ MBF L L F‘B ¼ (12.3) F where FF‘B ; V‘B ; MBF are the fixed end actions generated by the loading applied to the member with the ends fixed. Using the global equilibrium equations for the member, one obtains a similar set of equations for the end actions at A. AE ðu‘B þ u‘A Þ þ FF‘A L 6EI 12EI F V‘A ¼ 2 ðyB þyA Þ þ 3 ðv‘A v‘B Þ þ V‘A L L 2EI 6EI MA ¼ ð2yA þ yB Þ 2 ðv‘B v‘A Þ þ MAF L L F‘A ¼ (12.4) Both sets of equations (12.3) and (12.4) are restricted to prismatic members, i.e., members with constant cross-sectional properties. We introduce the matrix notation defined by (12.1) and (12.2), and express the end action equations as P‘B ¼ k‘BB U‘B þ k‘BA U‘A þ PF‘B P‘A ¼ k‘AB U‘B þ k‘AA U‘A þ PF‘A where the expanded form of the individual stiffness and force matrices are (12.5) 12.3 Matrix Formulation of the Member Equations: Planar Behavior 3 2 AE AE 0 0 7 6 L 6 L 7 6 6 6 6 12EI 6EI 7 7 6 k‘BB ¼6 0 2 7 k‘BA ¼ 6 6 0 3 L L 7 6 6 5 4 4 6EI 4EI 0 2 0 L L 3 2 2 AE AE 0 0 7 6 L 6 L 7 6 6 6 6 12EI 6EI 7 7 6 k‘AB ¼ 6 k‘AA ¼6 0 7 6 0 3 2 L L 7 6 6 5 4 4 6EI 4EI 0 0 L2 L 889 3 2 0 12EI L3 6EI L2 0 12EI L3 6EI 2 L 8 F 9 7 F > 7 = < ‘B > 6EI 7 F PF‘B ¼ V‘B 2 7 7 > L 7 ; : F> MB 2EI 5 0 L 0 3 7 7 6EI 7 7 L2 7 7 2EI 5 8 F 9 F > < ‘A > = F F P‘A ¼ V‘A > : F> ; MA L (12.6) The matrices k‘BB , k‘AA , k‘BA , k‘AB are called the member stiffness matrices referred to the local member frame. Note that once the end displacements U‘B and U‘A are known, one can determine the end actions P‘B and P‘A . The member stiffness matrices are functions of the member properties (A, I, L) and the material property E. The fixed end actions (PF‘B and PF‘A ) depend on the external loading applied to the member. Example 12.1 The fixed end actions Given: The linearly loaded beam shown in Fig. E12.1. Y w X B A L Fig. E12.1 Determine: The fixed end forces. Solution: The fixed end forces are determined using the Force Method described in Chap. 9 (Table 9.1). PF‘B ¼ 8 9 < 0 = : 7wL 20 2 wL 20 ; PF‘A ¼ 8 9 < 0 = 3wL 20 2 ; : wL 30 890 12.4 12 Finite Element Displacement Method for Framed Structures Local and Global Reference Frames Consider the structure shown in Fig. 12.2. There are five nodes and four members. We number these artifacts consecutively starting with one. The local X axis for a member is selected to coincide with the longitudinal axis, as indicated on the figure; the Y axis is taken to be 90 counter-clockwise from the X axis. The member equations presented in the previous section involve force and displacement quantities referred to the local member frames. Figure 12.3 illustrates the situation for node two. The end displacements are related to the nodal displacements. However, one must first select a common reference frame for the nodal displacements. We choose the global frame shown in Fig. 12.2. Once the local frames are specified with respect to the global frame (Xg ;Yg ), one can derive the relationships between the displacement and force variables. Consider the reference frames shown in Fig. 12.4. Starting with quantities referred to the local member frame, we project them on the global directions using trigonometric relations. One obtains u ¼ ul cos a vi sin a (12.7) v ¼ ul sin a þ vl cos a 8 9 8 9 < u‘ = <u= Introducing matrix notation, we write U¼ n and U‘ ¼ n‘ and express : ; : ; (12.7) as a matrix product. y y U ¼ Rlg Ul (12.8) Y 3 X Y 2 3 X 2 4 X 1 Yg Y 4 Y X Xg 1 Fig. 12.2 Local and global reference frames 5 12.4 Local and Global Reference Frames 891 2 n 2 θ member 2 2 u n2 θ2 u2 2 node 2 1 θ 1 u 1 n Yg member 1 Xg Fig. 12.3 Member and nodal frames at node 1 Yg Yl n Xl u n α Xg u Fig. 12.4 Rotation of axes where 2 cos a sin a Rlg ¼ 4 sin a cos a 0 0 3 0 05 1 We interpret Rlg as a rotation transformation matrix from the local to the global frame. The transformation from the global to the local frame is expressed in a similar way, Ul ¼ Rgl U where Rgl has the following form. (12.9) 892 12 Finite Element Displacement Method for Framed Structures 2 cosa Rgl ¼4 sina 0 3 sina 0 cosa 0 5 0 1 Comparing these two forms for R, we observe that one is both the inverse and the transpose of the other. Rgl ¼ ðRlg ÞT ¼ ðRlg Þ1 (12.10) A matrix having this property is said to be orthogonal. Example 12.2 Rotation Matrices Given: The structure defined in Fig. E12.2a. Determine: The rotation matrices for the members. X Y 2 45º 2 Y 3 X 3 45º 4 X 1 Yg Y 4 Y X Xg 1 Fig. E12.2a Solution: Member ① a ¼ +90 2 3 2 3 0 1 0 0 1 0 Rlg ¼ 4 1 0 0 5 Rgl ¼ 4 1 0 0 5 0 0 1 0 0 1 Member ② a ¼ +45 pffiffiffi 2 pffiffiffi 2 2 6 2 6 pffiffiffi p2ffiffiffi Rlg ¼ 6 2 2 4 2 2 0 0 a ¼ 45 2 pffiffiffi pffiffiffi 2 2 6 p 6 2 ffiffiffi p2ffiffiffi Rlg ¼ 6 2 2 4 2 2 0 0 Member ➂ Member ➃ 3 07 7 7 05 1 3 07 7 7 05 1 a ¼ 90 2 3 0 þ1 0 Rlg ¼ 4 1 0 0 5 0 0 1 5 12.5 Nodal Force Equilibrium Equations 893 We suppose the external nodal forces are referred to the global frame. Then, we need to transform the member end forces from the member frame to the global frame. End forces transform in a similar way as displacements, i.e. P ¼ Rlg P‘ (12.11) Operating on the member matrix equations defined by (12.5) and noting (12.9) and (12.11), the “transformed” equations expressed in terms of quantities referred to the global frame take the following form, PB ¼ kBB UB þ kBA UA þ PFB PA ¼ kAB UB þ kAA UA þ PFA (12.12) where the member stiffness and end action matrices referred to the global frames are defined by T kBB ¼ Rlg k‘BB Rlg T kAA ¼ Rlg k‘AA Rlg PFB ¼ Rlg PF‘B T kBA ¼ Rlg k‘BA Rlg T kAB ¼ Rlg k‘AB Rlg PFA ¼ Rlg PF‘A (12.13) Given Rlg , one operates, according to (12.13), on the “local” stiffness matrices given by (12.6) to obtain their global forms. 12.5 Nodal Force Equilibrium Equations The force equilibrium equations for a node involve the end actions for those members which are incident on the node. We need to distinguish between positive and negative incidence, i.e. whether the positive or negative end of the member is incident on the node. Up to this point, we have used subscript B to denote the positive end, and A for the negative end of a member. To allow for automating the process of assembling the nodal equilibrium equations and computing the member end forces given the member end displacements, we introduce a numbering scheme for the members and the associated end nodes. We number the members consecutively from 1 to Nm, where Nm is the total number of members. We also define nþ ¼ node number located at the positive end of member m n ¼ node number located at the negative end of member m (12.14) The connectivity of the members and nodes is defined by a table, which lists for each member the node numbers corresponding to the positive end and negative end. The following table is the member node incidence table for the structure defined in Fig. 12.2. 894 12 Finite Element Displacement Method for Framed Structures Member–node incidence table Member m Negative node n 1 4 2 1 3 2 4 3 Positive node n+ 1 2 3 5 The incidence table provides the “instructions” for assembling the nodal equations. We will illustrate this feature later. Example 12.3 Construction of a member node incidence Table Given: The structure shown in Fig. E12.3a. Fig. E12.3a 2 2 3 6 6 3 1 1 4 4 8 7 5 5 7 Determine: The member node incidence table. Solution: There are seven members and eight nodes. One loops over the members and lists the node numbers at the positive and negative ends of each member (the positive sense for a member is indicated with an arrow). The result is listed below. Member–node incidence table Member m Negative node n 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 Positive node n+ 2 4 4 6 6 8 8 Using the notation introduced above and noting (12.12), we denote the global end actions for member m with a subscript (m). PðmÞB ¼ kðmÞBB UðmÞB þ kðmÞBA UðmÞA þ PFðmÞB PðmÞA ¼ kðmÞAB UðmÞB þ kðmÞAA UðmÞA þ PFðmÞA (12.15) The expanded forms of the matrices in (12.15) referred to the global frame follow from (12.13). We assume member m is oriented at the angle, a (see Fig. 12.5). 12.5 Nodal Force Equilibrium Equations 895 M(m) B n+ Y Yg (m) Fx(m) A Fx(m) B X Fy(m) B α Xg n− M(m) A Fy(m) A Fig. 12.5 Member end actions referred to global frame 2 3 AE 2 12EI AE 12EI 6EI cos a þ 3 sin 2 a 3 sina cosa 2 sin a 7 6 L L L L L 7 6 7 6 7 6 AE 12EI AE 2 12EI 2 6EI kðmÞAA ¼6 7 a þ cos a cosa sin sin a cosa 3 3 2 7 6 L L L L L 7 6 5 4 6EI 6EI 4EI 2 sin a cos a L L2 L 3 2 AE 2 12EI AE 12EI 6EI cos a þ 3 sin 2 a 3 sin a cos a 2 sina 7 6 L L L L 7 6 L 7 6 7 6 AE 12EI AE 2 12EI 2 6EI kðmÞAB ¼6 7 a þ cos a cos a sin sina cos a 3 3 2 7 6 L L L L L 7 6 5 4 6EI 6EI 2EI sin a cosa L2 L2 L 3 2 AE 2 12EI AE 12EI 6EI sin a cos a þ 3 sin 2 a 3 sin a cos a 7 6 L L L L L2 7 6 7 6 7 6 AE 12EI AE 2 12EI 2 6EI kðmÞBA ¼6 7 sin a cosa a þ cos a cos a sin 3 3 2 7 6 L L L L L 7 6 5 4 6EI 6EI 2EI 2 sin a cos a L L2 L 3 2 AE 2 12EI AE 12EI 6EI sin a cos a þ 3 sin 2 a 3 sin a cos a 7 6 L L L L L2 7 6 7 6 7 6 AE 12EI AE 2 12EI 2 6EI kðmÞBB ¼6 7 a þ cos a cos a sin sin a cosa 3 3 2 7 6 L L L L L 7 6 5 4 6EI 6EI 4EI sin a cos a L2 L2 L (12.16) 896 12 Finite Element Displacement Method for Framed Structures Yg Fy(m) B M(m)B Xg node B M(m)B Fx(m) B n+ Y B Fy(m) (m) Fx(m) A Fx(m) X B α Fy(m) A M(m) n− A M(m) node A Fx(m) Fy(m) A A A Fig. 12.6 Member reaction forces 9 9 8 8 uðmÞA > uðmÞB > > > > > > > = = < < UðmÞB ¼ vðmÞB UðmÞA ¼ vðmÞA > > > > > > > > ; ; : : yðmÞB yðmÞA 9 9 8 8 FxðmÞB > FxðmÞA > > > > > > > = = < < PðmÞB ¼ FyðmÞB PðmÞA ¼ FyðmÞA > > > > > > > > ; ; : : MðmÞB MðmÞA 9 9 8 F 8 F FxðmÞB > FxðmÞA > > > > > > > > > > > = = < < F F F F F F PðmÞB ¼ PðmÞA ¼ yðmÞB yðmÞA > > > > > > > > > > ; ; : MF > : MF > ðmÞB ðmÞA (12.17) Note that all terms in (12.16) and (12.17) are referred to the global reference frame. Figure 12.6 shows the forces (end actions) acting on member AB and the nodes located at each end. The nodal forces are PðmÞA and PðmÞB , i.e., their sense is opposite to the actual end actions. To generate the force equilibrium equations for a node, one sums up the applied external forces and the member reaction forces associated with the node. We express the matrix equilibrium equation for node j as X X PEj þ ð P Þ þ ð PðmÞA Þ ¼ 0 (12.18) ðmÞB n ¼j n ¼j þ where PEj is the applied external force vector for node j and the S is for those members having one end incident on node j. Noting (12.15), we observe that the 12.5 Nodal Force Equilibrium Equations 897 equilibrium equation for node j involves the displacements of those nodes which are connected to node j by members. We utilize this observation later. We generate the complete set of nodal equilibrium equations by evaluating (12.18) for all the nodes. It is convenient to work with matrices expressed in a form that is partitioned according to the “natural” size of the nodal vectors. For a planar frame, the size of the nodal vectors is 3 1. For a plane truss, the size is 2 1. For a horizontal beam, the size is 2 1. We suppose there are Nn nodes. Then, there will be Nn matrix equations similar in form to (12.18). We express the total set of equations as a single matrix equation, PE ¼ KU þ PI (12.19) where the partitioned forms of the individual matrices are U ¼ system displacement vector ¼ PE ¼ external nodal force vector ¼ 8 9 U1 > > > > > > > > > > > < U2 > = .. > > > > > . > > > > > > > : ; U Nn 8 9 PE1 > > > > > > > > > > > < PE2 > = > > > > > > : .. > > . > > > > ; PENn PI ¼ nodal force vector due to member fixed end actions ¼ K ¼ system stiffness matrix ¼ Kij i; j ¼ 1; 2; . . . ; Nn 8 F9 PI1 > > > > > > > > > > > F > > P = < I2 > > > > > > > > : .. > > . > > > > > ; PFINn Note that the system stiffness matrix, K, has Nn partitioned rows and columns. We generate the partitioned forms of the system stiffness matrix and internal nodal force vector by looping over the members and noting (12.18). The information for n+ and n for a given member m is provided by the member–node incidence table and leads to the following assembly algorithms for m ¼ 1, 2, . . ., Nm: For K: kðmÞAA in row n ; column n kðmÞAB in row n ; column nþ kðmÞBA in row nþ ; column n kðmÞBB in row nþ ; column nþ (12.20) 898 12 Finite Element Displacement Method for Framed Structures For PI : PFðmÞA in row n (12.21) PFðmÞB in row nþ This assembly process is called the “Direct Stiffness Method.” It is generally employed by most commercial analysis software codes since it is relatively straightforward to implement. We can deduce from the assembly algorithm that the system stiffness matrix is square and symmetrical. The nonzero elements tend to be clustered in a band centered on the diagonal. Example 12.4 Assembly process Given: The plane frame shown in Fig. E12.4a. Determine: The system stiffness and nodal force matrices. w P 3 2 2 Yg 1 Xg 3 h 1 L Fig. E12.4a Solution: We first number the members and nodes as indicated in Fig. E12.4a, and then generate the member–node incidence table listed below. Member–node incidence table Member m Negative node n 1 1 2 2 3 3 Positive node n+ 2 3 4 Using the member–node incident table we replace the member end force and displacement matrices with UB ) Unþ UA ) Un PB ) Pnþ PA ) Pn 12.5 Nodal Force Equilibrium Equations 899 In (12.15) the operation is carried out for each member. The resulting expressions for the end forces expressed in terms of the nodal displacements are Pð1Þ2 ¼ kð1ÞBB U2 þkð1ÞBA U1 þPFð1ÞB Pð1Þ1 ¼ kð1ÞAB U2 þkð1ÞAA U1 þPFð1ÞA Pð2Þ3 ¼ kð2ÞBB U3 þkð2ÞBA U2 þPFð2ÞB Pð2Þ2 ¼ kð2ÞAB U3 þkð2ÞAA U2 þPFð2ÞA Pð3Þ4 ¼ kð3ÞBB U4 þkð3ÞBA U3 þPFð3ÞB Pð3Þ3 ¼ kð3ÞAB U4 þkð3ÞAA U3 þPFð3ÞA Next, we equate the external nodal force to the sum of the member forces at each node. This step leads to the nodal force equilibrium equations. PE1 ¼ Pð1Þ1 PE2 ¼ Pð2Þ2 þPð1Þ2 PE3 ¼ Pð2Þ3 þPð3Þ3 PE4 ¼ Pð3Þ4 Substituting for the end forces expressed in terms of the nodal displacements, these equations expand to PE1 ¼ kð1ÞAA U1 þkð1ÞAB U2 þPFð1ÞA PE2 ¼ kð1ÞBA U1 þðkð1ÞBB þkð2ÞAA ÞU2 þ kð2ÞAB U3 þPFð2ÞA þPFð1ÞB PE3 ¼ kð2ÞBA U2 þðkð2ÞBB þkð3ÞAA ÞU3 þ kð3ÞAB U4 þPFð3ÞA þPFð2ÞB PE4 ¼ kð3ÞBA U3 þkð3ÞBB U4 þPFð3ÞB Lastly, we write these equations as a single equation in terms of “system” matrices [see (12.19)]. The forms of the system matrices are listed below. 8 9 U1 > > > > > = <U > 2 U¼ > > U3 > > > ; : > U4 8 F 9 8 Pð1ÞA > > P E1 > > > > > > > > > < PFð1ÞB þ PFð2ÞA <P = E2 PE ¼ PI ¼ > > PF þPF > PE3 > > > ð2ÞB ð3ÞA > > > ; > : > : PF PE4 ð3ÞB 9 > > > > > = > > > > > ; 900 12 2 kð1ÞAA 6 kð1ÞBA K ¼6 40 0 Finite Element Displacement Method for Framed Structures k ð1ÞAB kð1ÞBB þkð2ÞAA kð2ÞBA 0 0 k ð2ÞAB kð2ÞBB þkð3ÞAA kð3ÞBA 3 0 7 0 7 kð3ÞAB 5 kð3ÞBB There are four nodes in this example, so the partitioned form of K is 4 4. The expanded size of K for this two-dimensional plane frame will be 12 12 since there are three variables per node. In this example, we chose to list all the equations first and then combine them in a single “system” equation. Normally, one would apply the algorithms defined by (12.20) and (12.21) and directly assemble the system matrices. 12.6 Introduction of Nodal Supports Introducing a support at a node corresponds to prescribing the value of certain nodal displacements. For example, a hinge prevents translation in two orthogonal directions. Full fixity eliminates both translation and rotation at a node. When supports are introduced, the number of displacement unknowns is decreased by the number of displacement restraints. However, each displacement constraint produces an unknown reaction so that the “total” number of unknowns (nodal displacements and nodal reaction forces) remains constant. In order to determine the unknown displacements, we work with a reduced set of equilibrium equations. We illustrate this process with the following example. Example 12.5 Example of fully fixed supports Given: The structure defined in Fig. E12.5a. Suppose nodes one and four are fully fixed. w P 3 2 2 Yg 1 3 Xg 1 L Fig. E12.5a h 12.6 Introduction of Nodal Supports 901 Determine: The reduced system matrices. Solution: The system matrices are presented in Example 12.4. We start with the complete set of nodal force equilibrium equations generated in the previous example. PE1 ¼ kð1ÞAA U1 þkð1ÞAB U2 þPFð1ÞA PE2 ¼ kð1ÞBA U1 þðkð1ÞBB þkð2ÞAA ÞU2 þ kð2ÞAB U3 þPFð2ÞA þPFð1ÞB PE3 ¼ kð2ÞBA U2 þðkð2ÞBB þkð3ÞAA ÞU3 þ kð3ÞAB U4 þPFð3ÞA þPFð2ÞB PE4 ¼ kð3ÞBA U3 þkð3ÞBB U4 þPFð3ÞB Nodes 1 and 4 are fully fixed. The external nodal forces PE1 and PE4 represent the reactions at these nodes. We set U1 ¼ U4 ¼ 0 and rearrange the order of the equations so that PE1 and PE4 are last. This step leads to two sets of equations, PE2 ¼ ðkð1ÞBB þkð2ÞAA ÞU2 þ kð2ÞAB U3 þPFð2ÞA þPFð1ÞB PE3 ¼ kð2ÞBA U2 þðkð2ÞBB þkð3ÞAA ÞU3 þPFð3ÞA þPFð2ÞB and PE1 ¼ kð1ÞAB U2 þPFð1ÞA PE4 ¼ kð3ÞBA U3 þPFð3ÞB We solve the first set for U2 and U3 . Then, we use these displacements to determine the reactions PE1 and PE4 with the second set of equations. Note that the total number of unknowns remains the same when displacement constraint is introduced. 12.6.1 Systematic Approach The systematic approach for introducing displacement constraints involves rearranging the system displacement vector U into two segments and also rearranging the rows and columns of P and K consistent with this reordering of U. We write the rearranged system matrices as 0 K0 11 j K0 12 1 B C K ! K0 ¼ @ j A K0 21 j K0 22 U0 P0 E U! ! P PI ! E U00 P00 E (12.23) 0 PI P00 I 902 12 Finite Element Displacement Method for Framed Structures where U0 contains the unknown displacements, U00 contains the prescribed support movements, P0 E contains the prescribed joint loads, and P00 E contains the unknown forces (reactions). With this reordering, the system equation takes the following form. 8 0 9 0 0 K 11 <P E = ¼@ : 00 ; P E K0 21 9 18 9 8 j K0 12 < U0 = < P0 I = j A þ : 00 ; : 00 ; U P I j K0 22 (12.24) Expanding the matrix product results in two matrix equations P0 E ¼ K0 11 U0 þ K0 12 U00 þ P0 I P00 E ¼ K0 21 U0 þ K22 U00 þ P0 I (12.25) We solve the first equation for U0 U0 ¼ ðK0 11 Þ1 ðP0 E K0 12 U00 P0 I Þ (12.26) Note that the prescribed support movements are converted to equivalent nodal forces. Given U0 , we use the second equation in (12.25) to determine the reaction forces. This step involves only matrix multiplication. With this approach, one can deal separately with the nodal loads, member loads, and support movements. Expanding the right hand side of (12.26) leads to solutions due to the different loading conditions Joint loads only: ðU00 ¼0; P0 I ¼ 0; P00 I ¼ 0Þ U0 ¼ ðK0 11 Þ1 ðP0 E Þ P00 E ¼ K0 21 U0 Support settlements only: ðP0 E ¼ 0; P0 I ¼ 0; P00 I ¼ 0Þ U0 ¼ ðK0 11 Þ1 ðK0 12 U00 Þ P00 E ¼ K0 21 U0 þ K0 22 U00 Member loads only: ðU00 ¼0; P0 E ¼ 0Þ U0 ¼ ðK0 11 Þ1 ðP0 I Þ P00 E ¼ K0 21 U0 þ P00 I Lastly, we determine the end member forces in the global coordinate frame and then transform them to the local frame. The operations for member m are 12.6 Introduction of Nodal Supports 903 PðmÞB ¼ kðmÞBB Unþ þ kðmÞBA Un þ PFðmÞB PðmÞA ¼ kðmÞAB Unþ þ kðmÞAA Un þ PFðmÞA (12.27) P‘ðmÞB ¼ Rg‘ PðmÞB P‘ðmÞA ¼ Rg‘ PðmÞA Example 12.6 Example of support movement Given: The structure defined in Fig. E12.6a. Consider nodes 1 and 4 to experience support settlements of d1 and d4 . w P 3 2 2 Yg 1 h 3 Xg 1 d1 4 d4 L Fig. E12.6a Determine: The rearranged system matrices Solution: The system matrices are presented in Example 12.4. We place the displacement matrices corresponding to the partially fixed nodes in U00 . 2 kð1ÞAA 6 kð1ÞBA K ¼6 40 0 k ð1ÞAB kð1ÞBB þkð2ÞAA kð2ÞBA 0 8 9 > u2 > > > > > > > > > > n2 > > > > ( ) > > > < U2 y2 = 0 U ¼ ¼ > U3 > u3 > > > > > > > > n3 > > > > > > > :y > ; 3 0 k ð2ÞAB kð2ÞBB þkð3ÞAA kð3ÞBA 3 0 7 0 7 kð3ÞAB 5 kð3ÞBB 8 9 > u1 ¼ 0 > > > > > > > > > > n1 ¼ d1 > > > > ( ) > > > < U1 y1 ¼ 0 = 00 U ¼ ¼ > U4 > u4 ¼ 0 > > > > > > > > n4 ¼ d5 > > > > > > > :y ¼ 0 > ; 4 The modified form of K consistent with this reordering of U is generated by moving the first partitioned row and column back to the third location. The steps are 904 12 Finite Element Displacement Method for Framed Structures (k(1)BB + k(2)AA ) k(2) BA k(2) AB k(1) AB (k(2)BB + k(3) AA ) K' = K 21 0 k(3) AB k(1) AB 0 k(1) AA 0 0 k(3) BA 0 k(3) BB Noting (12.24), the partitioned form of K0 is kð1ÞBB þ kð2ÞAA k ð2ÞAB 0 K 11 ¼ kð2ÞBA kð2ÞBB þ kð3ÞAA 0 0 kð1ÞAB ¼ 0 0 kð3ÞBA 0 K 22 kð1ÞAA ¼ 0 0 K 12 0 kð3ÞBB kð1ÞBA ¼ 0 0 kð3ÞBA We perform a similar operation on the rows of PE and PI . The corresponding reordered partitioned nodal forces are: ( F ) ( ) F ðP þ P Þ P ð1ÞB ð2ÞA E2 P0 E ¼ P0 I ¼ PE3 ðPF ð2ÞB þ PF ð3ÞA Þ 8 9 > Rx1 > > > > > > > > > > > R y1 > > > ( ) > ( F ) > > < = P P M ð1ÞA E1 1 P00 I ¼ P00 E ¼ ¼ > > PE4 R PF ð3ÞB x4 > > > > > > > > > Ry4 > > > > > > :M > ; 4 w P 3 2 2 1 3 1 Rx1 M1 Ry1 4 Ry4 Rx4 M4 12.6 Introduction of Nodal Supports 905 Throughout the chapter, matrix computations are carried out using computer software such as MATHLAB (29) or MATHCAD (30). Example 12.7 Two member plane frame—partially fixed Given: The frame shown in Fig. E12.7a. E, I, and A are constant for both members. Y X 1 2 (1) Y 0.8 L Yg (2) X 3 Xg L 0.6 L Fig. E12.7a Determine: (a) The various matrices for the matrix displacement formulation. (b) Solve for the joint displacements, member forces and reactions due to the loading defined in Fig. E12.7b. Use the following values for the parameters: L ¼ 15 ft; I ¼ 170 in:4 ; A ¼ 10 in:2 and E ¼ 29; 000 ksi. L 0.6 L 2 kip/ft 10 kip 1 (1) 2 0.8 L (2) 3 Fig. E12.7b Solution: We start with the geometric data. The topological and geometric information is listed below 906 12 Finite Element Displacement Method for Framed Structures Geometric data: Member m (1) (2) Member m (1) (2) n 1 2 a 0 53.13 a 0 53.13 nþ 2 3 cos a 1 0.6 sina 0 0.8 sina cos a 0 0.48 cos2 a 1 0.36 sin 2 a 0 0.64 Generate stiffness matrices: The system stiffness matrix and displacement vector have the following form 2 kð1ÞAA kð1ÞAB 0 3 2 0 0 0 3 2 kð1ÞAA kð1ÞAB 0 3 6 7 6 7 6 7 K ¼4 kð1ÞBA kð1ÞBB 0 5 þ 4 0 kð2ÞAA kð2ÞAB 5 ¼ 4 kð1ÞBA ðkð1ÞBB þ kð2ÞAA Þ kð2ÞAB 5 0 kð2ÞBA kð2ÞBB 0 0 0 8 9 u > > > > > 1> > > > > > > > > n 1 > > > > > > > > > > > > y > > 1 > > > > > > 8 9 > > > > > > U u 2 > > > > 1 > < > = > = < > U ¼ U2 ¼ n2 > > > > > : > ; > > > > > > > U3 y 2> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > u3 > > > > > > > > > > n 3 > > > > > > > > ; : > y3 kð2ÞBA 0 kð2ÞBB We determine the individual member matrices using (12.16). These matrices are referred to the global reference frame. 3 2 kð1ÞAA AE 6 L 6 6 ¼6 6 0 6 4 0 2 kð1ÞBA AE 6 L 6 6 ¼6 6 0 6 4 0 0 0 2 AE L 3 0 0 7 7 6 7 7 6 7 6 6EI 7 12EI 6EI 7 kð1ÞAB ¼ 6 0 7 7 6 L2 7 L3 L2 7 7 6 4 4EI 5 6EI 2EI 5 0 2 L L L 3 3 2 AE 0 0 0 0 7 7 6 L 7 7 6 7 6 12EI 6EI 12EI 6EI 7 7 6 k ¼ 3 0 2 7 ð1ÞBB 6 L L 7 L3 L2 7 7 7 6 4 6EI 2EI 5 6EI 4EI 5 0 2 L2 L L L 12EI L3 6EI L2 12.6 Introduction of Nodal Supports 907 2 kð1ÞAA 6 6 6 ¼6 6 6 4 AE 12EI 0:36 þ 3 0:64 L L AE 12EI 3 ð0:48Þ L L 6EI 2 ð0:8Þ L AE 12EI 3 ð0:48Þ L L AE 12EI 0:64 þ 3 0:36 L L 6EI 0:6 L2 2 AE 12EI 6 L 0:36 þ L3 0:64 6 6 AE 12EI ¼6 þ 3 ð0:48Þ 6 L L 6 4 6EI ð0:8Þ L2 kð2ÞAB kð2ÞBA 2 AE 12EI 6 L 0:36 þ L3 0:64 6 6 AE 12EI ¼6 3 ð0:48Þ 6 L L 6 4 6EI ð0:8Þ L2 3 6EI ð0:8Þ 7 L2 7 7 6EI 2 0:6 7 7 L 7 5 2EI L AE 12EI ð0:48Þ þ 3 L L AE 12EI 0:64 þ 3 0:36 L L 6EI 0:6 L2 AE 12EI 3 ð0:48Þ L L AE 12EI 0:64 þ 3 0:36 L L 6EI 2 0:6 L 3 6EI ð0:8Þ 7 L2 7 7 6EI 7 0:6 7 L2 7 5 4EI L 3 6EI 2 ð0:8Þ 7 L 7 7 6EI 7 0:6 7 L2 7 5 2EI L AE 12EI ð0:48Þ þ 3 L L AE 12EI 0:64 þ 3 0:36 L L 6EI 2 0:6 L 2 AE 12EI 6 L 0:36 þ L3 0:64 6 6 AE 12EI ¼6 þ 3 6 ð0:48Þ L L 6 4 6EI 2 ð0:8Þ L kð2ÞBB 3 6EI ð0:8Þ 7 L2 7 7 6EI 2 0:6 7 7 L 7 5 4EI L Substituting for these matrices, the system stiffness matrix takes the following form. 2 AE 6 L 60 6 6 60 6 6 6 6 AE 6 L 6 60 6 K¼6 6 60 6 6 6 6 60 6 6 60 6 6 4 0 0 0 12EI L3 6EI L2 4EI L 6EI L2 0 AE L 0 0 AE 1:36þ 12EI 0:64 L L3 12EI 6EI 0:48 AE 12EI 3 2 L L3 L L 6EI 2EI 6EI 2 ð0:8Þ L L2 L 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12EI 3 6EI L2 2EI L 6EI ð0:8Þ L2 6EI ð0:4Þ 2 L 8EI L 0 0 0 0 L 6EI L2 12EI 0:48 AE L 3 L AE 0:64þ 12EI 1:36 L L3 6EI ð0:4Þ 2 L AE 12EI 12EI 0:64Þ 0:48ð AE 0:36þ L þ L3 Þ L L3 AE 12EI 0:48 þ L L3 6EI ð0:8Þ L2 6EI ð0:8Þ L2 12EI AE L 0:36þ 3 0:64 L 12EI 0:48 AE L þ L3 6EI ð0:8Þ L2 AE 0:36þ 12EI 0:64 L L3 12EI AE L 0:64þ 3 0:36 6EI 2 ð0:6Þ 12EI 0:48 AE L 3 6EI ð0:6Þ L2 2EI L 6EI ð0:8Þ L2 L L L 0 12EI 0:48 AE L þ L3 12EI AE L 0:64þ 3 0:36 L 6EI 2 ð0:6Þ L 12EI 0:48ðAE L 3 Þ L AE 0:64þ 12EI 0:36 L L3 6EI 2 ð0:6Þ L 3 7 7 7 7 7 0 7 7 7 7 6EI ð0:8Þ 7 L2 7 7 6EI 0:6 7 2 L 7 7 2EI 7 L 7 7 6EI ð0:8Þ 7 7 2 7 L 7 7 7 6EI ð0:6Þ 7 L2 7 5 0 4EI L 908 12 Finite Element Displacement Method for Framed Structures Introduce displacement constraints: We note that node 1 is fully fixed but node 3 is partially fixed, i.e., the rotation y3 is unknown. We rearrange the rows and columns of K, and the rows of U, PE and PI . This step leads to the resulting partitioned vectors and matrices listed below. 8 9 u1 > 8 9 > > > > > u2 > > > > > > > n1 > > > > > < < = = n 2 U00 ¼ y1 U0 ¼ > > > y2 > > > > > > > u3 > > : > > ; > > > y3 : > ; n3 2 AE 12EI 0:64 1:36 þ 3 6 L L 6 6 AE 12EI 6 ð0:48Þ 3 6 L L K0 11 ¼ 6 6 6EI 6 6 L2 ð0:8Þ 4 6EI 2 ð0:8Þ L 2 AE 6 L 0 6 6 12EI 60 3 6 0 L K 12 ¼ 6 6 6EI 60 6 L2 4 0 0 AE 12EI ð0:48Þ 3 L L AE 12EI 0:64 þ 3 1:36 L L 6EI ð0:4Þ L2 6EI ð0:6Þ L2 AE 12EI 0:36 þ 3 0:64 L L 6EI AE 12EI 2 þ 3 ð0:48Þ L L L 2EI 6EI 2 ð0:8Þ L L 6EI ð0:8Þ 0 L2 0 6EI ð0:8Þ L2 6EI ð0:4Þ L2 8EI L 2EI L 3 6EI ð0:8Þ 7 L2 7 7 6EI 7 ð0:6Þ 7 L2 7 7 2EI 7 7 L 5 4EI L 3 AE 12EI 0:48 þ 3 7 L L 7 7 AE 12EI 0:64 þ 3 0:36 7 7 L L 7 7 6EI 7 2 0:6 7 L 5 6EI 2 0:6 L 2 AE 6 L 6 60 6 6 6 6 0 K 21 ¼ 6 0 6 6 AE 12EI 6 0:36 þ 0:64 3 6 6 L L 4 AE 12EI þ 3 ð0:48Þ L L 3 0 0 12EI 6EI 3 L L2 6EI 2EI 2 L L AE 12EI 6EI ð0:48Þ þ 3 ð0:8Þ L L L2 AE 12EI 6EI 0:64 þ 3 0:36 2 0:6 L L L 0 7 7 7 0 7 7 7 7 0 7 7 7 6EI 7 ð0:8Þ 2 7 L 7 5 6EI 2 0:6 L 12.6 Introduction of Nodal Supports 909 3 2 AE 6 L 6 6 60 6 6 60 6 6 0 K 22 ¼ 6 60 6 6 6 60 6 6 4 0 0 12EI L3 6EI L2 0 6EI L2 4EI L 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 7 7 7 0 0 7 7 7 0 0 7 7 7 AE 12EI AE 12EI 0:36 þ 3 0:64 3 ð0:48Þ 7 7 L L 7 L L 7 AE 12EI AE 12EI 3 ð0:48Þ 0:64 þ 3 0:36 7 7 L L L L 7 5 6EI 6EI ð0:8Þ 2 0:6 2 L L Introduce the member properties and evaluate the stiffness terms: We evaluate the individual stiffness matrices using the following values for the parameters (L ¼ 15 ft, I ¼ 170 in:4 ; A ¼ 10 in:2 ; E ¼ 29; 000 ksi). 2 3 730:37 730:37 2:198 103 768:464 6 768:464 7 1:045 103 365:185 547:778 7 K0 11 ¼ 6 5 45 4 730:37 365:185 2:191 10 5:475 10 730:37 547:778 5:478 104 1:096 105 3 2 0 0 0 1:61 103 6 0 10:14 913 0 7 7 6 0 4 6 K 21 ¼ 6 0 913 548 10 0 7 7 4 586:5 768:5 730:4 730:4 5 778:2 1:035 103 547:8 547:8 We need the inverse of K0 11 to solve for the displacement due to a given loading. Its form is 2 3 4:574 104 3:492 107 6:575 106 6:17 104 6 4:574 104 1:301 103 3:464 106 1:128 105 7 7 ðK0 11 Þ1 ¼ 6 7 6 6 4 3:492 10 3:464 10 5:227 10 2:633 106 5 6:575 106 1:128 105 2:633 106 1:054 105 Specify loading: Next, we consider the loading shown in Fig. E12.7b. The fixed end actions due to the uniform loading applied to member 1 are defined in Fig. E12.7c. 37.5 kip ft 37.5 kip ft 2 kip/ft (1) 15 kip 15 kip 15 ft Fig. E12.7c 910 12 Finite Element Displacement Method for Framed Structures The system load vectors corresponding to these loads are: 8 9 0 8 9 8 9 > > > > > > 10 > 0 > > > > > > > > > > > 15:0 > > > > > > < <0 = < 15:0 = = P0 I ¼ P00 I ¼ 37:5ð12Þ P0 E ¼ > > > > > > > > > > >0 >0 > > 37:5ð12Þ > > > > > : : ; ; > > > > > 0 0 : ; 0 Determine the unknown displacements: Finally, we determine the unknown displacements using (12.26): U0 ¼ ðK0 11 Þ1 ðP0 E P0 I Þ 8 9 u2 > > > > > > > > > < n2 > = + 2 3 6:17 104 4:574 104 3:492 107 6:575 106 6 4:574 104 1:301 103 3:464 106 1:128 105 7 6 7 ¼6 7 6 6 6 7 > > 4 5 3:492 10 3:464 10 5:227 10 2:633 10 y > > 2> > > > > 6 5 6 5 : > ; 6:575 10 1:128 10 2:633 10 1:054 10 y3 93 8 9 28 9 8 5:329 104 > 0 10 > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > 7 > 6> > > < 15:0 =7 > <0 > < 0:013 = > = 6> 7 6 6 7¼ > 7 > 6> ð37:5 12Þ > 0 > 2:304 103 > > > > > > > > > > > 5 > 4> > > > > > > > > > > > > ; : ; : : ; 3 0 0 1:081 10 u2 ¼ 0:00053 inch n2 ¼ 0:013 inch # y2 ¼ 0:002304 rad counterclockwise y3 ¼ 0:001081 rad counterclockwise Determine unknown forces (reactions): Given the displacements, one determines the reactions with P00 E 8 9 Rx1 > 8 9 > > > > > u2 > > > > > > > > R > > > < y1 = <n > = 2 0 0 0 00 00 0 þ P00 I ¼ K 21 U þ K 22 U þ P I ) M1 ¼ K 21 > > > > y 2 > > > > > > Rx3 > > : > > ; > > > > y3 : ; Ry3 12.6 Introduction of Nodal Supports 911 8 9 2 Rx1 > > > > 1:61 103 > > > > > > R > > 6 y1 < = 60 M1 ¼ 6 0 > > 6 > > Rx3 > > 4 586:5 > > > > > > : ; 778:2 Ry3 0 0 10:14 913 913 548 104 768:5 730:4 1:035 103 547:8 8 9 8 9 >0 > 4 > > 5:329 10 > > > > > > > < 15:0 = < = > 0:013 þ ð37:5 12Þ 3 2:304 10 > > > > > > > >0 > : ; > > > : ; 1:081 103 0 8 9 0:86 kip > > > > > > > > < 17:24 kip = ¼ 588:4 kip/in: > > > > > > 10:86 kip > > : ; 12:76 kip 3 0 7 0 7 7 0 7 730:4 5 547:8 The reactions are listed on Fig. E12.7d 49 kip ft 2 kip/ft (1) .86 kip 10 kip 2 17.24 kip 12 ft (2) 3 10.86 kip 12.76 kip L = 15 ft 9 ft Fig. E12.7d Determine member forces in the local coordinates: Lastly, we determine the member end actions in the global and local coordinate system using (12.27). Applying these equations for members 1 and 2 leads to the following results: 912 12 Finite Element Displacement Method for Framed Structures Fixed end actions 9 9 8 8 > > > > = = <0 <0 PFð1Þ ¼ 15 kip PFð2Þ ¼ PFð2Þ ¼ 0 PFð1Þ ¼ 15 kip A B A B > > > > ; ; : : 37:5ð12Þ kip/in: 37:5ð12Þ kip/in: Global end actions 9 8 9 8 > > = = < u2 > < 0:86 kip > Pð1ÞA ¼ kð1ÞAB v2 þ PFð1ÞA ¼ 17:24 kip > > > ; ; : > : 588:4 kip/in: y2 9 8 9 8 > > = = < u2 > < 0:86 kip > Pð1ÞB ¼ kð1ÞBB v2 þ PFð1ÞB ¼ 12:76 kip > > > ; ; : > : 183:4 kip/in: y2 9 8 9 8 9 8 > > = = = > < 10:86 kip > <0> < u2 > Pð2ÞA ¼ kð2ÞAB 0 þ kð2ÞAA v2 ¼ 12:76 kip > > > ; ; ; > : : > : > 183:4 kip/in: y3 y2 9 8 9 8 9 8 > > = = = > < 10:86 kip > <0> < u2 > Pð2ÞB ¼ kð2ÞBB 0 þ kð2ÞBA v2 ¼ 12:76 kip > > > ; ; ; > : : > : > 0:0 y3 y2 Local end actions 9 8 2 1 > = < Fð1ÞA > 6 V P‘ð1ÞA ¼ ¼ Rg‘ Pð1ÞA ¼ 4 0 ð1ÞA > > ; : Mð1ÞA 0 9 8 2 1 > = < Fxð1ÞB > 6 P‘ð1ÞB ¼ Vð1ÞB ¼ Rg‘ Pð1ÞA ¼ 4 0 > > ; : Mð1ÞB 0 9 9 8 38 0 0 > = = > < 0:86 kip > < 0:86 > 7 17:24 kip 1 0 5 17:24 ¼ > > > ; ; > : : 588:4 kip=in: 0 1 588:4 9 9 8 38 0 0 > = = > < 0:86 kip > < 0:86 > 7 ¼ 12:76 kip 1 05 12:76 > > > ; ; > : : 183:4 kip=in: 0 1 213:96 8 9 2 38 10:86 9 8 16:72 kip 9 > Fð2ÞA > > > > > > 0:6 0:8 0 > > > > > > < = < < = = > 6 7 P‘ð2ÞA ¼ Vð2ÞA ¼ Rg‘ Pð2ÞA ¼ 4 0:8 0:6 0 5 12:76 ¼ 1:03 kip > > > > > > > > > > > > > 0 0 1 : 183:4 ; : 183:4 kip/in: ; :M > ; ð2ÞA 8 9 2 38 10:86 9 8 16:72 kip 9 > Fð2ÞB > > > > > > > 0:6 0:8 0 > > > > > < = < < = > = 6 7 V P‘ð2ÞB ¼ 1:03 kip ¼ Rg‘ Pð2ÞB ¼ 4 0:8 0:6 0 5 12:76 ¼ ð2ÞB > > > > > > > > > > > : ; > ; > > 0 0 1 : : 0:0 0:0 Mð2ÞB ; 12.6 Introduction of Nodal Supports 913 The local member end actions are listed in Fig. E12.7e. 49. kip ft .86 kip 1 15.45 kip ft 15.45 kip ft 2 kip/ft .86 kip 16.72 kip 2 2 (1) 12.76 kip 17.24 kip 1.03 kip 3 1.03 kip 16.72 kip Fig. E12.7e Example 12.8 Two member plane frame—fully fixed Given: The frame shown in Fig. E12.8a. E, I, and A are constant for both members. Take L ¼ 5 m, I ¼ 70ð10Þ6 mm4 , A ¼ 6; 500 mm2 , M ¼ 20 kN/m, and E ¼ 200 GPa. Y M X Yg 1 1 2 Y Xg L 2 X 3 L Fig. E12.8a Determine: The reactions Solution: We start with the geometric data. The topological and geometric information is listed below Geometric data: Member m (1) (2) Member m (1) (2) a 0 90 n 1 2 cos a 1 0 nþ 2 3 sina 0 1 sina cos a 0 0 a 0 90 cos2 a 1 0 sin2 a 0 1 914 12 Finite Element Displacement Method for Framed Structures The system stiffness matrix and displacement vector have the following form 2 3 2 0 kð1ÞAA kð1ÞAB 0 K ¼4 kð1ÞBA kð1ÞBB 0 5 þ 4 0 0 0 0 0 2 kð1ÞAB kð1ÞAA ¼ 4 kð1ÞBA ðkð1ÞBB þ kð2ÞAA Þ 0 kð2ÞBA 0 3 0 kð2ÞAA kð2ÞAB 5 kð2ÞBA kð2ÞBB 3 0 kð2ÞAB 5 kð2ÞBB We determine the individual member matrices using (12.16). These matrices are referred to the global reference frame. 2 AE kð1ÞAA 6 L 6 6 ¼6 0 6 4 0 3 0 12EI L3 6EI L2 7 6 7 6 6EI 7 6 k ¼ 7 6 ð1ÞAB 6 L2 7 5 4 4EI L kð1ÞBA 0 12EI 3 L 6EI L2 0 7 7 6EI 7 2 7 L 7 2EI 5 L 3 AE L 0 0 12EI 3 L 6EI 2 L 0 0 3 2 AE 6 L 6 6 ¼6 0 6 4 0 2 0 7 7 6EI 7 7 L2 7 5 2EI L 3 2 kð1ÞBB AE 6 L 6 6 ¼6 0 6 4 0 0 12EI L3 6EI 2 L 0 7 7 6EI 7 2 7 L 7 4EI 5 L 2 12EI 6EI 3 6EI 3 0 6 L3 6 L2 7 L3 L2 7 7 7 6 6 AE AE 7 7 6 6 kð2ÞAA ¼ 6 0 0 7 kð2ÞAB ¼ 6 0 0 7 7 7 6 6 L L 5 5 4 4 6EI 4EI 6EI 2EI 0 0 L2 L L2 L 2 12EI 2 12EI 6EI 3 6EI 3 0 2 0 3 6 6 L3 L L 7 L2 7 7 7 6 6 AE AE 7 7 6 6 kð2ÞBA ¼ 6 0 0 7 kð2ÞBB ¼ 6 0 0 7 7 7 6 6 L L 5 5 4 4 6EI 2EI 6EI 4EI 0 0 L2 L L2 L 2 12EI 0 Substituting for these matrices, the system stiffness matrix takes the following form using the following values for the parameters L ¼ 5 m, I ¼ 70ð10Þ6 mm4 , A ¼ 6; 500 mm2 , and E ¼ 200 GPa. 12.6 Introduction of Nodal Supports 915 2 3 260 0 0 260 0 0 0 0 0 6 7 3 3 0 1:344 3:36 10 0 0 0 1:344 3:36 10 6 0 7 6 7 6 0 7 0 3:36 103 5:6 106 0 0 0 3:36 103 1:12 107 6 7 6 7 14 3 14 3 6 260 7 3:36 10 1:344 1:584 10 3:36 10 0 0 261:344 1:584 10 6 7 6 7 K¼6 0 1:344 3:36 103 1:584 1014 261:344 3:36 103 1:584 1014 260 2:057 1013 7 6 7 6 0 7 3 5:6 106 3 3 7 3 13 6 3:36 10 3:36 10 3:36 10 2:24 10 3:36 10 2:057 10 5:6 10 6 7 6 7 14 3 14 3 6 0 0 0 1:344 1:584 10 3:36 10 1:344 1:584 10 3:36 10 7 6 7 6 7 14 13 14 13 4 0 5 0 0 1:584 10 260 2:057 10 1:584 10 260 2:057 10 0 0 0 3:36 103 2:057 1013 5:6 106 3:36 103 2:057 1013 1:12 107 We note that nodes 1 and 3 are fully fixed. We rearrange the rows and columns of K, and the rows of U, PE accordingly. This step leads to the resulting partitioned vectors and matrices listed below (Fig. E12.8b). 8 9 > < u2 > = 0 U ¼ n2 > : > ; y2 U00 ¼ 0 P00 E 8 9 Rx1 > > > > > > > > > > > < Ry1 > = ¼ M1 > > > > > > > > Rx3 > > > > : ; Ry3 0 K0 11 K0 21 1:584 1014 261:344 3:36 103 261 ¼ @ 1:584 1014 3:36 103 0 260 B 0 B B 0 ¼B B 1:344 B @ 1:584 1014 3:36 103 8 9 > > <0 = P0 E ¼ 0 P0 I ¼ P00 I ¼ 0 > > : ; 20ð10Þ3 0 1:344 3:36 103 1:584 1014 260 2:057 1013 1 3:36 103 3:36 103 A 2:24 107 1 0 3:36 103 C C C 5:6 106 C 3:36 103 C C 2:057 1013 A 5:6 106 M = 20 kN-m RX1 M1 Ry1 Rx3 M3 Fig. E12.8b Nodal forces Ry3 916 12 Finite Element Displacement Method for Framed Structures Then 0 1 K0 11 3:834 103 @ ¼ 7:408 106 5:762 107 7:408 106 3:834 103 5:762 107 1 5:762 107 5:762 107 A 4:482 108 Then, we determine the unknown displacements using the following equation U0 ¼ ðK0 11 Þ1 ðP0 E Þ Given the displacements, one determines the reactions P00 E 9 8 8 9 > 3> > > > > Rx1 > > > > > > > > > > > 3> > > > > > > > > R > = < 5> < y1 > = > 1 0 0 0 0 0 ¼ K 21 U ¼ K 21 ðK 11 Þ ðP E Þ ) M1 ¼ > 3 > > > > > > > > > > > > > > 3 > > Rx3 > > > > > > > > : ; > > > > > Ry3 : 5; The results are shown on Fig. E12.8c. Fig. E12.8c M = 20 kN-m 3 kN 5 kN-m 3 kN 3 kN 5 kN-m 12.7 3 kN Specialized Formulation for Beam and Truss Structures The formulation presented in the previous sections applies for frame type structures which involve both axial and bending actions. Beams and trusses are special cases where only one type of action occurs. Trusses support loads by axial action; beams support transverse loads through bending action. It is relatively easy to specialize the general frame formulation for these limiting cases. 12.7 Specialized Formulation for Beam and Truss Structures 917 12.7.1 The Steps Involved for Plane Truss Structures The member end actions for a truss member consist of only an axial force, i.e., there is no shear or moment. Also, each node of a plane truss has only two displacement unknowns; the nodal rotation occurs independent of the translation and has no effect on the member force. We take these simplifications into account by defining “reduced” member force and nodal matrices. The formulation is exactly the same as described in Sects. 12.3 through 12.6. One only has to work with modified stiffness, end action, and nodal displacement matrices. We start with the member equations. Figure 12.7 shows the member force and displacement measures referred to the local member frame. Note that now, the member matrices are just scalar quantities. U‘B ¼ u‘B U‘A ¼ u‘A P‘A ¼ F‘A P‘B ¼ F‘B (12.28) We consider (12.5) to be the general matrix expression for the member equations but interpret the various terms as “reduced” matrices. Their form follows by deleting the second and third row and column of the matrices listed in (12.6). AE AE k‘BA ¼ L L AE AE k‘AA ¼ k‘BA ¼ L L F F P‘B ¼ FF‘B P‘A ¼ FF‘A k‘BB ¼ (12.29) We need to modify the rotation matrix in a similar way. Now, there are two nodal displacement measures and only one local displacement measure. B Y F B ,u X A α Yg FA , u A Xg Fig. 12.7 End force and end displacement—local member truss—planar behavior B 918 12 Finite Element Displacement Method for Framed Structures U¼ ( ) u v (12.30) U‘ ¼ u‘ Noting (12.8), we write U ¼ R‘g u‘ ( ) cos a R‘g ¼ sin a (12.31) We use this form for R‘g to transform between the local and global frames. Given R‘g , we generate the global form of the member matrices using (12.13). A typical term is k ¼ R‘g kl ðR‘g ÞT (12.32) where kl is defined by (12.29). Expanding (12.32) leads to kAA ¼ kBB kAB ¼ kBA cos2 a sina cosa AE ¼k¼ L sina cosa sin2 a cos2 a sina cosa AE ¼ k ¼ L sina cosa sin2 a (12.33) Noting (12.33), we observe that now k is of order of (2 2) for a plane truss vs. (3 3) for a plane frame. Lastly, we determine the end member forces for member m in the local frame. AE cos aðmÞ sin aðmÞ ðUnþ Un Þ þ FF‘ðmÞ B L ðmÞ AE ¼ cos aðmÞ sin aðmÞ ðUnþ Un Þ þ FF‘ðmÞ A L ðmÞ F‘ðmÞ B ¼ F‘ðmÞ A Example 12.9 Statically determine truss Given: The truss shown in Fig. E12.9a. (12.34) 12.7 Specialized Formulation for Beam and Truss Structures 919 Fig. E12.9a 10 kip 6 kip 2 x Yg y 16 ft 3 x y 1 Xg x 1 y 3 2 12 ft 16 ft Determine: The joint displacements, reactions, and member forces using the Displacement Method. Að1Þ ¼ Að2Þ ¼ Að3Þ ¼ A ¼ 2 in:2 ; a ¼ 6:5 106 = F; and E ¼ 29; 000 ksi. (a) Due to the loading shown (b) Due to temperature decrease of 40 F for all members. Solution: We start with the geometric data. The topological and geometric information is listed below Member m (1) (2) (3) n 1 1 3 n+ 2 3 2 Member m (1) (2) (3) a(m) 53.13 0 135 sin a 0.8 0 0.707 a AE L L (ft) 20 28 22.63 53.13 0 135 cos a 0.6 1 0.707 sin a cos a 0.48 0 0.5 (kip/in.) 241.7 172.6 213.6 sin a2 0.64 0 0.5 cos a2 0.36 1 0.5 Yg 10 kip 2 6 kip 3 1 1 α3 α1 Xg 2 Fig. E12.9b 3 920 12 Finite Element Displacement Method for Framed Structures We determine the individual member matrices using (12.33). kðmÞAA ¼ kðmÞBB kðmÞAB ¼ kðmÞBA # " cos2 aðmÞ sinaðmÞ cosaðmÞ AE ¼ kðmÞ ¼ L ðmÞ sinaðmÞ cosaðmÞ sin2 aðmÞ " # cos2 aðmÞ sinaðmÞ cosaðmÞ AE ¼ kðmÞ ¼ L ðmÞ sinaðmÞ cosaðmÞ sin2 aðmÞ The system stiffness matrix and displacement vector have the following form 32 3 3 2 0 0 0 kð2ÞAA 0 kð2ÞAB kð1ÞAA kð1ÞAB 0 54 0 kð3ÞAA kð3ÞAB 5 0 0 K ¼4 kð1ÞBA kð1ÞBB 0 5 þ 4 0 kð2ÞBA 0 kð2ÞBB 0 kð3ÞBA kð3ÞBB 0 0 0 2 3 kð2ÞAB ðkð1ÞAA þ kð2ÞAA Þ kð1ÞAB 5 ðkð1ÞBB þ kð3ÞAA Þ kð3ÞAB ¼ 4 kð1ÞBA kð2ÞBA kð3ÞBA ðkð2ÞBB þ kð3ÞBB Þ 2 8 9 > u1 > > > > > > > > 8 9 > > n1 > > > > > > <u > = = > < U1 > 2 U ¼ U2 ¼ > > n2 > > ; > : > > > U3 > > > > u3 > > > > > > > :n > ; 3 By Substituting for individual matrices using (12.33), the system stiffness matrix takes the following form: 0 259:619 116 B 116 154:666 B B 87 116 K¼B B 116 154:666 B @ 172:619 0 0 0 87 116 116 154:666 193:791 9:21 9:21 261:457 106:9 106:79 106:9 106:79 172:619 0 106:79 106:79 279:409 106:79 1 0 C 0 C 106:79 C C 106:79 C C 106:79 A 106:79 We note that node 1 is fully fixed but node 3 is partially fixed. We rearrange the rows and columns of K, and the rows of U. This step leads to the resulting partitioned vectors and matrices listed below. 8 9 8 9 > > < u2 > < u1 > = = 0 00 U ¼ n2 U ¼ n1 > > : > : > ; ; u3 n3 12.7 Specialized Formulation for Beam and Truss Structures 921 0 1 0 1 193:791 9:21 106:79 87 116 106:79 K0 11 ¼ @ 9:21 261:457 106:79 A K0 12 ¼ @ 116 154:666 106:79 A 106:79 106:79 279:409 172:619 0 106:79 0 1 0 1 87 116 172:619 259:619 116 0 A K0 22 ¼ @ 116 K0 21 ¼ @ 116 154:666 0 154:666 0 A 106:79 106:79 106:79 0 0 106:79 We need the inverse of K0 11 to solve for the displacement due to a given loading. Its form is 0 1 0:007 0:002 0:003 1 ðK0 11 Þ ¼ @ 0:002 0:005 0:002 A 0:003 0:002 0:006 Part (a): Loading shown in Fig. E12.9a The system load vectors corresponding to this loading are 8 9 > < 6 > = P0 I ¼ P00 I ¼ 0 10 P0 E ¼ > > : ; 0 We determine the unknown displacements using 8 9 8 9 > > < u2 > < 0:026 > = = U0 ¼ ðK0 11 Þ1 ðP0 E Þ ) n2 ¼ ðK0 11 Þ1 ðP0 E Þ ¼ 0:039 > > > : > : ; ; 0:005 u3 Given the displacements, one determines the reactions with 9 8 8 9 > > = < 6> < R1x > = P00 E ¼ K0 21 U0 ) R1y ¼ K0 21 U0 ¼ 9:14 > > > > ; : : ; 0:86 R3y Finally we determine member forces: F‘ðmÞ B ¼ AE L ðmÞ cos aðmÞ sin aðmÞ ðUnþ Un Þ þ FF‘ðmÞ B F‘ð1Þ B ¼ 11:43 kip F‘ð2Þ B ¼ 0:86 kip F‘ð3Þ B ¼ 1:21 kip 922 12 Finite Element Displacement Method for Framed Structures Part (b): DT ¼ 40 for all members We determine the fixed end actions caused by the temperature decrease (Figs. E12.9c and E12.9d). FFl ¼ EAa DT ¼ ð29; 000Þð2Þð6:5 106 Þð40Þ ¼ 15:08 kip FF l FF l ΔT = –40º ΔT = –40º 1 3 FF l FF l ΔT = –40º FF l FF l 2 Fig. E12.9c Fixed end actions—members 22.73 kip 1.61 kip 3 1 2 25.74 kip 24.13 kip 12.06 kip 10.66 kip Fig. E12.9d Fixed end actions—joints The system load vectors corresponding to these loads are P0 E ¼ 0 8 8 9 9 > > < 1:61 > < 24:13 > = = P00 I ¼ 12:06 P0 I ¼ 22:73 > > > > : : ; ; 25:74 10:66 12.7 Specialized Formulation for Beam and Truss Structures 923 We determine the unknown displacements using U ¼ ðK0 11 Þ1 ðP0 I Þ ) 8 9 8 9 8 9 8 9 > > > < 0:037 in: > < u2 > < u2 > = < 0:037 in: > = = > = 0:05 in: # n2 ¼ ðK0 11 Þ1 ðP0 I Þ ¼ 0:05 in: ) n2 ¼ > > > > > : : > : > ; : ; ; > ; 0:087 in: 0:087 in: u3 u3 0 Given the displacements, one determines the reactions. For a determinate truss the reactions will be zero. Also the member forces will be zero. P00 E 9 8 9 8 > > = <0> < R1x > = ¼ K0 21 U0 þ P00 I ) R1y ¼ K0 21 U0 þ P00 I ¼ 0 > > > ; : > : ; 0 R3y F‘ðmÞ B ¼ AE L ðmÞ cos aðmÞ sin aðmÞ ðUnþ Un Þ þ FF‘ðmÞ B F‘ð1Þ B ¼ F‘ð2Þ B ¼ F‘ð3Þ B ¼ 0 12.7.2 The Steps Involved for Beam Structures with Transverse Loading The member forces for a beam member subjected to transverse loading consist only of shear and moment, i.e., there is no axial force. Also, each node of a beam has only two displacement unknowns; the rotation and transverse displacement. We take these simplifications into account by defining “reduced” member and nodal matrices. The procedure is similar to that followed for the trusses. We start with the member equations. Figure 12.8 shows the member force and displacement measures. For beam structures, the local and global frames are taken to be the same. The “reduced” displacement and end action matrices are ( U‘B ¼ ( P‘B ¼ v‘B yB V‘B MB ) ( U‘A ¼ ) ( P‘A ¼ v‘A yA V‘A MA ) ) (12.35) We obtain the “reduced” member stiffness matrices by deleting the first row and column of the matrices listed in (12.6). 924 12 Finite Element Displacement Method for Framed Structures a Y MA VB VA MB X Xg B A End forces Yg b nB nA qB qA B A End displacements Fig. 12.8 Member end forces and displacements 2 12EI 2 12EI 6EI 3 6EI 3 3 2 6 L 7 k ¼6 L L2 7 kAA ¼ 4 5 4 5 AB 6EI 4EI 6EI 2EI L2 L L2 L 2 12EI 3 2 6EI 12EI 6EI 3 6 3 L2 7 k ¼ 6 L3 L2 7 kBB ¼ 4 L 5 4 5 BA 6EI 4EI 6EI 2EI 2 L L L2 L L3 (12.36) The remaining steps involved in assembling the system matrices and introducing the support fixity are the same as described earlier for the general frame. Note that no rotation transformations are required here since the local and global frames coincide. Example 12.10 Two-span beam Given: The beam shown in Fig. E12.10a. The properties are taken as Lð1Þ ¼ Lð2Þ ¼ L ¼ 20 ft; Ið1Þ ¼ Ið2Þ ¼ I ¼ 428 in:4 ;E ¼ 29; 000 ksi Determine: The joint displacements and member forces due to (i) the loading in Fig. E12.10b, (ii) support settlement in Fig. E12.10c. 12.7 Specialized Formulation for Beam and Truss Structures Xg Y Y 1 Yg 925 X 3 X 2 1 2 I L I L Fig. E12.10a Fig. E12.10b 10 kip 1.5 kip/ft I I L Fig. E12.10c L/2 L/2 1 3 2 1 2 δ = 0.5 in Solution: We start with the geometric data listed below n 1 2 Member (1) (2) n 2 3 The system stiffness matrix has the following form. 2 kð1ÞAA K ¼ 4 kð1ÞBA 0 2 kð1ÞAA ¼ 4 kð1ÞBA 0 3 2 3 0 0 0 kð1ÞAB 0 kð1ÞBB 0 5 þ 4 0 kð2ÞAA kð2ÞAB 5 0 kð2ÞBA kð2ÞBB 0 0 3 kð1ÞAB 0 ðkð1ÞBB þ kð2ÞAA Þ kð2ÞAB 5 kð2ÞBA kð2ÞBB The member stiffness matrices follow from (12.36). Since the lengths and crosssectional properties are equal, the corresponding matrices are equal. 926 12 Finite Element Displacement Method for Framed Structures 2 3 2 12EI 6EI 12EI 2 3 3 6 L 7 6 L L kð1ÞBB ¼ kð2ÞBB ¼ 4 5 kð1ÞBA ¼ kð2ÞBA ¼ 4 6EI 4EI 6EI 2 2 L3 2 L 2 L 12EI 6EI 12EI 3 3 2 6 6 L 7 L kð1ÞAA ¼ kð2ÞAA ¼ 4 L kð1ÞAB ¼ kð2ÞAB ¼ 4 5 6EI 4EI 6EI 2 L2 L L 3 6EI 2 L 7 5 2EI L 3 6EI L2 7 5 2EI L Substituting for the member matrices, the system matrix expand to: 0 12EI B L3 B B 6EI B B 2 B L B B 12EI B B L3 K¼B B 6EI B B 2 B L B B B0 B B @ 0 6EI L2 4EI L 6EI 2 L 2EI L 0 0 12EI 3 L 6EI 2 L 24EI L3 0 12EI L3 6EI L2 6EI L2 2EI L 0 8EI L 6EI 2 L 2EI L 1 0 0 12EI L3 6EI 2 L 12EI L3 6EI 2 L 0 C C C C 0 C C C 6EI C C L2 C C 2EI C C C L C C 6EI C 2 C L C C 4EI A L The system nodal displacement and nodal load terms follow from (12.19). 8 9 > n > > > > 1> > > > > > y1 > > > > > > = <n > 2 U¼ > y2 > > > > > > > > > > n > > 3> > > > ; :y > 3 9 8 > Ry 1 > > > > > > > > > > > M 1 > > > > > = <R > y2 PE ¼ > M2 > > > > > > > > > > R > > y3 > > > > ; :M > 3 9 8 F Vð1ÞA > > > > > > > > F > > M > > ð1ÞA > > > = < ðV F þ V F Þ > ð1ÞB ð2ÞA P00 I ¼ F F ðMð1ÞB þ Mð2ÞA Þ > > > > > > > > F > > V > > ð2ÞB > > > > ; : MF ð2ÞB Nodes 1 and 3 are fully fixed and node 2 is partially fixed. The only unknown displacement is y2 . We rearrange the rows and columns according to the systematic approach described in Sect. 12.6.1. Noting (12.23) and (12.24), the rearranged terms are U0 ¼ fy2 g 8 9 n1 > > > > > > > > > > y > = < 1> 00 U ¼ n2 > > > > > n3 > > > > > > ; : > y3 12.7 Specialized Formulation for Beam and Truss Structures 927 and 9 8 Ry1 > > > > > > > > > > M > > 1 = < P0 E ¼ fM2 g P00 E ¼ Ry2 > > > > > Ry3 > > > > > > > ; : M3 9 8 F Vð1ÞA > > > > > > > > > > F > > M > > ð1ÞA > > = < n o F F 0 F F 00 P I ¼ ðMð1ÞB þ Mð2ÞA Þ P ¼ ðVð1ÞB þ Vð2ÞA Þ > > > > > > F > > Vð2ÞB > > > > > > > > : F Mð2ÞB ; 8EI L 6EI L2 2EI L 12EI 6EI L2 L3 6EI 4EI L L2 −6EI −12EI L2 L3 −6EI 0 0 L2 2EI 0 0 L 6EI L2 2EI K' = L 0 0 −12EI L3 −6EI L2 24EI L3 −12EI L3 6EI L2 −6EI L2 2EI L 0 0 0 0 −12EI L3 12EI L3 −6EI L2 6EI L2 −6EI L2 4EI L 8EI 6EI 2EI 6EI 2EI K0 12 ¼ 0 2 L L L L2 L 2 8 6EI 9 12EI 6EI 12EI > > > > 0 > > 2 2 6 L3 > > L L L3 > > 6 > > > 4EI 6EI 2EI > > > 6 6EI > > 0 > > 6 2 > > > > 6 L L L2 < L = 6 12EI 6EI 24EI 12EI K0 22 ¼ 6 ¼ 0 6 L3 2 3 > > L L L3 > 6 > > 6EI > > > 6 12EI 12EI > > > > 60 0 > > > 6 L2 > L3 L3 > > > > 4 > > 6EI 6EI > > 2EI : ; 0 0 L2 L2 L K0 11 ¼ K0 21 3 0 7 7 7 0 7 7 6EI 7 7 L2 7 7 6EI 7 7 L2 7 4EI 5 L 928 12 Finite Element Displacement Method for Framed Structures The inverse of K0 11 is ðK0 11 Þ1 ¼ L 20ð12Þ ¼ ¼ 2:417ð106 Þ 8EI 8ð29; 000Þð428Þ (i) Loading: We consider the loading shown in Fig. E12.10b. The fixed end actions due to the loading applied to members 1 and 2 are defined in Fig. E12.10d. 10 kip 1.5 kip/ft 50 kip ft 50 kip ft 25 kip ft 25 kip ft 1 2 15 kip 15 kip 5 kip 5 kip Fig. E12.10d Substituting for the fixed end actions, the various nodal displacement and load terms reduce to U0 ¼ fy2 g U00 ¼ 0 (No support movement) P0 E ¼ f 0 g P0 I ¼ fð50 þ 25Þg ¼ f25g 9 8 15:0 > > > > > > > > > > 50:0 > > = < 00 P I ¼ ð15:0 þ 5:0Þ > > > > > > 5:0 > > > > > > ; : 25:0 The unknown displacement is determined with (12.26) specialized for this example U0 ¼ ðK0 11 Þ1 ðP0 E K0 12 U00 P0 I Þ + U ¼ ðK 11 Þ1 ðP0 I Þ 0 0 y2 ¼ + L 3:125 L 3:125ð20Þð12Þ2 ¼ ¼ 0:000725 rad ð25:0 kip ftÞ ¼ 8EI EI 29; 000ð428Þ 12.7 Specialized Formulation for Beam and Truss Structures 929 Given the displacement, one determines the reactions with the second equation in (12.25): P00 E ¼ K0 21 U0 þ K0 22 U00 þ P00 I + P00 E ¼ K0 21 U0 þ P00 I + 8 > > > > > > > > > > > > > > < 9 > > > 9 9 8 9 8 8 > > > 15:94 > R 15:0 > > > > > > y1 > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > 56:25 M 50:0 > > > > > > > 1 > > > > > > > = = < = = 3:125 L < < 20:0 Ry2 ¼ 0 þ 20:0 ¼ > > > > > > > > EI > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > 6EI 4:06 R 5:0 > > > > > > > > y3 > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > 2 > > > > > > > > ; : ; ; > > : : L > > > > 18:75 25:0 M3 > > > > > : 2EI > ; L 6EI L2 2EI L The reactions are listed on Fig. E12.10e. 10 kip 56.25 kip ft 18.75 kip ft 1.5 kip/ft 1 15.94 kip 2 20 kip 4.06 kip Fig. E12.10e Lastly, we compute the member end actions. ( ) ( ) ( F ) Vð1ÞA Vð1ÞA v2 Pð1ÞA ¼ ¼ kð1ÞAB þ F y2 Mð1ÞA Mð1ÞA 2 38 9 12EI 6EI 0 = ( 15:0 ) ( 15:94 ) < 6 L3 L2 7 ¼ 4 6EI 2EI 5: 3:125L ; þ 50:0 ¼ 56:25 2 EI L L ( ) ( ) ( F ) Vð1ÞB Vð1ÞB v2 Pð1ÞB ¼ ¼ kð1ÞBB þ F y2 Mð1ÞB Mð1ÞB 2 3 9 12EI 6EI 8 0 = ( 15:0 ) ( 14:06 ) < 6 3 L2 7 ¼ ¼ 4 L6EI 4EI 5 3:125L þ : ; 50:0 37:50 2 EI L L 930 12 Pð2ÞA ¼ Finite Element Displacement Method for Framed Structures 8 9 < Vð2ÞA = : Mð2ÞA 2 12EI 6 L3 ¼6 4 6EI L2 ; ¼ kð2ÞAA 8 9 < v2 = : y2 ; Pð2ÞB ¼ 2 12EI 6 L3 ¼ 4 6EI L2 : F Mð2ÞA ; 3 9 8 6EI 8 9 8 9 0> > < = < 5:0 = < 5:94 = 2 L 7 7 ¼ 5 3:125L > þ : ; : ; 4EI > : ; 25:0 37:50 EI L ( Vð2ÞB Mð2ÞB þ 8 F 9 < Vð2ÞA = ¼ kð1ÞBA v2 y2 þ F Vð2ÞB F Mð2ÞB 3 ) 6EI ( 2 7 0 L 3:125L þ 2EI 5 EI L ) 5:0 25:0 ¼ 4:06 18:75 10 kip 56.25 kip ft 1.5 kip/ft 37.5 kip ft 1 2 14.06 kip 15.94 kip 18.75 kip ft 37.5 kip ft 5.94 kip 4.06 kip Fig. E12.10f The results are summarized on the following figure (Fig. E12.10f). (ii) Support Settlement: We consider a support settlement of d ¼ 0:5 in: # at joint 2. The corresponding loading terms are U0 ¼ fy2 g 8 9 8 9 0> n1 > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > 0 y > > > > 1 > > > = < = < > U00 ¼ n2 ¼ d > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > 0 n > > > > 3 > > > > > > > > > > > ; : ; : > 0 y3 Then noting (12.26), P0 E ¼ f 0 g P0 I ¼ 0 P00 I ¼ 0 12.7 Specialized Formulation for Beam and Truss Structures 931 U0 ¼ ðK0 11 Þ1 ðK0 12 U00 Þ + y2 ¼ L 8EI 6EI L2 2EI L 0 6EI L2 8 9 0> > > > > > > > > > > > > > >0> = < 2EI d ¼ 0:0 > L > > > > > > 0> > > > > > > > ; : > 0 We evaluate the reactions with (12.25). In this case U0 ¼ 0. P 00 0 E 00 ¼ K 22 U + 2 9 8 12EI > > > 12EI 6EI 12EI 3 d> > > > > 3 0 0 L > > 2 7 9 8 9 6 L3 8 > > L L > > 7 6 > > 0 R > > > > > y1 > 6EI 7 6 > > > > > > 6EI 4EI 6EI > > > > > 2 d > 7> 6 > > > > > 0 0 > > > > > > > > > > > > 7 6 L 2 2 0> M1 > > > > L L L > > > > > > 7> = = < = 6 < < 7 6 12EI 24EI 6EI 24EI 12EI 6EI 7 d ¼ Ry2 ¼ 6 d 6 > > > > > L3 L3 L2 L3 L3 L2 7 > > > > > > 7> 6 > > > > > > > > > > > > 7 6 0 Ry3 > > > > > > 12EI 12EI 6EI > > > > > 7> > > 12EI > 60 > > > 0 > > > > > > 7 6 d 3 3 2 > : ; > ; 6 > : 3 L L L > 7 L > > 0 M3 > > 5 4 > > 6EI 6EI 4EI > > > > 6EI 0 0 > > ; : d L2 L2 L 2 L 3 Using the given properties and taking d ¼ 0.5 in. results in the forces shown below (Figs. E12.10g and E12.10h). 53.87 kip ft 53.87 kip ft 1 5.38 kip 10.76 kip 2 d = 0.5 in 5.38 kip Fig. E12.10g 53.87 kip ft 5.38 kip Fig. E12.10h 53.73 kip ft 1 5.38 kip 53.87 kip ft 53.73 kip ft 2 5.38 kip 5.38 kip 932 12 Finite Element Displacement Method for Framed Structures Example 12.11 Two-span beam with a spring support at mid-span Given: The structure shown in Fig. E12.11a. Node 2 is supported with a spring of stiffness kv¼200 kip/ft. Taken L ¼ 20 ft, I ¼ 428 in:4 , and E ¼ 29; 000 ksi. y y Xg x x 10 kip 1 1.5 kip/ft Yg 3 2 1 2 kv I L I L/2 L/2 Fig. E12.11a Determine: The displacements at node 2 and the member end forces (Fig. E12.11b) 10 kip M3 1.5 kip/ft M1 1 3 1 Ry1 2 F F 2 Ry3 Fig. E12.11b Solution: Nodes 1 and 3 are fully fixed and node 2 is restrained by a linear elastic spring. The unknown displacements at node 2 are the vertical displacement v2 and the rotation y2 . We arrange the rows and columns of the system matrix consistent with this support condition. The spring is introduced by adding an external nodal force at node 2 with a magnitude equal to F ¼ kv v2 . The minus sign is needed since the spring force acts in the opposite direction to the displacement. We utilize the results for K and PI contained in Example 12.10. The initial and rearranged matrices are 12.7 Specialized Formulation for Beam and Truss Structures 0 12EI B L3 B B 6EI B B 2 B L B B 12EI B B L3 K¼B B 6EI B B 2 B L B B B0 B B @ 0 6EI L2 4EI L 6EI 2 L 2EI L 0 0 8 9 > n1 > > > > > > > > > > y1 > > > > > > > < n2 = U¼ > > > y2 > > > > > > > > > n > > 3 > > > ; :y > 3 12EI 3 L 6EI 2 L 24EI L3 933 1 6EI L2 2EI L 0 0 0 12EI L3 8EI 6EI 0 2 L L 12EI 6EI 12EI 3 2 L L L3 6EI 2EI 6EI 2 L2 L L 9 8 Ry1 > > > > > > > > > > M > > 1 > > > > > = < ðVð1ÞB þ Vð2ÞA Þ > PE ¼ > ðMð1ÞB þ Mð2ÞA Þ > > > > > > > > > > > R > > y3 > > > > ; : M3 0 C C C C 0 C C C 6EI C C L2 C C 2EI C C C L C C 6EI C 2 C L C C 4EI A L and ( U0 ¼ ( 0 PE ¼ 0 24EI B L3 B B0 B B B 12EI B B 0 L3 K ¼ B 6EI B B 2 B L B 12EI B B L3 @ 6EI L2 n2 y2 ) kv v2 0 0 8EI L 6EI L2 2EI L 6EI 2 L 2EI L 8 9 n1 > > > > > = <y > 1 00 U ¼ > n3 > > > > ; : > y3 ( ) 0 PI ¼ 20:0 ) 25:0 12EI 3 L 6EI L2 12EI L3 6EI L2 0 6EI 2 L 2EI L 6EI L2 4EI L 0 0 0 12EI L3 6EI 2 L 0 0 12EI L3 6EI 2 L 6EI L2 2EI L 0 1 C C C C C C C C C C 0 C C 6EI C 2 C L C A 4EI L 934 12 2 K0 11 24EI 6 L3 ¼4 0 2 3 0 7 8EI 5 L 2 K0 21 Finite Element Displacement Method for Framed Structures 12EI 3 6 L 6 6EI 6 6 L2 ¼6 6 12EI 6 6 L3 4 6EI L2 K0 12 3 6EI L2 7 2EI 7 7 7 L 7 6EI 7 2 7 L 7 2EI 5 L 12EI 6 L3 ¼ 4 6EI L2 6EI 2 L 2EI L 2 12EI 6 L3 6 6EI 6 6 2 L ¼6 6 6 0 6 4 0 K0 22 12EI 3 L 6EI L2 3 6EI L2 7 2EI 5 L 3 6EI L2 4EI L 0 0 0 12EI L3 6EI 2 L 0 0 7 7 0 7 7 7 6EI 7 2 7 L 7 4EI 5 L Assuming nodes 1 and 3 are fixed, the reduced equations are P0 E ¼ K0 11 U0 þP0 I Noting the matrices listed above, this equation expands to ( kv v2 0 ) ( ¼ 20:0 25:0 ) " #( ) v2 EI 24 0 2 þ L L 0 8 y2 We transfer the term involving v2 over to the right hand side and solve for v2 ; y2 . 2 24EI þ kv 6 L3 4 0 3 ( ) ( ) 20:0 7 v2 ¼ 5 8EI þ25:0 y2 L 0 When a particular nodal displacement is elastically restrained, we modify the system stiffness matrix K, by adding the spring stiffness to the diagonal entry that corresponds to the displacement. We then rearrange the rows and columns to generate K0 . Continuing with computation, the displacements at node 2 are 2 ðK0 11 Þ1 ( v2 y2 ) 24EI þ kv 6 L3 ¼4 0 2 31 0 8EI L 7 5 1 3 6 1 ¼ ðK0 11 Þ ðP0 I Þ ¼4 ð24EI=L Þ þ kv 0 2 1 6 ð24EI=L3 Þ þ kv ¼4 0 3 3 0 L 8EI 7 5 ( ) ( ) 0:523 in: 7 20:0 ¼ 5 L þ25:0 0:000725 rad 8EI 0 12.8 Three-Dimensional Formulation 935 Lastly, the reactions are determined with P00 E ¼ K0 21 U0 þ P00 I + 2 3 12EI 6EI 9 9 8 8 6 L3 L2 7 21:57 kip 15:0 > 6 7 > > > > > > > > > > 6 6EI 2EI 7( > > > > ) > > > > > 6 7 = < = < 112:64 kip/ft 0:523 50:0 6 L2 7 L 6 7 ¼6 ¼ þ 6EI 7 0:000725 > > > 6 12EI > > 9:7kip Ry3 > 5:0 > > > > > > > > > 2 7 > > > > > 6 L3 > > > > L 7 ; : ; 6 ; > : 7 4 6EI 5 75:13 kip/ft M3 25:0 2EI L2 L 1 F ¼ kv v2 ¼ ð200 kip/ftÞ ð0:5230Þ ¼ 8:73 kip 12 9 8 Ry1 > > > > > > > > > = < M1 > > > > > > : The results are listed below. 10 kip 112.6 kip ft 75 kip ft 1.5 kip/ft 1 3 2 8.73 kip 9.7kip 21.57 kip 8.73 kip 12.8 Three-Dimensional Formulation In what follows, we extend the planar formulation in the previous sections to deal with the case where the loading is three dimensional (3D). The basic approach is the same; one just has to expand the definition of the displacement, end action, and member stiffness matrices. The three-dimensional formulation is much more detailed, and is generally executed using a digital computer. We start by defining the local coordinate system for a prismatic member. We take the X1 direction to coincide with the centroidal axis, and X2 and X3 as the principle inertia directions for the cross section. Figure 12.9 shows this notation. The inertia properties for X2 and X3 are defined as 936 12 Finite Element Displacement Method for Framed Structures Fig. 12.9 3D beam X1 X2 X3 X2 X2 θ2 M2 u2 F2 u3 θ3 F3 X1 u1 θ1 X1 M3 X3 F1 M1 X3 Fig. 12.10 Coordinate systems Z I2 ¼ Z A I3 ¼ A x23 dA (12.37) x22 dA There are 6 displacement measures for the 3D case, 3 translations and 3 rotations. We refer these quantities to the local directions and use the notation defined in Fig. 12.10a, The corresponding force measures are defined in a similar manner. Using this notation, the 3D versions of the displacement and end action matrices are U ¼ fu1 u2 u3 y1 P ¼ f F1 F2 F3 M1 y2 M2 y3 g M3 g (12.38) We express the end action displacement relations in the same form as for the planar case. Noting (12.5), we write: 12.8 Three-Dimensional Formulation 937 PA ¼ kAB UB þ kAA UA þ PFA PB ¼ kBB UB þ kBA UA þ PFB where the k matrices are now of order 6 6. Their expanded forms are listed below. 2 AE kAA 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 ¼6 6 6 6 6 6 6 4 0 0 12EI3 L3 0 0 0 0 0 6EI3 L2 L 0 0 2 AE kBB 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 ¼6 6 6 6 6 6 6 4 0 0 12EI3 L3 0 0 0 0 0 6EI3 2 L L 0 0 2 AE kBA 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 ¼6 6 6 6 6 6 6 4 0 0 12EI3 L3 0 0 0 0 0 6EI3 2 L L 0 0 0 0 0 12EI2 L3 0 6EI2 2 L 0 0 0 GJ L 0 0 0 0 12EI2 L3 0 6EI2 L2 0 0 0 0 GJ L 0 0 0 0 0 12EI2 L3 0 6EI2 L2 0 0 0 GJ L 0 0 3 0 7 6EI3 7 7 0 L2 7 7 7 6EI2 2 0 7 7 L 7 0 0 7 7 7 7 4EI2 0 7 7 L 5 4EI3 0 L 3 0 0 7 6EI3 7 0 2 7 L 7 7 7 6EI2 7 0 2 7 L 7 0 0 7 7 7 7 4EI2 0 7 7 L 5 4EI3 0 L 3 0 0 7 6EI3 7 7 0 L2 7 7 7 6EI2 2 0 7 7 L 7 0 0 7 7 7 7 2EI2 0 7 7 L 5 2EI3 0 L 0 938 12 2 AE kAB 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 ¼6 6 6 6 6 6 6 4 Finite Element Displacement Method for Framed Structures 0 0 12EI3 L3 0 0 0 0 0 6EI3 2 L L 0 0 0 0 0 0 12EI2 L3 0 6EI2 2 L 0 0 0 6EI2 2 L 0 2EI2 L 0 0 GJ L 0 0 3 0 7 6EI3 7 2 7 L 7 7 7 0 7 7 7 0 7 7 7 7 0 7 7 5 2EI3 L These matrices are transformed to the global reference frame using the following matrix R0 0 Rlg ¼ 0 R0 2 3 a11 a12 a13 6 7 R0 ¼ 4 a21 a22 a23 5 a31 a32 a33 (12.39) aij ¼ cosðxig ; xjl Þ The operation involves the following computation Kglobal ¼ R‘g Kjlocal RTlg (12.40) The remaining steps are the same as the 2D case. 12.9 Summary 12.9.1 Objectives • Formulate the governing equations corresponding to the various steps in the displacement method using matrix notation. • Introduce the concept of a local reference frame for each member and a fixed global reference frame for the structure. • Develop the matrix form of the member force–displacement relations. • Derive expressions for the various member stiffness matrices. • Introduce the concept of a member–node incidence table and show how it is used to assemble the system equilibrium equations. • Develop a procedure for introducing nodal displacement restraints. • Specialize the rigid frame formulation for trusses and multi-span beams. 12.10 Problems 12.10 939 Problems Problem 12.1 For the rigid frame shown below, use the direct stiffness method to find the joint displacements and reactions for the following conditions. y x 2 3 (2) x Y 3m (1) y A = 3800 mm2 E = 200 GPa a = 12x10−6/0C 1 X I = 240(10)6 mm4 3m (a) The loading shown 40 kN 30 kN/m 20 kN 3 2 3m (2) (1) 1 3m (b) Member 2 experiences to a uniform temperature change throughout its span. The temperature varies linearly through the depth, from 10 C at the top to 50 C at the bottom. 940 12 Finite Element Displacement Method for Framed Structures 10⬚ 3 2 3m 400 mm (2) 50⬚ (1) 1 3m (c) Support 1 settles 12 mm. 3 2 3m (2) (1) 1 12 mm 3m Problem 12.2 For the rigid frame shown below, use the direct stiffness method to find the joint displacements, and reactions. I ¼ 400 in:4 A ¼ 10 in:2 E ¼ 29; 000 kip/in:2 12.10 Problems 941 y 8 kip x 6 kip 3 2 (1) Y (2) y 10 ft x X 1 5 ft 10 ft Problem 12.3 For the rigid frames shown below, use the direct stiffness method to find the joint displacements, and reactions. Take I ¼ 160(10)6 mm4, A ¼ 6500 mm2, and E ¼ 200 GPa. a Y X 1 20 kN 2 (1) Y 4m Yg (2) X 3 Xg 5m b 3m Y X 30 kN/m 2 1 (1) Y 4m Yg (2) X Xg 5m 3m 3 942 12 Finite Element Displacement Method for Framed Structures Problem 12.4 For the rigid frame shown, use partitioning to determine K0 11 , K0 21 P0 E , and P0 I for the loadings shown. I ¼ 40ð10Þ6 mm4 , A ¼ 3,000 mm2, and E ¼ 200 GPa. y x 16 kN-m 28 kN/m 4I, 4A 4 1 1 Y 4 I, 4A x x I, A y 2 2 y 3m 3 X 3 6m 6m Problem 12.5 For the truss shown, use the direct stiffness method to find the joint displacements, reactions, and member forces. A ¼ 1; 200 mm2 E ¼ 200 GPa 50 kN 2 30 kN x y Yg 5m Xg y 3 x 1 x 1 y 2 4m 4m 3 12.10 Problems 943 Problem 12.6 For the truss shown, use the direct stiffness method to find the joint displacements, reactions, and member forces for (a) The loading shown (b) A support settlement of 0.5 in. at joint 4 10 kip 2 x y Y 6 kip x 16 ft y X 1 1 12 ft x 3 2 4 y 3 16 ft A ¼ 2 in:2 E ¼ 29; 000 ksi Problem 12.7 For the truss shown, use the direct stiffness method to find the joint displacements, reactions, and member forces due to (a) the loading shown, (b) a temperature decrease of 10 C for all members, (c) a support settlement of d ¼ 12 mm downward at node 4. A ¼ 1; 200 mm2 E ¼ 200 GPa a ¼ 12 106 /C h ¼ 3m 944 12 Finite Element Displacement Method for Framed Structures 45 kN 1 Xg 27 kN x y x x 1 Yg 2 3 y 45º h y 2 45º 3 4 Problem 12.8 For the truss shown, determine K0 11 and K0 21 . A ¼ 2; 000 mm2 E ¼ 200 GPa y 26 kN 1 x 20 kN 2 x 1 Y y x 4 X 6m 5m 3 2 y 5m Problem 12.9 For the truss shown, determine K0 11 and K0 22 . A ¼ 3 in:2 E ¼ 29; 000 ksi 3 12.10 Problems 945 2 y x 2 1 20 ft y x y x 1 3 3 k = 40 k/in 16 ft 10 ft Problem 12.10 For the beam shown, use the direct stiffness method to find the joint displacements, reactions, and member forces for the loading shown. (1) y y Y x x 10 kip 1.54 kip/ft X B C A (1) 45 ft (2) 30 ft 30 ft I ¼ 300 in:4 E ¼ 29; 000 ksi Problem 12.11 For the beam shown, use the direct stiffness method to find the joint displacements, reactions, and member forces for (a) The loading shown (b) A support settlement of 12 mm at joint 2 946 12 Finite Element Displacement Method for Framed Structures y y y x x Y 30 kN/m X x 45 kN 15 kN/m 3 2 1 (1) 4 (2) 14 m (3) 9m 9m 14 m I ¼ 120ð10Þ6 mm4 E ¼ 200 GPa Problem 12.12 Given the system matrix listed below. Determine K0 11 , K0 21 , U’’, P’I ; P’’I , P’E , and P’’E for the loading and displacement constraint shown. L ¼ 30 ft, I ¼ 300 in:4 , and E ¼ 29,000 ksi. y y x Y 12 kip X x 10 kip ft 12 kip 3 1 0.4L (2) (1) 0.4L 2 I L I L 0.25 in 12.10 Problems 947 0 12EI 6EI L2 4EI L 6EI 2 L 2EI L 0 B B 6EI B B L2 B B 12EI B 3 B K ¼ B 6EIL B B 2 B L B B0 B @ 0 L3 12EI L3 6EI 2 L 24EI L3 0 12EI 3 L 6EI L2 6EI L2 2EI L 0 8EI L 6EI 2 L 2EI L 0 1 0 0 0 12EI L3 6EI 2 L 12EI L3 6EI 2 L C C C 0 C C 6EI C C L2 C 2EI C C C C L 6EI C 2 C L C A 4EI L 8 9 > n > > > > 1> > > > > > y1 > > > > > > = <n > 2 U¼ > y2 > > > > > > > > > > n > > 3> > > > ; :y > 3 Problem 12.13 Investigate the effect of varying the spring stiffness on the behavior (moment and deflected profile) of the structure shown below. Consider a range of values of kv . 8 > < 18 kN/mm 6 4 I ¼ 120ð10Þ mm ; E ¼ 200 GPa and kv ¼ 36 kN/mm > : 90 kN/mm y y Y x X 1 (1) x 14 kN-m 30 kN / m 2 (2) 3 kv 9m 6m Problem 12.14 Determine the bending moment and deflection profiles for the following structures. Take I ¼ 300 in:4 , ACable ¼ 3 in:2 , and E ¼ 29; 000 kip/in:2 . 948 12 Finite Element Displacement Method for Framed Structures a y Y 2 kip/ft x 1 X 2 Beam 1 30 ft b y Y 2 kip/ft x X 1 2 Beam 1 30 ft c y Y 2 kip/ft x 1 X Beam 1 KV = 60 k/in 30 ft 3 Cable d y x X 1 Beam y 2 Y 1 30 ft 2 kip/ft x 2 16 ft 12.10 Problems 949 Problem 12.15 Consider the guyed tower defined in the sketch. The cables have an initial tension of 220 kN. Determine the horizontal displacements at B, C, the change in cable tension, and the bending moment distribution in member ABC. Treat the cables as axial elements. Develop a computer-based scheme to solve this problem. Take Itower ¼ 200ð10Þ6 mm4 , Acable ¼ 650 mm2 , Atower ¼ 6; 000 mm2 , and the material to be steel. C 45 kN 30 m B 90 kN 30 m tower A D E 15 m 15 m Problem 12.16 w A I, A D I, A E I, A B L/6 I1 , A1 I1 , A1 C L/3 L/6 L/6 L/3 Consider the rigid frame shown above. Investigate how the response changes when A1 is varied. Use computer software. Vary A1 from 2 to 10 in.2 Take I ¼ 600 in:4 , A ¼ 5 in:2 , L ¼ 200 ft, I1 ¼ 300 in:4 , w ¼ 1 kip/ft. Material is steel. 950 12 Finite Element Displacement Method for Framed Structures Problem 12.17 (a) Develop a computer code to automate the generation of the member stiffness matrices defined by (12.6). Assume A, E, I, L are given. (b) Develop a computer code to carry out the operations defined by (12.13). (c) Develop a computer code to carry out the operation defined by (12.20) and (12.21). Problem 12.18 For the space truss shown, use the direct stiffness method to find displacements at joint 1. A ¼ 3 in:2 E ¼ 29; 000 ksi 10 kip 2 Y (1) 3 6 ft (2) 1 12 ft X (3) 12 ft 4 8 ft 2 ft X-Y Plan 20 kip 1 Z (2) (1) 18 ft (3) X 2 3 4 14 ft X-Z Plan 8 ft 12.10 Problems 951 Problem 12.19 For the space frame shown, use the direct stiffness method to find displacements at joint B. The load P is applied perpendicular to the plane ABC. The cross section is circular tube. Take L ¼ 4 m, P ¼ 30 kN, E ¼ 200 GPa, and G ¼ 77 GPa. L Z P Y X A B I I 150 mm C 80 mm L Part III Practice of Structural Engineering The practice of structural engineering involves identifying possible loading patterns, conceptualizing candidate structural systems, developing idealized physical models, applying the possible loading patterns to these idealized models, using analysis methods to determine the peak values of the response variables needed for design detailing, and selecting the design details using an appropriate design code. In this section we focus on selecting loading patterns, idealizing three-dimensional frame structures, and establishing the peak values of the response variables needed for design detailing. Computer-based analysis is used extensively for this phase. Multi-span horizontal structures are discussed in the next chapter. The topics range from girder bridges to arch bridges to cable-stayed bridges. The following chapter presents a strategy for modeling three-dimensional low-rise rigid frame structures subjected to varying loads. The last chapter describes in detail the process followed to establish the critical loading patterns for multistory frames. Multi-span Horizontal Structures 13 Overview In this chapter, we discuss the role of analysis in the structural engineering process for multi-span horizontal structures such as bridges. Typical examples of a girder bridge, an arch bridge, and a cable-stayed bridge are shown in Fig. 13.1. Multi-span girders are actually variable depth horizontal beams. They are used extensively in medium span highway bridge systems. Arch and cable-stayed structures are efficient for spans ranging up to 1,000 m. Chapters 9 and 10 dealt with analysis methods for indeterminate structures. We will utilize some of the analytical results presented in those chapters to estimate critical loading patterns. Most of the analysis effort required in the engineering process is related to determining the maximum values of bending moment, axial force, and shear corresponding to the typical bridge loadings. Establishing these values for indeterminate structures requires a considerable amount of computational effort. We will illustrate this computational process for the different types of bridges such as continuous girder, arch, and cable-stayed schemes using a commercial structural analysis software system. 13.1 The Engineering Process for Girders The objective of the structural engineering process for a beam is to define the physical makeup, i.e., the location of supports, the material, the shape and dimensions of the cross-section, and special cross-section features such as steel reinforcement in the case of a reinforced concrete beam. Given the absolute maximum values of shear and moment at a particular location, the choice of material, and the general shape of the cross-section, one determines the specific cross-sectional dimensions by applying numerical procedures specified by a design code. This phase of the engineering process is called design detailing. We focus here on that aspect of the process associated with the determination of the “maximum” values of shear and moment. J.J. Connor and S. Faraji, Fundamentals of Structural Engineering, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-3262-3_13, # Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2013 955 Fig. 13.1 Bridge structures. (a) Multi-span girder bridge. (b) Arch bridge. (c) Cable stayed 13.2 Influence Lines for Indeterminate Beams Using M€ uller-Breslau Principle 957 In general, shear and bending moment result when an external loading is applied to a beam. Throughout the text, we have shown how one can establish the shear and moment distributions corresponding to a given loading. For statically determinate beams, the internal forces depend only on the external loading and geometry; they are independent of the cross-sectional properties. When the beam is indeterminate, such as a multi-span beam, the internal forces depend on the relative span lengths and cross-sectional properties. In this case, one needs to iterate on the geometry and properties in order to estimate the internal forces. Now, the loading consists of two contributions: dead and live. The dead loading is fixed, i.e., its magnitude and spatial distribution are constant over time. Live loading is, by definition, time varying over the life of the structure. This variability poses a problem when we are trying to establish the maximum values of shear and moment. We need to consider a number of live load positions in order to identify the particular live load location that results in the absolute maximum values of shear and moment. One approach for multi-span beams is based on determining, for each position of the live load, the absolute maximum value throughout the span. Plots of global maxima vs. live load position are called force envelopes. Another approach determines the values of a force quantity at a particular point for all positions of the live load. Plots of force quantities at a particular point vs. load position are called force influence lines. It is important to distinguish between influence lines and force envelopes. An influence line relates a force quantity at a particular point to the position of the live load, whereas a force envelope relates the absolute maximum value of the force quantity along the span to the position of the load. We apply both approaches to establish design values. 13.2 Influence Lines for Indeterminate Beams € ller-Breslau Principle Using Mu The topic of influence lines for statically determinate beams was introduced in Chap. 3. We include here a discussion of how one can generate influence lines for indeterminate beams using M€ uller-Breslau principle [25]. We introduce the principle using the beam structure shown in Fig. 13.2a as an example. Later, in Chap. 15, we apply it to rigid frames. Suppose one wants the influence line for the negative moment at A due to a downward vertical load. According to M€ uller-Breslau, one works with a modified structure obtained by inserting a moment release at A and applies a negative moment at A. The resulting structure is shown in Fig. 13.2b. The deflected shapes of the modified structure due to a unit load applied at an arbitrary point, and a unit negative moment at A, are plotted in Fig. 13.2c, d. Since the beam is continuous at A, compatibility requires the net relative rotation at A to vanish. Then yAx þ yAA MA ¼ 0 + yAx MA ¼ yAA (13.1) 958 13 Multi-span Horizontal Structures Fig. 13.2 Application of M€ uller-Breslau principle (a) Example structure. (b) Negative moment. (c) Deflection due to load. (d) Deflection due to moment We note that yAx ¼ dxA according to Maxwell’s law of reciprocal displacements (see Sect. 9.2). Then (13.1) can be written as MA ¼ dxA yAA (13.2) Since dxA is at an arbitrary point, it follows that the deflected shape of the modified structure due to a unit value of MA is a scaled version of the influence line for MA. The sense of MA is determined by comparing the direction of the displacement with the direction of the applied load. In this example, the positive direction of the load is downward, so the sense of MA is the same as for the MA applied when the displacement is upward. The loading zones for the positive and negative values of MA are shown in Fig. 13.3, which is based on the conventional sign convention for moment, i.e., positive when compression on the upper fiber. Note that we applied a negative moment to generate the deflected shape. We repeat this process to establish the influence line for the maximum positive moment at D, the center of span AC. The sequence of steps is illustrated in Fig. 13.4. Figure 13.5 defines the loading zones for positive and negative moment. 13.2 Influence Lines for Indeterminate Beams Using M€ uller-Breslau Principle 959 Fig. 13.3 Loading zones for moment at A. (a) Negative moment at A. (b) Positive moment at A Fig. 13.4 Modified structure and deflected shape for positive moment at D Fig. 13.5 Loading zones for Moment at D. (a) Positive value. (b) Negative value Summarizing the discussion presented above; the process of applying M€ullerBreslau principle to establish the influence line for a redundant force quantity involves the following steps. 1. Modify the actual structure by removing the restraint corresponding to the force quantity of interest. 2. Apply a unit value of the force quantity at the release and determine the deflected shape. 3. This deflected shape is a scaled version of the influence line. It consists of positive and negative zones for the force quantity. If the applied loading is a unit downward load, the positive zone includes those regions where the deflection is upward. Since it is relatively easy to sketch deflected shapes, M€uller-Breslau principle allows one with minimal effort to establish the critical loading pattern for a redundant force quantity. 960 13 Multi-span Horizontal Structures Example 13.1 Application of M€ uller-Breslau principle Given: The four span beam shown in Fig. E13.1a. a 1 1 2 3 4 L3/2 L1 L2 5 1 L3 L4 Fig. E13.1a Determine: The influence lines for the upward vertical reaction at support 3 (R3 ), the negative moment at support 3 (M3 ), the positive moment at section 1-1 (M11 ), and shear at section 1-1 (V 11 ). Also determine the critical loading patterns for a uniformly distributed load that produce the maximum values of R3 , M3 , M11 , and V 11 . Solution: The deflected shapes and influence lines for a unit downward load are plotted below. b 1 2 3 4 5 R3 = 1 + – – Fig. E13.1b Influence line for R3 c 1 M3 2 4 5 3 + + – – Fig. E13.1c Influence line for M3 d M1–1 1 2 4 5 3 + Fig. E13.1d Influence line for M11 – + – 13.2 Influence Lines for Indeterminate Beams Using M€ uller-Breslau Principle e 961 V1–1 1 2 4 5 3 + + – + – Fig. E13.1e Influence line for V 11 Loading patterns that produce the peak positive and negative values of these force parameters are shown in Figs. E13.1f–i. f 1 2 4 5 3 (Positive) 2 1 3 4 5 (Negative) Fig. E13.1f Loading patterns for absolute maximum R3 g 5 1 2 3 4 (Positive) 1 3 2 4 5 (Negative) Fig. E13.1g Loading patterns for absolute maximum M11 h 1 2 4 5 3 (Negative) 1 2 3 (Positive) Fig. E13.1h Loading patterns for absolute maximum M3 4 5 962 13 Multi-span Horizontal Structures i 1 2 3 4 5 (Positive) 1 2 3 4 5 (Negative) Fig. E13.1i Loading patterns for absolute maximum V 11 13.3 Engineering Issues for Multi-span Girder Bridges 13.3.1 Geometric Configurations The superstructure of a typical highway girder bridge consists of longitudinal girders which support a concrete deck. The girders may be fabricated from either steel or concrete. The substructure is composed of piers and abutments which are founded on either shallow foundations or piles. In general, the makeup of the substructure depends on the soil conditions at the site. Bearings are employed to connect the girders to the substructure. Bridge spans are classified as either short, medium, or long according to the total span length. Typical categories are Short: less than 125 ft (38 m) Medium: 125–400 ft (38–120 m) Long: over 400 ft (120 m) Typical highway bridge structural systems are composed of continuous beams. One could replace the continuous beam with an arrangement of simply supported beams. However, this choice requires additional bearings and introduces discontinuities in the deck slab at the interior supports. The discontinuity in the deck slab creates a serious problem since it provides a pathway for moisture and leads to corrosion of the bearings at the supports. Using a continuous beam allows one to achieve continuity of the deck slab and also eliminates some bearings. It is the preferred structural scheme for new bridges. Typical span arrangements are shown in Fig. 13.6. The current trend is to use a constant girder cross-section throughout the span. Historically, girder bridges were configured as a collection of single spans. This scheme is illustrated in Fig. 13.7a. In order to deal with longer interior spans, the cantilever scheme shown in Fig. 13.7b was introduced. Both schemes involve discontinuities in the girder/deck which provide pathways for moisture and lead to deterioration. To eliminate the interior discontinuities, the obvious option is to use a continuous girder such as shown in Fig. 13.7c. We demonstrated in Chap. 9 13.3 Engineering Issues for Multi-span Girder Bridges 963 a L2 L1 b Expansion joint L1 L2 c L2 L1 d Expansion joint L1 L3 Expansion joint L2 L3 Fig. 13.6 Span arrangements for multi-span beams. (a) Two spans continuous. (b) Two spans simply supported. (c) Three spans continuous. (d) Three spans simply supported that continuous beams are more efficient structurally, i.e., the peak internal forces are less than the corresponding forces for the simply supported case. Therefore, the required cross-section tends to be lighter. Even when a continuous girder is used, there still remains the problem of the discontinuities at the end supports (abutments). The problem is solved by using the scheme shown in Fig. 13.8. The abutments walls are supported on flexible piles that are rigidly connected to the deck/girder system. This concept is called an “integral abutment bridge.” Since the abutment is rigidly attached to the deck/girder, a temperature change of the deck produces a longitudinal displacement of the abutment wall. In order to minimize the effect of the resulting lateral force, the abutments are supported on flexible piles and loose granular backfill is placed behind the wall. The longitudinal displacement due to temperature varies linearly with the span length, and consequently the maximum span length is limited by the seasonal temperature change. We generate an idealized model by replacing the action of the soil and piles with equivalent springs [23]. Figure 13.9a illustrates this approach. An estimate of the effect of support stiffness is obtained using the model shown in Fig. 13.9b. 964 13 Multi-span Horizontal Structures Fig. 13.7 Multi-span bridge schemes (a) Simple spans. (b) Cantilever spans. (c) Continues spans Fig. 13.8 (a) Three-span integral abutment bridge in Orange Massachusetts. (b) Elevation— three-span integral abutment bridge 13.3 Engineering Issues for Multi-span Girder Bridges 965 Fig. 13.8 (continued) Fig. 13.9 Idealized models for an integral abutment bridge (a) Global model. (b) Simplified model 13.3.2 Choice of Span Lengths Given some overall crossing length, one needs to decide on the number and relative magnitude of the spans to be used to achieve the crossing. We utilize here some of the analytical results for multi-span continuous beams with constant I subject to uniform loading generated in Chaps. 9 and 10. Figure 13.10 shows how the maximum moment varies with increasing number of spans. Note that there is a significant reduction in peak moment as the number of spans is increased, for a given overall length. Note also that the bending moment distribution for constant I is independent of the value of I. In general, for constant I, the bending moment distribution depends on the ratio of the span lengths. For the symmetrical case shown in Fig. 13.11, the analytical solution for the negative moment at an interior support has the form (see Example 10.5) 2 L2 wL1 M max ¼g L1 8 (13.3) 966 13 a Multi-span Horizontal Structures w L wL2 8 + M b w L/2 L/2 9wL2 512 9wL2 512 + + M – + wL2 32 c w L/3 .009wL2 + L/3 L/3 .009wL2 .0028wL2 – – wL2 90 + M + wL2 90 Fig. 13.10 Variation of the bending moment distribution. (a) Simply supported. (b) Two-span scheme. (c) Three-span scheme where g L2 1 þ ðL2 =L1 Þ2 ¼ L1 1 þ ð3=2ÞðL2 =L1 Þ We express L1 and L2 as L2 ¼ aL ð1 aÞ L L1 ¼ 2 (13.4) 13.3 Engineering Issues for Multi-span Girder Bridges 967 w I I L1 L2 I L1 L + + + M–max M + M–max Fig. 13.11 Bending moment distribution—three-span symmetrical scheme With this notation, (13.3) expands to M max ¼ wL2 f ðaÞ 8 1 3a þ 7a2 5a3 f ðaÞ ¼ 4ð1 þ 2aÞ (13.5) The variation of f with a is plotted below. Taking L2 ¼L1 corresponds to a ¼ 1=3. The more common case is where a is between 1/3 and 1/2. When spans L1 and L2 are chosen, one applies the uniformly distributed loading and determines the peak value of negative moment using (13.5). 968 13 Multi-span Horizontal Structures 13.3.3 Live Loads for Multi-span Highway Bridge Girders: Moment Envelopes The live load for a highway bridge is assumed to consist of two components: a uniform loading intended to simulate small vehicles, such as cars, and a set of concentrated loads that characterize heavy vehicles, such as a truck. Set of Concentrated Live Loads The action of a heavy vehicle traveling across the total span is simulated by positioning a set of concentrated loads at various locations along the span. The load magnitude and axle spacing vary, depending on the code that governs the design. For each load position, we determine the bending moment at specific points along the span. When the beam is statically determinate, it is possible to develop an analytical solution for the peak moment. This approach is described in Chap. 3. However, when the beam is indeterminate, one must resort to a numerical procedure. This approach is illustrated in Fig. 13.12. In practice, one first discretizes the spans, and then positions the load at the individual discrete points. Assuming there are n discrete points, one needs to carry out n analyses. This results in n bending moment distributions. At each discrete point, we determine the maximum positive and negative values from the set of n values generated by the n analyses. Finally, we construct a plot showing the “maximum” values of moment at each discrete point. This plot allows one to readily identify the absolute “maximum” moment by scanning over the plot. Since the values at each discrete point represent the peak values at the point for all positions of the loading, one can interpret the plot as a “discretezed” moment envelope. Working with a refined span discretization provides detailed information on the shear and moment distributions. For example, 30 separate analyses are required to generate the discrete moment envelope for the span discretization shown in Fig. 13.12c. We discuss next how one establishes the magnitudes of the concentrated loads. Transverse Distribution of Truck Load to Stringers Figure 13.13 shows typical slab stringer highway bridge cross-sections. The roadway is supported by a reinforced concrete slab which rests on a set of longitudinal beams, called stringers. The stringers may be either steel sections or concrete elements. In order to determine the truck load applied to the stringer, we position the truck such that one set of wheels are directly on the stringer. Figure 13.14 illustrates this case. Note that P is the axle load. We assume the slab acts as a simply supported beam spanning between the stringers. This assumption is conservative. Then the load on stringer “A” is PAmax P P Sa P a 2 ¼ þ ¼ 2 2 S 2 S 13.3 Engineering Issues for Multi-span Girder Bridges P3 a P1 P2 d1 d2 969 direction of travel discrete point b P3 P2 d2 P1 d1 a d2 c P3 P2 d1 d1 P1 d2 Fig. 13.12 Truck loading and span discretization. (a) Span discretization. (b) Three axle truck. (c) Multi-span discretization P 2 P 2 a PA max S Stringer "A" PA max 970 13 Multi-span Horizontal Structures a b c Fig. 13.13 Typical slab-stringer bridge deck cross-sections (a) Steel girders. (b) Concrete T beams. (c) Precast concrete beams Fig. 13.14 Transverse position of vehicle wheel loads 13.3 Engineering Issues for Multi-span Girder Bridges 971 The axle distribution factor is defined as DF ¼ 1 a 2 2 S (13.6) Using this definition, the load on the stringer is represented as PAmax ¼ P(DF) Taking S ¼ 8 ft and a ¼ 6 ft, yields PA max 0.625P Another effect that needs to be included is impact. The loading is applied rapidly as the vehicle travels onto the bridge. A measure of the loading duration is the ratio of span length to vehicle velocity. When a loading is applied suddenly and maintained constant, the effect on the response of a structure is equivalent to the application of a static load whose magnitude is equal to twice the actual load. The concept of an impact factor is introduced to handle this effect. Intuitively one would expect this factor to be larger for short spans, i.e., to vary inversely with span length. An impact magnification factor (I) of 30 % is commonly used. With this notation, the load on the stringer is given by Pi design ¼ Pi ð1 þ I)DF (13.7) where Pi is the axle load. Uniform Live Load Small vehicles are modeled as a uniform loading applied selectively to individual spans. The purpose of this loading is to simulate the case where a set of passenger cars is stalled in a lane on one or more spans. One uses the influence lines for the moments at mid-span and the interior supports to establish the loading patterns for lane loads. The loading patterns for a three-span system are listed in Fig. 13.15c, d. Loading cases 1 and 2 produce the peak positive moment at the midpoint of the interior span; cases 3 and 4 generate the peak negative moment at the interior supports. Given the loading patterns, one generates the bending moment distribution for each loading condition and then establishes the maximum values of the positive and negative moments at the same discrete locations selected for the truck loading. These results define the discrete moment envelope for the structure. Four separate analyses (cases 1–4) are required to construct the discrete moment envelope corresponding to the lane loading for this three-span example. 972 13 a Multi-span Horizontal Structures M M hinge + + – M M hinge + – – M M hinge + + – b M + hinge M + – M + hinge M + – Fig. 13.15 Lane load cases—loading patterns. (a) Influence lines for positive moments at midspans. (b) Influence lines for negative moments at the supports. (c) Maximum positive moment at mid-spans (cases 1 and 2). (d) Max negative moments at the supports (cases 3 and 4) 13.3 Engineering Issues for Multi-span Girder Bridges 973 c d Fig. 13.15 (continued) 13.3.4 Loading Due to Support Settlements In addition to the gravity loading associated with the weight of the beam and vehicles, one also needs to consider the moments induced in the structure due to support settlement. This calculation is relatively straightforward. The analytical solutions for two- and three-span symmetrical beams are generated in Examples 10.2 and 10.5. We give those results in Fig. 13.16 for convenience. Note that the peak moments are linear functions of EI. Note that the peak moment varies as 1=L2 . Therefore support settlement is more significant for short spans vs. long spans. 974 Fig. 13.16 Moments due to support settlements. (a) Two-span case for nA . (b) Two-span case for nB . (c) Three-span case for nA . (d) Three-span case for nB 13 a A Multi-span Horizontal Structures B C I I L vA L – 1.5EIv L2 A b B A I L C I vB L 3EI v L2 B c A B vA C D I L I L I L 2EI v A 5L2 8EI v A 5L2 d A B I vB L C D I I L L 18EIv B 5L2 + – 12EIv B 5L2 M 13.3 Engineering Issues for Multi-span Girder Bridges 975 Example 13.2 Effect of span length on support settlement Given: The three-span beam shown in Fig. E13.2a. The beam properties are E ¼ 200 GPa and I¼ 9; 000ð10Þ6 mm4 . Determine: The bending moment distribution due to support settlement of 25 mm at supports A and B. Consider the following cases: (a) L ¼ 10 m, (b) L ¼ 20 m Solution: The resulting moments are plotted in Figs. E13.2b and E13.2c. These results demonstrate that the effect of support settlement is more critical for the shorter span [case (a)]. 1 2 3 .75L 4 L .75L Fig. E13.2a Case a: L ¼ 10 m Case b: L ¼ 20 m 2 1 3 4 25 mm 7.5 m 10 m 7.5 m 333kN-m + – 1165 kN-m 1 2 3 4 25 mm 7.5 m 10 m 7.5 m 2288 kN-m + – 1456 kN-m Fig. E13.2b Case a results 976 13 Multi-span Horizontal Structures 2 1 3 4 25 mm 15 m 15 m 20 m 83 kN-m + – 291 kN-m 1 2 3 4 25 mm 20 m 15 m 15 m 572 kN-m + – 364 kN-m Fig. E13.2c Case b results 13.4 Case Studies 13.4.1 Case Study I: A Three-Span Continuous Girder Bridge We illustrate the process of establishing design values using an actual bridge as a case study. The bridge is a three-span continuous girder bridge, with spans measuring 80 ft, 110 ft, and with an overall length of 270 ft. The superstructure consists of an 8 in. thick concrete slab acting in composite with four lines of steel girders spaced at 8.67 ft on center. The girder cross-section is constant throughout the length. The deck carries two traffic lanes, continuous over the entire length of the bridge. The bearings are either hinge or roller supports. Figures 13.17 and 13.18 show Fig. 13.17 Girder bridge system 13.4 Case Studies 977 Fig. 13.18 (a) Cross-section—bridge deck. (b) Cross-section of single composite beam Fig. 13.19 Truck load the makeup of the bridge system and the details of the cross-section. The bridge is modeled using an equivalent section equal to approximately one-fourth of the cross-section of the bridge (one girder plus a 8.67 ft slab). Figure 13.18b defines the model used for this analysis. Our objectives are 1. To determine the discrete moment envelopes for truck and lane loading corresponding to a live uniform lane loading of 0.64 kip/ft and a truck loading defined in Fig. 13.19. 2. To establish the absolute peak values (positive and negative) for moment due to dead loading of 2.1 kip/ft, lane loading, and design truck loading. 978 13 Multi-span Horizontal Structures Fig. 13.20 Uniform dead load pattern Fig. 13.21 Uniform lane load patterns for positive and negative moments 3. To determine the moments due to: 1 in. settlement of support A; 1 in. settlement of support B. Loading patterns: The loading patterns for the uniform dead and lane loading are shown in Figs. 13.20 and 13.21. We discretize the individual spans into ten segments, as indicated in Fig. 13.22. A computer software system is used to generate the solutions and the discrete moment envelopes. One can assume an arbitrary value for I since the moment results are independent of I. Computer-based analysis is ideally suited for generating discrete envelopes. Certain software packages have incorporated special features that automate the process of moving the load across the span and compiling the peak positive and negative moment values at each discrete section. Both the positive and negative moment envelopes are required in order to dimension the beam cross-section. Dead load: The envelopes for dead load coincide with the actual moment and shear distribution shown below (Fig. 13.23). The peak values of shear, moment, and deflection are listed below. 13.4 Case Studies 979 a 32kip 32kip 14ft 8kip 14ft L1 / 10 L1 = 80ft L2 / 10 L2 = 110ft L1 / 10 L1 = 80ft b L / 10 L = 80ft L / 10 L = 110ft Fig. 13.22 Span discretization for live loads. (a) Truck. (b) Lane load Fig. 13.23 Dead load shear and moment distributions L / 10 L = 80ft 980 13 8 > > > > > > > > > > < > > > > > > > > > > : Multi-span Horizontal Structures MDLmax ¼ 1; 975 kip ft þ MDLmax ¼ 1; 202 kip ft V DLmax ¼ 115:5 kip dDLmax ¼ 1:1 in. span II dDLmax ¼ 1:26 in. span I or III Uniform Lane Load The uniform load patterns defined in Fig. 13.21 are analyzed separately and the following envelopes are generated (Fig. 13.24). Truck Loading The truck loading defined in Fig. 13.22a is passed over the span leading to the following discrete envelopes (Fig. 13.25). The truck loading needs to be modified to account for the distribution between adjacent stringers and impact. The final values are determined using DF ¼ 1 a 1 6 2 2 ¼ ¼ 0:65 2 S 2 8:67 MDesigntruck ¼ MLLtruck ð1 þ I)DF ¼ MLLtruck 1:3ð0:65Þ ¼ 0:845MLLtruck Numerical results for the modified discrete moment envelope values at the discrete points (interval of L/10) are listed in Tables 13.1, 13.2, and 13.3. Note Fig. 13.24 Uniform lane load discrete envelopes 13.4 Case Studies 981 Fig. 13.25 Truck loading discrete envelopes Table 13.1 Discrete envelope values: Span I (kip ft) Span I þ X M MDesign MDesign truck truck þ MLL uniform MLL uniform 0 0.1L 0.2L 0.3L 0.4L 0.5L 0.6L 0.7L 0.8L 0.9L L 0 168 294 380 425 428 391 313 194 34 – 0 43 87 130 174 217 261 304 348 419 670 DL 0 407 680 819 823 693 428 29 504 1172 1975 0 344 576 703 775 792 718 568 357 106 117 0 58 117 175 233 292 350 408 466 525 583 that the results for span III are similar but not identical to the results for span I. Although the structure is symmetrical, the truck loading is not symmetrical. Support Settlement We deal with support settlement by assuming a value for EI (in this case we take E ¼ 29,000 ksi and I ¼ 48,110 in.4). Once the actual EI is established, we scale the moment results. The corresponding moment diagrams are plotted in Fig. 13.26. 982 13 Table 13.2 Discrete envelope values: Span II (kip ft) Span II þ X M MDesign MDesign truck truck DL 0 0.1L 0.2L 0.3L 0.4L 0.5L 0.6L 0.7L 0.8L 0.9L L 1975 831 58 693 1074 1202 107 693 58 831 1975 117 116 430 674 823 893 851 700 454 143 117 583 351 298 247 194 144 196 248 301 353 583 Table 13.3 Discrete envelope values: Span III (kip ft) Span III þ X M MDesign MDesign truck truck DL 0 0.1L 0.2L 0.3L 0.4L 0.5L 0.6L 0.7L 0.8L 0.9L L 1975 1172 504 29 428 693 823 819 680 407 0 167 105 330 532 682 777 806 742 575 334 0 578 520 462 405 346 289 232 173 116 57 0 Multi-span Horizontal Structures þ MLL uniform MLL uniform – – 192 387 495 533 495 378 192 – – 670 291 167 167 167 167 167 167 167 291 670 þ MLL uniform MLL uniform – 34 194 313 391 428 425 380 294 168 0 670 419 348 304 261 217 174 130 130 43 0 13.4.2 Case Study II: Two-Hinged Parabolic Arch Response: Truck Loading This study illustrates how one evaluates the behavior of a typical two-hinged arch bridge subjected to a truck loading. An example structure is shown in Fig. 13.27; the idealized model is defined in Fig. 13.28. We model the roadway as a continuous longitudinal beam supported at 10 ft intervals by axial members attached to the parabolic arch. The truck loading is transmitted through the axial elements to the arch. We generate discrete force envelopes for the arch using an analysis software system applied to the discretized model. A similar disctetization strategy was employed in Chap. 6. Results for the bending moment and axial force due to the truck loading are plotted in Figs. 13.29 and 13.30. Figure 13.29 is obtained by subdividing the arch into 100 straight segments having a constant projection, Dx, of 13.4 Case Studies a 983 B A C D vA =1 inch 50 kip ft 174 kip ft b A B C D vB =1 inch 337 kip ft 213 kip ft Fig. 13.26 Moment due to support settlements (E ¼ 29,000 ksi and I ¼ 48,110 in.4) (a) Settlement at A. (b) Settlement at B Fig. 13.27 Two-hinged arch bridge 0.3 m. Figure 13.30 is generated by subdividing the arch into ten straight segments having a constant projection, Dx, of 3 m. The discrete force envelope plots are useful for displaying the variation in response, e.g., the range in moment values. However, to determine the absolute extreme values, one has to scan over the data. This process leads to the following “absolute values” Fig. 13.28 Parabolic-arch geometry and loading-idealized model Fig. 13.29 Discrete force envelopes—Truck loading-100 straight segments. (a) Moment envelope. (b) Axial envelope 13.4 Case Studies 985 Fig. 13.30 Discrete force envelopes—Truck loading-10 straight segments. (a) Bending envelope. (b) Axial envelope 8 þ > < Mmax ¼ þ499 kN m 100 straight segment Mmax ¼ 381 kN m > : Pmax ¼ 283 kN 8 þ > < Mmax ¼ þ494 kN m 10 straight segment Mmax ¼ 381 kN m > : Pmax ¼ 280 kN In general, it is a good strategy to consider at least two discretizations. In this example, we observe that the ten segment model produces quite reasonable results. 13.4.3 Case Study III: Three-Span Parabolic Arch Response: Truck Loading We consider next the three-span arch system shown in Fig. 13.31. The span lengths, discretizations, and the truck loading are the same as for case study I. It is of interest to compare the peak values of the force envelopes for the two different structural models. The discretized model consists of straight segments having a constant horizontal projection of 1 ft. A computer software package was used to generate the corresponding discrete force envelopes which are plotted in Figs. 13.32 and 13.33. Comparing the moment envelopes for the arch and the girder, we note that arch system has lower peak moment values. However, the arch system has axial forces 986 13 Multi-span Horizontal Structures Fig. 13.31 Idealized model—three-span arch Fig. 13.32 Discrete force envelopes—three-span arch. (a) Moment envelope—three-span arch. (b) Axial envelope—three-span arch so that the cross-section must be designed for combined bending and axial action. There are no axial forces in the girder system, just pure bending. 13.4.4 Case Study IV: Cable-Stayed Bridge This case study concerns the cable-stayed bridge concept, a type of structure that requires some special modeling strategies and exhibits a completely different behavioral pattern than girder and arch-type structures. It has evolved as the dominant choice for long span crossings. A typical configuration is shown in Fig. 13.34. The terms “harp” and “fan” refer to the positioning of the cables on the tower. A modified fan arrangement is usually adopted to avoid congestion on the tower. 13.4 Case Studies 987 Fig. 13.33 Discrete force envelope- three-span girder. (a) Geometry and loading. (b) Moment envelope Fig. 13.34 Typical cable-stayed scheme Of particular interest is the load path for vertical loading applied to the girder. Without the cables, the girder carries the load by bending action throughout the total span. Since the maximum moment varies as to the square of the span length, this structural concept is not feasible for long spans. The effect of the cables is to provide a set of vertical supports to the girder, thus reducing the moment in the girder. In what follows we illustrate this effect using the idealized structure shown in Fig. 13.35 988 13 Multi-span Horizontal Structures Fig. 13.35 Idealized cable-stayed scheme Fig. 13.36 Tributary area for cable We suppose the girder is continuous, and the cable layout is symmetrical (equally spaced on the longitudinal axis). There are seven pairs of symmetrical cables. Each cable has a different cross-sectional area. The girder is hinged at the tower, but free to expand at the two end supports. We model the cables as straight members that are hinged at their ends to the tower and the girder. In this way, they function as axial elements and transmit the gravity loading applied to the girder up to the tower. The net effect is to reduce the bending moment in the girder. Starting with nodes at the supports and the cable-girder intersection points, one may also discretize the girder between the cable nodes to obtain more refined displacement and moment profiles. Since the structure is indeterminate, we need to specify member properties in order to execute an analysis. We estimate the cable areas by assuming an individual cable carries the tributary loading on a segment adjacent to the cable. This estimate is based on strength. AC ¼ T wDl ¼ sall sall sin y where sall is some fraction of the yield stress and Dl is the cable spacing. This equation shows that the required area increases with decreasing y. Therefore, one must increase the cable area as the distance from the tower increases. A lower limit on y is usually taken as 15 (Fig. 13.36). 13.4 Case Studies 989 Taking w ¼ 10 kN/m, Dl ¼ 30 m; and sall ¼ 0:69 kN/mm2 estimated cable areas listed below. Cable C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 1 sin y y 19.6 22.6 26.5 32 39.8 51.3 68.2 3 2.3 2.2 1.9 1.6 1.3 1.1 leads to the Acable (mm2) 1,305 1,130 957 827 696 566 480 We estimate I for the girder by assuming the bending moment diagram is similar to the distribution for a uniformly loaded multi-span beam. The peak negative moment for this case is wðDlÞ2 =12. Given these estimated properties, one analyzes the structure and iterates on the properties until the design requirements are satisfied. Figure 13.37 shows the forces and displacement profile corresponding to I girder ¼ 420ð10Þ6 mm4 and the following set of cable areas for cables 1–7, respectively (1,305, 1,130, 957, 827, 696, 566, and 480 mm2). The girder cross-sectional area is taken as 120,000 mm2. Note that the bending moment diagram for the girder is similar to that observed for a multi-span uniformly loaded beam. We also point out that the response is sensitive to the girder cross-sectional area since there is significant compression in the girder. An estimate of the vertical displacement based on the axial force corresponding to strength is given by v¼ sL Esiny The displacement profile for the girder agrees with this approximation. The peak value occurs for the outermost cable which has the largest L and smallest angle. A suggested peak value for displacement under live load is L/800, which for this geometry translates to 300 mm. We can decrease the deflection by increasing the areas for the outer cables. Assuming an individual cable act as a single vertical 990 13 Multi-span Horizontal Structures Fig. 13.37 Force and displacement profiles. (a) Geometry and loading. (b) Moment in girder. (c) Axial forces in cables and girder. (d) Displacement profile of girder 13.4 Case Studies 991 Fig. 13.38 Final displacement profile of girder spring subjected to the loading wðDlÞ, and requiring the displacement to be equal to vall leads to the following estimate for the cable area Ac ¼ wðDlÞLc vall EðsinyÞ2 where Lc is the cable length. Holding the girder properties constant, we use this approximate expression to increase the cable areas to (14,000, 11,500, 8,500, 5,000, 3,000, 3,000, 2,000 mm2) and repeat the analysis. The displacement profile of the girder for this case is plotted in Fig. 13.38 and also summarized in the table listed below. Note that the displacement is sensitive to the cable area and the angle of inclination; the cable tension is governed primarily by strength. This case study illustrates the role of computer simulation in developing the design of cable-stayed structures. One refines the design through iteration. This example also illustrates how cable-stayed structures carry the load primarily through axial action in the cables. The girder functions mainly to transmit the deck loading to the cables, i.e., the bending is localized between the cable support points. Cable C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 Acable (mm2) 1,305 1,130 957 827 696 566 480 Tension (kN) 914 810 665 567 467 387 315 v # (mm) 2,382 1,864 1,341 940 630 428 287 Acable (mm2) 14,000 11,500 8,500 5,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 Tension (kN) 998 761 675 566 467 386 386 v # (mm) 297 217 186 176 157 86 48 992 13 13.5 Multi-span Horizontal Structures Summary 13.5.1 Objectives • To present M€ uller-Breslau principle and illustrate how it is used to establish loading patterns that produce the maximum value of a force quantity at a particular point on a structure. • To describe a procedure for determining the load on an individual stringer due to an axle load applied to the deck of a slab-stringer bridge system. • To describe and illustrate a computer-based procedure for generating global force envelopes for indeterminate horizontal structures subjected to a set of concentrated loads. • To illustrate the different behavioral patterns for multi-span girder, arch and cable-stayed systems. 13.5.2 Key Facts and Concepts • M€ uller-Breslau principle is used to establish influence lines for indeterminate structures. One works with a structure generated by removing the constraint provided by the force quantity. The deflected shape of the structure due to a unit value of the force quantity is a scaled version of the influence line. • The global moment envelope for a horizontal structure is generated by applying the loading at discrete points on the longitudinal axes, tabulating the bending moment at each discrete point for all the loading cases, and selecting the largest positive and negative values .A computer-based procedure is used for this task. • Support settlement can produce bending moments which are significant for short span bridges. 13.6 Problems Problem 13.1 1 1 2 3 I 1 I 4 5 I I 40 ft 30 ft 10 ft 30 ft 40 ft (a) Using M€ uller-Breslau principle, sketch the influence lines for the vertical upward reaction at support 3 (R3 ), the negative moment at support 2 (M2 ), and the negative moment at section 1-1 (M11 ) 13.6 Problems 993 (b) Use a software package to determine: (i) The maximum values of R3 , M2 , and M11 cause by a uniformly distributed dead load of 2 kip/ft. (ii) The maximum value of M2 caused by a uniformly distributed live load of 1 kip/ft. Problem 13.2 Consider the single span bridge shown below. Using the analytical procedure described in Sect., determine the absolute maximum value of moment developed as the truck loading defined below passes over the span. Repeat the analysis using computer software. 32 kip 32 kip 14 ft 8 kip 14 ft A B I L = 110 ft Problem 13.3 Consider the two-span bridges shown below. Use computer software to determine global moment envelopes for both the lane and truck loadings defined below. Lane load: w ¼ 10 kN/m uniform Truck load: 142 kN 142 kN 36 kN 4.25 m 4.25 m direction of travel truck (a) L1 ¼ L2 ¼ 30 m, EI is constant I I L1 L2 (b) L1 ¼ 15 m L2 ¼ 30 m, EI is constant I I L1 L2 994 13 Multi-span Horizontal Structures (c) L1 ¼ L2 ¼ 30 m, EI is constant Expansion joint I I L1 L2 (d) Compare the global moment envelopes for the structure shown below with the envelopes generated in part (a). Is there any effect of varying I? I 1.5 I 15 m 15 m I 15 m 15 m Problem 13.4 Consider the multi-span bridge shown below. Suppose the bridge is expected to experience a temperature change of DT over its entire length. Where would you place a hinge support: at A or at B? Determine the end movement corresponding to your choice of support location. a A B L/3 b A L/3 L/3 B L/3 L/3 L/3 13.6 Problems 995 Problem 13.5 Most design codes limit the deflection due to live loading to some fraction of length, say L/a, where a is on the order of 500. Generate the global “deflection” envelope for the multi-span beam and truck loading shown below. Take E ¼ 29,000 ksi and I ¼ 60,000 in.4 32kip 32kip 14 ft 8 kip 14 ft direction of travel truck 90 ft 120 ft 90 ft Problem 13.6 Investigate convergence of the internal forces for the parabolic arch shown as the discretization is refined. Take the interval as 2.4, 1.2, and 0.6 m. w = 10 kN/m roadway hanger A = 32500 mm2 20 m I = 200(10)6 mm4 Arch 16 m X 48 m Problem 13.7 Suppose a uniform loading is applied to span ABC. Investigate how the response changes as x varies from L/2 to L. Take h ¼ L/2, A ¼ 50 in:2 ; AC ¼ 2 in:2 , w ¼ 1 kip/ft, f ¼ 1 þ ð2x=LÞ2 . 996 13 Cable Cable h fAc Ac A Multi-span Horizontal Structures B I,A Beam L/2 C Beam x I,A 5I, 5A L 2L Problem 13.8 Determine the structural response (forces and displacements) of the idealized tied arch shown below under a uniformly distributed gravity load of 30 kN/m. Assume Aarch ¼ 26; 000 mm2 ;I Arch ¼ 160ð10Þ6 mm4 ; Ahanger ¼ 2ð10Þ6 mm2 Note: roadway girder and arch are pined to together at pints A and B. An actual structure is shown below. 13.6 Problems 997 Problem 13.9 Determine the distribution of internal forces and displacements for the cable-stayed structure shown below. Member AB acts as counterweight for loading applied on member BC. The two members are connected by nine parallel equally spaced cables. Self-weight of members AB and BC is 16 and 8 kN/m, respectively. Assume ACable ¼ 50; 000 mm2 and E ¼ 200 GPa. Consider the following cases: (a) I AB ¼ I BC ¼ 40ð10Þ9 mm4 (b) I AB ¼ 4I BC I BC ¼ 40ð10Þ9 mm4 (c) Uniform live load of 2 kN/m applied to member BC in addition to self-weight. I AB ¼ 4I BC I BC ¼ 40ð10Þ9 mm4 A Cable 60° C B 20m 20m 20m 20m 20m 20m 20m 20m 20m 20m 200 m 100 m A C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 w = 16 kN/m C6 C7 C8 C9 C B w = 8 kN/m 998 13 Multi-span Horizontal Structures An illustration of this structural concept created by Santiago Calatrava is shown below. This bridge is located in Seville Spain. Problem 13.10 Consider the symmetrical cable structure shown below. Determine a set of cable areas (C1 C10 ) such that the maximum vertical displacement is less than 375 mm under a uniformly distributed live load of 10 kN/m. Assume I girder ¼ 400ð10Þ6 mm4 ; Agirder ¼ 120ð10Þ3 mm2 . Take the allowable stress as 700 MPa. Cable Cable I constant 11@10 m=110 m Grider I, A 5I 5I 10@10 m=100 m C1 20 m C10 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 75 m 10@10 m=100 m 30 m 11@10 m=110 m Lateral Load Issues for Buildings 14 Overview Buildings are complex physical systems. Structural Engineers deal with this complexity by creating idealized structural models that define the key structural components, the overall makeup of the building structure, and the loadings that it needs to withstand. The information provided by the idealized model allows one to apply analysis and design methods directly to the model and then extrapolate the results to the actual building. We begin the chapter with a description of the various types of building systems and the associated structural components. In general, a building consists of plane frame structures which are interconnected by floor systems. We describe approaches for establishing the lateral loads due to wind and earthquake excitation. These loads are evaluated at each floor level and then distributed to the individual plane frames using the concepts of center of mass and center of twist. At this point, one has the appropriate lateral loading to analyze the plane frames. The topic of loading on building frames is discussed further in the next chapter where we also consider gravity loads acting on the floor systems. 14.1 Types of Multistory Building Systems The majority of the activities in Structural Engineering are concerned with the design of Structural Systems for buildings. Approximately 95% of the building inventory consists of buildings having less than ten stories. Buildings of this type are classified as low-rise buildings. Figure 14.1 illustrates the typical makeup of a low-rise building. The primary structural components are beams, columns, and floor plates. Members are usually arranged in an orthogonal pattern to form a threedimensional framework. Plate-type elements span between the beams to form the flooring system. We visualize the three-dimensional (3D) framework to be composed of plane frames which are connected by floor plates. This interpretation allows us to analyze the individual plane frames rather than the complete 3D structure. J.J. Connor and S. Faraji, Fundamentals of Structural Engineering, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-3262-3_14, # Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2013 999 1000 14 Lateral Load Issues for Buildings Fig. 14.1 Typical makeup of a structural system for a low-rise building Fig. 14.2 (a) Steel braced frame with bracing. (b) Concrete frame with shear walls Frames are designated according to how the beams and columns are interconnected at their end points. When the members are rigidly connected so that no relative rotation can occur, end moments develop under loading and the frame is said to be “rigid.” Rigid frames may employ either Steel or Concrete construction. The opposite case is when the beams are pinned to the columns. No end moments are developed and the frame behaves similar to a truss. Some form of bracing is needed since a rectangular pinned frame is unstable under lateral load. These Structures are called “braced” frames. Figure 14.2a shows a typical braced frame structure. The bracing consists of sets of diagonal elements placed within certain bays and extending over the height of the structure. This system is designed 14.2 Treatment of Lateral Loading 1001 to carry all the lateral loading. Note that at least two orthogonal bracing systems are needed to ensure stability under an arbitrary lateral loading. Braced frames are constructed using steel components. Depending on the magnitude of the lateral loading, lateral stiffness systems may also be incorporated in rigid frames to carry a fraction of the lateral loading. For concrete rigid frames, the stiffening is achieved by incorporating shear walls located either within or on the exterior of the building and extending over the entire height. Figure 14.2b illustrates this scheme. These walls function as cantilever beams and provide additional lateral restraint. For steel rigid frames, the stiffening system may be either a concrete shear wall or a diagonal steel member scheme. 14.2 Treatment of Lateral Loading Lateral loading may be due to either wind or earthquake acting on the building. These actions may occur in an arbitrary direction. For rectangular buildings, such as shown in Fig. 14.3, the directions are usually taken normal to the faces. One determines the component of the resultant force for each direction. Figure 14.4 illustrates this approach. The resultant force is distributed to the individual floors and then each floor load is distributed to the nodes on the floor. This process leads to a set of nodal forces acting on the individual frames. We express the force acting at floor j of frame i as Px frame i floor j ¼ f ij Rx (14.1) How one establishes f ij is discussed in Sect. 14.3. Fig. 14.3 Rectangular building 1002 14 Lateral Load Issues for Buildings Fig. 14.4 14.2.1 Wind Loading We suppose the wind acts in the x direction, as shown in Fig. 14.5a. The normal pressure varies in the vertical direction according to a power law (e.g., p z1=7 ). We approximate the distribution with a set of step functions centered at the floor levels and generate the resultant force for each floor by integrating over the tributary area associated with the floor. This process is illustrated in Fig. 14.5b, c. The individual floor forces are given by hz z z z i hz z i iþ1 i i i1 iþ1 i1 Pi ¼ pðzi Þ þ B ¼ pðzi Þ B 2 2 2 (14.2) i ¼ 1; 2; . . . ; n This computation is repeated for wind acting in the Y direction. It remains to distribute the loads acting at the floor levels of the facade to nodes of the individual plane frames. The final result is a set of lateral nodal loads for each plane frame. The underlying strategy for this approach is based on analyzing plane frames vs. a three-dimensional system. This approach works when the structural geometry is composed of parallel plane frames which produce an orthogonal pattern of columns and beams. If the structural geometry is irregular, one has to analyze the full 3D structural system. In this case, one subdivides the façade area into panels centered on the structural nodes contained in the façade area and generates the force for structural node j with Pj ¼ pðzj ÞAj where Aj is the tributary area for structural node j. (14.3) 14.2 Treatment of Lateral Loading 1003 Fig. 14.5 Lateral floor forces due to wind pressure. (a) Wind in X direction. (b) Wind on Y–Z face. (c) Floor loads due to wind load on Y–Z face 14.2.2 Earthquake Loading Seismic loading is generated by an earthquake passing through the site. An earthquake is the result of slippage between adjacent tectonic plates which releases energy in the form of pressure waves that produce both horizontal and vertical ground motion. For civil structures, in seismically active regions, the horizontal motion produces the most critical lateral loading since the design of civil structures is usually controlled by vertical gravity loading. Data on earthquake ground motion is continuously collected and distributed by the US Geological Survey National Earthquake Information Center [17]. Figure 14.6 contains a typical 1004 14 Lateral Load Issues for Buildings Fig. 14.5 (continued) plot of ground acceleration vs. time for the 1994 Northridge California earthquake. The information of interest is the peak ground acceleration, denoted as pga, with respect to g, the acceleration due to gravity. In this case, the pga is equal to 0.6g. We point out that seismic loading is cyclic, of varying amplitude, and of short duration, on the order of 20–30 s for a typical earthquake. Seismic loading is discussed in Sect. 1.3.6 We briefly review the important features of seismic loading here and then describe how one uses this information to generate the lateral loading for a building. The lateral forces produced by the horizontal ground motion require the incorporation of lateral bracing systems. Structures located in high 14.2 Treatment of Lateral Loading 1005 Fig. 14.6 Ground acceleration time history—Northbridge (1994) California Earthquake Fig. 14.7 Seismic response of low-rise frames with respect to ground seismic activity regions, such as Japan, Greece, and the Western parts of the USA, are required to meet more extreme performance standards, and the design is usually carried out by firms that specialize in Seismic design. Figure 14.7 illustrates how a typical low-rise rigid frame building responds to horizontal ground motion. The floor slabs act like rigid plates and displace horizontally with respect to the ground due to bending of the columns. Since there are no external loads applied to the floors, the deformation has to be due to the inertia forces associated with the floor masses. The magnitude of these forces depends on the floor masses and the floor accelerations. 1006 14 n un Wn 5 u5 W5 4 u4 W4 3 u3 Z Lateral Load Issues for Buildings H W3 2 u2 W2 1 u1 W1 Z2 X Fig. 14.8 Lateral displacement profile with respect to ground The lateral displacement profile is assumed to be a linear function of Z as indicated in Fig. 14.8. ui ðzÞ ¼ uground þ Zi uðHÞ H where uðHÞ is the relative displacement of the top floor with respect to the ground, and Z i is the vertical coordinate of floor i. This assumption leads to the following expression for the total acceleration of a typical floor: 2 ajfloor i Zi d uðHÞ ¼ ag ðtÞ þ H dt2 (14.4) where ag ðtÞ is the ground acceleration time history. Applying Newton’s law, the force required to accelerate floor i, assuming it moves as a rigid body and the lateral displacement profile is linear, is ( Pjfloor i Wi ¼ g 2 Zi d uðHÞ ag ðtÞ þ H dt2 ) (14.5) This force is provided by the shear forces in the columns adjacent to the floor. Given an earthquake ground motion time history, one applies this floor loading to a structure and determines the structural response. The solution for the acceleration at the top floor is expressed as [26] 2 d uðHÞ ¼ Gðag ðtÞ þ yðtÞÞ dt2 (14.6) 14.2 Treatment of Lateral Loading 1007 where yðtÞdepends on the earthquake ground motion and the structural period; G is a dimensionless parameter that depends on the distribution of floor masses, PN Zi P mi H Ni¼1 W i Zi H G¼ 2 ¼ PN 2 PN Zi i¼1 W i ðZ i Þ i¼1 mi H i¼1 Substituting for the top floor acceleration, the inertia force expands to Wi Zi Wi Zi G yðtÞ Pjfloor i ¼ ag ðtÞ 1 G þ g H g H (14.7) (14.8) The peak values of ag ðtÞ and yðtÞ do not generally occur at the same time. Also the magnitude of G is of order one and the maximum value of yðtÞ is usually larger than ag max . Therefore, the peak force at floor i is approximated as: Zi W i Sa G Pjfloor i (14.9) H g where Sa is defined as the maximum absolute value of yðtÞ. In the seismic literature, Sa is called the spectral acceleration. It is the maximum acceleration that an equivalent single degree of freedom system experiences when subjected to the earthquake. Summing up the floor forces leads to the resultant force which is also equal to the maximum shear force at the base. P 2 N X i¼1 W i Z i Sa V jbase ¼ (14.10) Pjfloor i PN 2 g i¼1 W i ðZi Þ Finally, we express the force for floor i in terms of V jbase . W i Zi Pjfloor i ¼ P V jbase W i Zi (14.11) The spectral acceleration measure, Sa , depends on the ground motion time history ag ðtÞ and the period of the structure, T. A simple approximation for T for a low-rise building is T N s 10 (14.12) where N is the number of stories. Values of Sa vs. the structural period, T, have been complied by various agencies, such as the US Geological Survey’s National Earthquake Information Center [17] for a range of earthquakes, and used to construct design plots such as illustrated below in Fig. 14.9. One estimates T and determines Sa with this plot. The limiting values for the plot, such as SDS and SD1 , depend on SMS and SM1 which are defined for a particular site and seismic design 1008 14 Lateral Load Issues for Buildings Sa SDS Sa = SD1 T T1 SD1 SDS = 0.4 SDS SD1 = TS = o 0.2 TS 2 3 2 SMS Sa = SM1 3 SD1 SDs SD1TLT1 T2 T1 Period, T (sec) TS T1 TL Fig. 14.9 Peak acceleration vs. structural period [8] code [8]. Values of SMS , SM1 , and T L are listed on the USGS website, usgs/gov/ hazards: SM1 is usually taken as the spectral acceleration for 5% damping and 1 s period (i.e., T 1 ¼ 1 s): SMS is the spectral acceleration for 5% damping and 0.2 s period and T L is the long transition period. The worst case scenario is for the structural period to be between 0:2T S and T S . When T T S , the seismic load is significantly less than the load corresponding to the region 0:2T S < T < T S . Example 14.1 Given: The three story building shown in Figs. E14.1a, b. Assume the building is subjected to an earthquake in the North–South direction. Take the spectral acceleration as Sa ¼ 0:4g Determine: The base shear and earthquake forces on the individual floors. Solution: We use (14.10). The base shear is given by W3 = 900 kip 12 ft 12 ft W2 = 1000 kip W1 = 1000 kip 12 ft 100 ft Fig. E14.1a Elevation 14.2 Treatment of Lateral Loading 1009 100 ft Pi S N 100 ft Fig. E14.1b Typical floor plan P 3 2 i¼1 Z i W i Sa f1; 000ð12Þ þ 1; 000ð24Þ þ 900ð36Þg2 Sa n o ¼ 2 g 1; 000ð12Þ2 þ 1; 000ð24Þ2 þ 900ð36Þ2 g i¼1 W i ðZ i Þ Vjbase ¼ P3 ¼ 3; 420ð0:4Þ ¼ 1; 368 kip Then, applying (14.11), we obtain the individual floor loads. 3 X W i Zi ¼ fð12ð1; 000Þ þ 24ð1; 000Þ þ 36ð900Þg ¼ 68; 400 i¼1 P1 ¼ 12ð1; 000Þ Vjbase ¼ 0:175ð1; 368Þ ¼ 239:4 kip 68; 400 P2 ¼ 24ð1; 000Þ Vjbase ¼ 0:351ð1; 368Þ ¼ 480:2 kip 68; 400 P3 ¼ 36ð900Þ Vj ¼ 0:474ð1; 368Þ ¼ 648:4 kip 68; 400 base 1010 14 Lateral Load Issues for Buildings Example 14.2 Given: The three story building shown in Figs. E14.2a, b. The floor weights are indicated. There is also an additional weight located on the top floor. Determine: The earthquake floor forces for a North–South earthquake of intensity Sa ¼ 0:4g. W = 1000 kip W3 = 900 kip 12 ft W2 = 1000 kip 12 ft W1 = 1000 kip 12 ft 100 ft Fig. E14.2a Elevation 100 ft S Pi N 100 ft Fig. E14.2b Typical floor plan Solution: The computations are organized in the following table. Floor 1 2 3 Roof Zi 12 24 36 36 Wi 1,000 1,000 900 1,000 WiZi(103) 12 24 32.4 36 104.4 103 Wi(Zi)3(103) 144 596 1050 1296 3,086 103 14.3 Building Response Under Lateral Loads Vjbase ¼ ð0:4Þ P3 ¼ 1011 ð104:4ð1; 000ÞÞ2 ¼ 1412:7 kip 3; 086ð1; 000Þ P1 ¼ 12; 000 ð1; 412:7Þ ¼ 162:3 kip 104:4ð1; 000Þ P2 ¼ 24ð1; 000Þ ð1; 412:7Þ ¼ 324:8 kip 104:4ð1; 000Þ ð32:4 þ 36Þð1; 000Þ ð1; 412:7Þ ¼ 925:6 kip 104:4ð1; 000Þ Note that the shear in the top story is increased considerably due to the additional mass on the third floor. 14.3 Building Response Under Lateral Loads Up to this point, we have discussed how one generates the lateral loads acting at the floor levels. These loads are resisted by the frames which support the floors. In this section, we develop a methodology for distributing a floor load to the frames which support the floor. We model the building as a set of rigid floors supported by columns and braces between the floors. When subjected to horizontal loading, the floor plates displace horizontally, resulting in bending of the columns and shearing deformation in the braces. The horizontal load is resisted by the shear forces developed in the columns and braces. We know from the examples studied in Chaps. 9 and 10 that stiffness attracts force. Therefore, one should expect that the distribution of floor load to the supporting elements, i.e., the columns and braces, will depend on the relative stiffness of these elements. 1012 14 Lateral Load Issues for Buildings 14.3.1 Center of Twist: One Story Frame We consider first the one story braced frame structure shown in Fig. 14.10a. The braces located at the midpoints of the sides provide the resistance to horizontal load. We represent the braces as simple shear springs. Figure 14.10b illustrates this modeling strategy. Each brace provides a force which acts in the plane of the wall that contains the brace. We locate the origin of the X–Y coordinate system at the geometric center of the floor and assume the floor is subjected to external forces Px , Py , M. Under the action of these forces, the floor will experience translation (u; v) and rotation o about the origin. These displacements produce shear forces in the springs which oppose the motion. The free body diagram for the floor is shown in Fig. 14.11. Noting the free body diagram shown above, the equilibrium equations expand to X þ! þ" X X Fx ¼ Px FAx FCx ¼ 0 FY ¼ Py FBy FDy ¼ 0 M0 ¼ M þ ðFCx FAx Þ (14.13) B L þ ðFDy FBy Þ ¼ 0 2 2 L a B kD kC kB kA H V, u b V u V, u k Plan Elevation Fig. 14.10 (a) One story braced frame. (b) Shear spring model for brace V=ku 14.3 Building Response Under Lateral Loads 1013 L FCx kc B/2 PX w u o kD FDy v kB FBy B M kA FAx L/2 Py Fig. 14.11 Plan view Assuming the floor plate is rigid; the shear forces are related to the displacements by B FAx ¼ kA u þ o 2 B FCx ¼ kC u o 2 L FBy ¼ kB v þ o 2 L FDy ¼ kD v o 2 (14.14) Substituting for the forces in (14.13) leads to Px ¼ uðkA þ kC Þ þ B ðkA kC Þo 2 L Py ¼ vðkB þ kD Þ þ ðkB kD Þo 2 M¼ 2 B L B L2 ðkA kC Þu þ ðkB kD Þv þ ðkA þ kC Þ þ ðkB þ kD Þ o ¼ 0 2 2 4 4 (14.15) 1014 14 Lateral Load Issues for Buildings We see that the response depends on the relative stiffness of the braces. If kA 6¼ kC or kB 6¼ kD , the floor will experience rotation when only Px or Py is applied at the geometric center. Given the stiffness of the braces, one solves (14.15) for u; v; o and evaluates the braces forces using (14.14). Example 14.3 Given: The floor plan, dimensions and layout of the braces, and the brace stiffnesses shown in Fig. E14.3a. Fig. E14.3a Plan view Determine: The response due to Px . Solution: We note that the braces at A, B, D have equal stiffnesses, and the brace at C is twice as stiff as the others. For convenience, we show these values as just k and 2k. We set Py ¼ M ¼ 0 in (14.15). Px ¼ ð3kÞu þ 5ð kÞo ¼ P Py ¼ ð2kÞv ¼ 0 M ¼ 5ð kÞu þ 700 k o¼0 4 Solving these equations, we obtain u¼ 7P 20k v¼0 o¼ P 100k 14.3 Building Response Under Lateral Loads 1015 Finally, the brace forces are B 7 5 þ FAx ¼ kA u þ o ¼ P ¼ 0:4P 2 20 100 B 7 5 FCx ¼ kC u o ¼ 2P ¼ 0:3P 2 20 100 L 5 FBy ¼ kB v þ o ¼ P ¼ 0:05P 2 100 L 5 FDy ¼ kD v o ¼ P ¼ 0:05P 2 100 To avoid rotation, which is undesirable, one needs to modify either the stiffness at A or C. Taking kA ¼ kC ¼ k, the response is P 2k v¼o¼0 P FA ¼ F C ¼ 2 u¼ The formulation described above can be generalized to deal with an arbitrary number of braces or shear walls oriented in either the X or Y direction. We shift to the notation shown in Fig. 14.12 to identify the various braces. Each brace is characterized by a stiffness magnitude (k) and the perpendicular distance from the tangent to the origin. Y xj kyj kxi yi PX uo X O MO ω Fig. 14.12 Notation Py vo 1016 14 Lateral Load Issues for Buildings Assuming the floor is rigid, the tangential motion for the X oriented braces due to a rigid body motion of the origin o is þ ! ui ¼ uo y i o (14.16) Similarly, the Y motion for brace j is given by þ " vj ¼ vo þ xj o (14.17) These motions produce shear forces which act to oppose the motion of the floor. The individual forces are þ ! Fxi ¼ kxi ui ¼ kxi uo þ kxi yi o þ " Fyj ¼ kyj vj ¼ kyj vo kyj xj o (14.18) Summing forces and moments with respect to the origin leads to the equilibrium equations for the floor X X þ ! Px u 0 kxi þ o yi kxi ¼ 0 þ " Py v 0 M 0 þ u0 X X X kyj o xj kyj ¼ 0 (14.19) X nX o X yi kxi v0 xj kyj o x2j kyj ¼ 0 y2i kxi þ where Px , Py , M0 are the external loads on the floor. We define the following terms X kxi ¼ K xx X kyj ¼ K yy X yi kxi ¼ K xz X xj kyj ¼ K yz X X y2i kxi þ x2j kyj ¼ K o (14.20) With this notation, (14.19) takes the following form Px ¼ K xx u0 K xz o Py ¼ K yy v0 þ K yz o M0 ¼ K xz u0 þ K yz v0 þ K o o (14.21) 14.3 Building Response Under Lateral Loads 1017 Equation (14.21) applies for an arbitrary choice of origin. Note that forces applied at the origin will produce rotation when either K xz 6¼ 0 or K yz 6¼ 0. If the stiffness distribution is symmetrical, these terms vanish. Rotation of the floor is a torsional mode of response, which introduces an undesirable anti-symmetric deformation in the perimeter facades. Therefore, one approach is to always choose a symmetrical stiffness layout. Another approach is to shift the origin to some other point in the floor. Obviously, the most desirable point corresponds to K xz ¼ K yz ¼ 0. xc Y' C Y X' uc yc ωc X o vi Y' C vc ui X' Fig. 14.13 Floor geometry Consider the floor geometry shown in Fig. 14.13. Point o denotes the initial origin and C some arbitrary point in the floor. We locate a new set of axes at C and express the forces in terms of the coordinates with respect to C. ui ¼ uc y 0 i o vi ¼ vc þ x0 i o Fxi ¼ kxi uc þ kxi y0 i o Fyi ¼ kyi vc kyi x0 i o (14.22) (14.23) The equilibrium equations referred to point C have the following form: Pxc uC Pyc vC M c þ uC X X kxi þ o y0 i kxi ¼ 0 X X kyj o x0 j kyj ¼ 0 X X X X 2 2 y0 kxi vc x0 kyj þ o x0 j kyj ¼ 0 y0 i kxi (14.24) We choose point C such that X y0 i kxi ¼ X x0 j kyj ¼ 0 (14.25) 1018 14 Lateral Load Issues for Buildings These conditions define the coordinates of point C. Substituting for x0 and y0 using x0 ¼ xC þ x y0 ¼ yC þ y Leads to P xj kyj xC ¼ P kyj P y kxi yC ¼ P i kxi (14.26) The equilibrium equations referred to these new axes simplify to Px ¼ K xx uC ¼ Rx Py ¼ K yy vC ¼ Ry (14.27) M C ¼ K C oC ¼ M z where KC ¼ X y0 i kxi þ 2 X x0 j kyj 2 The external and internal forces are shown in Fig. 14.14. Ry Y' Px Mc Mz C X' Py Rx Fig. 14.14 Point C is called the “center of twist.” Figure 14.14 shows that the resultant of the “resisting” forces acts at the center of twist. External forces applied at the center of twist produce only translation; an external moment applied to the floor produces twist about the center of twist. We point out that the coordinates of the center of twist depend on the stiffness of the components located in the story. The location of the center of twist changes when either the position or magnitude of the stiffness components is changed. 14.3 Building Response Under Lateral Loads 1019 Example 14.4 Given: The floor plan shown in Fig. E14.4a. The two shear walls are orthogonal and are located on the X and Y axes. Determine: The center of twist. Fig. E14.4a Solution: The center of stiffness lies on an axis of symmetry. In this case, there are two axes of symmetry and therefore the center of twist is at the origin. Example 14.5 Given: The stiffness distribution shown in Fig. E14.5a. Fig. E14.5a Determine: The center of twist. Solution: The stiffness distributions are symmetrical with respect to the X and Y axes. Therefore, XCT ¼ Y CT ¼ 0: 1020 14 Lateral Load Issues for Buildings Example 14.6 Given: The stiffness distribution shown in Fig. E14.6a. Determine: The center of twist. Fig. E14.6a Solution: The center of twist (CT ) lies on the X-axis because the stiffness is symmetrical with respect to the X-axis. Summing moments about the origin leads to P xi kyi 4k ððb=2ÞÞ b xCT ¼ P ¼ ¼ 4k 2 kyi Example 14.7 Given: The stiffness distribution and loading shown in Fig. E14.7a. Determine: The rigid body motion. Fig. E14.7a 14.3 Building Response Under Lateral Loads 1021 Solution: The floor will experience rotation as well as translation since there is a net moment with respect to the center of twist. We determine the motion measures using (14.27). The stiffness measures are K xx ¼ K yy ¼ KC ¼ X X X kxj ¼ 2k ! kyj ¼ 4k " y2j kxj ( ) h 2 h2 ¼2 k ¼ k 2 2 Then u¼ Px Px ¼ K xx 2k v¼ Py Py ¼ K yy 4k o¼ b Py b2 Py b ¼ Py 2 2 ¼ 2 h k h KC 2 k The deformed configuration of the floor is shown in Fig. E14.7b. w u Fig. E14.7b v Example 14.8 Given: The stiffness distribution shown in Fig. E14.8a. Determine: The center of twist for the following combination of stiffness factors: (a) k1 ¼ k2 ¼ k3 ¼ k4 (b) k4 ¼ k3 k1 >k2 (c) k4 >k3 k1 ¼ k2 (d) k4 >k3 k1 >k2 1022 14 Lateral Load Issues for Buildings Fig. E14.8a Solution: We view the problem as equivalent to finding the centroid of a set of areas, with area replaced by stiffness. We use qualitative reasoning to estimate the location of the center of twist. Case (a) k1 ¼ k2 ¼ k3 ¼ k4 Case (b) k4 ¼ k3 k1 >k2 14.3 Building Response Under Lateral Loads Case(c) k4 >k3 k1 ¼ k2 Case (d) k4 >k3 k1 >k2 1023 We consider next the single inclined brace shown in Fig. 14.15. Introducing displacements u and v produces a longitudinal force F equal to ku0 . Projecting F on the x and y axes leads to h i Fx ¼ F cos y ¼ k uðcos yÞ2 þ v cos ysiny (14.28) h i 2 Fy ¼ Fsiny ¼ k u sin ycosy þ vðsin yÞ F Fy u = u cosθ + v sinθ v u Fig. 14.15 Inclined brace q Fx 1024 14 Lateral Load Issues for Buildings Summing these forces over the number of braces, the resultants are given by X X Fx ¼ u ki cos2 y þ v ki cos y sin y X X X Ry ¼ Fy ¼ u ki sin y cos y þ v ki sin2 y Rx ¼ X (14.29) We write these equations as Rx ¼ uK cc þ vK cs (14.30) Ry ¼ uK cs þ vK ss where X K cc ¼ X K cs ¼ X K ss ¼ ki cos2 y ki cos y sin y ki sin2 y Note that when y ¼ 0 or 90 , these expressions reduce to (14.27). The line of action is determined by summing moments about O. Working first with the X direction (u) and then the Y direction (n), leads to the following pair of equations for x and y , the coordinates of the center of twist. X y K cc x K cs ¼ y K cs x K ss ¼ yi ki cos2 y X X xi ki sin y cos y yi ki sin y cos y X (14.31) xi ki sin y 2 When the stiffness elements are parallel to either x or y, these equations reduce to K cc ¼ P kx P ykx y ¼ P k x K cs ¼ 0 K ss ¼ P ky P xky x ¼ P k y Example 14.9 Given: The stiffness distribution shown in Fig. E14.9a. Two of the braces are inclined with respect to the x-axis. Determine: The center of twist. 14.3 Building Response Under Lateral Loads 1025 Fig. E14.9a Solution: Evaluating (14.29) and (14.31), leads to 1 k2 ¼ 2k1 þ k2 2 X 1 K cs ¼ ki cos y sin y¼ 2 k2 ¼ k2 2 X 1 1 K ss ¼ ki sin2 y ¼ k2 þ k2 ¼ 0 2 2 X yi ki cos2 y ¼ 0 X xi ki sin2 y ¼ 0 X bX 1 1 b ð1Þ þ ðþ1Þ xi ki sin y cos y ¼ k2 ¼ k2 4 2 2 4 X h 1 1 yi ki sin y cos y ¼ k2 ¼0 2 2 2 K cc ¼ X ki cos2 y ¼ 2k1 þ 2 Then y ¼ bk2 4 2k1 þ k2 x ¼ 0 ¼ b k2 4 k2 þ 2k1 1026 14 Lateral Load Issues for Buildings 14.3.2 Center of Mass: One Story Frame The center of twist for a one story frame is a property of the stiffness components located in the story below the floor. It defines the point of application of the interstory resistance forces acting on the floor. These forces depend on the translation and rotation of the floor produced by the applied loading, i.e., they are due to interstory deformation. When the loading is dynamic, additional inertia forces are generated due to the acceleration of the masses located on the floor. In order to study the equilibrium of the floor, we need to establish the magnitude and location of the resultant of these inertia forces. In what follows, we describe the procedure for locating this resultant. Figure 14.16 shows a typical plan view of a floor. We locate the origin at some arbitrary point in the floor, and suppose that there are masses located at discrete points in the floor. The center of mass is a particular point in the floor defined by the coordinates x and y, where P xi m i x¼ P mi P y mi y¼ Pi mi (14.32) Y xj x mi CM y o Fig. 14.16 Plan view of floor yi X 14.3 Building Response Under Lateral Loads 1027 Example 14.10 Given: The floor mass layout shown in Fig. E14.10a. Determine: The center of mass. Fig. E14.10a Solution: The center of mass is on the y-axis. In general, if the mass distribution is symmetrical, the center of mass lies on the axis of symmetry. We determine the y coordinate by summing moments about the x-axis (Fig. E14.10b). P y mi ð2mÞh h ¼ y¼ Pi ¼ 4m 2 mi Fig. E14.10b Example 14.11 Given: The floor mass layout shown in Fig. E14.11a. Determine: The center of mass. 1028 14 Lateral Load Issues for Buildings Fig. E14.11a Solution: Summing the moments leads to X mi ¼ 6m x¼ 2mc þ 2mðb=2Þ þ 2mðb=2Þ c ¼ 6m 3 y¼ 2md þ 2mðh=2Þ þ 2mðh=2Þ d ¼ 6m 3 Example 14.12 Given: The floor mass layout shown in Fig. E14.12a. Determine: The center of mass. Fig. E14.12a 14.3 Building Response Under Lateral Loads 1029 Solution: We sum moments about the x and y axes and obtain mðb=4Þ b ¼ 3m 12 mðh=4Þ h ¼ y¼ 3m 12 x¼ 14.3.3 One Story Frame: General Response We have shown that there are two key points in the floor, the center of twist and the center of mass. For quasi-static loading, we work with quantities referred to the center of twist. Noting (14.27), the response of the center of twist due to an arbitrary static loading is (Fig. 14.17) Px K xx Py vc ¼ K yy MC oc ¼ KC uc ¼ (14.33) Note that twist occurs only when there is an external moment with respect to the center of twist; forces applied at the center of twist produce only translation. When the loading is dynamic, one needs to include the inertia forces. In this case, it is more convenient to place the origin at the center of mass and work with force and displacement quantities referred to the axes centered at the center of mass. Figure 14.18a illustrates this choice. Note that the resistance forces act at the center of twist and produce a moment about the center of mass. The displacements of the two centers are related by uCT ¼ uCM yCT o vCT ¼ vCM þ xCT o oCT ¼ oCM (14.34) Py Mc CT uc Fig. 14.17 Forces acting at the center of twist Px ωc vc 1030 14 Lateral Load Issues for Buildings vCT a ω CT vCM uCT yCT CM uCM ω xCT b Py Kyy v CT Kzz ω MCM Kxx uCT ¨ ICM ω M ü CM Px M ¨v CM Fig. 14.18 Forces acting at the center of mass (a) Displacements. (b) Forces The equilibrium equations referred to the center of mass have the following form uCM þ K xx ðuCM yCT oÞ Px ¼ m€ Py ¼ m€ vCM þ K yy ðvCM þ xCT oÞ € þ K C o þ xCT K yy ðvCM þ xCT oÞ yCT K xx ðuCM yCT oÞ MCM ¼ I CM o € þ o K C þ x2CT K yy þ y2CT K xx þ xCT K yy vCM yCT K xx uCM ¼ I CM o (14.35) Equation (14.35) shows that the motion is coupled when the center of twist does not coincide with the center of mass. The center of mass is usually fixed by the mass distribution on the floor and one usually does not have any flexibility in shifting masses. Therefore, the most effective strategy is to adjust the location of the braces in the story below the floor such that the centers of mass and twist coincide, i.e., to take xCT ¼ yCT ¼ 0. 14.3 Building Response Under Lateral Loads 1031 Example 14.13 Given: The mass and stiffness layout shown in Fig. E14.13a. Determine: The magnitude of the stiffness elements k1 and k2 such that the centers of mass and twist coincide. y k 20 m 20 m 20 m k m CM 2m x c 10 m k2 10 m m k1 40 m 20 m Fig. E14.13a Solution: First, we locate the center of mass. X X x¼ mi ¼ 4 m xi mi ¼ 10ð2 mÞ 20ð2 mÞ ¼ 20 m 20 m ¼ 5 m 4m Similarly, X y¼ yi mi ¼ 10ðmÞ 10ð3 mÞ ¼ 20 m 20 m ¼ 5 m 4m Next, we determine k1 and k2 by requiring the center of twist to coincide with the center of mass. The steps are 1032 14 Lateral Load Issues for Buildings Step 1: P xi ky 20k2 40k xCT ¼ P ¼ 5 m ¼ k2 þ k ky + 20k2 40k ¼ 5k 5k2 25k2 ¼ 35k k2 ¼ 1:4k Step 2: P y kx 20ðk k1 Þ yCT ¼ P i ¼ ¼ 5 m k1 þ k kx + 25k ¼ 15k1 k1 ¼ 1:67k 14.3.4 Multistory Response A typical floor in a multistory structure is connected to the adjacent floors by stiffness elements such as columns, shear walls, and braces. When the floors displace, interstory deformation due to the relative motion between the floors is developed, resulting in self-equilibrating story forces which act on the adjacent floors. Figure 14.19 illustrates this mode of behavior. Floors i and i + 1 experience lateral displacements which produce shear deformations in the braces, g ¼ uiþ1 ui ui-1 floor i+l F F ui-1 “story i+l” ui F F floor i Fig. 14.19 Forces due to interstory deformation ui 14.3 Building Response Under Lateral Loads (i) Ry (i) Mc y, vi 1033 (i+1) Ry (i+1) Mc (i) Rx (i+1) Rx Center of twist for story i+1 Center of twist for story i (i) Px o z, ωi x, ui P (i) y (i) M0 floor i Fig. 14.20 Forces acting on floor i and corresponding shear forces F ¼ kg ¼ kðuiþ1 ui Þ These forces act on both floors i + 1 and floor i; the sense is reversed for the lower floor (this follows from Newton’s law of action equal reaction). In order to express these resistance forces in terms of displacements, we need to specify a common reference frame for all the floors. We suppose the floors translate and rotate, with respect to this common reference frame. We consider floor i. We determine the interstory displacement measures for the two centers of twist associated with the stories above and below floor i and apply (14.27). The resulting expressions for the resultant forces acting on floor i are listed below. Their sense is defined in Fig. 14.20. Note that the direction of the forces due to story i + 1 are opposite to those due to story i. For story i: ðiÞ RðiÞ x ¼ Kxx ðiÞ RðiÞ y ¼ Kyy ðiÞ hn o n oi ðiÞ ðiÞ ui yCT oi ui1 yCT oi1 hn o n oi ðiÞ ðiÞ vi þ xCT oi vi1 þ xCT oi1 (14.36) ðiÞ MC ¼ KC ½oi wi1 For story i + 1: ðiþ1Þ Rðiþ1Þ ¼ Kxx x ðiþ1Þ Rðiþ1Þ ¼ Kyy y ðiþ1Þ MC hn o n oi ðiþ1Þ ðiþ1Þ uiþ1 yCT oiþ1 ui yCT oi hn o n oi ðiþ1Þ ðiþ1Þ viþ1 þ xCT oiþ1 vi þ xCT oi ðiþ1Þ ¼ KC ½oiþ1 oi (14.37) 1034 14 I CM ω¨ m v¨CM y CM ωi vi Lateral Load Issues for Buildings m ü CM for floor i floor i x ui Fig. 14.21 Inertia forces for floor i The inertia forces for a floor depend on the mass distribution and acceleration of the floor. They act at the center of mass, a property of the floor. Figure 14.21 shows the inertia force for floor i. We require floor i to be in equilibrium. Summing forces with respect to the origin at O, results in the following equilibrium equations ðiÞ ðiþ1Þ €i;CM RðiÞ PðiÞ ¼0 x m u x þ Rx ðiÞ ðiþ1Þ €i;CM RðiÞ PðiÞ ¼0 y m v y þ Ry ðiÞ ðiÞ ðiÞ ðiÞ ðiþ1Þ ðiþ1Þ € MC þ MC M0 ICM o ðiÞ ðiÞ ðiÞ þ mðiÞ yCM u€i;CM mðiÞ xCM v€i;CM þ yCT RðiÞ x (14.38) ðiþ1Þ ðiþ1Þ xCT RðiÞ þ xCT Rðiþ1Þ ¼0 y yCT Rx y The form of (14.36) and (14.37) shows that the equilibrium equations for floor i involve the displacements for floor i 1, i, and i + 1. Assuming there are n floors, there are n sets of equations similar in form to (14.38). When the location of the center of mass is the same for all the floors; we take the origin at the “common” center of mass. If the center of twist also coincides with the center of mass, the equations simplify to ðiÞ ðiÞ ðiþ1Þ €i þ Kxx PðiÞ ðui ui1 Þ Kxx ðuiþ1 ui Þ x ¼ m u ðiÞ ðiÞ ðiþ1Þ €i þ Kyy PðiÞ ðvi vi1 Þ Kyy ðviþ1 vi Þ y ¼m v ðiÞ ðiÞ ðiþ1Þ € i þ KC ðoi oi1 Þ KC M0 ¼ I ðiÞ o ðoiþ1 oi Þ where u, v, and o are the displacement measures for the center of mass. (14.39) 14.3 Building Response Under Lateral Loads 1035 These equations are useful for qualitative reasoning about the behavior. In general, we want to avoid torsion, if possible. Therefore, we distribute the interstory stiffness elements such that the location of the center of twist is constant for all stories. In regions where the seismic loading is high, such as California, one needs to consider dynamic response. In this case, the goal in seismic design is to have the center of mass and center of twist coincide throughout the height of the structure. The formulation obtained above can be interpreted as a “shear beam” formulation for a building system in the sense that the assumptions we introduced concerning the behavior of a floor are similar to those for a beam subjected to shearing and torsional action. These assumptions are applicable for low-rise buildings, where the aspect ratio, defined as the ratio of height to width, is of order 1. Most buildings are in this category. For tall buildings and for those structures having flexible floors, one creates idealized models consisting of 3D frame structures composed of columns, beams, shear walls, and floor plates. These models generally involve a large number of variables and require computer-based analysis methods to generate solutions. The advantage of simple models is that one can reason about behavior through examination of analytical solutions. Both approaches are necessary and each has a role. 14.3.5 Matrix Formulation: Shear Beam Model In what follows, we introduce matrix notation and express the equations defined in the previous section in a form similar to the equations for a member system that are presented in Chap. 12. We number the floor and stories consecutively, and work with the common X–Y–Z reference frame shown in Fig. 14.22. The following notation is used for floor i: U i ¼ fui ; vi ; oi g ¼ Floor displacement vector Pi ¼ Pxi ; Pyi ; Mzi ¼ External load vector (14.40) These quantities are referred to the common global reference frame located at point O. The interstory displacements at the center of twist for story i are expressed as a matrix product. DU CT; i ¼ T CT; i fUi Ui1 g (14.41) where T CT has the following general form 2 T CT;i 1 0 6 ¼ 40 1 0 0 3 ðiÞ yCT ðiÞ 7 xCT 5 1 (14.42) 1036 14 Lateral Load Issues for Buildings Fig. 14.22 Numbering scheme for floors and stories The corresponding story resistance force matrices acting at the centers of twist are related to these inter-story displacements by RCT;i ¼ K i DU CT;i RCT;iþ1 ¼ K iþ1 DU CT;iþ1 (14.43) where Kj depends on the stiffness properties for story j. 2 KðjÞ cc 6 ðjÞ Kj ¼ 4 Kcs 0 KðjÞ cs KðjÞ ss 0 3 0 7 0 5 ðjÞ KC (14.44) We need to transfer these forces from the center of twist to the origin of the common reference frame. This operation involves the transpose of T CT . Ro;i ¼ T TCT;i RCT;i Ro; iþ1 ¼ T TCT;iþ1 RCT;iþ1 (14.45) Using (14.41) and (14.43), (14.45) expands to Ro;i ¼ K o;i ðU i U i1 Þ Ro;iþ1 ¼ K o;iþ1 Uiþ1 U i (14.46) 14.3 Building Response Under Lateral Loads 1037 where K o is the stiffness matrix referred to the common origin, O. K o; j ¼ T TCT; j K j T CT; j (14.47) One starts with the properties of the center of twist namely, Kxx, Kyy, KC, xCT , yCT , and then generates K o for each story. We consider next the inertia forces which act at the center of mass of the floor. The displacements are related by T CM;i U CM;i ¼ T CM;i Ui 2 3 1 0 yCM 6 7 6 7 ¼ 6 0 1 xCM 7 4 5 0 0 1 (14.48) The inertia force matrix acting at the center of mass is related to the acceleration matrix by FCM;i ¼ mi U€CM;i ¼ mi T CM;i U€i (14.49) where 2 mi ¼ 4 mðiÞ 3 mðiÞ ðiÞ I CM 5 (14.50) Translating these forces from the center of mass to the origin leads to Fo;i ¼ mo;i U€i mo;i ¼ T TCM;i mi T CM;i (14.51) We interpret mo;i as the effective mass matrix for floor i. Finally, summing forces for floor i, the matrix equilibrium equation referred to the common reference frame has the form. Po;i ¼ mo;i U€i þ Ro;i Ro;iþ1 ¼ 0 (14.52) Substituting for the internal resistance matrices, the expanded form for floor i is Po;i ¼ mo;i U€i þ K o;i ðU i U i1 Þ K o;iþ1 ðU iþ1 Ui Þ (14.53) 1038 14 Lateral Load Issues for Buildings We suppose these are N floors and express the complete set of N equations as a single matrix equation, P ¼ mU€ þ KU (14.54) We assemble m and K in partitioned form (N rows and N columns). The entries follow from (14.53). i ¼ 1; 2; :::; N mo;i in partitioned row i and column i of m 9 8 in row i and column i > > > > = < þ K o;i in row i 1 and column i 1 of K > > > > ; : 9 8 in row i and column i 1 > > > > = < Ko;i in row i 1 and column i of K > > > > ; : Po;i (14.55) in row i of P Note that this approach is identical to the procedure that we followed in Chap. 12 to assemble the system matrices for a member system. The following example illustrates the steps for a three story structure. Example 14.14 Given: The three story structure shown in Fig. E14.14a. Assume the transformed mass and stiffness properties are known for each floor. Fig. E14.14a 14.4 Response of Symmetrical Buildings 1039 Determine: The non-zero entries in the system load, mass, and stiffness matrices. Solution: N ¼ 3 for this example. The partitioned form of the equations is listed below. 8 9 2 38 9 mo;1 < Po;1 = < U€1 = 5 U€ P mo;2 ¼4 : o;2 ; : €2 ; mo;3 Po;3 U3 2 38 9 ðK o;1 þ K o;2 Þ K o;2 0 < U1 = K o;2 ðK o;2 þ K o;3 Þ K o;3 5 U 2 þ4 : ; 0 K o;3 K o;3 U3 14.4 Response of Symmetrical Buildings We consider the symmetrical structural system shown in Fig. 14.23. We locate the global reference frame on the symmetry axis. By definition, the center of mass and center of twist for all the floors are located on the Z-axis. We suppose the external floor loading is applied in the X direction. This loading is resisted by the frames supporting the floors. Each frame displaces in the X direction and develops resistance through shearing action between the floors. Z 1 Px A B C D E 2 3 4 5 X Fig. 14.23 Symmetrical building structure 1040 14 Lateral Load Issues for Buildings Z W4 W4 g k4 h W3 h h W3 g k3 W2 W2 g W1 W1 g h k2 k1 X L Fig. 14.24 Shear model of typical frame We model a typical frame as a set of discrete masses supported by shear springs. Figure 14.24 illustrates this idealization. The shear spring stiffness for a story in a frame is determined by summing the contribution of the columns contained in the story. We developed an approximate method for estimating lateral stiffness for frames in Chap. 11. Applying this method, the equivalent shear stiffness for a story in a frame is estimated as kstory i ¼ 12E X 1 12E X 1 þ I Ic c 3 3 inter col exter col ð1 þ ðr=2ÞÞ ð1 þ rÞ h h (14.56) where r is the ratio of relative stiffness factors for the column and girder. r¼ I col =h I girder =L We evaluate the story shear stiffness factors for each frame. When shear walls or braces are present in a story, we combine the stiffness terms corresponding to the braces according to kjstory i ¼ kcol jstory i þ kbrace jstory i (14.57) 14.4 Response of Symmetrical Buildings 1041 Fig. 14.25 Shear stiffness elements. (a) Steel brace. (b) Concrete shear wall a k4 b 1 u4 P4 K4 rigid link Frame 1 P3 K3 P2 k4 K2 5 P1 K1 Frame 5 Fig. 14.26 Idealized building model. (a) Set of frames with rigid link. (b) Global loads and global story stiffnesses The shear stiffness factors for the shear elements defined in Fig. 14.25 are kshearwall ¼ kbrace ¼ h Gbt 2AE ðcos yÞ2 Ld (14.58) (14.59) The complete building system is represented as a set of frames in parallel linked through the “rigid” floor slab. Figure 14.26 illustrates this idealization. At each 1042 14 Lateral Load Issues for Buildings story level, all frames experience the same lateral displacement. It follows that the story shear force in a particular frame is proportional to the ratio of the frame story shear stiffness to the global story shear stiffness which is defined as K global; floor i ¼ Ki ¼ ki frames X V frame j ¼ ki jframe j Ki frame j (14.60) V i jglobal Generalizing this result, we can state that the lateral global loads are distributed to the individual parallel frames in proportion to their relative stiffness. Noting Fig. 14.26, the global shear for a story is equal to the sum of the loads acting on the floors above the particular floor. For example, V 1 jglobal ¼ P1 þ P2 þ P3 þ P4 V 2 jglobal ¼ P2 þ P3 þ P4 (14.61) One first evaluates these global shear forces and then determines the individual frame story shears with (14.60). Suppose the ratio of story stiffness to global story stiffness is constant for all stories in frame j ki jframe j Ki ¼ aj (14.62) Then, it follows that frame j carries a fraction equal to aj of the total applied load. This result is useful since it allows one to reason in a qualitative way about how global floor loads are distributed into the frames. For example, suppose that there are n frames having equal stiffness. Then each frame carries (1/n) of the total lateral load. Example 14.15 Given: The symmetrical rigid frame structure shown in Fig. E14.15a. Assume the frame properties are constant throughout the building height and also assume the structure is uniformly loaded. (a) The columns in frames 2 and 3 are twice as stiff as the columns in frames 1 and 4 and the floor slab is rigid. (b) Assume equal frame stiffnesses and rigid floor slab. (c) Assume equal frame stiffnesses and a flexible floor slab. Determine: The distribution of the total lateral load to the individual frames. 14.4 Response of Symmetrical Buildings 1043 Fig. E14.15a Solution: Part (a): A typical floor is shown in Fig. E14.15b. The equivalent story shear stiffness factors are defined as k and 2k . The resultant global shear force acts at the midpoint of the side and there is no twist since the stiffness distribution is symmetrical. Fig. E14.15b Typical floor The total story stiffness is X kj ¼ ðk Þð1 þ 2 þ 2 þ 1Þ ¼ 6k 1044 14 Lateral Load Issues for Buildings According to (14.60), the fraction of the total story shear carried by an individual frame is equal to the ratio of the frame story stiffness to the total story stiffness. Then For frames 1 and 4 V1 ¼ V4 ¼ V k 1 ¼ V 6k 6 V2 ¼ V3 ¼ V 2k 1 ¼ V 6k 3 For frames 2 and 3 In this case, the interior frames carry twice as much load as the exterior frames. Part (b): If the floor slab is rigid and equal frame stiffnesses are used, the frame load distribution shown in Fig. E14.15c is now applicable; the shear is assigned uniformly to the frames. Fig. E14.15c Typical floor Part (c): Suppose one generates an estimate for the global loading on an individual frame using the tributary areas for the frames. Consider the structure shown in Fig. E14.15a. We divide the façade area into area segments and associate these segmental areas with the frames adjacent to the areas as illustrated in Fig. E14.15d. We note that the width for the segmental areas 1 and 4 is ½ the width for the interior tributary areas. Therefore, assuming the external loading is constant over the width, it follows that the magnitude of the loads for frames 1 and 4 is ½ the load for the interior frames. This breakdown is shown in Fig. E14.15e. This distribution is based on the assumption that the frames act independently, i.e., the floor slabs are flexible. 14.4 Response of Symmetrical Buildings Fig. E14.15d Fig. E14.15e 1045 1046 14 Lateral Load Issues for Buildings Example 14.16 Given: The five story symmetrical rigid frame building shown in Figs. E14.16a, b. Assume the building can be subjected to an earthquake in either the North–South or East–West directions. Take the spectral acceleration as Sa ¼ 0:15g. Consider all the beams to be the same size and all the columns to be the same size. Assume I B ¼ 4I C . Determine: The maximum moments in the columns (a) for flexible floors and (b) for rigid floors. Fig. E14.16a Elevation Fig. E14.16b Typical floor plan 14.4 Response of Symmetrical Buildings 1047 Solution: We use (14.10). The base shear is given by P 5 i¼1 2 Zi W i Sa 2 g W ðZ Þ i i i¼1 Vjbase ¼ P5 ¼ ð2; 000ð3Þ þ 2; 000ð6Þ þ 2; 000ð9Þ þ 2; 000ð12Þ þ 2; 000ð15ÞÞ2 2; 000ð3Þ2 þ 2; 000ð6Þ2 þ 2; 000ð9Þ2 þ 2; 000ð12Þ2 þ 2; 000ð15Þ2 ð0:15Þ ¼ 1; 227kN Then, applying (14.11), we obtain the individual floor loads (Fig. E14.16c). W i Zi Pjfloor i ¼ P V jbase W i Zi X5 W i Zi ¼ 2; 000ð3Þ þ 2; 000ð6Þ þ 2; 000ð9Þ þ 2; 000ð12Þ þ 2; 000ð15Þ i¼1 ¼ 90; 000 kN/m 3ð2; 000Þ ð1; 227Þ ¼ 81:8 kN 90; 000 6ð2; 000Þ ð1; 227Þ ¼ 163:6 kN ¼ 90; 000 9ð2; 000Þ ð1; 227Þ ¼ 245:4 kN ¼ 90; 000 12ð2; 000Þ ð1; 227Þ ¼ 327:2 kN ¼ 90; 000 15ð2; 000Þ ð1; 227Þ ¼ 409 kN ¼ 90; 000 Pjfloor 1 ¼ Pjfloor 2 Pjfloor 3 Pjfloor 4 Pjfloor 5 Fig. E14.16c Earthquake floor loads 1048 14 Lateral Load Issues for Buildings It remains to distribute the floor loads to the frames. Since the structure is symmetrical, we need to consider only one direction, say the N–S direction (Fig. E14.16d). Fig. E14.16d Floor load distribution When the floor slab is rigid, and the frame stiffnesses are equal, the floor load is distributed uniformly to the frames (Fig. E14.16e). 1 P1 ¼ P2 ¼ P3 ¼ P4 ¼ Pjfloor i 4 Therefore 8 20:5 kN > > > > <40:9 kN P1 ¼ P2 ¼ P3 ¼ P4 ¼ 61:4 kN > > 81:8 kN > > : 102:3 kN Fig. E14.16e Frame load—rigid floors 14.4 Response of Symmetrical Buildings 1049 When the floor slab is flexible, the loads are proportioned to their tributary floor areas. Then it follows that (Fig. E14.16f) 8 27:3 kN > > > > > > < 54:5 kN 1 P2 ¼ P3 ¼ Pjfloor i ¼ 81:8 kN > 3 > > 109 kN > > > : 136:3 kN 8 13:6 kN > > > > > > < 27:3 kN 1 P1 ¼ P4 ¼ Pjfloor i ¼ 40:9 kN > 6 > > 54:5 kN > > > : 68:2 kN Fig. E14.16f Frame loads—flexible floors We apply the stiffness method described in Chap. 11 to estimate the maximum moments in the column. I Cext ¼ I C and I B ¼ 4I C ) kE ¼ 8 > > < 3EI CE h3 > > : I Cext =h I C =h ðI C =4Þ ¼ ¼ ¼ 0:5625 I B =L I B =L ð4I C =9Þ 9 > > = 1 2:34EI C ¼ 1 I CE =h > h3 > ; 1þ 2 I b =L 9 8 > > > > = 2:63EI 3EI CI < 1 C ¼ kI ¼ 3 3 > 1 I =h h > h CI > > ; :1 þ 4 I b =L ) kkEI ¼ 0:89 1050 14 Lateral Load Issues for Buildings Noting that V E kE ¼ VI kI we express the total shear as (Figs. E14.16g, h) kE V Total ¼ 2V E þ 2V I ¼ 2 þ 1 V I ) V I ¼ 0:265V Total kI Fig. E14.16g Maximum column moments—rigid floors Fig. E14.16h Maximum column moments—flexible floors 14.4 Response of Symmetrical Buildings 1051 Example 14.17 Given: The one story frame shown in Figs. E14.17a–c. Assume the cross-sections are equal. Determine: (a) The center of mass. (b) The center of twist. Take I b ¼ 2I c . (c) The revised stiffness required on lines B-B and 2-2 so that the center of stiffness coincides with the center of mass. (d) The translation and rotation of the center of twist for the structure determined in part (c) due to load P1 . Fig. E14.17a Plan Fig. E14.17b Elevation—section 1-1 1052 14 Lateral Load Issues for Buildings Fig. E14.17c Elevation— section 2-2 Solution: (a) Locating the center of mass P xi mi ð0:5LÞ2m þ ð1:5LÞm þ ð2:5LÞm 5 ¼ L x¼ P ¼ 4m 4 mi P yi mi ð0:5LÞ3m þ ð1:5LÞm 3 ¼ L y¼ P ¼ 4m 4 mi (b) Locating the center of twist I CE ¼ I CI ¼ I c I b ¼ 2I c I CI =h I CE =h 3I c =2L ¼ ¼ ¼ 0:75 I b =L I b =L 2I c =L 14.4 Response of Symmetrical Buildings Using the shear stiffness equations (11.11) and (11.12) 9 > > = 1 ¼ 0:73 ¼ > 1 I CE =h > > > ; :1 þ 2 I b =L 9 8 > > > > = < 1 ¼ 0:84 ¼ > 1 I CE =h > > > ; :1 þ 4 I b =L 8 > > < f BE f BI Let ðEI c =h3 Þ ¼ k 9 > > = 3EI 3EI CE 1 CE ¼ ¼ f BE ¼ 2:19k 3 > 1 I =h h3 > h CE > > ; :1 þ 2 I b =L 9 8 > > > > = 3EI 3EI CI < 1 ¼ 3CI f BI ¼ 2:52k ¼ 3 1 I CI =h > h > h > > ; :1 þ 4 I b =L 8 > > < kBE kBI k1 ¼ k2 ¼ 2kBE þ kBI ¼ 6:9k k3 ¼ k4 ¼ kA ¼ 2kBE ¼ 4:38k kB ¼ kC ¼ 2kBE þ 2kBI ¼ 9:42k 1053 1054 14 xCT yCT Lateral Load Issues for Buildings P xj kyj 6:9kðLÞ þ 4:38kð2LÞ þ 4:38kð3LÞ ¼ 1:27L ¼ P ¼ 2ð6:9k þ 4:38kÞ kyj P y kxi 9:42kðLÞ þ 4:38kð2LÞ ¼ 0:78L ¼ Pi ¼ 2ð9:42kÞ þ 4:38k kxi 14.4 Response of Symmetrical Buildings (c) The revised stiffness required on lines B-B and 2-2 5 ð6:9k þ k ÞðLÞ þ 4:38kð2LÞ þ 4:38kð3LÞ xCT ¼ x ¼ L ¼ 4 6:9k þ ð6:9k þ k Þ þ 2ð4:38kÞ 3 ð9:42k k ÞðLÞ þ 4:38kð2LÞ yCT ¼ y ¼ L ¼ 4 9:42k þ ð9:42k k Þ þ 4:38k ; k ¼ 2:4k k ¼ 3:06k (d) The translation and rotation of the center of twist 1055 1056 14 Lateral Load Issues for Buildings Noting the result for part (c) and (14.20) specialized for the center of twist, the displacements of the center of twist due to P1 are X kyj ¼ kf6:9 þ 9:3 þ 2ð4:38Þg ¼ 24:96k K yy ¼ n o X X Ko ¼ y2i kxi þ x2j kyj ¼ 4:38kð1:25LÞ2 þ 9:42kð0:75LÞ2 þ 6:36kð0:25LÞ2 n o þ 6:9kð1:25LÞ2 þ 9:3kð0:25LÞ2 þ 4:38kð0:75LÞ2 þ 4:38kð1:75LÞ2 ¼ 39:78kL2 L M o ¼ P1 4 u¼0 Py P1 v¼ ¼ K yy 24:9k M0 P1 ðL=4Þ P1 ¼ ¼ 0:00628 yz ¼ 2 K o 39:78kL kL 14.5 Summary 14.5.1 Objectives • To describe various idealized models that are used to represent building structures as an assemblage of plane frames and rigid floor slabs. • To introduce procedures for generating wind and earthquake loads for building structures. 14.6 Problems 1057 • To introduce the concepts of center of mass and center of stiffness and apply these concepts to typical building structures. • To formulate the governing equations for a building idealized as a threedimensional shear beam. • To represent these equations using matrix notation. • To specialize the formulation for symmetrical buildings. 14.5.2 Key Facts and Concepts • The normal pressure due to wind varies as a power law (p z1=7 ) in the vertical direction. • Seismic excitation is represented by a set of inertia forces acting at the floor levels. These forces are defined in terms of certain parameters that depend on the site and are specified by design codes. The vertical force distribution depends on the floor masses and increases with distance from the base. • The center of mass is a property of a floor, i.e., it depends on the mass distribution within the floor. It is important since the resultant of the inertia forces passes through the center of mass. • The center of stiffness is a property of the lateral stiffness distribution in a story. Twisting of the floor slab will occur when the resultant force acting on a story does not pass through the center of stiffness. Ideally one positions the center of stiffness to coincide with the center of mass if dynamic loading is one of the design loading conditions. • Given a set of parallel frames connected by a rigid diaphragm and subjected to a lateral load applied at the center of twist, the load carried by an individual frame is proportional to the relative stiffness of the frame. 14.6 Problems Problem 14.1 Consider the plan view of one story rigid frames shown below. Determine the center of twist corresponding to the brace stiffness patterns shown. .5 k k k k 3m (a) 6m 1058 14 10 ft Lateral Load Issues for Buildings 10 ft .3k .5k 20 ft 2k k 10 ft k (b) .3k 3m .5k 2k 3m 2k .5k 3m 3m 3m (c) .3k 3m 14.6 Problems 1059 Problem 14.2 The one story frame shown has an unsymmetrical mass distribution. (a) Determine the center of mass. (b) Determine the stiffness parameters k1 and k2 such that the center of stiffness coincides with the center of mass. (c) Determine the earthquake floor loads corresponding to Sa ¼ 0:3g. Consider both direction, i.e., N–S and E–W. 1060 14 Lateral Load Issues for Buildings Problem 14.3 For the rigid frame shown below, determine (a) the center of twist (CT ) and (b) the seismic floor loads applied at the center of mass (CM ) for an N–S earthquake with Sa ¼ 0:3g. Assume properties are equal for each floor. 14.6 Problems 1061 Problem 14.4 Consider the two story rigid frame defined below. Assume the weight of the floor slabs are equal to wfloor . Concentrated masses are located on each floor as indicated. (a) Determine the position of the center of mass for each floor. (b) Assume the structure is subjected to an earthquake acting in the east direction. Determine the earthquake forces for the individual floors. Assume wfloor ¼ 1000 kip, w1 ¼ w2 ¼ 1000 kip, and Sa ¼ 0:3g. 1062 14 Lateral Load Issues for Buildings (c) Suppose the story stiffness distribution shown below is used. Describe qualitatively how the structure will displace when subjected to an earthquake. Consider the stiffness distribution to be the same for each floor. Problem 14.5 Consider the single story multi-frame structure shown below. Determine the lateral force in the frames due to a global load P. Consider both wind and earthquake loading. Assume the slab is rigid. 14.6 Problems 1063 Problem 14.6 Consider the stiffness distribution for the one story rigid frame shown below. Determine the displaced configuration under the action of the loading shown. Assume the slab is rigid. 1064 14 Lateral Load Issues for Buildings Problem 14.7 (a) Determine the center of twist. (b) Using (14.47), determine K 0 . Problem 14.8 Consider the plan view of a one story frame shown below. Using the matrix formulation presented in Sect. 14.3.5, generate the equations of motion for the story. Take m1 ¼ 1000 Ib, m2 ¼ 500 Ib, and k ¼ 10 kip/in. 14.6 Problems 1065 Problem 14.9 Consider the one story plan view shown below. (a) Locate the center of mass. (b) Locate the center of twist. Take k1 ¼ k2 ¼ k3 ¼ k4 ¼ k. (c) Take k1 ¼ k3 ¼ 10. Suggest values for k2 and k4 such that the center of mass coincides with the center of twist. Problem 14.10 Consider the floor plan shown below. Assume the mass is uniformly distributed over the floor area. Establish the equations of motion referred to point O. 1066 14 Lateral Load Issues for Buildings Problem 14.11 Consider the roof plan for a one story structure shown below. Assume the shear walls have equal stiffness and the roof dead load is uniform. (a) Determine the center of mass and the center of stiffness. (b) Describe how the structure responds to an earthquake in the N–S direction. Problem 14.12 The framing shown below has identical rigid frames along column lines 1, 2, 3, and 4, and cross-bracing along lines A, B, and C. Consider all the beams and all the columns to be the same size. Assume I b ¼ 3I c and L ¼ 2h. (a) Assuming the roof/floor slab are rigid with respect to the rigid frames, what part of the total seismic load due to a N–S earthquake is carried by the frame 4? (b) Repeat part (a) considering the roof/floor slab to be flexible. 14.6 Problems 1067 Vertical Loads on Multistory Buildings 15 Overview The previous chapter dealt with issues related to the lateral loadings on building systems. In that chapter we described how one can represent the global lateral loading as loads acting on the individual frames contained in the building system (Fig. 15.1). We focus in this chapter on how one treats vertical loads such as gravity loads. Gravity loads applied to a floor slab are converted to distributed loads acting on the beams which support the slab. Since the floor slab loads involve both dead and live loads, one needs to investigate various floor slab loading patterns in order to establish the maximum values of the design parameters. We apply M€ uller-Breslau principal for this task. The last section of the chapter contains a case study which illustrates the application of these ideas to rigid and braced frames. 15.1 Loads on Frames Figure 15.2 shows a typical makeup of a rectangular building; the structural system is composed of floor slabs that are supported by frames arranged in an orthogonal pattern. The action of wind and earthquake is represented by concentrated lateral loads applied to the nodes. Gravity loads acting on the floor slabs or roof are transferred to the beams and then to the columns. The nature of these beam loads (uniform, concentrated, triangular, trapezoidal) depends on the makeup of the flooring system. In this chapter, we examine first the mechanism by which the floor loads are transferred to the beams and then describe how to establish the critical loading pattern of beam loading that produces the peak values of moment in an individual frame. Given the peak moments, one can select appropriate cross sections. J.J. Connor and S. Faraji, Fundamentals of Structural Engineering, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-3262-3_15, # Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2013 1069 1070 15 Vertical Loads on Multistory Buildings Fig. 15.1 Multistory building Fig. 15.2 Rectangular building. (a) Building frame. (b) Elevation view—individual frame. (c) Typical plan view—flooring system. 15.2 Treatment of Gravity Floor Loads 1071 Fig. 15.2 (continued) Fig. 15.3 Slab-beam framing scheme—two-way action 15.2 Treatment of Gravity Floor Loads Figure 15.3 shows a rectangular segment of the floor (abcd) bounded by columns at its corners and beams along its sides. In typical concrete construction, the floor slab and beams are framed simultaneously. The floor slab– beam system functions as a rectangular plate supported on all its sides. If the load is transmitted to all the sides, we refer to this behavior as two-way action. When the load tends to be transmitted primarily in one direction, this behavior is called one-way action. Whether one-way or two-way action occurs depends on the dimensions and make up of the floor slab. The most common approach is to work with the tributary areas defined in Fig. 15.4. One constructs 45 lines and computes individual areas. The loading on an area is assigned to the adjacent beam. When the members are located in the interior, these areas are doubled to account for the adjacent panels. In general, the areas are either triangular or trapezoidal. 1072 15 Vertical Loads on Multistory Buildings Fig. 15.4 Tributary areas for floor panel abcd Fig. 15.5 Two-way action perimeter beam loadings for uniform floor loading—panel abcd The floor loading is represented as a uniform load q (Ib/ft2 or N/m2) applied to the floor slab. Using the concept of tributary areas, we convert this loading to a line loading w (Ib/ft or N/m) on the perimeter floor beams. The loading patterns for the beams supporting panel abcd and adjacent panels shown in Fig. 15.4 are listed below. 8 B1 > > w1 ¼ q > > 2 > > > > > > < w 2 ¼ q B1 þ B 2 2 2 > > > B1 > > w3 ¼ q > > 2 > > > : w4 ¼ qB1 When steel members are used, the usual approach is to form the floor by first installing joists, then overlaying steel decking, and lastly casting a thin layer of 15.2 Treatment of Gravity Floor Loads 1073 concrete. Loading applied to the floor is transferred through the decking to the joists and ultimately to the beams supporting the joists. For the geometry shown in Fig. 15.6, beams ab and cd carry essentially all the loads applied to the floor panel abcd. The loads on beams ad and bc are associated with the small tributary areas between the beams and the adjacent joists. Depending on the joist spacing, the beam loads are represented either as concentrated loads or as a uniformly distributed load (see Fig. 15.7). Fig. 15.6 Steel joist/beam framing scheme Fig. 15.7 One-way action beam loading for uniform floor loading q. (a) Large joist spacing. (b) Small joist spacing 1074 15 Vertical Loads on Multistory Buildings Fig. 15.7 (continued) 15.3 Live Load Patterns for Frame Structures Gravity type loading is usually the dominant loading for low-rise multistory frames. It consists of both dead and live loading. Given a multistory frame, the first step is to establish the critical loading patterns for the individual members. Once the loading patterns are established, one can carry out an approximate analysis to generate peak force values which are used for the initial design. From then on, one iterates on member properties using an exact analysis method. In this section, we describe how M€ uller-Breslau Principle can be employed to establish loading patterns for live gravity loading. We also describe some approximate techniques for estimating the peak positive and negative moments in beams. Consider the frame shown in Fig. 15.8. We suppose the gravity live loading is a uniform distributed load, w, that can act on a portion of any member. Our objective here is to determine the loading patterns that produces the maximum positive moment at A and maximum negative moment at B. To determine the positive moment at A, we insert a moment release at A and apply self-equilibrating couples as indicated in Fig. 15.9. According to M€ullerBreslau Principle, one applies a downward load to those spans where the beam deflection is upward to produce the maximum positive moment at A. The corresponding loading pattern is shown in Fig. 15.10. Referring back to Fig. 15.8, we establish the loading pattern for the negative moment at B by inserting a moment release at B and applying a negative moment. In this case, there are two possible deflected shapes depending upon whether one assumes the inflection points are in either the columns or the beams. These shapes are plotted in Figs. 15.11 and 15.12. The exact shape depends on the relative 15.3 Live Load Patterns for Frame Structures 1075 Fig. 15.8 Multistory frame example Fig. 15.9 Deflection pattern for positive moment at A Fig. 15.10 Loading pattern for maximum positive moment at A stiffness of the beams and columns which is not known at the preliminary design phase. Although there are cases where there is some ambiguity in the deflected shape, the M€ uller-Breslau Principle is a very useful tool for generating a qualitative first estimate of the loading pattern (Fig. 15.13). One can refine the estimate later using a structural analysis software system. 1076 Fig. 15.11 Deflection pattern for negative moment at B—inflection points in beams Fig. 15.12 Deflection pattern for negative moment at B—inflection points in columns Fig. 15.13 Loading Pattern for Maximum negative moment at B—inflection points in columns 15 Vertical Loads on Multistory Buildings 15.3 Live Load Patterns for Frame Structures 1077 Example 15.1 Given: The rigid steel frame defined in Fig. E15.1a. Assume the member loading is a uniformly distributed live load. Determine: (a) Critical loading patterns for gravity live loading using M€uller-Breslau Principle. (b) Compare the maximum moment corresponding to the critical pattern loading to the results for a uniform loading on all members. Consider all the girders to be the same size and all the columns to be the same size. Assume L1 ¼ 6 m, L2 ¼ 9 m, h ¼ 4 m; w ¼ 10 kN/m, and IG ¼ 3:5IC Fig. E15.1a Solution: Part (a): The process followed to determine the critical loading patterns for bending moment in the beams is described below. Step1: Positive Moment at mid-span of the beams. There are two live load patterns for positive moment at the midpoint of the beams. They are listed in Fig. E15.1b. Fig. E15.1b Positive moment loading patterns 1078 15 Vertical Loads on Multistory Buildings Step2: Negative moment at the end point of the beams There are 15 patterns of uniform loading for negative moment. They are shown in Fig. E15.1c. One carries out analyses for these 15 different loading patterns, and then scans the individual results to determine the absolute maximum and minimum values of the end moments. Fig. E15.1c Live load patterns for negative moment 15.3 Live Load Patterns for Frame Structures Fig. E15.1c (continued) 1079 1080 15 Vertical Loads on Multistory Buildings Part (b): The moment results for uniform loading and pattern loading are plotted in Figs. 15.1d, e. We note that the uniform loading produces results which under estimate the peak values (30% for positive moment, and 11% for negative moment). However, since the uniform loading case is easy to implement and provides reasonable results, it frequently is used to generate a first estimate. Fig. E15.1d Moment diagram for Uniform loading Fig. E15.1e Discrete moment envelope for pattern loading 15.3 Live Load Patterns for Frame Structures 1081 Example 15.2 Given: The five story symmetrical rigid frame building shown in Figs. E15.2a–i. Assume the building is subjected to gravity loading and an earthquake in the North–south direction. Use the results of the earthquake analysis carried out in Example 14.16. Consider the floor load to be transmitted to all sides (two way action). Assume the floors are rigid with respect to lateral motion. Fig. E15.2a Elevation Fig. E15.2b Typical floor plan 1082 15 Vertical Loads on Multistory Buildings Fig. E15.2c Earthquake in N–S direction—floor loads on a typical frame Fig. E15.2d Moment diagram—gravity Determine: The maximum forces in the columns and beams using computer software. Also plot the lateral displacement of the floors. Assume all the beams to be the same size and all the columns to be the same size. Consider 2 cases: Ib ¼ 3Ic and Ib ¼ 1:44Ic . The corresponding cross-sectional properties are 8 Iz ¼ 445; 146; 750 mm4 > > > > < Iy ¼ 22; 798; 170 mm4 I shape beams > Ix ¼ 1; 135; 750 mm4 > > > : A ¼ 12; 320 mm2 15.3 Live Load Patterns for Frame Structures 1083 8 8 Iz ¼ 148; 520; 925 mm4 > > > > > > > > > < > Iy ¼ 148; 520; 925 mm4 > > > case ð1Þ > 4 > > > > Ix ¼ 233; 390; 025 mm > > > > > : < 2 A ¼ 10; 677 mm 8 Hollow square columns > Iz ¼ 309; 106; 575 mm4 > > > > > > > > < Iy ¼ 309; 106; 575 mm4 > > > > case ð2Þ > 4 > > > > > > Ix ¼ 486; 749; 250 mm > > > : : 2 A ¼ 15; 867 mm Solution: The floor loading is uniformly applied to the floor slab. Using the concept of tributary areas, we convert this loading to line loadings w on the perimeter floor beams. Note that the N–S and E–W loading are identical because of the geometry. Wfloor total ¼ 2; 000 kN ¼ 2:744 kN/m2 + w1 gravity ¼ 2:744ð4:5Þ ¼ 12:35 kN/m w2 gravity ¼ 2:744ð9Þ ¼ 24:7 kN/m 2;000 ð27Þð27Þ The gravity line loading patterns for the perimeter floor beams are listed below. Using computer software, we analyze the three-dimensional rigid frame for gravity and earthquake loading. The beam and column forces are determined by scanning through the output file. The critical values for the column forces occur in the first story. Results for the beams, columns, and lateral displacement corresponding to Ib ¼ 3Ic and Ib ¼ 1:44Ic are listed below. 1084 Fig. E15.2e Axial force diagram—gravity Fig. E15.2f Moment diagram—wind 15 Vertical Loads on Multistory Buildings 15.3 Live Load Patterns for Frame Structures Beaminterior frame 1085 8 > > > > > Gravity > > > > > < 8 > < P ¼ 60 kN Ib ¼ 3Ic V ¼ 120 kN > : M ¼ 183 kN m 8 > < P ¼ 68 kN Ib ¼ 1:44Ic V ¼ 117 kN > : M ¼ 180 kN m > > > > > > > > Earthquake > > : 8 > <P 0 Ib ¼ 3Ic V ¼ 52 kN > : M ¼ 252 kN m 8 > < P ¼ 2 kN Ib ¼ 1:44Ic V ¼ 48 kN > : M ¼ 228 kN m 8 8 > > > > > > > > > < Gravity > > > > ColumnExterior > > > > > > > > > > : Earthquake < 8 > > > > > > > > Gravity > < > > > > Column Interior > > > > > > > > > Earthquake > : : ( ( F ¼ 539 kN Ib ¼ 1:44Ic Ib ¼ 3Ic M ¼ 44 kN m M ¼ 55 kN m ( ( max P ¼ 133 kN F ¼ 197 kN Ib ¼ 1:44Ic Ib ¼ 3Ic M ¼ 202 kN m M ¼ 130 kN m ( ( max P ¼ 1140 kN F ¼ 1128 kN Ib ¼ 1:44Ic Ib ¼ 3Ic M ¼ 4:4 kN m M ¼ 2:3 kN m ( ( max P ¼ 24 kN F ¼ 14 kN Ib ¼ 1:44Ic Ib ¼ 3Ic M ¼ 258 kN m Mmax ¼ 263 kN m Fig. E15.2g Axial force diagram—wind P ¼ 527 kN 1086 Fig. E15.2h 3D model Fig. E15.2i Lateral displacement 15 Vertical Loads on Multistory Buildings 15.4 15.4 A Case Study: Four-Story Building 1087 A Case Study: Four-Story Building In this section, we illustrate the computation of the design parameters for a typical building considering dead, live, and wind loadings. This example is intended to integrate the material presented in Chaps. 11, 12 and 14. 15.4.1 Building Details and Objectives The building is a 4 story steel frame building with a green roof. Figure 15.14 shows the typical floor plan and elevation views. The rigid flooring system transmits the gravity load primarily in the E–W direction to the floor beams oriented in the N–S direction (one-way action). The loading and member data are as follows: • Floor dead load ¼ 0.055 kip/ft2 • Floor live load ¼ 0.07 kip/ft2 • Green roof – Self weight of roof material ¼ 0.045 kip/ft2 – Self weight of construction material ¼ 15 psf ¼ 0.015 kip/ft2 – Weight of soil ¼ 0.12 kip/ft2 • Total roof dead load ¼ 0.18 kip/ft2 N a W E A S A B C D E F G 1 30 ft B B 2 30 ft 3 30 ft 4 A 6 x 20 ft = 120 ft b c 12 ft 12 ft 12 ft 12 ft 12 ft 12 ft 12 ft 12 ft 30 ft 30 ft 30 ft 6 x 20 ft = 120 ft Fig. 15.14 Floor plan and elevation views—case study. (a) Plan. (b) N–S elevation—Section A-A. (c) E–W elevation—Section B-B 1088 15 Vertical Loads on Multistory Buildings • Roof live load ¼ 0.02 kip/ft2 • Global wind loads acting in the N–S and E–W direction are defined in Fig. 15.15. They correspond to a peak wind speed of 80 mph for a building located in Boston, Massachusetts. • The weight of exterior walls will be carried by the edge beams. • Self weight of exterior walls + portion of the floor load ¼ 1.1 kip/ft • Based on economic considerations related to fabrication and construction, the choice of member sizes is restricted to the following: – All the roof beams in the N–S direction are the same size. – All the floor beams in the N–S direction are the same size. – All the floor/roof beams in the E–W direction are the same size. – All the columns have the same size. – All the braces have the same size. • The following combinations of loads for strength design are to be considered: 8 > < 1:4wD wu ¼ 1:2wD þ 1:6wLfloor þ 0:5wLroof > : 1:2wD þ 0:5wLfloor þ 0:5wLroof þ 1:6wW a 6 x 20 ft = 120 ft A B C E D N F G W 1 30 ft Pwind = 69.4 kip 2 30 ft 3 30 ft 4 Pwind = 92.4 kip b c 15.6 kip 11.7 kip 28.2 kip 21.2 kip 25.2 kip 18.9 kip 23.4 kip 17.6 kip 30 ft 30 ft 30 ft Fig. 15.15 Global Wind loads. (a) Plan. (b) N–S. (c) E–W 6 x 20 ft = 120 ft E S 15.5 Analysis Procedures for Bracing Scheme 1089 • The following limits are required by the serviceability constraint: 8 Lbeam > < 240 Limit beam deflection to L > : beam 360 Limit building drift to 15.5 for (DL þ LL) for LL Hbuilding 300 Analysis Procedures for Bracing Scheme Our objectives are to describe the analysis procedures and to establish the peak design values for beams, columns, and braces corresponding to the following structural schemes: Case (1): The structure is a braced frame, i.e., all the connections between beams and columns are pinned. Case (2): The structure is a rigid frame in the N–S direction and a braced frame in the E–W direction. All the connections between beams and columns in the N–S direction are moment (rigid) connections; in the E–W direction, they remain pinned. 15.5.1 Case (1) Frames Are Braced in Both N–S and E–W Directions: Building Details We suppose that since the connections between the beams and the columns are pin connections in both the N–S and E–W directions the lateral load (wind) is carried by the bracing. The brace layout is governed by architectural considerations. We use the K bracing schemes shown in Fig. 15.16. The braces have equal stiffnesses and the floors are rigid. Therefore the global wind load will be distributed equally between braces (see Chap. 14). The column load is purely axial since the members are pinned. We establish the column load per floor working with the tributary floor area associated with the column. The beams are simply supported, and the beam loading is based on one-way action (uniformly loaded). Our objective here is to show how one generates the design values for beams, columns, and bracing elements. Details are presented in the following sections. 1090 15 Vertical Loads on Multistory Buildings N W a E A S B C D E G F 1 30 ft 2 30 ft 3 30 ft 4 Bracing 6 x 20 ft = 120 ft b 5.2 kip 9.4 kip 8.4 kip 7.8 kip 30 ft c 30 ft 30 ft 5.85 kip 10.6 kip 9.45 kip 8.8 kip 6 x 20 ft = 120 ft Fig. 15.16 Braced frame configuration. (a) Plan—braced in both directions. (b) N–S elevation— braced frames A-A, D-D, G-G. (c) E–W elevation braced frames 1-1, 4-4 15.5 Analysis Procedures for Bracing Scheme 1091 15.5.2 Case (1) Beam Properties in the N–S and E–W Directions The floor loading is transmitted by the floor slab to the beams oriented in the N–S direction, which function as simply supported beams, and the beam loading is based on one-way action (uniformly loaded). Selection of the beam cross section is controlled by both strength (moment and shear) and serviceability (deflection). Both the maximum moment and the deflection occur at mid-span. The cross section is determined by the mid-span bending moment, end shear, and the mid-span deflection as shown in Figure below. Bending Moment and Shear Interior Floor Beams (30 ft span): wD L2 1:1ð30Þ2 ¼ ¼ 124 kip ft 8 8 2 2 wL L 1:4ð30Þ ¼ ¼ 157:5 kip ft ¼ 8 8 wDfloor ¼ 0:055ð20Þ ¼ 1:1 kip/ft ) MDfloor ¼ wLfloor ¼ 0:07ð20Þ ¼ 1:4 kip/ft ) MLfloor ( wu ¼ Mu ¼ 1:4wD ¼ 1:54 kip/ft 1:2wD þ 1:6wL ¼ 3:56 kip/ft wu L2 3:56ð30Þ2 ¼ ¼ 400:5 kip ft 8 8 wu L 3:56ð30Þ ¼ ¼ 53:4 kip Vu ¼ 2 2 1092 15 Vertical Loads on Multistory Buildings Interior Roof Beams (30 ft span): wDroof ¼ 0:18ð20Þ ¼ 3:6 kip/ft ) wLroof ¼ 0:02ð20Þ ¼ 0:4 kip/ft ) MLroof ¼ ( wu ¼ wD L2 3:6ð30Þ2 ¼ ¼ 405 kip ft 8 8 wL L2 0:4ð30Þ2 ¼ ¼ 45 kip ft ¼ 8 8 MDroof ¼ MLroof wL L2 0:4ð30Þ2 ¼ ¼ 45 kip ft 8 8 1:4wD ¼ 5:04 kip/ft 1:2wD þ 1:6wL ¼ 4:96 kip/ft wu L2 5:04ð30Þ2 ¼ ¼ 567 kip ft 8 8 wu L 5:04ð30Þ ¼ ¼ 75:6 kip Vu ¼ 2 2 Mu ¼ Deflection The design is constrained by the deflection at mid-span. 5wL4 384EI L 30ð12Þ ¼ ¼ 1:5 in for ðw ¼ wD þ wL Þ 240 240 L 30ð12Þ ¼ 1:0 in for ðw ¼ wL Þ 360 360 nmax ¼ These constraints lead to the following conditions on the required I. 8 5ðwD þ wL Þð30Þ4 ð12Þ3 > 4 > > < IðDþLÞ req ¼ 384ð29; 000Þð1:5Þ ¼ 418:96ðwD þ wL Þ ¼ 1; 047 in: Floor > 5ðwL Þð30Þ4 ð12Þ3 > > : IL req ¼ ¼ 628:45ðwL Þ ¼ 880 in:4 384ð29; 000Þð1:0Þ ( Roof IðDþLÞ req ¼ 418:96ð3:6 þ 0:4Þ ¼ 1; 676 in:4 ILreq ¼ 628:45ð0:4Þ ¼ 251 in:4 15.5 Analysis Procedures for Bracing Scheme 1093 Beam Properties E–W Direction Edge Roof/Floor Beams (20 ft span): wD ¼ 1:1 kip/ft wu ¼ 1:4ð1:1Þ ¼ 1:54 kip/ft wu L2 1:54 ð20Þ2 ¼ ¼ 77 kip ft 8 8 wu L 1:54 ð20Þ ¼ ¼ 15:4 kip Vu ¼ 2 2 Mu ¼ nmax ¼ 5wL4 L 20 ð12Þ 5ð1:1Þð20Þ4 ð12Þ3 ¼ ¼ 1:0 ) Ireq ¼ ¼ 137 in:4 240 384EI 240 384ð29; 000Þð1:0Þ 15.5.3 Case (1) Bracing Systems Next, we compute the axial forces in the N–S bracing. Since all the members are pinned, the total lateral wind load on a floor is carried by the bracing systems. The axial forces in a typical brace are shown on the sketch below. We assume the shear is equally distributed between the diagonals. 5.2 kip 0 0 3.3 2. 9.3 −3.3 0 0 −2. 0 −7.9 0 9.4 kip 0 −9.3 8.4 kip 0 7.9 14.7 −14.7 7.8 kip 19.7 17 0 −19.7 −17 0 15.4 15.4 29.4 29.4 1094 15 Vertical Loads on Multistory Buildings The constraint on the maximum lateral deflection at the top floor is umax H=300: We assume the inter-story displacement is constant for the stories and focus on the first story which has the maximum shear force. N–S bracing—1st floor Noting the equations presented in Sect. 11.4.3, we solve for the required area. 2AE (sin y1 cos 2 y1 Þ h P ¼ kbrace Du kbrace ¼ ;P ¼ 2AE Ph (sin y1 cos 2 y1 ÞDu ) A ¼ h 2E(sin y1 cos 2 y1 ÞDu 15.5 Analysis Procedures for Bracing Scheme 1095 Substituting the prescribed values Du ¼ 0:48 in: 1 12 y1 ¼ tan ¼ 38:66 15 P ¼ 30:8 kip leads to Arequired ¼ ð30:8Þð12 12Þ ¼ 0:42 in:2 2ð29; 000Þ(sin(38:66Þ cos2 ð38:66ÞÞ ð0:48Þ The diagonal elements may be subjected to either tension or compression loading depending on the direction of the wind. The maximum axial force due to wind in the bracing is 19.7 kip. Applying the appropriate load factor, the design value is Pu ¼ 19:7ð1:6Þ ¼ 31:5 kip. 8 P ¼ 19:7ð1:6Þ ¼ 31:5 kip > > < umax pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi N S bracing Lbracing ¼ 122 þ 152 ¼ 19:2 ft > > : Du ¼ 0:48 in: ! Areq ¼ 0:42 in:2 Based on the design axial load Pu ¼ 31:5 kip, an effective length of 19.2 ft, and the required area based on the lateral sway of .48 in., one selects a cross-sectional area and uses this section for all the brace members in the N–S direction. E–W Bracing We repeat the same type of analysis for the E–W bracing except that now the bracing system is indeterminate. We assume each of the braces carries ½ the lateral load, and estimate the forces in the brace members by hand computations or use computer analysis. The force results are listed below. 2.92 kip 0 5.3 kip 4.73 kip 4.4 kip 8.675 + − + − + − + − 10.4 13.5 0 8.675 0 0 0 + − 0 0 0 + − 0 0 0 + − 0 0 0 + − 8.675 Approximate approach 10.4 13.5 2.92 kip 5.3 kip 4.73 kip 4.4 kip 8.675 1096 15 5.85 kip 0 + 10.6 kip − 3.3 0 − + 7.2 9.45 kip + 12.3 8.8 kip − − + 15 9.66 9.66 29 Vertical Loads on Multistory Buildings 0 + 3.5 − 0 0 0 0 0 0 + 0 0 0 + 0 0 0 + 7 10.2 12 0 − − − 7.7 29 7.7 25 25 Computer analysis The maximum factored axial force in the bracing is Pu ¼ 15ð1:6Þ ¼ 24 kip. E–W bracing—1st floor We compute the required brace area following the same approach used for the N–S bracing system. The loading and displacement values are Du ¼ 0:48 in: 12 y1 ¼ tan1 ¼ 50:19 10 P ¼ 34:7 kip The required area is given by Arequired ¼ ð34:7Þð12 12Þ ¼ 0:57 in:2 2ð29; 000Þ(sin ð50:19Þ cos2 ð50:19ÞÞð:48Þ 15.5 Analysis Procedures for Bracing Scheme 1097 The diagonal elements may be subjected to either tension or compression loading depending on the direction of the wind. The maximum axial force due to wind in the bracing is 15 kip. Applying the appropriate load factor, the design value is Pu ¼ 15ð1:6Þ ¼ 24 kip. 8 P ¼ 15ð1:6Þ ¼ 24 kip > > < umax pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi N S bracing Lbracing ¼ 122 þ 102 ¼ 15:6 ft > > : Du ¼ 0:48 in ! Areq ¼ 0:57 in:2 Based on the design axial load Pu ¼ 24 kip, an effective length of 15.6 ft, and the required area based on the lateral sway of .48 in., one selects a cross-sectional area and uses this section for all the brace members in the E–W direction. 15.5.4 Case (1) Interior Columns The column load is purely axial since the members are pinned. We establish the column load per floor working with the tributary floor areas for dead and live loads, and the brace forces due to wind. The column on the first floor has the maximum axial force. The loads in an interior column located in the first story are PD ¼ 20ð30Þf0:18 þ :055ð3Þg ¼ 207 kip PL roof ¼ 20ð30Þf0:02g ¼ 12 kip PL floor ¼ 20ð30Þf0:07ð3Þg ¼ 126 kip PNS Wind ¼ 29:4 kip Evaluating the following load combinations 8 > < 1:4PD ¼ 290 kip Pu ¼ 1:2PD þ 1:6PL þ 0:5PLr ¼ 456 kip > : 1:2PD þ 0:5PL þ 0:5PLr þ 1:6PWind ¼ 364 kip leads to the design value of Pu ¼ 456 kips. One selects a cross section based on Pu ¼ 456 kips and an effective length of 12 ft. 1098 15 Vertical Loads on Multistory Buildings 15.5.5 Summary for Case (1) N-S roof beam Mu = 567 kip ft Ireq= 1676 in4 N-S floor beam Mu = 400 kip ft Ireq= 1047 in4 E-W beams Mu = 77 kip ft Ireq= 137 in4 Columns Pu = 456 kip E-W braces Pu = 24 kip Amin > .57 in2 N-S braces Pu = 31.5 kip Amin > .42 in2 15.5.6 Case (2) Frames Are Rigid in the N–S Direction but Remain Braced in the E–W Direction Figure 15.17 shows a plan view of this structural scheme. Our objective here is to generate the response of an individual rigid frame and to compare the design values for the braced vs. rigid frame structural concepts. 15.5.7 Strategy for N–S Beams and Columns We specify moment connections between the beams and the columns in the N–S direction and assume that the lateral wind load will be carried equally by the seven rigid frames, because the floor slabs are rigid and the rigid frames have equal stiffnesses. The E–W direction remains the same as in Part (i), i.e., the beams in this direction are pin ended. Since the beams in the N–S direction are now rigidly connected to the columns, end moments will be developed in the beams. The net effect is a reduction in the maximum moment in the beams. For a first estimate, assuming full fixity, the peak moment reduces from wL2 =8 to wL2 =12, a reduction of 33 %. It follows that the beams will be lighter; however the columns will be heavier since they now must be designed for both axial force and moment. 15.5 Analysis Procedures for Bracing Scheme 1099 N W E S a A B C D E G F 1 30 ft 2 30 ft 3 30 ft 4 Bracing 6 x 20 ft = 120 ft b 2.2 kip 4 kip 3.6 kip 3.3 kip 30 ft 30 ft 30 ft c 5.85 kip 10.6 kip 9.45 kip 8.8 kip 6 x 20 ft = 120 ft Fig. 15.17 Rigid frame N–S, Braced frame E—W. (a) Plan. (b)Typical rigid frame elevation— N–S. (c) E–W elevation braced frames 1-1, 4-4 1100 15 Vertical Loads on Multistory Buildings Wind loading introduces end moments in the beams and columns. We use the portal method (see Chap. 11) to estimate these values. The results are shown on the sketch below. The peak column moment due to wind is 4.35 kip (12 ft) ¼ 52.2 kip ft, the peak floor beam moment due to wind is 2.4 kip (15 ft) ¼ 36 kip ft, and the peak roof beam moment due to wind is 0.15 kip (15 ft) ¼ 2.25 kip ft. Lateral load analysis-Portal Method 15.5 Analysis Procedures for Bracing Scheme 1101 N–S Beams We estimate the design moment for roof and floor beams based on the following combination of factored moments: Roof: 8 wD L2 1:4ð3:6Þð30Þ2 > > > ¼ ¼ 378 kip ft 1:4 > > 12 12 > > < 2 2 Mu ð1:2wD þ 1:6wL Þ L ¼ ð1:2ð3:6Þ þ 1:6ð0:4ÞÞð30Þ ¼ 372 kip ft > 12 12 > > > > 2 > L ð1:2ð3:6Þ þ 0:5ð0:4ÞÞð30Þ2 > : ð1:2wD þ 0:5wL Þ þ 1:6Mwind ¼ þ 1:6ð2:25Þ ¼ 343 kip ft 12 12 Floor: 8 wD L2 1:4ð1:1Þð30Þ2 > > > ¼ ¼ 115:5 kipft 1:4 > > 12 12 > > < 2 2 Mu ð1:2wD þ 1:6wL Þ L ¼ ð1:2ð1:1Þ þ 1:6ð1:4ÞÞð30Þ ¼ 267 kip ft > 12 12 > > > > 2 > L ð1:2ð1:1Þ þ :5ð1:4ÞÞð30Þ2 > : ð1:2wD þ 0:5wL Þ þ 1:6Mwind ¼ þ ð1:6Þ36 ¼ 209 kip ft 12 12 N–S Columns As a first estimate we use tributary areas to estimate the axial load in the columns due to dead and live loads. The most critical load combinations for the columns are ( ( Pu ¼ 1:2PD þ 1:6PW þ 0:5PLfloors þ 0:5PLroof 317 kip Mu 1:6MW 1:6ð52:2Þ 84 kip ft Pu ¼ 1:2PD þ 1:6PLfloors þ 0:5PLroof 461 kip Mu 10 kip ft In what follows, we use estimated member properties based on the above estimated design values to compute the initial response due to the combination of pattern, dead and wind loadings. Determining the actual properties is an iterative process. We expect the beam sizes to decrease, and the column size to increase as the iteration proceeds due to the shift from braced frame to rigid frame. The estimated properties are 8 4 Acol ¼ 14:4 in:2 > < Icol ¼ 272 in: Ibeam=floor ¼ 1; 070 in:4 Abeam=floor ¼ 19:1 in:2 > : Ibeam=roof ¼ 1; 830 in:4 Abeam=roof ¼ 24:3 in:2 1102 15 Vertical Loads on Multistory Buildings We orient the cross sections such that the bending occurs about the strong axis as indicated on the sketch below. Elevation N–S—cross section orientation 15.5.8 Live Load Patterns We determine the live load patterns for the maximum positive and negative moments for the beams and for the maximum axial force for columns and then analyze the model under the combined dead, live, and wind loads. The wind loads are defined in Figure 15.17(b). Figure 15.18 shows live load patterns for maximum moments in beams, and axial force in columns. Live Load Patterns for Positive Moment–Beams: There are 2 load patterns for maximum positive moment at mid span of the beams. 15.5 Analysis Procedures for Bracing Scheme 1103 Fig. 15.18 (a) Positive live load (LL) moment patterns (1)–(2) Negative Moment Live Load Patterns—Beams: There are 8 loading patterns for maximum negative end moments of the beams Fig. 15.18 (b) Negative live load (LL) moment patterns (3)–(10) Fig. 15.18 (continued) 15.5 Analysis Procedures for Bracing Scheme 1105 Axial Force Live Load Patterns—Columns: The following 2 load patterns establish the peak values of the column axial forces. Fig. 15.18 (c) Live load patterns for axial force in column (11)–(12) 15.5.9 Moment Diagrams Using the estimated initial properties and a computer software system, we analyze the rigid frame for the various loading patterns. The results are summarized below. Dead Load The moment diagrams due to dead loading for the individual beams are plotted in Fig. 15.19. The corresponding peak values for the braced frame are roof beam MD ¼ 405 kip ft and floor beam MD ¼ 124 kip ft. We note that the peak moment values for rigid frame are approximately 25 % less than the corresponding values for the braced frame. This reduction is due to including a rigid connection between the beams and columns. 1106 15 Vertical Loads on Multistory Buildings Fig. 15.19 Moment diagrams for beams—dead load (kip ft) Uniform Live Load To provide an estimate of the peak values of live load moment, a uniform live load is applied to all the beams. Results are listed in Fig. 15.20. The corresponding braced frame results are roof beams: 45 kip ft and floor beams: 158 kip ft. Wind Load N–S The distribution of bending moment in the individual beams and columns due to wind loading is summarized in Fig. 15.21. There are significant moments in the columns located in the first floor. Note that there are no moments in the braced frame due to wind. 15.5 Analysis Procedures for Bracing Scheme 1107 Fig. 15.20 Moment in beams—Uniform live loading (kip ft) Maximum Positive and Negative Live Load Moments in the Beams Results of the analyses for the ten live load patterns defined in Fig. 15.18a, b are used to construct the discrete moment envelope plots shown in Fig. 15.22. These plots show the peak positive and negative moments at various sections along the spans generated by the ten different loading patterns. The absolute peak values are summarized in Fig. 15.23. Comparing Fig. 15.23 with Fig. 15.20 shows that applying a uniform loading to all the beams tends to produce peak values of moment which are lower than the values of the pattern loading. 1108 15 Vertical Loads on Multistory Buildings Fig. 15.21 Moment diagrams for beams—Wind loading (kip ft) Fig. 15.22 Peak positive and negative discrete moment envelopes due to pattern live loading 15.5 Analysis Procedures for Bracing Scheme 1109 Fig. 15.23 Absolute Maximum positive and negative moments in the beams due to pattern live loading (kip ft) 15.5.10 Design Values The design values of moment, shear, and axial forces in the beams and columns are determined by generating discrete force envelopes based on the following loading combinations (Fig. 15.24): 8 ð1Þ 1:4D > > > < ð2Þ 1:2D þ 1:6L þ 0:5L floors roof Factored load combination > ð3Þ 1:2D þ 1:6L þ 0:8W roof > > : ð4Þ 1:2D þ 0:5Lfloors þ 0:5Lroof þ 1:6W We scan the discrete envelopes and identify which beam or column has the most critical combination. Using this updated information, we determine revised values for the cross-sectional properties: Revised values 8 4 > < Icol ¼ 341 in: Ibeam=floor ¼ 890 in:4 > : Ibeam=roof ¼ 1; 140 in:4 Acol ¼ 17:7 in:2 Abeam=floor ¼ 16:2 in:2 Abeam=roof ¼ 16:2 in:2 Then, using these properties, we generate updated values for the design moments shown in Fig. 15.25. 1110 15 Vertical Loads on Multistory Buildings Fig. 15.24 (a) Discrete moment envelope–factored load combination. (b) Discrete axial force envelope–factored load combination. (c) Discrete Shear envelope–factored load combination 15.5 Analysis Procedures for Bracing Scheme 1111 Fig. 15.25 Maximum and minimum design moments (kip ft) a Mu2 Pu max = 239 kip Mu2 Mu2 = 93 kip ft C1 Pu max = 490 kip Mu2 = 10 kip C5 Pu Pu b = 150 kip Mu2 max = 120 kip ft Pu Pu = 306 kip Mu2 max = 111 kip ft Fig. 15.26 Critical axial load–moment combinations for Columns C1and C5. (a) Exterior column. (b) Interior column Since the columns are subjected to both axial action and bending, we need to scan the results for the individual loadings and identify the loadings that produce the maximum axial force and the maximum moment in the columns. Carrying out this operation, we identify the combinations for columns C1 and C5 listed in Fig. 15.26. Given these design values, one generates new estimates for the cross-sectional properties. If these new estimates differ significantly from the original estimates, the analysis needs to be repeated since the results are based on the relative stiffness of the beams and columns. It turns out for this study that the initial estimates are sufficiently accurate. 1112 15 Vertical Loads on Multistory Buildings 15.5.11 Summary for Case (2) Comparing these values with the corresponding values for case (1), we see that the N–S rigid frame structure responds more efficiently in the sense that its design values are less and therefore the required cross sections are lighter. 15.6 Summary 15.6.1 Objectives • To describe how gravity floor loading is transformed into distributed loading acting on the supporting beams. • To show how M€ uller-Breslau principle can be applied to establish critical patterns of live gravity loading for the peak bending moments in rigid frames. • To present a case study which integrates all the different procedures for dealing with dead, live, wind, and earthquake loads. 15.6.2 Key Concepts • The floor slabs in concrete buildings are cast simultaneously with the supporting beams. The type of construction provides two possible load paths for gravity loads. Which path dominates depends on the relative magnitude of the side dimensions. The terms one-way and two-way actions are limiting cases where (1) one side is large with respect to the other side and (2) the sides are of the same order of magnitude. 15.7 Problems 1113 • Gravity loading produces only positive moment in the beams of a braced frame. • Positive moment at mid-span in the beams of a rigid frame is due only to gravity loading. • Negative moment in the beams of a rigid frame is generated by both gravity and lateral loads. 15.7 Problems Problem 15.1 Using M€ uller-Breslau Principle, determine the loading patterns (uniformly distributed member load) that produce the peak values of positive moment at point A (mid-span) for each story. Problem 15.2 1114 15 Vertical Loads on Multistory Buildings Using M€ uller-Breslau Principle, estimate the loading patterns (uniformly distributed member load) that produce the peak value of negative moment at B for each story. Check the results using a software package. Take Ic ¼ 150 in:4 for all the columns and Ig ¼ 300 in:4 for all the beams. Problem 15.3 Using M€ uller-Breslau Principle, estimate the loading patterns (uniformly distributed member load) that produce the peak value of negative moment at B for each story. Check the results using a software package. Take Ib ¼ 300ð10Þ6 mm4 for all the beams and Ic ¼ 100ð10Þ6 mm4 for all the columns. Problem 15.4 For the frame shown below (a). Using M€ uller-Breslau Principle, sketch the influence lines for the positive moment at A and the negative moment at B. (b). Use a software package to determine the maximum values of these quantities due to a uniformly distributed live load of 30 kN/m and a uniformly distributed dead load of 20 kN/m. Take Ic ¼ 100ð10Þ6 mm4 for all the columns and Ib ¼ 200ð10Þ6 mm4 for all the beams. 15.7 Problems 1115 Problem 15.5 For the frame shown below, (a) Using M€ uller-Breslau Principle, sketch the influence lines for the positive moment at A and the negative moment at B. (b) Use a software package to determine the maximum values of these quantities due to a uniformly distributed live load of 1.8 kip/ft and a uniformly distributed dead load of 1.2 kip/ft. Take Ic ¼ 480 in:4 for all the columns and Ib ¼ 600 in:4 for all the beams. 1116 15 Vertical Loads on Multistory Buildings Problem 15.6 Consider the typical frame defined above. Assume the bay spacing is 20 ft. (a) Determine the floor loads per bay due to an Earthquake of intensity Sa ¼ 0.3 g. Assume the following dead weights. Roof load ¼ 0:08 kip/ft2 and floor load ¼ 0.06 kip/ft2. (b) Estimate the column shear forces due to this earthquake. (c) Estimate the column shear forces due to both gravity and earthquake. Problem 15.7 Consider the frame shown below. Assume a uniform gravity live loading for the beams. (a) Describe how you would apply M€ uller-Breslau Principle to establish the loading pattern for the compressive axial load in column A. (b) Compare the axial load in column A of the pattern loading to the uniform loading on all members. Consider all the girders to be of the same size and all the columns to be of the same size. Assume Ibeam ¼ 2:5Icolumn and w ¼ 1.2 kip/ft. Use computer software. 15.7 Problems 1117 Problem 15.8 Discuss the function of the structure, abcdef. How would you determine the gravity loading acting on it? Assume uniform gravity loading for the beams. 1118 15 Vertical Loads on Multistory Buildings Problem 15.9 Consider a uniform floor gravity loading on the floors of the multistory rigid frame building shown below. Investigate how the internal forces vary with the angle a ranging from 0 to 20 , considering H constant. Is there a limiting value for a? Problem 15.10 Consider the structures shown below. All the members are pinned at their ends. 15.7 Problems 1119 (a) Determine expression for the axial forces in the diagonal members. (b) Determine the horizontal and vertical displacements of the nodes 1 and 2. (c) Extend the analysis to the structure shown below. This structure is called a DIAGRID structure. Problem 15.11 For the structure shown below, assume the floors are flexible and the flooring system transits the gravity loading to the floor beams in the N–S direction (one-way action). Assume all beams are the same size and all the columns are the same size. Ibeam ¼ 3Icolumn , Floorgravity ¼ 175 kN/m2 . Compare the maximum forces in beams and columns caused by combination of gravity and wind for the following cases. 1. The structure is considered to be a braced frame, i.e., all the connections between beams and columns are pinned both in N–S and E–W direction. Assume the frames are suitably braced. 2. The structure is considered to be a rigid frame in the N–S direction and a braced frame in the E–W direction, i.e., all the connections between beams and columns are moment connections in N–S direction but connections; in the E–W direction remain pinned. 1120 15 Vertical Loads on Multistory Buildings Typical plan Elevation—Section A-A Global wind References 1. Schodek DL, Bechthold M. Structures. NJ: Pearson/Prentice Hall; 2008. 2. Hibbeler RC. Engineering mechanics statics and dynamics. 11th ed. NJ: Pearson/Prentice Hall; 2007. 3. Hibbeler RC. Mechanics of materials. NJ: Prentice Hall; 2008. 4. Gere JM. Mechanics of materials. 6th ed. Belmont, CA: Brooks/Coll; 2004. 5. Hibbeler RC. Structural analysis. 7th ed. NJ: Pearson-Prentice Hall; 2009. 6. Leet KM, Uang CM. Fundamentals of structural analysis. 2nd ed. NY: McGraw-Hill; 2005. 7. McCormac JC. Structural analysis using classical and matrix methods. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley; 2007. 8. Structural Engineering Institute, ASCE. ASCE/SEI 7-05, Minimum design loads for buildings and other structures. NY: ASCE; 2006. 9. American Institute of Steel Construction (AISC). AISC-ASD/LRFD Steel Construction Manual. 14th ed. Chicago, IL: AISC; 2011. 10. American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO). AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications. 4th ed. Washington, DC: AASHTO; 2009. 11. American Concrete Institute (ACI). Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete, ACI318M-08, Farmington Hills, MI; 2008. 12. International Code Council (ICC). International building code. Washington, DC: ICC; 2009. 13. Streeter VL. Fluid mechanics. NY: McGraw-Hill; 1966. 14. Federal Emergency Management Agency FEMA445, 2006, Next Generation Performancebased Design Guidelines, Washington, DC. 15. Heyman J. The Science of structural engineering. London, UK: Imperial College; 1999. 16. Tauchert TR. Energy principles in structural mechanics. NY: McGraw-Hill; 1974. 17. United States Geological Survey National Earthquake Information Center, Denver, Colorado. 18. Terzaghi K, Peck RB. Soil mechanics in engineering practice. NY: Wiley; 1967. 19. Huntington WC. Earth pressures and retaining walls. NY: Wiley; 1957. 20. Lambe TW, Whitman RV. Soil mechanics. NY: Wiley; 1969. 21. Cross H. Analysis of continuous frames by distributing fixed-end moments. 1932. Transactions ASCE Volume 96, paper 1793. 22. Eurocode (1–9). British Standards Institute, London, UK; 2009. 23. Faraji S, Ting J, Crovo DS, Ernst H. Nonlinear Analysis of Integral Bridges: Finite Element Model, ASCE J. Geotechnical and Geo-Environmental Engineering. 2001; 127(5):454–461. 24. William T. Segui. Steel design., 4th ed. Thomson, Toronto, Ontario, Canada; 2007. 25. Wilbur JB, Noris CH. Elementary structural analysis. NY: McGraw-Hill; 1948. 26. Connor JJ. Introduction to structural motion control. NJ: Prentice Hall; 2003. 27. Strang G. Linear algebra and its application. NY: Academic; 1976. J.J. Connor and S. Faraji, Fundamentals of Structural Engineering, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-3262-3, # Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2013 1121 1122 References 28. Milne RJW. Structural engineering: history and development. London: E & FN Spon; 2010. 29. Matlab 7.13, Engineering calculations software 30. Mathcad 14.0, Engineering calculations software 31. GTSTRUDL® is developed and maintained in the CASE Center, School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, Georgia, USA. Index A AASHTO. See American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) Active failure mode, 603, 607 Active soil pressure. See Rankine theory A-frame description, 356 indeterminate, 359–360 loading, reactions and free body, 396–397, 398–399 moment distribution, 397–399 reactions and bending moment distribution, 432–433 Allowable soil pressure, 548, 549 American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO), 19, 20 Analysis analytical tools (see Analytical tools, structural analysis) statically determinate plane frames angle-type frame segment, 364–366 cantilever frame, 361–364 moment, shear and axial force, 360–361 portal frames (see Portal frames) sign convention, 360–361 Analytical solutions, multi span beams bending moment distribution, 676 compatibility equation, 673 lengths and moments, 673 loading, 676, 677 peak moments, 675–676 static equilibrium equations, 674 support settlement, continuous, 681–683 uniform loading, continuous, 679–681 variation, bending moment, 678–679 Analytical tools, structural analysis beam response, 39, 40 concept of equilibrium, 32–34 deformations and displacements, 38–39 description, 31–32 displacements deformation modes, 43 description, 40 reactions, cable tension and vertical displacement, 40–42 rigid member, springs, 42 spring forces, 43–45 statically indeterminate beam, 45–47 FBD, 35 internal forces, 35–38 study of forces, 40 Anti-symmetry deflected shapes, 283–287 shear and moment diagrams, 280–283 Approximate methods bending moment distribution approximate and exact results, 877 axial force, shear force, 878–879 members AC and FD, computer software system, 879 qualitative reasoning, relative stiffness, 876–877 bending type structures, 843 column axial forces, 882–883 column shears, 883–884 high-rise rigid frames (see Cantilever method) multi-span beams (gravity loading), 844–848 multistory rigid frames gravity loading, 847–849 lateral loading, 849–870 positive and negative moments, multistory steel frame, 878 rigid steel frame, bracing, 884 statically indeterminate structure, 843 steel frame axial force, shear force and moments, 880–882 portal and shear stiffness method, 880 J.J. Connor and S. Faraji, Fundamentals of Structural Engineering, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-3262-3, # Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2013 1123 1124 Arch bridges structures, 955–956 two-hinged, 982 Arches “false arch”, 490 force method applied load, 685 axial deformation, 684–685 description, 683 expressions, horizontal displacement, 684, 685 integral expression, 688–689 parabolic, 686–688 structure, 684 tension tie, 692–693 two-hinged arch and loading, 689–692 three-hinged (see Three-hinged arches) Arch structures historical development, 490 models, 494–498 Arc length differential and total, 465–466 initial and loaded shapes, cable, 464–465 maximum tension, determination, 477–478, 488 sag profile and total arc length, 467–468 sag ratio, 466 temperature effect, 466–467, 487 ASCE 7-05, 18, 19, 24, 25 Axial force A-frame, 356 compressive and maximum value, 510 gable frame 3-hinge, 389–391 simply supported, 386–388 graphical output, 415, 417 shallow vs. deep parabolic curved members, 506, 509 sign convention, 360–361 and transverse shear, 523–524 triangular rigid frame, 441 Axial stiffness. See Equivalent axial stiffness Axial stress, 38, 61 Axle load, 968, 970 B Backfill material fluid definition, 601 horizontal and vertical components, 602 Index H/3 units, 601–602 hydrostatic forces, inclined surface, 601, 602 granular active and passive failure states, 603 angle of repose, 603 dry loose sand, 603 shear stress, 603 theories, soil pressure distribution, 604 Rankine theory (see Rankine theory) Base shear, 861, 1008, 1047 Beam formulation loading, 928–930 member end forces and displacements, 923–924 nodes, 926–928 spring support, 932–935 stiffness matrices, 925–926 support settlement, 930–931 two-span beam, 924–925 Beams deep beams, deformation and displacement relations, 274–277 differential equations, equilibrium, 213–235 displacement process, 39, 40 external loads, 329 forced envelope, 330 force method fixed-ended beams (see Fixed-end beams) multi-span beams (see Multi-span beams) single-span beams, analyzing frames, 647–654 yielding supports, 654–668 influence line, 330 internal force (see Internal forces) mass system, 28–29 objectives, 329 planar bending, 329–330 prismatic beams (see Prismatic beams) problems computer software, 351–353 conjugate beam method, 338–339 deflected shape, 343–345 influence lines, 348–350 loading system, span, 350–351 rotation, cross-section, 347–348 shear and moment diagrams, 330–337 single concentrated load, 350 trapezoidal rule, 347 vertical deflection, 345–347 virtual force method, 340–343 Index reactions (see Reactions) slender beams displacement and deformation (see Slender beams) stability and determinacy (see Stability) statically determinate beams (see Statically determinate beams) statically indeterminate, 45–47 symmetry and anti-symmetry deflected shapes, 283–287 shear and moment diagrams, 280–283 torsion, prismatic members, 277–280 transverse displacement, 330 two span beams, displacement method chord rotations, 750 decomposition, 747, 748 end actions, shear and moment, 751–754 end shears, 749–750 geometry and support settlements, 750 moment releases, 764–766 nodal moment equilibrium, 748–749 nodal rotations, 751 overhang, modified slope-deflection equations, 759–764 symmetrical beam, supports settlement, 754–759 three span beam, 766–773 uniformly loaded three span symmetrical beam, 773–775 Behavior brittle, 12 “combined bending and torsion”, 186 ductile, 12–13 planar bending (see Planar bending) portal frames gravity loading, 373–374 3-hinge, 376–378 lateral loading, 375 Bending moment distribution approximate and exact results, 877 axial force, shear force, 878–879 beams and columns, portal method, 850–857 lateral loading, 870 members AC and FD, computer software system, 879 mid-height, first story, 875 multi-span beams and multi-bay frames, 876 qualitative reasoning, relative stiffness, 876–877 transverse shear, 870 horizontal thrust force, 528–529 1125 influence line, 290–291 reactions and shear distributions, 227–235 uniform loading, parabolic, 328 Braced frames definition, 869–870 multistory, 355–356 N-S and E-W directions (see Multistory buildings) Braced rigid frame analytical expressions, schemes, 865 column shear forces, 867 definition, one-story, 866 individual systems, defined, 863–864 one-story structure, 863, 864 shear force distribution base story sub-element, 868 brace stiffness, 866 column shear forces, 867 frame stiffness, 866 inter-story displacement, 869–870 lateral forces, 867–868 one-story frame, 866 upper story sub-element, 868 value, lower floor controls, 870 Bridge gravity live loads, 19 segmented long-span, 15–16 structure geometric arrangement, 77 and gravity, 15 iron truss bridge, USA, 57 plane bridge truss, 117, 118 steel truss bridges, 59 wooden bridge truss, 55, 56 Brittle, 12, 13, 17, 48 Buckling, 3, 13–14, 48 Building design, 15 effect, wind, 20 gravity live loads, 19 ground motion, 28 low-rise, 24, 25 vortex shedding, 26 Building codes, 14 Building systems multistory (see Multistory buildings, systems) “shear beam” formulation, 1035 C Cable length, 445, 466–467, 479 Cable length equivalent axial stiffness, 468–471 1126 Cables, 4, 7, 17, 40–42 Cable stayed bridges, 443, 466, 471 beam displacement, 659, 661 composition, 659, 660 elongation, 659, 661 stiffen beams, 661 vertical displacement, cable and beam, 664–668 structures, 444, 464 Cable stayed bridges configuration, 986, 987 displacement profile of girder, 991 estimated areas, 989 force and displacement profiles, 989–990 idealized scheme, 987–988 tributary area, 988 Cable structures arc length (see Arc length) Brooklyn Bridge, USA, 443–445 cable-strand arrangements, 443, 444 Clifton Suspension Bridge, England, 443, 444 concentrated load (see Concentrated load) coordinates, lowest point, 485 deflected shape, 485, 486 distributed load (see Distributed load) doubly curved single-layer cable net, 444, 447 equivalent axial stiffness (see Equivalent axial stiffness) guyed tower, 487 maximum tension, 482–484 Normandy Bridge, France, 444, 446 peak values, cable tension, 486 reactions and tension, 479–482 self weight (see Catenary shape) Cantilever frame symmetrical, 363–364 unsymmetrical, 361–362 Cantilever method applied moment, 872 bending moment, axial forces, columns, 875 column-beam model, 871, 872 deformation, relative rotation, 872 description, 870 lateral deflections, 870, 871 reference axis, 871 stiff belt type trusses, 873 symmetrical plane frame, 874–875 symmetrical 42-story plane frame, 873–874 tall building model, 870, 871 Cantilever walls. See Vertical retaining wall structures Index Catenary shape arc length and tension, 477–478 equilibrium and vertical loading, 474–475 horizontal projection, 474 iteration and sag ratio, 476 symmetrical case, 475–476 Center of mass description, 1026 floor mass layout, 1027–1029 plan view, 1026 Center of twist braces, 1024–1025 external and internal forces, 1018 floor configuration, 1021 geometry, 1017 free body diagram, floor, 1012–1013 rigid body motion, 1016 shear spring model, 1012 stiffness braces, 1014–1015 distribution, 1019–1020 factors, 1021–1024 symmetry axes, 1019 Centroid dimension square/rectangular footings, 560 single footing, 550–553 structure, 547, 549 Chord horizontal, 449, 454, 458 inclined, 453, 455, 462 Circular curved members deflection, light pole, 516–518 geometry-circular arch, 515 slender and retain, 515 Clamped end model, 848 Clamped/hinged model, 848 Clay soil allowable pressure, 548, 549 pressure distributions, 547, 548 Combined footings description, 565 factored loads, 566 peak moment values, 566 shear and moment, 566 soil pressure distribution, 566, 567 square columns, 568–574 Complex trusses corresponding nodal force equilibrium equations, 99 definition, 53, 94 Index equilibrium at joints, 98 geometrically stable, 99–100 individual nodal force systems, 99 matrix form, 98 planar, 157–158 planar truss, 95–97 stability criterion, 66–67 static determinacy, 94 Compound trusses, 53, 66, 67, 94 Compression, 361, 364 Computation of displacements and deformation relations, 155 matrix equilibrium equations, 156 nodal displacement, 155, 156 planar complex truss, 157–158 scalar equation, 157 space truss, 159–160 “static-geometric” analogy, 155–156 Computer based analysis displacement method bending moment distribution, 837 frame structures, 818–821 and member forces, truss, 827 plane frames gable, 415, 416 graphical output, 415, 417 Concentrated load horizontal cables free body diagram, segment, 445, 447 moment distribution, 449 moments and sag, 445–447 multiple concentrated loads, 449–453 tension, 448–449 transverse loading, pretensioned cable, 445, 447 inclined cables description, 453–454 reactions and horizontal force, 454–455 sag determination, 455–458 Concept of equilibrium concurrent force system, 32 non-concurrent force system, 33–34 Conjugate beam method, 256–258, 338–339 Construction loading, 15–16 Containments, 4, 15 Corbel arch, 490 Critical loading plan, rectangular area, 552, 553 pressure distributions, 551, 552 Critical sections for design, cantilever walls, 623–627 Cross, H., 788–789 1127 Cross section beam, 186 “combined bending and torsion”, 186 properties, 287 Curvature pos